fortunaegloria · 1 year
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boyasgirl · 1 year
Happy guitar Joe Kerry for u!
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this-is-youniverse · 1 year
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Tale of The Nine Tailed 1938
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rimunagenius · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part
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Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x f!Mexican!Reader
Rated: E (everyone)
Words: 2.8k
Summary: A June wedding is all she’s ever wanted. So why not do it with her favorite boys, who are the biggest cheerleaders in Will’s and Cassie’s corner. So, the boys get the first look before witnessing the best moment in their bestfriends and brothers lives.
Warnings: extreme fluff!!! slight angst, implications of death (takes place after Brazil and Redflys death which correlates to Wills lowest), Benny being the sappiest teddy bear bestfriend (to reader), VERY self indulgent (so read if you want), use of the names Cassie Reyes instead of Y/N L/N, and finally happiness. NOT PROOF READ!!
Note: I have been insanely obsessed with the TF men recently (mainly Garret [Benny], Charlie [Will], and Pedro [Frankie]) and im also very lonely and i watched Top Gun and i got carried away with Iceman/Tom Kazansky blurbs and ficlets until i stumbled upon a wedding blurb. It was mainly Iceman being a hardass with everyone except his girl and i feel like that that’s definitely something Will, Frankie and Tom would do (except i absolutely hate Tom), but since i’m more on my sons of anarchy deep dive also, i decided on writing this for my baby Will. Enjoy!!
Weddings were fun. For the most part. They’re only ever enjoyable when it’s close friends and family, but even then they’ve always been hard to watch. All the happiness and love was always a hard reminder on you about how you wouldn’t find anyone who would actually treat and see you as an equal and not a toy they can entertain themselves with for a week and drop for the latest and prettiest hot wheels.
You were never the biggest fan. Like you always said, they are fun but hard to watch. But you felt differently the minute you saw your soon to be husband, William Miller on his knee, asking you to be his wife. Not some dickless moron who couldn’t get his head far enough out of his ass to see that he was barely doing the bare minimum when it came to treating you like a partner; an equal lover. But with Will it was different.
He would go above and beyond to make you smile. He would so much as trade shoes with you when your feet hurt from being in heels on date nights. Flip pennies that were tails up on the ground for the next person to find because that was a thing that kept you close to your mom ever since she passed when you were just a teenager. He knew every part of you and cherished every waking moment when he was with you, and even more when you were apart.
This man was the man you would be marrying in just a couple hours. The man you will get to spend the rest of your life with. You couldnt be happier.
You looked yourself over in the mirror as your cousin finished your makeup. You didn’t have sisters only an older brother who had passed. He was supposed to walk you down the isle but he got held in deployment for an extra week, but that week passed and he just never came home. Just a folded flag on your mantle. So, Jazlyn was the closest person to a sibling you had left.
“Aye prima, te ves tan hermosa! You’re breathtaking.” Jazlyn said, level with your ear, looking at you through the reflection in the vanity you two were sitting infront of. “Your mom would have loved seeing you now. She would be absolutely proud of the beautiful woman you have become, hermana. Never forget that.” She kissed your cheek, blowing a kiss through the mirror before she packed the last of her makeup away.
“Stop it, Jazz. Me va a llorar!” You bounced in your seat, shouting playfully to Jazz as you fanned your watering eyes. “I love you, and thank you for doing this. Being here with me since my mom can’t.”
Jazz looked at you as if you just insulted her with the most outrageous insult in the book. “I love you, and you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world babe! You are my little sister and I would do everything in my power tenfold just to see you happy like you deserve. You earned it prima! Now I gotta check on the bridesmaids and setup to make sure it’s perfect.” With one last kiss to your cheek, you smiled and sighed.
“Okay I have my first look with the boys right now. See you in an hour for the wedding.” As she exited the room, you walked over to the full length mirror as you flattened out the white lace fabric of your dress, doing a once over on your whole body to make you looked perfect.
Exiting through the main door, you followed the rather empty hallway to two big glass doors leading to a small well, surrounded by beautiful summer flowers. A June wedding always being your ideal and dream timeframe of a wedding, and of course William Miller would do anything for his girl. You could already see the boys facing the well, their backs to you as you followed the small pebbled path to them as your best friend, Camila, kept them in line and facing the right way as she saw you approaching.
“Okay, are you guys ready?” You spoke softly as you fixed the tail of your dress and the two front strands hanging out from your tightly yet neatly put together braided bun.
A stream of “hell yea’s” and whooping came from the men as you took a deep breath and giving them the okay to turn around. Immediately you wanted to cry. The looks on their faces were enough to bring another grown man to tears. Adoration, joy, and shock took on ever inch their faces fairly well.
Immediately after wiping away a tear, cautious enough to not smear mascara or wipe away foundation, you turn to Benny to see him crying and sighing loudly as he wiped away his tears. “Aw, Benny! Stop it! Your gonna make me cry.” You giggled wiping away another tear before being enveloped in a bear hug by your future brother in law.
“I can’t help it, you look absolutely beautiful Cass. God, my brother is one lucky man and you are one beautiful bride.” He pulled away, flattening out your dress once more, scared of wrinkling it do to his hug along with your hair as he brushed back some flyaways before resting his palms against his eyes, ceasing any more stray tears.
“Thank you, Ben. I love you.” Your eyes were watery but not enough to draw anymore tears thank god. As your eyes fell on the other two men, you couldn’t help but notice their bloodshot eyes as the admired you in your dress. In all your deservingly happy-bride glory.
“You look stunning, cariño. Wills gonna fight like hell to not cry over you.”
“Thank you, Frankie. You don’t look too shabby yourself. You clean up very well, brother. I almost don’t recognize you without your oiler hat.” You admired Frankie and his confidence for geling his hair back with the guest appearence of his grays. Salt and pepper looked good on him.
“Yeah right. Will won’t fight it. He’s gonna cry more than we did, plus you combined when he sees you walking down the isle.” Benny added, emphasizing the ‘you’ with a pointed finger in your direction.
“Estás preciosa. Haces una hermosa novia, princesa. I can’t believe this is the same woman I met 6 years ago.” Santiago placed both of his hands on your cheeks, cautious enough to not mess up your makeup, and he kissed your forehead.
“Gracias, mano. I can’t believe that 6 years ago I met the love of my life and lifelong bestfriend-brothers.” Santi wiped a fallen tear before he placed another kiss ok your forehead, Frankie and Benny doing the same.
Benny held out his arm on your right, and Santi on your left. Accepting their embrace, you laced your arms through before smiling at the both of them and then to your bestfriend.
“Okay, I guess i’ll get the back of her dress.” Frankie sighed as he picked up the tail of your dress.
“Let’s go get you married.” Camila said after taking a pictures of the whole reveal affair.
“Let’s go get me married.”
“Please stand for the bride.” The priest said, slowly lifting his hand signaling everyone.
Will adjusted his tie, eyes already stained with tears as Benny was in the same shape, placing his hand on his brothers shoulders briefly.
Everyone stood, and that was your cue to start the walk as heartfelt acoustic started to play. Walking down the isle, your arm locked with your father who couldn’t contain his tears as he was about to give his daughter away to the most and only worthy man on this earth, to love his only daughter.
As you were nearing the end of the isle, you watched Will, Benny, Frankie, and Pope wipe away tears as they watched you walk down the isle. Giggling softly at the greatest, most caring, loving men you have been blessed with all those years ago in that rickety bar, you let your dads arm go as you connected your hand with Wills.
“You may be seated.” The priest said to the guests as you found your spot next to your man on the small platform you and the wedding group stood upon. “I take this moment to wish you both immense happiness in your future lives together. We are gathered here today, family and friends, to witness the sacred union of William Miller and Cassie Reyes. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life together with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends.”
You couldn’t fight the urge to not look at the handsome man next to you as the priest spoke. You looked at Will, the thought of spending the spending the rest of your lives together sending a swarm of butterflies through your stomach, and a wide smile to your face. He must’ve felt you staring as he looked down to you and reciprocated the same shining smile.
Tears evident in both your eyes, you continued to smile and turn your gaze back to the priest.
Both of you excited to start the rest of your lives together as husband and wife.
“You both may share the vows you have prepared. William, you may start.” The officiate gestures to Will as you both faced one another. Will reached into the inside pocket of his blazer, grabbing the small vow book, courtesy to the lovely couple, Camila and Benny.
“My sunshine, Cass. You are the most kind-hearted woman I have had the pleasure of meeting. Your strong and your the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I met you at one of the lowest points in my life, you’ve seen the sleepless nights, the scars, the darkest parts of me. Everything.” You squeezed the hand of his you were holding, forgetting about your makeup as you cried looking at the man before you. His eyes met yours and they had the same look in them as they did all those years ago. Awe, love, adoration, and happiness. “You’ve seen all the ugly parts of me and you still choose me. You chose me when you had every reason to leave. The love and care you have given me all these years is more than what i could’ve asked for. The sleepless, ruthless nights won’t even exist because I could sleep forever next to you. I can’t wait for our movie nights, watching movies we’ve both already seen. While your watching the screen, i’ll only be looking at you. While your looking and pointing out all of your flaws i’ll be there to tell you your most sexiest woman in the world,”
Will drew a laugh from everyone, including you. You laughed, hiding the blush rising in your cheeks. “I’ll be there to tell you that in my eyes you are perfect, as you are. When there’s things i have to do, i’ll blow off all those plans for you because you, Cass, are the most important thing to me and everyone can wait in line. I love you Cass, in sickness and in health, for the rest of my life baby, til death do us part.” As Will finished his vows, he wiped tears away from his eyes, the crowd ‘ou’ing and ‘awe’ing. You mouthed an ‘I love you’ as Jazz, your maid of honor, handed you your vow book.
“Awe man! How am I supposed to compete with that?” You sniffled, earning a couple of laughs, as you cleared your throat to start your vows. Opening your mouth, you already started to get choked up, barely getting the word ‘my’ out before a small sob escaped your mouth. Jazz and Camila patted your back, and Will squeezed your hand.
Will have you a small wink, and mouthed ‘You got this, baby’ before smiling at you.
“My dearest Will,” Again your voice cracked, the tears and chokedness evident in your voice, but you continued. “I don’t know where to begin to express the love and gratitude I have for you. You are the first man to ever love me like how a woman is supposed to be loved. You showed me what it’s like to be someone’s first choice, all the time, and no matter the place. Your kind, caring, compassionate, and although you would never admit this to your friends, you are gentle. I’ve always loved that about you. I knew you were the one for me when you were walking me home from the coffee shop around the corner from my house, when you noticed a penny on the sidewalk infront us. It was heads down, and you flipped it over and kept walking. When i asked you why you had done it, you said “So the next person to find it has good luck.” That’s when I knew i’d love you forever. Your selfless, and you always remember the little things, like when I told you me and my mom loved flipping heads down pennie’s for other people when I was a kid.” You wiped tears that were rapidly falling, Will doing the same across from you.
“I will never try to change you. I will always want the same you. Scars, sleepless nights and all. I want that because I want you, forever. All of you. I swear on everything I pray to, that I won’t break your heart. When you can’t fight, i’ll fight. When you get lonely, i’ll be there to hold you. I’ll keep all the secrets that you’ve told me. Your love is all you owe me. I promise to love you til my lungs give out, for sickness and in health. Forever and always, my love. Til death do us part.” You and Will shared a big smile and the same look. Love. You couldn’t be happier and neither could he. You two were about to be officially married and all you could think about was how happy you both were.
“Do you William Miller, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?” The priest watched will waiting for his answer. All he saw was the way Will was looking at you, a smile on his face. The priest had already knew the answer.
“Hell yes, I do.”
“Do you Cassie Reyes, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?”
“Fuck yea, I do.” At this point you didn’t even care about the language you had both been using. All you could care about at the moment was marrying the man you loved and wanting to kiss him for the first time as his wife.
The priest laughed, along with most of the venue as he continued his speech. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” He couldnt for finish his sentence before Will grabbed your cheeks and kiss you passionately. Cheers and hollers were heard among the venues courtyard as you and Will shared your first kiss as husband and wife.
Will pulled away, and smiled. “Hey.” He whispered against your lips.
“Hey, Mr. Miller.” You whispered back.
“Im gonna kiss you again. You okay with that, Mrs. Miller?” Will smiled at the sound of his last name used in reference to you. He could definitely get used to that.
AAAAHH!! that was my very first TF blurb! i really hope you enjoyed it, and if you have some requests for any more triple frontier and the walking dead characters LMK!!!
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kiss-this · 1 year
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I f*cking knew It 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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silverswiss · 1 year
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This is literally the best Kitzie art I’ve ever seen! I ship these two so hard!! Of course this isn’t mine.
The users name is Blank_Canvas on Instagram.
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lizalfosrise · 1 year
Ines’ Theme // Squad Unknown
It’s no catastrophe
when you run from me
all the rumours that surround you simply atrophy
It don’t matter how dark
I feel the heat in your heart
and it’s screaming like a beacon, now you’re on my radar
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coleydc58 · 2 years
Am I a gamer? Hell no. But...rumbling voice and swinging for the fences? Hell yes!
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xstar-struck · 2 years
Made more aggresive pride flags lol please credit me if you use them :3
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cherryzlem · 1 year
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Yeaaaaaaaa i love Beelz so much ‼️‼️ Ze’re my 3rd fav Good omens character <3
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fortunaegloria · 1 year
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Nice arm, sir.
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hyperculture · 10 months
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weirdasscomments · 11 months
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this-is-youniverse · 2 years
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Crash Course in Romance (2023)
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jamesthecharizard · 1 year
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