nobu11051991 · 2 years
How to see Geisha and Maiko( 15-20 years old apprentice Geisha).
How to see Geisha and Maiko( 15-20 years old apprentice Geisha). Hi I’m Nobu, I like traveling overseas and in Japan, visited 25 countries! I’m a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter of English for 8 years. For the people who are interested in and planning trip to Japan ,I show you hidden local information which you have never seen and heard of through books and ordinary site! You…
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whovian223 · 2 years
February 2023 Gaming
February 2023 #boardgames @gmtgames @boardgame_love @PlayRenegade
February was a weird month for gaming. I missed on Sunday Funday because of doing a math trade (where I traded 17 games for a bunch of money and 5 other games!) and then I was on vacation for a week so we didn’t play any games at work. Plus, snow kept us home from another Sunday Funday. Even so, I managed to play 16 games in February, which isn’t too bad! I’ll talk about the “new to me” games…
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seo-hungary · 8 months
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Hanamikoji-dori in Kyoto Japan.
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artsy-alice · 1 year
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🖨️ Print-and-Play 🕵️ SPY X LETTER 💌 
A SPYxFAMILY retheme of the game "Love Letter"! - for 2-4 players, easy to teach & learn - you are a spy in Ostania, trying to get a letter to Anya through the main Spy X Family characters! - PEANUTS!!!
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE @ https://ko-fi.com/s/6c14b8af77 NOTE: Some card designs were changed after taking the sample photo (e.g. booklet & guide cards were edited to have lighter colors for printer-friendliness)!
I also put up the other print-and-plays in the ko-fi shop so ppl can find them easier. They feature official art so they are downloadable for FREE: Slayer Society (Demon Slayer) | Cultivator Society (MDZS) | Hanamikoji (Genshin Impact)
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There are other print-and-play games, and more printables in the Ko-fi Shop - all for free and some for pay-what-you-want for tips. So check ‘em out too! Happy gaming!
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thekimonogallery · 2 years
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Opening Ceremony for Maiko
Hanamikoji Street 2023.1.7
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missmyloko · 3 months
May I ask if you have the title of the book with the map of all of the hanamikoji okiyas? I would love to buy it! Also other than the books already recommended on your page are there others that are recently released that you would recommend as well? Thank you :)
No book has a map of okiya, just ochaya. The one that does have a map of the ochaya is The Kagai In Kyoto by Hiroshi Mizobuchi. There really haven't been any newly released books on the karyukai in the past few years. The newest one that I can think of was Showa No Gion, also by Hiroshi Mizobuchi, and that was from 2021. If a new book does get released you can be sure that I'd review it ^^
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jokertrap-ran · 11 days
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Mikado Ukiha Cast Story Chapter 1 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist | Mikado Ukiha’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Mikado's Route Tag will be #Ukiha’s Star
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Ukiha: I am glad that the weather is clear today. The sound is able to reverberate through the clear skies, lightening the hearts of people…
Ukiha: And all of you seem to enjoy performing.
▷Choice: It's fun to perform with everyone here 
Ukiha: Indeed. Plus, your performance sounds very cheerful and lively.
▷Choice: Are you enjoying yourself, Mikado?
Ukiha: Yes… It is refreshing to play alongside others in melodious harmony.
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Mikado exudes elegance today as well.
Ukiha: …Oh, I nearly forgot. Apologies, but I just remembered that I have other matters to tend to today, so I shall be excusing myself here.
Ukiha: Genichiro, we are leaving.
Genichiro: Got it.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ginga: Haha, Mikado sure is a difficult one. He's probably trying to draw a deliberate line between himself and everyone else to prove a point that he's not part of the Starlight Orchestra.
Ginga: Though, he might just up and leave, declaring that he's gotten “tired” of this if it continues.
▷Choice: What should I do…?
Ginga: Just do what you always do. Now's your time to shine, Concertmistress~
▷Choice: I want to improve on our friendship
Ginga: Why, aren't you a determined one! Keep that up and good luck~
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Ginga: Won't the walls around his heart crumble once you get to know him better?
Ginga: Tomorrow's a free day, so why don't you invite him and go tour around Kyoto together or something?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: (L/n)-san…? Why are you at our school? Did something happen that necessitated you to come all the way here?
Ukiha: Though, I was under the impression that there were no Orchestra activities planned today.
▷Choice: I came looking for you
Ukiha: Hehe, how heartwarming. You came all the way here on your day off just to look for me?
▷Choice: Let's go on a date
Ukiha: What a sudden turn of events. Me? Are you sure that the invitation is directed to the right person?
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Ukiha: Fleeting, is the beauty of maple leaves. Carelessness lets slip opportunities.
Ukiha: The time I have with you is limited. Perhaps I may find myself regretting this, were I to let this chance slip from my fingers.
Ukiha: I do not mind taking you up on your offer since I do not have any further plans today. Let us take a walk around Kyoto together.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: This is Gion’s Hanamikoji. There are many historic teahouses and restaurants here. This place has quite the historical vibe, no?
Ukiha: What do you think of it? Is there anything that piques your interest?
▷Choice: Japanese-style flower shop
Ukiha: Looks like you have an eye for all things beautiful. This shop has been making hairpins for Maikos since the Edo period. Ukiha: They may have a hairpin that compliments your beautiful hair. Shall we go have a look?
▷Choice: Maiko
Ukiha: Girls really do admire Maikos, do they not? However, those are most likely not actual Maikos, but rather, tourists who are enjoying the Maiko experience. Ukiha: Would you like to try your hand at it? Oh, but it might be too late to participate now… Pity, you would have been an enchanting Maiko.  Ukiha: How about we pop by a popular store that sells cosmetic paper instead? Their products are widely sought after by girls.
▷Choice: A long-established store specializing in pickled goods
Ukiha: Hehe… How befitting of the Starlight Orchestra’s Concertmistress. Always so unpredictable, even when it comes to what catches your eye. Ukiha: That store is one of Kyoto’s pickled goods specialty stores that my family is especially fond of. Ukiha: There should be some pickled Kyoto vegetables that you won't be able to find back in Yokohama. Shall we go in for a look?
Employee: Welcome~
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Ukiha: Time really passes in the blink of an eye, especially while talking to you.
Ukiha: We have been walking for quite a while now. Are you tired? Perhaps we should look for a teahouse to take a breather in.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: The first image that comes to the mind of most people when it comes to a teahouse in Kyoto, would be a traditional one. However, places like this establishment here have their own charms.
Ukiha: This shop was renovated from a private residence dating back to the Taisho era. Here, you can listen to live piano music while enjoying a cup of coffee.
Ukiha: It is said that many people of the literary and artistic arts have often gathered here in the past to participate in passionate discussions about their respective art forms.
Employee 2: Thank you for waiting. Here is your lemon tart and coffee combo set.
Ukiha: Go on, try it.
The lemon tart that Mikado recommended had a refreshing sweetness that went startlingly well with the stronger-tasting coffee.
Ukiha: Seems like your taste buds are in agreement.
Speaking of, Mikado only ordered himself a coffee.
▷Choice: Are you not going to eat something?
Ukiha: No, I am afraid I will have to refrain. I have dinner prepared at home, you see.
▷Choice: Would you like a bite?
Ukiha: No. No need to worry about me. This is a treat I ordered for you, so go ahead and help yourself to it.
Ukiha: …
Ukiha: The sound of the piano intertwining with the chatter of people, echoing in the calm atmosphere of this shop… I quite like this ambiance.
Ukiha: It is calming, almost as if one can meld themselves into the atmosphere here.
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Ukiha: …!
The piece changed. But this peaceful-sounding piece is…
Ukiha: Could you please refrain from playing that particular piece?
Ukiha: …I apologize, you should not have had to see that. Shall we head off, (L/n)-san?
Seeing him leave the store, I quickly chased after him.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: Oh, it has already gotten this late… Sorry for making you tag along with me till such a late hour.
▷Choice: I had a great time
Ukiha: That is great to hear. I, too, feel like it has been a long time since I had this much fun in this city.
▷Choice: What was that song…?
Ukiha: … Ukiha: It is something you need not concern yourself with. Please forget you heard anything.
Ukiha: The hotel all of you are staying at should be walking distance from here. 
Ukiha: Shall we part ways here? Take care on your way back.
Ukiha: I look forward to working with you again tomorrow, my dear Maple.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬Ukiha’s Star♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Next Part: (Chapter 2)
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writingbyricochet · 8 months
The evening bustle was starting. When Rin stepped outside to hang up the lantern she had just lit, she heard, and then saw, groups of people ambling down the stone alleyway, their geta sandals clicking on the pavement. Young women her own age, made up and dressed in kimonos, giggling and enjoying some inside joke. Husbands and wives arm-in-arm, whispering sweet nothings to each other. Men with their arms slung over each others’ shoulders, tired but relaxed after a day of work and on the hunt for sake and the pleasure houses. All of them in Gion for a night of entertainment, they passed her house without a second glance. It was too late for tea.
Rin’s home wasn’t located on the main drag of Hanamikoji. Instead, it was tucked away a few streets north and sitting on the Shirakawa River, an address Rin much more preferred even if other streets were more commercial and more popular with customers. Here, the back of her house faced the river, allowing her to enjoy the light reflections on the water and the gentle swaying of the sakura tree branches when the wind blew. It was a prime location, one Rin would have never been able to get her hands on had it not been in her family’s for generations.
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wheninkyoto · 4 months
#4 MEANINGFUL ENGAGEMENT: Geisha & Tourism Issues
Over-tourism in Kyoto has led the local council in Gion (Kyoto's famous geisha district) to ban tourists due to unruly behavior, such as chasing geishas, touching their kimonos and taking photos without consent. This post-pandemic surge in tourism has negatively affected local residents and businesses. Tourists, geishas, local residents and the Gion council are all stakeholders in this situation.
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Geishas in Gion
Tourism has revived the geisha profession and brought new clients, stabilising a unique aspect of Kyoto’s cultural heritage. However, millions of visitors also bring challenges. Japanese culture, with its unspoken rules, can be complex for outsiders. Despite efforts to attract tourists, there’s little investment in educating them about cultural nuances. Whereby, the impact of mass tourism in Kyoto is clear.
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A notice set up on Hanamikoji Street in Kyoto calling for good manners
Visitors can help by respecting local etiquette. Pay attention to signs about private property and photo restrictions. Kyoto also has a ‘code of behaviour’ for tourists that needs better promotion by the local council. As tourists, the minimum we can do is learn simple greetings and basic Japanese phrases showing a genuine desire to engage with the culture rather than just observe it. In addition, we can explore Kyoto by bike instead of cabs and visit less well-known sites to decrease tourist congestion and disrupt the local residents.
Above are all mindful behaviours that foster meaningful international engagement and are relevant to other popular destinations globally. Appreciate Kyoto’s hidden gems—peaceful, uncrowded spots not found in guidebooks or social media. Perhaps, take your time. Sit on a temple veranda, breathe deeply and soak in the beauty around you.
Enjoy the moment and the true essence of Kyoto.
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Biking in the backstreets of Kyoto, cheap biking rental service
Kyoto Back Street Tour | A cycling tour guided by a Kyoto Cycling Tour Project (KCTP) guide who knows Kyoto. (n.d.). Tour.kctp.net. Retrieved May 27, 2024, from https://tour.kctp.net/en/tour/455.html
McCurry, J. (2024, March 8). Kyoto bans tourists from parts of geisha district amid reports of bad behaviour. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/08/kyoto-geisha-district-tourist-ban-gion
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nobu11051991 · 3 months
Top culture activity for a family first time to Japan!Kyoto 1-Day Tour,Kimono experience, Nomiya shrine,Bamboo forest,Tenryuji UNESCO World Heritage Site temple, Ramen lunch, Kimono forest, Randen train,Minamiza theatre, Hanami Koji, Yasui Shrine, Yasaka pagoda, Kyoto Starbucks, Yasaka Shrine, Fushimi Inari shrine, Kyoto station!!
Top culture activity for a family first time to Japan!Kyoto 1-Day Tour,Kimono experience, Nomiya shrine,Bamboo forest,Tenryuji UNESCO World Heritage Site temple, Ramen lunch, Kimono forest, Randen train,Minamiza theatre, Hanami Koji, Yasui Shrine, Yasaka pagoda, Kyoto Starbucks, Yasaka Shrine, Fushimi Inari shrine, Kyoto station!! Hi I’m Nobu, I like traveling overseas and in Japan, visited 26…
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whovian223 · 2 years
New to Me - February 2023
New to Me #boardgames - February 2023 @boardgame_love @Capstone_Games @PegasusspieleNA @AdamsAppleGames
February is the shortest month of the year, though it can seem quite long (or did before a stat holiday was added to it). It can seem even longer when you don’t get as many games played as usual! As I mentioned in my February gaming post, missing two Sundays and a week of no games at work, it was only natural that fewer games would be played. I still think playing 14 games in 28 days isn’t…
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elfiewhore · 5 months
Favourite board game? Ooooooh this is a tough one cutie!! I enjoy Arkham Horror a lot but I think one of my favourites is a game called Hanamikoji. It's a game about seducing Geishas! But I think my favourite game is Battle for Rokugan - An out of print strategy game in the Legend of the 5 Rings settings where you, over the span of a few turns, conquer and solidify your hold over various regions of Rokugan playing as one of the major clans. If you can find a copy of it I would *highly* recommend it!
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a-bit-of-japanology · 2 years
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Hanamikoji Street - Yamamoto Tomokatsu (1953)
Hanamikoji street at Gion district in Kyoto. Yamamoto Tomokatsu was a Nihon-ga painter born in Kyoto. He received Kyoto Cultural Awards and was a jury member of the prestigious Nitten art exhibition.
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wisconsinwarlock · 11 months
Board Game 30-Day Challenge Day 19
Day 19: What is a great game for couples?
There are some pretty cool games for only two players out there. Jaipur is pretty fun; Hanamikoji is a really good one that’ll make your brain stretch; most recently I’ve gotten fond of Beer & Bread.
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