#Hamstring Exercises
marcusbrianna336 · 3 months
Master the Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift in 3 Simple Steps
<h2>Mastering the Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift</h2> <p>One of the most common moves at the gym is the dumbbell straight leg deadlift. This full-body exercise works your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back while holding dumbbells for added challenge. But perfecting the form takes practice - here are the key steps:</p> <h3>Setting Up</h3> <p>Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes pointing straight ahead. Engage your core by drawing your belly button in towards your spine. Hold a dumbbell in each hand down by your sides, palms facing your legs. Keep your back flat and head aligned with your torso.</p> <h3>Going Down</h3> <p>Keeping your legs straight, hinge at your hips to lower your torso forward until it's almost parallel to the floor. Make sure to keep pushing your butt back instead of bending at the knees. Your back should stay totally flat throughout the movement.</p> <h3>Coming Up</h3> <p>Now use your hamstrings and glutes to drive your hips forward and stand up tall again until you're back in the starting position. Squeeze your glutes at the top for an extra challenge. Be sure not to arch your lower back - keep it nicely aligned with your straight legs.</p> <h3>Tips for Perfect Form</h3> <p>Go slowly with control on both the lowering and raising portions. Brace your core and think about hugging a medicine ball between your thighs to protect your back. You can also try these using just one dumbbell or loaded barbell plates stacked on the floor for extra stability. With practice, you'll master keeping tension in your hamstrings and glutes for a safe, effective move.</p>
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buusa123 · 4 months
The groups of large muscles that run along the back of your body are the hamstring muscles and your hamstrings. Hamstring consists of three separate muscles – biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles work in unison and help extend your hip and maintain the flexibility of knee movements, further facilitating all kinds of body movements. Standing erect, bending forward and backward, walking smoothly, running, and jumping are all possible because of the strength and flexibility of the hamstring muscles. Regularly performing the best hamstring exercises results in stronger muscles supporting all kinds of movements safely without causing injury. Athletes and sportsmen must care for their hamstring muscles to enhance their performance because of a stronger lower body.
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alanlatasha753 · 4 months
Tone Your Booty and Hammer Your Hams with This Barbell Move
<h1>Boost Your Booty and Burns with the Barbell Straight-Leg Pull</h1> <p>Trying to tone your glutes and hamstrings but tired of the same old moves? Switch things up with the barbell straight-leg pull, an exercise that packs a punch for your lower body. Let me walk you through how to do it and what muscles you'll be working.</p> <h2>Focus Muscles</h2> <p>The star muscles targeted by this exercise are your booty (glutes) and hamstrings on the back of your thighs. Your hips and lower back will also get some love. Specifically, the gluteus maximus in your rear, hamstrings, and hip adductor muscles do the heavy lifting.</p> <h2>Gearing Up</h2> <p>To get started, you'll need a barbell loaded with a moderate amount of weight that allows you to do 8-12 repetitions while maintaining good form. Stand with feet hip-width apart, grip the bar with an overhand (palms facing away) hold positioned high on your shoulders. Engage your core and keep that back straight and proud.</p> <h2>The Maneuver</h2> <p>From the standing position, push your hips back and bend at the knees to lower your body as if sitting in a chair. Sink down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, making sure to keep your back flat and not rounding it. Pause, then push back up through your heels to return to the starting position. Let's break it down step-by-step:</p> <ol> <li>Stand tall with weight on barbell</li> <li>Push hips back and bend knees to lower down</li> <li>Sink until thighs are parallel to floor</li> <li>Pause, then press back up through heels</li> </ol> <h2>Extra Credit</h2> <p>As an option to amp up the intensity, you can perform the movement slowly on the way down and up for a 6-second lowering and 6-second raising pace. Go for 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. You'll really feel the burn in your hammies and glutes! Be sure to stretch and recover well after for your next lower body session. Pretty neat how a simple barbell move can work your behind, right? Give it a try - your booty will thank you!</p> <p>Let me know if you have any other questions! Wishing you gains in strength and confidence. Now get lifting!</p>
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nextfitlife · 4 months
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wellnessuniverse · 8 months
Mastering Hamstring Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide
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body-hiit-workout · 1 year
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Building this muscle will not only give you amazing legs, it will also improve you on other lifts and prevent injury.
In this article, we show you the best hamstring exercises that you can do in the gym, so that you can properly work and strengthen this muscle.
But, before I show you the exercises, let's learn a little about the hamstrings.
This muscle is mainly responsible for knee flexion and hip extension.
When you perform hip extension exercises, the long head of the hamstring is emphasized. On the other hand, when you do knee flexion exercises, you emphasize the short head[
The hamstring is also activated by exercises like jumping jacks, as it is one of the muscles that slows down on the eccentric, before doing the explosive movement.
We have made this list, focusing on all the movements necessary for you to have a complete development.
Let's go with the exercises!
1. Seated Leg Curl
First on our list is the seated leg curl. This is one of the exercises with the highest activation of the hamstrings, but as we said before, the short head does most of the work.
According to studies, the seated version provides greater activation than the prone (or lying) version, making it the ideal choice to perform this exercise.
It is generally used after the heaviest exercises. However, if you feel that your hamstrings are weak, you can do this exercise as a pre-fatigue exercise and then perform the hip extension exercises.
2. Romanian Deadlift
The Romanian Deadlift is the version of the deadlift that targets the hamstrings more than the back or quadriceps.
This exercise is done with the legs half bent at 15 degrees, and you can use a bar or dumbbells.
You can also increase the range of motion by doing it one step higher. And if you want to correct muscular imbalances, you can do it unilaterally.
3. Nordic
Returning to the flexion exercises, we have the Nordic. This is an excellent ally to gain muscle mass because it emphasizes the eccentric phase, which is the one that provides us with greater muscle damage.
This is a slightly more advanced exercise, so if you're just starting out, you'll look better doing the other exercises on the list.
But if you want to start doing the Nordic, you can start with your hips flexed, which means the angle between your torso and the front part of the muscle is a little less.
As you progress, you can do it with the hips extended, which means the thighs are in line with the torso.
Another thing you can control is the range of motion: if you're just starting out, just start with part of the descent and just let yourself fall the other part. As you progress, you will be able to go lower and lower.
4. Back Lunge
An exercise that does not exclusively work the hamstrings, but can also build a lot of muscle, is the back lunge.
In addition, it is an excellent alternative to include at the beginning of your routine if you want to correct muscle imbalances.
So how do you go about strengthening your hamstrings more than your quadriceps? It's simple: you simply make your stride wider, thus emphasizing hip flexion/extension and minimizing knee flexion/extension.
5. Hip Thrust
The hip thrust is an excellent glute and hamstring trainer. The advantage of this exercise is that it is extremely easy to progress and in a short time you will be able to load a lot of weight.
What you need to perform this exercise is a mat for the bar and a weight bench. The mattress is extremely important because the bar goes into the pelvis and without protection you will not be able to hold the bar.
Another point to consider is the position of the feet. You have to position your feet so that when you go up, your legs are at a 90 degree angle.
If all this seems too cumbersome, you can practice this exercise with one leg, which you can also do without weight.
6. Deep Dive
We conclude our list with a plyometric exercise. The advantage of plyometrics is that they will help you improve your other lifts due to the higher power levels.
As we said before, when we slow down a jump or run, we need hamstring action, so this exercise is extremely effective. It can also help you avoid injuries.
Simply stand on a high surface, such as a bench or step, and let yourself fall, trying to land on both feet.
After landing, you can do a jump, which will give you more work. You can also combine the landing with a box jump using 2 boxes or 2 benches.
And there you have it, the best hamstring exercises you can do in the gym. If you liked this article, you can share it on your social networks, with those people who want to form great legs.
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pupzeev · 8 months
Trying to be bara himbo for bb. Recovering from knee injury so goals by end of year are:
Recover 4 plate squat; 4.5 plate DL, 3 plate bench; lose 20 pounds.
I used to have hamstrings. I’m working on it.
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thefreckledgymrat · 4 months
Hamstrings Focus
Romanian Deadlifts
105lbs 4x10
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the-iron-duck93 · 2 years
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My back and hip pain has been a lot more severe recently, and I've noticed an uptick in migraines. Which usually means they are all connected. Here's hoping doing some yoga focused on flexibility and loosening the super tight muscles will help all three issues.
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nancylfitness · 4 months
Flex and Stretch While Sitting
One theory as to why prolonged sitting is harmful to one’s health is that while sitting, the large muscles become relaxed. As these muscles relax they do not take up very much glucose from the blood. As a result, the risk for Type II diabetes becomes increased along with heart disease and some cancers.
Immediately after sitting down, muscle electrical activity and metabolism slow down, as a result less calories are burned. Only 1 calorie per minute is burned while sitting. That is 1/3 of what the body burns when walking.
After a prolonged period of this lifestyle, LDL cholesterol (bad) increases and weight gain occurs.
Sitting can also cause hip flexor and hamstring muscles (back of thigh) to tighten. This may lead to joints and knees becoming stiff and back pain.
As we sit at the computer our shoulders are usually forward and we are hunched over for extended periods of time.  Our bodies are not designed to sit all day.
After just two weeks of sitting, muscles begin to atrophy and oxygen consumption decreases, making it more difficult to climb stairs and walk the longer distances.  Incorrect computer posture habits combined with long-term sitting may cause medical problems such as:  cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) or repetitive stress injury (RSI).
It has also been shown that in women bone mass can drop by 1% after a year of sitting for 6 hours a day.  Reduce these effects of long term sitting; take breaks; switch things up:
Stand every 45 minutes to 1 hour (set alarm or timer). Standing up for 1 – 2 minutes every hour will reduce the negative effects of sitting all day.
March in place for twenty seconds.
Reach down and try to touch your toes for twenty seconds.
Maintain intervals of moderate activity during the day.
Exercises / stretches that can be performed at your desk:
Sitting in your chair, lift one leg off the seat.
extend it out straight, hold for 2 seconds;
lower your foot – do not touch floor – hold for several seconds.
Do each leg 10-15 times.
Sitting Weight Shift
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 Sit with feet flat on floor, and on hands for support.
 Lean forward through hips bringing nose over knees.
 Now, lean backward through hips.
 Hold each position 7-10 seconds.
 Repeat several times through the day.
Shoulder Blade Squeeze (Adduction)
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2. Draw shoulders back, bringing elbows back and inward
3. squeeze shoulder blades).
4. Hold for 6 seconds.
5. Repeat 4-6 times.
Low Back Sitting with Rotation                              
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1. Sit on edge of seat, one hand on opposite knee, other hand on chair.
2. Keep feet parallel.
3. Pull with hand on knee and, if needed, push with hand on chair to rotate trunk to that side.
4. Hold 7-10 seconds.
5. Repeat on other side.
6. Do 2-4 rotations on each side.
Hip Extensors / Rotators                                     
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1. Sit back straight, right ankle crossed over left thigh.
2. Grasp bent knee with both hands.
3. Gently rotate left shoulder toward bent knee and begin to pull right knee toward left shoulder.
4. Resist the knee pull by using hip muscles, 7-10 seconds.
5. Maintaining position, relax, then pull knee closer to shoulder.
6. Hold 7-10 seconds.
7. Repeat on other side.
Low Back Stretch                                              
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1. Sit in chair with knees spread apart.
2. Bend forward toward the floor.
3. A comfortable should be felt in lower back.
4. Hold 7-10 seconds. Repeat several times.
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leonthorley · 10 months
Touching your toes demonstrates flexibility in your hamstrings, calves, and lower back. To reap the benefits of this flexibility, you should perform a comprehensive stretching routine that addresses the muscle areas needed to reach your toes. In today's video, I demonstrate two effective exercises that will help weak or tight hamstring, tight hip flexor or poor nerve mobility, the exercises in this video should be performed on your days off or after your workout session, while the muscles are still warm.
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nextfitlife · 4 months
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the-everqueen · 1 year
on the one hand, running DOES help with the brain worms. on the other hand, when i am injured/otherwise unable to maintain my regular running schedule, i immediately spiral about my body and start getting panicky around food.
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shyfoxten · 2 years
I’m obsessed with this new song drop!
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trainitright · 2 years
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