#Hajime is the funniest protagonist
You know what fuck you, I do like typical shonen boy characters who are just happy to hang out with their friends and be silly little guys.
I don’t care that I’m a sad adult now, sometime I like the MC to be a silly little guy just vibing.
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sumechiayuu · 1 year
Komaru Naegi has to be the best protagonist in the whole series, with Hajime coming to a close second. I love her progression from a terrified girl who doesn’t want to fight, to a girl who can finally fight for herself and learns to be content with the fact that she won’t ever be normal again. I love it when she gets to be dumb and naïve in a charming way due to her locked-up life, and I enjoy her developing friendship with Toko. I would go on about how her character gets undeserved hate for…being a realistic teenage girl, but I want to be positive when I copy and paste my ramble instead. I think the funniest thing about Komaru is how she just casually looks over the fact that her friend kills people. Jack could be talking about ripping through a man’s intestines with her teeth or something and Komaru will go “Oh the only things I've ripped with my teeth are kangaroo meat sandwiches!” She has just as much of a lack of social awareness as Toko does and I love it.
I think another thing I like is that though she is a scared girl, she has slightly more backbone than her big bro when it comes to her interactions with Toko. When I first saw a playthrough of this game, I was really worried that they’d make her an exact replica of Makoto and not her own person, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. While both are more emotionally driven and have weird taste in food, Makoto is someone who’s comfortable with being a regular guy, usually just takes crap from people like Byakuya and Toko, and though he’s scared in the killing game he doesn’t outright show it the way his sister does. Komaru is way more willing to tell off Toko when she’s being a jerk, doesn’t hide her emotions of fear and worry, has complicated feelings about her ascribed status as a normal girl, and the game itself even makes a consistent point that she won’t ever be like her brother, and that’s fine. She’s just Komaru Naegi, a loveable girl who blossoms into a strong woman who comes into her own. Her gradual development can also be viewed as an allegory for the concept of growing up, with this even being shown in the way her voice dramatically changes throughout the game as she learns to embrace the fact that she won't ever be a normal girl again, and that’s okay. I genuinely enjoy Komaru so much and I feel like she’s underrated due to the lack of discussion I see surrounding her character that doesn’t just trace back to “oh she’s just Toko’s best friend”.
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I will only be talking about Makoto and Hajime cause I actually haven't started the third game yet and do I even have to tell anyone about Komaru's personality cause hers is so obvious, love they tho <3
Anyway, usually visual novel protagonists are just a blank slate this is so the player can 'see themselves' in the protagonist, I hate this tho. BUT this is not what Danganronpa does. Okay, they do it SLIGHTLY but Hajime and Makoto each have very different personalities.
Makoto is very naive, trusting and optimistic while Hajime is much more a realist if anything. Hajime is much more suspicious of people and is often very sarcastic, which is why he's honestly my fav.
Proof of this is that Makoto was literally the most optimistic person after eight of his friends died, like by the end of that game after all the shit he went through he was still like 'Guys, we can get through this with the power of friendship!' Also he tried to stop Junko from killing herself, he says 'the whole point of this was so that NOBODY would have to die.' He was literally willing to try and rehabilitated JUNKO ENOSHIMA. HELLO!?
Hajime on the other hand. He was told that he just had to stay on a tropical island just get along with his 'future classmates' and he was in distress, like he was freaking out about just being on an island with a full stocked shop, a farm, an airport, a beach, a restaurant full of food, a lobby with an arcade machine and his own personal cottage with his own personal bathroom and he was all like 'THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!' like calm down. (Love him tho<3)
Also can we talk about how it took the entire game for Makoto to swear? Like he swears like once? Maybe twice and it was to Junko where he says 'You're so full of...shit!', which like good for him ig. But Hajimes FIRST thought when seeing Junko was 'Woah, what a crazy bitch.' Like WOW, Jesus Christ Hajime also I'm pretty sure Hajime swears multiple times throughout the game.
BUT Hajime being more sarcastic and realistic than Makoto could also be to the fact that Makoto didn't have to deal with Nagito, Mikan, Hiyoko or Monomi, Teruteru..so, maybe that's why.
Anyway Hajime>Makoto even though I still love Makoto. Hajime is the funniest man on earth AND THEY DO HAVE PERSONALITIES
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hyperfixationtimego · 2 years
What's your favorite danganronpa game?
Very difficult question!!! I actually discuss this with my partner quite a bit, as I believe all three of the main games have their own strengths and weaknesses! Right now, I’m quite partial to V3, but it generally depends on my mood!
Just cause I don’t think I’ve voiced my actual opinions on each individual game here yet, have some takes nobody asked for ^^
Trigger Happy Havoc: a very worthy starting point to the franchise. contains Thousand Knocks, which is possibly the strongest execution of the entire series. the writing and general concept are cool as hell. makoto is….a little bit of a blank slate and has very little actual personality but he’s still my baby boy and I’m love him. Cons include the fact that every other execution aside from Thousand Knocks kind of sucks (except After School Lesson. After School Lesson is an absolute BANGER, especially makoto’s version), chapter 2 exists and is incredibly transphobic, and also I personally find it very difficult to relate to/care about any of the characters except for toko succeeding chapter 3. Actually, the cast in general for thh just….isn’t as memorable or attention-grabbing in terms of characterization as the casts of the other games. Oh I also fucking HATE chapter 5 forcing you to trust Kyoko after she’s done nothing to earn your trust at all - she acts like a cunt all chapter and then it’s like hurrdurrr forced romance subplot 🙄
Goodbye Despair: VERY GOOD TWISTS!!!!! THE GAME FUCKS!!!!! Constantly sobbing over the characters because they’re so good,,,,,,,,,I ACTUALLY CARE about the survivors of this game!!!!! Hajime is the funniest motherfucker in the world full stop. Nagito is a genuinely compelling antagonist and I enjoy his character very very much. The murders in this game are pretty cool I think :) CONS: oh my god the executions in sdr2 are so bad and cartoony they make me so MAD. mf i came here for blood and gore and u give me bye bye ouchies like I am gonna throw a FIT. also the FUCKING EYES DON’T MOVE IN THE EXECUTION ANIMATIONS AND IT’S FUCKING???? CREEPY. AND LAZY. (I think gundham’s is like…the only exception don’t quote me on this)
Killing Harmony: PROTAGONISTS WITH ACTUAL PERSONALITY????? IN A DANGANRONPA GAME?????? not only that but the other characters are fleshed out so well too 😩 like Kaito???? Maki???? PLEASE IT’S SO GOOD. and don’t even get me STARTED on the executions for this game; comparatively, they’re so fucking good!!! CONS: wayyyyy too many incest jokes. one of the characters is a victim of rape and incestuous trauma, and the game straight up makes him a serial killer because of it. pisses me off so bad that i’m gonna stab a bitch. Also the monokubs kinda hijack the executions and it’s a bit annoying :/ OH AND ALSO THE FALSE PROTAGONIST THING. like they really said “here is a female protagonist!” and when we were all like :0 cool!!! They really said SIKE FUCK YOU HERE’S SHUICHI like bitch okay ig
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t0bey · 3 years
100 and 86 for the ask game ??
"Opinion on all the Protagonists!"
Makoto: He's alright and I like him enough but I think he's a bit too oversaturated compared to others in his cast. I get he's the protag and all but I still want others in class 78 to get their own spotlight aside from a handful.
Hajime's OK, don't really think about him too much for the most part, and Shuichi even less so lol. Shuichi's aesthetic is cooler to me though at least
"Favourite Anthology chapter?"
AKB123 (Aru tan x Buuko x Hifumi) is the funniest anthology bit I've read so far. Hifumi and Ishida are hilarious in it and the art is 👌 excellent. Also honorary mention for the anthology chapter I've seen but cant read because it's not in english because it actually acknowledges the sakuraoi and ishimondo parallels
(heres the link to both btw: https://plumb1tes.tumblr.com/post/655462601408528385/manlyronpa-aru-tan-x-buuko-x-hifumi-akb123-by
https://plumb1tes.tumblr.com/post/655476280767168512/starrihope-title-%E7%86%B1%E3%81%8D%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%95-fired-up-school )
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dingdongrumba · 5 years
i'm too basic for my own good. saiouma, for the ship meme, please?
Buddy you're absolutely valid
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
Hell yeah baybeeeeee I'm all about dem protagonist/distruptor ships!
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Is it too basic if I say play board games and other puzzle games together? Kokichi just has a natural ability to think outside the box and cheat the systems while Shuichi plays by the rules but is really good at coming up with the best strategies and thinking scenarios! They might even play DnD as well lmao I'd see them having a really good time with that!
Who does chores around the house?
Ooohh definitely Shuichi lmao, Kokichi is a brat, he needs to be dragged around to do literally anything lmao
Who’s the better cook?
Actually I think this would be Kokichi! Shuichi is actually very clumsy with his hands and Kokichi had to do a lot of his own cooking and taking care of himself growing up, so he actually turned out to be a decent cook!
Who’s the funniest drunk?
Lol probably Shuichi, alcohol makes you more loose so Shuichi is definitely the one that goes through a bigger change. Kokichi thinks it's hilarious and also kinda hot >w>
Do they have kids?
I think both of them would like kids, actually!! I'd even go as far as to say they'd have at least two!
Do they have any traditions?
April Fools is always a w a r in the saiouma house lmao. Kokichi tries to hide as many pranks and tricks as possible around the house and Shuichi has to use his detective skills to find as many of them as possible!
What do they fight about?
Kokichi's lying is definitely something Shuichi tries to correct cause sometimes it's just not healthy. He understands Kokichi's point of view but Kokichi does have real lying issues sometimes.
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Kokichi would absolutely r e v e l on it, he goes through pages and pages and pages and he checks the tag constantly cause "oh my god these are great I want all of these to happen- is that matching outfits? Oh my god we have to try that out-" Meanwhile Shuichi is completely embarrassed lmao he only peeks at it and dies
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
As emo as Shuichi is, I don't think he'd be the type to cry during movies much! So it would be Kokichi lol, especially because there was an animal involved, Kokichi has a weak spot for animals 😔
Who always wins at Mario kart?
Hohohoho, Kokichi, definitely, he's very competitive and he developed strategies and cheats to assure his victory lmao. Shuichi is a mediocre player at best 😂
One thing I like about this ship?
Kokichi fucking needs someone to understand him man, and I think Shuichi is a good option for him! I also just like the healing aspect of all the distrust that was directed towards Kokichi q-q I just want people to try and better understand what his actions were fkskgkdg
One thing I don’t like about the ship?
I think you might need to fix a lot about Shuichi's character to properly work towards what I just said, unlike Hajime with Komaeda for example, I don't think Shuichi was trying to understand Ouma as much as he should've.
The song I would say fits them?
(I'm actually gonna skip this one for all ships because I'm really bad at assigning songs to characters/ships fjdkgkskt)
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Sometimes Kokichi goes around the house and scares Shuichi with his gd clown mask gnskgrFKFKS
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niigoki · 7 years
I don't know if you have time for this (since it seems you watch a lot of animes) but.... Which animes would you recommend me?
Ohhhh boy, here goes a list of a few of my favorites!
FLCL my favorite of all times as everyone who’s been following me knows. I’ll be honest with you, this show only makes sense if you’re in a specific time in your life. If you’re growing up, starting adulthood, scared of the future and of the changes that are going to happen in your life, then watch it. If you’re not there yet, give it time, then come back to this show.
Rozen Maiden and all its seasons, it’s just such a good show and it was pretty famous back in the day but people don’t talk about it enough I think?? It’s about a boy and a bunch of talking dolls with incredible personalities who need to kill each other (and are also gay for each other, so DRAMA)
Azumanga Daioh if you’re looking for a slice-of-life, this is the one. The ultimate of its genre, the best, everyone should watch it honestly it never gets old
Kino no Tabi this one is very philosophical and deep, but I do recommend it! There is a new season airing right now, too, and both are very good. I’d watch the older season first, though.
Soul Eater you might have watched this one already, but it’s honestly??? the best shounen out there?? There is a female protagonist, so jot that down. It’s just my favorite shounen idk i love this show too much
Michiko to Hatchin you ever wondered what Cowboy Bebop would be like if the main character was a woman? well wonder no more. Also this entire anime happens in Brazil so that’s double points for me. Please watch this you won’t regret it
Toradora my favorite shoujo I cry every time (also this anime has the best kiss out of every other show i SWEAR)
The IDOLM@STER listen, Love Live who???? Idolm@ster has been doing that for a lot longer. This show is so good. The animation is so good. The songs??? Incredible. Episode 20 fucking murdered my entire soul, I cannot listen to Yakusoku without crying my lungs out. The characters are so HUMAN and FLAWED. I fell in love with 18564876 girls. Best idol anime. Love live can suck my thumb
Black Rock Shooter I keep telling people that this was as good as Madoka Magica but no one believes me. This show will rip your still beating heart from your chest and step on it with a 9 inch heel and you’ll thank it for it. 
Gatchaman Crowds I’d talk about this show for the rest of my life if I could i s2g...... it’s so important to me. It’s such a positive show. It has its sad moments, but Hajime is that character that we all need but don’t deserve. You’ll laugh and cry and at the end of the day you’ll feel lighter than ever trust me. 
Aoi Hana a very!!! good!!! yuri!!!!! non-sexualized, soft, calming, incredible characters, FLUFFY AS HELL. The best out there tbh. 
Hourou Musuko This show talks about the struggles of 2 trans children!!! It’s really heavy at times, but they do it RIGHT. Very adult dialogues coming from a bunch of children, but it’s incredibly powerful and I recommend it a lot.
Yuru Yuri The funniest yuri in the world I can’t even picture the scenes in my head that I die laughing. Please watch all of its seasons if you wanna laugh and have fun
Gakkougurashi Cute girls and also zombies. The first episode blew my fucking mind. Watch it until the end, you won’t regret it. I won’t tell you anything because everything is a spoiler
Subete ga F ni Naru This anime revolves around 1 mystery that takes 11 episodes to solve and it’s just mind-blowing. 
Amanchu more soft slice-of-life for you to relax. This show is so fluffy and well animated and sweet (and the protagonists are extremely gay)
Flip Flappers One of the BEST shows ever honestly. It’s up there with FLCL when it comes to nonsense but with a deeper meaning to all of it. And the animation is incredible (also gay)
And that’s just a few! Sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy one of these. Feel free to ask me for more any time!
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