lemonmimimimilk · 10 months
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herbertpock3t · 6 months
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(Thank you guys so much!!)
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silentvoidtreeshop · 2 years
finally, after almost 3 years...
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finally got this white son of a bitch
and no, i still havent finished vault yet o(-(
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amatera5u · 1 year
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literally every screenshot of this game is STUNNING
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faefrosting · 25 days
It had been a rough run. Too rough. Comet was running, trying to pull the lever in time as bullets flew through the air, he could hear his boyfriend behind him yelp in pain as he finally flipped the switch. HQ held his chest, a shot clean through his lung. This wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the fact they had lost HQ's ferryman tokens during a run in with Pandemonium causing him to drop some, and misplace others. Comet rushed to his side, helping him walk, "oh no.. oh no no no, it will be okay, breath slow and steady I.. the gardens shouldn't be too far from here. Mallard is a doctor right?" HQ started to try and talk but all he could do is cough up blood... lots of it. Walking was heavy, so was his head, his chest ached and it felt like he was drowning. Comet at some point had picked him up and was carrying him, running as fast as he could. Everything was spinning, it all hurt.
Mallard woke to the sound of foot steps rushing into it's hide away, startled it looks to see who and what, only to met with a gruesome sight. HQ was already starting to loose the color in his skin, his eyes looking glossy. "Need help, now!" Comet spared no time, setting his boyfriend on the ground, trying to undo his formal attire to check the wound closely. "He got shot, lung I think." Mallard held it's head in confusion, unable to talk all it could do was shake it's head and start looking for a scalpel or something to preform an emergency surgery... . . . When Mallard got back, the sight it saw was horrifically worse. The life had all but seemingly left HQ's eyes, Comet was elbows deep in his blood, a lung tossed grossly to the side. Fresh red blood pooled the ground, he was as good as dead. Something glimmered, a red mass sparkling in Comet's hand. His own lung, his chest glowed as his body rapidly healed his self inflicted wound. He was trying to perform a transplant, Comet was no doctor. This was messy, far too messy. It took everything in Mallard to not throw up.
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Comet's right hand swam around in HQ's chest, making sure he didn't miss a stray bullet or two. Quickly he shoved his own lung inside HQ. It was gross, morbid show of love as Comet held his lover's heart to the side as he carefully tried to position the lung. He had been crying the whole time, silent as a mouse and heavy with tears. Thankfully his lung seemed to understand what to do, its rapid healing quickly latched into the damaged respiratory system, fusing Comet's flesh with HQ's. Comet glared up at Mallard. "Sew." Sew... he was asking it to sow his chest shut. "I.. I've never.. I will try," Mallard's voice shook. The materials for stitches wasn't far, and it had to fix its own all the time. Slowly Mallard worked away at the gaping flesh wound Comet had made, the air was thick with the scent of iron, it was nauseating. It didn't like how the needle and thread tugged in HQ's flesh, it didn't like seeing the man's organs. No matter how much Mallard hated HQ, this was too much. The air was colder than normal, Comet's presence loomed over the doctor. Eerily silent. Suddenly, despite how he should have been dead by now, HQ started to cough and lurch forward, blood pouring from his mouth as he threw up. Mallard barely had any time to get away nor finish the stitches.
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THAT WOUND. THAT VILE WOUND. it throbs in time with your speeding heart, and the ache it carries through your veins is oppressive, its hot, it tangles around your jaw and through your spine and behind your eyes. there are needles, sprouting from the lacerations like the most heinous ivy, and it strangles your lungs, rips tears from your eyes, lures bile to your throat. it hurts. oh god it hurts. you cant think, you cant breathe, you cant swallow, you cant see. you cant see. you cant see. you cannot see but you know when your eyes are closed, because there are colors stained upon the backs of your eyelids. they form images of loved ones, of viscera, of bile and blood and blackened mud. its jarring, they make anxiety spike outwards, frantic ferro fluid, frightened from faces too scared, too pained, too dead, too piercing with eyes staring straight at you, straight at you. actually, you cant tell when your eyes are open.
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
Just to throw in a couple points real quick (because I can never keep an opinion to myself 😔 sorry), I personally kind of dislike the idea of a male and female gaze — not because I disagree with the concept of fetishism and objectification existing, they ABSOLUTELY do, but because of what people, particularly online, have come to accept they mean.
There has recently been discourse surrounding Love Lies Bleeding, a film created almost solely by queer women, “catering to the male gaze” which… I’m sure I don’t need to explain how silly that is lmao. I think this new wave of leftists clutching their pearls over literally any sign of sexual attraction and considering it to be synonymous with objectification has distorted people’s views of what these terms actually mean and have resulted in their gross misuse. Not to make this about me 💅🏻 but I see a lot of this similar discourse about trans people BY CIS PEOPLE whom are trying to be good allies by basically claiming that any sign of sexual attraction towards a trans person’s body is inherently fetishistic which I can’t lie… I kind of consider to be transphobic itself lol? You’re allowed to be sexually attracted to trans people and express that, no matter how their bodies look! The point at which it becomes fetishistic relies primarily on the WAY you express that and the language used — and I think that can apply to queer people in general too. I personally (and others may feel differently!) have zero issue with cis people enjoying trans NSFW content, and I also have no problem with straight women enjoying MLM content; because most of the time, I can tell from the LANGUAGE they use whether or not they are fetishising.
Point being, fetishism and objectification can go ALL ways and I don’t think people need to give excuses as to why they enjoy a certain type of content as long as it isn’t actively harming anyone. But I obviously can’t speak for everyone (especially queer women, I only identified as one for a year or two when I was a preteen lol) and people’s experiences tend to shape their opinions on these things 😅
Right and that's why I firmly stand behind my initial post about how it's no one's job to police people for what kind of content they consume! Because we don't know their motivations for how ot why they personally are interacting/consuming the work. It's incredibly easy to write off all enjoyment of a specific brand of content as fetishizing or sexualization when in reality, for the consumer it isn't that at all. My only point on the last ask was that sometimes, sometimes, it's easy to actually be doing exactly that (fetishizing etc) and not realizing it.
Intentions matter absolutely, but they're not the be-all-end-all of reality. It's like if I as a white person were to say something racist without realizing it was racist. That doesn't negate the racism, and it doesn't absolve me of my culpability, because my ignorance to my actions doesn't supercede my impact. You can be guilty of something without knowing that you are, and that's something you as person have to evaluate and confront on a personal basis. That was my only point in relation to what that anon said.
Again to reiterate, that is NOT saying that everyone who prefers queer work to straight work is guilty of that, because they're not. Full stop. And that alone is why I don't think anyone has or should have the authority to pass judgment on who can and can't consume certain kinds of media. Because, like you said, then you start wading into the murky waters of painting everyone with a broad brush, throwing accusations around that are universally damning despite not actually being universally true. And considering we're living in a period where puritan anti-sex brainrot is on the rise (alongside a deeply unsettling culture of condemnation over every little thing), opening that door can become very dangerous very fast. We're seeing it already.
I will tack on just as a thought regarding the trans character issue, I think that's kind of a perfect example of all these ideas aligning. Just in the most bare bones way of putting it: there is nothing inherently fetishizing about a cis person enjoying work including trans characters. There's nothing inherently fetishizing about a cis person enjoying, specifically, smut involving trans characters. There is nothing inherently fetishizing about a cis person preferring trans character stories over other kinds of media. However, if all they as a cis person consume is extremely sexualized renditions of trans characters, if their only interest in trans characters is porn - generally mostly devoid of complex storylines that create a fully rounded character -, then yeah I do think that's something they on an individual basis need to evaluate about themselves, because it's the difference between having a sexual attraction to a subsection of people versus seeing those same people as purely sexual objects. Does that make sense?
Same can be true for any other queer content being consumed by people that aren't historically the target audience.
But again, it's not really anyone else's place to make that call for anyone else.
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willowser · 2 years
there's something that's so painful to me about strangers-to-lovers with bakugou, because i always jump immediately to the saddest shit like.
as if you meet dynamight in a chance encounter and see him as everyone else sees him. he's fast and confident and quick-witted and strong and you're left thinking like wow this guy is really something !! and bakugou is glad that you buy into all that, but the more you get to know him and the more his personality starts to come out, i always think the more ?? hmm ?? afraid ??? he would start to feel ??? like oh no, you're going to find out the truth. that he's quick to anger and bad at explaining how he really feels. that he doesn't like when things are around his neck and is always paranoid something fatal is going on with his heart. that he takes so much medication just to live and be sane. that intimacy and vulnerability freak him out. that he's just really not who he appears to be.
but he likes you so much 🥺 and he doesn't know what to do 🥺 give you the chance to see it for yourself or try his best to be what you think he is? and how long is he meant to keep that up? what does he do when you do find out, eventually? gaaahhh 🥺
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angelmichelangelo · 2 months
currently trying to write the next chapter for one of my fics and STRUGGLING oh my god why is writing so EMBARASSINGLY DIFFICULT
RAHHHHHHHH anyway i hope you receive sufficient distractions :3
AH i know the feeling well, amigo :( remember to take breaks and drink water and give your brain some space and time to breathe. sometimes when you look away from the screen and start doing other things, what you were wanting to write comes to you a little better when you’re not putting all your creative energy through the metaphorical meat grinder :’) best of luck!!
and yes, this is!! i think im feeling under and overstimulated all at once rn and it made my brain wig out a little, so thanks for the distraction! much appreciated:)
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hearts401 · 3 months
"infodump to me anytime!!!" actually my brain said no sorry
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grimmzmoth · 10 months
watching a video explaining One, that one object show thingy and i am already hooked line and sinker, folder is my bbg and OH MY GOD SIYGBIHSGBIHSGVIUSGBUYAG I DONT EVEN WATCH OBJECT SHOWS I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS RAHHHH
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vvatermelanie · 1 year
i mean this in the best way possible, people who publicly post their self-inserts/self-ships terrify me
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
am i being too much, my prince? i can ease up, and i do think you should grab some water and take a moment. - Corazon
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r3d1ke · 1 year
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My friends put up with me 👍
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fluttersheep · 2 years
do i want to be that person with several fursonas or
can i combine a unicorn, a peryton, and a chihuahua
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