You know what fuck you, I do like typical shonen boy characters who are just happy to hang out with their friends and be silly little guys.
I don’t care that I’m a sad adult now, sometime I like the MC to be a silly little guy just vibing.
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tsuki-sennin · 8 months
Cure Sky is a hero. With our final battle mere moments away, what terrible scheme has Skearhead brought forth? How will our dear Cures fare? Will the Empress have her heart mended?
Spoilers, I guess...
-Skearhead, that sunnova bitch.
-Oh she mad
-Prism, I don't think a paint palette's gonna patch impalement.
-Jesus Christ man, you
-"Maybe if she weren't such a weakling, she wouldn't be dying horribly."
-"Die like your father, you pinheaded son of an ice cream maker."
-holy shit a royal assassin
-The Emperor...
-Is that a heart tattoo on his arm? That's super adorable.
-"I traumatized you, yes."
-This is beyond fucked up, man, what the hell
-Okay, he quite literally personifies the villainy that the Underg preached.
-That's uh... quite interesting, actually.
-Skearhead shut the fuck up, you did like 30% of that.
-"Come, daughter of Sky Land."
-Daaaaaaamn, okay Wing! Good initiative.
-Aaaaand the party's been split.
-Imma be real, these guys have been jobbing lately, Butterfly probably could beat them all on her own if she moved fast.
-"Princess's orders~!"
-That's a big boy.
-You can do that too, eh, Majesty?
-All on her own...
-The Big Princess...
-We left our baby.
-"Do you know why I made you my vessel?"
-I see, Darkhead goes for the Zamasu approach.
-"Cure Sky, she's perfect."
-Daaaaamn, okay Sora.
-For the Empress!
-"Darkhead, your villainy ends today!"
-"Power is nothing without someone to use it. ...which is why power can use instead."
-Like canaries in a coal mine.
-"This mist is nothing! I've inhaled grosser and more dangerous things on jogs!"
-"Exactly what I've been looking for."
-Sky no-
-That is not right, that is not correct, that is not cool Toei.
-Okay, no it is, this IS SO SICK
-Aesthetically Underg Energy Sky pops the fuck off.
-This is the only time we've seen this asshole happy. How fitting.
-Oh nooooooo
"Dulling hop! Suffocating step! Dark Jump~! Eternally falling black sky! Cure Darkhead~!"
-Goin' for the Warlock Punch!
-Hot damn, Prism's not even flinching
-"Are you shitting me?! I lost...? I lost control of Cure Sky's body because her GIRLFRIEND-!?"
-The Empress's heart has been made whole again.
-"You're just like us, Empress Underg :)"
-"I'm no hero. Not yet at least. But with Prism, Majesty... Wing and Butterfly too... all of Sky Land and the people of Earth... and I guess now even you, Empress... I truly feel like I'm-"
-Friendship confirmed, I repeat, friendship confirmed!
-Dang, you guys had fun, huh?
-"Listen pal, you really should go to bed."
-It's Hero Time~! Once more~!
-What a season this has been.
-Every time I thought it was getting a little stale, or that perhaps I wasn't taking things super seriously, it just pops back up to surprise me again.
-Excelsior, Cure Sky. You'd have done the legends behind so many of the world's best superheroes proud.
-One last Hirogaru Change for the road! Soaring to Infinity! Our World!
-Then after that...
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #881: Not a Wise Choice (Super Smash Bros Ultimate x Kingdom Hearts)
12:34 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room........
TV Show: (Shows the Remake Version of Yoshi's Tropical Island on the Screen)
Sora: (Stares at the Screen in Awe Along With Kairi and Ryuji) Wooooah.......
Kairi: It looks even more prettier than the original......
Ryuji: I know, right? I would totally be down to go there for a few days.
Ren: Same....(Turns to Yoshi) Hey, how are those two Yoshi's been doing now that they're together again?
Yoshi: (Smiles Softly) They're doing great. One of them founded two baby eggs on the shores sometime ago. So they're already raising them as their own.
Sora/Kairi: AWWWWWWWWW!~ Yoshi family!~
Riku: Hmm.......
Ryuji: (Turns to Riku) Somethin' on your mind, man?
Riku: Somewhat.....I was wondering why Bowser isn't playable in this game.
Kairi: Yeah. I've been wondering about that too lately. Didn't Ms. Peach and the others finally invited him to the last party? What makes him wanna back to doing Bowser Spaces?
Yoshi: Well..........
Peach: (Standing in Behind the Microphone Stand While Finishing Up the Uplifting Speech) .....So from the bottom of my heart and purist soul, let us all do our very best and have the BEST PARTY EVER!!~
Crowd: (Raise Their Glasses While Cheering in Rejoice) YEAHHHHAHAHHH!
Bowser: (Walks Up to Peach in a Bit of a Nervous Like Fashion) Hey....Peach.....
Peach: ('Gasps') Bowser! (Happily Hugs the King Koopa) You made it!~ Are you ready to get your party on? Or as the kids would put it....(Playfully Bumps Bowser's Shoulder) Getting Jiggy with it?~
Bowser: (Starts Looking Away While Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeahhhhh...... About that..... I won't be partying with you guys this time soon. I'm gonna go back to causing havoc and mayhem around it like I always do.
And with that, plus the sound of glass breaking and the record being scratch, everyone immediately stops at what they were doing before gasping loudly and turning their heads to the infamous Koopa King himself.
Daisy: (In the Crowd) WHAT THE FUCK!?
Peach: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Y-You're....c-causing havoc.....a-again!?
Bowser: Yep. I done some thinking here and there and turns out I actually like messing with you guys a lot more than being invited to the party for once. Oh and also, I already told the guys to set up a bunch of Bowser's Spaces on each of the worlds. So uh......(Smiles Very Awkwardly While Doing Jazz Hands) Surprise!........
Mario: (Couldn't Believe What He's Hearing Right Now) Is this motherfucker serious right now?
Yoshi: (Immediately Spits his Drink Out)
Luigi/Daisy: (Quickly Turns to Their Son in Worry) Yoshi!?
Ryuji: Woahwoahwoahwoah! Hang on a second!
Abruptly Back to the Present
Ryuji: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) Mario CURSE!?
Sora: And it's a literal F-Bomb!?
Yoshi: Yeah, man! I was standing RIGHT NEXT to him when it all happened. It was crazy! But that's beside the point. After all shock and revelation.......
Back to Flashback
Peach: (Trying her Hardest Not Let Her Lose her Posture and Cool) Let me get this straight...and please..... PLEASE try and correct when I wrong, but....You are tell me, no....To EVERY SINGLE OF OF US HERE is that you spent YEARS tormenting us....for your inviting to each of ours parties....And when we FINALLY invite you to one....after all the begging.....all the ultimatums.....all the agreement we set out for each sides.....You decided....to come right up here and tell each and everyone of us here that you're going back to square one....ALL BECAUSE YOU MISS GIVING US MISERY!!!?
Bowser: ...........Yep. Pretty much.
The anger begins to fume even higher for the princess before she decided to take a huge deep breath in the very last second.
Peach: Okay. Fine. You win. You can go back to causing havoc like you always do.
Bowser: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock) Oh crap. Really?
Mario: (Immediately Rushes Over to Peach's Side) Peach, are you absolutely sure about all of this?
Peach: I'm sure of it, dear. I don't know WHY he decided to do this after everything we've been through to agree to invite him!....('Sigh') But I digress. If this is what he wants to do, then we should let him be.
Bowser: Ah sweet. Thanks, Pea-
Bowser: (Immediately Starts Cowering in Fear) Y-Y-Yeah?
Peach: (Glares at Bowser Harshly) Do not think for a goddamn SECOND that you're not getting out of this unscathed. Starting the First Day of the Next Month, you will do every single chore we set out for you to do throughout the entire mansion. Cleaning rooms, doing the laundry, cooking-......On second thought, nevermind the cooking part.
Bowser: Oh come on! I can cook just fine, ya know!?
Peach: Oh yeah? Then tell me. What dish you made that doesn't cause anyone to get food poisoning?
Bowser: I-
Peach: OR cause anyone to file a lawsuit against you?
Bowser: (Was About to Say Something Only to Sigh in Defeat a Brief Second Later) Okay. I see your point.
Peach: As what I was saying, you will be doing all of that and more for the entire month. Maybe even two or three if you decide to slack off, which by the way, I'll be sure to have Paulie and Bayonetta supervise you along the way.
Bowser: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no....Not them.....A-Anybody but them!....
Peach: Yes. Them. And I'm sure that they'll do everything in their power to keep you in check.
Bowser: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Fuck......I don't think I'll last a day with them breathing on my neck.....(Quickly Turns to Junior, Roy, and Ludwig in a Very Panic Fashion) Kids, help me your old man out here! Please!
Roy: (Too Busy Reading a Magazine) Sorry, pops. You're on your own on this one.
Bowser Jr: (Too Busy Playing his Handheld Video Game) We warned you not to get on Momma Peach's bad side.....
Ludwig: (Too Busy Reading his Book).And now you have no other choice but to accept the consequences of your reckless actions. Pity.
Bowser: I'm screwed.....
Peach: Bowser! Turn back around right now!
Bowser: (Quickly Turns Back to Peach) Yes, ma'am! Sorry, ma'am! Won't happen again, ma'am!....
Peach: Good. Now, one more thing before we're finish.....
Bowser: W-W-What is it?.....
Peach: This party is suppose to be a fun and special occasion for us to remember for years to come. (Gives Bowser a Serious, Dark Look on her Face) If you even THINK about stepping out of line throughout all of it, I will NOT hesitate to pummel you to a pulp and send your sorry ass to the goddamn moon! Do you understand me!?
Bowser: (Rapidly Nodded)
Peach: Good. Now get out of my sight before you make me more angrier.
And with that, Bowser begins to runaway as fast as his life depends on it.
Peach: ('Sighs Heavily') Now with that out of my system.....(Went Back to Smiling Brightly) Let's get this party started, shall we?~
Crowd: (Starts Cheering Again in Rejoice) YEEAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
Daisy: (In the Crowd) THAT OUR PEACHY!
Random Guy: (in the Crowd) MARIO PARTY FOR LIFEEE!
Back to the Present.....Again
Yoshi: And that's everything that happened.
Sora: Wow....That....was pretty intense actually.
Kairi: I know......I never expected Ms. Peach of all people, be so brutal.....
Ren; Yeah. Momma Peach is a very sweet lady and all, but when you tick her and the other moms off, be expected for a world of pain and agony.
Ryuji: We saw them scared Kazuya straight once.....Pretty insane if you ask me.
Riku: ('Sigh') Well, I'm glad they were able to solve the situation before it got more-(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at What is In Front of Him and the Others) Out of..... hand......
Bowser: (Has an Annoyed Look in his Face While Wearing a Maid Costume) Yo.
Ren: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Uhh....Heyyyyy, Bowser.....Wanna tell us why you're wearing....uhhh-
Bowser: Maid outfit? Your mom insisted I wear something presentable. So......('Sigh') They got me wearing this for the rest of the month.
Ren: Yeeesh......
Ryuji: Dude, why did you have to go back to being a dick in Mario Party? You finally got invited in the last one. And you could've been invited to more of them for years to come. But you just.....blew all of that away.
Bowser: Look, I'm sorry, alright!? Things change sometimes! And so is my enjoyment of things. You understand the feeling, right?
Yoshi/Sora/Kairi: Yeahhh......
Ren: I guess.......
Riku: It was still a bad move on your part....
Bowser: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah......I know.....And I'm suffering for it......
Kairi: B-But hey! On the bright side.....(Smiles Sheepishly) At least you look cute in a the outfit.....In a less, intimidating way of course.
Bowser: Thanks. Now, if you kids excuse me......(Starts Walking Away) I gotta get back to work before the Goddess and Witch starts giving more hell to pay......
Sora: (Waves Goodbye to Bowser) Okay! Good luck!......I don't wanna be rude or anything, but....I.... really don't think he'll last for that long.....
Yoshi: I'll give him a week.
Ren: I'll give him three days.
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Any and all of the protagonists?
All of them would be a tall order for one ask, but... If I had to pick one, I think I’ll go with the most recent series I completed, Yuya from Arc V!
Why I like them/why I don’t Yuya’s a sweet boy who wants to make the world smile, even if he’s feeling sad himself, which I find both endearing, and depressing. I just kinda want to put him in therapy so he can learn that repressing all his negative emotions and Only Being Happy no matter the situation is a very unhealthy way to go through life. I care him and want him to learn that expressing negative emotions is okay. Poor boy. Also, Yuya Sakaki is literally the dumbest fucking protagonist in Yugioh history (I say, having not seen Sevens yet- maybe Yuga is dumber), and if a character is dumb, I have no choice but to love him. Seriously, he once said that 300 kg of cotton is heavier than 300 kg of steel because he thought it was a trick question. The quiz duel episode really does cement him as the dumbest fucking protag, and I love him for it.
What I like about their appearance
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Baby boy looks like tomato. Enough said. (Also I like his little choker/collar thing.)
Do I prefer their dub names or original names? Yuya’s name stays the same in both, so I can’t comment here.
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Candyshipping... There is no other contender for me. These boys are really cute together, and they both care about each other a lot, so I can’t not love them as a ship. 
NOTP Hm... I guess shipping Yuya with any of the other Yu boys? Like Yuya/Yuri, Yuya/Yuto, etc. I can’t really say I have a Strong anti stance against most ships with Yuya I’m aware of, I just don’t really care about it if it’s not candyshipping. The Yu boys specifically just feel weird to ship, personally, especially when you consider the fact that they’re all fourths of a whole.
EDIT: I just remembered that Reiji (Declan in the dub) exists, so whatever their ship name is, that. I hate that. Fuck Reiji, all my homies hate Reiji, and I wouldn’t Ever wanna see ship art of that (even though I’m sure that exists and is at least semi-popular.)
OT3 Don’t have one. The only person I ship Yuya with is right up there. Sorry. No third here.
Favourite card they use
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Cheer Mole!!! She’s just a shy little baby trying her best, and I love her for it. She’s so important.
Favourite moment they were in Since it’s tied to Candyshipping, I still do love that dream Yuya has immediately after he meets Sora, where he’s become a champion and won a trophy and made his dad proud, because it’s his fantasy dream; it’s everything he could ever want, and then out of nowhere, Sora shows up and immediately just jumps onto him and will not let go. He’d only known Sora for a day before this, and we never saw Sora exhibit any behavior like this in the waking world. He was actually very restrained, and only offered Yuya a handshake, so seeing Sora in Yuya’s fantasy dream behaving that way? V e r y  telling that a certain protagonist is running from his gay subconscious.
Least favourite moment Mmm... The Battle Beast duel in season 3. I’ve ranted about this at length to at least two people, but I really really hated how the whole theme of “you shouldn’t lash out just because you were hurt” got pushed here, when like. The Battle Beast was literally tortured for years by Arc V Gozaburo to become a fighting machine. He finally got pushed too far and was about to kill his father (or handler, or teacher, whatever the fuck you want to call Sanders,) but then of course the narrative demands "Nooo don't kill your father, just because he verbally and physically abused you and kept you in inhumane conditions doesn't mean he doesn't deserve mercy". Yes the fuck it does.  I know that Yuya was just doing what his dad taught him and all (thank you for the psychological damage, Yusho), but yeah, that was probably my least favorite Yuya moment. I wasn’t even really mad at him specifically, more like the writers for not letting this abused man lash out against someone who literally kept him in a solitary confinement cell.
Would I fuck, marry or kill them Like with my last one on Tyranno, I see him more as a son, but... [Edit] I’m gonna have to say none of the above. When I think about it, Yuya’s only ever seemed affected by male attention, so he’s most likely a (very repressed) gay. I can’t pick anything here.
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ffamranxii · 5 years
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I just finished Fruits Basket Another and I have some Feelings, okay? Under the cut, because spoilers.
Hoooo boy let’s unpack here. Furubana is about Sawa Mitoma, a nervous first year in high school. She firmly believes that she’s basically human trash, and resolves to take up as little space in the world as possible, and that’s not even me paraphrasing. She says within the first few pages she wants to take up as little space as humanly possible. We find out that she’s the daughter of an extremely abusive mother - emotionally abusive. Sawa’s mother never hits her, but she’s also never once nice to her in any of her appearances. She isolates Sawa from any and all friends, she constantly drags Sawa down, and she’s rarely even at home, even back when Sawa was a little girl. How long has Sawa been looking after herself? Sawa is what Tohru could have become if Kyoko had been involved with a gang member rather than Katsuya. 
The main trio of characters is rounded out by essentially the same trio as before: Mutsuki Sohma as the son of Yuki and Machi and Hajime Sohma as the son of Tohru and Kyo. Visually, they look nearly identical, which is why I chose that ^ picture. But they could not be more different. Sawa is every Sohma insecurity rolled into one, and the Sohmas are what their parents could have been without the curse and the constant abuse. Hajime is one of the oldest of the cousins, smothered with love and affection by his entire family, and is lovingly referred to as Dad and Papa (which annoys him), being one of the few in the family who cooks, cleans, or is, y’know, responsible. (Good job, Kyoru! Teach your boy right!) He is unwillingly elected student council president, and manages it easily. Unlike his father’s life, things come easily to Hajime, but he doesn’t let that make him conceited. He’s a down to earth character who trades biting remarks with Mutsuki. Mutsuki, on the other hand, I love. I adore. I want to erect a shrine to this boy. Poor Yuki, his wife hath birthed him a miniature Ayame. Mutsuki is trouble under a beautiful exterior, subtle snark and gentle teasing, but over the top in other aspects (like his thing that was once a desk and complete inability to do the most basic of tasks like buy laundry detergent, his utter willingness to let other people do things for him). He is also a deeply caring individual, and has an extremely close relationship with his cousin Shiki which is the complete opposite of his father’s relationship with Shiki’s mother that I nearly cried right there while reading volume three.
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Kinu Sohma is the daughter of Hatori and Mayuko (a pairing of which I am not fond), and I actually was not fond of her until volume three, at which point she became a treat. A college student, Kinu seems to have no real ambitions or life goals (much like many college freshmen), spends much of her time sleeping, and only really sweeps in at the last chapter to comfort a very distressed Sawa in the way only a fellow woman can, delivering a wonderful speech right up with Kyoko’s Words Of Wisdom about how no one has the right to treat you badly, even your own family. No one has the right to abuse you, demean you, hurt you. That is a curse. She actually uses the word curse, and it makes me wonder what her parents told her of the Sohma curse, if Hatori ever mentioned how Akito used to be, or how Shigure was such a piece of shit about the seahorse, and it made me love Hatori all over again, for teaching his daughter such a powerful thing. Volume three also gave wonderful interaction between Kinu and the entirely deranged (but perfectly appropriate) Hibika Sohma, the daughter of Ayame and Mine. Just like Hatori is the only one who has any sort of control over Ayame, Kinu is the only one who can reign in Hibika. I believe these two are the oldest, out of all of the cousins, because in volume two, Hibika just fucking jets off to Paris with no warning, at the top of one of her tiny tophats instead of setting up her parents’ second store, because she needed inspiration to create new dresses. I don’t think a high school student could do that. Hibika may possibly be the oldest (Kinu is still a minor at 19 [Japan’s age of adulthood is 20]), because I don’t think a minor could do that either. She’s obsessed with Sawa and playing dress up with her, something Kinu is able to reign her away from doing with ease. She’s only the tiniest bit toned down from Ayame. I love her.
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Michi Manabe is the daughter of Kakeru and Komaki and is sometimes at odds with Hajime. My biggest complaint with Furubana is that she is not in it enough!! Despite not being a Sohma proper, Michi is included in nearly all Sohma activities and all the Sohma cousins know her. She and Mutsuki were raised as siblings and address each other as such, which is precious because awww, but also because Kakeru has a deep sibling bond with his half sister as an adult, Komaki (who I view as another Tohru in a way, from how she was introduced) made an effort to keep Yuki and Machi in their lives and comfortable, and Yuki and Machi both created a family unit with the one family member who wanted Machi around, a bond so strong that their children saw each other so much growing up that they refer to each other as siblings. How precious is that?? Poor Hajime is probably the only voice of reason Mutsuki ever had in his life because you know Michi is to Mutsuki what Kakeru would be to Ayame. God I need a Kakeru-meets-Ayame-centric episode right now. Yuki would DIE. Riku Sohma is one half of the twin siblings born to Haru and Rin, and while he looks like Haru, this boy is a lot like his mother. He doesn’t have the anger issues his parents have, not really (except for instance of punching out Hibika’s brother), but he can be a bit spacey, he’s very serious and literal, and he likes to sleep. Everywhere. This family and their sleep. It kills me. He also gets himself a cute little girlfriend, and because of his crush on this girl and his watching of her, he notices her wanting to reach out to Sawa, and Sawa makes her first friend (mostly) on her own in nearly her entire life! On the other hand, Sora Sohma, his twin sister, is cute and spacey, a bit ditzy, and looks like their mother but is 100% Haru. She has nicknames for everyone in the family, and never calls anyone by their actual name. She’s my second favorite character after Hibika. Sora reminds me very much of Usagi Tsukino: instead of seeing a person, Sora sees a friend.
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Poor Chizuru Sohma should’ve been Yuki’s kid. Honestly I’m surprised Ayame and Mine don’t have more kids, given how passionate I’m sure they are. And while Chizuru loves his father, he does declare the man crazy (as does every other character, minus Mutsuki, who says he’s “the most terrific of all uncles”) on more than one occasion. Chizuru is the more responsible of the Ayame/Mine Sohma children, setting up the Ayame II shop essentially on his own until Mutsuki offers Sawa’s help as a part timer (because remember, Hibika decided to go to Paris for the week).  He hates that others view his family as eccentric and him as normal and especially hates when they comment on it, and he tends to be a bit foul-mouthed and outspoken. A bit like Hiro. Poor kid. Rio Mosca is Saki Hanajima’s boy and he is NOT KAZUMA’S SON AND THIS MAKES ME SO SAD. His parents’ love story is rather cute, however. His father is a foreigner (Italian, given that his surname is Mosca), and the two met on a plane, making this a cute little callback to when young Megumi prayed for a someone for Saki to “get on a plane and meet her.” Mina Sohma is the most precious baby and is the daughter of our boy Momiji! Although, look at her - could she be anyone else’s child? She is sweet and cute and seems to be without Momiji a lot - Momiji inherited his father’s business (which seems to be international?), and he travels all the time. Mina has a great talent for batting and rather than be privately tutored and follow her father all over the world, she stays behind in Japan to play baseball for her school. Her dream is to take over the family business from her father like he did from his. It seems Momiji’s terribly tragic story ended happily, as it seems he reconciled with his father enough to inherit his business... (more on this later). And then we have Shiki Sohma, who is surprisingly the son of Shigure and Akito! :O Shiki seems to inhabit two worlds, much like the Sohmas of Furuba. On the one hand, he is part of a generation who was raised by those healed by Tohru Honda. Loving, caring parents who love and adore their children. He has friends who care deeply for him - his best friends, despite all being in different grades, are Chizuru and Rio, and they all play Go together in the school club. His family are all deeply committed to him - Mutsuki especially is close to him, as seen in the first volume where Shiki was teased at but not seen, as Mutsuki called him to come to the house where he, Hajime, Kinu, and Sawa were having a hot pot with Michi, Riku, and Sora.  His parents both are and aren’t the Shigure and Akito we know from Furuba - Shigure is still the immature jokester and Akito is still the serious head of the family, but they both love their son immensely, totally and completely in a way that Akito remembers being loved as a child by her father, in a way that Shigure’s parents probably loved him. On the other hand, in volume three, it is shown that, being the son of the head of the family, and living in the Sohma compound, with the old servants, the “old timers,” and Ren, subjects Shiki to some truly horrific abuse the likes of which no other second gen Sohma child has had to go through. Shiki would greet guests who would give him gifts, only to find that within those gifts were notes badmouthing his mother. Ren attempted to stab him as a small child, something the old Akito would and has attempted on the first gen Sohmas, and it’s implied the only reason was because Shiki was Akito’s child. Akito threw herself in front of Ren’s knife and took the blow for her boy. Shiki is a quiet and withdrawn child, one foot in each of these worlds, and seemingly paralyzed over how to act. Much like Sawa, especially once she meets the Sohmas.
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Remember I said we’d come back to Momiji’s happy ending? See that woman in the top left? That’s Momo Sohma, Momiji’s sister. In Furubana, Momiji has reconciled not only with his father, but with his sister as well! Momo appears to pick up Momo from the Sohma house; she is Momiji’s assistant and Mina seems to stay with her sometimes when Momiji is out of the country. Momiji has his family back!!! Speaking of families, Hinata Sohma, Hiro’s little sister, is all grown up and makes her own appearance in the third volume (and is a slight alcoholic, lol). She also mentions brothers - did Hiro did another sibling after his curse broke?? Megumi Hanajima makes an appearance as a teacher at Kaibara High School, and this is my second complaint about Furubana - there is not enough Megumi!! He grew up sexy! Second best glow up in the series after Momiji! It’s Megumi who tells the romantic story of how Saki met her husband on the plane. Also making an appearance is Makoto Takei, former student council president, unwilling witness to Haru’s natural hair color explanation. He is now a teacher as well, and Sawa and Riku’s homeroom teacher. He’s also still in love with Yuki, and lets Mutsuki get away with anything. He is often at odds with Ruriko Kageyama, the daughter of Motoko Minagawa of the Prince Yuki Fan Club. Ruriko has inherited her mother’s obsession, though unlike Motoko and Makoto (god those two would’ve made a great obsessed couple), Ruriko loves ALL Sohmas. I don’t understand how the worship of an entire family to stalker levels is an official school club but whatever. Ruriko is actually pretty cool, and while she’s pretty strict, she’s also on somewhat friendly (like, “person I talk to at school but nowhere else” type friend) terms with Sawa. 
I feel this can best be summed up in five sentences and in reverse: When Sawa was little, she fell down the stairs. She was found by Shiki, who simultaneously called an ambulance and fell in love with her. Her piece of shit mother sued Shiki because he was rich as shit. Ten years later, no Sohmas harbor any grudges against Sawa, her mother is still a piece of shit, the Sohma children are full of Tohru-and-Kyoko wisdom passed down from their parents, and try to help Sawa. And also they all hardcore ship Shiki/Sawa. The end. 
No seriously, that’s the story. It’s beautiful. I wish there was one or two more volumes, a cameo featuring the adults, it would be perfect. Could you imagine the terrible awkward jokes Shigure would make? “Honey look, Shiki’s in love with the girl he pushed down the stairs as a kid. Was marrying her one of the terms of the lawsuit? Hahaha.” And Akito would just be like “....baby, you and Sawa go outside while I smack your father, you don’t need to see this.” And the two go outside and we then see Shigure fucking fly through the paper door and a loud “YOU FUCKING MORON” follow him out with the classic -_- “did I say something wrong?” Shigure face. And Shiki is just a fascinating color of ruby fire about the cheeks and mumbles, “so yeah... that’s my father....” and Sawa is a similar color and staring at her shoes like “he seems nice...” and Akito opens the ruined door as though she didn’t just beat the shit out of her husband and calls out to them, “come and have tea, your father had to step out for a bit. Sawa, dear, I’d love to hear more about you. would you prefer jasmine tea or green,” because Akito has done a complete 180 and become a decent human being since becoming a mother and Shiki is EVERYTHING to her and if her son loves this girl then GODDAMNIT SO DOES SHE. 
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got2ghost-archive · 4 years
ten ships and why!! I was tagged by @alienfuckeronmain AHH THANK U I LOVE TALKING ABT THIS SHIT
Half of my list is childhood best friends to lovers let's GOOOO
1. drarry
*deep shuddering inhale* I have thought abt draco and harry being foils before I even reached double digits. they could have saved each other and had so much potential to even just be FRIENDS!! if j*r wasn't like that, then she could have actually made a meaningful impact on draco early on. abt how you don't have to be your parents! and how to heal!! anyway I love them any way shape or form. I love reading dark gritty fucked up stories about them just as much as I love reading domestic silly fluffy stuff for them. draco would NOT put up with harry's bullshit and harry would NOT go easy on draco either but they're ultimately just two lonely boys who grew up in fucked up households who have much more in common than they realize!!! LIKE!!
2. wangxian
yes they're a new one but God their love extends so deeply. yes they r basically Chinese fantasy Kirk/spock!!
lan zhan is so in love w wei ying and is so devoted and everything he does is action or acts of service which js very much my love language!! but he also feels a deep sense of obligation to the rules and codes he's learned?? and wei ying loves lan zhan but it takes him a long time to accept it bc he DOESNT BELIEVE HE IS DESERVIG OF LOVE despite being so GOOD. AND THEY NEVER TALK TO EACH OTHER OR COMMUNICATE THEY WAY THEY SHOULD!!!! AND HE DIES and LAN ZHAN IS JUST. REPENTENT FOR 16 YEARS AND RAISES HIS SON AND IS SO INCREDIBLY SAD AND MISERABLE BUT THEN WWX comes BACK TO LIFE and they get to try again AND THEY GET TO BE HAPPY???? ANYWAY ACTS OF DEVOTION I!!!!
3. soriku
I've genuinely thought abt them since I was TEN when the first kingdom hearts game came out but it didn't solidify until KH2 came out when sora has to search for riku the entire game and when he finally does RIKU DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE HIMSELF BUT SORA STILL RECOGNIZES HIM ANYWAY AND HOLDS HIS HAND AND CRIES. THAT SHIT MADE ME GAY! I had never witnessed such tenderness and they are so inherently queer and subtle that it's one of the first stories I ever saw myself in. on top of that I also read that doujinshi that I consider Canon and it's so!! childhood best friends! with big complicated feelings of jealousy and betrayal and possessiveness when you start to grow apart from the person you care about the most!! and in game they're slowly... circling to become end game? the entire story revolves around them saving each other and RIKU LITERALLY CALLING SORA HIS MOST PRECIOUS PERSON? AHHHHHH
4. sterek
I will never forgive what the show did but the Fandom and the writing from that fandom is incredibly important to me. they're like my comfort pairing and I just love that Derek is sad and grumpy but it's because he's fucked up and needs to go to therapy and stiles is also kind of fucked up but happier and he's smart and beautiful and!!! they were obviously attracted to each other!! almost all of their stories involve CONSENT or Derek hale getting better slowly. they mean a lot to me bc my mom was dying while I clung to this fandom and wrote my grief fic and I always associate them with that time in my life. I could and did read like 30 stories abt Derek doing laundry and buying wooden spoons and trying to move on and be a healthier happier person.
5. taagnus
rarely have rare pairs but this is one of them and!!! look. I didn't ship them until the last two arcs of the show revealed that instead of only knowing each other for a few years and being idiots they in fact knew each other for 100 years+ and DIED A LOT together and saved each other. BUT COULDN'T REMEMBER IT YET THEY STILL KIND OF... FALL IN LOVE AGAIN? they balance each other so much. magnus is magnus - brave and GOOD. taako is so closed off, careful abt trusting people so when he acted on gut instinct to LITERALLY THROW HIS SOUL OUT OF HIS BODY TO SAVE MAGNUS I was hooked. I know that taako ends up w kravitz but bc we didn't get to see Krav much I couldn't grow attached to him? I love the thought of first love and exploring that - how it never goes away, really but you can still love other people!! plus! I love writing them as lesbians! they're butch/femme to me!
6. ruth/debbie
UGH. UGH!!!!! they're so obsessed with each other and it's so filled with repression and anger and betrayal thst has nothing to do with Ruth fucking her husband and everything to do with the trust of their friendship. it's such a complicated weird fucked up intense 'friendship' that I love to see and like!! sometimes my friendships w women FELT like that. the times I have felt the most hurt is when I lose a friend bc a part of me is in love w them in some way!! Ruth and Debbie are just. in love. though. and Ruth is never gonna admit it and she's gonna... be in a comp het relationship even tho she thinks Debbie is smart and sexy and she idolizes her GOD.
7. gene/finny
YES MOST OF MY PAIRINGS ARE SAD WHAT OF IT? I read this book as a sophomore in hs and I simply could not stop thinking abt how gay and in love they were. FIRST OF ALL THE metaphors!!!!!! gene as winter and finny as summer!! and how codependent and weird they were even tho finny KNEW gene broke his leg. he didn't want to believe it bc he WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM. THEY WENT ON A DATE TO THE BEACH? THE PINK SHIRT? finny being the embodiment of childhood innocence and Gene literally breaking that? and killing it? once again I just love reading abt how complex jealousy is and where it comes from and also REPRESSION!!!
8. forrden
yes I'm including my own OC with @dosalesbian
I wrote abt them for FOUR YEARS. they're childhood best friends who fall in love and marry and are in love no matter what universe and are so soft and tender and healing. forrest goes thru a lot of gender exploration and aiden is just the partner I want to be!! he's goofy and LOVES HER SO MUCH AND SUPPORTS HER SO MUCH GOD!!!!
9. kuroken
they r a new one and yes once again childhood best friends but in a FUN NEW WAY that I want to explore. kenma is like disinterested in most things except gaming and whatever kuroo wants to do and has a hard time socializing bc he's SHY and is too observant! and kuroo is big and dumb and passionate but was also a stupid anxious child. I think they're those friends who are dating but don't even know they're dating or their relationship is so indescribable to themselves and others that it's hard to take any step forward or backward bc theyre SO codependent and yes. I want to explore that and read abt them more.
10. don't look at me yes im putting ryden on here
okay!! I tag @scottspack @dosalesbian @pattern-pals hehe
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roxasboxas · 5 years
An Exhaustive Post About WHY I Hate Eraqus So Fucking Much
*back on my bullshit voice* so the thing about Eraqus, right
We don’t see a lot of him, so when analyzing him we have to focus on his impact on other characters. And the first thing to note is how a lot of people in canon consider him pretty great, for whatever reason. But, again, we don’t see him being much of anything. So, his lasting effects on other characters are where it’s at.
Terra doesn’t display any actual skill when it comes to being able to tell who’s trustworthy.
Some of it comes from him not having grown up on Disney movies like we have, but even then a lot of the people he falls in with over the course of BBS are pretty blatantly suspicious. A lot of people put this on him as a personal failing, but I’d argue that a good deal of that falls on Eraqus, his fucking teacher-dad who was supposed to help keep him safe and know how to keep himself safe.
Although, in all fairness, this may be a skill Eraqus lacks, too, as he hangs out with Xehanort.
Still, though, Terra seems to trust people (especially authority figures) with an almost unnatural absoluteness in most circumstances (ie, any time outside of that scene where he saves Ven from Eraqus), which plays into my next point.
Terra is ridiculously hard on himself.
Terra: *makes one mistake while acting in self defense* Terra, literally: “I can never go home” (in the scene it’s a bit more obvious, but it’s implied that his thought process is that Eraqus would never accept him home after, yknow, him making a literal mistake)
Xehanort kills Eraqus, but who does Terra blame? His own damn self, to the point of telling Aqua that he Terra killed Eraqus, rather than that Xehanort who literally killed Eraqus did it.
Where did Terra’s darkness come from, anyways?
We don’t really have a solid idea of how hearts and light and darkness work in Kingdom Hearts (despite how often they’re brought up) but darkness at least seems to be pretty heavily sourced from negative emotions (Ansem SOD possessing Riku via him being upset about Sora not needing him, Vanitas’ entire character, etc.)
So. Terra’s darkness. Terra has enough negative emotion for it to apparently be a palpable problem that we are concerned about. Like, does he have a genetic predisposition to depression or anxiety or something? Are there any therapists in the Land of Departure? What’s going on there
Terra has so much going on emotionally that he literally gets possessed. He needs some milk therapy
Aqua is the golden child and the eldest daughter and it. fucks. her. up.
She’s two years younger than Terra but she’s taking the Mark of Mastery at the same time as him. Did she just start at the same time as him? Why did she start so young? this is ridiculous
She absolutely puts herself in a caretaker role (definitely to a higher degree with Ven, but also with Terra at times). Her fellow apprentices are almost more her responsibility than Eraqus’ at times, which should absolutely not be the case. My girl is 18 in BBS she is too young to be raising a 16y/o boy and a 20y/o man.
What parental stuff does Eraqus do on screen? “Terra, you are like a son to me” fuckin act like it then
If anything Eraqus encourages this thought process and behavior when he tells her to keep an eye on Terra as he sends the two of them off to punch monsters. This aint healthy man. shut up
Even when she’s hanging out in the realm of darkness for a hot decade her focus is less on taking care of herself and more on getting back to Terra and Ventus because she feels so obligated to take care of them
She’s only IN the realm of darkness in the first place because she hopped in to save Terra, who was kind of. hella possessed and evil at the time.
I feel like this actually shows up in her game mechanics as well. She’s a glass cannon. She’s out here solving other peoples problems and killing monsters like a champ but shes got no health bc shes not taking care of her own needs.
All of Aqua’s problems really fall under that one category but hoo boy it is a doozy huh
im going back and getting the exact dialogue for this part because holy shit
Eraqus: “Ventus, you’re alone? I thought Aqua would-- Well, what matters is that you’re home. You don’t belong outside this world yet. You need to stay here, where you can learn--” Ventus: “In your prison?” Eraqus: “What?” Ventus: “That’s your excuse... for keeping me imprisoned here, isn’t it?” Eraqus: “What did you hear?” Ventus: “That I’m supposed to be some weapon... Some kind of... ‘X-blade”!” Eraqus: “I knew it. Xehanort-- He could never let it go.” [pause for flashback] Eraqus: “I failed. I had the chance to stop him and couldn’t do it. But I will not fail again.” [Eraqus summons his fucking keyblade to kill a child] Ventus: “Master! What are you...” Eraqus: “The X-Blade has no place in this or any world. Xehanort has made his purpose clear... and I am left with no choice. Forgive me... But you must exist no more.” [Terra steps in and saves Ventus.] Eraqus: “What?” Terra: “Master, have you gone mad?” Eraqus: “Terra! I command you-- step aside!” Terra: “No!” Eraqus: “You will not heed your Master?” Terra: “I won’t!” Eraqus: “Why do all my attempts to reach you fail?” [side note: this is its own fuckin loaded statement but its in terms of his effect on Terra’s own self doubt rather than what Ventus is up to] “If you don’t have it in your heart to obey... then you will have to share Ventus’s fate.” [Terra and Eraqus begin to fight] Ventus: “Enough, Terra! He’s right...”
Or, tl;dr, Ven literally believes he should fuckin die just bc Eraqus said so. What the FUCK
Ventus: hey did you know about this Eraqus: yes. die Ventus: shit ok
Things to keep in mind:
Ventus has about 4 years of cumulative memory due to magic heart shenanigan induced amnesia
Eraqus was technically responsible for him this whole time, and claimed to Ventus (getting Terra and Aqua to lie about this, BY THE WAY) that this had been the arrangement since forever.
Xehanort and Yen Sid
Okay, we can’t blame Eraqus for Xehanort being evil as shit and we’re probably gonna get more info on that in the new Xehanort game, but. Eraqus fucking cheats at fantasy chess. Probably didn’t contribute that much to Xehanort’s darkness problem, sure, but probably didn’t help at all, either.
Yen Sid
Dude just lives in his tower. doing jack shit. making Sora and Riku teach themselves during their final exam. Making Merlin teach Kairi and Lea. do something my guy you’re irrevocably caught up anime drama anyways
this is the joke section. to lighten the mood after talking about the whole child murder thing
And then Eraqus had literally no direct effect on anyone else in the whole ass series. His entire impact was literally negative. I hate him
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cheshiresense · 6 years
Out of curiosity, and because you've mentioned it before: how do you think a friendship between ichigo and aizen would go down? *tosses in a time travel bit, just in case, because why not?*
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @oceanshimmerspirit-blog @naramyon @presumenothing @miralifox @nonbinary-hawke @dejunco @yuzukimist @wolfsrainrules
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. In general, I’m not a huge fan of Ichigo & Aizen interaction unless Aizen’s just there to fill the enemy role. It’s not like I hate it, it’s just I’m usually not interested in it.
Let’s say Yhwach wins. Soul Society is destroyed. Most people are dead. All that good-bad stuff. Ichigo gets sent back. Along with Aizen. They’re basically the only two powerhouses left, and SK figures if anyone can stop his son, it’s these two with all the knowledge and experience they have against Yhwach. And also if anyone can keep Aizen in check without literally locking him up, it would be Ichigo.
Because I am a sucker for TBTP era, that is where they go. Maybe that’s as far as the SK could send them, maybe he thinks a century-ish to prepare would be enough.
Aizen Sousuke, Fifth Division lieutenant, gets carted off to the Fourth when he collapses out of the blue one afternoon under the weight of a hundred+ years of memories, including all the work he’ll do in his attempt to make a perfect Hogyoku and the events that led to his brief reign in Las Noches and of course his defeat at the hands of Kurosaki Ichigo and Urahara Kisuke and even those two years he spent in the darkness of Muken before being released just in time to watch the world collapse.
Ichigo, mind and body, gets conveniently dumped near a patrol led by Shiba Kaien. It doesn’t take much for the Clan to accept someone who’s so obviously one of them, even if they don’t know who his parents are. He’s also shuffled off to the Fourth because Kaien found him bleeding and near-comatose, and the Shibas have private healers but Unohana is still the best.
Ichigo wakes up first. His healing factor is no joke, and Aizen technically has two souls working to integrate together while his mind struggles to put all the new memories in order. They don’t see each other that day. Aizen gets his own private room, and Ichigo is in a wing reserved for the Shibas. But Ichigo can still sense him, and yeah, a very large part of him is still wary of this man because they aren’t exactly friends and Aizen’s one of the smartest, most dangerous people Ichigo has ever met. But at the same time, he also remembers the Aizen who tried to help him against Yhwach, undoubtedly for his own survival and his own refusal to serve anyone, but by the end, it was also very obvious that Yhwach was going to win and Aizen still didn’t switch sides or run away. Not even for his own survival. If nothing else, Ichigo can respect conviction like that.
Sousuke wakes a few days later. Unohana tells him his reiatsu was depleted, and did he strain himself training? Sousuke easily takes the lie and runs with it, conceding gracefully to Unohana’s ominous stare and lecture before he’s released.
Kyouka Suigetsu is cold even to his touch, and he can’t hear her even though he can feel her again. It’s both jarring and startling. He’s used to a certain kind of emptiness where his spirit once - and now again - resided, and he didn’t realize just how much he missed her felt that emptiness until it’s been filled again. He’s not sure what kind of reception he’ll receive when he enters his mindscape so he puts that off for later.
He goes back to work, brushes aside his captain’s suspicious glances and deflects his gruffly concerned nagging. He gets his hands on a calendar as soon as possible, and a few quick calculations tells him it’s still a good decade before the Hollowfication incident. He hasn’t even met Gin yet. Which reminds him… He considers it for all of a moment before making a mental note to recall all the Shinigami currently secretly under his command, gathering souls out in Rukongai under the guise of missions. Gin was a… tolerable protégé, a quick learner and a dependable subordinate, inasmuch as Sousuke ever depended on anyone. He has no use for him this time though, so he might as well leave the boy and his friend alone. Besides, Ichigo probably won’t approve, and even before they came back, Sousuke had already decided that - at least until Yhwach is taken care of - it would be more trouble than it was worth to have to fight Ichigo every step of the way as well. Until or unless, of course, Ichigo attempts to get him thrown back into Muken.
They don’t meet up until two weeks later. Sousuke is admittedly impressed at the speed Ichigo can get things moving when he’s motivated. Within a week, rumours of a new Shiba enrolling a bit late at the Academy begin circulating. Within two weeks, said new Shiba has reached prodigal status and jumped straight to almost all senior courses, most likely slated to graduate by the end of the year.
“You act quickly when you have made up your mind,” is Aizen’s opening gambit when he appears in the ramen stand that Ichigo deliberately chose because it’s only half a block away from the Fifth Division barracks.
Ichigo shrugs and doesn’t bother looking up from his noodles. “No use dragging my heels, right? I can’t do anything when I’ve got every Shiba in the city hovering over me like I might collapse from a strong gust of wind. They’ll have to back off once I graduate and get a job.”
Aizen makes a faintly skeptical noise once he finishes ordering his own meal. “You would be surprised. The Shiba Clan has always been strangely family-oriented.”
Ichigo rolls his eyes. “There’s nothing strange about being family-oriented. But whatever, we’re not here to talk about them. What’s your plan?” He gets a raised eyebrow for that. Ichigo rolls his eyes again. He feels like he’s going to be doing that a lot. “You can’t tell me you don’t already have like half a dozen plans cooked up. So tell me those, I have a few ideas of my own that I’ll tell you, and we’ll poke holes in each other’s plans until we come up with the best one.”
He gets stared at a bit more before Aizen’s ramen arrives, and they eat in silence for a while. Aizen is the one who breaks it in measured tones, “We need to figure out a way to breach their Wandenreich before Yhwach returns. He is powerful enough on his own. Taking his army from him would be a decent blow against him.”
Ichigo grimaces. “Right, and by we, you mean me.”
Aizen points out, mild as milk, “I cannot manipulate reishi.”
Ichigo sighs but doesn’t protest. His gaze slides over to a nearby shadow before returning to his food. “Right. Well. I guess you’ll be figuring out a way to defeat the Quincy army?”
Aizen waves a dismissive hand. “Yhwach aside, I am not particularly concerned about the rest of them. If push comes to shove and our Bankai are stolen, Urahara Kisuke invented a way to cripple them. I am sure I can duplicate the method.”
Ichigo gives him a hard stare at that. “Okay, but that better not be code for ‘I’m gonna continue feeding people to my sparkly magic stone’. Yours was a failure anyway so there’s no point doing the same thing all over again.”
Aizen counters with a narrow-eyed look that doesn’t quite fit the kind, genial lieutenant disguise he’s got going right now. It’s creepy. “The Hollowfication research will be necessary. I believe it is key to defeating Yhwach.”
Ichigo scowls. “That’s fine. But not your way.”
Aizen’s lip curls a little, equal parts derision and mockery before it’s wiped away again, just as a group of Shinigami duck inside to pick up their takeout order. They whisper excitedly when they catch sight of Aizen, and all of them blush when Aizen smiles at them. Ichigo thinks he might gag.
“Do you think,” Aizen says with all the silky bite of hidden poison, as soon as the Shinigami have left. “Your Urahara Kisuke created his Hogyoku any differently than I? He somehow succeeded where I did not, but do not think for one second that his hands are any cleaner than mine. The very nature of the Hogyoku requires the sacrifice of souls. He is no saint, no matter what kind of pedestal you’ve put him on in your-” He stops. Looks at Ichigo. A frown creases his brow. “…But you know that.”
Ichigo shrugs. “That Kisuke’s done some seriously messed up shit? Well yeah. I mean, Exhibit A: Rukia, Exhibit B: me. And I didn’t spend all my time at the Shouten only drinking tea and training, you know. Sometimes we talked.”
He doesn’t let himself think about it though. He’s been handling everything so far by very pointedly not thinking about it. About everything he’s lost. About everyone he’s lost.
“Just find another way,” Ichigo finishes irritably. “You’re supposed to be smart, right? So quit fucking around and figure it out.”
Aizen… doesn’t do anything as obvious as glare or even clench his jaw or anything, but there’s something about the unblinking sharpness of his expression that makes Ichigo think the man is torn between amused and annoyed and maybe a little incredulous. Ichigo doesn’t quite understand where all those emotions are coming from but he scowls back with an unflinching sort of steadiness because this is a line in the sand, and Aizen will not be crossing it. Not again.
Aizen finally concedes with little more than a huff of a laugh through his nose even as he turns back to his meal. “As you say,” He agrees, and if you only listened to his tone of voice, you’d think he was the pinnacle of gracious modesty. “And what of Urahara Kisuke? Will you be stopping him too?”
Ichigo frowns. “Yeah, but it’ll probably take me a while to get there. I was thinking, after I graduate, should I go to the Twelfth? We’ll probably need Kisuke, sooner or later.”
“You believe you can influence him enough to change him?” Aizen looks amused all over again.
“I can try,” Ichigo retorts. “If it really comes down to it, I can find his labs, burn everything that looks shady, and then pin him down and explain everything to him. And hopefully by then I’ll have found a way through to the Wandenreich too so that would be proof.”
He bristles defensively when Aizen actually rolls his eyes, a little. And here he thought the bastard was too refined for that.
“And there is the Kurosaki Ichigo I recall from our early days,” Aizen murmurs. He doesn’t give Ichigo the chance to snap back, continuing smoothly, if pointedly, “Do you even know enough about any scientific field or technological research to catch the Twelfth’s eye? At this point in time, those are the only types of graduates Urahara Kisuke is looking for.”
“Well, no,” Ichigo admits. He knows a bit from listening to Kisuke in the other future-past but probably not enough to actually make a career out of it. “But you can teach me, right?”
Aizen doesn’t even blink, but his reiatsu flutters just a moment, giving away his genuine surprise. “Me. Teach you.”
“You can say no,” Ichigo snorts. “If I can’t get into the Twelfth, I figure the Thirteenth or Eighth might be-”
“I have not said no,” Aizen cuts him off calmly. “And it would be foolish of you to believe there is no danger in working your way into Kyouraku Shunsui or Ukitake Jyuushirou’s good graces. This is not a century in the future where they’ve spent years stewing silently under a number of injustices against people they claimed to care about. This is a time where they turned their faces and said nothing when the Gotei’s elite was gutted overnight on one man’s say-so. Kyouka Suigetsu’s hypnosis ensured that an already paranoid government would condemn them, this is true, but I never had to hypnotize a single Shinigami for them to let the matter go. There was talk, of course, but in the end, they swept the incident under the rug all on their own.” He studies Ichigo for a long moment, and whatever he sees there - Fury? Disgust? Disappointment? - makes him nod with something like satisfaction and something like pity. “I will teach you some basics. I teach classes a few times a week at the Academy. I can set aside some office hours for you. If you can turn Urahara Kisuke to our cause, it would simplify matters greatly. But I doubt you will enjoy it much. You have always preferred the arts, I believe.”
Ichigo freezes. Aizen looks particularly innocent despite the dark-tinted amusement that swims underneath. “I did say I have watched you grow up all your life, did I not?”
“…You are so fucking creepy,” Ichigo finally croaks.
And Aizen beams rainbows and butterflies in response, and hell Ichigo wishes he’d looked like that at Yhwach because surely it would’ve been a one-hit KO. It sure as fuck makes Ichigo want to run screaming in the opposite direction.
And… some time passes. Ichi goes to school, meets up with Aizen in his office a couple times a week for tutoring sessions, plots with Aizen, snarks with Aizen, shouts at Aizen on one memorable occasion when they argued over whether hypnotizing everyone into helping them fight would be a good tactic (Ichigo wins with a no, for now, to be rehashed in the future).
Eventually though, people notice.
Sousuke hasn’t been using Kyouka Suigetsu as much. To be honest, there’s simply no real need, which is… an actual novelty. He is literally not doing anything illegal, and in fact hasn’t done anything illegal - beyond ensuring all the Shinigami under his command don’t remember what they’ve been doing for him - since he came back in time. He’s fairly certain it’s some kind of record.
It’s largely Ichigo’s fault, Sousuke decides. When he isn’t doing paperwork or teaching a class or away on a mission, he’s tutoring Ichigo or ironing out their future potential plans with him.
And Ichigo is not like Gin. Gin was obedient. For all that he had a mischievous streak, he also walked a careful line around Sousuke. He had a knack for just enough backtalk to be amusing but not offensive, made himself useful but didn’t linger enough for his presence to become annoying, and ultimately, he did anything and everything Aizen asked of him.
Ichigo is not like that. He very much does not give a damn about whether or not he offends Sousuke. He’ll park himself in Sousuke’s office until he learns whatever chapter of whatever topic Sousuke is teaching him that day. He’ll let them both take a break if they end up too frustrated, but he keeps at it, and he never shies from asking Sousuke to explain something again if he doesn’t understand. He matches Sousuke word for word if they disagree over something. He isn’t too prideful to concede if Sousuke makes a good enough point, but likewise, he doesn’t let Sousuke get away with insisting on being right when Ichigo comes out on top in their arguments.
It’s frustrating, and more than once, Sousuke thinks it would be so much easier if he could just… hypnotize Ichigo a little, to make him a little more agreeable. Of course, then he remembers Kyouka Suigetsu won’t work on him, because they may be back in time, but the soul remembers, and Ichigo adapted to Kyouka Suigetsu’s illusions from the very first moment they teamed up against Yhwach like he’d done it his entire life. Kyouka Suigetsu has never and will never work against Ichigo, and Sousuke’s still undecided about whether to be impressed or insulted by this.
So Sousuke is forced to cope. He’s appalled when Ichigo actually manages to goad him into snapping back once or twice, but at the same time, there’s something almost freeing about not having to watch his words, his actions, his very facial expressions, when there’s only Ichigo around. With Ichigo, there is no need to pretend because he already knows exactly the kind of person Sousuke is, and it leaves him feeling simultaneously wrong-footed and uneasy and perhaps just a touch grateful.
Eventually, Hirako notices. Hirako Shinji has forever been a thorn in Sousuke’s side. Not particularly life-threatening, almost forgettable at times, but irritating all the same. Hirako’s always seen something off about Sousuke. He’s never been able to see the full picture, but he sees enough to remain wary. Not that it helped him much in the end of course.
But he sees Sousuke with Ichigo, with the Shiba’s latest pride and joy, and undoubtedly, he probably thinks Sousuke is corrupting him. Which secretly amuses Sousuke to some degree. If there’s one man Sousuke would put money down on being uncorruptible, or at least very close to it, it would be Kurosaki Ichigo. If anything, it tended to be the other way around. Ichigo drew people into his orbit and changed them, simply by being himself. No mind manipulation necessary.
“Sou-chan,” Hirako sidles up to him one day, peering at him like that would make Sousuke crack and spill all his secrets. “I hear you’ve been hangin’ out with an Academy brat lately.”
Sousuke levels a patiently droll expression on his captain. “Indeed. Shiba-san has expressed an interest in joining the Twelfth upon his graduation, and he wishes to further his education in certain sciences in order to better his chances for acceptance. Since I have some knowledge of several areas in the field, I offered to tutor him during my office hours.”
And the best thing of all, he isn’t even lying. He wonders if Hirako can sense it too, because his captain stares, keen-eyed and silent, too controlled to flap his jaw in shock, but shocked all the same. It makes Sousuke wonder if he really did lie to Hirako that much the first time around. Then he remembers that more often than not, he simply left an illusion of himself in the barracks while he worked in his labs.
Hm. Is that why? because some part of Hirako - perhaps because of his Zanpakutou’s abilities - has always sensed that literally everything about his own lieutenant was fake?
“I see,” The man says at last. “Well, that’s good. The kid could benefit from that if he really wants to get into the Twelfth.” But I’ll be watching you goes unsaid. “Invite him over sometime,” He continues, and the offer is genuine, because at his core, Sousuke’s captain is a good man. “He can see what a Division looks like from the inside.”
Sousuke watches him walk away. He wonders if it will change anything if he tries shoving Ichigo in Hirako’s direction. It could be interesting to find out.
And…. that’s all I have. Basically these two getting to know each other in-between figuring out how to save the world and dragging in allies and settling into their lives in the past. And Sousuke still mind-whammying people as a first instinct. And Ichigo stopping him from mind-whammying people, which becomes instinct. It’s an interesting friendship, to say the least.
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nobodies-png · 6 years
Hello!! Can we get some Daddy Riku headcanons please?
pARENT HEADCANONS, MY WEAKNESS - assuming this is the kind of daddy HC y’all wanted ofc -
Riku :
Riku is the typical guy who goes “I want a son because I don’t think I could raise a daughter”, but then he remembers how Sora and him used to be as kids and changes his mind. “I want a daughter cause they seem more calm”. But then he remembers how Kairi and Selphie used to be and just gives the fuck up. Riku’s most likely to be a single parent and adopt, though ! And then cry because he can’t legally adopt every single kid. After all he’s been through, Riku can’t help but see himself in all of the children from the adoption centre an It Feels Bad, Man.
Not gonna lie, his first decision as a dad would be to name his kid after one of his friends - either Sora, Kairi or Naminé - but he’d get cold feet in the end, knowing that they would all tease him mercilessly for doing that. If no one’s there to stop him, chances are Riku pulls a Castlevania and names his kid Urik, because “he wants them to be the opposite of what he used to be”. Smooth.
His kid will grow up thinking he’s the coolest dad ever because of his cool and calm attitude - and also because he just seems to know e v e r y t h i n g so effortlessly. Honestly though, Riku is super invested in his kid’s life. He’s up to date with their classes, staying up late studying and researching so he can help them with homework should they need it. He makes an effort to know about their likes and interests so they don’t feel alienated or like they can’t talk to him. Cause listen, he might be their dad, but he also wants to be their friend. 
Because of his lack of skill when it comes to expressing emotions and f e e l i n g s in general, there will be a lot of misunderstandings and arguments once his kid becomes older. Like y’know, arguments about curfew, about him accidentally interrupting a private conversation, romantic partners etc. But no matter how their kid acts, Riku will n e v e r raise his voice at them. He wants to treat his child like a somewhat equal (cause y’know, Riku’s still their dad and he always has the best intentions at heart, so his word still matters) instead of using intimidation and authority to get them to listen to him. But yeah, he and kis kid are super close despite those little fights - they always end up talking things out in the end and apologizing to each other.
Okay enough about sad stuff. Riku saves literally every drawing and funny story or important project his kid makes. He also carries around a photo of them as a baby in his wallet. Unlike Sora, who has a shit ton of albums and takes a shit ton of pictures, Riku just takes a few of himself with his kid. They’re all safely hidden too ! He doesn’t want to have one of those cliché parent moments where he just shows off all of his kid’s baby pics. If they wanna show them, that’s cool but he r e a l l y doesn’t want to embarrass his kid like that.
Riku never tries to hide the fact that his kid is adopted from them. Like, he makes it clear that he’s not their biological dad, but also makes sure that they know family can be more than sharing blood. Their kid is raised with so much love and support from Riku and all of his friends, i’m not tearing up yOU ARE
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beanmaster-pika · 5 years
@xan-xus Lae I owe you my life ty for enabling me
OKAY SO Subject X doesn’t disappear, but Lea and Isa still go with the ‘become Apprentices’ plan bc they’re Dumb Teens. Fast forward and Xehanort has everyone in the lab (including the LITERAL BABY I’m so sorry they did that to you Ienzo) all “hm yeah we should totally experiment on our own hearts nothing could possibly go wrong!” and Lea and Isa are like “wh. what the fuck. are we in a cult is this what a cult looks like”
Spoiler: it is
Now, one scene I have envisioned very vividly is a change in Saix getting his scar. I’ve read posts that suggest he got it before he became a Nobody and that’s why it didn’t disappear like Axel’s tattoos did (OR MAYBE THOSE WERENT TATTOOS. MAYBE THEY WERE CLOWN MAKEUP), so I figure it happened right before he lost heart. Why? I dunno! Maybe Xehanort realized that he had a lot of darkness in his potential to get unhealthily jealous and went “hoo hee that’s prime real estate!” and decided to set the groundwork in advance! But because I am a sucker for characters bodily shielding their loved ones, X fuckin jumps in the way of the second slash so she and Saix end up having Inverted Matching Scars. I’m contemplating having it being over her eye and giving her an eyepatch and her being really salty about matching with Xigbar bc who’d want to.
Xehanort just rolls with it because if those three hold each other dear then that’s just more material to work with in the future, kinda like when one gathers a bunch of art supplies one has vague ideas for but never ends up using, so Nort Prep™️ doesn’t happen and he turns them all into Nobodies.
Also Lea’s unconscious for all of this because of my hc that the Radiant Garden squad’s numbers go in ascending order based on who got killed first. Ya boi’s just chillin in the back, his heart floating over his body.
Anyway they’re all Nobodies now, right? No feelings, nothing. They just want their hearts back so they can become Somebodies again. Since X is right there with them, they don’t need to worry about getting Saix up the ranks to find her. They just need to carry out their missions competently enough that they don’t get turned into Dusks. A lot changes when you take the search for X out of the equation—Saix loses his hungry ambition, Axel slows down. They don’t have to fight to get ahead; they just need to stay afloat. They lose that desperate edge that ultimately knifed them apart, and it’s only the scramble for kingdom hearts that drives them now. Much of the stress and pressure they dealt with in canon is gone. So what now?
It’s these two plus X. They don’t have emotions, but they do have their memories. X’s freedom was all they had hoped for, and ironically now that she’s got it none of them have the literal heart to be happy about it, and you can bet I’m lifting that line straight into my fic probably. They know that they were friends, though they can’t feel it now, and they know that they cared deeply for each other, so logically they stick together. They even have ice cream time on the clock tower.
Here’s the fun part: regrowing their hearts. With an actual circle of friends—though it’s small—their hearts actually start to regrow healthier, like how Axel’s did once he started hanging out with Roxas and Xion. Sure, Xemnas tries to interfere because “excuse me what are you nincompoops doing that’s my future vessel” but do you think they give a fuck?? No way!! I also buy into the “X=Skuld” theory, and one of her biggest personality traits is wanting to keep her friends together, and I don’t think amnesia’s gonna change that (at least I’m pretty sure she has amnesia. Ven, Marluxia, and Larxene sure do >:0). Xemnas wants to snatch away one of her friends for Evil Business?? Try it, bitch, she’ll cUT YOU. Xemnas has appearances to keep up so he doesn’t out and out start a fight with the Teenage Girl™️ but he’s lowkey pissed but whatever.
So with that fucked up end to their teenage years they grow into adulthood, not normal but far less shitty than what could have been. Saix still becomes Mission Man because he’s got to have some administrative skill if he got the job in canon, but despite how closely he has to work with Xemnas the Norting is unsuccessful—he’s got Axel and X stabilizing him. It’s a three-way positive feedback loop with people who don’t have anything else to do or worry about, and it keeps him safe and their new hearts keep slogging on with that regrowth, unacknowledged but doing their damn best.
Now let’s talk about Days. Saix still assigns Axel to train Roxas during his first week, and Roxas still has to train Xion for memory or Keyblade reasons I think?? But things go a little differently for them this time.
Axel doesn’t do assassination in this AU—no need for it—so it’s Xigbar sent off to Castle Oblivion instead to deal with the traitors. Saix doesn’t really care since he doesn’t have a personal stake in the situation. Axel never meets Sora, but he does hang out with Roxas more, so Roxas ends up growing to be a bit more of a little shit than he is in canon. The formative weeks are very important for a new Nobody with no memories, after all. Axel doesn’t have that desperation for a real friend that pushed him to befriend Roxas in canon, but he does have a more developed partial heart and it won’t allow him to just toss this poor kid to the wolves. He brings him up to the clock tower for ice cream time and Saix is like “why is he here this is our thing” and Axel has to go “be nice he was born yesterday” Roxas is just spacing out and figuring out how eating works. Axel adopts Roxas almost immediately, X does so in good faith, and Saix eventually comes around because the other two already did it. Then there’s the whole Xion situation, and all three of them are like Axel was in canon—a bit confused, but they got the spirit. Roxas likes her, so they do too.
They don’t have to sneak around as much when Xion has Keyblade problems—the perks of having an actual friend in power—and from here all I really have planned is a whole lot of the radiant trio doing their best to look after these disaster children while stubbornly denying that they themselves have hearts and emotions pushing them to do so in the first place and it’s really wholesome and also maybe theres a pinch of Axel and Saix’s redeveloping hearts leading to redeveloping but unacknowledged feelings for each other and X and the kids try to wingman them (with a side of X being a little salty because the only woman her age in the organization is dead now and also was too mean to date in the first place) because I’m biased and still high on kh3 leaisa rights.
Eventually they decide “fuck it we may not have hearts but we’re doing fine, why don’t we just uhhhhhh fuck off to some far away world with the kids so they can have an actual childhood” but before they can everything goes to shit with the whole Sora situation and now he has THREE desperate Nobodies after him trying to get their son back, and they all disagree on which method will bring results and have a huge falling out and X has to watch helplessly as one of her best friends goes rogue and the other ends up being Norted and it’s painful. 🙃 But everything gets resolved a la KH3 and that’s the AU.
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Led Zeppelin was right all along
It’s my FINAL PIECE of KH3 commentary! That’s right, I’ve finished the game! Commentary for me finishing it is under the cut!
Okay guys, this is it
It’s time to finish this sucker
It’s time for all of my feelings to get curbstomped and then cracked in half over a knee
Turns out I’ve caught a cold so this might be tougher to do
But I’m still going to do it
And after beating this gummi boss again…
Ahhh there he is at last
The old fart
…So weird that it’s not Leonard Nimoy though
Xehanort: Let’s just try out this whole apocalypse thing and see how it goes
It’s rainin’ Heartless, hallelujah
LMAO there isn’t even an enemy counter, it’s just:
And I just blew up ten million Heartless with a train, THIS IS THE SHINIEST APOCALYPSE EVER
Ohh, once again, hate that tunnel
At least Aqua didn’t fall for that
Oh dang he’s got No Name there
Oh well now that’s cheating
Donald’s fukkin pissed
Did Donald just Megaflare this bitch
ArE yoU kiDDinG mE
Oh great, one of you again
Aqua: Never mind, that is way damn too many Heartless
Well that was five different layers of OH SHIT
Oh hey back at that chess metaphor HI AGAIN YOUNG ERAQUS
Wait the hell kind of chess move was that
Chirithy: So yeah you’ve kinda died a couple times previously just by being unconscious a lot
Sora: YEAH WELL time to get back to life
Ohhhh no the sparkly stars are KHUX Keykids, aren’t they :(((
Ugh it’s the little star soul stories that are getting to me :(
Sora bein’ a pal even to all the souls in heaven, gosh darn
OMG this soul is longing for his kismesis, what a nerd
“What a weird place” YEAH NO SHIT
Well it’s nice to see THESE Soras are having a great time
Perhaps this game was taking the idea of Sorabits a tad too literally
Also actually two quick questions here:
1) Why is Chirithy in heaven?
2) Sora were you instagramming from heaven??
Sora: So heaven’s been a trip and all but I’ve still got endgame to do, STAY COOL FUZZY FRIEND
Wait a bloop it sent him back in time too??
Insert 2001 Space Odyssey reference here
Oh now we’re in DIFFERENT heaven??
Okay yeah now I have no clue where we’re going from here
Man here I was expecting to fight all the Norts and instead it’s…Heartless…Grim Reaper
I’m starting to suspect this is not the real Jiminy
This is kind of a weird callback to KH1, innit
Yeah I was just wondering that myself
Oh hey Youngnort
See? Grim Reaper Heartless, I knew it
I gotta say that after Sora dying and going to KH heaven this is…kinda weirder coming afterwards
I’m kind of worried about where this is going
This is like Three Days of the Condor, I TRUST NO ONE
Guys, let’s…let’s not do this again
You ever get a sense of deja vu
Terra: I’ll kick every ass! I’ll kick your ass! I’LL KICK MY OWN ASS
Gad damn the bullshit never stops around here, does it
We’ve done this before but I DUN CARE since this is my favorite boss battle music
Meanwhile the Unreal Engine’s just huffing and puffing trying to keep up
And all the dead Keykids came to help!
Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy goooooooooooosh
Congrats Keykids, U ARE ATTACKS
That’s…that’s really sweet actually
That’s a whole lot of Unicornis and Vulpes in there
OMG I was so busy watching those names I didn’t even realize I was supposed to avoid dying
I dunno Lea that was already a pretty big bad
Aw darn they Norted Repliku
Or wait no Pastku?
Pastku you’re such a little shit
Lea: That wasn’t blundering! That was failing, WITH STYLE
Unreal Engine: Please…help…I’m dying Squirtle
Oh hey FINALLY super powerful magic users like Yen Sid get involved!
And Moses parted the Heartless Sea
And hey finally got Starlight!
Well ain’t this a familiar setup
I miss Leonard Nimoy :(
Well I’m glad we get to save and shop before we all die horribly!
….Wait haven’t we all already died horribly??
FINALLY We get to fight some Norts!!
Took out Xigbar first
Yeah Xigbar I’m really not sure all that hoohah was worth it
Are we gonna do this for each one or do we have to pick and choose?
Oh well that takes care of Pastku so maybe not
Oh that’s creepy actually
OH NO! Repliku :(((
Sora…you just gonna leave that…okay
So now we got some Neophytes to deal with
Well I was gonna go after Mar first but I guess Luxord is our opponent now
AW DAMN I hated this part from before!
Oh wait that wasn’t hard at all you just look behind those stupid cards
Luxord: Well it’s been fun, time to die
Why does everyone’s teeth look blue??
Really liking all these remixes of the old boss themes tho
Aaaaand down goes Mar
And what’s nice is partners have mostly worn down the last Nort present!
Larx is an asshole to the very end
Door puzzles ohhhh nooooooo
Well thank goodness we worked out that nonsense
Who to help first? REDHEAD SQUAD
If that’s Xion I’m going to be SO UPSET
At least we get to fight WITH Kairi even if not as her
Oh well that ain’t good
Absolutely not, Xemnas!!
*throws hands in the air* OHHHHHHHH
Oh fuck you Xemnas HDU
Ohhhhh sheeeeeeet
Called out by Roxas daaaayum
Gah dammit not again! STOP DOING KAIRI DIRTY
Hot damn but it’s satisfying to beat the crap out of Saix with Sora, Roxas and Xion all at once while The Other Promise just blasts in the background
Lea: I’m not mad I’m just disappointed
Awww maaaaaan
Now to the Wayfinder family! Took out Vanyeetas first!
Sora: Hey WTF that’s my face you got
Yeah I gotta agree I don’t know which part of that was okay honestly
WHELP no time to think on it gotta take out Terranort
Since we got back Roxas and Xion can we finally get Terra back??
That was metal as all hell
Ohhhh gooooosh
Everyone’s together and I’m full of rainbows
MAN so we got…three Norts left, don’t we
Guess the only way out of this is up
What we’ve just been cloning No Name the whole time??
Okay, FOUR left, we gotta deal with Ansem, Xemnas and Youngnort first
Oh sheesh that was Youngnort dying, thought it was me for a second
Youngnort: Just one last piece of cryptic bullshit to leave you with! BYYYYEEEE
Aaaand that’s Ansem down
Ansem: Must…pontificate more…before…I die
Haha took out Xemnas with flying rocket punch nanobots
Xemnas: Regrets…I’ve had a few…
But then again, too few to mention?
Sora: Life is pain, Xemnas! Anyone who says otherwise is Norting you
Oh boy oh boy, all we have left now is…the old fart…
Oh this is gonna piss me off good, ain’t it
Nomura do we need to sit you down as a group and learn you some things about NOT DOING THAT
That was…kind of a cool moment I guess?? BUT I’M STILL MAD
Oh shitcakes
The world to come is death from above I guess
Donald and Goofy just coming in like “Hey…what’d we miss?”
I’m honestly really glad they’re here tho, TRINITY ALLLLL THE WAY
The whole gang here together again IRONING OUT THE PLOT POINTS
Trophy here???
A town of nothing but Norts
OH I forgot THESE WEIRDOS were in trailers somehow
The hell is happening anymore
An Organization so nice we fought ‘em twice!
The scary music is playing but I have no clue where to goooo
Well it took me five minutes just to find the dang guys before Thundaga finished them off
Oh really now!
SHEESH that was a nutty battle that took awhile
Well I think I won THAT battle anyway
Is this gonna be a THAT WASN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM or what
More callbacks!
This is the fight that never eeeeends, yes it goes on and on my frieeeends
OH that was fuckin weird but COOL
Yaaay my favorite terrible dad
That look from Eraqus OMG
Babbeh Eraqus so cute
Now YOU get the goofy apocalypse weapon, Sora!
More dad reconciliations sob
Oh gosh I’m so glad we get this before we end
ohhhh noooo
Oh no you know shit’s serious when you enter a blocked scene
Man everything’s just so shiny now
Also dang sing us out Utada
*points and points* THAT? FINAL SHOT???
What did you do to my son Nomura
Also just interjecting here but damn that endgame was so long IT FELT LIKE A WHOLE ‘NOTHER GAME
And now the pretty march music with the Super Longer Credits—I CAN’T BELIEVE DRAKE BELL WAS YOUNG ERAQUS
Well if nothing else gonna get me a kickass OST out of this
HERE we go, post credits stuff
Here’s the Furry Squad!
What fresh bullshit is thiiiiiiis
Hey where is Ava
Oh fuuuuuck yoooou Luxugbar
*throws hands in the air* I GOT NOTHIN FOLKS
Nomura I am in fact going to die and go to your house and haunt it and push all of your things off shelves like a cat
Okay so overall I did really enjoy the game but also I’m just ????
Like my reaction is pretty much just
Tumblr media
I think I’m gonna go lie down now
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echodrops · 6 years
My KH3 Fix-It Dream
(Warning, long post is long because part way through I just started writing bits of the actual fic, oops.)
There’s a lot of people complaining about this and that with the KH3 plot, but I honestly don’t have too many complaints because the story we were given was about what I expected (did anyone realllyyy believe that Kairi was going to become a badass Keyblade wielder? Search your heart, you know you saw this travesty coming), except on one front: Vanitas was tragically under-utilized. After being hyped up so much in the trailers, you’d think that he would have at least had a go in the game that was worthy of his character. But KH3′s Vanitas was little more than a shadow of BBS’s, and that’s a darn shame.
So, I present to you: a fix-it fic plot bunny that fixes several things at once:
1) Vanitas doesn’t die. Okay, actually, it still works fine if he does die, but we’ll take his “I’m always with you” suggestion literally--Vanitas is a heart of Darkness wrapped in a body made of bad feelings, and that final battle was one brutal attack on the feels after another. The fear, anxiety, horror, and desperation the Lights, especially Sora upon witnessing what happens to Kairi, manifests as so much accumulated negativity that Vanitas--even though he actually wants to!!--can’t stay dead, and his heart, which naturally lingered with Sora and Ventus even after his defeat, gets shoved back into another body made entirely of other people’s suffering and pain, now even more unstable and dysfunctional than before.
2) The final battle happens. Kairi is saved, but Sora disappears. While the finally-reunited good-guy crew are busy coming out of shock planning how they’ll inevitably rescue Sora, they’re also struggling with another major issue: what to do about Vanitas, who is as comatose as Ven was at the beginning of BBS, a broken heart in a broken body.
3) Nobody wants to say “mercy kill”... The idea is there, but none of the gang is really willing to do it barring maybe Roxas, whose practicality is actually alarming (”You’re not going to be feeling so sympathetic when he wakes up and stabs somebody, you know. Don’t say I didn’t warn you”). Even Aqua, who knows as well as Ven how much of a danger Vanitas is, can’t really convince herself to attack someone who's completely helpless. But what to do, if not that? He isn’t waking up, and anywhere they leave him, he’ll have to be guarded around the clock--he still, technically, has the ability to trigger the apocalypse if left unattended to chase hearts of light, you know.
4) It’s Ven’s idea to take him to Destiny Islands. That was Master Xehanort’s plan for Ven, after all, when they were first separated: let Ven’s empty body waste away, forgotten, in a backwater world. Instead he’d made contact with Sora--and nobody wants to say that either, that maybe there’s the tiniest bit of hope: somehow, some way, maybe Sora can still be reached, maybe the call of yet another heart in need will be irresistible enough to make the unfailing hero claw his own way back from the brink...
5) What really happens is this: Sora’s mother has had MORE THAN ENOUGH. Spaceships start dropping out of the sky, the deserted play island is somehow brimming with grown men and women running around, she sees Kairi of all people wandering right back into town as if she hasn’t been inexplicably absent for months... So where is Sora? Where is Sora and why is he not coming home? Finally, after three days of radio silence from Kairi and Riku (Riku’s been gone for years, and now he’s suddenly here, without Sora? When has there ever been a such thing as Riku without Sora?), Sora’s mother prepares a scolding on the level of God casting humans out of the Garden of Eden and indignantly rows her way out to the play island. It seems there’s a whole crowd gathered at a bonfire down the beach, but she never makes it there. Because there’s Sora right there on the paopu island, there’s Sora, only everything’s wrong--who let him dye his hair like that, what is he wearing, why won’t he wake up--”Sora? SORA!”
6) It’s Riku who tells her the truth. That Sora is gone, in the wind, not even a body to bury except this one, this boy who’s wearing the face of the son she hasn’t held in her arms in ages--maybe never will again. This is what he looks like now, Riku says, but this isn’t him. (How? How is this not her son? Under his bangs there’s the same freckle at the edge of his forehead she used to give good night kisses to--)
7) They make several attempts to stop her (”Ma’am,” the man with brown hair and guilty eyes says, “Ma’am, you really can’t--he’s a danger to--”) but none of them stopped her son either and if they’ll stand by and let the light of all the worlds extinguish itself, let’s be honest, they’re just not that good of guardians. She takes Sora the boy named Vanitas home. In Sora’s old bed he looks comical, the only time, maybe, that he’ll ever look tall, and the shadow of the toys and clutter she hadn’t had the heart to clean (not after the day she remembered that the room up the stairs wasn’t just sealed up storage, that a boy had lived there, that his worn clothes were still strewn across the floor, that she’d had a son at all, Sora, for a whole year she’d forgotten the name, the sound, the jut of his lip in a pout--) falls over his face. They say he’s not her son.
8) Well, she thinks, we’ll see about that.
And lol I know that was a million words but like that was the prologue and the actual rest of the fic goes like this:
Sora’s mom takes care of Vanitas’ comatose body because hey, she’s a pediatric nurse, that kind of thing is literally her job. Riku and Kairi try to bodyguard her for a couple weeks, but the longer Vanitas stays asleep, the less and less often they come around--they’ve got to find Sora, after all.
The longer she takes care of Vanitas-not-Sora though, the worse her loneliness gets, until the deep vein of Darkness sadness (she lost her son not once, not twice, but three times) resonates with the shattered remnants of Vanitas’ heart and she forcefully because Sora got his busybodiness from somewhere generously connects with him enough to wake him up.
(“Go away,” answers a voice without speaking.
“You’re annoying me. I’m tired.”
“You’re hurt.”
“That’s what I said.”
No it isn’t.
There’s a certain sort of sadness only people who’ve lived through losing the light of their lives will ever know. There’s a kind of kinship in surviving separation. Her heart aches, goes out of her all at once, reaching--
“I made my decision. Leave me alone.”
"Did you make that decision because you were alone?”)
Only, you know, Vanitas doesn’t want to be awake or even alive now that he has absolutely no purpose, no master, no X-blade, no mission, nowhere to go, and no chance of ever reuniting with Ven--so fuck off, he’s not going to eat those home-made muffins and he’s not going to go take a bath even if he does stink, and he’s not going to talk, and he’s not coming out from under the covers for anything less than the sweet release of a swift execution.
...But that’s so boring.
So he insults her instead. And threatens her and mocks her and knocks over the water glasses she brings and lets the Unversed chase her out of the room and picks out all the stitches on this ugly hand-sewn quilt and asks her why she’s got a room full of toys but no kid to go in it.
No sell: she’s a pediatric nurse and dealing with sick, miserable, screaming children is what she does every day. And anyway, from seven to eight Sora threw a year of temper tantrums that make this boy look positively mild.
There’s one more thing working in her favor: he’s still curious. She learns: he’s never had a fruit smoothie, read a comic book, or slept in sheets fresh from the dryer. Sora’s old action figures aren’t played with so much as dismembered in effigy (is it that Vanitas is vindictive or that he’s jealous?), but the new electric toothbrush somehow wins grudging approval. The vacuum cleaner startles him the first time she turns it on, but one night when she goes for a drink at 3am, she discovers he’s been teaching himself to use the TV. Finding out the water can come out of the taps already hot buys her a whole seven minutes of intrigued silence, but the existence of ice cube trays might as well be a mortal offense. (”Don’t tell me you people actually wait for the water to--?” Given that he then summons a block of ice longer than the dining room table out of thin air, she thinks on this occasion he might be right though when he leaves said ice block to melt, her charitable feelings dry up.) He has to watch her pick herbs from the garden and cook with them before he can be convinced that the “weeds” are food. In short, he’s barely half way back from feral, and if the man who made him wasn’t already dead, she’d happily go kill that piece of shit herself.
It turns out, with spit, polish, and proper motivation (read as: bribes, read as: hot pot and honey castella), he’ll do the things she asks (sometimes). When he actually commits himself to a task, he’s focused to an alarming degree, meticulous and self-critical, and he stubbornly refuses to give up until he’s content with the results, which means that sometimes on her way to work she finds him where she left him the night before, still glaring, bleary-eyed and bratty, at the broken stand-mixer or mantle clock or book spine that she hoped he could fix with magic. If he spitefully tracks mud all over the house after he relentlessly weeds the whole garden, well, she’d say the benefits still outweigh the costs.
The hoard of creatures that follow him around (”They’re my feelings,” he says, and kicks one without the slightest hesitation) take getting used to, but it’s easier to share space when they make themselves so useful--sometimes even when he can’t be badgered into work, he’s willing the boss the underlings into action: the crooked door on the backyard shed finally gets rehung thanks to a towering brute with a banana peel on its head, and once she opens a jar in the kitchen she doesn’t remember buying and finds it full of rich, warm apple pie.
He gets... better. It’s not linear. They have bad days, days when he breaks things without warning and won’t talk except through stinging barbs, one day so bad he let a flock of his worst feelings pound enormous holes in the living room walls, burns up her favorite rose bush--but they have good days too. Some days he laughs and it isn’t malicious at all; some days he eats with her at the table without even being asked; some days she comes home late to find he’s still awake, ready to poke fun at the tired way she toes off her shoes, and it takes everything she has to keep from saying You really didn’t have to wait up for me.
One day he smiles for no reason at all, and she thinks: The boy’s going to be okay.
(But how in the world is she going to explain all this to Sora?)
And there’s sooo much else I want to write but I can’ttttttt, I don’t have time, so here’s a bullet list of “also featuring:”
Vanitas being a natural Heartless deterrent because none of them want to mess with the biggest Darkness on the block.
Ven, Terra, and Aqua sniffing around trying to figure out whether they need to take Vanitas back (just to make sure he’s properly under watch, of course); Sora’s mom giving them the politest “Fuck you” this side of the universe.
Kairi and Vanitas friendship. Vanitas doesn’t even know it’s happening. Kairi is devious. Vanitas taking over Kairi’s training even though they can’t physically spar because they’ll literally end the world if they fight lol. Kairi taking advantage of Vanitas’ lack of interest in social cues to get him to do things none of the other boys will do with her like clothes shopping.
Kairi and Axel friendship with Roxas being the weird middle man who doesn’t know why they can’t just text each other instead of sending handwritten letters back and forth through him of all people.
Vanitas and Roxas reaching grudging levels of respect because sarcastic bitches gotta support each other.
Roxas and Sora’s mom being hilariously awkward because Sora’s mom doesn’t know if she should also be claiming responsibility for this child too and Roxas is absolutely clueless about the concept of having parents in the first place.
After many chapters of redemption arc, Sora’s mom taking Vanitas with her to work at the hospital so he can turn the sick children’s negative feelings into Unversed and then defeat them. She doesn’t know this hurts him and he sure as fuck isn’t going to tell her.
Everything going to shit when Chirithy shows up, insisting Vanitas is its master and calling him “Ven.” Vanitas was getting better--he was getting over the fact that he’d never be “Ventus” again--
Discovering memories of Daybreak Town and the first Keyblade War with Chirithy’s (and Namine’s!) help. Remembering the existence of old friends--Ephemer, Skuld, the other Union leaders--and the realization that they might still be alive, trapped in a timeless world of sleep.
Vanitas and Riku teaming up after someone (Mickey? Yen Sid?) suggests that Sora’s heart may have returned to the place where all hearts eventually go--the core of light that lies sleeping in the deepest depths of the realm of Darkness. Realm of Darkness road trip! (This is just my excuse to wax philosophical about how being made of Darkness doesn’t actually make anyone evil.)
Finding out that saving Sora will mean finally, actually opening the door to the true Kingdom Hearts, which can only be accessed via Scala Ad Caelum, or, more specifically, the ruins of Daybreak Town that lie beneath it.
Insert some Nomura-esque convoluted plot here about how the clock of Daybreak Town isn’t actually a bell tower but the mechanism for protecting the original X-blade and the door to Kingdom Hearts, and Daybreak!Ventus’ very existence was somehow tied to this clock tower--that’s why Ventus’ and Vanitas’ Keyblades form the two halves of a broken gear: they’re maybe literally the gear that turns the hands of time in the world that once lay closest to the heart of all things. The bell, the sword, the door--they’re all linked, and the only way to save Sora--to save everyone, including the sleeping Dandelions--is to reunite (to wake) their fractured dream of Daybreak with reality, restore the X-blade, and retrieve Sora’s wandering self with the power of Kingdom Hearts’ connection to all worlds and all hearts.
In short, like Nomura, I don’t actually know how I’d ever make it make sense, but the X-blade would get forged by Ven and Vanitas in a safe and sane way (this is just my excuse to give Vanitas a scene where he finally recognizes that he is content to be a separate being from Ventus; that he wants to stay his own person)... Kairi wields the X-blade because fuck you KH3, and everyone gets the damn happy ending they deserve--but most especially Vanitas, who gets to be the big damn hero to finally bring Sora home safe to their mother.
Like guys, I just need Vanitas’ narrative arc to feel coherent and complete. I need to know why he and Ven have a gear motif. How they’re connected to the Dandelions. Whether or not Ventus and Vanitas could ever both simultaneously be at peace despite remaining separate people. Whether Chirithy would have recognized Vanitas. Why Ventus alone had the power to forge the X-blade by reuniting with his other half when it would otherwise have taken 13 Darknesses and 7 Lights. What Sora’s mother would say finding out her son has like five clones now. If anyone would ever recognize that Vanitas had never been shown basic fucking human kindness.
Nomura. Plz.
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oneradmonster · 5 years
What are ur fluffy feel good anime recs? I need me some fluff
oops oops oops this is almost a week old i have not been on the computer fire emblem happened OOPS
Sanrio Boys: this is literally just an anime made to advertise hello kitty, my melody, etc, but its so good??? its about teenage boys learning its okay to like cute, feminine things and to tell your friends you love them and its just...so good i lov it so much
My Roommate is a Cat: a reclusive but successful author adopts a stray cat when it provides him inspiration for his book. Through learning how to take care of it he is forced to interact with other people and become better at socializing
Kimi Ni Todoke (From me to You):  Sawako is feared by her classmates for her resemblance to the character from The Ring, when she is actually very sweet and pure and good and just wants to make friends. Which she does and its adorable and she and her love interest are awkward and cute together i lov them.
Working Buddies: This is a micro anime about two cats doing various part time jobs together, its surprisingly cute!
-These ones are included but may contain some of your standard anime nonsense-
 Jingai-san no Yome: Ok so this is another micro anime. Basically students are married off to monsters and the terms are flipped for some reason? (boys are wives, girls are husbands) You’d THINK this would be a harem anime but its actually surprisingly innocent? I actually find it really cute but i understand with it being an arranged marriage with minor characters (the ages of the monsters are never specified) that some might find it uncomfortable so I put it here.
School Babysitters: Ryuichi and his little brother Kotoro lose their parents to a plane crash and are taken in bye the chairwoman of an academy under the stipulation he act as the babysitter for the staff’s children. There is literally only one character that keeps this from being a 100% pure anime Tomoya Yagi “a handsome and kind-hearted boy. He has a passion for cute children, but gets nosebleeds whenever he interacts with them, making him appear like a pervert.”  and its SORT OF made clearly hes not actually a fucking pedophile but its honestly really uncomfortable and just seems like a really bad choice for the anime as a whole. Other than that it IS a very sweet anime
How To Keep a Mummy: Kashiwagi Sora is given a mummy by his adventurer father, at first he’s terrified but then he finds the mummy is only 12 inches tall and on top of that, an adorable crybaby. This got put here bc whenever his mother puts her glasses on she flirts with anything that moves (including her own son and his friend) , it only happens once, makes absolutely no sense and does nothing for the plot. Other than that one scene (and a brief call back in the finale) its a very cute anime
I was going to list other anime I like/recommend that aren’t fluffy feel good but this is long enough already;;;
Plz let me know if you want any other recommendations or ask again in like...a year when i actually watch all the anime in my crunchyroll queue lmao.
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butterfly--empress · 6 years
For Real Tho...
All Sora wanted to do was just have an awesome adventure with Riku and Kairi.
That’s it and that was all, the adventure didn’t have to take them literally to the stars and beyond because Sora being the sweet, simple, precious kid he is would have been fine with circumnavigating the shores of Destiny Islands.
Like he literally didn’t ask for any of this shit!? But because he’s such a goddamn hufflepuff since being literally conceived thank you bbs btw...I really am curious as who the hell is his parents...rly...I  need to know!
He decides to take up the mantle and save everybody or as many as he can and he does it with so much selflessness and ugh!
...I will not cry again...I will not cry again...
I’m not bitter...but I also will never get over that ending...that hit me really hard and yea...Sora gets sponsorship by Disney so he’s not really dead even though he really is and I know he’ll be okay in the end...but you have to excuse me. I just watched my fictional child fade into the ether and I can’t interpret that any other way than Sora is dead...there I said it...Sora is dead and my heart is still trying to process that.
KHIII ended with Sora’s temporary death as if losing my edgelord son wasn’t bad enough and losing one Sora even a dark one is one too many damn Soras for the damn universe to be losing goddamn it!
KHIII ended like that...and now the entire fandom is stuck in another fucking limbo because god only fucking knows when i’ll get the chance to play KH4 because I don’t trust SE to release games anymore in a timely order.
I want to but I can’t look at the ending scene of everyone EXCEPT Sora being there without wanting to cry ugly tears.
And...now the bitterness is starting to seep in because I’m having final fantasy 7 and 10 flashbacks...Great that!
I...won’t listen to Don’t Think Twice because it has now become one of those songs forever cemented into my psyche as: if I hear it, I will immediately get teary eyed if not outright cry.
Maybe in a couple of months once I can try to forgive dear Nomura for this fuckery I can play KH3 again without wanting to suddenly cry as soon as I hear Dearly Beloved or Don’t Think Twice.
...yea I..have a LOT more to say but wow, all Sora wanted was to go on a simple, uncomplicated adventure with his two best friends....
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okay im going to scream about kingdom hearts now.
under the cut.
because there’s gonna be a lot
-yes i cried at the sea salt trio reuniting i cried goddam hard and i am not ashamed of it
-still no answers on why and how ventus got from the keyblade war to the current storyline. 
-still no answers on a lot of shit tbh
-he did recognize his chirithy tho!!! this makes me very happy!!!!
-you know whats fucked?
-i remember saying
-”man that guys movements are a lot like xigbars, but that would be silly” when i first watched Back Cover
-he may not be the Master
-but i’m calling that shit CLOSE ENOUGH
-we still dont know whats in the fucking box
-where the fuck is ava
-apparently ava got hit with the memory stick and is the girl lea and isa were trying to rescue???? (i only put this one together after reading the secret reports)
-speaking of
-god man stop it with your faces you kill me every time youre on screen
-oof okay
-so sora disapearing at the end hit me like a punch to the gut
-like you cant make it look fine and then take it away man not cool
-my one sincere disapointment with this game is it did fuck all with kairi as a character
-basically reduced to a plot device. again.
-even the parts where she could have been doing things! like the big heartless battle! she took like one halfhearted swipe and that was it
-its not kairi’s fault i still love her its the writers fault for not letting their female leads fucking Do Anything
-like the lead in to her arc had a lot of potential! “i’ll protect you this time! we’ll do it together!” and then she does.... nothing.
-the whole ‘you need motivation bla bla’ okay. look. bad trope, but i might, might have been able to roll with it if she’d had literally anything to do during this whole fight. her emotional arc was apparently completed in 2 and that’s all she gets i guess.
-oh yeah and then she fucking dies
-everything else was amazing
-aqua??? my wife?????? got her family back??????? and im emotional about it??????????
-xion???? my child????????? got to be with their friends again?????????? and im fckng emotional about it???????????????
-and lea
-trash fire husband
-oof my heart
-look there’s reasons i cried at the reunion and it’s because i am very attached to all three of them
-namine gets to live!!!!
-she deserves it so much
-i hope she beleives that now
-look i know the game was like ‘here’s riku and namine now ship it!’ but
-that was repliku
-riku cannot replace him i dont care what the game canon says
-and i know the game was basically about Sora’s Relationships with everyone around him, but there were a few moments where. idk. riku underreacted to basically everything concerning kairi? and vise versa (or at least so much as kairi got any emotional screentime at all)
-like did they speak even once?????
-im still in with the ot3(s) but apparently the writers were not
-its fine i still have fanfiction
-its fine
-seriously though kairi has so much potential as a character and not only is it being squandered im pretty sure it’s being actively murdered at this point
-speaking of, the disney worlds were much better done, and indeed made me think of some fanfic i’d read that actually incorporated the worlds more fully and heartfeltedly into the plot. it was a beautiful change of pace
-kinda disapointed no rescue arc for vanitas? not surprised, just sad. it would’ve been cool to have more anti-heroes
-then again, considering everything, he might be back. we’ll see how it goes i guess.
-also the union cross names????? holy shit!!!!
-i didnt get my name but there are like... thousands of those so XD
-what a great way to incorporate khux tho
-and EPHEMER!!!
-i gasped. there he was!! my son!!!
-still dont know where they are now though. unclear
-i feel like demyx has a subplot going that we didnt get to see? i hope it gets extrapolated on in the future/he gets a bigger role in the future, but it’s hard to say
-marluxia and larxene definately hinted at some backstory that will come up in the future. also the strelitzia plot we still havent seen the conclusion of so that’s got to come up at some point.
im sure there’s more im forgetting but damn guys i binged it in like three days im still processing XDDD
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drakonianwarriorz · 6 years
My (Bad) Review on KH3
Kingdom Hearts 3 Spoilers: Do NOT read if you have not finished the game
Okay so
I loved it. I honestly could not have been happier with it.
I know a lot of people are mad with it, and ya’ll do you. That’s not me, but it’s also okay to dislike it. I can see where frustrations come from, but I personally enjoyed it so much that I’m ready to play it again.
Okay, let’s see if I can keep this semi-organized.
What I loved:
How easy the game was. Now, I know this takes away from a lot of people. But I have NEVER played kingdom hearts because of the gameplay. I’ve always played for the story since I was a kid, and to this day I still cannot beat #1 because Ansem is fucking impossible. I hate that so much. Though #2 was challenging, it was doable and I really did enjoy some of the higher-tier bosses, such as Xigbar. But this was nice. I’m in school now, taking 17 credits, and doing 20 hours a week at an internship. I was able to beat the game before getting burned out (like with many games), and I loved that. 
XIGBAR, MY MAN. He has been a favorite since #2, and I have ALWAYS thought about how underappreciated he was and have always wished for him to play a bigger part. WELL BITCHES. HE PLAYS A HUGE PART NOW. Though I will always call him Xigbar, lmao. 
THE SEASALT TRIO unITED. This part is what made me cry like such a BITCH. Axel, Xion, and Roxas are some of my favorites (as well as many other peoples’). Roxas, especially, is my son and deserves the world.I cried so much, and then rewatched that same scene a day later and cried like a bitch again. 
Xehanort’s end. It was, quite honestly, unexpected and absolutely beautiful. I loved seeing his younger, more innocent self with Master Era-wtf ever his name is (didn’t care much for him). I honestly cannot even explain that scene when Xehanort accepted defeat. I loved it. Even tho he was a piece of SHIT
SAIX/ISA JOINED THE GANG. I LOVED THAT SO MUCH. You can’t convince me that scene between Isa’s nobody dying/axel wasn’t gay af, because it was and I’ve never shipped it before, but I do now. The wholesome scene of him hanging out with the gang at the destiny islands though? My H E A R T
Tangled world. Because tangled.
The animation was so gorgeous, it had me shook the whole game
The overall happy ending
Sora dissapearing (sorry not sorry, never have liked him)
Terra’s twist with the heartless. Also Terra having emotion (still not a fan of him tho)
VEN <3
Vanitas basically saying “fuck you” to ven and being like “bruh I chose to be dark, fuck off.”
Axel also basically saying “fuck you” to xemnas
I’ve finally grown to like aqua. Never liked her much through the games.
RIKU’S PERFECT ENDING. He has the best fucking character development in the game, and he deserves the world.
Remmie <3 
What I disliked:
None of these things took away from the game for me, but I still had my little things I disliked.
Terra’s stupid ass pants part 2
Someone mentioned to me that riku was “dumbed down” and, now that I think about it, I have to agree somewhat. 
KAIRI. Literally why the fuck was she even in this game. Been a long time since I’ve hated a female character in a game as much as her. Some forced love interest nonsense. Also, her haircut is stupid.
Wanted Axel to have more input/lines/background on what he was doing at training. 
Frozen world. But that’s just cause I hate frozen.
Pirates world, but that’s cause it made no sense to me
Pirate otaku (AKA luxord)
Every five seconds, donald and goofy pointing out ingredients 
Including shit from the phone game without explaining it for anyone of us that don’t play phone games
This was more confusing than a dislike, but the shit with Riku’s replica and then the...dark part of him???? That was weird
The only part that legitimately pissed me off was showing Sora in that secret ending. I was fine with Xigbar’s stuff and leading to another KH. I was not fine with implying that Sora is still alive. I loved the idea of him dying to save someone he cared about (even though she’s fucking awful). He better not be the fucking protagonist again.
E m B lE MS
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