#Hannam-dong building
dlyarchitecture · 2 years
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0 notes
magicshopaholic · 4 months
Words Unsaid (Jungkook x OC)
Summary: Jungkook has something he wants to ask you, but the timing just never seems to sit right.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
Genre: Fluff
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 7.3 K
Warnings: none
A/N: This took longer than expected to post (but a surprisingly short amount of time to write). Savour it, for the angst will be back in full force next fic :D Takes place a couple of weeks after Unfinished Business and can be read standalone.
Tagging: @bbl32 @ggukkieland @bangtannoonalvg @pb-n-juju @juciu @jeoncookie-bts @quarter-life-crisis2 @dreaming-with-happiness @meirkive  @faearchives @margopinkerton @sumzysworld @purpleseoul7 @kflixnet (italics cannot be tagged. If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment or ask)
Listen to: "thinking out loud" by ed sheeran
jungkook masterlist | main masterlist
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The sun is near setting when lunch comes to a natural end. Namjoon places his credit card on the bill out of habit and, somewhat conscious that it’s not just the two of them here, Jungkook drops his on top of it.
“All good, kid.” Namjoon good-naturedly flicks Jungkook’s credit card off the bill just before the waiter picks it up.
Feeling Lia’s eyes on him, vaguely amused, Jungkook feels his ears heat up and quickly pockets his credit card. “What’s your plan for the rest of the day?” he asks, desperate to change the topic.
“Not much.” He shrugs. “Probably pick up some stuff at this store we saw earlier today, then maybe a walk down the Han if it gets cooler…” He turns slightly as Kaya returns to her seat, fluffing out her hair a bit.
“Seoul has never been this warm, has it?” she remarks. “I’m glad I cut my hair before I came here.”
“It should rain soon,” answers Lia, in her accented English. While her grasp on the language hadn’t necessarily been a surprise to Jungkook, the way it sounded - and how much he liked it - definitely was. She hadn’t ever spoken much English around him, for there was never much of a need, but when Kaya visited and they’d finally met, Jungkook discovered he was obsessed with her English accent. It made her sound older, unattainable and - ironically – more Korean.
“Maybe it will,” says Namjoon, nodding and looking out the glass windows at the sunlight.
“Maybe it will while you’re walking down the Han river,” points out Jungkook. 
“Looking forward to it.”
“Oh, that reminds me - can we make a detour home before we head to the market?” Kaya asks him. “I need to pick up my power bank. My phone’s almost dead.”
Namjoon nods. “Sure. You guys need a ride?” he asks Jungkook and Lia.
“Oh -” They exchange a look, for they were dropped by a company car after Jungkook finished filming a promo. “Actually, yeah,” says Lia, nodding. “We also need to stop by, uh, Jungkook’s house for a minute. You’ll want to change, I guess?”
Jungkook nods mutely, his neck getting hot again. He avoids Namjoon’s eyes; the older member’s subtle questioning a couple of days ago, about how serious is this getting, had been one thing. That, coupled with the abrupt way he and Lia had stopped talking when Jungkook had returned from the men’s room earlier during lunch, made him uneasily conscious that something was still unsaid.
They head out of the restaurant, waiting until Namjoon’s car is brought out by the valet before ducking inside quickly, Kaya in the driver’s seat and Namjoon in the passenger seat next to her. Jungkook notices a few phones out in the open and pointed towards them as they drive away.
“See you tomorrow!” Lia waves at them as they drive away from the porch of Jungkook’s building in Hannam-dong, where his new penthouse sits tucked into the top floor. As the car disappears around a corner, both of them turn around and head inside together.
In the lift, Jungkook watches the numbers increase, his hands in his pockets and his bottom lip between his teeth. The words are there, somewhere, in moments at the tip of his tongue and in others, so far away that they may as well be someone else’s.
He’s jerked out of his reverie. “Yeah.”
Lia is looking at him, frowning slightly. “Everything okay? You’ve barely said two words since we left.”
“I’m fine,” he answers as the lift stops and they step out, the doors opening right in front of his apartment. “I just, uh…” He pats his pockets and pauses. “... forgot my keys. I think. Shit.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she mutters easily, reaching into her small sling bag for her own keyring and selecting the shiniest one. “This is when it helps to have a spare set with someone else,” she points out.
Jungkook nods sheepishly and steps aside so she can unlock the door to his home. “Actually, Lia…” He takes a deep breath as Namjoon’s face swims to the forefront of his mind, the familiar raised eyebrow and chin tilted upward that, irritatingly knowing but unwilling to give him the answer. No, he would want Jungkook to come up with the answer himself. 
He clears his throat as Lia pauses. “Yeah?”
“Um, I was wondering -” He shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Just say it. Say it. He makes the mistake of glancing at her again, her raised eyebrows and - to his slight anxiety - hopeful expression.
“Would you, um… do you think you would you like to…” 
Come on now, Jungkook, Namjoon would say sternly. Say it already.
“... try a beef bulgogi tonight? I know we usually do pizza on Sunday nights but I saw this recipe online and I really wanted to try it. Plus, we won’t even have to shop - we have that fillet in the freezer so part of the work is really already done, if you think about it…”
He’s rambling, he knows, but it’s only to try and distract himself from the annoyance at himself as well as the brief but clear disappointment in her expression. Her shoulders fall slightly and she bites her lip, turning back to the door and pushing it open halfway.
“Beef bulgogi sounds great,” she says finally, looking up at him after a moment’s hesitation, and giving him a small smile. “Thanks.”
He follows her inside, still deflated. Lia goes straight to the fridge for a bottle of cold water while he heads into his room, shedding his t-shirt on the way. Turning on the bathroom light, he grabs his facewash from the wall-mounted shelf, half-stocked with haircare products, face scrubs, masks, serums and a tub of scrunchies and claw clips. A Dior perfume he’d gifted her earlier this year was also there next to his own Calvin Klein cologne. 
Realising he’s been staring at her belongings for over a minute with emulsified facewash on his face, he quickly scrubs it off and hurries out, passing by her chest of drawers next to the closets. 
Jungkook wishes he wasn’t such a coward. He wishes he had the exact right words and that his mouth moved on its own to deliver the message to her. She’d helped him set up the apartment when he’d moved in last month; most of her belongings are here, she returns here more often than not after work, half the groceries in the pantry are stocked by her. She has a set of keys, she uses his extra parking space - but none of it matters as long as it’s still Jungkook’s house. 
In the kitchen, Lia is standing by the counter with a bowl of watermelon in front of her, scrolling on her phone. She looks up when he enters. 
“I cut the other half that was in the fridge,” she informs him. “Rest of it is inside.”
He swallows. “Thanks.”
Jungkook doesn’t know what he would do without her. The house feels far too big and empty when she isn’t around and he wishes there were some way for her to get that message without him having to spell it out.
But if you do spell it out, comes Namjoon’s voice again, what’s the worst that could happen.
She could say no and then I could die, he thinks, shuddering.
He stands on the opposite side of the counter and leans over to examine the pink fruit. Lia raises an eyebrow and pops a piece into his mouth. 
“Wow. Sweet,” he comments, voice slightly muffled. 
She half-chuckles and nods, going back to her phone and taking a piece as well.
Say it. But is this really the moment? Does there need to be a moment? What would that moment even look like? What would she want that moment to -
“Kook,” says Lia, slowly placing her phone down. “I was thinking… I’ve been coming over here after work the last few days. And I’ll probably be here tomorrow as well, so…” She bites her lip.
“Yes,” whispers Jungkook breathlessly. If Lia were to ask the question - nothing like it. No chance of rejection, no scope for awkwardness. Of course, if any of the guys got wind of the fact that she had been the one to ask, they wouldn’t let him live it down, especially Jimin. Suddenly, he half-hopes she isn’t asking.
“Do you think it would be weird if, you know…”
Holy shit. Screw Jimin and his opinions. Despite a crappy first date a year ago, if this is really how far they’ve come since then, he should consider himself the luckiest man in the world. Unexpectedly, Jungkook’s heart begins to race. 
“… if I went home on Monday evening? It’s been a while and I have an important meeting on Tuesday and all my blazers are at home so in a way, I have to…”
Jungkook nods mutely, barely hearing her, for his heart is hammering so loudly he can hear it in his teeth. It occurs to him that Lia might have been anticipating the same question and subsequently felt the same disappointment, and it only serves to make him feel worse.
“… take my car, too. Jungkook?”
He looks up warily, irrationally worried his shame might be written on his forehead for her to see, possibly triggering her to pull the plug on this entire thing, this whole relationship, to save herself the embarrassment of dating a silly pop star who can’t string six words together -
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I’m fine,” he chokes. “Thanks for the, uh, the fruit.”
Lia raises her eyebrows, but there’s a flash of knowing in her eyes. Not wanting to decipher it, for there’s no telling where his mind will take him, he shakes his head slightly and leans forward, kissing her on the cheek.
It doesn’t end there. Later that evening, Jungkook is still reeling from his horrendous inability to pluck up the courage to ask his girlfriend a simple question. The general mood between them seems to have gone back to normal, somewhat, but it nags at the corner of his mind.
They are heading to the executive floor gym in his building, accessible only to the handful of residents on the top floor, when another opportunity seemingly presents itself.
It’s a glorious workout in one of the best gyms in the country; in fact, Jungkook is rather upfront about it being one of the main reasons he chose to buy a property in this particular building in Hannam-dong. Towards the end of a particularly difficult set of reps on the bench press station, Jungkook looks up to see a face, upside down and hovering above him.
“Shit!” he gasps, gripping the barbell tightly so it doesn’t fall on him. 
Eunwoo grins. “What’s up? Wasn’t expecting to see you here today.”
“I could’ve died,” points out Jungkook, sitting up and giving him a friendly dap. “No, Lia wanted to work out, too, and it’s been a, uh… somewhat stressful day.”
“Yeah?” Eunwoo, also sweating and glowing, looks around the gym with his hands on his hips. “Lia is here? Oh, there she is…” He nods at the treadmills where she’s jogging fast, AirPods in and the rest of the world shut out.
They chat for a bit about nothing in particular, catching their breath. Somewhere during the conversation, while they’re at the water station and filling up tiny glasses with fruit-infused ice water, Jungkook wonders if the time has truly come to pick another’s brain. Eunwoo is a good friend and they’ve known each other a while, but it would be the first time he’s actively confided in someone else about his love life. From his experience, it could go either way.
While he’s pondering this, Eunwoo nods and flashes a smile at something over his shoulder.
“Hey, guys.” Lia walks over and pours herself a glass. Her skin pale and glowing, her cheeks flushed lusciously. The ends of her high ponytail stick to her damp collarbones and Jungkook bites his lip without thinking, ridiculously attracted to her at the moment.
“Noona, do you agree with JK’s plan of building a home gym?” Eunwoo asks, seamlessly continuing their discussion. “It’s going to be so much maintenance of equipment,” he tells him, shaking his head.
“Really?” Lia turns to Jungkook, frowning. “When did that happen? I thought you were happy with this gym.”
“I am - and I’m not planning on building a home gym,” he clarifies, suddenly anxious with both sets of eyes on him. “I was just discussing the merits of possibly having one.”
“Such as?”
“Well… privacy, for one. I know the building has good security but they're also fairly lax with allowances,” he points out, not wanting to specify the incident last week that had prompted this train of thought, when he was half-certain he’d spotted someone pointing their phone at him and Lia. 
“Allowances? You mean guests?” Eunwoo wrinkles his nose. “They don’t allow guests in here.”
“Yes, they do.”
“No, they don’t. They don’t allow anybody but residents in the gym.”
There’s a brief but painful pause following his words. 
“They do, actually,” says Lia.
“I don’t think so.”
“Yes, they do,” adds Jungkook tightly, glaring at Eunwoo and moving his eyes deliberately in Lia’s direction, hoping to God he’ll drop it.
Eunwoo frowns slowly, apparently working this out. “What?” he mutters, shaking his head at Jungkook. “No, I’m just saying… wait, how are you so sure?”
“Because I’m technically a guest,” says Lia lightly.
“You are?” Eunwoo raises his eyebrows. “But I thought you were - oh.” To Jungkook’s horror, a blush creeps up his friend’s face. Lia goes still next to him and it takes every ounce of Jungkook’s strength to not turn in her direction.
For the next few seconds or so, the three of them stand there in silence, scarcely making a movement. 
“Excuse me? May I?”
“Yes! Of course, of course -” Jungkook immediately blurts out while Eunwoo practically trips over himself to take a step back and make way for another patron. 
“I’m going to stretch and cool down for a bit,” says Lia, touching Jungkook’s shoulder. “How far along are you?”
“Oh, I still have a bit to finish,” he answers, a bit apologetically. “I was going to box for a bit before ending with cardio.”
“That’s fine, I'll just head back h- uh, to your place and shower… if that’s okay?”
Not least because she hasn’t needed to ask such a question in months, Jungkook nods wordlessly. She gives him a small smile and moves away, and Jungkook watches her leave before turning back around to see Eunwoo giving him a look.
“Shut up,” he mutters.
Eunwoo chuckles as they head over to the boxing bag. “Man, I am so sorry about that. I really thought you’d asked her to move in with you - I thought part of the reason you bought a new house was because you wanted her to move in. You were asking about bathrooms with his-and-her sinks, man. What happened?”
“Okay, first of all, I only asked if you’ve ever seen one in real life - not that I wanted one,” he corrects immediately, strapping on his gloves while Eunwoo gets behind the bag, ready to hold it. 
“And the other thing?”
“I’m working on it,” mutters Jungkook, going into stance and holding his hands up. “I just want to do it right. Make sure it’s a good time, that I’m not hurrying anything - that kind of thing.”
Eunwoo hums and nods. “Well, if it helps, she didn’t seem freaked out. If anything, she looked a little annoyed.”
Jungkook freezes. “She did? She looked annoyed - wait, really? Are you serious?”
His eyes widen. “Wh- no. Not - not annoyed like that. Not like a pissed off annoyed, more like a… like a chill annoyed.” When Jungkook says nothing, he shakes his head. “You know what? Don’t worry about it. Maybe it is too soon. Or maybe it isn’t,” he amends quickly. “What do I know? You know my last three relationships lasted, like, four months each - so I’m probably not the best person to be giving you any kind of advice.”
“That’s the most airtight thing you’ve said so far,” mutters Jungkook. “Alright, I’m coming in.” Waiting a moment for Eunwoo to grip the bag, he cocks his elbow back and punches it.
Despite his deadly faux pas, Eunwoo had inadvertently provided Jungkook with a rather helpful bit of direction. Perhaps it is time for him to lean on a friend for advice, but Eunwoo was also right that he is not one of them, not with his flighty flings and lack of depth in them. The advice matters and so does the friend, prompting Jungkook to ask himself: which of his friends is the expert on the opposite of short-term flings?
“Namjoon hyung!”
Namjoon stops in his tracks at the sound of his name and turns, waiting for Jungkook to catch up with him. 
“Oh, thanks,” says Jungkook, taking a cigarette from the pack Namjoon offers him and leaning forward so he can light it. “Thanks for getting us the evening off, by the way.”
“Kaya is leaving this weekend,” is all Namjoon says in response, shrugging.
“Right.” Jungkook nods, taking a drag and blowing it out, wondering briefly if he should care that they might be seen smoking right outside the Hybe building. “Won’t this make you a couple minutes late, though? If you want to make the best of the next few days?”
Namjoon chuckles. “I don’t want to smoke inside the house.”
“Uh-huh. Speaking of which…” He exhales, suddenly nervous. “I was hoping for some advice.” He clears his throat. “Regarding… relationships.”
Namjoons raises his eyebrows but says nothing else. “M-hm.”
“I have reason to believe,” he begins slowly, “that Lia might want me to ask her to move in with me.”
Jungkook pauses, searching his leader’s face for a hint. Finding none, he continues. “Well… I want to ask her. But I also don’t want her to feel like I’m asking her just because she wants me to ask her. And I also don’t want to mess it up.”
“How would you mess it up?”
“I don’t know… maybe I’m completely off track and she doesn’t want to move in with me at all? Maybe she thinks it’s too soon?”
Namjoon nods, hearing him out. Then he shakes his head. “Well, personally, I don’t think that’s the case.”
“What isn’t? You think she wants to move in?” Jungkook’s momentarily relief is interrupted by a horrifying thought. “Oh, my God - did she say something to you? Yesterday, at brunch, when I went to the men’s room?”
“Jungkook, you were gone for two minutes.”
He’s about to argue but stops himself. He knows Lia and she is hardly the type to secretly vent her feelings to his friends behind his back, hoping it will get back to him. No, she’s more straightforward than that.
Somewhat satisfied, he takes a different turn. “Okay, let’s get down to it, then. How did you ask Kaya to move in?”
“Well…” Namjoon frowns thoughtfully. “Actually, I didn’t.”
“You… what?” Jungkook squints. “Wait, so… you didn’t ask? You both just knew, telepathically, when to start living together?” he asks incredulously, thinking privately that it could just be believable.
“No,” says Namjoon patiently, chuckling again and flicking some ash off his cigarette. “I didn’t ask because I didn’t have to. Where else is she supposed to live when she comes to Seoul? Where am I supposed to live when I go to see her?”
“Yeah… okay, but… well, would you say you live together?” he presses. “Or do you just, like, crash at each other’s place when you visit?”
“Well, we definitely don’t crash at each other’s place,” he mutters. “Maybe we did right in the beginning? I guess I’d say we live apart, but it’s only because we have to. I don’t know - when she came to Seoul for work last year while I was in service, she stayed at Hannam even though her aunt lives in the city, too.” He shrugs. “If that helps.”
“Huh.” Jungkook considers this. “So, like, do you guys ‘go home’ or do you go back to ‘your place’?”
“Home,” he answers casually, not skipping a beat. “Even her apartment is home. ‘Home’ is what you make it, to a large extent. It’s a place of comfort - an apartment is only part of that,” he says wisely. “I feel more at home in her studio apartment in London with her than at Hannam by myself. The people make the home - and that’s for you to decide.”
Jungkook stares, feeling his cigarette burn away in his hand. “That’s really not the kind of thing I’m looking for, hyung,” he states, before dropping his face in his hand.
Namjoon clicks his tongue and stubs his cigarette on the tray atop the trash can next to him. “Don’t overthink it,” he says, clapping him on the shoulder. “Go about it logically: she’s been your girlfriend for six or seven months now, you bought a new place which is significantly bigger than your old one and she’s in her thirties, meaning she’s most likely thinking long-term.” 
Jungkook gazes at Namjoon’s raised eyebrows, quite certain he’s meant to pick up some meaning out of this. “So…”
“So… if you’re worried she might say no…”
“Chances are… she probably won’t?”
Namjoon grins and nods. “Exactly. Just be yourself, be genuine, be honest - and remember you’re both together for a reason. And I think - I think - she has a thing for you, too,” he adds seriously.
“One can only hope,” he mutters, albeit slightly mollified. “I really don’t want to mess this up.”
Namjoon observes him - for too long. For a moment, it seems as though he’s about to say something that makes Jungkook’s stomach jolt unpleasantly, but at the last second, he shakes his head.
“Impossible to mess it up. Honestly,” he says reassuringly, and Jungkook almost believes him. “It’s a part of the journey and if you think she’s expecting it, just take the plunge. Don’t add unnecessary pressure by trying to make it perfect.”
While the last bit simply isn’t in Jungkook’s DNA, he nods anyway. 
“Damn it.” 
Lia doesn’t look up from the email she’s writing, despite Dal’s repeated exclamations from the kitchen. Finally, he sticks his head out around the door.
“Did you know the faucet is leaking?”
“Yes,” she mutters, still not looking away from her screen.
“And did you know it’s dripping out of the sink zone and onto the floor?”
“And did you know it’s fucking disgusting?”
Lia sighs and finally turns her head to glance at him. “Yes, I know. I mopped it up this morning.”
Dal steps out, frowning. “So this much water leaked in the last six hours?” When Lia nods, he sighs heavily and trudges into the living room, falling onto the sofa. “I suppose we can text the landlord but I don’t know what good that will do.”
“Probably as much as it did when we told him about the seepage in the bathroom ceiling.”
“Yeah. Didn’t realise the kind of shoulder strength you need to baste upwards.” A moment later, he chuckles. “Helped that there were three of us there, though. Jungkook was really looking for any excuse to be around you back then, wasn’t he?”
Without meaning to, Lia feels a smile creep up her face at the memory. “It was cute,” she says, slightly defensive. “And we really needed the extra hands, especially to clean up.”
“Oh, sure.” There’s a comfortable silence, the only sound being the clicking of Lia’s keyboard. “Speaking of,” he speaks, and his tone is slightly different, “I’m surprised to see you here.”
Lia doesn’t look up, but she’s certain she knows where he’s going with this. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. You haven’t been around much.”
“You think so?”
“M-hm. In fact, I was starting to wonder if you’d moved out or something and I missed the memo.”
“You were still paying only half the rent, though, weren’t you?”
From the corner of her eye, she sees a movement and ducks out of habit.
“Lee-lee,” he says again, and she finally meets his gaze.
“I know what you’re getting at, and no,” she says dryly, “no updates on that front. I’m still your roommate for the foreseeable future.”
Dal raises his eyebrows. “Okay.”
Lia turns back to her laptop but doesn’t resume her typing. “What?”
“What what?”
“You’re still looking at me.”
“No. I’m just looking in your general direction.”
She gives him a look. “Just say it.”
“I thought you were moving in with Jungkook.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Because he told me last time he came over that he wanted you to move in with him.”
Lia scoffs. “No way did he say that. Liar.”
“Fine, he didn’t use those exact words,” he admits, rolling his eyes. “But he just happened to mention that his new place is bigger, that the gym is fantastic, that it has a really good running trail or something…”
“Maybe he was just making conversation?”
“... and how much closer it is to the Hybe office.”
He works at Hybe, too, technically. The words are on the tip of her tongue, but she can’t deflect anymore; Dal will see right through it. She sighs and puts her laptop away.
“What do you want me to say?” she asks steadily. “We aren’t living together. It’s not the end of the world.”
“I’m not saying it is, at all.” He holds up his hands. “Do you want to, though?”
Lia is silent for a moment. “He needs to ask first. But… yeah, I guess. Could be fun. We’ll save on a lot of fuel.”
“Ooh, stop, I’m swooning.”
She flashes him an embarrassed sort of smile. “You know what I mean. We basically do live together already - but this is a big deal for Jungkook. He’s never done the long-term relationship, adult couple milestone thing before. The last thing I want to do is scare him off.”
Dal nods thoughtfully. “Well, hopefully it’ll go better than your last adult couple milestone thing.”
She snorts, covering her face. “Hey, to be fair, I did move in with him,” she points out. “Kind of.”
“You lasted less than a month before you were back here.”
“Yeah. God, he was such a manchild. Can’t believe I was ever attracted to him.”
“I told you he had an asshat kind of face. But you didn’t listen. Didn’t he have a shrine to his ex-girlfriend in the bathroom or something?”
“It was a couple of bottles of her shampoo and lotion, not a shrine,” she corrects him, “but, sort of. He was so blown away when I asked him to get rid of it - like, sue me, I don’t want to live with my boyfriend and sentimental haircare products belonging to his ex. It just goes to show, you never know enough about your partner until you actually share a living space together.”
“You think there’s more to Jungkook? Because I like him for you, honestly. But he seems to be a more…” Dal grimaces, trying to find the word, “... what you see is what you get… kind of person.”
“That’s a good thing,” she remarks. “Means there’s no lying, no games. None of that shit.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Well, it’s good you know what you want. How long are we planning to wait for him to pop the question?”
“We are not waiting for anything. I, on the other hand…” 
It’s a good question, unfortunately, one that Lia has deliberately tried not to think about because there’s simply no correct answer.
“... will take things as they come.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
She narrows her eyes at her oldest friend, recognising both teasing masking genuine concern. “I’m not going to pressure Jungkook. And I’m not going to get my hopes up either,” she states, trying to ignore the quiet tugging at her heart and standing up, stretching.
“Hey, just say the word and I will -“ Dal makes a flailing kind of gesture and flexes his triceps, “- whip him into shape.”
“Oh, really? Not only will it probably be evenly matched, but who’s going to help you both carry cartons of beer into each other’s houses if you’re both maimed?” She taps her temple sarcastically.
“Well, you’ll be a resident in one of our houses at any given time so I guess we’ll be looking at you.” Dal shrugs in satisfaction as Lia chuckles and starts heading inside her bedroom, considering a shower before bed.
“Oi, Lia.” 
Lia turns in her doorway, recognising the subtle change in tone once again. It wasn’t surprising that Dal and Jungkook got along easily enough; despite her boyfriend’s initial reservations, most of which were based on Dal’s gender and inopportune timing, he had eventually moved past it to begin actually enjoying his company. Oh, he would never admit it, but Lia had woken up more than once in her own bed, alone, while hearing two male voices laughing in the living room with the television on.
As for Dal, the only thing he had needed to say was “Lee-lee, for once, you’ve found a good boy.”
Therefore, while Lia prefers to handle her relationships herself, she recognises the value of her oldest friend’s opinion.
“I just want to let you know,” he begins seriously, and she feels the muscles in her face go slack. He bites his lip. “I just wanted to let you know,” he repeats, “that if Jungkook has a shrine to his ex in his house, you can always move back in here.”
There’s relief, and Lia doesn’t want to admit there’s relief. “Shut up,” she mutters, turning back around as Dal laughs at his own joke behind her.
It’s not the greatest comfort, but Lia uses it as such after that. Worst case, I move back in with Dal, she thinks. We stay roommates until we’re eighty, when either I die first from stress about work or he does driving his car like a maniac. Jungkook brings a carton of beer to the funeral and shares it with whichever one of us is still alive.
It’s a mildly depressing train of thought, especially when she imagines her eighty year old self heading back to her apartment while seventy-seven year old Jungkook, in his infinite wisdom, still hasn’t asked her to move in with him.
Nearly a week later, Lia has successfully kept her desires to herself, while Jungkook has continued trying to pretend he isn’t thinking about it just as much.
“Remind me again why we’re going to this club?” she asks him as they walk to his car in the basement parking. “It doesn’t really sound like your scene.”
“It isn’t,” he admits. “But the DJ tonight is a friend of a friend… of an acquaintance, who’s also kind of an ex-colleague.” He wrinkles his nose. “I wouldn’t normally go but he helped me out during the production of my debut album and I accidentally told him I owed him.”
“Ah. Mistake number one.”
“It might be. You look quite club-ready for someone who doesn’t really enjoy clubs either,” he remarks, playfully smacking her backside. “Leather pants and everything.”
“Faux leather,” she corrects, leaning over and bumping his hip with hers. “I figured I may as well look the part of a popstar’s girlfriend. Plus,” she adds after a moment, as they climb into the car and begin strapping in, “it’s the only party outfit I have at your place.”
Predictably, Jungkook freezes for a moment before clumsily buckling himself in. He doesn’t meet her eyes and swallows as he looks ahead.
“By the way, I hear the gin martinis at this club are to die for,” he declares, completely transparent. “Did you know, the martini is one of the top five drinks people order on a first date?”
Abrupt subject change coupled with a random fact that doesn’t sound completely true; Jungkook is nervous. It’s exasperating and endearing all at once.
“That’s… interesting. Maybe you should’ve invited your single friends tonight. Or if this DJ is an ex-colleague, at least the ones in your group.”
“What, all two of them?”
“Isn’t it three?”
“I don’t think so.” Jungkook shrugs as they pull out of Hannam Hill. “Or maybe it is. I don’t know. Yoongi hyung isn’t very forthcoming about his dating life and I’m too afraid to ask.”
Lia chortles as they turn into the main road, reaching for her party clutch for her phone, when she realises…
“Oh, no,” she mutters under breath.
“I, uh…” She bites her lip, internally swearing at herself. “I was moving stuff from my regular bag to the clutch and I forgot… you know what, can we make a quick detour to my apartment? It’s on the way.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is. If you take a right after the signal then you can take the parallel road to the church at the end of my street.”
“That’s not the same road - and come on,” he whines, his shoulders falling. “I don’t want to take a detour. What did you even forget? Power bank? Because my phone is fully charged.”
“It’s not a power bank - look, it’s kind of important, Jungkook. It’ll take, like, five extra minutes.”
“But -”
“What? What did you even forget that’s so important? Is it make-up or something? Because you look -”
“It’s tampons, Jungkook.”
“It’s -”
“Tampons,” she repeats. “And I don’t want to stop at a drugstore because they may not have the exact brand that I use and most of the others chafe… down there.”
There’s a few seconds of silence while Jungkook stares out of the windshield as the car zooms down the road, his ears turning red.
“Which signal was it again?”
True to her word, they reach her three-storey apartment building a few minutes later and jog up the stairs together.
“I swear, I just need to pick up a couple of extras,” she promises him. “The last time I was caught without any on me and then I had to borrow one and it was just the worst time I - oh, my God!”
Lia gasps as she stops in her tracks in the doorway of her apartment, Jungkook right next to her. 
“Is that -”
“Water,” she sighs, shaking her head. “Shit, it came into the living room? I thought we fixed that damn leak,” she mutters. She places her hands on her hips and looks up at Jungkook.
Jungkook looks blank. “Well… what?”
“Well… I’m going to have to wade in there,” she says slowly, already dreading it. “Do you want to come?”
“Ordinarily, I would love to because that sounds so fun, but these are Balenciaga.” He raises his right leg to show her his shoes, mimicking her position until Lia looks away.
“Alright. Wait here then,” she tells him, before gingerly placing one heeled foot into the water and cringing in anticipation. It reaches ankle deep, missing the hem of her pants only due to the height of her heels. With no specific attachment to her shoes, she takes a couple of more hesitant steps.
“Ugh, I can hear the faucet dripping from here,” she grumbles. “Sure you want to just wait out there?”
“Totally. You’re doing great, though, baby.” He grimaces as she walks further in. “Is it cold? It looks cold.”
“No, it’s room temperature. I’m just glad it hasn’t reached the sofa or the cushions or anything in the - whoa!” Lia grabs the arm of the chair beside her as she slips, thankfully saving her ankles as her knee breaks the fall.
There’s a sound of splashing before Jungkook is right next to her a second too late. “Shit, you okay?”
“Uh, yeah. No injuries, I think.” She twists to see him kneeling next to her. “What happened to your Balenciagas?”
It seems to have occurred to him only now. “Oh…” He looks down at his shoes, now submerged. “I can try blow drying them, probably?”
“Probably.” She tries to hide a smile before giving up. “Take them off before they get any more damaged, though.”
He takes her advice this time and they both rid themselves of their shoes, tossing them on the chair before splashing their way into the kitchen.
Jungkook whistles. “Wow, that’s some leak,” he remarks, following her as she falls to her knees to get a good look at the thin but steady stream of water spilling from a crack in the pipe. “Is this the only leak?” he wonders out loud before pressing his hand against the crack so the water suddenly stops.
“No, there’s a small one here, too,” she answers, squinting at something on the other side of the pipe, a little higher up. “It’s only a few drops out of this one but it’s still bad enough.”
“Maybe we can -” Jungkook grunts and tugs at the pipe, “- wrench it into place? To block this crack?”
“Doubtful. It’s a really old pipe, too, so I’m afraid it might break.”
“It’s metal - can metal break?”
“I mean… yeah? I guess? Look, it’s all rusted up here.”
“Oh, yeah…”
In his effort to look, Jungkook’s hand slips off the crack and the flow of the water resumes. 
“Okay, this can’t go on - we need to block this for now so we can get rid of this fucking flood,” she decides, noting in worry how the water level is slowly rising. “And I’m calling the landlord tomorrow and giving him a piece of my mind.”
“Um -” Jungkook looks around from his position by the pipe. “We have a towel, some flour and stuff… maybe we stick some dough onto it?”
“Worth a shot but I don’t know if it’ll hold till tomorrow. Maybe we should try moving the pipe,” she admits, holding the top of it and wondering if it’ll work.
“Okay, let’s do that. Worst case, we find a plastic or metal box, cut it in just the right dimensions to cover the crack and fix it around the pipe.”
“Worst case.” 
Jungkook waves her over and they grip the pipe together. “If this goes south, just remember that I love you.”
Despite the chaos and the fact that her faux leather pants are damp and disgusting, Lia snorts. “Shut up, you dork. Come on, let’s do this.” Both of them pull the top part towards the lower one to try and close the gap.
“A little to the left, come on…”
“It’s - not - moving -” Lia bites her lip and jerks the pipe back, accidentally slipping again and falling back onto her boyfriend. The jolt makes Jungkook tip over and the pipe twists on the rust, bursting.
“Oh, my - “ Jungkook’s words are cut off when a jet of water hits him square in the face. Lia gasps and reaches for the pipe as he fumbles, sputtering, and lunges towards the pipe to turn it away.
“Jungkook, no! It’ll break if you -” 
But Lia is cut off as well and almost knocked backwards by the force of the water. It’s everywhere now; her clothes, her hair - she’s fully drenched. Next to her, Jungkook looks like he’s been dunked into a lake, his long thick hair sticking to his forehead.
“Take cover!” he yells, pulling open a cabinet behind him with one hand and yanking something out, while the other hand covers the jet of water uselessly. He replaces it with the lid of a cooking pan and tosses her another one which splashes into the water next to her.
“Thanks! I - Jungkook!” She brandishes the utensil while trying to dodge the water. “It’s a sieve!”
“It has holes!”
“I can’t see! Wait -” He crawls towards the cabinet but slips midway, swearing loudly. 
“Careful!” She ducks and tries to get to the pipe but feels him grip her forearm and pull her back.
“You’ll hurt yourself!” he yells, handing her another pan. “Jesus - how did you guys let this stupid faucet get this bad?”
“I told you - our landlord is a jackass who ghosts us if we bring up fixtures!”
“Well -” Jungkook pauses, wincing a little as the water continues to ricochet off the pan he’s holding up. “In that case, this is probably as good a time as any to ask you this, but do you want to move in with me?”
Lia almost swallows a mouthful of tap water. “What?”
“Just - I mean, this apartment is unlivable!” he says loudly. “And I’m a much better landlord! And also -” He gags and spits out some water, “- I love you and all!” He shrugs awkwardly, drenched to the bone with his oversized t-shirt sticking to his shoulders and chest.
Lia tries - she really tries - to keep a straight face, to attempt to understand what goes on in Jungkook’s head. But it’s a lost cause, for at the end of the day, whatever it is, it just works. Through the irritation at her landlord and the general shock of being waterboarded by a broken pipe, she sees it. A shine in his doe eyes, a hint of nervousness. 
She doesn’t realise immediately why the water hits her suddenly with force or why Jungkook’s eyes widen belatedly.
“What are you doing? The water is - oh.” The anticipation turns into the beginnings of a smile when he works out why she has knee walked all the way towards him and he stands on his knees as well, just as she reaches him and places her arms around his neck, and kisses him.
When she pulls away, he’s grinning. “That’s a yes?”
“That’s a thank God you finally asked.” 
Jungkook nods sheepishly. “I wanted it to be perfect, honestly. I was just waiting for the right time and -” He sighs, shaking his head so droplets of water fall from his hair.
“You know what? I think this, unexpected as it was, is pretty perfect,” she says honestly. “So… I guess that’s a yes,” she clarifies, meeting him in a kiss once again.
There’s a muffled sound and then a splash, followed by a gasp.
“Oh, my God! What the fuck?”
Jungkook jerks away, pursing his lips. “As long as he is never allowed in our house,” he declares, glaring and pointing in the direction of the living room.
She gives him a look. “Pretty sure you’ll crack before I do on that front,” she guesses, just as Dal appears in the doorway of the kitchen, looking incredulous.
“What the fuck happened in here?”
“What do you think? That damn faucet,” she snaps, pointing at it. “This is the landlord’s problem now - he and his insurance can handle it.”
“I agree, but - God, are you guys okay?”
“Yeah, we were using lids…” Jungkook picks his up and places it in front of the stream of water, much more unfazed about it now than he was before. 
“Lids? Why didn’t you guys just turn off the water?” Taking a long step across the flooded kitchen floor, he reaches for a panel behind the left-most cabinet and twists a lever - and the water stops.
Speechless, Lia turns to look at Jungkook who is looking back at her with equal dismay. “We thought of dough before we thought of turning off the water,” he mutters, shaking his head.
“And we’re taking it to the grave,” she replies, squeezing his hand.
He’s wet, his designer clothes ruined - but Jeon Jungkook is glowing. A moment later, he squeezes her hand back.
Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to leave a review :)
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey Storm, I rewatched June 2022 festa dinner today. Tae says he and JK shared a room in their dorm and he'll miss that. I thought Jk had his own room. Did he not?
In 2018 5th ARMY ZIP magazine they shared more about their dorm room layout. Their apartment in Hannam-Dong 'The Hill.' It had 4 official bedrooms. Joon, Jin and Suga all got the back furthest bedrooms to themselves. Jimin and Hobi shared the largest bedroom together as roommates. JK and Tae spilt off half of the living room and turned it into a bedroom, including building a divider to spilt the room in half so that they has their own rooms even if they also still shared the "living room" bedroom. So the answer is yes, he did have his own, but also no, he didnt lol.
(Layout not from ARMY ZIP but rather from ARMY taking all the info they shared and plugging it into the Floorplan from The Hill apartments lol interview from ARMY ZIP)
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And a translation segment from JK talking about his room
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Hope that helps!
Before this in their first dorm, they all shared one bedroom. In their second dorm, YoonJin shared, Namkook shared and Vhopemin shared. Then yoonjin shared, vmon shared, jihope shared and JK had his own space. Then the latest setup above with everyone in their own spaces, jihope roommates and taekook splitting the living room into their own spaces too. Then they all got their own places. Lol
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jiacast · 1 month
Dream Vacation
A dream vacation to South Korea, primarily Seoul, would involve visiting iconic BTS locations such as Hyangho Beach, Itaewon & Hannam-dong, Big Hit Entertainment Building, K-Star Road, Yongma Land, Dae Jang Geum Park, and BTS-related cafes and restaurants.
The itinerary includes exploring Seoul, visiting the popular neighborhoods of Itaewon and Hannam-dong, stopping at the BTS entertainment company's headquarters (now known as HYBE), and walking along K-Star Road in Gangnam, where you can spot the famous BTS bear statue and K-pop related stores and cafes.
Music video locations include Yongma Land, an abandoned amusement park where BTS filmed parts of their "Love Yourself: Highlight Reel" and other K-pop videos, and Dae Jang Geum Park, a historical theme park where BTS filmed their "Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa on Stage: Epilogue" concert poster.
BTS-related cafes and restaurants include The Min's, owned by Suga's brother, where you can try traditional Korean dishes, and Zapangi Café, a popular Instagram spot with unique drinks and desserts.
Another highlight of the trip is visiting Busan, Jimin and Jungkook's hometown, where you can explore the beaches and Jimin's father's café (Magnate Café). Attending a BTS-themed event or exhibit, such as the BTS Pop-Up stores and the HYBE Insight Museum, is also recommended.
Ending on a high note, aligning your visit with a BTS concert or fan meeting in Seoul would be the ultimate highlight of the trip. This vacation offers an immersive experience of exploring South Korea's culture, history, and vibrant city life while following in the footsteps of BTS.
0 notes
jamaisjoons · 4 years
dark chocolate snap ⤑ ksj & kth | m.
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 the last thing you’d expected a few days before valentine’s, was a text from your friends’ with benefits telling you to meet them at a hotel. however, with all the tasty tricks up their sleeve, you’re sure that valentine’s day will be extra sweet this year. that is, as long as you survive the night with the two men ravishing you as if you’re their last meal… or dessert. 〞friends with benefits au. valentine’s au. pwp au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: seokjin x reader x taehyung
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff ∝ smut
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 15.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: heavy bdsm themes, hard (but softer than tae)dom!seokjin, hard dom!taehyung, big cock!seokjin, big cock!taehyung, slight bratty sub!reader, threesome: mfm, public indecency yeehaw, use of sex toys: vibrators, exhibitionism, humiliation, use of blindfolds, grinding, female masturbation, voyeurism, teasing, biting, dirty talk, degradation, finger licking/sucking, fingering, wet and messy, minor breast/nipple play, spanking, face slapping with cock, cock rubbing, rough/sloppy blowjob, choking/gagging on cock, praise, food play: melted chocolate, temperature play, licking/eating food off of a body, power dynamics, pain kink, mild ass worship, pussy eating, deep throating, hair pulling, clit torture, throat bulge, face fucking, slight objectification kink, minor choking, crying, orgasm control, orgasm denial, disobedience/punishment, oral fixation, cock worship, anal play, cockwarming, multiple orgasms, impact play: paddle, some truly inspired use of chocolate, begging, forced orgasm, squirting, overstimulation, unprotected sex, riding, minor male masturbation, ass eating, anal fingering, spitting, anal sex, double penetration, rough sex, deep dicking, creampie, anal creampie, aftercare because yn is a trooper an deserves it for her performance
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: ahhhhhhhh i have no idea wtf is happening in this but either way i love taejin... also this is ACTUALLY pwp because the plot and or background to their relationship is non existent
⤑ edited by my lovely @shadowsremedy​, beta read by the sweetest @yeoldontknow​, @kithtaehyung​, @softyoongiionly​, @yoonjinkooked​, @sunshinekims​, @nottodayjjk​, and @vari8tions​
⏤ written for the bon appetit collab
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Big Daddy 🍆
        Princess Suite. Crown Plaza. Sowol-ro. Hannam-dong. Reserved under Kim Seokjin. Taehyung and I will be waiting.
You stare at your phone for a couple of moments, making sure that you’ve got the correct address, as well as the hotel, before looking up at the imposing tower of steel and glass that looms over you. The words ‘Crown Plaza’ are emblazoned at the top of the building; the flavescent neon lighting proudly shimmering against the late-evening sky. Eyes skimming to the entrance, you pull your lower lip between your teeth, before anxiously chewing on it. Currently, you’re in the warm comfort of your Uber, the driver patiently waiting for you to exit her vehicle. However, the harder you scrutinise the length between the door of the cab, to the hotel’s front door, the more you feel like turning tail and running away. And that’s nothing to say for the way the distance seems to increase with each passing second; though, you’re sure that’s more to do with your apprehension than anything.
Turning to the Uber driver, “Is there any way you can get closer to the entrance?” you question. The woman looks at you strangely before shaking her head.
“This is the drop off,” comes her laconic response.
At her words, you bite your lip harder - hard enough to almost draw blood - before nodding your head. For a second time that evening, you consider asking the driver to take you back home. Nonetheless, you know that’s not an option: Seokjin and Taehyung most likely waiting for you in the hotel suite. Though, honestly speaking, your tentativeness is all thanks to them in the first place. After all, who the hell ordered their lover to go to a hotel completely naked, with only a winter coat to keep them covered? Answer? Seokjin and Taehyung. Of course, it’s partially your own fault. Mostly because, you’re the one who told both your friends’ with benefits that you wanted more spontaneity and thrill in your relationship. Although, this was not what you had in mind; i.e. Seokjin texting you the moment you’d gotten home from work to strip and get to the hotel.
“Are you getting out? I have other customers,” the woman prompts, and realising she’s grown impatient, you send her an apologetic smile before nodding. Well, there’s no turning back now.
Taking a deep breath, you tug the coat tighter around you - ensuring each of the buttons are securely fastened, lest you unwittingly flash someone - before opening the door and exiting the Uber. The moment you step outside, a gust of wind blows by. It carries the brisk chill of the winter on its back, and skimming through the heavy tweed of Seokjin’s coat, the gale kisses your skin, leaving the surface gelid under its touch. Instantly, a violent shiver runs down your back, the wintry breeze causing you to huddle into the little warmth offered by the jacket. Under its sharp bite, your nipples twist to hardness, almost painfully, the sudden ache causing you to suck in a sharp breath. Surreptitiously, you chance a glance towards your chest, only to let out a breath of relief. With how thick the jacket is, the hardened peaks of your breasts are hidden - the bulky material effectively hiding them.
For a brief moment, you contemplate getting back in your Uber, but, just as the thought crosses your mind, the car behind speeds off, leaving you alone in the cold. With your choice made for you, your next option is to simply run towards the hotel lobby, because - now that you look at it - the distance isn’t that great. Nevertheless, you know that’s simply not an option. And that’s thanks to the second demand your paramours had asked of you. The remote control vibrator resting just within the walls of your sex. Courtesy of one, Kim Taehyung. It’s small, and motionless right now, but paired with your naked body, and the sight of people simply milling about, the feel of it inside you is prominent - inescapable.
With the fear of the toy falling out of you, and alerting everyone to your lewd, depraved actions, you gingerly begin making your way to the entrance. As you walk, you keep your thighs clenched together, in a bid to retain the silicon toy inside of you, though, that’s easier said than done. Each of your steps has the silken lining of Seokjin’s coat sliding against your naked skin; the soft touch, paired with the thrill of your brazen actions and the biting air, causing your walls to intermittently convulse - threatening to push the toy out of you. Nonetheless, after long, drawn-out moments, you finally reach the front doors.
Just as you take a step to enter the lobby, however, another gust of wind blows past, and this time, after ruffling through Seokjin’s coat, it brushes against your bare core. Automatically, a soughed whimper falls from your lips - the chilled air against your heated sex making your skin prickle with goosebumps. The sensation has your inner walls clenching inadvertently, and under the reflexive movement, the feel of the rounded vibrator inside you intensifies. Against your will, you feel your cunt release a fresh wave of arousal - the wetness trickling out of you and along your thighs. Skin flushing with humiliation at the slickness that coats your flesh, you swiftly open the front door and step into the hotel - the sooner you get to the suite the better.
A pleasant heat assaults your senses as soon as you enter; the warmth a stark juxtaposition to the frigid cold you’d just escaped from. Before you can enjoy the welcomed change, however, the vibrator inside you flares to life. Viciously, it thrums inside you and as the intense vibrations stimulate your inner nerves, your walls unintentionally pulse - a second, thicker gush of wetness slipping out of you and down your thighs. The reverberations take you by surprise, and automatically, you clench your legs. Unable to stop yourself, however,  you let out a high-pitched squeak. Beside you, the doorman gives you an odd look, and cheeks flushing with heat, you turn away from him. Rather, your eyes skim across the foyer.
Surprisingly, despite the lateness of the evening, a hoard of people occupy the hotel’s reception - all of them dressed to impress as they casually mill about - and eyes landing onto the sign at one end of the lobby, you understand why. The hotel is currently hosting some form of speed dating event. Seeing the crowd, an inkling of despair flits through you, especially when you feel the pulsating toy shift inside of you. You continue looking around the palatially decorated room, yet, no matter how many times your eyes sweep across the floor, you can’t seem to locate either of your lovers - whoever it is blending in with the throng of people that loiters around the foyer. Just as your gaze lands on the reception, your pocket buzzes, and pulling out your phone, you look at your newest text.
Dr Dick 👅
        Go straight to the reception. Don’t be late.
Then, as if in a warning, the vibrator’s reverberations intensify for a short moment, before coming to a halt. Unwittingly, a small mewl slips from your lips, and sucking in a deep, steadying breath, you cautiously make your way to the reception counter. As soon as you approach them, the two employees rise to their feet and greet you with a smile.
“How can we help you?” one of them asks. The second you open your mouth to respond, however, the vibrator inside you suddenly begins moving - this time, at a much higher setting than before. The unexpected movement forces a gasp out of you, and body going rigid, you watch as both the receptionists look at you in alarm. Thinking on your feet, you quickly morph your gasp into a forced cough.
Corners of your lips twisting into a weak smile, “Sorry about that. I’ve, uhh, got a reservation under Kim Seokjin,” you respond. Your voice is shaky, and higher than you intended it to be, and responsively both of them look at you oddly. Nonetheless, rather than commenting on your strange behaviour, they nod their head, and turn back to their computer.
“Just give us a moment to find your reservation,” one of them responds, the other beginning to type out something. Feebly, you nod your head, your hands moving to casually drum on the countertop.
Despite your nonchalant demeanour, however, internally you feel your resolve slowly begin to crumble. Molten desire pools within the pits of your stomach with each passing moment, the vibrations of the toy stimulating the deep erogenous zones inside of you and causing bristles of pleasure to prickle at your flesh. Discreetly, you look around, the sight of the crowd causing your blood to bubble with pleasure. They mindlessly mill about, completely unawares to the way the vibrator rhythmically pulses inside of you. Walls rippling, you feel the contractions threaten to push the vibrator out of you, and muscles locking in alarm, you discreetly clench your thighs - willing it further inside of you. Thankfully, on one hand, the movement has it retreating back into the safety of your walls. Thanklessly, on the other, it pushes in deeper, causing your breath to unwittingly hitch when it brushes against a particularly sensitive spot.
“It’s the Princess Suite, you can find it on the forty-third floor. Here’s your key,” the employee states all of a sudden. Their voice draws your attention, and you watch as one of them slides a golden keycard across the marble countertop, “We hope you enjoy your stay with us. Checkout is midday tomorrow,” they continue.
As soon as you pick up the keycard, the vibrator comes to a still. Letting out a quiet exhale, you smile wanly at both the employees, and, “Thank you,” you reply. Then, turning on your heels, you quickly stalk towards the elevator. With each step, the sticky slipperiness of your thighs grows more apparent - your wetness dripping out of you and along your flesh. The sensation causes you to pick up speed, and before long, you approach the lift. Luckily, just as you reach the doors, they open - a young couple exiting out. Not wanting to waste any time, you quickly make your way into the amber-lit chamber and click the button that leads to your floor.
As soon as the elevator doors shut, a tinkling chime ringing through the air, you let out a deep breath of relief. Somehow, you’d done it. Somehow, despite your own embarrassment and consciousness, you’d managed to walk into the hotel completely naked - even with a vibrator pulsing inside of you. Now, you just have to make it to your room. The elevator ride is short, in spite of how high up your reserved suite is, and before long, a familiar bell resounds through the air - signalling your arrival. Lift doors opening, you walk out into the short corridor. Two doors meet your eyes, one one either side of you; and eyes skimming the gold plaques, you locate the one that has ‘Princess Suite’ embossed in black into the surface.
Swiping your keycard through the slot, a low beep alerts you to the bolt unlocking, and without further delay, you enter the room. Automatically, the lights flicker on, and as the space is flooded by croceate lighting, your breath catches in the midst of your throat. The suite is opulent to say the least - rich shades of gold, ivory and walnut meeting your eyes. As you take in the lavishly decorated front room, you can’t help but wonder how much Seokjin and Taehyung shelled out in order to reserve the suite. It must have cost a small fortune. The thought of it causes your stomach to twist, and involuntarily, butterflies bloom within your abdomen.
At the remembrance of your two lovers, your shoulders perk up. You step through the entrance, and after crossing the living room, you make your way to what you assume is the bedroom. Luckily, your guess is right, and immediately, you’re met with the sight of a large four-poster bed - adorned in goose-down pillows and draped in satin sheets. Nonetheless, as inviting as it looks, there’s only one glaring thing missing: Seokjin and Taehyung. From their texts, they’d made it seem as if they were waiting for you. But, apparently, that hadn’t been the case. Corners of your nose scrunching, you move to pull out your phone and call Seokjin, however, before you can, something catches your eyes.
Approaching the mattress, your eyebrow quirks at the sight of the small envelope casually resting at the edge of the bed. Easily recognising the handwriting on the surface, the thin scrawl belonging to none other than Seokjin, you pick up the letter. It’s thicker than you’d thought, and as it rests in your hands, you feel something soft nestled within it. Curiosity piqued, you flip it over, and opening it, you pull out two items - a broad, silk ribbon, and a small piece of paper. ‘Put on the blindfold and wait. We’ll be there for you soon.’ Eyes tracing the words over and over again, a small frown forms at the edges of your mouth. You had to wait even longer? God, whatever they had planned better be worth it.
Despite your slight aggravation, you slip the note back into the envelope and place it back on the bed. Then, perching on the edge of the mattress, you tie the blindfold around your eyes and begin your waiting game. Hunger churns through your bloodstream, your neediness growing with each moment that passes. It doesn’t help that the silken lining of Seokjin’s coat presses flush against your sex, the sleek material clinging to your folds thanks to the lubricious wetness that slicks your cunt. The musky heat at the apex of your thighs grows uncomfortable, and hips squirming, you try to get into a more comfortable position, only to let out a whimper when your pussy glides across the silk-like fabric.
Entrance rippling, you feel your clit throb for attention and a low mewl of wanton need escapes your mouth. Repeating the action, you grind your cunt further into the jacket, and this time, when the fabric brushes against your engorged clit, you let out a hoarse cry. With nothing to distract you, and no one to stop you, you spread your legs a little wider and push your hands between your thighs. Pads of your fingertips grazing your swollen bundle of nerves, a spark of electric pleasure jolts up your spine, and throwing your head back, you groan out in ecstasy.
Hips writhing, you begin grinding into your hand, your fingers dancing across your slit as high-pitched keens intermittently escape your mouth. You can feel how wet you are, a dense film of stick slickness coating your walls; stringy trails of your arousal oozing out of your entrance and onto the sheets. Digits gliding through your cunt, you begin rolling your clit in deep circles, your thighs beginning to tremble. With each roll of your hips, the vibrator shifts inside of you - its surreptitious movements causing your frustration to build up - and unable to bear it any longer, your desperation growing to urgent levels, you lay back on the bed.
Spreading your legs a little wider, you move your hand back to your sex, your fingers slipping past the heavy tweed of Seokjin’s jackets. For a few moments, you trace the outline of your sex - running your fingers across your slit and over your clit - and once the lengths are sufficiently wet, you dip two fingers into your dripping walls. Easily, your entrance accepts the intrusion, and fingertips coming into contact with the toy, your head lolls back and your mouth falls open in a ragged cry. You hook the crook of your second knuckles around the loop attached to the toy, and once it’s secure, you begin pumping your digits in and out of you; simultaneously dragging the smooth silicon toy through your folds. When your fingers push particularly deep, the vibrator pressing flush against your sweet spot, a heavy moan resounds through the air, and knowing your body well, you can feel your orgasm draw nearer.
Fingers picking up speed, you thrust them quicker in and out of you - using both, the pleasure of your digits plunging in and out of you, along with the vibrator stimulating your g-spot - to bring you closer and closer to the brink of pleasure. You have no idea how long passes, with you sitting there, your clit grinding against the silken lining as your fingers pump in and out of you, but soon, you lose yourself in your own pleasure. Thick ropes of arousal drip out of you, pooling under you and percolating into the jacket, undoubtedly leaving a puddle of your arousal in the material. Just as you feel yourself teeter on the precipice of pleasure, your thighs trembling uncontrollably, a low voice cuts through the air.
“Oh? Now, what do we have here?”
Shoulders tensing at the sound, you let out a whimper, your hand immediately coming to a still. Blindfold still wrapped around your head, you can’t see who it is, nor where they are. But, you don’t need to see to know who it is. From the rich, sweet tenor, and the slight wry intonation to his droll, you already know it’s Seokjin. Footfalls pad against the carpet, and as the noise draws nearer to you, you feel your body tremor with anticipation and excitement. Lifting your back, your elbows falling to either side of the mattress as you brace yourself, you look ahead, your head tilting to the side as you’re met with the darkness of the blindfold.
“Seokjin...” you breathe out heavily, the tenseness in your shoulders alleviating as you relax. The older man simply hums, the timbre of his voice resonating through the quiet room. His heavy presence draws nearer to you, until you can feel it loom over you, the hair at the back of your nap standing on edge. Instinctively, even though you’re blindfolded, you tilt your neck up; blindly searching for him. “Where’s Taehyung?” you ask, your head tilting around the room, your ears on alert - searching for any sound that would signal you to his presence.
One hand falls to your stomach, and slipping through the buttoned seam of your coat, you feel long, cool fingers dance across your naked skin. Deft fingers flittering over your bare stomach, “Right here, Kitten,” he drawls, the deep tremor to his voice causing your stomach to quiver.
“Took you both long enough. I’ve been waiting for a while, you know,” you pout, your lower lip jutting out.
“And yet, you couldn’t really wait, could you?” Seokjin hums.
Before you can reply, you feel a pair of plump lips graze across the outer shell of your ear. Warm breath fans across your skin, the feathery sensation causing a shiver of anticipation to run down your spine. All of a sudden, a sharp sting jolts through you, and feeling Seokjin bite down on the tip of your ear, you let out a small yelp. “Hmm, I don’t think either of us told you to play with yourself, did we, Taehyung?” Seokjin questions, his voice low and dangerous. As he speaks, you feel a pair of hands trace the placket of Seokjin’s coat, dexterous fingers systematically unfastening each of the buttons.
“No. I believe our instructions were to ‘Put on the blindfold and wait’,” Taehyung responds, a playful lilt colouring his voice.
With each clasp undone, more and more of your body is revealed to their eyes, until all of a sudden, the material falls to either side of your body - revealing your naked figure. The warmth you’d built up from the jacket immediately dissipates, and cool air descending over your bare flesh, you feel your nipples twist to hardness. Two sharp inhales fill the air, the sounds identical as Seokjin and Taehyung suck in a breath at the sight.
“At least she listened to one of our orders,” Taehyung chuckles, and though his sentence is light and airy, you easily pick up the slight edge to his voice.
Breath hitching, you feel him trail his hand down your abdomen and towards the apex of your thighs. Reaching your pubic mound, he begins tracing lazy circles into your skin, the teasing sensation causing you to mew in pleasure. When his fingertips brush against the hood of your clit, you gasp out his name, your hips autonomously bucking up into his hand. Not wasting a moment, he pushes his digits between your thighs, and swipes them through your dewy lips. A guttural groan spills from your mouth, your head falling backwards as you feel Taehyung delicately toy with the slick creases of your pussy.
“Oh? You’re fucking soaked. Did you enjoy being a nasty little slut?” Taehyung coos; thick derision dripping from his voice, like viscous honey.
On the side of you, a hand trails along your arm, and gently encircling around your wrist, he picks up your own hand. Bringing your fingers up to his mouth, he - Seokjin, you think - begins swiping your wet fingers across the soft folds. Voluptuous lips wrap around your digits, and feeling them enveloped by a wet, warm mouth, your skin flushes with the heat of desire. Seokjin’s tongue begins swirling across the lengths - and between his velvet appendage swiping over your fingers, as well as his mouth intermittently suckling - he cleans off your own arousal.
Releasing them from his mouth with a wet pop, “I think she did,” Seokjin chimes in with a low chuckle. Then, languidly twirling his tongue around the tips of your digits, “Our Princess is a depraved little whore, isn’t she? Getting off while walking around in public naked, with a vibrator inside her,” he continues. Their words have the tips of your ears tinging with heat - this time, with mortification.
“B-But you made me-” you try to argue. As soon as the words slip past your lips, however, Taehyung plunges two fingers inside of you, before splaying them wide. The unexpected intrusion has the vibrator pressing further into you, and paired with the burn of the stretch, your words are quickly morphed into a throaty groan.
“But no one told you to enjoy it so much,” he remarks, a sadistic inflection to his voice, and though you can’t see his face, you can practically feel the smirk that crawls onto his face.
“Enjoy? I-I didn’t-,” you try to counter. One of your nipples slots between two crooked fingers, and twisting them between his knuckles, Seokjin immediately stops your protests. Responsively, you moan, your back arching off of the bed.
“Don’t lie to us, Princess,” he hisses in warning. Then, soothingly stroking your nipple with the pad of his thumb, “We can already tell how much you enjoyed it. You’re so wet I can smell you from here,” he drawls. The vulgarity of his words has your spine tingling, and involuntarily, your entrance quivers around Taehyung’s fingers. In response, Taehyung starts to indolently thrust his digits into you, his thumb simultaneously pressing to your clit as he rolls it in light circles. Pleasure rippling through you, your hips squirm, and you push your sex further into his hand.
Above you, you feel someone’s head dip close to your abdomen, the silken ends of long hair tickling your bare flesh. The man presses a soft kiss to your stomach, just above your naval, and after swirling his tongue through the indentation, “You really are wet…” Taehyung comments. His fingers pick up speed, and hearing the clear squelching sounds of your pussy, Taehyung and Seokjin laugh. “Messy girl,” Taehyung coos.
Seokjin presses his nose to the side of your breast, and after lightly nipping the skin, he languidly swipes his tongue over your hardened nipple. “But we can get you messier, can’t we?” he murmurs.
With that, both of them suddenly draw away from you. Their warmth dissipating from your body, you let out a low whine of protest. Nonetheless, it doesn’t last long, because without a moment’s hesitation, they flip you onto your back - undoubtedly using Seokjin’s coat for help. Thanks to your blindfold, the gesture is unexpected, and startling, you let out a surprised shriek. One hand drags the hem of the coat up, revealing your bare ass to their gaze, and before you can say anything, another hand drops down onto your plump flesh. Pain flares across your skin - the sensation heralded by a sharp slap echoing through the air - causing you to hiss and push your ass back towards the hand.
“Take off the coat,” Seokjin orders,
“Then, get on your hands and knees,” Taehyung commands, their voices resound through the air back to back, as though with practiced ease. Though, realistically, you just know it’s from the amount of time you’ve spent together.
Your body moves on its own, as if trained to obey, and after shedding Seokjin’s heavy coat, you manoeuvre your body onto your hands and knees, your ass sticking in the air. In front of you, you feel the mattress dip, and when the sensual, spiced scent of nutmeg and musk fills your senses, you know it’s Taehyung; another presence behind you alerting you to Seokjin’s positioning. Thanks to your new position, you have no doubt that your body is bared to your lovers in the best way possible, and core trembling - another wave of arousal leaking out of you - you whimper out their names.
“P-Please,” comes your soughed plea.
In front of you, you feel the bed shift, and lifting your head up, you attempt to peek through the partial slit at the bottom of the blindfold. Before you can make out anything, however, you feel someone gently cup your chin between the side of his hand and his thumb. Carefully, yet firmly, he tilts your head downwards - the gesture filled with domineering authority. Pad of his thumb brushing against your lower lip, you feel him delicately trace the outline of your petal.
“Such pretty lips,” Taehyung murmurs. His hold only lasts a few moments, because the next thing you know, he’s letting your chin go. “But do you know when your lips look the prettiest?” he continues. The bed shifts once again, before the rustle of clothing fills the air; the sound accompanied by that of Seokjin rummaging behind you. Before you can comprehend what’s happening, however, Taehyung’s placing his large hand on the back of your head and lowering your face. Within moments, your mouth comes into contact with the leaky velvet of Taehyung’s cockhead; his precum staining your lips.
“Ah,” you gasp, the barest hint of his heady essence tinging your palate.
“It’s when they’re wrapped around my cock,” Taehyung purrs. Mouth watering, you instinctively part your lips and dive forward - blindly. Eyesight obscured, your cheeks slap against the side of Taehyung’s cock, and above you, he laughs, “Such a desperate, cockhungry kitten.” Suddenly, a thud resonates through the air, and feeling the heavy weight of Taehyung’s cock slap your cheek, you let out a little whimper. “Do you want to suck my cock that badly?” he coos.
Nodding your head furiously, you press your cheek further into the velvet hardness and stroke your face against it, “Please, can I?” you question. Laden with a mix of heavy lust and desirous need, your voice has Taehyung’s chest rumbling in approval.
“That’s my Kitten. You’ll be good and take me into your mouth, won’t you?” he asks. Again, you eagerly nod your head. Chuckling, “Open, slut,” he orders.
Not wasting a single moment, your mouth parts open, and with a pleased hum, Taehyung begins to feed you his cock. The moment you feel the weight of his cockhead on your tongue, you seal your lips around his girth; autonomously creating a vacuum-like seal.
Bit by bit, Taehyung pushes his cock into you, one hand faithfully on the back of your head as his shaft presses further and further into your silken wetness. With each inch, the underside drags against the flat of your tongue - dousing your palate in his potent flavour; the taste only causing your mouth to water - and with the aid of your spit, his length easily fills your mouth. Mere moments later, the lip of his cockhead grazing against the back of your tongue, Taehyung’s crown bumps against your tonsils. The feel of his cock pressed against the entrance to your throat causes you to choke, and spluttering around his shaft, you feel your eyes begin to sting with tears.
“Oh… Fuck yeah… Such a pretty cock-stuffed mouth. You always look so good filled with our cocks,” Taehyung moans, undoubtedly relishing in the velvet warmth of your mouth around his girth. Under his praise, you preen, a flutter of pride rippling through you, and in response, you forcibly will your oesophageal muscles to relax.
Out of the blue, and just before you can swallow, you feel a trickling, hot sensation drip down onto the curve of your spine. Heat flares across your flesh, and feeling the sharp sting, you cry out - the sound stifled by Taehyung’s cock. Taken by surprise, you arch your back, the movement inadvertently forcing the shaft further into your mouth, and as a result, you gag. Head jerking in surprise, you try to pull off Taehyung and turn your head towards Seokjin. Nevertheless, keeping a steady hand on the back of your skull, your lover keeps you in place. Swiftly, the heat dissipates, only to be replaced by the soft sensation of Seokjin’s tongue tracing the length of your spine as he licks up whatever it is he’d dribbled onto you.
“W-What is that?” you question, the words muffled as your tongue strains under the velvet weight of his girth.
“Melted chocolate... Spontaneous and thrilling enough for you?” Seokjin murmurs. As he speaks, he runs his tongue over the outline of your backbone, and when he reaches the top of your ass, he grazes his teeth against the plump flesh.
“Oh, fuck yes,” you breathe out, your core quivering in a mix of anticipation and excitement. The blindfold, paired with Seokjin’s actions, has the pits of your abdomen flooding with liquid lust.
Behind you, the older man notices the way the ringed entrance to your cunt pulsates, and with a light chuckle, “You like that, Princess?” he asks. Unhesitantly, you nod your head, the motion causing Taehyung’s cock to jolt within your mouth.
“We thought you would,” Taehyung hums, his fingertips affectionately stroking your scalp. “Now, my Kitten’s going to let me fuck her throat, isn’t she? All while Seokjin plays with you,” he coos, and again, you nod your head. For a brief moment, Taehyung pauses, and then, “I’m going to remove your blindfold now, Kitten. But I want you to keep your eyes on me okay?” he continues.
“Wait- I thought we were going to leave it on?” Seokjin asks. Taehyung shrugs, or at least, you think he does. All you feel is the slight movement of his body.
“I was. But, she looks so pretty when she looks at me with her mouth full of cock,” Taehyung responds.
Exhaling a breath of amusement, “That she does,” Seokjin agrees.
Taehyung slips the blindfold off of you, and lurid beams of flavescent gold flooding your vision, you immediately squint. You blink carefully, allowing your eyes to slowly adjust to the light. It only takes a few moments, and growing accustomed to the luminance, your gaze immediately comes into contact with Taehyung. He sits above you, his back casually pressed to the walnut headboard, and completely naked. Under the croceate lighting, the deep golden undertones of his skin are highlighted, causing his body to be encapsulated by a gilded halo. Thick thighs are spread on either side of your face, the bulging muscles bunched up and spread across the mattress - only making his limbs seem broader.
Through the thick of your lashes, your eyes still slightly blurry from when you’d gagged around his cock, you stare up at him; the sight causing Taehyung to groan in pleasure. Hand slipping from the back of your head to your face, he cups your chin, and angling it up slightly, “Mmmm. That’s one of my favourite sights,” he purrs.
Behind you, Seokjin drips more of the melted chocolate onto your body. Drop by drop, he drizzles the liquified confection along your back, and with each gesture, you feel your skin smart with the heat. Pain interweaves with pleasure, the sharp stings making you hiss and writhe while your walls rhythmically clamp around the silicon vibrator still resting inside you. Your lover allows the chocolate to trickle down your back, forming small, heated rivers of cocoa, and once it cools, he soothes the burn with his tongue - licking and nipping as he leaves his own marks onto your flesh.
With each whorl of his tongue, he effortlessly sucks the drying confectionary off of you, his plump lips dragging across your body. Under his ministrations, your skin turns febrile, and sensitive - from more than just the molten chocolate. Each dribble is erratic - the timing random, and unpredictable - and with Taehyung keeping your eyes firmly locked onto him, you simply can’t foresee when Seokjin is going to dribble the next dollop onto you. Especially since there’s no real pattern; some coming in quick succession - his teeth scraping and biting your flesh, leaving it tender under his ministrations; while others come slowly, with long delays between them - his lips and tongue roving over your back as he licks you up.
Gradually, however, Seokjin trails his way down your spine, until you feel his lips drag against the tops of your plump cheeks. Suddenly, Seokjin pours some more chocolate onto you - this time, directly onto the rounded flesh, and at a much higher volume. It drips down the surface, all the way to the sensitive tops of your thighs, making them quake as you feel it lick trails of fiery pleasure across your skin, only for the swelter to dissipate with moments - leaving you with nothing but the prickling stings of heat. Crying out in pleasure, you thrust your hips backward; directly into Seokjin’s waiting mouth. Silken wetness flat against your cheek, he licks up the molten confection sensually - practically making a meal out of you. His tongue tracks a broad line from the bottom of your ass, all the way to the top, and when he’s cleaned it all up, he harshly bites down on your plump globe.
Hissing in a mix of pain and pleasure, your head automatically moves to look at him. However, gripping your chin firmly, Taehyung tuts at you. “Eyes on me,” he reminds you, punctuating his words with a harsh thrust of his hips. Tip of his cockhead ramming against your tonsils, you splutter around his girth, the reaction causing pools of saliva to surge around your tongue. Inadvertently, it causes you to soak his shaft in your spit, small trails oozing out of the tight seal of your mouth and down his shaft.
Meanwhile, behind you, Seokjin drops his hands to the backs of your thighs, and thumbs pressing to your ass, he spreads you open for him. Nether lips saturated with your wetness, he unabashedly takes in the sight of you: the way the tight ring of muscles twitches, the vibrator threatening to spill out of you, and how your flesh oozes your arousal. Thin, filmy strings of your essence leak from your cunt, the threads clinging to your folds and hanging in the air. Flicking his tongue, he catches one of the ropes on its hollow, and as your laden taste bathes his palate, he lets out a deep groan.
“Mmmm. You taste even better than the chocolate… Such a sweet cunt,” he groans, his lips tickling your pussy with each word. Wrapping his mouth around your folds, he teasingly sucks for a fleeting moment - pulling more of your wetness into his mouth - before releasing them with a wet pop. “I could eat you forever,” he adds with a purr.
Placing the tip of his tongue flat on your pulsing bundle of nerves, Seokjin licks a broad line up the length of your pussy; from the hood of your clit, along your slit, and towards your leaking hole. As your heady taste deepens - the thick slickness coating his taste buds and leaving them heavy with your flavour - he purrs in pleasure. The vibrations dart up your nerves, stimulating every single one, while simultaneously setting them aflame with lust. Your eyelids flutter at the sensation, and loosened by your pleasure, your pharynx eases slightly; allowing the crown of Taehyung’s cock to slip further into your throat.
Seokjin runs the tip of his tongue through the creases of your fold, and after swirling the point around your quivering entrance, he pulls away. Abruptly, he smacks your ass, and biting down harshly onto your ass cheeks - hard enough to leave the indents of his teeth into the surface, “Spread yourself,” he orders. The sharp impact has you yelping around Taehyung’s cock, and flesh of your mouth vibrating along his shaft, his head lolls back in pleasure as he lets out a guttural moan.
You dig your knees further into the bed - using them to both anchor your body, and your weight - before doing as he says. Fingertips digging into the flesh of your ass, you spread both cheeks for Seokjin, bearing yourself wide open for him. The new position causes you to fall further onto Taehyung’s shaft, and as his blunt head pierces into you by another inch, you feel your throat constrict - protesting the intrusion. Responsively, you gag, the stifled sound of you retching around his length filling the air as the tears welling in your eyes thicken.
By now, he’s got just under half of his cock buried into the velvet cavern of your mouth; his cockhead pressing mercilessly against the aperture of your pharynx - threatening to slip past the ring of muscles and into your oesophagus. Pools of spit seep out of the straining seal of your lips, dribbling down your chin and over his shaft, leaving your skin glistening under the amber light.  Taehyung takes in the sight of your misted gaze, and spit-stained face, and letting out a derisive coo, he indolently strokes your cheek. Thumb moving to brush your eye, he swipes one of your tears away.
“Such a messy slut,” he purrs, the snark to his words undercut by the affection that colours his eyes.
Deft fingertips tease the folds of your slit, Seokjin running his fingers through your soaked pussy. He hooks his knuckles around the small loop sticking out of you, before harshly tugging at it. As it pulls out of you, your walls stretch around the rounded girth, and easily, it slips from your cunt - aided by the copious amounts of your arousal that coat it. Despite its small size, the moment it’s out of the walls of your core, you whine in displeasure; your pussy feeling empty. However, your dissatisfaction doesn’t last long, because suddenly, an acute sensation of feverish pain floods your senses.
Out of the blue, Seokjin pours a dense stream of the liquified chocolate over the swells of your ass, the deluge flowing down the contours of your plump cheeks and towards your inner thighs - dangerously close to the lips of your cunt. Pained pleasure flares across your flesh, the heat radiating from the chocolate mixing with that of your cunt. Involuntarily, your back arches, and pushing your hips further into the air, you thrust your bare cunt towards Seokjin. Seizing the opportunity, Seokjin drags the broad of his tongue over your flesh, sensually lapping up the chocolate from your body. When his velvet appendage teases the lips of your sex, you moan in pleasure. Muscles of your pussy convulsing, your cunt releases a thick gush of wetness, your juices trickling down your slit and towards Seokjin’s tongue.
Humming under you, Seokjin places the tip of his tongue to your clit. Then, licking a line through your slit, he gathers your arousal onto the dip of his appendage. Your heady essence pools onto his palate, and your innate flavour mixing with the sweetness of the chocolate, Seokjin groans in pleasure. He presses his face deeper into your cunt, and tongue plunging into your rippling entrance, he buries it as far as he can into your internal walls. Feeling the agile muscles glide into your depths, your hips jerk in pleasure, a muffled cry of bliss resonating through the air.
Euphoria blurs your senses, and eyes fluttering shut, you feel your blood bubble with ecstasy. In response, your pharynx eases, and with a well-timed thrust, Taehyung pushes his cockhead further into your throat. Unwittingly, you swallow, and with one smooth motion, Taehyung buries the entirety of his cock into you - aided by the contracting muscles of your throat, and the spit coating his length. The thick of Taehyung’s girth pushes into your silken tightness, and with each inch he forces inside of you, the muscles of your oesophagus stretch - pulling apart around the shape of his member - until your nose is pressed against his abdomen.
“Ah- Fuck yes. That’s my Kitten,” Taehyung praises. Hands moving to grip your head, his fingers card through your scalp, only to fist around the roots of your hair.
Underneath you, Seokjin begins plunging his tongue in and out of you, accentuating each thrust with a whorl of his appendage through your walls. Each swirl has him tasting your pulsating cunt, stroking your inner flesh, and stimulating your nerve ending. Spikes of frenzied want lance through you with every ministration, and body prickling with heat, you sink further into pleasure. Nails digging into your ass, you spread your cheeks wider - purposely allowing Seokjin better access to your dripping entrance - before rocking your hips into his face.
Voluptuous lips tugging into a lopsided smirk, Seokjin retreats his tongue from inside of you. A moan of objection bubbles at the top of your throat, however, just as it starts to spill out of you and around Taehyung’s cock, you watch as the younger man exchanges a look with the older one. Curiosity colours your being, but before you can ponder their interchange, Seokjin suddenly presses something familiar flat against your clit. Abruptly, the vibrator flavours to life, and with it held to your sensitive, needy bundle of nerves, you shriek in pleasure - the sound straining around the shaft buried in your oesophagus.
Your shriek reverberates around Taehyung, and groaning at the stimulation, his hold on your hair tightens. A predatory, borderline sadistic, smirk curls onto your lovers lips, and watching the smile, your stomach somersaults. His eyes flash with mirth, and having known Taehyung for a while, you already know what’s coming - you can tell from his reaction. Without any semblance of a warning, Taehyung retreats his cock out of your throat. The veined underside drags against your tongue, and when his head reaches the aperture of your pharynx, you feel him roughly thrust back into you.
In one, fluid motion, his cock pierces into your throat once again, the feel of his blunt head ramming through the soft tightness of your oesophagus causing you to groan. Immediately, you gag around him, the lewd sounds of wet retching echoing through the air. Nevertheless, your gagging - paired with the rhythmic pulsing of your throat, and its welcoming warmth - only urge Taehyung on. One of his hands moves to wrap around your neck, and thumb pressing against the bulge of his cock, Taehyung begins gently stroking the outline.
Roughly, he begins thrusting in and out of your mouth; using your throat as his personal cocksleeve - as though it was made for his own pleasure. With each snap of his hips, his blunt head rams through your oesophagus, the smooth muscles straining around his girth, and causing your flesh to turn tender. Thumb pressing further onto your distended neck, Taehyung relishes in the feel of his shaft plunging in and out of your mouth. In response, he tightens his hold on your throat, just enough to further feel the shape of his own cock buried inside of you.
“Fuck. You’re so good for me, Kitten. Such a good cockhungry Kitten,” he grunts, each word punctuated with a particularly hard snap of his hips. “Ugh. God. You like this don’t you? You love it when I use your throat like this. When I fuck it hard, and raw,” he continues. The vulgarity of his words causes you to keen in pleasure, and tears spilling freely from your eyes, you look up at him imploringly. “Shit. Look at you. Crying while I bruise your oesophagus. You’re so good for us, Kitten. Fucking- shit,” he moans, his head falling back to rest on the headboard.
Between your thighs, Seokjin relentlessly presses the vibrator against your clit, and as it intensely thrums, you feel your clit smart with pleasure. With how hard it’s pressed to your throbbing bud, the reverberations jolting through every single one of your nerves and setting them on fire, you feel your skin flash with heat. Liquid lust floods your stomach, an intense knot forming deep within its pits. Your thighs quiver on either side of Seokjin’s face, and feeling the intensity of the toy’s thrumming, another wave of tears floods your eyes. As much as you enjoy the pleasure, it’s too much all at once - your neglected clit overly sensitive by now - and as a result, you sob around Taehyung’s cock - even as he continues thrusting it into your throat.
Vehemently, your hips squirm, in a bid to get away from the ferocious vibration. However, Seokjin is stronger than you, and all your struggle does is cause him to press the vibrator even harder into your engorged, weeping bundle of nerves. Heat blisters your skin, hot spikes of euphoria lancing at your being as your orgasm draws nearer and nearer. From the way your entrance erratically convulses, the quiver matched by your thighs and writhing hips, Seokjin knows you’re close. Tongue darting out, he presses the tip to your ringed entrance - relishing in the way it contracts around his appendage - before he tantalisingly traces the outline of your leaking hole.
“Don’t cum,” he orders, a playful lilt to his voice as he practically sings out the words. Despair intermingles with your pleasure at his words. You need to cum. In fact, with how close you are, you don’t think you even have the will to hold off. Something you know he knows. “If you cum, Taehyung will punish you,” Seokjin drawls. As he speaks, his tongue plunges further into your cunt - impaling you on the velvet muscle - and sliding into you, the vibrations of his words spark through your internal walls.
Despite his warning, between the unrelenting vibrator against your clit, and Seokjin’s words reverberating through your internal walls, you feel yourself careen off of the brim of pleasure. Ecstasy surges through you, the overwhelming euphoria of your orgasm flooding your entire being, and causing your blood to bubble within your veins. Body falling forward, your hands fall from your ass and onto the mattress, your toes curling while your fists ball into the sheets. Above you, Taehyung rips his cock out of you, and senses overpowered by rapturous bliss, you barely register the pain of his cock retreating from your oesophagus. Rather, you fall limply onto the bed, your cheek pressing to Taehyung’s thigh as you weep in pleasure.
As you drift off on the wave of your climax, Seokjin pulls the vibrator from your clit, and instead, he begins gently rubbing your clit with his thumb - drawing out your orgasm. Gradually, though, you slowly come back to reality, your breathing ragged as you gasp for air. Muscles still trembling, the fog of your orgasm clears, and you still when you realise you’d disobeyed one of Seokjin’s commands. Lifting your head, you look up at Taehyung through teary eyes, your lover simply looking down at you with a wide grin. Fingers threaded through your hair, he gently strokes your scalp. Yet, in spite of his affectionate gesture, from the dark glint in his eyes, you already know what’s coming.
“Did we give you permission to cum, Kitten?” he coos, his voice deceptively sweet.
“N-No,” you stammer, your voice hoarse, and weak - undoubtedly from when Taehyung had fucked it raw. Behind you, Seokjin bites down onto your ass, the sharp pain causing you to whimper.
“I specifically told you not to cum, Princess,” Seokjin purrs, his lips trailing kisses up your spine.
“I’m s-sorry,” you stammer, though, you already know it’s too late. Especially when you see Taehyung’s smirk widen, something wicked twinkling in his eyes.
Gently stroking your hair, “Sorry? Oh. You will be, Kitten,” he promises.
With that, the two pull away from you, and swapping places, Taehyung moves behind you, while Seokjin moves in front of you. Just like Taehyung, Seokjin is completely naked, and as you take in the sight of him lounging against the headboard, you find yourself drooling. Though, that could just be from when Taehyung had fucked your throat. Seokjin is much more built than Taehyung, sinewy muscles - honed from his time at the gym - rippling under his taut flesh. They accentuate his broad shoulders, and long limbs, somehow making his already imposing figure seem bigger than it already is.
Strong arms encircle your body, and with careful movements, Seokjin moves you back into position - getting you on your hands and knees once again. Limbs still shaky from your orgasm, however, you simply flop in his lap, your shoulders drooping to press against either of his thighs, while your face rests against the corner of his hip. Despite his dominant aura, Seokjin smiles at you, tenderly stroking the sweat-matted hair out of your eyes and behind your head. His affectionate gesture has you purring in contentment; only for the sound to morph into a rumble of wanton need when you spot his throbbing erection.
It stands at full attention between his thighs, tall and proud. His cockhead is an angry shade of cherry-mauve, and sticky with the precum leaking from his slit. From your position on his hip, it somehow looks even more daunting than it usually is, the angle of your head making it seem impossibly thick. Prominent veins streaking his length, they pulse intermittently, the surreptitious movements drawing attention to his immense girth. Mouth salivating - and this time most definitely because of him - your lips part and you whimper.
“Does my Princess want my cock in her mouth?” Seokjin coos, his fingers mindlessly toying with a strand of your hair. Nodding your head, you shift into a more upright position, your mouth impatiently hovering over his crown. Seokjin’s hand trails down to your neck, and when you wince - the internal muscles still raw - he delicately strokes the column, “Taehyung was rough with you, wasn’t he?” he murmurs. You simply nod your head in response.
“She liked it,” Taehyung chimes in from somewhere in the room, and hearing his voice further away then you’d thought him to be, you turn your head to find him. Nevertheless, this time, it’s Seokjin who stops you.
“Uh-uh. Taehyung’s had enough of your attention. Now it’s my turn,” Seokjin tuts. Hand moving from your neck, he grips the base of his shaft before smacking your lips with his cockhead twice. “Come on, Princess,” he urges.
Not needing to be told twice, your head dips forward, and tongue darting out, you drag a kittenish lick around the circumference of his glistening crown. Taste buds dragging over his cockhead, his salted precum coats your palate, and you moan in pleasure - the sound emphasised by Seokjin’s own growl of approval. Encouraged by the sound, you repeat the action -  your tongue slower this time. Placing the flat of your muscle against his slit, you lap at it, relishing in the way his arousal leaks out of him and directly onto your tongue.
Watching the action with dark eyes, “Do I taste good, Princess?” he chuckles, causing you to eagerly nod. “Then how about you worship my cock, huh?” he asks, his fingers weaving into your hair.
Warm lips brushing against his frenulum, you place a soft kiss to where his cockhead meets his shaft. Then, while keeping your eyes firmly locked onto his, you delicately trace one of the more prominent veins that ridge his shaft. Rhythmically, it pulses under the weight of your wet muscles, and savouring the discernible throb, you repeat your action. Following it to the hilt of his shaft, you take one of his balls into his mouth. You roll it gently in your mouth, revelling in the way it sits on your tongue - heavy, and full of cum. The entire time, you stare up at your lover; Seokjin’s eyes growing more and more tumultuous with each reverent action.
You release his sac with a pop, and lips dragging over the length of his underside, you track your way back to his cockhead. Mouth parting, you wrap it around his tip, only to teasingly suckle at it. Your action has Seokjin’s head lolling back, and with your gazes still locked onto each other, you take more of his head into your wanting cavern - until the entire cockhead sits just inside the seam of your lips. And it’s at that exact moment, that Taehyung returns - only to push something against the rim of your ass.
Eyes bugging out, a cry of pleasure tears from your throat - your mouth falling open around Seokjin’s cockhead. Relentlessly, Taehyung presses the toy into you - the tight of your walls gradually opening around the rounded, lubed up object. The widest part of the item strains against your puckered entrance, and feeling a light smart of pain, your body jerks when the entirety of it slips into you - your muscles swallowing it up. Fingertips brushing against your asshole, Taehyung grips something, only to twist it - and feeling the toy spin inside of your ass, you let out a moan.
Your pleasure doesn’t last long, however, because soon enough, Taehyung is pressing the elongated protrusion right up against your clit. Feeling the silicon rod nestled between the folds of your pussy, and the silicon pad against your bundle of nerves, you let out a whimper. You know exactly what it is. An anal vibrator paired with a clit stimulator. As you recognise the item, your cunt gushes involuntarily. Whatever punishment Taehyung had planned for you was undoubtedly going to be exciting - if a little intense. Though, that only has anticipation colouring your veins.
Dark gaze transfixed to your ass, Taehyung revels in the sight of your asshole quivering around the toy, and unable to help himself, he spanks your ass - hard. The sharp slap echoes through the air, causing you to cry out and jerk forward, Seokjin’s cockhead dragging across your lips and over your chin. Watching the flesh of your plump cheeks ripple, Taehyung places either of his hands onto each globe before kneading them open.
“Your ass always looks so fucking hot when it’s filled up… Can’t wait to fill it with my cock,” he murmurs; the compliment causing you to croon out his name.
However, you don’t have long to relish in his appraisal. Because, all of a sudden, the vibrator comes to life. Fiercely, it begins thrumming, stimulating the inner muscles of your ass. At the same time, the protrusion along your folds and clit begins to vibrate - the tremors stimulating your slick folds and throbbing bundle of nerves. With your recent orgasm, your cunt is still sensitive, and pleasure bolting across your sensitised nerves, you howl in pleasure. Jerking over Seokjin, your head falls onto his abdomen - his erect cock inadvertently slapping your face - while your hips writhe wildly.
“Oh fuck- Taehyung, too much,” you gasp, your ass thrashing reckless as you try to get away from the pleasure. Regardless, no matter how hard you try, the vibrator is firmly embedded inside of you - making it impossible to shy away from it.
“Too much? You don’t know too much just yet, Kitten,” Taehyung drawls. Still, even as he speaks, “Remember Princess, your safe word is ‘Roses’,” he reminds you.
“And your safe signal is snapping your fingers,” Seokjin adds. You nod your head, letting them both know that you remember.
“Good girl,” Seokjin praises with another caress of your hair. Then, lifting your head, he places your mouth above his cockhead once again. “Now, why don’t you warm my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, while Taehyung punishes you for being a disobedient slut,” Seokjin purrs.
Whimpering at his words, you do as he says, your lips automatically pouting as you take him into your mouth once again. Jaw straining around his girth, you stare at Seokjin through the thick of your lashes, basking in the heavy weight of his length against your tongue. Sooner than you’d like, his crown bumps into the back of your throat, a choked gag warning Seokjin that you can’t fit any more of him into you - lest he repeat Taehyung’s actions and force himself into your throat. However, knowing your throat needs some respite, Seokjin simply keeps himself within the confines of your mouth; revelling in the wet chasm of your silken cheeks and velvet tongue.
Out of the blue, using the moment you audibly splutter around Seokjin’s cock as a signal, Taehyung pours a considerable amount of melted chocolate onto you - all over your ass. Back arching, you hiss as the sweltering heat trickles all over your plump cheeks: trails of blistering pain flaring over your flesh. The stinging ache, paired with the intense vibrations of the toy inside your ass and against your clit, has your eyes rolling into the back of your skull. Entire body convulsing under the intense sensation, you’re suddenly flung over the edge of your orgasm, and straight into bliss.
Orgasm unexpectedly flooding through you, the unadulterated rapture surges through your nerves, invigorating each and every one of them with euphoria. Eyes screwing shut, you wail out Taehyung and Seokjin’s names; the sound coming out animalistic, and inarticulate. Responsively, the walls of your sex clamp: your ass muscles tightening around the vibrator - unwittingly causing the vibrations to intensify; while the flesh of your cunt contracts around nothing - emphasising the growing emptiness. Watching you cum, the vibrator suddenly comes to a halt, and gasping for air, you suck in a ragged breath.
Gradually, your orgasm washes through you, leaving you a trembling mess while you mindlessly suckle at Seokjin’s cock. Cool hand pressing to your thighs, Taehyung tenderly strokes the supple lengths, the repetitive motions somewhat soothing. The heat from the molten confection slowly dissipates, and through the haze of your ebbing climax, your eyebrows furrow - especially when you feel the chocolate begin to dry and harden. Sucking in a shaky breath, you look up at Seokjin curiously, your lover simply shrugging in response - already knowing what you’re asking.
“Don’t worry, Princess. Just focus on my cock, hmmm?” he reminds you. Blinking owlishly, your eyes light up with recognition - the fog of your euphoria completely clearing. Tongue flicking against his ridged underside, you begin suckling at him once again.
Without warning, Taehyung spanks you - from the tops of your thighs, to the plump flesh of your ass. Unlike before, when it was just his large palm, this time you feel a hard surface impact the supple skin, and eyes widening you recognise the sensation of the paddle. The abrupt ministration has you mewling around Seokjin’s cock, and eyelids fluttering, thick tracks of tears roll down your face. Once again, Taehyung repeats the action, though, this time, he brings the paddle onto your other cheek. Hips undulating, you push them back into him, another hoarse resonating through the air. Under his action, you feel the hardened chocolate crack, a few pieces falling to the mattress.
Taehyung shifts behind you, and picking up one of the chunks, he runs it through your pussy. Teasingly, he strokes it through your slit - the touch light, and feathery - and bringing it to your honeyed hole, he slicks the jagged slab in your arousal. A shudder runs down your spine, the tantalising caress of his fingers and the pointed edge of the chocolate causing you to groan around Seokjin’s shaft. Once the piece is sufficiently coated in your wetness, Taehyung draws it away from your cunt. Instead, he reaches around your body, Seokjin tugging your hair and pulling you off of his cock.
Dissatisfied whine of protest erupting from the midst of your throat, you unwrap your mouth from Seokjin’s thick shaft - just in time for Taehyung to drop the slick-coated chocolate directly onto the older man’s length. Pupils dilating at the sight of the dark confection against your lover’s shaft, your tongue darts out, and thoughtlessly, you lick your lips. Seokjin watches the movement, his eyes shining with mirth at the ravenous hunger sparkling in your eyes.
Stroking your hair out of your forehead, “Are you ready for your punishment, Princess?” Seokjin questions.
“This is punishment?” you counter, the words spilling from your lips before you can stop them. Hearing your words, Taehyung immediately brings the paddle onto your ass. The impact hits harder this time, a heavy smack resounding through the air while more of the dried chocolate falls from your body. Sharp pain erupts over your tender flesh, causing shockwaves of smarting pleasure to ripple across your veins.
“I’d be careful if I were you, Kitten,” Taehyung warns, the edge of the paddle running down the seam of your ass, only for him to press it against the toy in your ass. His gesture has the vibrator pushing in deeper, and head falling forward, your chest rumbles in bliss.
An airy laugh tremors from Seokjin’s throat, “Your punishment is Taehyung paddling that pretty little ass till it’s nice and tender,” he purrs. Then tugging your head towards his cock, the piece of chocolate still resting precarious on his throbbing erection, “This is just for fun,” he continues. “Now, suck.”
Face lowering, you wrap your mouth around his cock once again, Seokjin slipping the chocolate between your teeth just before you enclose your lips around his girth. Instantly, the creamy sweetness of the cocoa bursts onto your palate, the sugary essence mixing with the heady one of your own wetness, and the slightly salty bitterness of Seokjin’s precum. They mingle together onto your tongue, the tastes blending together into an inebriating flavour that has the inner flesh of your cheeks salivating. Moaning around the heavy intrusion in your mouth, you expertly manoeuvre the piece to the underside of Seokjin’s cock, and pressing the flat of your tongue against it, you begin lapping at both the chocolate, and his shaft.
Gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail, Seokjin angles your head to look up at him. Turbulent eyes, rife with desirous hunger, take you in, before he lets out a low growl, “God, Taehyung was right. You really are pretty when you look at us with a mouth full of cock.” You purr in response, your tongue dragging over the chocolate and towards a pulsating vein that runs along his length. Out of nowhere, the vibrator inside of you begins humming. The suddenness of it has your body jerking, your spine contorting as your mouth falls open in pleasure.
“O-Oh f-fuck,” you raspily weep, your eyes screwing shut at the mingling sensations. Simultaneously, the vibrations stimulate the tight muscles of your ass, along with the throbbing bud of your clit. Unadulterated bliss floods your nerve endings, your stomach quivering in tandem to the pulsating toy within you. Breathing turning ragged, you distractedly suckle at Seokjin’s chocolate stained cock.
As the vibrator pulses inside you, Taehyung brings the paddle onto your ass again in four rapt slaps, alternating between each of your cheeks. With each impact, the punishing force increases, aided by his strong arms, and causing a strangled cry of pain and pleasure to bubble from your throat. Every collision of the hard surface against your soft cheek has more and more of the dried chocolate cracking and falling off of your skin. More of your bare flesh revealed, the next of Taehyung’s spanks lands directly onto your plump muscle, and though the fatty tissue absorbs some of the impact, your ass still flares with heat.
“P-Please… T-Taehyung,” you cry out, the words hoarse and slightly broken.
Between the intense reverberations of the silicon toy, and the powerful spanks of the paddle, you begin to sob and moan: the blistering pain interweaving with euphoric rapture. Tears well within your eyes, thick tracks of salt running down your cheeks, as you lose yourself in the juxtaposing sensations. Taehyung’s eyes drop to the side of your raw ass and puffy cunt. Filled with the silicon toy, your puckered rim twitching intermittently - the tight muscles threatening to push out the object with each contraction. Just below, thick strings of your arousal seep out of your pussy, the filmy ropes hanging in the air and sticking to the sides of your thighs.
“Do you like that, Kitten? The way I spank your ass raw while you suck Seokjin’s cock?” Taehyung intones, the derisive lilt heavy in his voice. You merely let out a garble of affirmation, your tongue loosened by pleasure, and weighed down by the velvet weight of your other lover’s shaft.
The overwhelming ecstasy soon grows far too intense, and wildly, you begin writhing your hips. Deliberately, you attempt to evade Taehyung’s paddles, while simultaneously trying to push the vibrator out of you. Nonetheless, as if locked onto your plump globes, Taehyung strikes you with practiced ease; alternating between the harsh spanks and pressing the edge to your ass, keeping the toy pressed into the snug heat of your ass. A sweltering heat overcomes you, your nerves set afire by Taehyung’s ministration, and thighs shaking erratically, you sob out the names of your lovers.
“T-Too m-much. It’s t-too much,” comes your distorted whine, your nails scratching the mattress.
Hearing the inarticulate garble of your words, Seokjin coos, “Aww, has my Princess had enough of her punishment?” Through the thick fog of pleasure, you vaguely register his words and nod your head. Behind you, Taehyung brings the paddle onto your cheeks - right in the middle - causing you to howl.
“Are you sorry, Kitten?” he questions. Barely able to form coherent sentences, you nod your head while blubbering. Nonetheless, despite your answer, Taehyung spanks you once again. “Why are you sorry?” he asks.
You suck in a shaky, jagged breath, “I’m s-sorry for cumming w-without your p-permission,” you weep.
“Good Kitten. Now, cum,” Taehyung orders, pressing the paddle’s edge to the toy. His ministration forces the thrumming vibrator further into you, and as the silicon protrusion presses against your clit - intensifying the reverberations - you wail out both their names.
Dry sob emanating from your lips, the heightened pleasure hurtles you off of the edge. Viciously, your body trembles - every muscle quivering with ecstasy - as you come undone between them. Mouth falling open, you release Seokjin’s cock, your cheek falling listlessly onto his thigh as your orgasm rockets through you. White spots blind your vision, and the knot in your stomach unravelling abruptly, your body stills. Then, with an ear-piercing shriek, an intense sense of rapture overwhelms you, only to be replaced by an intoxicating sense of relief - powerful gushes of your cum squirting out of you. Feeling your arousal pelt his thighs - the deep scent of your sex deepening - Taehyung lets out a groan.
Immediately, he rips the toy out of you - the sudden stimulation making you sob harder - only to press his fingers to your clit. He furiously begins rubbing your clit, his ministration drawing out your orgasm even further. The pain of overstimulation grips at your cunt, and eyes screwing shut, your jerk your hips - in a bid to get away from him. Seeing the way you shy from him, along with your fucked out state, Taehyung takes pity on you, allowing you to flop bonelessly onto the mattress as you come down from your high. The tide of your climax ebbs through you, and drifting down to reality, you inhale a deep, ragged breath. Cunt trembling erratically, you whine when the ache between your thighs grows prominent - your walls desperate to feel something fill it up.
“F-Fuck me,” you stammer, your words weak and raspy - the tender muscles of your throat straining under the sound. Delicately, Taehyung’s fingers flit down your spine, and tracing invisible shapes onto the surface of your skin, he bends over and presses a kiss to the nape of your neck.
“Climb onto Seokjin,” he urges.
Strong arms wrap around you, and feeling Seokjin gather you into his arms, you allow him to place your body onto his lap. Once your thighs are straddling his hips, Seokjin grips the base of his thick shaft and runs the head through your folds. A wanton mewl spills from your mouth, your sex splaying around his leaking cockhead as he stains your saturated flesh in his own precum. Hips squirming, you attempt to position him at your entrance and take him into you - your desperation rising twofold. Letting out a throaty chuckle, Seokjin leans forward and nips your jaw, your eyes fluttering at the sensation, before he lowers you onto his cock.
The blunt pressure of his crown presses up against the ringed muscles of your entrance, and your head falling backwards, you feel his head pop into you. Your body twitches, the sudden, thick intrusion causing you to croon in pleasure. A searing burn ripples through your cunt, your muscles protesting the way his immense girth stretches out your inner walls. Behind you, Taehyung places his hand onto the middle of your back, and pushing it, he causes you to fall forward. Your hands instantly move to brace themselves on the headboard, on either side of Seokjin’s body.
“God, you’re so fucking tight. Such a tiny little cunt. Are you going to be able to take my cock, Princess?” Seokjin taunts, a playful, lopsided smirk teasing at his lips.
Keening in pleasure, “I can take it,” you respond, the words coming out higher pitched than you’d intended.
“Then take it,” he growls.
Utilising your new position, Seokjin’s hands trail down to grip the swells of your hips, and fingers digging into them, he lowers you further onto his cock. Inch by inch, he fills you up - the broad width of his shaft spreading your innermost walls, shaping them around his cock. As his cock pierces into the warm sheath of your body, his length seems almost unending, and soon, a dull pressure builds up within your abdomen. Dropping your gaze down, it trails past the ripped expanse of his torso - each muscle rippling under his taut skin - and towards your entrance.
Guttural groan spilling from your throat, you relish in the sight of Seokjin’s cock impaling you - your walls clenching involuntarily when you realise he’s only about half way into you. Walls of your cunt tightening around his shaft, Seokjin lets out a growl, his fingers digging further into your hips - hard enough that you worry he’ll bruise them. Behind you, Taehyung’s dark eyes are fixated onto your cunt, his gaze soaking in the way the muscles of your entrance stretch thin around Seokjin - your cunt clearly straining to fit the large intrusion. It’s almost too erotic for him, and his erection becoming almost too painful, he begins pumping it with his fist.
“Fuck. Look at the way that pussy stretches. Such a greedy little hole,” Taehyung purrs, his hand palming his cock faster.
Seokjin continues burying himself into your velvet depths, and as he pushes deeper into you, the dull ache in your stomach morphs into a blunt ache. Mouth falling open in a strained cry, your fingers curl around the headboard - in a bid to find some much needed purchase - your knuckles turning white under the hold. Breath turning harsh, your hips start to writhe, your body looking for a sense of reprieve from the unrelenting hardness piercing into you. Nonetheless, all you do is cause Seokjin to slip further into you - your trembling walls rhythmically gripping his walls in a pleasurable massage.
Unexpectedly, with a sudden thrust, Seokjin sinks the remainder of his cock into you. In one fluid motion, the crown of his cockhead bumps into the soft walls of your cervix, your ass simultaneously pressing flush against his thighs. The sudden plunge has your muscles locking, and back contorting viciously, you cry out in pleasure. Pain flares through your insides, a blistering heat flooding through your cunt as your internal walls are forced to stretch around his girthy shaft. Underneath you, Seokjin hisses - your sheath gripping him almost painfully - and leaning forward, he roughly bites down onto your nipple.
“Oh fuck- you’re so fucking wet… and tight,” he groans.
“Mmm, her cunt looks so good stuffed with cock,” Taehyung hums. Dexterous fingers moving to where both you and Seokjin are connected, the younger man begins tracing the tight seal of your entrance. The feathery motion has you crooning, your ringed muscles twitching under his touch. Taehyung lets out a soft laugh, and trailing his fingers up, he begins circling his digits around the puckered rim, “But… you’ll look even better with my cock in your ass,” he continues.
Hands curling from your hips to your ass, Seokjin palms both of your plump globes into his hand, and fingernails pressing into your skin, he pulls them apart - splaying you open for Taehyung. At Seokjin’s gesture, the younger man lets out a hum of thanks. Bed dipping behind you, Taehyung shifts further down the mattress, until his face is level with your spread ass. Boldly, his tongue darts out, and then placing it to your cunt, he licks at both your spread pussy, and Seokjin’s thick cock. Twin sounds of pleasure echo through the air, Seokjin’s groan intermingling with your moan, both of your hips bucking into Taehyung’s face.
Corners of his lips twitching, Taehyung smirks, and repeats the action - the velvet appendage moving slower this time. Teasingly, he laves at where your sexes are connected: the point of his tongue tracing the outline of your straining ring of muscles, as well as the girth that splits it open. Heavy strings of your arousal pool onto his tongue, your wetness oozing through your sheath and onto Seokjin’s balls, and he gathers as much as he can onto the hollow of his palate. Then, trailing his tongue upwards, he licks through the seam of your ass. Breath caught in your throat, your oesophageal muscles tighten, and when you feel him flatten his tongue against your asshole, a deep moan emanates from your chest.
“My Kitten loves getting her ass eaten, doesn’t she?” Taehyung laughs, his voice lowering by a few octaves. Each word has his warm breath wafting over your ass, causing you to shudder and nod your head. With another laugh, Taehyung spits onto your asshole - dribbling a concoction of his own spit and your arousal onto the tight entrance.
You feel the mixture tail along your asshole, and down towards your filled cunt - the combined fluids slickening your puckered rim. Through rapt fascination, Taehyung scrutinises the sporadically twitching rings of muscles. The entrance of your ass slightly gapes, and as the muscles contract, they inadvertently suck in the mix of juices into you. As though entranced by the sight, he drags his finger through the sloppy mess and lubricates his finger in as much of it as he can. Then, slowly, he presses the tip of his forefinger against your asshole.
Body perking at the sensation, you sit up slightly - the movement causing Seokjin’s cockhead to ram further into the groove of your cervix. A gasp of shock falls from your lips, the sound mingled with pleasure, as you feel Taehyung slide his finger into your ass - the length aided by the makeshift lube - until it’s hilt deep in you. Experimentally, he wriggles it inside of you, and feeling the hot muscles of your ass stimulated, your body falls forward once again. Seizing the opportunity, Seokjin’s mouth encloses around your pert nipple.
“A-Ah. Hyungie…  Jinnie…” you moan, a shudder running down your spine at the mix of sensations.
Seokjin’s cock is still completely sheathed inside of you - his pulsating member stroking every single one of your erogenous zones. Meanwhile, his teeth harshly tease your nipple - his tongue languidly whorling around the hardened buds outline, while he bites and suckles at it roughly. At the same time, Taehyung thrusts his finger into you, twisting it intermittently as he tests the pliancy of your ass. Tingles of pleasure race up and down your spine, and noticing the way your cunt clenches - pulsating in tandem to Taehyung’s finger plunging in and out of your asshole - Seokjin grins against your breast.
“Come on Taehyung, hurry up and prep that cute ass so we can fuck her,” he urges. Words vibrating against your tit, you gasp in ecstasy, a fresh wave of arousal dripping out of you and down Seokjin’s balls.
Emboldened by the older man’s words, Taehyung presses a second finger into your back entrance. Under the ministration, your features twist into a wince - a dull sting rippling through you at the stretch. However, from the amount of times both Seokjin and Taehyung have fucked your ass, it quickly dissipates, morphing into blissful euphoria. Taehyung begins thrusting two fingers into your ass, alternating between wiggling them and plunging them hilt deep into you. Over and over again, you feel his digits drive into you, the sensation stimulating Seokjin’s cock and your pussy through the thin lining that separates your cunt from your ass.
Out of nowhere, Taehyung splays his fingers, and feeling your ass stretch around, you let out a hollow moan. Taehyung immediately thrusts his tongue into the gaping hole, and feeling his wet appendage stroke the inner walls of your back entrance, your hollow moan transforms into a guttural groan. Expertly, he licks your ass, his velvet muscle whorling against the internal flesh as he douses them in a thick coating of his spit. His actions cause your blood to bubble in your veins, and heat prickling at your skin, unbridled pleasure flits over your being.
Pulling his tongue out of you, Taehyung pours something into you. A cold sensation floods your ass, and feeling the lube slide into your depths, a soughed croon spills from your lips. Digits pumping into you once again, Taehyung spreads the substance over your walls - leaving them slick in a mixture of his spit and the lubrication. Once your ass is sufficiently wet, he spreads his fingers one final time, only to spit into your ass. The thick blob slides into your open hole, and as the warmth of it runs along your walls, your puckered rim twitches. Fingers retreating out of your asshole, Taehyung suddenly spanks your fleshy cheek.
Hand palming at the cheek, “There we go. Nice and prepped,” he murmurs.
“Taehyung… please,” you whimper, and urgency evident in your voice, both your lovers laugh.
Not one to disappoint, Taehyung shifts closer to you. With Seokjin still keeping your ass spread, the younger man grips his cock and presses the head to your puckered entrance. Feeling his leaking cockhead stroke your lubricious back entrance, you mewl in wanton need and purposely buck your hips into you. Palm dropping to the small of your back, Taehyung keeps a heavy hand onto your body, the firm pressure causing you to still. Then, he begins pressing forward. The moment he applies pressure to your asshole, however, your muscles autonomously clench.
Bulbous cockhead pushing against your back entrance, Taehyung groans, “This is going to be a tight fit.”
All of a sudden, with a strong thrust, Taehyung squeezes his cock through the tight ring of muscles - the crown only slightly fighting the constricting hole. Walls flaring with a searing burn, you shriek out Taehyung’s name - your asshole rendered even tighter by Seokjin’s immense girth buried into your cunt. Face lowering, Taehyung’s plump lips graze over your shoulder, and pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck, he gently hushes you. Below you, Seokjin soothingly lavishes kisses along your sternum, his hands caressing your ass in comfort.
“B-Big,” you shallowly gasp, tears stinging at your eyes once again.
“You can do it, Princess,” Seokjin murmurs, his words rumbling between the valley of your breasts.
Thick by thick inch, Taehyung feeds his unyielding hardness into your ass, pulling the flesh apart and around the shape of his cock. With every part of his length that impales you, your pliant back entrance stretches - his blunt cockhead spearing further and further into you. Halfway buried into you, you let out a whine of pain, your fingernails digging into the wood of the headboard. Between Seokjin’s cock in your cunt, and Taehyung’s shaft pushing into your asshole, you’re sure that you’re going to split apart.
“So… fucking… tight,” Taehyung breathes out, short pants breaking the words apart, the restraint heavy in his baritone.
In spite of the pain that floods through your sex, you whimper in pleasure - an undercurrent of euphoria weaving the stinging ache as your lovers fill you up in a way only they can. Their hard cocks stretch you out, their lengths carving their shape into your waiting, and welcoming, depths. Eventually, however, Taehyung bottoms out within you - the hilt of his shaft pressing to your puckered, while his hips slap the plump cheeks of your ass. Throat tightening at the overwhelming fullness, your lips part in a silent scream.
“T-Taehyung, S-Seokjin” you whimper.
Nuzzling his nose into the back of your hair, “I’m here, Kitten,” Taehyung mutters.
“Me too, Princess,” Seokjin follows, his own lips pressing a tender kiss to your nipple.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you voluntarily clench your ass around his their cocks. As your muscles tighten, “Fuck-” they groans.
“Please… fuck me,” you urge. Simultaneously, as if they’ve practiced, they both inhale a deep, steadying breath.
“Shit. Hold on then,” Seokjin remarks.
“Get ready, Kitten. We’re going to fuck you till you cry,” Taehyung warns.
You open your mouth to retort, however, at the exact moment, the both of them retreat out of you - their lengths dragging against each other through the thin lining between your cunt and ass. Then, abruptly, they drive back into you. Instantaneously, the words on your lips die. Instead, a strangled cry of ecstasy is forced from the base of your throat. Without any further warning, they snap their hips, their cocks hammering into your warm, heated depths. As their lengths surge into the sheath of your body, you scream out their names.
Their pace is stilted for a few moments, their rough thrusts causing your body to jerk and bounce over them as blinding ecstasy overtakes your senses. However, swiftly, and with practiced ease, they quickly fall into rhythm with each other. Each movement has them plunging their cocks as deep into you as they can, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filling the air, and with each sound, they elicit a moan from deep within their chest. A fierce pressure builds in the pit of your abdomen from their brutal thrusts, and toes curling in pleasure, you allow them to practically rut into you - their cocks slamming into your depths over and over again.
“F-Fuck… H-Harder,” you urge, in spite of the sharpening ache that builds within your stomach.
At your behest, they somehow increase their movements, and their new, borderline punishing pace, has your eyes rolling into the back of your skull. Their change in motion alters their rhythm, and instead of plunging into you at the same time, now, when Seokjin thrusts into your cunt, Taehyung pulls out of your ass. Only for Seokjin to then retreat from your cunt, and for Taehyung to pierce his shaft into your back entrance. Mercilessly, they use your body as their cocksleeve, and their veined cocks drag against every single erogenous zone buried in your innermost walls.
A mix of desirous need and blissful euphoria courses through your bloodstream, and feeling spikes of white-hot heat lance at your being, your body begins trembling. Delirious with pleasure, and as a result of their cocks constantly slamming into you, your low moans morph into slurred sobs. The fog of euphoria descends upon you, and as its haze clouds your mind, you lose yourself into the relentless pleasure they reap onto your body. Soon, your walls begin rippling around them, and as both your cunt and ass grip their shafts, both your lovers let out throat groans.
“Fuck, I’m not going to last long. Your ass is so... fucking... tight,” Taehyung intones deeply, each word emphasised by a harsh thrust that drives his cock further into your back entrance.
Below you, while mouthing at your bouncing tit, “Same here. God, you’re so fucking wet… and your cunt won’t stop tightening around my cock,” Seokjin breathlessly adds before biting onto your nipple.
“C-Cum in me. P-Please,” you stammer, and tongue loosened by pleasure, your words come out distorted. Nonetheless, understanding them, your lovers quicken their pace - something you’d thought wholly impossible.
“Are you close, Princess?” Seokjin questions, causing you to nod your head furiously.
Taehyung’s hand curls around your body, and pushing it between your thighs, he begins furiously rubbing your clit. Lips falling to your shoulder, he bites down - hard enough to leave the indents of his teeth into your flesh - and, “Cum,” he orders.
That one action has you suddenly careening off of the precipice of your climax, and diving head first into sheer, unadulterated pleasure. A croaked sob falls from your lips, and blubbering out their name, you feel hot tears stream down your cheeks. Veins sweltering with burning euphoria, you feel the heat of your orgasm flood your entire being. Between them, your entire body begins convulsing, and back contorting violently, your walls clamp around them in a vice-like grip. Throughout your orgasm, your lovers continue fucking into you, their cocks spearing into your cunt and ass respectively, paired with Taehyung ruthlessly toying with your clit, you feel the knot in your stomach suddenly loosen.
High of your orgasm consuming you wholly, you feel an overwhelming elation sweep through you, and carrying you on it’s tide, you float away from reality. Walls clenching almost painfully, Seokjin and Taehyung hiss as they feel powerful jets of cum squirt out of you - the wetness gushing against both their thighs, as well as Seokjin’s abdomen. As you gush around Seokjin’s cock, your cum soaking into the sheets below you, twin roars fill the air. Using your own stick juices as lubrication, both of them slam into you at the same time - burying their cocks as deep into you as is humanly possible.
Without any warning, their cocks swell inside of you, and viciously pulsating, they begin to cum. Thick rope after thick rope of their warm essence floods your depths; Seokjin emptying himself deep into your cunt - his seed spilling directly against your quivering cervix - while Taehyung’s own cum pours straight into the rippling depths of your ass. Through the blurry haze of your orgasm, you vaguely register their warmth enveloping your guts, their heavy seed painting your flesh white. Responsively, the walls of your pussy and ass clench around their cocks, the battered muscles milking as much of their cum out of their lengths and into you.
The three of you sail down from your ecstatic highs, and as the euphoria ebbs away, you’re left basking in the post-orgasmic haze that enshrouds the three of you. Chest heaving for air - in a bid to satiate the dull ache in your lungs - you bonelessly flop onto Seokjin, every ounce of your energy dissipating from your bones. Automatically, Seokjin’s arms wind around you, a small mewl slipping from your lips when you feel his warm chest press flush against your own. Body still wired, you tremble in his arms - your muscles quaking intermittently as the aftershocks of your orgasm continue sweeping through you.
Gradually, the blurry fog clears from your mind, and brain kicking into gear, you let out a small moan when you feel the way their cum fills up your depths. You don’t get time to relish in the feeling, however, because soon, Taehyung begins pulling his cock out of your ass. Flaccid shaft slipping from your depths, you flinch, his length dragging across your raw inner flesh. The moment he retreats out of you completely, his cum rushes out of you, and as it leaks from your gaping asshole, you let out another groan. Eyes dropping to the sight, Taehyung lets out a growl of approval.
“Sloppy slut,” he coos, and despite the derisive words, the affection in his intonation causes you to preen. Then, with a kiss to your naked, sweat-soaked shoulder, you feel Taehyung climb off of the bed.
With the younger man disappearing, Seokjin takes the opportunity to gently flip the two of you over. Body weary, your muscles protest the movement, a displeasured groan emanating from your throat. Seokjin only chuckles at the sound, and when you're firmly on your back, he slowly pulls his own cock out of your battered cunt. Once again, you let out a wince, your thighs trembling at the sensitivity in your core. Bending forward, Seokjin presses a kiss to your forehead, before murmuring a gentle apology. You sigh at his gesture, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips.
In a matter of moments, Taehyung returns to the two of you, a glass of water and a damp towel in his head. As he approaches the bed, he hands Seokjin the cup, the older man pulling away from you and towards your side, while Taehyung takes his place between your thighs. Perching beside you, Seokjin lifts your back using his strength, and after he’s propped you up, he places the rim of the glass to your lips. Coolness of the water teasing your lips, your throat suddenly feels dry, and swiftly, you gulp down the drink.
“Slowly,” Seokjin warns, his hand automatically lowering the glass. You merely nod your head, before slowing down.
Meanwhile, Taehyung spreads your thighs, pulling apart your puffy folds, he begins swiping the warm cloth through your sex - clearing up the mess. Delicately, he runs the towel over you, from your leaking cunt, to your dripping asshole. It only takes him a few moments, and once you’re thoroughly clean - every trace of your mixed fluids soaked into the terry cloth fabric - he presses a soft kiss to the top of your mound. As his plump lips caress your oversentised clit, you moan, your hand autonomously moving to push his head away as your thighs clamp shut.
Laughing, “Sorry,” Taehyung apologises.
“It’s okay… Thank you,” you murmur, your nose wrinkling when the raw muscles of your oesophagus strain.
Seokjin places the empty glass on the bedside table, while Taehyung haphazardly throws the dirtied towel on the ground. Then, the two of them climb into bed beside you. Warmth of their bodies flanking either side of you, you snuggle further into the sheets, your eyes begin to droop from your exhaustion. Seokjin’s hand drops to your bare abdomen, and mindlessly, his fingers begin flitting over the soft flesh. At the same time, Taehyung nestles into your side, and face burying into the side swell of your breast, he gently nips the skin.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, ____,” they both murmur, Seokjin pressing a kiss to your temple, while Taehyung presses one to your breast.
Eyebrow furrowing, “It’s not Valentine’s Day. Not for another couple of days” you respond, causing them both to laugh lightly.
“It was supposed to be a spontaneous surprise,” Seokjin answers, and this time, you giggle.
“Was it as spontaneous and thrilling as you wanted it to be?” Taehyung questions, his lips twisting into a lop-sided smile against your skin.
“Mmmm. Definitely…” you sigh in response. Then, after a brief pause, “Although… I’m going to be fucking sore tomorrow,” you grumble. Once again, the two of them laugh.
“Well… you know the best remedy for that...” Taehyung begins, one of his hands teasingly wrapping around your thigh.
“Is to continue working through the soreness,” Seokjin finishes, his own hand moving to palm at your breast.
“Oh my god. You’re both insatiable,” you gripe, your hands batting their hands away from your body.
“Only for you,” Taehyung quips.
“Yeah, I’m already starving again,” Seokjin growls.
“I could go for another round of dessert,” Taehyung nods.
At their exchange, you simply shake your head. Sighing, “Later. I need a nap first.”
“Hmmm. We’ll hold you to that,” they reply, and as the twin sounds echo through the room, you sigh in exasperation. Valentine’s Day or not, you’re sure they’re going to run your body ragged before letting you out of the hotel suite.
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a/n: anyway : ) i hope : ) you : ) busted : ) a : ) fat : ) nut : )
⇥ Masterlist | Like my work? Consider buying me a Kofi!
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Can you please elaborate on Jungkook's apartment in Ganganam? Last I heard ppl said there are in different areas and HYBE dorms come in between where they live. Tae I know lives in a high security apartments with other kpops and k actors.
But the whole Jungkook living narrative gets thrown differently.
Officially, we know about the following properties that JK has purchased:
Seoul Forest Trimage - he purchased this in 2018 and sold it in 2020 at a slight lost. In retrospect, this was believed to be an investment purchase.
Yongsan City Park - purchased in early 2019 and gifted to his brother in December 2020. JK it seems continued to live there throughout 2021. This apartment is around the corner from HYBE HQ.
Itaewon House - Purchased in 2020, many believed he moved in there but, all the original reports stated that the property was at the time was being leased by a foreign company on a long-term basis. Therefore, this property should be seen an investment purchase for possible future inhabitation.
So that what we know officially.
Now, back in June on YouTube I came across a video that claimed to be about JK's new apartment. I was intrigued, so I watched it. I think it was in Indonesian, so I couldn't follow everything they were saying, but the evidence the gave was quite compelling. The Key bit of evidence used was the VLive JK did the day after the FESTA Meal.
Now I don't just believe things willy nilly, and I like do my own research, just to be sure. So I did a search for some original videos based on the complex's name and here's what I found:
This is the video came across:
And for comparison, this is the video showing a listing in the complex from February 2022 (note this apartment as small outdoor areas good for dogs):
And for reference, JK's Kitchen from the VLive:
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So I was convinced.
It should also be noted that Han Seong-soo, the CEO of Pledis Entertainment, also rents an apartment there, since 2021:
The complex is very exclusive with only 8 apartments in the building.
Add to this, that JK has been seen several times in Gangnam within the last two months, and all very close to his (and Tae's) apartment. The three most recent sightings being:
The meal with the 97 line at the Yeong Cheon Yeonghwa, in Cheongdam-dong
Meeting that model/fan and taking a photo in the street, in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam
Eating and leaving a signature at the Original Mapo Salt Grilled, Gangnam Branch, in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam
This amount of time in Gangnam would suggest he's living there. Also, now on YouTube, there are a couple of videos about JK's apartment.
For reference, regarding to the other members, this is where they live:
Hannam Hill - where the group dorm is/was
Suga - the UN Village near the group dorm, and supposedly in the same block as some of BigBang members
Jin - last I know, he still lives in Hannam Hill, the same complex as the group dorm.
RM and Jimin - both live in Nine One Hannam, which is not far from Hannam Hill
J Hope - Seoul Forest Trimage, the same block as JK's first apartment
Taehyung - lives in Gangnam directly opposite the Olympic Stadium in Apelbaum Complex in Samsung-dong
JK new alleged apartment (Brunnen Chungdam) is in Cheongdam-dong, which is adjacent to Samsung-dong in Gangnam.
Tae and JK live the closest to the first BTS Dorm, and are a short drive a from each other.
So once he's ready, I'm sure there'll be a public announcement.
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archdl · 2 years
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Hannam-Dong HANDS Corporation - Designed by @thesystemlab Photography by Yongkwan Kim . ⭕ What do you think about this design? 🔻Tag your Architect Friends! . ❌Turn ON Post Notifications to see new Contents.❗ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Follow @archdlofficial for more! 🖤 Tag #archdl and #archdlofficial or DM your works for Featuring! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Seoul #Korea #SouthKorea #Architecture #Art #photography #angular #travel #minimalism #building #design #archilover #archdaily #architecturelovers #streetphotography #minimalphotography #visitkorea #architecturephotography #photooftheday #travelgram #travelphotography #instatravel #seoulkorea #koreanstyle #seoultravel #asia #asian #seoul🇰🇷 (at Seoul, Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfR0rXwsygl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
I couldn't find a translation of the original article but ill link it if you're interested.
The article basically says that jimin forgot to pay 3 of his insurance monthly premiums and received 4 notices that his officetel (which is basically a studio apartment) was gonna be seized at the beginning of the year and that he paid the premiums back in april. http://www.bizhankook.com/bk/article/23624
Now in the beginning ppl thought that someone stole his mail from the dorm building in hannam-dong. (There's also people saying that the ones who stole the mail know his social security number but i cannot find a source it's just ppl sharing cut out screenshots)
In their statement hybe covered jimin's booty and said that all of the group's mail gets sent to their dorm and that it was hybe's own fault this shit happened because their staff forgot to send jimin all of his mail.
so you're telling me hybe goes as far as taking care of his own mail but they somehow forgot to double check his health insurance was being paid..... lmfao ok sure jan 😭
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
He Loves Love (2/3)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: solo singer! AU
Word count: 7K
Warnings: slowburn, flirty Baek, ehm t-e-n-s-i-o-n
A/N: Finally the second part is here! I apologise if it took a bit longer, but darn, I just realised there is much more that needs to be told. I am so tired rn, I edited it but there still might be grammatical mistakes or typos, so I apologise in advance if it will interrupt your reading time :( I LOVED the feedback I received for the first part, so I really hope I didnt disappoint with this one. Please read the ending note! Enjoy! BTW: did you like the new album? I am having it on replay haha
1 <<<
You never thought you were a person deserving of a deep love or one capable of love. A weird sense of discomfort and impossible feeling overwhelming you was something you connected to that four-letter word. No matter how many times you had a crush (which was, unfortunately, rarely), the excitement wasn't enough for you to give you hope that you would be capable to love. 
So when everything started with this famous singer, naturally you had doubts. You didn't want to get too much into detail about why you were feeling the way you were about relationships, but you definitely thought it is normal to think having a relationship with someone like him was ridiculous. He easily could have been playing with you. But you did not have relevant proof for this. Neither did you ever hear a single bad word about his reputation with women.
Just one date, he said. “I really want to take you on a date. A playdate?” he would raise his eyebrow, seducing you.
He didn't understand your point of view on the whole situation. But, what you did not know, was that he had figured you and your personality out, although you would let very little for him to read from your expressions. He admired how you maintained a professional attitude despite your racing pulse or your blown pupils. That, you could hardly control.
You sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror. You couldn't stop your heart from beating so fast and so loud it was making you a bit dizzy… Let alone you couldn't eat a single thing the whole day because the idea that he was to pick you up at 11pm was making your insides so uneasy, needing to go to the bathroom every hour or, worse, making you almost vomit from the anticipation. He was so attractive, flirtatious, and you couldn't stop thinking about him ever since the shoot had finished. The second day of shooting was, when he asked you out. Very carefully, he formulated his question, but it was his voice, his deep eyes that told you just how much he meant it. And because you didn't have enough time, for he had to leave right after the shoot, you nodded in approval to which he rewarded you with the brightest smile, his eyes gorgeous half-moons, his cheeks puffed up just like he was smiling into the camera while he was being interviewed. Ever so carefully, he for your phone number, and when he saved it, he called you. Declining the call, you unlocked your phone to save his contact and that was when he muttered: “Please, don't lose your phone.”
“I won't save it under your name, that would be too obvious,” you replied quietly, feared of being overheard although you knew nobody would come to the storage room. Everyone was still cleaning up the set. But it was Baekhyun's team that was most probably looking for him by now.
He shook his head gently, making just a tiny step closer, suddenly his face not that far from your. “No,” he breathed, his eyes glinting, “but I will call you when I'm in front of yours. So don't lose it.”
You gave out a small chuckle, shaking your head at his cheesiness. “I cherish my phone, okay? Just like all the people these days. Don't worry, Baekhyun ssi.”
Pursing his lips, he said, before turning to leave: “Just Baekhyun, okay? For you, it's Baekhyun.”
And now, here you were. Waiting for - just Baekhyun - the singer.
You almost jumped out of your skin when your phone vibrated on the tiny table in your one-room apartment. Interesting how a usual vibration of a phone just meant a simple message or a phone call, usually not giving it any meaning. Now it gave you butterflies, another wave of nausea from all the anticipation and just pure bliss at the idea that he was the one giving you a call. Just like he promised, at exactly the time he said he would be there.
The entire time you were coming out of the basement (yes, your apartment was in a basement, having two small windows just under the ceiling) and out to the dark street was unreal. Those two minutes that it took you to leave your place and walk out felt like eternity because you were shaky and nervous from meeting him. There was also a possibility that after spending time with you tonight, you might never hear from him given that he might be disappointed in you, not quite what he thought you would be like.
You just hoped nobody would recognize his car or him…
Please, don't let anyone recognize him. Or they can recognize him and all, but please don't let them catch you with him, okay? 
You quickly chided yourself for thinking such silly thoughts and just then you recognized his car. It was the only one with its motor on, quitely purring, the car just as black as the night, all shiny and so… just so Baekhyun. Which meant sexy. Could a car be sexy?
You were going crazy.
Quickly making your way to the vehicle, you opened the door to the passenger seat and swiftly slid onto the leather seat, closing the door behind you with as much gentleness as you could, scared that it would probably just break.
You heard a gentle laugh from your left side and you finally turned to look at him, so mesmerized you couldn't stop the bewitched smile creeping onto your face as you took him in.
“I didn't pay so much money for this car for it to break if you close it roughly,” was what he said, but you could see his mind and gaze were quite unfocused as he let his eyes slide over your features that were ever so gently touched up with some make up. You were thankful he didn't eye you up hungrily like most men did, still a gentleman just like he was until then.
“Well, it ain't my car,” you replied, your smile widening. “And good evening to you.”
His elbow that was resting between you two was making his shoulder and chest so wide, but he was wearing a black, long-sleeved t-shirt so you couldn't make up much of him. Only the long silver chain hanging around his neck. “Good evening,” he muttered dreamily. After another heartbeat, he cleared his throat. “Ready to go?”
Finally looking ahead and out onto the street, you nodded. “No idea where to, but I trust you. So yeah, I am ready,” you said enthusiastically, not knowing where the positive energy was coming from, but it was welcomed. You looked at him again, to see his bright smile and a resolute nod before he turned to face the front, his right hand expertly putting the vehicle into drive. 
The lights in the car were all red, including the seatbelt that was holding you together, because otherwise you might have fallen apart at how you were levitating in the air from the man driving next to you. And boy, did you need some reality check because this all seemed way out of your league for it to be true. So while Baekhyun was talking to you, asking you some questions to get to know you, your right hand slid to the outer side of your thigh and pinched it as hard as could, scared that you would suddenly wake up in your shitty one-room apartment and a bitter taste in your mouth at how real the dream was-
-except it wasn't a dream.
You were in his car. 
And currently he was quietly laughing at something silly you replied, most probably not paying attention since you were too busy being scared of having such a vivid dream with him.
There was this whiff of his cologne, that was strangely soft and not quite masculine as you would have expected. It was clean, yet so enthralling it was the only sign you could connect it to you grounding yourself with the current moment.
“I hope you won't dislike my plan too much,” he said after he focused on the road for a minute since there was sudden traffic and he was changing lines. His eyes were checking the side mirrors, and you swallowed.
Biting your lip, you realised all the lip gloss has disappeared since you kept gnawing at it nonstop, too nervous to notice. “It is the company that counts, right?” you tried, but you just felt like everything you said might have earned you bad points.
He smiled, still looking at the road as he took a right, a huge hill next to you. Gazing out of the window, you held your breath.
“Wait,” you muttered, frowning. “Isn't this-”
“I live elsewhere-”
“UN Village?” your tone went almost an octave higher, not being able to tear your gaze away. After you passed the bridge to Hannam-dong, you recognized it immediately since there were so many embassies but you thought you would end up in Itaewon. But he was stopping right there. Turning to him, you gave him a squint. “What are we doing here?”
Since there were no more cars on the road as you were driving up he stole a glance at you. “Don't worry, we aren't going to any of the houses here.”
Your heart sped up again.
“As you know,” he tried, leading the car through streets full of  expensive houses and mansions, and you wanted to hide from all the posh, luxurious buildings that seemed to be out of place in a cramped city like Seoul. “I can't just go anywhere I like, unfortunately.” Finally, he stopped the car in front of a house but on the other side of the road so that he wasn't blocking the entrance. “If you don't like it or feel uncomfortable, we can go elsewhere.” Now he turned in the driver's seat, facing you with a slight worry in his eyes. You might have not read him so well, but he honestly wanted to be on a calm place. With you. Alone. No disturbances.
You shook your head, scolding yourself internally for freaking out at him like that. Another bad point, you thought. “Not at all,” you replied, giving him an apologetic smile. “I don't think I've ever even been in the vicinity of this place, is all.”
“I guess I'm the first to bring you here then, eh?”
You chuckled. “Good guess.”
He stared at you for a tad longer than normally, which in your communication studies lecture definitely meant affectionate body language, but you tried not to pay too much attention. “Shall we?” he asked, motioning with his hand to the silent street.
Once outside, you realised his plan was very simple. Walking. Enjoying the bright moonlight above you that was almost in full moon. Oh, the city lights as well. The entire city of Seoul was lying in front of you.
“This is gorgeous,” you breathed out, stopping at some point to just stare and enjoy the pretty view. “I could stare at this the whole night.”
Feeling a presence right next to you, you turned to see his side profile that made you, once again, realise who the hell took you out on a date. Byun fucking Baekhyun. He brought you on your date, and it was walking in UN Village… Just walking in this posh place so that you wouldn't be disturbed. So that you wouldn't be caught.
The last thought right there gave you a powerful bang in your chest, and it only multiplied when the handsome man turned his head to look at you, his eyes soft as he smiled down at you. “I figured you aren't the type to like crowded places,” he said, breaking the comfortable silence.
You scoffed playfully. “Another good guess. Are you like a mind reader or something?”
Pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, he laughed. “Could be? Sometimes you are quite an open book to me.”
“That sounds like we know each other for a long time, Baekhyun.” ssi, you added in your mind, the idea of being comfortable with him still foreign to you.
Few seconds passed by when he finally hummed. That hum that made wonders to you. “I kinda wish I did.”
Freezing for a brief moment, you dared to look at him with wide eyes. Biting your lip, you tried to come up with a reply quickly, but he faced you as well and stole your breath away. That pull, the attraction was suddenly ignited. “You can always amend that,” was what you managed to say. Inhaling deeply, you continued: “Is that why you… ehm, you gave in a word for my favour at the magazine?”
This time it was Baekhyun who froze, definitely not expecting you to know this information. It was supposed to be between him and you're editor-in-chief. “I-”
“What is your plan, Baekhyun?” you didn't let him speak. “Because…” you trailed off, suddenly your emotions on fire. “Because I want to be straightforward with you, as you know by now. You like me, I know that. But is this a game?”
“No!” his whole body turned to you, deep frown etched into his forehead. “I didn't know you could misinterpret me asking you out on a date as a form of, what, mockery?”
Inside, you knew he already explained himself to you, so that was why you beat yourself up for starting this subject again, but you couldn't help it. Your insecurities were skyrocketing and it didn't make sense for him to be interested in someone so lowly when he had all the glitter and shine within a reach of his hand. “I didn't say mockery,” you said. Opening your mouth to continue, he cut you off, stepping closer.
“What about you? Do you like me?”
You went silent, while your ragged breathing was answering him for you. Not breaking eye contact once, he nodded. “You know, I will need you to confirm with words.”
Starting to shake your head, scared that he caught you, you felt the need to explain, but you could only stutter: “It's not that- I mean I don't-ah! You are a famous personality,” you exclaimed, getting evidently defensive. “Why would you think I won't snap a picture of you and post it on SNS and just, I don't know, expose you?”
“You wouldn't.”
“What makes you so confident?” you dared him, your voice dropping in challenge.
“I trust you.”
“That should be a difficult phrase to say, coming from someone like you. A-list celebrity and artist.”
He kept looking at you, analysing you, but his stance was still confident and honest. “I could be just a normal man if you didn't look at my job.”
“Don't they usually talk about jobs on the first dates?”
He was quiet but he smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. “I feel honoured you finally consider this as an actual first date, miss.”
Scoffing, you looked away for a second but turned your gaze right back to him, him always being the magnet of your eyes. “You still didn't answer me, mister.”
A playful glint shone in his eye. “To which question again?”
You sighed but you were entertained and butterflies were fluttering in your lower tummy at the situation you found yourself in. “Why would you trust me... I honestly don't know.”
“You aren't ready for my answer, yet.”
At that, you frowned. “What does that mean?”
He shrugged, grinning pridefully. “Exactly what I said.”
“You will have to come out for another date, or two-” he stopped abruptly, thinking for a second, his eyes up on the sky before dropping back to your eager orbs, “or three or four, to find out the answer.”
“Till then, I will have you alllllll exposed to the world,” you whispered darkly, widening your eyes at him.
That night, Baekhyun laughed the loudest.
Work, although your favourite thing, suddenly became a small dread and a difficult task to fulfill. Whatever transcriptions you had to do, meetings to attend, come up with ideas and make sure you were growing as an editor and future writer, you needed to speed up your game - or at least keep it up, since the feature with Baekhyun earned you quite the plus points with the editor-in-chief. It was only natural you did not want to disappoint her by any chance.
But you were very, very distracted.
This distraction was there nonstop. If not actively on your mind, then lurking in the back of it, always rudely intruding your train of thoughts about work, your line of work and basically everything that was involving anything in every minute of your waking hour.
Your hand would literally shake, your heart painfully jumping at any vibration of your phone and whenever his name was uttered at work (because you were still perfecting the interview and the pictorial for the release) you would quite literally jump in your chair, looking around frantically hoping to see… his face.
But you were only met with Hyeri's amused grin and a huge stack of papers that needed to be skimmed through. As much as you wished to be thankful for the amount of work that should have helped you get your mind off of him, it wasn't effective at all.
You were completely charmed, swayed and you didn't seem to know how to come back to planet Earth and stand with two solid feet on the ground. It wasn't like you were constantly in touch with him - so maybe that was why you were so restless, unfocused and just useless at whatever you did ever since the date in UN Village. Him being so busy just meant that he really was preparing hard for his comeback. And it also meant that he really didn't want to pressure you, for which you were thankful, and you just swooned more, because ugh, what a considerate gentleman.
So after couple of days of just swimming by at work, making sure all the absolutely necessary parts were thoroughly double-checked and handed in, you decided resolutely, that it was time to get yourself back on track. It wasn't okay for you to act this way because of some man. That was what he implied at the date, right? For you to look at him as just a man with a job…
Of course, when you entered office on a Wednesday with a hot cup of strong English tea in your hand at 8am (you needed to get in earlier to get some extra work done), your phone signalled a happy ding! letting you know you received a text message. No hour would be too early for your heart to react so frantically as you looked at the lit up screen to see the notification with the preview of his message before you unlocked your phone, excitement swallowing all your focused thoughts for the day.
Waiter: good morning!! ^^ i guess you are up already?ㅅ please have a good breakfast!! no caffeine on empty stomach!! i am already on the shoot, ㅠㅠ i hope you will make my long day a bit brighter with your reply hehehehe ><!! (8:02am)
A high-pitched giggle bubbled up in your stomach and out into the empty space of the office. You covered your mouth quickly as you read the lines over and over again, literally hearing his excited voice through the exclamation marks. Biting your lip, you sat down onto your office chair and stared just a bit longer before mulling if you should reply right away or wait a bit. It would look desperate if you replied right away, wouldn't it? But if you wouldn't reply right away, he might not have his phone with him anymore and you would have to wait a lot for his reply and also he was relying on you making his day brighte-
Another fit of giggles took over you as you realised that a message from you could make someone else's day much brighter. That someone else being Baekhyun. Who was waiting. Who was expecting a happy ding! of his own. Preferably from you.
Sighing like a love stricken teenage girl, you started typing before deleting. The cycle went on a few times before you finally resolved to just send the message.
Me: Good morning :) my day is much nicer now that heard from you :P  I ate my breakfast but did you eat yours?? I bet you didnt…  hope shoot is fun! (8:10am)
There. It should do for a whi-
It wasn't even few seconds-
Waiter: shoot isnt fun without a certain editor being present…(8:10am)
Waiter: i had my breakfast!! but dieting only allows so much for now ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Waiter: you leaving for work now? (8:11am)
Me: i'm sure the editor you have now is more professional lol
Me: i actually just arrived to work to get something done before others arrive
Waiter: huhuuu alone in the office?
Waiter: you work hard, just as i always knew you were 
Waiter: dont overwork oki?
Waiter: and NO SHE IS NOT MORE PROFESSIONAL she doesnt even smile
Me: you overwork not me
Me: ok ok chill, people not smiling at me is my everyday life, welcome welcome ;)
Waiter: mmmmmm……...
Waiter: ill make up for all the unrequited smiles ^^
You put down your phone for a moment, needing a breather after his last message. No, no, do not by any chance get too attached yet, you chided yourself. But the pain in your cheeks from smiling too much was protesting, letting you feel the taste of the magic that was the man who was eager to talk to you at this hour of the day.
Thinking over what to reply next, another ding rushed in, following other excited ones.
Waiter: ive gotta run, they are calling me now
Waiter: if you feel like it, drop me a msg anytime hihi
Waiter: have a beautiful day
You quickly grabbed your phone, wanting him to see your message before he would face his busy day.
Me: thank you waiter. have a good day
Me: …
Me: I also wouldnt mind you dropping me a message :)
Gosh, you sucked. Texting was not your thing, you were bad at it and just… you felt like your messages were not conveying the real emotions that you were feeling, thinking. Meanwhile he was… wow. Pure passion.
Just before you could finally face the work you planned, you received an email from your editor-in-chief, which you immediately opened in case it would had to be dealt with right away. Only then you noticed it was an official email for your team.
Upcoming Music Awards attendee list, it read.
Your magazine was one of the few that would personally send out writers and photographers to bring its own insight into the various award shows. The magazine had even a special column just for the shows that were happening all over Asia, and your magazine was following its each step.
Quickly skimming through the introductory text she wrote, your eyes finally landed on the list of names of those who would have to attend the show, bringing some good insight into the show itself. 
Excitement was burning in your veins as you spotted Hyeri's name and right after hers came yours. 
Your name was there. You would go to the awards show. It would be your first time...
Another big step in your career!
Days went by, and you were starting to grow impatient about meeting him. It wasn't like you could do anything about it - he was constantly under supervision of his managers, since he was so packed with various schedules, photoshoots, probably even recordings for shows. You wouldn't know, and you definitely wouldn't be asking him about it. The reason was simple. As much as it must have been interesting to be nosy about his artist life, you were much more interested in him as a human.
As a man.
Weirdly enough for you, he kept in touch with you here and there, always reminding you to drink your water and eat good food. He would wake you up with morning texts and always manage to catch you just before pulling the curtains shut, ready for the bed. Was he a mind reader by any chance? You still wondered...
Just as you were thinking this, he was already making himself present by sending you a message.
Waiter: i was wondering where should i take you next?
Waiter: because it is definitely time for the NEXT 
Your heartbeat instantly sped up, hands trembling as you opened his messages. But before he could bombard you more, you already had something in your mind. It was something you thought right after your first date, since you knew the place well you could ensure he wouldn't be caught there.
Me: I have an idea ;)
Waiter: but i am the one calling you ouuuuuuut so I should decide…..
Me: i thought you wanted to make me feel comfortable?
Waiter: yes. that, is true
Me: there might be a slight issue though…
As soon as you saw the read sign next to your message, your phone was ringing, his nickname flashing happily. Hastily, you picked it up, not ready to hear him like this.
“Hey,” he breathed softly, a smile painting his voice. “So… What is this slight issue that would prevent me from seeing you?”
Not trying to give too much attention to your frantic heart at his choice of words, you replied calmly: “Well, you know Asan, right?” He hummed in acknowledgement, sending electric shocks down your spine. “There is this gorgeous place that literally looks like Santorini in Greece.”
He was silent for a moment before responding: “Santorini in Greece?” he asked, slight doubt in his voice. He called your name strictly, but you knew he was being playful with you. “Are you making fun of me?”
You giggled, slapping your hand on your mouth to shut out the shriek you let out. “No! I promise you I know the place very well. And at night there is barely a living soul.”
“Now you have my attention,” he laughed quietly, the sound of it somehow intimate. “So the best time is to go in the night, you say?”
“Yeah. We want you to stay unnoticed, don't we?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, obviously not happy he was making meet ups more difficult because of his status. “Would 10 or 11 be safe you think?”
“Definitely,” you answered, smiling brightly.
“Perfect! Then how about tonight?”
“Yes, tonight,” you confirmed, closing your eyes.
Knowing the way this Korean Santorini was, you dressed in an elegant baby pink dress, the long wavy skirt coming to your knees, the upper part gorgeously hugging all the right places. You rarely wore this dress, not needing anyone's attention on your chest, but tonight, although very shyly, you wanted to finally shine for someone.
What was this weird feeling pooling in your stomach? You felt it before as well, but this time knowing how he really wanted to meet you and spend time with you, this feeling increased and left you in a pleasurable pain that you didn't dare to think too much into. Being ashamed about your mind and your body's reaction to him, you wanted to pretend he wasn't affecting you.
But it was a concrete fact by now.
You both shared a rather strong chemistry and if it weren't for Baekhyun acting up on his feelings, you would never be in this situation.
Checking the clock, you hurriedly checked yourself once more in the mirror before grabbing your white sweater and heading out.
Just like on the first date, his car was the only car alive on the parking lot at this hour. Quickly making your way towards it, you slipped inside swiftly, closed the door and faced him with a bright grin.
A tired pair of eyes was what welcomed you, but his genuine smile still met them.
“Hey,” you breathed, your eyes running over his features.
“Hi,” his smile widened. Just like the first time, he didn't let his eyes drop down to check you out, but this time you realised you were not that happy with it. This time, you wanted him to check you out. And he better have made it obvious to you.
“You look tired,” you commented, concern flashing over your face.
“Oh, no, I'm good! It was a long day, but now that you are finally sitting here I feel much more energised,” he tried, not looking your way as he reached for the GPS, handing it to you before pulling the seat belt over him again. “Type in the address and we shall head down to Asan.”
Your mind was racing with possible options on how to resolve this situation.
Of course, the best would have been to immediately send him home to have the rest he was obviously so deprived of.
But who were you kidding.
You were selfish and sending him away from you was the last thing on your mind.
So the second option was something you were dreading, but what wouldn't you do?
“I think we should just erm, take a taxi or something, and leave your car here. I don't think you should drive like this. It isn't that far, but at this hour in this state it will be difficult.”
He glanced at you briefly, and you saw the wheels turning in his head as he was also brainstorming options. Then he looked at you, calling your name. “Do you have a driving license?”
“Excuse me?”
“Can you drive a car?” he repeated patiently, glint of amusement at your shocked face.
“I can, yes,” you replied, hesitant. This didn't sound good.
“Let's switch then,” he decided, already unbuckling his belt. “You can drive us there, right?”
“What?” you whisper-shouted. “But I can't drive your car! What if I crash it? I wouldn't be able to pay the damage in the next ten years!” you exclaimed, flashes of the possible unfortunate event vivid in your mind.
He chuckled at your outburst before reaching his hand out to mess with your nicely combed hair as he rested his head back on the headrest, giving you an affectionate look. “I trust you, remember? I don't have a problem with you driving my car.”
“We can go elsewhere-”
“Okay, let's switch.”
He laughed loudly, the sound giving you an incredible sense of satisfaction. It was you who made him laugh, brightened his features. It was you who was glistening in the reflection of his eyes.
But he didn't move, not yet. His eyes were trained on you, his head still leaned back on the headrest. “I don't want to give you stress,” sweetheart. He bit his lip.
You shook your head, suddenly determined. “Not at all, Baekhyun.”
His eyes turned into gorgeous half-moons, loving the hue of pink and red kissing your puffed up cheeks from the flush that he was obviously causing you. Slowly, he was getting more and more assured about the effect he had on you, and he wouldn't lie if he said he was starting to like it quite too much given how shy and innocent and cutely professional you were trying to be with him.
“Eerm,” you let out, baffled by his intense stare. But he was still not moving, so you decided to reciprocate the intense stare, the purring of the motor a completely closed out noise by now. If elephants would start falling from the sky, you both would have been oblivious. “Should we… change?” you asked quietly, as you also rested your head on the headrest, your left cheek touching the soft leather of his car.
He also adjusted his face to have a better look at you. “Are you sure you will be alright?” he mimicked your silent voice, but to you it seemed loud in the quiet space.
Not answering right away, you let yourself enjoy his eyes on you, just as you wanted him to. What you couldn't imagine before though, was the softness of his demeanor, tenderness and something- affection? How could you know? You still had to explore him, his facial expressions, his ways of telling you how he was feeling...Licking your lips at the thought, you closed your eyes briefly before opening them. His lips, although ever-so-slightly, lifted. “Yes. You will be right here, guiding me right?”
“Of course! I will be the captain,” he said as he lifted his head from the rest as he leaned in, utterly unable to keep any distance between you two any longer, “and you will be the ship.”
Successfully, you made it to the highway that was leading you outside of Seoul. Not daring to be close to the speed limit, you still drove the car in an acceptable manner, not even daring to blink in case some idiot of a driver would jump in front of you which would lead you crashing Baekhyun's car.
You heard a soft laugh from your right before you saw a hand in your line of vision. It landed on your right one, leaving it there briefly, but still long enough to give you a complete heart-attack. “Relax,” he said, entertained. “The steering wheel didn't do you no wrong. Your knuckles are literally white.”
Knowing yourself all to well, you were about to spill some nasty swear words, because you couldn't drive and do conversation, let alone being touched by fucking Byun Baekhyun. “Okay, okay, I am relaxing just don't-” you stopped abruptly as he retrieved his hand and gave you a quizzical look, “ehm, just, rest, would you? We have a date to attend to after the arrival.”
It was silent for literally one second before he bursted out into a huge fit of laughter, making him wheeze. “God, you're so cute. I didn't know you were this blunt while driving!”
Biting your lip, you felt your face heat up from the points he made about you. “Please,” you sighed, “just don't pay attention to me.”
“Now I kind of want to annoy you, though,” he replied, coughing his laugh away as a mischievous grin was overtaking his features. “Who knows what might I get out of you by the end of this ride?” his flirty tone was taking lead.
“Baekhyun,” you warned, not giving a damn about keeping your image clean and kind.
“Yes?” he asked, his voice like honey. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
Scoffing, but smiling anyway, you looked at the side mirror, about to switch lanes, turning to the direction of Cheonan, Asan. “Am I going in the right way?”
With that he immediately checked, but you knew you were going to the right one, based on the signs that he didn't seem to pay attention to. He checked the GPS that was lying in his lap, before he looked on the road. “You are. Keep going straight.”
Even though you couldn't see him, your peripheral vision was on spot. His seat was pushed more backwards, as yours was pushed towards the steering wheel, since his legs were longer than yours. He was sitting comfortably, his right hand gripping the holder above the window as he was looking ahead on the road, occasionally letting his gaze rest on your side profile before looking back, scared you would catch him staring.
It was silent for a bit, but you didn't want to break it, hoping he would get a peace of mind, and just rest up.
Then you heard it. A tired sigh as you sensed he leaned back on the seat even more. “How was your day? I hope I wasn't too pushy with my request to meet tonight.”
“Not at all,” you breathed, “I was glad you asked.”
Baekhyun smiled to himself as he finally let his eyes close for a moment, enjoying your company and the fact that you were driving his car. So cute as you solely focused on the road, but one of his touches and you were on fire. He licked his lips. “I would have asked way earlier,” he started, making a slight pause, hoping his words wouldn't scare you away, “but I really didn't want to push you.”
Silently, you were dying to hear more of what he had to say, you heart causing you slight problems with focusing on the highway that was, thankfully, almost empty, except buses and trucks.
“Heck, I would have called you out as soon as I brought you home last time.”
To this, you giggled, feeling like on cloud 9 from his confession.
“You're laughing at me?” he cracked one eye open, once again unable to stop himself as he poked the side of your right thigh.
You giggled more before almost losing balance with the car.
He stopped, seeing your face. “Oh, sorry, sorry.”
No, don't be, you thought, now completely on fire. Touch me more.
Just as you told him, Santorini, or also called Blue Crystal Village, was silent, the small streets full of white, traditional Greek houses making you smile right away. If you tried just a little bit, you could easily believe you were actually in Santorini, if only there wouldn't be signs in hangul everywhere.
Finally standing on your shaky legs, you heard Baekhyun lock the car and joining you in front so you could start walking. It was a very, very foreign urge, but once he was next to you, you had the need to take his hand. However, you knew you were nowhere near close to that stage. You still couldn't easily let him slip between your fingers.
“Wow, this place is literally Greece,” he laughed quietly as he looked at your reaction before motioning with his head to start walking.
He had a cap now securely on his head, which was good for a coverup, but you hated the shadow it was throwing on his eyes.
“This used to be my favourite place once,” you told him, “very, very good getaway when you want some quiet time.” You walked in the streets, the fairy lights connected from one house to the other, some displaying hearts, others just big light bulbs. The streets were all lit up prettily, just as you remembered. “In fact, I used to come here whenever something was bothering me.”
“Really? Want to share something more?” he urged, playfully pushing you with his elbow.
And so you talked about your university studies, and various memories that were tied to the streets you were currently walking on. He was such a great listener, although you preferred him when he was speaking. Simply, because you loved his voice, the expressions he made, his body language.
And he was able to show it all to you through that one hour and half that you wandered around, took pictures with the fairly lights and the houses, and eventually sat down at a little convenience store that had a small table and plastic chairs outside. Baekhyun insisted on buying you both a drink - lemonade. You couldn't help but smile fondly at this gesture.
“I don't really like drinking alcohol,” he explained as he sat down opposite you.
Just like that, you got to know him better. You got to realise how deep and serious he could be, a complete opposite of the playful puppy he was on set. Of course, he would always make sure to be flirty, and the electric shocks you got whenever your hands would accidentally touch while walking, would be too painful, borderline unbearable.
It escalated completely when both of you stopped in front of the car. You were ready to drive back, still worried he would be tired.
As he unlocked the car and you opened the door, he suddenly pushed it back, letting it close. You turned, only to be surprised at the proximity of his body.
“Sorry,” he let out a breathy chuckle, “Just… I don't think I can get out of the car and give you a proper bye once we arrive at yours.”
What did he mean by this proper bye?
Your heart fell at the realisation.
Would this be the time where he would tell you he wouldn't be seeing you again?
Before the panic could take over, he continued: “I really enjoyed my time with you tonight. Also, I will be driving back!” he exclaimed with a wide smile.
Confused, you nodded and gave a small smile, ready to turn when he held you by your wrist and gently brought you to him. The action caused your breath to hitch, legs getting shaky at his warm touch. “I just,” he started again, but he shook his head once  before lifting his left hand and held your cheek gently. This was the moment where you could have sworn you would go down on your knees. “You're so beautiful,” he murmured, looking at your lips. And he was leaning in. His breath fanning your right cheek. His wet lips touching your skin, giving you a sweet kiss. You closed your eyes, heaving out a shaky breath. “I like you. Even more now,” he whispered. Slowly pulling away, but not too far, he whispered as he let his hand that was still on your cheek slide towards your hairline, his thumb caressing your skin. “Could you now tell me using your words?”
“Do you like me?” he murmured, his eyes gently smiling at you before his gaze dropped again on your now parted lips. “I need you to confirm it. Out loud.”
Now or never. You might have been already falling too hard, when you spoke: “I like you.”
He leaned in, giving you hopes of receiving your first kiss. But he merely gave a lingering kiss to your other cheek. Baekhyun let his lips hover over your flushed skin as he made his way to your lips, once again lingering there for a brief second, giving you false, painful hopes, before he brought them up to your forehead and finally, pressed them there. “Awesome.”
There. Will. Be. A. Next. Part. (final)
Cause its just too much what I have in mind! I hope I didnt disappoint. Please, let me know what you thought! I love to hear any feedback! 😇
Btw can you guess why is his nickname "waiter"? ^^
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accidentalajumma · 3 years
Seoul is a massive city. It has a population of 10 million. Once you take into account all the satellite cities in the capital area, from which many people commute daily into Seoul, that’s 25 million people. And yet, I feel like my life proceeds along village level lines sometimes. I only ever visit a few areas, and my life is further circumscribed by the fact that I am a foreigner and my friends are mostly foreigners but even so. 
One way or another, it feels like a very small town sometimes.
Example 1: The foreign guy at the CU. CU is a convenience store. It has literally thousands of stores in Seoul - there are 4 within 5 minutes’ walk of my apartment. There is a foreign guy who I see very regularly sitting outside the CU that is actually in my apartment block, enjoying a drink and reading his paper. I see the very same foreign guy very regularly sitting outside the CU that is in the same building as the studio where all my singing activities (such as they are right now) happen. Enjoying a drink and reading his paper there too. I don’t mean he is following me. I don’t think he even knows I exist. He is just doing his thing. From someone I know, I have been told who he is and where he works. I guess the CUs that have seats outside are a bit more limited, and perhaps the one outside my apartment is close-ish to his place of work. Still. 
Example 2: Apartments in Hannam-dong that I have visited. Hannam-dong is a posh area of Seoul. This makes the Ajeosshi laugh - he went to university there when at least parts of it were very much less posh. Anyway, it has long been an ‘international’ area, with plenty of embassies, and is fully posh now - BTS live there. It has more than 20,000 residents. I have visited five people’s apartments there. Two times, the apartments turned out to be in the same building, neither of which had more than about 8 or 10 apartments in it. Once, it turned out to be the very SAME APARTMENT, rented by different people (who don’t know each other) at different times. 5 people’s homes. 3 buildings. 4 different apartments. As OMC said, How Bizarre. (Also, in looking for that link I discovered that OMC’s lead singer Pauly Fuemana died of a rare disease in 2010 at the age of 40. How very sad.)
Example 3: When we first moved here, we lived in a serviced apartment for the first month. I knew nothing about the city and picked rather randomly on price, and a basic centrality, not necessarily thinking we would actually end up living anywhere near there. We then looked for a place to live. And repeated the process a year later. We looked in LOTS of different areas both times. All three apartments we ended up living in have been within 5 minutes’ walk of each other. 
Example 4: Through my singing activities (which don’t happen anywhere near where I live), I have met 3 different people (one local, two foreign) who live either in the building I used to live in, or in buildings right next to where I currently live. I can’t begin to describe the number of buildings in this city. I don’t know that many people....
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smuttymess · 5 years
a simple dinner | 01
pairing: jung hoseok x female reader x jeon jungkook (brief mention)
genre: angst, smut, idol!hobi x jk  
rating: 18+ 
word count: 2,000
warnings: jealousy, degradation, casual sex, public sex, dom!hoseok, explicit language, mf fingering, cum play
about: you knew flirting with men other than your boyfiend, hoseok, came with consequences - but that didn’t stop you from giving jungkook all of your attention at the group’s reunion dinner. after all, consequences doled out by a jealous hoseok can sometimes be good thing.
navigation: part two
Hoseok could barely look at you. His eyes were fixed on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel, clenched around it so tightly that the skin around his knuckles were losing color. The two of you had been sitting in silence ever since you left the restaurant, and the tension was impenetrable.
You were smarter than to push him when he’s so visibly upset, but the silence was insufferable, and you were desperate for even a hint of kindness from your boyfriend. 
“Please forgive me.”
Hoseok stares blankly over the steering wheel, his eyes laser-focused on the road ahead. It was as if you weren’t even there.
You knew you had been flirting too much with Jungkook at dinner. 
This evening was special, a reunion for the members and their guests after their first extended break since debut. Everyone was dressed to the nines: Hoseok in a crisp white button down and a sports jacket, you in your favorite little leather black dress that he had purchased for you while he was shooting in Los Angeles. He always knew exactly how to spoil you, and it turned him on to know he would be tearing it off later on. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you underneath the table as the members recounted the adventures from the break, the wine flowing and the mood high. 
While the boys were always gorgeous, Jungkook looked particularly attractive tonight. He radiated a post-vacation glow that can only come after some time away from a grueling schedule, his skin perfectly sun-kissed after spending some much-needed time in the sun. He wore a white button down that showed the definition of strong biceps, strengthened further by the countless hours at at the gym during his time off. You didn’t think he could get any hotter, yet you never failed to be surprised every time you saw him. Tonight it was almost impossible to peel your eyes away from his body: his biceps flexing as they moved against the confines of his shirt, his strong, gripping hands, his back muscles as they rippled with every subtle movement.
He was also growing out his hair - now past his ears - and it looked fucking good. You noticed each time the lush dark brown locks fell across his face as he laughed at one of Namjoon’s poetic ramblings. His youthful mannerisms were more noticeable as his hair tumbled over his eyes, his hands in constant motion as they repeatedly rushed up to sweep it away, making for a perfect view of his stunning facial features. 
It was hard not to adore is boyish charm alongside the innate sexiness that emanated from him without really trying: how his nose scrunched and lips curved in delight as he enjoyed the night’s meal, his eyes widening as he entertained the group with stories about his time at home. 
You knew Jungkook had a thing for you. Even with a perfectly fine date by his side, you would often catch him staring from across the table, your eyes momentarily locking in a flirtatious stare as you flashed him a teasing smile. He hadn’t yet developed the ability to hide his crush, his cheeks immediately getting flushed and eyes jetting down to his plate. His hands would toy with the silverware, steering his attention to various inanimate objects on the table as he regained composure. It was adorable. 
Things had been this way for years, and you knew it would be so easy (and fun) to fuck this man, but you always kept your distance. However attractive he was, to you he was simply an amusement for you - a welcome, shameless flirtation that did not extend after the night was done. 
Jungkook was fun to play with, but you only had eyes for Hoseok.
If only you could get Hoseok could see it that way.
Hoseok’s stern expression never wavered, even at the sound of your pleading voice. Exasperated, your eyes stare straight ahead into the darkness of the single-lane road, the iridescent lights of the downtown skyscrapers disappearing in the rearview as you moved into the quieter, more exclusive neighborhood of Hannam-dong. 
The sound of the motor revved, ascending up several steep, winding hills, at an extremely rapid speed. After several more agonizing minutes, you finally arrived at Hoseok’s complex, the front gates opening as you move up the final patch of road leading to his apartment building. The door to the garage opened at an agonizingly slow pace, swiftly closing behind you as the car made its way into the dimly lit garage. 
This wasn’t the first time Hoseok got jealous - far from it.  He was the nicest guy, known for his charisma and optimistic nature. But he was also possessive of you - he always has been. He chose you, quickly and feverishly claiming you and sweeping you up into the world. Anything you wanted - clothes, shoes, apartments, trips - were yours so long as you asked. He was the most devoted, caring and generous partner a woman could ask for. 
He asked one small thing in return: complete ownership of you. 
You loved him deeply, but you had always been naturally independent, flirtatious, social butterfly that could not be simply kept. Admittedly, there was a part of you that enjoyed seeing him tense up, in knowing that you weren’t fully his. 
With each passing moment in the speeding car, you grew more and more nervous, yet equally excited, about what consequences tonight’s discretion would bring. 
Pulling into the designated parking spot, Hoseok shut off the car, quieting the engine and but leaving the keys in the ignition. The headlights flickered off, leaving you with only the subdued lights from the garage.
Still looking over the dashboard, Hoseok finally broke the silence.
“You know, you were flirting with Jungkook the entire night.” 
“Hoseok, I -” your face turned to him in an attempt to make the eye contact you’ve been yearning for throughout the ride. 
You immediately paused as you see his lips press together, the intensity of his anger building with every second.
"Acting like a total slut at the restaurant,” he hissed. “Smiling and batting your lashes at Jungkook in of the hyungs, in front of me, like you’re not my fucking girlfriend.”
Your eyes widened at the accusation, though you knew without a doubt that you were guilty as hell.
“I’ve told you before how I feel about that, so I can only imagine that you knew this would get a rise out of me, hmm?” Your right palm began to scale the side of your left arm, your fingertips combing the leather fabric of the dress, desperate for the comfort of physical touch. 
You recognized a familiar warmth building in between your thighs, your arousal growing despite the tension of the moment, or perhaps because of it.
He abruptly turned to you with a stare that instantly made you feel powerless against him. The severity of his gaze pierced right through you, his eyes narrowing and growing darker as they examine your frazzled state. Your lips open with a shortened breath, a faulty attempt to appeal to his softer side. 
You could recognize that you were no longer talking to your boyfriend, Hobi. This was Hoseok: jealous, intimidating, and extremely demanding. 
"My girlfriend is such a little slut. You love to taunt me, don’t you?” His domineering tone combined with the sheer potency of his emotion had you on edge. And he knew it. 
“Knowing how much it pisses me off, knowing you’re going get punished,” he snarls. “Look at you - I bet you’re already wet.”
Before you could even process a next step, Hoseok abruptly opened the driver side door, exiting the car. You can feel your heartbeat racing as your eyes darted around to follow his movements through the dark. He crossed the front of the car to your side, hastily opening your door before leaning in and giving you a menacing stare. He looks especially devilish standing over you, his left arm leaning against the front seat while the other swiftly moves beneath the fabric of your dress.
A short gasp escapes your lips as two fingers move up your inner thigh and swiftly shift the lace of your panties before, landing directly on your throbbing clit. You tense up in response to his touch, his fingers covered in your wetness almost immediately.
“See how well I know your body? How I know just how and where to touch you? Nobody knows it like I do - no one ever will.” He wet his lips before pursing them together in smug delight, your body fully melting into his grip as your eyes reflected your desire.
“Is this what you wanted from Jungkook? Were you thinking of his fingers in your cunt just like this?” 
His eyes never leave yours as his fingers tease you. It is clear that he is attempting to pry a confession from you as you sit there, fully exposed and at his mercy. The hard, cool metal of his rings firmly indented your skin sends noticeable shivers through your body as your head leans back to meet the headrest of the front seat. His right index and middle fingers begins to circle your clit, pressing firmly between your lips and sliding in. You to let out a loud moan as enters you, your eyelids falling shut as you sink into bliss your walls tightening around his fingers as they sink deeper into your warm cunt.
The brief moment of ecstacy is interrupted by Hoseok’s left hand at the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair and forcing your eyes back open to meet his. Though slightly hidden by his honey brown locks and the angular shadows of the garage, his deep stare permeates through you. He is a dom, wanting to see tell you just how much you are enjoying the pleasure he is exacting on you. His voice deepens, immediately commanding control. 
“Don’t you fucking close your eyes while I’m here. You haven’t paid attention to me all night, even as you’re wearing this dress I bought for you. I need you to remember who you belong to.”
You can only whimper obediently a his fingers slip in and out of you, the speed ramping up and causing your walls to clench tighter against his fingers, essentially rendering you speechless. You feel your wetness building, dripping onto his palm as he curves deeper into you, steadily dripping onto the interior of the front seat. He leans in to meet your face, his stare deepening and lips gently touching you as he growls into your ear.
“I need you to understand that what happened tonight cannot continue to happen, do you hear me?” 
You cannot even begin to formulate words as his pace continues to build in ferocity, a tightening deep within you forming in response to the stimulation. His thumb moves up to rub your clit, his fingers continuing to pulse in and out. His left hand comes down to tilt your chin up towards him, his eyes signaling that he demands a response as he brings you closer to your edge.
“Tell me Jungkook could never fuck you like I do.”
At your failure to respond quickly, his movements come to a complete stop - his grip tightening against your chin as stares into you. You buckle against the stillness of his fingers, shaking out of sheer desperation for him to continue to get you off. He smirks at you in your pathetic, anguished state - you will get no mercy for him.
“Speak up, princess. You had plenty to say earlier. No need to be quiet now.”
“J-jungook could never, ever fuck me as good as you do,” you stutter.
A deliciously sinister smile forms on his lips, his feverish pace resuming and bringing you back into the heat of the moment. You look to him, eyes pleading to finally bring you relief. The vengeful gaze he returns, void of any leniency, makes your legs buckle beneath his touch. 
“Tell me who you belong to.”
Your pleasure rests in his hands as he continues to spread you open, increasingly more more aggressive as your breathiness intensified. Swallowing a shallow gulp, you are able to muster the words needed to satisfy him - the words he always wanted to hear from you.
“You, Hoseok. I’m yours.”
You flinch as a smirk forms across his face, his eyes glimmering with innate satisfaction of knowing that in this moment he has you, fully and completely.
“Good girl,” he whispers. “Now, cum all over my fingers. Show me how much you love me.”
The forcefulness of his tone, the depth of his fingers, the coolness of his rings pressed directly against your dripping cunt - it is all too much. You immediately lose control, coming undone in the front seat of this public parking garage. Your moans are loud and feverish, your back arching as the beginnings of your orgasm rages through your body, sending blissful shock waves through the length of your spine. The euphoria consumes you, leaving you all at once breathless, disoriented and hungry for more as his movements slow inside of you.
Before you can process the last few moments, Hoseok quickly removes his fingers from beneath your dress, slipping them into his mouth before planting a kiss on your lips and gently brushing the back of his hand against your cheek. You look at him, entirely disoriented and reeling from this pleasure, entirely unsure of his next move. 
The shadow shifts, darkness covering his face entirely as he leans up out of the car and into the stillness of the parking lot. You can't see his expression, but you can feel him staring down at you with simmering, knowing glare. You watch as his mouth curves up into a smile, his hand slowly extending out to you - the long-awaited act of kindness from the man you love, the man who knows just how to ruin you. 
“Let’s get upstairs. I’m not even close to being done with you.” 
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tims-tams · 4 years
It’s been so long since I’ve written but Hyunji made me do it again ugh.
There’s no title yet and this isn’t technically a fic 😂 but let’s see where it’ll go!
The stories are set about four years from now and are entirely fictional. Unfortunately, I’m not a fortunate teller.
I would love prompts from you guys on what you want to see “reported”!
Shidae Ilbo
Top star Kim Soohyun issued via his agency this morning an official announcement about his upcoming nuptials with fellow labelmate, actress Seo Yeaji.
Shortly after the statement was made, both Kim Soohyun and Seo Yeaji shared heartfelt handwritten letters through social media to seek understanding and thank fans for the love they have received all these years.
Gold Medalist, their agency also released a statement that confirmed the wedding and asked for the public’s continuous warm support towards the artistes.
The wedding will take place on 5th of May.
216HJ406: Oh my god, all these years of waiting!! They are real!!
Opparrrrislove: Wow I thought it was just shipper fans overthinking
Letsgetthis: Their kids would have daebak visuals
JangDongYoon4LYFE: Can Jang Dong-Yoon be their flower boy? ^^
Anon: My husband’s friend’s brother’s sister in law works in the bridal boutique they did their fitting at. She said they were both so gorgeous she thought they were born with lighting effects on them.
Myohmy: “... and will be marrying the woman who completed me.” “... at my lowest and brightest I was thankful that he was there with me all the time.” Both of them wrote such heartwarming letters, even as a non-fan I feel so touched T_T
Kpop444: I heard the wedding will take place in Phuket
User: yeon0506
14.03.2024 02:38
I was visiting my aunt who lived in XXX and when I was heading out of the apartment complex I swear I saw them!! It was close to 10pm and the weather was still chilly but I’m sure it’s them!!
They were both wearing black hoodies and holding hands!! Strolling around the garden facilities. I even heard SYJ laugh!! It was so distinct!!!!
9tailfox: No picture no talk
Camefromthestars: zzz stop making up stories
Hyehye23: omg my friend who lives there say they always take night walks, even before their wedding news got out. They’re always so low profile and discreet too.
Bbnbpppp: I would pay to be the security of that apartment complex :(
GTMYgood: @Hyehye23 can you share the address ^^
User: housepro
01.04.2024 00:49
KSH bought a new unit at Nine One Hannam.
Mymemine: proof?
Straw_berrymilk: wow, isn’t that place super expensive and exclusive??
Samgyupgod: Ooooh new marital home?
Cccyoon: my god, she’s just leeching everything off him huh? Bet she didn’t even pay a single cent
Maimeeka: Guys report that comment!!
Saiko Shinmun
It was recently reported that Kim Soohyun and Seo Yeaji bought a 4-bedroom unit at the exclusive Nine One Hannam.
A realty agency that was involved in the transaction commented that Nine One Hannam’s surroundings were the main draw for this couple.
“[Nine One Hannam] is not only close to the Han River, but it is located in a central area between Gangnam and Gangbuk [South and North of the Han River] and surrounded by an exquisite environment, including the Yongsan Park and Namsan mountain.”
Nine One Hannam is a high-grade apartment complex consisting of 9 buildings and 335 houses ranging from 249 to 334 square meters. Each house will be equipped with its own private elevator and yard.
Other celebs residents in this top end estate include G-Dragon and Bae Yong Joon.
Kpopcorn: Haha KSH is going to be neighbours with GD again after Galleria Foret
Hyunjibaby: I want to be a fly in that house
216x406: Omg I just love all these hyunji news we’re getting now, we no longer need to survive on crumbs!!
HyunjiisENDGAME: ***k yeah! This is the kind of news I want. Hyunji please fill up your new home with babies ASAP.
Benznoop: If anyone ever doubted KSH as the highest paid actor in this country lol
Rightnleft: ahhh another property that I’ll never be able to afford
Mangtaeismangtae: I did some research and omg the floor plan is so luxurious
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
No Words - Interlude iii-
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Pairing: Taehyung x OC
Type: Interlude [Flashback]
Genre: Poly!Idol!AU, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]
Warning: continued mention of the racist situation from the previous interlude. Sexual tension.
A/N - And it all goes to hell with a kiss. 
Words:  2288
Random spin the bottle, truth or dare, and pepper eating moments ran late into the night. Poor Minjae lost Tasha to Namjoon; she was too happy to pick the leader’s brain.
She was happy to put the incident behind her, relishing in a well earned moment with this makeshift family. The older member slowly, but surely, began to make their escapes. Suga bowed out with Namjoon, much to Tasha’s dismay. Although, she did manage to score a kiss right on a dimple before he left. Minjae collected the gooey remnants as Jin stood to leave, Hoseok following behind. The maknae line was full of energy and vigor until Jimin decided he needed some hot water for his aching joints.
He put his hands on her shoulders, wrapping her in a warm embrace. His head rested on the side of hers as he whispered to her. Her hand sat atop his as she nodded softly. Tae managed to keep his jovial demeanor as he saw this out the corner of his eye. She turned a wobbly smile to Jimin as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He clapped the younger members on the shoulders, “Don’t be too long, yeah?”
“Yesss.” The two replied in unison toward the dancer, and he was off. It was getting extremely late. But it had been too long since they’d all been so exuberant like this. Luckily, everyone planned to sleep in for the next day or so.
Everyone began to gather their things, as the shop owner started to shoo them away. Minjae and Tasha were leaning on each other, giggling like teenagers. “Uh, I’ll uh, catch you later!” Tasha waggled her brows before giving her a tight hug. She watched the two of them, fingers interlaced, leave out into the winter night.
“You should ride with us.” Came the sudden vibrato of Tae’s voice.
“Ah, no. It’s fine. I can ride wi-”
“Us.” Jeongguk interrupted again. Her mouth fell open as she tried to figure out something to say. They didn’t look like they were in the mood to go back and forth. She held up her hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine. I suppose I’ll be riding with you then.” One of the TDs laughed as she acquiesced to the troublemakers.
“You’ll learn not to argue with them.” He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. Another PD smirked, “Or run before they get a chance to corner you.” They laughed as they began to file out.
“Hey, this is helpful knowledge to have before this happens!” She half yelled, waving her hand between the two. Everyone laughed because they knew better already. “Aish, these smartasses.” Tae and Gguk smirked at each other, and she just caught it. She raised both hands, and with a flick of the wrist, they both got a slap to the sternum.
“A-ah!?” Tae blinked as he looked ready to curl and hit the floor.
“Ow, ow! So mean!” Gguk turned to rub at his pectoral.
She looked between the two of them with a smirk. “Serves you right, jackass. Be quick if you’re going to be sneaky.” She stuck her tongue out, and with a fluff of her curls, she got the headstart to the van.
“I think I’m in love,” Tae muttered as he pocketed his phone. Jeongguk laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they filed out. Music, fresh air, and a bit more laughter soothe things over. She realized how much alcohol was consumed when they were shrugging out of their coats. They piled, giggling, out of the car and into the dorm. It was just a massive space with the students on one side and the boys on the other.
“Thank you.” They reached the split in the hallway that would take them in different directions. The boys were leaning on each other as she moved away. Their laughter ceased as they turned to look at her. Her fingers clasped as she rocked back on her heels. “For tonight. I..,” She sighed. “..probably would have come back here to mope. Then pretend like I didn’t care about it, as usual.” A curl tucked behind her ear as she smiled at them. “Thank you for changing my mind. You’re right. I’m not a coward.”
The boys looked at her, prepared to brush it off as nothing - then she kissed them. Both. Right on the cheek, so close they could smell the coconut on her skin. She bit her lip as she stepped backward, spinning on a heel with a wave. “G’nyte, boyos.”
It was a full two minutes before they stopped staring in that direction. They turned to look at each other, their mouths agape as they pointed at twin sets of red ears. Embarrassed about their own embarrassment, they covered their ears while turning away from each other.
“We should shower.,” Tae mumbled.
“…yea. Good idea.” Jeongguk replied as he made haste toward their side of the building. Tae turned to follow, his feet dragging into the tiled floor. His hands rubbing against the nape of his neck before he turned on his heel - cursing.
The dorm was actually a complex in Hannam-dong that BigHit purchased. It was an easy way to keep staff, bodyguards, and the boys in one spot. It kept everyone close and in contact should things need to happen before shows and schedules. Everyone had their own apartment to occupy, even though she and Tasha spent a lot of time in each other’s spaces.
She let her keys fall into a basket by the door. Hopping out of her shoes, jewelry, wiggling out of her clothes, and jumping into a fluffy hoodie and sweats in a matter of minutes. The electric kettle started as she pulled a giant mug from the cabinet. A jar of citron tea from the fridge, a bowl of fruit was settled on the counter. She pushed her hair into a lazy puff on the top of her head. She reached for her glasses after taking out her contacts.
She stared at the clear lenses for a moment, the echoes of conversation threatening to eat her good mood. She shoved the lens case in a drawer. A tired reflection in the silver of the kettle had her huffing. A piece of melon popped into her mouth as she filled her cup. She thought about going to sleep, but their thesis projects were coming up. They had the next few days off, so getting a head start was more her style.
Knock, knock
Her head tilted to the door, “Tasha, go to bed!” A laugh as she set the kettle down. “I’ll hear about your escapades in the morn-,” She flung the door open to find Kim Taehyung filling the space. “V? I’m sorry, I thought you were - Uhm, what are you…doing here?” She stopped rambling before asking him the question that mattered the most.
What was he doing here?
“I just..” His arm braced on the frame as his fingers played over his lips. “Can I come in for a second?” She looked hesitant but nodded while stepping aside. “Thank you.” He murmured as he moved inside.
He’d been inside a few of the staff apartments - they looked lived in. While hers? It felt like nothing. It didn’t look like she had tried to make any kind of home out of the place. His brow furrowed as he turned to face her. His gaze traveled from her feet all the way to that ponytail at the top of her head.
“I was making some tea if you’d like?” She offered, moving by him. In her shoes, she was about equal height with most of them. But without? It put her just a hair shorter. “V, I’m fine if that’s what you’re worried about.” A couple spoonfuls of the citron concentrate before a quick slurp tested to her liking. She turned to put the jar in the fridge, turning back as he had the cup lifted to his mouth.
He took a healthy gulp, rolling the liquid before chewing the peel gathered in his mouth. “Mm. Just how I like it.”
“I don’t want your cooties.” She made a face as he handed her mug back to her.
“Cooties? Are you five?” He almost choked laughing.
“I don’t know where your mouth has been!” A soft whine as she reluctantly took a sip from her cup. “What is it you want, anyway? I have studying to do. Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t have t-..” He rounded on her suddenly. Long fingers trailed against the countertop as he moved in front of her. “What are you doing?” The whir of the heater was so loud in that thick silence.
“What I’ve wanted to do for some time now.” The treble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. His fingers danced over hers, causing them both to turn their heads to the sight. His thumb sailed over her fingers, rubbing at the soft skin of her knuckles. Those long fingers wrapped around her wrist, the shock causing the artery to throb as her pulse spiked. He rubbed the skin there as she turned back to him with her brows furrowed.
She pulled her hand, and he held on to it. “Please don’t.” A soft sigh as she kept her head lowered. “I’m nobody here. Plus, I’m years older than you.” A scoff as his thumb ceased its movement. Suddenly, his hold tightened as another long finger tilted her gaze up to his.
Of all the things she thought she’d be experiencing in her life? This wasn’t in the sourcebook. Because this wasn’t anything, she would have fathomed. There was a pink tinge to his skin from the alcohol. But there was absolute clarity in his gaze that had her taking a hesitant step away from him.
“Who are you trying to convince?” Cocky confidence in his voice. He undid everything with that question.
“Listen here, V. I don’t cater to the rumors and backstage shenanigans I’ve heard from others, ok? But I have heard some things. I will not be apart of that rumor mill. Got it?” His features fell as he realized his folly.
Shit. shitshitshit. That’s not what was supposed to happen! That’s not how he meant-? Stunned at her, even considering that’s what he meant?! “Look, I appreciate you extending a hand and all, but -” She removed her arm from his hands while stepping away. “I have a lot of work to do. And it’s almost Christmas time, so I’m sure you guys have planning to do.” Turning on heel to go to the door, he followed. Before she could pull the door open, he closed in on her again.
“V didn’t I just say…” She turned. He put his hands on either side of her head, pinning her back to the door.
“Why are you so scared of getting close to anybody…to us..” He leaned in. “…to me?”
“Because that’s not what I’m here for. And if you haven’t noticed?” She raised a hand to wiggle her fingers, just as long, in front of her face. “It’s not been exactly easy.” A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought about what they walked in on.
They didn’t think they were going to make it dine with the staff. But, with the next few days off? The holidays upcoming? They figured now would be the best time to start having the big dinners before they broke off to visit family. The leads and supervisors, along with BTS, crept in through the back of the place. The conversation was so loud that they had easily gone unnoticed. They were approaching the table when some rather unsavory topics had come up.
They were mortified when the professor wanted to rush toward the table. The head PD, TD, and Namjoon stopped her. They wanted to check for something these situations only let you see. Jimin frowned deeply; Jin sighed softly while shaking his head. Suga let his head fall back as he looked off, a vein in the side of his forehead, throbbing with his anger. Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jeongguk were boiling. Tae had to grab onto Jeongguk’s arm to keep him in place.
And from what they were to understand? That wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Apparently, they tried to go out to a club in Itaewon, only to have the girls harassed and denied entry. This was in the first six months of their arrival. They didn’t want to bring it up or talk about it - choosing to just move on. They chalked it up to only one of many life experiences.
Their classmates, on the other hand, weren’t keen to let it rest. They reported it to their supervisors and their professors. There were some learning curves with this program, and blatant racism wasn’t one of the boxes on that checklist they had. But, it was one they kept watch over.
She didn’t want the pity or the strange atmosphere that speaking on it could bring. So she clammed up, kept quiet, cordial, and separate. It was good to really enjoy the camaraderie of her work family. Maybe she could try to loosen up a bit. But always in the back of her mind, even if she didn’t want it to be there.
It was.
“You’re not a coward.” He vibrated the air, snapping her back to the present.
“No, I’m a realist.” She bit back. “This is against the rules you even being here, V.” She put her hands on his chest to push him away.
He leaned in and kissed her.
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slit-the-rasceta · 5 years
For you, I’ll stay | I : The Hill
written by — @hardskzhours // @slit-the-rasceta
Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Jongno-gu District. January 9, 1996, Tuesday. 22:30 hrs.
“It’s going to be a long night,” she thought, while fixing her desk for the fifth time. There was a haphazard pile of file folders, an unboxed diskette pack, and coffee cup stains all over her table calendar. She quickly reorganizes the file folders, placing them in chronological order, then according to crime. Then, she matches the diskettes (which contain additional data such as interrogation footage) with each pile. Lastly, she makes her way to the pantry to refill her mug with coffee, humming along to a tune that was receiving more airplay recently.
It was an uneventful night, to say the least. As usual, she worked overtime, working on organising the paperwork and records of each case—from instigation to case management. She loved it initially, but now that she’s six months into this new assignment, she could feel herself wearing down with how emotionally, physically and mentally taxing everything is. It wasn’t so much the quantity or frequency of the load, but the content itself.
Seeing death, rape, theft and disappearances on a daily basis was starting to take a toll on her mental health, and even if she learned how to compartmentalize, there was something about seeing all the details that made her sleep less and less these days. The photos of dead bodies or visages of crying relatives would disturb her to no end, and having to type out each case report even if it meant tagging it as a cold case, was something that never really sat well with her.
Her direct senior, the only female Inspector in the agency—the only one who is actually nice, unlike the rest of the police force who talk about her during lunch breaks and agency dinners—tell her that the feeling of being “uninvolved” and “useless” will soon pass. “Besides,” she tells her during one of the rare nights that they’re both doing overtime, “You’ve got potential.”
She sighs, wary of the compliment. “I just… I wish I could be doing more, sunbae.”
“You’ll have your fair share of fieldwork and interrogations, Yuna.” she says, patting the younger girl’s shoulder. “Just keep working well, and the Chief will soon see your potential.”
That last line resonated with her the most. She knew that the Chief was a firm leader—he did routine inspections, called people in his office to ask for status reports and he’d set all sorts of deadlines. But he was also known for being experienced in reading people just with one look.
So the question was, what was his assessment of her?
Did the Chief view her just like how the rest of the agency did—an Assistant Inspector who was only fit for clerical work even if she had graduated at the top of her class? Did he even notice her presence in the building—or was she too conscious of all the judgmental stares thrown her way because she was the first female recruit in a long while?
That was it, she thought, not noticing that her cup had overflowed.
With a sharp curse, she flung her hand away from the scalding beverage, and moved to grab some tissues—her mind thoroughly forgetting the questions that had darted in her mind not a minute ago.
As she dabbled the tissue on her hands and shirt, the police hotline rang, disturbing the silence of the otherwise empty floor. Alarmed at the prospect of a crime or report coming in at this hour, she runs towards the desk of the patrol and public safety unit.
“SMPA, what is your concern?” she asks, voice surprisingly level. When there wasn’t a response, she asks again, this time a notch louder.
“Kidnapping,” the voice cuts through the radio silence, its texture a rich timbre with a raspy undertone. Caught off guard at the mention of a kidnapping, she scrambles for a notepad and a pen. “23:00, 804-1, The Hill, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu. Kim Jiho.” In hastily written script, she takes note of the details, not once interrupting the man on the line.
“Who is this? Where is your intel from?” she finally asks, after she hears mere breathing sounds. “Hello?”
“The victory song is undefeated.” he says, and with a finality that sent shivers down her spine, the line dies.
“Wha—“ she exhales, overwhelmed with the situation. It wasn’t unheard of for random tips to come in the station, that much was true. But a tip at this time? And with that much detail? She was wary enough that there wasn’t any crime traffic recently but this is proving to be the suspicious exception.
Shaking off her doubts, she dials the home number of Inspector Park, the head of the patrol and public safety unit. She knows he’ll definitely give her an earful for calling at such a late hour—and to his house no less, but if what the man said was true, and if her gut was right, someone was after the daughter of the Minister of National Defense.
At the sixth ring, he picks up and greets her with a litany of questions. “Who is this? Do you have any idea what time it is? Whoever you are, you better have a damn good reason for waking me up!” he rattles off, temper flaring.
“This is Lee Yuna, sir.” she says, surprised at how stable her voice was. “Assistant Inspec—“
“Ah, the personal assistant.” his tongue clicks, and even if she didn’t see, she knew he was shaking his head. “What is it? Here to ask help again in records-keeping?”
At that, she presses her mouth in a thin line, stopping herself from giving him a piece of her mind. She knew that they would always find fault in whatever she does but sometimes she wants to just put them in their place and prove herself.
But now wasn’t the time to do that.
“No, sir.” she starts, fisting her hand. “There’s been an emergency call to the patrol and public service hotline. A tip was given about a kidnapping at The Hill—“
“Let me stop you right there.” he expels a deep breath, clearly uninterested with her report. “You do know what the Hill is, right? Or do you not even know where it is?”
“It’s in Yongsan-gu. Where the Ministry of National Defense is.” she says, foregoing the other details and taking the opportunity to transition to the most important part. “Sir, you see, this could actually mean that—“
“This means that there is no kidnapping. I mean, if you’re trying to pull a joke, it’s a terrible one. Hell, there’s hardly any crime in that area!” he gives a dry laugh. “That’s The Hill, it’s an executive residential area, guarded and all that. As you said, National Defense is there and so are diplomats and expats. No one in their right mind would attempt a kidnapping, let alone a break-and-entry.”
“But the caller gave a name, possibly that of the victim. We should send a team, I have the address. I could lead the—“ again, he cuts her off. At this point, a vein was threatening to pop at how unprofessional he was being, but she’d rather not break out into an argument with her direct senior—especially when he was clearly already annoyed at her.
“So this is why you really called, huh?” he chuckles. “Look, no one knows how you got in, or what strings you pulled to pass the Academy, but at the rate you’re going, you’ll never lead a team—much less my team.”  the certainty in his voice washed over her, causing her to remain silent at his blatant jibe. “So go back to whatever you’re doing and don’t even attempt to call me or anyone from the agency to waste their time with your tall tales.” the other line clicks, ending their phone call.
Exasperated, she puts down the receiver with a little too much force than was necessary. “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” she mutters, putting on her coat, muffler and grabbing her car keys.
30 minutes. She’ll have to pray that she makes it. After all, she doesn’t have much time.
804-1, The Hill, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu. The Kim Residence. 23:00 hrs.
The gate to the subdivision alone rendered her speechless. Pure brass balusters and a towering guardhouse greeted her, complete with intimidating security personnel who wasted no time in asking for her identification.
“Assistant Inspector Lee, from the SMPA. We received a tip about criminal activity taking place in the vicinity of this subdivision,” she starts, not giving any specific details. “This won’t take long.” she adds, as a last ditch effort to convince them that she means business.
“Alright,” one of the guards lets her through. As she rolled up her window, she catches a muffled dialogue between the two. “Isn’t she a little too young to be an Inspector? And criminal activity? Talk about absurd.”
Scoffing, she speeds up to the address the caller gave and in a few minutes, pulled up in the driveway of the Kim Residence. But she was too late. There, standing by the facade of the house, was the Minister himself, with blood on his hands and a shell-shocked expression.
“My daughter…” she hears him mutter. From within the house, she hears distant voices screaming for someone to call the police. “Dial the police! Or call the National Defense for all I care! Someone do something!” the voice got louder as she linked it with a face—Kim Jisook, the Minister’s wife. As if seeing the police lights atop her car, both husband and wife felt their knees give way.
She makes haste to catch the both of them before they fall, and as she does, she gets her shirt stained with blood, and scrapes her elbow with the force of their weight. Not minding the sting of the wind blowing by her scraped skin, she pulls out her walkie-talkie, and radios the police patrolling Seoul that night.
“This is Assistant Inspector Lee Yuna, does anyone copy?” she starts, practically shouting. For some reason, she felt an adrenaline rush at the development of events. “Repeat, this is Assistant Inspector Lee Yuna, does anyone copy?”
After a few beats, a voice breaks through the white noise. “This is Inspector Minho, copy. What’s your 10-13?”
“I’ve got a two zero seven.” she says, forgetting that she hadn’t even scouted the area for verification that a kidnapping actually took place. “10-8 at 804-1, The Hill, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu. Send a medic for shock treatment.” she rattles off, surprised at herself for actually being able to focus and act given the situation.
Then again, this was her job. Her first fieldwork—albeit unwarranted and unapproved.
“Copy that, 10-4. I’ll run code. ETA twenty minutes.” he affirms his direct response before ending the dispatch call.
804-1, The Hill, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu. The Kim Residence. 23:20 hrs.
After twenty minutes, two police cars pull up the driveway. One belonged to Inspector Minho, the other was the patrol for back-up. He closes the gap between them in five, quick strides, hands in his coat’s pockets.
“What happened?” he asks, ready for a briefing.
“There’s nothing definitive yet…” she trails off, mentally berating herself for not even scouting the interior to study the scene. “But I’ve spoken to the family.”
“You mean you’ve spoken to the Minister of National Defense.” he supplies, his breath fogging up in front of him. “What did he say?”
“The family heard screaming coming from the garage, and when he came down to check,” hesitant, she clears her throat as a stalling method. “He found her daughter bruised and bloodied, unconscious. According to him, she was forced to inhale ether, and her hands were tied.”
“Attempted kidnapping?” he asks, stealing a glance at the mansion’s façade.
“High chance for it.” she answers, clearing her throat again. “Listen, Inspector, I received a tip in the agency around an hour ago—saying something about a kidnapping taking place at this time, at this exact address.”
He raises his eyebrows, evidently taken aback at this new piece of information. “And?” he asks, expectant.
“And I think this is a set-up.” she declares, sure of something for the first time that night. “Whoever is behind this, wanted us to come, thinking it was a kidnapping when it was an assault and break-and-entry.”
“What are you getting at, Lee?”
“There’s a reason why Ms. Jiho was assaulted and not kidnapped. They’re telling us something.” she says, handing out her notepad which contained the details of the emergency call a while back.
“승전가?” he reads, confusion etched all over his face. “What is this supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know… yet.” fuelled with conviction, she fists her hands at her sides, no longer feeling that sensation of helplessness or uselessness back in the agency when she was working on records-keeping. “But I’ll find out.”
51-7, Gocheog il-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul. Assistant Inspector Lee Yuna’s Residence. 02:00 hrs.
Finally back at her apartment after filing the case and sending off the Minister’s family with words of certainty about exhausting their whole force on the job, she slumps on the sofa, feeling her body become dead weight.
“God…” she sighs, fatigued. “That was a long night.”
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Woah Ive never seen that map before. Do you have any other info on their homes? 😄 not location related, but design, aesthetic etc. I'm so curious about the layout and their styles. I remember there was a walk through on YouTube of JK's supposed apt. The one in the high-rise where Jin had one as well. Someone visited one of the empty apartments in the building to show the layout. Also, about that huge place Hoby posted on his story recently, was that his home? Because damn that boy has an expensive and exquisite style 😍
Well to start off, as I've mentioned nearly all luxury apartments/homes at tend to have the same minimal and clean aesthetic when it comes to interior design, black and white, and natural colours too and everything can be hidden behind cupboards.
Ok so lets go through each member, (remember all of this is in the public domain and realtors/estate agents in S. Korea use YouTube to give video house tours.
So to the members...
Jin: He currently lives in Hannam Hill (RM also had a house here at one point two) and I believe he has two properties. It's the same housing complex as the last group dorm.
Here are a couple of videos, featuring the different styles
1: The BTS Dorm
2: Townhouse style:
3: Alternative apartment:
Suga: He lives in the UN Village, a short drive from the last dorm. He allegedly lives in the same complex as Taeyang (from BigBang), though we don't know for certain, as it's never really been revealed. If it is the same as Taeyang's this is an example:
Hobi: lives in Seoul Forest Trimage complex, in an apartment that was on the same floor as Jungkook's first apartment and supposedly never lived in, this is the supposed style of both Hobi and JK's apartment:
RM & Jimin: RM purchased a property in Hannam Hill in 2019 same as Jin (see above), but has since moved to Nine One complex. Jimin, also purchased a property in Nine One at the same time as RM:
Tae: lives in Apelbaum Apartments since 2018:
JK: has purchased 4 properties, and it seems he's lived in only two of them: the Yongsan City Apartments and one in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam. He also purchased an apartment in Seoul Forest Trimage (See Hobi), and didn't live in, as well as a house in Itaewon that is as far as I'm aware currently being rented by a foriegn company.
Yongsan City Park Park Apartments:
And the example of JK's apartment:
As you can see, the interiors are very minimal, almost a bit clinical.
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