#but being passive aggressive isnt gonna help
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
celebrities vas and anyone in general if you see this palestine situation as "both sides" please reeducate yourselves. for the rich people and celebs they are selfish pricks who think of nothing but themselves but for others please please PLEASE reeducate yourself and learn more.
there is no both sides. there are only the colonizer and the colonized.
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moonshynecybin · 8 months
How do you think Vale would deal with Marc’s injuries post reconciliation? Would he be mad and then just spend hours touching/kissing his scars and being really careful and just loving him and begging him to be more careful.
oh he would be so freaked out lol. like my girl has a literal lifetime of trauma regarding motorcycle racing injuries both to people he cares about and himself. and marc is like. the poster boy for riding like a crazy person and ignoring the fact that he has a body that can in fact be injured… i do think marc has experienced enough pain and suffering (AND tbh reprecussions on his riding… crazy man) that he’s at least SAID hes gonna try and ride more carefully from here on out but uh. i will personally believe that when i see it. and well. as other scholars (@babynflames) have already said this relationship is literally guy whos not afraid of crashing x guy who cried everytime his dad crashed as a kid… like vale would be SO freaked out everytime marc crashed, everytime he wobbled, everytime he did one of his insane saves…
so i would hope he wouldnt channel that into anger (hes also like frankly more passive aggressive than outright angry in general i think) though in my version of events that is a not insubstantial subliminal reason he pulled the ripcord on their relationship the first time… he was too close to someone who’s riding style FREAKS him out. like its one thing for your ex-situationship/fuckbuddy turned nemesis to be riding like he’s a hairsbreath away from death, its another for your BOYFRIEND/love of your LIFE to be riding like that… so um. the trauma of it all. AND they were at international trauma track sepang… but i digress…
so id hope post reconciliation they would have worked through that a leedle bit, but like. yes vale is biting his nails nervous as hell everytime marc goes in the gravel, with the cameraman distastefully GLUED to his obvious flinch. and YES he is taking care of marc and his chronic pain better than marc would ever bother to do himself outside of a race-readiness context. he is. drawing marc an epsom salt bath. making him take the goddamn ibuprofen. buying him expensive PT gadgets. helping him through his stretches. CAREFULLY arranging him when they spoon like he is made of precious glass. checking in during sex to make sure marc isnt ignoring what his body is telling him. talking marc out of riding after a crash. like TRULY bullying marc into not harming himself by racing injured is maybe the thing vale and alex bond most over post reconciliation… marc doesnt know what hit him and yes he does cry about it
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mamadarama · 2 months
Back to thinking about rare pairs whether it be platonic or whatever I genuinely think IzuMeru is so funny. You think these two would be neutral with each other considering how good HiMERU is at his job and how perfectly he does it. There should be nothing for Izumi to criticize but LO AND BEHOLD HiMERU is the one starting beef and while during Midnight Butlers it was justifiable, filming is tight and all. But they just. Kept at each other's throats afterward 😭
In whispering marina HiMERU is the one to crack through Izumi's lie and help him out, so the trip was worthwhile for their characters. Other than that, there's very few people HiMERU has any noteworthy connections with. He's especially protective and wants to be close to Kohaku, often pampering him which I think is bc Kohaku reminds him of Kaname (the hair, the uniform, the innocence and attitude). He's okay with Niki in a sense that he doesn't have to keep Niki on a leash as much as MOTHERFUCKING Rinne who triggers his fight response instantly. He's otherwise avoiding Jun, complex about Tatsumi, keeps Ibara at arm's length (not that he's mutually interested in connecting anyways)
And then I don't know what his deal with Izumi is. They just fight like street cats in a passive aggressive way. I love the way they pick fights with each other. Not as intense as RinHime but still petty and pretty funny like the enbies are FIGHTINGGGGG I could go on but I don't think people on this blog are too interested in either Izumi or Himeru so I digress. I love their beef.
Madayume 🍀 @umiedibles
lol yeah it is. himeru and izumi have a healthy rivalry and the way i see it himeru being so good at his job is a major part of the catalyst for it. theyre both models and izumi sees himeru as a threat . not to his career, but to his pride. hes one of the best models in es and hes familiar with all the other models and where they stand in relation to him. then himeru comes into the picture, just as talented and prideful as izumi , and suddenly he feels like his reputation is under siege . it was pretty bad in midnight butlers but after they got acquainted with each other and izumi had a general idea of what himerus deal was and realized he had no interest in displacing izumi, it became more of a healthy professional rivalry that encourages both of them to work harder as idols and models. himeru is the perfect person for this bc they think similarly and have similar personalities making it way easier to understand each other without talking , and thats why he was the first one to see through izumis bullshit in whispering marina. they arent exactly friends; they have a very professional relationship. they wouldnt go out for coffee together, but they will support each others work. part of a good rivalry is casual competition. the goal isnt to win or greatly surpass the other, its to repeatedly one up the other person. and that means if one of them is falling behind, the other will make an effort to bring them back up to their own level so they can continue being evenly matched. but also theres no denying that theyre similar enough personalities that if they try and talk to each other theyre gonna clash, and thats why theyre so passive aggressive when they interact .
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aropride · 9 months
wrt that poll abt tone indicators thats going around.w ell first of all tbh i think some of the hatred for them comes from cringe culture. but second of all. some of the criticism is totally fair like there are a fuckton of tone indicators and sometimes . there really dont need to be. and the abbreviations can be confusing i try to type out ones that arent s srs or j. tho i feel like most of the newer ones were popularized on twt so itmakes sense they wouldnt be written all the way out
like i think my prolem is when theres SO many and theyre redundant. i found a carrd with a fuckton of them that im gonna comment on To entertain myself sorry
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like these 3 all feel redundant .. why do u need a different tone tag for Mostly joking than Half joking ? or for a Coping joke ? just use /j or combine with with like, /neg or something to get the tone across yknow? and /ji - first of all looks like /ij (inside joke), second of all why not just use /j
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and like. why half serious or mostly serious or not serious when /j or /hj exist ? why /ns when it looks so similar to /nsrs, which means the opposite ? ive been using /s since like 2015 and /srs since like 2018 so ivegot those down and dont confuse them but i see why could be for some one who hasnt used them b4, why make it more complicated?
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i like /g or /gen in theory- ppl have said its confusing bc gen could be general which i get, but for ppl familiar w tone tags tend to know what it means. genq is one ive used just bc. its fun to type tbh. and i think ppl get what it means but its not really Necessary. BUt genep and genc feel unnecessary when /g and /srs exist, and /gene is just, a word. that's just a word ! 😭
ojh my god. i should do a tone indicator tier list
as you can see my adhd meds are working
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/nbr is funny bc half the time when some1 says theyre not being rude they definitely are. also there's already /g /srs and /lh. /nm is either helpful or deeply confusing Bc i try to take it at face value but sometimes i see it and im like. Why would i be mad ? and i start overthinking. but thats a me problem
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i like this one i use it when i complain a lot Bc i dont want ppl to think im vagueing them i just love complaining
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i love these ones. tone indicators for Being Mean To Someone. dunno if its on this list but ive seen /pa and /sbh (/passive aggressive & /somebody here, respectively) which is SO funny. i dont think theyre helpful really though except /neg Bc again. these all mean very similar things !!! why not just clarify extra things with a parenthetical
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THESE R ALL THE SAME TONE !!! why not jsut use one single tone indicator for this !!! or none at all and just type the word !!!
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need /nfl on a shirt in the aro colors so poeple know im not fucking interested in them. that aside. 1. whywould u need this ever !!! why not use again just /j if necessary.and 2. isnt the nfl a football thing
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these r similar but i do like them, i think typing out a whole word again is a better solution so u dont have to scavenge google for the meaning but i think its helpful to clarify this and isnt synonymous with /j or /s or /lh
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i think these ones are almost all just from the op's discord server or w/e, i won't bash that cuz if it works for them it works, that being said i dont think This many tone indicators for these types of things r helpful outside of that specific context yknow? also, /fx is really funny
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ok i wont say that typing tics dont exist bc tics can be complex and vary by situation etc so im sure they can, but is that happening That much that u need a tone tag for it ? and also like. for /unin just delete the msg or say "oops sent too early hang on" or smth.. and as for vocal stim. first of all why is it /vt ? and second of all . why ... would u need that to type out ? bc if ur vocal stimming that would be. out loud? i.e. not in a chat where youre typing ???????@????>?,//???? BAFFLING. also in what situation is /gib necessary i genuinely cant think of one
None of this is to rag on tone indicators (/genuine) i think they can be helpful + i am always being gensrs when i use them. i just think some r a little silly & a lot from longer lists are unhelpful Bc theyre supposed to make communication Easier and Clearer + haveing So many tone indicators with Different Implied Tones WITHIN the indicators !!! makes it harder imo. bc if theyre to clarify tone why should i have to fight for my life deciphering why someone went from /mj to /hj yknow.
like this is all my Opinion and imsure these r all helpful for Someone otherwise they wouldnt exist but i rly feel like the system could be condensed a bit yk.
do i have a system in mind to suggest here ? well.
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(also. this whole post is /genuine, /lighthearted, /not upset, and /not passive aggressive. and a bit /silly)
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bourbonificould · 8 months
what do u think the best ending of each twdg season is?
Season 1: Shoot Lee Everett. - Let's be real, no need to explain. Season 2: Wellington - I think it makes the most sense. - Clem doesnt really know Jane that well and judging from my playthroughs, I can never really like her, considering shes a super loner and will get passive aggressive at every turn. - While Kenny is losing it, he will do ANYTHING to get to Wellington where it's safe. For Clem's story, it makes sense to have Kenny walk into the sunset as a good man who fulfilled his part. Going with him isnt bad but I hate his death. (+ I thought Christa made it lol.) Season 3: Friend Kate, Gabe lives or David and Gabe live. - Romancing Kate is just so weird to me, specifically because of the dynamic. - Saving two is my main goal. It would give Javi a sense of family and leave him with Gabe to mentor and then Kate or David to help rebuild with. Season 4: Romance Violet/Louis, Save Violet, Trust AJ - This season has the worst discourse out of all of them. - Romancing either is cute, they both have their own ways and I like them both. - I'm not on a side, but I do think that being blind in an apocalypse is worse than being mute. Plus in the moment, Violet was stepping up as a leader and I felt she'd be more rough in trying to get everyone back. - Trusting AJ made sense to me, I didn't want him to be unconfident mainly because he was gonna face more and more as he grows up. - Tenn is... Tenn. Love him but he messed up one too many times, and he deserved peace.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 year
I’m gonna rant for a second because I hate the shitty way visitors treat hospital staff, and I’ve spent all of my last 6 12 hour shifts dealing with it 
Yes, I know you want an update with the nurse, but they aren’t available right now. It’s shift change, last night’s nurses are exhausted and want to go home, today’s nurses don’t even know who their patients are yet. 
Yes, I know, it’s inconvenient. But every single fucking time I have to pull a nurse away from their patient so you can talk to them, that is CARE that the PATIENT ISNT GETTING. 
Like, I’m really sorry, but when it comes down to your feelings versus a patient’s actual life, I don’t care about you. I’m sorry that you’re worried and anxious. I sympathize with it. But if you want your loved one to get the care they need, you need to handle yourself because you are a distraction to the nurse, you are hindering patient care, and the more often this happens, the worse your loved one will be, and I don’t get why that’s so hard to understand. If something significant happens, the nurse will call YOU. If they haven’t called, that means there’s no meaningful updates! 
I’ve seen it time and again that people think by being the loudest voice in the room, they’re showing how much they care about the patient. These are usually the people that couldn’t give a shit about them when they were healthy. The son that hasn’t seen his mother more than once a month since putting her in a nursing home suddenly needs to be up everyone’s ass all the time. The daughter that hasn’t called her father in months screaming at the nurses over every little thing. It’s such performative bullshit and I hate it. We are not here to be your emotional punching bags so you can feel better about how you’ve neglected your relationships, as if abusing us makes up for your lack of contact and caring. 
And the families that like to stand in the doorway staring at everyone who walks by, or come up to the nursing station demanding to speak to the nurse/a charge nurse, because they feel like that care isn’t happening patient care is done on a schedule. Everything is planned down to the hour. Yes, sometimes there are delays. But if a nurse should be providing something at a certain time and doesn’t, that usually means something more important is happening with another patient. Example: you want to tell me to remind the nurse that someone’s pain medication is due in exactly 11 minutes? believe me, that nurse knows down to the exact second when the last dose was given, she’ll be there on time, she does NOT need a reminder. (this is my BIGGEST pet peeve) 
Even the people that are well-meaning about their calls, it’s still so self-centered to constantly demand a nurse’s attention every hour, every two hours. Again, I understand when you’re anxious, but the nurse isn’t here to reassure you. Work out your anxiety with a loved one that isn’t the current patient. Because all you’re doing is taking up the nurse’s valuable time, which is taking away from patient care, so that you can have your nerves soothed when there is ultimately no update to be had, other than “everything’s the same.” 
If there is a significant change, good or bad, the nurse will call you. 
If the patient codes/almost/actually dies, the nurse will call you. 
If your loved one spontaneously wakes up from a coma, the nurse will call you. 
If there is a major procedure, the nurse will (probably, it’s complicated) call you.
I am so done fielding phone calls from people that are passive aggressive, angry, or straight up yelling at me over the smallest thing. You are not helping anyone when you’re calling the nurse to demand whether the patient has eaten or not yet. Either they did, or they’re not able due to illness, or they’re not allowed to due to an upcoming procedure. Nothing you say or shout will change anything. Medications are added/changed/discontinued practically daily, don’t start freaking out just because the patient was on one blood pressure med one day and a different one/none the next. 
If you don’t get a call for a day or two, the nurse isn’t refusing to communicate with you. They just have no significant updates to give, and their time is better spent on patient care than on the phone with you talking about how much the patient did or didn’t urinate. 
This goes doubly for patients that are fully conscious/aware of their surroundings, and able to advocate for themselves. In those cases, any family members become entirely superfluous, because we do not need you. We don’t need you to understand what’s going on with the patient, because we don’t need you to consent to their procedures as a medical proxy. Your input doesn’t matter. And you better be damn grateful when the nurse is willing to give you any information at all, because at that point, it should really be up to the patient to disseminate the news of their condition.
Except because nurses are saints and recognize the mental and emotional strain that will put on the patient, they take care of that too. People need to start showing some gratitude instead of attitude, because contact with the nurse is a privilege, not a right, and people like me are incredibly happy to remove it when you can’t be respectful of everyone’s time. 
Tl;dr not to be rude but if you’re not the patient, or the patient’s medical proxy, you don’t matter, so you better be nice
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kinda personal rant
i want to kms dads mad at mum bc of a misunderstanding, hes over this weekend and im going on holiday with my friend tmrw. now mums being bitchy (she always holds a grudge and acts passive aggressive, but if you bring it up she pretends she doesnt know what you're talking about) and i feel like hes gonna hate it, but i wont be there to help.
i feel so bad, i just want him to be happy and i feel so guilty. my little brother never listens to him and always makes him mad, so he wont even enjoy seeing him very much.
dads tired all the time now, the chemo is starting to get to him. i should be there with him instead of leaving him to be upset.
i know its not my fault but it feels like it is and i hate myself for it.
i dont even want to go on this holiday, since it was planned last year shes been more and more bitchy and i wish id just stopped being her friend when i had the chance. and i feel even worse about that because it feels like im using her.
im going abroad twice this year (school trip earlier this year and now holiday) and my family cant go on holiday this year because of my dads cancer. but im so ungrateful, ive cried about it both times and complained that i dont wanna go both times even though my parents would kill to go abroad, or even just to get a break. im such a piece of shit im so selfish.
i hope my face razor isnt confiscated at bag checks cuz i think i might rel@pse once we get there.
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smallcactus22 · 1 year
Nothing I do has ever been or will ever be good enough for that woman. She needs help with the dog, doesnt say anything until the last minute where she passive aggressively says that we know she cant handle him right now.
I didnt know she needed help until that very moment. I get up and make my way there, and when I'm halfway out of my room she makes even more passive agressive comments about how nobody even bothered to do anything and that she handled it. Not even five seconds between those statements.
I get upset and tell her I was on my way. But that's not good enough. I needed to let her know that I was coming even though her room is right next to mine and it wouldnt have taken long to get there. Then she goes on a rant about how we're all so disrespectful and how she's gonna put us out on the street and how she sacrifices everything for us, because it's our fault that she's a single mom apparently.
I'm so fucking tired of being here. I'm tired of indulging her manipulate bullshit. I'm tired of listening to her basically say that we ruined her life by being born, only for her to turn around and tell us that she loves us so very much. I'm tired of her blaming me for my siblings behavior, like they even listen to me.
I'm sick of feeling like I'm delusional for wanting to leave. I'm sick of her constantly taking her anger out on me and then getting angry when I retaliate. I'm sick of her not appreciating all of the hard work I'm doing. I'm sick of her telling me that I need to do better than my best because my best isnt good enough. My best has never ben good enough. I'll never be good enough.
And part of me resents her, but part of me doesnt want to blame her because she's doing what she can with the cards she was dealt.
I'm so tired.
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transboysokka · 1 year
dont mind me barging in on your roomie drama :p but also i am an outsider with limited facts, so take everything i say with a grain of salt asgdjgh
my initial conclusion from all this is that it seems like your roommate is the type who really does not vibe with implicitly shared things, whereas you are absolutely that type. leaving your mug to be washed, as an example, could have been passive aggression, but it could have just as easily been "im not going to touch your stuff because it makes me uncomfy." and it seems like a similar thing with all the things she's offering back to you/wanting to throw away instead keep it for herself.
i recently did a moveout with a roomie where we had to gut the whole place for cleaning, and as such, we ended up pulling out all the food/items and putting em on a table while we cleaned. (it was a cross-country move, so a lot of what we had couldn't come with us either.) cuz it was convenient, we just said to roomie "hey, pick out whatever you want to keep, and we'll throw out the rest." by the end, i was super surprised by the amount of stuff they would rather us throw out/donate. things like pots/pans, half used spices and containers of rice or cooking isle, even unopened bottles of shampoo went into donation boxes. i really didn't get it personally, but that roomie was undeniably a sweetheart, so i just kinda had to face the idea that, even if it's more convenient in a lot of ways, inheriting items from a move out is just something some people aren't comfortable with. and from what i can tell, it's one of those assumptions that isnt really challenged by either side until a move out *does* happen.
as for the blow up mentioned at the end, if im right, it seems like she's assumed that you share her same system of not liking "hand-me-down" items, and as a result, she feels like you've left a bunch of chores for her to deal with. granted, i also think she doesn't seem good at communication, and she seems to make assumptions (see the "i didnt know you were still leaving" thing), so im not surprised that things happened the way they did. also i wouldn't say that your roomie *isnt* being a lil passive aggressive and purposefully unhelpful, but i wouldn't be surprised if the source of that was just a misunderstanding of personal preferences.
in terms of the rent stuff, talk about the rent stuff and dont drop the convo until you have a plan, but in terms of the more personal stuff:
my reasonable advice? sit down and talk about it all if you want to maintain a friendship, even though it might be uncomfortable and might not solve all the issues. hinesty is the best policy sort of thing. my *honest* advice? apologize and feel a lil salty in secret, grab all your stuff even if you left it for her benefit, and then simply drift apart uvu
......i didn't say it was good advice........
Wow! Thanks for the thoughtful response!!
Yeah I hadn’t considered it but she very much hasn’t ever been the most down for sharing in those ways. That’s fine I guess.
I did answer her yesterday like “I wasn’t trying to be like that, but I’ve never moved out of a place that was still being lived in before and so I left some stuff to try and help you out” and we were able to move past it
also I can tell it was hard for her to say goodbye to my dog who she’s always been involved with so there were probably a lot of emotions happening yesterday
The communication issues though… ugh
Yeah when things get settled here I’m gonna reopen that conversation about “so what ARE we doing about this rent situation?” bc she’s also left it as “idk maybe I’ll just move out early too” so okay what IS THE PLAN
I’d be fine to drift apart but our dogs have been together their entire lives so it’s one of those things like I should be careful not to burn that bridge too badly
Thanks for your input though! It definitely helped me put some things into perspective
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Hey bestie!!! 👋
Can we please be blessed with a Wardlow Smut based on Chains by Nick Jonas?
Maybe MJF had mentioned how "whipped" he his by his girlfriend and he laughs "You have no idea."
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a day before the contract signing events; bestie sent me this. im going off what we talked abt in dms and using the lyrics to the song as dialogue (not exactly a songfic) also double gif bc this is my page. this whole segment gonna keep yall wardhoes fed for a while, mama’s gotchu. i tried to do a soft!dom but that idea fell apart faster than a dollar store dinner tray. can we also talk bout the vein in his neck in the gif below? lordt
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘Chains’ 18+ Wardlow (Michael) x fem!reader
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^with their feud heating up, max decided to take assuming cheap shots at michael and reader’s sex life^
- CW: restraints (handcuffs), honorifics (sir) *ooh cheeky switch up*, dom/sub dynamics, hella subspace, mild slapping, degradation/praise, squirting, use of flogger (on body and coochie; taking things literal, aint we donna?), return of ‘puppy’, the fucking word for “good tears” (help me out what is it), sweet af aftercare - shawn spears (ronnie), max being a cunt - recycling the title of ‘the vixen’, this series isnt really timelined, just reusing things; also im takin matters into my own hands  - thanks to @unusual-tomorrxw for assistance 
3rd Person POV:
Another week, more bullshit from Max. Him and Y/N were once close, some would call them best friends. This week, they had their bogus contract signing; just more nonsense to delay Michael beating the shit out of him. Y/N was in gorilla with her boyfriend and the poor guys stuck bringing him out. She had tried to convince them that if this had to happen, let her take him out. But no, Max had to have these poor souls do it. One of the jobbers said it was time to go so she kissed Michael and he was gone.
Max had been spewing the same stuff he’s been for the past few weeks and Y/N decided she’d go out there. Suddenly, ‘Roundtable Rival’ by Lindsey Stirling blared through the arena and The Vixen went out. Pink heel boots, plaid black skirt and one of her boyfriend’s merch shirt; ready to stand by him. She got up the steps at ringside and Ronnie tried to stop her, “Don’t even try it.” she spat. She walked past Max, making sure to bump his shoulder, and went over to Michael. She picked up the mic that was in front of him, “Don’t let me interrupt boys, you were saying?” she was passive aggressive in her words. Michael had tried to reach for her hand and of course Max had to comment, “Wardlow, you think those handcuffs are an obstruction for you but ah, I thought you’d be used to them by now. Considering how whipped you are for that little lady standing next to you.” “Max, you better shut up while you’re still living-” He knew he struck a nerve. “What? With those wine-stained lips, she’s nothing but trouble. Why not tell the great people of Long Island that you aren’t the sweet, wholesome couple you claim to be? That you two really like some rou-” She grabbed him by the collar, ready to clobber him. “Stop. Talking.” He had a shit-eating grin on his face. Max gripped her face, squishing her cheeks together “Who knew this sweet thing was such a whore-” In a second, Michael was on his feet but Y/N had put her arm out to stop him. “Looks like he really is a bitch for you.” Her fist connected with his jaw and she got him to the ground, putting him in a chinlock. He was slamming the canvas in a tap out as they were both screaming, “Who’s the bitch now Max?! Why you gotta do me wrong?” She was pulled off him and brought back to the locker room. 
Once she was alone, she broke down. Embarrassed was an understatement. Her family watched the show and now she was worried they would view her and the man her parents called their son differently. She heard the door knob turning and quickly dried her tears. “Baby? Are you okay?” Michael’s soft voice tugged at her heart. “Yeah, I’m fine.” “No you’re not.” His hands cupped her cheeks. The two spent time talking about what had happened. “Michael, can we go back to the hotel and you show me who’s really in charge?” she asked meekly, without looking up at him. His thumb tugged at her bottom lip gently, “You know how to ask for what you want.” he stated in a low tone. “Please Sir?” “Louder.” he growled. Her voice raised a bit with a hint of whining behind it, “Please Sir!” “Good girl. I’ll take care of you.”
~at the hotel~
He had her naked on the bed with her hand cuffed to it. He knew she was still in a state so he was easy with her until she gave the word to do more. She savored the gentle, soft, slow touches along her body. Down her cheeks, kneading her breasts, down her tummy and sides. His hands landed on the plush skin of her thighs. She had given him permission to use their mini flogger tonight, one hand left her thigh to pick it up from beside her. “Are you sure you want it tonight? Say the word and I’ll stop, baby.” “I want it Sir.”  He started on her thighs building up how hard he was whipping her, letting her warm up. When he started hitting harder, she bucked her hips up so he landed one hit to her glistening heat; earning a sweet, strangled moan. “You like that, don’t you puppy?” Her brain was already going numb from the use of the flogger alone. Once there were enough light red drags on her gorgeous skin, he stopped and ran his hands over the marks to sooth them. His fingers circled her slit as she whimpered. “You know, Max may think I’m the one who’s whipped. But here you are, cuffed to the bed for me to do whatever I please, letting me decorate your skin with this whip.” His voice is low and authoritative. “You’ve been getting involved in this little feud too often now. Maybe I should cuff you to the bed and leave you there until I get back from the shows. That way you’ll stay out of trouble.” The combination of his hand on her pussy and his filthy words were sending her into a deeper headspace; she didn’t even notice his lips attaching to her clit until she let out a cry. “C’mon, you can take it.” he mocked. Michael held her hips down, his grip enough to leave soft bruises. The lewd sounds of him sucking and licking at her dripping and aching cunt that had the familiar bubbling feeling make its approach. He knows this woman’s body inside and out, so he spoke up, “Cum.” The single word had that knot undone in seconds. Did he stop? No. Not when he was on a mission to rid her mind of the events that took place a few hours ago. When she tried to close her thighs around his head, he pulled away and grabbed the flogger again. He landed a few more blows to her pussy and her thighs until he noticed tears. “Color?” “Green!” she said quickly. Though she said ‘green’, he ceased the whipping and put the toy down. Her hips jolted when he cupped her heat again. “You’re gonna cum for me again, then you’ll get my cock puppy. Got it?” She nodded. “Words.” “Yes, Sir.” Starting with two fingers, he pumped in and out of her cunt, fingertips dragging against her most sensitive spots within her. Another finger was added as his other hand groped at her breasts, tugging at her hardened nipples. Y/N shivered and came on his fingers. His movements only slowed as she rode out her high. When she was down, he pulled his hand away and sucked her juices off his fingers. 
Ridding himself of his remaining clothes, he stared down at his lover. Soft, submissive, sweet Y/N; all his. When they first started exploring this aspect of their relationship, let’s just say noise complaints were common. That’s how Max knew what they were up to. Thin hotel room walls and nosy stable-mates. He watched as she desperately started grinding her hips against nothing. He rubbed his tip up and down her slit and slowly pushed in. Her tight cunt welcomed him in greedily, the deep groan he let out at the feeling of her squeezing around him. “You are doing so good for me. Always a good girl for me.” She tugged at the cuffs, feeling the need to claw at his shoulders and back or tug at his hair; just the need to touch him. “Sir~” His eyes met hers, “What puppy?” She struggled to form the words so she gave him one. “Harder.” The word left her lips and he immediately threw her legs over his shoulders, practically folding her in half, and thrusted into her harder and faster. She tried to get out of her restraints but he only laughed, “Trying to break the chains?” Her whimper was only adding fuel to the fire as he fucked into her harder. 
After pulling two more orgasms from her body, she was completely dazed. Her brain couldn’t form a full thought so when she spoke, it was just babbles and incoherent mumbles. With her legs still on his broad shoulders, he saw the outline of his cock bulging in her tummy. He gripped her hair to make her look down, “See how deep I am babygirl?” The sight was sending her closer and closer to the edge. Y/N wanted to tell him she wanted to cum but the words wouldn’t come out, he slowed his pace slightly. His hand went up to gently smack her cheek to break her daze, “C’mon puppy. Be a good girl, use your words. Tell me what you want.” She struggled once more. “Aww, did I fuck all the manners out of you? Does my dumb little puppy want to cum?” She nodded as more tears fell. He got close to her ear and told her “I can feel you. Do it.” It felt different this time, “That’s it; make a fucking mess.” The idea that she was so fucked dumb that she squirted for the first time only made him pound into her faster, chasing his own release. She felt him throb inside of her and then felt him paint her walls white. Her eyes fluttered shut as she was so spent, letting out a weak “Sir~” He tapped her tear-stained cheeks lightly, “Hey, hey; it’s okay. Baby, it’s me; it’s Michael. No more Sir.” She whimpered as he pulled out of her and felt their cum spill out of her used hole. As soon as he undid the cuffs, her arms wrapped around him like a koala. “Can you let go of me for one moment so I can run you a bath?” he asked gently. Y/N let go and he gave her a sweet kiss before going to the bathroom.
When he came back, he scooped her up and she immediately clung onto him. Before he could put her in the tub, one word left her lips: “Join.” When she got to this state, her speech was limited. Michael set her in the tub and got in behind her, pulling her back against his chest. He trailed kisses from her neck to her shoulders as he rubbed her sides and her tummy; trying to bring her back to normal. 
“You were so good for me, puppy.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“You took everything so well, princess.”
“I love you so much.”
She listened to his voice and turned her head to face him. Still a little faded, but cohesive enough to form a sentence. “Maybe being ‘whipped’ isn’t so bad.” He smirked at her statement, “You have no idea, sweet girl. You got me in chains; but, I wouldn’t change this love.” 
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson @xkennyxomegax @night-of-the-living-shred @wwenhlimagines @ecarroll1978 @plentyoffandoms @auburnwrites @heavymetalgirl420
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
what a nightmare
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bucky barnes x reader ⎢ masterlist.
request by @marvel-diaries: Hi wifey❤️ So I came across this image and I’ve been cry laughing for like 5 minutes😂So for 2K I wanted to request something kind of based on this image😂 You’re on your period and Bucky takes care of you for the day! Makes you feel comfortable and goes to the store for you to buy what you need. He ends up calling you on FaceTime because the whole pad/tampon section is just so confusing so he needs your help! At the end of the day you and him are cuddled up on the couch together eating your favorite snacks! Please and thank you❤️
word count: 1k.
warnings/tags: none.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Once Bucky found you wrapped in your favorite cozy blanket lying on the sofa and with pouty lips, he knew that month your period hit you really hard. You could barely move without feeling cramps all around your lower belly, grunting and curling in a ball with your arms surrounding your abdomen. He left your house without saying a word about where he was going, just placing a soft kiss on your forehead and asking you to not move, to rest. Bucky drove to the closest store, decided to pamper you the whole day or until you felt better. That was the only thing he wanted, to make you smile again and make disappear any pain that you were suffering.
His first stop was the snack sections. Your boyfriend brought you all kinds of junk food —your favorite chocolate bars, chips, candies, peanut butter. Anything he had seen you eating other months, even two bottles of ice cream because one wasn't enough. Bucky bought you one of those stuffed animals with cherry pits inside to put it in the microwave and use it to alleviate the cramps. He took a raccoon. It didn't need an explanation why, it was pretty obvious. He toured the whole supermarket, adding some pizzas to the cart for dinner.
Everything was going okay. Your boyfriend was more than happy to help you and to contribute to your well-being. But that happiness fell into pieces when he reached the pad and tampons sections. “What the hell?” He thought confused like never in his life. If he believed that war was to go to Germany and fight the Nazis was because in his time there weren't too damn many kinds of pad and tampons. They were divided by size, fabrics, brands, smells, colors (...). He didn't know which one you used and he thought about asking somebody working there but each person was a world.
Much to his regret, fucking up the surprise, Bucky took his phone from a pocket and called you via facetime. His heart broke as soon as he saw you on his screen with teary eyes, sniffing in pain.
“Hey, sorry”. He mumbled honeyedly. “Listen, I, uh… came to the store and… what the… hell is all of this? I just wanted to buy you pads or tampons or whatever the hell you use and… honestly, this 's a nightmare”.
You couldn't help but laugh in tears, cleaning them with the back of your hand, just by imagining the situation by the look on his face. He was literally begging for help.
“They're called Tampax Pearl”. You chuckled.
“Yeah, okay… Lemme… Lemme… Just gimme a second”. Bucky was freaking out, touring with his gaze the whole damn hallway.
“They're the color of your eyes”.
“Doll, listen… I ain' playing games, I just wanna go home and never come back”.
Your laughter made you stir because of the lash of pain straight to your ovaries, curling up your legs to your chest.
“Blue and green”.
“My eyes aren't gre— To who the hell are you looking at, uh?”
“You should watch them under the sun, you punk…”
“Your passive-aggressive romanticism overwhel— OH, finally, goddammit”.
You watched the triumphant grimace appearing on his face while adding three packets to the card, trying to glance at what else he had bought with not much success.
“Okay, good… 'M gonna pay, run away and never come back to this place. See you in a minute, doll”.
“Buck”. You called his name when he was about to hang up, not being able to hold back another giggle when you saw his expression turning into pure horror, hoping you didn't ask him for anything else from there. “I love you…”
“I love you too. More than anything. 'M gonna take care of you today, 'kay? Don't you worry, your soldier's comen'”.
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You lied down on the sofa after finishing dinner and Bucky cleaned the kitchen, to cuddle, lacing your legs and arms together under your blanket. You felt much better than that morning. You took a warm bath, your pills, a long nap, and filled your stomach with all the things he bought for you —yet having your hot raccoon under your shirt, well pressed to your abdomen. You felt better than in heaven, receiving tender kisses from your boyfriend to any part of your body he had access to, putting more effort and love whenever he could reach your lips from behind.
Bucky was swept off his feet for you, it was something undeniable. You were his anchor, keeping him afloat twenty-four seven. And taking care of you as part of his nature, always feeling that necessity, that urgency for making you feel happy, loved, satisfied in any kind of way. You were his whole life. So, when it came to you, anything was insufficient for him.
Turning around under his firm, warm and fond embrace, you brought your lips to his. It was an ephemeral touch that caused him to close his eyes and sigh completely in love, feeling his heart racing from one second to another under your palm rested on his chest. Your left made his way to the back of his head as soon as Bucky parted your mouth in such a slow-motion to slide his tongue, looking for yours, gently caressing it. Your boyfriend pressed you a little more closely, as if it was possible, letting you almost lie on top of him. There weren't any sexual intentions hidden behind that kiss, just wanting to show him how much you appreciate any effort he did for you.
Both of you ended up breathing through your nostrils, not wanting to pause your session of makeout in the gloomy of your living room. He lived for those long, long kisses, only worrying about tasting your saliva, biting your lips, and playing with your tongue. And, God, Bucky was an expert, causing you soft goosebumps whenever he caressed your back or arms so lovingly that melted your heart completely.
“Thank you”. You whispered as you could, stroking his weak spot beneath his ear with your thumb.
He couldn't help but purr delighted on your mouth, feeling a smile curving up to his lips as he got comfier under your weight after positioning you between his legs, using you as his favorite personal blanket.
“I love you, Buck… So much I can't explain”.
“Try it, darlin'. You have a whole life to bear me”.
“What a nightmare”. You giggled, placing a smooch on top of his nose.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
and support writers with a REBLOG!!! 🤍
tag list: @whatrambles @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @/marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations @stealapizzamyheart @talk-on-the-street @theresnoplatypus
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 9-10
Uh huh. So im just supposed to believe that the people of ninjago city are scared of serpentine ppl (like skyler) when the serpentine just saved them from the overlord
Skyler: i wish i still had the power to change
Kai: you have changed, your with us now.
Thats actually so sweet
Kryptarium prison: jail for the worst of the worst.
Dont the ninja get thrown in here once
Pythor: AND forced me to take a shrinking pill!
That wasn’t for you and NO ONE told you to jump and take it.
Cole: ill handle this!
(Throws rocks at prison bars almost freeing inmates)
Cole you dumbass.
Keep forgetting these two anacondrai are kapow and chope. They changed :(
They were so goofy before
Lloyd: we cant let him get into the wrong hands! Literally…
Pythor: oh i get it, its literal because of my size. 😒 Well, im a little sensitive so-
Garmadon: a little sensitive?
Love them pun teaming
Cole: It aint fair! Why do they get weapons and we dont!
Jay, completely serious: Everythings a weapon in the big house. (Fights an anacondrai with a toothbrush)
Jay have you gone to jail
Cant believe Wus snake racist
Maybe he should have gone with the ninja and seen the snakes new civilization under ground
Lloyd: I lost him
Garmadon: wha- What do you mean you lost him?!? Find him!!!
Hes such a dad 😭
Wait wait wait i forgot when were there pirates
Oh ok when garmadon brought them to life with the mega weapon.
Got it
Why is it that they never use their elemental power when they actually need to
(Cole, busting down walls to escape.)
Jay: when people try to bust out of jail, they do so quietly. not literally!!!
Jay. Have you. Been to. Jail.
Okay pythors actually hilarious
Jay: what happened to ‘we stay as one?’
Garmadon: this isnt a vote jay, this is war.
Good to know jay knows when to stfu
I actually feel like sometimes he takes garmadon more seriously than Wu
I feel so bad for Garmadons guilt, like honestly, the letter isnt even that bad. Yeah its a dickish thing to do. But if wu and misako dwell on it and get angry then thats on them, it happened YEARS ago and it was chen who pressured him.
Misako: theres smth wrong… what aren’t you telling me.
Garmadon: were on the threshold of war and im a man-snake. Take your pick.
Misako: the letter? Oh! It was the reason i fell in love with you.
Lloyd probably felt like he scared that kid with the dragons blast, but he didnt get to see how the kids eyes sparkled and threw his soccer ball away, asking anyone if they wanted to play dragons 😭
I actually love Coles dragons design.
This whole season Cole has a sort of greenish glow to his powers but im pretty sure later its more lava like and I cant decide which one I like more.
Praise that old lady who only cares about driving her car and not being blocked by dragons in this madness
Wu let Garmadon be angry i feel like hes allowed to after everythings chens done to him 💀
im crying.
Wu bro pls hes sorry he said hes sorry
Ik if that happened to me I would be pissed asf
But still!!!!!
At least skylers keeping a steady head.
Wu's passive aggressiveness is so funny
And fair
He needs time and that's ok
Wu thinks a lot like an actual military or war general
Very strategic
I'm so hyped
my favorite trope is when the city fights with the heroes
(statue and rocks fall down)
Awkward silence
The anacondrai a second later: ARAAARGRHRRRR
Pythor named the sewer rat Rodrigo
Is this pythors character arc???
Skyler after throwing her father: sorry, but i have a few daddy issues.
I said this in my last reaction but Garmadons urge to self sacrifice himself as an act of heroism to make up for what hes done/doesn’t think he deserves to live, is smth so obvious but smth i thought he changed and grew from
Now hes relapsing :(
Lloyd: you think im gonna stick around to watch you go! Fine! My real family needs me.
Not the melodramatic music.
this is unfair
Lloyd literally a minute after (comes back): if anyone should be sending you off. Its me.
Well that was quick.
Had a whole realization in 0.5 seconds
Garmadon: I yearned to make the world in my image. I never realized I already had, in you.
Brb sobbing my eyes out
Even pythors like 😧
I love when rad snakes kill poser cultists
I hate that the “whats wrong! Looks like you’ve seen a ghost!” Joke from Cole was completely intentional in foreshadowing bc the anacondrai generals look just like Morro and Cole when theyre ghosts and the ghost seasons right after this
Chen: Save me skyler!
Skyler: 🙂
They made pythor big again :D
What the anacondrai generals said to Lloyd is probably the most respect hes been given for like, EVERYTHING EVER.
No, no you dont. You DONT need to take up the family business. Let it burn to the ground. Its fine :)
he popped out of nowhere and that took me so off guard
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kanaayas · 3 years
im gonna talk about walten files now hehe
*uhm so i really like sticking to the time periods of thinhs so i try my best to reflect that on my hcs 👍*
ok my hcs:
- so pretty much the bisexual agenda wasnt nearly as prevalent in the 1960s-1970s as it is now and being gay was a HUUUGE taboo at the time (these aren’t hcs these r facts look me up) but anyways jack and felix are hella gay 4 each other but basically they don’t acknowledge it and they wouldn’t ever… and this is like at the beginning of the business
- i dont use punctuation so im making this a separate bullet point but it still goes w the other stuff ,, but jack and felix met at a bar (not a gay bar bc those werent popularized until the 70s and they were rlly secret i think) and they met in their twenties and that would be around 1950s or early 60s
- in the current canon timeline (early 70s) jack is around 47-50 when he goes missing and felix is 45
-jack and felix exchange telephone numbers at said bar and frequently visit each other and become closer and closer
- both are in college, attending the same school but having different majors
- while away at school, jack meets rosemary and they have a brief relationship but nothing serious, they end it off and jack is crushed
-felix comes over when he finds out about the breakup and then ig they do shrooms or sumn to kinda numb the pain and they end up making out but it’s not gay bc they’re high hashtag no homo pride month is over guys
- this is the same sleepover where they come up w the idea for bunny smiles,,, like they don’t remember anything from that night except for the idea of creating a restaurant with creepy ass animatronics
-felix was just cracking a joke while they were high as balls but jack actually really liked the idea and thinks about it and keeps being it up and felix is like “i wasnt actually serious, who would wanna go there anyways 😐” so he keeps bugging felix and eventually talks him into it and bounce around ideas
- anyways time gap bc im inconsistent and it’s midnight n im tired anyways they’re like 30s now but they are at a bar after a long day of planninh n working and they run into rosemary (felix doesn’t really like her bc hes in love w jack but he’s not outwardly rude to her like hes just passive aggressive like she’ll be like “i had a lovely day” and hell be like “yeah i bet you did 🙄”) and jack is HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER… but long story short rose got pregnant and the father dipped and they go out for a couple months and a while later jack proposes and rose says yes
-the baby is obv sophie btw she doesn’t know jack isnt her bio father bc he raised her like i said the bio father dipped and that’s why she has brown hair instead of black hair like her parents
- jack and felix begin to fall out of their lil bestie friendship and transition towards a more businesslike relationship and felix HATES this bc he’s literally in love w jack
-felix goes to bar alone one night to wallow in his misery and gets hella drunk and meets linda and then they get date and get married but felix uses linda kinda as like a flex (for lack of a better word) to make it look like he’s pulling ladies too when he’s really not happy with her at all but linda really likes him
-anyways felix starts to get stressed as the restaurant idea is making major progress and starts drinking more and linda is NOT HAVING IT she hates it
-the root of felixs alcoholism is bc he’s in love with jack and then linda leaves and he goes wild #emo
-felix feels neglected when he comes to jack for help bc he’s always busy with the kids (edd and molly are babies and sophie is like 6 idk i’m too tired to calculate that)
- anyways felix is gay and jack is bi if we’re talking modern terms like felix definitely definitely liked boys 100% but wasnt like ✨ 💅 fruity like you wouldn’t have known especially since he had a wife
-jack never admitted it but he def had feelings for felix but he ultimately chose rose over him and like i said their friendship faded into more of a business partnership (dick move i know, bracing myself for slander bc felix didn’t deserve that)
im also quite a fan of jackfelixrose but im too lazy to write lore for that and it seems a little too out of canon bc polygamy was HELLA TABOO along w homosexuality,,, uhhhh if anyone sees this lmk if u want to hear more of my dumbass brainrot
ok why did i write a whole fanfiction bye
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captainlevisteacup · 3 years
Oooh, an idea has struck. The brothers reacting to Dom Male!MC reuniting with his childhood bestfriend in the Devildom, only their bestfriend is now a high ranking/powerful incubus who has a fuck ton of influence & money. (Not nearly as powerful as any of the brothers or Diavolo, of course, but you get the point)
And while normally a simple childhood friend wouldn’t be enough to bother the brothers, DM!MC’s Femboy CH!Bestfriend is the optimum of gorgeous, with a lithe & toned body and an “innocent” charm to him.
Spoiler Alert, CH!Bestfriend has been in love with DM!MC since they were kids (though it was just puppy love back then) and is determined to never let him get away from him again, resulting in him being extra clingy and needy.
Another Spoiler Alert, DM!MC’s childhood bestfriend may or may not be a mix of a “Worship” & “Self Sacrifice” Yandere.. (Look up “The Dere Types Wiki” if your confused)
You have some very interesting ideas😂 im so sorry this took so long, I didn't want to post it until I was back up to my full working capacity after getting injured and after breaking up with someone😁
Anyways, without further ado, here ya go😘
The Brother's Reactions to M! MC'S Yandere Childhood Incubus! Friend
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Warnings: Violence, Language, Blood, VERY SLIGHT sexual themes, some non-consentual touching in Levi's section, brief mention of drugging in Beel's
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At first, didn't think twice of MC having a childhood friend
But when he heard the word incubus
He got the smile on his face
You know the one
Lucifer "innocently" is around whenever the incubus is around
Its starts off small
Little poisoned glances from the incubus here and there
But eventually it escalated and turned into him putting a possessive arm around MC's waist
Lucifer snapped
The second the Incubus was alone, Lucifer followed him down an alley
Slammed that fucker against the wall and held him there by the throat
The incubus started laughing, even when Lucifer tightened his grip
"You'll never get rid of me. I have connections to everyone, Fallen Angel. I've loved him since before you even knew he existed, and a prissy peacock like you isnt gonna stop me from making him mine, even if I have to drug and kidnap him"
Lucifer only smiled and released him
The incubus smirked, daintily dusting off his lithe figure
Thinking he won, he shouldered his way past Lucifer
Only to stop short in horror
Deep growls greeted him
Lucifer didn't even bother hiding the screams of the incubus as Cerberus ripped into him
After a while, he signaled Cerberus to stop
As the incubus lies on the ground whimpering, Lucifer calmly says:
"Now that I've shown you just what I'm willing to do to protect MC, I'll make you a deal. MC cares about you, as a FRIEND. But his heart belongs to me and me alone, and mine belongs to him. If you can understand and respect that, I'll allow you near him. But one wrong word, one wrong placement of a hand, and I won't hesitate to finish you off myself. And believe me," he says with a dark chuckle "I won't be as gentle as Cerberus."
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This man immediately is on high alert
Someone trying to take what's HIS?
The incubus makes him more greedy than ever
Decides not to leave MC's side for a second
Even when he's sleeping
When Mammon can't help the incu-bitch (his nickname for the childhood friend) being around, he acts sort of like a child, which makes him look like a dick in comparison to the incubus's calm and innocent facade
Mammon tries to tell MC there's something up, but he just chalks it up to Mammon being Mammon
One day, MC randomly receives news from the human world that his mother contracted something contagious and was placed in ICU
The incu-bitch was, of course, right there when MC started tearing up, letting him cry into his shoulder
Mammon sees this and starts to protest
This leads MC to snap and tell Mammon he's being a child
Mammon leaves them be and thinks hard
Comes to the conclusion that maybe MC is right, and he begrudgingly decides to apologize to the incubus
As he approaches him, Mammon catches a glimpse of the Incubus's *expensive* phone
Unable to resist, he throws a coin against the wall in the opposite direction.
When he turns to look at the noise, Mammon snatches the phone and yeets off to his room
When he gets there, he opens the phone- no lock- and is startled by what he sees
A fake texting app, along with the messages telling MC his mother was sick
Mammon was about to run to find MC, when he heard a slight chuckle
Looking up, he saw the incubus...holding a knife
"You just couldn't stay away, could you? You've been a pain in the ass ever since I got here. But no matter, once MC sees how *cruel* you are to his defenseless childhood friend, he'll want nothing to do with you. And he'll be mine to fuck and own as I please."
Mammon gritted his teeth and ground out "Making MC think his mother was gravely ill just to get close to him when he's vulnerable? You're disgusting. I actually care about MC, and I respect them more than you ever will."
The incubus snorted, and raised the knife.
"Oi! What do ya think you're doing with that?" Mammon yelled
He raised the knife....and slashed it across his own arm
He then threw the knife towards Mammon, threw himself to the ground, and yelled out in pain
Suddenly, MC burst into the room
Mammon sputtered out a panicked explanation, but MC cut him off with a stare
He kneeled down next to his friend, who reached up with a bloody hand to cup MC'S face
MC put his hand over the incubus's....and sharply bent it backwards
He leaned down and whispered into his ear: "I heard everything, you little shit. Now, get the FUCK out of my house and away from my boyfriend, and don't even THINK of defiling my life with your presence ever again"
After he left, Mammon cautiously said "boyfriend, huh..?"
"Shut up mammon"
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Oh, this won't do
Immediately feels threatened and triggered
He is the avatar of Envy, after all
His response?
Prove to MC nobody can know him as well as he can
He does this every single time the incubus is near
"MC, I got you your favorite drink!"
"MC, I ordered you some food. Don't worry, I already know what you like"
Flinches whenever the incu-bitch touches MC. It literally makes him cringe
His suspicions are confirmed when the incubus shoots Levi a malicious glance next time he touches MC
Levi snaps
Challenges the incubus to a video game duel
He surprisingly accepts
He cheats like hell and beats Levi
Levi goes into his demon form and rages
But MC thinks he's just being a sore loser
He tells Levi to back off and to go cool down
Once Levi storms off, the incu-bitch thanks MC for standing up for him
Then, he promptly tries to make a move on MC
He reaches out a hand to unbutton MC'S shirt
MC slaps his hand away, but not before noticing writing on the Incubus's hand
Before he can pull away, MC snatches his hand and sees cheat codes written on them
Gets super upset and tries to get up to apologize to Levi
The incubus pulls him back down by his wrist and pins them to the couch
"MC, don't you realize? You're all I want, all I need. I WORSHIP you, MC. And you're going to be mine. Nobody else can have you. And you're going to love me, whether you realize it right now or not. You'll learn with time to need me just as desperately as I need you"
Starts to take off MC'S clothes in spite of their fighting and protests, the incubus shushing him
"Shhhh, I know you don't see it, but this will make you see."
Levi slams open the door, tail lashing and face white with rage
"Get your normie hands the fuck off of my human. Now."
The incubus nopes the fuck out. He may be a high ranking incubus, but he still isn't as strong as one of the seven demon brothers.
Levi holds MC tightly as they fumble over an apology
"Shhh MC, its okay. I'm here now. Let's watch some anime and calm down together, yea?"
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Do I even have to explain this one?
Is hostile as soon as MC even MENTIONS a childhood male friend, let alone an INCUBUS
Honestly, the Incubus is a bit scared of Satan
But, he decides he wants MC more than he fears Satan
So, he swallows his fear and patronizes Satan in tiny, unremarkable ways
Ways that would only be noticed by Satan
A stray hand here and there that lingers a LITTLE too long
Wiping a crumb from MC'S lips during a meal
Tucking a stray hair behind MC'S ear
Every last one of these actions makes his blood boil
It gets so bad that Satan is just in a perpetual state of rage, never leaving his demon form
Satan starts passive aggressively insulting the incubus's intelligence
"Oh, you mean you don't know how disestablishmentarianism impacted the overall congruence of Midwest society? Thats odd, its fairly simple. Practically common sense."
Is shocked when MC got livid at him, because he was being condescending for seemingly no reason
Starts to get angry at MC
"Can't you see? He's trying to turn you against me. Just LISTEN, DAMNIT!" He says as he grabs MC'S shoulders
The incubus barges in and shoves Satan away from MC
"Are you ok, MC? Did he hurt you?"
The amount of white hot rage in the room was tangible
He can't do it anymore
Slams the incubus against the wall
Knocks him to the ground
But when he falls down
A bunch of photos fall out of his jacket
Not normal photos
Horrifying ones
One of MC while he showers
One of MC sleeping
One of MC changing
Even one of MC and Satan having a steamy moment
MC goes still...and then SLAPS the shit out of the incubus.
He wordlessly turns to Satan, eyes pleading
"It would be my pleasure, MC" *evil grin*
Cue Satan dragging the incubus off by his hair
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He sees this lovely incubus with NEARLY perfect hair, a lithe and toned body, and a seemingly innocent attitude, and he just wants him gone
He's been with plenty of Incubi, so he knows what they're like
Because of this, he doesn't want this one anywhere NEAR his darling MC
Comes up with a plan to use all his fashion design connections to outdress the incubus
He knows they're vain by nature, so he comes to the conclusion that this is the best course of action
But there's a problem
"Is that a statement piece from Priya Lacroix? She hasn't even released her collection yet"
Asmo.exe is not responding
He knows that HE is the only one Priya would ever give an early release to
So why does THE INCUBUS have her statement piece?
And WHERE is his phone?
Complains to MC, but MC doesn't take him seriously because he's too busy catching up with his friend
Asmo gets jealous and storms off to do a stress relieving skin routine
As MC and the incubus hang out, the incubus's phone goes off
Only...the ringtone is sinful indulgence
Mammon storms into the room
"I/N? Why do you have Asmo's phone?"
"MC, you have to understand, I just want you to realize I'm the only right one for you. You NEED to realize you can't be with anyone else. Because you're mine, MC. You always have been."
Screeching could be heard in the distance, then footsteps quickly getting closer and closer
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" Asmo yells as he slams open the door
"As if MC would choose a crusty, obsessive, STEALING, lying, probably STD having Incubus like you over me! Now give me my phone back and get out of here. And while you're at it, take off that Priya piece. There's a reason I'm the only one allowed early access."
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Honestly doesn't think that much of it at first
He thinks its nice MC reunited with one of his childhood friends, and an Incubus at that
But when he meets the friend, something just feels off
He gets a weird sensation, and its not hunger
Its like his senses are on red alert
The incubus was nice enough to Beel, seemingly charming and genuine
But Beel couldn't help but feel rubbed the wrong way, with a sensation similar to seaweed against legs in the ocean
He doesn't want to mention this to MC, because he's convinced he's just overreacting
He feels a little sad that MC is too busy for him, but he does his best to give them time together
One night, he had made some food in the kitchen and decided to bring MC and I/N some
When he neared the door, he almost dropped the plate
He heard a loud thud, and MC saying "Hey, I said no, okay?"
He gently opened the door and looked at MC, who immediately forced a smile to his face
"Hey MC, I brought you guys some food. Is everything ok?"
"Thanks Beel, that's sweet of you. Everything's fine, I promise"
Beel relaxed a bit, although he still knew something was off.
The incubus excused himself to use the restroom, encouraging MC to eat without him
Beel and MC sat down, and Beel scarfed down his portion
Chuckling, MC offered his plate to Beel, who gladly accepted
The incubus opened the door shortly after with an expectant look on his face, as well as rope and a gag in his hands
Upon laying eyes on MC, a shocked expression came onto his face as his eyes darted between MC and the empty plate
"How are you still conscious?" He blurted
Confusion flashed across MC'S face. "What do you mean, I/N?"
"You drugged it, didn't you?" Beel spoke up.
"I thought it tasted odd," Beel continued "but I never would have guessed you would actually drug MC. I'm guessing you couldn't handle that MC rejected your advances, so you drugged the food while MC was distracted talking to me. Am I right?"
The incubus chuckled. "Guess I was wrong about you. You are more of a threat than you seem. Heh, I guess you're not just a talking stomach after all."
A loud smack could be heard shortly thereafter.
But the devastating blow didn't come from Beel
It came from an enraged MC
"Trying to drug me I could keep my cool over. If thats all you did I would have just told you to stay the hell away from me. But the SECOND you spoke to Beel like that, you signed your own death warrant."
Before he could react, MC summoned the brothers one by one, Beel explaining the situation.
"Well, MC, perfect timing as always. I was just beginning to get bored" Satan drawled
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It takes a yandere to know one
Belphie doesn't want to alarm MC though, so he decides to outmaneuver the incubus without him noticing
It starts small, with I/N reaching out to put an arm over MC'S shoulder, and Belphie's arm already being there
Eventually, they start glaring daggers at each other the second MC looks away
After a while, Belphie decides to up the ante
Religiously falls asleep on MC when I/N is trying to spend time with him
Goads the incubus so much that he corners Belphie when he snaps and can't take any more
"Listen, I know exactly what you're doing. But if you think that YOU can take him away from me, you're sorely mistaken. MC is mine whether he likes it or not. And if it turns out to be the latter, well, let's just say he won't have much of a choice in the matter, nor will you have any control over it. Got that?"
Belphie does the one thing he knows will get the outcome he had painstakingly built up to the past couple weeks: he laughs
"Ah, you have a good sense of humor, know that? Funny stuff. All kidding aside, MC already belongs to me. So your child's play isn't gonna cut it. Got THAT?"
With a choked cry of fury, the incubus pulls out a knife and stabs Belphie
Belphie, having planned this, falls to the floor just as the door opens to reveal a shocked MC.
"BELPHIE! Shit, please be okay! What the FUCK is wrong with you, I/N?"
The stunned Incubus could only stammer out a couple words
"I- he...was gonna...tried to take what was mine. Tried to take you..."
MC laughed bitterly and shoved him to the floor.
"I don't know what sick world you're living in, but I belong to Belphie. I love him. And I hate YOU. Now I'll leave you be so you can deal with THAT. Ta ta." He says as he scoops up Belphie and heads out the door
"Deal with what?" I/N nervously asks after him, backing up warily
The incubus stops when his back hits something hard.
Gulping, he looks up...
"Hello, I/N, I'm Beel."
"Nice to...meet you? I imagine you're one of the brothers?" He replies shakily
Beel smiles. The light doesn't reach his eyes.
"Yes, I'm one of the brothers. You see, I'm Belphie's twin."
Across the house, Belphie smiles at the faint screams, MC curled up next to him after patching him up.
He succeeded in protecting what was his. He deserves a good nap. Holding MC tighter, he goes back to sleep.
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bananaman-pdf · 2 years
k im back. fourteen
okay so theyre doing it. escaping to go home with maven! bonding moment ahead, i can feel it.
oh wait cal is coming with them? aaaaand weve got ourselves an obligatory awkward moment where the protagonist catches one of the guys bare-chested™. sigh. well whatever. girls be thirsty ig. lets point out how hes got a bruise near his heart?? is he okay?? i suppose he is but ouch.
cal. cal, you adorable man. what are you so nervous about?
oh wait so maven asked cal to help mare go to her home. ohhhhh. that makes sense.
cal obviously thinks its a bad idea but mare takes no shit. she wants to go home. so cal agrees. i should mention how adorably funny mares excitement is. like a toddler lmao.
maven isnt coming :(
But just because he isn’t coming doesn’t mean I will forget what he’s done for me already.
mare your soul is beautiful.
shes feeling more comfortable with them!
…but this mightve been immediately regressed as soon as she saw the war armor. and also the books on war tactics- i wanna point out they are written in a language called “Common” of norta, the lakelanders and piedmont?? -but back to mare, shes clearly Not In Board with this. she sees the war as the lives of many reds being lost for the silvers benefit.
its also implied that cal was expecting to play chess with maven. im pretty sure its chess.
she catches a glance at scars on his back. he keeps them despite having access to healers to tend to them. this is interesting. since he is shown to be the type to see past his own glamorous life and privilege, im guessing he keeps them as a reminder of his peoples suffering. maybe hes trying to connect with the people he knows little to nothing about, and thats why he also sneaks out pretending to be red.
they leave, and cal leads her to a… basement storage room. im genuinely confused why are there weird metal shapes that move in here. mare is suddenly passive-aggressively complainig about his huge armor closet. i get that shes mad at how close hes to the whole war tactic planning but… its not like hes got much choice is it.
he responds honestly saying he doesnt want to wear armor when he bring her to her family as to not make them feel threatened i suppose?
“[…] We don’t want your family getting the wrong idea, do we?”
“What idea do we want them to get? I don’t think I’m exactly allowed to introduce you properly.
mares got a good point. honestly i just assumed they were gonna have a walk around the stilts and see her acquaintances and loved ones from afar. wouldnt going to her home and talking to her parent require a plan or an explanation that isnt “ive been betrothed to one of the princes because they found out i have powers. oh yeah, i have powers! neat huh? so as i was saying, ill have to pretend to be a princess for the rest of my life and this might be the last time i get to see you all.”
oh ok so theyll pretend they took mare in to work for the royals like at the beginning and cal will be her ride. oh yeah cal has a motorbike which is cool as shit. but also… if this werent a fantasy universe this would look hella cliché.
he built it- yeah ok that is pretty damn awesome.
mare hesitates at first but obviously gives in and puts the helmet on. she wants to go home, damnit.
she got so nervous she held onto him so hard he had to pry her off. and i mean, its her first time on a bike obviously shed be pretty scared.
also she missed his warmth as soon as she let go. makes sense that shed be at least a little touch starved. aw.
mare takes the chance to ask him, in her own way (making remarks about how often he does this and all), why he wants to hang out in red bars rather than his luxurious palace. he comments that hes going to be king one day and doesnt get to be selfish. mare points out the king should be the only one who does. and it mqkes sense cause thats how she sees it. the only way shes known how to live is stealing and risking her life. and shes seen the silvers get everything they need and want. it has frustrated her understandably.
cal finally answers. the king should know his people. yeah i called it. makes sense! he wants to empathize with them. hes doing what he can. hes trying to be a good leader. to see what the world is like instead of being told how it is by everyone else.
“[…] My father does everything he can to keep us safe, and so will I.”
“My world is already in ruin,” […] “Your father keeps your people safe, not mine.”
ouch. but true.
cal tells her that it would cost them they alliance to other kingdoms. that theyd be tron apart by them. which… makes sense. but mare believes its possible to make it better. that norta could be the start.
the conversation dies as they make it to her home. cal waits outside bc he noticed how nervous mare was, the sweetheart, but she tells him to join anyway. they go in she and wakes up his brothers bree and tramy first. mom and dad join in as they notice whats going on. everyone is happy to seer her. well. gisa only pokes her head out. and wheres shade??
they congratulate her on getting a job, and comment that the story for the brothers discharge and their full pension was a lottery they won.
Up above us, Gisa scoffs. […] “Yes, we’re very lucky,”
poor girl. shes lost her hand for all these things to happen. it feels more like a trade than actual luck to her. she gives mare the cold shoulder and asks about cal. which is a bit hurtful but… fair, from her point of view.
dad know hes not from around there. cal quickly makes up a story of how hes from harbor bay and changes his accent which i gotta admit, good quick thinking! he comments how the servants travel a lot, which prompts her mom to be horrified. mare remarks that its good money. i mean its definitely better than stealing, from their point of view mares doing an honest attempt at working.
bree is suspicious and makes a comment about liking kilorn better. lmao.
oh fuck. is shade dead???
“He tried to run away. He was executed. Beheaded.”
holy shit. dude. things are getting real.
mare is so angry shes making lightbulbs buzz. guess the act is about be up.
she makes a mess, cal cant get to her and everyone already knows. mare angry because they found out shade was in the scarlet guard. and yeah, thats more likely. before she looses herself completely, though, kilorn comes in. he snaps her out of it.
but obviously the bug secret is out. and at first kilorn think it was the silvers doing, but she tells him its just her. he acts like shes a complete stranger despite her family clearly stating that she is red. cmon dude, shes going through a lot and you decide to pull that?
“Give me a knife and I’ll settle this right now,” I say, glaring back at him. “I’ll show you what color I bleed.”
she clearly means it, dude, stop that.
she explains everything. leaving out mr jacos’ findings, bc cal is there. she points out she doesnt know if theyll ever understand how or why she is the way she is. and i mean yeah, its one hell of an exception. she breaks the “rules”.
cal pretends to be a bodyguard now, and tells her its time to go. her whole family thankfully agrees to keep the secret, but kilorns fucking mad for some reason.
mare and cal leave, and he tries to comfort her about shade, but shes so close to loosing it she stops him, saying she needs to make one last stop.
its to wills!! she goes there to tell him everything, but he already knows somehow??
oh, some dude named tristan, also from the guard told him. shit, wills got some acquaintances, doesnt he?
tristan nearly bolts when he learns one of the princes is outside. of course he would! killing or kidnapping a prince? holy shit! he calls her a silver for “protecting him” but mare points out that cals pretty damn good at defending himself using his fire.
she makes her reason for presence there clear: shades dead because of the guard and she wants to use her princess privilege to help the cause. nice, short and sweet. and absolutely perfect to kick in some plot.
she shakes hands with will and seals the deal. shes in deep now. and im a delighted by finally seeing what i came in for.
so yeah, she goes back with cal thinking abt how theyre enemies now. and how weird it is that theyre both so nice to her. him and maven. i also wonder why. they both grew up surrounded by people that hate reds. how are they so tolerant?
when theyre about to leave on the sick motorbike ohmygod kilorn shows up. he better be here to say sorry.
no, hes just here to be sad about mare leaving. i mean of course he is. they were besties. he wants her to stay. cal has to step in to intimidate him just slightly to let go. im glad he didnt have to do anything too harsh. and that he tried to keep his composure as best as possible.
“You bargained for me too, to save me from conscription,”
yeah! so understand shits not cheap!
and as they leave kilorn says hell tell farley she said hello. oh god hes gonna join the guard too.
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
Oh okay, in the story I'm writing the character who is being penetrated is the dominant one, and I think it would be really hot for her to train him gradually over time to adjust and be able to accommodate her body, moulding and conditioning his dick as well as his mouth to be able to take her, purely for her own benefit. I'm into d/s and powerplay so I assume this is why I like it. I into everything that comes with it, her "training" his dick to adjust to her pussy including being made to have his dick inside her for extended periods of time as part of his training, as well as him being told to use toys to size train himself on his own. And then slowly introducing different sizes (could be bigger or smaller, honestly I was kinda confused when you immediately started talking about smaller sizes cause in my head I was actually imagining size training to take larger orifices like how you were saying about in my first ask with larger insertions), and how it would be slightly painful/uncomfortable for him at first but she praises him and tells him how good he's being the whole time. I have some sadist tendencies I'm also into the idea of him getting to confident and trying to take more than he can handle at that moment and going to rough and hard and it being painful for him as a result and ending up "bambi walking" as you put it lol (although I feel like this is a different topic to gradual size training, and also even though I find the idea hot I don't actually want to send anyone to the hospital by fucking them, I don't find sexual injuries sexy in real life). Maybe it's weird, but I find the idea of his body literally needing time to physically adjust to her extremely hot, as well as his body being trained to take something it couldn't before and her needing to spend time on with him to help him and prep him properly to take her without being in pain and not risk hurting him if he's not ready for it, I like the vulnerability of him possibly being hurt so she has to help him prep and be gentle with him.
I'm not talking about if the partner being penetrated isn't turned on enough or isn't wet enough, or if they're uncomfortable or in pain, I'm just talking about them training their partner to take them before actually fucking them. Also, what if it's a demon au like with your fic and they literally have a different biology to humans and their genitals are different and so their dick needs to be trained to get used to it (this is not what I'm currently writing, it's just another thought I had).
Obviously using a toy that's way too small can be uncomfortable and cause injury but like you said, that's also true of someone who just decides to insert a 12 inch dildo up their ass no?
"there’s no real reason to train someone’s dick for insertion" "i suppose the only 'training’ you can do is with fleshlights that are a bit small for your dick size but like…thats a bit of an extra step when you should be prepping your partner" Idk tho isn't it kind of weird to prescribe what is the "right" way to do things or what "should" be done or that there's no reason to do something because surely that is down to the people involved and what they like/prefer? It seems you're saying that size training is necessary if you want to have sex with a toy/dildo that is larger than average? And quite a few people liked it so I'm assuming they agree, but what I don't get is what do people do if someone with a larger than average dick and/or their partner don't like or want these roles? Like I assume this must have happened before? You said that words of praise are important but what if the other partner doesn't particularly like to receive praise and would rather give it? What if the person with the larger dick likes the idea of being trained by their partner more than their partner being trained? What if the person being penetrated prefers to be the one to give foreplay and help prep their partner for sex and the big dicked person prefers to receive foreplay and be taken care of and be gently and slowly prepped by their partner?
Like I like having vaginal sex and I'm not into painful sex or receiving pain during sex but if I meet a partner who happens to have a larger dick, does that mean I have to do this if I want to have sex comfortably? Honestly I hate the idea of needing to be "trained" or "prepped" to take someone's dick, just thinking about it is kind of making me feel sick to be honest. I would much rather be the one doing the training and prepping, I want that role instead, but I still want to be penetrated at the same time, so where does that put me?
It sucks that it's not called size training, because for better or for worse the more edgy or obscure the kink or tag is the more attention and notes it tends to get and size related kinks in particular are usually very popular. I guess it just sucks that I see so many writers writing for these kinds of kinks like with your demon au fic and they get so many notes and comments from people who just love it praising them and gushing about how hot it is and it sucks to know that I'll probably never get that kind of attention because like your saying it isn't possible for me to write those kinks in reverse or if I can it won't appeal to as many people because there's no real reason for the act or doesn't make sense like it does the other way around and then I just, feel like I can't compete because I can't write stuff like that or write those kinks because it doesn't work that way around. And then I feel bad for feeling bad or for wanting that same kind of popularity or attention because I feel like I'm being ungrateful or bitter and I don't know how to deal with it. But thank you for talking to me.
I...m not gonna lie like the end of this ask really has a kind of vibe that rubs me the wrong way tbh.
I was going to try and tackle the several points here but on fucking god the way you came at me over this and how shit in here is worded really comes off as fucking rude. I never said every single time someone takes someone larger they need to be trained for it. Your first ask was literally "what is size training" not "does someone always need size training to take a larger person"
People always write things that may not be 'common' or have a specific name for it but the fucking passive aggressive (whether intentional or not) "I'll never get as many notes as you/people who write it like xyz" really rubs me the wrong way and felt like a fucking punch in the face to someone i was trying to help in earnest based on the questions you asked me.
Write whatever you want. But you dont go into someones fucking ask box and basically guilt trip them because of note count just because of a difference in the content you make and how you make it and the way readers consume it.
I cannot tell you how many times I've written something maybe my readers have never seen before or dont quite have a popular niche but people end up loving it. If you're that passionate about your work, write it the fuck anyway but don't ever go into someone's box sideways with the way you spoke to me at the end there.
By the way, what you're talking about sounds closer to cock warming with a submissive male and possible orgasm denial. Because like i said in both asks, you cant really train a dick for tighter things. If HES too uncomfortable taking a partner thats too tight, his partner should be looser. If your female character sits on his dick to get him used to her vagina, thats still her body slowly loosening up and eventually it'll be easier on him. And obviously size training isnt needed in every case and people are different. I never said anything was a hard line in how sex should happen.
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