#Encanto bad tragedy
evostar · 6 months
New Au!!
Well I didn’t create it newly but I didn’t introduce it yetttt! So this au is called bad tragedy, it’s about Dolores and Antonio!
When the house was falling Antonio still was inside trying to save a kitten he saw (no door fell on him and casita threw them all out before anyone could take him) Mirabel was still trying to save the miracle and since Dolores heard and noticed him inside she ran after him. After that casita didn’t let anyone inside, the house was weak and could only help one person at time, he choosed Mirabel cause she was going for the candle. When Bruno’s tower was falling Mirabel already went meanwhile Dolores and Antonio were crushed before they got the chance to run.
They aren’t dead but got injured a lot, Dolores took most of the fall, trying to cover him for his safety, in the end though she lost her memories and got very bad hearing in her right ear. Antonio on the other hand got a pretty bad injury on his neck which made him mute for life.
That’s pretty much it! Any questions? :D
(Refence sheets)
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(These are kinda old so I apologize for the bad drawings 😭)
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motziedapul · 4 months
I had a thought about Wish and why it didn't work that I don't know if others have mentioned.
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It was made clear to me after I saw this concept art for Star Boy what this film lacked. It lacked a throughline of DESIRE AND RELATIONSHIPS; not just romantic desire, though the scrapped possibility of "romance" is what made me think about it.
Also, just wanted to say how ironic it is that Star Boy is so reminiscent of Jack Frost from Rise Of The Guardians while Chris Pine, who voiced Jack Frost in ROTG, was the villain (and best part) of this disappointing film.
Despite being ABOUT people's desires and wishes, both Asha and her grandfather's desires are nebulous. "I want to inspire people", "I want more". More what? Inspire them how? Their motivations are pretty unclear, as are their desires. The King even points this out, and he's right to do so.
It wouldn't be so bad for Asha to want her grandfather's wish to be fulfilled if the film could make you feel emotionally invested in him and his motivations. Love for her grandfather and a grave injustice against him and others is a FANTASTIC motivation, which is undermined by the fact that everyone's pretty darn happy in Rosas, and there's no sign to indicate that there's something deeply wrong underneath the surface.
The problem with presenting a society that needs change in a film is that you need to show why it's not working, and yet by all accounts Rosas is a wonderful place to live. SHOW US, DON'T TELL US, WHY THIS IS A GRAVE INJUSTICE. You have to show who's being hurt by showing them being hurt.
It's unfortunate that a movie in the same month dealt with wishes on stars 10000 times better than Wish did, but Puss In Boots The Last Wish did pretty much everything better than Wish did. That being said, they had a blueprint for how to make Wish work, and they didn't even follow it:
I love Encanto. It's not Disney's strongest film, especially plotwise, but what it lacks in plot it makes up for in getting you emotionally invested. The music, the tragedy, the character relationships, they all work. And even Encanto didn't have a romance, but it had suffering, desire, and something was wrong that needed to be fixed, and most importantly, it convinced the audience of that.
In comparison, you have a king taking people's Wishes away because he saw the destructive potential of unfettered desire and greed, all in exchange for peace and happiness - and yet we do not see people suffering from this decision. We see Asha get angry about it before we ever see why she should be angry.
People have already mentioned that Wish lacks camp, so I'm not gonna go into that, but it lacks camp and any Disney animated film that lacks camp is one not worth watching.
In terms of relationships, the only one in the film that has any sort of chemistry or emotional complexity is that of Asha and Magnifico. They literally sing a love song to each other in the movie, which baffles me because it gives you the idea of a budding romance/non romantic but loving relationship between the protagonist and antagonist of this film, only to be followed by a heartwrenching betrayal that justifies Magnifico's descent into darkness. And that would have been a fantastic story (after removing the weird age gap, obviously, though Disney's no stranger to that).
There is no other relationship in Asha's life that seems to mean anything to her, not even her relationship with her grandfather, because the only interactions we see her have with him before deciding what's best for him is 1 single scene where she actively avoids spending time with him and her mother to sneak off.
In Coco, we understand how important Hector as a great grandfather is, because of this scene.
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In Encanto, we immediately see how and why Mirabelle loves her family and is proud of them, and yet also how she suffers from their exclusion and isolation of her.
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The character who is *described* as caring for others but never shown caring for anybody only ever has a moment with the villainous king, who himself only ever has chemistry with her and his wife.
What's infuriating is that there's a deleted scene that, if combined with another scene showing Asha's childhood and why her grandfather means so much to her, would've made her motivation clear.
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There's a deleted scene where her grandfather sings a beautiful song, and her and her mother sit there in emotional silence.
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Would've been nice to have it in the film.
The most interesting character in the film is King Magnifico, which is why they had to scrape all the nuance out of him in the second act. Asha is described as selfless but is deeply selfish and self-centred. Her desires are nebulous. Her motivations aren't convincing. The character they try to sell you is one we never see.
A romance may not have been entirely necessary, but Asha having a real relationship and therefore emotional stakes with someone absolutely would have. It would have clarified and justified her desires, her motivations.
What a waste.
P.S. The Animation in Wish is gorgeous, lively, and well-done, but the rendering, lighting and watercolour effects were badly executed. Please make the proper distinction - the characters move beautifully.
P.P.S. Yeah the music's bad. Say what you want about Lin Manuel Miranda but he's at least talented enough and Broadway enough to know how music can synergize with story and character. None of my criticisms about him as a person extends to his musical ability - Moana is my favourite movie, and he did a fantastic job there and on Encanto.
Apologies for the long post, but after seeing so many rants about this film I realized there's still something to touch upon that people haven't fully addressed.
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stoat-party · 2 years
My lukewarm takes on Romeo and Juliet characters, heavily influenced by the specific production I watched yesterday
Romeo: So extra. Absolute drama king. He would watch Encanto and not be able to stop thinking about it for a month. He absolutely fell in love twice in a week based purely on looks, but that love was pure and romanticized to no end. In his mind, it was worth dying for. He should have been allowed to be a stupid kid, but under the circumstances he felt forced to marry in secret.
Juliet: Every adult in this girl’s life failed her. Of course she fell in love with Romeo, she’s thirteen. Their relationship isn’t particularly profound, it’s their devotion. Their innocence. When you were a thirteen-year-old girl, didn’t you fantasize about doing something drastic just to make your father understand? She’s the girl who acted on that fantasy, in the most horrible way. And she’s a child. A baby. They’re all just babies.
Paris: Himbo. Yeah, he tried to marry a thirteen-year-old girl. Yeah, he’s probably an adult by our standards, or close to it. However misguided his feelings toward her, though, they were real. He felt protective toward this girl he’d barely met. That wasn’t the blood feud talking. It was his meathead himbo brain. What caused this man to think it was okay to marry a little girl? How was he so casual about it? Why so violent? We’ll never know.
Benvolio: Shares an archetype with Horatio. Guy who lives, but at what cost? When I read the play he seemed like the sweet, reasonable one, but this production really played up the teenaged boyness of it all. The important parts to him, though, are that he loved Romeo, and he didn’t want any of this. Noticeably absent in the final acts.
Mercutio: Baby. Actual tiny baby man. I read this book when I was fifteen, I had no maternal feelings toward any of these kids, but this actor’s Mercutio broke me. He was just a little goofball from a rich family, he had no concept of consequences. The actor was an adult but somehow made his voice crack. When he started a swordfight over a cause that had nothing to do with him, it was like I was watching a puppy trying to play keep-away with a tiger. Tybalt even backed off and tried to sheathe his sword, but Mercutio gave him a little *boop* on the backside and it started again. His death scene started off laughing and ended in screaming. After Act III, all jokes in the play cease.
Nurse: I just feel bad for whoever gets cast as the nurse to get insulted for three hours.
Friar Lawrence: Who does this guy think he is? Okay, he couldn’t have predicted the plague or the duel, but he seems very confident about courses of action that have a high likelihood of ending in tragedy. The lesson is, don’t enable teen hormones just because you think it’ll help you end a blood feud. I can’t discount his good intentions, though, and the kids would probably have been worse off without him.
Tybalt: I seethe.
Lord Capulet: I’m doing this for your own good but also I’ll ruin your life if you disobey ok? <3
Lady Capulet: She definitely shares some of the blame for what happened, but her love was genuine. She had been brought into this cycle at Juliet’s age, how was she supposed to break out?
Lady Montague: idk why shakespeare thought killing her offstage was necessary. we don’t even find out until after the climax so why? it’s more thematically consistent if all the deaths are young people.
Rosaline: If thou findeth thyself in a Shakespearean tragedy, get thee to a nunnery.
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Cuando la veo (Julieta x F!Reader) part 2
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part 1 << >>next
You sighed as you slowly closed the drawer, wishing it had taken you longer to unpack everything, but you had taken with you only the essentials, a lot of memories, and some pieces of jewelry. You just wanted to lie down and cry, but you knew that if you took any longer, your aunt would become suspicious, and you really didn't want to worry her. The woman who had been a second mother in your childhood had already done more than enough for you, the least you could do was spare her bad times.
Still, you didn't move immediately, trying to gather some strength to face the day ahead. Despite the fact that it was your first day in the town and you were exhausted from the trip, tía Laura had insisted that you at least know a little about the place, so that you would begin to become familiar with it. It's not like it was a big town, and even if you got lost, you could probably find the house back if you walked far enough, but you suspected that the real reason behind it all was that your aunt didn't want you to lock yourself in your room and carry on with your fest of self-hatred and guilt, which, unfortunately, was what you had planned to do.
"Only for you, Auntie" you thought aloud "I'm going to try for you because I owe it to you"
You closed your eyes and clenched your fists, holding back tears. You had really hoped that moving to Encanto would be a whole new life, that the magical place your aunt described could really make you forget everything. But no, the love you felt for Santiago and the pain of his departure was still there, fresh, poignant, and all too real.
"It's nice to see you here, dear"
Your aunt's cheerful voice brought you out of your thoughts and forced you to open your eyes to your reality. You assumed that her friend had arrived. Great, time to ponder fake smiles and pretend you weren't falling apart. You tried to strain your ears to hear the conversation.
"I'm saying the same, Laura" answered a polite voice "It's been a while"
You couldn't hear anything else. For some reason, your legs grew weak and your pulse raced as your mind repeated the sweet, warm, and slightly sensual tone of your aunt's guest. It surprised you that your body reacted that way, and a huge feeling of guilt invaded you, but you couldn't shake the thought that the mysterious woman really had a pretty voice.
“Enough, Y/N” you chided yourself in a low voice “This is not the time for you to start being weird. You're going downstairs, you'll politely greet Mrs. Alma and you will pretend that everything is fine"
Anyway, you assumed that was what you should do. No one here knew you, so there was no point waiting for them to feel empathy for you if they saw you cry, nor did you want to tell your tragedy left and right. You simply wanted to look like a happy and cheerful young woman, content to live a new life in a place far away from the land where she was born. Easier said than done, but you had to fake it until you believed it.
"Okay, here I go"
You took a deep breath, squared your shoulders, and turned the doorknob. Your first footsteps were louder than you'd expected, but you managed to calm down a bit as you reached the stairs. You really hoped that your aunt's friend didn't realize how nervous you were, you didn't want to give her a bad impression if only to avoid embarrassing tía Laura. You descended the stairs with a horrible tightness in your chest, feeling how the palms of your hands began to sweat with each step, but you refused to run away. It was just one more stranger, a greeting and that was all, you could do it. So why did it feel like everything was going to change at once? As if meeting this woman would mean realizing that your life had really changed?
Probably because it was true. You had spent months locked up and in denial after losing Santiago, months in which only Laura had been able to talk to you, even if it was through letters, and in which she had kept begging you to move in with her. You knew she cared for you, you were the only family she had left, and that was the only thing you could hold on to, and in that feeling of familiarity, it had been easy to imagine that there was only the two of you, that nothing else was real.
Meeting Alma Madrigal (or anyone other than your aunt, if you were being honest), meant getting out of that bubble and coming to terms with the fact that you were miles away from home, in another country, and that the world moved on without you. And you didn't know if you were ready. You stopped short when you saw a female figure in front of your aunt. Her back was turned, but it didn't matter, it was her clothes that had brought back painful memories, making you freeze in place. She was dressed in blue.
"My precious alhelí, she has just arrived" you heard your aunt speak "and I must say that her hands are more skilled, and her designs far exceed any of mine”
You had not heard the rest of the conversation, too lost in your thoughts and trying to calm the panic attack that had invaded you, but it was not necessary, you knew that she was talking about her sewing workshop and although you knew that she had good intentions, the truth was it was that there was some pressure on you for it, you weren't sure you could fill her shoes, but you would try. You forced yourself to speak, it would be pathetic if your first meeting with someone from the place ended with you frozen in place without responding.
"No one could top your designs, tía, but I appreciate the compliment" you smiled softly.
You had reached the last step, your aunt and her friend had heard you, they knew of your presence, there was nowhere to run or turn back. You watched the woman jump a little at the suddenness of your voice, and though you felt a little guilty, you found the movement and the slight, almost inaudible gasp she had let out kind of cute. The woman turned to look at you, and you felt as if time had stopped.
The brunette in front of you had a round and smooth figure that magnified the deep maternal warmth that radiated from her. Her dark skin glowed with beautiful pink and purple undertones, contrasting with the yellow of the sun coming through the window. Her round face was adorned with beautiful subtle freckles that did nothing but beautify her face caressed by time. But what caught your attention the most and made you forget even the pain that the color of her clothing had caused you, were her eyes.
They were beautiful, big, a little droopy, adorned with lush and tender eyelashes, but you had never seen eyes so full of love, life, and compassion. There was an entire galaxy in that pair of chocolate pools as if they had seen the saddest things, but also the most beautiful things on Earth. They had a beautiful, warm, and kind look that invited to get lost in them.
You could feel the blood rushing to your face, probably giving you away on your cheeks, and your pulse was so racing that you wondered how you were still alive. You tried not to fix your gaze on her too much, so as not to make her feel uncomfortable, but it was impossible for you to take your eyes off the beauty in front of you, and when she smiled at you, so calm and welcoming, you felt your breath start to fail. What the hell was happening to you?!
"Oh! Y/N, just in time" your aunt told you cheerfully "Come, I want to introduce you to someone"
The older woman, unaware of the state you were in, carefully took your arm firmly, pulling you to stand right in front of your guest. Looking up close to her, she didn't look as old as you had imagined after hearing your aunt talk about her. Sure, her hair was flecked with silver ribbons, and there were soft lines at the corners of her lips and the corners of her eyes, but she didn't look any older than tía Laura, so you assumed you weren't, in fact, in front of Alma Madrigal.
"Y/N, this is Julieta, daughter of Alma" your aunt said "Julieta, this is my beloved niece, Y/N"
“Nice to meet you, Y/N” the brunette said, smiling friendly and extending her hand towards you.
You could hear yourself responding and shaking her hand, but it seemed like you were seeing it all in third person because all you could really focus on was how soft her skin was and how weak your knees felt suddenly. You didn't know what kind of powers this woman had to disarm you just two seconds after meeting her, and as much as you hated yourself at that moment, deep down you knew that that soft, deep, and sensual voice was going to haunt your dreams.
Although you weren't the only one who was having trouble processing the surreal scene that was being created.
Julieta tried her best to keep a neutral face and prayed to all the saints that came to mind that her brown skin was hiding her blush well, but the truth was that all she could think about was how beautiful you were and how the air seemed to tighten more and more. She didn't understand why her body was reacting that way to you, you were pretty, yes, but you were a complete stranger to her, she barely knew your name and it was evident that she was too many years older than you.
She shouldn't be feeling butterflies waking up inside her, butterflies like the ones her husband hadn't made her feel in years. And yet here she was, in her fifties, with mounting stress at losing the home she had grown up in and lived in all her life, terrible sadness at losing her family as well, but with a dangerously familiar feeling slowly blooming in her chest.
"She will be in charge of my workshop" Laura said, unknowingly breaking the spell that had wrapped around you.
You and Julieta jumped a little and quickly separated when you noticed that you were still holding hands You couldn't look her in the eye and she mentally scolded herself for that second of weakness, though she was quick to understand that she was simply fooling herself, that the stress and negative feelings that were haunting her were finally taking their toll. That you were absolutely beautiful had only been a fluke that her treacherous mind had taken advantage of…right?
You chuckled a bit and tried to ignore the churn in your stomach when the brunette looked at your aunt in surprise. Yes, they had been talking about you and your future role in the town before you introduced yourself, but you assumed that the same thing had happened to her: it was different to have the real person in front of you than just an idea. You didn't know why the idea that she could be surprised by you made you so excited.
"Well, I have no doubt that the designs will be art if the creator is so beautiful" Julieta said without thinking.
As her own words registered in her mind, she wished she could disappear at that moment. What kind of weird person would say such things about a young lady she had only just met?! She felt foolish and wrong. And yet, you were smiling at her with such tenderness, emotion, and hope, that her heart had no choice but to beat faster, while her brain tried to reconnect with everything.
"Thank you" you said softly, cheeks so red you were sure you looked like a tomato "I'm really not that good but-"
"Nonsense" your aunt interrupted you "This girl has known how to use a needle and thread since she was 5 years old"
"6, auntie" you corrected her kindly
"It's the same" she smiled at you "The point is, you have an amazing talent, my little dove, and I'm sure that all of Encanto will soon be dazzled by your brilliance"
You just rolled your eyes affectionately while tía Laura affectionately squeezed your cheeks. It was a bit embarrassing if you were being honest, especially with a woman you didn't know (but who was making an awfully good impression on you quickly), but you'd never been able to deny your aunt these gestures. That the brunette smiled at you with complicity had nothing to do with your decision to allow it.
"Then I guess you don't have anything to worry about, Y/N" she said, savoring every syllable of your name "I wish you the best of luck."
"T-thank you very much" you said politely.
There was something about the way your name sounded in her voice, the soft, gentle way she pronounced it, that made your already weak legs want to finish melting. You really needed fresh air to calm you down, or your head would start spinning.
"I'd better get back home before Mom worries" Julieta said.
The truth was, she didn't feel like going back to that strange house she barely knew, and she knew her mother probably wouldn't even notice her absence if she decided to skip dinner, but she needed to leave before the heat in her guts boiled over and she committed more mistakes than she could handle. She didn't want to think about the effect you had on her, but it was undeniably dangerous and confusing, she needed to get out of there.
"Of course dear" Laura replied "Thank you again"
"It was no problem" she smiled "And welcome to Encanto, Y/N" she added, unable to stop herself from saying your name again.
"Thank you, Mrs. Madrigal" you responded politely
"Call me Julieta" the brunette told you, not knowing if she was crossing more lines than allowed "My mother is Mrs. Madrigal"
“O-okay” you chuckled softly “...Julieta”
You couldn't help but feel a shiver running down your spine at the moment you saw the sincere smile she offered you as if you were doing her a great favor by saying her name, or as if it was the first time she had really heard it. It didn't matter, the fact was that it made you feel a little more excited.
You watched in silence as the woman said goodbye to your aunt and disappeared through the door, following her every move unconsciously and not really noticing the knowing look the older woman was giving you.
"Sweet Julieta" Laura said with a touch of drama "Lucky thing that she was the first Madrigal you met, dear."
"Why?" you asked, looking at her with a curious frown
"Because she is the kindest of them all" she smiled at you "...and she is also beautiful, isn’t she?"
Your eyes widened and you felt your cheeks catch fire again. You turned your head to avoid your aunt's gaze, but her scandalous (although warm) laugh resonated deep within your being. Guilt swirled inside you again and the cold in your chest seemed to grow as if it were trying to get bigger than the soft warmth that was slowly beginning to rise inside you as well. You ignored your aunt's taunts, but deep inside you couldn't help but think that even if the town didn't turn out to be as magical as you thought, at least one person in it was.
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foggyfanfic · 5 months
What Happened To Cicero
Ok, so! Cicero. This is all very shaky, and the characters are never going to get their answers, and to be honest if I ever expand on these characters further I might change this, but here's vaguely how the rest of his life went. Vague but pretty dark, since the rest of his life is a tragedy of his own making.
He and his family get exiled and move in with his uncle and two cousins (only one of whom matters). He is pretty angry, but his father isn't about to let him forget that the only reason they left Encanto is because he committed a bunch of violent crimes, so for the most part he swallows his anger down. He charms some lady, marries her, they have Gabriel.
Right when this lady is pregnant with Gabriel, his cousin (Amada's birth father) brings home a woman who happens to look a lot like Rosalie, this is Amada's birth mother. Gabriel is born, Amada's birth parents get married, Cicero's mother and Gabriel's birth mother get in a bus accident or something. I haven't settled on the details. Basically they get hurt and if they were in Encanto they could have been saved via magic healing, but they're not in Encanto. So because of him, the two people who love him the most are now dead. Gabriel does what a lot of bad people do when they know their crappy situation is their own fault, he deflects blame and stops swallowing his anger. He also starts drinking more and abusing Gabriel.
Amada is born and once her birth mother is married into the family with a baby tying her down, Cicero and his cousin's masks start coming off. Amada's birth father takes longer stints at sea and acquires a second wife that his first wife pretends she doesn't know about because ouch. Cicero starts lashing out and while the other men are happy to fight with him, his father is now just trying to make up for his failures in Encanto and get Amada, Gabriel, and Amada's birth mother away from this mess. Unfortunately, Cicero is becoming increasingly obsessed with Amada's birth mother and because it's now obvious her husband sucks, he gets it into his head he could convince her to run away with him if only she didn't have a baby to worry about. You can see where this is going.
Cicero's father low-key sees Gabriel as his do-over son and has been doing everything he can to instill Gabriel with morals and respect for others, and has sort of overdone it to the point four year old Gabriel sees himself as being responsible for the safety of his aunt and baby cousin. So we get the scene described in Of Men and Yelling, Gabriel wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to check on his cousin, unwittingly interrupts Cicero in the middle of attempted baby murder, screams and gets beaten because now he's alerted the whole house something is wrong. Cicero manages to convince most everyone his kid was the one that attacked Amada, but Cicero's father sees through that lie and realizing his son is so far gone he'll murder kids is the straw that breaks the camel's back sanity wise. He gets the kids out of there, while Amada's birth mother covers for him.
After dropping the kids with the Madrigals, he makes it back to her and tells her he got the kids to safety, but he's now a few chicken nuggets short of a happy meal so when he deliriously describes a magic paradise with a living house, she assumes he's talking in crazy person metaphor. Before she can decipher what he's saying/figure out that he is actually being 100% literal, Cicero makes a move on her. She reminds him she's married (and she knows that he tried to kill her daughter). He backs off until her husband gets home then kills them both and tries to burn the bodies to hide the evidence but just ends up burning down a house.
Cicero gets dragged off to prison by an angry mob, then gets hung. A few months later folks from Encanto come asking around to try and figure out what the hell happened, word gets back to Cicero's father that Gabriel and Amada have been adopted by the Madrigals, and satisfied that they're safe he decides he has nothing left to live for and kills himself.
The End :)
Epilogue: When Amada is old enough, Leandra and Agustin start to notice that she looks like somebody took a picture of Rosalie and messed with the colors to make her look more European. Gabriel tells them that Amada is beginning to look just like her birth mother. The implications keep all of the adults up at night.
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zapsoda · 7 months
zapsoda talks about one song from a musical he hasnt seen for a reaaaaally long time
wishs villain is a tragedy in every way. his song is. bad. (standard for the movie imo) but they way in which it wad bad enraptures me because beyond the writing itself, the performance itself is hollow.
youve heard the cliche, in musicals, characters sing when their emotions are too strong to be conveyed through words. but this guy doesnt seem to be conveying fucking anything.
uhhhhh hes selfish? i think?????? he is so empty and dull and devoid of personality. he just sounds vaguely condescending.
one criticism ive heard a lot is that the (pop) songwriter and producer duo were writing generic marketable pop songs so they would get radio hits like that one track from encanto. and i can fucking see it!!!! the appeal of musicals is how personal the songs are. the appeal of pop music is the opposite! musical songs can be relatable but when they are, its more personal, because they are *always* about very specific situations in stories which can then be applied to the real world.
in the lyrics he talks a lot about what he is? i guessss? (which. cmon guys. show dont tell) but its so fucking vague. does he even mention wishes once???? i thought that was like the whole point of his role in the movie? some shit about wishes? like at that point what is the point of including this song in the movie.
yes, villain songs are typically "i am" songs, but they do far fucking more than just tell you the villains main personality traits, thats something youre supposed to convey through their actions. typically, they are supposed to give you a deeper look into the character!
"poor unfortunate souls" is about how ursula portrays herself as a benevolent do gooder but actually just uses vulnerable people for her own benefit. "be prepared" is about scars evil plot to usurp the throne. "friends on the other side" is about faciliers curse shit.
this song could most accurately be compared to gastons song (is it just called 'gaston'?) but the mob song filled in for what it didnt provide, and "gaston" at least had the decency to be an entertaining and audibly enjoyable experience!
this is none of those. i guess it tells me about the character???? vaguely???? its not entertaining because its boring and repetitive, and it sounds like shit!
whats worse is the villain himself sounds bad. and i checked! chris pine can sing! he was in into the woods! whoever directed him just failed him miserably. i get this very strong impression that the song was not written with him or his character in mind.
back when the movie had just been like. announced. i heard rumors about him being kind of an ableist stereotype of a narcissist and i cannot confirm or deny that (havent seen the movie) based on testimony and what i have observed myself, he doesnt seem to have much of any character, let alone one that is exaggerative or stereotypical. he doesnt even seem to have much of a motive. he just wants whatever is convenient for the plot and does whatever will effectively move the plot along. (from what i fan tell)
for me the tragedy is that he is a disney villain. i love disney villains okay there hasnt been one and a while and he was created to bring that archetype back. hes an evil king! except hes not. hes just some fucking bland empty nobody. and yet the animation in the music video is so lively. its gorgeous. he moves so dramatically, his body language screams personality but his words, his design, and his actions do not.
clearly the people who worked on the movie are extremely skilled in what they do in a vacuum, and yet somehow they came together to make a really lame and boring end product. which i suspect is largely a result of the big faceless execs at the top of it all, wanting to make the safest and most marketable product imaginable. as opposed to, yknow, a work of art.
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bittermittens · 10 months
im just gonna say it. disney's wish is not appealing in any sense. they're painting it up to be the next 'disney princess and cool villain' film when it reeaaally isn't.
for starters, the main character. before, the quirky archetype was somewhat excusable? like both anna and rapunzel were isolated, so their behavior was more real ish. but asha in wish? i know it's bad to just go off by a trailer but she's just. annoying. i don't want to watch her win. and that GOAT. i don't wanna think about im.
my next issue, the graphics?? i remember seeing a comment under the music video (for the villain) talking about how you could tell the writers strike goes hard and I was like omg.. they're right. it looks like a short film you could find on youtube, not a full ass movie production from a BIG COMPANY. heck, I've seen seven minute short films with far better quality. and it's not that disney can't do good animation--it's that the care has leaked out of it. This style is not handdrawn + 3d, spider verse did that way better. how am I supposed to sit through that when the quality is shifting every camera change??
this one is my second biggest peeve. THE MARKETING. it is making me HATE it. Every platform disney can use, they are flooding them. This wasn't the deal for encanto, or elemental, or any Disney movie. This is RECENT. the movie isn't out in theaters and there are already advertisements comparing the main villain to past ones. DONT PUT HIM NEXT TO SCAR OR URSULA JE DOESN'T DESERVE IT. Disney is using the success of the old to ATTEMPT to sell this movie as good. The dialogue is too modern for this fantasy setting. Grgrgr
okay last thing. the villain himself. God, they fucked up. I watched the trailer and immediately picked a side. Didn't even have to think. I agree with the dude!! his song is stupid, it should have been some kind of speech, BUT STILL. he has every right to spoiler deny wishes that are selfish. he is literally running a Kingdom. asha immediately calling him out in the trailer with a whole righteous spiel on how every wish should be granted. I was like girlie?? you're wrong? the villain is not on par with past villains because well.. he's not tragic nor evil. it's like hating a parent for keeping candy from a child because too much candy is bad.. like?? I miss when Disney villains were formed from tragedy that have way to tragic sympathy for them. you could put yourself in their shoes and be like, this is bad but it's for me and UNDERSTAND them. This new guy? he's just right. Not wrong, not selfish, just right. How am I supposed to hate the villain of some rando righteous gal is the one who accused him of evil?
wish is just not doing it for me man
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ben-the-hyena · 8 months
Got any least favorite movies besides than Encanto?
Hmmm it is hard to think because I dislike or hate many movies but few are the ones that made me angry, this is more shows usually. So I don't know how I'll organize it
Oh well, just titles that just cross my mind : How To Train Your Dragons 2 and 3 (the 3rd is the WORST for total character and plotline assassination, the 2nd does resoect the franchise's spirit but oh boy I'd make a whole post about my problems with it), Ratatouille (not hate but I really do not care for cooking movies "OH NO HE RUINED THE SOUP WHAT A TRAGEDY !" I DON'T GIVE A SHIT and it randomly having cartoon physics in a "realistic" environment throws me off), The Wild (until Encanto THIS was the worst Disney movie), A Clockwork Orange (I KNOW it is a classic but I just find it boring and even if I DO know it IS on purpose to denounce society tgat the main character gets away in the end it frustrates me to have gone through all of that for naughts ; a good movie for that, it did its job good ! Just not for me lmao), Usual Suspect (it was SOOOOO boring I was nearly too asleep to get what was happening in the end, I found out like years later there was a plot twist in the end because it had sedated me THAT much I didn't pay attention at all to names and faces lmao), The Lion King live action remake (OOOH IT FELT LIKE NECROMANCY FOR HOW COPYPASTED BUT SOULLESS IT WAS IT HURT... I HATED IT SO MUCH I STRAIGHT UP STOPPED GOING TO SEE DISNEY LIVE ACTION REMAKES AFTER THAT), Star Wars 7 and 9 (ABSOLUTE FRANCHISE ASSASSINATIONS WITH A MARY SUE AND COPY PASTING FANDNSERVICE WITHOUT MAKING IT MAKE SENSE OR ORIGINAL, A FORCED SHIP, FORCED DRAMA... The 8th was flawed too BUT I liked it for DARING trying to be different !!!), Ice Age 5 (GOOD GOD IT WAS SO LAME AND UNFUNNY IT SHOULD HAVE ENDED WITH THE 4TH OR BETTER THE 3RD SINCE THE 4TH WAS OKAY AT BEST MEH AT WORST)... RIGHT now I can't think of more, I mostly have titles of movies I find meh or just too flawes but without being disliked either (like Wish. It is a BAD movie, objectively, Disbeh deserves this failure and I'm glad it flopped hard. Yet it was okay to me. And Rise of the Guardians was okay too, but no sorru folks visually sure it is gorgeous but plot and characters wise it is VERY meh and the ending/Pitch's defeat sucked ass I was frustrated and annoyed while I was like 14 and seeing how people adored it anyway made me understand/realize sometimes people will call media "good" only because it has beautiful looks) so idk more
There are also movies I didn't watch but refuse to because I know I WILL hate it or at the very least will be angry about for the posts and clips I saw and might grow to hate it out of frustration of seeing it praised. Like Nimona (a Tumblr/Twitter post that lasts for 1h30 and will be relevant only for 2 years. Also fugly artstyle and charadesigns, also I'm petty and I loathed how Tumblr used it to mock Elemental which was a masterpiece and the best Pixar in many years and the best Pixar romance so fuck this) and Wendell and Wilde (for all I read about the main character Idc she is grieving for her parents, she IS an ungrateful edgy bitch who actually HESITATED to sacrifice an innocent guy for her own gain but because she chose not to and because "she's a sad kid :(" the narrative passes her off as good and in the right. I'd have not been as patient as the nuns and her classmates, as kind as they were she kept hating and being angry over anything- sometimes a painful slap in the face and a kick in direction of a therapist's office is needed I'm sorry)
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Cause my original idea of a fic didn't work out I decided to share some of my personal favorite Jamil headcanons
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As part of canon, he cooks a lot so he has plenty printed out recipes
Get migrants often if he holds his Unique Magic back so yeah him hiding his gift does more damage than an Overblot
Since Chapter 4. he began to be very blunt and open to Kalim about things that annoyed him, then he began to be slightly nicer after Kalim proved he did some reflection on people's feelings and opinions on how he acts and started to listen better
Often smells like crosses and some sort of spice, sometimes sandalwood or tea
As long since been to therapy about the way he was raised and grew up
I personally (and @gay-salt-amber) headcanon that Jamil is nonbinary, still uses he/him pronouns but also they/them and only Kalim and NRC knows it
Cried when he gotten praised by Crewel, though he waited until he was out of class of course
I feel like if Disney movies were real in this world he would relate to Elsa from Frozen and Frozen 2 and Mirabel from Encanto
Like picture Jamil with these songs!
Has the best hair routine and refuses to use magic on it unless it's the braids
Has been on low-contact with his parents since he spoken about how he feels
Is Pan, I won't accept otherwise!
Has a bad eating disorder from childhood, since in history those who's job that is to taste royals or noble's foods for poison had to taste poisons to know when dishes were poisoned, and as sad as it is I think he would be punished as a kid for skipping food or give his food to Najma
Him and Kalim are in love okay??
Like in love
As sad as it sounds, I used to headcanon him and Najma were taken in by the Viper family after a tragedy struck their bio parents, or maybe they were sold to the Asim family and the Viper family took them in since they been wanting kids to carry their name
It's not a Jamil headcanon but it's Jamil related and I see Kalim hyping up Jamil's birthday so much in Prince Ali fashion, Octavinelle and the rest of Scarabia joining in and Jamil is hella bashful but find the gesture nice, even if it takes too much when he gets paraded across campus
As canon, has one of the best voices, just held back for years
Crewel is his favorite teacher
May cook but needs help baking
Has a weakness for certain candles and scented oils he won't hesitant to light no matter what
Would have snake bite piercings
Has many ear piercings
Paints his nails
Always knew he liked Kalim no matter how much he tried to tell himself he hated him more
Knows guitar and Qanbūs
Would visit the City of Flowers first after he graduated and takes a whole year to travel and be free
Would most likely become a author or actor in musical theater after he's not forced to be a servant
Though I personally had this RP where Kalim was doing a coronation with the whole country watching and celebration, and he started doing a speech of thanks but said he isn't meant to be the heir. Everyone's confused and concerned. Then he turns to Jamil and thanks him for being loyal even when he hurt him in a way neither can forgive or forget, and tells his people he chosen Jamil to be the new heir and Sultan and he'll be his right hand man if Jamil wanted him to be
And I made my favorite Event a playlist
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Raimi Madrigal revamped and headcanons;
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Raimi Madrigal's actual name is Raimi Emmanuel Botero.
He is Alma and Catalina (Disaster Lady)'s younger brother.
He is younger than Catalina by 2 years and younger than Alma by 4.
He is 89 years old by d3 like his wife would have been.
Raimi's wife being Alejandra Yee.
He is the father of Miranda and Beatrix.
He was in awe when he found out about his wife's ancestral gift (she can turn into a red panda) because at that point he had never heard of anything like it before.
He found out about it a year after he met her, when he was 16.
He married her at 18 and at 21 he was a single father of two after her death at the hands of the ruthless soldiers who invaded their village.
And if that wasn't bad enough, he, his children, and Catalina were separated from Alma, Pedro, and their children when fleeing their village.
They found Pedro's body not long after they found Alejandra's but didn't find Alma or her children until after the events of encanto.
Despite all the tragedy in his life, Raimi has managed to maintain his mainly happy go lucky, optimistic attitude.
His daughters didn't understand it growing up until he told them that if he didn't—that if he lost himself—then their mother and uncle's deaths would be in vain. Which cleared alot of things up for them.
Raimi hasn't remarried and doesn't plan to. One love was enough for him.
He loves making and wearing hats, dancing, taxidermy, making candles, gardening, and fishing.
He never threw out Alejandra's taxidermied animals and took good care of her horse for as long as it lived.
He never made his daughters fear their ancestral gift and warned them ahead of time that it would happen in hopes of lessening the shock.
It kinda worked.
Upon seeing the taxidermy animals coming to life and insulting those in the Casita, he burst out laughing, just knowing that Alejandra would have gotten a kick out of it.
He, Alma, Senorita Guzmán, and Catalina reminisce about Pedro, Alejandra, and Senior Guzmán from time to time.
He was saddened by Beatrix's choice not to marry or have children but supported her regardless because he wants nothing more than for her and Miranda to be happy.
He did the same years before for his older sister, Catalina, when she decided she wanted to be child free.
He was the one to gift Alejandra with the sword she fought off the invading soldiers with. He purposed to her with it.
She loved it and said yes obviously.
The hat he wears 90% of the time is the last birthday gift she gave him.
He is great at giving advice and is always willing to deal it out to anyone who will listen.
He misses his younger days even if he'll never admit it.
Pedro was his best friend and he misses him greatly.
Raimi gets along great with Camilio, Felíx, and Agustín.
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evostar · 6 months
How's Camilo and the warm family doing in the bad tragedy au?
Well Camilo is devastated, the survivor guilt is eating him alive. He stays near to either one of them daily and often refuses to eat or sleep if it means he can watch if they are okay. Besides that he started to crochet *something that luisa suggested to him* and always makes stuff for them (Honestly makes me feel bad that i created this au 😭)
Pepa of course, is in one of her worst state, she’s constantly grieving and thinking it was her fault for not saving them as a mother. Like Camilo she watches them like crazy, she eats sometimes and gets sleep due to being exhausted. She always sings a lullaby she sang for them when they were younger.
Felix is often found sobbing somewhere, he also thinks that it was his fault. He rarely visits Dolores or Antonio since he can’t stand looking at them in that condition. He eats and sleeps fine but he became like the opposite of his personality.
The least, Dolores and Antonio are still in the hospital in a deep sleep at that time-line! 😀
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uovoc · 2 years
2022 media consumption year in review
God tier
Matthew Swift series and Magicals Anonymous duology by Kate Griffin (reread). London sorcerer is raised from the dead and accidentally gets fused to the blue electric angels of the telephone lines along the way. Luscious prose, best urban magic I've ever read, and wickedly funny sense of humor.
Kane and Feels - podcast. Paranormal investigators go around London poking the mystic forces with a sharp stick. Surreal. Funny. Moderately comprehensible. There's nothing else quite like it. Someone described it as "the anti-TMA: you cannot form any theories about it no matter how hard you try."
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North (reread) - two time travelers, defined as people stuck in time loops of their own lives, attempt to unravel the mystery of their existence. Suspenseful and beautifully constructed piece of nonlinear storytelling.
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender (reread) - Rose tastes people's emotions in food. Her brother disappears into thin air. Their parents are fine. Surreal and haunting pearl of a story.
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson - after a family tragedy, the surviving Blackwoods live in isolation from the village. A little Piranesi-ish subverted horror: the sense there's a secret at the heart of the world, and the secret is both joyful and terrible.
Our Flag Means Death - the crangst-filled pirate show that it seemed like the internet lost its mind over, for good reason.
Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space - Bee travels between the island and fishbowl space working temp jobs with Puppycat, until their pasts catch up with them. Dreamy, bittersweet, and gorgeous. Season finale was a banger.
Vesper Flights by Helen MacDonald (reread). Nature essays on humans and birds. Quiet, luminous, and filled with love of place. Faves were "The Human Flock", "High Rise", "Eulogy", and "What Animals Taught Me"
Natsume's Book of Friends (anime) - Technically about boy who can see youkai, learning how to navigate the world of human relationships. But really about masking, healing from trauma, and learning to trust.
Decent entertainment
The Deep by Rivers Solomon with Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, and Jonathan Snipes
Encanto (2021) - movie
The Witcher, season 2 - show
What We Do in the Shadows - seasons 1-3, got bored afterwards
The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell (reread)
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor
Touch by Claire North (reread)
Sing - movie
Notes from the Burning Age by Claire North
The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare (reread)
The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren
Moon Knight - show, season 1
Moon Knight comics - 2011, 2014, 2016, 2021
The Batman (2022)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
The Girl with the Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts (reread)
The Bad Guys (2022)
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker (reread)
The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker
The Pursuit of William Abbey by Claire North
Johannes Cabal series by Jonathan L. Howard (reread): Johannes Cabal the Necromancer, Johannes Cabal the Detective, Johannes Cabal: The Fear Institute, The Brothers Cabal, and The Fall of the House of Cabal
The Owl House season 2
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary (reread)
Strider by Beverly Cleary (reread)
Loki - show, season 1
Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman
Paprika (2006) dir. Satoshi Kon (rewatch)
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar (reread)
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter
Supernatural - seasons 1 – 6, selected episodes
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman - comics (reread)
The Sandman - show, season 1
Microcosmic God: The complete short stories of Theodore Sturgeon, volume II by Theodore Sturgeon
Various Dick King-Smith books (reread): The Merman, Harry's Mad, and Harriet's Hare
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Girl From the Other Side - anime
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
The Farewell (2019) dir. Lulu Wang
Horatio Lyle series by Catherine Webb: The Extraordinary and Unusual Adventures of Horatio Lyle, The Obsidian Dagger, The Doomsday Machine, and The Dream Thief
Mononoke (2007) dir. Kenji Nakamura - anime
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
Dark Tales by Shirley Jackson. Fave: "The Beautiful Stranger"
The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson. Faves: "Like Mother Used to Make" and "Flower Garden"
Legend of Nezha (哪吒传奇) - the 2003 cartoon
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone
Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Lucie Babbidge's House by Sylvia Cassedy
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
Pinocchio (2022) - dir. Guillermo del Toro and Mark Gustafson
Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore
You Suck by Christopher Moore
Bite Me by Christopher Moore
Disliked and usually DNF
Guardian (cdrama)
The Gameshouse by Claire North
Kim's Convenience - show
Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire
Victoriocity - podcast
Sporadic Phantoms - podcast
Guardians of Childhood series by William Joyce - okay I finished it out of loyalty but it was no rotg that's for sure
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Keep Your Hands off Eizouken - anime
Arcane - show
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender
Willful Creatures by Aimee Bender
The Color Master by Aimee Bender
Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire
Megan's Island by Willo Davis Roberts (reread)
First Light by Rebecca Stead
Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead
The Apothecary by Maile Meloy
To Your Eternity - anime
Bloomability by Sharon Creech
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) dir. Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert
Malevolent - podcast
Midnight Burger - podcast
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
Carter & Lovecraft by Jonathan L. Howard
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
M.E. and Morton by Sylvia Cassedy
Forty Stories by Donald Barthelme
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
The Bird's Nest by Shirley Jackson
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix Harrow
The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
The Stench of Adventure (podcast)
We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
Assorted nonfiction
Songs of the Gorilla Nation by Dawn Prince-Hughes
The Organized Mind by Daniel J Levitin - nothing new except for the part about using your spatial memory to hack organization.
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker - how to organize social gatherings for meaningful and memorable experiences
Rust: the Longest War by Jonathan Waldman - investigative journalism book about corrosion, the hazard it presents to physical infrastructure, and how we mitigate it
Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8 by Naoki Higashida
Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life by Yiyun Li - DNF
The One-Minute Manager: The World's Most Popular Management Method by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson - techniques for one-minute goal setting, one-minute praisings, and one-minute reprimands
The Chinese Language: Its History and Current Usage by Daniel Kane. Good concise history of the development of written Mandarin Chinese and the underlying structure of the characters.
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold - essays on the American landscape and conservation ethics ca. 1950. Neat from a historical standpoint, but nothing to write home about these days. Which kinda is the point I guess.
Oregon Salmon: Essays on the State of the Fish At the Turn of the Millennium, ed. Oregon Trout
Caring for your Parents by Hugh Delehanty and Eleanor Ginzler
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat by Oliver Sacks - DNF
The Grid by Gretchen Bakke - history of how the physical and regulatory infrastructure of the American power grid was developed, and how it needs to be reimagined for the future.
Wildlife Wars : The life and times of a fish and game warden by Terry Grosz. Tales from his career as a California game warden catching poachers.
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio. DNF. author's writing voice was supremely annoying
Wilderness and the American Mind by Roderick Nash, 3rd ed (1982) (reread) - history of Americans' changing attitudes towards nature and definitions of wilderness. A classic banger.
Black, Brown, Bruised: How racialized STEM education stifles innovation by Ebony Omotola McGee - good summary of what the successful programs for STEM students of color are doing right, everything else is the same old same old
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb. Account of the experience of going through therapy while working as a therapist. Excellent look at how we construct our personal narratives, and how to change them.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Gremmy, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. Strategies for having effective high-stakes conversations and managing your emotions. Good stuff.
Engineering and Social Justice by Donna Riley. Pretty entry-level, but it's a good bibliography for further reading.
Send in the Idiots by Kamran Nazeer
Why Are We Yelling? The art of productive disagreement by Buster Benson - DNF. disliked his writing style.
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angelfoodcake222 · 2 years
Title: Soft!Villain!Bruno x Outsider!Female!reader (Pt. 1/?)
TW [Trigger Warning]: Abuse, slander/villainizing, arranged marriage (not to Bruno), running away, NSFW/NSFS/mature content with just a touch of fluff. Translations at the end. Enjoy
[I know that's Camillo but just roll with it for the story's sake]
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You were the woman of Encanto's peaks. The outsider. Of course, the fellow outcast you were playfully fighting with over your mountain-based home's floor, equally tipsy after a few too many glasses of something strong from a dark bottle pinched from Julieta's stash, didn't care in the slightest about such titles.
Such designations were always useless & grew generic over time. The play fighting had started over you two mocking each other's physical integrity in a wrestling match & soon, kittenish slap fighting at your two-person table moved to the floor with rolls & noogies. How had you two ended up here, horsing around in your house, far from the footing of its base that you left in favor of somewhere in your teens, without a care in all of La Encanto? Let's turn back the clock a bit.
You had lived in these mountains since the night your own parents voiced their abhorrent thoughts about you & how they only kept you because of their lack of fertility compacted with the small population of the freshly settled Encanto weighing on their choices. You had been born nearly two years after the Madrigal Triplets, thus you often snuck off from your strict parents to hide in Casita Madrigal with the only near-aged children you knew whenever things were getting to be too much for even you.
It [Casita] always welcomed you with a waving window shutter, tiles tumbling rhythmically, general nice greetings you comprehended to mean love. You learned to cook alongside Julieta, soothe &/or outlast Pepa's rapidly shifting mood-driven climates, but most of all, you learned more about the family's black sheep; Bruno Madrigal. The soul son of Pedro & Alma Madrigal. You learned his habits, interests, likes, dislikes, the names of his little furry friends, but most importantly, you learned more about his gift. Julieta has healing abilities, Pepa has weather abilities, & Bruno has the gift of prophecy; though he referred to it as a curse when out of Alma's earshot.
Yes, he could foresee events before they happen (mostly dreadful ones), but this came at a cost like the other gifts. Debilitating headaches/migraines/cluster migraines, energy plunges, singed fingers from starting the little fire that sat between him & the most likely ill-mannered recipient of his vision(s), chronic nose bleeds. All were bad enough as is, but the people & his own family began villainizing & slandering him even though he was only doing as he was told by his Mámá. This upset you a fair deal, but Bruno assured you he was fine. The placement of his room said otherwise. It was between his sisters' rooms, but it had moved, or rather, shaped itself into a tower.
By the time both of you had reached your late teens, your parents tried to marry you off to one of Bruno's main bullies that had picked on you for sympathizing with the head family's outcast of a son. Obviously, you objected strongly which was met with scathing responses from both of your parents about how ungrateful you were. You snapped back with your long-suppressed thoughts on them & the village you had grown to loathe in your considerably short lifetime at that time. You defended your dearest friend, stating that he was most likely given such a gift to aid the people in preparing for oncoming tragedies in their lives or to brace for it so they'd never have to suffer again as they did not too long ago, at least; a priceless gift when wielded & responded to correctly. Venomous words shot from your mouth until something stopped you midsentence.
At first, you only heard the slap & noticed your eyes' focus had moved from your enraged parent to the wall beside you, the stinging came soon after. When you slowly looked back to your still-scolding parent who was ignoring the equally stunned parent behind them, all you could hear is ringing in your ear. Without eating, you were sent to your room where you found your things already packed up. That is, if they weren't thrown away first, should they not fit with your parent's ideas of "fitting" or "perfect". You sat on your bare bed, spotting the large, handmade, leather overnight bag you had assembled hanging over one of your rocking chair's arms negligently, your ruana you made to be the same as Bruno's but in your favorite colors draped over the other soaking up the last bit of daylight as the sun set rapidly, & the few casual one-piece dresses that had been tossed onto the floor alongside your second pair of casual sandals.
A pristine, white, multi-piece dress hung pridefully on a hook nailed to your door with a veil & brand new wedding sandals hanging on the wall-bound rack beside it. It made you want to burn that house to the ground but then you'd hurt innocent people in a fling of rage when your anger bolted for those guilty of causing it.
"Suficiente es suficiente." you mutter to yourself with clenched fists.
Without raising your parents' suspicions from downstairs, you stood from your miserable cot, packed the leather bag with the discarded dresses & sandals, a brush some ties for your hair, your thick journal you had hidden in the floorboards with many pencils before cloaking yourself in the hooded ruana & snaking your way out of your room's window, silently making your way through the balmy night to Casita.
More specifically, you walked to the side of Bruno's recently formed tower. Its bricks move & shift to your aid as you scaled the side like a scene out of a fairytale. Once you reached one of his opened windows, you see Bruno curled up in his bed with his small companions resting on the pillow beside him. Casita welcomed you into the young man's room with fluttering shutters, as it had done countless times on nights like these, knowing the pain you were feeling better than anyone. You give the pane a doting pat before sliding your feet to the floor.
Your favorite times were when it shifted the stairs up to his room to be a sort of reversed slide that brought you up to & down from his slowly rising room that's been developing gradually over time. The two of you would spend hours going up & down, your coupled laughs echoing in the space around you. You know no one will be able to hear you in his room unless they were there with you or had a superhuman hearing, so you walk normally to his bedside with his back turned to you.
"Psst! Bruno? Are you awake?" You gently give his shoulder a poke. He stirs & rolls over to groggily question why you were in his room so late in the night, rubbing his olive greens to adjust to the moon's soft light filtering into his room through the open window. Once you give an abridged gist of what happened & he sees the darkening handprint on your face, he wakes up fully. If you hadn't managed to calm him down, who knows what he'd done?
When he does start talking angrily, you press your fingertips to his lips softly, silently asking your beloved childhood friend to calm himself before he drives himself into one of his frazzled frenzies. You almost hadn't noticed the peach fuzz there, lining his edges in an almost target-like pattern, that fuzz you had idly fidgeted with when the two of you shared a book he was holding when it had just started growing almost a year ago.
"I came to say that you're the only person in all of Encanto that I can trust. That means you are the only one to who I can say this with all of my confidence; I am going to the mountains & I might not be returning until this agujero del infierno gets any better, maybe less cruel. You may visit me if you wish. I'll set up a hidden path you can use to come & go as you please but you have to be careful so nobody follows you."
You pause to allow your words to soak into his memory a bit better. His face showed many emotions. Too many to be read in the moment. You weren't sure if he was about to talk again, but you were sure of his questions.
Can I come with you? The community may not like him, but you know he'd be miserable without his sisters with him. True, Pepa has been showing some aggression towards him since they were children, but Julieta still loves him dearly. That, & his Mámá would find a seamless way to convince the whole of Encanto to search from the peeks of its encircling mountains to the bottoms of the rivers for the black sheep of the Madrigal triplets, no excuses. That could lead to not only him being punished somehow, but you meeting the non-consented marital trial you were trying to avoid.
Will you be okay on your own? Yes, you had been learning how to survive in the mountains from years of running off for a night or two at times when your parents basically turned the village upside down looking for you, including La Casita Madrigal. Señora Alma was not happy about the sudden searches, not at all. Thankfully for you, Julieta convinced her to let you come back whenever she was baking as the company kept her sane in the more pressured times. Plus, more food meant more healing & less waiting.
Will you visit? Not in the conventional sense. You'd most likely find a tucan that lives in the peaks & ask them to bring him letters you'd probably have to tear from your journal pages for easy carrying. Returning to the place you viewed as a large, enchanted form of imprisonment is a definite no-go. Not anytime soon, at least.
You softly smile at the soul person who treated you as an equal, planting a soft kiss on his warm, peach-fuzz-blanketed cheek & backed up with a meek gesture, sliding from the window to the ground with Casita's (mostly) soundless help. Waving tepidly to the young man who held your heart then & now, you vanish into the mountains to start a life all your own with an inadvertently theatric flair of your ruana's long, laced fabrics.
The trek about the mountains was filled with turmoil, self-degradation, & a deep wish to have a home... With Bruno Madrigal. Yes, he was & is your bestest friend in the world & your only true confidante, but there was something deeper there that you had just been waxing over since you first met him upon his Mamá's insistent attempts for you, the lone undating girl in your family, to have your future read.
You were told your future would be read, not asked. That was one of the many things that drew you two so close together & the fuel to that spark quickly emerging from its nook. If you remember correctly, he foretold you would be separated from your family for your own good, which you prayed for from then to now. So lost in your thoughts of living with that olive-eyed darling, you didn't notice the scenery shifting around you. Much to your astonishment, the mountains act like Casita but with a more nature-like aesthetic. It even spawned you a sort of hut that grew & matured with you over time; from a hut to a small house. A place where you'd be safe no matter what. Your querencia.
Years passed, rendering you into a lovely woman in your mid/late twenties with your Querido Bruno not too far from your age. The search for you was expansive, but the mountains refused to let the party exceed a few paces past its base which effectively trapped anyone explicitly seeking you out. Well, those who sought to entrap you, to ensnare you in their web of demands. Only one man was exempt from such barriers.
Bruno Madrigal; your macizo, your bombón, your amado, adorador amante~. Your recollections tapped out once you found yourself pinned to the floor by said ameante via your palms. Not roughly, just strong enough to get your attention. Bruno & you were giggling up a fit until he can mostly gather himself enough to speak.
"Diosa, Y/N! Usually, you're the winner of these things. What's in that mente deslumbrante of yours tonight?" You chuckle, blushing at the closing proximity, turning your head to the side.
"It's nothing, Bruno. Just a trip down memory lane is all."
"Oh~? Pray tell, what lane did you go down this time?" He rests most of his lower body's weight over your lower self, an act both of you have done many times before, now was no exception, while sipping on the last of his nightcap he had plucked from the table after pining you down. You hesitate shortly, eventually asking if he remembered the first time the two of you had ever met in your youths. He blinks at you, those lush olive oases you have only fallen deeper into since day one not batting or moving from yours for a second until he spoke.
"How could I forget?" He set his drink to the side, slowly rested his upper body's weight on his hands' heels pressing into the floor on either side of you, leaning back to let you turn your head to him after you got the last few chuckles out of your system, then began giving his account of that day. It was somewhere between morning & noon when your parents brought you to have your fortune told. You looked so beautiful, & yet so internally overwrought: A formal maxi dress colored in (your) personally unfavored hues with boring details & trimmings, your hair stylized to fit the occasion, less-than-comfortable shoes despite his Mámá's warnings of the many steps leading to his vision cave though there weren't so many back then. That's not to say there weren't a decent few to climb. The stairs never bothered you, nor the heights, you focused on what awaited you at their end.
You had to go in alone for the reading to be performed as 'perfectly' as possible. 'Perfect', Bruno hated that word more than you did. Something he heard so much that the word & all its implications held nothing for him now. When you arrived at his cave's stone door, it rolling aside for your huffing self, he couldn't take his eyes off of you for a moment. The chastely authentic politeness you expressed to him, a 'being of bad visions, prophecies & sealed fates' as the whole of the Encanto put it, made him so happy to have you there yet grieved over the reading as it would undoubtedly yield a bad vision. You assured him that, since it wasn't your idea in the first place, you wouldn't be mad or upset, you wouldn't even so much as cast a vorpal glare on him. With that & your soft encouragement, the reading began.
In the spirals of green-lit sand, you saw yourself climbing the peaks surrounding the Encanto in a long, hooded ruana like his but in your style & favored hues, its soft-laced ends whipping in the wind as your hood flipped back to show you as a young woman. That was all good & strong imagery, but your eyes were the crowning jewel of the vision; mountainous, Casita-like background be damned. Your elder double's [E/C] eyes were highlighted by [F/C] halos, completely tearing through the ill-illuminated sands as she reached out to who you both thought was yourself at that time.
The sands fell all around & over you, distracting you from Bruno plucking a pane of emerald-like glass from its levitating position that neared him, using it as a shield against the plummeting grains. Being his first decent (not bad/horrible/disastrous) vision, Brunito was stunned, to say the least, your sporadic hug of thanks stunned him further but he found it in himself not to cower back or shove you off. Habits that swiftly formed for obvious reasons.
After you went back to your parents, he stashed the vision & followed in your shadow, keeping hidden from everyone with a bit of Casita's help as you slow to a full stop ahead of the table where your parents & Senora Madrigal sat waiting for you, cups of respective drinks before them. When asked about your experience, he tensed in preparation of the usual slander but true to your initial nature, you smile.
"I'll be living a healthy, happy life with my beloved." Your cheery smile & dancing steps made the three adults sigh in relief. The rest of your youth was spent adhering to your parents' wishes & doing as you were told until the night you left for the mountain, just as Brunito predicted. He hated seeing your beautiful visage singed by the scathing words of those around you, so much to the point where he was willing to commit to the vision himself, family name be condemned.
Bruno had stuck to the background, ever as pleased as the first time when you'd stop to speak with him. He still has that vision safely stashed away in his room somewhere. He finishes the tale off by noting how much he despised your parents & his confusion about how someone as sweet as you came from a couple of sour Tiranos like them. You smirk, asking him how someone as [adorably] imperfect & scruffy came from someone like Señorita Eterna Perfeccionista, earning a stalemate of chortles. The giggles stop once Bruno stands & hoists you to your bare feet.
"Come, My Lady, let's take another stroll before we end our night together." You obliged merrily, slipping ahead while pulling him through the now-opened door of your home. The walk was lovely; a crescent moon, stars as far as the eye can see, nothing can be heard but the natural lullaby of the local fauna surrounding you both. On one steep incline in front of your front door, one you had adapted to quickly, you turned around to extend your open hand to assist Bruno past that spot. However, he froze there, staring at you in awe. You blink, nervously laughing at his bizarre shift in behavior until you simultaneously connected the dots. He spoke, whispered:
"La visión era de nosotros!"
Mámá = Mama/Momma, mom, mother, etc.
Casita = house/home.
Agujero del infierno = Hellhole (???)
Querencia = haunt.
Querido = dear.
Macizo = solid, strong (???)
bombón = like chocolate, scrumptious
amado, adorador amante = beloved, adoring lover.
Diosa = (fem.) "Jeez!"
Mente deslumbrante = dazzling mind
La Encanto = The Enchanted/Enchantment.
Suficiente es suficiente = Enough is enough
Tiranos = Tyrants
Señorita Eterna Perfeccionista = Miss Eternal Perfectionist
La visión era de nosotros! = "The vision was of us!"
A/N: WHOO💨!!!! This took way too long to do! 😵‍💫 I hope y'all enjoyed it! Sorry if this came out too mild for an M rating but I was just being cautious. The next part will be spicy, scouts' honor. I might write some more of this if it gains enough traction, but we'll see. Leave requests in the comments here or message me. You can find me on Wattpad by the moniker of Angel_Foodie_99.
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avatarvyakara · 2 years
Encantubre: What It Means to Me
Tres: Tragedy
“Ay, Bruno,” murmurs Alma, “could you not try to give us a happier story?”
* * *
Julieta finds herself cataloguing weaknesses, not out of any desire to act upon them but in the hopes of diminishing them. Pepa can become too involved in things, feeling with all her heart. Bruno tends to back away from the point, then sink into self-caused loneliness—it’s getting worse as he grows older. Mamá has always been good at denial, Félix at being a little too blunt sometimes. Her Tino’s fatal flaw is a tendency to assume flaws won’t be fatal.
And Julieta’s? Well, if she’s flattering herself, she’d say a compulsive need to be over-prepared for the worst.
Unfortunately, she also sometimes stays a step or two back in terms of “How bad can this actually get?”
Because the encanto would stop the worst.
* * *
“She’s speaking out at her sister’s proposal,” sobs Pepa, while Bruno tucks a towel around her shoulders. “She risked everything on a single gambit, and it failed!”
“What? No!”
“I know! All that effort, and she—”
Surprisingly, when she reads stories which lead even the heavens to weep, Pepa always manages to keep the books dry.
* * *
“Seriously, Mamá,” insists Bruno, “it’s cathartic.”
“Brunito, how is it cathartic that Paola’s secret lover is actually her amnesiac uncle? In what possible universe is that cathartic?”
“…Mamá, for the love of God, do not, and I cannot stress this enough, ever visit Macondo.”
* * *
Everyone knows about Bruno’s stories. Not just his predictions, sure, everyone knows about those. But for people his age, Bruno’s stories are the clincher. When the prophet is actually out and about in town—less and less these days—he always carries a small, leather-bound notebook he got for his quinceañero. Occasionally some of the better ideas Bruno will submit to the village for production purposes; the rest he puts on himself with his pet rats.
Of course, that’s only one part of the entertainment. (Félix, personally, is a wizard at game shows.) But it’s the part that gains the most scrutiny around town, as villagers try to guess how much of his prophecies Bruno is trying to sneak in, and for whom they are intended.
After all, nobody particularly wants an unhappy ending. At least for themselves.
* * *
“You see, if everyone uses up a finite resource without proper management, the resource gets used up,” explains Agustín the amateur economist. “It could be literally anything—the air, the ocean, fertile land—but it needs checking up on and it needs some kind of regulation. You can’t use too much of it. Otherwise everyone starts getting less, maybe someone gets nothing at all, and then if someone takes too much the whole ‘commons’ just collapses.”
“Hmmmm,” says Señora Alma thoughtfully.
“Please pass the corn?” emphasizes Pepa.
* * *
“Plants die sometimes, mija,” soothes Mamá, as baby Isabela sniffles into her dress. “It’s not the end of the world.”
* * *
“So Luz is in love with Emilio, who favours Catalina, who can’t get married because her twin brother Carlos forbade her from doing so until he got married, only his fiancée ran away with a llama-herder—”
“Um, Dolores?” asks Mariano, raising a hand. “Just how does this relate to Manolo’s novia actually being his aunt who has amnesia?”
“We’re getting there, cariño. Now—”
“I can’t believe she actually remembered the plots!” squeals Tío Bruno to himself.
“I still can’t believe you trashed Dante’s character arc to make room for Joaquin!”
“Pepa, it’s been thirty-seven years—”
* * *
“—so if you all eat too much without making sure there’s time for it to grow back, you’re all going to be left with no grass,” finishes Luisa.
The donkeys stare at her. Then they look meaningfully at Antonio.
“I think they liked it!” he chirps. “I mean, Diana doesn’t think it’s possible—I…think? Something about ‘Self-matriculating dynamic resource infrastructure compartmentalization’. Whatever that means. But they think it’s a good argument for a first try.”
Luisa beams. “And how about you, cuz? What’s your side of things?”
Antonio shrugs. “I guess it makes sense. But it’s gonna be tough to explain to the fruit bats. They think it all grows on trees only for them.”
“Uh…doesn’t it?” asks Cecilio the mailman, scratching his head. “You know, grow on trees.”
“Not coconuts! They come from the sea, like fish!”
Cecilio and Luisa share a glance.
“I’m gonna tell him.”
“Don’t you dare.”
(Childhood innocence is a precious thing, and to be mourned terribly when lost.)
* * *
“Tell anyone about it and you’re very definitely dead.”
“It’s not such a big deal. So you’re sneaking Tía Pepa’s books by Candelario Obeso and reading them in the dark. So what?”
“It’s a reputation thing.”
“Camilo, it’s just poetry. It’s not going to eat you. Mariano does poetry and nobody gives him a hard time.”
“Actually this is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Obeso’s translation is still considered the best.”
“…huh. Any good?”
“I know every single inch of a church on the other side of the world and I still have no idea what’s going on.”
* * *
Mirabel, for one, is utterly perplexed by the singing goats.
* * *
The adults try not to trouble Antonio with things.
He does appreciate it, for what it’s worth. He knows it’s not the easiest, being a Madrigal, and that they’ve all had to be strong—what they thought of as strong—for ten times as long as he’s been alive. But there are little cracks in the walls they put up, and through them comes a certain kind of dark thought that honestly he wishes he never knew about.
He knows Abuela still cries for Abuelo at night. He knows Tía Julieta is worried sick about not being able to make as much food as she used to, and what that does to everyone. He knows Mami sometimes gets in a horrible funk, and it’s all Papi can do to keep her upright. He knows Tío Bruno still flinches in full daylight, or whenever someone outside the family calls his name. He knows about Dolores trying to deal with the hurt done by everyone in the village to one another, Isabela choking on the roses she’s had to make, Luisa breaking down when she wasn’t strong enough, Camilo fearing his powers make him into a monster, Mirabel being terrified that her lack of powers—at least the lack of powers she thought she had—could hurt him, hurt the family.
What strikes Antonio is that none of these things are short-term. There was something that started it off, sure, but the real sadness came in when his family, each in their own way, realized that this was their life now. In a way, a part of them gave up searching for something better. That’s the worst of it, really—if any of Antonio’s animal friends did that, he’d be worried sick that they just would give up and…and die. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, but it had to be this way, so they’d just have to deal with it.
With the Animals, the stories are surprisingly similar. (Parce still gets nightmare about pelts.) But they have hope in him, their human friend who can understand them and, they say, make the room so much brighter. Just like he’s always wanted to do.
When his greediness caused Casita to fall down, he thought his animal friends thought him to be as good as dead.
But the thing about plays like that is that there’s always a chorus. And Mirabel’s chorus—at least that’s what Camilo tells him—is the thing that got them back their house.
(The absolute worst of it is, if he’d just been a little older, maybe he wouldn’t have collapsed Casita in the first place.)
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captainpetebradshaw · 2 years
Movie Diary 2022
And here's my movie diary for 2022. Once again, these are the movies that I watched for the first time this year - no rewatches. And despite seeing Top Gun: Maverick a total of 17 times this year, I managed to see 113 other movies (3 more than 2021!). As always, my favorites are bolded.
1 Belle
2 Encanto
3 Don't Look Up
4 Sing 2
5 Ghostbusters: Afterlife
6 Stephen King: A Necessary Evil
7 New Gods: Nezha Reborn
8 A Hero
9 In The Heights
10 Riders of Justice
11 Shiva Baby
12 Bigbug
13 Being the Ricardos
14 Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
15 Nightmare Alley
16 The Worst Person in the World
17 Parallel Mothers
18 The Adam Project
19 Turning Red
20 Bright Night (Nachthelle)
21 Spencer
22 Cheaper by the Dozen (2022)
23 Coda
24 The Monkey King: Reborn
25 Moonshot
26 Skyscraper
27 Dein Leben gehört mir
28 The Bubble
29 The Bad Guys
30 The Karate Kid
31 Stand by Me
32 The Karate Kid Part II
33 Uncharted
34 The Karate Kid Part III
35 The Outfit
36 The Batman
37 Everything Everywhere All at Once
38 So Close
39 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
40 Our Father
41 White Hot: The Rise & Fall of Ambercrombie & Fitch
42 The Tragedy of Macbeth
43 Mostly Minimalistic (Alles in bester Ordnung)
44 Official Competition
45 Licorice Pizza
46 Song Lang
47 Pariah
48 Love My Life (2006)
49 The Unbearable Wight of Massive Talent
50 Fire Island
51 Show Me Love
52 I Care a Lot
53 Top Gun
54 Benedetta
55 Top Gun: Maverick
56 Crush
57 Paris, 13th District
58 Jerry & Marge Go Large
59 Thor: Love & Thunder
60 Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
61 The Bob's Burgers MOvie
62 The Sea Beast
63 The Affairs of Julia
64 Broker
65 Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2
66 The Lost City
67 Prey
68 Decision to Leave
69 Nope
70 The Roundup
71 DC League of Super-Pets
72 Emergency Declaration
73 The Client
74 Jerry Maguire
75 Do Revenge
76 Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3
77 Risky Business
78 Titane
79 Losin' It
80 Bodies Bodies Bodies
81 Raw
82 War Dogs
83 X
84 Black Adam
85 Valkyrie
86 Bone Tomahawk
87 Pearl
88 Ginger Snaps
89 Bros
90 The Innocents (2021)
91 See How They Run
92 Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
93 Enola Holmes 2
94 Three Thousand Years of Longing
95 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
96 Ticket to Paradise
97 The Wonder
98 The Menu
99 Collateral
100 Cha Cha Real Smooth
101 Footloose (2011)
102 My Father's Dragon
103 Eastern Promises
104 Interview with the Vampire
105 Moon-young
106 Bullet Train
107 Oblivion
108 War of the Worlds
109 Herman Kills!
110 Troll
111 Bleed for This
112 Argentina, 1985
113 Meet the Parents
114 Meet the Fockers
115 Avatar: The Way of Water
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jaspers47 · 2 years
I watched 154 movies in 2022
Five Stars
Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood (2022) Bergman Island (2021) Blonde Crazy (1931) Blow-Up (1966) Cryptozoo (2021) Decision to Leave (2022) Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) Glass Onion (2022) The Hunger (1983) It Came from Hollywood (1982) Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2022) Minari (2020) Mona Lisa (1986) Never Let Me Go (2010) Night on Earth (1991) Nope (2022) Pearl (2022) Tár (2022) Turning Red (2022) Wolfwalkers (2020) The Worst Person in the World (2021)
Four Stars
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (2021) The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) Black Swan (2010) Blackmail (1929) Bullet Train (2022) Captain Blood (1935) Christmas in Connecticut (1945) CODA (2021) Confess, Fletch (2022) Doctor Sleep (2019) Dune (2021) Encanto (2021) The Fabelmans (2022) The Firemen's Ball (1967) First Blood (1982) Five Came Back (1939) Flee (2021) Gentleman's Agreement (1947) Gilda (1946) The Gospel of Eureka (2018) Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) Harvey (1950) House/Hausu (1977) The Hustler (1961) Hustlers (2019) Kajillionaire (2020) The Killing (1956) Kimi (2022) Kiss of Death (1947) The Menu (2022) Moonwalker (1988) The Mouse That Roared (1959) My Dinner with Andre (1981) The Northman (2022) Parallel Mothers (2021) The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019) Predator (1987) Prey (2022) The Punk Singer (2013) Quatermass II/Enemy From Space (1957) Relaxer (2018) Saint Maud (2019) The Seven-Ups (1973) Thelma (2017) Watcher (2022) We're All Going to the World's Fair (2022) Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) X (2022)
Three and a Half Stars
The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022) The Booksellers (2019) Blade II (2002) Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul (2022) Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) My Name is Julia Ross (1945) Onibaba (1964) The Party (1968) Pygmalion (1938) The Quatermass Xperiment/The Creeping Unknown (1955) The Song Remains the Same (1976) Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022) Wendell & Wild (2022) Yours, Mine and Ours (1968)
Three Stars
Amistad (1997) The Bank Dick (1940) The Batman (2022) Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022) Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) Cries and Whispers (1972) Crimes of the Future (2022) Drive My Car (2021) The Earrings of Madame de... (1953) Emily the Criminal (2022) The Funhouse (1981) Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Inland Empire (2006) Jennifer's Body (2009) Jubilee (1978) Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1982) Life of Pi (2012) Linda Linda Linda (2005) Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938) Lucy and Desi (2022) Nobody (2021) Opening Night (1977) Pretending I'm a Superman: The Tony Hawk Video Game Story (2020) Repeat Performance (1947) See How They Run (2022) Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) Strawberry Mansion (2022) Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021) The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) A Woman is a Woman (1961) Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995) White Zombie (1932) WNUF Halloween Special (2013)
Two and a Half Stars
Babylon (2022) Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan (2020) Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood (2017) Thunderball (1965)
Two Stars
Doctor Mordrid (1992) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) Enchanted (2007) Hardcore Henry (2015) The House (2022) My Fair Lady (1964) My Name is Emily (2015) The Princess (2022) Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Rosaline (2022) Strange World (2022) Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Treasure of the Amazon (1985) Werewolves Within (2021) Willy's Wonderland (2021) Winnie the Pooh (2011)
One Star
Beyond Atlantis (1973) Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000 (1999) The Crawling Hand (1963) Daddy-O (1958) Demon Squad (1999) Hello Again (1987) Indestructible Man (1956) Munchie (1992) Operation Kid Brother (1967) The Rebel Set (1959) Santo in the Treasure of Dracula (1969) Robot Jox 2: Robot Wars (1993) Shadow in the Cloud (2020) The She-Creature (1956)
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