#Harrison osterfield angst
jahayla-parker · 3 months
Can you please do a fic where Harrison protects/saves you? 😊
Habitually Offensive : Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Desc: 3.5k wc, y/n and Harrison are dating, but her ex won’t leave her be, requiring Haz to step in and protect her. Hurt comfort
Warnings: kidnapping, domestic violence (please safely seek help if you’re dealing with this!), injuries, fighting, police, and hospitals
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Harrison paced back and forth with worry. His poor bottom lip was numb from how aggressively he’d been biting at it. He’d not heard back from his girlfriend for a while now. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt something was off about it. He didn’t think her not answering her phone was unrelated to the sudden sound that he’d heard in the background of the call. He’d been on the phone with her as she returned from a night out with friends. They’d been talking for maybe an hour when there was a loud crash and she suddenly stated she needed to go but would call him back. Harrison didn’t have the chance to ask her what the noise was or to ask her to stay on the phone with him before she ended the call. He’d tried to immediately call her back, already having sensed something was off. It was late at night and she lived alone, with no pets… so she would have to have caused the noise in order for it to not be something of concern. However, he’d known her for long enough to know what type of reaction she usually had to knocking something over or having some sort of accident. Hence why his feet were nearly burning marks into the floor from all his pacing.
Harrison tried to call her one more time. Only, after ringing for a while, he got her voicemail box, again. He grit his teeth and stomped over to his front door and hurriedly tore his keychain down from his assigned wall hook.
Harrison was certain he was going to be pulled over and given a ticket on his way over due to the fact he’d never driven that much over the speed limit before. Luckily though that hadn’t happened; he’d made it to his girlfriend’s house in record time without attracting the attention of the police. However, when he got close enough to see the signs that confirmed his earlier suspicions, Harrison supposed that maybe it would’ve been a good idea to the police involved. His racing gaze shifted all around the scene in front of him as he took in the broken glass beside her windowed door, the way her door was partially open, and the muddy shoe print on the cement path leading to the entrance of her home.
Without hesitation, Harrison flung the door open the rest of the way and rushed inside. His head whipped around rapidly as he searched for her. “Y/n?!” He called out as he made his way further into her apartment. His heart had begun to speed up more and more with each passing second he couldn’t find her. However, upon reaching her backdoor and seeing the track of blood that was smeared on the tile, his heart stopped. Harrison had to grip the edge of the hallway table beside him to keep from collapsing. He blinked forcefully and rubbed his eyes to clear away the tears that had begun to form. He needed to focus. He took a deep breath as he felt all his muscles tense as he prepared for whatever was about to come.
Harrison pushed the backdoor outwards as he followed the smeared blood outside. It was evident where she was forced to stand as the blood smear dramatically lessened suddenly. However, he noticed y/n must’ve been limping as there were still small traces for awhile. Luckily the pouring rain tonight hadn’t washed out away yet. Unfortunately, the trail nevertheless ended unexpectedly; leaving Harrison uncertain where to go to find her. He tried to call her phone again in hopes that she had it on her and he’d hear it. Only, he heard it faintly from back towards the house. He sighed and ended the call, his wide eyes scanning her quaint backyard for any sign of where she’d been taken.
Harrison turned on the flashlight on his phone and rotated it around the dark yard. He noticed a black high heel shoe randomly beside her rubbish bin. He was certain she’d intentionally left it behind as its location didn’t make much sense in the sense that it was not located along any clear walking path. He rushed to it and again scanned the area. In doing so, he found her other shoe a few feet away. Then it was her bracelet. By now Harrison had reached the neighbor’s garage. Just as he was about to try to find a way to peak into the garage to see if he needed to break in to get his girl out, he noticed a sparkling item slightly sunken into the disturbed mud puddle by the garage’s door.
Harrison quietly moved closer, not wanting to risk anyone hearing him and knowing he had found them should she be being held here. Yet, when his eyes landed on the necklace he’d gifted y/n for her birthday years ago back when they were just friends, he knew she was here and he knew she’d left these clues in hopes it would help someone find her. She’d never taken that necklace off since the day she got it, she even slept in it. So it was obvious she’d used it as a last resort to draw attention to where she was taken.
Harrison’s breath became erratic as he turned to the door, ready to burst in and get her to safety. His eyes narrowed in preparation as he set his hand on the handle and pulled aggressively. The door budged but didn’t open. He could make out some rustling from the other side of the garage door. “Y/n? Love?” He called out as he began to back up so he could get some momentum to kick the door down. He could hear muffled noise and he frowned. “If you’re near the door, try to back up okay?” He warned. He took a deep breath and ran at the door.
It took an intense amount of force, but Harrison was able to push whatever obstruction was pressed against the other side of the door out of the way enough to wedge himself inside. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the lack of light inside the garage, but when they did, he felt his heart shatter. He shimmied past the wooden table that had been blockading the door and hurriedly sprinted to the other end of the garage where y/n was seated. He saw the tears instantly fall from her eyes and roll down her face, a few stopping as they reached the edge of the duct tape that had been placed over her lips.
Harrison gasped quietly as he cautiously knelt before her, not wanting to scare her with any sudden movements in the dark. “Shhh love, it’s me, it’s Haz,” he reassured, reaching up and gently pulling up the edge of the duct tape. “This might sting a bit, y/n,” he warned, looking at her hesitantly, hating the idea of hurting her even if it was for her sake. When she nodded quickly, he took a deep breath, signaling for her to copy. He then quickly pulled the tape away from her mouth. He gripped her hand as she whimpered lightly as it left her skin. “I’m so sorry honey,” he cooed.
“I’m going to get you out of here,” Harrison promised y/n as he turned his attention to her bound wrists. “Was it him?” He questioned knowingly. As she nodded, he squeezed her hand in support. “He’s not going to get away with this again. But, I need you to tell me, do you know where he is?”
Y/n shook her head and sniffled. She sighed as she watched Harrison try to gently undo the ropes that had been digging into her skin. “He used the…,” she paused and waved her hand around as she found herself unable to find the word for the large rolling garage door that y/ex/n pulled up and slid out under. “I’m,.. sorry,” she mumbled, her swollen bottom lip making her voice sound funny.
Harrison scoffed lightly and shook his head, his soft eyes lifting to meet her gaze. “Don’t be, this isn’t on you, okay?” He frowned when he could tell she wasn’t convinced. “It’s not,” he stated, his voice leaving no room for doubt. “Now, I… I saw… blood,” Harrison muttered fearfully. “I doubt all of that is from your poor lip,” he pointed out, lightly tracing her split lip with his thumb.
Y/n shook her head. “It’s my stomach,” she explained, reluctantly pulling her hands back from Harrison’s other hand in order to show him. Her hand shook with her lingering adrenaline and fear as she pulled up the edge of her shirt to show her boyfriend the injury her ex had caused. “It’s not… too bad”.
Harrison huffed and shook his head. “You don’t need to minimize your pain sweetheart,” he whispered. He spelt brought his hand closer to the bloody gash in her abdomen. “M-May I?” He asked, clearing his throat. Only once y/n gave him her consent did Harrison let his fingers tenderly touch her irritated skin as a deep grimace formed on his face. “He cut you?” He asked as he analyzed the wind to see what type of weapon he’d used against her and how serious the injury was.
“He… he used the glass from when he broke in,” y/n answered timidly.
“We’ll get you patched up,” Harrison vowed, lowering y/n’s rain soaked shirt back down and helping her stand up.
“What?” Y/n questioned quietly as she noticed the look of confusion on Harrison’s face ass s he gazed down at her legs.
“You… your legs are fine?” Harrison asked, eyes looking up to meet hers. “It’s just, it looked like you might’ve been limping or dragging your foot,” he mumbled, head unconsciously tilting in the direction of the blood stains he’d been referencing.
Y/n pursed her lips and nodded lightly. “I thought… I thought it might help… someone ummm… you know..” she muttered.
Harrison nodded and tenderly pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms securely around her as he rubbed her back. “You did great y/n, truly,” he praised, stroking the back of her head lightly. “It did help, as did your shoes, and bracelet, and-“
“My necklace,” y/n murmured as she recalled having to rip it off her neck with one hand as y/ex/n had dragged her into her neighbor’s unoccupied garage. She’d hoped that even if the police didn’t come looking for her that Harrison eventually would and that he’d notice the necklace.
Harrison nodded but felt the deep sigh that left her as she partially deflated in his hold. “‘ey, honey”.
“I broke it, he… I only had one hand… I…” y/n cried.
“Y/n/n, it’s okay, I’m glad you did,” Harrison promised, leaning back to cup her face. “It helped me know you were here, I couldn’t be happier that you broke it,” he added. He pressed a loving kiss to her clammy and dirty forehead. “Let’s get you out of here”.
Harrison positioned y/n by his side, instructing her to keep her right hand pressed to her wound on her stomach while her left held onto him for support. He made his way to the door that he’d entered through slowly as to not make her pain worse. He shoved the wooden table further out of the way so they could fit through easier.
The couple had just stepped outside and into the flood lights of huge garage when Harrison spotted someone approaching. He quickly moved y/n behind him as he tensed. He could tell by the way the person was stalking over that they didn’t want to be loud and cause a scene but it was clear they weren’t pleased; it had to be y/ex/n. “Love, head home and call nine-nine-nine,” Harrison instructed, passing her his cellphone and guiding her to move behind the large rubbish bin beside the garage.
“No, Haz, he-,” y/n whimpered, her voice carrying her worry for her boyfriend.
“I’m fine, please,” Harrison pleaded, turning to send her a look before he moved to step closer to y/ex/n.
Y/n looked between the two men in debate. She didn’t want to leave Harrison. But she also knew she wasn’t going to be much help given the gash in her stomach. Yet at the same time, it was her previous relationship with y/ex/n that lead to this moment; Harrison didn’t need to get caught up in this. She couldn’t make out the words that Harrison and y/ex/n exchanged, her unsteady breathing muffling and sounds around her. She decided to do as Harrison asked and run to safety so she could call for help. The police would be better help than she would be, especially at this point.
Harrison lunged at y/ex/n as he moved towards y/n. “Stay the hell away from her,” he growled, tackling her ex to the ground as soon as he made contact with him. The downpour of rain refused to cease as the two wrested in the mud.
Y/ex/n groaned and kicked at Harrison’s grip as he wormed his way against the muddy ground in an attempt to escape. Not that he needed much effort since Harrison was already leaping up upon having seen y/ex/n had managed to grab y/n’s ankle and trip her on his way down.
Harrison shook with increased anger and fear as he noticed y/n had seemingly hit her head on the fence post as she fell. She was now rubbing her head and appeared dazed. He quickly pulled back y/ex/n’s fingers until he was forced to let go of y/n’s leg. However, Harrison’s shifted focus allowed y/ex/n the chance to get the upper hand. Y/ex/n swiped his leg across the ground, knocking Harrison’s legs out from under him. Harrison shifted his body so as to not fall on y/n on his way down. He quickly gazed over at her to check on her before he pushed himself up just as y/ex/n began trying to punch him.
Harrison had lost count of how many strikes he’d exchanged with y/ex/n before he saw the red and blue lights light up the night sky. He saw the fear in y/ex/n’s eyes when he realized the police had arrived. However, he also picked up on the fact that y/ex/n was now hoping to flee to avoid being arrested. So, Harrison used y/ex/n’s sudden lack of focus to knock him to the ground and promptly dropped himself onto the man, elbow pressed into his stomach forcefully.
As he pinned y/ex/n to the ground, Harrison turned to face y/n, who was now leaning against the fence, her eyes barely open but on nevertheless. He tried to catch his breath, eyes stuck on her as he waited for the police to fully make their way over. The ceaseless rain continued to pour on both of them, beginning to wash away the mud that had coated Harrison’s shirt. However he worried that the intensity of the rainfall was going to make y/n sick. He wanted to get her out of the rain and into the warmth, safety, and comfort of his home. But, he refused to let y/ex/n flee the way he’d done once before. Tonight’s events were the result of his last escape. Harrison wasn’t going to let that happen again.
Once the officers had located the group and assured Harrison that they had a hold of y/ex/n, he leapt up and rushed over to where y/n was being examined by an officer. “Are the medics coming?” He asked the officer who was evaluating y/n as she rested on the ground.
Y/n weakly reached for Harrison, her gaze blurry from the spinning inside her head. Her lips curled into a faint smile as her boyfriend immediately noticed her need and interlaced their hands. She could hear that me was talking, but she wasn’t sure what was being said. She was beyond exhausted and now that she and Harrison were both safe, she felt she could finally rest her eyes.
“I see them,” Harrison said in response to the officer’s comment about how the medical response team was on their way. His heart rate accelerated as he watched her heavy eyes close. “I’m taking her to them,” he stated, not waiting for the officer’s approval. He quickly scooped y/n up from the ground and held her to him as he rushed across both backyards and to the ambulance. “She’s been c-c.. stabbed, and her head- she uhh hit her head, I think she’s got a concussion, and possibly an infection now from the mud given her open wound, and-“ he began rattling off to the nearest medic.
“Alright, sir, sir,” the medic attempted to interrupt. “We understand mate,” he nodded in acknowledgment. “Set her ‘ere,” he advised, moving so Harrison could reach the stretcher.
“Can I… I can go with, right?” Harrison asked, gripping y/n’s hand tightly as he gazed down at her sleeping form.
The medic looked at the officer that had followed Harrison and y/n to the ambulance with uncertainty. He wasn’t sure what had transpired tonight other than that it was a domestic incident. But he wasn’t sure who had been the victim or victims versus perpetrator(s).
“She,” the officer started as he nodded at the woman on the stretcher. “Gave her story to the dispatcher when she called, he’s,” he continued, now nodding towards the man loyally waiting by the woman’s side. “The current boyfriend and she said he was protecting her. We’ll take the other man to a different hospital, he can go with you and her, we’ll send a detective to meet them there,” the officer concluded, moving backwards so the medics could close the ambiance doors and leave.
Y/n groaned at the sharp pain in her head as she peeled her eyes open. The brightness in the room made her want to scream. She felt a tender squeeze against her palm and turned towards the direction of the sensation. Her lips curled up in a sleepy smile as she met her boyfriend’s face. “Hi Haz,” she greeted lovingly.
“Hi sweetheart,” Harrison whispered. “I tried to turn the light down as much as possible,” he explained with a sympathetic frown. “Doctors say you have a bad concussion”.
Y/n hummed in acknowledgment of this information. “And what about-“
“Your stomach is stitched up,” Harrison sighed. “But, they at least made them y/f/c,” he chuckled humorlessly. He squeezed her hand once again, “it’ll take some time to heal, but you’ll be alright”.
Y/n grinned softly and squeezed Harrison’s hand. “I appreciate that information, Harrison, I do,” she commented. “But, I was actually going to ask about-“.
“Oh, right,” Harrison muttered. “He’s been arrested, they have camera footage from your security system and your neighbor’s backyard camera, so while they will likely still want your report, they said it should be an easy conviction.” He huffed. “Said he broke his nose, some ribs, and,” Harrison paused and shook his head. “Doesn’t matter.. it’s not like it’s enough. After all, apparently the doctors said he-“.
Y/n stiffly turned to face Harrison better. She squeezed his hand as his eyes widened with worry over her movements. “Harrison, honey,” she cooed. “I don’t give a damn about him,” she muttered. “I was trying to ask how you are. Have you been looked at?”
Harrison blushed. He shook his head in disbelief and leaned forward, slightly out of his seat as he moved to kiss her forehead very gently. “Yes,” he promised, sitting back down. “They forced me to be evaluated for the case. I didn’t leave your side though, I… I made them do it here, but I did have to sit over there,” he mumbled, pointing to the chair by the counterspace in her hospital room.
“Harrison,” y/n chuckled lightly, squeezing his hand to bring his attention back to her. “That’s okay baby,” she promised, “I’m just glad you came for me”.
“Of course I came for you,” Harrison whispered breathily.
Y/n smiled warmly and squeezed Harrison’s hand again. “What did the doctors say when they evaluated you?” She questioned.
“Nothing to worry about darling,” Harrison answered, brushing some hair from y/n’s face with his hand that wasn’t holding hers.
“I’ll be the one to decide that,” y/n argued knowingly.
Harrison chuckled and shook his head. “Few broken fingers and some bruises, nothing major, promise,” he hummed.
“Good,” y/n sighed in relief. She shifted until she was lying flat against the hospital bed one again. “I know you won’t accept it, but thank you again Harrison, truly,” she whispered, her eyes getting heavy again.
Harrison watched as her blinks began to last longer, her fatigue taking its toll on her again. “I’ll always fight for you my love, you’re safe now, close your eyes and rest,” he encouraged, stroking her cheek with his free hand as he watched her eyelids get heavier. He sighed in peace as he watched her go back to sleep, pleased everything was going to be okay.
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14 notes · View notes
morningbluue · 2 years
wrong choices with happy ends | h.o.
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summary: there’s only a fine line between friendship and love... but you need to become friends first, and for Harrison and you seem this to be the hardest part of all | enemies to lovers + fwb
warnings: bad language, mentions of sex and making out, angst, mentions of alcohol, it’s a rollercoaster 
word count: 4,7k
prompt: “i don't care about everyone else! i care about you, [name]!"
A/N: hi loves <3 long story short, this is a request that i got almost 1 year ago lol, i wrote the first half in like 6 months because i was never happy with it, then i didn’t write at all for a few months and now i finally finished this story in one evening. hope you enjoy <3
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If you had to describe your relationship with Harrison, you would say it’s complicated - really complicated. The two of you have been in the same friend group since high school, but you both never managed to become friends at all. You always had this bad gut feeling about the other, and that’s why you never seemed to enjoy each other’s company. 
Much to the confusion of your friends. Especially Tom. 
But the thing that irritated your friends the most was when Harrison and you started hooking up with each other. The first time was just out of frustration with the other, the second and third time because it was fun, and that’s why you continued doing it. 
However, that did not change your feelings for the other. It’s just a friends with benefits relationship, without being actual friends in the first place. 
But if it works for the both of you, why should you stop? 
“Are you up for another round?” Harrison mumbles into your neck and places a few kisses there. You can feel his smile against your skin.
You shake your head, a smirk growing on your lips. “I can’t,” you reply and grab your shirt to pull it over your head. “I have to do some stuff for college.” 
“Sad.” He lets himself fall back onto the pillow, his arms resting behind his head to give you a nice look at his biceps. 
“You could come with me.” 
Harrison’s eyebrows knit together, and his expression almost looks disgusted. “No, thanks. I’m just gonna stay here.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t want to.” 
You try to not look offended by his carelessness. “You mean, you don’t want to be seen with me.” 
“That’s not true,” he rolls his eyes as if you’re getting on his nerves. “We’re not friends, y/n, so why should I come with you?“
“Right. We’re only sleeping with each other.” 
A sigh leaves his lips, and you can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t know what to do. “We can stop if you don’t want to anymore.” A small smirk crosses his face, “but that would be a shame.” 
You take a deep breath before standing up from the bed, and for a split second you hate yourself for saying your next words. “It’s fine, we don’t have to stop.” 
Turning around to him again, you’re met by his satisfied grin. “See you on Friday?”
You click your bottle against the others, a smile taking over your face as everyone around the table shouts cheers. Taking a sip from your cold beer, you lean back into the seat, and Tom next to you turns his head to send you a gentle smile. 
“Glad you came,” he mumbles and leans closer to you. 
You raise your brows in surprise. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“You’ve been a little busy at the moment,” he smirks and nods his head in Harrison’s direction. The blonde notices your stares and sends a wink your way, which makes you roll your eyes. 
“It’s not what you think,” you scoff at Tom. “I’m still a student that has to study for a lot of exams, you know.”
Tom raises his hands in surrender, a grin growing on his lips again. “I didn’t say anything.” 
“But you were thinking about it!” 
“I wasn’t!” 
You narrow your eyes, but can’t hold back a small smile. “I don’t trust you.” 
He laughs. “That’s a lie.” 
After you finish your third bottle, Tom places a tequila shot in front of you, and you groan. 
“Come on, y/n,” he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close, “I know you want to.” 
You give the brunette a warning glance before you grab the small glass and let your head fall back to drown the liquid in one sip. Shots are your weakness, and you have to stay focused tonight.
“Another one?” Tom asks the second you place the empty glass down on the table again. 
“I hate you!” you laugh. 
Tom talks you into another two rounds before he finally loses his attention to his phone. You turn to him to watch him scrolling through his Instagram page, mindlessly scanning the pictures as you suddenly get a glimpse of the time. 
“Can I stay here for the night?” you ask and lean closer to Tom. 
He looks up from his phone and casually wraps an arm around your waist, smiling widely. “Only if you cuddle with me.” 
“Of course, that’s like the only reason I always stay with you,” you laugh and nudge him with your shoulder. 
Your phone suddenly lights up with a notification, and you grab it off the table in front of you to look at the incoming message.
Harrison: can’t believe you’re still sleeping with him 
You knit your eyebrows together at his attitude, quickly typing a reply. 
You: wtf??
You: I’m not sleeping with him 
Harrison: but you’re sleeping in the same bed 
You: we’ve always done that? what's your problem? 
Harrison: I don’t have a problem 
You: doesn’t sound like it 
You look up from your phone, and Harrison does the same, your gaze meeting each other over the table. You narrow your eyes, staring him down, and Harrison’s blue eyes bore into your soul. Sometimes you don’t understand what everyone is seeing in him. But that’s before you remember that he only has this complicated relationship with you.
Tom thighens his grip on your waist to signal you to look at him, and you finally tear your gaze away from Harrison. Turning your head around to Tom, you’re met by his all too familiar worried eyes. Your mouth falls almost into a sad pout.
“Everything okay?”
You swallow the anger down and try not to look back at Harrison. “Course, Tommy,” you force a smile. “I’m fine.”
Your phone lights up with a new notification, gaining your attention again, and you know exactly what message is awaiting you, much to your disappointment - or maybe not. It’s always the same.
Harrison: bathroom in 5 
Without looking up from your phone, you notice him standing up on the other side of the table and walking away, probably to the bathroom, without saying anything or even looking your way. 
He’s almost too good at this game, and that disturbs you in a weird way.
When you open the door to the bathroom more than five minutes later, you immediately get pulled against a muscular chest. You look up and meet Harrison’s crystal blue eyes as he wraps his arms around your middle. His familiar scent envelops you and for a second you let yourself enjoy it.
“You’re getting on my nerves, y/n,” he mumbles, his lips so close to yours, almost touching, but he doesn’t give you the satisfaction yet. You want to stay focused and win this game, but you can’t hold back a smirk. 
You bite down on your lips and try to look as innocent as possible before he turns you both around and presses your back against the wall, his grip on your waist tightening. “And I love it,” you smile.
“Just don’t exaggerate it,” Harrison whispers in between kisses, “you know I don’t like that.” He pulls you closer, his hands wandering over your upper body, arms, neck, cheeks, until they finally dive into your hair, and you know that you’re not coming out of this bathroom so soon.
You tilt your head and meet his lips for another kiss, your fingers pulling his blonde curls gently, and Harrison sighs into your mouth. You hate him, but you can’t get enough of his kisses and his hands on you. It’s a fact that this here is a mistake, but sometimes you need to do something wrong in life to have some fun.
“Oh, I haven’t really started, Harrison. You don’t know what’s coming.”
Harrison pulls away, smirking. “That sounds like a challenge.”
You’re standing in front of Harrison’s apartment, chewing on some bubble gum and typing a quick reply to a message Tom sent you some minutes ago, while you wait for Harrison to open the door. When he doesn’t answer, you send him a quick text too and knock again. 
When the blonde finally opens the door after some minutes, he doesn’t look too happy to see you - maybe even a bit surprised. But let’s be honest here, he never looks happy when you’re around. 
You push your phone into your pocket and smile. “Hey! I forgot my jacket last time and wanted to ask if you wanna chill a bit when I’m already here? Maybe watch something?” 
Harrison frowns and slowly looks at something over his shoulder. “I’m busy right now. Sorry.” 
Your eyebrows knit together at his words. Harrison doesn’t say sorry. And he’s never too busy for a quick hook-up. So something’s up, and you’re too curious to let it slide. 
“What are you doing?” you ask and try to look behind him with no success. 
Harrison closes the door a little more. “Nothing,” he mumbles, his voice sounding colder towards you than normal. “Why are you even here?”
You stare at him for a second, dumbfounded. “Like I already said, I forgot my jacket. Haven’t you seen my messages?”
“No, I haven’t checked my phone in a while.”
You try to get past him through the door as you suddenly hear a muffled voice out of his apartment, and it’s a woman, with no doubt. For a second, the world stops spinning and all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ear.
“You have company?” you almost scoff and narrow your eyes slightly at the blonde.
His eyes are as cold as ice, and that hurts even more. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t care,” you shrug nonchalantly, even if you’re not.
You roll your eyes. “Good.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment too long, and you could almost cut the tension with a knife. You’ve had your bad moments every here and then, but it has never been as intense as this. 
You search for something in his cold eyes, but it’s as if you’ve never met this person in front of you.
“I should go then,” you say and turn around to walk down the hallway again. But not without shouting something at him with one last death glare. “Hope you have lots of fun with her!”
You haven’t talked to Harrison since… whatever thing that was, and for the first time ever it actually bothers you to not see his annoyingly handsome face. It’s already been three weeks and normally he would have texted you by now to ask you to come over, but nothing. Not even Tom has seen him in the last few days, and that’s weird for Harrison. 
You would be lying if you said that your heart doesn’t hurt when you think about him being with someone else. It’s not like you promised each other anything, but it still hurts your ego to get left like this. Maybe deep down you thought there was a bit more than just hate and sex - maybe a connection. 
No one has ever gotten under your skin like Harrison, and no one has ever made you feel so much anger and hatred. But also no one has made you feel so good about yourself and no one has seen you as strong as he does. Harrison sees you as a young independent woman and not someone you have to protect, like Tom always does. And that’s why you respected Harrison, under all the snappy insults. 
From the start you knew that someone would end here and after all the nights you spent together over the last months, you would have sworn that it wouldn’t be you. You wouldn’t be the one that falls and gets hurt. It’s a risky game and only one person can win it, no matter what it takes.
The next time you see Harrison is at Tom’s birthday party and even if you try to look normal and careless, he does not even once cross your way. You’ve accepted the fact that your little thing ended the moment you walked away and that he and you would never talk about it again, but it annoys the hell out of you that he can’t even look you in the eyes now. 
After a drink or five (Tom made sure you never had an empty glass) you don’t even remember Harrison’s name as you’re starring in the green eyes of a pretty brunette guy. Unlike Harrison he’s charming and kind, and he’s probably not embarrassed to go out with you. 
You’re even too deep in conversation with him to notice Harrison’s stares and burning eyes on your skin. The guy’s touching your waist to pull you a little bit closer, and you smile up at him, not hearing a single word that comes out of his mouth. 
You take a sip from your drink and finally meet Harrison’s gaze. His head turns slightly to the left and you know that he’s staring down the flirty guy in front of you, but you couldn’t care less. You look at Harrison from across the room and feel nothing but disappointment. 
Life works in mysterious ways, but you learned your lesson with the blonde. 
“Do you wanna go somewhere else?” you ask, still looking at Harrison before turning back to the brunette, “it’s too loud and sticky here.”
The guy nods without a second thought. “Sure. Where do you want to go?”
“Your place?” you say, even if you do not actually want to. But maybe a casual one night stand is exactly what you need to get over Harrison.
A lustful smirk appears on his lips, and it reminds you more than anything of Harrison. In that moment you realize you made a mistake. “Let’s go then.”
He wraps an arm around your waist as you’re leaving Tom’s house, and you cuddle yourself into his side to study yourself, trying hard to shake the weird feeling off you, but no matter what, you don’t feel comfortable with him anymore. 
You listen to him talk and continue your conversation, and he doesn’t seem to notice your sudden disinterest. His hand wanders down to your lower back, and normally you would have kissed him right then, but not today. Today it just doesn’t feel right.
And as if he could see your thoughts, you hear his voice. “Y/n!”
An relieved sigh almost leaves your lips as you turn around, but then you see Harrison standing down the street. His face looks soft and sad, and you want nothing more than to kiss his hurt away. 
“Haz?” you look at him with wide eyes, your heart racing in your chest.
He takes a step closer, and so do you.
“Don’t go with him.”
You swallow the lump down. “What?”
Harrison looks at the guy behind you, and you almost forgot that he’s still there. “Please don’t go, y/n.”
You turn around and give the obvious annoyed guy an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. Maybe... we can hang out some other time?” you whisper, but he doesn’t want to hear anything of it. 
“Or not,” Harrison mumbles as the guy turns around and goes back to the house. You bite back a smile. 
When you look at Harrison again, he’s suddenly standing in front of you, not too close, but you can still smell his cologne. “What’s going on, Harrison?” You shake your head, suddenly feeling all the drinks you had tonight.
“I don’t want you to go home with him.”
“Why?” You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for whatever comes next. “Why do you suddenly care?”
Harrison clenches his jaw. “You shouldn't go home with someone you don’t know.”
“I can do whatever I want.”
“Y/n…” he steps closer, “I know you’re not like that.”
You frown and automatically look away to calm yourself down. “You mean, I can’t do what you’re doing? You can go around and fuck everyone, but as soon as I do it, it’s wrong? That’s fucked up, Harrison.”
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t turn this around, y/n.”
“So, what do you mean?” You cross your arms over your chest. “Are you scared that it’ll ruin my image?”
Harrison runs a hand through his hair and looks away for a moment, searching for the right words. “I’m just looking out for you.”
That catches you off guard. “You don’t have to. It’s enough when Tom does that.” You shake your head, suddenly feeling exhausted. “You know what? I always liked you because you didn’t try to protect me from everything. I thought you saw in me more than a little girl that can’t be left alone because something could happen to her.”
“And now you don’t like me anymore?” The corners of his mouth quirk up.
“No,” you spit out, “the little bit of respect I had for you died when you slept with someone else and didn’t talk to me again after that. You couldn’t look me in the eyes the whole evening, Harrison!”
“Why do you care so much about that?” 
You clench your fists, your nails digging into your palm. This has to be a joke. “Because it hurt me, Harrison.” You shake your head, not believing that he doesn’t get it. “I know we never set any rules, but that’s just a fucked up thing to do.”
Punching your fists against his chest, you immediately feel the tears spilling from your eyes. “I don’t understand why you care so much about your reputation and your status and every fucking other thing, but not the people that care for you!”
“I don’t give a fuck about my status. I don't care about everyone else! I care about you, y/n!” he suddenly shouts and makes a wild gesture with his hands. “I care about you!”
You roll your eyes, tears running down your cheeks. “Then why the fuck did you sleep with someone else?”
Harrison takes a step away from you as if he suddenly can’t bear to be so close to you. His piercing blue eyes flickering around the empty street, looking everywhere but at you. 
“Because I can’t have you.”
For a few seconds, it feels like all the air got punched out of your lungs and there’s only one thought jumping around in your head at full speed. Because I can’t have you. Because. I. Can’t. Have. You.
Almost an eternity pass before you can react. You open and close your mouth a hundred times, only staring at the blonde with wide eyes. “I- what?” you whisper, your brain still not ready to form a sentence. You place your hand on your forehead, feeling an headache built. This cannot be real.
“I never-” Harrison starts, but can’t bring himself to continue. “Y/n, please. Please let me explain.” 
You raise your hand to stop him before it gets too much. The next words cost you all the strength you have left in yourself. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this right now.”
Now he’s the speechless one. “Okay, it’s fine,” he mumbles, but the sad expression never leaves his face. “We can talk tomorrow. If you want.”
“I- I think I need more than tomorrow.” 
You notice the way his left hand lifts a little, as if he’s thinking about touching you, getting closer again. But he never does. 
“Sure. Text me when you’re ready.” He pushes his hands into his jacket, his gaze lingering a moment longer on your face. “I’ll tell Tom to bring you home.”
“Thank you, Harrison.” 
You needed more than two days, in fact, you needed two whole weeks to be finally ready to talk to Harrison. You feel like you are swapped into another universe, because you sure as hell wouldn’t be talking about feelings with Harrison in this universe. 
You had much time to think about everything in the past weeks, and you realized that it hasn’t always been like this with Harrison. Sure, you haven’t been friends, but you didn’t hate each other either. You remember meeting Harrison some time after Tom and his other friends, and you were actually excited to meet him. 
Tom and you met each other in the school library and haven’t been separated since then. All of Tom’s friends were nice and kind enough to bring you into their friend group. Harrison however wasn’t as happy to see you sitting at lunch with his friends - and next to his best friend Tom. The whole atmosphere changed when you first locked eyes with the blonde.
But, after spending some time at lunch and in the library together, Harrison slowly accepted you, much to your surprise. You did get along for some time, even if you talked not more than two sentences in a week and sat as far away as possible from the other. 
There wasn’t a specific reason why you didn’t become friends, it just seemed like it wouldn’t work. You had too different opinions and interests, while also being the same person characterful. Harrison became the popular boy at school that every girl had a crush on, and you became the popular girl that didn’t want him. In a way, you both despised the other for doing the same thing - you despised Harrison for breaking girls’ hearts, and he despised you for wrapping his friends around your finger. 
You made it your mission to show Harrison as much as you could that he was just a player and you would never ever end with someone like him. While Harrison’s goal was to show you how big you were missing out. 
You overstepped the line more than once with your teasing, and you know what they say about that - the people who tease each other, love each other.
Knocking on Harrison’s apartment door, you can feel your fast beating heart in your throat. You run a hand through your hair, trying to stop you from running away. It’s now or never. 
Harrison opens the door a few seconds later, and as soon as his gaze lands on you, his eyes light up. 
“Hi Haz,” you whisper. 
You rub your sweaty palms against your jeans. This is worse than a first date with someone you always had a crush on.
“I wanted to talk. Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Harrison opens the door wider to let you in.
You walk past him, quickly looking around. “You sure that no one else is here again?” you try to joke, turning around to meet Harrison with a smile.
“Send her home before you got here,” he replies, without letting the seriousness on his face wash away. 
You press your lips together. “Alright.”
The corners of his mouth turn up. “Joking. Sorry.”
Turning around again, you ignore him. “Where should we talk?”
“Wherever you want. Make yourself feel at home,” he mumbles from behind you.
You sit down on the sofa, tugging your legs together. Even after all the tense moments you shared, it has never been this awkward. The last time you’ve sat right here was when you made out while watching a movie. Your gaze wanders to Harrison, and you know he’s thinking the same. 
“I just-” you both say at the same time, making you smile. You make a hand gesture to mention for him to speak first.
“First of all, I never actually hated you, y/n,” he explains and stares right into your eyes. You raise your eyebrows, but he doesn’t give you time to say something. 
“I was amazed by you when we first met, I was gone for one week and when I came back to school, there was a total stranger sitting at our table and laughing with my friends as if you’ve known them for ages. It wasn’t like everyone could come into our group and be friends with us.” 
A smile takes over your face. That’s the first and only compliment he has ever given you.
He returns the smile for a moment. “And maybe I was a little jealous because-”
“-Because I stole your best friend.”
Harrison grins. “No, because he spent so much time with you and I wanted to do the same.”
“But you did not like me at some point, I saw it in your cold blue eyes,” you say, pointing at his face, and he lets out a loud laugh. 
He grabs your hand to hold it, and you let him. “That’s true. At one point in our… complicated relationship, I did in fact not like you.”
“And why?” 
For a moment he hesitates. “Because it felt like you could wrap everyone around your finger with just one smile. I saw you leaving parties or whatever with some of Tom’s friends or colleagues and I never said anything to anyone, but whenever I left with someone, I know that the others talked shit about it and I know you did say a few things too.” He sighs, looking apologizing. “That just didn’t sit right with me, so I made some comments to Tom about it and of course-”
“- he gave you a lecture,” you finish. 
“Yes. I know it was a dumb reason, but every time I saw you leaving with someone after that, I grew more and more pissed, and at one point it got too much.” 
You press your lips together. “I’m sorry for talking shit behind your back. I know it wasn’t right to judge you for something I did too.” You squeeze his hand, a grin forming on your lips, “even if you did it a looot more than me.”
“And you slept in Tom’s bed like every weekend.”
Your grin grows wider. “So you were jealous.”
“I already said that, y/n.”
“I know, I just wanted to hear it again,” you smirk.
He shakes his head, smiling slightly. “I’m sorry for all the shit I did in High school. You know, all that I’m trying to make you jealous stuff.” 
You frown. “It’s alright, you know I tried to do the same.”
“Even if you always said you would never fall for me,” he smirks, “and look at us now.” 
“You’re an idiot,” you nudge him with your knee, and Harrison pulls you a bit closer. “You never made a move.” 
Raising his brows, he runs a hand through his small locks. “I couldn’t. And I thought you didn’t want me to make a move.”
“Did Tom forbid it?”
“No. Never,” he blinks in surprise. “He wouldn’t do that.” 
A small smile crosses his lips. “He was actually our biggest supporter after we started hooking up. He was all like, Thank me at your wedding for bringing you together. And so on. You know him.”
That makes you smile. “That sounds like him.”
“So, y/n, do you like me?” he asks without hesitation.
A surprised laugh leaves your lips. “What question is that?” 
“Just answer it.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “No, I don’t like you,” you answer with all seriousness. 
He leans over to you and smiles, his eyes wandering over your face until they stop at your eyes again. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” you scoff, but can’t hold back a small smile either. 
His shy smile turns into a lopsided smirk as he leans even closer to you, his arm wrapping around your waist. Your body relaxes under his touch.
You turn your gaze away, rolling your eyes. “I don’t have any feelings for you, Harrison,” you mumble. 
“I don’t believe that.” 
You meet his burning eyes again. Leaning forward a bit, you tilt your head up to meet his lips for a small kiss. “See? No feelings. Nothing,” you smile proudly and try to turn away again. 
But Harrison still doesn’t buy your bluff and continues to look at you with his beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile, and it’s almost too hard to stay away. 
It doesn’t take long for your eyes to find his blue ones, and you can’t resist the urge to feel his lips on yours again. You both lean forward and your lips touch in the middle as if it’s the righteous thing in the world. You’ve been wrong a lot of times in your life, but this - this kiss right now - has never felt more right.
“You like me,” he grins widely against your mouth.
You kiss him again. “And you like me.”
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noellie-writes217 · 8 months
Unemployed and Uneducated
Summary: Peter is desperate for a job after months of living on his own
Warnings: none really, just a few mentions of loneliness and a lost relative
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“Peter Parker?” A woman from the unemployment office calls into an overall dejected lobby. Peter looks up from holding his head in his hands as his knee bounces anxiously.
The same few thoughts flood his brain:
* I’m pathetic
* I can’t do this much longer
* I can’t do anything
* I need help
- Who the hell could I ask?
- I’m fucking alone!
- I couldn’t save May, who else can’t I save?
* I am so fucked in the head
- Lost everyone
1. First my parents
2. Ben
3. Tony
4. May
5. Everyone else, including my best friend, my doppelgängers, and of course, the love of my life
Man this shit is gonna give me a complex
* I am so depressed
- I should get medication
- I can’t afford medication
- That’s why I’m at a fucking unemployment agency
* And I’m back to being pathetic
“Here,” Peter pushes away all of those invasive thoughts for the next fifteen minutes in that woman’s office. She types his name into her computer and pushes her glasses up, as if that will change the astonishing lack of… anything.
Peter sits there, awkwardly, eyes darting around the room as if he has no clue about what she’s seeing— not seeing on that screen.
“I’m sorry,” she starts, “I think we’ll just have to “build your resume on print.” The red haired middle aged—Gina, Peter reads the name on the plaque on her desk— grabs a pen and some paper.
“So where did you graduate?”
“Oh, I uh… I had to, uh… dropout…?”
Gina nods and writes something down on the paper. She kinda reminds Peter of a glorified guidance counselor… but maybe a little meaner. “Look Peter, I’m not gonna lie to you, this isn’t looking good for you. Without a GED and a diploma shits gonna get real difficult. I seriously recommend you getting that GED. I can’t give you some entry level jobs to start until you get that degree.”
Now it’s Peter’s turn to nod.
“So tell me about what you like to do.”
‘Apparently, I like to self sabotage a lot.’ He filters himself so he doesn’t projectile word-vomit all over this stranger’s office.
“I wanted to be an engineer. I had my sights set on MIT before I had to drop out.”
Trying to think of a time before a traumatic event is extremely difficult. A victim of rape can be triggered by something that once was innocent, like a lemonade stand; a son who used to be pushed by his father on the football field might not be able to play football ever again after they stop talking to their father; a victim of domestic violence might not be able to respond to sudden movements from their partners the same way. And for all of those people, looking back on their memories before the abuse might be difficult to do with a totally unbiased opinion.
Something’s you never forget, like the way Aunt May felt in Peter’s arms just before she died. Or the words she spoke in those final moments, the same words his uncle Ben said when he died.
‘Nothing will ever be the same.’
Peter can’t afford flowers for May’s grave, but he still visits her grave three times a week on average, no less than two in that span.
And that’s where he is right now. Sitting across from her grave stone with his journal between the hedge and him.
“So I’m still looking for a job, and I haven’t really had time to make friends, but it’ll get better soon…” as soon as he feels a tear fall down his right cheek, he sniffles, blinks. And uses his sleeve to wipe it all away.
“Good God, May. Why didn’t you tell me it’d be so hard to make it on my own?” He chuckled somberly, the same way anyone would when they were trying to hide their emotions.
“I don’t want to keep going.” He cries. “I don’t know if I can.”
“You can.” A familiar, yet unfamiliar voice says from behind him. “She’d want you to.”
It’s Happy.
Peter closes the journal and stands up as fast as possible for him.
“Sorry,” Happy starts, “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”
Peter hides his face and can’t even bring himself to self to glance at Happy even by accident, “No no, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. I should probably leave anyways.” He starts to step away but Happy takes hold of his jacket sleeve.
“Wait, let me take you to get something to eat,” He smiles, “please. My treat.
Tom takes a moment to consider the offer. The most surprising thing about his moment of hesitation is the fact that he thought about saying no.
“Why would you want to take a stranger out to eat?” He asks.
“I don’t know. You just remind me of someone that I can’t quite place.”
Peter smiles with a glint of hope in his eyes.
— — —
“So,” Happy starts as Peter munches on his cheeseburger, “what’s a young kid like you doing visiting someone’s grave instead of going to school?”
Peter puts down the burger, “I had to drop out actually.” Happy leans back on the booth bench.
“It’s not drugs or anything,” Peter reassures the older man, “I just don’t have the money for anything and I need to earn money for rent.”
“So was May helping you with that before she died?” Happy asks.
Peter debates being forthcoming about his past, but decides against it because he doesn’t have the strength anymore. He lost that at the Statue of Liberty.
“Yeah. My parents died and she always managed to find someway to help me.” Peter smiled.
“I was her boyfriend,” Happy begins, “she never mentioned you. Peter, are you hiding something?” Peter gets a l little nervous.
“I went to the soup kitchen after school. She helped so many that she probably had no idea the effect she had on me.” He covers his ass.
Happy is still suspicious but doesn’t push. “Well, Peter, you seem like a good kid. I’m sure everything will work out eventually.”
“Thank you, Mr. Hogan.”
“So where’s the first place on your list?” He asks.
“You said you’re looking for a job, tell me where you’re looking and I can give you a ride.”
“Stormy’s Autobody.”
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rxreid · 2 years
rory’s christmas event!
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spanning from november 1st - december 25th, i’ll be writing fics, blurbs, and matchups for ANY of the characters listed under the cut!
here are some quick codes you can use in your request to save time:
blurb: 🧸
fic: 🍃
matchup: 🍒
blurb or fic/don’t mind: 🧋
i write: angst, smut & fluff!
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you can send in as many requests as you’d like (though if you spam many at a time, please don’t expect them all to be out at once!) for any options. blurbs will take the shortest amount of time to create, so i’ll be answering way more of those than anything else. matchups won’t be top priority, but i’ll still answer as many as i can! full fics, however, will be a top priority - but in a smaller quantity, due to the amount of time it takes me to write a full one i am happy with.
feel free to select some prompts from here, here, here, or here - but don’t feel obliged to!
as previously stated, the event won’t start until november 1st, but feel free to start sending in requests whenever!
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titled in red = NOT available for matchups
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- spencer reid
- aaron hotchner
- emily prentiss
- derek morgan
- steve harrington
- eddie munson
- nancy wheeler
- robin buckley
- tate langdon (no NSFW)
- kit walker
- kyle spencer (no NSFW)
- misty day
- cordelia foxx
- jimmy darling
- dandy mott
- james patrick march
- rory monohan
- kai anderson
- wolverine
- deadpool
- peter maximoff
- pietro maximoff
- bucky barnes
- steve rogers
- natasha romanoff
- yelena belova
- tom holland
- chris evans
- sebastian stan
- harrison osterfield
when requesting a matchup please specify gender preference & media preference. if you do not specify media, i will not answer. if you do not specify gender, i will assume you do not mind.
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websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: The reader is a knight and has fought to earn her place amongst the other men, plus the reader’s father was one of the greatest knights in the kingdom. And she trains harder than any of the other knights. 
WARNING(S): Fluff, some angst I guess
PAIRING: Prince!Harrison Osterfield x Knight!fem!Reader 
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! This is an old repost. Feedback is always welcomed!
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There had been a time where a little girl dreamed of living in riches and dressed properly in the finest gowns made by the best seamstresses. That dream brought her hope and fascination. Royalty was something she wanted for her family more than her own desires. Her family didn’t have the best money, but they did have something going for them. Her father served as a knight for the Osterfield’s, a royally rich family who repaid the Y/L/N’s back for allowing her father to guard the royal family.
As her father trained and fought when Y/n was barely a small child, he often brought her along and let her explore the parts of the castle where he built up his strength with the rest of the men who served. Y/n would wander around carefully avoiding swords that clashed together and sharp knives being thrown at their target. She’d go down a long corridor where it would lead her to the stables. This had to be her favorite place to go. Especially after her meeting with the king and queen’s son. Harrison.
Harrison and she hit it off quite nicely after he offered her an apple after having fallen down from trying to climb on top of one of the horses. Just a scrape on the knee and a juicy red apple to calm her cries. The two were only eight and nine at the time. By now Harrison was learning the ways of ruling an entire kingdom all on his own, for now at least, since he was to be betrothed to a princess on his twenty-first birthday. Yet you knew better where your priorities stood. And that was to serve and guard your majesties and fight in any war that could harm the royal family and its kingdom.
Having a place amongst the other knights was an honor. Serving and protecting your king and queen was basically giving up your life for theirs, but it was a sacrifice you were willing to do for your kingdom and for your father. After having won in a chaotic war, to which your father prepared his entire life for, nothing could have prepared him for his beloved wife to fall ill. This was shortly after your twelfth birthday.
A common sickness that your mother had held. The doctors said there was nothing that could be done other than being by her side during her last few hours. It brought you despair and utter depression to watch her go. Her eyes slowly closed. It replayed in your head over and over, until it became a nightmare you would wake up from.
Her dying changed some part within you that it made you hate any higher end for taking her so soon. It made you angry, it made you do the one thing that your father never wanted you to become. But alas, there was nothing he could do to prevent you from being a noble knight like he was. He forbade you, but he knew better than to think you would actually listen to him, and to what he had to oppose.
He hadn’t let you touch a bloody sword until you turned sixteen. Then that’s when your training began. A lot of the younger boys who were about your age considered you a dainty girl who could break under a simple beating. They made fun of you, but what would they know, you were a girl, so what, it’s not like they’ve haven’t seen a girl before. You were a girl who had something to prove, not just to the boys who laughed and mocked you or even your father, but to the girl’s who didn’t believe they could be above a man.
It was not easy at first, the guys definitely did not go soft on you, which you were grateful for, but it did hurt nonetheless every time they pinned you under them. You could not put your finger on the number of cuts and bruises you received from them. 
The groans you let out as one of the boys you would be paired up with, Philipp, had always managed to get a tight hold on your wrist. Pinning them above your head with a stupid smirk plastered on his lips.
“Sure you got the hang of it there, sweetheart?” Philipp would taunt you. He was never one who liked to be beaten, so as long as he had a girl, you, underneath him. All the guys saw him as an equal.
“Get off me.” You’d grunt as he always felt the need to apply pressure to a bruised area on your body.
“If we were not training, I would like this position a tad more, don’t ya think so?” Phillip was rather straightforward when he wanted to be, but when he spoke what was on his mind, it usually wasn’t quite appropriate.
“I said get off!”
“Make me then.”
“Phillip, I believe the lady asked you to let her go.” His voice brought chills down your spine as you noticed how quiet the training area got.
It was almost an everyday thing where the prince himself got you out of situations where you needed help. You never asked for his service or the constant saving. You were a knight, and a knight played the hero, not the damsel in distress. Stressed out you were at times, but a damsel, certainly not, and never would be.
“You did not have to do that.” You protested.
“You did not have to become a knight either, but here we are. Besides, Phillip was being an arse.” Harrison’s expression gave it all away, he was angry.
“And he will keep being an arse if you do not quit helping me. I am not…” You paused. “a damsel who needs saving, Harrison.” You clenched your jaw and let a few teardrops fall. Your face hardened. You had grown tired of the constant pleading and arguing. You did not have the time to put up with him.
“You are not a knight yet, Y/n, so I’ll keep being your knight in shining armor until then.” Those would be his final words every time you confronted him about the way he saw you, the way he treated you. As if you were a delicate flower, so precious, so dainty that even the slightest crush or touch from a hand would somehow cause you harm. You would lose a petal and begin to fade. You were not going to have none of it though. 
It was a regular evening at the castle. Some of the knights were standing guard, keeping a close eye for an intruder. The king and queen and their youngest, Princess Charlotte, were all tucked away in their chambers fast asleep getting a good night’s rest. The prince, however, was very wide awake, and couldn’t get the tiniest bit of shut-eye. Staring at the dark ceiling tucked underneath the sheets, he couldn’t help but feel the need to get out of bed. Not having the slightest idea of what he would find, Harrison slipped on his breeches and a shirt. He left his shirt untied, letting the thin black strings hang loosely on his chest. He slipped on his boots and left his chamber.
The corridors were slightly dimmed by the burning torches up against the walls, it wasn’t completely dark, but not dark enough where he couldn’t see.
Walking past pillars he was all too familiar with, he soon realized he was coming close to the training area. A glimmer of light illuminating the entryway of the double doors. One door was ajar, however.
He got closer and then finally heard heavy grunts and puffs and the sound of the targets getting hit. He stepped forward glancing inside to see who had the nerve to be up this late at night.
He wasn’t sure who it could be, the curiosity got the better of him and he leaned his body weight against the door frame, getting a clear view of the person.
And lo and behold, there you were facing the knives you just threw perfectly alongside the arrows you arched just minutes early.
You were quite out of breath, and the beads of sweat on your face and neck lingered. Some of it could still be seen right down the cleavage area on the top of your breast. Even in this state, Harrison could not help but admire you more.
You ran the back of your sleeve against your forehead. Taking a deep breath before grabbing a hold of your crossbow, pulling it upwards to aim.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Harrison announced his presence inside the room making you quickly turn around at the sound of his voice.
Harrison stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
“As opposed to your bedtime?” You quipped back at him.
“I am the prince I can do as I please.” He rolled his eyes as he took long strides towards you. 
“And I am a knight, I can train as I please.” You turned your back to him. “Preferably alone that is.” You said over your shoulder.
“Ah yes.” He nodded playing along. “Will you see lady Y/n.” He smirked knowing how much you dislike being called lady. “You certainly can train, but you wouldn’t be much use if you keep overworking yourself now would you?” He hovered over you, standing closely behind you. The touch of his fingers sweeping your hair to one side was too good to be true. 
“I am not overworking myself.” Your chest rose and then fell from short of breath.
“Your sweating love.” Harrison walked around to face you fully. His hand rose to brush a few strands of your hair out of your face.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “That is what happens when someone works very hard.” 
“Why do you need to work harder?” He looked at you confused. “I am still hoping to prove my worth.” You shrugged.
“Worth? You most certainly have proven the strength you contain and your capability of pinning even the strongest man there is. What more could you possibly have to prove?!” He shook his head in disbelief.
You stared at him for a brief moment before shaking your head and retrieved your two swords. Of course, Harrison would be clueless to what you needed to prove. Too busy trying to be king, he forgot the one thing you disliked him doing. If he couldn’t figure it out for himself then you were going to have to do it yourself.
“Y/n?” He furrowed his brows as he watched you throw your swords and catch them by the blades.
“What do you think you are doing?” He stepped back as you took a step towards him.
“Proving myself.” You let a deep breath out before lunging yourself at him.
Harrison reacted rather quickly, dodging the arm you swung towards his head. Once he stood tall again he stared at you wide-eyed.
“Are you mad?”
“Fight me!” You swung your swords again.
“What? No, Y/n stop this!” Harrison kept dodging your swings. He was ducking and backing away from your approaches. He was getting really tired of trying to get away from you, so he did what he could do. Right as you took another swing at him he crouched and spun kicking your leg outwards. The contact made you fall on your back with a grunt.
Harrison acted quickly and straddled your hips to get you to stop moving. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and pinned them above your head.
“Will. You. Stop!” He groaned as you continued to squirm underneath him.
“Get off me!” You growled.
“No.” He narrowed his eyes on you. “I did not wake up to fight you.” 
“Then why are you even here?”
“I was concerned about you.” His eyes softened a bit.
“I’m fine.” You huffed as you felt defeated by his hold.
“I do not believe you.” He stared down at you with those blue eyes of his.
“Get off.” You muttered quietly.
“Not until you tell me why you felt the need to fight with me.” He shook his head. You continued to squirm around more until you finally caved in. “You see me as weak.” You frowned.
“What are you talking about?”
“I am talking about you treating me as if I am still a damsel in distress. It has been a very long time and to this day you keep doing things that make me look dainty.” You admitted. 
“What things?” He questioned.
“Well for starters this!” You motioned to how you and he were laying on the floor.
“Oh.” He quickly released your wrists. “I didn’t know that bothered you.” He dusted the dirt off him before offering his hand to you. You took it, either way, then got up to your feet. 
“It does.” You wiped off the dirt on your worn out dress.
“Why is it so important to you that I see you as anything but dainty?” He came closer to you. 
“I have tried my hardest to prove to your mother and father and the other men that I can be just as strong and capable of going into battle, but even if I am working harder, it seems like the only person I can’t seem to prove that too, is you.”
“I know you are strong Y/n.” He smiled to himself a little.
“If you know I am, then why do you constantly keep trying to get me out of harm’s way? You keep trying to prevent me from being a knight. Why is that Harrison?” 
“For that exact reason, love. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“It is a little too late for that now.” You scoffed softly. “That’s no reason though, why do you hate the idea of me being a knight?”
“Ever since I met you, you have shown me how tough you really are. There is no denying that, but ever since your father came back from war injured, you haven’t stopped thinking of being a knight. You were never told to become one, you just did. You have never told me why you wanted to be one, it has always been a mystery to me. And as much as I don’t like you using a sword, or battling the other men, you are most certainly great at it.” He smiled at all the times where you had managed to pin some of the other men down. “I have never seen you as someone who is dainty or weak for that matter, but you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember, so getting the chance to know you and grow up with you, you have a spot in my heart. I couldn’t bear the idea of something terrible happening to you.”
You took everything he told you. Every word, every movement, every shine that glowed in his eyes. You could not have asked for a better best friend, one you have grown to love with all your heart, and much more.
“Have I ever told you how much you mean to me because you do.” You laughed shakily.
“I do not believe you have.” He chuckled, taking a step after another, until he was right in front of you. His eyes wandered over every small detail of your face, only this time he was really observing you. Taking in every bit of you. He raised a hand and cupped the side of your face. His thumb rubbed over your cheek softly. Your breath hitched as you soon came to realize just how close the proximity was between the both of you. You could feel the slightest breath he let past his nose hit directly onto your lips.
“You mean so much to me.” You whispered as your head rested against his own.
“As do you to me.” He lifted your chin up so your eyes could meet his. “I want you to know that…I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled softly, not thinking much of his words.
“No, love, I love you. Not just that, I adore you, in more ways than one.”
“Harrison-” You began shaking your head not believing the words he was speaking to you.
“I hope you feel the same way as I do.” He said.
“I do.” You muttered.
“I want you to be right by my side when I am crowned king. Forever and always.” 
“What about your princess?”
“That is my decision, not my fathers or my mothers. I want nothing more, but you.” 
“You mean that?” You smiled.
“Every word my love.” He leaned down and captured your lips in a slow rhythmic kiss.
“Forever and always?” You pulled back for air.
“Forever and always.” He kissed one more time.
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sadiehawk22 · 1 year
I will probably start some stories or imagines soon so be ready.
People I will write about:
Charles Leclerc
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Daniel Ricciardo
Tom Holland
Harry Holland
Sam Holland
Harrison Osterfield
Peter Parker
Love ya'll!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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elles-archives · 2 years
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I posted 245 times in 2022
That's 99 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (28%)
177 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 145 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#chris evans - 82 posts
#chris evans characters - 60 posts
#chris evans x reader - 51 posts
#ellen recommends - 47 posts
#fluff - 46 posts
#sebastian stan - 43 posts
#ransom drysdale x reader - 36 posts
#ransom drysdale - 36 posts
#angst - 29 posts
#sebastian stan characters - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#tom holland and harrison osterfield masterlist
My Top Posts in 2022:
Brother's Co-Star
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(Pictures are from Pinterest)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Brother’s Co-Star
Sebastian Stan x Holland!Reader
Summary: Being Tom Holland’s older sister has lead you to meet a lot of his co-stars. One however, catches your eye, and you catch his. Maybe you should have told your brother first.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: slight language, fluff, a little angst.
See the full post
299 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Anxiety Support
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Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Chris helps you through a panic attack after you are followed by a group of girls.
Word Count: +1.5k
Warnings: Panic attacks, Anxiety, Being followed when shopping.
Requested on Wattpad
Masterlists | Taglist | Requests are Open
You had just graduated High School and were due to go off to College in the fall. As excited as you were to gain your independence, you were still worried about leaving the safety of your father’s home. 
For as long as you could remember it was always just you and your Dad. Your Mom left when you were born, signing all rights away to your Dad and was never seen in Boston again. Of Course, you still had your Dad’s family around you, especially your Uncle Scott. 
Scott had stayed with the both of you during Lockdown and for the longest months, it had just been the three of you. You moved to remote learning and only ever left the house to go out to the backyard. You Facetimed all your friends but none of them were going to the same College as you.
You had been accepted into NYU, the same College where your Dad went. You were going to study acting. Much like Chris had been, you were a theater kid growing up and had always had an interest in acting. Originally, Chris had wanted to keep you out of the limelight, much preferring to give you a normal childhood.
However, when you showed an interest in acting, Chris couldn’t help but become overwhelmed with pride. He offered to help in any way he could but also understood that you wanted to make your own image as an actress and not just as Chris Evans’ daughter. 
Acting wasn’t the only thing you seemed to get from your father. Much like Chris, you had severe anxiety. Both social and separation. You were extremely nervous about moving to New York and being away from Chris. Your separation anxiety was so bad that Chris had to hire you a tutor whenever he was out of town and take you with him. You had an agreement with the school that you would attend Summer School classes and that you would keep up the curriculum. 
There was a level of determination though when it came to you moving to New York for College. You wanted to make your Dad proud and hopefully start to work on your separation anxiety. You were on medication and had therapy to help you and so far it was working. Chris had also created a sensory room for you. It was filled with stress balls, fidget toys, weighted blankets, it was your favorite color but pastel rather than bright. The whole room was designed to be your safe space and Chris was the only other one apart from you who went in there. Even then your Dad only came in when you needed him to.
It worried your Dad a bit that you were wanting to pursue acting with your anxiety, he himself knew how difficult it could be but he knew that acting was what you wanted to do and he would support you whatever. 
You needed to get a few things before you went to New York. You would be moving into the dorms there but you wanted to keep your room at home how it is. You went out on your own. Chris had originally wanted to go with you but you knew you needed to build up some confidence to go out on your own. You were quite lucky that in Boston you weren’t followed around that often. However, you still sometimes saw fans of your Dad, who knew who you were.
You had almost finished getting everything you needed when something caught the corner of your eye. A group of girls probably about your age were all giggling and looking towards you. You put your sunglasses down off of your head and tried to ignore them. Despite that, one of the girls came up to you.
“I’m sorry, aren’t you Chris Evans’ daughter?” She asked in a high pitched voice. 
“Um yeah.” You awkwardly nodded, already feeling anxious.
“I thought so. I just wanted to say how much I love your Dad.”
“Okay then.” You tried to walk away but her voice caught your attention once again.
“Is he around then? I've always wanted to meet him.” She giggled.
“No he isn’t. Sorry I’ve got to go.”You quickly rushed away but not before you heard her mutter ‘rude’ underneath her breath. 
You felt your heart race and your breathing pick up. You felt a panic attack about to happen and quickly pulled out your phone and called your Dad.
“Hey Sweetheart, are you ready to come home?” You heard your Dad’s cheery voice through the phone. You automatically felt yourself starting to calm down a little. Chris could hear your heavy breathing over the phone.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He asked. 
“Dad, can you come pick me up?” Chris automatically knew something was wrong.
“Yeah I’ll meet you where I dropped you off. Is that okay?”
See the full post
327 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Honey Flower
Floriography – The Language of Flowers 
Andy Barber x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You knew that getting involved with a married man wasn’t the smartest choice. But the love you held for Andy made all the pain worth it. Wasn't it? 
Word Count: 7k 
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut (P in V, Fem receiving oral), Cheating (Not on reader), Swearing, Drinking, Marriage problems, Divorce, Age gap (Specific ages not mentioned), Mention of pregnancy. I think that is all but let me know if I missed anything. This is 18+ only. Minors DNI. 
(A/N: This is my entry for @starryevermore's Welcome to Angst City™ Writing Challenge. I honestly don’t know how good this I so any feedback is welcome. Please do not copy my work. Reblogs are welcome. 
Prompts: How Do You Say ‘Fuck You’ In Flowers? + Fifth Floor + Chris’ Pretty Boys: Andy Barber) 
Pinterest Board | Masterlists | Taglist
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You have always loved flowers. Believing that there is more to them that then actual blossom. The Victorians used to use flowers as a way of communication. They would gift each other flowers to send a message. You studied floriography from a youthful age. Fascinated by how flowers could mean so much. They weren’t just for romance. The yellow hyacinth meant jealousy, the orange mock meant deceit and the trumpet flower meant separation.  
Flowers could also be given platonically, between mother and child or between friends. Pussy willow meant motherhood, moss meant maternal love and freesia meant trust or friendship. Working as a florist was magical to say the least. You watched as people tried to woo each other. You saw how people begged for forgiveness. Being able to make different arrangements for different circumstances was always a joy. Weddings, proposals, begging for forgiveness. There were also some not so great, arrangements for example funerals or when one person was dishonest with another.  
You grew up in England, living in the countryside, near the fields where wild flowers grew. Your favourites being daisies, which meant innocence or gentleness, asters which were a symbol of love and ivy which meant wedded love. Marriage. Something you had always wanted.  
When you were in your mid-twenties you moved to Massachusetts. Your Grandfather was sick and was requesting your presence. You barely knew him and only had met him a few times as a kid, but who were you to deny a dying man his final wishes. Turns out your Grandfather was fairly rich. Nothing dramatic but when he did eventually pass on he left you enough to start your own floristry shop in Newton.  
Your parents were going to stay in America too, to be closer to the family you grew up without. So, you decided to accept the money and open your shop ‘Floriography.’ You sold all kinds of flowers, each with the meaning provided. You hoped that when people came in that they would appreciate the knowing what the flowers meant. There was a small apartment above the shop where you could stay. Everything was going perfect in your life.  
‘Floriography’ was popular. Many people came in for their anniversaries and were so impressed that they often came back. Every bouquet you made was made with love. No two were the same. You wanted to make sure that each bouquet was personal and met the customer’s needs.  
About four months after you opened, a man walked in, and you were instantly intrigued. He was tall with dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He walked with confidence in an expensive suit but there was some sense of calmness around him. You instantly felt intimidated by him he obviously held some kind of power. He walked up to the desk where you were standing, working on a bouquet of pink roses (perfect happiness) for an anniversary and was patiently waiting for your attention. 
You smiled up at him and asked him to just wait a second as you put the final additions on the bouquet before you gave him your full attention.  
“How can I help you?” You smiled trying not to give away your nervousness. 
“I just came in to have a look, you see my wife has been stressed lately and I wanted to get her something to cheer her up.” His voice was silky and calm.  
“Well, I can make you a custom bouquet for her if you like.” I offered. I had seen this many times a husband coming in to cheer up their partner. 
“Would you mind?” He asked hopefully. “I noticed that you have the meanings of each flower written down so I assume you would know how I can express my appreciation of her?” 
I was more than happy to help him. It reminded me of why I enjoyed my job so much. 
“Of course, well I could use a wild pansy, which means ‘you occupy my thoughts”? Or calla lilies which means ‘magnificent beauty’?” 
He interrupted you. “She does like calla lilies, and they have a great meaning.” His accent coming through strongly compared to your British one. 
“Well, they would look lovely with a little holly, which means domestic happiness. And forgive me if I am overstepping here, but as you are in my shop purely to cheer her up I believe that holly would be appropriate.” 
He let out a small chuckle. “You are not overstepping and yes I would like to this we live in ‘domestic happiness.’ Well, you’re the expert so I will leave it to you.” 
“That’s great. So, I will have these ready for collection tomorrow if you would like to collect them? If not fill out this card and I can deliver them for you.” I smiled at him. 
“I’ll collect them after work tomorrow if that’s okay. I think coming straight from me will mean more to her. Anyway, thank you so much for your help I really appreciate this.” He grinned at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow…” he looked down at the name tag on my apron “…Y/N” 
See the full post
335 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Unhappy? Happy
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Images from Pinterest
Ari Levinson x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Arguments, Smut (Fingering, Grinding, Ari cums in his pants, Oral (Fem-Receiving), P in V, Unprotected Sex), Make-up sex, Fluff, Swearing. (I think that's all but let me know if I missed anything.)
18+ Only. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: +1.6k
Summary: Ari wants to leave on another mission, but this time he has more to lose at home.
(A/N: I am reposting this as it didn't appear on any of the tags x.)
Requests are Open | Join the taglist | Masterlist
The two of you had been at it for over an hour already. You knew how important the missions your husband went on were, but at the same time with two children in the picture, it was getting harder and harder for you to say goodbye to him each time he went. Especially with how dangerous they could be.
You and Ari went to ‘run’ The Red Sea Diving Resort together along with four others. You had known Ari for years and when he came to you with his latest plan, you knew you had to help. However, at the time you didn’t have a husband, son and step-daughter to worry about. You knew that it was the constant missions and all the time spent away from home which split up Ari’s first marriage and you were determined not to let it happen to yours. 
Maya, Ari’s daughter, was so used to seeing her Dad leave that she barely battered an eyelid anymore but Connor, your’s and Ari’s Son was too young to understand why Ari was never there. After you had Connor, you decided to stop going on missions and start working to help coordinate them instead. Unfortunately, Ari didn’t share that idea and that is what led to this specific moment. Another mission had come up and Ari had to leave for an unknown amount of time.
“All I’m saying is that we - I - promised to go back. You knew this day would come, why are you so surprised?”
“I am surprised because not only do you have Maya now but Connor as well. I understand how important this is but can’t they send someone else?”
“This isn’t about nobody else doing the job! This is about me needing to be the one who does it. I promised Kabede that I wouldn’t abandon anyone. That I would go back.” Ari yelled. At that moment you were thankful that Maya was at her Mom’s and Connor was with your parents, they didn’t need to hear this.
“And I get that Ari but what about your children. What about me? How are we supposed to cope knowing full well that you may not come back to us?”
“So what? I am supposed to leave all those innocent people. I love you, Maya and Connor more than anything in the world but this is something I have to do.” 
You sighed. A part of me felt selfish wanting him to stay, but at the same time, he wasn’t the only person who could complete these missions. 
“We can’t put up with this forever, Ari. When I married you, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let our jobs get in the way but things are different now and I can’t comprehend how you can’t see that.” You said in a low voice. A dramatic change in tone from the yelling.
“Then what do you want from me Y/N? To stay here and be unhappy all the time? Unhappy that I’m not out there?”
You froze. So did Ari.
“Y/N/N, I didn’t mean that…”
“Don’t right now Ari. I can’t… I just…” You went upstairs to your shared bedroom. You knew that he said all that in the heat of the moment but a part of you couldn’t help but over analyse what he said. Was he unhappy in your marriage? Did he want to be out all the time? Did he regret marrying you? 
You sat on your bed and cried. You didn’t know what to say to him. You loved Ari with everything in you. But the idea of him not wanting you nearly killed you inside. You didn’t want to be the one to make him unhappy.
About an hour later, you heard a knock on the door. You didn’t say anything but looked up when you heard the door open. Ari’s eyes were bloodshot and his hair looked a mess. It was obvious that he had been crying just as much as you had.
He didn’t say anything as he made his way over to you on the bed. 
“Sweetheart? Please?” He whispered in your ear. You knew that he felt bad. Slowly, you looked up at him and he could see the tears clouding your eyes. 
“What do you want, Ari? I don’t have any energy to argue with you.”
“I know sweetheart. I came to say I’m sorry. Can I make it up to you?” Closing your eyes you nodded at him. You knew you could never stay mad at him for too long. “Words princess.” Ari growled in your ear. 
“Please Ari.” You whispered. Next thing you knew Ari had you on your back and was devouring your mouth with his. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as you felt your lips being chewed at by him. 
See the full post
435 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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These are the fics that I recommend and Love for Chris Evans and his Characters. Minors DNI
Chris Evans:
Desperate Affairs by @georgiapeach30513 - Multiple Chris Evans Characters x Fem!Reader
Fading Spark by @alisonsfics - Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Futile by @rocketrhap3000 - Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Well Shit by @falcqns - Chris Evans x Reader
Gentleman by @lexiawrittings - Chris Evans x Reader
Boston by @secretswiftymarvelfan - Chris Evans x Reader
Floofy Haired Delight by @secretswiftymarvelfan - Chris Evans x Reader
Fixing the Broken by @maemelany - Chris Evans x Reader
Breathe by @buckyownsmylife - Chris Evans x Reader
See by @andydrysdalerogers - Chris Evans x Reader
Steve Rogers:
Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes - Steve Rogers x Reader
Reckless by @kinanabinks - Widower!Steve Rogers x Divorced!Reader
(College AU) by @fluffycutecevans - Steve Rogers x Reader
Always You by @fangirlovestuff - Steve Rogers x Reader
My Girl (Part 2 to Nightmare Barns) by @jadedvibes - Neighbour!Steve Rogers x Reader
Flustered by @fqjth - Steve Rogers x Reader
If Only You Knew by @kayteewritessteve - Steve Rogers x Reader (Modern AU)
Let it Happen by @barnesafterglow - Frat!Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Time After Time by @fluffycutecevans - Steve Rogers x Reader
You Are In Love by @stephensfcktoy - Lawyer!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Eavesdropping by @lahyene - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. Johnny Storm (as Steve’s brother)
Andy Barber:
Under the Suit by @simplystevies - Ex’s Dad!Andy Barber x Intern!Reader 
Stay by @geminixevans-stan - Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Help You Through by @jbreenr - Andy Barber x Reader
Pick Me by @dbnightingale24 - Andy Barber x Reader
Beautiful Stranger by @dbnightingale24 - Andy Barber x Reader
See the full post
448 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hollandfromhell · 2 years
i wanna be yours | T.H
Summary: Frat!Tom finally admits his feelings to you and your reaction isn't exactly what he expected.
word count: 1k
warnings: a little steamy (?), minimal proofreading and bad editing :)
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The lights are so bright around you, bouncing off the walls and making your vision blurry, the music is loud, a song you only ever seem to hear at parties like this, and honestly you’re having a good time. For the first time in weeks you’ve forced yourself out of your dorm and into some clothes that show a little more than you’re used to. Finals had been killing you for the last week, so much so that you haven’t been able to find the energy to go to any of the frat parties your friends and Tom had been badgering you about. 
Tom has been texting you nonstop about the parties his frat has been hosting, begging you to show up, just so you can end up in his bed at the end of the night. But you had refrained, knowing that your feelings weren’t in check enough to be seeing him anymore, not in the way you two have been for the last year. 
To you it wasn’t just sleeping together anymore, that’s not what you want, you want him, all of him. You want the silly dates and cringy photos your friends will make fun of you for. You want the flirting to mean something, you want to mean something to him. You know it’s wrong, to fall hopelessly in love with some fraternity boy that sees you as nothing more than an easy lay and a friend on the occasion that he needs something, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Those caramel colored eyes and chestnut curls, his easy going smile and alluring body draws you in until you can’t escape him. Then you wake up next to him and reality hits. 
Tom and you will never be anything other than friends with benefits, that’s how it started and that’s how it will end, as much as you hate to admit it to yourself. 
But tonight you had blocked those thoughts out and finally made your way out with your friends, only to end up at Tom’s frat house. He’s here, you know he’s here, you can feel his lingering gaze locked on you and have even caught him looking a few times. 
He sat near the back wall, his back against it as he talked to some guys that are also in his fraternity. But his eyes can’t seem to stay off you, you’re dancing with your friends, your hands in the air and a smile on your face, you’ve never looked better to him, it’s like you’re reeling him in, his head hazy as he finally breaks off from the guys he’s talking to and makes his way to you. 
Your arms wrap around his neck as soon as his hands land on your waist, you know it’s him, even with your eyes closed and mind completely blank, you know it’s him. His lips brush against your ear as he whispers to you “You look stunning darling.” His accent is thick, pent up tension becoming obvious. 
Your smile turns to a smirk as you lean into him, your fingers find the hair at the nape of his neck and you pull lightly, “you’ve been ignoring me all night Thomas.” 
His hands rub up and down your sides as he contemplates his answer, you weren’t technically wrong, he had been waiting for you to come to him most of the night, seeing how long you could hold out before it all became too much, until the waiting became too much. It’s a game you two like to play and usually he won, you would make your way to his side and you’d find yourself pressed up against the wall in his room before you knew it. But tonight you had decided to hold out, because you needed that reassurance, you needed to feel victorious over him for once. 
“Can never ignore you love,” his lips are now rolling down your neck, finding your sweet spot, the place he knows makes your knees weak.
And then he’s dragging you by the hand up the stairs to the left and into his room down the hall. You catch a look at his unmade bed before you're pushed back against the door that had just slammed shut. He’s kissing you then, his lips rough against yours as he takes what he wants from you. You knew the night would end like this, not that you’re disappointed, just dreading the morning after, you leave and you two go back to acting like friends once again. 
He knew the night would end like this too, he only ever had eyes for you, at least for the last year and he can’t seem to get you out of his head, although he would never tell you or anyone else that, he had a reputation to uphold. 
But now, as he stands with the girl of his dreams kissing him, maybe falling doesn’t sound so bad, maybe this could be it for him, maybe you could be it for him, and before he can stop himself, he’s pulling away from your lips, just enough space so he can speak, his heart hammering and his ears ringing, he lets out those three little words he swore he would never say to you, “I love you.” 
Your heart stops, everything freezes all at once, the music downstairs can no longer be heard as you completely focus on the man in front of you. You breathe out a small “what” before your brain goes into autopilot. You’re shoving him off you, pushing him away both physically and mentally as you start to close yourself off from him. This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go, and now everything is ruined. 
Tom’s frozen, his feet stuck where they are as he tries to comprehend what the hell just happened. He can’t believe himself, how could he let his happen, how could he ruin the best thing he had going for him, god why did he have to be so stupid. 
Finally he finds his composer, just in time to see you open his bedroom door and quickly leave the room, he wants to chase after you. Wants nothing more than to go down the stairs and find you in the sea of people but he can’t bring himself to move. 
With a broken heart and a quivering lip he watches you completely remove yourself from him and he can’t help but think that he can’t fix it this time.
a/n: feedback is appreciated :)
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poguesholland · 3 years
Hey could you write something for Harrison where you really like him but the last person you were with rejected you so your scared to tell him
“Fucking tell him already, Y/N” Tom groaned, cutting you off. He was sick of hearing you talk about Harrison over and over with no intention of acting on your feelings. This had been going on for a year now and all your friends were so done with this.
You let out a laugh, thinking Tom was being sarcastic. “Sure, Of course Tom, great idea” You spoke sarcastically only to look at Tom and realize that he wasn’t joking. Not the slightest bit. “Are you joking? There’s no way I could ever tell him. Not after what happened with Alex” You shook your head, the idea of Harrison ever finding out how you feel almost bringing you nightmares.
Alex was a guy you had liked last year. You two were the closest anyone could be and naturally, you developed feelings for him. Everyone thought that the feeling was mutual. But when you told Alex how you felt, he shot you down in the worst way possible. He broke you.
“You what?” Alex spits, as you began to feel like he wasn’t too happy about what you were saying. “I, I like you” You repeat, with less confidence this time. Alex shakes his head, raising his eyebrows with a look of frustration displayed on his face. “I can’t fucking believe this” He mumbles under his breath, hands going through his hair. You stand there, not really believing the way he was reacting right now.
“Alex-” You start but he cuts you off, “Just shut up!” He yells at you making you flinch. Alex grabs his stuff and quickly walks towards the door, his shoulder bumping into yours. “Why would you ruin this?” He asks, angry with you for ‘ruining’ your friendship. “You made me think you feel the same way! Don’t act like I’m some crazy bitch who likes you!” You retort. “How could I ever feel the same way about you?” Alex spits, and your heart dropped to the floor and he slammed the door.
“We both know Harrison would never do what Alex did, Y/N, if you don’t tell him I will”. You raise your eyebrows at Tom, believing that there was no way on Earth that what he was saying could be true. “The boys and I are sick and tired of hearing you bitch about how you much you like him, so if you don’t tell Harrison by the end of the week, I will.” Tom deadpanned and you turned as pale as a ghost.
Tom gets up from the table, making you scramble to get up and follow him. “Tom! Tom, you’re- No, you’re joking. Right? Tom, no!” You pleaded and he turned around to face you. A smirk plastered on his face as he saw the fear in your eyes. “Bye, Y/N” Tom leaned on to leave a kiss on your cheek as you froze in place, crossing your hands over each other. You raised the finger at him, only making him laugh.
How could you possibly tell Harrison how you felt? What would you even say? How could you deal with him not feeling the same way? What if it ruined your friendship? What if he laughed at you? But a little part of your brain thought the opposite, what if he felt the same way?
Three days go by and you were yet to say anything to Harrison. Tom and the boys were keeping a close eye on you, giving you a warning look when you two were alone and you left to avoid saying anything. They had been trying their best to make sure that you two were always left alone for as long as possible, in an attempt to give you as many opportunities as they could. But, alas, nothing worked.
“Tom, do you wanna help me get something from the kitchen?” Harry rushed as he quickly got up from the couch. Tom immediately followed, “Yeah! I need-Um, some ice, yeah ice”. Harrison looked at them skeptically and you gave them a death glare. Now it was just you and Harrison on the couch.
Harrison laughed lightly, “What’s up with those two divs?”. You forced a laugh, covering up the anxiousness you were feeling at that moment. “No idea” You raised your eyebrows, but Harrison could tell that you were acting weird. Your hands rub your arms, trying to rid yourself of the nervous goosebumps beginning to appear on your body from the tension between you two.
“Y/N, is everything-” He starts but you shoot up off of the couch. “I need some ice!” You stutter out, rushing to the kitchen only to be met with a glaring Tom and Harry. You walk past them like nothing was wrong but Harry gives you a smack on the head. “Ow! What the fuck, Harry!��� You yelp in pain, clutching your head to try to relive it. “Tell him” They both whisper-yell at you before leaving, making you huff.
Every time you almost said something, you could genuinely feel your throat dry up and words would not come out of your mouth. But as those three days went by, you found yourself trying harder and harder to just spit it out.
Harrison didn’t know why you were being so distant lately. You two were always together, always sitting beside each other, always taking naps together, always going everywhere together, but that was not the case anymore.
You rested your head against the couch, sprawling your legs out in front of you. Harrison and you continue watching the movie intently, the popcorn he had made already finished while the movie had another hour to go.
Harrison shifts to find a comfortable position and is unsuccessful, so he turns to lay his head on your lap and put his legs up on the couch. This was how you always watched movies but as soon as Harrison did so, you shot up from your position feeling panicked.
Harrison’s head hits the couch making him groan, reaching a hand up to rub his head. He looks up to say something to you, but you were already long gone and out of sight. Hurt fills Harrison’s chest as he was now sure that something was up with you.
You unlock your door, walking into your shared apartment. Immediately, you take notice that your roommates were nowhere to be seen as you close the door. However, you were proven wrong when you walk into the kitchen to see Harrison, making you jump up. “Shit, Haz! You scared me!” You exclaim, putting a hand over your heart as you laugh. His heart hurt once he heard his nickname leave your mouth, it’s been days since you said his name. It was his favorite sound coming from you.
The laugh on your face quickly falters as Harrison doesn’t respond, not even making the effort to turn around to look at you. You furrow your eyebrows, “Hello?”. No response. You walk around the kitchen counter to stand next to him, but he continues cutting up the vegetables he was cooking. “Harrison?” You call out but he doesn’t even turn to acknowledge your presence.
“Is something wrong? Did I do something?” Your voice quiet as you watch him, not even phased by you talking to him. “Talk to me Haz, please?” You call out again and Harrison drops the knife on the cutting board, huffing in frustration. He turns to face you with an angry look on his face, making you even more confused.
Harrison raises his eyebrows, “So now you want to talk to me? No, I’m sorry, now you feel like talking to me?”. You look at him with confusion, “What? I always want to talk to you. What are you talking about?”. He shakes his head, crossing his arms in disbelief as he looks at you.
“Harrison?” You question him again when you don’t get an answer. “Don’t fucking Harrison me!” He yells in frustration but lowering his voice after he realized, “Just don’t”. Unintentionally, you flinch at his loud voice. You rest your elbow on the kitchen counter, trying to figure out what he was talking about and what got him so mad.
A huff of defeat escapes your lips, “What the hell are you talking about?”. Harrison clenches his jaw and bites the inside of his cheek. “You haven’t talked to me all week, you run away when I enter a room you’re in. As soon as we’re alone, you leave. You can’t even look me in my fucking eye, Y/N! And now you want to talk to me?”.
You immediately shut up, looking anywhere but at Harrison as you feel ashamed of yourself. Harrison moves closer towards you, looking into your eyes as you try to keep your composure, avoiding his eyes. He looks at you for any sign of a response, but shakes his head when he doesn’t get one. “I’m not fucking doing this right now” He mumbles under his breath, walking out of the kitchen.
“Tom told me I have to tell you about my feelings for you before the end of the week, or he will” You sigh, not sure if you even thought that whole sentence through before saying it. Harrison freezes in his place as he tries to register what you just said, there was no way. No, this didn’t make any sense.
He turns around to face you and your eyes meet, your eyes full of fear that this would be the end of your friendship. “I couldn’t talk to you all week. I- Um, I was too nervous to be around you and couldn’t bring myself to tell you, but here we are I guess” You ramble quietly as Harrison stares at you with a dumbfounded look.
“About your feelings for me..” Harrison tries to comprehend and you nod, waiting for any sort of response from him. His silence was killing you. “I didn’t want to do it, after what happened with Alex-” “Alex is a dick” Harrison retorts, his voice sour at the sound of his name. He absolutely hated him, even before he broke your heart. He hated him even more when you were crying into his chest every night about what Alex did.
He didn’t tell you this but as soon as Tom told him what happened, Harrison went to Alex’s apartment. All of Alex’s neighbors could hear Harrison yelling at him as Alex stood there, like a coward, trying not to cry. Harrison knew you would’ve gotten angry if he told you so he kept it to himself, and swore that any guy after that he would keep an eye out on.
You clear your throat, “Yeah- Um, that’s true. I just- I was scared that you would...”. Harrison continue the sentence for you, “I would do the same thing”. You don’t reply, knowing Harrison was hurt from that comment. “Y/N, I am nothing like Alex, okay? You know that, you know me” He speaks quietly, taking a few steps towards you and you nod.
Your hands grip the counter behind your back as you look at the boy in front of you, trying to digest the information you were saying. “Did Tom tell you why you should tell me?” Harrison asks with a bit of realization in his voice, confusing you. “No, Um- He just said I should tell you how I feel”. Harrison nods, a small smile making its way onto his face.
Staring at him blankly, you try to make sense of why he was smiling. You had just ruined your friendship, was he happy? Relieved? Harrison walks closer until his hands grip the counter behind you, only a few centimeters separating the two of you.
“Did Tom tell you that I feel the same way? That I’ve had feelings for you for almost three years now? That seeing you with any other guy broke my heart? That I wanted to kill Alex for what he did to you?” Harrison asks, his voice quiet. Your eyes widen, thinking that this had to be a joke.
Harrison’s hand slides to yours on the counter, holding it gently. “That I had no idea how he could lose such an amazing girl like you? That I thought he was crazy to not appreciate how lucky he was to have you?”. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. His hand slides up your arm, going to cup and caress your face slowly. You felt yourself shiver at his touch, almost like it was electricity.
“W-Why didn’t you-” “Tell you?” ,He continues and you nod, “Just thought that there was no way you felt the same about me”. You straighten your back, your chests now brushing against each other. “I would be crazy not to love you, Haz” You admit, and Harrison’s hand grips your tighter once you said those two words. “Y/N, be very careful with your words okay? I cant-” He shuts his eyes, leaning his forehead against yours as he tried to control himself.
Your fingers slip in between his, resting on the counter as Harrison opened his eyes. “I know” You state quietly, showing that you were being one hundred percent truthful. Harrison quickly leans forwards to push his lips against yours, making your breath get caught in your throat.
His lips move against yours in perfect sync as he moves closer to you, pressing you harder into the counter and his body. The hand on your cheek moves to your waist and grips it tightly, kissing you needily. A hand of yours goes to his chest to steady yourself.
You slow your lips against his before pulling away to catch your breath. Harrison licks his lips as he looks at you, admiring how beautiful you are. “I love you” He speaks up, and you look up at him. A shy smile finds its way to your face as you bring your arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you. “I love you too” You whisper against his lips and feel him smile. You lean in to kiss him before both of you smile into the kiss, breaking it.
Harrison brings you in to hug you tightly, holding you so softly, like you were made of glass. You rest your head in the crook of his neck as you take in his warmth. “Holy shit! Tom what did I tell you! Both of you divs owe me a hundred each!” Paddy yells, startling both of you. You move your head to see Tom, Harry and Paddy looking at the two of you, only making you hide your flushed face once again.
“Finally told him, did you? Wonder who gave you that idea” Tom teases and you whine, making Harrison laugh. He holds you close to him before slightly turning around to face the guys, mouthing an excited ‘yes’ and pumping his fist to the air. You feel Harrison shoo them out of the kitchen, just wanting to be with you.
Harrison’s arms hook under your thighs and lift you up, making a squeal leave your lips. You wrap your legs around his waist as he walks towards his bedroom. “No fucking while we’re in the house!” Harry yells making you yell at him, “Harry!”. Harrison only laughs at the two of you and shakes his head, “Only been twenty minutes and you already made a dirty joke, Harry”.
“Ignore him, love” Harrison mumbles against your cheek as you giggle. The nickname makes butterflies appear in your stomach. You were grateful that your friends had pushed you to tell Harrison how you felt. Because what else would you need other than this?
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Who wants me to drop my moodboards? I have at least one for each wip and the completed works scheduled to be posted soon ☺️
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softholand · 3 years
i actually cant remember which prompt i sent so if its a repeat ignore this lol can i have “They say we wont last.” “Then lets prove them wrong.” with my sweet boy 💜 pls ily 😚 — kit xx
𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞
⤷ harrison osterfield x reader, fwb au, a tiny bit of angst, mostly fluff
prompt: “they say we won’t last.” “then let’s prove them wrong.”
words: 600+
a/n: hi my love, i’m so sorry it took so long 😩 i’m working on your other request, i promise lol i really hope you like this. it’s short but sweet, just like our boy 💌 ily xx @bigilante
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You and Harrison were friends. Okay, a little more than friends. Friends with benefits, maybe? You didn’t know what to call it, all you knew was that you liked being with each other and that was all that mattered to you anyways.
You had been in this situationship for a little bit more than two months now and, at least for you, everything seemed to be going on smoothly. You met almost every single night, cooked something together, or ordered takeout, before ending the night in your bed.
Of course, you had thought about going official with Harrison, he was your best friend and there was nothing in the world that you loved more than to wake up in his arms. The only problem was, you were afraid of commitment since your last relationship had ended badly right after you made it official. So, after a long conversation, you and Harrison decided to take things slow and keep your relationship to yourselves for a little bit, at least until you felt ready.
It was very common for you to get the “You’re a very cute couple” compliment though like it had happened just now, from the diner’s waitress you were sitting in with some friends. “Oh, we’re not together.” That was always your answer, and it never seemed to bother Harrison that much, until today. You felt his mood completely change after that, he didn’t say anything else, didn’t laugh at your and your friend’s jokes, he didn’t even hold your hand on your walk back home.
The blonde kept trying to avoid you once you got to your apartment, saying he was going to bed early since he had a headache. “Okay, can you please tell me what the hell is going on?” You asked before he could escape to your room. “Nothing’s going on, y/n. I’m just tired.” Harrison let it out, making your blood boil. “Bullshit! You’ve been avoiding me since I told that waitress we weren’t together.” You exclaimed, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
Harrison stopped in his tracks, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Why we’re not together, y/n?” He asked, copying your position. “What— what do you mean? You know why. We talked about this, Haz!” You furrowed your brows, “Yeah, we did. Two months ago, y/n! Everything’s different now.” Harrison’s voice was calm, but the hurt was evident in his eyes. “I— I didn’t know you felt like that.” You mumbled, trying to fight back tears.
Harrison softened at that, taking a few steps closer to you. “Hey, I’m sorry! I know this is just another social pattern and it doesn’t really matter to you, but it does to me, y/n. I want to be with you and I want everyone to know we are together.” The blonde’s words went right to your heart, making it swell with adoration. “What if it doesn’t work?” You whispered, tears now rolling down your cheeks. “We’re already making it work, my love.” Harrison took your hands in his. “They say we won't last.” You cried, remembering every single time one of your “friends” said that it was a good thing you weren’t together because you wouldn’t last. “Then let's prove them wrong,” Harrison stated, dabbing away your tears.
Leaning in, you kissed him, wanting nothing more than to express all of your feelings through the kiss. “I love you.” You mumbled between his lips. “I love you too, y/n. So much!” Harrison smiled, gluing your lips back together. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.” The blonde smiled, before playfully hitting your bottom, a giggle escaping your throat.
You went to bed that night feeling uncertain about what the future held, but there was one thing you were sure of. No matter what happened next, you and Harrison would get through it, together.
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—don’t forget to reblog and leave your feedback ♡
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Love your summer prompts
Can I please request a (your choice for the au) Harrison x Reader
Prompt No. 38 - Scavenger hunt
Thank you
Here you go hunny, I had a couple ideas for this one but I hope you like what I chose! Love you xx
Come and Get Me
38 - Scavenger hunt
Pairing: Harrison osterfield x Reader
Summary: You make Harrison put in a little work for his gift this year
“I’ve got to use the restroom before we leave,” (y/n) stood and squeezed Harrison’s shoulder, “I’ll be right back alright?”
“Alright,” he bent backwards to steal a kiss, “Hurry back.”
“I will,” she assured before stealing a glance at a smirking Tom.
Tom was unable to wait even a minute to slam the small box onto the table, “And I have something for you Haz.”
“Now?” he furrowed his brow in confusion, “Everyone just left, plus you already got me something…”
“It’s from (y/n),” he corrected, “Just open it.”
“But she’s in the bathroom.” Tom rolled his eyes, “Just open the damn thing and you’ll understand.”
“Okay…” Harrison took the top off the small box, inside was a candle inscribed with the word ‘Haz’ inside of a small heart, and a note, “Happy birthday Haz, I hope you enjoy the scavenger hunt I put together. I’m having a really hard time writing these clues so I might just be a little blunt. Your second present is in Tom’s car, but it’s hidden so you’ll still have to put in a little work to find it,” he sighed as a large smile overtook his lips, “I’m assuming (y/n) isn’t just in the bathroom?”
Tom nodded, “Yep, and we should get going if you want to catch up.”
Harrison chuckled and followed Tom out to his car, which he simply unlocked and left Harrison to dig through himself. Harrison looked around until he found an envelope and a skinny box under the passenger seat.
“Gotcha,” he declared, popping open the box immediately. He found two small gold necklaces with both of their first initials hanging from small charms. He chuckled and pulled one over his head as he read out loud again, “I hope you don’t think the matching necklaces are too cheesy, Tom said you’d like them so you can blame him if you don’t. I hate to do this, but I’m running a little behind schedule so you’re going to have to pick up your dessert without me. Don’t worry though, Tom’s got the hookup for you,” he smiled and looked back up at Tom, “So we’re going to get dessert?”
Tom nodded, “Do you know where?”
“Uh…” he pursed his lips, trying to think of where she might have picked, “I don’t know, she said you’re the hookup.”
“Oh come on mate, it’s a scavenger hunt, you’re supposed to figure it out yourself,” Tom chuckled.
“She does kind of suck at writing these clues,” he sighed, “I don’t know, Sam maybe?”
Tom nodded, “Yeah, I told her we could help her write them, but she was really insistent she wanted to do it herself.”
“She’s such a dork,” Harrison smiled, “Well come on, let’s go find Sam.”
Tom took Harrison back to his home, where Sam and Harry were waiting in the kitchen, a small box on the counter in front of them.
“Oh I believe this is for me,” Harrison smiled as he plucked it off the table, “Did you make it?”
Sam nodded, “I did, (y/n) decorated though.”
Harrison smiled as he opened the box, a few cupcakes sat inside, decorated with little frosting hearts and sprinkles, “Thank you. Was there a letter too?”
“Yes, I’m in charge of that part,” Harry beamed before passing it to him.
“Thanks mate,” Harrison tore it open, “Tell the boys thanks for helping you keep you out of the house for a while. You can come home now, there’s still a bit more for you to find there,” he chuckled, “Let me guess, surprise party?”
“Don’t know mate, you’ll have to wait and see,” Tom teased.
“It’s pretty obvious,” he smiled, “Well let’s get back on the road.”
Tom glanced at his watch before nodding, “Yeah, we can get going now.” “It’s so a surprise party,” he smiled as he followed Tom out to the car.
Tom played along with Harrison’s surprise party idea the whole drive back to his house, which only served to shock Harrison when he arrived home and the only cars in the driveway were his and (y/n)’s.
“Where is everyone?” he asked.
“Just head inside,” Tom nodded towards the door.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“Bro it’s not a surprise party,” he rolled his eyes, “And I’m not telling you about it so just get your ass inside.”
“Alright…” Harrison gathered his gifts and headed for the door.
He opened the door and was met by a letter on the ground, followed by a trail of rose petals. He chuckled and plucked the note off the ground and read, “Don’t wander off the petal path or else.” He smiled and followed the petals into the kitchen, where he found a basket with a bottle of champagne and another note in it, “You can put your presents in here, don’t worry I’ve got the glasses.” He continued following her petals, which next led him into the living room, to another box and note, “Have you guessed where this is going yet?” He knit his brows before opening the box, where he found a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs. He went wide eyed and hurried to the next stop at the bottom of their staircase. This time the note was taped to a bottle of massage oil, “Hurry it up pretty boy I miss you ;).” He hurried up the stairs and found one last note outside their bedroom door, “There’s one more gift but I wanted to give it to you myself, this note seems a little pointless now but anyways, I love you!”
Harrison peaked into the bedroom and found her sitting on the edge of the bed, in a skimpy set of lacey, white lingerie. Candles lit the room and she held a small box in her lap.
“Happy birthday,” she smiled to him, “I know that was kind of a lame scavenger hunt, but I hope you still liked it.”
“I loved it,” he assured, “I mean you’re the big prize aren’t you? I can’t imagine a better way to end the night.”
She blushed and patted the spot beside her, “Come here, you’ve got to open your last present.”
“Coming,” he set the basket on the bed and sat beside her, “Thank you for doing all this love.”
“I wanted something a little more special than just handing you the gifts you know?” she smiled and set the gift in his lap.
“You’re gorgeous by the way,” he kissed her forehead before opening the box, “Shit, darling you didn’t need to do this.”
“I wanted to, you kept eyeing it,” she smiled as he removed the Rolex from the box.
“I love it,” he kissed her head again, “But you seriously didn’t need to do all this for me.”
“Of course I did, I wanted to show you how much I love you,” she beamed, “You’re everything to me Haz, and I want you to know how crazy I am about you.”
“And I want you to know I feel the same way,” he dragged her into his lap with a smile, “Do I get to unwrap you also?”
She giggled and nodded, “You get whatever you want tonight, birthday boy,” she walked her fingers up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, “So, what’s your plan?”
“Cupcakes, champagne, then we open up that massage oil,” he smiled and nuzzled his nose against her cheek, “And we can see where things go from there.”
“That sounds perfect to me my love.”
He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss, “More than perfect, you’re the best gift I could ever dream of having.”
@spideyssunshine @outshineallthestars @roseke @zspideyy @emistrash @peachyafshawn @agbspidey @andreagf956
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parkersbliss · 4 years
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piscesparker · 3 years
Love wins H.O
Requested by @ella-maximoff Hey, can you pls do one of Harrison based on the song "Rewrite the stars" by Zac Efron and Zendaya, like they like each other but he's famous and she's not, and she's afraid that everyone is gonna hate her, because she's a "nobody". Idk something really cute 🥰🥰🥰
Warnings: Little bit angsty, language, fluff
a/n: I decided to change it a bit, hope you like it!
Love, trust and understanding are the what drive two people to be together, it's what makes them strong but like every coin has two sides, so did your relationship with Harrison did. You cherished the moments you had with him, but neither of you knew it would be fear that drove you apart; at least, that is what drove you apart from him. It wasn't the fear of losing him but it was the fear of other people, strangers, being so critical of your life and relationship.
"Y/n, please I'm begging you, please don't leave me." Your boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, choked on his sob. You couldn't take it anymore, you knew this would happen when you agreed to be his girlfriend but sometimes it just went a bit too far. "Let's not say things we don't mean." But you were persistent, your life wasn't normal anymore, there were millions of people always following you and Harrison whenever you were on dates or even at the fucking supermarket, and if that wasn't enough there were people online sending hate just because they were jealous.
"I'm sorry Harrison." You whispered, tears threatening to spill, you didn't even look him in the eye and then just walked out of his apartment, the second the door closed you let out a small sob.
1 week later  
"Y/n, please let me in, I know you're in." Tom was standing outside your house, he had been coming to your house to check up on you when he heard the news; he couldn't believe his ears because everyone knew Harrison and you were the most powerful couple who would last forever, but things change. Even Harrison didn't stay quiet, he kept calling, texting, finding some way to contact you, but all you did was stay in your house and ignore the only good thing that happened to you.
You opened the door for Tom because after all he was your best friend too and you really needed a shoulder to cry on considering you just lost the only person who comforted you. Tom entered and saw you were in the exact same mess has Harrison, "You need to tell me what happened." His softened. After explaining your predicament Tom took a deep breath and then began, "Tell me one thing Y/n, do you love him?"
"Head over heels for him." It was true, you were in love with him and your decision broke your heart into a million pieces because you just weren't ready to let go of him.
"Then screw what some strangers say about you, if you really do love him not else in the world would matter to the both of you. So what I'm trying to say is, go. Go to him and tell him you can't live without him because he is just as fucked up as you", just then there was a soft knock and both you and Tom knew who it could have been. Opening the door you saw Harrison just as miserable as you, without saying a single word you just hugged him and sobbed as he held you tightly and kissed your forehead. "I'm so sorry." You sniffled.
"It's okay, I'm here." He reassured and kept stroking you head, something he would always to do comfort you and so far it was working. "I'm so sorry Harrison, it was such a terrible decision which only made me realize that I can't stay away from you and the past week has been like hell." You rambled on, he cupped you cheeks and wiped away your tears with the pads of his thumbs and then kissed your nose. "I'm sorry too," he whispered, his breath fanning over your lips, "you shouldn't have gone through all of that alone." Now tears escaped from his eyes too, "I promise you won't face it alone if you just take me back, because I'm just so in love with you and you're the only thing that keeps me sane." You chuckled.
"I missed that sound." He said, his glossy blue eyes looking into yours. There was nothing else left to do except press your lips on his and you missed that feeling, the feeling of being his once again and now forever because if fear can drive you apart, love will reel you back in. 
General Taglist: @petersasteria @bleh-bleh-blehs @astrosurreptitious @hollanderfangirl @deepika-padukone @parkerpeter24 @yourstrulyamour @celestialholland @theonly1outof-a-billion @miraclesoflove @theglitterymess @osterfieldholland01 @spideyssunshine @zspideyy @rosie-posie08
Harrison Osterfield Taglist: @hollandbroz-n-haz @hjoficrecs @euphorichxlland @asshatgrace @anissalime @just-lost-inbetween-worlds
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clandestine masterlist
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Y/N is an up and coming actress, married to a once hotshot actor, Harrison (Haz). What happens when her co-star, Tom, makes her realise that she is stuck in a loveless marriage. A marriage starts crumbling and a new romance stars brewing.
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main masterlist
chapter 1: too wise to trust
chapter 2: portrait of a dinner
chapter 3: sparks fly
chapter 4: darling can’t you hear me?
chapter 5: the rumour has it
chapter 6: beautiful songs always end
chapter 7: rabbit hole
Clandestine - Haz Osterfield Version written by @petersasteria​
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hollandfromhell · 3 years
empty heart
ask: 11, 20, 25 w/ fwb!tom holland plss, i need hom to break eachother's hearts
a/n: not sure how i feel about this one if i'm being honest, so feedback would be so gratefully appreciated. anyway, I listened to the song empty heart by Whim while writing this so maybe give it a listen, i love you if you read this.
word count: 1096
requests: open
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Her grey bag slams against the ground the second she enters her dusty apartment that, she admits, hasn’t been used enough considering the how much she pays in rent. A sigh leaves her lips as her back lands on the couch situated in the middle of the room. Her mind is an absolute clusterfuck.
She doesn’t know how much longer she can handle all of these mixed signals from Tom, her ex now turned friends with benefits? She’s really not sure what to call them. They were together, and now they’re not, well sort of. Their 8 month relationship had taken a turn for the worse, the reason being something about lost feelings, although hers won’t ever seem to go away.
Everything about him drew her in, his curly brown hair, his amber eyes, his gorgeous body. She couldn’t seem to keep herself away, no matter how much she tried. And she tried, she really did. But a lunch meet up after Tom had come home to London after they had been broken up for a while turned into hooking up at his new apartment. She’s not proud of herself, she never imagined herself as someone’s fuck buddy, much less the man she loves-loved, those feelings are gone remember.
She knew this would end bad, and of course it did. She just had to surprise Tom at his apartment with his favorite take out, why couldn’t she just have gone home? No, she had to accidentally walk in on Tom and his new conquest. She doesn’t know why it’s crushing her so much, why tears are breaming along her water line, why her throat is constricting and her stomach is gurgling at the thought of him with another girl.
Her heart sinks lower, that girl holds the same spot she does in Tom’s life, nothing other than an easy lay. Someone he only comes to when he’s horny. Or maybe she’s more, hadn’t Tom said something about going on date during their last movie night? Maybe she now holds the spot Y/N can only dream of. She was so stupid to let him go, they could have been it for each other, if only she wouldn’t have complained about the distance and dealt with the hate she was getting. In the end, he was a superstar and she was some boring Londoner that apparently can’t handle her emotions.
A knock at her door startles her, and she contemplates answering. Her parents were out of town and her friends were all too busy for her these days. Nobody else knew where she lived except maybe her old biology partner from Uni.
She trudges to the door, and steps onto her tiptoes to look into the peep hole and the sight before her almost makes her heart stop. There Tom stands in all his glory, waiting rather impatiently for her to open the door if his thumping foot is anything to go by. When she opens the door, she turns around and heads back to her couch, and Tom can’t help but scoff.
“What’s up your ass?” His tone is almost sarcastic but she can hear a hint of curiosity and honestly she’s over him, over it, over whatever they have going on between them. Completely over everything.
“Nothing, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be fucking blondie,” Her temper is starting to show and she’s a little embarrassed that she’s even the slightest bit jealous, she could have anyone she wanted, Tom meant nothing to her.
Tom takes a seat next to her and she can’t help but lean away from him, “Someone jealous?” His smirk makes Y/N sick.
She rolls her eyes and shoves him away, “Fuck off Tom. I don’t care who you hook up with.” She can’t look him in the eye and she knows he knows.
“Why are you lying to me?” Her world practically comes crashing down, what the fuck does that even mean? This asshole, the goddamn asshole. “You think I don’t know how you feel? You love me.” He says the words with such a disgusting confidence.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” is she that easy to read, can he really see right through her and her endless emotions. She’s got excuses lined up, her mind is reeling with ways to make her sound believable when she says she does not, in fact, have any feeling for the man that she can’t seem to get far enough from.
“How do you think this ends?” His questions cuts her and all of her excuses off and practically short circuits her brain. Why is he so vague, he’s usually so straight forward when he talks to her. It’s Tom, he knows what he wants and doesn’t ever beat around the bush.
“Tom seriously what are you talking about? How what ends?” Her heart pounds in her chest as he scoots closer to her.
“Us, Y/N, how do you think we end?” she racks her brain and Tom grows frustrated, “I love you. Don’t you get it, the only way this ends is with you and me being happy together. There’s nothing else for us, there’s nobody else for me.”
She stares at him in complete awe, her mouth agape and her mind running a mile a minute. This is everything she has ever wanted. Someone who loves her and is willing to fight for her, to wait for her. But she can’t ever let herself be happy, so she takes a different route.
“I don’t love you.” Tom’s face instantly drops, his beautiful brown eyes turning glossy, she wants to take back her words, wants nothing more than to tell him she does love and want him. How he is her end all be all. But she can’t, they aren’t meant to be. She isn’t his and he will never be hers again.
Tom stands from her couch and goes straight for the front door, he tried his best, she knows where to find him when she changes her mind, he would wait an eternity for her, he would rather live a second longer with her, here in this moment where his heart is shattered and her words feel like knives against his skin, than a lifetime without her. She is the sun and he is poor Icarus, burned by a one sided love. He turns to look at her one more time.
“I would have done anything for you.” Then he leaves, ready to go back to his life with an empty part of himself only she could fill.
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