ova-kakyoin · 10 months
doing cpr on bgo rn yall
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apartz · 2 years
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Hyugas are not the best at feelings
((🚫 do not repost 🚫))
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everyneji · 1 year
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hedgehogcryptid · 2 months
I was today years old when I realized that what Hinata did to Neji was the worst insult she could've ever managed to give anybody.
You are a kid, and you learn that you might be good at what you do but you belong to a lesser branch of the family. No matter what you do you will always belong to the lesser branch of the family. Your branch of the family is so much less that your own father died, leaving you an orphan, in order to protect the head of the good branch of the family. Who was his brother. Your uncle. The one who enslaved you both. (You later learn that your father chose that. His life was so bad that he chose to die and abandon you just to escape it, because he had no other escape. You don't have it either)
So the only thing that's left for you is to be the best. You will never stop being lesser but at least you can be better. You can rub their noses in the fact that they will never be as good as you. They will never love you, they will never aknowledge you, they will never free you. But they will never best you in fair combat. If they want to win they'll have to cheat, and that's as much victory as you can hope for. You have worked yourself to the bone to make sure they have to cheat.
Then comes your cousin. Sensitive, overlooked, the only member of the main branch you could expect empathy from. Everyone knows that she's your better but that she's not better than you. Everyone knows you will win a fair fight. She knows it too. She even says she loves you. That she cares for you. But she does not give up the fight. Here, in this moment, in front of all these witnesses, she will not grant you the only acknowledgement you've ever been entitled to. Here, after saying she cares for you in some way, she's choosing the posturing of pretending she has a chance to win against you. Because you will always be lesser, and it doesn't matter how much you have worked to perfect your skill, it will never be more important than your master's wishes. And you make sure, if she wants to win, she'll have to cheat
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chiarrara · 6 months
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byakugon guy be like...
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The development of Neji and Hinata relationship in part 1 is so funny. Like Neji tries to murder Hinata during the chunnin exams and the next time we see them interact Hinata is bringing Neji tea and he is all smiling gently at her and being supportive of her crush on Naruto.
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ammitastic · 2 years
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NARUTO // The Hyugas
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shikabootay · 1 year
Fic request!
Hey how are you, I'm sorry if you find this controversial it doesn't have to be a romantic one, but can you do Neji and Hinata?
I don't find it controversial, and I know incest is more accepted in the east but I can't in good conscience do a romantic thing with Hinata and Neji.
[Edit] I just reread your request and you said you were okay with something a little more platonic. So I have something for you! In The Tea Room by me, Shikabootay
Hinata and Neji were sitting in the tearoom, the door open to let in the smell of rain. They were supposed to train together, they decided to just sit and talk, even though there wasn’t much talking. Both of them sat in silence and both were okay with that. With Neji being a jonin, he hadn’t been able to do this much, so Hinata had thanked him quietly by pouring his tea for him. Neji thanked Hinata with a nod of her head and began to sip away at the warmed tea. There never was much they could talk about, but Neji knew what she would want. “Today is Naruto’s birthday,” Neji said quietly, looking over his teacup to see Hinata freeze for a moment as she began to pour her own drink. She took a deep breath and looked over to Neji, knowing her blush was present. “Is it? I didn’t know that…” Hinata stated. Feeling a little awkward, she began to look at the door behind him. Neji chuckled inwardly. He knew Hinata would know when his birthday was, but went along with the innocent act. “I heard he is going to be coming back to the village soon. No one knows when though. It makes me wonder how he is doing.” Hinata’s face turned an even deeper red. She kept her gaze behind Neji, but her hand began to shake a little. Neji wouldn’t be the guy he was if he didn’t notice the tremors. He sighed and placed the cup on the table in front of them. “I am not going to judge you if you like him. It is kind of refreshing to hear that in this day and age.” Hinata smiled softly, finally looking Neji in the eyes. “He means a lot to me.” She finally said aloud, feeling much better after saying it. Neji nodded his head, picking the teacup back up to swirl the liquid in it. “He is a good person overall. I sometimes regret the way I was cold towards him.” He stated simply. The younger Hyuuga nodded, happy to have heard that. “You know, if you tell him that I am pretty sure he would put it all behind him.” Hinata commented, wondering what Neji was going to say. It took him a while to be this complacent, to be this relaxed. She was still fascinated about how much he had changed in the past few years. It was like after the fight with Naruto, he had started to slowly change from the angered, self centered boy to this teenager before her. “Maybe one day I will. I am sure he does not hold anything against me. He seems like that type of guy.” Neji agreed before sipping at his tea. He began to shift the way he was sitting to get a little more comfortable. “Well… I’m glad then.” Hinata spoke gently. “As much as I respect you, Neji-san, I like the idea of anyone being nicer to Naruto-kun. He deserves it. I am glad for both of you.” Neji was a little confused. He looked over to Hinata as if to ask what she had meant. She took a sip of her tea, understanding why Neji was taken aback by that. “If you apologize to Naruto-kun, then it shows the steps you’ve made to better yourself. Do not think that I have not noticed, you are trying to better yourself as well.” Neji didn’t know what to say. It was weird how he went from trying to kill her during their first Chuunin exams to having tea together. Neji nodded his head in thanks. “Thank you. It is always good to know that someone notices.” Neji said, bringing the tea to his lips. The rain had finally stopped. 
If anyone would like a fic, check out my pinned post here You can check out my other fics here on Ao3. Thank you!
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dayeongi · 1 year
Let’s choose violence together. 6 and 16 😈
which ship fans are the most annoying?
Oh my god I'm FULLY of the firm belief that every ship fan has the ability to be annoying, including my own people, but what really FUCKS with me is people that have to talk shit about the rival ship. For example I don't care if X person writes or draws the most beautiful shikatema stuff because if they talk shit about INO of all people it's ON SIGHT people, ON SIGHT, I'm serious, I'm not generally angry but I'm shaking with rage just thinking about it... if I see any of that stuff ya getting BLOCKED
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
It really pisses me off when I see confident!hinata, and really all they've done with her character is inject her with "not like other girls" branded misogynistic fuckery. Hinata is KIND. It's one of her strengths and if I see that being branded as a negative I'm exiting and blocking immediately... confidence doesn't mean being mean
Omg. I'm so upset. (This was great thank you so much for asking!!!)
Choose violence
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Main branch vs Side branch.
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hydrasaura · 9 months
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I just find it funny that my fav naruto character and fav lol champion are both branded on their foreheads
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
We all know that Tobirama invented his own problem but the fact that every Uchiha that ever "broke" the "curse" simply... had other friends always sends me.
Truly my guy, if you were involved in a lifelong family reunion and never talked to anyone else ever? you'd be a little nuts too
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apartz · 2 years
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Hyugas as cats ❤️
((❌Do not repost without permission❌))
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wthjillie · 2 years
Okay hear me out. I will never ever understand the decision to kill off Neji like ??!! First of all, how dare you. Second, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU.
I just really wish we were able to see Hinata and Neji grow up and heal from their ancestral trauma of him having to serve her and Neji breaking through the clan's norms and finally having a NORMAL. COUSIN RELATIONSHIP. with Hinata and Hanabi. Like BITCH I just wanna see a caring big brother/cousin take care of his little sisters, is that too much to ask :(
I just cry every time I think of them or see them interact in the slightest bit like 😭 WHEN THEY DID THAT SYNCHRONIZED ATTACK IN THE WILL OF FIRE MOVIE UGH I was sobbing for days man I rewatched that scene a million times all liKE EIGHT TRIGRAMS 64 PALMS 😭😭 like kill me already man it's so unfair
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feather-rose · 1 year
Move in, with me? Part 2..
Hinata(Comes into the room where Neji and Tenten were still looking over the newspapers with frustration at the table where the two of them sat at.): More tea, brother?
Neji(Declines the offer by his hand when his eyes kept looking down at the newspapers.He looked like he was ready to explode, here.): No more, please. Lady Hinata, or else, I’m gonna lose it, in any minute..
Hinata( A bit worried as she slowly put down the teapot onto the table and sat down with them..): Neji--
Neji(Groans louder as he was about to grab his locks of hair, here with anger): ARGH! Why is everything is so expensive? I don’t get it! Why is it so damn hard to find an appartement?
Tenten( Sighs with defeat.): Don’t even ask. Mine is far too small and yet it still costs my own ass...
Neji: Not after the war. Before that, it looked less scary, but now. It’s almost impossible for a person to live alone--
Tenten(Offended as she yelped back, as she almost slammed the table, louder.): Hey!
Neji( Looks up at her, with a defeated look, here. Up at her annoying stare.): Sorry..
Hinata( Quiet as she was here, with her voice with concern.): Ever asked for a loan, Neji?
Neji(Shook his head, saying no.): No. And I’m not that kind of person, here. And I’ve saved enough if I planned to move away, which it wasn’t, at first. But now, it’s different.
Tenten(Agrees with him.): Some place cozy and simple for both of us. Heat, air conditioner and enough space for my weapon collection.
Both her boyfriend and cousin had looked up at her, strangely but with fear...
Neji(Gulps): Weapon collection? Just how many weapons do you have?
Tenten(Annoyed at this point from her boyfriend.): Enough to kill a stalker or an enemy. Or maybe Lee, when he almost walked onto Neji and I doing--
Neji(Blushes with embarrassment.): Tenten, I don’t need a picture, here..(He pointed Hinata who looked like she was about to faint, here. No sex talk, here.)
Tenten(Ignored the problem, here): Anyways. Our own cozy little place. And did I even mentionned that I have an flat screen?(Grins back at theirs stunned faces)
Neji: Huh? Did I’ve missed something? Or what? A flat screen?
Hinata(Almost drooled over.): A flat screen TV? How I wished I had that..
Tenten(Grins over the idea of her success, here. Even if it been for only a good luck thingy.): Yeah, I know. It been a present or more the kinda thing I’ve won over a drinking contest!
Neji(Annoyed.): Tenten..
Tenten(Laughs back up.): It both left Shikamaru and Chouji naked, stripped off of their paid checks!
Hinata( Shocked): Tenten..
Neji(His eye twitched a bit as he released a amusement smirk.): You know, you like being dirty, right?
Tenten(Scoffs, not feeling ashamed.): Yeah, I know.( Changing the subject as she waved her hand. As she whirled around to look over Hinata.) So, how’s everyone’s taking with Neji leaving?
Hinata(Trying to get over the shock, here.):Just okay. Hanabi is on a mission, at the moment. But she wishes ni-san all the best.
Tenten(Sighs deeply with relief.): That’s good, to hear. At least some people are still okay in this campound.
Neji(Annoyed, here. And no thanks to his girl.): Whatever.(Looks up at his cousin.) But? How about Uncle? Hiashi-sama?
Hinata( She wriggled up a lock of her long blunette hair, with nervosity, here.): Well, it is an different matter, you see.
Neji(Warning tone.): Hinata..
Hinata(Finally admited back as if she had no other choice.): Let’s just say that Naruto-kun and I, been trying to bring him out from his depression..
Tenten(Cringed over at this reply.Much like her boyfriend looked here.): Depression?
Neji: What?
Hinata(Shrugged off her shoulders as she decided to take back the teapot and poured tea over into the couple’s cups, as if it would make her feel better.): Yeah. He’s been crying like an never ending waterfall for amost a week, after niisan had told us, he’d be moving out.( Steps back her move as she looks back at Neji, trying to look innocent, here.) He never quite leaves his chambers, unless, it is for to pee.
Neji(Sweatdropped here.): No comment to that..
Tenten(Much like she looked like her boyfriend, here.): No swearing over that, either.
Hinata(Smiles shyly, over them.): More tea, everyone?
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patchofgrey · 2 months
Some one-shots to write out my head cannons for them. Nejiten Head cannon explanations: part one More Nejiten fanfictions by me: ffdotnet | A03
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(art by me...main account: @rikustarlight)
Head cannon: Their first kiss was an impulsive mistake. --
It was almost lunch time. They had been training since well before the sun began to rise and hadn’t stopped since. He was actually surprised that she was willing to wake up as early as they did; she liked her sleep. And yet, she was ready when he tapped at her window, fully dressed and wide awake. Granted, he was a bit surprised when she approached him about a new training time, and was especially surprised when she shared that she wanted to develop a new move with him. This new training schedule had been implemented for the past four weeks and they both seemed to be better off for it. It gave them time to just experiment without Gai and Lee around, it was quiet, and they would really take their time. Tenten was full of determination to have something unique before they retook their chunnin exams. He hummed to himself as he looked at her from a tall wooden post in the middle of the field. His stomach rumbled a bit. She was looking at him from her spot on the ground, expectantly with her cheeks puffed up and her hands on her hips.
“Tenten, maybe we should take a break.” He called to her from a tree. “We’ve been at this for a few hours now. I know you’re tired.”
The bunhead shook her head and turned her back to him. “I almost have it, Neji. Just one more time…” 
“You said that the last time,” the Hyuga murmured. “This is also unlike you. You take your breaks very seriously.”
“Neji, c’mon! I want to get this right!” She whined as she twisted herself to him. “I want a technique that’s unique to me just like how you and Lee have one. I’m so close to getting it right…just one more time!”
“Then, I do have lunch plans with Shikamaru. He should be here shortly.”
“I know, I know! Just please, Neji?”
A sigh escaped his lips. Ever since he started training with his uncle and cousin, he’s missed out on a few of their own training sessions. Sometimes, Neji would bring Tenten to the estate to watch or to (rarely) join in. Hiashi knew that the bunhead had assisted his nephew in his training; he had no issue with having her around.
It was a break from their routine, and he did feel bad for just dropping her to train at the Hyuga estate. Neji owed Tenten big time for helping him develop his rotation for the second fight round of the chunnin exams. However, he did try his best to spend time with her. Whenever he could, he’d stop by her house with sweets; usually as an apology for skipping out on their usual schedule. When they went on missions together, he would always try to buy her something or help her search for something worth bringing back home…like a scroll or some interesting weapons they would come across. He wanted to show his appreciation for her friendship and partnership. She’d smile at him whenever he brought her something. That smile made his chest swell and brighten his mood. Tenten wasn’t materialistic, but it was the best Neji could do for the time being. He would also help her polish and sharpen her blades, and help her around the house if her parents were out. Sometimes, she would get mad at him. He was too helpful; she could do most things herself, but Neji insisted or he would just do it. Balancing his new responsibilities and his friendship was difficult. Tenten was his closest friend after all. 
“Yo!” A voice called from behind Neji.
The pair looked over and saw Shikamaru heading their way. The shadow manipulator nodded at Tenten before turning to Neji and inquiring about their lunch plans. They were going to go one last round, hopefully seeing some improvement. Shikamaru hummed and watched as Tenten reached for her scrolls. He knew she had been working with Neji for a few weeks on this; the Hyuga had shared it with him over a few games of Go. The Nara would ask about her progress and offer some tips to the Hyuga to further assist her. Neji had also expressed that he was worried that his teammate felt some type of way because she did not have a “fancy technique” or a kekkei genkai. She had become obsessed with the idea that she needed something extra and not seeing that she was great how she currently was; she had skills he and Lee struggled in. Tenten was queen of the ninja fundamentals with her perfect aim and adaptability to manage any situation. He didn’t like that Tenten thought she wasn’t good enough. Shikamaru was rather curious as to why the Hyuga made it a priority to ensure Tenten’s wellbeing; sure they’re best friends and teammates but the way he doted in her was a bit…overbearing and protective. As if he felt somewhat responsible to keep Tenten happy. 
“I’ll be over there,” Shikamaru pointed to a nearby tree. “Let me know when you’re ready.” 
Tenten faced Neji fully, determination and exhaustion in her face. They were both tired and hungry. She wanted to finally get this right and see her hard work pay off. Her hands started to weave signs and she channeled her chakra to her fingers. Neji dropped into a defensive stance and she summoned twin blades. 
The Nara watched curiously as they clashed. They moved with such speed and flow it was if they were dancing. He could see why Neji had asked him for advice; it was hard to train with Tenten because they knew almost everything about each other and they had synced up perfectly due to their training. He watched as Tenten’s hands flowed blue, her chakra pouring into her swords. She was in control of this spar, provoking Neji’s next moves, just as Gai-sensei had taught them. The Hyuga swung his own kunai and the bunhead launched herself over him. Mid-jump, Neji watched as she launched her blades at him, her chakra still attached by string like connections. 
Dancing twin blades!
Shikamaru hummed in amusement as Tenten manipulated her blades and attacked Neji with her taijutsu at the same time. Her movements were swift and held rhythm; there was a tempo she was keeping in order to control the fight and since Tenten was able to adjust herself to Neji’s tempo, she was still in control of the situation. This would be quite the drag on the battlefield…she could take out multiple enemies at once with this…and use it as a diversion. The Nara’s dark eyes attempted to track their movements, but he gave up after a while due to the speed in which they were moving. He expected nothing less from Team Gai and their outer worldly speed and stamina. A hum escaped the chunnin’s  throat as he watched Tenten’s chakra rope entangle around Neji; his evasion was no match for Tenten. Her blades whipped back into her hands and she paused. Both panted heavily as they stood still. This technique was very taijutsu dependent and ever since Tenten was humiliated by Temari, she was determined to get better so it would never happen again. Neji had encouraged her to continue to work on her taijutsu; she wasn’t lacking with it, she just needed to incorporate it more into her weapons handling so she could fight in close combat. 
“I…did it.”
Neji let out a hum as the chakra strings faded. Tenten had a lot of chakra which surprised him a bit when they first started sparring. She had way more than he did, and she was continuing to develop it further. Her ability to create solid chakra strings was more of a puppeteer specialty, however, she was able to control the flow as she fought. That form of multitasking was hard to maintain, especially since Neji would be in her face trying to crack her concentration. This with her perfect aim…this is some ANBU shit she’s working on… Shikamaru thought with a smirk. Impressive. 
“Holy shit, I finally did it!” Tenten exclaimed brightly.
Straightening himself, the Hyuga congratulated her on her victory. The bunhead gave a yelp and jumped at her triumph; she had finally perfected her form and technique to her liking. Neji’s face was soft as he called to her. 
“Your hard work paid off, Tenten.” He offered a small smile. “You officially have a technique unique to-mmf!”
Neji’s eyes grew wide as Tenten ran over to him. He felt warmth on his face and his mouth was unable to move. Her arms had flung around his neck and the Hyuga felt something luscious against his own lips. Time had stopped for what seemed to be forever. He could hear Shikamaru give a small gasp of surprise; Neji had forgotten for a split second the Nara was even there. The sweet sent of Tenten’s citrus shampoo filled his nostrils as they embraced. This is…his body froze. She’s… The bunhead’s puckered lips gave a light pop as she removed herself from him. A dazzling smile had spread on her face as she continued to hold him. The Hyuga remained stunned, his brain registering that she had indeed just kissed him. 
“Neji, you’re the best!” She chirped. “I can’t thank you enough for this!”
She released him and took a step back with her smile remaining on her face. Neji’s lips remained slightly ajar as he looked at her in wonder. It took a cough from Shikamaru for the prodigy to snap out of whatever shock he was in. His cheeks were hot and it had tracked to his ears. He felt no embarrassment as he smiled back at her. In a way, the kiss felt right. 
“Of course.” He said. “Anything for you, Tenten.”
Suddenly, Tenten’s eyes grew wide and her cheeks puffed up. It’s possible she had just registered what she had done and now her blush was creeping up her neck. 
“I’ll-uh- get going then. Since Shikamaru is here and you guys have plans…see you later?” The bunhead couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Hn.” The Hyuga nodded and watched as she waved at them before making her way out of the training fields.
Shikamaru whistled, which caused the Hyuga to snap his attention to his friend. The Nara had a wide grin on his face.
“What?” Neji cocked an eyebrow. 
Shikamaru’s eyebrows shot to his forehead. “Dude, you still expect me to believe the two of you are just friends after seeing that?”
The blush was still present on Neji’s face as he rolled his eyes and prompted them to go have their lunch. Shikamaru had accused Neji of having some kind of crush on the bunhead for some time now and this was just too good to back up that assumption. The Nara was not going to let this go, especially since he had the delight of seeing the Hyuga genius in a completely different light of embarrassment. He was going to revel in this moment.
Tenten looked at herself in the mirror. She had just showered after eating her lunch and was trying to process what she had just done to Neji at the training grounds. Did she really just kiss him? She definitely did. Her lips pursed together as she recalled her actions. It wasn’t anything in malice, granted Neji would’ve pushed her off if he was offended by it. Wait, he didn’t push me off. A small gasp was heard.  Maybe he was too surprised to react? In a way she did just technically jump him. But, she pressed her whole mouth on his and kissed him. Running a hand through her damp hair, she sucked her teeth. There was a potential that she could’ve just ruined her friendship with him and now their dynamic would be awkward. And to top it off, it was in front of someone else. Part of her was relieved that it was Shikamaru and not Lee or Gai. They would’ve made such a big deal about it. She could practically hear their declarations of youth and further embarrassment. 
“If he never talks to me again…I totally get it. What the hell was I thinking?” 
That’s it, she wasn’t thinking. She had the intention of grabbing him for a hug, something that was normal for them especially when alone. She hadn't even realized she had kissed him until after she saw his face. I hope he doesn’t hate me after that, mused as she brushed her hair. He did say he would see her later…so, it’s possible he wasn’t mad at her. A bit of guilt washed over her; Neji was a very private person but he was very open about his thoughts to her. Hopefully, he would come to see her later and she could apologize. It was completely out of line for her to do so…he’d forgive her, right? 
After a few minutes, Tenten had finished brushing her hair. She changed into her civilian clothing and sat on her floor. A distraction is what she needed in the meantime. If he didn’t come, she would take herself to his apartment and apologize; it was only right, she thought as she looked through her scrolls. 
Tap tap
Her eyes shot to her balcony. Neji stood in his own civilian clothes, a white T-shirt with dark grey shorts. His curse mark was covered by bandages and his hair was released from the confines of his usual low ponytail. In his hands was a small box. Sweets, she blinked. So, he’s not mad at me. Standing, she opened her balcony door and stepped aside to let him in. The Hyuga took off his shoes and eyed the scrolls littered on her bedroom floor in curiosity, concluding she was probably working on her seals. His gaze traveled back to her and realized her hair was down; she had just finished showering. Her hair curled slightly at the ends as it was evident that she had just brushed it. Neji had only seen Tenten’s hair down once before, during a mission where they had to disguise themselves to gather information. Noticing that she had caught him looking at her, he cleared his throat.
“I got you some red bean buns.” He held up the box. “You liked them last time we tried this desert place…”
“O-oh, thanks! I’ll make us some tea.” Tenten took the box from him and set it on her coffee table. 
Neji hummed as she hustled downstairs and was quick to heat some water. The Hyuga looked around her room. This wasn’t the first time he had been in her apartment. Gai had made it a point to go to each of their houses and introduce himself as their Sensei once they had become gennin. Her room was usually kept neat except for the occasional bundle of opened scrolls where she studied and worked on creating her seals. By her vanity was their team picture they took after passing Gai’s requirements and not being sent back to the academy. A small smile reached his face as he looked at the photo. His team photo was on his bookshelf in his room next to a picture of himself and his father. 
“Okay, tea and buns…” the door had opened and Tenten emerged with a tray.
They sat at the coffee table in silence. The bunhead had full intentions of apologizing…but how does she bring up the topic to him? She could just blurt out her apology, but then the mood would be awkward. Well, it’s kind of awkward right now… she thought to herself as she sipped her tea. 
“How was lunch with Shikamaru?” She asked after a moment of pondering her first point of conversation.
“It was…interesting.” He replied. “We went to get ramen, played Go for a bit…spoke about a few things.”
“Oh? Like what?” She cocked an eyebrow.
His ivory eyes met hers and held their stare for a moment. Her face was showing pure curiosity, and her lips-those incredibly soft and warm lips- were slightly protruding into a slight pout as she waited for him to elaborate.  
“W-well…” he felt his cheeks get warm. “About earlier.”
Tenten’s eyes got wide and her own cheeks flushed a bright red. “Neji, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me! I just got caught up in the moment and I didn’t mean to offend you if I did-“
Neji gave a chuckle which caused Tenten to purse her lips together. “Tenten, it’s alright. I was just surprised. I know it was an accident.”
Something lingered in the air as he said the word accident. Neither of them wanted to acknowledge the word itself, but that is what that kiss was; an accident. Then, something dawned on Tenten that horrified her; she never recalled Neji ever mentioning that he had a girlfriend or an interest in other people. That means…
“Was that…” she murmured with big eyes. “Did I take your first kiss?”
A hesitant nod. Tenten gave a loud yelp at this before apologizing again, her blush faded at the horror she just committed. She kissed him unprompted and took his first kiss. She was a shit friend and was so besides herself. Why was he being so nice to her if she took his first kiss? The weapons specialist had just taken something that could not be given back! And he was sitting right in front of her and not angry with her? 
“Tenten.” His calm voice snapped her from her internal self deprecating monologue. 
A frown was on her lips as she looked at him. 
“Was that your first kiss, as well?”
Now that was a question that she didn’t think she’d have to answer. The heat of her shame sprouted once more and she nodded sheepishly. At this, Neji looked at her with surprise. 
“W-why?” She mustered up the question.
A cough. “Well, I just would’ve assumed that you have had your first kiss already by how you…”
She looked at him expectantly. Why did he pause? What was he about to say? 
“You did it so…”
Tenten leaned in, the anticipation was killing her and she was getting restless with  how awkward he was getting.  
“So…what?” She pushed.
His lips parted, then swiftly closed with a smack. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was trying to say, in fact he was struggling to piece a coherent sentence together where he wouldn’t try to seem as though he was insulting her or sounded like an absolute boob. Her kiss had warmth that sent a shiver down his spine in delight, the cushions of her lips were a perfect fit against his when she smashed them against him. He had assumed that she had experience kissing someone. If he recalled correctly, Tenten was one of the cuter girls in their academy years and she was approached by many of the boys. That means she’s probably never had a relationship yet either… the Hyuga thought. To be fair, they barely had time for such things. Now, boys probably avoided her due to the fact that they were always together; Shikamaru was fully convinced at one point that they had been dating. The way Neji would dote on Tenten was seen as more than just friends. But that’s what it was; Neji values Tenten’s friendship with him and he wanted to show his appreciation through doing things for her and making sure she’s happy. What was wrong with that? He was repaying her, in a way, for all the times she was there for him. He could see why Shikamaru thought they were dating. Neji genuinely cares for Tenten and made it a personal goal to keep track of her well being since she was so hard on herself. 
He sighed mentally as he thought about the conversation he had with the shadow manipulator. The Nara had teased him for a while before they actually spoke about it; how Neji felt about what had just happened. He knew he’d have to approach Tenten about it, it was in their best interest to talk about the kiss. Shikamaru pointed out that Tenten had seemed the most comfortable with Neji, and since they knew everything about each other, this situation can be easily resolved. But what did that mean exactly? How did Neji want to resolve this if he didn’t see this as a problem? His mind lingered back to the sensation of her lips against his and he scratched the back of his head.
“Neji! Out with it!” Tenten groaned. “I did it so…what?”
“I…nevermind. It’s nothing…”
Her brown eyes rolled. Typical, she thought as she took a bite of her bun.
“Can we agree to not say or mention it again?” The weapons mistress spoke after a moment. “Just…forget about it?”
Oh, he looked at her in slight surprise. Neji rubbed his thumb against his tea cup, uncertain if he wanted to even forget about it. 
Her eyes got wide as she watched him slowly lean closer to her. His ivory eyes were gentle as his face got closer to hers.
 “Do you really want to forget about it?” He whispered a bit solemnly. 
Chewing on her bottom lip, she shook her head. Her curls bounced slightly and she couldn’t meet his gaze. He took that as a no, but wanted to hear it from her mouth. Neji continued to gaze at her, watching as she fell into deep thought. Over thinking again…his eyebrows arched in concern. An idea sprouted in his mind as he looked at her.
“Look at me, Tenten.” The byakugan user commanded gently. 
And she did. Her eyes met his and she suddenly felt small. Her embarrassment was very apparent and he could tell that she did not want to forget about the kiss. It was smart since it could lead to further distractions. But something in Neji’s chest told him to not let this go. His hands slowly raised, his fingers gently grazing against her cheeks. Swiftly, the prodigy pressed his lips against hers as he cupped her face in his hands. Warm and soft. His lips molded perfectly with hers. Tenten’s body jumped slightly at the sudden action, but she did not pull away. The two of them sat there, fully embracing each other. Neji wasn’t sure how to break it off…not that he really wanted to. And yet he needed to breathe and unfortunately he did remove his lips from hers, his forehead leaning against hers. 
“Neji…wha-“ her eyes were half lidded and her lips were pink.
A smile spread across his face. “Now, we’re even.”
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