#Halo (TV series)
beyondthefold · 6 months
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
Halo: A Beginner's Guide
For all of you newcomers out there, here's a list that I've wanted to do for a while now. For those who are new to Halo, likely introduced by the TV Show, and want to get into it, here's my 2 cents on how to ease into the franchise.
The Games
Play the original four games PLUS Halo Infinite in chronological order. The spin-off games (Reach, ODST, the Wars games and the Spartan games) are all completely optional, but they are there for people who want play other games that aren't centered around the Master Chief. I recommend just watching all of the cutscenes of Halo 5: Guardians in some supercut "movie" Youtube video, since the 5th game is... bad and, story wise, you're not missing much.
So in this order WITHOUT the spin-offs:
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Halo Infinite
If you want to play the games WITH the spin-offs included, then in this order:
Halo Wars
Halo Reach
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3: ODST
Halo 3
Halo: Spartan Assault
Halo: Spartan Strike (Note: This game takes place in two different time-periods, so just play this after Spartan Assault for convenience sake)
Halo 4
Halo Wars 2
Halo Infinite
My advice: Play the main four (+ Infinite) FIRST, then replay the main-games WITH the spin-offs in chronological-order.
Books & Comics
Here comes my favorite part!
Halo: The Fall Of Reach, Halo: First Strike & Halo: Contact Harvest - The FIRST books in the entire franchise, these books set the stage for the entire setting of the Halo world. The first half of The Fall Of Reach is Master Chief's origin story, while the second half is about, well, "the fall of Reach." First Strike is a book that takes place in-between the first and second game AND, for a high-octane action-book, has a shocking amount of shipping material. And finally, Contact Harvest details the early years of the Human-Covenant War AND further fleshes out the Covenant as an antagonistic force by showing their side of things.
Halo: Silent Storm & Halo: Oblivion - For those who want MOAR Master Chief, these two books focus on a younger Chief fighting the Covenant in the earlier uears of the war. These two are probably my favorite Halo books thus far.
Halo: Ghosts Of Onyx & The Kilo-5 Trilogy - It's crucial to read Ghosts Of Onyx first BEFORE delving into Glasslands, the first book in The K5-Trilogy, since Glasslands takes place IMMEDIATELY after Ghosts Of Onyx. Anyways, these stories are for those who are bored of Master Chief and want to read about other, admittedly more fascinating Spartans. Kurt and Naomi are definitely among my favorite Spartans that aren't named "Master Chief," "Blue-Team" and "Silver-Team."
Halo Evolutions - An anthology book with each story taking place in some corner of the Halo universe or another, this is a book I recommend for world-building purposes.
Halo: The Graphic Novel - Just like Evolutions, Halo: The Graphic Novel is an anthology series thay tells different stories from different corners of the Halo universe for world-building purposes. These stories are all new stories and are NOT comic-adaptations of any of the stories in Evolutions, so don't worry about basically reading the same stories twice; The Graphic Novel has a similar concept, but all of the stories are different.
Halo: Blood Line - Black-Team is the coolest group of Spartans in the entire Spartan-II Program; they're group of misfit loners (who secretly have feelings for each other) who answer ONLY to ONI (the CIA of the Halo universe) and wear black suits of armor with roman-numerals etched onto their visors. They do cool-guy shit together, and this comic follows their story.
Other Material
I Love Bees - Taking place in various different points in time, I Love Bees was an ARG that was turned into an audio-play long after it was deciphered. I won't spoil anything that happens, but I will say this: Shit gets kinda crazy.
Hunt The Truth - Another ARG. This fictional podcast was made to promote Halo 5: Guardians and... it's the best damn part to come out of that stinker of a game; Hunt The Truth's narrative is SO much more interesting than Halo 5's story, it HURTS. Anyways, it's about a reporter uncovering the truth of the Spartan-II Program as ONI starts a smear campaign against the Master Chief to cover their own asses.
Movies & Shows
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - This web-film was promotional material for Halo 4 (as it's title suggests), and it follows a group teenaged military-school students going about their lives as Lasky, a confused cadet who is struggling to find a direction in life and live up to his family's reputation, grapples with the struggles of military-life in his academy.
Halo: The Series - If, by some off-chance, you WEREN'T introduced to Halo via the show, here's the recommendation. Form your own opinion, but here's my advice: Like what you want to like and don't follow the word of mouth.
Halo Legends - An anime anthology that, just like Evolutions and The Graphic Novel, world-builds the mythology of Halo by telling different, disconnected but ultimately in-continuity stories set within the game's universe. Odd One Out, Homecoming and The Package are my favorite shorts in the film.
Red Vs Blue - What else? Seasons 1 - 14 are my recommendations, don't watch anything else beyond that because it SERIOUSLY drops in quality. Just wait for it's final season, Season 20, to come out; you're not missing much with seasons 15 - 19.
The Spartan Legacy - A seriously underrated series. Made by a Youtuber under the name: 'Chronicler177,' The Spartan Legacy takes place in an alternate-continuity where Chief disappears and never comes back after the events of Halo 3. As a result, the Spartan-IVs and Vs (both of which are more interesting than in-canon; and the Spartan-Vs are a new creation within this web-show itself) are created to take his place.
WHEW! That's all, ladies and gents.
@authortobenamedlater, @silverpelt3600, @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @makowrites, @mrtobenamedlater, @biomecharnotaurus, @killer-orca-cosplay, @cheezbot, @caffeineyum, @asimplesimpsimping.
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inafieldofdaisies · 6 months
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Halo (2022-) | Season 2, Episode 8 “Halo”, The Season Finale | Favorite scenes (vol. 2-2)
“This armor doesn't belong to them. It belongs to me. To the ones who are gone. And the ones who are still in the fight.”
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short-wooloo · 7 months
Ok so, clearly I have a thing for 7 ft Cyborg Supersoldier Sniper Women, because every time there's a Spartan team with one they end up being my favorite character of the group
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dustyoo10 · 7 months
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memingursa · 8 months
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Haven’t even played halo but OOF-
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alienisticxo · 7 months
hello there!
my life is finally calming down and i am so excited to continue my writing journey here with all the Halo fanfic ideas i’ve started and have been kicking around!
logging in again and seeing all the love on my fics, Before the Fever especially, means so much to me.
as we all know, the Halo series has returned with season 2, and it’s looking pretty great so far! i can’t wait to gather more lore and ideas from it!!
aside of that, i’m still here, i still love Chief (and our girl Cortana), and i can’t wait to write again! Before the Fever is definitely far from finished and i’m so excited to get back to it— see you guys around and feel free to request fics if you’d like!
i’m so glad to be back 💚
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mrssylargray · 7 months
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HALO TV Series Posters from Displate.
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indigograceauthor · 2 months
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“They took my image and bent it to their purpose, so I took it back. This armor doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to me. To the ones who are gone. And the ones who are still in the fight.”
~ Master Chief John-117
One of my favorite promo images from Season 2. He looks so badass. Forever my Master Chief 💚🧡💚
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thedeviousdevilxx · 7 months
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Halo Season 2 Episode 6
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threshergm · 5 months
A little scene from my upcoming John and Talia slow-burn titled Missing Pieces. Wanted to see what the tumblr community thought of it first before I really committed to a serious writing schedule and started hammering out word count. @lpmurphy @authortobenamedlater @mrtobenamedlater @fabulaprima @silverpelt3600
@t65flyer @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @sarnakhwritesthings @makowrites @morganas-pendragons
@ageless-aislynn @pelgraine @inafieldofdaisies @helix-studios117 @littleneonlily
2327 hours, April 5th, 2552 (military calendar) UNSC Halcyon-class light cruiser Pillar of Autumn Slipspace transit on randomized vector per Cole Protocol Leaving the Branta system, bound for Reach
"Have you seen Corporal Perez?"
Even in just his techsuit, the Master Chief seemed to fill the corridor. Which is probably why the crewman apprentice he was addressing was trying to disappear into the bulkhead. Even with Cortana gone for six months now, he could practically hear her hum, "Social graces, Chief," and took a step back.
The E2 - name tape obscured by the apron he still wore upon emerging from the galleys - gaped and pointed down the corridor, muttering, "On the right," indicating a sliding steel door opposite the entrance to the forward enlisted mess.
Chief nodded once, gruffed a perfunctory, "Thank you," and stalked down the corridor. The Pillar of Autumn, functioning on military standard timekeeping now that they were underway, was in night mode. The chrono above the enlisted mess hatchway glowed a red 2327 hours, and the main lights overhead were off, leaving the only light in the corridor as one lonely lamp over the door labeled FREEZER A-19.
Chief snaked his hand into the recessed handle and yanked the door aside on its track, and stepped inside. He found a single light on inside as well; illuminating shelves and racks of frozen foods, three black body bags on the floor, and next to them, wrapped in a gray Navy-issue blanket, dark hair cascading off her shoulders, sat Corporal Perez.
Master Chief took two firm steps forward, stopping a stride from where the young Marine sat, legs tucked under herself. He stopped and settled into parade rest.
"Corporal Perez, why are you not at your post? Our shift began over a half-hour ago."
She didn't budge, save for breaths that came shallow and a little jaggedly, as if she'd been crying.
"Corporal Perez?"
Silence hung in the artificially frigid air, and Chief began to wonder if he should walk to the wall intercom and summon a medical corpsman. He glanced around, as if missing something, then returned his gaze to the small woman on the floor before him.
"Rand had a thing for me," she croaked out suddenly. So she had been crying. She didn't turn, didn’t move, except to reach a hand out from her woolen cocoon to stroke the bodybag nearest her.
"He always used to sit next to me in the chow hall on drill weekends, but he never knew what to talk about. 'Are you enjoying your chicken, Corporal?'" She laughed weakly, "'Rand, it's just fucking chicken. The same chicken we had last month and every month before that.'"
Her accent thickened alongside the sorrow in her voice. "We picked him up on Midvale back in '49, after the Red United Front bombed that dam. Pulled him off the roof of his family's ranch house with his two sisters. His sisters settled on Culloden, but he stayed. He was one of our full-timers; the Colonel found a job for him as the armorer's assistant. He lived on-base and sent all his pay to his sisters so they could buy land and start again."
She took in a shuddering breath, shoulders trembling underneath her blanket. "He said he saw something in the fog. Country boy, you know? Grew up hunting and I… I should have believed him."
She seemed to shrink in on herself for a moment, hunching against some wordless pain, until a low keening wail escaped, “He was only 19!” She shook her head, and Chief saw hot tears fly, while she bit her lip and fought to get her emotions under control. After a moment, with a grunt of pain, her hand shifted from one body bag to the next.
"Zara Bennett. She was our linguist. I loved her accent. She was from London, and she was the first person from Earth that I'd ever met. Her dad manages a titanium mine out in Tengeri back home on Reach. They're loaded, but you'd never guess it from Zara, we used to go thrift-shopping together. Her parents have a penthouse in downtown New Alexandria, and she could have gone to university back on Earth, easily. But she enlisted. Said she wanted to protect her new home." 
She patted the body bag fondly, black plastic crinkling in the silence, and her hand extended a little further.
"Milo Alvarez. He used to bag groceries down the street from my grandparent's place. He was an atheist, and we always used to argue and… oh, God!" Her voice broke. "I don't know where he is right now…" 
She bowed her head, leaning into the body bag, as if shielding it like Chief had shielded her from the glassing beam on that mountainside, sobs hitching her shoulders, "H-he didn't know you, Father, but take him home… take him home."
She lapsed into Spanish, a language Chief didn't know, and he fervently wished Cortana was there to translate. His brow furrowed; the lack of knowledge a gap in his preparation, the gap in his understanding suddenly a splinter in his mind. Without thinking, he took a step forward, closing the distance between the miserable scene before him, and kneeled beside Perez.
“You speak well for them.” He spoke in low tones; he wasn’t sure why. It simply felt right to do so. Perez stopped, turned upwards to face him, dark eyes reddened and slender face puffy in the dim light of the freezer. “God, I h-hope so. They’re m-my friends.” Tears still flowed freely down her cheeks, and her voice was hoarse. Umber eyes - the color of rich soil Chief had seen on a dozen worlds - held his gaze steadily in the dark, despite the pain swimming in them. “What were you saying, just now? In Spanish?” Chief cocked his head in question. Perez smiled weakly, eyes unfocused for a moment. “Yes, Spanish. I’m from Santiago Circle. I grew up speaking it at home,” she took another breath, steadier this time, “I-I’m Catholic. It was our Prayer for the Dead.” Her eyes met his own in the dark, and she held his gaze for a long moment. Chief wasn’t sure why, but he needed more. The name of a prayer wasn’t enough. He needed to understand this young woman sitting in a pool of her grief beside three corpses. “Tell me what you said,” he rumbled gently. It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t an order. He just needed to know. Perez kept his gaze for another long moment, then began to slowly recite, in English. In your hands, O Lord,
We humbly entrust our brothers and sisters.
In this life you embraced them with your tender love;
Deliver them now from every evil
And bid them eternal rest.
The old order has passed away:
Welcome them into paradise,
Where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain,
But fullness of peace and joy
With your Son and the Holy Spirit
Forever and ever.Amen.
The freezer-turned-mortuary fell silent as her recitation ended, and her eyes remained locked with his. “Thank you, Corporal.” The Master Chief rose suddenly, took three steps back, and turned to face her, once more at parade rest, his expression unreadable.
“Corporal Perez, I am not rated in cryotube maintenance or repair. You are. There are 1,042 cryotubes in our area of responsibility and all need to be monitored and, if necessary, serviced without compromising function or the occupant inside. I need you to --”
“I can’t leave them,” Perez croaked, voice thickening once more. Her eyes were pleading, her head shaking slowly. Chief’s augmented heart ached to see it, but he couldn’t say why.
“Corporal Perez,” Chief started slowly, not sure how to proceed. “You’re no good to anyone watching over three bodies. What made them your friends is gone. There are 1,042 men, women, and children packed into an identical number of cryotubes, all constructed by the lowest bidder, housed in compartments that were never designed to support them. They need us. They need you.”
The Chief stepped back into the hatchway, turning to look at Perez out of one eye, half his face painted into shadow by the dark of the corridor outside.
“The living need you, Corporal.”
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beyondthefold · 7 months
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
I just got told that I'm not a real Halo fan for liking the show and I that I need to rethink my life.
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
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Halo (2022-) | Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2, "Sanctuary" and "Sword" | Favorite scenes
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botmilf · 2 months
so I finally started watching the Halo tv series and I have some thoughts
Not Transformers related, but FUCKIN HELL I need to vent this SOMEWHERE because none of my friends have watched it. Ok.
The acting is ok, but no one's winning any awards, that's for sure lol.
The world building does *not* feel grounded in the Halo universe tbh. It feels more like a Star Wars setting, what with all the whacky haircuts and outfits, which I found pretty jarring because part of what grounded the Halo games was that the humans--even the ones that lived on planets other than Earth--were more utilitarian-centered in terms of fashion.
They want me to root for Kwan so badly, but they've given me no solid reason to so far, and I'm halfway through Season 1. I get that the writers are trying to make her seem like an edgy teenager, but tbh she just comes across as shitty, rude, and entitled most of the time? Which is, of course, no fault of the actress's whatsoever. This is purely the fault of the writers--Kwan's actress is just doing her best with the lackluster material she's been given, and our girl deserves nothing short of admiration for that lol.
Another thing about Kwan's story: it feels mind-numbingly boring and predictable when it's placed beside the Master Chief's arc--which is the one we're all HERE FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE. We're not here to watch an edgy teenage girl with a bad haircut (as a former professional hairstylist I see what they were going for, but man, did they NOT hit it lol) have her coming of age Katness Everdeen moment, and yeah I kinda feel like one of those sweaty asshole film critics just saying that...ugh...but it's the hard truth I guess.
One last thing concerning Kwan: I feel like a core issue that is also at play here is the fact that the writers--who are both men--clearly do not know how to write women outside the perimeters of "edgelord bitchy" "soulless bitchy" and "nerdy bitchy." Makee is the only character showing some potential for depth beyond that, but I'm not ready to give 'em that yet. It's unfortunately a prevalent thing in film/games when it comes to male writers writing women.
The FINAL thing that I want to say is that the camera work for this show is BORING as FUCK. The Sangheili fights fell short, not because of the CGI, or the writing or the acting, but purely because of the stiff camera work. A good camera shake when a Sangheili hits something and some motion-tracking during the battles would've gone a long way here because it helps you feel like you're right in it. Most of the shots stay zoomed out and still, which also ends up making the CG of the Spartans/Sangheili look worse.
Idk..that's my thoughts on the Halo show lol
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blakeivy80 · 2 months
I used to float
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Now I just fall down,
I used to know,
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But I'm not sure now
What I was made for
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What was I made for?
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal
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Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real
Just something you paid for
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What was I made for?
'Cause I, I
I don't know how to feel
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But I wanna try
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I don't know how to feel
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But someday, I might
Someday, I might
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What I was made for - Billie Eillish
(thanks again for the gifs ;)
And inspired by the fanfic by @indigograceauthor
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