jjadmanii · 2 years
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hannahsmusings · 2 years
*I hum happily as he embraces me, leaning into him and melting at his warmth and his touch, this being the best part of the day, still missing him every moment he wasn’t with me, not sure that would ever fade away, never wanting it to* Missed you. *I shrug and look down at my own cardigan, looking up at him again, my cheeks a bit more flushed than usual* Nope, not new… just don’t wear it very often. You know my wardrobe is endless, babe. There are so many items you have never seen and we’ve been together for a while now. *I smile at him, giggling quietly* Did you have a good practice turned dinner with the guys? *most nights, Ant’s band would practice and then go to a bar and get some food and I knew that’s what they ended up doing tonight, happy that I didn’t need to put off telling him until after dinner with the desserts, happy that I could go straight into it* You in the mood for something sweet? *I look up at him through my lashes, knowing he was such a sucker for that move* *I turn to make my way into the dining room before an envelope ‘catches my eye’, picking it up and turning back towards him, acting as nonchalant as possible* Oh, this is for you. I’m gonna go grab you some sweets. *I smile up at him, scrunching my nose cutely before turning and walking into the dining room, my hands sweaty and heart pounding as I hear the sounds of the envelope being opened* *inside the envelope was a note from my doctor saying that my IUD removal was tomorrow, knowing he probably had an adorable confused look on his face right now, gripping the back of one of our chairs as I wait with baited breath for him to walk in and see the spread I had laid out for him*
*smiles into your hug, kissing your cheek once more* Missed you too, always. *grins before shrugging and chuckling a little as you tease about your wardrobe, looking a little bashful* At least I noticed, right? *grins teasingly, shrugging off my jacket as you ask about dinner, nodding with a smile* Dinner was good, practice not so much. We’re still stuck on the bridge, it’s not sounding how I’d like yet. *pouts, music being my passion but i was a complete perfectionist, needing everything to fit my vision exactly* *eyes light up at the offer of something sweet, grinning and nodding* Best wife ever, you know me so well. *hums a little as you look up at me like that, stomach knotting and unable to help the sinful thoughts that flash through my head when you look at me like that, reaching for you and sliding my hands over your hips, squeezing a little* God, don’t tempt me like that. You look sweet enough to eat. *leans in to nip your jaw before your teasingly pull away, groaning in jest and rolling my eyes* Minx. *murmurs softly before I was distracted when you hand me the envelope, watching you walk away and my eyes dropping to your hips and ass, sighing wistfully before turning my attention back to the envelope, opening it up and seeing your name on it, confused* Babe, I think this is for you...*trails off as I continue to read, the words removal and IUD standing out to me, glancing at the date and trying to make sense of what this was before I see the warning about other contraceptives and pregnancy, my whole body flushing intensely at that word as I walk into the kitchen, my jaw dropped and looking up at you in complete shock* D-Does this mean what I-I think it does? *hands where shaking as I hold the envelope, glancing at you before I glance down at the spread of baby themed sweets, gasping and heart pounding* Holy shit! You want a baby with me? *you nod and just that small gesture had me flinging the envelope and rushing to you, pulling you in my arms and lifting you, this feeling the happiest moment of my life after our wedding* F-Fuck. 
0 notes
lovingthereign25 · 5 years
The Chase
Pt 5
You were in the kitchen, helping your oldest daughter Aaliyah do her homework and making dinner. Your younger daughter was patiently waiting for her father to arrive home. His plane landed 30 minutes ago so he would arrive anytime now. She was such a “Daddy's girl”. All three of Roman’s daughters were actually but Briana was the biggest hands down.  You were at the stove stirring supper when you feel a familiar pair of arms around your waist.
“Hi beautiful, I've missed you so much!” Roman says kissing her neck
“Hi there Big Daddy” you say turning to meet his lips.
“Mmm...Big Daddy? Someone must have really missed me huh?” He asks, sliding his hands up your shirt.
“More than you know baby” you say pushing his hands down.
“Come on let me show you how much we missed you?” He says looking down at his semi hard member.
“As tempting as that sounds baby, the girls will be down any second for dinner” you say patting his chest.
You begin to make the plates for your family when you hear your daughters yell with excitement seeing their father home. He holds his arms out wide squating down to embrace them both in a bear hug. He was the most amazing “Daddy” in the world.
July 2014
You were sitting at Monday Night Raw watching your boyfriend cut a promo. You were very pregnant like due date in three days. But Raw was in Florida and you missed everyone so much you begging Roman you let you come.
The crowd was chanting for Roman and loving what he had to say, you couldn't be more proud of him. All of a sudden  you feel water running down your legs. Your water had broken.
“Trin, i think i'm having the baby.” you say
“Girl, don't you play with me like that.” She says
“Shit, no Trin she is serious, her water broke” Nikki gasps
“Holy shit, good lord..Someone go get Roman” Trin yells
Roman had just gotten through the curtain when Renee Dean's girlfriend stops him
“Roman! It's Y/n. Her water broke.” She says pulling him to the back
“What? Is she okay? Dammit I told her not to come” he says.
* 2 Hours later*
You rested your head on the pillow watching Roman swaying your newborn daughter back and forth. Aaliyah Nevaeh Reigns , she was perfect! She had both features of you and Roman. She was literally the perfect mix of you both. Roman was already head of heels in love with Aaliyah, showing her off to friends and family as they came to visit. The best was seeing Roman with Jojo and Aaliyah..seeing him with both his daughters smiling at both of them he definitely melted your heart.
“ How are you feeling, baby?” He asks handing the baby to your mom.
“Good. You are such a great dad Roman” you say
“Thank you baby, you're gonna be an incredible mother” he smiles
“She's perfect isn't she?” You ask smile at her
“She is. Just like her mommy. Y/n, i knew the day i saw you that one day you were gonna be mine. I felt something that night I've never felt with anybody else ever. I love you and my girls more than life itself and if you'll say yes, I swear I'll be the greatest husband and father this world has ever seen… Will you marry me?” He asked, bending down on one knee, showing you a beautiful diamond ring.
“Of course. Yes baby yes i'll marry you” you say tears falling.
June 2015
Tonight was Money in the Bank, Roman was in the ladder match for the briefcase. The match was so good Roman was doing amazing like he always did. You sat in the back with your now almost one year old daughter. You loved bringing Aaliyah to these events so much. Roman was on top of the ladder about to grab the briefcase when the lights went out. Bray Wyatt had attacked Roman and completely screwed him out of the opportunity. Roman was pissed, Trin had taken Aaliyah so you could meet Roman in the trainers room.
“Hey, I'm sorry honey. you okay?” You ask kissing his head as he waited to be seen.
“This is bullshit Y/n, they changed the results right before we went out there”he says frustrated.
“Oh babe I'm sorry, i know how bad you wanted this” you say
“I'm so mad i could fucking quit right now and not even give a damn” he says
“Roman, yeah you would, you love this job, and the company and making the fans happy, you're just pissed off and baby that's okay” you say
“It's not, I've worked too hard to be fucked over like this” he says
Just then Jimmy walked in carrying his goddaughter bringing her to see her Daddy, her face lighting up as soon as she seen him as did Roman’s
“Hey baby girl. How's Daddy's girl ?” He asks taking her from his cousin.
“God I love you two so much” he says kissing Aaliayh’s head and then your hand.
“We love you too babes, come let's get out here”  you smile
Once in the hotel room Roman puts the baby to sleep then goes to “ wash the match off” as he called it. You hear the water running waiting until he was fully in and relaxed before slipping into the bathroom. You slide the glass door open joining your husband. You run over hands around him and up his chest as you kissed his back.
“What’re you doing in here?” He asks, turning to face you.
“Helping my husband relax” you smile
“What about the baby?, what if Aaliyah wakes up” he says.
“She’ll be fine, i brag the baby monitor in” you say kissing his neck.
“Y/n she could still wake up” he insists
“Roman, shut up and let's have nasty shower sex” you say biting his shoulder lightly.
“That's what you what huh?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, your pissed about the match and still stressed from Wrestlemania, so take it out on me”  you say
Roman picks you holding your ass as he backed you against the shower wall. He kissed you roughly. He enters you giving you a second to adjust before thrusting as hard as he could into you repeatedly your ass slamming off the shower wall so hard it was getting a little sore.
“Roman, fuck that's it!, you feel so good baby” you moan
“Shhh….just take it, let me beat it up” he groans
“Mmmm..” You slip
“Fuck Y/n it's so fucking tight! I can't lasts much longer “ he grunts
“Cum then, cum inside Roman i love when you do” you says
Roman and you release yourselves together him bringing his lips to yours.
“ i love you Y/n, god i fucking love you” he says.
Six weeks later you were pregnant.....again
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writingpuddle · 6 years
anything with baby neil is my life blood right now, like de aged to four or five and just so precious and doe eyed and everyone can love on him like he deserved to have!
*shows up two months late with starbucks*
I have no idea if this is what you were looking for anon, butI sure did have fun writing it. also on AO3
“So,” Nicky said, huddling at the doorway withthe others. “This is fun!”
“Nicky,” Dan hissed. “Not the time!”
A pair of wide blue eyes poppedup behind the couch. Dan tried for a friendly smile, but the eyes dropped backdown the second they spotted her.
“What? It’s been awhile sincewe’ve all hung out with the ickle newbies around—”
“How the hell did this happen?” Allison demanded.
“I don’t know!” Kevin said. “Oneminute I was in the bedroom watching videos and the next moment they were—like that.”
His voice rose shrilly towardsthe end. “Shhh,” Dan said, hearing a scuffle behind the couch. “They definitelydidn’t recognize you?”
“No,” Kevin whispered, staringat the room more fearfully than Dan thought a pair of six-year-olds warranted.To be fair, she was currently repressing her own panic pretty hard. “They sawme and scattered. Andrew’s barricaded himself in the bathroom.”
“Okay,” Dan said, lookingaround. Even Renee looked incredibly off-balance. She was going to have to keepthis together or it wouldn’t be long before the whole team was in hysterics.“Okay, who here has experience with kids?”
The only thing that could’vemade the following silence more resounding was if crickets had chirped.
“None of you?” Dan said. “Fuck.”She covered her mouth, holding out a hand towards the child behind the couch.“No, don’t listen to me, don’t—”
“Dan, I’m pretty sure Neil hassaid a hell of a lot worse than that—”
“He doesn’t remember thatthough!” Dan rubbed her hand over her short hair, taking a fortifying breath.“Alright, Kevin, call Coach, tell him to get his ass here as fast as possible.”Then maybe she could have a proper meltdown. “Allison, try and look up someonewho might have expertise in this kind of—whatever.Renee, try to lure Andrew out. Matt, you’re with me.”
“Oh, let me help!” Nicky said.“I’m sure I’m great with kids!”
“I think they’re going to need abit more subtlety, Nicky.”
“Come on! Don’t forget Ipractically raised Andrew and Aaron, and they turned out alright!”
The others just stared at him.Nicky deflated a little. “Alright, you may have a point.”
“Just…order food or something.Keep it simple, kids don’t like fancy stuff.”
Nicky nodded, eager to help. Dantook another deep breath, and stepped into the living room.
She tucked herself in beside thecouch, crouching down to seem less frightening. “Hey, there,” she said, andwinced internally at the horrible, cutesy voice coming out of her mouth. Mostof her experience with kids had been her aunt’s squalling baby.
The tiny child huddled behindthe couch stared at her, wide-eyed. Dan didn’t have a good sense of thesethings, but he couldn’t have been much more than four, still round-cheeked andchubby. “It’s okay,” she said. “You’re safe. Do you know how you got here?”
Toddler-Neil shrank a little bitfurther. “Where’s my mommy?”
Dan inhaled sharply, her chestsqueezing. “She’s not here right now, but we’re taking care of you right now.My name is Dan, this is Matt.”
“Hi!” Matt said, with a big grinand a wave.
The little boy’s eyes jumped toMatt and he flinched, shrinking behind the back of the couch. “Oh no, Neil,it’s okay,” Matt said hurriedly. “Shh. Shh.”
“I want my mommy,” Neilwhimpered, squeezing into a tight ball.
“I know, sweetie, I know,” Dansaid, gesturing Matt to get back. He backed away, drooping. “Do you wantsomething to drink? Some juice?”
“I want my mommy!”
“She’s going to be here soon,”Dan lied. “Why don’t you come watch TV with us?”
A soft tap came at her shoulder.She looked up, and Nicky held out a glass of milk with a shrug. She acceptedit, turning back to little Neil. “Hey, Nicky got you some milk. Isn’t thatnice?”
Neil’s face screwed up, hischubby cheeks growing redder.
“Oh, no, Neil, shh. It’s okay.”
“My name’s not Neil!”
“Oh,” she said dumbly, glancingaround for help.
“Nathaniel,” Aaron supplied fromwhere he stood behind the kitchen counter. Dan supposed this was all probably prettyshocking to him too, considering his twin was also shrunk, but right now sheneeded to focus on the immediate problem.
“Right. Nathaniel.” Shegrimaced. The memory of Neil’s flinch whenever the name was spoken made hermouth taste foul. “Can I call you Nate?”
Neil’s big bottom lip trembledas he watched her. “Lola calls me Natty.”
“Who’s—” She stopped, spottingMatt’s desperate gesture from the corner of his eye.
He tapped his finger to hischeek. “She’s the one that—”
“Right. Okay. Nate sounds good,right? How old are you, Nate?”
“Wow. You must know a lot ofcool stuff by now. Um.” Fuck. Oh, fuckit had been a long time since she talked to kids. “Do you play Exy?”
Aaron made an exasperated noise,but it was the exact right thing to say. Neil’s whole face lit up, starry eyed.“Exy is the best!”
“It’s totally the best!” sheenthused. “Can I tell you something cool?”
Neil nodded hard, his curlsbobbing and falling into his face.
“We all play on an Exy teamtogether. I’m the team captain!”
“Are you good?” Neil demanded.
“We’re the best.”
“Wow,” Neil said, scootingforward a few inches. “I wanna play, but mommy says I’m too little.”
“You are very little,” Dan saidin a serious tone.
“Am not!” Neil said indignantly.“I’m four.”
“Sorry. I’m sure you’re very bigfor a four-year-old.
Neil scrunched up his face, alittle pouty. “Not little.”
Dan actually smiled at his tinysulk. “Are you hungry?”
Neil picked at the carpet.“Yeah.”
Dan shot an inquiring glanceover at Nicky. “Pizza’s coming in half an hour,” he said.
She turned back to Neil. “Do youlike pizza?”
“I guess.”
“Okay. Is there something you dolike?”
Neil’s shoulders hunchednervously. “Mommy says I should eat whatever she says.”
Dan had to physically restrainthe anger that surged through her. How dare that woman treat Neil—
She was dead, Dan remindedherself. Neil’s mother was dead, and nobody was going to hurt him ever again.
“Well, mommy isn’t here rightnow, so you can eat anything you want.”
Neil’s eyes peeked up at herfrom under his hair. “Anything?”
He picked at the carpet foranother couple seconds. Finally, he whispered, “Hotdogs.”
“Okay. Hotdogs it is. Nicky, dowe need to do a grocery run?”
Nicky ran to the freezer andflung it open. “Uhhh, so we’ve got burgers—”
“Neil—sorry, Nate wantshotdogs.”
“Okay, I’ll just—” He paused.“So would it be wrong of me to take Andrew’s car, considering the only twodrivers should definitely not have their licenses right now?”
“Nicky,” Dan growled.
“Right! I’m off!”
“And get some toys or somethingwhile you’re out.”
“Got it. Aaron, come with?”
Aaron looked deeplyuncomfortable, but he nodded.
When the door closed behindthem, Dan settled back against the side of the couch, holding her arms out toNeil. “Okay, so we’ll make hotdogs soon. Want to watch TV?”
Neil stared at her for a longmoment, then abruptly threw himself into her arms, latching onto her side likea limpet. Dan scooped him up, cradling his tiny, soft body in her arms andtrying to hold him clear of the milk glass.
“You’re so nice,” Neil murmuredagainst her sweater, squeezing his chubby arms around her neck. He smelledclean, like soap and baby powder, and Dan’s heart melted as she hefted him up.She crooned softly against his head, smoothing his silky curls with one hand asshe got to her feet.
“Oh my god,” Matt breathed, eyeswide. “Oh my god, he’s so cute.”
Dan kept bouncing Neil gently,an involuntary smile on her lips. “Can you check how Renee’s doing?”
Matt stared at her for anotherlong second, looking hypnotized.
“Matt?” she prompted.
“Right,” he said, skirting theroom to give her and Neil lots of space. Dan settled on the couch, rubbingNeil’s back. He nestled into her side, warm and solid.
She could just see the hallwayout of the corner of her eye, so she noticed immediately when Renee and Mattemerged from the bathroom a minute later. Renee had her head ducked down, apainted-on smile on her face, and beside her—
Holy shit.
Andrew was nearly as small asNeil, his hair glowing platinum blond. His hand was firmly wrapped around two ofRenee’s fingers, eyes suspicious as he cast about the room. “You said there wasice cream?” he demanded.
Renee’s smile eased a littleinto something more genuine. “I promised,” she said, tugging him over to thekitchen. Matt hovered in the hallway behind them, staring over at Dan andmouthing, “Oh my god.”
Dan could only nod, mute. Andrewwas so small, so fragile—her arms tightened around Neil protectively. They werechildren for God’s sake. It had neverreally struck her before that either of them had ever been this small—it feltlike they’d manifested directly into hard-eyed young men. How stupid of her—
Neil squeaked in protest,squirming out of her grip. “Sorry,” she said, loosening her arms, but he hadalready forgotten, clambering up the back of the couch to stare over at Reneeand Andrew with wide eyes. He attempted to climb right over the top of thecouch and Dan grabbed him, airlifting him to the floor.
He toddled off quickly, grabbingone of the barstools for support and staring at Andrew. “Your hair looks dumb,”he announced.
Tiny Andrew scowled. “Your facelooks dumb!”
Matt looked like Christmas hadcome early. He fumbled his phone out of his pocket, and grinned over at Dan.She buried her head in her hands, uncontrollable-borderline-hysterical laughterbubbling up in her chest.  
The door swung open, lettingAllison in with a fog of rose-scented perfume. “Alright, I got a hold of somequack PhD at the university who claims to deal with this shit, but he—”
Whatever he said was lost.Allison froze in the middle of the living room, gaping at the scene in thekitchen. “Holy fuck?”
“Allison,” Renee, Dan and Matt said.
“Fuck,” Neil said.
“Neil!” Matt said.
“Fuck!” Andrew said.
“This is a disaster,” Dan said.
Allison sat down in an armchair,looking absolutely floored. Renee pulled a pile of bowls out of the cupboard,portioning out half a dozen scoops of ice cream. Allison blinked, pointing afinger at the two children, then closing her eyes for a long moment. “So, thisPhD assho—”
“Allison,” Dan warned.
Allison glared at her. “This guy says it’s a quantum flux, orsomething, and there’s no telling how long it’ll last. He says it usually wearsoff within a few days, but if it doesn’t, we should take them in for testing athis lab.”
“We’re not taking them into a lab,” Matt said, affronted.
“Well, we can’t just leave themlike this,” Dan said.
“Like what?” Neil asked,sneaking up behind Renee’s leg and poking Andrew in the stomach.
Andrew grabbed Neil’s hair, pullingit hard.
“Owwww,” Neil whined, boltingback to the living room and wrapping his arms around Dan’s knee.
Renee frowned down at Andrew.“That was mean, Andrew,” she said.
“He started it!”
“That doesn’t mean you get to bemean to him. He’s younger than you.”
“He started it,” Andrew sulked.
Renee cast her gaze over thegroup with a pleading expression.
No aid was to be found. Healthychildhoods were in short supply among the Foxes; Dan wasn’t sure if any of them knew a good way to teach akid a moral lesson.
Renee sighed, offering Andrewhis bowl of ice cream. He jumped up, eyes brightening. “You have to promise notto pull Neil’s hair again,” she said severely.
“What if he pulls mine first?”
“Then you’ll tell me, and I’ll dealwith it,” she said.
“I promise.”
“Okay,” Andrew said solemnly.
Neil rubbed his face againstDan’s knee and she bent down, scooping him up. “Do you want some ice creamtoo?” she asked. She was pretty sure they had this all backwards. They weresupposed to give kids dinner before dessert. This had to count as extenuatingcircumstances, though.
“Yeah,” Neil mumbled, peekingover her shoulder towards where Renee was setting the table. Andrew clamberedup into a chair, grasping a spoon in his fist and digging into his ice creamlike he thought someone was going to take it away.
Actually, that was probablyexactly what he thought. Dan rubbed a hand up Neil’s back, as much for her ownsake as his, and carried him over to the table, sitting at the far end. Neiltwisted around but made no move to leave her lap, so she kept her arms in aloose circle around him as Renee put a small bowl of vanilla ice cream in frontof them.
Allison still looked leery ofthe two children, but she took a seat at Renee’s insistent gesture. Matt satnext to her and Renee took the head of the table in what had to be the weirdestteam dinner they’d ever had.
“So, Andrew,” Dan asked, “haveyou ever played Exy?”
“No,” he said, shooting her asullen look.
Well, that was never going towork twice.
“Have you started school yet?”she tried.
“I go to Mrs. C,” he said.
“That’s cool,” she said, as sheknew what that meant. “Do you like her?”
“She smells funny,” he said.“Her books are good. Sometimes she reads to us and it’s really nice.”
“What’s your favourite book?”
“The Giving Tree.”
A round of blinks went betweenthe adults at the table. Renee rallied first, smiling at Andrew. “I really likethat book,” she said. “Why is it your favourite?”
“It’s kind of sad but alsohappy. And Mrs. C always does weird voices.”
“I like The Paper Bag Princess,”Neil announced.
Andrew made a face at him.“That’s a girl’s book.”
“No, it’s not!”
“Books can be for boys andgirls,” Matt said.
“What’s the Paper Bag Princessabout?” Renee asked, distracting Andrew by scooping a little extra ice creaminto his bowl.
Neil launched into a longexplanation of the story which left the Foxes more confused than when they’dstarted. His ice cream melted into a puddle of sugary soup and he didn’t arguewhen Andrew stole it and noisily slurped it down.
A hammering at the door madethem all jump. “It’s unlocked,” Matt called, and Wymack breezed in with Kevinon his heels.
He stopped in the doorway,surveying the scene. “Oh,” he said dumbly. “So Kevin wasn’t drunk.”
Kevin looked affronted. “Youthink I would joke—”
“I think if you’d coached theFoxes as long as I have, you’d have some trust issues, too,” Wymack said.
Neil squirmed on Dan’s lap,wriggling up so he could flatten himself against her body. His eyes were gluedto Wymack, wide and fearful.
“Uh, Coach,” Dan said, wincing.“Volume.”
“What?” Wymack said, then hiseyes dropped to Neil and understanding dawned. “Right,” he said, more softly.“I’m just going to call Abby. She’ll know what to do.” Which was very plainlydeflecting, and Dan wondered why she’d thought Wymack would be any help in thisat all. He was well-meaning, but he could be terribly conventional in his totalinability to deal with children.
She watched him flee into thehallway with something like resignation. Kevin approached the table tentatively,looking nearly as uncomfortable as Allison. “Hello,” he said, awkward andformal. “My name is Kevin.”
Dan steeled herself, knowingexactly what she needed to say next and hating herself for it. “He’s thegreatest Exy player of all time,” she told Neil.
His eyes lit up, but it wasAndrew who spoke up first.
“Mrs. C says tattoos are for badpeople which means you’re probably a really, really bad person because you havea tattoo on your face.”
There was a beat of silence,then Allison snorted. “Yeah, tell him, Andrew.”
Andrew shot her a suspiciouslook, but turned back to Kevin. “If you’re a bad person then Renee will hurtyou,” he said. “She’s really good at fighting. She said so.”
“Wow, Renee,” Allison said. “Whoeverknew you’d be so good with kids?”
Renee shot her a glare. “I don’tsee you doing any better,” she hissed.
Allison snickered, her pleasureat Kevin’s discomfort overriding her own awkwardness around the kids.
Nicky and Aaron chose thatmoment to arrive, a pair of grocery bags over Aaron’s wrist and a giant boxdwarfing Nicky. “I bought Lego!” Nicky sang, his face smushed and hidden behindthe giant box.
“Christ, Nicky,” Dan said. “Howmuch Lego did you buy?”
“It was on sale!”
“It’s not like—” Dan checkedherself, glancing at Andrew, who was still scowling at Kevin ratherimpressively. She sort of hoped thiswouldn’t last long, but she wasn’t going to say that out loud, not when Andrewand Neil had no memory of what had happened and abandonment issues ten mileshigh.
“Don’t look at me,” Aarongrumbled. “You think I have any control over him?” He dumped the bags of foodon the counter and regarded his twin brother. As if sensing his gaze, Andrewturned his head and stared at him.
“I got you something,” Aaronsaid, gruff, and dug a small stuffed cat out of the grocery bag.
He shoved it towards Andrew,dangling it by the neck. It swayed there, splotched in brown and white, itswhiskers drooping and bent from being shoved in the grocery bag. Andrewcontinued to stare at Aaron, eyes wary.
Aaron sighed and dropped the catinto Andrew’s lap, retreating into the kitchen. “We got hotdogs and we pickedup some more ice cream,” he said to the room at large.
“Thanks, Aaron,” Renee said, pushingher chair back and joining him. Pots and pans clattered as they set to cooking.
Nicky wobbled and finallytoppled, landing on his ass with a crash. The colourful box in his arms tippedover, rattling like a ball pit in an earthquake. “Ow,” he said woefully,rubbing his elbow and extricating himself from under the box.
“Do you want to play Legos?” Danasked, looking down at Neil. He’d already forgotten all about Kevin.
“What’s Legos?” Neil asked
“Oh man,” Matt said. “Legos arethe greatest. You can build anything!”
“Yeah?” Neil said, twisting hishand in Dan’s sweater and turning his big blue eyes on Matt. Dan couldpractically see Matt turning to goo at the sight.
“Totally! Do you want to try?”
Neil’s hand pinched Dan’s stomachas he twisted, nervous. She bit back a grimace, hefting Neil in her arms to tryand loosen his grip. “Matt’s very good at Legos,” she said, having never seenhim play with Legos before in her life. “And you can have a hotdog after.”
“Okay,” Neil said, voice small.
It wasn’t enthusiasm, but shecould work with that. “How about you, Andrew?”
Andrew looked up from his lap,jumping. “What?”
She caught a peek of the stuffedcat in his lap disappearing under his shirt and wisely said nothing. “Do youwant to play Legos with Nei—Nate?”
“No,” Andrew said.
“Okay,” Dan said. “Come on,Nate, let’s get the Lego set up.”
She lifted him off her lap andplaced him on the ground. He latched onto her leg immediately, giggling whenshe tried to take a step. “Hey,” she said, looking down at him.
He giggled again and wrapped hislegs around her ankle like a koala. She huffed and swung her foot through, hisweight like a tiny boulder on the end of her leg. “I’m going to need achiropractor after this,” she muttered as she heaved Neil into the living room.Matt snorted.
“Alright,” she said when they reached the Legobox. “You have to let go now.”
Neil’s hands just tightened,pinching her muscles uncomfortably. “Hey, buddy, we can’t play Legos with youattached to my leg.”
“You’re going to play too?” heasked, peeking up at her.
Oh. There were the abandonmentissues again. “Yeah, definitely,” she said.
Neil slowly let go, creepingforward towards the box. Nicky had already wrested the top open with a pair ofscissors, and was pulling the plastic packaging off of a giant bin of looseLego pieces. Dan gestured to Matt to sit, and he squashed down immediately, bigand gangly on the floor.
Dan grabbed the paperinstruction manual and folded her legs to sit next to Neil. “Hey, look, we canmake a race car. Isn’t that cool?”
Neil stared at the pictures andpointed at one of the others. “Rocket ship!”
“What do you think, Matt? Can wemake a rocket ship?”
“I dunno,” Matt said, toneserious but eyes dancing. “It looks pretty complicated. But if Nate’s helpingus, I bet we could do it.”
Dan smiled at him over Neil’shead and his lips quirked up at her, lopsided and sweet.
“We need orange bits for thefire,” Neil said, studying the picture intently.
“Okay,” Matt said. “Can you helpme find some?”
Dan leaned back on her hands,watching as Matt and Neil dug through the bin of Lego together. Nicky hoveredfor another second, hands wringing and eyes wide and adoring, then he met hereye and fled to the kitchen to help with the hot dogs.
Dan’s breath left her in a slowexhale. This was probably going to interfere with their season, she thoughtidly. They had a game tomorrow night, and the freshmen were definitely notready to cover for Andrew and Neil. They’d manage, though. They always did. Shewatched as Neil unfurled, his fearfulness evaporating in the face of Matt’sunwavering warmth, and felt settled, like a cat curling up in a sunbeam.
Pizza arrived almost exactly thesame moment as the hotdogs were ready, and chaos broke loose as the Foxesscrambled to make sure Andrew and Neil both got whatever they wanted. Neil gotketchup all over his shirt—she was about 90% sure that was actually one of hisreal shirts, shrunk down with him—and Andrew made lofty comments about howmessy and dumb he was until Nicky smudged pizza sauce on his nose, making himshriek.
Neil grabbed Dan’s hand andtugged her back towards the Lego. She bit back a groan of exhaustion. “Howabout you play with Matt for a bit? I’ll be right here.”
“But we’re not done the rocketship!”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m notyoung like you. I’m very old and slow.”
She made a show of hunching herback and creaking her way towards the couch and Neil giggled in delight, hunchinghis shoulders and tottering after her.
“Come on, squirt,” Matt said,holding out his hand. “Let’s finish that rocket ship.”
“You’re making a rocket ship?”Andrew asked.
“Yep,” Matt said. “Wanna join?”
“I don’t want him to play withus,” Neil said, stomping his foot. “He’s a meanie!”
Andrew’s face screwed up. “WellI don’t want to make a dumb rocket ship anyway!”
“Guys, guys, shhh,” Matt saidfrantically. “Neil, you shouldn’t say things like that.”
“I’m not Neil!”
“Sorry, Nate, buddy—”
“He’s mean!”
“And now you’re being mean.”
Neil stopped, staring up atMatt. “No I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. Now, how aboutyou say sorry for being mean to Andrew, and then he’ll say sorry to you. Andthen we can all build the rocket ship.”
“I’m not saying sorry,” Andrewsulked.
“Andrew,” Nicky said. “That’sbad manners.”
Andrew kicked his foot againstthe ground, and he hugged the stuffed cat against his stomach almost angrily.“Sorry,” he muttered, unconvincingly.
Nicky looked stunned that his reprimandhad worked. Dan couldn’t help but feel the same way. Andrew didn’t apologizefor anything.
Neil scowled at the carpet.
“Nate,” Matt said. “It’s yourturn.”
“He was mean first,” Neilmuttered.
“He said sorry.”
“Fine.” Neil scrunched up hisface, glaring at Andrew. “I’m sorry,” he said, in what had to be the leastapologetic voice Dan had ever heard.
Matt covered his eyes, his lipscurling with repressed laughter. Dan retreated to where Renee and Allison saton the couch, watching as Nicky and Matt tried to wrangle the two boys towardsthe Lego pile.
Aaron hovered beside the couch,watching with a frown creasing his forehead. Dan tapped her finger against herthigh, looking up at him. “It’s probably not permanent,” she reminded him.“They’ll be back to normal soon enough.”
“You don’t know that for sure,”Aaron said. “What if—”
He cut off, his nostrilsflaring, the whites of his eyes flickering in the light.
“We’ll deal with that if itcomes to it,” she said. Aaron shoved his hands in his pockets, his expressionpinched. He didn’t look reassured.
Dan glanced back at the kidsplaying in the Lego, unsure how to comfort him. Neil had just knocked overMatt’s rocket ship; it looked like he was trying to build his own now.
“Daaaan,” Matt whined. “Nate isbullying me.”
“Am not!” Neil said. “Matt isjust dumb!”
Andrew pulled the top off of thetower Nicky was building and pulled out all the red pieces, piling them to theside. Nicky pouted, trying to steal one of Andrew’s red pieces and nearlygetting his hand bitten for his trouble. Andrew added the red pieces to a smallsquare wall and carefully placed his stuffed cat inside.
“He really seems to like thatstuffie,” she said.
“Yeah,” Aaron said.
They watched the kids’ anticsfor another couple seconds before Aaron sank into the beanbag chair next to thecouch, chewing on his thumbnail. “I had one like that when I was little,” hesaid. “I brought it everywhere.”
“Huh,” Dan said. “Wow.”
Neil only lasted another twentyminutes before he started drooping, covering yawns with his hands. He crawledout of the pile of Legos he’d accumulated and toddled over to Dan, burying hisface in her knee.
“Hey, buddy,” she said,smoothing her hand through his hair. “Ready for bed?”
“No,” he said petulantly, butlet her lift him up and cuddle him against her chest.
“I don’t suppose anyone has apyjama shirt that would fit him?” Dan asked, not hopeful.
“I picked some up at Walmart,”Aaron said. “They’re on the counter.”
“Oh,” Dan said. “Thanks. How’sthat sound, Nate? Want to check out your new pyjamas?”
He nodded, his face smushed intoher collarbone. “Okay,” she said, hauling herself off the couch with a grunt.She transferred Neil to her right arm, propping him on her hip so she could up-endthe bag onto the counter. “Dinosaurs or cats?”
“Dinosaws,” Neil mumbled.
“Awesome,” she said, grabbingthe matching t-shirt and pants
“Want mommy.”
“I know,” Dan said, hefting himup a little higher. “Let’s get you ready for bed.”
“Not tired.”
“Sure,” she said. “Whatever yousay.”
She carried him into thebathroom, grimacing at the state of it. Boys.Two of the three towels hanging up looked like they hadn’t been washed inmonths; they smelled it, too. The sink was crusted in grime and powderytoothpaste residue, and the counter was littered in nail clippings and stubblyhairs.
Dan lowered Neil to the bathmat, holding out the pyjama shirt. He raised his arms expectantly.
“I’m not dressing you,” shesaid. “You gotta help me here.”
“Mommy always does,” Neilsulked.
Dan pursed her lips. “Can youpull your shirt off? I’ve got your new one ready.”
Neil squirmed, wrestling withhis t-shirt like a fish in the grasp of an octopus. He got one arm out of hissleeve but got stuck, and Dan had to pull on his other sleeve to get him out.She held the pyjama shirt out and he wriggled into it. Backwards, but Danwasn’t about to get particular.
She hesitated at his pants. Wasthis weird? Neil was her teammate.She shouldn’t be seeing him naked. This was just—
She shoved the thoughts aside;Neil was four, and she was going to be professional about this, damnit. Shetugged on his waistband and he obliged, pushing his pants down with theunselfconsciousness of childhood. She stripped them off his feet quickly andhelped him step into the pyjama bottoms, turning her head partially away. It was weird, but only because everythingabout today was weird.
He latched onto her hand once hewas dressed and she stood, knees popping from kneeling on the tile floor. “Bedtime?” she asked.
“Okay,” Neil said, leaningagainst her knee for a moment. She tugged and he followed her into the hallway.
“Hey, Kevin,” she said, tiltingher head towards the bedroom. “Which bed can Nate use?”
Kevin hurried up from thekitchen table, squirreling a small bottle of something into his pocket. Dangave him a hard look, which he avoided, ducking past them into the bedroom.
It was slightly less gross thanthe bathroom, though there was still a fugue of musty laundry smell over theroom. “Neil’s bed is the loft,” Kevin said, kicking a pair of dirty boxersunder the bed.
“Gross,” Dan said, side-eyeinghim. Kevin at least had the good grace to look a little ashamed of himself.“Which one’s yours?”
Kevin frowned in confusion, butpointed across the room at the single bunk. “Alright,” Dan said, giving him upas a lost cause and leading Neil over to what she presumed was Andrew’s bed,beneath Neil’s. She wasn’t putting a toddler in a loft.
Neil clambered up clumsily,hanging onto Dan with one hand. She let herself be drawn down, ducking her headto sit on the bottom bunk with him. The sheets, at least, were blessedly clean.
Neil burrowed down into theblankets, the tufts of his curls spilling out over the pillow. His eyes blinkedup at her, sleep-heavy but worried.
“Hey, buddy,” she said softly,smoothing his hair with one hand. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Neil mumbled, but shewasn’t fooled. His grip on her fingers hadn’t loosened yet.
“Um,” she said, casting aroundfor inspiration. Kevin stood in the doorway, hugging himself anxiously. “Do youwant me to sing?”
Neil scooted a little closer toher. “Yeah.”
“Okay.” She paused. Singingwasn’t really her thing. “Okay.”
She took a deep breath andstarted to sing, voice low and quiet. Neil scrunched down into the bunk,staring up at her with half-lidded eyes.
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound…
She kept singing even as Neil’seyes slipped closed, his face pushed into the pillow. His grip slowly went laxuntil finally she was able to gently tuck his hand under the blanket and easeup off the mattress.
Kevin still stood in thedoorway, and Dan jerked her head towards the living room. She closed the doorpartway and padded softly into the main room, where Nicky was arguing Andrewinto a pair of footie pyjamas with little cat ears on the hood. Dan droppedonto the couch with a groan, resting her head against Renee’s shoulder. Reneewrapped an arm around her, rubbing her back.
“Couldn’t we just have one quietyear?” Dan asked. “One year where we can just relax and focus on Exy?”
“At least it’s not the mafiathis time,” Allison said. “Just space-time itself fucking with us. You know,normal shit.”
Andrew perked up from across theroom, like he had some kind of weird swear-word radar. “She said a bad word,”he said.
“Stop eavesdropping,” Allisonsaid. “It’s rude.”
Andrew glared back from underhis cat hood. “You said fuck.”
“Ooookay there, Andrew,” Nickysaid, reaching his hands out and redirecting Andrew’s attention. “Don’t listento Allison, she wasn’t raised right. We were getting ready for bed?”
Andrew frowned petulantly.“Shit,” he muttered, kicking the carpet.
Nicky shot Allison a glare. “Youare a terrible influence,” he said.
“I’m not tired,” Andrew said.
“Um,” Nicky said. “Right. So…”
“We can watch TV for a bit,” Dansuggested. That had always put her to sleep as a kid.
“Good idea,” Nicky said. “HeyAndrew, how about you take one of the bean bag chairs? Which one do you want?”
“Red one,” Andrew said, claimingit immediately and curling up like the cat he was dressed as. Nicky disappearedinto the hallway and came back with an orange and white Palmetto Foxes blanket,draping it over Andrew and the bean bag. He scrunched up, pulling the blanketaround him like a protective cocoon.
Despite his insistence that hewasn’t tired, he was out like a light by the time they had even picked achannel. They settled on Discovery, just in case he woke up again.
Nicky watched Andrew snufflesoftly in his sleep, his tiny body rising and falling with his breaths. “Shouldwe move him?” he asked, uncertain.
“He’s probably fine there,” Dansaid. “I think—” She rubbed her eyes, groaning a little with tiredness. “Ugh.We should’ve put them in our room, Kevin’s useless.”
“Hey,” Kevin said, offended.
“When was the last time youvacuumed?” she snapped. “This place is a dump.”
Kevin’s ears went red. “We’rebusy,” he said.
“You’ve got the same schedule aseveryone else, and we don’t live like this,” Dan said. “I would have expectedthis from Neil—he’s basically a wild animal—but I expected better from you.”
Kevin muttered somethingindistinct, though Dan caught the words “cleaning staff” and “night practices.”Somehow, it wasn’t a surprise that the Nest didn’t expect its athletes to cleanup after themselves.
Dan sighed. “I’ll stay on thecouch. If this goes on any longer, we’ll move them over Abby’s house. Everybodymight as well head to bed, we’ve got a game tomorrow—”
A slight creak of a doorinterrupted her. She looked up in time to spot Neil sneak into the hallway, handstwisted into his pyjama shirt.
“Hey, buddy,” Matt said. “Youokay?”
“It’s dark,” Neil mumbled.
“Oh, sorry, Nate,” Dan said,hauling herself off the couch. “Do you want me to turn on the light?”
Neil fidgeted. “Can I stay outhere?”
Dan softened, looking at hiswide, staring eyes as he hovered in the hall. “Of course, sweetie. Andrew’ssleeping out here too.”
Neil’s eyes swept over the groupof adults before he crept out of the hallway and over to Dan, leaning againsther knee. She rubbed a hand over his hair. “That’s okay,” she murmured. “Shh.Shh.”
“The scary noises always comeout when it’s dark,” Neil said, voice muffled against her jeans.
“It’s okay, Nate. You’re safe.Shh.”
Neil reached his arms up and shepicked him up, cradling him against her chest. His arms wrapped around herneck, squeezing. She kept shushing into his hair, bouncing him gently andlowering herself to a seated position next to the other bean bag chair. Neilshifted, pulling out of her arms and lying down right next to Andrew on the redbean bag.
Andrew’s eyes squinted blearily,mumbling some kind of protest. Neil ignored him, squirming under the blanketand cuddling up against Andrew. Andrew made a soft, grumbly noise, beforesettling back down, Neil’s head pillowed on his hand.
“Oh my god,” Nicky whispered.“Can we keep them?”
“Nicky,” Dan said wearily,tugging him away from the sleepy children. The Foxes followed like a hive mind,congregating in the kitchen.  
“What? Everyone’s thinking it,I’m just saying it.”
“They are nicer this way,”Allison remarked. “And there’s some pretty cute kids fashion out there. I couldteach Neil to dress properly from the ground up.”
“Not you too,” Dan grumbled.
“Our season is doomed withoutthem,” Kevin said. “We have to do something—”
“This isn’t about Exy,” Dan said. “This is about gettingour friends back.”
Everyone paused. “Andrew’s notyour friend,” Aaron added helpfully.
“Thank you,” Dan said. “Come on,Matt, back me up.”
“I dunno…”
“Neil’s your best fuckingfriend. Don’t pretend you don’t want him back.”
“He is pretty cute though.” Hewrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on top of herhead. “Face it, we’d make great parents. You’re a natural.”
“Oh god no,” she said. “I am notgoing there with you today.”
“Aw, babe—”
A resounding pop startled her out of Matt’s arms. Hereyes shot over to check if the noise had woken Neil and Andrew.
Neil stared back at her, scarredcheeks sleep-smudged and sharp. The blanket she’d draped over him was tangledaround his legs, and then Andrew’s fist lashed out, catching a glancing blow tohis ribs.
Neil scrambled away, scanningthe room with wary eyes. The dinosaur pyjamas were weirdly warped and stretchedover his adult frame, mottled purple and blue. Andrew kicked the blanket offhis legs, rolling to his feet and glaring bloody murder. It was only slightlymitigated by the fact he was now wearing a giant cat onesie.
Neil looked down at his clothes.He looked across to the pile of Legos. He looked up at the rest of the Foxes,huddled in the kitchen.
“What the fuck?” he demanded.
Matt’s face melted into a grininstantly. “Oh man,” he said, already pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Youare never going to believe this one.”
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allforthecourtt · 6 years
rereading aftg with my dumbass opinions pt. 2 (tfc chapters 6-10)
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
look guys! its the highly unanticipated continuation of my reread of aftg!
chapter 6 (aka. meet this MESS of a team)
“My mother's family is French." It was a lie that probably had his British mother rolling over in her sandy grave.”
neil really never misses an opportunity to remind readers that he fucking buried his mom on the beach huh?
“A liar who practices occasional honesty. Clever. Keeps people guessing. Very effective. I would know. I do it myself, you see. Come on, then. After you.”
have i mentioned how entertaining high andrew is? because he’s funny as hell
also rereading these are fun because Nora is incredible at foreshadowing just sayin
“Neil automatically reached for his seatbelt, but one of the brothers was sitting on it.”
how neil would be in the back of the cousins’ car if they let him:
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“You?" Neil said. "You can't." Andrew's smile curved wider. "Ohhh, that sounds like a challenge. Mother may I?" "Your mother's dead. I don't think she cares what you do.”
“Starting a fight was too out of character for who he portrayed "Neil” to be, though.”
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“Consider this your official invite, you suicidal wretch. I'm bringing you to Columbia with us this Friday.”
awe suicidal wretch... glad they’re starting those pet names early
“I don't drink or dance," Neil said.
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andrew: i kno u can
“Kevin doesn't dance anymore”
anymore? ANYMORE??? release the cursed events that led to him not dancing anymore Nora im begging you
“Are you bleeding anywhere?" Matt asked. "Nowhere vital," Neil said.
gskjgnsak god i stan this little asshole so much
“She said it gently, with the hint of a smile on her face, but Neil still felt the rebuke. It was subtler but somehow deadlier”
have i mentioned how gay i am for renee? because im very gay for renee
“Allison looked ready for a photo shoot with perfect platinum curls, spiked heels, and a skintight dress.”
im also gay for allison ngl
“I can move if you want to sit here," Neil said. "No, this is fine." She smiled, but it had a smug edge to it, probably because Seth was glaring at them like he could kill them with willpower alone. ”
lol remember how neil doesn’t think he’s attractive and yet in 0.1 seconds after meeting him allison is like “yes this idiot is hot enough to piss off the other idiot im dating”
“Personal favorite was when someone told the police we were running a meth lab out of the dorm," Dan said sourly. "Police raids are awesome.”
no offence dan but that’s fucking hilarious omg
that’s kind of like the time my residence floor had to get evacuated bc some kids hotboxed their dorm room
god i love uni
“The death threats were creative, though," Nicky said. "Maybe this time they'll follow through and actually kill one of us. Let's vote. I nominate Seth.”
pfffffttttt i love Nicky omg
also hahahahahah foreshadowing!
“It'll be fine," Andrew said. "I promised, didn't I? Don't you believe me?" It took a while, but at last Kevin visibly relaxed. ”
again this is why i thought they were fucking for like the better part of the first two books
“The dead look Kevin turned on Andrew today was the same look Neil saw in his reflection. When Neil stopped acting, when he stopped worrying about who was watching, when he let go of the lies that kept him alive, that was the only expression he could make.”
it’s fine i didnt need a heart anyways
this kid is 18 hes A BABY
the first time i read this i was 18 too and like jfc i was a BABY at 18 and so i neil
“One of us has to make it, Mom." It wasn't going to be Neil. It was obvious he was too stupid to survive without his mother if he let himself get into messes like this. But maybe Kevin could do it.”
sorry let me just wipe my TEARS off my fucking laptop neil honey what the fuck
“He felt distant as he watched them walk in. Maybe he was already dying, his stupid soul fading from his short body in preparation for a brutal end.”
neil we get it you have depression (me too bitch u aint special)
“Fuck running," Seth said.
now that’s a whole ass mood
“he didn't know how Renee could smile so warmly when she was speaking to Andrew.”
haha bitch just wait
“when he slept, he dreamed of his father waiting for him on the Foxhole Court.”
remember how at the end of the series his father is waiting on the court but neil wins??? god we love good storytelling
this is such a fucking wild chapter
could you imagine? coming back from the summer and your first introduction to this amateur from arizona is this neil josten level of sass? because i’d probably kill him
first years are bad enough but first years who dont care about other people’s opinions? the fucking worst
chapter 7 (aka. neil does NOT have a fun night out)
“It seemed Allison and Seth didn't believe in middle ground: either they were slinging vile insults at each other or they were making out in the locker room regardless of whoever might be around.”
that’s just how the straights are
“It reminded Neil a little of Allison and Seth, except without the desperate sexual undertones.”
i’ll just leave this gem of a line here
“His teammates held so little regard for him he didn't even have the dubious honor of being dead last.”
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neil shading himself is actually hilarious how relatable
“Neil watched him do it, trying to remember the last time someone gave him a gift and coming up blank. That his first one should be from Andrew was unsettling.”
i actually love the fact that andrew bought him clothes so early on like andrew your gay is showing
“Neil debated how much damage the thick heels of his new boots would do against Andrew's face and liked what his mind came up with.”
i thank god everyday that these books are neil’s pov
“Andrew gave Neil another slow once-over and let go. "We're going.”
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^andrew seeing neil w/o contacts (aka. the ‘i can’t think straight’ vine)
“Most of the men wore leather, half the women had corsets, and a good number of both genders were covered in buckles and chains.”
this... is a... gay bar
“Andrew saluted the bouncers on his way by and led the way into the club, bypassing the line entirely.”
i always forget the drinking age in the us is 21 but like this bar really dont care about their liquor license AT ALL lmao
“You think Kevin would risk his future over a night out at the club?" "What future?" Neil asked.”
“Neil hadn't seen Aaron get up, but he was waiting behind Neil when Andrew let go. Neil reached for Andrew with lethal intent, but Aaron grabbed the back of his chair and pulled hard enough to topple it over.”
why are the twins literally this gif:
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real talk nicky kissing neil like that is horrible and really reflects poorly on nicky as a character
andrew for this entire chapter:
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chapter 8 (aka. a hitchhiker’s guide to lying about your identity)
“I don't know how your conversation with Andrew went, but it didn't end well. Rumor has it you paid a busboy a hundred bucks to knock you out. Way to cut our night short.”
this is probably my favourite thing neil does in the entire series ngl
“Wymack grabbed his elbow and hauled him inside. He slowed just long enough to slam the door behind Neil. "Are you stupid or just crazy? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you between here and there? What were you thinking?”
Why does Wymack literally sound like my father?
foxes: daddy?
wymack: DO I LOOK LIKE
follow up:
kevin: daddy?
wymack: uh yeah
“I don't know what the beef is between you two, but it ends here and now.”
Wymack @ neil: tell your boyfriend, if he says he’s got beef that your a vegetarian and your not fucking scared of him
“Then correct me." "Give me a reason." "Besides the obvious?" Andrew said. "If I can't get an answer from you, I'll get it wherever I can.”
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“I'm—" Neil didn't want to say it, but the word was already there, broken and pathetic between them, "—nothing. I'll always have and be nothing.”
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“He wondered for a moment if Andrew could handle the entire truth so calmly, but that was too dangerous and stupid to consider.”
“Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.”
this is such a good fucking line like i am shooketh
chapter 9 (aka. neil is, like, really horny for exy)
“Are you stupid?" Seth asked. "Yeah," Neil said.”
what a fuckin MOOD
“Neil had almost forgotten why he liked Exy so much. He did his best at practices but these days he worked mostly to keep his teammates off his back. As Neil surveyed Kevin's damage, he finally felt inspired again. On its heels was a hungry, desperate rush.”
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“Seth made as if to throw his beer at Neil. "His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented.”
sometimes i really wish seth was actually given a chance to have some character development
“ "Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought." "Maybe I am," Neil said”
another big fucking MOOD
chapter 10 (aka. shocking: university is hard :/ )
“It's fun telling Kevin no," Andrew said with a wicked grin.”
why is andrew like this omg
betsy probably was like just looking for a chill job and was like “oh cool uni students? ill have to deal with like a lot of anxiety, sexual tension, depression and like confusion about the future, not to bad” but NOPE welcome to the fucking MAFIA WARS
“That wasn't so bad, was it? Andrew was convinced it would be a disaster. He put money on you hating Betsy." "Did you bet against him?" "Yes," Renee said. "It was a private bet between the two of us.”
“I hope you didn't lose much," Neil said.”
god why is he such an asshole at every opportunity i love him
“I can take care of myself," Neil said. "Watch me beam with pride.”
wymack is the best father in the world and you cant convince me otherwise
“There was one for every fall team with schedules printed on each. Neil kept the Exy one, tossed the rest into the trash, and buried his magnet deep in his pocket where he didn't have to look at the dates.”
neil “i only care about exy” josten strikes again with his great school spirit
“Palmetto State was facing Edgar Allan on Friday, October 13th”
that’s such a cliche and i love it
“He detoured around students toward one of Palmetto State's three dining halls. Two were for the general student body. The third was for athletes only”
lmao my school literally has one dining hall and it couldnt give less of a fuck what type of student they’re selling food too as long as they’ll pay $15 for chicken fingers
what kind of money does palmetto state fuckin have
like i get us tuition is a lot but jesus so’s mine and my school couldn’t be less fucked
“It was only the first day of school and he already had three assignments: a short paper, a fifty-page chapter to read, and a page of questions about said chapter. Neil debated for a minute as to which one sounded least painful. Five minutes later he was still uninspired, so he put his head down on his desk.”
2. first years are so cute thinking that’s a lot of assignments i remember in first year being like “i have to read 40 pages thats so unfair :(” and now i’m like “ah sick only 200 pgs of readings this week? im gonna have so much free time!”
upper year history sucks ngl
“I'm fine," Neil said.”
neil knows exactly two (2) words and those are it
“You say that an awful lot," Matt said. "I'm starting to think you don't know what it means.”
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overall thoughts:
the plot is pickinnnng upppp
i kind of forget how much world building happens in the first book but like its good
also i love neil literally hating everyone its so funny bc like bby these going to be your best friends just wait
anyways that’s all for now
part 3 will be the rest of tfc and then we’ll move onto trk if you guys still want more of this? let me know
love u all bye
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transgenderboobs · 6 years
tags under the cut
apologies for not tagging anyone it is just that there are quite a few of these and that would require tagging a hell of a shit of a lot of people and i got overwhelmed
tagged by @carnalbanshee​ (back on ur old blog jkdhfgdf) thanks darlin <3
Name: prem
Birth Year: 1997
Sign: aquarius
Height: 5′9″
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first 4 songs:
new perspective - panic at the disco
vegas - all time low
girls like girls - hayley kiyoko
rewind - goldspot
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line? there isn’t a 17th line b/c page 23 is the end of a chapter so there’s only ten lines. anyway here’s the last line on the page: “he had to, he had to, he had to -- but in that moment, all kell could do was lie on the cold marble, warmth spreading in a thing red pool around him.” from a conjuring of light be v.e schwab
Ever had a poem or a song written about you? noooo lmaooooo
When was the last time you played air guitar? uh. idk?
Celebrity crushes: stephanie beatriz, hayley kiyoko, hayley williams, jodie whittaker, lucy liu, etc, etc, etc
Sound you love/hate? sound i hate is heavy traffic (aka what i hear every waking moment of every day because i live right by a busy street and it’s killing me) sound i love is. the ocean
Love: being Right
Hate: people who act like it’s ok to “ship” incest/pedophilia/abuse
Do you believe in ghosts? i dunno
Do you believe in aliens? i find the idea that in this vast, infinite universe, earth is the only planet with intelligent life to be absolutely laughable. it’s not just a belief i know aliens exist.
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? i don’t have my license but i do have my permit so i do drive but only with my parents and no i have never crashed 
Last book you read? the last book i finished was gathering of shadows by v.e shwab
Do you like the smell of gasoline? i used to but not really anymore. it’s too strong 
Last movie you saw? uh i had to watch the breadwinner for class 
Do you have any obsessions right now? not really tbh. i guess i’m big into taz amnesty rn but not exactly obsessed:-/
Do you tend to hold grudges? i Can
Are you in a relationship right now? lmao
rules: using only the song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the question and tag 10 people
artist/band: panic! at the disco 
what’s your gender? new perspective
how do you feel? crazy=genius
if you could go anywhere? dying in la
favorite mode of transportation? time to dance
your best friend? oh glory
favorite time of day? nine in the afternoo
if your life was a tv show? far too young to die
relationship status? high hopes
your fear? turn off the lights
tagged by @nathaneilwesninskis​ !! thank :3c
what fictional character would you like to share a meal with and why? renee walker because she seems like she would make the most Pleasant chit chat over like some appetizers and then let me pour my heart out to her after a few drinks and tell me everything will be ok and she believes in me
have you ever read a book you now wish that you hadn’t? YES god. i absolutely hated he proxy series. i want to fucking scrub it from my brain entirely
what is your favorite book you were assigned to read in school? hm. language of flowers
do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks, or paper books? paper !!! love the feeling of Holding that sexie ass book In My Hands. love turning pages hell yeah
describe your favorite spot to read in. My Bed !
what book or series do you want to see turned into a (very well done, of course) movie/tv series? THE ABYSS SURROUNDS US. i would KILL to see that on the big screen holy mcshit
what is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books/reading/etc? i guess i dislike that so many f/f books are like. thin white attractive 16 year old with a supportive family falls for a girl who Might be straight but everything’s ok in the end. like. it’s all the same and it feels so emotionless and detached
do you have more than one edition of any books? which one(s)? no i’m poor i can barely afford One edition. altho i have had to replace certain books b/c i read them so much they basically fell apart in my hands
what’s the last book you finished reading? when did you finish it? a gathering of shadows, and i finished it like. A Day ago
what kind(s) of representation do you think are often and accurately depicted (especially) in ya lit books? idk honestly
what kind(s) of representation do you want to see more of (especially) in ya lit books? LESBIANS. Give. Me. Lesbians. i wanna read about girls falling in love bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i. cannot think of questions apologies for killing all tag games kjdhfgdfg sue me
10 books I want to read in 2019
tagged by @filippa-kosta 🥰🥰
a conjuring of light (already finished adsom and agos)
i wanna reread tfc if that counts
of ice and shadows
i also just finished impostors so now i wanna reread uglies
i’m rereading harry potter and i need to finish deathly hallows 
the murder on the rockport limited graphic novel!!!! if graphic novels count
can’t really think of any others i. don’t really plan out what books i’m gonna read in advance i just pick up books on a whim and read them
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 7 – In Case Of Zombie Apocalypse, Grab Your Racquets And Run
In which the saga of Gays On Rooftops continues, everyone is too sassy to handle, I cry at some beautiful Andrew/Renee normalcy, and Andreil are Andreil.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I had always heard of The Rooftop Scene™ from fandom, but oh, had I been a fool to assume there was just one of them.
Lads, we’re back to being in high places we shouldn’t be, and we’re in for a fun time.
             “Give me one good reason to not push you off the side.”
             Neil shook a cigarette stick out and lit it. “I’d drag you down with me. It’s a long way down.”
Two sentences into this conversation, and Neil is already being a sassy little shit.
Now this is the content I signed up for.
             “I hate you. (…) Ninety percent of the time the very sight of you makes me want to commit murder. I think about carving the skin from your body and hanging it out as a warning to every other fool who thinks he can stand in my way.”
             “What about the other ten?” Neil asked.
Perceptive little dude, look at you! Actually noticing stuff Andrew says, I’m so proud.
Also, I’m hoping this was a rhetorical question, because if not I may take my “perceptive” back.
             “I warned you not to put a leash on me.”
             “I didn’t,” Neil said. “You put that leash on yourself when you told me to stay no matter what. Don’t be mad at me just because I was smart enough to pick up the other end of it.”
I want it to please be known that I am resisting about 20 kinky leash jokes right now.
Thankfully, Andrew waltzes on with the conversation before I can utter any.
Good boy.
             “I don’t think it was the money (…) why they chased you so long. I imagine at some point they realized it was far more important to hurt you than to recoup anything they’d lost.”
             “So you stay, but you still won’t hit me.”
Neil has become being such a sassy shit to Andrew, I can’t even tell you how much I’m loving this.
Homeboy takes no shit from no one anymore.
             Despite Andrew’s unfriendly words, his expression and tone were calm. He said these things like they meant nothing to him. Neil didn’t know if it was a mask or the truth. Was Andrew hiding that rage from Neil or from himself? Maybe the monster was buried until Neil crossed another unforgiveable line.
And of course, Neil being Neil, he instantly searches for that line exactly.
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Neil and Andrew, pretty much.
             “Good,” Neil said at length. (…) “I want to see you lose control.”
Damn right you do, honey.
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             Neil feigned confusion as he got to his feet. “Am I bothering you?”
             “Beyond the telling.”
             “Interesting,” Neil said. “Last week you said nothing gets under your skin.”
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Neil, my boy my dude my homie, you are on FIRE today.
Neil mic-drops out of the conversation and gets off the roof – only to be immediately thrown to the ground by the angrier, more vocal version of Andrew.
After several people are needed to wrestle Aaron and Neil free from each other, we find out what exactly has our second favourite twin’s orange boxers in a twist:
             “Katelyn’s refusing to see me or talk to me until Andrew and I get counselling.”
I knew Katelyn was badass, but this has just propelled her to the very top of the Takes No Shit Charts.
             Nicky’s jaw dropped, but it sounded more admiring than anything. “Damn, Neil.”
Same, Nicks.
             Aaron shot him a livid look. “Don’t you dare take his side.”
             “Why not?” Nicky asked. “It’s not like you ever let me take yours.”
Shots have been fired, tea has been spilled, Aaron has been thoroughly shut up.
What is up with this team and sassy remarks today, you guys. Wonderful.
Neil reunited with Dan’s crowd, who immediately begin questioning the previous violent (and also German) exchange, as any sane person would do.
             “What the hell is going on?”
             “I’m doing what you asked me to do,” Neil said. “I’m fixing them. (…) If a bone isn’t healing straight, you have no choice but to break it. They’ll be fine.”
Neil has been taking metaphor style notes from Andrew, apparently.
             Matt leaned against the doorframe and arched a brow at Neil. “That’s not exactly reassuring. From you ‘fine’ could mean anything from ‘I’m going to hitchhike across the state’ to ‘I’m beaten to a bloody pulp but I can still hold a racquet’.”
Damn, Matt.
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This squad is not messing around today.
Matt, Dan and Allison play a fun goodnight game of Getting Drunk Off Their Asses, and while Neil and Renee clean up the mess afterwards, they have a lil talk about y’know, boys.
             “Thank you,” she said, “for reaching him when I couldn’t.”
This just in: I still love Renee, thank you for asking.
Renee confirms what we kind of knew already: When Andrew started watching Kevin and the monsters’ backs, Renee was tasked with watching those of the rest. She even offered to take Neil when he arrived, bless her heart. But of course, we know how quickly Andrew snatched Neil’s dramatic ass up into his crew.
             “That being said, I tried taking you off his hands at one point.” When Neil looked at her in surprise, Renee affected an innocent look that for once was not entirely convincing. “Andrew refused on the grounds he wouldn’t wish you on anyone except a mortician.”
             “Drama queen,” Neil muttered.
First off – lmao @ Andrew for being the drama queen we treasure him for, and lmao @ Neil for finally commenting on it.
But second – how am I to interpret that not-convincing innocent look? Did she just wanna protect Neil from Andrew and now feels about it, for not trusting her friend enough? Or does she know about Andrew’s, ahem, possible ulterior motives?
I’m betting on the latter. As if Andrew doesn’t talk to her about his crushes during their BFF sleepovers. As if.
In order to avoid his teammates’ bad spirit about, well, everything at the moment, when it comes to warm-up on the court the next day, Neil – surprise! – joins Renee and Andrew on their jog.
A lil wholesome conversation will go a long way, folks, even if that long way just goes around the Court walls.
And what does my favourite Brotp in this universe do on their mighty distinguished Break Walks?
They discusss hypothetical WWIII scenarios.
Seriously, I love this. This is exactly the kind of wholesome normal best-friends-havin-a-chat content I signed up for, and I can’t believe my poor heart is finally getting what it deserves.
Neil is equally delighted by the Goalie BFFs’ choice of debate subject, and his thirsty ass is immediately back the next day.
And it gets better – today, it’s zombie apocalypses.
             Surviving on the run was Neil’s forte, and it was interesting to see how his priorities compared with theirs. Renee stressed the importance of collecting survivors, which Andrew shot down immediately.
Because of course she did, because of course he did.
Every single thing about this is gold and I want a billion fanarts.
             Neil wondered what he would do if an invasion really happened. (…) Chances were it’d be instinctive to abandon all of them if the undead put in a ravenous appearance. It wasn’t exactly an uplifting realization, but Neil could accept the ugly truths about himself.
This, this is so important to me. Neil isn’t magically over his entire upbringing now that he’s got friends, he’ll maybe always have these instincts his mother put in him, but he’s coming to accept this about himself. He’s being open and honest with himself, even if it means addressing bad emotions and bad truths and really man have I mentioned I love Neil Josten recently.
In other news: Renee is apparently texting buddies with Jean now!
And I’m p sure they allowed outside contact with the Foxy Orange Scum beneath their Holy Feathery Feet, so Jean is probably breaking a billion laws (and maybe risking a few fingers) sending memes to Renee, so props to you, my man. You have my approval to be engaging in contact with my fave sweetheart.
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Neil is equally on board with this.
             “I’m hoping she can weaking his blind loyalty.” Neil thought about it a moment longer, then said, “Maybe that’s why Matt stopped betting on the two of you?”
This is either Neil being the oblivious fuck that we know and treasure, or Neil poking the bear.
Either way, good shit right there if I do say so myself.
To close this chapter off – we’re in for another Prime Andreil Deep Talk. This time featuring: Money!
             “It isn’t charity,” Neil said. “It’s revenge. It wasn’t my money in the first place, remember? I told you my father skimmed it from the Moriyamas. If you take some for your car, you’re making Riko fix what his fans destroyed.”
Can your stolen money also fix Riko’s attitude, asking for a friend.
             “Revenge is a motivator only for the weak-willed,” Andrew said.
             “If you believed that you wouldn’t be planning on how to kill Proust.”
OHHHH burn. Did I mention I’m here for Neil Take No Shit Josten lately?
Also yikes. Almost forgot about that guy.
I’m intrigued to see whether he actually appears in this book.
Andrew retaliates this comment by blowing a fuckton of smoke in Neil’s face, which Neil retaliates by breaking Andrew’s cigarette.
Actual fucking children, I tell you.
             “You bought the last car with someone’s death. You can buy this one with someone’s life – my life. That money was going to buy my next name when I ran away from here. Thanks to you I don’t need it anymore.”
Yeah, hi, if anyone needs me I’ll be subtly crying in a corner.
             “Make a new deal with me. (…) What would you give me?” Neil asked.
             “Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.”
             Neil frowned at him, lost, but Andrew didn’t waste his breath explaining.
Ah yes, and here we are back again with Neil being an oblivious idiot. Jeez, boi.
Ily, but use ya brain.
Mirculously, Neil does, but quite differently than I expected him to – he convinces Andrew to give up cracker dust.
Nice, I guess. One addiction less. Kind of anticlimactic, though.
             Andrew thought it over a minute, then flicked his cigarette at Neil. It singed the material where it bounced off his shirt. (…)
             “I’m going to take your temper tantrum as a yes,” Neil said.
The sass does not stop, you guys.
If you like what I do here and you want me to continue writing fun things for you, why not buy me a coffee? Every lil bit helps, getting me through uni and all that jazz. Thanks so much!
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haven-raven012591 · 7 years
A Sweet Surprise
Warning: Holy shit yeah first time I've had to do this. NSFW theme this time.
You and your boyfriend Finn Balor had been together for about four years and it was the best thing that ever happened to you. He was absolutely perfect for you. He was kind, sweet, gentle, caring, smart, talented, and gorgeous. He had the best set of abs on the planet in your opinion. He adored you and you adored him. In a few days it would be your anniversary and Finn had told you to make sure your passport was up to date. You'd gotten it together and now as you looked at the new information in it you smiled. Four years wasn't your longest relationship but this one with Finn was close to perfect. He was gone a lot but you didn't mind it much because it gave you time to do your work. You had a surprise for him though.
He was going to love it. You got ready for bed and went to sleep but you woke up because you felt lonely. It was like this sometimes, the nights before he'd come home you'd get super anxious and happy but lonely too it was weird. So you got one of Finn's shirts and put it on. You picked a black button down because it was the last one he wore. Surrounded by his scent you went to sleep.
Finn unlocked the door and smiled just being home and in your presence felt so good. He kicked off his shoes and locked the door. He knew you'd be asleep it was late or early so he shurgged out of his jacket and went to the kitchen grabbing water. You sat up and looked around hearing something down stairs. You pull Finn's shirt around you and walk down with a blade in your hand.
You see a bag and then the jacket. "Love what are you doing up?" Finn asked seeing you on the stairs. You run down them and drop the blade on the way jumping into his arms. "I heard a noise and came down to check it out." Y/N said happily. He spun you around and buried his head in your neck. He always did that, he said it was because you smelled so good and you fit him. "I've missed you so much Finn." Y/N said. He kissed you long and slow holding your face in his hands.
"I've missed you too I brought you a present." Finn said. You caress his cheek. "Just come to bed ok, presents and news can wait I just want my Finn in my arms." Y/N said. He moved your hair and kissed your forehead. "What news love, are you alright?" Finn asked. "Let's go up to bed Finn." Y/N said. He put you down and you walk over picking up the blade. Finn turned on the light and blinked.
"Your not wearing clothes!" Finn said in shock. "Babe I was hot, and I'm in my lingerie you got me." Y/N said. He had bought you what you had on. The lace and silk was really comfy to you. "Is tat my shirt?" Finn asked still in shock. "It smells like you and when I couldn't sleep I put it on." Y/N said. His eyes were saphiare instead of the ocean blue his eyes usually were. "Tats just not fair you look all comfy and warm without me." Finn pouted.
You went to him and rubbed his chest. "You want me to take your shirt off and put something on while you get a shower?" Y/N asked. "No stay like this." Finn said. You put your arms around his neck. "I'm even more comfy now that your home Finn, this last week I've missed you more than ever." Y/N said as tears ran down your cheeks. "Why was this week so bad love you didn't sound different when we talked and face timed." Finn said.
"A put on baby." Y/N said. "Is it because of your news?" Finn asked. "Yes." Y/N said. "Tell me so you can relax and enjoy our trip." Finn said. You kissed him long and slow gripping his hair. He picked you up and took you to the bedroom turning off the light. He laid you down and started kissing your neck. "Mmm that feels so good." Y/N whispered. He nibbled and bit softly as you sighed. "I want you to look at me." Y/N said. He did and you leaned up on your elbows. "Are you pregnant?" Finn asked his eyes wide. "No Finn but if you keep trying I will be." Y/N teased. "Not yet love, one day but not yet I'm having too much fun." Finn said.
You laughed and smiled. "I'm the newest backstage interviewer I got hired because of Renee and Charlie." Y/N said. "What?!" Finn asked. His face and eyes changed instantly. "I work with Renee and Charlie now, I work for WWE like you." Y/N said softly. He kissed you heatedly and you wrapped around him. "Remind me to thank them both." Finn said. You smiled at him and rubbed his back. "Finn are you ok with me being with you more?" Y/N asked. He got up and walked down to get his bag. You curled up as tears formed. "I knew I shouldn't have said yes." Y/N whispered to the room. Finn stopped when he hears your soft sobs.
You took off his shirt and put on a night gown getting in bed after bumping up the AC. Finn walked in and saw his shirt on the chair. "Love why are ya cryin'?" Finn asked. "I thought when you said you'd have to thank them that you were happy but when I asked if you were you just left." Y/N said. He pulled you into his lap and framed your face. "Listen to me love, I have wanted you with me since we started dating but I was scared it would turn out like my other relationship." Finn said. "You're not scared of anything Finn your you." Y/N said. He laughed and caressed your cheek.
"I am scared of losing you love." Finn said. "You can do better, you have in the past." Y/N said. He lifted your chin. "No one beats you love." Finn said. "Charmer." Y/N tease. "Can't help it lass it comes with the accent." Finn said. You both busted out laughing. He moved your hair and poked your nose. "Sleep or present?" Finn asked. "Since you got your bag, I'll take my present and then wait for you to get your shower." Y/N said. He kissed you again.
"Or maybe both can wait." Finn said. "This can wait my love your so tired." Y/N said. He nodded and you moved so he could put his bag on the bed. When he went to pick it up he hit his knees. "Finn." Y/N said going to him. "Just tired lass." Finn said. You sat on the floor and he laid in your lap. "You're hurt." Y/N said. "Yeah lass I am." Finn said. You played with his hair and sighed. "Alright superman on the bed." Y/N said. You helped him onto the bed and opened his bag taking his clothes and putting them in the hamper.
"Lass." Finn said. "The steam will help and I'll be watching you." Y/N said. He sighed as you stripped him and put him in the shower. You sat on the counter and watched him like a hawk. "So what's the damage?" Y/N asked. "Concussion." Finn said. You sigh and turn back to the shower and Finn's standing there. "I need some TLC from m'girl." Finn said. You fully turn and wrap you legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
"You'll get all you can stand." Y/N said. He cupped your cheek and kissed you deeply as he picked you up taking you to bed. He laid you down and you pushed his bag off the bed. He untied your panties and you giggled. "Finn." Y/N moan softly as he kissed your neck. "Do that again." Finn whispered and moved down your body kissing your inner thighs. "Finn." Y/N sigh. He kissed your clit then began sucking it slowly. "Ahh fuck." Y/N moan.
You leaned up and yank your night gown and lace top off. "That's it baby aww Finn." Y/N moan. He kissed up your body and then devoured your lips. You reach between you two and line him up pulling back. "Come inside me Finn." Y/N said. He thrusted inside you and your head fell back. "So wet." Finn growled. He licked your neck. "Look at me." Finn said thrusting hard into you. It wasn't hard to do that hell it was one of the best things about this position. You looked at him and kissed him softly. "Fuck." Finn whispered. You laughed and rubbed his back.
"It's ok babe it's safe." Y/N said. He kissed you heatedly. "I always forget it when we see each other." Finn said. "I honestly can't remember when we've ever used one baby." Y/N said. "I don't want to with you love I don't want anything between us." Finn said. "Sexy, not smart but ya get points for being sexy." Y/N said. He licked and sucked one nipple then the other as he palmed your ass pulling your hips flush with his. "Finn." Y/N moaned. You gripped his shoulders and rolled your hips meeting his thrusts with your own.
He gripped your hips grinding into you as your hips eagerly accepted his thrusts. "Finn!" Y/N moaned louder. He bit your neck and your eyes roll back. "Fuck." Y/N breathe. He kissed your chest as you arch off the bed. "Your so tight love." Finn growled in your ear. You roll him to his back and run your nails down his chest. "Minx." Finn groaned as he thrusted up. You slowly rocked your hips back and fourth in time with him thrusting up. He gripped your hips helping you move. "That's it love you ride me so well." Finn moaned.
Your head falls back as you ride him with long slow movements. He moaned and his eyes closed. "That's it baby." Y/N moaned. He thrusted up hard making you bounce and you shivered. "Do that again." Y/N said. He did and you both moaned as you settled on his length. "Fuck." Finn moaned. He grabbed your hips and threw you to the bed as he started going faster. You gripped his shoulders and arched into him. "Finn!" Y/N moan.
He kissed you passionately and looked at you. "Cum love cum now." Finn commanded. You smirk and moan. "Not yet!" Y/N panted. He thrust into you hard growling into your ear. "Cum." Finn whispered. Your nails bit into his shoulders and shook you head. "Don't want to." Y/N moan. He bit into you neck harder almost drawing blood. "Finn!" Y/N scream. "Do it." Finn said. You thrust up and he bucks into you hard once more. "Finn!" You scream again cumming hard. "Y/N!" Finn yelled as you tighten around him as he cums hard. He looks at you and you smile. "Fuck Y/N." Finn whispered kissing you softly.
"Back at you hot stuff." Y/N panted. Both of you move and snuggle close as you come down. "I am so happy you're home Finn." Y/N said. He kissed your forehead and held you close. "So am I." Finn said. The two of you went to sleep snuggled close. Y/N woke up to a bouquet of wild flowers by the bed. He had got to the gym so you started washing clothes. Finn came home and saw you putting clothes in the suitcase's. "Plane leaves soon." Finn said.
Y/N jumped and laughed taking out her head phones. "I'm done babe just waiting for you." Y/N said. He showered as you watched TV. "Y/N you didn't open anything did you?" Finn asked. "No, I put it on your night stand." Y/N said. He picked it up and handed it to you. You opened the box and opened it. "Finn this is gorgeous baby." Y/N said. You put the necklace on and ran to the mirror. "It looks amazing on you." Finn said. "I love it baby." Y/N said. You ran your finger tips over the pearls and down to the heart pendent.
"It suits you." Finn said. You wrap your arms around his neck. "I love you Finn." Y/N said. He kissed you passionately and you held him close. "I love you too, Y/N." Finn said. They went to the airport and he gave her a ticket. "Japan!" Y/N said excitedly. He you close and smiled. You two got on the plane and you were so excited you were bouncing. He laughed and smiled. Once they had landed they went to the hotel and then they sat and talked.
He took her to some of the places that he used to visit and they took pictures. "Today has been amazing baby this is a beautiful place." Y/N said. They went to dinner and then they spent the night snuggling close. He woke up and watched her sleep. "Finn." Y/N yawned. He kissed your forehead. "I'm here just watching you sleep." Finn said. You smiled up at him. The two of you ate then went out again. It had been an amazing day when he told you that he had another present for you.
You two went to the hotel and took showers but when you came out he'd fallen asleep. You smiled and laid with him playing with his hair. He slept for the most of the night until he sat up panting. "Easy baby shh." Y/N said. He leaned on you and smiled. "Sorry love." Finn said. "Shh it's ok babe you've been traveling a lot." Y/N said. The two of you ate and then went back to the hotel crashing. She woke up to him opening the curtains.
"Hey turn off the sun." Y/N said throwing the pillow at him. He caught it and you two had a pillow fight. "Happy anniversary Y/N." Finn said as he held you close. You leaned on him and smiled. "Happy anniversary Finn." Y/N said.
The two of you went out and finished site seeing. "You look upset." Finn said. "You haven't taken me to see the Cherry blossom trees babe." Y/N said. "Oh, well I'll take ya there tonight." Finn said. You pushed him and laughed. You went to the hotel and changed into a dress and he was dressed in a black button down and black jeans. "Hello handsome." Y/N said running his chest. "Hello beautiful." Finn said running his hands over your arms. You went to dinner then he took you to see the trees. The lights were on and they were so beautiful and it looked like pink snow.
Finn picked a blossom and put it in your hair. "This is beautiful Finn thank you, this whole trip has been so amazing." Y/N said. "Ya know there's a reason I brought ya here." Finn said rubbing his hands on his jeans. "Is there?" Y/N asked playing with your necklace. He nodded and moved your hair caressing your cheek.
"I love you, Y/N and I knew this would be the perfect place ta tell ya how much." Finn said. You went to him and kissed his cheek softly. "I love you too Finn." Y/N said. He cupped your cheek looking into your eyes. You staired into his eyes allowing yourself to drawn in them. He pulled out a little box and you looked from his hand to his eyes. "Y/N, you have become the best thing in my life outside the ring and I want ya ta marry me." Finn said. You nodded and licked your lips. "Yes." Y/N said as tears started. He opened the box and slid it onto your finger. He kissed you long and slow. "I love you." Finn whispered to your lips. "I love you too." Y/N whispered back.
@soulofaravenheartofawolf @loveroflive78 @wwesensualfanfics @devitts-girl @2sweetqueen @meremaidqueen @crayzeebizkit @empress-with-the-crown @wrestlingxbalorxrollins @iwritewwe
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A Little Bit of Gay History
Inspired by this hilarious post: x
I took some (a lot) of liberties with this, especially with the beginning, but I hope no one minds! This is my first fic for the aftg series, so hopefully the characters aren’t too ooc :’) 
By the way, I don’t necessarily like writing Kevin as a constant drunk. So this is a one-time dealio. My next fic will be ab him overcoming his dependency on drinking <3 I love Kevin Day y’all
Neil Josten was used to nights out in Columbia. He enjoyed the drive, the house, and the time spend with the Monsters, his family. It was a time where all five of them could relax (sort of). Neil had gone with the Monsters a dozen nights and expected the same order of events to happen each time: drive, Eden’s Twilight, dragging Nicky, Aaron, and Kevin’s drunk asses home, then properly relax at the house. What he wasn’t expecting tonight, however, was a drunk ass Kevin practically clinging to Neil by the end of the night.
Earlier in the evening, Kevin and Aaron had done competitive shots and did so many they lost count and couldn’t tell who won. Next, Kevin joined Nicky at the bar to try out some of Roland’s new mixes. Then Kevin shared a quiet drink with Andrew after he’d been dancing. It was around this time that Neil noticed that Kevin’s green eyes had gone a bit hazy and his stance a but wobbly.
Andrew had silently gotten up, which meant Neil and Kevin did too, but he motioned for them to stay. Neil figured he was either going to the bathroom or going to find his wayward twin and cousin. Normally, Neil was fine with being alone with Kevin. Tonight, however, has turned out to be a different story and had Neil fervently wishing Andrew to make a hasty return.
“Neil, I need you to listen” demanded Kevin. “Listen!”
Kevin grabbed Neil’s shirt and shook him a little, as if he could make Neil magically listen to his profound insights by force. He’d been trying to gain Neil’s attention for the five minutes. Even though Neil was with him and listening to his rambling the entire goddamn time. 
Neil closed his eyes. He had a headache.
“Do you understand? Neil, do you understand anything at all?”
Kevin may be family, but that didn’t mean Neil didn’t want to sock him right in the throat.
Neil took a deep breath. “No, Kevin, I don’t understand. I don’t understand anything of what you’re saying. Do you know why? Because you have yet to get to the fucking point you useless vodka-fucking bastard.”
“You can’t fuck vodka.”
“You’re right. It’s a talent only you’ve personally achieved. Congrats”
“How would that even work? Vodka is a liquid-- wait. Lubricant.”
Neil couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He could do nothing but stare as Kevin drunkenly pulled out his phone to google it, almost dropping his phone three times in the process. Neil wanted Andrew to hurry back more than ever.
The very thought of Andrew, Aaron, and Nicky coming back to Kevin spouting nonsense about using vodka for motherfucking lube was enough to make Neil desperate. He didn’t want to think of the consequences of Kevin and Nicky bonding over hypothetical alcohol-based lubricants. No. Just...no.
Reaching up on his tiptoes, and hating himself and Kevin all the more for it, he made a desperate grab for the phone. “No. Shit, no. Hold still. Kevin don’t you dare--”
“Apparently,” Kevin loudly began, easily evading Neil’s grabby hands thanks to his gigantic asshole height. “vodka as a lubricant would be very unpleasant thanks to the acidic properties. What a shame.”
Neil grabbed Kevin’s arm, yanked it down, and then used Kevin’s newly healed hand to slap Kevin in the face with it.
“Stop that,” Kevin hissed. He yanked his arm back, harshly, from Neil’s grip and overbalanced, falling back into the wall with a thud. Kevin blinked. Then slowly began sliding down the wall to the floor in all his drunken glory.
Neil wasn’t impressed. “You deserved it.”
Kevin’s eyes were still hazy, but he managed to scowl all the same. “If anyone deserves to be smacked it’s you. You haven’t been listening this entire time.”
“That’s because you never got to the actual point. You’ve just been talking nonsense at me this entire time.”
“Nonsense?!” Kevin spluttered. “the gay history of the world isn’t nonsense!”
Kevin scoffed. “You never listen.”
Neil was two seconds away from committing murder. Family be damned.
When Kevin opened his mouth to speak again, Neil was quick to interrupt him. “You can tell me all about your history stuff later, but right now Andrew is coming back and we need to start heading back to the tower.” That last part was a lie, but Kevin didn’t need to know that.
“The junkie is right. Get up, time to go.”
Neil startled so badly that he nearly toppled over and landed on Kevin. A hand shot out and grabbed Neil’s bicep and pulled him back abruptly. He turned and gave Andrew a grateful look, who squeezed his bicep gently before releasing him. 
“Jeez, Neil, be careful!” Nicky laughed, arriving out of nowhere to Neil’s right. Seems like Neil was correct in assuming Andrew went to look for his family. When Neil turned back around he saw Aaron lifting Kevin up and putting one of his arms around his shoulders. Privately, Neil thought they looked ridiculous with two drunk-out-of-their-mind men leaning on each other, with one being pint sized and the other a giraffe with a queen tattoo, but wisely chose not to say anything.
Wymack would be so proud.
Andrew turned, having established that Aaron could handle Kevin, and led them all through the exit to the Maserati. To home. 
Neil had all but nearly forgotten the Incident That Shall Not Be Named by the time Monday rolled around. Andrew had perfectly distracted him all weekend, with witty remarks and truths and kisses, that Neil didn’t really give Kevin’s odd ramblings a second thought. 
Andrew had subtly asked him what Kevin was on about when he’d arrived, but Neil had been stubbornly silent on the matter. Neil wasn’t going to be repeating any of what he heard to Andrew. He didn’t want to relapse into another headache.
Now, though, Neil was coming back from his morning jog. The day was starting off nicely. He’d woken up, limbs entangled with Andrew from their chests to their toes, the closest they’d ever held each other. A morning kiss (and the subsequent complaint that Andrew would never allow this again because morning breath wasn’t worth it. Neil knew better though). Being allowed to wear Andrew’s favorite hoodie while out on his jog. The crisp, cool morning air--
Neil stopped. It took a moment, but then he remembered the iphone Allison had bought him. He rarely used it, but he knew the sound the his email notification going off. It was frustrating how every little sound the device made gave Neil small bouts of fright. Ridiculous. 
Scowling, Neil pulled the damn phone from his lower pocket in his cargo shorts (jorts forever banned by the Foxes’ collective effort -- even Aaron’s). Pulling up the email, however, Neil quickly became confused. Why was Kevin e-mailing him?
To: Neil Josten
From: Kevin Day
Subject: The Affair of Radu III and Mehmed
Surely, this was a mistake? After all, Neil distinctly remembered Kevin rambling on about a paper he was doing on a man named Radu III. Neil hadn’t paid much more attention beyond that detail because it was about history and honestly? Fuck that.
But why was the subject titled “The Affair of Radu III and Mehmed” then? What kind of history essay was this?
What the fuck, Neil thought. What. The. Fuck.
Neil clicked it.
With a shit-eating grin, Neil dodged Kevin’s tackle and made a break for it.
Everyone was staring at them. 
Neil didn’t dwell on this. There was no point. In the matters of life and death there was only you and the mean of survival. For Neil, that meant getting to the other side of the court and into the goalies post as fast as possible.  
A jump over some fallen exy balls, running in zig zags through his teammates, a mad dash to the goal-- 
“Andrew!” Neil called, breathless, coming closer to him. Andrew was there, watching the entire chaos unfold, and making no effort to help him. Neil slowed down.
A fatal mistake.
A hard body collided with him, tumbling them both down to the court, with Neil face-planting right at Andrew’s feet.
“Got you, you shitty little gremlin.” Kevin spoke menacingly in French.
One moment Neil was wheezing and gasping for air, and in the next, the body was suddenly off of him. Neil took the opportunity to turn on his back.
Andrew had grabbed Kevin and lifted him off Neil and was now leveling a severe gaze at him. For once, Kevin ignored the threat Andrew posed in favor of the one Neil had.
Neil slowly grinned up at him, and responded in French. “Gay history, huh?”
Kevin made to lunge at him again but Andrew put his arm out and stopped it. 
“What the hell is going on?” Dan demanded. 
“Kevin and Neil both messing around during practice?” Allison peered down at them, haughty, but curious. “I have to know what’s going on. Come on, tell us the drama.” 
Renee put a placating hand on Allison’s arm and put herself in the middle between the three around the goal and the rest of the foxes. Her smile was kind but her voice was firm. “Their business is their business. You all should know that by now.”
“We know that,” Matt protested, who was looking very bewildered right now. It’d be comical if only Neil weren’t facing Death By Not-So-Heterosexual-Kevin right about now. “But come on! We can’t help being curious. Exy is like their life blood, they never do this.”
“Some things are more important than exy,” Kevin gritted out. A shocked silence filled the court.
“Holy shit.” someone whispered. Neil was too focused on Kevin’s deepening scowl to investigate.
“Do you think this has anything to do with what Kevin was talking about at Eden’s?” Nicky loudly whispered to Aaron, who shrugged. 
“What happened at Eden’s?” asked Allison. 
“Nothing,” stressed Kevin.
“Nothing, huh?” Neil snorted. 
“You stay quiet.”
Neil opened his mouth to tell Kevin to fuck off but just as he was doing so Wymack burst in.
“What the actual fuck is going on here? Dan, Kevin, Neil, explain. Right now.”
Before Dan or Kevin could speak, Neil took his chance. “Kevin accidentally sent me his history essay this morning instead of his teacher. It was a 7 page analysis on the gay relationship between Mehmed and Rabu III, the brother of Vlad the Impaler, and how historians continuously overlook their affair due to heteronormativity.”
“Excuse me,” Nicky cut in. “What.”
Neil shrugged and waved his harm towards Kevin dramatically. “Not-so-heterosexual-Kevin is real.”
Kevin narrowed his eyes at him. “I never said I was heterosexual. Just that is was easier.”
“So, like, you’re what? Are you bi?” Allison asked. 
“Hush, Dan. I need answers.”
“Same,” Nicky agreed.
Kevin rolled his eyes. “Me being bisexual has nothing to do with the game. Leave it alone and get back to practice. A year later and I’m still disappointed in your subpar playing.”
“Hey now, you can’t just write an entire essay on the gay affairs of royalty figures, drop that bisexual bomb, and then tell us to drop it!”
“I can, and I will, Nicky.”
“And I don’t have enough whiskey for all this,” Wymack said. He had his hand covering his face as if that’d protect him from the stupidity he was surrounded by.
Suddenly, Nicky grinned. “Dark Kevin, tell us all how gay history really is.”
Kevin sighed. He looked to the ceiling as if the heavens could save him and then closed his eyes. “Everything. Everything is fucking gay.”
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aceaaroniscanon · 7 years
can you right about andreil's first in the hs au?
anon,,,,, :’) 
andrew and neil’s first date is in six flags
it wasn’t their idea, actually. it was aaron’s. and katelyn’s. and kevin’s.
see, renee and allison got abby and wymack these two tickets for a bus tour to six flags. three days worth.
wymack and abby, due to the fact that they were not and not ever dating, gave the tix up for grabs to the GSA.
immediately, dan excluded herself and kevin from ever getting those tix. just to prevent nepotism claims.
matt was only a little bothered by this, but only a little bc he had a better idea than going on a three day getaway to six flags
kevin was a Lot bothered
kevin: i want go to six flags! how come no one asked me?dan: well tough luck, bro, you’re not goingwymack: if you throw a tantrum about this, kevin, you’re on dish duty.
renee and allison were going elsewhere that summer
katelyn, on the other hand, was supposed to go back to the country side. nicky could only handle so much before he let aaron take the car and go with her
nicky: but for three days only, aaron minyard, are we clear?aaron: yes yes yes, holy shit, thank younicky: well,,, i want souvenirs. and you have to call, every day.aaron: okay okaynicky: and i am going to invite erik over so, be prepared to meet him next week.
aaron was so stoked
nicky, when he heard of andrew and neil getting the tix, was just as stoked
nicky: ooh, i’ve only been to six flags once and that was still when i was in conversion camp, but i loved food vendor stalls. neil, make sure to take lots of picturesneil: mhmmnicky: and make sure andrew doesn’t just eat sweets the whole timeneil: of courseandrew:neil: yes, i’ll make sure of that
andrew wasn’t as stoked about that
so, they go to six flags.
this is neil’s first time on a holiday trip without family. it’s just him and andrew, a duffel each of clothes they can wear, a bag for toiletries, and enough emergency money that could get them back to home if they ever got stranded.
he was Nervous
he was definitely going to text kevin whenever he could
they hold hands for the longest time, just because they could. the bus was crowded with old people, young couples, kids, and neil was a bit cautious about touching andrew, careful abt overwhelming him, but it was andrew who grabbed his hand, shoved their bags in on the shelf above their seats, sat by the window and didn’t let go until the first pit stop.
and then they got to six flags
lemme just tell y’all, neither of them have ever been to six flags. i don’t think i need to explain why they’ve never been. but you just have to know
andrew did not see this coming
andrew: what kind of amusement park only has coasters for attractions?neil: uh, awesome ones?andrew: lame ones, neil, lame ones.
regret? andrew doesn’t know her. 
regret could eat his entire ass. 
regret could go fuck herself 
because when neil got the map for the place, he looked ecstatic and andrew doesn’t fucking care what anyone says
an acrophobe can endure two days of this. no problem.
um, yes problem
neil caught on halfway through the next morning, after they had breakfast. neil had planned where they’d ride, that they’d get the unli rides bracelets, that they’d ride three for three before taking a break.
neil was fucking stoked
andrew was,,, not.
on the line to the first ride, andrew’s palms were sweating, and he refused to even acknowledge when neil kept going “oh my god, this is gonna be fun”
the first ride,,,, did not go well. and neil was immediately like “okay, andrew, let’s just not ride anything anymore” because neil was not on board when andrew was not on board.
they settled down in a smoking area with neil handing andrew a bottle of water, the only thing andrew was sure he wouldn’t upchuck at the time.
andrew was obviously not pleased with the idea of just stopping because of him.
andrew: let’s keep goingneil: noandrew: why notneil: you can barely stand up and walk, andrew- why didn’t you tell me this was going to be a problem?
neil was determined to keep this happy though. it was the least he could do since andrew was obviously upset by the fact that he was the one that inconvenienced them.
they headed for the stalls and vendors, neil remembering what nicky had told them. at first, andrew wasn’t into it, in a mood, but over time, neil reeled him in with competition.
they played games, bought sweets, took pictures of the most ridiculous things
a few kids pointed at andrew when they walked past, and neil made sure to wave at them for him.
neil somehow wrangled andrew into a photo booth.
not that andrew smiled too big in any of them, but neil did end up making him pose a few times.
andrew looked at his strip of photos like they were something else, and neil kept pointing at the one where the camera caught andrew talking mid-sentence.
at some point, they stumbled into the tourist shop.
neil made fun of everything, making andrew bat at his arm every now and then. he bought a souvenir shirt that was twice his size and tried on every ridiculous pair of sunglasses he could see
andrew made sure not to get caught taking pictures of that
at some point, neil just took a minute to stare at something off in the corner of the store, a little beady eyed fox toy that seemed out of place
by sunset, they were at the boardwalk, eating ice cream. andrew excused himself, then left in a hurry, hand flitting to his wallet in his back pocket.
neil let him, convinced that andrew just needed to go to the restroom, maybe wanted to buy cotton candy. he just closed his eyes, and gave himself a little private smile, thinking about the day
thinking about andrew losing to him at the shooting range
thinking about andrew smiling after this one kid that pointed at his hair when he thought neil wasn’t looking
thinking about andrew holding his hand, shaky after the first ride.
he’d turned the day around.
his ice cream was melting a little.
he didn’t notice andrew walking up to him until something dropped down on the bench right beside him.
it was the beady-eyed fox, staring back up at him.
neil startled, then looked up at andrew, who really did have a cotton candy on hand, eating it bit by bit.
neil picked up the toy, laying it on his lap, remembered the small toy he left back in his father’s house in russia. unlike his old toy, this one was the size of a toddler, and it must have looked ridiculous in andrew’s arms. 
neil almost regretted not having looked up to see andrew approach.
“i didn’t think this little guy was for sale,” he commented.
andrew shrugged, “it wasn’t. the guy at the counter gave it for free.”
neil’s brows raised. he blinked up at andrew, then looked at the fox. his private little smile came back, and he could feel it stretching over his lips. he should say thank you or this is so nice or maybe you robbed the guy but he couldn’t find his voice.
he looked back up at andrew, still smiling. all he could say was, “andrew” and he didn’t know two syllables could drip with emotion like that.
andrew met his eyes, golden under his brows as the light of the sunset bathed him orange. “don’t cry, it’s yours.”
neil laughed, then reached out to pull at the bottom of andrew’s shirt. andrew’s hand dropped down to neil’s shoulder as he stepped forward, leaned closer. he kept the cone of cotton candy away from neil.
it was their first date, first time apart from everyone else, first gift to each other, and their first kiss in public.
both of them came home already planning their next getaway. nicky only saw the gag photos they took around the park.
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naysmusings-blog · 7 years
*He looks up with his face wrenched with worry but as soon as he realize it’s you, a grin takes over his features* Baby! *he laughs a little, both out of joy and at the silly pose you were attempting before going over to you and wrapping you in a tight hug* What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting. *he says though he was thoroughly delighted nonetheless. He smirks the slightest as his hands travel down your back and to the ends of your skirt then up to your but again, pulling the skirt’s hemline with it* Nice get up, by the way. Looks like you might get a personal little backstage tour tonight. *His hands squeeze your bum before he pulls away then laughs lightly and tucks as strand of your hair behind your ear* You’re seriously seeing the whole show tonight, babe? *he asks. The idea of you doing so is a little nerve-wracking, but he was also excited to have you take part of something so important in his life* -Joel
*I stumble to a stop when Harry grabs my arm and turn to face him, giving him a look of astonishment* I shouldn’t be alone right now? *I repeat wryly* You mean like was alone in that room just a few minutes ago? Honestly Harry, what good is it for you to play good samaritan by offering to drive me places if you won’t even stand up to your fucking worthless employer? Do you seriously not have any morals? *I ask, still fuming by the turn of events* The entire time I’ve been cheated on and mistreated, I came and cried to you just so you could call me a coward and blame me for staying. Then when I actually stand up for myself, get humiliated and berated for the hundredth time, you just stand there with your tail between your legs! *I shout then snatch my arm from his hold* So if you think I’ll just run back to you for help after you shut me out all those times just so you can get your brownie points, you’re fucking kidding yourself. *I laugh then turn and continue the walk to the neighbor’s house* -Annaliese
Well, your lucky you have a brother who likes to surprise you just as much as I do. I’ve known I was coming the entire time, I just wanted to surprise you and Benj helped me do so tonight. *I wrap my arms around his neck, smiling widely at him* And yes, I’m yours all night. I’m gonna stand side stage and watch your set from beginning to end, having the time of my life watching my sexy ass boyfriend do his thing. *I stroke the hair on the back of his head before leaning in and pecking his lips, smirking against them* That’s kind of the reason I wore this outfit... I want the whole vip private tour experience. *I giggle against his lips, so happy and proud to be here with him right now until a female voice saying his name pulls me back to reality. I turn around, keeping my arms around him still, my eyes widening when I see who’s standing there* April?!
April: *she was standing behind us, staring at us in semi-shock. Her hair was dyed black, not blonde anymore, and she had tons of piercings and visible tattoos* R-Renee? Wow, holy shit, haven’t seen you in a while. I didn’t know you two were on speaking terms again. *she walks by us and into the dressing room* Joel, I have a few suggestions for your show tonight! I really think you should play those new songs you showed me last week. I think the crowd would go fucking wild.
*I watch as he walks by us so nonchalantly, a bit annoyed that she was here in the first place since last I saw her I was throwing a drink at her and defending Joel’s honor, she was wearing a Good Charlotte shirt (considering I didn’t even know the band had any damn merch), she didn’t know me and Joel were together which meant Joel didn’t talk about me, and to top it all off, she had heard Joel’s songs. I’ve never heard a single song of Joel’s. Why wouldn’t he play his music for me and not her?*
I am not involved in any of this! I am your god damn nanny! I shouldn’t be dragged into these situations! I have no place to tell off my employer and tell him how horrible I think he is, strictly for the girls! Those girls are my life! I am not going to throw away my chances of seeing them by berating him for being a disgusting foul person! *he grabs your arm again, turning you around* You shouldn’t of stayed with him with the way he treated you but if this is what it takes for you to get away from him, then so be it. I don’t think you’re a coward for doing what you just did. I think your brave and wonderful and strong headed and you should’ve done that a long time ago! But you need to understand... I’m just a nanny here, Anna. I have to pretend to be neutral to protect my job. If he asks me about it, I will tell him the truth and how I think you deserve better and you will find someone who treats you right, but I am not paid to get involved in my employer’s personal arguments and personal life like that. How can you not understand that?
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Phil met her at the side door and slightly catching him off-gaurd by plotting out the role-play. She had made plan with him ahead of time and also got approval from the hubby. Without missing a beat Phil picked up on what she was doing and said hello and that he would try to find just the right vehicle to suit her needs. She greeted him with a " Hello, I'm hoping you have the car I'm looking for and a great price too <wink wink>". She wanted to be sure to also get some pictures and possibly video for him because she knew it would excite him immensely if she did. He led her over to one of the cars on the show floor that was furthest away from the front windows and opened the door for her. She slid into the drivers seat and grabbed the steering wheel and pretended to drive it a bit. Saying "this is nice, oh look it's a stick, I love a stick! The Dealership Even though it had been teased about, planned and talked up, she still decided to play it up as in a role. She could see he was already mostly hard and he straightened up to give her better access. She deftly reached inside his open fly and moved aside the opening and grasped his fattening cock. Struggling hard to contain her laughter she shook her head "yes" several times and while he was standing in the open door of the car, she turned slightly and reached out to unzip his dress pants. It was a sprty car with bucket seats. She looked up at Phil and said " This is a good stick shift, but I need to run it through the gears a bit" and she pulled him forward by his dick. With a bit of a struggle she managed to get it out into the open and slowly stroked it while looking at it. " Phil chuckled, "yes it's a stick shift car, would you like to try and drive it? It was fairly large as Renee had told her and a nice shape as well. She swirled her tongue around it several times, and took a bit more in while holding it with her hand. As he got closer she turned and put her feet out of the car onto the floor and then took the head of his cock, which was now almost fully hard, into her mouth. She moved her hand out of the way and used both behind his ass to pull him in tighter. He moaned and fucked her mouth harder and with more aggression. So she pushed back off him a bit and licked just the head of his cock. He grabbed the sides of her head and began to slowly fuck her mouth. He agree rapidly and back away and held a hand out to help her out of the car, as they made their way to the back of the car he popped the trunk lid and she bent over to look deep inside the trunk. She moved her head forward and took as much as she could into her mouth until her forehead was touching his zipper. She loved it, but didn't want to have him blow like this. backing away, she said to him, I think I need to check out the trunk as well don't you? He was saying that the trunk was not big, but was just the right size and could hold everything she wanted to put in it. Using his hand he lined up and began to push in, slowly and then harder until his entire cock was buried in her. He stepped back to admire her perfect ass and then moved forward and lined his dick up with her already wet pussy. " She laughed and said " ok shut up and fuck me hard please" he grabbed her by the hips and began to pound into her pussy from behind, it felt very good she thought and pushed back harder. As she drove up to the dealership, she noted with relief that all the other employees appeared to be gone. After about - minutes of this he was panting and she decided to change it up a bit. To prove it he said he would show her how much it could hold and he grabbed the waist band of the workout pants she had on and lowered them down to her knees. He pulled her up and she took her pants off and left them in the trunk of the car and the trunk open. She pushed him off and turned around and used her hand to stroke his cock while she said "maybe we should go to your office and discuss financing on this car". As she did so, Phil came around behind her, dick still out, glistening wet and came up behind her. He laughed and said, "see there’s room for everything in this trunk! He did his best to please her, she leaned back on her elbows and enjoyed it quite a bit too. Just as they were really enjoying this, they heard footsteps and sounds coming their way, they froze and listened closely. He got up on the desk a bit and began to fuck her very hard this way, eventually turning her over and getting her feet on the floor and fucking her hard from behind as well. That's a super fine piece of ass there buddy! As they got to the finance office, his actually, He sat her down on his desk and sat in his own chair, he slid forward and put his face into her hot wet pussy. Then in his office doorway appeared one of his co-workers! After a bit she pulled her legs up and said, "fuck me" and so he stood up and pushed his cock back into her pussy. " Phil backed out of Nicole and his cock popped out with a "slop" sound. " he laughed, Nicole and Phil just stared open mouthed, panting, neither moved "Dude I heard all that for the last minutes before I decided I needed to make my presence known, can I join online nude cams in? Nikki got up onto her elbows and looked at Phil, Phil looked at her and after a moment said "up to you? He was actually softening a bit too. Nikki turned around and had Phil sit in his chair and grabbed his half limp dick and got down to suck on it and get it back hard. "Sure, why not, get your dick out and get over here sneaky! " They guy laughed and couldn't get his pants undone, shirt untucked and dick out fast enough. Meanwhile the other guy came around behind her and stroked his cock while waiting. She double fucked like this for about minutes then she got up and turned around to face Phil. He got the hint and pushed his cock into her pussy. She bent at the waist and began to stroke and suck him and wiggled her ass for the other guy. Nikki looked back over to the guy and he was decent looking guy, fit and such. He grabbed her hip and began to fuck her. Several times causing her to gag on Phil’s cock as she was shoved forward. When Phil was back to full staff, she turned around and sat down on Phil’s cock until it was completely buried in her pussy and then she faced the other guys cock and took it into her mouth and sucked on him hard. Took just a minute or so. She held tightly to the arms of the chair while the other guy hit into her hard. " he raised his eyebrows to look at Phil and said "as the lady wishes" He really started to fuck her hard from behind. She stopped sucking Phil and said "Harder please! He announced he couldn't hold it and pulled out, she swirled around and caught the first shot across the face and in her hair, then got her mouth on it for the rest. Phil couldn't hold back and he lifted his hips and came in great amounts into her mouth as he held her head tight and forced her to swallow it all. "Thank you boys, that was fun. When he was done she lifted off and took a deep breath. If you liked this post and you would like to get additional details regarding sex cams free credits kindly check out the site. Can we do it again sometime? " Both guys absolutely agreed and they got dressed and left Moparian " Phil just laughed and said "a friend I have fun with" Nikki wiped the cum from her hair and pushed the cum on her face into her mouth. He came more than Phil and she sucked on line live sex, chattit.com, it all down. He backed away panting "Oh my god, that was incredible, holy shit" " Who is this Phil?
0 notes
hannahsmusings · 5 years
I want it so fucking bad, babe. So bad. *I glance down between our bodies when he pulls his jeans and boxers off, my eyes widening at his length and just how hard and ready he was for this, making me feel so confident and sexy in the moment, knowing I had such a good effect on him* Looks like you want it pretty bad too. *I grip the sides of his face and pull him back to me, kissing him yet again as I push my hips up so he can pull my panties off* *suddenly, I was flipping us over so I was straddling him, hiking my skirt up so it was bunched at my waist* *I reach over to his bedside table, knowing a guy like him would have a stash there, grabbing a condom and ripping it open* Tell me how bad you want me, Tom.. *I look him in the eyes as I take his length in my hand, rolling the condom onto him easily, before straddling him once again, rubbing his tip against my core, always being an overly sexual being and I knew exactly what guys wanted and what they liked* *without warning, I was sinking down on his length, letting out a loud moan as I put my hands on his chest for support, watching his reaction*
*your dirty talk was driving me crazy, it being so new to me and realising how much I was missing with my ex, you being so into this and it was fucking incredible* *so into the kissing that I was shocked when you roll us over, eyes wide and panting with need when I realise what was about to happen, having never had a girl know what she wanted during sex and just take it and it was mind blowingly hot, you rolling the condom on making me choke a little with want as I look up at you, hips bucking* Oh fuck..*growls, my hands gripping your bare ass and squeezing* Want you so fucking much, want to fill you. *voice thick and husky, eyes dark and practically trembling with anticipation as you line us up, throwing my head back as I moan out in pleasure, this feeling so incredible as in this position I could feel how hot and wet you were, so tight around me that I felt like I could cum right there and then, holding your hips down to prevent you from moving so I could take a breather* Holy shit.
0 notes
lovingthereign25 · 5 years
Never Again
CH 7.
The next day while Roman had taken Luna to the grocery store with him you took it upon yourself to get an upper hand on the skank that not only ruined your marriage but was now trying to ruin your husband's life. You called Carmella knowing she was good friends with Sonya who was best friends with Mandy who was a close friend of Kelsey. You asked Mella to get in touch with Sonya asking her to meet with you and Mella for lunch. When she agreed you were thrilled one step closer to taking this hoe down.
 As you were finishing laying Levi down for his noon nap you hear Roman and Luna arrive home.
"Mommy we buy food" Luna says smiling 
" Awesome, whatcha get?" You ask taking her hand heading towards the kitchen.
"I thought I'd make Mom's chicken alfredo for dinner" Roman say unpacking bags
" Sounds delicious I love her cooking, don't screw it up"you laugh
" Wow really?" He smiles
"Hey, do you mind being on double duty for an hour or so well I go to lunch with the girls?" You ask giving him puppy dog eyes you know he can't say no to you.
" Puppy Dog eyes Y/n really?" He say laughing "I can beg too if I have to?" You smile
" Not necessary you deserve a break. Go on I'll hold down the fort" he says " Right Lulu tell momma we got this" 
"We got this mama!" She yells making you laugh.
"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Mella asks as you waited for Sonya to arrive.  You fill her in telling her your plan to take Kelsey down and let her drown in her lies. 
"There is no way in hell I'm gonna allow her to get away with this shit Mella, she's put Roman and I through enough it's this or I beat her ass!" You say
Sonya finally arrives hugging both you and Mella you liked Sonya the few times you two had been around each other you seemed to hit it off well
" So first off congrats on the new baby!, I heard he's just as adorable and Luna" she gushes
" Thank you! I'm very blessed!" You smile showing her picture of Levi
"Oh my he's so perfect! You and Roman literally make the most beautiful children" she says
"Aw thank you!, Speaking of I'm sure you've heard about Kelsey's baby?" You say
"Yeah yeah Autumn right?, what about her?" She asks
"She's my husband's" you blurt
" Holy shit, No way! I mean I love her but she isn't that cute a baby not like Luna and Levi, oh god  i'm going to hell for calling a baby ugly" she said, shaking her head.
" Sonya your not going to hell, but yea Roman had a DNA test done she's his" you tell her " but that's not why I asked you here I asked you to come because I need  favor" you say
"Umm, OK what is it?" Sonya asks
You explain your situation to Sonya telling her how Kelsey is trying to make Romans life a living hell and how you will not stand for it.
"Can you get Mandy to agree?"you ask
" No doubt , she'll do it Mandy was raped at 15 she takes this seriously!" Sonya says
"Wow I'm so sorry to hear that, here's my number stay in touch" you say.
" I definitely will" she says leaving.
You walk through your front door seeing Luna asleep on the couch. You hear Roman in the kitchen , you see him dancing and singing to Levi while cooking.
"Wow, where have you been hiding those moves" you joke
" Shit Y/n you scared me, and what's wrong with my moves" he asks
" Nothing you just dance like Chandler Bing!" You laugh
" Wow that's rude" he laughs," how was lunch"
" Good it was nice getting out but i missed my babies!" You say picking up Levi kissing him
"Dinner will be done soon, if you wanna relax",he says
"I'm good, How are you? Any word from Richard?" You ask
"Just to tell me he's still working on it" he says
"We'll figure this out Ro, anyone who knows you knows she's lying" you assure him
"Yeah" he says 
You place Levi back in his bouncer and walk over to Roman taking his hand
" it's gonna be fine I promise" you smile
Roman leans in grabbing your face kissing you,with his free hand he slides you between him and the counter deepening the kiss. You wrap your arms your his neck kissing him back. The kiss turned into a very heated make out session quickly Roman hands roaming your body flitting with your buttons on your jeans unbuttoning them then slide his hand to your ass squeezing it lightly. You take his shirt off revealing his chest that you loved so much.
"Roman" you moan as he started to kiss you sweet spot on your neck.
"Jump up for me baby let me put you on the counter" he says 
"No Ro we can't!"you say
" Yes we can baby we broke them in already" he laughs continuing to kiss your neck
" No Roman we can't have sex" you giggle pushing away from him
" Y/n...baby you just gonna leave me here like this hard and all?" He asks
"I'm sorry I want to I really do. But we can't I just gave birth a few days ago" you remind him
"Damn, I completely forgot being caught up in the moment" he says
"Shit he's in his bouncer" you recall turning around seeing your son falling asleep in his bouncer.
"He half asleep baby he's fine" Roman says coming up behind you wrapping his arms around you
"You think he saw us?" You ask
"Y/n he's 5 days old I'm pretty sure he only sees shadows or figures, and if not, I highly doubt he'll remember this" he laughs
"You sure" you say
"Positive" he says kissing your head.
"Roman your Alfredo is probably burning" you remind him
"Fuck" he whispered going to check it but it was too late the sause thickened too much and the noodles burnt to the pot.
" I'll grab the take-out menus" you laugh
" This is your fault you know that?" He says
"My fault?" You question
"Yeah, you had to go and get me turned on and what not, distracting me from cooking" he says
" okay honey, well go with that" you say sarcastically.
Roman makes his way to your grabbing your waist bringing you into him kissing you again
"Come here with that sarcastic mouth" he says deepening the kiss once more
"Mmm...4 to 6 weeks Mister" you remind him
"Ugh, can I at least get some head or even a hand job in the mean time?"he asks winking at you
"Hah, you wish! If I can't get none neither can you" you say patting his cheek.
" Y/n that's not fair!" He says 
"Life isn't fair booboo" you smile
You were interrupted by your phone ringing you see its Sonya and answer it.
" Hey, what's up?" You say
" Hi, so I spoke to Mandy and she is so down, can you come to a house show in Naples?" She asked
"Uhh.sure when?" You asked
"Saturday night" she replied.
"Okay, it's a date. I'll see you then, and Thank you for everything" you say before hanging up
"Who was that?" Roman asked
" Just an old friend" you smile " we're gonna grab drinks on Saturday if you don't mind being with the kids? , if so I can ask Renee" 
" Nah,I got it" he said
Later that night after the kids were asleep you and Roman decided to watch a movie a horror one because it was both of your favorite. You were sitting on one side of the couch him on the other your feet on his lap. You start you run your foot over his groin area feeling him stiffen up.
"Really Y/n? God your damn tease" he growled
"What? I'm trying to itch my foot?" You lied
"On my dick?" He laughed.
"Why did you like it?" You ask
"Y/n.. 4 to 6 weeks remember" he says
"Oh I remember it's my mouth that needs reminding" you giggled leaning over him untying his sweatpants.Slipping your hand into them to take his hardening member out.
"God Y/n if this is a joke I'll divorce you right now" he joked
"Mmm..how long as it been since the big dog has been sucked off?" You ask
"Too long baby, I need you so fucking bad" he begged
You swirl your tongue around the tip teasing him
" Y/n...baby." He moans 
You licked up and down his shaft to continue to tease before taking him in your mouth fully. Making Roman throw his head back his eyes rolling in the back of his head.
" Fuck, y/n that feels so good baby" he moans 
"You like this?, Huh Daddy? You like when I suck this big fat cock of yours?" You ask before continuing to suck the life out of Roman.
"Fuck Yeah,I love fucking your face baby" he says pulling your hair slightly
You take your hand to pump him as you are still suck him off. Your free hand going to play with his balls knowing how much he loved it.
"Shit Y/n I'm bout to cum!" He moans
"Cum then Ro, let me taste you" you say
That's all Roman needed as he shot his load into your mouth.
"Damn I love you, you know that?"Roman asked trying to calm his breathing
"Yeah I know" you smile wiping your mouth.
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lovingthereign25 · 5 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
You pull up to the arena and see Roman unpacking his car you sit in your car pretending to be on the phone so Roman wouldn't approach the car to talk about what happened this morning.You watch him and a few others enter the arena then decide to get out and unpack yourself. You slowly make your way into your shared dressing room with Renee. You and Renee were pretty close, as you were with a lot of the female superstars and some male ones too. "So I got your list of interviews for tonight from Marc." She says handing you the list,"You got a few on screen interviews tonight girl!" she smiles
"Oh awesome" you say smiling until you see his name second on your list. 
" What's wrong?" Renee asked
" Nothing just noticed I interview Roman" you say 
" Do you have a problem is with the Big Dog?" She asks
Just as you were about to answer there's a knock on your dressing room door.
" Come in" you both say
" Hey Renee can I speak to Y/n alone please" you turn and see Roman standing there.
" umm. Sure I was gonna head to catering anyway" she smile patting his back before leaving you two alone.
" Y/n , about this morning , I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, its just I thought we were on the same page" he says 
"Its cool Roman, but I gotta change and get ready I'll see you in a little bit" you say walking in the bathroom to change.
Roman sighs and leaves. Walking right into Carmella.
"Shit Sorry Mella " he says rubbing his neck
"No worries, everything okay? She asks
" Yeah, Good luck tonight!" he smile "Thank you!, same to you" she smiled back before he walks off.
Carmella walks right in on you in while changing scaring you half to death.
"Damn babes that's the outfit for tonight? she asks turning you around .
" Yes ma'am, is it too much?" You ask checking yourself once more in the mirror.
" No no it's perfect! Where'd you get it from? she asked checking the tag
" It was a gift actually" you say grabbing your makeup bag 
" From who?, that's a dumb question obviously from Jackson!" She says thumbing her head lightly.
" Y-yeah from Jackson" you lie 
You felt bad lying to your best friend,But it never seemed like the right time to tell her about Roman and you.Carmella and you walk down to get your makeup done for the show sitting in the having some much needed girl.
" So what did Roman wanna talk about before?" Renee asked from the chair next to you.
"H- he wanted to over the interview so we could get comfortable so we wouldn't mess up" you lie again
" Nice, he's such a sweet guy, if you were single I'd hook you two up"she says 
"Isn't he married? You ask pretending not to already know
" Yeah but they are separated and getting a divorce soon" she explains
Renee gets done she tell you she'll see you guys later and heads off to start the show.When it's just you and Carmella again she asks the makeup artist you leave you two alone for a second. They agree you look at your best friend confused.
" Spill" is all she says turning toward you
" Spill what?" You ask
" What did Roman really want?" She replies
" To go over the inter-" you start but Mella cuts you off 
" Bullshit" she says " I know when you lie and I caught you a few times today like when I asked if you were okay morning you lied about missing Jackson, then again with the outfit you lied about him buying it! Y/n what's going on?"she says
"Mella, you need to swear you won't tell no one not even Corey" you say
"Done" she answered 
" I've been messing around with Roman for a few months now, and it's a whole ass mess girl let me tell you and today he told me he loved me, I just don't know what to do" you blurt out
" Holy shit Y/n"she gasps, " I wasn't expecting that, what about Jackson? She asks
" I don't know, i love Jackson I really do but its just seems like all he cares about is his work, and Roman he makes me feel special like when he looks at me Car it's like I'm the only girl in the world!" You explain tears building in your eyes
"Y/n honey don't cry!" We'll figure this all out okay?" she hugs you, you nod and let Lisa finish your makeup.
It's just about time for you interview with Roman. You were a little nervous until he walked up to you giving you a smile. You practice the interview before going live. You have a small break before they cut to your interview.
"Nice outfit" Roman smirks
" Thanks" you smile at him
" I told you it fit you just right, the way it hugs your curves perfectly" he says licking his lips. 
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After you interview Roman about his match coming up you thank him for his time and go to find Carmella and some of the girls. You find them sitting backstage watching whatever match was going on. You take a seat by Carmella and Lana.
" Y/n you coming out with us tonight ?'' Lana asks 
" uhh I don't know" you shrug
" yes, yes she is she definitely needs a night out" Carmella say making plans for you
"Everyone is coming even some guys, it'll be fun" Lana says nudging your shoulder.
" Sure then" you smile . 
Roman's music starts to play on the screen ahead. You look up from your phone seeing him walk down the aisle to the ring. He looked so good in his gear, hair wet, doing the sexy little nod he does from time to time. You're so caught up watching Roman you don't hear any of the conversation Lana was having with you until she said your name a little louder
" Damn girl are you listening to me?" She asked 
" Yeah Sorry I just never really get to enjoy the show" you say Turning your attention back to the match as you do you see Roman take a pretty bad hit  from Samoa Joe. Usually you could tell when Roman was acting hurt and this wasn't like that he wasn't getting back up as quickly he was hurt.
"Damn what a hit" you heard someone behind you say.
" Guess the Big Dog  got put down" you hear another say. 
With that you whip around seeing Charlotte Flair with a smirk.
" Can you shut the fuck up, I've seen the "Queen" get knocked off her thrown a few time if I recall correctly" you snap
" Y/n you okay?" Lana asks
" Seriously girl calm down, let's go for air " Mella says you get up and follow Carmella and Lana
" What the hell was that about?" Lana asks once outside.
" Nothing Y/n is just stressed" Carmella lies 
" No, Mella I can't lie to Lana you two are my best friends, I've been messing Roman for a few months now" you say looking down
" Wow, Oh. I don't even know what to say, so is it over between you and Jackson?" She asks
" No, he has no idea, I feel like shit" you say
You tell your friends everything, how you got started with Roman, how you felt neglected by Jackson, and how Roman told you he loved you and you ended things this morning.
'' Holy crap I really need that drink now" Lana laughs trying  to lighten the mood
'' Right, that's what I'm saying " Mella joins in
" I'm gonna go check on Roman" you say
"You sure?,  want me to come with?" Mella asks 
" Nah I'll be fine I'll see you at the club" you hug them both and head to the trainers room.
You enter the trainers room and see Roman lying on the treatment table. He looks like he's in so much pain the medic notices you and assumes you want a statement from Roman and leaves the room.
"What are you doing here?" Roman asks through gritted teeth from the pain
" Just came to make sure you were okay Rome, you took a hard hit out there" you say walking over to him placing your hand on his but he moves his hand away
" Don't. I'm cool! " he says mocking your words before
" Roman.. Don't be like that I care about you, it's just complicated" you try to explain.
" It doesn't even matter Y/n, its over between us right?, it was all just sex I get it" he says trying to sit himself up. You try to help him but he stops you.
" Roman please can't we just talk about it?" You ask
" Now you wanna talk about it, No Y/n its fine we fucked for a few months it was fun now you can go home to your husband and pretend to be happy and in love and what not" he says .
You nod and leave the room. You pack your things and head to your car taking your phone out to call Carmella asking her to meet you at your hotel room. When she arrives, you ask her to cover for you with WWE that you going home for a rest. But the truth was you weren't you were going home to tell your husband face to face what you have done.Whether it was to save your marriage or end it that you weren't sure of but either way this was what you needed to do.
Your outfit:
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 2 – Welcome Back, I Guess
In which the squad is reunited in the usual heartfelt fashion, Andrew has inquiries about learning curves, we finally find a hashtag for Abby, and Neil gets a makeover.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
Hello hello hello! It’s been almost exactly three months since I last updated this trainwreck of a blog, holy shit. I have no one to blame but my own lazy ass.
But none of that matters because – here we are! The hellride continues, fucking finally.
In other news: We hit 1,000 followers during hiatus!
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Wowzie. I’m still stunned by the number of people who want to read my bullshit antics.
So, if you’ve only found this blog during my hiatus – welcome! If you’ve been around for this shitshow since the beginning – welcome back!
Here’s to the rest of the series.
(Oh boy.)
             [Neil] needed his teammates to think he was okay. That meant going about the day as if Christmas had never happened. He bought himself time to lock his thoughts down by going for the world’s slowest run down Perimeter Road.
Neil, I love you, I truly do. You are a brave, defiant, proud soul, armed with a battalion of wit and a truly unbreakable spirit.
But you are also an absolute, absolute cockhead.
Neil’s body is apparently an inkling smarter than his mush brain, because it immediately punishes him by making him fall asleep in the library. Serves him right.
And how does he wake up? By my absolute, absolute favourite line in this book so far.
             Fingers digging into the back of his skull startled him awake. (…) “Is your learning curve a horizontal line?” Andrew asked. “I told you yesterday to stop making my life difficult.”
IS YOUR LEARNING CURVE A HORIZONTAL LINE, holy shit. Andrew, my boy, my man, never ever ever let me doubt your sass capabilities.
(Not that I ever did, because honestly.)
This may not only be my favourite line in this book so far, but also my favourite line Andrew has ever let past his small rage-filled lips. Is your learning curve a horizontal line.
Tattoo this on my body, paint this on my walls, print this on a blanket and bury me in it.
On a more somber note – this is how our boy Neil wakes up, en detail:
             Fingers digging into the back of his skull startled him awake. He grabbed for a gun, for a knife, for anything close enough to buy him room to flee, and sent the computer mouse skidding across the table.
Does that violent, alert way of waking up ring any bells? Like, any?
The Neil/Andrew parallels are real, you guys, and I am so here for it.
Andrew and the gang fetch Neil to drive to the stadium for fun Fox reunion times, and in the car, Neil makes an interesting discovery:
             A car key was fastened to the adapter head with a rubber band. (…) Either Andrew had confiscated Nicky’s copy or he’d gone out and gotten Neil one of his own. Neither option made much sense to Neil. He’d only used Andrew’s car because Andrew needed a second driver in his absence.
Oh… my… actual… fuck. How can anybody be this OBLIVIOUS. Harry Potter who?
Whether Neil realizes it or not, they are now Car Sharing Boyfriends™ and I am loving the fuck out of this development.
Upon arriving at the Foxhole, Abby confiscates Neil in order to look him over, meaning we’re in for some good good healthy Abby lovin’ in this time of stress.
             “You won’t ask [about the contact lenses and the hair]?” Neil said.
             “I’ve seen you scars, Neil. I’m not as surprised as I should be to find out they’re not the only things you hide. I want to ask, but you told me once already not to pry.”
Excuse me, why is Abby such an actual angel descended from the heavens. We do not deserve her and her absolute kindness. No one does.
(Lies. Neil does. Neil needs that shit.)
And because Abby is a kind and responsible woman with her head screwed on, she benches Neil for a week until he is at least marginally better – which of course, Mr Dramatic Cockhead over here does not enjoy.
             “A week,” Neil echoed. “That isn’t fair.”
             “No,” Abby said, and cupped his face in her hands. “This isn’t fair. None of this is.”
             The pain in her voice killed Neil’s argument in his throat.
             “Sometimes I think this job is going to kill me,” Abby said. “Seeing what people have done, what people continue to do, to my Foxes. I wish I could protect you, but I’m always too late. All I can do is patch you up afterward and hope for the best.”
Oh, ouch.
And then –
             Abby folded her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. (…) The only people who’d ever hugged Neil were his teammates, and those were quick squeezes throughout a good game. His mother had pulled him close before, (…) but she’d never held him like he was something to be sheltered.
Abby, I have never loved you more than in this very moment.
I wanna make a joke about any of this, but I can’t. I’m crying.
Just – #hugsoutforabby
We’ve been searching for three books, and now we finally found a hashtag. Excuse me while I dry my tears with it.
And not enough with that – the Best Hug Ever also makes Neil think on some important stuff:
             [His mother] was gone. Even if she was here, she wouldn’t have comforted him for this. She wouldn’t have held him like he was a hard breath away from shaking apart. She’d have cleaned his wounds because they couldn’t risk being slowed by infection, but she’d hit him for choosing the Foxes over his own safety.
Breaking news: Mama Josten is an actually awful human being, and Neil finally experiencing what real motherly love feels like makes him realize that.
To that, I have nothing to add.
(I do have some hands that Mama Josten can catch if I ever come across her.)
As Neil is released from Abby’s care, he finally meets up with the Foxes, and the usual heart-felt greeting formalities are exchanged – that is to say, Andrew punches the fuck out of Matt for hitting Kevin (Neil intervenes and easily stops Andrew, because, well, obvs), Nicky has exactly 0% sympathy for Matt, Matt calls Andrew crazy and Nicky a monster, and the goalie BFFs have a warm reunion by means of a curt two-second head nod.
So, you know, same old, same old.
             Wymack quirked a brow at Matt, then looked to Neil and Andrew.
             “Didn’t we have a talk about not killing your teammates?”
When. When has a talk like that ever worked, David.
             “[Allison] is not crying,” Neil said.
             Nicky grinned. “Five bucks says she is.”
             Neil should have brushed it off. Maybe a month ago he would have. (…)
             Neil kept the edge out of his voice, but barely. “Don’t you dare bet on someone’s grief.”
My boy Neil’s development of Not Taking Any Bullshit Anymore has already begun last book and continues to grow, and I am so here for it.
Shortly before Wymack can commence his usual motivation talk, a lil unexpected something happens: As Andrew takes out a knife (which is not unexpected), Neil has War Flashbacks to his father (which is neither), but as he makes a comment about it – Renee drops in.
             “I’ve never understood why he likes knives.” (…)
             [Renee]’d stopped mid-sentence to stare at Neil, but the Renee studying him wasn’t the Foxes’ redeemed optimist. Her sweet smile was gone and the too-blank look in her face reminded Neil of Andrew. (…)
             [Renee and Andrew] stared each other down, soundless and still, oblivious to the bewildered looks their teammates sent between them.
Uhm. What?
I thought we were done with backstory on Renee’s part. Don’t tell me my sweet murder princess has past beef with Mr Chop Chop himself. DO NOT.
What is happening.
But, alas – the moment passes, and Wymack finally starts giving them the ol’ Listen Up, Fuckers, Here’s How We’re Gonna Not Die This Season Speech.
Heads up: They’re most definitely gonna die this season.
The good news: The only reason they’re only most definitely gonna die is because the USC Trojans, the Edgar Allan Ravens and U of Penn – you know, the Three Main Fuckers – are up against each other before semi-finals, meaning one of them will bite it before they have a chance to bite the Foxes.
Neil “I’m Fine” Josten, of course, tries to make his case for being let off the health leash once again, but is quickly silenced by, well, every present person with half a brain.
Also – this.
             “A fierce season and ample tragedies means we’re the talk of the town, and this year people might actually root for the underdog. The board want us to encourager that fever with more publicity. Expect more cameras at games, more interviews, and more nosiness in general.”
Oh yeah, because that has always worked out so goddamn well.
Let us reward your charming talent for attracting death threats every time you do so much as smell a camera by supplying more cameras.
             “If I could ban some of you from ever opening your mouths in public, I would, but this is out of my hands.”
At least Wymack agrees.
And last order of today – Mission How To Get Neil To Look Less Like An Actual Punching Bag, which is elegantly solved by everything that solves every problem in a good high school/college movie:
A makeover.
Yup, you read that right, Allison swoops in like an makeup goddess descended from the high Sephora heavens (which, like – she is) and covers up Neil’s bruises like an absolute badass.
10/10 would learn how to contour and colour-block again.
             Neil took [the mirror] from her outstretched hand but let it rest glass-down in his lap. Allison motioned for him to take a peek. Neil shook his head. (…)
             “Not scared of Riko, but scared of your own reflection?”
Clearly, Allison has never looked into the mirror after a night spent getting thoroughly fucked up.
Or like, she just looks naturally flawless even after partying her brains out, which is honestly the more plausible answer.
Also please give me all the fanarts of Neil getting makeup tips and talking about boys with Allison, Renee and Dan, please and thank you.
             Neil was tired and sore and not at all looking forward to his week off the court, but for a moment none of that mattered.
             “We’re okay,” he said to the empty hall. “We’re going to be okay.”
And I’m not.
Happy fucking holidays to all of us! No matter what you’re celebrating - if aynthing at all - I wish you a wonderful time and I hope you’re all well.
Updates will - this time for real - continue in the new year. It’s my resolution, and for once I’m actually set on pulling through with it.
Have a lovely time everyone, take care.
And as always: If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing fun things for you, please consider buying me a coffee. Every lil bit helps, getting me through uni and all that jazz. Thanks so much!
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