#HVS visibility
oonajaeadira · 2 years
Would all of the boys you write for be okay if reader had hsv-1 below the belt? I've been struggling w/ my new status and have tried to seek comfort in fic. My best friends have told me the virus is morally neutral, but the stigma thanks to it hurts so much. I just wish more people understood exactly what hsv is, that people don't experience symptoms all the time, and that about 1 out of 6 people in the US experience hsv-1 or 2 below the belt.
I'm so so sorry there's such a stigma around it, love. There needs to be more education.  And more hugs. <3 
HSV is really common 50-80% of American adults have it, and an average of 66% worldwide. And--THE MORE YOU KNOW!--chickenpox, shingles, and mono are in the same family of viruses as HSV. So that racks up the numbers of viral carriers even higher, very nearly to 100%.
I mean, yeah, most people would like to not have it, but the same could be said for chickenpox or covid or athlete's foot or HPV or or pink-eye (literally getting poop molecules in your eye!). Humans are social creatures and we get social bugs. There are ways to keep from getting it / spreading it, but the same can be said for all those things I just mentioned too. Nobody should be stigmatized for it and a good partner wouldn't let it stand in their way if they loved someone.
And if someone acts out of fear toward it, it's because they have not educated themselves on its commonality and it's mostly non-issue status in most peoples’ lives. This denotes laziness and lack of compassion. (Learn to recognize this. It will look different from those who may seem freaked out at first but at least ask questions and are willing to put in the work and learn. Those are partners worth being with.)
That being said, reactions from the boys as I believe them to be?
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(gif by thewaythisis)
Just by nature of lifestyle and their societies, I wouldn't be surprised if Pero and Ezra were in your club; it's common enough that in their times it is most likely a fact of life. If not, they most likely have viruses of their own they are harboring, so there's going to be no judgement there. Pero wouldn't know what you're talking about. He only cares that you're willing and warm and--though he won't admit it--that you're good to him. Ezra though? Be up front and honest with him before you take him to bed...and then be prepared for him to give you a wicked grin and be honest right back. You might even find that you've both just found someone you may not need to use protection with.... Although with canon Ezra, there's a chance you still might want some, heads up. Totally worth it. Enjoy the ride and please send updates.
Dieter's been around. He's the kind of dude where, if you followed him up to his room after agreeing to have sex with him, he's gonna turn to you the minute the door's closed. He's gonna ask you about your history while he's shucking his crocs and robe, listening and giving impatient little "uh huh"s and "right"s. Then he's going to slap on a condom, throw himself on the bed, and ask you to use him. Someone who's that easy about sex is also easy about everything that comes with it and knows the best way to go about it so everyone has a good time. He doesn't give a shit about much because he understands it's nothing to give a shit about, just ride him already and tell him he's a dirty boy. He's tired of waiting.
With Din, he lives in the Star Wars galaxy. They have inoculations and cures for everything. Eff. Lose a limb? They build you another. Have terrible burns? Breathing machines and exoskeletons for you. Anything else that ails? They have the almighty BACTA. There's a good chance if he were to join you in the HSV dance, he'd just treat any symptoms with some bacta patches and get back to kicking ass and being sweet. What's the worst that can happen? He gets a few unsightly sores on his face now and then? ... You realize he lives under a helmet, right? This dude has scars bigger than you. He's frankly confused as to why you feel it's even an issue. He loves a weird little green alien that tried to choke Cara with its mind and eats people's spawn. You think a little thing like this is gonna keep his heart from pounding after you if it wants to? You realize the man's a warrior, right?
Javi loves with his whole heart and you can't convince me otherwise. If he loves you, nothing else matters but making you smile.
You know who is one of the smartest of the boys and would have no concerns? The Thief. He's also unaffected by this detail.
Jack you're gonna have the most problems with, though. In that, if you've captured his heart, he's going to be INSUFFERABLE any time you have a flare-up. Washing your hair in the bath. Making or ordering in your favorite foods. Flowers. Surprises. Just cheesy-ass, lovey-dovey bullshit because he wants to make sure you're being taken care of. It sounds nice, but at some point, you're going to get overwhelmed. If you do, you'll have to let him know he doesn't have to coddle you, and he's gonna make excuses and back off if that's what you really want. But secretly, he loves a reason to take care of you. He wants to be your cowboy hero. So look on the bright side and find any and all ways to take advantage of that! (I suggest requesting a foot massage. You won't be sorry. Big, lasso-weilding hands...)
Now let's talk about GTTT Pats. He's got his clientele to keep track of and keep well. Regular testing is the name of the game. He's not so much worried about contracting anything himself as much as he has a duty of care to those that come to his table and his bed. But he knows what he's about, son. One doesn't take up ethical sex work without being and keeping up to date on all the medical facts on the subject. So having HSV does not preclude you from his services. He's going to check in with you prior to all appointments as he does with all his clients. And he's going to go through treatment with you as he does all his clients. If you are experiencing symptoms, he might ask you to stay home that week, just like any of his other clients with any range of health concerns. If it's manageable though, or if you're in a three-week window of your latest flare-up, he will most likely take "regular" sex off the menu. But he's still going to get you off. One of the most common triggers of an outbreak is stress, so what you need is to relax. Ergo, on his table is exactly where you need to be. And while he may not put himself inside you...there are toys. And he knows how to use them. If you're feeling up to it and not in any pain, you're getting off as many times as he can possibly get you there. As for him? You've got hands. Feet. Maybe soft breasts that can be squeezed together. A pretty ass that needs painting. *shrug* Maybe he’ll teach you how to use some toys on him. He's got other ways to get what he wants in the second hour.
I've only written sparingly for Javier, but here's what I'm gonna say about him. The man respects women, loves sleeping with them, and has slept with enough sex workers to either be one of the 66% himself or know the risks and commonalities enough to not have any issues. Either you're getting off tonight or you're not. If you'd rather not, he'll just come back around another time.
So. I hope that answers your question, dear friend. All the boys I currently write for are fkn amazing about it as far as I'm concerned. They're either not going to care or they're gonna take care. Choose your fighter.
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lizzydizzyyo · 6 months
I think what's really compelling about House's absolute unwillingness to bow down to anything or anyone (the ethical board, the law, extra rich CEO, vindictive police officer, and even the patients themselves) regardless of how absolutely batshit and downright illegal his actions are, is because it's coming from a chronically disabled person, in more ways than one.
He cannot walk without agony or his cane. His chronic and severe pain led him down the path of deep Vicodin addiction until he also becomes psychologically dependent on it too (once, Dr Cuddy gives him saline placebo and it "works", in that he is not feeling his leg pain anymore for a few hours).
He understands it deeply just how desperate people can be when they're in pain and nobody can (or are willing to) help them—at least, so far, until they land on his doorstep. Which is canonically the most extreme step patients take when everything else fails—you don't just go straight to Plainsborough Teaching Hospital and to Dr Gregory House MD's office; you have to go through dozens of other doctors in various specialties and failed treatments too.
(Although that's a separate discussion about how doctors, particularly resident ones, are overworked and underpaid and redtaped by shithead insurance companies even if they do know how to treat a patient and want to).
He knows, from the bottom of his heart, that having such a painful and life-limitting debilitating condition is comparable to hell on earth, because he has one. He knows, that despite his disability being visible to everyone, yet no one wants to put an effort to help him deal with it—is also hell on earth.
Cuddy simply throws money at him and turns the other way to his Vicodin abuse, like she is saying, "I don't care if he takes 10 Vicodin pills a day or more, and I have to pay at least $1M every year for lawsuits, as long as he gets the job done," (and when they decide to go into relationship, she immediately drops him when he relapses, even if the reason for his relapse is her—although, yes, there is another discussion to be had about keeping yourself and your child(ren) safe being a priority compared to helping an addict, recovering or not). Wilson, as loyal as he is to House, simply either enables him or lectures him without going into the root of the issue and thoroughly help House that way. His subordinates, especially after the original trio, are simply too scared, too ignorant, or too ambitious to even approach the issue and choose to keep their job than help House (also another discussion to be had about how you can't help people who don't want to help themselves and so on).
So when he sees a patient who has gone through hell trying to get a correct diagnosis and treatment, he becomes laser-focused on doing everything under the sun to get to the bottom of it and cure the patient. He doesn't care if he has to break into countless of houses (haha pun) and collect insane and probably biohazard samples to do it—he absolutely will, no question.
Yes, hate-criming and being a bigot is his favorite hobby (still livid at the asexual ep and the production's choice for the resolution, let's just say I still have beef with Hugh Laurie and the entire production team for it), and so is insulting patients in so many ways that Shakespeare would personally fly to New Jersey and shake his hands if someone manage to successfully perform necromancy on ol' Billy boy. But House is no one if not dedicated. "Yes, my patient is an idiot, everyone is an idiot too, but I WILL cure their condition like my life depends on it," is basically his middle name.
Besides, you can make the argument that he is more compassionate than all the other doctors around him, because despite his absolute disdain towards some of his patients' beliefs and stupidity, he still works his ass off to treat them. He will call your god an idiot in 7 different languages while putting you in a diagnostic machine he manipulated the whole hospital into letting him use so that you could get a test which weren't available to you before. He will tell you that your currently-happy marriage will end in a bloody divorce and your ex will leave you penniless so love is not real while injecting you with a medication he had to hack the CDC's database for.
There are even episodes that show him being truly earnest, like the clinic duty scene where he is snarky as usual to a girl who seemingly stupidly had unprotected sex until she lashes out, and House is like, "Oh shit, this is above my paygrade", and immediately goes to Cuddy with a very serious expression and no sarcastic dilly-daliying, demanding her to transfer the patient to someone else because he is not good with "curing" rape case (interesting choice on the writers' part to make the patient insist to have therapy with House, though).
There is an episode about a very workaholic woman executive in a fashion company who has tremor and partial paralysis, and later on it's shown that she seems to tie her worth as a person to her corporate success while band-aiding her deep psychological issue like her suicidal ideation, and House genuinely asks her, "Do you want to live? I cannot help you unless you want me to," or something along the line.
There is also the cursed 9-year-old terminal brain cancer episode where Chase kissed the patient (ew), where at first it shows House being a usual misanthophe to Wilson and saying, "She is not brave, it's the brain tumor clot talking because it must be near the amygdala." Later in the episode, House sits near the patient alone, and compassionately asks her if she even wants to live, going through the rest of her short-lived but horrible agony, even if they catch the clot. The surgery to find and get rid of the clot is risky and can debilitate her even more, and this is why House is laying the decision to her hands. That she gets to choose. This is what truly reveals to him that she is genuinely brave (aside from the scan showing the clot to be so far away from her amygdala), but for the wrong reason. She is brave for her mom, willing to go through horrible surgery and drag out her already painful cancer-ridden life because, "My mom needs me". When everyone is congratulating her in the end, you can tell House has a bittersweet expression of both awe towards her bravery, and sadness that this 9-year-old sick girl has to bear the brunt of her horrible pain just so that her mother is not sad. That he couldn't convince her to be a child until the nearing end of her life.
The most interesting evidence of his compassion to me is the gunman hostage episode. It might sound weird because in the whole episode, he is depicted to first want to outsmart the gunman patient, then becomes laser-focused but only because he sees it as a puzzle, then absolutely selfish and dangerous because he volunteers himself as the last hostage and gives the gun back to the guy after the MRI. I do think it's true that his dedication to solving patients-are-just-puzzle-to-me conditions shines through in the episode, especially the scene of him returning his gun, but there is something else I catch when I rewatched it before.
When the gunman patient is put in the MRI because Cameron tells him a theory through the hostage call, the remaining doctors in the room including House are wary at the gunman but also hopeful. Yet, when the result shows up on the screen, he realizes that the theory is wrong and the guy let go his only bargaining chip for nothing. If you watch this part carefully, you'll notice that House actually looks pitying and sad at the gunman's disappointed demeanor and expression. He realizes he is going to be another notch in the guy's failed doctors list, and at this point (with the gun given away and even the best, most talented doctor also not finding out what's wrong with him), the guy has given up hope that he will ever see the day he will be cured, certainly not behind the bars.
Yes, his thirst for puzzle is House's big driving force in giving back the gun, but you'll be lying to yourself if you don't notice House's compassion for the guy because he doesn't want the guy to go out empty-handed, with absolutely no more hope because House knows once they step out of the door, this guy will never, ever be allowed to be in the vicinity of any hospital or doctor ever again in his life, aside from jail's bare-minimum exams and medications. House can't handle the thought of putting someone else through his own disappointment—that nothing works to help his leg pain. He especially doesn't want to be the cause for this gunman guy's case either. Even in the end when House realizes the guy is a fucking moron because he doesn't know that Florida is, in fact, in earthwide-horizontal tropical zone and this is what stumps most of the guy's previous doctors—House still gives him a subtle salute to the guy while being handcuffed and led away, almost to say, "Enjoy your healing and the defeat of your arch nemesis The Sickness™, glad to be part of it."
Majority of his drive to stop at nothing until his patient is cured is definitely thanks to his own fucked-up leg, even if there are some dialogues with Cuddy and Stacy Warner (House's ex wife) that seem to imply he has always been a misanthrophe whose hobby is getting into malpractice (or general) lawsuits. I wholeheartedly believe that after his leg clot rendered him disabled and with chronic pain, he became much more dedicated and obsessed with getting to the bottom of a patient's medical information, even for info that seems innocuous or irrelevant that always turn out to be important (probably more like a plot armor than established characterization, to be honest), almost like this is his method of relating to the patients in his own weirdly human way, and maybe a little bit (actually, a lot) of projecting.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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spookythesillyfella · 6 months
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three cheers for trans visibility day . hip hip . yippie ..
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hmm i dont actually care much if you have "more respect" for the visibly disabled person if you don't treat everyone else with baseline equal respect or whatever you're still a crappy person
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iamnotmereally · 1 year
me when artists follow me back
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vagabond-umlaut · 5 months
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sometimes, it isn't just the weather which is comfortably warm. sometimes, it can be one person, because of another person, as well.
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gojo satoru x fem!reader; pre-relationship; gojo is a menace; you're a miniature circuit breaker; gojo calls you 'cookie'; mentions of food; i repeat: gojo is a MENACE; 610 wc; *empties a big container labelled 'fluff' into this fic*
belongs to the series 'you make my heart flutter and fibrillate' but can be treated as a stand-alone fic if you wanna
divider by @/benkeibear; pls don't plagiarise, translate or repost this; jjk isn't mine
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"do you like that dress?"
you shouldn't look this surprised, no. hell no.
you know gojo's been sitting beside you for the better part of the last fifteen minutes. and you know he has a rather sharp set of eyes, with or without his 'six eyes' activated— yet you do look surprised. terribly so— and the man wonders, what made you think he would not notice you staring at the bright piece of cloth in the shop window.
particularly when you've left your favourite ice cream on the brink of melting and falling on your uniform— not that it'll make it any dirtier though; the curses from before have done a splendid job of it...
stealing a bite from your cone, gojo plops back into his seat. the grin threatening to bloom on his lips wilts when he sees the surprise turn into something shocked, maybe even scandalised in your features— eyes wider, brows higher, lower jaw hanging lower...
he lets the grin form anyway. "what? your ice cream was melting— i cannot let the money i spent to buy it, go to waste now, can i?"
you snap your mouth close in less than an instant. then open it again to take quite a large bite from your ice cream, brows scrunching and eyes screwing close— the brain freeze gojo was in wait for, for you to suffer from, never comes.
you take a second bite, even bigger.
some part of him shrivels, disappointed— before it swells up again, at the narrowed-eye look you send his way— before it dries up a second time, when your gaze returns to the dress from before.
the fabric looks extremely dull to the sorcerer now. he kicks your leg under the table. biting back a grin when you look back at him, lips in an annoyed little frown.
although it doesn't take too long to become a smile. tired, yes. but a fond one all the same— you've always been too soft to him, haven't you?
he repeats his ask, "do you like that dress?"
"i..." your gaze drops to your ice cream for a beat. then rises. a warmth settles into your cheeks, visible and adorable. "i kind of like that dress. it looks pretty." a beat. your lips part in a tentative smile. "what do you think, gojo-san? will i look good in it?"
the addressed man pauses.
but it is not because he has to decide on an answer— the answer is a yes. a resounding yes— still, he doesn't find the voice to say the word, the monosyllable repeated over and over and over again in his brain—
"you always look beautiful to me, cookie. no matter what you wear."
the shocked, scandalised expression makes a return to your face, not a moment later than when the words leave his mouth.
only to be shoved away when you attempt to take such a huge bite of your melting ice cream, the chocolate chip treat ends up caking a big portion of the lower half of your face— from your nose and extending till your chin.
gojo doesn't bother to hold back his laughter this time— its loudness increasing at the resulting wrinkle in your nose when he reaches over to scoop up a bit of the mess with his fingers, then licks it off them—
"you're a disgusting man," you mutter, voice so mortified and frail as your gaze keeps jumping from his hand to his blindfolded eyes.
something curls up inside the sorcerer. the sensation growing worse, growing better, the longer he stares at this precious little face you've made:
"and you're a cookie— my choco chip cookie!"
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the reader is an mcb— reasons for which, i hope, u all hv understood by now 🤭🤭
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dracowars · 2 months
I know u hv a lot to do but could u do a draco x yn potter but lily n james r still alive??
part of the family | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x potter!reader
word count: 1,1k
summary: where draco meets y/n parents, james and lily, for the first time
a/n: my first os since forever!! this came in when my draco requests were still open and i loved the idea, i'm a sucker for draco x potter!reader. i'm truly sorry for taking ages, i hope you enjoy either way <3
warnings: none
universe: harry potter
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If anyone had told Draco in first year that he would be sitting at a dinner table with no other than Harry Potter himself, he would have laughed at them and asked what potion they took. But that was before he met you. Because Draco does still laugh now, but for a completely different reason: he is happy to be sitting here, next to you, in the home of the Potter family.
Your father is just telling one of his iconic stories from his time at Hogwarts, about how he and his best friends once roamed the huge halls of the castle, and the overall atmosphere in the room is so far away from what Draco usually associates with family dinners.
No tension, no awkward silence, no fear of saying or doing the wrong thing at any given moment. An hour ago, Draco would have believed that it couldn't be any other way. The second he crossed the threshold into your family's house, however, he was convinced of the opposite.
James and Lily are the kindest people Draco has ever met. They welcomed him with open arms straight away, even though they didn't even know him - expect from what is general knowledge in the wizarding world about him and specifically his family of course. And maybe from the stories Harry told them, when Draco and Harry were still very far from ever sitting anywhere near each other. But over time, many things have changed and you played a big role in improving their difficult relationship.
At first, you couldn't believe that the boy who usually treated your brother like shit had suddenly turned into a completely different person in your presence. But he did and it didn't take long until stronger feelings developed. Harry certainly couldn't believe it but here you are, eating your mum's homemade food, chatting and laughing away.
"Tell me, Draco. Have you mastered the Patronus Charm yet? Y/N told us that you tried it in Defence against the Dark Arts recently. Should have happened way earlier in my opinion, but oh well", James asks your boyfriend, a smile on his lips and genuine interest evident on his face. Draco's parents wouldn't even think of asking something like that.
"Not quite. I mean I managed it, but unfortunately it hasn't taken on a shape yet", Draco replies kindly, but doesn't maintain eye contact with James as he's too uncomfortable. You know that such an answer would probably be punished by his parents if he ever were to say it aloud in front of them, which is why you reach for his hand under the table. On his thigh, you intertwine his fingers with yours, the silver sigil ring cold against your skin. Looking at him from the side, you squeeze his hand and softly smile.
"Oh, don't worry about it, sweetheart! You'll get to it", your mother cheers him up, smiling between the two of you and you just know she saw your intertwined hands and loving gaze. You also know that Draco did not expect such a kind reaction and even though he visibly relaxes, he doesn't know what to answer.
The topic of the conversation changes and your dad can't help himself but to ask Draco all about his Quidditch tactics. Obviously, he can't tell him a lot about it since Harry is sitting right next to him, but seeing the three most important men in your life talk so passionately about something they love makes your heart jump. They keep on chatting over dinner and when it's time to clear the table, they don't even notice your mother and you collecting all the plates, too focused on their conversation.
You smile to yourself, following your mum into the kitchen where you put the dirty dishes into the sink and let the water run over them. Immediately, you notice her staring at you with a soft smile on her lips.
"What?", you ask, not being able to hide your own smile.
"Nothing. It's just..", she says, stopping herself as if to think how to best phrase her next words. "You two remind me a lot of your dad and I when we were younger."
"Yes. The banter, the loving gazes, the not keeping your hands off each other", she giggles, drying the dishes you hand her with a towel. "From what I have seen so far, I feel like you're truly meant for each other. It seems like you compensate the weakness of the other."
"Mum, stop it", you chuckle, feeling the blush creep onto your cheeks but you know that she is right. She always is. And you truly feel like you can be yourself when Draco is around so you are glad that she genuinely accepts him.
"Don't tell your brother or your dad that I said that though", she then laughs, both of you knowing that the Potter men can be really protective. The moment Draco enters the kitchen, you stifle your laughter.
"Can I help you with something, Mrs. Potter?", he asks your mum politely and the knowing smile on your mother's face is so obvious you want to sink into the ground.
"Draco, how often do I need to tell you that you can call me Lily-"
"We're almost done, but thank you so much for offering. We'll be right back", you answer and Draco nods, leaving again.
"He is so sweet! What a gentleman!", your mum almost squeaks but lowers her voice so he can't hear her anymore. All you can hear as an immediate response to your mother's comment is a snort, coming from Harry who just entered the kitchen with two glasses, putting them into the sink.
"You're just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend", you mock him while your mum tries to hide her giggle.
"You had all the guys of Hogwarts at your disposal and you seriously went for Draco Malfoy", is all Harry says before leaving again, but deep down you know that if they truly hated each other the way they always pretend they do, they would not be sitting at a table together and they would definitely not be talking about Quidditch.
"He'll come around, don't worry", your mum tells you, stroking over your shoulder as she finishes drying off the last glass. Once all the dishes are back where they belong, you go back to the dining room, happy to see that they are still chatting away.
When Draco meets your gaze, he reaches for your hand and helps you sit down on your seat again. From the corner of your eye you see your parents looking at each other, understanding the other without a word and you can't stop thinking about what your mum just told you about their own young love back then.
"I hope we will do this more often from now on", your dad says, smiling. "And I do not accept a no because you, Draco, are part of the family now."
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Nothing in the way of us | Jaemin
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Idol!Jaemin x Reader Word count: 3405 Genre: smut Warning: Sex but vanilla sex, reader is on pill, slight mention of body fluids. MINORS DON’T INTERACT, THIS IS A +18 STORY Author: Maari Note: This is for my best friend Bia that spend the entire weekend suffering over na jaemin and gave me inspiration. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't have time to proofread. Request: Can i hv a request? Jaemin smut fluff where he just come back from work after 1 month outstation and being apart from his gf and the only thing in his head is he wants his girlfriend sm.jaemin clingy and horny af🤣 plus cuddles!Oh yeah I prefer jm top y/n bottom.
⪢ NCT Masterlist      
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Y/N was staring intently at her boyfriend on the other side of the phone screen while her heart leapt inside her chest. She didn't want to look like a lovestruck fool, but she already missed him.
“So, how was the flight?” she asked, as he sat on the bed after entering the hotel room.
“Long.” he replied and then yawned. “We still have some time to get to the filming location, we won't go until tomorrow morning.”
"At least you'll be able to rest."
“More than I should, actually.” Jaemin lay down on the bed and Y/N frowned.
“The staff informed me as soon as I arrived that the city we are going to has no sign of anything. TV, phone. I think only radio.”
Y/N got up from the bed, sitting up better while her brain processed the information.
Wait a moment…
“Didn't you say you were going to stay there for a month?” She remembered and saw Jaemin nod in agreement, closing his eyes as he did.
“I will be without communication starting tomorrow.”
"Oh." she tried to contain the sad tone but even from miles away, Jaemin noticed.
“I know, I didn't like it either. Especially knowing that I won't see your beautiful face every day.” he spoke quickly, seeing Y/N's face turn to a pout of displeasure.
She didn't want to be selfish, she admired her boyfriend's charitable and helpful side and the pride of who he was didn't fit in her chest, but she was sad. She didn't even know if had that right, but she wasn't going to deny it or pretend she wasn't upset.
“A month without your voice is torture, you know?” she complained and Jaemin laughed out loud.
"There's a good side to that." he smiled mischievously and at the same time frightening, the way only he could do, making her raise an eyebrow waiting for the answer. “When the time comes to make up for lost time…”
Jaemin left the sentence unfinished in the air and she smiled, feeling her cheeks burn.
She had thought about what his return would be like even before Jaemin had gone.
“They say that distance increases love.”
"I want to see if you really can handle testing this." she rolled her eyes and Jaemin looked at her offended.
She didn't need to test her feelings for her boyfriend, they were clear enough.
“Are you calling me a pervert?”
She laughed. She hadn't taken the conversation that way.
“Who kept touching me inappropriately under the blanket the day all the dreamies were in the dorm watching a movie with us?” she remembered and Jaemin's smile reappeared.
“Inappropriately? If I remember correctly, you didn't complain, quite the opposite.” he raised an eyebrow quickly and she brought a hand to her mouth to contain an smile.
Nor could she complain, although they could have been caught by the boys who were close to them, Jaemin made her see stars that night.
“And I had missed you.” he justified.
"We just haven't seen each other for two weeks."
“And your point is?
She and Jaemin continued to argue that even though it had been good, it had been very dangerous and they engaged in a long conversation that was only cut short when he yawned once more on the other side of the phone screen, he was visibly tired and still refused to end  the connection. She knew why and had the same feeling, a month would be a lot for both of them but they couldn't put it off any longer.
That's why Y/N decided to end the conversation, he would wake up early the next morning and she wanted him to get enough rest because knew the recordings would be tiring, with his disapproval of course. If he could, he would spend the whole night talking to her.
"I love you." he spoke with conviction, his eyes as sad as hers.
She sighed, feeling like crying. She hated goodbyes.
“I love you too, nana.”
Y/N was bored, needy, a little irritated and anxious.
She was on her last week of vacation and her boyfriend still hadn't returned from his trip, she missed him and still didn't know when he would be back.
Well, she had marked the days on the calendar on top of her desk to get an idea of ​​when he would be coming, but so far she hadn't received any messages or calls, so she figured the filming had gone on longer.
She didn't want to look like a teenager in love who was dying without her lover, but that's exactly how she felt.
It had been more than torture to live without his morning calls, in which Jaemin's husky voice welcomed her, his tight hugs, the silly audios he sent constantly.
Jaemin knew that his voice affected Y/N so any opportunity he took advantage of.
Unwilling to get up and feeling her chest tighten with missing Jaemin, she dropped her phone carelessly on the couch and practically dragged herself to the kitchen when she saw that she wouldn't be able to prolong any longer the fact that she would have to cook.
Too busy finding the pots and ingredients, she didn't hear the apartment door sneak open, turned to fill the pot with water and set it on the stove.
"Hey, angel." Y/N felt every little hair on her body prickling, thinking she was starting to delirious, turned her body around.
Her jaw dropped and her eyes filled with tears when saw the figure of Jaemin standing in the division between the kitchen and the living room, he carried a wide smile and the suitcase was in one hand.
Stammering and not saying anything clear, she studied her boyfriend who had left his suitcase on the floor and placed his hands on his hips.
"What? I don't get a hug?” he complained and she forced her weak legs to carry her towards him.
Y/N ran, even though the apartment wasn't even that big, and threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly as he staggered backwards from the impact, he managed to stay on his feet and hugged Y/N tightly by the waist, laughing as he buried his face in her neck.
Jaemin lifted her off the floor, wrapping his other arm around her waist and pressing her against his body in a crushing, hot embrace.
She started to plant kisses over his face, still surprised, and felt him put her down, she pulled back enough to face him but still kept their bodies together.
"What are you doing here?" she asked aloud, blinking more than usual. “Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? I would have gone to the airport.”
“I wanted to surprise you.” he smiled widely and proudly, bringing her back closer, their foreheads met and she took a deep breath of her boyfriend's scent, while closing her eyes.
Y/N brought a hand to the back of his head and their noses played softly, making them both laugh and lean over to seal their lips. If Jaemin's stomach hadn't protested so loudly that it echoed through the apartment and made the two of them look at each other seriously and then laugh, accomplices.
"Okay, I guess that's our cue." she spoke before pulling away from him completely. "What do you want to eat?"
Y/N was heading back to the stove when Jaemin hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and spoke softly into her ear.
She swallowed and slowly turned to face her boyfriend, he had a playful smile on his face but his eyes said he was serious, and that made her shiver.
A month without Jaemin's touch and she was already there, totally at his mercy just by the breath in her ear and his deep voice. She slapped Jaemin lightly on the shoulder, who laughed again and returned his attention to the stove, but at no time did the boyfriend move away.
It was very hard to control herself, especially since Jaemin was holding her tightly against his chest and the hands on her waist were warm, making her heart race, but she had another priority at the moment and that was cooking.
So while she cooked for the two of them, he cuddled her with his chin resting in the same place, sometimes placing a few very innocent kisses on her neck or cheek.
It was affective, not suggestive.
When the food was ready, Y/N thought that Jaemin would leave her to get the food but he didn't.
"Aren't you going to let me go?" she asked, laughing. But it wasn't like she was feeling bad.
"No." he replied and buried his face in her neck. Y/N was tickled and laughed again, having nothing to say, she served him.
"Sit on my lap." he asked softly.
She just raised her eyebrow in silence, he was clingy and couldn't even judge him because the way he hugged was everything she wanted in the past weeks. Clinging to him without thinking about anything else, just enjoying the time she would have with him.
Her heart beat faster, she was wearing a sweatshirt and pantyhose, as thick as it was because of the cold, the barrier between the bodies would be smaller. Just imagining the friction between her ass and Jaemin's jeans was starting to make her wet.
Jaemin sat down first on the stool and brought her close, afraid to fall off the stool with him, she just joined her hips feeling a shiver go through the back of her neck, as imagined she felt the heat of Jaemin's body and his jeans felt a little tighter than usual, she tried to occupy herself with eating.
As she chewed, turned to feed Jaemin as if he were a baby and when he opened his mouth eagerly and chewed showing how hungry he was, she smiled proudly.
They stayed like that until the ramen was over, neither of them was really in the mood to talk. Well, actually, she couldn't focus on too many things at once while Jaemin's hips were pressed against her ass.
Feeding him was already quite an arduous task and it got even more so when Jaemin reached under the sweatshirt she was wearing and started making random circular movements on the skin of her waist.
When she walked away to wash off what she had soiled, Jaemin complained and his hand pressed for her to come back.
“Oh no, you stay.” he took the opportunity to put his arms around Y/N's waist and squeezed against his body. Y/N laughed.
"I have to clean this." she pointed to the counter and felt Jaemin shake his head as rested his chin on her shoulder again.
"I'll help you later." he promised and she turned her face to face him, the movement made their noses meet again. “Now we have more important things to do.”
"Oh yes? What?" she asked and in the blink of an eye, Jaemin let go of her and put one arm around her knee and the other behind her back, picking her up and going to the bedroom.
Y/N let out a little yelp of surprise, and grabbed Jaemin's shoulder as she was carried away.
"I've spent a lot of time away from you." he set her on the bed carefully and wrapped his body with hers, propping himself up on his elbows so that all the weight wouldn't crush her.
She raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you said distance made love-" Y/N was interrupted by her boyfriend's hungry, salty lips.
They both sighed and Y/N's hands found the back of Jaemin's neck again as he tasted her lips with desiree, she was so intoxicated that just followed in the same rhythm opening her mouth so that Jaemin's tongue found hers in a way that bordering on despair, she couldn't think of anything but the rhythm their mouths followed evenly and the heat of Jaemin's body that she had missed so much.
How he held her waist, how he sucked her lips, the way she grabbed his hair.
Jaemin ended the kiss with a light bite on Y/N's lower lip and she didn't even have the strength to squeak, she felt her lungs give out from lack of air and her heart was racing so fast that she could feel it against her ribs.
The theory cited by the boyfriend was true but love wasn’t the only thing that increased.
With no patience to wait, not after a month away from him, she pulled him by the back of his neck to start a more intense and warm kiss.
While the tastes mixed, Jaemin hugged her around the waist making the bodies stick together and she took the opportunity to wrap his hips with her own legs and brought him even closer, there wasn't an inch that wasn't being touched by the body from each other.
The room's temperature increased more and more and they didn't want to stop, Y/N's hands found Jaemin's hair and when he forced his hips against hers, no force in the world could control her soft moan.
This seemed to be fuel for Jaemin who kept pushing his hips while devouring her lips and Y/N lost her breath too quickly when she felt her boyfriend's excitement, she couldn't return the kiss anymore which ended up becoming a mess.
He then took the opportunity to focus his attention elsewhere, her neck. He trailed kisses down her cheek, jaw and then sucked the skin off her neck, causing Y/N to squeeze his hair and tug at it, another moan following as his tongue wet her hot skin.
Y/N wanted more friction between their bodies so when her boyfriend eased, she eagerly continued to move her hips against his as Jaemin sucked, bit and kissed her neck.
But as she felt his erection against her flesh pulsing in her panties, she started to get impatient and her hands went to the thin white shirt he wore, pulling it up anyway, she just wanted to get that piece of useless cloth off.
He stopped what he was doing to lift his torso and let Y/N pull the shirt down his arms, throwing it in any corner of the room as she ran her hands over her boyfriend's exposed skin, squeezed his broad shoulders and when went down his back she scratched lightly.
Jaemin squeaked and before he could kiss her skin again, took his hands inside her sweatshirt and his hot palms found her breasts that weren't covered by any bra, he paid due attention and felt his jeans getting wet by the fire coming from Y/N's hips that at this point had her panties and pantyhose soaked.
She got impatient again, brushing her hips against his, Jaemin's fingers left her breasts and went to meet her pantyhose, promptly Y/N moved her legs from his waist and let him take off while she herself took her hands to the hem of the sweatshirt and took it off clumsily and quickly.
Y/N reached for the button on Jaemin's jeans and she hurriedly unzipped, hearing him chuckle hoarsely.
“Someone is eager.”
"I need you." she replied and Jaemin took off his jeans completely.
Y/N wanted to admire her boyfriend's slender body but didn't have the patience for it, her body pulsed in a way that bothered her and only he could make it stop.
But even though Jaemin was just as excited as she was, that didn't stop him from reaching for her wet panties. Y/N held a breath and closed her eyes, moaning his name.
"No..." she bit her lip as her boyfriend started to touch her more precisely. "... teasing."
"I'm not doing anything." Y/N opened her eyes and saw her boyfriend smile with false innocence.
Raising her eyebrow and smiling sideways, she brought her hand to his chest and started down, reaching the waistband of his underwear and feeling him shiver.
"Ok, enough." he sounded impatient and she laughed.
Jaemin removed the two pieces that were in the way between the two and returned to cover his girlfriend's body with his own, he distributed kisses on her collarbone as he adjusted to her entrance but stopped, lifting his head with a frown.
“I forgot the condom.” he spoke, ready to move away but Y/N was faster and hugged him around the waist.
"I'm on the pill, it’s fine." she assured, kissing his forehead to stop him from frowning.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds as he adjusted and when his heat met Y/N's, he went in deep and all at once, he opened his eyes staring at her so hard that Y/N groaned, the combination made her go weak, she didn't have the strength to keep her eyes open.
Leaning on the mattress, he began to move slowly without taking his eyes from Y/N's face who was ecstatic as the bodies met in a sensual rhythm, he seemed to record all the details he had missed in the last month and the face of Y/N contorted with pleasure was too good for him.
"Look at me." he begged low and through clenched teeth, controlling not to groan.
She did so and wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing her hands up to her boyfriend's face and caressing with her thumbs on both sides.
Gently, just as Jaemin thrust into her, she ran her fingers along the length of his face. The texture so well known to her fingertips was caressed from his forehead, through his brows, nose, below his eyes, cheeks.
The devotion with which she gazed only made Jaemin increase his pace and she bit her lower lip, listening to the sound of skin to skin extremely pleasurable, moaning once more.
But she didn't stop this time, she spoke his name as if it were a mantra, to show how much she had missed him and being with him like that, pure and together.
Their noses touched and Y/N gripped the back of his head tightly, wriggling her toes, and he grabbed her waist as if he was holding his whole world there, not tightly but to ensure that he was finally where he wanted and needed to be.
When Jaemin reached a specific point, Y/N felt short of breath and closed her eyes feeling her whole body tremble and heat up quickly, her thighs went rigid and Jaemin brought a hand to her free skin to keep her leg where it was, pressed against his hip as he thrust harder but at the same pace.
She buried her face in his neck feeling her heart practically explode inside her chest and bit her boyfriend's skin as she reached the climax, muffling her scream. She knew he was almost there, her insides squeezing him even tighter and she started talking close to his ear as caressed the back of his neck.
He roared as he peaked and gripped his girlfriend's body even tighter as the hot liquid filled her completely, making her shiver. Jaemin took a deep breath before lying on top of her, who stroked his hair gently.
He pulled out of her and laughed when he saw that a few strands of hair were covering her face, so he brushed them away with his fingers as she closed her eyes at the contact.
Jaemin took the opportunity to hug her around the waist and she settled herself better in his arms, her heart still racing, but she could feel against her back that Jaemin's wasn't that different, he placed a kiss on her shoulder and they stayed like that, cuddled, catching their breath.
“So, do you want to live that month-long incommunicado experience again?” she asked, laughing.
"Never." he was serious, making her laugh. "All I could think about was what I was going to do to you."
Y/N turned her face enough to look at him out of the corner of her eye and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yes?"
Jaemin nodded and kissed the tip of her nose.
“And I didn’t even accomplish half of it.”
“We have all night, nana.”
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the-clock-tiks · 9 months
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Colors that are orientated with space
Visible light are missing in the space. As humans cannot view, although the species which has receptors involving different formats can see such as animals, insects, peculiar species considered.
Experiments conducted in earth with free vaccum space can experience colors. Also it reveals that within a particular kilometers range, there is color specification with variations associated with it.
With the so far observations,Magenta color get displayed when viewed in lab of gamma rays.
Such like, x rays exhibit blue and green as per observations. And the visible light is observed from the hubble Space Telescope that is manufactured. Infra red rays emit red, radio waves tend to show orange.. Other rays and waves emit
Different colors respective to several orientation and conditions.
Atmosphere being the reason, the scattering of light is minimised. While the colors on different planets may hv their own reason for color dis orientations and variations of spectrum refraction and reflection.
From research point of view :
The valuable findings obtained from our experiments have greatly contributed to the advancement of our model during our study. In the times to come, this undertaking possesses the potential to evolve into an authentic-mode in-orbit scattering model, serving as a valuable resource in various Earth system and/or astronomical observations, as well as the conception of space missions. In order to fully encompass and fortify the model for space particles across all populations, it is imperative to conduct supplementary measurements using a broader array of samples, encompassing a wider spectrum of sizes.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Shaz i Just realized something today. Pple really need to start taking you more seriously when u say certain things. I remember months ago, you mentioned a few times that you know Jk would very much like to go Live with Jimin but maybe Jimin is the one who doesn’t want to. I remember saying to myself “nah Shaz is probably talking outta her ass and being very taekookerish rn” lol. But u were vindicated cuz we came to find out that Jk does indeed want to do a live with Jimin but Jimin is playing hard to get. I also remember you talking about how Jk hates the vermin but I personally had not seen any reason to believe he hated them cuz he still hung out with Tae and stuff but i guess these last few months or weeks have proved you right again because the whole world can clearly see that Jk has a problem with those pple. Let’s start with him looking almost disgusted at the mere thought of living with Tae, or how visibly uncomfortable he looked when he kept getting questioned about Tae on that Live, and also how everytime he does stuff for Jimin, the cult start manifesting he does the same for Tae and he just doesn’t. And now after liking that Jin video from a tk page, he went ahead to (probably) delete the comment prolly cus his algorithm got messed up with tk stuff. My point is, I won’t be completely closed minded to certain theories u come up with cuz u’ve actually been proven right quite a few times. Cuz who would hv thought we would see an almost desperate Jk insisting for Jimin to let him come over and do a live? I never thought i’d live to see a day like that lol.
Let’s be honest, pple wanna be like shippers this shippers that, but the truth is, Jk has never shown any discomfort at pple thinking he is fucking Jimin. Not even once, hell he is the only one feeding us jokers now cuz Jimin aint giving us shit to eat. Without Jk alot of us might have thought they broke up and gone about our lives but everyone can see clearly that Jk is the one still keeping us grounded in our Jikook belief. He does all these but doesn’t care to feed tkkrs at all. The only thing he does which feeds them is basically hanging out with his friend Tae. That’s literally it! He doesn’t go out of his way to do anything that might feed the vermin and that is why now, they are claiming Jk is Tae’s washing machine and Tae is Jk’s refrigerator lmaoo. That is why now they are getting hit tweets by claiming that old sounding hacking and coughing we heard from Tae’s live was Jk lmaoo. That is why now they are photoshopping blurry af pic to claim that tk went on a restaurant date and a beach date😂😂😂😂. Tae used to feed them alot b4 but for some reason he stopped so they basically hv nothing these days. Plus taennie gets one step closer to getting properly confirmed everyday and they are losing it. Now they are planning to hit us with “Jikook is fake love” everytime we have something to celebrate lmaooo.
Anyways, i respect you my dear. I’ve learned my lesson. From today i’ll be more open minded even when some of ur theories sound a lil taekookerish lol.
How I'm I supposed to take this ask?
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I have said this a milli times; i go by history. My theories and conclusions depend on history. Has JK done this before? Have Jikook behaved like this before? The number one reason why Jikook stand out to alot of people is CONSISTENCY. This is why people like me who are convinced they're together believe this to be the truth. Because they are sooooo fucking consistent. Yeah after year after year they act the same, they are the same. Their behaviour towards eo has remained the same.
So no, I'm not all knowing or a Jikook professional but I am quite good at remembering useless things that will not help me IRL in any way shape or form. I will have dated my fiance for 4 years in October and I still mistake his year of birth. Thats right, I keep forgetting my fiancé's year of birth. But I know that when Jimin had his foot on JK's crotch, that took place in Bon Voyage season 1 episode 6, but we only see it in episode 8 the finale at 38 minutes in.
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That's my mind ladies and gentlemen. 🤦🏽‍♀️
JK has been debunking tkkrs for years. Its not new. He genuinely does not like them. We know this because he goes above and beyond to correct anything that may be construed as him and V being a couple. But u will never catch him doing this for Jimin/ to Jikookers. And yes, this is fact.
We don't get debunked, we get fed.
I've consumed enough BTS content to see it happen so me drawing to this conclusion stems from HISTORY. (And talking with a bunch of great friends who love to analyse) All year we had seen JK be defiant and go against the company and be unapologetic about it. While we had Jimin telling him to stop drinking on live, making fun of JK for singing unholy (a sexual song) on live. So it only made sense to conclude Jimin was the hesitant one. Not JK. Jungkook aint scared to blow shit up but his boyfriend sure is.
If you work with the belief that Jimin and JK are a couple, all that's left is to observe. And u will come to the same conclusions that i (and my pals) do.
When Jikookers make delulu theories I believe we are allowed to. Because Jikook is real and because of this, we are most likely correct. Jikook have done some crazy shit over the years, u can't blame us for coming up with some crazy theories.
Thanks anon, I guess? 😳😳
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hoshiumiumi · 1 year
comparison on anime fyolai vs how i draw them bc i thought itd be funny
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- i used anime fyodor when i was still familiarizing with his design so theres little change. i liked the purple on him than magenta in an older piece so i kinda just started using that
- i still use magenta, usually when his shoes are visible though, just to match them
- i dont really hv reasons for the other changes aside from like self projection or aesthetic preferences
- i recently stopped using reference when drawing him and the fur on his coat kinda just slowly grew bigger ghfjdkj...
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- i was already drawing nikolai before the anime released him so i grew used to reference nikolai from the manga (the beads on collar, white part of shoes, small ribbon on braid, etc.)
- idr clearly why i picked up the yellow eyecolor thing but i remember a manga spread of him had pale yellow when i colorpicked it. i probably just like saturated colors so it got turned to gold / compliments purple tones (fyodor)
- the darker red was a preference after i saw colored fanart of him before harukawa revealed his colors/McDonald's Gogol
- i stopped using reference for him aside for the top part of his hair, so his braid is inconsistently drawn ahaha.......
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eshtaresht · 2 years
oh damn oh jees I'm so normal sooo sooooo normal rn ahaha! emotionally, I'm feeling sorta ZGBZFDHZV HV ZDH DZVVZDS ZD ZZV LZV. like, it's trigun, I expected it to hit hard BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO HIT SO HARD spoilers for ep 10 under the cut as usual
tbh I'm mostly shaking about the next ep and impending season finale, but this one was still pretty brutal
firstly, the goofs. vash fucking SNEESING and getting ruthlessly bullied by wolfwood is pretty much in spirit of their relationship in 98' anime and I'd love to see more of it (pls I hope there'll be a season 2)
scar reveal! I was afraid they're gonna give him a glow up and yeah, some scars are barely visible, but the other ones look awful. so, everything I hoped for, good to see he's in pain /j. also nico tried so hard not to stare at shirtless vash... he's looking away respectfully
vash is such a wet cat pathetic paperbag of a guy... just let that guy take a shot, barely flinched, took the bullet 'cause he thinks he deserved it. didn't even think of attending the wound until wolfwood said so. and, mind you, vash doesn't have any superhuman abilities so that must've hurt like hell
nico's job is so funny because to keep vash safe he has to get into mega epic fights, but also remind that idiot to eat and take care of wounds. again, vashwood duo feels more like the original now, after the sandsteamer. I think nico actualy started caring about vash since he saved the orphanage, it's great to see him conflicted with his mission
also policemen from ep 1 and the guy who shot vash are like... second best side characters in stampede and this is not a compliment. the best ones are nomads who ate worms btw
oh meryl, she's gonna girlboss so hard now... woe to all the haters and naysayers, she's getting character development and faces the same conflict as vash and nico thus gaining more narrative significance!! don't get me wrong, manga and 98' anime meryl was a crucial character, but she's getting much more freedom in stampede to develop and get into action
the moment where she gets up during wolfwood voiceover is when we start to see the "iron lady" and I'm so here for it! now we just have to wait for her designated therapy dog girlfriend to appear and when I can be at peace
tbh I don't really care about roberto. no hate, just neutral, rip drunckle grumps
everybody just dumped zazie... so rude, meryl didn't even answer their question >:(
elendira is..... not bad, but disappointing in comparison to the manga's gorgeously evil and hilariour girlboss who was also explicitly trans! oh look, she's a child experiment plant hybrid now, yay... meh
TESLA CONFIRMED omg I'm SOO exited for the next episode we're gonna be in SO MUCH PAIN
knives yeeting vash into the pit got a giggle out of me, but also... damn he actually was preparing all these years, crafting a perfect trap. and all the plants... he couldn't fix them and boy oh boy, I'm pretty sure he gathered them not for safekeeping... HE'S GONNA DO A LAST RUN ON THEM TO "FIX" VASH!! that was probably what elendira was refering to when she started crying
I am the normallest about this. these twins are such hyppocrites I wanna study and dissect them. knives doing the most cruel thing to his sisters so he can get rid of everything that makes vash human in hopes that if they were on the same footage they would finally stay together.......
and the words that he says to vash hurt so much more because it's true. he does love humans, but the main thing driving him is guilt. in stampede, more than ever, vash blames himself for pretty much all human suffering, because he helped the great fall happen. no wonder he's so depressed and not nearly as goofy! homeboy doesn't just protect the lives rem saved, his pacifistic quest is penance for all the people he (thinks he) killed
july is going to destroy him.
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heavenlyvirtuesarg · 1 year
Introduction and Information
((ooc post))
Before we even get into the madness of it all, I would like to make sure that there is a baseline for everyone to look back on and be able to reaffirm what this is, and what it's about. That's what this post is. It will be sectioned for ease of finding the info within the post.
This is a Mark egos ARG
It's the sister to another ARG, Seven Septic Sins, which was sadly never completed.
This is an 18+ space because of the themes included in this game.
All muns, players, characters, and spectators are and MUST BE 18+
The ARG is a cross-platform between Tumblr (you are here) and Discord.
This game includes secrets, such as multiple routes and endings
Heavenly Virtues part one starts on 8/20/23. Part two will be when the discord link gets dropped.
This game has two muns, both of which are chronically and mentally ill.
This game contains the following themes and topics, some of which are visible to the players as they happen or are brought on by the players. If you are uncomfortable with this, please do not interact.
Death, murder, self-harm, suicide, torture, gaslighting, manipulation, abusive relationships(non romantic), verbal abuse, physical abuse, cult vibes, religion, Christianity, falling into insanity, mental illness, queerness, abduction, unreality, forced abandonment, extreme body modifications, eating inedible objects, corruption.
Topics that will not be included and are not tolerated.
There are certain topics that I do not feel comfortable including, or seeing, attached to this arg. Please do not ask for it, why it is not included, or use it in any sort of fan reproduction.
Sexual assault, incest, mpreg, eye horror, the "dream" smile-- a colon and a parenthesis-- and forced romantic relationships
Game tags::
This section will be updated as the players discover them! If we are not up to date, please send a private ask to remind us.
Found tags:
#HV! out of character -> self-explanatory
#The Person behind the curtains -> The mun(s)
#The bells are Ringing.. -> Important
#The One and True... -> ???
#Questioning the Virtues -> Asks
#Unlabeled Virtues -> Anon function
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a perfectly normal reason to keep your books with the spine towards the shelf n not visible to you is bc if ur unlucky enough to hv your bookshelf in direct sunlight the covers get weathered sometimes :(
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the-firebird69 · 23 days
So we might bury John Reenelard at sea in the form of ashes maybe that would make people happy a few so it's a mac thing right that's what they're kind of saying and he's free to kill Max'cause that's what he's doing and it's free to kill more lock and we know about it and there's nothing for culture we're going after him and we are using him for a lot of stuff one thing we're using him for is to help our son get around when he wants to hold him here In all fairness he has to use he has to move our son nor to fight the clones for multiple reasons we're going to seek him on special warrant right now there's a few other things we're going to discuss
-- There's a cold wind blowing from the east no it's from the Sahara Desert it's got a lot of dust and People thinking it's visible into fire the Saharan dust is here it wasn't 2:00 PM and it's about one red yeah it went down 230 20 .5 and people in Publix knew it We went outside 225 and road home and was exposed about 20 minutes and went down music exposed it was exposed to 0.7 rad for about 10 minutes and 2.3 red in the apartment and hovers around 0.1 for a few hours so these guys are following him and they canceled the party because of this and the sun thought well I just go hang out they think they can do it and it's true too he's driving by and they didn't wanna see him because they'd have to talk outside I'm gonna say they're trying to make him sick and it's on the same view people don't know what damn thing you people don't know a damn thing our son said and this is proof he gets up and then he says how we supposed to know how much you can withstand him the max of history I personally know when I was little is exposed to a lot and dr Matt can tell you I wasn't sick from radiation my lungs were not developed enough i'm a premature baby no she'll be in about three times the size then they gulped an said youll be too big an no i know hwere to get prilosec and stuff. andgood. they are releieved. then this. how many rads. I know it's a lot 'cause Mom's got big unless it good and it's really the opposite harming me and her hopes around and stuff but that's a little different Is suddenly straightened up said he's going to be big these guys are going to make a mistake they wanna know what it was they wanna know what it was and said to be that his people you have to be strong and big and it is a not green r red. There's a lot of stuff that's funny but it's a they're involving Stan's pet and he's saying ohh you're trying to be those guys who just try to be big but it's changing color to the wrong color so the people in the store started to get our rate and said and they said you blew the whole thing and you're talking smack You could have moved it outside no they were afraid they'd move outside so they started to try and figure out who they are and found out it was Stan and Sherry so they just don't want me to go there because they don't want me buying a vehicle to escape his apartment That hit like a high note and they'll start to argue and then they both have mad and the guy said you can leave now I understand said Nanto goes down and then he said you let him wander around and you want him to hospital now there's like an argument that's breaking out because Dan knows stan knows it would not affect our son so they would hv been fine but stan yapped and said where the hell ish e going no said nothing. then he is in trouble but ok dont open the door and such. nd we see it. then this we do this now and so on no an hour later and ck and later and ck and finally out. the stuff irrdiated. and will be. not bad weras off no stays n the to layer of all and rots. tos of stuff will rot. and we were making cars no we rip apart tons of used ones. tons. lots have 40k or less most parts are good. we send it all. they pay for them good. we do this need it now. and quarter panels too...huge lots we use the exact color as a designation and they ordder by color a lot easy to do. tons say this would be a lot iesier if and we see. it is the way it could be and now they see we wait the seals will all rot. all. no but most. and meta and so on all used cars are gobbled up and used tons of them. amssive numers now re used.
today is a specil day we use this time to thank ou two friends and yes recycling is massive now in the middle and also huge int he perimeter it is eighty percent by ratio of the middle and gaining.
Thor Freya
seals we have to make ok all annd any thng that is petroleum deerivietive or plastic. interior too yuck
easy though
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mekatrio · 2 months
ok my massively long dahlia iris headcanons / interpretations whatever this is. basically how i interpret their characters + story. its very long
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- so firstly i think dahlia's original plan for the faked kidnapping was that iris would come along with her, and that they would escape to a different country together, free from everything that has ever hurt them. and that this is something dahlia had planned for since they were young, and is the reason why she made iris live seperately from her at hazakura temple; not only would it protect her from abuse and neglect, but it would make it easier for iris to change her identity (as she is more under the radar than dahlia, who is the visible daughter of a wealthy jeweler), and it would give dahlia an impersonator/accomplice that other people wouldnt know about, which could greatly help with her plans. and iris was fully aware of this, and understood the role that she would play as a nun at hazakura temple. their plan to escape to another country was something that they collaborated on together.
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and so iris' betrayal is the fact that she backs out from this plan of theirs, which she does bc she doesnt want to leave sister bikini on her own, as she had grown to care for her. also, if iris had gone along with the plan, she wouldve played a part in faking dahlia's death, and dahlia wouldnt have had to actually jump off dusky bridge, but couldve just faked it. but in the end dahlia jumps off dusky bridge and becomes melissa foster all on her own.
my basis behind this is bc this is the best explanation i can think of for what iris' possible betrayal couldve been. cuz like, dahlia's faked kidnapping seems like it went off without a hitch, so what plausible change could iris have enacted? it couldnt hv been something like, murdering terry and framing valerie or vice versa, cuz they needed valerie to help get them the documents to change their identity. so yeah, i think the way iris betrayed dahlia was that she left her to escape to another country all on her own.
- its difficult to make a judgement of valeries character cuz theres so little written abt her, but from what little there is... i think she was a person who didnt care very much for dahlia. i say this bc she allowed her to be held at knifepoint by terry, shot a gun very near to her, and also allowed her to jump into eagle river (which is known to have killed people). yes she went with the plan and betrayed terry with her, and helped prepare the documents for dahlia to change her identity.. but she was also ready to betray dahlia by telling terry the truth abt the kidnapping. which is fucking crazy to me cuz like... if valerie told terry that dahlia was alive all this time, it becomes very plausible for terry's verdict to be overturned, bc he was jailed for her supposed murder. and if that happens, then what the hell did dahlia fake her death for?? like she Jumped Off A Bridge to imprison this pedo + escape to a new country, and valerie was ready to render that all useless. like jfc, she wasnt the one who jumped off a bridge and was held at knifepoint!! she wasnt the 14 year old who was in a 'relationship' with a fully grown adult! calling valerie a selfish prick is too much for me, cuz again, theres no indication whatsoever of what her personality is like, but i definitely think neither valerie or dahlia really cared about each other. i think they were just both using each other. and this characterization of valerie and dahlia not rly giving a fuck abt each other is important cuz...
- i think valerie had known about iris, and was ready to betray her as well. i say this bc iris says that she backed out of the kidnapping plan at the last moment;
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and seeing that both valerie and dahlia were in on the plan, it makes sense for valerie to have known abt iris and her involvement in the whole thing. so when valerie was about to tell the truth to terry, i think she was also going to tell him about iris' involvement. and i think that played a big part in driving dahlia to murder her, as not only was valerie going to betray her, but she was also going to betray her sister.
- except i dont think that dahlia was the one who murdered valerie, i think it was iris. my basis for this is because iris had 'betrayed' dahlia during the faked kidnapping, but yet dahlia trusted her enough to let her try and retrieve the necklace from phoenix. this makes me think that iris mustve done something to regain dahlia's trust, and i think that something is that she murdered valerie for their sakes. and while i do think dahlia had planned to murder valerie, i think iris ended up being the one to deal the killing blow. my various reasons for why i think this are:
1.) valerie is a police officer, and her cause of death was a stab in the back;
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and i find it very difficult to believe that a small and thin dahlia was capable of ambushing her on her own, without being detected or subdued by the very likely stronger Police Officer. pair this with the fact that iris, who stays at hazakura (which is very near to where valerie died) had the strength to carry misty's body through the temple before stabbing it.. 🤨💭and speaking of iris living in hazakura...
2.) let me quickly borrow a relevant line from earlier:
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the context of this line is abt iris' involvement in the faked kidnapping, but it's relevance can also be applied to valerie's murder, which also took place at eagle mountain. being someone who grew up in this general area, she would know a proper spot to set up dahlia's camera to capture the perfect shot that it did, and she would also know where in the temple they could hide valeries body to later stuff into terry's stolen car, and not have it be spotted by him as he digs up the buried necklace. even if she didnt canonically kill valerie.... i definitely believe theres enough context to imply her canonically playing a role in valerie's murder somehow.
3.) and as to why i think iris is the one who stabbed valerie.. well, thats because dahlia kinda fucking sucks at carrying out murders, lmao. like she failed to kill godot, then she failed to kill phoenix, her murder of doug swallow was an impulsive mess that she got caught for, and even after dying, she failed to kill maya when she was channelled. so i can completely imagine her somehow fucking up valerie's murder, and iris having to step in to properly carry it out.
4.) also, i think itd be very thematically fitting if iris is the twin that stabs, while dahlia is the twin that poisons! dahlia poisoned terry, godot, and tried to poison phoenix. she tried to stab maya, but failed. meanwhile iris brutally stabbed misty.. i think it would be a really neat theming for her to also be the one to hv stabbed valerie.
5.) the photo taken by dahlia's camera, which mia deduces is dahlia impersonating valerie, is in black and white:
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and the twins are nearly indistinguishable in black and white,
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and this fact is even utilized at the start of bridge to the turnabout, where phoenix believes the girl in the newspaper is dahlia, bc her red hair appears as black in b&w,
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so its entirely possible that its iris who is impersonating valerie in that photo, rather than dahlia, and that iris was present in helping dahlia cover up valerie's murder.
6.) ive already said that dahlia sucks at carrying out murders, right? well i also think she sucks at getting away with things in general too LOL... her faked death was found out by the prosecutor's office, she nearly got caught for poisoning godot, she did get caught for murdering doug swallow, and phoenix figured out that she was impersonating iris in 3-5's final trial... but she was somehow able to get away with valerie's murder and terry's suicide. why is that?
well i think its because she worked with iris this time.. and iris, unlike dahlia, actually doesnt suck at getting away with things. after all, nobody had figured out tht iris was involved in the faked kidnapping, or that she had impersonated dahlia for 6+ months at ivy university. dahlia was the one to expose her role in the kidnapping, and iris exposed her impersonation of dahlia all on her own. also, dahlia kinda fucking sucks at lying, while iris doesnt. every trial dahlia has been in has lasted less than a day, meanwhile 3-5's trial for iris was a whole two days. and dahlia had psyche-locks which phoenix was able to break, while iris had psyche-locks that phoenix never had an opportunity to break. not to mention that iris was very skillful in avoiding those psyche-locks to begin with... in her conversation with wright during the first day of 3-5, we can see tht she is incredibly skilled at not giving wright any truthful answers, while also not outright lying to him:
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^ doesnt answer wrights question, changes topic by saying she 'has no family', which not only shuts down the topic of family, but is also a half-truth
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^ doesnt answer wrights question again, instead deflects it entirely by saying she has no interest in attending uni.. shes incredibly clever and deceptive. and so i think the reason why dahlia was able to get away with valerie's murder, is bc she had worked with iris to cover it up. when dahlia works with iris, theyre able to get away with things, but when she acts out on her own, she fucks up and gets caught. cuz remember, dahlia didnt just get away w valerie's murder bc terry killed himself.. she got away bc terry's testimony was the only thing that couldve incriminate her, because there was no other decisive evidence that was left behind *the shadow of kristoph gavin looms behind me*
7.) and lastly.... speaking of iris being clever and careful with her wording, iris says this about valeries' death during 3-5's final trial:
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she doesnt say that dahlia murdered valerie, she says that 'people suspected' that 'she was involved' in her murder. and she doesnt say that armando was close to proving dahlia's guilt, she says he was 'getting too close to learning the truth'... compare that to her outright stating that dahlia poisoned mr. armando, and that she tried to kill phoenix.. these choice of words, to me, feels like theres a very strong possibility of there being more to valerie's death than what was deduced in 3-4.
and all of this combined with the fact that we never do decisively incriminate dahlia for valerie's murder in 3-4.. yeah i think iris killed the fuck out of valerie 😗
- and with that in mind, i think that when dahlia poisoned godot, it wasnt just to save her own skin, but to also save iris', because godot was getting too close to figuring out both of their involvement. and that this is also why iris insisted that she played the role of phoenixs gf to get the necklace back, bc dahlia had poisoned godot for both of their sakes, so likewise iris wanted to return the favor; dahlia poisoned godot to protect iris, so iris wanted to retrieve the necklace to protect dahlia, bc dahlia was now the suspect in both valeries murder (which she is actually guilty for) and godot's poisoning (which she did for both of their sakes).
with that said, i dont think godot ever figured out that iris was involved with valerie's murder, i just think he suspected that there was an undisclosed third party, but before he could go any further w that line of questioning, dahlia poisoned him. i say this bc even after 7 years, it seems like no official records were aware of any connection dahlia and iris had with one another:
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- and so i think that while iris had pretended to be dahlia, dahlia likewise pretended to be iris, because it was much safer for her to do so, as the law virtually had no idea that iris existed, or that iris was related to dahlia in anyway. and i think tht during the time that dahlia impersonated iris, she carried out her temple nun duties in her stead, bc she had known how to set up the trick locks in the sacred cavern, (something she otherwise probably wouldnt hv known how to do, considering she left kurain village at a young age)
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and she knew how to impersonate iris in a way that fooled practically everyone, including sister bikini (who is arguably the person closest to iris). and i also think that iris and dahlia kept their switcharoo a secret from sister bikini, bc bikini isnt really the type of character who would willingly be an accessory to murder (recall how easily she testified against iris), and also bc iris had kept the 'blackmail' letter she received a secret from her;
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and i think the 'secret' that she feared the blackmailer knew about was either about her switcharoo with dahlia, or her murder of valerie, or plausibly both.
and this is a completeeee headcanon 😁 but i think that... while iris was off dating phoenix while pretending to be dahlia, dahlia had really liked living in hazakura while pretending to be iris. i think she liked the serenity that this type of life offered, and that she liked being doted on by sister bikini, and she liked being away from the harassment and abuse she often faced from preying men. but i also think that she feared from indulging too much in this comforting lifestyle, bc every peaceful day she spent in the mountains, was a day of iris putting herself in danger. bc if godot's poisoning was ever traced back to her, iris would go to jail in her stead... and so i think that when dahlia finally went out to murder phoenix without consulting iris, it was not only a matter of retrieving the necklace for both of their insurance, but also bc she was worried that iris would be imprisoned for dahlia's own crimes.
andddd im too lazy to keep working on this
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