#gays against groomers
vinecine · 10 months
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alixismix · 11 months
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owomon · 8 months
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Not my usual post but just something to be aware of. Be careful you aren’t accidentally supporting something hateful ! I was fooled for a split second by this group but thankfully I looked it up first. I don’t tolerate hateful shit like this.
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airbrickwall · 10 months
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sincerelyyellingback · 3 months
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This was said in response to this post. I was blocked before I could reblog with my response, so here it is:
I agree with you 100% about which community the deer are supposed to represent, but I don't see how you think that's a good thing. ls it an accurate comparison? Yes, very much so. But is it positive? Not the way I see it.
The deer are leading Tommy further down the path of his own delusions, further away from everyone who ever loved him. That first night in the woods was a very had experience for Tommy. It could have been the wake-up call that Tommy so desperately needed. Maybe Tommy would have accepted himself for the adult human male that he is, if the real deer hadn't encouraged him to continue to pursue his delusions.
And this is where being gay differs from being trans, or a '"therian" (I can only guess at what THAT is. I'm not looking it up because I know that I don't wanna know). I am a homosexual woman. I didn't have to put on a doofy costume, or seek out external validation, or change a single thing about myself or my lifestyle in order for that to be true about me. Because it's ACTUALLY who I am.
I did know that I was diferent from a young age, and l'm aware that the fact that I lost no friends or family because of who I am is a very lucky thing, and not a universal experience among gay people. I was bullied a bit in middle school for being a lesbian, but people got over it eventually, when they realized that my homosexuality had no effect on them. There ARE happy endings for people like me. I can live in the real world as my true self, because "gay" is something that a person can be, with no mental gymnastics required whatsoever. There's nothing "queer" about me. I'm just a normal person.
A human man who tries to become a deer (or even to become a human woman!) is not ever going to be happy, because he is chasing a reality that is not physically possible for him to attain.
Tommy had a great life before he decided to fuck off into the woods. There was nothing wrong with his life, only with his brain. Maybe he should've sought therapy instead.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
How do you think religions spread? Because they asked people nicely to believe? It was through invasion, segregation, political manipulation, physical torture of protesters, misinformation, and subjugation. So, tell me why are you ashamed, and afraid to talk against this vile system?
There are queer people who aren't willing to talk against tyranny because they are privileged. Because what's happing to the rest of the world isn't affecting them. They believe that we should be compromising with people who want to kill us. These moderated and conservative queers make me angrier than those basturd alt-right neo nazi. They know how right-wing/conservative propaganda hurting us, literally killing us still they wanna be the good gays in the conservative eye. News flash there are no good gays in the eyes of delusional religious nuts, you fucking moron. Conservatives will tolerate you to a certain degree, no way Jose you are their friend.
For these types of pathetic and weak queers, the divide-and-conquer system is still working.
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nando161mando · 29 days
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Pigs in the P€d0 Dept. are hosting a dance in Las Vegas, inviting little girls to join.
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If back then I was a fucking 20-21 year old woman, and the doctor told me I had to “take a class on sterilization to see if that was what I really wanted” and to “wait and see if I change my mind because I may want to give birth one day since I am so young”. Flash forward to now, almost 26, NEVER took that class, but have thought more about my future. Still don’t want kids naturally, rather adopt, but even then I worry about if I’d be a good parent/if I’d like having kids.
So tell me why, as a grown adult, a doctor told me to sit on it about getting sterilized (a LIFE-CHANGING DECISION), yet I keep hearing stories about how children get rushed into medically transitioning (which is more often harmful than helpful) instead of “sitting on it”, going to a class, or learning more about the procedures?????
The point isn’t that I never changed my mind. The point is I learned about the harmful affects of sterilization methods online and from personal accounts (hormonal imbalance, irreversible side effects similar to being on birth control, becoming premenopausal at an early age, risk of infection, high cost, etc). Now I’m stuck not wanting to ever give birth to children AND not getting sterilized, unless a safer, more cost-effective method comes around.
Why aren’t children getting the same treatment for life-altering surgeries? They are so much younger than I was when the doctor told me that. In a way, I was glad I had to stew on it cuz I like instant gratification and can jump into things too quickly. I am also glad that I was right about my choice from the start.
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alixismix · 11 months
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I made a transexual flag for this year's pride since there really isn't any. It was inspired off of Blaire White's quote "transexual, not transgender" since the gendered movement wants to be political and drag kids into their movement.
Obviously everything represents the same EXCEPT the white represents unity together as trans and none trans people. We need to not let the trenders take over. Enough is enough.
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bighermie · 1 year
Add child sexual exploitation to the list of things ANTIFA supports.
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thearbourist · 1 year
A Drag Queen Speaks Out Against the Queer Activist Left
James Lindsay might say this interview is “completely based”. Ryanna Woods is the Drag Queen being interviewed and he speaks to just about every issue that the misguided activist Left has pushed entirely too far in society.
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"37 states have what's called 'Obscenity Exemption Statutes.' And that allows them to put pornographic books in schools. So, what's happening is, you can be in a school and show children in a classroom books like 'Gender Queer.' Books like 'Let's Talk About It.' Whatever porn it is, doesn't matter. You can show it to them.
But if you walk outside that school to the playground across the park, and show those same children the same material, you'll be arrested.
We have a nonsensical system where the institutions with authority are able to deliver the most damage and abuse to our children."
"When you're a poor kid from a poor family, religion counts for a lot. And when a priest pays attention to you, it's a big deal. He asks you to collect the hymnals or take out the trash, you feel special. It's like God asking for help. So maybe it's a little weird when he tells you a dirty joke, but now you got a secret together, so you go along. Then he shows you a porno mag, and you go along. And you go along, and you go along, until one day he asks you to jerk him off or give him a blow job. And so you go along with that, too, because you feel trapped, because he has groomed you. How do you say no to God, right? See, it is important to understand that this is not just physical abuse, it's spiritual abuse, too. And when a priest does this to you, he robs you of your faith. So you reach for the bottle or the needle. Or if those don't work, you jump off a bridge. That's why we call ourselves survivors." -- Phil Saviano
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"This is in school?!?"
"If a priest telling a kid a joke. If a priest talking about sex. If a priest showing a kid pornography, keeping a secret with a kid, coming between a kid and his parents. If a priest doing those things is grooming, anyone doing those things is grooming. And that includes every teacher who's doing this. Every librarian who's in on it. And every school board member and politician who isn't protecting your kids."
A predator is a predator. If you only fixate on the ones with clerical collars, you don't really care about protecting children.
I'm opposed to banning books. Publish whatever books you like. However, that doesn't mean you get to show them to kids. We don't need to "ban" them to say they're inappropriate. Video games and movies have ratings, and that's not "censorship" either.
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airbrickwall · 8 months
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acmesalesrep · 11 months
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Well, color me shocked.
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sassywelder9951 · 2 years
Just found out about Gays Against groomers
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aikoiya · 8 months
I think that I've come to a sudden realization that shocks me because, for whatever reason, my last 2 brain cells didn't connect on it for whatever reason, but...
I think that I support Gays Against Groomers...
Like, I'm not necessarily supportive of homosexuality in-general, but at the same time it's none of my business what other people do with their own bodies in their bedrooms & people can live how they wanna live because that's their right as people. So long as they ain't indoctrinating people, especially not kids, aren't shoving mass "tolerance" down everyone's throats, are keeping sexual talk contained within their own homes, & are generally just doing their thing, then I'm pretty cool with them.
But if these dudes are specifically against the exploitation & sexualization of kids, then motherfucker, I think that I can support that 100%!
Keep fightin' the good fight & God bless!
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