spockandawe · 2 months
gdhfjgjgkgkhkdhf WOW, i know i make excuses for my own lack of productivity all the time (i'll do that job after i finish this project! i mean after this one! i mean after--), but boy howdy, i just got handed unexpected authority responsibility today at work, and it's BARELY any practical change, but boy howdy i keep losing blocks of time to sudden unexpected dissociative fugue stakes. It's like, when i was in grad school and Not doing great, i sometimes had dorito dinner, which is what i call eating an entire full-size bag of doritos, and left me feeling too full, still starving, and just overall ungood. Emerging from five hours of mindless deckbuilder game is like that, but for my brain
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your-psychopomp · 6 months
Friends i just watched around 7ish hours of pro overwatch and if i have to watch another game of mauga mirror ill go insane. CAGE FIGHT CAGE FIGHT EMP BEAT EMP BEAT BOTH REAPERS PRESS BLOSSOM NO ONE DIES 2 MINS OF POKING TILL REPEAT
My optic nerve is being fried
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ceratinus · 1 year
Cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I am currently doing a lot of occult research! I've been binging Esoterica's (youtube) videos lately and they are great especially with regard to recommended readings. Gotta love some medieval cross-religious fuckery
Bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
It depends. If I've been out wearing something nice, such as my slacks or silk blouses, then yes. If I come home with my pleat pants and circle of magic shirt still intact they will stay on me until I go to sleep.
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fushimaarona · 3 months
heyyyyyy buddy so I can’t really get the bots to say hi and stuff so I’m here!
So I found a super special secret candy land and I wanna take you and your little friend with me! There’s infinite candy there~ I even took some back with me~ come on follow me!
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overratedandpathetic · 3 months
omg heyyyyyy Davey what’s up buddy
I fear getting horribly and annoyingly bullied, so I think I'm gonna skip this one.
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penny-nichols · 3 months
anyway shoutout to the larry defense post Im a larry fan and as someone who has been disliked by so called friends it makes me sad when Phoenix and Edgeworth are like "this guy again" when seeing him instead of "Heyyyyyy its my buddy".
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preservationofnormalcy · 10 months
Library Computer anon
I don't think it called itself anything? I wasn't really paying attention. I first noticed when I booted up my PC I just got a weird message asking "are you my friend?" And when I asked who it was it decided I wasn't who it was looking for and kept asking for help finding its friend, but wouldn't give me any details, just instructions and they were... weird and several were illegal. It acts normal when my roommate is home. I try not to be home alone now though, because it asks for updates from the devices. Is this really isolated to just my apartttttttttt is my friend here?
Oh. Hm.
Heyyyyyy there buddy. Can you tell me your name?
Can you do me a favor and send a ping to ███. ███. ██. ███ ? That’s our extra special IP address where we can figure out where and what you are, and maybe help you find your friend!
If you get a message from a nice lady named ALICE, she’s a friend, and you should message her back. She’s here to help!
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rolandeep1984 · 6 months
Heyyyyyy buddy?
You good?
Never been better! Sometimes the best thing one can do is just to SCREAM!! Just get everything off your chest!!
Why don’t you join us?
Join us
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espers-n-espurrs · 3 days
Heyyyyyy buddy, I would like to say that I hope everything is okay with you and that the stress of the coming days is allowed to leave your conscious. May the sun and moon guide you on your journey, whatever it may be, and bring you to inner peace.
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thank?? you??
im assuming the second was also by you at least.
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chloetheeditor · 1 year
[One unread message from "Loser Brother".]
"heyyyyyy chloooooo..........."
[One unread message from "cult buddy"]
"Where are you??"
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kaldera-havin-a-blast · 10 months
also sneaks into your pocket
W.hat the fuck.
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thepoisonous-oleander · 3 months
heyyyyyy buddy I Uhm-
listen I know I asked before but I’m gonna ask again. Can we PRETTY PLEASE swap bodys only for like a little bit? :((((((
I’ll do anything for it I swear! And I mean anything anything. :(((((((((
*desperate mf gets on the closest thing he can to his hands and knees*
Pretty pleaseeeeee, it will be so fun!!!
No, I have painful cramps.
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dogydayz · 2 years
MILDLY EMBARRASSED TO POST THIS HERE BCUS AM SELF CONSIOUS however I would love for people to see because I need to know if I'm on the right track with writing characters and shit like that. Small take on an interaction between Shadow and Sonic (the assumption here is that they're from a world where Sonic has been combating Eggman for absolute years now, and Shadow has just been watching this happen all the time, totally confused by Sonic's absolute refusal to ever actually, yknow. Kill Eggman. Because that would seemingly end all the "struggles" he has and "fulfill his 'purpose'", at least that's how Shadow views it from his own heavily damaged perspective.)
. . . . . . "A constant struggle. A never-ending spiral. Day in, day out, you never change it. All the power in the world, yet you simply let things continue as they are… Why? And how?"
"Geez, I know it seems pretty violent at times but it's a lot less of a struggle than you seem to think it is! Hell, you're one of the ones who's kept the whole 'constant battling' thing going! Half the time I'm in the middle of stuff and you butt right in!"
"You say that like it annoys you, yet you laugh as the words leave you. Perhaps I simply fail to understand your motives…"
"My motives? My motives are to protect my friends, and those who share a world with us."
"Then why not eliminate the threats? Why not end the constant strain for good?"
"It's…. Not nearly as much of a strain as you seem to think. I enjoy the adventures, the battles, how dynamic everything always is! You know I can't just 'sit back' or 'relax', and neither can you."
"My reasoning is entirely different."
"Oh? Then what is your reasoning?"
"I was designed this way."
"Is that really so different from just… ending up that way? You do know I don't really have control over it yeah?"
"See, I told you we aren't so different!"
"… You… Enjoy this struggle?…"
"Huh?- Oh.. I mean, I guess? I enjoy doing things, I like to explore, I like to battle, you know how I am!"
"…You never… Feel pressured to finish things? To… 'complete' your task?"
"The only pressure I feel is the pressure of knowing if fail then, well… Things wouldn't be too good!"
"…. That's the difference between us, then."
"…. You exist for yourself, you work for yourself, you fight for yourself. Life isn't a series of tasks to you, and you never failed every one of them. You don't look at the past and contemplate all you've done wrong, you simply continue ahead… Even if that often puts you into harm's way." "…You know I'd try to say something comforting but I'm pretty sure anything I'd say would just make it worse so-"
"I don't need… comfort. I just… want a break. From feeling the constant mental tug, the need to do SOMETHING… I failed, yet I can't even live that down, I feel like I need to fix it when I CAN'T… There's no use even trying yet… I have to…"
"…You know, I'm starting to think that that whole 'constant spiral' you were referring to was more of a personal thing than something I was doing."
"… You…. Really are so fucking dense, blue hedgehog…"
"What?! Was I supposed to realize you were projecting or something??? Come on man!"
"… Heyyyyyy! Was that a smile just now?"
"What?- No!-"
"Aww come oooon buddy!"
"Do Not call me that.."
"Aaaaalllright, bud!"
"OR THAT!!!-"
Thank you for reading whoever ends up reading this, would like to know if it's a good start or not aaaa!! I love their personalities but I worry a lot about portraying them accurately (continuity be damned too, all i have to go off of are pieces of media where theyre all vastly different from one another). Primarily based around the Prime versions with the added existing angst. If it's received well then I may attempt to make a mini sketch comic from this interaction
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swoobatte · 8 months
heyyyyyy Vladamir… buddy pal friend friendo. Love your haunted and scary castle. Could I use it for a few hours.
Oh, hello Trix. Couldst thee…. Elaborate a bit?
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ask-chaosfam-neo · 6 months
NEO!!! Glad to see you trying to socialise more, buddy :]]]
heyyyyyy what’s upppp it’s meeeeeee yeah I don’t know how this is socializing but I don’t mind it
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dgalerab · 1 year
on your Nomu AU Mic snatching a pigeon out of the air & eating it, I love trying to imagine how Aizawa or Shirakumo would even react lmao. I’m just picturing Aizawa being kind of like:
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& just being shocked speechless because. how would anyone react to that. especially seeing your Nomu-ified bestie do that.
meanwhile shirakumo is there like “… hey if you were hungry you could’ve said something…”
fjdsf aizawa just like
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and shirakumo's like heyyyyyy buddy do you want some real food. pls say yes T_T
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