#Hate Group
sophieinwonderland · 8 months
Debunking r/systemscringe's DID Lies!
For those who aren't aware, r/systemscringe is an ableist hate subreddit, and is one of the greatest sources of misinformation about dissociative disorders and plurality on the internet.
Today, I'd like to go over some of their most prominent excuses for fakeclaiming DID and OSDD systems, and why those reasons are contradicted by actual research by actual psychiatrists.
"Alters Can't Talk To Each Other"
This is one of the most easily-debunked lies I've seen to excuse fakeclaiming. It can take a few different forms. But generally, when a system talks about speaking to their alters, r/systemscringe users will say that it's impossible and that DID doesn't work like that.
This isn't just a little false. It completely contradicts all known research into DID.
Hearing voices of alters is directly mentioned in the DSM-5 as a symptom.
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This isn't even uncommon. Voce hearing is more common in DID than in schizophrenia, experienced in about 80% of cases of dissociative disorders.
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Now, it does need to be noted that just because 80% do, that doesn't mean it's true of everyone. 20% is still a big number, and systems who can't communicate internally are still valid.
But the fact of the matter is that most systems can communicate this way.
"You Need (Years of) Therapy to be Able to Communicate With Alters"
Failing the first one, another popular claim is that alters can't possibly communicate without therapy. Usually, people will claim this requires "years" of therapy to build communication.
So is this true?
Turns out, not in the slightest. In fact, in a study comparing DID voice hearers to schizophrenic voice hearers, it was found that 90% of the DID voice hearers started hearing voices before the age of 18.
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This is in comparison to a Schizophrenic group that consisted of 28% without maltreatment and 38% with maltreatment that started before the age of 18.
Given that DID notoriously takes years to get correctly diagnosed with and most patients aren't diagnosed until adulthood, it should be obvious that most of these 90% didn't have to undergo years of therapy before being able to hear the voices of their alters.
"Alters Can't Be Friends"
Let's be 100% clear here. Dissociative Identity Disorder is absolutely a disorder. It couldn't be diagnosed if it didn't come with some level of distress or impairment. That's a fundamental part of the criteria.
But when that same study I posted above asked the DID and Schizophrenic groups if they would miss the voices if they were gone, a huge 69% of the DID group said they would.
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The truth is that DID is more complicated and nuanced than "having alters bad."
Sometimes the distress or impairment has less to do with the other alters and more to do with the other dissociative symptoms, such as the DP/DR and the amnesia.
And sometimes, you can have positive relationships with some alters and negative relationships with others. And yes, there is that 31% who say they wouldn't miss hearing their alters if they no longer heard them. That's valid too.
But this does show that a majority of DID systems do feel a close attachment to the other alters in their systems.
"Systems Can't Control When They Switch"
Like above, this is nuanced. The truth is some systems can't control switching. Others can only control it some of the time. And some have full control.
There has actually been a study on a DID patient voluntarily switching in and MRI machine:
This study literally couldn't have been done were it not possible to voluntarily switch.
"Fictives Aren't Real"
Okay, now let's tackle one of the biggest lies to justify fakeclaiming. Fictional introjects or "Fictives" are alters or headmates based on fictional characters. r/systemscringe and other fakeclaimers love to fakeclaim systems for being fictive heavy or even having any fictives at all.
And like most of r/systemscringe's claims, this is nonsense. Here is one account of fictives from 1988.
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Furthermore, in the book The Haunted Self, which is responsible for the Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality, one case study is referenced of someone who had many fictives based off of Start Trek characters.
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This also serves to debunk other reasons for fakeclaiming I've seen from r/systemscringe. That a system has too many fictive, is all fictives, or that their fictives all come from the same source. Because as we see above, this is a very real documented presentation of dissociative identity disorder.
I'm likely not done with this post. I plan to add to this list of misinformation that I've seen repeatedly peddled by the hate subreddit and used to justify attacking systems. There is A LOT there!
But here's the bottom line. r/systemcringe is a hate sub peddling division and bigotry against systems... often for normal system things that have been well-documented in academic literature.
If you're here from r/systemscringe, I'm sure you've seen all or most of the above lies I debunked above posted there. And if you're a system, I would ask you why you would stand by a subreddit that so blatantly spreads misinformation about other systems with the intent of hurting them? With the intent of hurting people like you?
Because if you think that they're your friends, I have watched them turn on systems that joined in with their fakeclaiming so many times, and fakeclaiming fellow members of that subreddit. And I can promise that they will turn on you too.
Click here for my debunk of their claims that endogenic systems are a "conspiracy theory."
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owomon · 1 year
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Not my usual post but just something to be aware of. Be careful you aren’t accidentally supporting something hateful ! I was fooled for a split second by this group but thankfully I looked it up first. I don’t tolerate hateful shit like this.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 6 months
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Unfortunately not an April Fools joke: two members of the American Nazi Party sign up a new member in the headquarters of the German National Socialist Party, April 1, 1932. A portrait of Adolf Hitler hangs on the wall at left.
Photo: Associated Press via iEidiseis
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
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zinniajones · 1 year
Upon examination, Van Mol’s May 2022 AHCA document appears to draw nearly all of its sources, and significant amounts of its text, from the January 2022 ACPeds document. These include matching formatting errors and inclusion of stray punctuation apparently from the January 2022 document. In multiple cases, several identical paragraphs are seemingly copied and pasted from the earlier internal ACPeds document to Van Mol’s later document for the AHCA.
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koffeefrkeleven · 7 months
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Seen in Schenectady, New York, today. On the right is what to do if you see this bullshit in your city (or anyone else's). Putting this here, because I shared this same sentiment to FB, and they removed my post. Please share, let's keep these fucking chuds out of our communities.
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roadarchie · 1 year
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made another poster
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
Rebutting a document used by sysmeds in the bullying of the Yaelokre server
For anyone who doesn't know, moderators of the Yaelokre server were repeatedly harassed and bullied by system medicalists until Yaelokre ultimately deleted the server. While I don't know a lot about the harassment campaign, this screenshot calling the mods crazy for being accepting of people not breaking their rules shows a brief taste.
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After getting it deleted, another Twitter user even bragged about it!
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Bigots are rejoicing and celebrating destroying something people loved.
I'm not going to reply to every hateful thing they said on Twitter, but I at least wanted to take a moment debunk their poorly made document.
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Right from the start, I want to remind everyone that the plural label was coined by non-disordered systems in the 90s. Learn your history. Because it's bizarre to watch a hate group steal the language we created while trying to get us banned from spaces.
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The author is lying about what endogenic systems are here.
Endogenic systems are systems who are plural for reasons other than trauma. Most do not have DID or OSDD, and do not claim to.
I'm going to skip over their screenshot because it's not relevant, and instead provide one from the ICD-11 stating that you don't need a disorder to have multiple "distinct identity states." Which is the same phrase the ICD-11 uses for alters
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The doc goes on to cite the theory of structural dissociation.
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But in one paper, the authors of that very theory stated that there may be "self-conscious dissociative parts" that don't require trauma or a disorder.
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So the World Health Organization says you can be plural without trauma or a disorder. And so do the creators of the theory you're citing!
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Yup! Supporting endogenic systems isn't ableist!
Actually, taking a step back, shouldn't you have tried to argue that supporting endogenic systems is ableist before just asserting that it is? I mean, all you said so far is that it's incorrect (which is wrong) and that many systems don't remember their trauma.
And surely that point about forgetting trauma undercuts your ableism claim. Because even if endogenic systems weren't real (we are), you would be arguing for getting rid of members of the server for... not remembering their trauma?
You are literally advocating banning innocent people for a symptom of their disorder and you have the nerve to accuse the mods of being the ableist ones for not going along with that?
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And see, THIS is why I said you were lying about what an endogenic systems is. Here you have someone who explains that endogenic systems don't claim to have a disorder, and YOU SCREENSHOTTED THEM!
You KNEW you were lying about what endogenic systems were and you CHOSE to lie anyway, you worthless affront to humanity!
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Who cares who they let use Pluralkit?
The creators of plurakit are pro-endo! It's not yours to gatekeep! You would probably try to get the creators of pluralkit banned too if they were in that server. Your whole community is little more than a disease that destroys everything it touches.
I generally try to be more composed through these, but this was a community that people enjoyed and found comfort in, and you destroyed it.
You bullied and harassed innocent people for not being as vile and disgusting and rotten as you, and then celebrated when you successfully got rid of it.
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nicolodine · 3 months
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this group followed me @topekadsa and they are a pro-delete group for me, meaning let's delete this mindset from humanity...it causes more problems than it helps and plus they want to overthrow the government...!
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Trolling Nazis is something we need to do more often. They try to look intimidating but they seem far less so when you point out what a bunch of dismal losers they really are.
That’s exactly what Washington resident Joe Flood did when a hate group calling itself the “Patriot Front” appeared at the National Mall last weekend.
When you refuse to let them scare you and point out some obviously less than flattering things about them, they don’t seem so tough.
Looking at the pathetic god who these Nazis worship tells us a lot about them...
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Misconduct Complaint Filed Against Texas Judge in Hate Group Training Case
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benandstevesposts · 1 year
How To Get Away With Murder
Be White. 2. Kill A Black Homeless Man Asking For Food.
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zinniajones · 1 year
On Friday, April 28, 2023, the plaintiffs filed their trial brief (Doc. 199) with over 350 attached exhibits containing information about the AHCA’s anti-trans rulemaking process that was not previously known to the public. This evidence confirms early coordination between the office of Governor Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Health, and the AHCA at meetings in early April 2022 (Doc. 200-5). AHCA chief litigation counsel Andrew T. Sheeran, was even seeking out anti-trans expert witnesses, including Quentin Van Meter (Pl. 337) and anti-gay conversion therapy provider Miriam Grossman (Pl. 274), prior to FLDOH’s April 20, 2022 anti-trans press release. A series of diagrams dated to June 2022 describe a “Gender Dysphoria/Transgender Health Care Policy Pathway” (Plaintiffs’ trial exhibit 296), “Non-Legislative Pathway” (Pl. 295), and “Projected Rulemaking Timeline” (Pl. 294), beginning with state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo’s April anti-trans guidance and ending in June-September 2022 with “Care Effectively Banned”. This indicates that the AHCA had not initiated an open-ended assessment of evidence on certain medical treatments with the possibility that this evidence could be persuasively robust, but rather that this exclusion was already decided at the outset. Jeffrey English, AHCA’s “GAPMS guy”, called the finding “a conclusion in search of an argument” (Doc. 199).
Read more at Gender Analysis
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woodrowwood · 1 year
Apparently even some Jews think the ADL is out of control by promoting censorship. That are well known for being anti-white too.
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Of course it was. Calling out this kind of hate isn't allowed.
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