#Harsh Language
bts-0t-7 · 10 months
Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 1
Pair: Fae Jimin x Nymph reader 
Summary: Stripped from your own birthright, you suffer at the hands of your people. But after all, you couldn’t blame them. Having enough, you left in the middle of the snowy days but things didn’t go as you planned. Jimin, pulled by an unspeakable force, ventures out into the blizzard to find a body face-first on the ground. Your love and connection is forbidden - looked down upon. But the both of you are willing to try. However, where there are dreams there are prices to pay. How will the both of you push through? Can the both of you do it?
Genre: Strangers to lovers, fantasy au, Jimin is the CROWN PRINCE (I mean-), angst, kidnapping, smut
WC: 2932
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The history of the fae and nymphs - elements that used to live together harmoniously. Like the primary and secondary elements of life and magic, the love between faes and nymphs was sacred - so sacred that only royals had the right to arrange a marriage between their children. 
But hundreds of centuries later, amongst the roots of enmity that were fueled by old grudges and misunderstandings, blew out of proportion and affected many citizens. 
The dark history between them that started was marked by blood in the ledger books. The first is The Great Rift. The conflicts between faes and nymphs are often referred to in this phrase as the powerful fae kingdom taking lands that were traditionally inhabited by the nymphs. Territorial dispute ignited much hostility and opposition. This therefore caused the lack of resources. Both mystical beings relied on the same natural elements to thrive from the magical essence in their forests. 
And within these battles of dominance grew something more than just territory but also magical supremacy. Each mystical being possesses its own unique and elemental powers. As the war grew to a larger scale, betrayals were not able to be prevented. A web of alliances and betrayals intermingle with the supernatural races while leading to mutual distrust. 
The history was marred by not one, not two, but five different wars at different times. Both sides inflicted much suffering on the other. The wars led to untold loss with neither willing to yield. The main lasting repercussions come in, especially in the revised laws that were enacted to prevent any form of interaction or alliance between fae and nymph. Love between individuals of two races was seen as a dangerous threat to the stability of their respective societies.
The history was written in blood and the older generation of both races have a hard time letting go of their prejudices. 
And here lies the snowstorm. 
In the middle of the forest, where the snow blasts down like little chilling knives slicing through your skin and a good three feet of snow -
Your kind were the ice nymphs, once the royal family, now stripped of your title and an outcast amongst your kind. Where the fae folk thrived, you ventured - away from the place you once called home, now a barren room barely the size of a storage room. The scars of the Cold War between the nymphs still lingered, leaving the kingdom in the easy grip of the Lyrin fae.
You kind - the ice nymphs - were rare to come about, each one of your veins flows with the power of winter. In the lores, your kind was told to have a beauty that was like a fragile kind of enchantment, with hair as pale as frost, and skin as delicate as the first snowfall. 
There were only a few times that you have looked in the mirror - countable with five fingers. After your family was stripped of their title, with you accordingly, life was never the same. Your people, with no place to go, lost trust and justice in you. 
Desperation drove her journey as she yearned to escape the dark shadow of your people’s fall that hung over her head like a knife over the bed. Even with the ice in your veins, that winter night, when the biting frost finally embraced you and hunger gnawed at your core, your strength failed. You had pushed yourself as far as you could but as the sun dipped below the horizon, your body could no longer hold you up, giving in to your exhaustion and malnutrition. 
Lying beneath the icy canopy, you were a fragile, half-dead being that is an easy hunt for food for predators living around the area. Your eyes swerved back, trying to calculate how far you might have to go back for shelter. But you didn’t know. 
You had walked without a direction, lost in the depths of the Lyrin forest. Frostbites numbed your limbs and your brain was moving slower from the exhuation. But there it was, amidst the unforgiving cold and darkness, you sensed a presence stirring. 
Your hazed hearing registered the crunch of footsteps in the snow as your blurry vision sent your brain to somebody standing next to you. Your eyes roll around until you have a clearer picture of who it is. A man with dark hair, brown eyes, and plush lips, dressed in regal attire with a crest of the fae kingdom. Lyrin was one of the biggest fae kingdoms and everybody knows their crests. After all, it was them who led the battles many years ago. It was them that inflicted the harm and loss on your people. It was them that had killed the ruling family back then. 
Your family. 
But he wasn’t the one who took the action. No, he was almost as old as you were and then, the both of you were barely kids. 
Prince Jimin, they called him. 
The golden sunlight. 
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The crown of Lyrin weighed heavily on his shoulders. He knew the crowning ceremony would be soon, and this winter, he wanted to let go and be just a man until he could no longer. Once he takes over the throne from his father, his duty to serve his country is solely on his shoulders. There was much to do and many things he would like to change, but even as king, these little ideas - as his father likes to call them - had to go through the council. 
And Jimin knows that the old hags would never approve of it. 
It went beyond the revised edition of the old laws. 
To reconcile with the nymphs. 
Jiminhad ventured into the forest today, going around with no direction, guided purely by an inexplicable force. The kingdom, although a realm of enchantment, was deeply tainted by the darkness of its past. If all was silent enough, one could still hear the shrieks and cries of the souls. The darkness had bred a strong sense of hatred and fear between faes and nymphs. Their mating was now an old tale of forbidden love - a story buried deep in history. 
As he ventured further into the woods, he stumbled upon the nymph, your frail form half-buried in the snow. Your beauty, even in your weak state, took the breath right out of his lungs. He recognized you as a nymph with your small frame and pale, white hair. But it wasn’t completely white. It shone like the silvers of the moonlight when light reflected off it. 
But it was when he moved to pick you up that he saw your family’s sigil, now faded from royal to common, that told him - you were no ordinary nymph. As his arms went under the ice, you stirred slightly at the movement. As you opened her eyes, he was completely taken aback by the sheer blue shade of your pupils. 
Even with one foot into the Underworld, you looked ethereal to him. Jimin was snapped out of his daze when your frostbitten lips whispered a plea for help. In that moment, all history and hatred were forgotten. With fae swiftness, he scooped your fragile state - lighter than air - into his arms and covered you with his coat. 
Determined to save her, he summoned a warm breeze that melted the frost from your body and sealed you in a cocoon of warmth. Jimin only dared to start running faster to his horse when colour slowly came back to your lips. Ensuring that you were safely tucked in his arms, Jimin ran back to the castle, fighting against death who wanted to take the girl in his arms. 
As days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. The little nymph’s life continued to hang in the balance and Jimin was a mess. He made every doctor attend to you, pacing around the bedroom day and night. He had caused an uproar in the kingdom when they found out that their crown prince had brought back a nymph - even more than this one that was from the late royal family - and was nursing her back to health. 
His father had threatened to strip him of his title if he did not abandon you. But he could not do it. So it started the feud between father and son, neither backing down. Jimin understood that his late grandfather and his father had a feud among the nymphs, had been the ones who executed them and had been the ones to fight at the front lines. They were the ones who brought Lyrin to what it is today - expanded. But as Jimin studied the history of both parties, he felt a certain connection to the nymphs. 
He did not want to be a ruler where their mystical counterparts would be afraid of them. He did not want to be a ruler like his father - ruling by fear from an iron fist. 
While doctors attended to you, Jimin watched them with sharp eyes, ensuring that none of the doctors would slip anything into your bloodstream. When nothing helped and your state was only getting worse, Jimin grew more and more anxious. He had sifted through books and hunted down the Old Scripts.
He learned that your name was L/N Y/N, the youngest of the last ruling family. Your father had been killed in the war, your mother led you and your siblings to safety but soon after passed due to the broken mate bond. Your siblings were either caught by his father’s cavalry or died of starvation, leaving only you. Your records were still in the kingdom, seemingly down till two days before he met you. That means that you were active in your own kingdom, at your people’s mercy until you left.
He looked back at where you lay still on the bed. 
And if he didn’t find you, you would have probably been dead by now. 
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You woke up to the warmth and luxury of a place you had only dreamed of. Your body was still weak and you didn’t know what happened after passing out. Slowly rising to consciousness, you found yourself in a room of blue and white, drapes swinging in the wind. But you registered that the windows weren’t open and the room was cold like… ice?
Winter may be the season but no room was made to stay cold unless the elements of the magicians’ are meant to stay cold. 
Like you.
You curled your fingertips, feeling the soft, silky sheets beneath them. Trying to view the room from your current position - lying flat on the bed with a head that feels as heavy as bricks - you were taken aback by the sheer language it screams. 
From the materials beneath your body to the furniture displayed, the decorations and architecture of the room, they were all beyond your imagination. You had not stepped into such a room since the battle. As you looked around, you realised the room was not originally made to stay cold. The fireplace seemed to be covered in a layer of dust but the decorations on them were clean. 
And although you knew that this was not your room, the calming temperature felt just like home. But you had not been in a room like this for a very long time. Distantly, you heard the opening and closing of a door. Your eyes immediately shot in the direction of the sound just to find a man already standing beside the bed. 
You were immediately broken out of your thoughts when you realised who it was and where exactly you were. You did not need to open the windows to know - you were on enemy territory. The rulers who killed your family. The rulers who brought demise onto your people. 
But looking at the man, clad in a loose tunic and pants, dark brown hair ruffled in all directions, you couldn’t find yourself to hate him. Even as you knew that he shared the purest blood with the murderer, you knew that he… was just like you. 
A family’s misdoings do not mean a child’s downfall. 
One’s choice does not equal the choice of another. 
You sink deeper into the sheets, holding in your sigh as you close your eyes. 
“Oh!” Your eyes shot open to see the man right in front of you. “Oh, you’re awake! Oh, finally! Wait - wait - let me call the physicians!”
Your brain couldn’t register his words fast enough before you saw his body move so fast it was just a blurry shade running down the stairs. Or maybe it was just your vision that was a little crusty. Rubbing your eyes as you yawned, you got up from the bed. You wouldn’t like to overstay your stay, especially not in a place where your head was on a bounty. 
You had left your kingdom only to be stuck in another. 
Sighing, you looked down to your feet -
Your arms shot to cover your already clothed body. Wait, wait, wait - 
Your hands patted yourself down. You - 
You were changed. 
Your plan to secretly escape was a fail the moment your ears picked up the sound of multiple heavy footsteps coming towards the room. The large doors were banged open, revealing a line of physicians behind the prince. 
“There! There! I told you, she is awake!”
Squinting at the all-to-cheerful sound that the prince makes, the palm of your hands pressed against your ears. 
“Careful, Prince. The Lady just woke up, her senses will be sensitive. You must lower your volume, Prince.”
Sheepish eyes shot at you, a guilty smile lifting the corners of his lips. The physicians fussed you back to bed and ran a thorough check of you, reporting back to the prince whenever they found something. Whether it was something healing or something that needs healing. Over the next few weeks, you realise how persistent and petty the prince can get. 
He would refuse you bites of food if you were to call him by his royal title. He would refuse to help you up from bed, just standing at the corner of the bedpost when you need the restroom, always claiming, “If you aren’t going to help yourself, you don’t get to do your business.”
But you also realise how much he has gone through. As the only child, he was meant to take the throne a couple of weeks before he found you. But he had caused a huge uprising and a big fight with his father. When you were sneaking out one of the nights, Jimin found you during his nightly duties of patrol and whisked you back to the room. 
Although you had left with the intention of Jimin’s life getting back to normal, he has increased your security so that you won’t have much of a chance to run away again. 
Keyword: much. 
You still had your chances and when that came, you took it. You had everything packed and ready, but this time, you left with a note at the bedside table, paired together with a magic-infused healing charm for the man. 
Safe to say, it was a bad idea. 
You knew it was the moment you penned down your goodbyes and gave him the charm. But you didn’t have much on you to give him for thanks other than the occasional swirls of magic in his office. 
Yes, it was a horrible idea - of course it was! You were caught - again. 
This time, Jimin didn’t just leave you back in the room. He was silent the whole time after he found you. The ride back, up the stairs, and even after the both of you entered the room. You saw the note on the bed. 
Jimin’s back was to you. 
“Why - Why would you think that?”
You were taken aback by the tears that streamed down his plum cheeks that you had teasingly squished the past few weeks. Looking down at the note, you felt a pang of… sorrow.
A sorrow that wasn’t yours. It shouldn’t be. “Because it is against the laws.”
“I do not care what the laws claim!”
“I am nobody, Prince. You have a duty to serve your kingdom and its people. I am a princess, stripped of my title, belonging to the very kingdom your father and his father killed through. The very princess that they couldn’t care less before killing off my father on the battlefield.” He couldn’t be yours. He was a prince, deserving of one better than a bond that was looked down upon. 
“My ancestors can go suck their dicks.”
You pulled a face at the crude language. You knew that he would be insisting - you found out that much about him - and you prepared yourself for a situation like this. But your resolve was already crumbling. 
“Prince -”
“Stop, stop! I am yours! Please - I beg of you - stop calling me by my title.”
You sucked in a deep breath. “You are more than your titles. But you are also the light of your people. The only heir to the throne and you will not shove it away just because we are bonded. I refuse.”
“I will lay the world down on your feet for you, please. Do not leave me.” His cries hurt you more than knives and ropes splitting your skin raw. 
“My world is not one you can provide.”
My world is you. 
But you wouldn’t dare say that as you turned your back to him and walked out of the castle, following your original plan in mind.
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secret-bug-pain-blog · 8 months
@febuwhump Day 6 - "You lied to us"
This one's a rough 'un for sure, content-wise. Behold, the mental state of a 2000-pound wild boar afflicted with pack mentality, a complete lack of pack, and several metric tons of trauma.
The moon is coming.
Vi scurries through the city streets, dread rattling in her throat. There are too many people here, too many bugs, too many people she could hurt. She must have lost track of time - miscounted the days on the calendar, miscalculated the time left in the day, forgotten to watch out for the moonrise, something.
The moon is coming, and she is afraid.
Everywhere she goes, the crowd only seems to grow thicker. It's too many people, too much crowding- she can almost smell the blood that'll be spilled if she stays, the feeling of shell cracking in her teeth, the taste of guts and hemolymph.
She needs to get away.
Vi pushes through the throng, frantically hunting for anywhere that might be less full, anywhere that she might be able to chain her other form. She can feel something beginning to stir, the phantom of her claws threatening to break out from under her shell. Her teammates are calling after her, concerned, afraid- but she can't go to them now, not when the moon is so close.
She can't afford to have more people dead.
She needs to get somewhere safe- somewhere away from people, somewhere she can keep her claws bound, somewhere that the only person she'll hurt is herself.
But everywhere she goes, there only seem to be more bugs in the crowd, more people pushing, stalling, stopping her from getting anywhere that she might be able to get out-
The moon peeks over the horizon, and for a moment, all she can feel is blinding, awful dread.
"Vi," Leif says. "Vi, why are you running away?"
"You're acting strange," Kabbu says, concern clear in his voice. "Shouldn't you be resting? Weren't you hurt in that fight? Any other bug would be dead by now, Vi."
She tastes hemolymph on her tongue as one of her growing tusks pierces her lip. She doesn't answer, running blindly further, further. The crowd doesn't thin, no matter how far she runs, and she can feel the warning twisting beginning under her shell, the feeling of flesh starting to warp.
Her flesh gives a warning twist under her shell, and all she knows is that she has to go, now.
A bug cuts in front of her, and she startles, balking at the unexpected motion - too much, too close, the feathering on her antenna brushes shell with an uncomfortable thrill of feedback and she barely bites back a whimper. Something in her back gives an uncomfortable crunch, and she stands a head taller - still not enough to part the tide, but enough that she can feel her shell tighten, the spines beneath threatening to pierce through.
There are people all around her. At her sides, at her back, at her throat. She can feel them press closer and closer, boxing her in. Her teammates are coming closer, closer, their words scraping against the insides of her skull in awful, uncomfortable shards.
Too close- she's going to hurt them, she can feel the transformation getting worse, her arms beginning to twist apart, rows upon rows of claws sprouting from her arms. They're just behind her, she can tell, staring, watching her as the moon rips through her body. She sees them, horrified, disgusted, looking at her-
"Don't touch me," she begs. "Get away, get away-"
But they don't listen, crowding closer, staring and murmuring like she's an animal in a zoo. Spikes climb the ridge of her back as her shell hardens and thickens, her wings melting and melding with the thick plane of carapace that is now her thorax, her muzzle twisting and lengthening and thickening as her jaw warps, her tusks curving and twisting outwards, her eyes watering as something behind them shifts.
She's surrounded on all sides. There are so many people here, so many people everywhere - the, the more she sees, the more she recognizes, staring and gaping and pointing at her as her shell shifts and distorts. She presses her hands over her ears, but there's nothing there but talons, long and sharp and threatening to tear away the sides of her face as her chitin crunches-
They are silent as she screams, the transformation rattling down through shell and flesh, her mandibles pulling apart, the scar on her lip tingling and pulling as her pedipalps fully extend. Her shell practically breaks in two, going from bee-size to beast-size in a split second, shattering and healing itself in an instant. The sound she makes isn't bug, an awful, wretched, guttural thing, wrenched from her chest to her jaws as her body warps unnaturally, as she changes in an instant.
The pain rings in her ears all too long after it finishes, but when it does, she can see her shell battered and broken on the floor in front of her. Her bee body, ripped to shreds, taken apart piece by piece - her beast form torn out from within, rendering it a useless corpse on the floor.
Vi looks up. And up. And up. She towers over everyone, now, but she feels horribly small. She sits in the middle of a circle, a monster torn from bee shell- she sees the looks of shock on their faces, the slow step back, the growing fear. A few nervous bugs level weapons at her.
Kabbu breaks the silence. "You- a beast!"
"When were you going to tell us?" Leif asks, its fur ruffled with displeasure. Elizant steps out from behind it, levelling her with a stony glare that demands an explanation. They crowd in, new bugs appearing from thin air to check out the hubbub, staring and poking at her like she's a zoo exhibit. A doctor jabs at the aching bite on her arm, trying to spread it open for examination, another trying to distract her as she's poked and prodded like a lab animal. They're too close, they're all too close, she can't breathe-
Vi balks, lashing out at the growing crowd with her talons, and the air is steeped in hemolymph in an instant. The floor is blue-green, pale white, deep emerald- the doctors are dead, They're dying- and everyone looks at her with disgust, backing up as if they'll catch her sickness if they get too close. There's rot in her mouth, decay coating her tongue as it pools in her stomach, an awful nausea climbing up her throat.
"Why would you do that?" asks Kabbu. "They just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Vi tries to respond, but her throat doesn't form words anymore. She wails something out, incoherent, but he simply looks at her with cool disappointment. "I don't see why I bring you out at all, if you're going to act like this," he tuts in Jaune's voice. "Behave yourself! Do you think that the Hive raises wild animals?"
The Hive around her tuts in agreement, casting judgemental eyes on her. There's blood on the floor, pooling in the crevices between tiles, the same yellow-green of all bee's blood. Bugs murmur and titter and judge, a million billion eyes all on her, alone at the middle of the throng.
It feels awful, it feels wrong - but no matter how much she twists and turns, she can't find a single bug who seems to notice that something is strange. The awful feeling in her chest grows and grows, taking over until she can't feel anything else, rotting and festering and swelling. There's a static between her and them, an awful gap, and it won't stop growing and growing and-
She snaps back to reality.
Jaune is beneath her, a horrible fear in her eyes, Vi's jaws clamped around her arm. There's that awful sinking feeling in her stomach, the feeling that she's done something horribly, irreversibly wrong.
She lets go, and Jaune scrambles back, vanishing into the crowd- a million eyes staring right at her, right at the shards of bee fluff and shell in her teeth.
"You animal," the Overseer snarls. "What's wrong with you? Do you get off on attacking harmless bugs now?"
"And Maki approved you?" Elizant snarls, her mask doing nothing to conceal the disgust on her face. "Has my association fallen so low as to take in mindless beasts?"
"You lied to us!" cries Leif. "A member of the hive? You're nothing but a monster!"
The other bugs join the chorus, chanting their disdain for her- wretch, beast, poacher, rattling through her shell until she can't hear herself think, the sound vibrating in every little crevice of her shell and every hair of her antenna in a cascade of voices she knows.
A stone cracks across her shell, and she howls. It doesn't drown out the voices- they only get louder, and louder, and louder, howling for her death, for her silence, shut up and die already-
She runs. Like a coward, like the fucking idiot she is that's run a hundred times before- faces blur past her, people she knows, Maki, his face twisted in disgust and horror, Bau, all humor gone from their face as they ready their daggers, Ollie, half her body gone beneath the tearing force of her jaws-
The Golden Path's leaves crunch under her paws, the crowds falling away as she flees. Her pursuer is only a few paces away, bigger than her, stronger than her, jaws snapping at her ragged wings. She has to run, she has to get out, but her legs are too short, her limbs fumble beneath her, she stumbles-
Claws lodge in her chitin, piercing it as easily as if she were a wriggler again and wrenching her on her back. Rust-red eyes, flashing green-blue in the moonlight, a pair of tusks, a twisted reflection of her, rope tied around its limbs and bee-blood spilling from its jaws as it calls her name, Vi, Vi, VI-
Her claws flashed out, scoring a sharp gash into one of Kabbu's external mandibles. Vi sat bolt upright, ignoring the jolt of pain from the sting-mark in her side as she pulled her claws against her chest.
...but no one was there but Kabbu, holding a hand to the new scratches on his muzzle.
A dream. It was a dream.
It... wasn't real.
Vi trapped her claws against her ruff, trying to focus on controlling her breathing. It was a dream. It didn't happen. None of it had actually happened.
Her hands were still shaking.
They were still in the Swamplands. She could smell the swamp water if she focused, lingering over nearly everything else. Maki was still leaned against the wall, Leif was sleeping not half a foot away, curled into some awful pretzel shape.
In, out. Focus on the spiracles closer to her thorax. Focus on the spiracles closer to her stinger. Her claws were tipped with pale blue-green. Hemolymph dripped from the scratches on Kabbu's face.
Just a dream.
She worried her wrist in her teeth, ignoring Kabbu's sound of alarm. She- it wasn't real. It wasn't real. Tonight wasn't the right night. She still had her calendar in her bag to prove it, hidden away with the chains and the handful of charms she'd commissioned.
The half moon shone high in the sky.
Fourteen days until the full moon. Fourteen days before the next time she had to fear her transformation.
She wondered, absentmindedly, if the old poacher camp in the swamp was still standing.
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carbondioxda · 1 year
The damn snow.
Albedo x reader <33
c/w: lots of swearing!!, the reader is a girl, traveling through dragonspine, reader has a backstory and a cryo vision, experiments, mentions of the ginger, overall fluff and comfort
a/n: second fanfic, writing this at 2am sorry for typos or repetitions!! english isn’t my first language, so please tell me if I make any mistakes, I’ll be very thankful!
as I said in my previous post, the way I write dialogue might different than what you’re used to
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She was sick of hearing the crunches her boots made in the thick snow. It was deafening at this point.
She felt hot inside, which made her wanna rip off her winter jacket, but somehow her joints were completely frozen.
,,I’m gonna loose my fucking fingers by the time I get there.” She thought to herself, knowing it was a plain lie, because it wasn’t her first time going through Dragonspine. And most certainly not the last.
Maybe it would’ve been easier if she had a pyro vision, instead of the currently useless cryo one. Everything in her life was about snow. Parents? Froze to death. Siblings? Froze to death. Homeland? The fucking cold-ass Snezhnaya. Herself? Froze to death as well, multiple times actually. Every single time she made her way to her spouse’s laboratory, to be more precise.
Despite her past expieriences she wasn’t afraid of the cold. She used to be, however now it’s just making her blood boil. Only hatred stayed.
They did have a small, cozy, warm, cute house in Mondstadt, but Albedo was stubborn on working in the most annoying fucking region known to man.
She looked up, ignoring the snowflakes on her eyelashes. Right, time for a hilichurl. Poor guy picked the wrong time to be on her way. He didn’t even have time to notice her, before her weapon went flying into him. She was waaaay too pissed off to even try to put effort into this fight, or any other thing at this point.
She flew over to his lab, using the wind glinder. It was a true wonder how it worked in that weather. She stood right next to the small fire right at the opening of the ,,cave”.
- Oh? You’ve arrived. - Albedo noticed, unfocusing on his work.
- No shit. - his beloved mumbled, still covered in snow and barely able to move. He must’ve noticed how much she hated going into his lab by now.
- You were pretty fast. Two minutes faster than usual. - the blonde pointed out, inviting her in.
- Furious too. - she stated, taking off her soaked jacket and taking out a few small boxes from her backpack. They weren’t in such horrible state as she was, thankfully. Albedo took out a few herbs from them, he needed them for his research. As she went further inside, a nice smell struck her nostril. He was cooking soup.
- I see. - he smiled. He wasn’t phased by her behaviour. The first time she had to come there was extreme though, he was afraid to even speak to her. - Those look more fresh than I anticipated.
- Childe gave me those this morning, when he arrived. He’s going on a worldwide trip again, I guess. - she said, now sitting next to the fire, regaining her ability to feel arms and legs. She spoke in a calm tone now, not wanting to let out her anger on the poor alchemist. Fingers are gonna take a hot while to come back.
- Do you know if he’s staying for long? - Albedo asked, multitasking. He was boiling some water and mixing liquids with the herbs, while still listening to what she had to say. She didn’t come all this way to just be ignored, after all. Honestly, he couldn’t ignore her even if he wanted.
- Not really. But not for long, if I had to guess. He never stays for longer than a week. I bet he’s gonna visit that one guy from Liyue next. - she rambled, staring into the fire. It was so comforting to finally rest.
- Drink this. - he requested, giving her a cup with a flowery-smelling tea. It had the same blue hue, as the herbs that she gave him.
- Is this made from the thing you asked me to get you from Snezhnaya? - she said puzzled. - Come on, I thought you needed this for research!
- I did. I saved some of it. Come on, drink up. It’s gonna make you feel better. You need more vitamins, don’t force me to make you come all the way up here every time I see you skip meals or eat junk. - he insisted. It did make a lot of sense. Whenever she was overworking herself or too lazy to keep a healthy diet, he’d make her come to Dragonspine and drink crazy teas, which were probably vitamin bombs.
- You…you realise you couldn’ve made me a tea at home, right? - she mouthed, slowly sipping on the hot drink.
- You forget about all of the things I make you in a span of 10 minutes. They all go cold. - he pointed out. He wasn’t mad, or said it in a venomous tone.
- Good point. - she responded bluntly, trying to forgive him for the torture he made her go through. - But you could’ve just reminded me!
- Also, I need to work. - he added quickly. He focused on his work again, meanwhile she started reading a book. Albedo gifted it to her some time ago.
She managed to finish her tea. Then, he put away all of the documents he had on his desk into a drawer. He did the same with some supplies, only left a few colorful vials untouched. The blonde made his way to the girl’s side. She was feeling warm now, but looking at the horrible weather outside made her want to cry. Albedo noticed it.
- We’ll head out tommorrow when it stops snowing so much. You did a great job going through that snowstorm, I honestly thought you’d stay home. - he said, sitting down.
- Nah. I decided to be productive. I wanted to see you. - she smiled at him. Finally, she was in a good mood. He took out two bowls and finally put the wonderful-smelling soup into them. God, they were starving. It was gone in a few minutes. Now, she was fed, tired and ready to sleep.
- I think I’m gonna take a nap.
- A nap? It’s nighttime anyway. Just go to sleep. - he giggled. He slowly got up and placed a small kiss on her forehead.
- Aren’t you gonna rest too? - she asked, seeing him get back to his desk.
- No need. I’ll get plenty of that when I die.
- You’re not gonna be doing that anytime soon. Lay down with me. - she begged. She saw him hesitate for a second.
- I still need to finish this. If I won’t, I’ll need to do it some other time and you’ll have to go through the whole Dragonspine just to see me again. - he tried to negotiate.
- I will.
- Don’t you hate the snow?
- I do hate it, yes. Not as much as I love you though. - she said, her words sounding like honey to him. He had to take a breath before he responded, trying to comperhend how she never had a filter.
- Got me there. - he said, coming back to her.
Now she’ll cuddle him to death.
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wanderrealms · 11 months
I feel like Frosttouch ends up trying to solve other villains, and the MC's problems, and comforting them quite often. At least in the calmer moments.
It makes sense since he is trying to build a family, but the material he's working with is challenging. Greystreak (another villain) he just calls "a worm doomed feast on rot in the shadows where all scorned are cast to wallow" if he doesn't get his act together.
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inchidentally · 3 months
like if it hadn't been for the amount of teammate solidarity from landoscar today even I wouldn't have bothered to notice this buttt
I zoomed in on Oscar from this video of the cool down room bc I'd assumed like the caption that Oscar was giggling too but !!
mans looked pissed and didn't laugh with Carlos and George at all until George said "ahhh we shouldn't laugh" and at that point he does a smile but it slips off pretty fast and he does that little huff and goes back to being tired
like the earnest and loyal young teammate who's also gradually becoming friend to Lando, puffing up in outrage on his behalf
vs the older brothers/longtime friends to Lando who have a chuckle over that moment the same way he does with them when he's in their position
idk it's just so unbearably cute how Oscar's loyalty to Lando and him wanting to join in with the big boys play out but the loyalty to Lando winning just like how he chose not to hold his own trophy the way he and Lando usually do in the post race video bc that would be rubbing it in too much ;__;
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shitpostingkats · 9 months
Riz Gukgak and his bloody hands
SUCH a metal visual and motif. Kalina, Baron, they tease him for it, they twist it into one of his worst qualities, just as they belittle that he his heart, leverage his fear that he cannot love anyone enough.
Riz Gukgak loves. He will claw himself to shreds on love. He will dig through reality, lacerating himself on crystal, just to help his childhood friend. He will hiss at the devil, he will bite out eyes, he will do anything to help his friends feel safe. He will attempt to eat an entire dragon. Out of love for a father he barely knew.
"That’s you saying “I love you” to the people who matter to you the most."
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sneakywingeddude · 2 months
My hc is that Ema meant to say Glimmerous fag but realized Trucy was there and said Glimmerous fop.
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saccharinescorpion · 6 months
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i saw some noise being made about this manga so i gave it a shot and it was basically an instant reccomendation. there's a lot i could say about Kimi to Uchuu wo Aruku Tame Ni ("I Want To Walk In Space With You") but all i really want to say to convey my feelings is that i read it this morning and experienced what i can only describe as a Category 5 “He Just Like Me FR” Event (crying within 1 hour of waking) (im ok now)
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katinkulta · 1 year
Inspired by this post by @rainbowywitch
What does Finnish sound like to y'all out there who don't speak Finnish, but has been introduced to the language because of that little tiny funky green guy?
I've always wondered, and now seems like the perfect time to ask, 'cause I will probably get some answers, since all eyes (or so it feels like) is on some dude from Vantaa.
I'm thankful for every answer I get <3
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evilios · 1 month
Not really a jab at someone but some posts on gendered speech make me want to remind people that a lot of languages are, in fact, so deeply gendered that you can’t avoid using some sort of gendered speech within them. Not out of personal disrespect but because every part of the sentence individually contains something (usually inflections) that retains gendered connotation (especially in 1st and 3rd person). I understand I’m on the majorly English speaking website and it’s not really an every day concern for most of you — or is something easily avoidable/matter of effort — but non-gendered speech (within our languages) is not an achievable thing for some of us!
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bts-0t-7 · 10 months
Breaking Bonds | PJM Mini Series Masterlist
Pair: Fae Jimin x Nymph reader 
Summary: Stripped from your own birthright, you suffer at the hands of your people. But after all, you couldn’t blame them. Having enough, you left in the middle of the snowy days but things didn’t go as you planned. Jimin, pulled by an unspeakable force, ventures out into the blizzard to find a body face-first on the ground. Your love and connection is forbidden - looked down upon. But the both of you are willing to try. However, where there are dreams there are prices to pay. How will the both of you push through? Can the both of you do it?
Genre: Strangers to lovers, fantasy au, Jimin is the CROWN PRINCE (I mean-), angst, kidnapping, smut
TWC: 10307
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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badolmen · 1 year
On the topic of ‘bad mascot horror video games for kids’ the exception to the rule (or rather, something that understood the assignment) would be My Friendly Neighborhood.
I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t booted up the game before, but just…don’t be fooled by jumpscare compilations or the character design. From the opening cutscene this game grabs you by the fucking throat. The mechanics have thought put into them, the voice acting is top notch, and christ the fucking story - a complete story, one that has an end that isn’t promised in future ‘chapters’ or left ambiguous.
Yes, it has jumpscares from goofy muppet monsters, but they’re not cheap tricks. Once you learn how the game works they’re easy to avoid or at the very least anticipate - not to mention they’re survivable with the healing mechanic. And just when you think the scares are done, when you’re well into the game and have all the tools you need to navigate around potential jumpscares, the final act dunks you into the deep-end with the actual horror and nightmare fuel puppets.
I’m not sure how much the game as a whole qualifies as ‘horror,’ but it’s certainly being lumped in with the Whatever-Mascot Horror Game of the Week genre. Which is a shame because My Friendly Neighborhood is leagues ahead of those other games. It has more in common with survival horror than it does with mascot horror in terms of gameplay and tropes. It’s literally just the ‘monster’ designs leading people to assume its another Poppy Playtime clone complete with half baked story and repetitive, unimaginative gameplay loops. And that’s so far from the truth -
My Friendly Neighborhood is like if Sesame Street and Resident Evil had a beautiful muppet baby that opened its eyes to have an existential crisis when confronted with the horrors and apathy of modern capitalism.
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mittenlady · 5 months
it is incredibly easy to tell when people can not write simon blackquill because his speech — at least for his TwIsTeD sAmUrAi persona — is so distinct. it’s difficult for me to explain in words, but if you look at the game transcripts for any period of time you should be able to get a sense for it and it is so aggravating to see fanworks where he isn’t yapping like some victorian era chap with a disposition for the macabre. a heinous fiend pried from the pages of penny dreadful.
“from the outset, i had no intention of paying heed to any of your babble”? bars. he calls apollo a “whelp.” impeccable. “the defendant sought to sow this confusion”? brilliant. “nothing but claptrap and balderdash if you ask me”? iconic. read some 18th century literature or ask the spirit of jane austen for her aid before putting the name of simon blackquill in your mouth my good chap
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twisted-deal · 4 months
Sometimes you just have to sit and look idly at your ceiling while thinking about ruggie's school unifrom vignette where he is casually teaching jade new recipes at the school cafeteria peacefully in the middle of the night
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cwpiqwon · 6 months
i need more desi moots cuz I just watched salaar and i need to talk to someone about it cuz I'm going insane LIKE OMFG IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THESE TWO IM GONNA KMS. VARDHA AND DEVA ARE SO...
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The Smell Of Rain • Hole • Numbed Pain • The Crushing Weight • Judgement Looms • Dragsúgur • Faint Pulse • Bloated • Guilt • Ending It
Submitter's Note: The person who made this album is on YouTube, his channel is named _crustbag_ (found here: https://m.youtube.com/c/crustbag)
Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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