#Kidnapped Dolores Au
evostar · 8 months
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Alll of my Dolores Au’s!! As those memes 😀👌
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Light in the Shadows
Inspired by this darker version of @toaverse​’s kidnapped Isabela and Dolores AU, even though it’s been a while since people have talked about it, from what I’ve seen, what with there being all the new interesting AU ideas to talk about, but I suddenly thought of this and wanted to write it. This is sometime after the girls return to Casita. Antonio and Luis are about three years old.
Antonio had an idea.
It was a good idea. His ideas were always good. Everyone said they were, except when they didn’t, even though his ideas were never as silly as Milo’s. But this one was a really good one! He was going to make friends with his new primo!
Antonio had been very surprised to have a new primo. To have three primos, really. Well, Lola was his sister, really. And Bella and Luis were his primos. But it felt weird to have a sister. The only sisters he knew were Mira and Luisa. So he decided that Lola was a prima too.
Papi had explained it to him, after Tío Agustín had come back from his trip with Bella and Lola and Luis. A long time ago, Antonio had had a big sister (Lola, except Mami and Papi called her Dolores), and Mira and Luisa had also had a big sister (Bella, except Tio Agustín and Tía Julieta called her Isabela). But bad people had stolen them away, and nobody had been able to find them for years and years, longer than Antonio’s whole life.
Antonio had already known that part, because Mami had told him that yesterday or last week or something when he had asked about the extra people on the family tree. But the new part was that Tío Agustín had found them and rescued them and brought them home!
With Luis, who was also his primo, just like Mira. He had been locked up with the bad people, too. Which Antonio didn’t understand, because the bad people had only taken away Bella and Lola, so how could there all of a sudden be an extra primo Luis? Where had he come from?
But Antonio wasn’t going to complain, because now finally there was another kid in Casita to play with! Antonio was the littlest. Antonio had always been the littlest, and he was tired of it. The ones closest in age to him were Mira and Milo, and they were big already. Almost grown-ups, really. And everybody else was already a grown-up. But now he had Luis, and they could be friends!
Antonio had to be careful, though. He had to be extra nice and not loud.
Papi had told him that, when he’d taken Antonio out on a hike into the woods and they sat together by a lake, just the two of them. He’d explained that Bella and Lola and Luis were sad and scared and sick, all because of the bad people (Antonio hated the bad people) so Antonio had to be very gentle with them and not shout, and not do things like jump on them for a hug like he did with Mami and Mira, because that would scare them.
This had been right after Papi explained everything about Bella and Lola being taken away and Tío Agustín finding them and everything. Papi’s voice had sounded strange, almost like he was crying. Which was weird, and also scary, because Papi was a big strong man, not little and short like Antonio was. He never cried.
But now Antonio was going to make friends with Luis and they could play games together and race each other and think of fun ideas and be the best primo friends ever!
Luis was laying behind the couch. He did that a lot. He wasn’t sleeping, like that one time Antonio had fallen asleep under the table and Mami had taken pictures of him to save in the family photograph album. He was just laying there.
Luis was sick or something. He was three years old, just like Antonio, but he was shorter and skinnier. His skin was the same color as Antonio’s, but it looked sort of grayish sometimes. He got out of breath all the time, and he was tired a lot. He never ran around and played like Antonio did. In fact, he didn’t walk much at all. Bella and Lola carried him around most of the time, so Antonio thought that maybe his legs just weren’t used to walking very much.
Since Luis was sick, he spent most of his time resting, on the couch or on the bed or with Bella and Lola, who also spent a lot of time resting because they were also sick, although not as much as Luis. All the grown-ups made sure Luis ate and drank a lot. It was very important for him to eat healthy food, because that would make him better. Tía’s food always made everyone better.
Right now, Bella and Lola weren’t with him, even though they usually were. This was because Tío Agustín and Mami had taken them outside for some fresh air, because fresh air was also supposed to make everyone better, or at least that’s what Papi always said. Except Luis was supposed to be resting, and resting was more important than fresh air, Antonio guessed, so he was here.
Whenever he wasn't with Bella and Lola, Luis hid. He would hide under the table or behind the couch or even in a cabinet. Antonio had tried hiding in a cabinet once, when he was playing hide-and-seek with Mira and Milo, but it had been so squished and he’d needed to stretch so badly that he’d only been able to hide in there for a few minutes before coming out. But Luis had hidden in there for a whole afternoon, curled up without moving at all
He was scared a lot, just like Bella and Lola, even though nobody in the whole Casita was scary. So he would hide from people. That’s why he was lying behind the couch now. And he hardly ever talked, like he never wanted anyone to notice him, even though Antonio always wanted people to notice him.
“Hello!” Antonio told Luis, poking his head behind the couch.
Luis blinked at him. He had never been scared of Antonio, probably because Antonio was just a kid like him. He was only scared of people like Papi and Tía, even though Papi and Tía weren’t scary at all.
Maybe when Antonio got his gift it would be something scary. Like if he could grow into a giant! That would be scary.
But Antonio wouldn’t want to be scary if Luis was scared. How could they be friends if he scared Luis?
“I’m going to show you a secret,” Antonio told Luis in a hushed whisper. That was how they would be friends, Antonio decided. Friends had secrets. Mira and Milo had secrets all the time.
“What’s a secret?” Luis asked.
“The secret is in the kitchen,” Antonio said, and he reached over and pulled Luis up so he could bring him to the kitchen, but then they both fell over onto the floor.
Luis took a hitching breath, like he was about to cry, but then Antonio started laughing, because that had been funny, and Luis started laughing a little too!
“That was fun,” Antonio said. “We should do it again! After the secret.”
“What’s a secret?” Luis asked again as they both got up and he followed Antonio to the kitchen.
“In the kitchen! I said already! I can’t tell you what it is yet, because it’s a secret!”
“But what does secret mean?” Luis wanted to know.
“Oh,” Antonio said. “A secret is something you don’t tell anybody else.”
“Oh,” Luis said. “Like hiding food under your bed?”
“Yes!” Antonio said. Luis was such a smart primo friend! “That’s the secret! Except it’s not under my bed, it’s all the way up in the cabinet.”
“It is?” Luis asked, as Antonio pushed over a chair. The chair was heavy. Maybe when Antonio got his gift it would be superstrength like Luisa’s, and then pushing chairs would be easy.
Then Luis started pushing the chair with Antonio. That also made it easy. Doing things was a lot more fun when you had a primo friend to do them with.
Antonio climbed on top of the chair, and then climbed on top of the counter, and then stood on his tippy toes to reach the shelf where Tía kept the box of polvorosas, sugar cookies.
He carefully pulled the box off the shelf. It was heavy. “This is the secret!” he told Luis proudly. “The secret is I know where Tía keeps the cookies! Whoa, it’s heavy!”
The box slipped out of his hands and crashed to the floor. It split open as it hit the floor, broken pieces of cookies flying everywhere. Tía wouldn’t like the mess.
“Oops,” said Antonio, but quietly, so the grown-ups wouldn’t hear.
He looked for Luis, to see what he would say, but Luis wasn’t there. “Luis? Where’d you go?”
He climbed down from the counter and searched for Luis. He found him hiding inside the cabinet again, curled up as well as the small space would allow him to with his hands over his ears and his eyes shut tight. “Why are you in here?”
Luis looked at Antonio. He looked puzzled. “There was a big bang,” he whispered.
“That’s the box,” Antonio explained. Maybe this was part of the thing Papi had explained to him. He wasn’t supposed to shout because it would make Bella and Lola and Luis scared. Maybe they were scared of loud noises, too. “The box made a big boom sound when I dropped it. But it’s okay, because it’s open now! Look!”
Luis looked at Antonio, and then very carefully crawled out of the cabinet and stared at the box and at the cookies all over the floor.
“You broke it,” Luis whispered, his eyes very wide. “Are we gonna get in trouble?”
“Nope,” Antonio assured him. “Because if we eat up all the cookies nobody will know! The floor will be all clean! So we have to eat them up, quickly.”
He picked up half a cookie from the floor and gave it to Luis. He took another piece for himself.
Luis held it in his hand and stared at it curiously, like he’d never seen a cookie before, instead of stuffing it into his mouth to eat it all up right away, like Antonio did whenever he got a cookie, even though Mami said that was bad manners. It was a cookie! He had to eat it up right away, quick! If he ate it too slowly he might forget about it, and then he wouldn’t get the whole cookie!
“It’s a cookie!” Antonio told Luis, except his mouth was full, so it came out sounding like “Ih a cthki,” crumbs tumbling down his shirt.
“Oh,” Luis said. He looked at Antonio chewing his cookie and then took a small bite of his own.
His eyes went very wide again, but in a different way - in surprise, and happiness. “It’s good,” he whispered, and then suddenly ate the rest of the cookie all at once even faster than Antonio. Probably because he was hungry. Luis was hungry a lot so all the grown-ups made sure to always feed him lots of healthy food so he could grow up to be big and strong like Luisa, although because he was also sick he had to eat carefully, just like Bella and Lola. That was what Papi had said, anyway.
“It is good!” Antonio agreed, and picked up two more cookie pieces for them both. “Let’s eat all of them!”
Eating cookies was even better when you could eat them with your new primo friend, Antonio decided.
Sometime later, Julieta found the two of them asleep on the floor of the kitchen, bellies full of cookies, powdered sugar and cookie crumbs covering the floor of the kitchen and their own little faces, snoring peacefully, and had to resist the urge to sit right down on the floor with them and weep.
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toaverse · 9 months
Totally random but are Cesar and Daniela from the kidnapped au a thing?
No, not at all. If anything, they just tolerate each other.
Isa and Dolores did see them as their parents at some point, tho that quickly ended...
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casitafallz · 2 years
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Shifter AU | Taken from Home
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“There’s no divergent-born in this AU, at least not one that I can tell.” the man spoke, examining his data tablet with a frown to the new dot that appeared “but we need a gifted. Should we just do a flash and grab one of the younger ones?”
“Flash and grabs doesn’t work in magical rooms, dipshit.” The second man spoke, “The Casita will raise the alarms immediately as soon as we step foot out the short-ranger teleporter anywhere else. Have you seen the Casita be creative in the name of defence?”
“You don’t. I once watched one Casita fire a tile off like a bullet to take out a man who had a Molotov. It didn’t just kill him, they had to bury the poor soul with the tile in his back.” The second man shook his head, “Look, the best option would be to go to the nursery.”
“We don’t need a Mirabel. She’s useless.” The first one complained, “Nothing special about her in this world. There’s an AU that had baby triplets, we could get them? Leave the red-head baby behind but the healer and the seer would be more useful for Mimic and Sway.”
“I’m not dealing with new-born babies.” The most likely case was he’d probably end up dropping it on it’ head given he wasn’t at all paternal. Babies were easy targets but delicate and these sorts of missions there would bound to be mess; he didn’t need infant-blood on his hand…or puke or shit on him either. At least kids had some control over themselves.
Kids were useful for Mimic and Sway.
The man knew this would ruin the family but… he didn’t feel too much to care. The Watchers had pruned his own world into nothing. Few survivors. It wasn’t fair some worlds got a proper evacuation or… that the magic just protected madrigals. So what if a child or Madrigal went missing for the greater good? No worse than what the Watchers did to recruit for their numbers. He had seen how a loving warmth of motherly love: Julieta Madrigal was turned into a soldier—a weapon of war. The Watchers were far worse because they made their new recruits think they had a choice.
This was kinder.
“So what? We use that world? This world isn’t fully registered yet; it’s unsafe to travel to and from without proper configuration of the quantum signature.” They did have a short window to intercept before the Watchers sent their own data collection done for Intel on the nature of this AU.
“I know,” the second man replied, “We use a portal entry way to get assess and get reconfigured to leave which will take time, I can do that since it’s my speciality. To get the gifted, you use a short-range teleport into the nursery, grab the kid and be out back to our spot before anyone else gets to the door.”
“Which kid would it be?”
“Hopefully the shifter kid, that’s an incredibly versatile gift to have in our job.” He couldn’t stop the slight envy in his voice; the Madrigals got to have magic and gifts; he wished he could have that as well. “He and Mirabel are twins, so it’s likely they still share that space”
“We don’t engage the strong girl at all.”
“Agreed.” The near-adult with super strength was the one they knew to avoid; it wasn’t worth it without the appropriate weapons.
The first man rose to his feet, setting the tablet down and plucked up the rifle before putting it back down in favour of the glock. Far smaller and didn’t need both hands. He pulled out the magazine, double checking the bullets before securing it back in and clipped the security back on.
“Let’s go and set up.”
 It was a dark night in Casita, lights were blown out and the Madrigals were all asleep before the clock hit 3 am. Casita didn’t move in almost a form of slumber itself, the candle twinkling in the night and barely the wind shifted the shutters. Encanto was dark as well, a few lights on for those still awake but not uncommon.
In the nursery, Antonio’s bed laid empty with his blanket half off the mattress while the toddler having escaped his new bed in favour of his cousin’s; enjoying the warmth of her arms and the comfort of being held that kept him in the world of sleep.
Normal, even. It was often his mother would find him in Mirabel’s bed and take effort to untangle the thirteen year old and three year old away before she had to get him up for the day but it was always an adorable sight to behold, even if the wake-up made the toddler grumpy.
The peacefulness didn’t last for much longer before a bright flash filled the nursery before heavy feet landed upon the wooden floor and immediately went to the smaller bed before realising the owner was not in it and spun unevenly as Casita’s floor began to rattle at the intrusions, tiles shifted and  doors began to clatter.
“What-casita?” The voice of the girl pulled the man’s attention around to see the thirteen year old siting up awake and alert before she gasped out. “No!”
Mirabel dove from her covers towards the direction the opening door, a younger child in arms that was the target but the man reacted faster to his holster, his gun raised and his finger squeezing the trigger before the echo clapped like thunder making the intruder’s ears ring… but the girl dropped off the end of her bed, barely getting far at all. Blood pool from her head and lay unresponsive as the toddler began to scream
“No you don’t!” The man yanked the kid up into his arms, impressed at the toddlers attempts to wiggle free before he shoved the kid head first into the bag he had over his shoulder and grabbed his ticket out of there.
The dual cries of the first two to reach the nursery were gone as he threw down the teleporter and was swept away before they could make it two steps in.
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
More resident evil 8 Au things!
I 10000% agree with you that out of the entire family besides Mirabel her parents are the ones that hate/dislike Miranda the most for obvious reasons. I would say the list of people who hate Miranda goes like this
Julieta and Augustine
Isabel and Luisa
Pepa and Felix
Camilo and Dolores
And I thought I might as well flesh out some of the time line so Miranda kidnapped Mirabel at age 8 and experimented on her immediately when they got back to the village it took a week after the experiment for Mirabel to wake up and when she did she stayed with Miranda for two weeks in her house being called Eva the entire time. After that two weeks Miranda sent her to live with Alcina and her Daughters and she lived there with them while her house was being built for about four years. Alcina and the girls were so happy/excited to have her there, Alcina and the girls decorated a room for her and they cleaned up the old playroom and the room that Alcina used to homeschool the girls and had set up a schooling schedule for her (the girls wanted to help Alcina) all before she was even sent to live with them of course Miranda also had a time slot for her schooling it basically went Alcina-Math, art, music and basic social studies Miranda-science(all categories)Daniela- english, Romanian and European history Cassandra- Spanish, German and African history Bela- Greek, Latin and North/South American history. While Mirabel was living there she was absolutely spoiled and doted on as the baby of the family but when she was 12 Miranda made her move into the house that was built for her and made her start doing more Lord tasks (experimenting, going to the church etc.) and she saw less of Alcina and the girls. She completely transforms her section of the village in about 2 years of taking control of it so at 14, she worked long and hard with the villagers in her area going house to house figuring out all the needs of that house and using the money she has access to from Miranda to get them things and because she started putting the money back into the community helping them they in turn were able to have better crop and meat out put which increased the areas income as well after seeing how well her area was and how terrible the other Lords areas were Mirabel talked to Miranda about making the other Lords do the same but Miranda told her outright no stating that way the other Lords do with their free time is none of her business and that as long as they continue to do the experiments like she asks she won't bother them with the care of the villagers so long as they weren't killing too many. So Mirabel, wanting to help the villagers in the other areas, created the orphanage but it's not just an orphanage it's also a school that way the villagers have access to education freely and can try and do better that way. Mirabel gets her family back at 16 and they live with her two months into them living with her the interrupted dinner with Miranda happens and two months after that the family is experimented on three months after the experiments they meet the Dimitrescu family for dinner a month after that they meet Karl when he burst into the house anger at Mirabel because a 16 year old boy he was hoping to have work in his factory was going to her school instead, they meet Monroe two months after Karl when Miranda brought him over to discuss some experiment over with him and Mirabel, they meet Donna and Angie last four months after that Donna had decided to go over to Mirabel's to go over their doll/clothes ideas, they usually do it over at her house because she doesn't like to leave the house very often.
As always any and all artwork is appreciated and loved!
Willing to bet that if they were to rank her on a tier list, Miranda would be in F tier 🧌
But like. Can Mirabel catch a break. She was snatched away from her family and didn't see them for what, 9 years??? I mean jeez, let her BREATH. And sure, she had a substitute family, but let's be real, they aren't exactly the best when it comes to raising or caring for an emotionally and mentally vulnerable child. And then Mother Miranda, with her jealousy and wanting Miranda to be Eva like??? What is WRONG with her 😭😭 in what world is that ok??
And then at 12, literally a child, not even a teenager, she was dropped into a pseudo-Casita that, from what I'm assuming, wasn't alive yet. And even if it was. That doesn't change the fact that she was a child left to run a village and be made to do all these terrible things. And then attend meetings and services along side it 🌚 and being Miranda's favorite didn't change a DAMN thing, she's still treated pretty badly, like face the facts
AND?? WHEN SHE GOT HER FAMILY BACK?? 4 months later she was forced to experiment on them, against her and their will. And Lord knows that if she refused, Miranda would've done something even worse than death 🤠 AND YOU KNOW?? She still manages to be a better leader among the other 4.
Someone get these guys outta here, including Ethan and Rose 😭😭
Unfortunately I was only able to do these two <33 honestly this just helps me visualize them better, but. If you feel like they should look different, lemme know 🤭🤭 or if you have any ideas for what the family to look like. Because I still haven't based them all on bugs yet 🤓☝
Also??? I think as Antonio got older, the mold in his eye spread. Not to his other eye, just a little on the right side of his face and some of his neck. He can still see out if one eye, so at least he's good there <\\33
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foggyfanfic · 2 months
Hey! Any chance you want to elaborate on that AU where Bruno got resurrected and it helped with his OCD and anxiety? Because that sounds incredible and I am incredibly curious now. How did he die? How did he come back? What are the circumstances surrounding all that? Is it in your existing AU with Leandra and their kids? Inquiring minds and all that. (If you want to talk about it of course!)
I would love to talk about it! You’ll have a harder time shutting me up! This one was after all my future fics with Juan, trans!Buba, and Heraldo. It was mostly the vehicle through which I tried to figure out how the Madrigal family will work long term. Because they all have magic, and these amazing magic rooms, I kinda assume nobody is really going to want to move out of Casita, at least not long term or without some big reason. So what does that look like after a few generations? All of the future fics I’ve posted are actually technically flashbacks from this AU before it went completely off the rails and became its own thing.
The idea was that Bruno comes out of the walls and the last half of his life just starts getting better and better. He gets closer to his family, he falls in love, he even ends up with a handful of kids that see him as a father figure. Eventually he dies of old age, peacefully, goes to heaven, and is dead for at least a decade before he gets resurrected by the villain that wants to use Bruno’s gift for evil. In the meantime, the Encanto has become semi-isolationist since the advent of the internet, and are now debating whether they should let the internet into the Encanto or go full isolationist. Mirabel’s youngest granddaughter and Camilo’s youngest granddaughter get led out of the Encanto and to Bruno by the miracle, rescue him, then they have monster of the week type adventures with my super self indulgent self insert who originally existed in the story to provide money, a boat to live/travel on, and explanations on internet safety. She was also there so the Madrigals have somebody to tell family stories too, thus allowing me to play around with the development of the Madrigal family. Right before it went off the rails I also added a great great great nephew who one, was older than both of the great great nieces to illustrate how large and complex the family structure is, and two, had a gift that allowed him to bring the rest of the canon characters in and out of the main plot.
And that was where I should have stopped brainstorming, but I didn’t, and now this AU is how I explore my own anxieties about current events, so it takes place ten years from now, in what is hopefully the worst version of the future, and the self insert OC is no longer a representation of me with better skin and more money, but instead exists so her tragic backstory can serve as a warning of how much life will suck if things go a certain way. But let’s not talk about that! Under the cut is the longer explanation of the Madrigal OC’s and Bruno’s character arc throughout the original AU before it became my therapy. I’m literally just going to info dump the whole thing, because I know I won’t be turning it into a fanfic, so this is probably going to be my longest post ever.
So the three teenagers are Eduardo (Dolores’ great grandson), Etta (Mirabel’s youngest granddaughter) and Maria (Camilo’s youngest granddaughter). Eduardo was sorta the prototype for Gabriel’s character, he has a crappy father, looks up to Bruno as a better role model, and is struggling with his identity in relation to his father’s legacy. His gift is to travel through shadow because he’s trying to escape his dad’s shadow, and unlike Gabriel, he did spend the first part of his childhood trying to be like his crappy dad, so he is now trying to redeem himself for being a bit of a bully. He also has terrible taste in women, that serve as the inciting incident for a few of the “chapters”, like when he gets kidnapped by his fairy princess girlfriend and the other characters have to deal with a DnD type dreamworld to get him back.
Etta is the first adopted Madrigal, so ends up facing a lot of the same emotional struggles as Mirabel. Her mothers adopted her later in life, think mid-forties, when her birth family died due to their well being contaminated. Her birth mother survived long enough to give birth and nurse Etta thanks to Julieta, so Etta is one of many kids named after her. Her mothers entire thing was that they were the first fully out gay couple in Encanto, Etta’s Madrigal Mom was a surprise baby along the lines of Antonio and she grew up close to Isabela and trans woman!Buba, so she knows with absolute certainty that being gay isn’t a big deal, and her family will be normal about it. She wants to marry her wife in a church, so they come out and Mirabel publicly states that if god disagrees with people being gay then he’s free to take the miracle back. They get married, the miracle doesn’t get taken back, and after that more people start coming out instead of just being poorly kept secrets. They wait so long to adopt because people are a little pissy about them “rubbing it in everyone’s face”, but they love Etta endlessly. Her gift ends up being ice powers because she wants to feel like she fits with her mother who has an elemental gift (fire), and her mother ended up with that gift because she wanted to fit in with her much older brothers, who all got elemental gifts because they’re really proud of the triplets thing and wanted to match when they were younger. I just kinda like the idea of Mirabel’s branch having a bunch of people who are so proud to be a part of their family they end up with themed gifts.
Then Maria is one of my two favorite OC’s I’ve ever come up with. She’s the youngest of a ridiculously large brood of siblings, who in turn come from Camilo’s youngest son. Camilo, of course, doesn’t have a favorite grand child, because that would be bad. But Maria does have his wife’s perpetual poker face (cough autism cough), and Camilo’s sense of mischief. It results in a very calm child that is also somehow endlessly chaotic, especially when paired with Etta’s never ending quest to be as helpful as possible. Maria wanted her gift ceremony to be a quiet affair but her parents invited the whole town, so Etta (taking after Mirabel’s gift for leadership) mobilized the cousins into chasing the guests out by making it snow and throwing snowballs at everyone that didn’t live there. Maria tried to cover for Etta by telling the adults she made it snow, and when her father doubtfully asked how she did that she very calmly looked him in the eye and told him in the solemnest voice a five year old can manage “Papá, through Jesus Christ, all things are possible” and Camilo fell out of his chair laughing. Her parents are always a little too busy to give their youngest and quietest their full attention, so Camilo happily takes the little gremlin everywhere he goes. Maria’s gift allows her to look into the past of anything she touches, so she’s a little exposition machine, unlocks tragic backstories, and “tells” most of the flashbacks to various Madrigal adventures. She is bad at the whole people thing, but doesn’t usually care that much, until she meets a pretty girl she likes and can’t figure out how to tell if the pretty girl is also into her. She is also the first seer in the family since Bruno passed, since in this universe seers are the rarest magic users.
Then finally! Undead Bruno! As mentioned the last half of his life is pretty great, and knowing what waits for him when he dies does a lot to reassure him when he’s worried he might be a horrible person. He hit rock bottom, then things got better and he eventually went to heaven, so he now has faith that no matter how bad things get, happiness is still possible. And that’s where he’s at when he gets resurrected. The story would have had three parts, each a reflection of what’s going on for Bruno internally. The first part would be the most light hearted, literally just him getting used to being alive (and relatively young) again, while the narrative establishes the rules of this universe and introduces groundwork for important plot stuff later. Plus midway through part one he would get a diagnosis and start figuring out his medication needs so that combined with the new sense of peace given to him by going to heaven would completely change his life. Part one ends when Bruno discovers the resurrection spell works by sacrificing somebody and essentially giving the dead person their body, which is why Bruno is young again, because the man killed to bring him back was in his mid-thirties. So the second part would be Bruno struggling with that, and low-key trying to find a way to switch back with the sacrifice because Bruno doesn’t hate life like he used to, but he also thinks everybody should get the chance to fully explore it, and he had his turn. In parallel, we’d explore the darker side of this world Bruno has woken up in, and see all the ways magic can create problems. It ends when Bruno discovers he can’t undo the resurrection spell and decides to live as much and as well as he can so at least the life he “stole” isn’t wasted. Then part three is him learning how to go after what he wants as it slowly dawns on him that he’s about to have the chance to do his forties over again. This of course parallels them figuring out what the villain’s plans are and how to stop him.
And this is the part that I love about the Encanto AU version of this story! The villain’s plans and the solution to stop it. So the larger universe of this story is the Disney Universe, y’know. Like the characters go to modern day Corona and Arandelle and such. Bruno goes to the region of France Cinderella is from and meets the descendants of her talking mice and is absolutely thrilled. Things like that. So in the version that’s still an Encanto AU, the villain went to Bruno to get a vision back in the sixties, Bruno did the vision and was horrified by what he saw. The villain on a throne of bones, some of Bruno’s family killed to get there. He wants to make sure the vision doesn’t come true, but of course! Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read. He has to think fast, try to come up with some way to prevent it, but knowing that’s not possible. Except, Bruno saw the villain doing all sorts of magic, he rolls the dice. He tells the villain that in order to win he’ll have to get his hands on Excalibur, but oh no, that’s a problem because it was destroyed in an evil cauldron. Shucks, guess there’s nothing the villain can do. The villain is like “Bah, with my power nothing is out of reach”, so he does some research, concludes Excalibur was destroyed in the Black Cauldron from that one flop and goes back in time to prevent it. But! Going back in time alters the timeline, changing the future, and erasing the villain’s victory. And then this next part is a little complicated, but because the villain is spurred into going back in time by a future that no longer exists it kicks off a time paradox that the whole world is now stuck in until somebody can figure out some way to stabilize it. New timelines are being created, get to the point when the villain was supposed to take over the world (around now-ish), then fall apart and another timeline starts up in its place. The villain is powerful enough to see through the paradox and is targeting Bruno because Bruno’s the one that robbed him of his victory, plus he figures if he steals Bruno’s gift he can use it to navigate the different timelines being created and destroyed by the paradox, then stabilize the one that’s best for him. The miracle, on the other hand, is some sorta mysterious force that can see through the time paradox and has been trying to figure out how to stabilize the resolution that’s most favorable for the Madrigals. The story ends when they figure out how to do that, defeat the villain, then all go home to the Encanto where my self-insert with better skin and more money pays for them to install the infrastructure needed to bring the internet in, then she spends her life there in a paradise where she doesn’t have to worry about the latest election or the looming threat of fascism, and she teaches classes on internet safety so the Encanto can enter the modern age without sacrificing their way of life. The end, send post.
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iphisesque · 1 year
can i ask why you ship gojo and megumi? not as wank or as a callout or anything like that, I promise (especially since I'm sure we both ship far more morally reprehensible couples than that lol), I'm just curious as to what you see in them as a ship!
hi anon! love your disclaimer lmao, it's so funny to see people get all up in arms about me "shipping" gofushi when i literally ship like. johndean.
i wouldn't say that i Ship gojo and megumi, or at least not the way people ship like kawoshin or harumichi or whatever other lovely romantic daydream-material ship: i feel like people in contemporary fandom use the word shipping in two ways, to indicate a couple they find healthy and semi-aspirational and cute together (like how people in this fandom ship itafushi or kirakari) or to indicate two characters whose existing dynamic they want to dig into and dissect (like how people "ship" waltjesse or gendo and rei).
me and my friends definitely belong to this second category wrt how we engage with gofushi: their dynamic is foundational not just to the story, but most importantly to understanding gojo and megumi as individual characters at all. gojo canonically kidnapped and groomed megumi after killing his father, bought and indoctrinated him into the jujutsu world as well as his own cult of personality, and demanded he become as strong as him (like geto once was) while deliberately hiding information about megumi's own technique; megumi, on the other hand, has practically never known another "paternal" authority figure besides gojo, they grew together, and as such he sees him as not only the strongest and his teacher the way the other students do, but also as someone he knows personally and whom he consistently relies on to help him (this moreso re: the status quo at the beginning of the story), and as a benefactor who saved his life and to whom he owes a large debt.
granted, none of this is necessarily indicative of a sexual dynamic, just a deeply exploitative and unhealthy mentorship; however, when you couple that with all the countless references to gojo being a creep or sketchy or too-touchy (and the multiple akutami-written jujusanpo where he preys on students, if you consider those to be canon-compliant), as well as akutami's taste in media that inspired jjk (leon the professional, satanic sweet, etc), an implication starts shaping itself pretty clearly and starkly if you have the eye for it, and me and my friends definitely have that eye.
as yall know i don't care for anti/proshipper discourse, i think it's stupid and reductive, but i would say that my little gang approaches gofushi in a way that's antithetical to the proshipper ethos: i have seen how proshippers ship gofushi, and it's mostly "omg aren't they soulmates so cute!! same age au where they kiss and hold hands <3 student teacher romances are adorable!!", while what we say is essentially "gojo abused his power to groom and molest megumi his entire life and nobody in jujutsu society batted an eye". i ship gofushi the way i would ship humbert and dolores, or akio and anthy, or fucking leland and laura, which is to say not at all: all of these are horrible abusive dynamics i like to rotate in my head, and whose "victim" characters i empathize with and dearly love.
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pussypopstiel · 2 years
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hearttohaato · 8 months
Hey this has been a thought bouncing round my head. Thought I’d crack it open and ask so;
What are your thoughts on a modern version of TETS and TEDAD (The Embers Dim and Die sorry lmao)
Would that ruin the outline of the story or would it just be a particular challenge on doing more research.
Because say it’s modern and they still have their gifts. Would that change a lot of the story and how it’s supposed to be?
Anyways just a thought— love your writing 😁.
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This is a great question! I've actually got a number of different modern AU plots floating around, so I've definitely got some thoughts on how something like that would play out!
Usually in these modern AUs they're still set in the town of the Encanto and the Madrigals still have their powers, everything's just been modernized to fit into a 21st century time period: phones, cars, internet, all that. The Madrigals still use their Gifts in helpful ways, though many of them have jobs or hustles on the side - Julieta volunteers in the nearby hospital, the dads have proper jobs, some of the grandkids have internet followings, etc.
Modern!Mateo, meanwhile, is kind of considered a different entity from canon!Mateo, as his motivations aren't as... "profound" as they are in the stories, though there's still an element of obsession and believing Camilo to be his perfect match. In a present-day setting it wouldn't be nearly so easy as for Mateo to do what he does without being noticed - so he's forced to handle things in a more modern way.
There are officially 4 variations of a modern TEtS/AtEDaD storyline that have been drafted within the discord server, with 4.0 more or less being declared the "official" one. They share a lot of the same story beats so there's a lot of repeated elements. Note that these outlines may contain upsetting contents, please read with caution. I've put the descriptions under a readmore for this reason:
1.0 is more or less the very first TEtS AU to exist so it's not as polished, but the gist is that Mateo is a college student Camilo meets while crashing a college party. After a period of befriending, manipulation, and isolation, Mateo tricks Camilo into traveling with him to a motel in the middle of nowhere. However, Dolores was able to hear him leave, and follows them in her own vehicle to thwart the worst from happening. She is able to rescue him and have Mateo arrested, with them returning home battered but safe.
2.0 also sees Mateo as a college-aged friend, though Mateo's approach this time is much more sinister and violent. He uses party drugs to render Camilo unconscious, and films himself doing inappropriate things while he's incapacitated. This goes on until Camilo finds the recordings, horrified by their contents, leading Mateo to outright abduct Camilo to a derelict house off the highway. This AU is the first in which Tomás is an important player; this time he's the one to spot Mateo in a bar as an alert of the kidnapping is broadcast to his phone, so he's able to follow him and help free Camilo while his family catches up. This is the one time Mateo's actually taken out by one of Pepa's lightning strikes!
3.0 was born from an offhand comparison to a character from Life is Strange, and as such is the first depiction of Mateo being Camilo's high school photography teacher, living on his own in a small apartment in a nearby city. He gains Camilo's trust by being the "cool teacher," letting him skip class and hang out in his room, taking him out to do fun things, and eventually asking him to be his private model. This route also involves the use of drugs, primarily for Mateo to pose Camilo in certain ways, but the "sleeping spells" cause Camilo trouble at home when his parents have him tested and it's discovered he's got drugs in his system. Unfortunately they assume he's been partying and the rift between them only pushes Camilo further towards Mateo. This one doesn't actually have an ending, but it ended off with Camilo again discovering Mateo's been the one drugging him and trying to escape, allowing Dolores to hear him and try to help.
4.0 also sees Mateo as Camilo's teacher, but it harkens back to the first variant where Mateo takes Camilo to a motel after gaining his trust and isolating him from his friends and family. Unfortunately things go terribly wrong for Camilo here, and when he's returned home he's withdrawn, irritable, and even more divided from his family who aren't too happy with him going on a roadtrip without permission. We've played with a few different resolutions to this one, with Camilo finally opening up to a number of candidates, but the first and favorite scenario was having him open up to Agustín in the middle of the night as a parallel to TEtS Chapter 4. Mateo is again arrested and Camilo's able to sleep a little easier at night.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 6 months
In your wwmlb au, what will happen in the future? Or is it spoiler? 👀
Do the madrigals remember him? (Well the grandkids to be exact)
How did it impact on the warm family? how did Camilo even get kidnapped?
And could I make fanart?
Yes, unfortunately, that's a spoiler
Yes, mainly Isabela and Dolores remember him, seeing as they were eleven when the event happened. And they HIGHLY blame themselves for his disappearance.
It impacted the warm family greatly! As for the other question, that is a spoiler.
YES! I LOVE fanart, please go ahead!
The next chapter or chapters will be up next weekend! They'll explain a few things.
Also, it's not called the wwmlb au, it's called "The missing chameleon" au. But the words are just in spanish, "El camaleón desaparecido" au.
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evostar · 8 months
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Marian used to love using the bow, she daily trained with her dad. She always was energetic!
But…Dolores on the other hand hates it. She hates waking up early to train. She hates exercise. She hates it all.
She isn’t Marian.
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takhesis · 1 year
Dragon-au// plotbunny
Inspired by Dean Leipek's The Dragon Must Die trilogy (but not much in common, just some highlights)
Fantasy-AU , a mix of reality and magical realism
Ancient Dragons live high in the mountains - immortal, intelligent creatures with the gift of foresight. Their worldview is closer to the philosophical contemplation of life; they do not interfere in human conflicts. They are only partially immortal - when the life of the dragon’s body comes to an end, the dragon finds a person and transfers its essence into him. After some time - from several years to decades, the dragon's essence suppresses the human one, and the person becomes a dragon and flies to the mountains to join his brothers. A long time ago, even before meeting Alma , little Pedro was possessed by a dragon, and the boy forgot about it. But when the triplets were born and the city was attacked, the dragon inside Pedro was unleashed. He protected Alma and his (Pedro) children, but the dragon could not and did not want to stay with the people, and returned to the mountains. As a result of the union of a man and a half-dragon , all these gifts appeared; the candle is important - it is a piece of the dragon’s fire that burned in Pedro’s chest. Bruno canonically receives the gift of “Seeing the Future”, goes to the dragons - in age somewhere around the birth of Isabela and Dolores, because in Encanto they are wary of him, because seeing the future is a dragon ability, and in the past for the inhabitants in general turmoil it seemed as if a dragon had simply fallen from the sky and attacked them, killing Pedro.
So, Bruno hangs out in the dragon community, he is treated like a bush or a stone - he is not considered an equal, but he is not persecuted either, reasoning that since he sees the future like we do, he has the right to be here, and in general, everything in life is decay and entropy. And then suddenly Agustin comes to the dragon mountain and tells Bruno that the family urgently needs his help.
On the day when Antonio turned 5 years old, Mirabel ran away from home in the evening, upset, and got lost in the forest, where she came across a dying dragon - and he transferred his essence into her. The family does not want Mirabel  to turn into a dragon and leave them, and they hope that Bruno will help Mirabel curb her dragon essence and remain human (such cases are very rare, but not impossible, if the will of a person is not weaker than the will of a dragon).
Bruno agrees to help. He teaches her meditation and self-control, but the trouble is that Mirabel does not want to remain ordinary, she wants to become a dragon and fly away from this family, where she is treated with slight disdain due to the lack of a gift. Bruno, after listening to her explanations, returns with her to the dragon mountain and finds the dragon that Pedro has become. He agrees to help his conditional granddaughter and conditional son, and teaches her to be a dragon, while Bruno reminds her how to remain human - to be able to fly in the skies on dragon wings and retain human feelings and emotions, because... in dragons, these very feelings and emotions actually atrophy, they are replaced by cold logic.
Meanwhile, rumors are circulating in Encanto. Since Alma is trying to keep everything in the family and prevent the spread of information that Mirabel can become a dragon, the residents decide that dragons have gone crazy and are kidnapping innocent maidens right from their home, someone remembers that Bruno had  “dragon essence” -   the ability to see the future, and makes the amazing conclusion that Bruno became a dragon and kidnapped Mirabel and ate her, which means that all the girls in Encanto are under threat, and even everything in general: after all, any years ago, a dragon attacked the city and burned everything (we remember that for the residents in the turmoil, the appearance of the dragon-Pedro superimposed on the appearance of the invaders, they did not notice they in the dragon’s flame). And someone comes up with the delightful idea of climbing the dragon mountain and defeating the filthy monsters. And so a detachment of not very smart, but terribly brave people rises... and sees two dragons, and Bruno with them. With a cry: “Beat your own, so that strangers will be afraid,” they go on the attack, and at this moment, Mirabel, like a tremulous girl, although with armored scales and a flame in her mouth, loses her nerves, she incinerates them... and in horror flies away from itself. The only thing she dreams of now is to finally become a dragon, not to feel guilt, pain, fear and self-loathing. But she cannot, because these are all human feelings, they are too strong and completely suppress dragon logic and indifference. And she's also, of course, in love with Bruno, because she killed people in the first place to protect him.
Bruno and Pedro are both looking for her, Pedro admits that although he has become a dragon, the memory of the man is still alive in him. They have difficulty finding Mirabel, who has climbed into a completely impassable thicket and lives there in the guise of a person in a hut in the forest, away from people. She sees Bruno and locks herself in the house because she is afraid of accidentally burning him down, because she does not trust herself. Of course, they return her, fly to Encanto - and Pedro, and Mirabel, and Bruno (riding a dragon). Pedro turns into a man, and Alma , seeing her living husband, almost faints with happiness. The love for his wife was stronger than the dragon's essence, and Pedro chooses to live with his family, "until the last of my kind fades away," as he says. Well, Mirabel marries Bruno, yes. Because who dares to object to the dragoness ?
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art from Encanto book
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toaverse · 2 years
Luisa, Isabela, Antonio and Dolores should be apart of the rescue team. With Dolores being the detector, Antonio being the translator for Parce and Luisa and Isabela being the defense
Oh yes! That’d definitely be a good idea.
I do imagine Pepa making Isa and Dolores promise to not lose Antonio out of their sight (the adults are overprotective for a reason).
Obviously, Antonio is Parce’s translator, Dolores is the detector (hearing her Tío’s voice and three unknown ones), and Isa and Luisa being the defense in case something, anything, goes wrong.
And now that we’re still here, here’s Reina’s design!
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mmollymercury · 1 year
I know that I probably shouldn't being this up because it happened like 5 months ago,but the person who you had the encanto discourse with @toaverse is known for villainizing the Madrigals (INCLUDING FELIX AND AGUSTIN) and turning Mira and Bruno into "lil babies who were abused by this evil family 😭"
They've also been known to shit on Isa,Pepa and Alma in particular.Also they have an au called the kidnapped Isabela and Dolores au which is basically torture porn.
Urm, okay??? Dont really know how that concerns me tbh. Not to be rude, but if you have to say 'I probably shouldn't be saying this...' maybe don't say it😭
I disagreed with a post they made about the family (excluding mira and bruno) being heartless, because the characters are clearly not 2 dimensional and I just had to express that when I saw their take, I never intended for it to go further than a counter argument but whatever, sometimes life is like that. And honestly having a back and forth disagreement like that online was (and still is) embarrassing to me and I'm not happy abt it.
Like,, I have no animosity for anyone, I dont mean any harm. And even though me and them had a disagreement, I dont think it’s really my place to make judgements on them. I don't know them, or their reasonings for what they choose to do, and given that they also dislike proshippers, if my recollection is correct, Id like to think that that au wasnt wrote with bad intentions; I don't really know the au you're referring to, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in not knowing that those subjects in said au, trigger me IMMENSELY, so please don't come into my inbox nonchalantly mentioning it, but even then, I don't see the point in me knowing that other than to gossip.
The small altercation I had with them was ages ago, sooo I don't see how talking about it now is in anyway productive, if I were to still talk about it and hold onto that, it'd be petty and rude, ya kno?
Cmon guys let's just be mature adults pls, I'm preparing for uni so I'm pretty busy right now, but all I really want to do on my tumblr is post art and things that make me happy😭
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yellowcry · 7 months
Another au? Another au.
Straight to the point: While everyone was celebrating Luisa's gift, somebody sneaked into the house, planning to kidnap Mirabel
Isabela, who was seeing Dolores off to her room spotted it and tried to intervene.
Apparently, flowers isn't a good wearpon
I'll try to write something, but you can send asks
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
Giant siren au, where Antonio isn't part of the family he's a human orphan Pepa found on the beach after the family sunk a ruthless pirate ship that kidnapped him. Pepa was the first and only one to find him before comforting him and assuring him she would never hurt him and that when will keep him safe.
Mirabel was the second siren Antonio met. When mirabel went to check on her tia, she noticed a small little human boy in pepas hands. Mirabel spoke gently to the adorable little boy and introduced herself, Antonio did the same. Then he was introduced to the others who quickly accepted him. Julieta just wanted to cuddle the little thing, Augustine and Felix smiled at the little boy and the young adults/teens just washed him with affection, especially Dolores. Camilo did like the little guy but sometimes trys to make it like he's gonna eat Antonio. ( He would never) Antonio feared him for a while but eventually got used to him.
When Alma heard about it, she was abit concerned. But when she met Antonio, all worries left her mind as all she felt now for Antonio is care and love. Never in her life did she think she would love a human like it was her own baby. ( He is now)
The family grew to love little Antonio, Mirabel always hung out with him and played and gave him older sisterly affection when ever he wanted or when ever she wanted. At first Antonio was still afraid of her but now he sees her as his sister. He would cling on to her face and hug her, swing on her hair and hug her giant fingers. She would pin the boy down and tickle him. She loved Antonio, she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. The family new that humans are very vulnerable. So they will keep Antonio safe. He was their new baby.
Pepa always looked after Antonio like he was her own child. As her love for him grew so did Antonio's love for the family. At one point Antonio was being smothered (gently) in kisses by Pepa as he was laughing hard. As he was trying to escape her fury he accidentally says " Mama stop" as he giggled she stopped and he realized what he said, he felt embarrassed he tried to apologized only to be pressed against her soft cheek as she hugged him and said " My baby" Antonio's eyes were filled with joyfull tears as he hugged her back. Pepa herself was crying softly. Happy that Antonio was now hers. The family grew fond of Antonio that they were sad for him to go. But he didn't have a family or a place to go... until now.
Antonio was now apart of the family and he was happy. So we're the family. Other sirens got to meet the little boy and all loved him. He was proof that not all humans are bad.
One day Antonio was tired from playing Pepa was wide awake. She place him on her chest as he leaned on her and fell asleep the giant siren placed a hand over him for warmth. Antonio says " love you mama" Pepas smiles as her heart melts with love and responds " I love you, Antonio madrigal"
This could actually work. I think I mentiomed it before, but giant sirens really like human children, and will care for them, especially if they're found in wreakages or alone. (this also leads to a giant rift in the already rocky relationship between sirens and humans because...sirens have a habit of taking kids off the docks and beaches.)
The family would totally love him <333 Especially Pepa and Felíx. Antonio actually gets really attached to the family too, really fast. They’re the first time he’s felt like he’s belonged somewhere. And the Madrigals love him dearly. It wasn’t a surprise to the others when they found Pepa doting on him and. Well, crying. Meanwhile Antonio was asleep.
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Antonio probably can swim underwater for a long time, not only can he hold his breath but he can see pockets of air and uses those to breath lmao
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