peachphernalia · 2 months
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diagram of the Terrible Critters . because i recently had to explain how the hell the hv swap worked & it was harder than it had to be
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sunnydayaoe · 1 month
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Hv: troubleshooting [au where the coup succeeds] rendered art! They are clipping his claws :]
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high-voltage-archive · 4 months
Oooohhh the tips of terminals lower horns are cut off???? dont they often do that when the horns are at risk of blinding a goat? is that important??
whaaaaat haaha that would never be a plot point whaaat hahahaha .
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ill be honest i really did not Expect anyone to notice that . thank you anon youare so cool Hugs & Kisses
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graementality · 2 months
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More sketches of @sunnydayaoe 's High Voltage au of HMS :D (mainly Mind/Circuit bcus I LOVE his design)
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mitski-slope · 1 year
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yeah .
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brine-in-my-eyes · 11 months
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Yeah it's a McRebs comic sprinkled with Charles Rebelivin lore (Fifi is the name of his mom who had died during her service)
I think it looks good tbh. just dunno if im in the mood to fibish it 😭😭😭😭😭
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evostar · 9 months
All my au's!!
Gttf!! (Grandkids to the future)
Half Vampire Dolores au!
Encanto coure au! (My Modern au of encanto)
Encanto reversed time au!! (The madrigals swapped roles and ages)
Giftless dolores au!
Kidnapped Dolores Au!!
Blue dolores! (Dolores adopted by julieta)
Encanto Trolls Au!!
Encanto bad tragedy!
La madre silenciosa au!! (An au where Dolores adopts a lot of kids!)
Encanto caged souls au!
Encanto villian au!
Encanto Persiguiendo la luz au!
I also take requests!! :D
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year
celebrities vas and anyone in general if you see this palestine situation as "both sides" please reeducate yourselves. for the rich people and celebs they are selfish pricks who think of nothing but themselves but for others please please PLEASE reeducate yourself and learn more.
there is no both sides. there are only the colonizer and the colonized.
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grvntld · 1 year
things i need to do for my being ♡
start reading my next to-read book
explore and play with my digicam
start my maarti posting aka edit vids and photos of my past days months and plan plan plan
book a pamper sesh real soon
get a haircut hehe
get enough sleep +++ rest
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
Would all of the boys you write for be okay if reader had hsv-1 below the belt? I've been struggling w/ my new status and have tried to seek comfort in fic. My best friends have told me the virus is morally neutral, but the stigma thanks to it hurts so much. I just wish more people understood exactly what hsv is, that people don't experience symptoms all the time, and that about 1 out of 6 people in the US experience hsv-1 or 2 below the belt.
I'm so so sorry there's such a stigma around it, love. There needs to be more education.  And more hugs. <3 
HSV is really common 50-80% of American adults have it, and an average of 66% worldwide. And--THE MORE YOU KNOW!--chickenpox, shingles, and mono are in the same family of viruses as HSV. So that racks up the numbers of viral carriers even higher, very nearly to 100%.
I mean, yeah, most people would like to not have it, but the same could be said for chickenpox or covid or athlete's foot or HPV or or pink-eye (literally getting poop molecules in your eye!). Humans are social creatures and we get social bugs. There are ways to keep from getting it / spreading it, but the same can be said for all those things I just mentioned too. Nobody should be stigmatized for it and a good partner wouldn't let it stand in their way if they loved someone.
And if someone acts out of fear toward it, it's because they have not educated themselves on its commonality and it's mostly non-issue status in most peoples’ lives. This denotes laziness and lack of compassion. (Learn to recognize this. It will look different from those who may seem freaked out at first but at least ask questions and are willing to put in the work and learn. Those are partners worth being with.)
That being said, reactions from the boys as I believe them to be?
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(gif by thewaythisis)
Just by nature of lifestyle and their societies, I wouldn't be surprised if Pero and Ezra were in your club; it's common enough that in their times it is most likely a fact of life. If not, they most likely have viruses of their own they are harboring, so there's going to be no judgement there. Pero wouldn't know what you're talking about. He only cares that you're willing and warm and--though he won't admit it--that you're good to him. Ezra though? Be up front and honest with him before you take him to bed...and then be prepared for him to give you a wicked grin and be honest right back. You might even find that you've both just found someone you may not need to use protection with.... Although with canon Ezra, there's a chance you still might want some, heads up. Totally worth it. Enjoy the ride and please send updates.
Dieter's been around. He's the kind of dude where, if you followed him up to his room after agreeing to have sex with him, he's gonna turn to you the minute the door's closed. He's gonna ask you about your history while he's shucking his crocs and robe, listening and giving impatient little "uh huh"s and "right"s. Then he's going to slap on a condom, throw himself on the bed, and ask you to use him. Someone who's that easy about sex is also easy about everything that comes with it and knows the best way to go about it so everyone has a good time. He doesn't give a shit about much because he understands it's nothing to give a shit about, just ride him already and tell him he's a dirty boy. He's tired of waiting.
With Din, he lives in the Star Wars galaxy. They have inoculations and cures for everything. Eff. Lose a limb? They build you another. Have terrible burns? Breathing machines and exoskeletons for you. Anything else that ails? They have the almighty BACTA. There's a good chance if he were to join you in the HSV dance, he'd just treat any symptoms with some bacta patches and get back to kicking ass and being sweet. What's the worst that can happen? He gets a few unsightly sores on his face now and then? ... You realize he lives under a helmet, right? This dude has scars bigger than you. He's frankly confused as to why you feel it's even an issue. He loves a weird little green alien that tried to choke Cara with its mind and eats people's spawn. You think a little thing like this is gonna keep his heart from pounding after you if it wants to? You realize the man's a warrior, right?
Javi loves with his whole heart and you can't convince me otherwise. If he loves you, nothing else matters but making you smile.
You know who is one of the smartest of the boys and would have no concerns? The Thief. He's also unaffected by this detail.
Jack you're gonna have the most problems with, though. In that, if you've captured his heart, he's going to be INSUFFERABLE any time you have a flare-up. Washing your hair in the bath. Making or ordering in your favorite foods. Flowers. Surprises. Just cheesy-ass, lovey-dovey bullshit because he wants to make sure you're being taken care of. It sounds nice, but at some point, you're going to get overwhelmed. If you do, you'll have to let him know he doesn't have to coddle you, and he's gonna make excuses and back off if that's what you really want. But secretly, he loves a reason to take care of you. He wants to be your cowboy hero. So look on the bright side and find any and all ways to take advantage of that! (I suggest requesting a foot massage. You won't be sorry. Big, lasso-weilding hands...)
Now let's talk about GTTT Pats. He's got his clientele to keep track of and keep well. Regular testing is the name of the game. He's not so much worried about contracting anything himself as much as he has a duty of care to those that come to his table and his bed. But he knows what he's about, son. One doesn't take up ethical sex work without being and keeping up to date on all the medical facts on the subject. So having HSV does not preclude you from his services. He's going to check in with you prior to all appointments as he does with all his clients. And he's going to go through treatment with you as he does all his clients. If you are experiencing symptoms, he might ask you to stay home that week, just like any of his other clients with any range of health concerns. If it's manageable though, or if you're in a three-week window of your latest flare-up, he will most likely take "regular" sex off the menu. But he's still going to get you off. One of the most common triggers of an outbreak is stress, so what you need is to relax. Ergo, on his table is exactly where you need to be. And while he may not put himself inside you...there are toys. And he knows how to use them. If you're feeling up to it and not in any pain, you're getting off as many times as he can possibly get you there. As for him? You've got hands. Feet. Maybe soft breasts that can be squeezed together. A pretty ass that needs painting. *shrug* Maybe he’ll teach you how to use some toys on him. He's got other ways to get what he wants in the second hour.
I've only written sparingly for Javier, but here's what I'm gonna say about him. The man respects women, loves sleeping with them, and has slept with enough sex workers to either be one of the 66% himself or know the risks and commonalities enough to not have any issues. Either you're getting off tonight or you're not. If you'd rather not, he'll just come back around another time.
So. I hope that answers your question, dear friend. All the boys I currently write for are fkn amazing about it as far as I'm concerned. They're either not going to care or they're gonna take care. Choose your fighter.
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menstitsillness · 1 year
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peachphernalia · 5 months
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high voltage stuff . did you know they are so Unbelievably stupid . Affectionate
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sunnydayaoe · 3 months
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(He- He attacked first. It was justified.)
[ID in ALT]
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high-voltage-archive · 4 months
ouugh that must be so scary. knowing that right infront of each eye is something sharp. something that is a part of you. woahggg,,,,, and did the others not notice? as the points that make You up come closer and closer to stabbing you?? to blinding you? to a point of no return????? They do not notice as you are blinded by yourself. not intentionally though,, but simply through your own inaction??? and to know they do not care enough. that they will not see. perhaps you're yearning for someone to help and that is why you stayed your hand but. no help comes. and the points come ever closer.
sorry askdjfhaldgsg got thoughts about that image ko;l;klagf;lg
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got a bit silly with this one
Extra under cut!
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also sorry if it's not that readable/understandable. The gist of it is that Terminal is kinda delirious [injured for days on end and trapped in a pit] and when it sees Signal, it thinks that Signal's actually Whole [again, very much... not in his right mind]. Signal freaks out and books it cus... he's not dealing with that.
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graementality · 2 months
@sunnydayaoe 's High Voltage au HMS !!
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These guys have taken hold of me and I can't escape they're so cool, I love this au!!!
I've done a couple more sketches of the guys which I'll post in a minute too!
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certainsaturn · 2 days
mason mount hype is big 2024 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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