knox would have LOVED top gun maverick and you can't convince me otherwise
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sammysnaughtygirl · 2 years
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the first time i had dreamed the night was long and hot so hot my body was dripping with sweat, i couldnt sleep at first so i sat there in front of the tv watching whatever was on at the moment, wishing i could sleep,after a few hours sitting there i felt myself starting to drift off, it was quite ,dark but a steamy kind of night i could feel the clouds behind me closing in as i drifted in and out i felt a cold ripple across the back of my neck it made me awake abrudtly i looked around the room but it was silent and empty as i started toward my bedroom to jump under the covers for a night alone as i had done so many times before laying there in bed it was like someone was in the room with me then he walked out of the darkness and into the small lighted spot in the middle of my room and stood there glaring at me with those sexy blue green eyes.who,who are you i sturddered trying not to swallow my tongue as i spoke he didnt respond he just came closer to the bed where i was laying this tall dark ,handsome man just stood there in aw glaring at me with those gergous eyes that almost burned into my core it was so hot my whole body trembled with excitement,he reached out his gaint hands and took mine in his. he smiled a silent smile so sweetly i melted right there ,he grabbed me by the shoulders and gently lifted me of the bed facing him he leaned down and brushed my lips with his jared procceded to undress me as i hung my head in shame jared could feel my body tense he pulled my chin up see my face whats wrong he uttered im ,im not slim nor am i pretty so why do you ,he cut me off stop it jared stated stop selling yourself short your perfect i want you all of you ,but i wont do anything that you dont want me to he assured me which made me want him even more i wanted this ,yes i wanted it so badly more than i had ever wanted anything before in my life.but i was afraid that i wasnt enough for jared that he woulnt want me the way i wanted him after he seen me naked , i wondered if he,d even notice me at all but it was jared that simply read my mind and put me at ease.jared started to undress me and then himself and when we were both standing naked before one another it was all i could do not to rush him trying to hold myself back ,he slide his gaint hands up my legs to my thighs and strait to my buttocks as he carassed each check with a simple stroke jared could tell it wouldnt take much for me to explode it felt as if my skin were on fire i let out a yelp are you ok jared asked do you want me to stop ? oh gosh no i whimpered please keep going as i gasped for air he turned me around so i was facing the wall and bent me over as if i were about to catch a ball he grabbed my normal sized breast in his hand he squezzed them softly between his fingertips i was so on fire at this point i didnt care what jared did to me i felt so aroussed.jared lifted my buttocks slightly and plunged his enormous penis into my pinkness he thrust with great force sending eletricty thru my body up and down he thrust into me harder and harder i was about to come so fast but jared held me back he pulled my face around to his dont come yet he told me my private was glistening with joy but i wasnt going to let jared win i wanted to scream out loud but i held my mouth shut jared tried to wear me out but he found himself starting to burst alittle he pulled out and threw me onto the bed spreading my pinkness open like a monday morning paper ,oh,oh i shouted i tugged at his hair when i once agian started to feel overcome buy excitement jared was about to take me out but boy was this a way to go!jared plunged into me with one last huge force and i let out a yell i could feel jared as he was brought to his knees it was like the fourth of july fireworks.laying there with jared on top of me my world was completly wonderful and perfectly complete until i heard someone whisling, it got louder and louder until i awoke with the sound of my clock going off spoiling my perfect world with the man that visits my dreams.
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Leather Jackets and Glasses
Y/n L/n, the leader of the notorious gang called The Scouts. Placed in Rose high, Y/n is in her senior year but things take a turn when she starts getting interested in a certain boy named, Levi Ackerman. Follow the journey of heartbreak, betrayal and love between two people who were destined to be together.   
There’s always someone out there made for everyone. This is something i highly believe in. Every person has their person. A boy could have had this childhood friend, who later in life turned out to be more than that. The girl who kissed her best friend because she had never had her first kiss and wanted to get it over with, only for her best friend to pull her closer and kiss her harder. Everyone had that someone. it was only a matter of time before we all found them. But sometimes, its not always that easy. Things happen that are out of your control. You won’t speak to them for long periods of time, bad fights, leaving. And this almost always happens before you get together. That’s the bad part. But that’s the wake up call to tell you that “hey. I care for this person more than myself. I need them. I can’t loose them”.
I loved the idea of love. But I never spoke on it. It made me seem weak and soft and, that’s something i did not want a GANG to know. But i have had my fair share of boyfriends, no love just a quick fuck here and there but there was one boy who captured my heart without even trying. He did so effortlessly you would think he was the biggest player out there. But no. That was just who Levi Ackerman was. 
It all began in my senior year of high school. The year had just started and i had nothing to be afraid of. My gang, The Scouts, were the notorious gang of Rose. I was their leader, mostly because my father was the main leader of The Scouts. He was The Godfather. I’d like to say that I did fairly well in school, but not A plus material, I just wanted to graduate and get outta there. This year was mostly about forming new relationships, clearing the air to certain people, and just making amends. But some people also wanted to confess to their someone. I dont want to brag or anything, but i had a lot of people wanting to be with me. Boys would try their luck and i only gave a few chances to a few people, and well, it never turned out good, mostly because my dad found something wrong with them, wanted them to join the gang or they were too scared to take things further. 
I loved the gang. They were my family. And plus I could get anything I wanted. I was a princess. In my senior I made a promise to myself that I would not date. Anyone. No matter who much they begged. Because when I hit 17, my life in the gang became a whole lot dangerous. Shootouts would occur at my house, I would get kidnapped and sometimes they would use my friends to threaten me. It was horrible to say the least. And I could ony imagine what they would do if i had a special someone. God. I would not want my someone to have this life. As great as it is material wise, shit gets serious in a split second. My dad had warned me about it. He said that the only way i would get involved with someone is if he had picked them. And naturally i told him, i just wouldnt get a boyfriend, much to his displeasure. 
Of course, my school had heard about the little, mishaps my gang had endured and that resulted in me having this huge reputation in school. I was labelled as: dangerous. I’m not gonna lie to you and say that I didnt get into fights, or break some bitches nose because they offended me. I was still a gangster, fighting is in my blood. I got suspended. A lot. And apparently, that attracted Levi. 
I had seen him around town and school. He would always be in the cafe around the corner of Trost. I knew that because my brother owned that cafe. Marco had nothing to do with the gang. He wasn’t my father’s child so my dad wasn’t so concerned about him. He was from my mothers first marriage, but that never stopped us from being brother and sister. My mother left me after three years and went back to Marco’ father.
Levi was one of the smartest people at school. Always getting awards but he never seemed to go for the functions. He had kept to himself most of the time. He had his close friends. To name them there was Farlan(his brother), Isabel(Farlan’s girlfriend),Hange(the crazy science geek) and Erwin, the jock.
The first time I actually had spoken to Levi was in Physics. I was running late because I was caught up in beating someone up at the back of the school for reasons I shall not say. I ran into the classroom, out of breathe. Everyone looked at me. Some snickered but when I shot them a quick glare, they shut up.
-Ah Ms L/n. How nice of you to join us.
My professor told me, voice laced with sarcasm.
-uh..sorry. I was busy..lost track of time.
I explained. I winced all of a sudden when I looked at my knuckles. Bleeding. Of course. But I kept that hand behind my back.
-hm. Get to a seat.
He said a bit irritated. I walked away to find one and the only one that was available was the last one by the window. I sat down and realized that..I didn’t bring my books. I cursed myself then I turned to my left and saw a boy sitting there taking notes. He seemed really into his work though, but shit, I needed something to write on.
I say to capture his attention. He stops writing and slowly looks towards me. He seems really...shy?
-can I borrow a page? And pencil?
I ask him. He widens his eyes and quickly tears a page from his book and digs in his pencil case for a pencil. He finds one and hands me the objects.
He simply nods, a faint blush forming on his cheeks but I couldn’t really see it because he put his head down and his long ass bangs hid most of his face. I take a second to observe him. A simple t-shirt, black jeans with converse and cute pair of glasses. His hair was sort of, jet black. I smirk. I knew him. He was one of those top students.
-alright. I’m gonna pass out your tests.
My professor suddenly says. “Fuck”, I mentally curse. I hated physics. I never got the gist of it. I only knew those Newton’s Laws. But I knew that wasn’t enough. He walks around passing papers and comes to me. He looks at my paper, fucking ‘scoffs’, and hands me my paper. A 57. That’s what I got. I didn’t think it was that bad, but this teacher is makingit seem as if the world had just caught on fire and its pissing me off. Looks like someone’s car is getting wrecked today.
-Levi, well done. Keep it up.
I hear him say to the boy. Ah. Levi. That was his name. I reach over and see his mark. 97. Goddamn. He was smart smart.
-a 97? Holy fuck. I could never.
I tell him. He looks at me, kinda stunned. I must admit, if he took off those glasses, it would be one of those scenes in those shitty teen movies where the nerd removes their glasses to reveal they look like a model. But he still looks cute. I looked at him tilting my head to the side.
I ask him. He shakes his head and looks back down. What a strange one. Suddenly I flinch and look at my bruised knuckles. Fuck they were bleeding. I pat down my pockets on my jeans and check my inside pocket of my leather jacket. How marvelous. I didn’t bring a handkerchief. So I just hold the bruise down to stop the bleeding. Maybe I can make it 45 minutes. All of a sudden I see a handkerchief next to my arm. I look at it, confused, but I take it anyway. I look at Levi. He has a smile, tiny smile. Yeah, he gave me it.
-Thank you.
I tell him. I saw him visibly tense but he looks at me and smiles. I felt...warm. What was this feeling? It’s weird. I have never experienced this before. I don’t know if I want to throw this feeling away or like it. But I promised myself that I wouldn’t get involved with anyone. I may be an asshole, but I would NEVER want anyone to join a gang. Especially my person.
Throughout the day I kept my eye on Levi. I don’t know why I did, but it was just something I found myself doing. The gang and I were chilling on the stands by the football field.
-Ugh! I just want school to finish already! I can’t take it anymore.
Eren says. He was fairly new to the gang, after I found him beating up a kid in an alleyway I recruited him. He’s super hyper and gets worked up easily so he was a good asset to us.
-and I can’t take you complaining anymore.
Jean shoots back. Jean and Eren almost never got along. But I kept them in line.
-both of you shut up.
My right hand woman says. Mikasa. She matched me in strength, but she never dared put me off. We all knew that Jean had a crush on Mikasa, but he never had the balls to say anything. I ignored them and kept my eyes on the boy on the first stand. He was with Hange and Isabel, I take it he was watching Erwin and Farlan train.
-what do you say, Y/n?
Eren asks me. I look at him after a while.
-say what?
I ask.
-you seem to be staring an awful lot lately. Who caught our oh so powerful leader’s eyes?
Eren hops down to where I’m sitting.
-shut up.
I tell him and look back at the field. Eren follows my eyes.
-oh is it Erwin? I’m not gonna lie, he is hot.
-Gay much, Eren?
Jean says as he sits next to me.
-fuck off, horse face.
I don’t care for their conversation and sneak glances at Levi. He seems to be quiet most of the time, since Isabel and Hange talk his ears off. I feel my pocket and I feel the handkerchief. I’m not giving it back. It’s mine now. I seem to be daydreaming again because Jean keeps talking to me.
-what do you want?
I ask him harshly.
-I just want to know if you’re going to homecoming next month.
I scoff and turn my face back to the field.
-of course I am. There’s a lot of things I want to ruin on that night. Oh and by the way guys, home time I want to key my physics teacher’s car. He’s been acting like a bitch and I want to teach him a lesson.
Jean and Eren scream,” HELL YEAH!”, and that caused some people to look at us. That good for that because I caught Levi’s attention. He turns and looks at me. I smile and wink at him. He widens his eyes and turns around. I love fucking around with him.
Hometime rolls in and we go out to the car park and look for my teacher’s car. Luckily, the son of a bitch didn’t park where the cameras were so I pull out my key and so did the others and run it down the bonnet of the car. I run it through the driver’s door moving it to the back. Mikasa took the boot and the boys took the roof and passenger side. After our masterpiece we heard:
My physics teacher yells. We look and laugh and made a run for it. We ran to our bikes and took off. Laughing. We drove past the gate and everyone was cheering for us as well. I saw Levi. I once again winked at him and rode away. “Maybe I should mess around with him. What could go wrong?”
Little did I know, a whole lot would go wrong.
Chapter Two
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gojoyogurt · 4 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Christmas!!
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jjk headcanon!
characters: every character introduced in the anime so far! and you of course hehe
plot: everyone is invited to jujutsu tech for a christmas party, including the unidentified special grade curses that have the ability to talk but... ITS CHRISTMAS.
as you guys were preparing for the party in the function room, panda kept trying to eat all the snacks so nobara had kept trying to hold him back (to no avail because she eventually got crushed underneath him)
gojo... was nowhere to be found OBVIOUSLY and the curses gang were just chilling outside. you were lowkey praying that jogo wouldnt set anything on fire before the party even started.
megumi was just hanging around with itadori and junpei, playing with his gyokuken (divine dogs) [honestly wouldnt that just be so cute]
you, maki-san and mai-san were busy setting up everything and also having small chit chats here and there.
since gojo wasnt there yet, ijichi-san was everywhere, both panicking and pissed since gojo was NEVER on time no matter what the event was.
nanami couldnt be bothered anymore to settle the situation so he was quietly reading at one corner.
inumaki was just vibing to the christmas music playing in the background with panda after wrestling with nobara.
before the party started, a very popular christmas song that was trending on vikvok started playing, being the great senpai he is, todo dragged itadori to the middle of the room to start dancing with him alongside inumaki and panda.
it was already around 7.30pm and gojo wasnt there yet so yall just decided to start without him to not waste anytime
everyone gathered around the table that had food on it, “LETS EAT IM STARVING” jogo suddenly screamed in the room with his fire coming out of almost every hole in his head.
“now now, jogo, be patient.” mahito calmly cooled down jogo to prevent the fire hazard from creating havoc during the party.
“who thought it was a good idea to invite the curses here...” megumi sighed as he shot eye darts at junpei, which junpei completely avoided.
“c’mon!, the more the merrier!” you said as you thought that they really shouldn’t have come, but it was all the make junpei happy so...
as the party started, everyone was just going around getting food. everything was smooth sailing until... itadori suddenly spreads cake icing over megumi... yeah megumi was both pissed and confused at the same time so he chased itadori around the table. itadori was laughing his ass off while he had a raging megumi chasing after him. thankfully the food was fine so all is good so far.
after about AN HOUR, gojo finally shows up. “hey guys! what did i miss?” gojo said cheerfully. however, a dark ominous shadow appeared behind him and whacked his head so hard it made the whole room go silent.
“not even an apology?” nanami reprimanded gojo while staring down at him.
since an hour has passed, it was already time for the next thing on the agenda so gojo didnt even have time to eat the moment he arrived, he was okay nonetheless.
Game time!
the first game was something like blinfold elimination? im not too sure about the name. the way to play is:
two members of the team are blindfolded and is waiting outside a ring that has balls scattered everywhere
in order to win, the two blindfolded team members have to eliminate the other teams blindfolded members by finding a ball and throwing it at them
however, since they cannot take of their blindfold, the remaining team members will have to guide them to find the balls and help them to tell them roughly where and when they should throw the ball.
the non-blindfolded team members are not allowed to throw the balls and use their cursed energy.
the rules were fairly simple so yall split yourselves into 4 teams.
the 8 blindfolded people were itadori and inumaki, panda and aoi, mahito and mai, nanami (he was dragged into it) and nobara.
you were on mahito and mai’s team so you decided to just guide mai along since you were a lottle uncomfortable with mahito. jogo was there for him anyways and they make a better team.
gojo started the game by screaming and suddenly the room was filled with desperate screams to get the ball.
balls were flying everywhere and people were already crying of laughter because of the scene.
itadori kept scurrying along the floor like an insect which made everyone laugh but he couldn’t be hit no matter what.
as time passed by, more and more people got eliminated, including mai-san and the only people left were nanami and mahito. (oooo the matchup)
the rest were frantically screaming everywhere that they should go and throw in a certain direction.
it felt so tense yet so fun at the same time so it was pretty enjoyable to watch.
finally nanami hit mahito with the ball and the game was over. “good game, jujutsu sorcerer” mahito said in defeat while shaking his hand. “i only do what im supposed to” nanami nonchalantly replied as both enemies walked away from each other
the game took WAY longer than expected so it was time for the exchange gifts!
Exchange Gift time!!
yayy its exchange gift timee.
everyone gathered together and sat in a circle in the large empty space of the room with their gifts in hand.
“okay! lets all pass around the gifts until the music stops!” you announced as you started the music.
all the gifts were just travelling everywhere in very different directions including across the room.
you stopped the music and everyone made sure that they each had a gift in hand.
all of you took turns opening up the gifts and there were actually some pretty funny ones. by a huge coincidence itadori got a sukuna finger cake that was made by mai-san. it didnt look the best but.... hey the effort counts.
you opened up your gift and you found a keychain of megumis divine dogs. you guessed that it was from him and to no surprise it was. you found it so cute you immediately attached it onto your bag.
after opening your gift you proceeded to just watch the others open theirs. some of them were quite ridiculous as mahito got a hanger and jogo got a can opener.
it soon came down to the last person nanami so he opened up his gift slowly, he tore one side open, peeked inside, and immediately closed it. “whoever bought this gift must be very childish...” he said in disappointment
itadori ran towards him and ripped open the present and realised, it was a maids outfit.
everyone burst into laughter just imagining nanami in a maids outfit. “h-hey! who gave him that HAHAHAHA” itadori asked as he was rolling on the floor with his hands over his stomach.
gojo slowly raised his hand up and was already at the door, ready to escape.
nanami slowly rised, “please excuse me” he said calmly and he bolted out the door to chase gojo
that sight made everyone laigh even more until they had no more energy to laugh.
by the time they returned with gojo semi beat up, everyone was so out of energy and just lying down on the floor while listening to christmas music play in the background.
“should we pack up now? its also quite late�� panda asked and everyone nodded in agreement.
everyone helped to pack up the remaining food and clean up the place before leaving.
once the whole place was clean, everyone siad their goodbyes and left in different directions.
andd there it is! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! hope you guys enjoyed this and i also hope you have a fun time with your families today! hopefully you get the gifts you want too HAHA. i may or may not post on new year’s but ill try if i can. ill be quite busy starting 2021 since thats when school starts, ew, but ill still try my best to post every now and then so please forgive me if im inactive! anywho, besides all that, please stay safe and have a merry christmas and a happy new year yalls! see you guys soon!!
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childish-ish · 4 years
AYO!! Has anyone done a Jason Voorhees with a gn feral s/o that helps him with taking down whoever's dumb enough to come in the camp yet (s/o dont kill them but they do love scaring the absolute shit out of them and Jason worries for them 24/7)? I hope its cool if I come to you for any feral s/o asks because I trust u with them now KSKDKSLD
i have absolutely no idea if anyone did this! or if you're asking if anyone asked that??!?!! im so excited omg :')) ALSO its cool to come for me for feral readers lmfaooownfkkwkx why wouldnt it be bro, also, sorry if its not actually WHAT you wanted ,, i don't think I'm actually that great at feral readers lmfaoooo, ALSO LMAO, definitely not my longest :\ hope you like it bro!
this fucking beautiful man,, he'th tho thecthy
pairing: jason voorhees x feral! reader
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"BOO!!" You shout, a ghoulish smile planted on your lips. You could practically feel the ghost of Jason's concerned gaze. The bugs scuttled away and you snickered before plucking one from the ground. You watch it's legs wiggle in the air, practically screaming for help. You toss it over your shoulder before digging your hands into the dirt and pulling out two handfuls of dirt.
You hear faint laughter from afar, and couldn't help but grin. New meat! You cheered.
You stood, brushing off your hands on your clothes before jogging further down the trail. You wonder where Jason is. Was he by the lake? In the camp? In the little sewer home?
A thin, hot hand set itself on your shoulder. You turn your head slightly. An unknown face. Pretty - you must admit. But nothing like your homeboy - significant other, Jason. You wonder where he is. Was he by the lake? In the camp - ? How couldn't you hear her sneak up on you? So many questions, yet so, little time.
"Hey, uh. You live around here?" The girls' voice was girly - yet kind've tomboy-ish, and definitely kind. Another face popped up behind her. A man! Hm. Couple? Probably. Another face! Another man! "Threesome?"
The three have you an odd look, you correct yourself.
"Yeah. You campin' here or what?" You say with a large wolfish grin after slapping her hand off your shoulder, turning to face her.
She gives you an odd look - "Yeah, actually.." she rubs her hand. The two men seemingly gave each other a look.
"Cool!" You say nothing else. The atmosphere sure was awkward.
"Okay! Well then! We will be in our way!" The man with the glasses clapped his hands together.
"Oh, hey. There's this really nice clearing by the lake." You chirp, "Just go all the way down to the camp."
Your watch as the men, once again, exchange uneasy glances. You smile even wider.
"Thank you so much! We'll be in our way now!" The female chirped back.
The female passes you first, then the two males, one by one. Both giving you a nod. You grin, glaring into their backs before disappearing into the green vegetation.
You pick a single flower from its' group. It was technically a weed - white clover, was what you picked up. After jogging away, you tripped on a way-too-thick root. You fell ontk your hands and knees, gazing your knees in a rock of somesort - you watch as your knee gushes out blood. You immediately make sure the weed is okay. It is! Off to see Jason, now!
"Oi, oi oi! My beautiful man of the hour! Every second - every minute! My beautiful man!" You were very careful around saying swears around the large man. His mother was Christian wasn't she? Fuck, you don't remember. All you know is that she was in his head or someshit. You fix the weed behind his ear and grinned at your work. He was so precious.
He did nothing but lift a hand and rub your cheek affectionately. You sigh, placing a hand over his own. You rub your cheek against his hand before apruptly biting said hand.
- "Oh right! Jason! Jason! J - jASON!! NEW V - VICTIMS JASON!" You say excitedly - practically vibrating.
That caught his attention - you grinned, his eyes directed on you and you only - when it's it never? When the people come into his land.
"So! The plan?!" You turn around, took a single step and tripped, falling onto your knees. You stood, turning around to face the large bust of the hockey-masked man. You nudge your nose into said chest just for the fuck of it.
He apruptly grabbed your face with both hands - inspecting your face. You snicker - "I'm okay, Jason!! Here - here!! I'll be back!" You rip away after giving a kiss to his musty - dirty hand. Jason's heart swelled, he liked that you didn't care about getting dirty - but what about you getting sick from whatever was on his hand?!
He sighed inaudibly as he watched you trip over nothing once more, further away. He shook his head before following after you.
You listen to the crunching of the leaves under your feet. You had walked around the forest trails with Jason, waiting for dark.
You hear the loud laughter and a small fire crackling as you near the lake.
You send a quick look to Jason who nodded in affirmation. You lean up and give him a kiss on his naked cheek before bolting forward to the trio.
You shake a branch, bouncing up and down, holding onto the branch for dear life with your two fists
The laughing stopped collectively. You grinned before dropping onto the forest floor, the branch bouncing up and down lightly now, you quietly step towards the dull light. You hear the clattering of thick sticks - and watch as the fire grow larger between multiple branches and tall grass.
"BOO!!" You scream, face illuminated by the orange fire that burned your chin.
You effectively scared them all. You stood straight and grinned. The female calmed down. You hear her laugh a little. If only the male was as lighthearted as she was.
"You fucking freak!" One of the men yelled.
"Oh, choke on my cock and balls, whore."
I mean - he did choke on something, but thankfully it was something you hoped he choked on. Not your metaphorical / actual cock and balls, but - guess! His own blood!
You laugh, the screams of his friends and the sound of him spluttering like a fish and the fure crackle mixed together like a symphony.
You sit where the male was sitting - the one you told to suck your cock and balls. You eat his food and watch Jason finish male off. You drink from his water bottle, waterfall style.
You could feel the weight next to you dip.
"That was fun." You grinned.
Jason nodded, tossing his weapon in front of him, near the fire. Usually, after killing the people stupid enough to actually go to Camp Crystal Lake, Jason and you would go back to the little sewer bunker and cuddle for a good while. Just kidding! You would totally have sex.
"I'm okay, by the way. They didn't do anything to harmful. Anyways, wanna get married so we can make-out? I mean, since we can't have premarital kisses.." You trail off, feeling the odd look Jason gave you. You burst into laughter.
You watch with a grin as he lifts his mask so you could see his face. Yeah - it was deformed and shit, but your didn't have the heart to give a shit.
You get on your knees and threw your arms around his neck, before giving him an affectionate kiss.
"I can't wait until their friends come looking for them.." You breathe out before absolutely fucking devouring his lips.
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The Punisher Season 2: Episodes 6-10
Initial reactions as I watched these episodes.
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. I literally tagged it four different ways for spoilers so if you read them after this it’s your own damn fault. 
6: Nakazat Amy looks like every typical 16 year old girl at the mall Oh frank. Frank frank frank. You with that gun Curtis is such a genuinely good guy. Goddammit. Fuck. He better not bang her. Alright AMY. Don’t bring up the kids. Frank is so fucking sad. Oh so he sees through the transformation bullshit. And he’s apologizing for spying on her. Interesting. SELF ASSURED BILLY IS COMING BACK SLOWLY it’s interesting that she isn’t giving him rules TONGUE So these pictures are literally of men kissing. Interesting. Roughhousing with Frank, must be 18 to ride this ride I actually really liked this scene in the trailer with the gun training. Looks like Billy can do more than 20 pushups now And he’s reading his own file.... WHO IS KM Billy and Curtis...  and he APOLOGIZED. Jeeeeeesus. He’s fucking crying. I can’t. He’s so sad. So angry. So confused. Brett and Dinah again.... hmmmm. Brett still doesn’t know that Frank was there. Madani feels guilt about lying about the carousel.... HE CALLED her out about lying. Frank stole a limo, ok. This confrontation between Pilgrim and Madani is... not that tense. But i mean maybe don’t point your gun st someone on a sidewalk in broad daylight? Is the subplot of this show a fucking Russian election meddling scheme? Yes. Yes it is. When Frank Castle tells you to get on your knees, you get on your knees MY FUCKING GOD WHY DO YOU LET HIM LIVE Where is billy getting money from? He’s finding a group of friends again... he’s earning his spot at the head of the pack again. Giving orders sounds ... natural coming from him. This is billy trying to reassert himself. Trying to do “good”. The accent is much more pronounced when he is in the moment. You’re not a petty criminal Billy. You’re better than this. Way better. Would you do it all over again, frank? Maybe. This poor kid, and Curtis trying to clean up the mess. Again. Welp, guess it doesn’t matter that Frank let him live. Oh Dr. Dumont just hid her most recent notes. Why is she protecting billy? ... he has poor impulse control and yet you slapped him and stabbed him in the damn hand with a letter opener.... and you have a degree in psychology? K. I just threw my glasses across the room. This is not happening. This group therapy session between Frank, Madani and Curtis is constructive.
7: One Bad Day Madani’s interview... ONE YEAR HAS PASSED. MADANI BEING HONEST. Her poor choice in sexual partners got her here I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE LETTER OPENER lmao madani having to talk about sleeping with Billy in detail. This is what i wanted. Madani admitted to her mistakes. THIS IS EVERYTHING #justiceforstein Frank needs to stop people from telling him what the fuck to do. He can live with killing people ... but it’s not easy. Madani is lying about never wanting to kill Billy herself... but she doesn’t have the balls to do it. Frank doesn’t want to kill him, but he’s going to do it because he feels that he OWES Curtis and Madani. This bitch chewing her pills kills me More billy sex flashbacks ... she’s fucked. The biggest fucking sigh to ever come out of my mouth just came out of my mouth. .... so they’re getting off on hurting each other. I really hate this bitch She’s lying. Billy’s being honest again. The sex helped him more than therapy or medication. Knowing that he has “friends” out there helped. Oh this bitch is a manipulator. Holy shit. Oh. But he put someone ahead of himself for once. Interesting. He just wants to know what it feels like to have part of everything. That’s... different. BYE BITCH. Billy. You. Are. Not. A. Petty. Criminal. The fuck are you doing? It’s really interesting to me that Billy is choosing this path because he fell in with an easy, shitty crowd. He’s better than this. He’s capable of so many things. I get that this is because he’s a wanted man... but.... STILL TALKING ABOUT BETH... She sold you out FRANK, KAREN FUCKING PAGE WOULDNT EVER this drug addict is going to fuck everything up. Everyone wants Billy dead... except Madani... and I think Billy is included in this group of people that want him dead. Talking about a “new normal” This applies to frank and billy and madani and even Curtis ... HMMMM Interrogator Frank Madani and Curtis just standing there and watching with bored expressions on their faces is the best Lots of hand stabbing in this season. Good thing Curtis is a medic. BILLY DIDNT MURDER FRANK’S WHOLE FAMILY we’ve officially reached the point in the season where i feel BAD for Madani. .... nevermind. (Not even two minutes later) This is intense. Goddammit LILLIAN he didn’t kill anyone. He did everything he could to NOT kill anyone. Interesting. OH FUCK THE VEST OH FUCK billy is having a panic attack. Holy hell.
8: My Brother’s Keeper I don’t like the title of this. Billy remembers. Not everything, but enough I think. I have been waiting for billy with this gun for MONTHS Did not disappoint. Frank is literally running down the street in the Punisher vest, like.... is that a good idea or nah? Curtis just saved his ass twice LET HIM REMEMBER YOU ASSHOLES OH WELL OK THEN. Frank and Curtis... are having a moment and it’s much needed. Frank’s analysis of Billy’s response to seeing him and having Frank fire at him breaks my heart. He looked at Billy and saw family. “he does not know what he did” OH FRANK. Oh sweet frank. He had a shot... and couldn’t take it. Billy came back to Krista.... He said please again. Billy Russo is going to beg? He didn’t have to Oh lord. He remembers and knows that frank betrayed him but not WHY. god this is heartbreaking. Ben Barnes is an incredible actor. His tears and the emotions are so goddamn real. This scene after she lets him back in is one of the best acted scenes on TV. “I know but i don’t know. I don’t feel it” Christ almighty take my heart and stomp on it why don’t you “He was my best friend, but he was pointing a gun at me” ... oh Billy. She can’t help you. She’s manipulating you because she wants power. She needs to feel wanted. FUCK YOU KRISTA DUMONT Curtis had a shot too... and he didn’t take it. Neither of them could do it. Curtis just wants to be normal. He wants to have a life - an “AFTER” ... Frank screaming at this girl is great. That’s not the way she thought the day was going to go. Brett knowing about Castle is really interesting to me. This conversation is really interesting to me. He’s not fucking around. Billy would give his life for Frank. And he thinks that he’s not the man he was before... THERE ARE MORE PIECES BITCH. I THINK KRISTA WAS IN THIS FUCKING CULT Now frank is seeing billy ... and Curtis is calling him out on it Still walking around in the vest... This is Frank’s moment.... OH FUCK YES BILLY He just punched a hole into a wall and I think I had a stroke OH YOU MANIPULATIVE BITCH Do not choose her billy Russo ... goddammit Lmao Amy just tried to kill Curtis OH SHIT THIS IS THE ANVIL SPEECH AGAIN. Oh Billy. You’re thinking very big here. I have nothing to say about this little dinner between Curtis and Amy and Dinah Frank visiting Maria and the kids at the cemetery... 
9: Flustercluck Frank’s gonna drop some knowledge. “Let me be what I’m meant to be” This bitch is trying to make plans with Billy in the future.... uhhhhhhhhhh This isn’t Billy. Yeah she “accepts” him.... but..... Ok so they’re growing in numbers and in strength and in visibility, quickly. They could have established Billy this season without making him fuck this broad. He wants to know why frank tried to kill him... but does he REALLY?!?!? So wait Schultz is in this cult?!? Uh oh. This guy knows who pilgrim is. WHERE ARE YOU GOING AMY?!? ..... billy in madani’s new apartment. And he found the journal. HE CUT OFF THE DUDES THUMB OH MY GOD Billy is there. Oh my god oh my god oh my god This is nuts. Billy and madani have more chemistry out of bed than in Madani telling him the TRUTH. YES YES YES YES YES ... but.... there’s no need to be such a bitch. BILLY WITH THE FUCKING MIC DROP i can’t tell if she’s scared or happy or aroused - maybe all three? Oh Amy, you just killed this girl. Why did you leave your bag in the other room. This is a trap. Frank’s very nervous for Amy Billy... deserves more? He thinks he deserves more, at least KRISTA HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOU. Billy doesn’t want to run. THERE IS NO “us” KRISTA. i hope he snaps her fucking neck. Like you barely know this woman...and i get that you feel a connection because she’s been your therapist.... but this isn’t normal. This isn’t right. She.... she’s using you, she’s LYING about something and i am pissed that i can’t figure it out I AM STRESSED AMY SHOT SOMEONE GOOD LORD Dad Frank 🤤🤤 Omg is Krista going to kill madani Just two girls that have both boned Billy Russo hanging out in the same room....  this is going to end well Pilgrim’s real name is... Robbie? WHO ARE YOU THOUGH Who did he steal money from?!? And what did he do with it?!?! 10: The Dark Hearts of Men ... another flashback. :( billy is getting his ASS kicked... and so is frank.... holy hell TONGUE Frank and billy.... GODDAMN. I am sad. Holy fuck Billy’s watching them 24 hours earlier?!?! Oh god someone’s dying The wine is called “decoy” ... billy is listening to this. Madani’s going to go DEEP with this i think... Frank and Curtis are reminiscing about Billy. frank misses being active duty too... just like billy Frank admits they’re the same. Oh yikes. Pilgrim killed some people. He’s very bloody ...and snorting something. Cool. Did he just effing reset his jaw?!? This is what happens when you’re in a cult for 12 years.... you have all kinds of pent up anger and kill 5 people in 3 minutes Instinct and emotion.... justifying it afterward.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Frank has done the things billy has done though.... not on the same scale, but.... Welp Pilgrim is apparently on his rumpsringa ... hookers and blow and murder Billy is always alone.... true. But now he thinks he isn’t. And that’s dangerous ... oh, ok. I mean your wife is dying but go on and get a BJ from some methhead Frank and Curtis live on this roof now Billy creeping from a nearby rooftop is me waiting and watching for new content from this show after the teaser was announced at the end of the January promo but before we had any other information John and Rebecca in s sweeter moment ... and she’s questioning him... and she had every right to do so. This description is like Frank and Billy rolled into one... AND SOMEONE STILL LOVES HIM. Krista is getting Madani drunk....... And madani just said she wanted him dead... not the right answer Dinah. “He is just a man alone”.... Billy is a great motivational speaker. ITS A TRAP FRANK. He knows you’re coming. Boom. And here we go Oh this is good This is well shot This is disorienting Frank is getting his ass kicked again Billy is the only one not in a mask. Well. I thought you were better than this billy Holy shit this fight choreography I’m gonna be real pissed if Curtis dies Oh fuck frank just killed civilians FUCK. His desire for revenge killed innocent people. He isn’t any better than Billy ....and Curtis killed someone too. Yikes He was there the whole time. FUCKING billy. Krista is twisted as hell. And i hate her but i gotta kinda respect her for fucking going after what she wants (i reserve the right to change this opinion at a later time and i hope i get to) She’s trying to prove herself to billy..... but I’m not sure if she actually cares or if she just wants the satisfaction of knowing she helped. Fuck... frank is screwed.
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timleob · 7 years
WWE Extreme Rules 2017
Well, another Raw PPV, and yet more idiotic booking from a team of writers and agents who have no fucking clue what they are doing. Let me clarify, there was some good wrestling on this show, but the booking of the finishes and treatment of the babyfaces, Bayley especially, is so fucking infuriating that it makes me wonder what they are trying to achieve here.
Miz and Ambrose was fine, not amazing, but fine. The psychology of the match was great with Miz doing everything he can to get Ambrose disqualified. He got his wife to slap him which failed, he took the turnbuckle pad off which nearly got Ambrose disqualified, and then he shoved Dean into the ref when he was distracted. And then, in a moment that was stupid, the ref goes to march over to the timekeeper to call for the bell, but then Miz hits his finish and gets the clean pinfall win. So what was the point of putting a stip where Ambrose would lose if he was DQ’d and not use it for the finish? For fuck sake.
The mixed tag was, well, it was there. Nothing really spectacular happened here except for, holy fuck, a babyface won a match in his home town! That one must have slipped past Vinnie who will no doubt insist that he be beaten repeatedly for the next 3 months. Also, remember when Sasha was one of the top wrestlers in the company? What happened there?
Bayley vs Alexa Bliss…fuck me. Just..what was the fucking point of this 5 minute match? Remember how as fans we used to joke that when a “divas” match came on it was time for a piss break? Well congratufuckinglations WWE, you’re back to that now. Dont get me wrong, Bliss is a good heel. She has that look of smug confidence and has a perfect condesending tone during her promos and does the best she can with what they give her. And what they give her is fucking terrible (see the This is your life segment on the go home Raw).
Also, what is the deal with Bayley? She is a babyface who cant succeed. For fuck sake WWE, fans fucking HATE dumb baby faces and thats what she is, thanks to your incompetent booking. They did a pole match (wasnt aware Russo was back on creative), got the kendo stick within one minute of the match. They did a spot where Bliss was like “Go on, I’ll give you a free shot” and like a total moron babyface, Bayley goes for it and gets attacked. Then she gets the stick and it leads to a whacky chase spot around the ring, and Bayley finally gets her in the corner.
Alexa played a fantastic heel here, smug and confident when she is up and a coward when she is trapped. Pro-wrestling 101 now states Bayley looks at the stick, remembers everything that has led to this and should beat Alexa to within an inch of her life. But no, Bayley hesistates cause she is just Bayley, she is too sweet and innocent to get extreme. Alexa gets the stick, kills Bayley, hits a DDT and gets the clean pin.
This pissed me off. So much. What are they actually doing with Bayley? They have a chance for this woman to be a hero to little girls worldwide, and they are fucking killing her momentum and burying her on a weekly basis. I’ll go into a longer explination about this at the end of this review.
Next was Hardyz vs Seamus and Cesaro. I have actually enjoyed this series of matches, its turned out some solid performances and helped elevate Seamus and Cesaro as a tag team. That said, this match was slightly overbooked and often made no sense, its a cage match where you can only win via escape not pinfall or submission. Which meant if one guy got out he was basically leaving his partner for dead. So why would you stop one guy from escaping? Surely it would make sense to have one guy escape and then beat the shit out of his partner? Cause if he runs back in to help his team mate, he has put himself back into the match.
This was done when Jeff escaped and Matt was worked over by both Seamus and Cesaro, which I was hoping would lead to the emegence of Broken Matt Hardy. Sadly not today, but soon I hope. The ending helped redeem an otherwise overbooked and somewhat lackluster match. Seamus and Cesaro are climbing up and over after Jeff did that insane whisper in the wind off the top of the cage while Matt drags his brother to the cage door.
It was a dramatic finish but also silly since the faces picked the stipulation. And lost. For those keeping score, that is now 3 faces who have lost on this show, 2 made to look like total geeks in the process.
Crusierweight match. I’ll be honest, WWE have dropped the ball on this division so I have no interest. But there was something that was pissing me off during this match, besides the stipulation and the lack of heat for the match, and then it hit me.
The cruiserweights are working the same slow “big man” style that the heavyweights work. Granted there are alot more top rope moves but come on. How many people remember the cruiserweight division in WCW? That was fantastic fucking wrestling, these guys could take a few clues from that. Its like no one behind that curtain understands what they are doing with this division, and its frustrating! There is some amazing talent that is being squandered here.
Main event, 5 way for the number one contendership for the universal title. Everyone in this match was super over with the crowd. By far the biggest pop went to Seth and of course Roman had the heat from the crowd. The match started with Roman basically cleaning house with everyone and having a fantastic pissed off look. Seriously, just turn the guy heel already and you’ll print money. It ended up leading to a truly fantastic pro wrestling moment with the two heels, Joe and Bray teaming up and getting the heat on all the babyfaces and just destroying them, it was fantastic and the crowd really got into it. Rollins madr a come back and hit a suicide dive on Joe and Bray on the outside with Bray pushing Joe into the firing line.
Joe and Bray turn on each other and it turns into total chaos which leads to the two big spots in the match. Roman charges and spears Joe and Finn through the baricade and the crowd pops big time, even the people who dont like Roman. Bray ends up on an announce table and Rollins hits a frog splash from the ring post and they both go through the table. Leads to the second holy shit chant for the evening.
Rollins and Reigns go at it which has the crowd the entire time, they repeat the fantastic bucklebomb to superman punch from Raw which the crowd ate up yet again. It leads to Finn nailing a slingblade on Roman, followed by a drop kick and the coup de grace. Finn goes in for the pin on Roman, but gets snatched by Joe who locks on the Clutch. Finn refuses to tap and passes out and Joe is the winner.
This match no doubt saved the entire show. It had great action, fantastic story telling and a great finish. Finn would have had it but got caught at the last second and he refused to tap which made him look like a legit god damn badass.
In what I felt was a nice touch to the match was when Joe gets to the top of the ramp after his win and screams LESNAR! It was a great little touch to the story.
Overall, the event felt lackluster, a common trend with Raw PPV’s lately, but thankfully the main event and the promise of a Samoa Joe vs Brock Lesnar match is there. I was hoping this would be the match going forward since these two will basically beat the living fuck out of each other. And we have Paul Heyman to hype the match, this gonna be great.
Now, lets talk about what I mentioned earlier - WWE’s booking of its babyfaces.
In this PPV, Ambrose and Bayley were made to look like total geeks. This is a recurring theme with WWE lately. And its simple as to why it happens. They are trying to replicate the Daniel Bryan rise. They basically were a dick to him and made him look like a total jackass time and time again, but the fans loved and respected him so much that they wouldnt stop demanding he get what they felt he deserved. And in spite of all the bullshit, he rose to the top and became a bonified main event star and became a valuable part of the company.
WWE in its arrogance honestly believes that all of this was their doing and thats why we had to put up with Stephanie McMahon going out and humiliating and belittling every single person on the roster. Every fucking week.
And now we see faces like Bayley being humiliated and belittled and made to look like a geek over and over. And its killing her push, momentum and credibility. But WWE honestly believe its helping her. Fucking idiots.
Anyway, thats enough from me. Leave a like or reblog if you agree and be sure to send the usual idiot hate mail that comes along with having an opinion.
Cheers, Tim
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haectemporasunt · 8 years
26, 32, 33, 39, 43, 44, 50, 10??, 4, 35
26. Favoritepsychological Horror Movie
Ah geeze already a tough one right off the bat.  Um uh I’ll just choose one:
The Babadook! I thought it did a great job of showing the stress the mom was under, and I think (though some people disagree) that it kept the kid from being frustratingly annoying. The picture book was very well done, and scary, and I wish there had been more sequences involving it sharing creepy stories.
32. FavoriteAnimated Horror film
I’m blanking on any animated horror films i’ve seen, sorry! I’ll just post this, which did make me jump, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHpuAAnHdEc, but alas i ve failed you :(
33. Scariestnon-horror movie
 Friday the 13th:  slashers aren’t really horror, fite me B)
Snark aside, there s plenty of movies that had scary bits in them that tore me up as a child. how about I put … the pressure chamber scene in License to Kill. The Bond villain knows one of his men isnt loyal so shoves the guy in a pressure chamber meant to get divers acclimated, you know. And the guy is begging and pleading and screaming in agony as the pressure increases. And he knows what’s going to happen, and I as a kid knew something unspeakable was about to happen, and then the Bond villain cuts a tube leading to the pressure chamber, and we have enough time to watch the doomed man inside gaze out as his head swells to monstrous proportions… and then SPLAT, the viewport is smeared red. The man burst.
It’s that the guy had time to know what was happening to him, and the way his head got so big. (shudder)
39. SomethingI used to be scared of that I now love
i hope you’re not trying to get me to admit that, although when i was little i was scared of it, nowadays i think the xenomorph is kinda hot!! because you’re wrong!!!!!
I do like Phantasm a lot more now than I did as a kid. When I was a kid the silver balls killed so brutally and so suddenly, they were horrible. But now that I’m older I guess I’m more used to sudden death happening in movies? I dunno.
 43. FavoriteHorror novel
I ve searched for years for good horror novels, and if anyone has suggestions i m more than happy to hear em! But one of my favorites is still Shirley Jackson’s Haunting of Hill House. Very well written, you get into the mindset of the protagonist, and it’s not very comfortable in there… I also identify a lot with how the protag identifies so strongly with a place and feels increasingly isolated from the others.
44. ScariestDocumentary
i’ve wracked my brain but this is the closest thing I can think of. Real documentaries are scary in the numb real life sort of way where you realize that things are getting worse
not really ‘scary’
but anyway, this vid definitely gave me the creeps!
50.  Scariest movie ever
This is a cop out answer because I don’t know the name of the movie, but it scared the heck out of me. It was a haunted house flick, and a bunch of teens investigating it, and i was sitting their gripping my knees at eleven pm watching them get killed by supernatural phenomena. The glass in the windows wouldnt break so they couldnt escape, and I especially remember one scene where there was the stairwell up to the second floor, and the steps just led up into darkness, pure blackness. And at one point the camera just focuses on it, and we enjoy the tingling terror of waiting–something’s gonna happen, any second now, we’ll finally see the spirits haunting the house– and silence.
and then as the teens, unnerved, turn to walk away further down the corridor, it seems like it was a fakeout. Or, since it was an older cheaper movie, maybe just a straight up error.  And then! One of the teens screams like an animal as she falls to the ground and starts getting dragged up the stairs by something invisible. The other teens yelling and crying as they try to hold on to her– and then, in my memory, it’s fuzzy. On the one hand it seems most likely that they pulled her back, and comforted her, and then tried to escape out the garage or something.
but /i / remember her slipping out of her friends’ grasp and choking as she disappears into the darkness. And she’s never seen again.
and that was the scariest thing i ever saw in a proper published horror movie.
10. ScariestWitch [??]
it’s me. i am :3
Eh, well, there’s a witch from a children’s story I heard on the radio nearly twenty years ago, a witch who would turn her victims, animal and human alike, into stone, and arrange them in a stone circle up in the mountains. It was terrifying, hearing her horrid laugh echoing over the howling wind … I still think about her a lot. Even at the end of the story, when she’s turned into stone herself, it’s said her last shrieks still echoed around and around inside the stone circle …
4.    Favorite Scary Short Story
I have a more typical answer, and a better but technically incorrect answer because I never managed to find the rest of the pages of the ripped-up book.
The typical answer is: Room 1408, by Stephen King, because it’s the only short story that’s ever legitimately frightened me. How the room shifts subtly, and then not so subtly, and the goofy-when-you-try-to-describe-it-but-scary-when-I-read-it telephone voice blaring out scary nonsense.
The other answer is:
some years ago I was in my uncle’s home, looking through his books. He and I have a similar taste in literature so pretty much everything was a gem. Uncle did sometimes kinda cram his books into the shelves, though, so some got bent or bricked up by other books–which is annoying if you’re trying to survey all your options. So I was yanking out a couple books, when five or six yellowed pages fluttered out from behind some old tome and fluttered to the ground.
I pick them up, worried I’ve damaged a book. But no: these were free floating, they were the wrong size for all the other books on the shelf. And I read them. And they were a story about a man who was a caretaker for an old house. He was also exploring and investigating it on the side, because–the townsfolk claimed–the place was haunted. He walked the grounds, he found cold spots. Things moved when he wasn’t looking. There were secret passages leading to strange rooms. A weird house, to be sure. But haunted? The man scoffed.
And then, in the second week of his stay, he found he could no longer leave the house. The gate wouldnt budge. He would have to find a different way out, or hope that the woman who brought him food would show up a day or two early. I’m not describing this very well but I assure you the atmosphere was dense–I could feel the stress and isolation of this poor man who was rapidly running out of food, and the growing fear that there was indeed something stalking him through the rooms. He couldnt sleep without a light, but it had to be small so that there’d be little fear of it falling over and starting a fire, and even then he would wake up several times in the night to the sound of creaking floors a room or two over.
I was rapt. This is the sort of thing that happens in a gothic story, a guy stumbling across a scary story in a crumbling library. I remember the man was trying to use one of the secret passages  he’d discovered, hoping it would lead off the grounds to freedom. His light flickers, and there’s something in the tangled ivy coating the dank walls …
And that’s where the last scrap of paper ended.
Boy howdy i’ve searched a long time for the rest of that story!
35. Scariestgaming experience
We werent a gaming family, my brother and i, until highschool nearly. The first game that scared me was JumpStart Adventures 4th grade: Haunted Island. it is an edutainment game. Yes, i am rightfully ashamed of my fear.
The island in which the game is set has multiple pathways between the minigames, all dark paths in groaning woods, your feet clattering over crumbling bridges, ghosts whirring past, howling and heavy breaths coming nearer… luckily for me, because i got easily lost both in real life and in game spaces, the game would auto-move you if you clicked on a map the minigame you wished to get to. So you click, your character clipclops along, takes a left, a right, etc, Boom youre there.
but one day, I x’ed out of the map and couldnt figure out how to get it back. this was halfway through a ‘move’ and in trying to get it back i stopped my character mid-travel. So. for the first time in the game i was really deep in the woods with no idea how to get anywhere. i was trembling, i had to keep going, but in what direction?
i kept moving, and i would jump every time a ghost popped up, and (do remember this was a time pre-gamefaqs) i was in deadly fear that something was following me. as far as i knew the game could actually do that.
my parents gave up on me playing the game because the Big Bad of the game, a witch (scary, but not the scariest), flew into the clearing i was in in order to give me a quick minigame, and when she burst into view i screamed out loud at three oclock in the afternoon.
i did not have a good first impression of fourth grade.
and the worst thing to me was not just my cowardice at giving up but, the goal of the game is to save your classmates, theyve all been transformed into monsters. so when i stopped playing i had in essence abandoned them on that haunted island.
i preferred the ClueFinders games anyway, haha
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
the sports festival tournament has begun! and more antics with the poe family
leo: ....im back. Ivan: "??? Oh. Hello." leo: have you been well? Ivan: "Better. More or less." YuY leo: miss lewis hasn’t been pestering you, has she? Ivan: "...A little?" leo: please try not to let it bother you too much... Ivan: "Oh, I have a plan for it not to bother me..." leo: o.o; oh? Ivan: "She'll be...tied up for a bit." leo: ....i have reasons to be concerned. Ivan: "What's the worst that can happen?" FD: "Have either of you seen Zoey?" leo: .... ._.; Ivan: "...She's busy." FD: "Really?" Ivan: OuO; leo: >->; *A thump is heard in the closet* FD: "..." Ivan: OuO;; leo: i'll.....go and see what that is. zoey: *muffled screaming of rage* Ivan: D8 leo: ._.;;;;;;; FD: "...I'm not surprised. Ivan, go punish yourself." Ivan: "Why would you think it was me?!" katya: .... 737~ FD: *death glare* Ivan: "!!! R-Right, sir!" *pulls out a whip, exits* leo: ah-......*sigh* ... FD: *pulls gag off of Zoey* zoey: that horrible monster tied me up and had katya throw me in there! FD: "...Shall we punish Katya?" katya: D8< FUCKING SNITCH! <fedya, how do you put up with this rotton fuck?!> FD: <It's not that rotten.> katya:.... <im so glad you're just faking your 'love' for her, otherwise i would have to think something is seriously wrong with your mind.> FD: *smiles* <Thank you. Now, why did you do what Ivan told you?> katya: <well, she annoys me.> FD: <So you just intend to tie up everything that annoys you and lock it in the closet?> katya: <if it were anyone else outside the rats, i would have just shot them in the goddamn face> FD: *glares* <I will not have you do so to Zoey.> katya: <i hear you, man. i know you have plans for her.> FD: <Good. Now, for punishment: go polish the guns.> katya: *rolls eyes* <very well then.> FD: <And feed the priest.> katya:...*smirk* noted. *exits* FD: "...Zoey?" zoey: yes master? FD: "Are you okay?" zoey: i-im fine....*clinging to him* FD: *strokes her back* "There, there. It's okay." zoey: mmm~ FD: "Come. Let's clean you up." leo: ............*sighs* you all go on ahead...i'll just be by myself then......*walks away* FD: "???" Ivan: "Ow..." leo: *looks inside* .... Ivan: *whipping himself* leo:....*biting her lip* Ivan: *whimpering* "M-Master..." *whip* "AH!" leo:....*wiping her eyes* (thinking: i really wish....i could just go in there and hold him...but i have no right to do so...) Ivan: *collapses to his knees* "...Wh-Why..." leo:....vanya? Ivan: "!!!" *pulls a blanket over himself* leo: are you....alright? Ivan: "Go!" leo: *wince*....if you want to talk....let me know.....*exits, tears falling* Ivan: "..." *curls up in the blanket, crying* -elsewhere- Yohei: *soaked* "...Kid, come on. You got more water on me than on you." toru: >3< Yohei: *puts the cloth back in the water, scrubs Toru's back* "I thought you'd like a bath." toru: =3= Yohei: "...Want Mr. Rubber Ducky?" *holds up bath toy* toru: uu! Yohei: "Here you go..." *hands the rubber duck to Toru* -elsewhere- Bakugo: -_-# "...Why are you still here?" denki:....i got hungry. *nom* Bakugo: "So you think you can just eat my food?! Damn it, Sparky--" -morning- hitoshi: ..... midnight: now, time to decide the match ups out of our 16 winners for the tournament! Izuku: o~o Bakugo: "..." Iida: *adjusts his glasses* midnight: first up-....hmm? ojiro? you have a question? Ojiro: "Yes...I...must forfeit my advancement into the finals." Aoyama: "Le gasp!" ochako: eh? eijiro: you serious man? Ojiro: "No...It's about my honor." Izuku: "But you advanced!" nirengeki: i-i want to step down too. i dont remember anything from the cavalry battle, and everyone here made it with their own strengths, but i dont even remember it. it wouldnt be right to let someone who didnt do anything move up. ochako:... *looking at ojiro* Ojiro: *nods* "I feel likewise. There is no honor to advancing when I was not in control of my own abilities to get to this point. I wanted to show my heroism by my own talents in collaboration with others...not being pulled along without my awareness." midnight: very well. i will allow it. taking their place will be two members of team kendo- itsuka: actually, i would rather have someone from team tetsutetsu take their place, they worked pretty hard out there. Tetsutetsu: "???!! B-But your team advanced!" Bakugo: "..." itsuka: well, you guys were practically immobilized out there. it just feels like the right thing to do. Tetsutetsu: "..." *shaking* "Itsuka..." Bakugo: "??!" Tetsutetsu: TT____TT "THANK YOU!" ibara: bless your heart. itsuka: *glances at bakugou, smiles* Bakugo: "...You sure about this? I was looking forward to seeing you in combat." itsuka: *she nods* dont worry, im sure you can see me in action later on. Bakugo: "...I look forward to it." itsuka: sounds like a date then. ^^ tokage: *dragging itsuka off* come on lovebirds, let's ride. reiko: that would be advisable. kinako: dude, that's rad. Tetsutetsu: "Okay--so, which of us is advancing?" Bakugo: -\\\- Monoma: *internal screaming* -and so- hitoshi: .... announcer: first match, is midoriya vs shinsou! BEGIN! Izuku: "..." ("What Ojiro told me...") hitoshi: ....oi, midoriya, this is a battle to test your will, right? if you have any vision for your future, then it doesnt matter how you got here, like that dumbass monkey babbling on about his pride. Izuku: "?!!!" Ojiro: "...Oh, no. Don't do it!" Iida: "Don't do it!" Bakugo: "...Meh. Do it." Izuku: "How dare you say that about--" -pang- hitoshi:...heh. announcer: eh?! midoriya's frozen solid! Izuku: “….” *his eyes are glazed over* ochako: !!! Ojiro: "YOU HAD ONE JOB! WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT OF WARNING?!" hitoshi: good, now turn around and walk out of bounds, ok? yuuji: the hell? Izuku: …… *turns and walks* denki: WOAH! HE'S ACTUALLY DOING IT?!?! Bakugo: "...This is stupid. He's walking the _long_ way out. Why not walk perpendicular out the _short_ way?" ochako: DEKU! SNAP OUT OF IT! All Might: *watching from the entrance* "!!!" ("Come on, kid! What the hell are you doing?!") Izuku: ("...My body is like stone...I can't control this...My mind is in a haze...This is what Ojiro warned me--and I didn't listen!") Ojiro: "YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME!" Izuku: ("I KNOW THAT ALREADY!") -eyes can be felt staring at him- Izuku: ("?!!! ...All Might?") -snap out of it!- -???: *smiling* you got this, kid.- Izuku: *his foot reaches the edge--when his fingers start heating up...* *BOOM* hitoshi: ?!?! Izuku: *his fingers are broken...his foot stopped before reaching out of bonds...* *turns to stare at Hitoshi* "..." hitoshi: h-how? how did you snap out of it?? Izuku: *clenches his teeth, glaring at Hitoshi...marks forward* hitoshi:...what? got nothing to say? im jealous though, just being able to move your finger that way must mean you're the real deal. Izuku: *still marching* ("No...I'm not. I inherited this ability. Without it...I wouldn't have gotten to this point...") hitoshi: ....dammit, SAY SOMETHING ALREADY! Izuku: *runs at Hitoshi, shoving him* hitoshi: !!!! *spins him and-...* Izuku: *holds onto Hitoshi, swinging him around* hitoshi: oh fu- -KO- Bakugo: !!!! ("That move...It's the same when--") midnight: and the winner is, midoriya! Izuku: *rubbing his nose, bloodied* hitoshi: .... {hitoshi: ...} {Classmate #1: "You got your quirk--and it's mind-control? Cool!"} {classmate 2: that seems so villainous!} {hitoshi: ..... *looking down*} {Classmate #3: "Just don't control my mind, buddy!"} {-of course, they'd expect something bad from someone with a quirk like mine...even in a room filled with people....i felt....alienated-} Izuku: *standing, bloody, hand injured...* "...Why did you want to be a hero?" hitoshi:...... *walking off* Izuku: "..." *frowns hitoshi: we dont get to choose things we naturally admire. Izuku: "?!" General Course Student #1: *watching* "..." gen course student:... you did awesome out there, shinsou! hitoshi: ?? *looks up* Student #2: "You almost beat the guy who placed first! That's an accomplishment!" hitoshi:.....oi, midoriya, they'll consider transfers to the hero course based on results here. i may have failed here, but im not giving up. Izuku: "..." *smiles* "Right!" -pang- Izuku: ….. ("...Aw, balls.") -snap- hitoshi: people who respond to me tend to stiffen up like that. it'd be easy for me to mess everything up for you right here. so, try not to fall for stuff like that, kay? Izuku: "..." *nods* "I'll make sure not to!" hitoshi:...now if you excuse me. *getting into a large hamster ball and rolls off* ochako:... what? Monoma: "...Gosh darn it to heck." Iida: "...That's bizarre, even for this school." Bakugo: "..." yuuji:...im gonna go take a leak, lates. -and so, the second match begins- hanta: *streeetch* i really dont feel like winning, tbh....*TAPE SHOOTING* Todoroki: *death glare* hanta: but i dont feel like losing either! Todoroki: *just stands there* -swiiiing- Todoroki: "...I'm done here." hanta: hu- *FWOOSH* ochako: !!!!!! hanta: !!!! Aizawa: *in the announcer's booth--staring at an iceberg in front of him* "...Huh." Arthur: *looks up from outside* "...The Titanic has landed?" teacher: oh shit- GET THE FIRE BRIGADES IN HERE! THERE ARE CIVILIANS TRAPPED IN THERE! shinra: already on it! tamaki: right! hanta: o-ow... midnight: h-h-hanta is i-i-immobilized....t-t-the winner is t-t-t-todoroki. *shivering* Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." *heats up his left hand* Arthur: *charges up Excalibur* "Stand still, ma'am." ochako:.....(thinking: todoroki.....) -later- Todoroki: *back to the crowd...head lowered* itsuka: seems they're going to hold the other UA matches until the stadium gets fixed. ochako: todorok- Todoroki: *ignores, keeps walking* ochako: ....*looking around* Endeavor: *stare* ochako:.....*hard stare....fist clench* hey. you're todoroki's dad, right? Endeavor: "Yeah? I'm the hero Endeavor. Don't you know that?" ochako: well, hard not to know that...he's told me a bit about you. Endeavor: "Can only imagine..." ochako: ...he did pretty great so far. you're proud of him, arent you? Endeavor: "He'd have won his matches if he just did what I said and used my power in the competition." ochako: *fist grip* but still, he won, didnt he? Endeavor: "Winning isn't enough, kid. Out there, you live or die, rise in the ranks or sink into obscurity like the failure you are." ochako: *shaking* (thinking: i want to say _something_....but what _can_ i say? i cant think of anything....dammit!) Endeavor: "Shouto will learn--if he's going to be the Number 1 hero, he has to use my ability. So, unless you want an autograph, beat it, kid." ochako:...no thanks, i dont take autographs from jerks. *walks off* Endeavor: "..." *shrugs, walks away* ochako:..... Todoroki: "..." ochako: hmm? oh, hey todoroki. you did awesome in the match today. ^^ *her hands are trembling* Todoroki: "...He's a bastard." ochako:....so i've noticed...claiming you have 'his ability'....but you're ability isnt anyone's but your own, right? Todoroki: "...It's his. Every last bit of it. And if I could expel it from my DNA, I would." ochako: then make it your own! Todoroki: "...?" ochako: *determined smile* i believe in you! Todoroki: "..." -\\\- "Your beliefs are not going to change the past." ochako:...then let's work towards the future. ^^ Todoroki: "...That is unbelievably corny." ochako: ^^;; but it's true, though. Todoroki: "...Thanks." -elsewhere- Izuku: "Th-Thanks, Nurse." ^^; -elsewhere- Poe: OWO;;;; emilia: is this miss lucy? atsushi:....um....hi? Lucy: "??? Edgar? You're here?" Poe: "Y-Yes...These are Lucy and Atsushi." emilia: *looks* she looks like a princess. atsushi: um...is this your...uh... ._.; Lucy: .\\\. emilia: you got a big dolly with you, and a big kitty too! atsushi: ?? Lucy: ^\\\^; "Yes, I do...Do you like dolls and kitties?" emilia: *nods* uncle eddie has a kitty too, but he's a lot smaller, and kinda scary. Lucy: "???" atsushi: that's a raccoon. Poe: O_____O;;;; emilia: no, i dont mean karl! >3< Poe: *nervous laugh* "Ha ha ha ha--such an imagination--" ^^;;;;; Lucy: "...Atsushi, show off your cat ears." atsushi: o_o; um.... Lucy: *pinches his bottom* atsushi: MEEP! *tiger ears* ./////. emilia: woah! Lucy: "So if Emilia can see Atsushi is a tiger...and knows I have Anne..." *stares at Poe* Poe: O__________O black cat: -you didnt even know your niece is a gifted? wow, you really are stupid- emilia: ??? Poe: "STOP TALKING, YOU STUPID CAT!" *covers his ears* atsushi: h-hey, easy now! ranpo: oh, hey poe, who's the kid? *sipping from his juice box* Poe: YwY "My niece..." Lucy: "She sees things." ranpo: oh, so she's a medium or something? Lucy: "Maybe..." *smiles at Emilia* "Emilia, do you see something around Ranpo?" emilia:....i dont see anything. ranpo: so i dont have any ghosts hanging around me then? atsushi: -___-; Lucy: "???" Poe: QWQ ranpo: something bothering you again? Poe: "...Just a lot going on. Family visit. Vampires." ranpo: yeah, i saw that some explosions went off near your girlfriend's apartment, how is she? Poe: "She's staying at my place." ranpo: and her dad? Poe: "Also staying with us." ranpo: gotcha. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *trying to pull ribbon off himself* >_< louisa: ?? mary: what's the matter, lil guy? Mr. Tsubaki: *rolling on his back, now tied up in the ribbon* O_O; louisa: oh, oh dear, wait right there! *exits with mary* Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; ("I'm not opposed to this kind of thing--just not like this...") *still struggling* *POOF* Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form--and now choking* O______O louisa: im back with the sci- ..... Mr. Tsubaki: O-O;;; *he is tied in a….rather risqué fashion* louisa:......... *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM LORD FRANCIS SOME PERVERT GOT INTO THE BUILDING!!! Fitzgerald: "?!!! What's all this now--" Mr. Tsubaki: *bounces out the door--and through an opened window* O___O mary: OuO;;; what just happened? Mr. Tsubaki: *crashes into an open dumpster...emerges, without ribbons, in fox form...with a banana peel on his head* X____X hobo: the fnguck? Mr. Tsubaki: *stares at the hobo, still in fox form* "...You should go to the shelter across the street." *limps back into the building* ("Ow...ow...ow...") -elsewhere- Arthur: "Look on the bright side: the Festival now has all the shaved ice it could ever want." shinra: yeah, i guess. *phew* at least we got most of the civilians out from there....cant imagine what was going through their heads... All Might: *in de-powered form* "Um, excuse me? Young man? I'm sorry to bother you, but one of the students...they got their tongue stuck to the ice." shinra: ah crap. hold on! Bakugo: "DAMN IT, SPARKY! I TOLD YOU THIS WAS STUPID!" denki: <kusakabeeee help> TT_TT shinra: hold still. *puts his foot to the ice, melting it away* denki: *spitooie* ugh, thanks man, i owe you. Bakugo: "...I heard of putting your foot in your own mouth, but this is just stupid." shinra: it's all good, all in a heroes work! *smiles* All Might: ^^ "Quite heroic, kid." Bakugo: "Tch. You, a hero? You aren't even in the class." All Might: -_- shinra: wont stop me from trying. ^^ All Might: *thumbs up* Bakugo: "...IT'S NOT FUN IF YOU HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE, DEKU!" All Might: "...???" Bakugo: "I mean, Deku's friend!" shinra: jeez, what bit you in the nuts? tamaki: shinra, quick making small talk and help us out! Arthur: *holds up Excalibur* "On it!" *swings the sword* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: -_-; "Stupid were-tiger and that brat..." higuchi: still angsting? Akutagawa: "I do not angst. I consider the ramifications of others' foolish decisions." >3< higuchi: you look kind of down, though. Akutagawa: "...So long in this mafia--and alone." higuchi: ...... Akutagawa: "He will never be with me, as he is with that awful young woman with arrested development and the doll fetish." higuchi:....*sigh* well, you still have us, right? Akutagawa: "..." *looks away* higuchi:....if you want to talk, let us know, ok? Akutagawa: "Fine. Thank you." *goes back to striking the punching bag* -elsewhere- kirako:...dazai? what the heck did you just send me? -he sent her that video of the ‘lemme smash’ bird with 0 context- Dazai: *holding straw* owo "I thought it was funny..." kirako: ^^; you sure there's no subliminal messages here? Dazai: "Maaaaaaaaaybe~" *cheek smooch* kirako: *chuckles and rolls eyes* not during work, dazai. ^^; Dazai: *whispers* "When you're not at work...~" kirako: deal. Dazai: =w= "It's a date..." -elsewhere- leo: .......*getting out of the bath* {leo: *laying on the ground, brutally beaten*} {John #1: <"Still haven't had enough?"> *kicks her*} {leo: *wince* ......} {John #2: <"Maybe make it better for her. Distract her from that pain with some pleasure...">} leo:...... *knock knock* leo: j-just a moment! *getting dressed* yes? Ivan: "It's me." leo: *opens the door* h-hello. Ivan: "...I am sorry for my rudeness earlier." leo: i-it's fine, really. Ivan: "...Are you okay?" leo: *nods* just got out from the bath. Ivan: "Hope it was relaxing..." leo:...i suppose.....and you? Ivan: "...I had to be bandaged." leo: you didnt get hurt again, did you?.....oh right....the whip.... Ivan: "...Yeah." leo: .....mr fyodor hasnt forgotten about you. Ivan: "...I know. He told me to punish myself. That is obvious." leo:......*sad expression* Ivan: "...I will let you get back to your tasks." leo:...right....*sigh* Ivan: "...Goodbye." *turns to exit* leo: ....... Ivan: *walks through the hall* FD: "Ivan." Ivan: OWO; "S-Sir?" FD: "Follow me." Ivan: OWO "...Okay?" *FD takes Ivan into a room* Ivan: "S-Sir?" FD: "Let me see your back." Ivan: "..." *turns around* FD: "..." *sighs* "Take off. The shirt." Ivan: "...!!! R-Right..." *unbuttoning* *lowers his shirt, revealing his bandaged back* FD: "..." *traces a finger along the bandages* Ivan: *shudders* "S-Sir--?!" FD: "Shhh..." *kisses above the bandage* Ivan: O\\\\\o FD: *his hands move along Ivan's chest* Ivan: *moving forward* "S-Sir?! What are you--" FD: *turns Ivan around--and kisses his lips* Ivan: O\\\\\\O FD: *pushes Ivan to the wall* "...Take off those clothes." Ivan: "..." *starts unbuckling his belt...pulls down his pants* -elsewhere- Joker: "Well, that was surprising." ivy: no shit. Joker: "I mean, not even using fire? That's pathetic." -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." *looks at his hand* ("I should've smiled...") tsuyu: great job out there, izuku. Izuku: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks...I still feel kind of foolish..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You feeling better?" lilac: *under the weighted blanket*....*nod nod* Sakuya: *pats head* "Need a drink?" lilac:....*nod* naho: ... Sakuya: "We'll take care of that..." *exits for the kitchen* naho:....*hug* lilac: i-it was cold....i was really scared..... naho: i know... Sakuya: *heating up water* "..." lilac: those fire people helped me though.... naho: you're ok lila, ok? you're home now and you're ok. Sakuya: *shakes his head* ("What kind of an idiot can't control his abilities like that?!") naho: *humming* lilac: *holding onto her* *hic* Sakuya: *finishes heating the water, pours the tea, returns* "..." *sets the tea down, sits by Naho* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking:......thanks..... Kid: "You're welcome...It's okay..." stocking:....*sigh* i thought i was over these nightmares..... Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "I know. At least it's in the past..." stocking: r-right..... Kid: "...How about some tea?" stocking:...i'd like that. Kid: *gentle smile* "Coming right up." -elsewhere- sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *sipping beer* "..." -it feels empty- Chuuya: "..." *opens another bottle* -...- -why couldnt i save her?- Chuuya: "If I had listened...Paid attention..." -i dont want to feel anything anymore. i dont want to think about anything anymore. i just want to be with you...- Chuuya: "..." *sets down the beer...walks to the bathroom* -...- mito: o^o? Chuuya: *shuts the door...turns on the tub faucet* sonia: papa? Chuuya: "..." *turns off the faucet...stares at the water in the tub* "...Y-Yeah?" sonia: are you ok? Chuuya: "Y-Yeah. Just...a stomach ache." sonia: are you in the bath? Chuuya: "...Just finishing." sonia: .....are you sad? Chuuya: "...A little...sick..." sonia: do you want a hug? Chuuya: "...Yeah. One moment..." *stares at the tub...* *sighs* *opens the door* sonia: *looking up at him* -naoya: that kid's going to be depending on you, you know- Chuuya: *puts on a smile* "Hey..." sonia:....*hugs his leg* Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: i love you, papa. Chuuya: *sniff* "I love you, too..." sonia: please dont die, ok? Chuuya: *trembling "...O-Of course not..." sonia: i dont want to lose my papa too.... Chuuya: "..." *leans down, looks her in the eyes* "I promise you, I am not going anywhere." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *pats her back* -elsewhere- Poe: QwQ lana: everything ok, edgar? Poe: "I-I was just surprised at someone..." lana:...*hug* Poe: *shivers* "I-I'm kind of scared." lana: ?? Poe: "...My niece...saw something." lana: ?? Poe: "...Some ability users manifest...alternate selves." lana: you mean she's- Poe: "...I think she can see." lana: .... Poe: "...I've been plagued by these images." lana:.....*hugs him* Poe: *sniff* "I-I thought I was seeing things throughout my youth..." {cat: *grinning maliciously at a young edgar*} {Young Edgar: Q~Q "H-How does no one see it?!"} {maid: sir? is everything alright? you're running an awful fever...} {Young Edgar: "Get that cat out of here!"} {maid: ....sir, there isnt a cat in here. please, get some sleep. we'll call the doctor now.} lana:... Poe: "I-I never understood it...I wanted to be where I would not have to fear being followed by that beast." lana: *rubs his back* shhh... it's ok now. Poe: *shivers* "I-Is it? I think it's back..." -cat: i never left, you know- Poe: D: *quiet squeak* lana: *hugs* it's ok, just breathe. Poe: *inhales, closes his eyes, holds onto Lana* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Sorry about earlier." atsushi: i-its fine. .///.; Lucy: "...I mean, I like the ears." atsushi: yeah i- -moans can be heard on the 3rd floor- atsushi: O-O;;;; Dazai: "Who's your daddy?" Lucy: ……………….. atsushi:.....................................excuse me, i need to lose conciousness now. *FAINT* Lucy: D: "No!" *holds him by the shoulders, shaking* atsushi: oyoyoyoyoyo.... -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, dunked into a washbasin, cleaning garbage off of him* -____-# mary: how did you even get into the garbage, lil guy? Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox chitter* mary: hmmm there you go! all clean now! Mr. Tsubaki: *after being toweled, he's now a giant fluffball* ._. mary: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes a bit to return his fur to normal* .\\. mary: *hug* Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\o "..." *small nuzzle* bram: .... Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= *looks up at Bram* "???" ("...I sense something...") bram: .....*uneasy* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sniff* ("...Blood?") bram:....*coughing up blood* d-damn... Mr. Tsubaki: O___O "..." *small lick of his own lips* bram: *shivering* urg.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nudges Bram's leg* bram: ah-um.... ._.; Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps up, licks Bram* bram: ._.;;;; erm- mary: *giggles* aww, he likes you! Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzles* =w= *smells the blood* bram: i-it's fine, that happens a lot...wait, why am i talking to the fox? Mr. Tsubaki: *head tilt* -elsewhere- Ivan: >\\\\\O pushkin: *listening through the door*.....bruh. katya: <better than hearing that creepy brainless nurse, for sure> leo:....................... barkova: ?? owo FD: "Who. Is. Your. Master?" *whip* Ivan: "Y-You!" leo:.....*shaking* FD: *grunts* "That's...right..." *slap* Ivan: "AAAH~" leo:......................................*walking away* FD: "Just a bit more..." *his hand is stroking along him* "Cum for your master..." Ivan: "I-I want to..." *SLAP* -elsewhere- keek:....................*glances at hawthorne* Hawthorne: *he’s out cold from the torture* keek:.....................*looks down at her stubs*.................*tearing up* {Mother: "Don't you ever want to get out of your room?"} {keek: it's too stressful to deal with other people mom.} {Mother: "I know...but if you don't try, you may miss out on something great."} keek:.....*whimpering* Hawthorne: …. *turns* -elsewhere- sachiko: *yaaawn* so tired... Spirit: "...Want to kick back a bit?" sachiko: yes please. *leaning against him* Spirit: =\\\= *puts an arm around her shoulder, kisses her cheek* sachiko: mmmm~<3 Spirit: "Hey...I love you." sachiko: i love you too. *kiss* Spirit: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Relan: .\\\. shinra: *snuggles* zzzzzzz iris: *puts the blanket over him* Relan: "Th-Thanks..." iris: ^^......he's exhausted. Relan: "Yeah...and with the competition coming up, he'll need the sleep." iris: *nods and kisses their foreheads* get some sleep, ok? Relan: ^\\\^ "You too. Night." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *in convenience store* "...Midnight? That you?" midnight: *in civilian clothes* shhhh. im not on the job, just call me nemuri. yuuji: um...hi? Aizawa: "Yeah, sorry. I was just getting newbie here a meal." *grabs cat food* midnight: ....cat food? yikes. yuuji: -_-; no, we went to an actual restaurant. Aizawa: "This is for my cats. I'm cheap, not sadistic." *points* "Hey, kid--you want something? My treat. Ice cream?" yuuji: uuhh... sure. 7-7; Aizawa: "Okay...Nemuri, you finish your grading?" -morning- Dazai: "..." -it's quiet...then again, it is a graveyard- Dazai: "Hi again. Happy birthday." -no answer- Dazai: "...Been a busy year. Atsushi is in school. Ango is still a dick." -...- Dazai: "...Think Akutagawa is getting better. Kinda. He isn't as stalkerish." -...- Dazai: "...I can tell a lot of people miss you...I miss you, still. Miss what you would've been writing. I don't read as much as I want...but if it was your stuff..." -...- Dazai: "...I shouldn't talk about vengeance. Not on your birthday. Not when you told me to..." *puts his hand on the gravestone* "I want to do what you asked...and I'm trying." -...- Dazai: "...Goddamn it, I'm trying..." *crying* -...- Dazai: "...I miss you, Oda. And...I wish you were here, for your birthday." -...- Dazai: "..." *sets down flowers and a blank notebook* -...- Dazai: "May you always write, my friend..." -...- Dazai: "Happy birthday..." *passes his hand along the gravestone* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *sleep talking* "R-Rain..." sonia: zzz.... Chuuya: "N-No!" *wakes up with a start* sonia: zzzz..... Chuuya: *stares at Sonia* "..." ("...I have to be here, for her...") sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in* sonia: *she seems content* Chuuya: "..." *smiles, gets up and goes to the kitchen* -3 texts from; kouyou, naoya, and mori- Chuuya: "..." *pulls up Naoya's* naoya: [you're up against the weretiger today, good luck!] Chuuya: ("Crap...That is today...") [thanks. i'll be bringing sonia over. keep mori away from her] naoya: [can and will do] Chuuya: [thanks] *pulls up Kouyou's* kouyou: [did you sleep ok last night?] Chuuya: "..." [no] kouyou: [did something happen?] Chuuya: "..." [a nightmare] kouyou: .... [please dont over exert yourself today] Chuuya: [i won't. thanks] "..." *hesitates to pull up Mori's text* Mori: [don't lose] Chuuya: "..." [i won't] -elsewhere- Kyoka: "You ready?" atsushi: nervous as all hell, but yeah. Kyoka: "..." *looks around him* "Your fan club seems enthused." atsushi: my what now? o_o; Audience member #1: *in tiger ears and a tail* "Go, Tiger Boy!" atsushi: ^^;; odasaku: lucky you, kid. atsushi: ( -///_///-; ) Audience member #2: *wearing a tiger shirt and holding a sign: "LET IT ROAR!"* Akutagawa: *in tiger ears* "..." atsushi: (thinking: im not sure how to feel about this) Akutagawa: "...If you lose, I'm ripping your body into pieces." atsushi: o_______o; (thinking: OH GOD IM GIVING THEM EXPECTATIONS NOOOOOOOO) Audience Member #3: "Hey! Don't threaten him, you meanie!" *they're wearing a full tiger furry suit--and smash their sign into Akutagawa's head* -elsewhere- Lucy: *at work, wiping a table...looking up at the TV coverage of the Festival* "..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "...Endeavor." Endeavor: "...Princess." hanako: mama, who's this? Hibana: "Just a jerk who abused his wife and is an awful parent." hanako: *looks at endevour....sticks her tongue out at him* -elsewhere- Izuku: *looking at the long line* "It's taking forever to get inside..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tying his shoelaces* "..." shinra: good luck out there, ozaki. Chuuya: "...Thanks." *stretches* "Let's see how this goes." -elsewhere- Iida: "Looking forward to this round?" atsushi: *nods* OwO;;;;;;;; Iida: "...Well, you are fast, although your fighting style is rather rudimentary..." atsushi: um...thank you? Iida: "I suggest using raw force to end the fight quickly." atsushi: *looks at his hand* ok then? Iida: "How long can you stay in tiger form?" atsushi: well, as long as i need it too, but i dont really have much control when i go full tiger, so... Iida: "What if you _have_ to? Can you risk going full tiger at the end of the competition?" atsushi:....*gulp* *sweats* Iida: "..." *shoulder pat* "I couldn't risk expending all my power until the end of my competition in the cavalry battle. I think you can't either." atsushi:....right. -elsewhere- zoey: .....*asleep* {####: thanks} {zoey: *bandaging a fellow camper's leg* no problem ###} {####: "Our little medic--so talented."} {zoey: well, i do want to be a nurse some day so that i-########} -useless...- {FD: "You are mine alone."} -i only live for you- {FD: "Yes, you do."} -i will kill for your sake- {FD: *hands the knife to her* "Prove it."} {zoey:.....} {zoey?: p-please.....stop this..this isnt you...} {zoey: shut up. *cutting into her*} {zoey?: *SCREAMING*} {zoey: the person i was.....has no reason to exist anymore...} {FD: "No...and all that is left...is what I wanted..." *his fingers dig into her clothes...and her skin...*} {zoey: ah...~} zoey: *opening her eyes, staring at the ceiling* ........... *A thump is heard outside her room* zoey: ??? *footsteps are heard coming to her door* zoey: *sitting up* *The door opens* zoey: ?? FD: *pokes his head in* zoey: ah~ FD: "Did you sleep well?" zoey:...yes. and you? FD: "...I was exhausted from work..." *crawls into her bed* zoey: mm... *hugging him* FD: *snore* *he's already out* zoey:...*holding him, his face against her chest* FD: "Zzzz..." *buries his face* -elsewhere, underground- Ivan: =w= *still tied to the wall* leo: um....should i....get you down now? Ivan: "Yes, please..." leo: *untying the ropes* how do you feel? Ivan: *sigh* "Satisfied." leo:....i see.... should i get you a change of clothes, then? Ivan: "That would be nice..." =\\\= leo: *nods and looks in his wardrobe, getting out some clothes for him* Ivan: "Ah, good choice. Thank you." *takes the pants* leo:.... *looking away, blushing slightly* Ivan: "Master is so attentive." =w= leo:....indeed he is. Ivan: "And masterful..." leo:......so i see. Ivan: "No, you didn't~" leo:........................ah. right. Ivan: "Hee hee hee..." leo:....you seem....happy. Ivan: "I do feel happy...He makes me happy." leo:...i can see that.... Ivan: "You should find that yourself..." leo: *wince*............maybe....but i dont think he'd be interested. Ivan: "Can't hurt to ask..." leo: ..........no, he probably wouldnt think of me as a potential lover. Ivan: "Probably for the best to find a good opportunity to ask him. Maybe spend time with him..." leo:....r-right...*INTERNALLY SCREAMING* Ivan: "Well, I worked up an appetite. Let me make us some pancakes." leo: alright then. *His fly is down* leo: um.....v-vanya.... .///////.; katya: *walking by* <vachenka! for fucks sakes man, zip it up!> Ivan: "???" *looks down* <Oh my!> *zips up* leo: 7/////7;; Ivan: ^^;; "Hey." <Sorry!> -elsewhere- Dazai: *walking back to the office* "..." yana: *whistling gymnopedia no 1* Dazai: *freezes* yana: *glances over at him* Dazai: "...That song..." yana: you a fan of classical music, buddy? Dazai: "I'm familiar with a bit of it." yana:....ah. cool. *walking off* Dazai: "..." ("That song...Where was it...?") -elsewhere- Chuuya: *stretching* atsushi: *sweating* Chuuya: "..." ("For Sonia...") atsushi: *gulps* -get ready- Chuuya: *assumes offensive pose* atsushi: *takes stance* -BEGIN- atsushi: *side-step circling* Chuuya: *circles Atsushi, getting closer* atsushi: (thinking: if what dazai said is right, this guy is one of the best, if not the best, martial artist in the port mafia. that's not really encouraging!) Chuuya: *jab* atsushi: GRK- ow... Chuuya: *sweeps his leg underneath Atsushi* atsushi: *jumps back* Chuuya: *gravity push* atsushi: !!! *tiger arms grab onto the ground, stopping just before out of bounds* Chuuya: *break-dance flip, sending his foot at Atsushi's face* atsushi: *tiger punch to the gut* Chuuya: "UMPH!" *coughs, knocked onto his back* atsushi: *charges at him* Chuuya: *flips back, still holding his stomach, as he uses gravity to lift up part of the platform floor* atsushi: looks like dazai wasnt joking about your skill. Chuuya: "...Dazai spoke about my skill?" atsushi: *jumps in to jump-kick him* Chuuya: "!!!" *tries to push him but only barely dodges, getting hit in the leg* atsushi: *jumps at him again* classmate: dang, nakajima's really giving his all in there. Akutagawa: *fuming with jealousy* atsushi: *throwing a punch* Chuuya: *catches the punch* *glaaaaare* atsushi: owo;;;; Chuuya: "...Dazai isn't here, is he?" Akutagawa: "...How dare he...touch...his hand..." atsushi: i dont....think so? o_o;; Chuuya: "Hmmm...Well, I can't afford to go all-out. So I'll just do this--" *applies pressure onto his arm* atsushi: urk- Chuuya: "A little gravity, and it'll be like a broken arm..." Akutagawa: *tearing his teeth into the seat in front of him* atsushi: g-good thing....i can regenerate....right? Chuuya: *smirks* "If your cells are constantly exploding from gravity?" atsushi:......um- *BOOM* atsushi: ?!?! Chuuya: "?!!! I didn't even fire off gravity yet--" Referee: "Intruder on the field! Sir, get back to your seat--" Akutagawa: *swinging the referee around* atsushi: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; denki: WHAT THE FUCK IS ARARAGI DOING?! naoya: oh no. Referee #2: "Um...Time out until we clear the field--" Akutagawa: "YOU DO NOT TOUCH HIM!" Chuuya: o_o;;; atsushi: *FLEES* OH HECK NAW-....oh... oh shit. annoucner: NAKAJIMA IS OUT OF BOUNDS! Akutagawa: *Rashomon has wrapped around Atsushi's ankle* atsushi: *SCREAMS* Sakuya: "?! Someone should get down there!" Chuuya: *cracks his knuckles* "Sorry, Akutagawa..." *lifts Akutagawa* -huh? where did atsushi go? Latsushi: *blinks* huh? wha? homura: you're welcome. Akutagawa: "PUT ME DOWN--" Chuuya: "As you wish." *drops Akutagawa--and presses gravity down on top of him* *BOOM* higuchi: D8> -after that fiasco- atsushi: um...c-congrats on making it into the finals, chuuya. Chuuya: *shrug* "Thanks. Could've been faster if not for Akutagawa's freak-out." atsushi: you know, even though you're in the mafia, you're actually pretty nice. Chuuya: "...Don't think we're besties now or something." atsushi: sorry sir. ._.;;; odasaku: *chuckles* same old, chuuya. Chuuya: "Drop the 'sir' crap. I'm the Mafia, and I uphold what I do there. This is just us having a truce, for however long that lasts." atsushi:....right. *ahem*........soooooo.....how's sonia doing? Chuuya: "..." *pulls out his phone* *showing pics of Sonia to Atsushi* "There she is having ice cream! And there she is playing checkers--she's so good at it!" atsushi: o_o; (thinking: his attitude did a 180!) odasaku: ._.; no kidding. Chuuya: "Then here she is at the swimming pool! And here she is punching Mori in the balls--" odasaku:....damn. kid's got guts. so goddamn proud. atsushi:....ow. Chuuya: "He's fine--he's a doctor. Oh! I should check on her--" *dials Naoya* naoya: yo. Chuuya: "Hey. How's Sonia?" naoya: she's nappin' right now. so's Q. Chuuya: "Good. I'll be right there." -elsewhere- Dazai: Q____Q aya:........*offering him a big city cola* Dazai: "Thanks..." *sniff* "My kid didn't advance against Shorty McCrankypants..." aya: that sure sounds like a bummer. yosano: well he did his best, and that's what's important. Dazai: "...I still owe him a big meal." -elsewhere- ango: ......*sighs* i thought visiting his grave would make it easier..........*sniff* dammit....*whimper* im sorry.....im sorry..... -elsewhere- Lucy: "..." atsushi: sorry i didnt- Lucy: *glomp* atsushi: o////o Lucy: "YOU IDIOT! YOU ALMOST DIED!!!" atsushi: s-sorry.... *hug* seems chuuya was as strong as dazai said he was... Lucy: "..." *hug* "Yeah...You did your best." atsushi: .... Lucy: "...I'm proud of you. You didn't lose control..." atsushi: ....*small smile* Lucy: "..." *rests her head on his shoulder* "...You need something to eat." atsushi: yeah, im starved. Lucy: "...I made some food at the Agency..." -elsewhere- kirika: WHATS UP MOTHERFUCKERS! GUESS WHO MADE IT TO THE FINALS!! lord death: congratulations! Yumi: "We are so proud of you." *hug* kirika: !!!... 7///7 y-yeah, i-i am pretty awesome, r-right? Patty: "You're going to kick so much ass out there!" kirika: y-yeah! that ozaki's gonna be eating my dust out there, haha! *laughing as she tears up slightly* Yumi: "??? Kirika..." kirika: i-im not crying! i-i just have dust in my eye! >3< Yumi: "..." *smiles* "Of course." *hands her a tissue* kirika: *sniff* =///n///= Yumi: "..." *rubs her back* "It's okay...We love you." kirika:.....*sniff* *hic* t-thanks... Yumi: *smiles* "You're welcome..." *head pat* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "I'm so happy to see you." sonia: you won, papa! Chuuya: ^\\\^ "Yep! And I wanted to win for you..." sonia: *smile* Chuuya: "Were you good to your aunt?" Mori: *coming around the corner behind Chuuya* sonia:... *clinging to chuuya's leg, scared* d-demon... Chuuya: "???" Mori: "Congratulations, Chuuya. You did well against the Weretiger." Chuuya: "..." *holds Sonia* "Thank you." Mori: *smiles* Chuuya: "..." sonia: *buries her face into chuuya's chest* Chuuya: "...I have to rest and get Sonia home--" Mori: "Of course. Good night, Sonia..." sonia: *trembling* Chuuya: *whispers to Sonia* "It's okay..." Mori: *waves* sonia:...*giving mori a dead stare.....just like his mother's...and like rain’s…* Mori: *STRUCK* "..." -it's just like back then....with both of them...- Mori: *tears falling* "St-Stop that..." elise: .....?? {tomoe: i wont...let you become like your father...} Mori: "I-I'm not!" elise: rintarou? Mori: "G-Get me out of here..." -elsewhere- Poe: "Zzz..." lana: *gently stroking his head* ..... Poe: *slight murmur* "Mmm..." {annabelle: so eddie, you said you had something to ask me?} {Edgar: owo; "Y-Yes...I was wondering..."} {annabelle: ??} {Edgar: "Would you...like to go out...with me?"} {annabelle: ah......like, romantically?} {Edgar: O\\\w\\\O "...J-Just one date..."} {annabelle:.....eddie, i-....im sorry. you seem really sweet, but.....i just dont like you that way.} {Edgar: "..." *STABBED IN THE HEART* "Oh...Okay...Forget I said it..."} -...- Poe: "N-No..." lana:.......*holding his hand and kisses his forehead* Poe: "..." *whimpers, shudders* lana: it's ok edgar, im right here. Poe: "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *smiles* "Good work today." atsushi: ^^; odasaku: .....*faint smile* Dazai: "Sorry I didn't make it out there...I had an errand." atsushi:.....ah, i see. it's fine. Dazai: "And hey, you got a lot of good attention. People saw you as the heroic underdog." atsushi: me? a hero? Dazai: "You kind of have that chronic syndrome." *holds up Kyoka* Kyoka: "...Put me down." atsushi: >->;; ah, now i feel bad, i let all those people down. Dazai: "Aw, don't. You got so far in the competition! They admire you." atsushi: i guess....i just...kind of felt like i was put on the spot and i got nervous... Dazai: "Well, Chuuya can be intimidating. In terms of power. Not height." atsushi: so i noticed... *looks at his hand* Dazai: "...Does it hurt?" atsushi: i think it's better now....thank god for regeneration, right? haha. Dazai: "No kidding..." *sad smile* atsushi:....can i talk to you for a moment? Dazai: "??? Sure..." atsushi:.....you went to odasaku's grave, didnt you? Dazai: "...Yes." atsushi: ......it's his birthday today, right? odasaku:....... Dazai: "...Yes." atsushi:....*hug* Dazai: "..." *sniff* atsushi:.... odasaku: it's gonna be ok....you've come so far already, dazai... Dazai: "I just miss him..." atsushi:....i think he misses you too.... Dazai: "...How would..." atsushi: *smiles* call it instinct. Dazai: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Victor: *violently shaking* owo karin:....yyyeah maybe switch to decaf. Victor: "i KEep tRYING..." shinra:..... !!! the firefly is here! miwa: oooi, akitaru! we're here! padma: good evening, commander oubi. karin: eh? *grin* commander, you didnt tell me you had a girlfriend~ Akitaru: "...??? I do? That's news to me...Oh, hey, Commander." *waves* miwa: long time no see......*grin* commander, you never told me you have a girlfriend! shinra:....this gag feels familiar...but at the same time, different... Victor: "wE CALl thaT 'UNcaNNY!" *still shaking* Akitaru: "Commander, this is our new mechanic, Dr. Itou." karin: or if you prefer, call me karin! *shakes her hand* miwa: commander tsurumaki, or just miwa. karin: course im not the only new additon. oi! vulcan! yu! come on out! Vulcan: "Doc? What's up? What did you--" *spots the Firefly* "...Oh sweet heavenly perfection." miwa: it's a beaut, aint it? sayu: *peeek* hiya! shinra: squad 0's vehicular base, also known as the 'firefly'. Vulcan: "...That is a beautiful name...Finally! Something with an animal name to it!" *approaches the vehicle* Akitaru: "Yu, say hi to Sayu." sayu: hiya! ^^ yu: um....hi? ^^; ???: are you forgetting someone? Akitaru: "...???" misora: none other than the super cute idol commander. mi~so~ra HINA~!<3 shinra: *sweatdrop* (thinking: how did a dillusional idol even become a company comander in the first place?) Akitaru: "...Oh. You. Hey." Takehisa: "VULCAN! STOP DOING THAT TO THE FIREFLY!" yu: D8 padma: *has her whip out* and just what do you think you are doing, young man? *glaaaare* Vulcan: "...I like to get up close and personal with new technology." padma: would you like to get up close and personal with a fire whip? *the whip ignites slightly* Vulcan: o____o; "...No, ma'am." *backs away* serina: ^^; shinra:..... (thinking: we really need our own medic.) Arthur: *his head is stuck in a vase* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *muffled* naoya: you gonna be alright, akuta? Akutagawa: "Why am I being punished?!" naoya: wellll- hirotsu: your actions today were completly reckless, and you could have given away your true identities to the DWMA. Akutagawa: "Chuuya was getting too close!" hirotsu: ? naoya: *rolls eyes* oh boy. Akutagawa: "I should've defeated him!" naoya: *head pats* easy now. Akutagawa: "..." *whimpers* YY~YY naoya: you want some fig tea? Akutagawa: "Y-Yes..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *playing with rabbit toy* mary: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes the toy, drops it at Mary's feet* mary: you wanna play fetch, lil guy? Mr. Tsubaki: *pants, wagging his tail, leaping* mary: ok! *toss* Mr. Tsubaki: *runs for it--and bumps into someone* nankichi: eep! oh? gon, it's another fox. -a small fox like creature appears on his head- gon: why indeed it is, indeed it is, nan. Mr. Tsubaki: "...???" Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs Gon* gon: oi, what'chu sniffin at, mate? Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;; *turns around and walks* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *wiping the kitchen counter* tsubaki: *pulling the cake from the oven* Shamrock: "Let me set down the cloth..." *sets it down on the table for the cake* -elsewhere- Hibana: *putting ice on her fist* >_< gabriella: what happened? D8> Hibana: "Endeavor's head is harder than I thought." gabriella: *grumbles* i hate that guy so much! it just-....bring back some bad memories for me.... Hibana: "..." *holds Gabriella's hand with her uninjured one* gabriella:....t-thanks....*sniff* for everything. Hibana: *smiles* "Right back at ya." *smooch* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Haven't you had enough cookies?" kenji: zzzzzz ranpo: THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST! Kunikida: -_-; "At least share some with Aya." aya: *nom* >3< Kunikida: "..." *hands her a napkin* aya: thanks. ^^ Kunikida: "And have your milk. It will build strong bones." aya: aye aye sir! Tanizaki: "...So, are you adopting her, or what?" aya: ?? Kunikida: "..." *steals Ranpo's soda* ranpo: OI! D8< Kunikida: *sips--then spits it out* "!!!!" yosano: *drenched*.......*blinks* *unamused* Kunikida: .\\\\. "..." *pulls out a tissue* yosano:.....oh, you have a bruise.....*pulls out cleaver* why dont i fix that up~ OuO# Kunikida: O_______O *runs* yosano: *grabs him by the ponytail and drags him into the medical room* Kunikida: Q~Q “NOOOOOOOOOO!” Tanizaki: "..." *holds up glass of punch* "Good luck!" -use your imagination- -elsewhere- Giriko: *sets his baby down into bed* anna: zzzzz. arachne: *smiles* Giriko: *strokes Anna's head* "Good girl..." -elsewhere- Monoma: *spying* ("Just get his Quirk...") hitoshi: *still in the hamster ball* Monoma: "..." ("Maybe I need a strong person's Quirk...") -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: much...*snuggle* Kid: =\\\\= *hug* stocking: i love you so much. Kid: *smiles, strokes her hair* "I love you, too." stocking: *kiss* Kid: =\\\\= *smooch* -elsewhere- Sho: "Small." crown: ? guruna: kuru~? OwO Sho: "..." *trying to reach the shelf* dahlia: *lifting him up* arrow: .....*shaking, trying not to chuckle* guruna: he has to be lifted up! how lame! arrow: *punch* show respect you. guruna: myun! rude! >3< Sho: *grabs a cookie jar from the top shelf* "Thank you." -morning- Izuku: *having ice cream* ochako: ^u^ tsuyu: *nom* Iida: "Quite good..." *has strawberry syrup drip down his chin* "Oh." momo: *offering him a napkin* Iida: "Thank you." *takes it* momo: ^///^ Izuku: "Any pre-competition plans?" momo: !! it would be wise to get some training in while they repair the damages. Iida: "And we don't want each other to know how, lest that be used against us in the competition..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *reading* fuyumi: are you going to the festival today? Todoroki: "In a bit." fuyumi: well, im going to be off to work now. make sure you lock up, ok? Todoroki: "I will. Thank you." -elsewhere- misono: zzzzz.... Lily: "...Morning!" misono: *yaaawn* mrnin...*turns* shinoa: oh. you're up. misono:............. EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LILY HOW DID SHE GET IN HERE?!?!?! Lily: "You seemed lonely, so I invited Shinoa over--" misono: DIDSHEDOANYTHING?! shinoa: oh my, it seems he's all aflutter~ misono: DONT ENCOURAGE HIM! >///<; Lily: "Of course not! Shinoa respects you too much for that." shinoa: ^^ misono: ....are you sure there's no ulterior motives here? shinoa: if it's about C3, im not 'official' with C3, as C3 and the demon moon company are separate entities from each other. scout's honor. Lily: "..." *shrug* "I have breakfast coming." misono:....i....see.... *sweatdrop* Lily: "And with that in mind, let's just enjoy the company, Misono~" *sits on bed* "Shinoa, what do you like on your toast?" -elsewhere- FD: "..." yana: <ya?> FD: <Just thinking...> *sneezes* yana: <you're not getting sick on us, are you?> FD: <What is it that they say: 'If someone talks about you, you sneeze?'> yana: .... <i think i've heard that. what do you think they're saying?> FD: "..." <No idea. Few know we're here...> -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." *nodding off next to Atsushi on the couch* atsushi: ...... odasaku: ...... Dazai: *yawns, stretches* "...Oh. Sorry, man. Was sleeping." atsushi: it's fine...you sleep ok? Dazai: ^^ "You too, hero." atsushi: .... 7///7; *awkward cheek scratch* Dazai: "Night!" atsushi:.....dazai....it's morning Dazai: "..." TnT "I wanted more sleep..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *whistling as he puts on a tie* naho: hmmmmmm..... im not sure which one to go with... *looking at two dresses, one red, and one green* Sakuya: "..." *looks into her eyes* naho: .... o///-///o Sakuya: "Hmm...Red would go well with your eyes." naho: hmm. ok, sound good. plus tsubaki said the restaurant has reddish lighting....but i can tell the old man's going to be telling dumb jokes all night 7_7; otogiri: then again, it _is_ his birthday. let him enjoy it. Sakuya: "...No earplugs?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *approaches the Festival* ochako: todoroki! *waving* over here! Todoroki: "..." *walks to her* "Hello." ochako: so what did you want to do first? Todoroki: "I don't know..." *staring at a ride* "..." ochako: ....did you want to ride the ferris wheel? Todoroki: "...Yes." ochako: *takes his hand* awesome! let's go! Todoroki: .\\\. ("...Thank God that's my cold hand...") ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "...I guess you get to see these heights all the time..." *enters the Ferris wheel box with her* ochako: i guess. Todoroki: "...You seemed to have your stomach problems with anti-gravity more under control." ochako: you think? i havent really noticed. Todoroki: *nods* "In the competition, you managed very well." ochako: aww, shucks. ^^ Todoroki: "You must have been practicing a lot." ochako: *nods* plus the doctors have me on a weekly vitamin to keep my nausea down. Todoroki: "...That was responsible and smart." ochako: *nods* Todoroki: "..." *looks down at his hands* ochako:.... Todoroki: *his right hand starts forming ice...* ochako: todoroki? Todoroki: *the ice starts to form the shape of a miniature replica of a person* ochako: oh! Todoroki: *it forms a floating person* "...My mother used to make these..." ochako: wow....is she...i-if im asking something you dont want to remember- Todoroki: "I'll let you know if it is." ochako: ...is she....dead? Todoroki: "...No. She's in a hospital." ochako: ....oh... Todoroki: "...She hasn't been released in some time." ochako: ..... Todoroki: "...She has not improved." ochako: *tearing up* todoroki... Todoroki: "..." *dissolves the miniature...* "Please don't..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "..." *takes her hand* ochako: ah- *small blush* Todoroki: "I understand how you feel. But I didn't want to make you cry." ochako: ... t-thanks. Todoroki: "..." *looks down* "...!!!" .\\\. "...Sorry. My hand is still wet." ochako: i-i-it's fine. ^^; Todoroki: "..." *lets go, reaches into his pocket, offers a handkerchief* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *with an NES Zapper* "...Where do I put in the bullets?" bram:.....*looks at louisa* do you want to explain it or should i? -elsewhere- Relan: "..." *picks up a shirt* "???" -it has a panda on it- Relan: "Huh. That's cute..." yu: i think that's one of vulcan's. Relan: "Huh...Why is it out here?" yu: well it _is_ laundry day. Relan: "Well, I'll get it to him in the laundry room. Hey, Vulc--" o\\\\o Vulcan: "...What?" shinra:...... >///>;;; *cough* Relan: "...Well, I see the boxers match the shirt." *tosses it to Vulcan* Vulcan: "...Oh, thanks, man." *tosses it into the washer* shinra:....rel...you seeing what im seeing?.... Relan: "Preeeeeeetty much." shinra:...... *SMOOOOOCHes him* >//////< Relan: O\\\\O "..." =\\\\= Vulcan: "...Don't you have a room?" shinra: dont _you_? Vulcan: "...Touché." *takes his laundry basket and goes upstairs* -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *opens his dictionary* emilia: *peeeek* Poe: "Hmm..." *writes down a word* "But the meter is off..." *looks* "Oh. Emilia?" emilia: *hands him a bowl of dry cereal* mom thought you might be hungry. Poe: "Oh. Thank you." ^^ -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." shaula: you hype? Medusa: "...Just thinking about what to do first..." shaula: oh? Medusa: "Maybe initiate the next experiment..." -elsewhere- naoya: zzzzz.... Akutagawa: "Zzz..." *sleep kick, like a puppy* naoya: *strreeetch* ....*small chuckle* Akutagawa: *pulls blanket over himself* naoya: *getting up and starts making omelets* Akutagawa: *sniff sniff* "..." *sits up* "...Eggs?" naoya: mornin, kiddo. i take the couch wasnt soft enough for ya? Akutagawa: "..." *looks around* "What happened?" naoya: you kinda flipped out and i had to drag you home, but you wouldnt let go of me, so i just told your sis you were staying the night. Akutagawa: "...Ah. Sorry...Thank you for letting me stay." naoya: hey, anytime, akuta. *grins* Akutagawa: "..." *looks around the apartment* "...You need a rug." naoya: i might get one for the living room later... Akutagawa: "I could get you one...after the blood is cleaned out." naoya:....i'm good, thanks. Akutagawa: *shrugs, opens her fridge* "...No apple juice?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *opening his notebook* tamaki: *taking notes* mio: .... Meme: *raises her hand* "And weapons can set off metal detectors!" Student #1: *taps Tamaki's shoulder* "Hey...Pass this to Gravity Boy." tamaki: ?? *peeks* *Note: "You're hot. Want to get yogurt?* tamaki:.....*tosses it at chuuya, and points to the student* Chuuya: "???" *reads it* "..." tamaki: ?? Stein: "...Tamaki, why did you make him cry? That's going to be detention." tamaki: D8 BUT I- Chuuya: *trembling Stein: "...Someone give him a tissue already." tamaki:......*facedesk* you know what? just dissect me, i dont even care. Stein: "..." *griiiiiiiiin* "Okay." *removes a scalpel* -elsewhere- Gin: *holding a knife* "And what else do you know?" guy: i-im telling you! that's all i know! Gin: "Hmm..." *looks at his hand* "That's a nice ring." guy: i-it's from a pawn shop, alright? so i like wearing jewelry, big fuckin deal! Gin: "Really? You bought a _class ring_ from a pawn shop?" *brings the knife to the finger* guy: i-is that what it is? Gin: "It is. So let's get this straight: either you went to that school, so you're who I want--or I need to know the pawn shop where you got it. Either way, you're going to talk, or you're only going to be able to count to nine..." *presses the knife along the finger--* guy: ok ok! i'll tell you! hirotsu: ... -outside- Tachihara: "...Jeez, it's taking forever." mafioso: *yaaaawn* Tachihara: "...Hey, Bob, you got a smoke on you?" mafioso: sure. mafioso 2: i got some gummy bears! Tachihara: "...Damn it, how many times I got to tell you: you can't smoke gummy bears." mafioso 2: fuck you, gummy bears kick ass! Tachihara: "I'm not debating that! But until they make nicotine gummy bears, I just asked for a smoke! You always do this! If you love gummy bears so much, why don't you marry one?!" -BANG- mafioso 3: i think the interrogation is done. hirotsu: send in the cleaners. Tachihara: "..." *goes up to the door, the cigarette in his mouth* *The door bangs open--into Tachihara's face* Gin: "Yes. Bring a few to--" *looks around* "...Tachihara?" mafioso: ouch. mafioso 2: *snickers* Gin: "Oh, gummy bears. May I have one?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Better?" ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "...Cotton candy?" ochako: heck yeah! Todoroki: "Okay. Excuse me. One cotton cand--" Hyde: "Here you go!" *shoves it at Todoroki* Todoroki: "..." *hands the money* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *typing...* "Okay, I have the surveillance video. Watch it." atsushi: *watching* *The video footage shows a young woman walking out of a pharmacy* atsushi: ... Kunikida: "Now to get her identity..." *types to zoom in--* *The video cuts out* Kunikida: "?!!!" atsushi: ???? *The video changes to--* *A recording of Kunikida, drunk, singing karaoke* Kunikida: <It’s not unusual, to be loved by anyone~ its not unusual-> atsushi:......................................what? Kunikida: >\\\\> *taps the backspace key...nothing happens....starts typing random keys* "Go away go away goawaygoawayGOAWAYGOAWAY!!!" *smashing the keyboard* *Laughing is heard behind Atsushi* Dazai: *cackling* atsushi: ._.; -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How have things been since the last time you were here?" miwa: fairly normal. we've been keeping our eyes out, but so far nothing has come up. Akitaru: "...We're getting ready for a mission." miwa: oh? Akitaru: "Locating the ones responsible for the human flame transformations." miwa: .... Akitaru: "Can always use someone to watch the 8th while we take care of that work..." miwa: just leave that to us. *thumbs up* Akitaru: "Thanks." *smiles* "Glad to know there’s people keeping the city safe." -elsewhere- Tuhl: *listening to the fridge* "..." medea: ..... Tuhl: "...Yep. The fridge wants to be cleaned. And it's getting real tired of expired leftovers..." -elsewhere- Izuku: X_X eijiro: is...is he ok? Bakugo: "Don't know...He was hitting the punching bag, and I think it knocked him back." eijiro: ow. Izuku: *slurred speech* "May I have more tea, Mrs. Nesbitt...?" eijiro: i'll get him to the nurse. Bakugo: -_- "Yeah. You do that." Izuku: "I don't like the crumpets. They're just dry biscuits..." @W@ -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "I'm back with meals! Ranpo, got yours here--" ranpo: awesome! Tanizaki: "Naomi." *hands her a bento box* naomi: thanks big bro~ *huuuug* Tanizaki: o\\\o "...Kirako, here's yours..." kirako: thanks. ^^ Tanizaki: "Atsushi..." *hands four boxes* "...I think they got your order wrong." -elsewhere- Kid: *fixing his hair* liz: busy day? Kid: *nods* "Father has an important meeting..." liz: ah. well, do your best, ok? Kid: *smiles* "Thank you. What are you up to?" liz: well, wes and i have a date night tonight. ^^ Kid: "That's good. I've hardly seen him. He finish his concert piece?" liz: *she nods* Kid: "I look forward to hearing it. You excited?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *aims* "..." padma: *observing* Takehisa: *fires at the target* sayu: so mr vulcan, do you have any siblings? Vulcan: "Nah. Just me." sayu: ah. i have two older brothers. they're twins, you know. Vulcan: "You can tell them apart?" sayu: *nods* i can tell because of instincts! ^u^ shinra: ^^; she sure is an interesting kid, isnt she? sayu: hey big bro, shinra! Vulcan: "...Wait...So Shinra is your brother?" shinra: oh that? that's just something she calls me. ^^;; sayu: what he said. ^^ shinra: ....but i do have a brother....and im going to bring him home, no matter what. Vulcan: "...Yes, you will." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *sips tea* "...Ginger." waitress: it's a new blend we got in today. Kyoka: "It's good. May I have a vanilla cookie?" waitress: sure thing. kenji: *nom* ^^ Kyoka: "...Kenji, do you prefer vanilla cookies or chocolate cookies?" kenji: they're both really good. ^^ Kyoka: *nods* "I wish I had had more chocolate chip cookies..." *nom* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looking at records* "..." clerk: you interested? Todoroki: "Maybe. How does it sound?" -elsewhere- Relan: *humming* serina: *setting up the medical ward* Relan: "??? Need any help?" serina: the pillows could be fluffed up if you want. ^^ Relan: "Sure!" *takes up a pillow* "Lot of medical equipment?" serina: *she nods* Relan: "Where did you study medicine?" serina: hmm? well, i studied at DCU in medicine. Relan: *nods* "Must've been a lot of work..." serina: *she nods* how do you like it at the 8th? Relan: "It's still a lot to get used to without having as much training--but it gives me a goal to get better." serina: ah. maki told me you used to be in the 3rd brigade, is that right? Relan: "...Yes." Q_Q serina: then you and the commanders have something in common. Relan: "O-Oh?" serina: before squad 0 was formed, commander tsurumaki and commander agni were part of the 3rd brigade. however, commander tsurumaki and giovanni didnt exactly see eye to eye in terms of the treatment of flame beings. she knows that they were once human beings. Relan: Q~Q "I-I can see that, given the Comman--given Giovanni's behavior..." *sniff* serina:....!!! *hug* it's ok, he wont hurt you here! Relan: *whimper whimper* "I'm sorry...Giovanni was awful." serina: *pats his back* Relan: "Th-Thank you...I'm better now." -elsewhere- Poe: *putting on sunglasses* "...Bright outside." karl: *chitter* Poe: "..." *puts sunglasses onto Karl* karl: ^u^ Poe: *looks at fruit stand* "Hmm...Maybe an apple tart would be good to make--" ???: HEY POE! LONG TIME NO SEE! Poe: "???" *looks* twain: *waves* Poe: "Oh! Twain. Hello." twain: what's new with you? Poe: "Oh, just...taking care of my house..." -elsewhere- Anya: *staring at an All Might action figure* "...People buy this stuff?" mio: oh yeah they do. Anya: "...It's rather expensive. Does it even do anything?" *pokes the package* -elsewhere- pandora: ......hmm? Mad!Kid: *shudders* pandora: *pokes her head through one of his open cuts* cant sleep again? Mad!Kid: "...No." pandora: you'll see that girl soon... Mad!Kid: "...I wish it was sooner." -elsewhere- FD: *typing* yana:.....*checking her phone* ?? FD: [find any targets?] yana: *looking around* Monoma: *rubbing his nose* "Stupid ball..." yana: .... [nothing of interest @ the mo] FD: [okay. keep looking] Monoma: *stops in front of shop window, looking at reflection* yana: *short glance.....looks away, uninterested* -elsewhere- Arthur: "How bad was detention?" tamaki: eh...could have been worse... Arthur: "Well, you missed some training, but I think the Commander will be lenient--" *BOOM* tamaki: WHAT THE HECK?! miwa: oi! kotatsu! there you are! Vulcan: "It worked! Now we just need an extinguisher..." -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* "I felt like I was going to fall asleep during that meeting, Father." lord death: sorry it ran so long, kiddo. stocking: welcome home. ^^ Kid: *smiles* "Hello, Love." stocking: *hug* lord death: i'll just leave you two love birds be~ *exits* Yumi: *glaring at Lord Death* Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* lord death:....*hug* QuQ iluvyu Yumi: >3< "...Shiori's teething... lord death: oh! shiori: *nomming on a wet washcloth* Yumi: TT3TT "Look at this..." *shows a bite mark on her finger* lord death: i'll get you a bandaid! stocking: ^^; Kid: "How was your day?" stocking: pretty good. mom came over, so me, her and the other girls decided to have a nice tea party. Kid: "Aw, that sounds sweet." stocking: *she nods* mom's coming along nicely. Kid: "Is she feeling okay?" stocking: as far as i can tell. Kid: "It can be a lot to work with..." -elsewhere- Belkia: "Yummy!" naho: that was really good. lavender: thanks tsu. tsubaki: ^^ Higan: "I really appreciated it." tsubaki: any time. Black Star: *shoving another piece of cake into his mouth* -elsewhere- Touma: *holding a bag of ice to his eye* mafura: O^O *worried* Touma: "Why am I not healing faster...What happened after that awful doll and depressed brat..." mafura: mafura's really sorry she messed up... Touma: *inhales* "It's fine...We'll just have to try another approach." *pats Mafura's head* mafura: ^^ Touma: *types on the computer, pulling up the camera outside Tsubaki's house* "...No one's home?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "WHO SAID THIS WAS OKAY?!" atsushi: O.O ???? Kunikida: *pages are ripped from his notebook--and made into origami* atsushi:.... yosano: *looks at dazai* Dazai: "!!! Why do you think it was me?! I'm not good at folding!" *his fingers have papercuts on them...* yosano:...why dont i heal that up~ ^^# Dazai: Q~Q "I-I don't think your ability works on me, Doc..." Kunikida: "IT IS WORTH A TRY..." -elsewhere- FD: "...What?" yana: yep. this kid's walking around in a fucking hamster ball....that's pretty fuckin weird, even by death city standards. FD: "And why is he doing that?" yana:....*shrugs* FD: "Can you talk to him?" yana: eh, i try not to. his quirk involves being able to control the minds of people who respond to him verbally. FD: "...Any way to copy it?" yana: that monoma kid has been trying, although his reasons are just petty... FD: "Oh? Which reasons?" yana: he wants to use it to convince his ex to get back with him. how childish. FD: "Hmmm...Well, dreams can come true..." yana: still, seems kind of pointless. why not just let the past be the past? FD: "People cannot get past it without substituting that past with something else...or someone else..." yana: .....its because they're afraid. FD: "Exactly. It is hard to inspire confidence in people to get over that fear...Not without feeding them something..." yana: hmm? FD: "You give them a taste of a potential future, and they will beg you for more..." yana: ... *listening* FD: "If I feed someone a story of what the future can be, they listen. If I give them a taste, they hunger for more. This is how you gain followers: you tease them, you troll for them..." yana: ... FD: "So, talk to those boys, find out what they hunger for." yana: i'll use a whiteboard for mind boy. FD: "Good plan. And use the scented markers--the one that smells like grapes may convince him." -elsewhere- Joker: *hugging a beer bottle* "Zzz..." scarlet:....*sigh* honestly... Joker: *shivers* scarlet:....oi, bartender, mind getting him a blanket? Bartender: "Coming up..." *puts one over Joker* "Jeez, he over-did it this time..." scarlet:....*sigh* well, im gonna call it a night. Bartender: "So, take it you're putting the drinks on the tab?" scarlet: yeah. -later- scarlet: *in the elevator* sonia: *looks up at her* scarlet:....? Chuuya: "Which floor, ma'am?" scarlet: 16th. Chuuya: *presses the button, holds Sonia's hand* sonia:...her hair looks like mama's. scarlet: ?? Chuuya: ^\\\^ "...Her mother had red hair..." scarlet:....oh...i see....it's-....thanks. Chuuya: ^^ "Yeah, her hair does look like Mama's, Sonia." sonia:.... scarlet: .....she seems like a sweet kid. Chuuya: "The sweetest. And smart." scarlet:....keep her safe, ok? Chuuya: "..." *pulls Sonia closer to him, keeping an eye on Scarlet* scarlet: im not threatening her, im just saying, this world can-.....*sigh* forget it. i dont want to upset her. Chuuya: "..." *nods* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "...How long have you lived here?" scarlet:....for a while now, you? Chuuya: "Quite a long time...How do you like it?" scarlet: it's alright. gives me a roof over my head, right? or rather a few floors, haha. Chuuya: "Heh...It's roomy." scarlet: yeah....well, here's me. night. *gets off* Chuuya: "Night." *keeps Sonia close* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "...You feel okay, Sonia?" sonia:....yeah...just thinking. Chuuya: "..." *hug* "I miss your mom, too." sonia: .....were you talking about people dying? Chuuya: "...Yes." sonia:....i've seen people die before, underground..... Chuuya: "..." *holds her hand* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "I'm sorry you saw that." sonia:.....are those people going to kill more? Chuuya: "...I don't know. They may." sonia:....oh..... Chuuya: "But I promise...we'll find them. And we'll stop them." sonia:..... -elsewhere- elise: hey gin, what are you guys gonna be for halloween? Gin: "??? I hadn’t considered." hirotsu: same here. naoya: for real you guys? seriously! it's only a few days away now! Gin: "...I'm not the 'Halloween party' type." naoya: im sure you could think of something. i already have my costume ready! Gin: "Oh? Is it a surprise?" naoya: nah, im gonna be ghost rider. Gin: "...Motorcycle or car?" elise: cool. im gonna be dorothy of oz! rintarou tried to ask me to be red riding hood, but he was offering the costume that shizuka wore during their 'playtime'. Gin: *covers her mouth* O_O naoya: .....well, i know what's going to be in _my_ nightmares tonight. elise: yeah, i think he's going senile. Mori: *walking by, humming 'Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?'* naoya:.....*gives him a weird look* Mori: "...Oh, do remember to come to the Halloween party!" naoya: noted, sir. 7_7; Mori: "Hirotsu, I expect to see you in a costume~" hirotsu: wouldnt miss it for the world. Gin: "..." T_T higuchi:..... >->;; Mori: "Maybe Gin and Higuchi could have a 'theme outfit'?" Gin: "...Not likely, sir." Mori: "Oh, boo." higuchi: ^-^; miura: -_-; i have your costume here, sir. *it's a plague doctor costume* Mori: "Oh, thank you!" *strokes the mask* elise: creepy. Gin: *covering her mouth* "Excuse me--" *dashes* higuchi: .... elise: ?? Gin: *enters the restroom--goes to the stall* mafioso: gin? are you ok- Gin: "Fine." *shuts the door* mafioso:... Gin: *curled up, trying not to vomit...* ("He's so disgusting...and knowing what he has done...") *shudders* higuchi: gin? are you ok? Gin: "..." *opens the stall door* "..." *shakes her head* higuchi:....you want to stay at my place? Gin: "..." *nods* higuchi: ok... Gin: "..." *pulls down her mask* >~< higuchi: *pats her back* ginger ale? Gin: *nods* -elsewhere- Wes: "Looking forward to Halloween?" liz: i guess. and kid's birthday. Wes: "I finished up the gift...Just need the card." -elsewhere- louisa: *sewing costumes* Mr. Tsubaki: >3< *exits* ("Why does she need so much private time...") louisa: *getting costumes ready* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Okay...All done!" *puts down the tools, revealing a suit of armor* "What do you think?" shinra: looks pretty badass! Vulcan: "Yep! And it's functional for Halloween. Gonna get so much candy!" yu: awesome! Akitaru: "Just remember: you're accompanying children for Halloween on behalf of the 8th, so be on your best behavior. This means you, Arthur!" Arthur: "I told you, I demand more candy from each house: it is the chivalrous thing to do. Rob from the rich to give to cavity-forming children." shinra: right. tamaki: -.-; Relan: "Almost got the costumes ready--the non-armor ones..." -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding up a replica of one of All Might's uniforms, in his size* QUQ inko: getting your costume ready, son? Izuku: *nods* "It's so cool..." -morning- Chuuya: *yawn* sonia: *drawing* Chuuya: "???" *glances* sonia: will i get to do tricker treating? Chuuya: ^^; "Yes, you will. But it's called 'Trick or Treat.'" sonia: ah. -elsewhere- yana: ok! i got the costumes ready! pushkin: *holding up a lion costume* sweet! Ivan: "??? A lion?" pushkin: kat's gonna be the tin man. Ivan: "I see..." yana: vanya, i got yours here Ivan: "Oh, thank you." ^^ zoey: i'll just...get ready now...*goes to get changed* leo:.....same here. Ivan: *looking around for FD* katya: and fedya? yana: he said he'd make his own. *shrug* Ivan: "..." *sneaks away* pushkin: ?? Ivan: *approaches FD's door--* *BANG* pushkin: O-O; Ivan: *knocked down by the opened door* X_X *A rat-masked person looks around the hallway* FD: "..." *voice muffled* "Thought I heard something..." yana: <hey boss> FD: "???" *lifts up his mask* "Oh. Hello. How are costumes coming along?" yana: got everyone situated... is the padre still being a pissass? FD: "I am afraid he will get no treats this Halloween..." katya: unless you count a crowbar to the kneecaps. FD: <Now, now--no need to be so violent...I made sure he could still walk. This time.> katya: =3= pushkin: gon? you ok? Ivan: X____X "Am I in Heaven?" katya: <you're at fyodor's feet, so i guess for you that counts> Ivan: <Then I am at peace.> =\\\\= zoey: master~ *clinging to fyodor's leg, in her costume* pushkin:.....kinda risque......she's gonna freeze to death. Ivan: “Freeze?” *now awake* "...Good." zoey: *nuzzle* FD: "..." *pet pet* Ivan: *glaaaaaare* yana: ^^; FD: "...Zoey, let's check your costume some more...privately." katya: gross. leo: .....<vanya?> Ivan: *shaking with fury* FD: *picks up Zoey* zoey: ah~ <3 FD: "And I'll even keep the mask on..." katya: <hey, you had one moment with him already, im sure it wont be the last> Ivan: TT_TT <I hope its not the last...> leo: ..... Ivan: <I'll be in my room...> FD: *closing the door* leo:..... *sighs* FD: *as he closes the door, winks at Ivan* Ivan: Q\\\\\Q katya:....<wow, that nurse is dense as hell> Ivan: <Or Master is just smart as hell...> katya: <that too...just what is he planning to use her for, i wonder?> Ivan: =\\\\= <Whatever it is, it'll be perfect...> -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looking at an outfit* "..." fuyumi: ?? Todoroki: "...Halloween is not my thing." fuyumi: ...if you want, you can stay in and watch old school horror movies. Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I would like that." fuyumi: *smiles* Todoroki: "...Maybe..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Aren't you adorable..." hanako: *she's dressed as wonder woman* gabriella: ^^ Hibana: "My little superhero..." -elsewhere- Belkia: *has a wolfman mask on* ayami: ^^ Belkia: "Just trying out ideas..." *takes it off* "Who you going as?" ayami: im not sure yet...i wanted to match you, so... Belkia: "Hmm...We've done 'magician and assistant'...Warlock and magic ball?" -elsewhere- tsugumi: *humming* Meme: "BOO!" tsugumi: EEP! mio: *sweatdrop* Meme: "Is it scary enough?" tsugumi: way creepy! >3< -elsewhere- Giriko: "What a cutie." anna: uu! arachne: ^^ *dressed as elvira* Giriko: *stares at Arachne* "...Wow..." arachne: it's been some time since i dressed like this. Giriko: "...I missed it." arachne:....*small smile* Giriko: "Still...thinking through my outfit." *picks up Anna* -elsewhere- Kid: "Hmm...All ready." stocking: oh? Kid: "My costume." stocking: what are you going to be this year, hun? Phantom of the opera? Kid: "..." *cringes* "I'm struggling to get the mask just right...and symmetrical..." stocking: im sure we'll find a way. ^^ Kid: "...Would you be...my Christine?" stocking: of course~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ stocking: *smooch* Kid: "Mmm~" -elsewhere- Dazai: *dropping large amounts of wrapping gauze into his shopping cart* Chuuya: *walking by in a new hat* Dazai: "..." *looks up* Chuuya: "..." Dazai: "...That looks stupid." Chuuya: "You buy those because they're on sale, or because you're still clumsy?" Dazai: "..." Chuuya: "..." Dazai: "...Is this where we make out?" Chuuya: "NO!" sonia: *staaaaaaaaaaaaare* Dazai: OUO "Hello, small Sonia! Still like your teddy bear~?" sonia:....how dare you talk to me, mackerel. Dazai: "...Huh?" OuQ sonia: *clings to chuuya's leg* Chuuya: *pats her* "It's okay. We're leaving." Dazai: QWQ "...Aren't I at least a sea bass...?" sonia: .....that's too awful. Chuuya: *smirks* "For him or the sea bass?" sonia:............yes. -elsewhere- Karim: *wearing facepaint* "..." pearl: ^^; headpiece: *praying in the chapel* Burns: "..." foien: oh? we have a 4th company commander now? Karim: "Looks like it..." dia: ... Karim: "He keeps to himself so far...Can't really understand him." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "...The hell are you wearing?" eijiro: .... i lost a bet with kaminari. ^^; Bakugo: "Some bet. What would've happened if you won?" eijiro: kaminari would have worn it! Bakugo: "...You pull it off better. Goes with your hair more." eijiro: daww. ^///^ Bakugo: "...You still look ridiculous." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *eating Animal Crackers* kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "..." *offers the rabbit cookie* kenji: thanks. ^^ Kyoka: "You're welcome...Do you know the best places to go for Trick or Treating?" kenji: *nods* ranpo showed me a whole bunch of nice neighborhoods around the city! Kyoka: "Excellent. I want to get bags of candy." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sipping her milkshake* atsushi: ^^ Lucy: "You have your costume ready?" atsushi: yeah. Lucy: *nods* "I'm almost finished..." *stares at mascot on her milkshake* atsushi:....so....the halloween dance is coming up... Lucy: "...Yes, it is." .\\\. atsushi:....yyyoooou wanna go with me? Lucy: "...I've been waiting for you to ask!" atsushi: is that a yes then? OuO; Lucy: "O-Of course!" o\\\\u\\\\o atsushi: great! *smiles* Lucy: "Yeah!" *holds his hand* atsushi: ^^ -elsewhere- kuniko: how's it going, gin? Gin: "...I've been better." kuniko: sis told me you were under the weather. Gin: "...Unfortunately, yes." kuniko: that stinks. Gin: "...I appreciate your concern. And your sister's." -mori's room...- Mori: *trying on his mask* -silence- Mori: "Mmm...Would you be proud, Dad?" -…- Mori: "...It is creepy enough to suit you." -...- Mori: "...I did all you wanted, and this is where I am..." *small giggle* -...the red light can still be seen through the small closet...- Mori: "..." *sets down the mask, approaches the closet* -shizuka's head is still there, just as she was left- Mori: "...Amazing. You still look...so perfect." -silence- Mori: *smiles* "I remember the last Halloween you spent with me..." -.....- {Mori: "Which candy is your favorite?"} {shizuka: *in her little red riding hood costume, enjoying a cherry lollipop* these ones.} {Mori: "Good choice...They last quite a while, depending how long you hold them in your mouth."} {shizuka: *chuckle* well, the party went off excellently, sir.} {Mori: "Because you were so organized. You did quite well."} {shizuka:... ^///^ t-thank you sir.} {Mori: *pats her knee* "I mean it...This would not have been perfect without you."} {shizuka: *blushing* s-sir...} {Mori: "...What do you think is the allegory behind Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf?"} {shizuka: i never really thought about it. ^^; } {Mori: *puts an arm around her shoulder* "I think...it is an allegory for girls' maturation into womanhood."} {shizuka: .///.} {Mori: "She is tasked by her mother to leave on her own, entering the forest--symbolic of the world. Then she is tempted by an odd figure, hairy, with big teeth, rather grotesque--the wolf, who is symbolic of all that adulthood can offer. He is greed, gluttony, wrath--all rolled into one."} {shizuka: that sounds frightening.} {Mori: "The world is frightening...And that wolf is representative of not just greed, gluttony, and wrath...Think of his gluttony and how he wants to consume Little Red Riding Hood..." *his hand moves to her side*} {shizuka: ah... o///o} {Mori: "Gluttony, that hunger...is almost sexual..." *leans closer* "He wants to just eat her up...until she experiences what the French call...la petite mort."} {shizuka: *shivering* m-mr mori...} {Mori: "Call me...the Big Bad Wolf..."} {shizuka: *blushing, eyes wide*} {Mori: *puts his hands onto the couch, by each side of her head*} {shizuka: *shivering*} {Mori: *leans his face closer to her* "Are you...afraid?"} {shizuka: n-no....if its you...then i know im ok.} {Mori: *smiles...before he lowers the wolf mask back onto his face...his hand slides along her leg*} -...- Mori: "...Hm." -silence- Mori: "...I suppose it's hardly a 'petite' mort now......" *sigh* "That was thrilling." -...- Mori: "..." *rests his hand along the jar* -she seems at peace- Mori: "...That is good." -...- Mori: "I will let you rest..." -elsewhere- Ponera: "..." *looking at the skyline* milia: ... Ponera: "Not something I'm used to seeing..." milia: ...... Ponera: "...What do you think? Something you could get used to?" milia:....the orangey colors remind me of mommy. Ponera: "..." *pats her head* milia:.....*sniffle* Ponera: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- justin:..... {justin: *thirteen years old, standing before the dead witch, eyes wide in fear*} {Spirit: "...It-It's okay..." *pats his shoulder*} {justin: *falls to his knees, throwing up from shock*} {Spirit: "!!! Wow..." *rubs his back*} {justin: *shuddering, trying to breathe* i..i-i...i ki-...i killed her...} {Spirit: "...Yes. Because she is a witch..."} {justin:.....*staring at the soul.......swallowing it.....before collapsing from exhaustion*} {Spirit: "..." *picks him up*} -elsewhere- Yumi: *wrapping a gift* shiori: kid! Yumi: *smiles* "Shh...It's a secret, Shiori." shiori: shhh. ^^ Yumi: "Good girl..." *puts the bow on* "Hope your brother likes the gift." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking at the Halloween costume* "...???" louisa: all ready! mary: neato! bram: thank you. Fitzgerald: "Excellent work!" louisa: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *nudges at his costume* louisa: *ties the little hood onto him* there you go. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks in the mirror* -it's a cute hood- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." =\\\\= ("Could be worse...") -elsewhere- Relan: "You excited?" shinra: yeah, halloween, plus my birthday tomorrow. Relan: *nods* "And the festival...You deserve a good gift." shinra:....*smiles* iris: ^^ Relan: "...We'll have something good for you." -elsewhere- Poe: "D-Did you want to...dress up?" lana: i was thinking about it, but i have no idea what i would go as. Poe: "An angel?" lana:.... *smile* -elsewhere- Dazai: *eating chips* Q__Q "I'm not a mackerel..." kirako: ^^; ranpo: getting picked on by a kid, that's pretty sad. Dazai: "I know it is! So if I eat chips, I won't be a mackerel anymore! I'll be a beautiful puffer fish..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Looking forward to the party?" naho: *nods* Sakuya: "Same...I think it'll be good for Lilac, too." naho: *nods* Sakuya: "And I bet you got a cute costume picked out..." naho: *she nods* tsubaki: what did you get? naho: *holding up a costume of star from star vs the forces of evil* Sakuya: "Oh, wow--" Black Star: "IT NEEDS MORE STARS!" -elsewhere- Hyde: *staring at a lava lamp* "..." julian: *laying in bed, unwell* Hyde: "...Is it any better?" julian: *groan* romina: *concerned* Hyde: "...What is it? Do we need a doctor?" romina: hyde, ya'll know julian has these fits now and then. julian: *shivering* Hyde: "Doesn't mean it's just right..." romina: ....did ya'll wanna talk to that quack from the antique shop? Hyde: "..." *sighs* "Worth a try..." -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\. kirika:.....hnn? what? Gopher: "...You're glowing." kirika: ?? i dont remember bathing in radioactive stuff. Gopher: "I-I mean... You're radiant. The development of womanhood is upon you." kirika: ..................its weird. Gopher: "I-I trust you will come through it perfectly. Because that's what you are--perfect." kirika: w-w-well yeah! im just badass like that! ^////^;;; Gopher: "Yes. And you're beautiful." kirika: >///3///< s-shush you! y-you wanna fuckin go?! >//////<;;; Gopher: .\\\\. "...'Go' in what way?" kirika: *pink in the face, grumbling* =///n///=' Gopher: "...S-Sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you...even though you are even more attractive blushing." -elsewhere- Sho: "...Bathe me in thy salvation. Let your flame bring me to your purpose." dahlia: *muttering prayer* Sho: "..." *looks at Dahlia* dahlia: ...it will be time soon. Sho: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *scratching* pandora: antsy? Mad!Kid: "Always...until I can return to her..." pandora: hmm... Mad!Kid: "I want to get to her...I can feel her..." pandora: i know, child.. Mad!Kid: "...May I go to her?" pandora: soon... Mad!Kid: "How soon?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tucks in Sonia* sonia: zzz.... Chuuya: *smiles, strokes her head* sonia: *clutching her bear* Chuuya: "..." *kisses her forehead* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Zzz..." karin:.....*puts a blanket over him* Vulcan: =W= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *smooch* stocking: *pinning him down to the bed, smirking* Kid: "Oh~?" stocking: *kissing his neck* Kid: *moan* stocking: you like that? Kid: "A-Always..." stocking: *smirks and kisses down his neck, unbuttoning his shirt* Kid: "S-So good...So hot..." stocking: mmn~ Kid: *slides his hands along her sides* stocking: ah~ Kid: "I bet...I know what you're wearing underneath..." stocking: oh~? <3 Kid: "Those striped ones..." stocking: bingo~ *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~ What do I win...?" *his hand slides up, holding her hand* stocking: you get to help me take it off~ <3 Kid: *smirks, his legs wrapping around her* "Hold still..." *his fingers reach behind her neck, finding the zipper* stocking: ah~ Kid: *slowly, excruciatingly, pulls down the zipper, kissing her lips* stocking: *moan* Kid: *finally draws the zipper down to pull her dress to expose her shoulders...kisses them* stocking: *shudders* fuck~ Kid: "What? Are you already..." *he has slid her dress down, revealing her bra* stocking: well, i cant help that you're so good... Kid: ^\\\^ "Why, thank you..." *he kisses above her bra* stocking: *sigh* <3 Kid: *his hand holds up her lower back, as he slides the dress off of her* -elsewhere- Lucy: *reading* rowena: ?? 'jane eyre'? Lucy: *nods* "One of my favorites." rowena: how lovely. i've rather been a fan of pride and prejudice myself. Lucy: "Oh, that's a good choice!" ^^ *sighs* rowena: ^^ Lucy: "It's romantic...and well written." rowena: i sometimes dream about meeting someone like that. *sighs* u///w///u Lucy: =\\\\= "...Yeah..." *imagines Atsushi in a suit* rowena: ever read green gables? Lucy: *snaps awake* "Wh-What? ..." ._.; "...I...Huh?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: *yawns* miwa: long day? Akitaru: "Yeah...Meetings. Paperwork. Pulling the vase off Arthur's head. Having Tamaki run laps..." miwa: yikes. Akitaru: "That's a slow day, in comparison...Every brigade has its challenges, right?" miwa: yeah. even we have our share of challenges, like rationing supplies, misora spending hours on the phone with her 'manager', making sure sayu doesnt get herself hurt. Akitaru: "You ever talk to that 'manager'?" miwa: never met him. sometimes i think she just makes him up. Akitaru: "...Better than the alternative." miwa: .....she's had a lot of struggles in her life....her parents....didnt get along well. one day, she just lost control and....*sigh*....the doctors said they have no chance of recovering. Akitaru: "...That's awful." miwa: i think she developed the idol persona to cope with the trauma...she needs someone to help her, may as well be us, right? Akitaru: "You're good at that..." miwa:....*smiles* Akitaru: "Maybe do something fun for her..." -elsewhere- Gin: *curled up in a blanket* "..." higuchi: *pats her back* Gin: *small whimper* higuchi: it's ok gin, im here... Gin: "I-I know..." *holds onto her* higuchi: *hugs her* Gin: *sniff* Q__Q higuchi: *still holding her, rubbing her back* Gin: "He's..." higuchi: ?? Gin: "...insane." higuchi: ??? ryu-? Gin: "No...Mori." higuchi:....rain... Gin: "What I read...How he's acting...Rain..." higuchi: she was carrying his child....and it drove her over the edge.....s-she's dead because of him! Gin: *sobbing* higuchi: *holding her tightly* Gin: *holds onto Higuchi* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *watches Sonia* ("She looks so much like...") -...- {Mori: "And be sure to come back to work bright and early tomorrow, Rain..."} {rain:......r-right....} {Mori: *leans down, whispers in her ear* "..."} {rain:......*eyes wide, tears falling, trembling*} {Chuuya: ???} {Mori: *holds a finger to his lips* "Shh..."} {rain:...........*walking away*} {Chuuya: "Rain?"} {rain: ....good evening mr nakahara...} {Chuuya: "Hello. How are you?"} {rain:...fine....i should probably get home...it's getting late...} {Chuuya: "...Do you need some company?"} {rain:... *faking a smile* im ok, thanks.} {Chuuya: "...Shall I walk you home?"} -...- Chuuya: "..." ("What did that bastard say to you, Rain...? I don't want him near her...") sonia: *shuffling a bit in her sleep* Chuuya: "..." *looks at Sonia* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *strokes her head* sonia:... *she seems calm* Chuuya: *smiles* -elsewhere- Dazai: *snore* kirako: zzzzz mii: .... *looking out the window* ... *a pair of eyes open in the bushes* mii: !! *opening the window to investigate* *chuckling is heard* mii: *low cat growl* *a fox pops up his head* Mr. Tsubaki: "...???" mii: *cat growls* Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; ("So much for a night out...") *blows a raspberry* mii: *growl* ???: now now, what's all this about, nyatsume? mii: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around* "???" blair: good evening. ^u^ mii: a good evening yourself, miss blair. how is miss momoe doing? blair: she's coming along well, now who's this? you're that fox who's been pestering tsubaki, correct? *claws out* Mr. Tsubaki: O____O;;; "...You know my blossom?" blair: indeed, she's a friend of mya-ine*. [*translation; mine] Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! Is she okay?! Are my subclasses?" blair: hmm? well, last i saw, she had a bunch of people living there with her and black*star. mii: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "And them--my family--they're safe?" blair: from what i see, yes. Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* =w= "Thank goodness...She's so good..." mii: *sweatdrop* anyway, miss blair, i have a favor to ask of you. blair: im all ears. mii: i want you to help me find a few rats... -elsewhere- FD: *sneezes* -elsewhere- Kid: =\\\\= *sighs, cuddles* stocking: *panting* amazing... Kid: "Y-Yes, you are..." stocking: i meant you~ <3 *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ "Then we're both amazing...which makes us perfect for each other..." *rubs her hand* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "..." *holds his hand along her cheek* "...How did you get so beautiful?" stocking: *blush* Kid: "..." *kiss* stocking: mmm~ u///u Kid: *rests his hand along her side...and gives a soft pinch* stocking: ah~ Kid: "Too much?" *rubs that spot...before his hand moves up* -elsewhere- Poe: *singing quietly* lana: *relaxed* emilia: zzzz henry: i remember that. mother used to sing that for you when you were still a baby. Poe: ^^; "I'm afraid I'm not as good as Mother." henry: your girlfriend and emilia seem to like it. molly: *picks emilia up to put her to bed* Poe: "...I-I suppose there is some good left in that song." ^\\\^ henry: *smiles* Poe: "...I'm happy to see you." henry: ^^ *pats his head* you two rest up, alright? Poe: "Y-Yes...Good night." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Zzz..." naho: zzz Sakuya: *turns in bed* naho: =w= Sakuya: *hug* naho: =///w///= Sakuya: *cheek kiss* -early morning- Mr. Tsubaki: *sneaking back into the tower* *yawn* eckleburg: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *staaaaaare* =_= eckleburg: *getting him some milk* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *wagging his tail...licks up some* -elsewhere- Takehisa: =_= *walks to the kitchen* shinra: morning. iris: ^^ Takehisa: *grunts, pours some coffee* maki: guess what today iiiis~ Relan: "...Um...A workday?" maki: *pulls his cheeks* it's shinra's birthday! >3< shinra: yeah. iris: ^^; Takehisa: "...Yeah." Relan: o\\\\o "I-I'm still waking up! I haven't forgotten!" shinra: *smiles* i know rel. Relan: ^\\\^; Arthur: "Commence the birthday punches." *puts on a boxing glove* -elsewhere- Kid: *puts shampoo into his hands* "Ready?" shiori: uu! Kid: *gently massages the shampoo through Shiori's hair* shiori: =w= Kid: *smiles* "That's a good sister..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "So many Halloween decorations..." atsushi: do you have your costume ready? Kyoka: *nods* "All set. You?" atsushi: *nods* Kyoka: "..." *looks around, waves for him to get closer* atsushi: ?? Kyoka: *whispers* "I heard the Chief will have a prize for best costume..." atsushi: i see. Kyoka: "I wonder what it will be. Cake?" -elsewhere- ibara: ... Denki: .\\\\. midnight: round! start! ibara:..... Denki: "Excuse me. But when this is over, how about I treat you to a meal?" ibara: ..... Denki: "You know, as an apology when I'm done defeating you in this round?" ^\\\^ ibara: ...... Denki: "...Well, better end this quickly!" *unleashes full charge* ibara: *vine shield* Denki: "Eh?" *brain burst* announcer: well, that lasted about as long as a vine! the winner is shiozaki! *The clouds separate, and light shines upon Ibara* ibara: *praying* yes, i have not wasted the opportunity bestowed upon me. ochako: woah. Izuku: o_o; "..." *starts scribbling notes* ochako: ouo; Izuku: "--and the vines' barrier mean it can redirect electricity as a conduit to prevent--" Bakugo: -_-# # # # Tokoyami: "..." *removes a fly swatter, swings it past the words coming from Izuku* announcer: up next, tenya iida VS mei hatsume! momo: *biting her thumb, nervous* Iida: -\\\\- "These...devices are more cumbersome than I anticipated..." mei: uhuhuhu~ well then, mr mecha-iida, im looking forwards to this~ midnight: isnt it illegal for hero course students to use support dept items without submitting a form? Monoma: "THEN THROW HIM OUT OF THIS ROUND, MIDNIGHT!" itsuka: *chop* down boy. Iida: "!!! B-But, teacher, Aoyama has his belt. I had not considered the purpose of completing such paperwork because...I was moved by my opponent's offer to make this a fair fight and her offer to let me use this equipment! I wanted to honor her integrity by wearing this gear!" Izuku: "...That doesn't sound like something Mei would do...Unless..." ._.; "Oh no..." midnight: very well! i shall allow it! mei: *grins and adjusts her mic* Present Mic: "...Wait just a minute..." Iida: "???" midnight: BEGIN! yuuji: i think....she- mei: *over the speakers* WHAT MAGNIFICENT SPEED, MR IIDA! Iida: "Wait--What is happening to my legs?! They feel--" mei: they feel lighter than usual, do they not? thats what you can get with my custom leg parts, designed to keep up with the wearer's speed! HOWEVER! dodging isnt a problem with- *zoop* HYDRAULIC ATTACHMENT BARS! Iida: *turns at a sharp angle--but re-balances* "AAAAAH--...Wait, what?" mei: excellent maneuvering there! all thanks to my auto balancer! yuuji:....she hacked the speakers. -spongebob french narrarator voice: 3 hours later- Izuku: =_=; "I thought it'd be only 10 minutes..." Mineta: =_=;;; "Even her hotness isn't enough to keep me awake..." mei: *stepping out of bounds* thanks for listening everyone~ ^^ midnight:....h-hatsume is....out of bounds...the round, goes to iida. Iida: "WHAT THE EVER-LOVING HECK WAS THAT?! YOU MADE ME NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR MARKETING BOY FOR THE SAKE OF MASS CONSUMERISM?!!!!" mei:... soooowwy~ Izuku: "...I saw this coming a long time ago..." *writes down notes* momo: D8> All Might: ._.; "...That's one way to do a sales pitch. The businesses look impressed...' jirou: she took so long, we might only get a few more matches in today... Mineta: "Please let the next one be hot!" midnight: up next, aoyama vs ashido! mina: *grins* hehe~ Mineta: "WOOOOOO!!!" jirou: KICK HIS ASS MINA! Aoyama: "My apologies, mademoiselle--I will try to make this as painless as possible." mina: bring it! Aoyama: *laser blast* mina: *dodging* Ojiro: "Who you betting on, Midoriya?" Izuku: "Well, Mina's ooze is effective, yet she will need objects to block Aoyama's lasers--and there are none out there. This'll be about time: who can win first, the ooze or the laser?" Mineta: "LASER! LASER! LA--" Ojiro: *wraps his tail around Mineta--and flings him to the back of the stands* jirou: thank you. Ojiro: "Of course." mina: *grins* just a lil more now.. Aoyama: *pant pant...* *stomach gurgle* @~@ "My tummy..." mina: now! *slimes the belt* Aoyama: *gasp* "Ma ceinture!" *woosh* Aoyama: .\\\\. Izuku: o_o; tamaki:...are those...unicorns? Ojiro: o_o;;; jirou:...ive gone blind. Arthur: "..." *loud laughing* pony:........... *scarred for life* Mineta: "KILL ME NOW! THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED! I WANTED TO SEE MINA'S--" Ojiro: "..." *tosses Mineta again* mina: *EPIC UPPERCUT* Aoyama: "Ooooooooooh~" *KO'ed* XWX midnight: KNOCK OUT! ASHIDO ADVANCES! jirou: YYEEEEEAH! WAY TO GO!! Izuku: "..." *scribbling* "Mina did all of that with speed and strength...No wonder she has advanced so far despite having a long-range and destructive weapon that she has to control at all times lest she--" ochako:....*heading to the prep room* .... Izuku: *mutter mutter scribble* Todoroki: "..." -elsewhere- yana: *watching the screens at momo vs tokoyami* .... FD: "Their abilities?" yana: yaoyorozu's has a lot of potential, but from the notes, time is a requirement for larger items. and tokoyami's is similar to akutagawa's. FD: "...Hmm...Useful." -inside the prep room- ochako: .... Iida: *opens the door* "Lousy stupid pain in the--...Oh, Uraraka. Hello. How are you--" o_o; ochako: *intense face* hey iida! Iida: "...You look...passionate." ochako: eh? i guess im a bit nervous! ^^; Iida: "Yes...Given how explosive Bakugo is in both ability and personality, this will be a challenging battle." ochako: yeah, thought it might be a while before i face him, since your battle took a long time. ^^; Iida: *super-depressed face* TT~TT ochako: ^^; yeah, i think due to time constraints, eijiro and tetsutetsu's match will be the last one shown today...which gives me more time to train for my match with bakugou. Iida: "Then perhaps there are ways for you to prepare. Maybe--" *door slams open--smashing into Iida* ochako: O-O; Izuku: *panting* "O-Ochaco! I had an idea! Why don't you-- ...Why are there smashed glasses on the floor?" ochako: *points to iida* Iida: TT~TT "Today...hates me..." mina: hey mecha-iida, momo said she wanted to talk to you about something. probably the halloween dance tomorrow~ ochako: OH CRAP I FORGOT! Izuku: D: "I-I'm so sorry!" *turns to Ochaco* "Please, take my notes on our classmates--" *turns back to Iida* "Really! I'll get you to the nurse--" *back to Ochaco* "They can be super-effective in anticipating his strategies and weaknesses--" Iida: "...One, what? Two, am I still pretty?" Izuku: o___o; ("...There's too much going on...") -later- ochako: ....*sigh* (thinking: i appreciate the strategy offer, deku...but if i want to win, i have to rely on my own strength...) Todoroki: "Ochaco?" ochako: MEEP! oh! todoroki! you startled me! Todoroki: "...Sorry. I get that a lot." ochako: i-it's fine. ^^; Todoroki: "...Surprising battles today." ochako: yeah, looks like they ran out of time today, so my match with bakugou had to be postponed for a little later on. Todoroki: "...My...behavior in the competition did not help." ochako: .....but on the bright side, the arena's all fixed up now! Todoroki: "Yes..." ochako: *smiles* Todoroki: "...What are you doing tomorrow?" ochako: tomorrow? well, i know the dance is tomorrow night, but i dont have a date or anything like that. Todoroki: "I...had thought..." ochako: hmm? Todoroki: "...I was not intending to go to the dance." ochako: oh? Todoroki: "...My sister and I were going to stay in." ochako: oh. well, i would have liked for you to enjoy the dance. they even have a haunted maze! Todoroki: "...I could ask my sister whether we could watch horror movies another night..." ochako: there's always the day after tomorrow, if you arent trick or treating! Todoroki: "...Then...I guess I will see you at the dance." ochako: awesome! -elsewhere- itsuka: hmm? katsuki? you're sweating. Bakugo: >\\\\< "Wi-Will y-y-you..." itsuka: are you asking me to the dance? if so, sure. ^^ Bakugo: "...THANK YOU BUT I WANTED TO BE THE ONE TO ASK, DANG IT!" itsuka: ^///^ Monoma: *hiding in the bushes, chewing into a rag* ("GODDAMN IT TO HELL!") pony: *pap pap* Monoma: "...Why are you in the bushes?" pony: tetsutetsu told me he was worried 'bout you. {tetsutetsu: right now, he need someone to try to reach out and give him the help he needs, that'd be the manly thing to do!} Monoma: "...Oh. Well, pass along my thanks. I have to go copy Bakugo's Quirk and blow him up now--" pony: *draggin him off* Monoma: "Unhand me!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "All set for Trick or Treaters?" chie: yep! and toru has his lil costume all set up! Yohei: "Really? Let's see it..." toru: *dressed in a pumpkin suit* buu! Yohei: "Hee hee...Really Halloween-y." *pats Toru's head* toru: ^u^ chie: i even got a new sweater to wear. *pulling out an orange sweater with a festive pumpkin on it* Yohei: "That's fashionable--and adorable, too." -elsewhere- Meme: "Halloween, Halloween..." ao: it's a shame i wont get to be at the dance tomorrow. mom asked me to help with the 100 ghost stories event at the shrine. tsugumi: sound pretty cool, aochi! ao: ^^ Meme: "How long the stories going to be? Maybe we can stop by after the dance?" -elsewhere- Gin: *sighs* naoya: long night? Gin: "Very..." naoya: jeez...want to go for a ride? clear your head up? Gin: "...Yes, please." naoya: alright. -and so- naoya: *driving through the city* Gin: *holding on* naoya: i know a good place to get a nice view of the city. old paper mill. Gin: "Okay. Sounds good." -and so- naoya: *taking a short draw from her cig* nice view, right kiddo? Gin: "Indeed...Can see the Jack O'Lanterns..." naoya:....you and your bro ever been trick or treating? Gin: "...No." naoya: ah. what _did_ you guys do? Gin: "Keep warm. Try not to starve." naoya:...shit, sorry. Gin: "It is the past, not you." naoya: *nods*.....*takes another drag* i still think about that diary i found....there was some fucked up shit in those notes... Gin: "Please, don't..." naoya:....*pats her back* it's ok kiddo. Gin: "...Certainly not fair." naoya:...we see a lot of fucked up shit as mafia... Gin: "...To a secretary?" naoya:....*sigh* shizuka was a good person, if a bit naive. if she were still here, she'd be the same age as me. Gin: "...That's a little disturbing to think of it like that..." naoya:.... *sigh* i think there's something wrong in his head to make him this way. Gin: "...And when he runs an entire Mafia...but is not 'right in the head'..." naoya: ...from what hirotsu told me, the old boss apparently was even worse... Gin: "...Hmm." naoya:....*stares up at a commercial jet flying overhead* .....you hear that the coffee barn has teas now? Gin: "...No, I had not." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *sips* rashomon: ?? Akutagawa: "...What is even the point of this holiday?" rashomon: *acknowledging growl* Akutagawa: "Hmph. ...Don't even like some candies..." -elsewhere- Relan: *wrapping a gift* iris: wrapping up christmas gifts already? Relan: ^^; "Something I'm saving..." iris: ah. Relan: "After lapsing on Shinra's birthday this morning..." -early morning- Kid: *humming* stocking: hey kid? could you help me out with my dress? Kid: "I'd be happy to..." stocking: *she's putting on her dress, but is having trouble with the zipper....?* Kid: "Allow me..." *takes the zipper* stocking: *smiles* Kid: *carefully zips it up* "...Was it truly a problem for you?" stocking: hmmmm nah~ Kid: "You sneaky angel..." *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "It looks great." stocking: thank you~ Kid: "You looking forward to today?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: "So am I..." *smooch* stocking: mm~ Kid: *smiles* "Shall we begin?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Are you okay with me postponing horror movie night?" fuyumi: did something happen? Todoroki: "I... reconsidered about going to the dance." fuyumi: oh? Todoroki: "...I will be attending." fuyumi: *smiles* well you have fun. do you have a costume? Todoroki: "..." ._.;;;;; "...I had not thought of that." -elsewhere-
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