#HP Legacy
mellabreeanna · 1 year
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thespillingvoid · 1 year
When did I know I would get sent to Azkaban to protect Sebastian Sallow? When I beat him in a duel in front of the entire class and he was just like, yeah, alright, join my unsanctioned duelling club 😍
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darkacademianew · 1 year
Creating Sebastian Sallow, they knew exactly what they were doing.
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leandra-carstairs · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy please give us a Yule Ball DLC. I want a Triwizard Tournament. I want fun competition and then end it off by deciding how you want to dress who invite one of your classmates as your Yule Ball date!
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lobey-scribbles · 1 year
There’s truth in firewhisky - Sebastian Sallow x GN!MC
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summary: it’s your final night at hogwarts following the end of your NEWT exams. you and your friends are all celebrating when garreth suggests a friendly game of truth or dare, with a twist
themes: fluff, teeeeenssy bit of angst if you really squint but it’s barely there, use of veritaserum
word count: 1.3k
warnings: alcohol, kissing
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It was well past midnight when Garreth proposed the idea of playing truth or dare with Veritaserum to You, Sebastian, Ominis, Natty, Leander, Everett, Poppy, Imelda and Amit, his eyes glinted mischievously as he waved the vial of the veritaserum, in front of you all, almost like a hypnotist, the clear and colourless solution sloshing inside.
Under any normal circumstances, this would probably have been considered a very risky idea and you would have responded to this idea with a bit more apprehension, but you all had one too many firewhiskys at this point, most of you very giddy and tipsy after spending all night celebrating the end of the academic torture that was your NEWTs. Besides, you all felt invincible tonight, you welcomed the risk.
Garreth grinned as he uncorked the bottle of veritaserum and generously poured it into each of their drinks, unleashing chaos onto the group as he did so.
The group laughed and joked as they began to play, their faces flushed from the alcohol, their spirits high and their souls carefree. As the game progressed, the dares only became more outrageous, and the truths ever more revealing. On a dare, Natty had pulled Amit into a deep kiss, leaving him with a dazed and dreamy look in his eyes, Everett clapped him on the back as a chorus of cheers erupted from their friends, and, under the effects of veritaserum, Poppy had admitted her feelings for Imelda, who uncharacteristically, blushed furiously and returned the sentiment. This gentle demeanour; however, was short-lived. No more than two minutes later, Imelda gave a swift kick to Leander after he taunted her for being, “soft”.
As the night wore on, the group grew closer, their deepest and most vulnerable secrets and desires laid bare for each of them to see. The mood was nothing short of jovial, despite the ache that lingered in your chest, knowing that this night would mark the end of your time at Hogwarts.
You and Sebastian kept stealing furtive glances at each other when the other wasn’t looking, which was something that didn’t go unnoticed. Finally, Garreth had turned to Sebastian.
“Truth or dare?”
Sebastian glanced around nervously, his eyes laying on you, and then darting away quickly.
Ominis elbowed him, egging him on.
“Truth,” he said, barely above a whisper.
“Do you have feelings for anyone in this room?”
The room fell completely silent. Poppy, who had been laying her head on Imelda’s lap, sat up, her interest piqued.
To be perfectly honest, the only person who had the right to feel as though they were holding their breath was you. It was no secret for anyone else in the room what the answer to this question would be, it was obvious to them, but you were oblivious, the both of you were.
“Yes,” Sebastian replied, clenching his clammy hands, determined to keep his eyes from wandering to you again.
Ominis had a wide smile on his face, “Who?”
Sebastian’s eyes narrowed at Ominis, as if he were thinking “traitor!”, and his mouth opened as though it had a mind of its own, the words he’d been hiding for two years spilling out.
“Y/N”, he muttered, “Ever since fifth year.”
You felt a blush creep up your neck that had nothing to do with the firewhisky.
Before you could let some sober part of your brain talk yourself out of it, you grabbed Sebastian’s face and pulled him into an electric, passionate kiss.
Sebastian’s eyes were wide open, taken by surprise, before relaxing into the kiss, eyes fluttering closed, his arm snaking around your waist.
The group of teenagers once again let out a resounding cheer.“Get a room, you two!” Leander jeered, while Ominis applauded, and thanked his lucky stars he would no longer have to witness you pining for one another.
You and Sebastian remained close for the rest of the night, your hands interlaced with his and your head resting on his shoulder.
As the day threatened to break, the group gradually dispersed, heading back to their respective dormitories. You noticed Natty and Amit leaving hand in hand, and a warmth swelled in your chest.
You and Sebastian walked back together, your hands still linked with one another, your footsteps echoing through the corridor and the biting chill of the vast castle nipping at your flushed faces. Sebastian stopped, turning to you, his honey-brown eyes fixed on you, searchingly, “Is it true? Do you really have feelings for me?”
You nodded, “Yes, of course I have, all this time.”, your eyes shined back at him, full of sincerity.
That familiar cocky smirk spread across Sebastian’s face, “So, what you're really saying is that you've been pining for me?”
You scoffed, “No!” shoving him playfully.
He let out a chuckle, raising his eyebrows, unconvinced.
“Maybe,” you confessed, coyly.
Sebastian’s face broke into a prideful grin, obviously pleased with himself.
“I wouldn't get such a big head about it though, Sebastian, from what I’ve heard tonight, it sounds like you were pining too.”
“That could be true,” he murmured, pulling you in by the waist and closing the gap between you two, brushing his lips against yours before pressing another kiss to your lips. This time, it was slow and lingering.
You whispered against his lips, “Sebastian, it’s time to go.”
Sebastian hummed, not pulling away.
“Sebastian” You whispered again, breaking the kiss.
With one last longing look, Sebastian finally pulled away, “Alright, alright. I'll walk you back to your dormitory,” he said, a lopsided grin on his face.
You smiled back at him, your heart feeling light and full at the thought of what was to come between the two of you. As you walked back to your dormitory, your hand still clasped in Sebastian’s, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Garreth's idea to play truth or dare with Veritaserum, and for the courage it gave you both to finally admit your feelings for each other.
You knew that your relationship with Sebastian would be far from easy, if the events of your fifth year were anything to go by, but you were ready to take on whatever challenges came your way, as long as you had him by your side.
The next morning, as you packed your bags and prepared to leave Hogwarts for good, you felt an ambivalent feeling in your heart. You were excited for the future and what it held, but you would miss the memories and the people that had made your time at Hogwarts so special.
As you made your way to Hogsmeade Station with Poppy, Sebastian caught up with you, his hand slipping into yours. You smiled, feeling content and happy with him by your side.
Before boarding the Hogwarts Express, you turned to Sebastian.
“I’m going to miss you,” you said, your voice soft.
“I’m going to miss you too,” Sebastian replied, his eyes glistening.
“I’ll write to you every day,” you promised, knowing that it might not be possible, but wanting to reassure him.
Sebastian smiled, his freckled hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from your face. “I’ll be waiting for your letters.”
You hugged each other tightly, not wanting to let go. As you finally pulled away, you gave him one last kiss before turning and walking away, feeling his eyes on your back.
As you clambered onto the Hogwarts Express, you knew that things were going to be different now. You were entering a new chapter of your life, and you couldn't wait to see what the future held. But for now, you were content in knowing that you had someone who loved you by your side, and that was all that mattered.
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itsoxyymoronn · 1 year
just wanted to update anyone who isn't getting involved in hogwarts legacy or its community that currently there is a whole scandal involving a tik tokker who's OC is 500 years old and is sleeping with the entire school, teachers and all. and their creator is writing a 20k+ fic about them. thats it.
EDIT: to contextualize; i know theres been way worse, ive read my immortal. ALSO I KNOW in any other fandom this wouldnt be something to even bat an eye out. IM JUST SAYING WHAT I SEE
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krakenandcracker · 1 year
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I draw this as a sticker for my computer. Gonna print it soon. I am also planning to make potions master and headmaster black.
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just-antithings · 1 year
The harry potter discourse annoys me
Like “the game is offensive” okay and how does harassing and suicide baiting, or assuming the worst out of people who like it, especially trans and jewish folk who like it, help?
And don’t even get me started on the people getting hate for using it to cope with their mental health problems
I’ll start with the disclaimer that harassment and suicide baiting is never okay from any side. If you see someone playing the game then simply block them because at this point if they’re playing the game and promoting it in social media then they already know about the issues and are willing to let them slide so it’s not worth engaging.
However you seem to misunderstand something here. The biggest issue isn’t that “the game is offensive” (although it certainly is). The issue is that the money is going directly toward the oppression of trans people in the UK.
The Harry Potter game isn’t the only offensive game to exist and JKR isn’t the only bigot out there. However people either don’t understand or don’t care about just how influential she is. It’s not just her spouting transphobia on twitter and writing bigotry into her stories. The money she gets from her Harry Potter properties she uses to directly fund anti-trans legislation in her country.
Were you aware that at the start of the year Scotland was set to pass a bill to help transgender people in their country? It would have incredibly eased the struggle trans people go through to transition legally and be recognized as their gender by the law. It was passed through by the Scottish Parliament! But then the UK for the first time in history used their veto power to block this law from going into practice. This is the sort of legislative decision making that your money is going to when you buy the game. Because JKR talked extensively on how against this bill she was. And JKR has outright said that she takes the continued monetary support of Harry Potter as support and agreement to her ideals and she uses that money to donate to organizations and back lawmakers and fund legislative decisions such as this.
Anti-trans sentiment is at an all time high in the UK. Shortly after the game came out there was an article about a trans girl who was murdered by two of her classmates for being trans. These were highschoolers. The rhetoric that is being spread in the UK right now is literally life or death for trans people.
I get that people have an attachment to this series from before it was clear what a horrible person the creator is. I get that some of those people struggle with their mental health or are trans or Jewish themselves. But it’s not about them being comfortable with letting it slide. It’s specifically about the trans people fighting for their lives in the UK.
It doesn’t matter how many trans people from outside the UK say they’re fine with playing the game and giving JKR money. They aren’t the ones being directly harmed by this. It’s only up to those in the UK that JKR is legally fighting against to determine where the line is drawn. And an overwhelming majority have begged people not to buy this game. To not play and promote it on social media for others to see and decide to buy.
There are so many other incredible series out there to discover and fall in love with. And even if you decide you wont do the work to separate yourself from this series, there are plenty of ways to indulge without giving money to its creator. Read or write fanfiction, draw art, start a roleplaying blog, whatever! This game is in no way a need, even for those who feel they rely on the series for their mental health. It is purely a want and buying the game is a decision that your want is more important than the fight for trans rights in the UK. If that’s your prerogative then that’s your decision to make. And while you shouldn’t be harassed for it you should know that it’s the choice your making and people have a right to lose respect for you or cut you out for it.
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dracoangel · 1 year
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Natty is cute no matter what, but I've been curious about how she would look in these two hairstyles. And thanks to Alternate Appearance - Natsai Onai I was finally able to find out. And she looks just as cute as I thought she would! I'm kinda leaning towards the uphair with the scarf as my favorite of the two. But I really like both. (thinking on it, I think her mother has the 2nd hair. So I may go with the first one)
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djfatchip · 1 year
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a-polite-melody · 1 year
My partner and I were talking about this last night, and I really like the conclusion they ended up with. Paraphrased:
Play the blood libel game from an IP that funds transphobia. No one can stop you. That’s your decision to make. But if Jews and trans people refuse to trust you and reject your allyship, know you brought it on yourself. And we’d better not hear you whining and crying about it, because those are our (respective) decisions to make.
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eph-em-era · 1 year
exhausting that the bare minimum is to not buy the transphobic wizard game and some people just can't manage that
apparently it plays like shit and is genuinely not that good but I guess ignore all that + the morality thing and spend 70 dollars on it instead?
the level of malice of so many people buying is not just "I feel attached to this thing from my childhood, and I can justify my purchase", it's actively "fuck yes buying this will perpetuate harm against trans people? I'll buy 2!"
exhausting. fucking exhausting.
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darkacademianew · 1 year
The trolley problem? Pfhh..!
Sebastian or Ominis, that's the real shit!
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leandra-carstairs · 1 year
Imagine your MC gets that time of the month and Sebastien just knows exactly what is going on and what to do. I just see MC very surprised but then remembers Sebastien has a sister and probably had to deal with mood swings, good cravings, the cramps etc.
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lonelyvomit · 1 year
open world fantasy games to play instead of paying $60 for HP Legacy ($ on Steam):
Elden Ring ($60) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ($15) Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor ($20, currently on sale for $5 until 13. Feb) Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War ($50, currently on sale for $7.5 until 13. Feb) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ($40) Assassin's Creed franchise (16 titles to choose from, between $10-$60) Subnautica ($30) Subnautica: Below Zero ($30) Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles ($25) Slime Rancher ($20) Slime Rancher 2 ($30)
this is literally just the baby list I'm able to make based on my own Steam library, and I don't even look for fantasy games so I know this is just a tiny fraction of what's actually out there. note that if you extend the definition of fantasy to include post-apocalyptic and/or zombies, or open world to include MMOs, these are genres of their own and will immediately expand the list considerably.
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gsirvitor · 1 year
I think the most telling thing to come out of the whole Harry Potter legacy debacle is when the people against the game and Rowling say "you could just not play the game, it's easy," like yeah, I could but it's far easier for you to not get upset over how others spend their money or their free time.
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