titleknown · 1 year
So, this is scary.
If you're unaware, NCOSE is a fundie org that used to be called Morality in Media that literally wants to wipe all porn from the internet and they're coming after Reddit.
Which is scary, because they've succeeded in very recent history. They were a major part of the push for FOSTA/SESTA that started the current wave of internet censorship, and they were very likely behind the crackdown on NSFW Steam games from a while ago.
So they've been successful, and they're trying to do it again, and we need to stop them somehow. I just... am not sure how.
I mean, aside from setting fire to their headquarters, but that's probably not particularly viable, so I welcome better ideas.
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exposencose · 1 year
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find out more 👇
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roadarchie · 1 year
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made another poster
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starlover2 · 1 year
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captainxtra · 6 months
Looks like AOC ain’t the progressive we thought she was…
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dippedanddripped · 1 year
CANBERRA, Australia — The Australian government yesterday released a review of the nation’s content rating system for audiovisual material and games, proposing an end to the country’s censorship of certain fetishes and some instances of violence in pornography.
The government, led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of the Labor Party, published the results of a report that was completed in May 2020 but was not prioritized at the time by the conservative administration of then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison of the Liberal Party.
The classification review recommended that in the film guidelines, “absolute prohibitions on legal fetishes and violence (where violence is unrelated to sex) within the X18+ category should be removed.”
According to The Guardian, Australia “has long refused to classify films combining sex and violence, effectively banning films such as ‘Ken Park,’ Larry Clark’s tale of degraded skatepark life, and pornography that depicts violence separate to sex.”
The 2008 Digital Playground title “Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge” became part of the Australian debate over media classification when Reason party leader Fiona Patten pointed out that the big-budget title “had been banned because of depictions of pirates having sword-fights.”
The review also agreed with the Classification Board, the Eros Association and the Scarlet Alliance, all of which filed statements in support of overturning the current absolute censorship of consensual fetish content.
“Departmental research into attitudes towards refused classification content shows that the community is unconcerned about depictions of most fetishes, as long as there is consent, and no serious harm is inflicted,” the review noted. “Similarly, depictions of violence that are not directly linked to sexual activity do not appear to be of particular concern.”
Australian scholar Jarryd Bartle, a regular local source on sex work issues, told The Guardian that under current X18+ guidelines, “the depiction of consensual dripping of candle wax on a person’s body would be banned.”
The Specter of Unclassified Online Content
The review also endorsed the ongoing and controversial attempts by the country’s head censor, eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant, to implement age verification specifically targeting “online pornographic sites.”
As XBIZ reported, Inman Grant acknowledged having conversations with the U.S.-based, religiously inspired anti-porn lobby NCOSE (formerly Morality in Media) while drafting her policies.
Rowland said that upcoming reforms “will update the classification system to respond to the large volume of online content that is not compliant with the current scheme,” the Guardian reported. “The government intends to expand options for industry to self-classify content, making it simpler and more cost effective for the film, streaming and games industries to classify their content in line with Australian classification guidelines.”
The Albanese government, the Communications Minister added, “will consult with industry and other key stakeholders on broader reform of the scheme in due course.”
Australia does not have an analogue to the U.S. First Amendment, which offers expansive protections to free speech.
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mollyjimbly · 1 year
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fullhalalalchemist · 2 years
smut and nsfw works can be very deranged sometimes but how is it fair to compare it to the actual harm of porn? even if there was absolutely 0 effect on the people watching it(such as increased likelyhood of sexual aggression, decreased empathy for rape victims, irreversible effects on the brain etc) the actors in porn videos would still experience what they experience. you can fantasize and preach till your mouth goes dry about the self-sufficient empowered sex workers who choose their own work, but it won't make the truth of millions of trafficked male and female children fueling the industry disappear. the high rates of suicide, addictions to get through the scenes, physical harm thats basically part of the job description? there is so many porn stars that have come out with their stories of what they experienced on set, yes even the successfull ones that went into the industry willingly. their abuse is not comparable to words on paper.
not the mention "my christian parents are against it so i must support it" is a very weak argument. its cringe shortsighted reactionary bullshit.
1) if there is increased likelyhood of sexual aggression, decreased empathy for rape victims, irreversible effects on the brain then how come millenials and gen z, which grew up on these, have a better understanding of consent, more egalitarian views on gender and sex, there's less teen pregnancy and less sex being had overall by the younger crowd even pre-pandemic. secondly, WHO is having an increased likelihood of sexual aggression? WHO has a decreased empathy for rape victims? because i'm sure you can point to america's flawless and amazing attitudes towards women and rape victims historically (sarcasm, in case you're too stupid to realize). studies show that men who access sex work have more egalitarian and feminist attitudes than those with antisex and antiporn sentiment
perhaps youre talking about the cis men who already are prone to abuse women and are using things like 'rough sex' and 'bdsm' as an excuse, and its more visible now? because that takes a lot of nuance to talk about and i agree with you there that this IS an issue, but these men would have found ways to do that anyway. perhaps the issue is not the porn itself but the society that encourages violence in an era where increased societal collapse is happening all around us? where the trend of backlash against women has been happening for over a decade and really isn't tied to porn/sex at all but more towards increasing feminist attitudes toward work and gender roles going mainstream?
2) so you're ignoring sex workers yet again, got it. because there's also a lot of sex workers who came out and said that they love their work, they love being a sex worker. and in either case, these are the same people who have been criminalized and brutalized by police globally, the main source of their abuse. in fact YOU can fantasize and preach til YOUR mouth goes dry about how its the worst industry ever while ignoring the millions of queer, disabled, women, and poc who are in this line of work and love it.
3) and are these millions of traffiked children in the room with us now? you think that if there were millions of traffiked kids, they'd show up in mainstream porn more, right? except they dont. 100 members of congress asked the DOJ to investigate OnlyFans bc of 80 possible instances of CSAM in the same time that facebooks 20 million cases went ignored by literally everyone. and who's the site thats getting punished? pornhub and other porn sites which have a well-documented effort of putting time, resources, and moderation of getting rid of this content that some users upload. endtraffikinghub was a fucking psyop by far-right christian orgs posing as 'anti-traffiking' orgs, oh my god. where the hell are you getting these numbers anyway? because CSAM is NOT porn and NOT the porn industry and its psychotic to equate them.
4) high rates of suicides, addictions to get through scenes. can you link any studies? and again, do you TALK to sex workers or do you just rehash claims made by these antiporn/"antitraffiking" "activists" who are almost always far-right christians in disguise (hello look at NCOSE, formerly known as morality in media) rather than the actual people who do the work? because i can point to you several thousands of people who show up to their non-porn non-sex work jobs faded as hell and also have suicidal tendnencies from being in those industries. the issue is LABOR & CAPITALISM, not sex and not porn.
5) sure, there is always cause for abuse of workers. but again that is a labor issue, because we live in a capitalist society and across the board there are workers being abused. sexual harrassment and assault is not unique to porn, and you're naive to think that lmao. if you truly gaf about getting rid of the industry you'd push for what sex workers are calling for, decriminalization. there are hundreds of sex worker unions who talk about the issues they face, and most of it is decriminalization. in india a union of 60k people recently won a big court case on this. its a labor issue if anything. the main source of abuse is extensive criminalization and banking discrimination which pushes people into poverty and homelessness as they're forced to do more irl work and come across the police who have been killing and raping sex workers this entire time.
6) and no, it's not a weak argument when we live in an increasingly christofascist state and world. its' actually a very very good argument for the suppression of sex and sex workers. because these same antiporn "activists" have co-opted feminist language and you're all falling for it and once again ignoring sex workers
and lets just clarify. people say "porn industry" and are referring to the sites like pornhub. the "industry" is where the workers are. there is no like, shadow overrulling company making all the porn. there are a bunch of filming companies who sex workers HAVE spoken out against and a bunch that they love to work for instead. there are millions of people who work on their own terms, from their own sites too. my PERSONAL opinion that has been motivated by listening to sex workers and reading both sociology and psychological research has been that i will always always always support the worker first before the industry. there are a lot of issues, that is true! but it's mainly a labor issue and sex workers have BEEN on the frontlines of negotiating for better working conditions. to say otherwise would be foolish and would show you simply dont pay attention. why do you think many of them go to use sites like onlyfans now over pornhub?
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exposencose · 1 year
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The National Center on Sexual Exploitation, formerly known as Morality in Media and Operation Yorkville, presents itself as a charitable support organization for victims of sex crimes. However, their claims are far, far from the truth. In reality, they are a far-right queerphobic religious organization (whose ​CEO is associated with an already registered hate group by the SPLC) that aims to eliminate all LGBTQ+ and all sexual kinds of speech and expression online under the guise of "Protecting children from harm". This organization has been known to fabricate statements, including that they are a secularist group with no religious background. Unfortunately, that is absolutely untrue as​ NCOSE was founded by an interfaith group of three New York City clergymen in 1962, as "Operation Yorkville". In 1968 they rebranded as "Morality in Media", and some of their past endeavors include:
Claiming gay marriage was linked to mass murder
Suing famous comedian George Carlin for swearing on the radio
Claiming Monty Python movie "Life of Brain"  "direct, aggressive, deliberate violation of the rights of believing persons".
In 2015 Patrick A. Trueman a registered lobbyist with a known history of working with hate groups like the American Family Association rebranded Morality In Media as "National Center On Sexual Exploitation"
They have rebranded and hidden their faith-based roots and are pretending to be a legit organization that has "expertise in sex crimes". That is extremely far from the truth as anti-trafficking review states, in which NCOSE "uses misleading 'research reports' to fabricate a false medical consensus about the harms of pornography."
However, that has not stopped some people from believing in them, including large corporations like...
and many more...
People and politicians on both sides are falling for their statements. Many online queer spaces are being deleted or censored because it has become a trend in far-right circles to falsely label anything LGBTQ+ as "porn", "sexual", or "grooming" through misinformation. To give an example these people think that this picture right here is "porn"
That leads us,
We are an organization formed of members sick and tired of NCOSE willfully fulfilling their selfish purposes, censoring and erasing our online spaces, and disguising their true goals under the false pretense of "protecting children".
What we want is plain and simple: we are fighting fire with fire. As such, we are calling upon the Southern Poverty Law Center to register NCOSE as a hate group in order to enforce honesty about their past deeds. The purpose of our campaign and petition is to raise awareness and make NCOSE admit they are a religious organization and unveil their shady past. We hope to make companies such as Meta, Google, and Visa/Mastercard to end their relationships with NCOSE upon exposure of their hateful past.
If you have any additional questions, comments or information about NCOSE, please feel free to reach us at our website or on Twitter!
Sign Our Petiton!
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roadarchie · 1 year
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anti-porn-unicorn · 9 months
do you have any articles that show what porn does to the brain? like science based evidence, scans etc? i need something to scare me bc i keep relapsing.
This may be a good start
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cherryg · 1 year
For the past months there has been a storm of bad internet bills this year, now it’s not just the EARN It Act or KOSA but now a bill just like EarnIt called STOP CSAM.
There has also been overwhelming support on KOSA with some news articles claiming that groups who once opposed KOSA supports it now.
It also now has 36 cosponsors with a group called Design it For US saying they are going to lobby for it to get more cosponsors to sign the bill in the senate in July along with pushing a markup for the bill.
This group is dedicated to protect children online which is a good thing but they also have huge misguided support for KOSA.
There are also bad pro censorship groups like NCOSE and The heritage foundation supporting this bill as well
KOSA was supposed to protect kids online but this will actually give state attorneys power to dictate what could be recommended for kids.
This is a huge issue because this will give bigots and transphobic people power to use this against lgbt and trans content censoring them entirely.
Major proof from this is that a far right group called the heritage foundation recently came out with this tweet. Last year they created an article stating why the support KOSA (KidsOnlineSafetyAct) and it’s not pretty at all.
/Warning/ if this stuff triggers you feel free to skip this part until you see a green check mark
TW: Transphobia
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Some groups that support KOSA claims that the state attorney stuff in the legislation has been “watered down” and that all concerns are “addressed”
but it’s kinda hard to believe when you have groups that have these kinds of dangerous and close minded views behind statements on how they are gonna use this particular bill to censor content from groups of people they hate.
Also, support was so huge that Dove is also advocating for it with Lizzo https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/tell-lizzo/
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Also if you want more information and facts on why KOSA may not be a good idea. You can find more info here https://fair.org/home/these-bills-will-make-children-less-safe-
Meanwhile a few senators are trying to push the EarnIt act along with its sister bill called STOP CSAM. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/stop-csam-act-would-put-security-and-free-speech-risk
While stopping csam is a great idea, these bills are bad for privacy and increase government surveillance. It’s also a section 230 carve out and will hurt creativity and free speech and expression. It’s also dangerous for everyone in a lot of ways. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/06/15/lgbtq-earn-it-act-risks-online/70247956007/
Please everyone, call your senators and tell them to oppose these bad internet bills!
( I’m sorry guys if this is badly made I’m currently rushing, I will be updating this post more and adding in more information)
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dippedanddripped · 2 years
WASHINGTON — A top executive for NCOSE, the religiously inspired anti-porn lobby formerly known as Morality in Media, wrote this week that members of the organization have “met regularly” with Meta executives responsible for Instagram moderation.
In a fundraising article published Monday on the organization’s website, NCOSE Vice President Haley McNamara boasts of a decade’s worth of alleged successes by the organization’s annual “Dirty Dozen” campaign. That campaign shames corporations that NCOSE accuses of contributing to sexual exploitation — a term it applies extremely broadly, including to the entire adult industry and any platform or company that does not subscribe to its censorious standards regarding sexual content.
Claiming success in NCOSE’s efforts targeting Instagram, McNamara asserts, “While Instagram still has more work to do, they have met regularly with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation to hear and address our concerns.”
McNamara adds that those meetings have resulted in “increasing some protections for children by improving systems to identify grooming behavior patterns, and no longer allowing adult strangers to send unsolicited direct messages for minors. Each policy improvement helps prevent abuse for its 1 billion monthly users.”
XBIZ contacted Meta for comment on McNamara’s claim about regular meetings affecting policy, but received no answer.
NCOSE's Extreme Anti-Porn Beliefs
One of the stated goals of NCOSE is to eradicate pornography and all forms of sex work by “striking deep at the roots of the systems which support and sustain sexual abuse and exploitation.”
Formed by clergymen in the early 1960s, NCOSE views pornography as “a deeply damaging social influence that corrodes relationships, erodes the sensibilities and sexual freedom of consumers, and dehumanizes those used to make it.” Over the years, the group has labeled as pornography everything from 18th-century novels that mention sex work, to Sports Illustrated and Cosmopolitan magazines, to mainstream movies and TV shows depicting human sexuality.
McNamara’s article also celebrates supposed NCOSE wins forcing Carl’s Jr. to “stop producing hyper-sexualized, misogynistic ads for their fast food products”; CVS to “remove the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue from their checkout areas and promotional displays”; Army and Air Force stores to stop selling what the group terms “pornographic magazines”; Hilton Hotels Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels & Resorts and InterContinental Hotel Group to stop showing in-room adult content; Snapchat to deplatform all sex workers; and Walmart to “remove Cosmopolitan magazine from checkout lines at all of its stores across the country.”
“Cosmopolitan, like Playboy, places women’s value primarily on their ability to sexually satisfy a man and therefore feeds a culture that premises male sexual entitlement,” McNamara declares. “NCOSE is grateful for Walmart’s leadership to reduce the amount of unsolicited sexually objectifying material that bombards youth and adults alike.”
As XBIZ reported, McNamara, in her capacity as head of the NCOSE-controlled International Centre on Sexual Exploitation, was a crucial contributor to the recent anti-porn document by the U.K.’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Commercial Sexual Exploitation, which repeated anti-porn myths and recommended a state crackdown on sexual expression online.
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just-antithings · 5 months
The reason more and more adult oriented stuff gets removed from websites is because of pressure from payment processors (like VISA/Mastercard). Gumroad even mentioned the reason they got rid of ALL adult oriented media is because of them.
Also, (some) payment processors are funded by anti sex Christian organizations such as NCOSE or Exodus Cry. I’m sure the first one might be a familiar name to people (regarding KOSA, they support it)
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mollyjimbly · 1 year
🚨🚨updates🚨🚨on the other non-KOSA bills that gut encryption (Cooper-Davis, Stop CSAM, Earn IT, etc):
The Senate rn is working on passing the NDAA. This is a must pass bill. Every senator is trying to push through their amendments to the NDAA. These amendments get brought to the floor and added on a majority vote. So far, Cooper-Davis is being planned on being added. IDK what day. The Stop CSAM and Earn It might also be added but either way, all 3 are copy cats of each other in that;
a) they gut encryption
b) they gut parts of Section 230, the one thing that allows anyone to post online and birthed social media
c) they create an unelected commission with some already established govt body (DOJ, FTC, etc) that will include people from NCOSE or other conservative groups who will decide what is and isn't lawful to say
d) lead to mass censorship and surveillance because of the above
1) Drive as many calls and emails to as many senators as possible. Yes still to Cantwell and Schumer but to your own senators as well and any you think would be influential (i.e., Padilla in Earn It, etc). Drive as many as you can, use all your emails, call everyday about these bills to end encryption.
2) Post on social media everywhere about this and about We are seriously counting on you.
Continue to drive calls to Cantwell and Schumer opposing it and thank them for standing firm against bad bills that will only hurt more than help. Emphasize you are a member of Gen Z/Millenial and grew up on the internet and don't want this.
We need to make sure Cooper-Davis and the others are not added. Time is essential and we have so very little of it. Please please please do this. These bills are 1000x more dangerous than KOSA could be.
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