#Have a good day sandman anon
zzztlk · 4 months
I'm filipino and I've been following your art on insta for a long time but didnt know much about ties that bind, so when I found out that raegan was filipino and you were also an SEA artist it was super cool bwehbdhe
Happy to hear anon!
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jals-stuff · 5 months
Hihi! First of all I LOVE your writing and thank you for feeding us hungry Orter fans with your work (I have been STRAVING for his fic) so if you don't mind, I have a little request! So I imagine in a what if Orter has a crush on someone (aka us and ofc we gotta like the sandman back) who's always on a dangerous mission due to how strong they are who is ALSO his partner time to time and one day, they just went into a coma from overusing their magic. MAYBE when they woke up, the two will confess to each other or?? Idk I will let you cook 🧑‍🍳
(Sorry if my wording is a little confusing!)
good day/evening anon! your wording is just fine no worries
first of all, thank you SO much, this brightened my day by a lot, you have absolutely no clue what kind of serotonin torrent you have unleashed. I am glad at least some people like my writings, that's why I'm doing it.
I don't think this is 100% close to what you described, but I hope you'll like it regardless-
Should be gn!reader if I didn't mess it up...
warnings: SLIGHT SPOILIES, bit dark, mentions of death, bit of despair... not proofread I am so sorry.
word count: 2.8k
note: I apologise for any dumb mistakes because I physically cannot proofread myself at 6am but if I don't post it now I won't do it ever. please don't hate me anon
What if...
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As much as he hates to admit it (to himself, of course), Orter had grown a little bit too fond of you. The way you greet him whenever you come back from a mission, or the way you always make sure to respect the rules and act logically while also protecting everyone around you when the two of you would go on missions together. 
The way you whine when your legs are tired after walking long distances, the way you always bring him a little something to eat when you know it’s going to be a long trip. You’ve always been good to everyone, much opposed to the cold man; but it wasn’t the only difference between the two of you.
Everyone has their own logic and, as much as you respected your own, his was quite different. While you wanted to take every single possibility into consideration, he preferred not to overload his mind with useless statistics and just think of a solution when the time comes.
However, a lot of things aren’t affected by logic, such as feelings, and how could the dense sandman guess that you were absolutely enamoured with him? These were variables he would’ve never imagined, even though he was painfully into you as well. 
Of course, he was your top priority, and protecting him from harm even though he was a rather powerful mage was of the utmost importance. He should’ve known that when the two of you recklessly charged into enemy territory in an attempt to weaken the devil’s quintuplets before they would be on the move.
Orter was a man of many things, but “what if''s were not part of his usual reasoning, and that was the biggest mistake of his life. However he only realised it too late when you had to break your own limits to make sure he’d go back safely. It was time to retreat, but the two of you had been completely cornered. 
Having a dormant god inside of your wand had many benefits, but Psyche was not an entity to be trifled with. The Soul Goddess would, each time you requested even a fraction of her power, take a huge toll on your stamina and sanity, and this time it was more than critical.
You were already exhausted from using so much of your mana, and now you were completely surrounded by Innocent Zero's sons. Unleashing your Psyche Inclination and ordering all of the quintuplets to sleep immediately surpassed your own boundaries.
You knew what would happen if you pushed beyond your limits with your personal magic, but it was completely worth it. After all, what was the point of living anymore if the only person you loved was dead? 
All of them were immensely powerful, and neutralising such strong enemies was not a meagre task. As soon as the last one fell to the ground in blissful slumber, you felt something rupture inside of you; like a used rope that suddenly lets go, your breath hitched and you collapsed to the floor. 
It was all pitch black, and your consciousness kept you company just long enough to let you hear Orter’s panicked voice calling out for you. Yet somehow, despite the fact that you were falling into the pitch-black abyss, you felt relieved that he, above everything and everyone, was safe.
But anything beyond the confines of your darkened mind was unknown to you and despite your multiple attempts to open your eyes and wake up, everything went silent.
“No, no no…”
Had you been awake, you would’ve been astonished at how Orter had never been that distressed before, at least not in front of you. The loss of his dear friend Alex Elliot had taught him a painful lesson not to get attached to anyone and to simply stick to the rules, but he had let himself fall for you, and now he was experiencing the trauma once more.
“Please, no… not them…” 
Not only were you unconscious, you had done this to yourself for his sake. He was aware of that fact; had you not decided to literally put yourself through such an ordeal, the two of you would be dead already.
But unlike his deceased junior, your heart was still beating and there was still time to save you. He had never run so fast in his entire life, carrying you carefully in his arms to bring you back to the Bureau’s infirmary, laying you down as gently as he could as the nurses rushed to assess your state.
You weren’t hurt, so to say, but the abusive usage of your personal magic had plunged you into a coma, and it was unsure if you would ever wake up from it. 
It looked like you were peacefully asleep, maybe dreaming of a better place you would possibly join soon; unmoving and slowly breathing, as if nothing had happened. Orter knew you could possibly open your eyes anytime, and it kept him distracted every time he would fill his paperwork or go on a mission.
Whenever he had free time, he would rush to the infirmary to check on you, make sure you’re still breathing, or even talk to you. It could help you come back to your senses, or so the nurses said, and as ridiculous as he felt when he talked to your inert body, he would’ve done anything in his power to bring you back, as slim as the chances were.
But then it suddenly hit him. What could he possibly tell you if you ever woke up? He would for sure apologise, but other than that? How could he face you after you had quite literally sacrificed yourself for him? He wasn’t even sure he could look into your eyes again.
Did you resent him for this?
Would you forgive his recklessness?
Would you give him this warm smile he had gotten so used to?
And would it be time for him to finally admit his feelings? You were right here, in front of him, yet you weren’t there. He missed you so dearly, the sound of your voice, the shit eating grin you’d give him whenever he was wrong and you were right, the way you’d laugh at his disgruntled expression afterwards…
All of these interactions he thought annoyed him were now severely missed and he would’ve given anything to even just see the colour of your eyes one more time. 
And see he didn’t, for what seemed to be an eternity. Everyday, when he’d come to visit you, a small part of him hoped your eyes would be open and you’d greet him the way you always did, but every time, he was met with your inanimate form, comfortably laid in the infirmary bed. 
His hope of hearing your voice ever again gradually vanished with every one-sided conversation he had with your unconscious figure, swallowing down his emotions with every word he said. He was slowly accepting the fact that you might just never open your eyes again.
The more this thought settled into his mind, the more desperate he grew, and suddenly, his usual mindset faded away and his brain filled with “what if”s. 
What if he had taken some time to listen to your suggestions, what if he had thought of a plan B like you always had? What if he had ever told you about his feelings, what if you loved him back? What if you didn't? What if you never woke up?
Dread took over on his other emotions and suddenly, it wasn’t hope that drove him to visit you everyday; it was despair. What if you never opened your eyes again? How could he ever live with your presence replaced by this horrifying feeling of guilt for letting you die in his place? 
You were surely powerful enough that you could’ve ran away on your own, and left him behind if needed; it would’ve been the logical, reasonable thing to do. But the heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of. Of course, he should’ve known that you would never leave him behind, but precisely because it was completely illogical, it never occurred to him that you would willingly let yourself be hurt if he had a chance to make it out alive.
Now he was sitting at your bedside and kept hoping you’d wake up, just open your eyes and talk to him, greet him and say everything was going to be fine, just the way it was before… it seemed like he hadn’t heard your voice in an eternity, and it was weighing on him the whole time. Like a burden he would have to carry forever if you didn’t wake up from this coma you had put yourself into for his own sake.
His eyes never left your figure as he spoke to you kindly, as if you were still awake. Of course, occasional visitors would look at him like he was a lunatic, talking to someone who was obviously not here to answer, but it didn’t matter to him anymore.
Orter was ready to abandon his image for your sake, sometimes even skipping work and breaking his own principles so he could hold your hand for another minute before going on yet another perilous mission. 
The thought of you dying peacefully in your sleep haunted his mind every single day, and his sorrow was great enough that, more than once, he did consider exhausting himself enough so he would be defenceless enough for an enemy to just take him out of his misery.
For weeks, months, his mind was plagued with the thought of you leaving him forever, of not being able to tell you about these feelings he thought were completely unnecessary. Shame and rejection didn’t even matter to him anymore and he just longed for the day you’d wake up and even just look at him. 
He was on a mission, the day he heard that one of your fingers had merely twitched. Breaking protocol was far from his usual behaviour, but he needed to see you. That is how he accidentally drowned an entire area in sand, catching both enemies and harmless monsters in his Antlion’s Nest. 
The rules didn’t matter to him anymore, it was a physical need to see if you were okay and to maybe, just maybe hear your voice. 
However, he walked in on something completely different. Many of the other Divine Visionaries were gathered around you in religious silence, observing you. He had to push through the crowd and his heart stopped for a second when he saw you. 
You were sitting up in your bed, slightly confused as to why everyone was staring like this. For you, mere seconds had passed but in reality it had been literal months. As your eyes travelled amongst the crowd, you saw Orter, who was also staring at you in utter disbelief. 
The infirmary was completely silent, and no one was moving, as if time had suddenly stopped. Ryoh threw a glance at the others and they just silently left. Now it was just you and Orter, looking at each other in both confusion and shock. He stumbled towards the chair that was resting near your bed and he slowly took a seat.
“Well… you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Upon hearing your voice, he let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding. It was like all of his burdens were suddenly lifted off his shoulders and his head and arms simply collapsed against the mattress, much to your confusion. You raised your hand to reach for his hair and upon seeing how your nails had grown so much, you realised something probably happened.
“It’s been months! I thought you’d never wake up! I thought I wouldn’t hear your voice ever again. Why on Earth would you do such a thing? No, no... it was all my fault. I'm sorry, (Y/N), I'm so, so sorry.” 
He sounded angry, but he really wasn’t. You started connecting the dots and it took you a bit of time to understand that you had been unconscious for the past few months, worrying the poor sandman to death, though right now it didn’t matter at all. 
“I’m glad you’re alive, Orter.”
Although you had been unconscious for literal months, seeing the Desert Cane unharmed was such a huge relief for you. However, not everything was swell inside his mind. He still felt extremely guilty that you nearly died for him, and nothing could possibly pay back this humongous debt he thought he owed you. 
But seeing his relieved expression when he looked at you was enough of a payback. He had watched you wither away for months and now you were finally back to the world of the living, eyes focused on him and him only. 
You tried to stand up but as soon as your arms attempted to lift your form, they gave out and you started losing balance. Orter immediately stood up from his chair to catch you, wrapping his arms around your now weak body to support you, but even after you were back to your spot, he wouldn’t let go. He simply sat on your bed next to you, not letting go. 
Almost out of instinct, you rested your head on his shoulder and let out a long sigh, your arms raising up slightly.
“Please, just rest, you must be really exhausted.”
But his words just didn’t reach you, you needed this. After a while and a lot of effort, you managed to rest these weak arms of yours against his shoulders, on the sides of his neck, and he fell silent. You had no strength at all but he could feel you use all of your willpower to embrace him, and you also seemed like you wouldn’t let go.
He seemed fine with it as he slightly nuzzled your neck and closed his eyes, finally relaxing a little after this emotional rollercoaster. It felt so comfortable to finally be in his arms after such a long time spent longing for him, as if you were finally where you belonged. 
“I missed you.” Orter said quietly, close to your ear. His arms tightened around and you would've probably cried hadn't you been so exhausted. Your words were stuck in your throat and you could only nod and hum softly, your voice cutting inside your throat. 
His arms tightened around you further, holding you into a comforting hug, one of his hands gently going through your hair and keeping your head close to him. You exhaled again, wanting nothing more than to keep holding him. 
“Just don't let go. Please.”
Your voice was muffled by his embrace but you were close enough to his ear for him to understand your words, and you could've sworn you heard his breath hitch for a second as his arms tightened even harder around you.
“I won't.” He sighs into your neck, comfortably seated on the side of your bed, and you wanted nothing more than to lay back down and have him hold you, but you were still in the infirmary and it would've been very problematic to be seen like this.
“I won't, ever. I can't.” He held you even closer now, like he was trying to merge with you, your chest and his pressed against each other as if to share your heartbeats.
Although you had never seen Orter being this close with anyone before, it all felt very natural. Just like the way his hand slid from your hair to your cheek, like the way he moved away from you slowly, his usually cold gaze now soft and filled with something you weren't quite used to.
Just like the way he couldn't take it any longer and gave in to the physical urge to softly press his lips to yours. You didn't pull away, of course; the moment too precious to let surprise ruin it. 
You returned the kiss, your eyes now closed to take in the pleasant, wholesome warmth his embrace brought to you, after you'd been so cold for literal months. 
As nothing lasts forever, your lips and his slowly separated, but his eyes were now on yours again. 
“I won't let you fall again, (Y/N), I promise.”
You couldn't help but give a soft chuckle and his expression turned slightly puzzled. Of course, you two didn't share the same braincells.
“I've already fallen too hard.” You breathed out.
His eyes widened for a second before he regained his composure and brushed a few hairs away from your face to place them behind your ear.
“Then I guess we’re both down now.” he finally admitted, his expression just a little softer and his lips almost curved into a smile. 
You were suddenly thankful for Orter holding you so close, lest your heart would've jumped out of your chest. 
“I love you, just… in case it wasn't clear enough.” He awkwardly added, and you thought it was just adorable. Another chuckle escaped you with a nod.
“I know. I love you too.”
He hummed softly and sighed deeply in relief. 
That was one “what if” finally satisfied, and probably the first of a long list.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Feeling like some family fluff ❤️
Dream and Hob reunite in the modern day, clear the air about 1889, and somehow manage to confess their feelings. There’s just one little hitch to keep Hob from immediately jumping into this relationship: either by adoption or by accident, Hob has a small child that has to be his first priority. And they are a feral little creature to nearly anyone who isn’t Hob, and very protective of their father.
Dream is rather nervous to be introduced to someone whose opinion is so important to Hob, but determined to try his best to like and bond with the tiny human, for the sake of his relationship with Hob.
Upon meeting them, the kid starts by biting Dream’s hand. He is enchanted.
So wrapped up in his worry about messing this up, he’d forgotten how much he genuinely likes kids, and look at how delightful and interesting this one is! They’re the sweetest angel in the world to Hob, which reminds him of some of his loveliest dreams, and does their level-best short of maiming to scare Dream off, reminding him of his youngest nightmares. They’re the best of both worlds, and Dream is besotted, no longer just for Hob’s sake.
The child is growing more and more torn about the situation. On the one hand, no one they’ve ever met has been good enough for their dad, and they’re reluctant to admit that this guy might be the exception. On the other hand, he can do magic, which is pretty cool. On the other other hand, their personal pride at their ability to chase anyone off is at stake here. But on the other other other hand, it’s kinda nice that he never gets angry at their tricks or threats, and in fact seems to enjoy them. Not to mention their dad seems to actually really care whether or not this guy sticks around, which is significant.
Hob tries his best to rein his kid in when they’re like this, but he can’t help but see their feralness as a kind of zest for life and therefore isn’t very good at reprimands. Dream tends to wave off his apologies anyway, and his obvious delight at the child’s creative antics (not trying to tame or gentle them, but appreciating them as they are) does funny things to Hob’s heart. This might work out after all.
Oh yes this is very sweet. I love it when Hob is a dad.
And oh, I love the idea of Dream having to go through the traditional ritual of "You're dating my dad and I hate that about you." As every potential step-parent should.
And the best part it - Dream loves it. He loves being scrutinised by this very small human, who is so like Hob in many ways. He doesn't mind how feral the kid is, basically because they are clearly having a really great time trying to chase Dream away. The whoopee cushion prank in the middle of the new inn was pretty epic, even Hob has to admit that, and he's never seen Dream laugh so much.
Maybe somewhere along the line Hob has a big emergency and there's no one to babysit, so he calls on Dream to help. The child is secretly thrilled because a) Dream is magic and they secretly love that and b) being alone with Dream is the perfect opportunity to be as feral as possible and prove that Dream is not up for the job of dating their dad.
But Dream turns out to be a rather excellent babysitter, and keeps very calm during all the antics that occur. Eventually he sits down on the bedroom floor in the middle of the chaos with the kid and they actually talk for a bit. The kid shares some concerns about whether Dream will actually stick around, whether he'll be nice to Hob, all of that stuff. And Dream (not exactly king of communication) tries his best to promise that he does want to be with Hob longterm and that he's learnt a lot about not hurting people, recently.
Hob returns to find his kid tucked in and snoring away (benefits of having the literal sandman putting you to bed, Hob is so jealous). They end up kissing on the sofa because Hob is kinda horny about Dream’s potential parenting skills, and in the morning the kid begrudgingly admits over breakfast that maybe it would be ok if Dream comes over more. And takes Hob for dates. Maybe.
But no kissing. They got up to pee last night and saw more than enough of that 🤮 <33
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
hey ha! saw requests are open so i take the chance and may request something also sorry for the english 👉🏿👈🏿 soooo the thing is im obsessed with lucifer from sandman in an unhealty way and there is this idea in my head that lives rentfree so luci saves f/reader that is trapped "in" a demon that shows them there bigges fear and all the things and people that they did something to they regret so we are crying and fearing but luci comes like " T_T...you shouldnt be here" grabs over our shoulder puts there wing protectiv around our back und guids us to the illusion that the demon is creating at a point where the illusion brings us to hesitate the next steps luci push us forward and be like the lightbringer angel they are and we are like 🥲🥲🥲 mhmhm thanks and fluff stuff
i know its kinda specific and its ok if your not up to this but want to drop here im a fan of your writhing so im looking forward to everything you post xD
so have a good one ans thanks for your time 🌚❤️
Hiiii anon!! Thank you for the request! It’s detailed, and I love that 🥰 I tried to follow your request as best as I could. Hope you Enjoy!! 💞💞
Shadow Shadow ~Soft!Lucifer Morningstar xGN!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, happy ending fluff, demonic possession, crying, anxiety, implied anxiety attack, greatest fears, comforting, pet names, fluff ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
The dishes had piled up in your kitchen sink. They had been bothering you all day, so with a sigh, you got up and went over to address them. You started cleaning the dishes one by one…
Your ears perked up when you thought you heard the door move. You looked back at the kitchen door, but it hadn’t moved. Odd, you thought.
Suddenly, you felt something invade you.
The feeling was hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced and entered you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body go numb. You were sucked into yourself, having no control over your body anymore, somebody else was now at the wheel.
Everything around you was dark. You could still vaguely see through your eyes, but you were being pulled into the darkness more and more.
Suddenly you were pulled into a memory filled with true fear and terror. You started to shake as you were forced to relive these twisted thoughts and memories. They were warped, having heightened fear and fright. You started crying, falling to the ground and shaking uncontrollably.
You didn’t know how long you were in those state, but you were cradling yourself on the ground, scared to death and sobbing uncontrollably.
Suddenly, you heard a voice, not one of your own.
“You should not be here…!” The booming voice exclaimed.
You then felt the invasion start to be pulled out of you.
The feeling was still hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced you once more, but this time exiting you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body come back to you. You were sucked back out of your depths, having finally control over your body again, the somebody else at the wheel now gone.
When your vision came back to you, you saw a tall figure with strong wings standing in front of you. You were still shaken and scared for your life. Your lip trembled and you immediately put your hands in front of your face to protect yourself.
“My name is Lucifer.” The large being spoke softly, bringing one of their wings around you, “What’s your name, little thing?”
The wing around you made you oddly calmer. You felt protected. And you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I… Y/N…” you whispered, wiping the tears away for your eyes.
Lucifer nodded slowly in understanding.
“That is a lovely name.” They cooe, “I am sorry that you had to experience that, my sweet…”
“What… W-what was that…?” You whispered.
Lucifer sighed.
“One of my more roudy demons who got away from me.” They admitted, “It won’t happen again. You need not worry.” They reassured you.
“No but what was that…?” Your voice trembled as you thought back to the horrific feeling that you had felt in every bone of your body for that time.
You winced and tears threatened to spill down your cheeks once more. Lucifer sighed in sympathy.
“You see, Demons like to thrive off of the human mind… And this demon specialized in fear” They explained gently, “So the demon pulled out your biggest fears to feed off of and survive inside you. Humans call this possession.”
Tears began to flow down your face once more. You nodded at their words.
“It was so awful…” you choked out, your voice cracking.
Lucifer’s wings held you closer and their hand came behind you to rub your back.
“I know, little one…” they cooed lovingly, “But the demon is gone now. It will never bother you again.”
“Ok…” you whispered, looking up at the Lightbringer with watery eyes.
“Thank you” you choked out.
“Anytime, little one…” Lucifer gently spoke, “I’ll come back to check on you soon, alright…?”
You hiccuped and nodded. Then Lucifer left and you were back in your kitchen. With your dishes.
Lucifer Morningstar Masterlist
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bucketspammer4life · 5 months
How 'bout our boxy bois at karaoke? Can they sing and who has the best/worst voice?
anon i love you/j
just imagine them singing anything you want, but for ref im gonna go for the education connection jingle bc i love it
Glass Joe - sounds like a dying deer but hes having the time of his life, dont underestimate how loud he can scream
Von kaiser - Literally not even singing. hes just standing there and saying the words
Disco Kid - oh my goddd hes putting his best out there, hes singing it like the crowds gonna throw tomatos at him if he messes up even once
King Hippo - Hes just screaming, hes also overpowering everyone else with his voice so thats fun
Piston Hondo - not doing much but he sounds actually good, sounds like hes putting his soul out there and not doing anything much at the same time
Bear Hugger - My god he is jolly. Hes singing like its his last day on earth and hes killing it
Great Tiger - more dancing than singing, anytime its his turn he just starts jamming out to the music
Don Flamenco - thinks hes doing the best but sounds like a dying cat, so much vibrato its criminal
Aran Ryan - Just starts singing something else, his voice sucks too, how wonderful
Soda Popinski - my guy just leaves, just says one (1) word and gets out of there
Bald bull - awkwardkly standing there, looks more like hes giving a speech than singing
Super Macho Man - sings something else completely, he also gives up completely and just leaves halfway through
Mr Sandman - tries to sing but bursts into laughter halfway through from his voice crack
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peachesofteal · 10 months
How many followers have you've gained since posting COD fandiction because I've feel like you're work is amongst the most popular here in COD tumblr?
First, let me preface this by saying: I was born in the 90s and I've been on Tumblr since 2011.
This feels awkward to me (no hate to you anon) and I think it's just because I don't usually discuss this stuff. It's not really of interest to me but I will answer this because you're not the first person to ask something along these lines, and I’ve consistently ignored these types of questions, which is not entirely fair to the askers.
I've had this Tumblr since October of last year (it's not my only one) and I started out originally posting Sandman and TLOU fic. I posted my first Simon Riley fic in early December on AO3, and didn't even bring it to Tumblr until February. Since then, my follower count has grown pretty steadily, and as of today it sits at just over five thousand. I don't really like talking about this because I've seen so many people get down about themselves in the name of the comparison game and I don't enjoy feeling like I am contributing to that. Not comparing myself to others is something that I have consciously worked at doing in all aspects of my life, for my own mental health and happiness, and I don't do it here. I don't like to contribute to it either. This is why (among other reasons) I've never done a follower celebration. I feel guilt about it because I love you all so much and I'm so grateful to our little community that we've built on this blog, I think we've really cultivated a nice space for each other here where we can indulge in the things we enjoy without judgement (ahem) and take comfort in stories, but I have performance/deadline/life in general anxiety and doing follower celebrations have always intimidated me because I would hate to disappoint any of you, and like I said, I don't play the comparison game.
As far as my work being popular on Tumblr, I think my writing can be an acquired taste that is not always for everyone (which is completely okay, as I have said before, I support everyone creating their own experiences and using the block button liberally) and I would disagree with your opinion (respectfully)
At the end of the day: I care more about writing my silly little stories and having a good time with all of you over the amount of notes on my posts or how many people know I exist.
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bunnimew · 1 year
In the rotg film, do you think the Guardians get along with any other spirits, regardless of alignment? The Groundhog, Leprechaun, and Tooth Mouse are only mentioned or seen briefly, but most of their relations with the Guardians seem negative: Bunny apparently doesn't like the first spirit, and with the third spirit, there seems to some sort of discrimination and unawareness from the tooth fairies based on how Baby Tooth reacted so violently to what was basically a co-worker?
Hello Anon!!
Well, we know Bunny doesn't get along with the groundhog, and he didn't seem particularly impressed with anyone's suggestions for teammates, or even the idea of someone new joining the team, so I'm gonna say Bunny does not get along with anyone.
Everyone else seemed very excited about someone new, so it's conceivable that they have positive working relations with any number of spirits. But yeah, Tooth clearly never gets out into the field, to the point that her own fairies don't know about other international divisions. So even if she has positive working relations, they're probably not anything more than acquaintances.
North seems like the kinda guy where everyone is instantly his friend for the length of time they are in his presence. I bet North has invited every spirit on Earth back to the workshop at least once, and upon arrival, he's completely forgotten why they're there but welcomes them in and offers fruit cake, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if the more extrovert spirits showed up more than once and those are the spirits North actually thinks of as his friends.
There is no telling what Sandy gets up to, though. That gremlin could be partying in every time zone every night and his teammates wouldn't even know because they never leave their houses. Maybe Sandy isn't tired all the time because he's the Sandman; maybe it's because he literally hasn't slept for 48 hrs, jumping from edm concert to edm concert, throwin back dippin' dots and slamming gummy bears because he has no adult supervision to stop him.
So Sandy probably has all of the friends, and plays a mean game of Mario Party.
Jack clearly did not have many friends, but did know about other spirits, which would imply someone bothered to stop and talk to him. He probably has some fair weather friends or acquaintances who are willing to spread some gossip, but aren't interested in actually hanging out. Otherwise, he would not have been nearly so lonely, or talked about Sandy in that distant, "Oh cool, that guy I kinda know but shouldn't bother," kind of way. If he'd had friends, Antarctica would have looked a lot different.
Insofar as alignments, I imagine Bunny and Tooth would give a thought to the day job of whoever they were talking to. North sees the good in everyone, and seems like he'd give them a shot or three before writing them off for good, if he ever does. Sandy was going to punch a child, so I don't think he cares. And Jack was too lonely to be picky about who he talks to, but I think he would have been picky about what he was willing to be party to, to keep them talking. He listened to Pitch's offer, he just didn't want to doom the planet to darkness, yanno?
Thank you so much for the ask, Anon! And thank you for putting the image of Sandy guzzling Dippin Dots in my head.
P.S. Alternatively, maybe Baby Tooth is just a crazy brawler and it isn't that Tooth never mentioned the other divisions, it's that Baby Tooth's fight or flight instinct is superglued to fight and the mouse jumpscared her.
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clickbait-official · 2 years
Hii I'm new here! I saw that your reqs are open and I was just reading some of you headcanons and they are great!!! I was wondering if you have headcanons for Morpheus cause I love Sandman hahaha if not than that's okay. Have a beautiful and lovely day😊
omg my beloved morpheus?? my love??? absolutely anon you don’t know how fast I typed this up
smells like old books and roses and a good nights sleep
his eyes are endlessly stunning
favorite color is dark green?? maybe. i’m not sure he has one
gives off wet cat vibes™
i bet he can appreciate a cloudy day
probs squints in the sun
VERY intimidating. wtf are you supposed to do when the anthropomorphic personification of dreams and nightmares comes knocking?
doesnt have a preference for music. he likes it all
favorite sibling is Death (obviously)
he probably smells like lavender too
secretly misses a simpler time
wishes that he could connect better with other people
a SUCKER for a good bubble bath
have a whole day dedicated to him and he’ll never forget it
also has really good memory? literally how
ideal evening is sitting in front of a fireplace on colder nights
pls sit with him
doesn’t know how to cook
can and will burn down the palace accidentally
does know how to ice skate actually
loves his ravens so so much (but he’ll never say so out loud)
such a creative person & loves any form of art
loves any form of dessert but especially loves chocolate
has an eye for color
sucker for architecture (have you SEEN his palace/castle thing??)
goes on walks in the Dreaming just for the hell of it
obnoxiously good at acting
knows how to dance - can and will sweep someone off their feet
doesnt look it but hes really strong
gets a kick out of a good murder mystery novel
loves any shiny (raven brain)
very picky with food but if its good that shit is GONE
this man is a sucker for strawberry shortcake
speaking of fruit
look me in the eyes and tell that this man is cis. you cannot.
im not trying to label an anthropomorphic entity here but its obvious ok
has huge garden with every flower you can think of (and many more that you can’t)
really trustworthy
reallyyyy stubborn too. watch out for that
likes coffee but doesn’t drink for the caffeine. hes strange like that
will make friendship bracelets with you
you just have to pull him by the ear
protective to the MAX
reminds me of a deep purple
these headcanons may or may not have gotten away from me so im gonna end it here
i love him so much
requests and asks are open!
(request here)
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12romy · 10 months
Thanks @sebchal for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Oof. 57, damn that's a lot, what am I doing with my life?? 53 of them in F1 (I know it says 52 but one of them is on anon lmao)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
F1rpf, although I have a fic for The Sandman and one for Our Flag Means Death (let's forget about my works for spn lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So the first one is Odd ducks, the fic I wrote for The Sandman, which is pretty normal since the fandom is bigger. After that, only F1, with Let's try something else (sewis fake dating feat Seb and gay panic), A Change of Habits (my lonnnnnnng chewis fic following the 2022 season), Your Crush is Showing (Brocedes, the first long fic I completed. Lots of smut.) and finally, Remember to forget (me), brocedes lewis!amnesia fic. I am very proud of the last one, mostly because it's super angsty and I torture Nico so much in it lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, actually, but usually I procrastinate on it, and I took ages. It's just, like, I feel it important to thank everyone for the comments, but it can feel a little repetitive and so I just tend to... Push it back to the next day, again and again. When it's on a multi-chapter fic, I reply before publishing the new chapter usually, but if it's a one-shot or the last chapter... Well. You'll get an answer but god knows when ahah
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, that's between Losing it all, a really dark fic about Nico, and Too Late, a bad ending 3344 fic based on Monza 2021 :)
(be careful about the tags if you go and read them btw)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Damn, that's a difficult question, I love writting sappy endings... But actually I think it's the ending of Welcome in the family!
It's a cute fic about Kimi/Tonio/Minttu, and the ending is definitely what I consider one of the happiest, mostly because of a little time-jump that allows to see the future ^^
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once, actually, on the 3344 fic I mentionned earlier. I think the person was just a max fan and didn't appreciate the way I make him suffer... I had put the write tags and all, so idk why they clicked on it. Anyway, it was scary and upsetting and I'm glad it only happened once ^^"
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah. Go have a look, honestly, there's no way I can summarise it. I write way too much of it, I think (and most of it hasn't been published yet I think)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, but I should, it could be fun! Actually, I'd like to write a Lewis/Lil Nas X one day, so who knows. That's not at the top of my list, though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I... Don't know, actually? How do you even check that? I hope not ahah ^^"
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Someone offered to translate one of my fic in Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I DID, The Prince and the Knight, with my wonderful @feuerspirit !!!!!! And I don't want to spoil, but me and @metheevilgenius miiiiight publish a little os at some point ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oh, such a hard question... I'll go with brocedes, but it's really mean to make me chose only one. They're just.... *siiiigh*
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Definitely this BDSM seb/charles/mick and lewis/pierre I have started. I didn't publish it and it's like 20k long but I'm completely stuck and haven't worked on it in a long time. Not totally happy with it either ^^"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh, good question? I don't know, I get compliments about the characterisation... But other than that, I like to think I have a pretty good sense of humour and I'm able to make people laugh (or like, I hope. I make myself laugh, which is a good begining)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The fucking dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to use petnames in other languages cause petnames always feel more personnal when you use it in your own language. So with the F1 drivers, it's nice cause not all of them are english! I tend to put some German or some French sometimes in my fics for full sentences, but I try not to do it too much. If you don't understand the language, it can be very frustrating.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Time to dig up my old ff.net account lmao
Nah, actually, I remember very well of my first fic. I was 15, it was two pages long, I was feeling bad about writing a fic in the first place although it didn't involve any romance. I deleted it a few hours after posting it, ahah. It was for the fandom of a french youtube show called Aventures. It's like, people playing a dnd style game, it's pretty cool and I was really into it for a long time.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
The fic I love the most of is definitely Up or Down. It's one of my favourite fic I've wrote. It's one of my early work, so it's a little clumsy and far from perfect, but I have good memories of myself writing it. I was in vacation in Rome at the time, alone, and I spent my time wandering in the city and thinking about my fic, it was amazing. And well, the content of the fic is also nice I guess XDDD
noooo idea who did this thing, and who didn't, so ignore if you've already done it or don't want to! I tag @feuerspirit @n-ico-ando @sunshinesebby @sionisjaune
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Hey, it’s me again.. I took a little time off to elaborate all of this, I went through various stages of disappointment, sadness and anger, but now I’m feeling better (even though it left a bitter taste in my mouth).
I did read all of the comments and reblogs to your posts, they made me cry (in a good way!) and I started to feel less alone indeed, a heartfelt thanks goes to them, definitely ❤️ this is what a fandom should be, whether it is Good Omens’ fandom or Neil Gaiman’s fandom (well I hardly see myself becoming part of his fandom now, even though I like some of his works, i.e. The Sandman).
The fact that he’s a writer is the reason why I weighed his words so much, otherwise I would have thought “okay maybe it was a poor choice of words and didn’t mean that”.. He knows exactly what he did instead, he used his skill with words against someone who barely speaks his language. This was unfair and unnecessary on so many levels imo.
About my ask, in my mind this was a point of view that maybe could’ve been useful for him to consider. I asked that in his interest, I mean, at the end of the day it’s his series, not mine. He didn’t even try to understand, instead. The point he’s missing with Staged is that Staged is not any series, it’s a series where the main characters (the two couples, but there’s also Ty in the third season) are supposed to be the actors’ real personalities and relationships (“supposed to”: I know they’re still fictional), so seeing all of them together in a scene of any series (not only Good Omens) would feel like breaking the fourth wall to me. I know it’s not something that everybody would experience, but definitely some people would. The nepotism thing is kind of connected to this, but mostly I’m really concerned about David Tennant being accused of that (the first “joke” was already there at Basingstoke). I mean, if Georgia had accepted the role and Olive had passed the audition, there would have been four members of his family involved (I know Peter Davison is an accomplished actor, but he’s also part of the Tennants family portrait, especially talking about Doctor Who), they’re just two for now, but the fact that Neil said that in a hypothetical season three, he would like to offer Georgia and Anna a part… The risk was there again. Maybe he thought that it would please the fans who always idolise them no matter what; this part of fans is really loud, but that doesn’t mean that they’re the actual majority. Also, this doesn’t mean that I hate them either, I would never do something like this out of hate, I’m not so miserable.
In summary, I just wanted him to read and consider that, I wasn’t really interested in an answer, tbh. It’s not like I was expecting something like “yeah, this is nepotism on my part! Thanks for asking xx” (though… That would’ve been a funnier response). As I said previously, this might have been an impulsive decision, and even a naïve one.
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Hello, Anon. I'm back from my work trip and finally not entirely exhausted, so now I can answer your Ask and all of the other Anons still waiting in my inbox.
I'm glad to hear from you again, and that you are feeling better. I very much relate to what you said about having a tendency to blame yourself for everything, because I do the exact same thing. But there is a difference between blame and responsibility, and while you are responsible for choosing to ask Neil that question, you are not to blame for how he chose to respond to it.
You mentioned not being sure what to do now, and thinking about sending him Crowley's line about asking questions (which is also something that I thought of when this whole thing happened). My personal suggestion would be not to message him at all, as there really isn't anything else that can be said and I think it would probably just give you more anxiety worrying about if/how he'd respond again.
The thing to keep in mind is that Neil is who he is. Being a writer does not automatically make someone better or smarter than anyone else--Ernest Hemingway was an abuser and a drunk; Hunter S. Thompson was, well..."LSD-soaked madman" is putting it generously; F. Scott Fitzgerald's relationship with Zelda made Kanye and Kim K. look Amish, and the list goes on--but what I think has happened with Neil is that there is such a hype around who fans perceive him to be...the "image" of Neil Gaiman as opposed to the actual human Neil Gaiman. What we have now had a glimpse of is the actual human, and that for as calm and cool as Neil always seems to come across, there are clearly things that can still ruffle his metaphorical feathers.
I don't know if you've visited Neil's blog again, by the way, but just a few days ago, he responded to this Ask which I and everyone else who read it would most definitely categorize as "creepy"...and yet he answered it and did not call that person out the way he did with you. What that tells me is that what happened with you was not because of anything you did, but because Neil read it the way he did. And there could be so many other factors at play as well--the fact that he is in the middle of a divorce, the effects of the Writers' Strike and what that will potentially mean for GO 2--that ultimately contributed to his mindset while answering.
The other thing I will say is that I've already seen part of your concerns come to life, as following the release of the GO 2 opening credits, some fans were insisting that the order of David and Michael's names in the sequence and David's name supposedly appearing first (as opposed to Michael's in the S1 credits) was a reference to Staged:
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In actuality, both David and Michael's names appear at the same time (but Michael's is less visible due to being in the sky). Neil even seemed to confirm this when someone recently asked about it. Not only that, he did not mention anything about Staged at all, which in all likelihood means it was probably not a specific reference. But seeing fans rush to this conclusion seemingly validates what we've been saying all along, and when I saw it, I immediately felt annoyed. For me, Good Omens and Staged are two very different things, as well as entirely separate things, and I categorically do not like the feeling of looking at anything related to GO and thinking of Staged. Only my opinion, of course, but there it is.
Finally, regarding the nepotism situation, one thing I've also noticed is people saying that this is somehow brand new, or that no one cared before GO 2. As I've mentioned previously, I became a fan of Michael's and "got into" him before I did David, so I will fully admit to being less knowledgeable around the nepotism issues there (Ty in ATWI80D, Georgia getting a part in DW because of Peter, then producing YM&H). But I can say with absolute certainty that concerns of nepotism with Anna were being voiced years ago, as far back as the first season of Staged and then right through to her being in Last Train to Christmas in 2021. So this is not remotely anything new, nor related only to GO, but to every role AL has had (Staged, LTTC, and Sandman), all of which she has gotten because of Michael.
I would also encourage people to read this post from last year on @invisibleicewands' blog for some very insightful tea about nepotism. One commenter is a former actor and shared some extremely interesting information in the notes in particular, of which I'd like to share a few:
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I'm very willing to bet that all of the above--especially the part about casting directors and casting practices--are things Neil already knows, and are at least part of what caused his disproportionate response to your question. Because if this is something well-known and common to the industry, you are very likely not at all the first person who has brought this up to him, as well as the fact that four members of the same family (David, Ty, Peter, Georgia) nearly ended up in the same season of one show (GO season 2).
Could Neil have had enough and just snapped? Sure. We all have our limits, our quota of what we can handle at any given time, in any given day. And he would have absolutely been well within his rights to ignore your question entirely. That he read it as being "not in good faith" tells me this is a subject that's come up before, and has led to him being on the defensive. Which, again...also understandable. But the fact that Neil--who is a writer, who has spent an untold amount of his life writing about all sorts of things in painstakingly detail-- couldn't parse a fan asking a genuine question or distinguish it from an attack is not okay, and neither was his choice to respond so condescendingly and set you up as a target for the larger fandom.
But you already know all this, Anon, so let me stop before I repeat myself too much. I am just glad that you decided to write to me again, and that you took such comfort from both my words and the folks who commented on my post. I am sorry that the whole thing has left such a bitter taste in your mouth (though understandably so), but with all the wonderful new things we've gotten in the last few days (opening credits, the new poster), that thankfully gives us happy things to focus on instead.
Sending you lots of love again and the hope that you will continue to feel better and not let this take away your excitement for GO 2 entirely. Thanks for writing in! x
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
Could I request ian Wright dating a rocker boy type reader? like reader has tattoos, rides a motorcycle listens to heavy metal you know the usual, reader is extremely intimidating but with Ian they are an absolute teddy bear. Everyone is so confused when this really scary looking dude walks into the facility asking where ian is, so they go into protective mode. when ian appears and is like "hi baby!" reader just came to pick ian up from work.
Also I just want to say I really appreciate you and all the things you do for the fandom both the sandman and quantum leap, there's not that many people who write for them. You are the sweetest human being ever and deserves the whole world.
Hehe Sure anon let's get this mini-fic started hehe, thank you so much this means a lot to me even if I don't know you anon lol, also I never listened to heavy metal so made some small changes nothing crazy just reader listens to rock lmao
Also tying this in cause why not hahaha: Reader and Ian were out on a date and someone decides to be rude towards Ian so the reader punches the person which turns into a fight. resulting in scolding from the good doctor
My Rock'n Roll lover
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Everyone on the team loved each other it was like a family, of course, no one pries into their friends' lives but it was nice to have strong trust with everyone on the quantum leap team.
of course, no one knew about Ian's love life but it was nice to know that they always come to work with a smile and determination. But who was the lucky one for Ian?
You were the one that was lucky enough to have Ian as a lover and you were really happy when they wanted you to be with them. even more so when you both got matching tattoos (skeleton one, cute little spider, and whichever other you like) and you and Ian were planning on getting more later on.
Ian was dating a Rocker or rather a rock star because you were well known in certain areas. You loved to listen to rock music and on occasion heavy metal but sometimes you would catch yourself singing Partners in Crime with Ian because it just suited you both. people would be surprised when you put Ian in the front of your gigs and would always have Ian in the front because while our dear nerd was smart during the day they will have fun at night and give you the same energy you give and without fail, after every show, you would kiss them deeply.
of course, the thing about you is, Your demeanor can be scary to most or rather intimidating but that didn't mean you were all the time. you were only soft to one person and that was Ian. you were currently riding your Motorcycle towards the facility Ian was working at since they text you to pick them up since they wanted to go on a joy ride.
Of course you planned on taking them to a little bar you spotted but they didn't have to know that for right now you parked at the entrance and walked inside glaring daggers at security and flashing the badge Ian gave you to which they hesitantly let you in.
Once inside you made your way to the elevator and pressing the floor you had to go to and waited. Looking down and kicking the ground with the tip of your boots before it dinged and you walked out. Getting closer you was thrilled to see Ian but your face was still threatening.
The woman who Ian called Jenn stops you and Addison their other friend looked over. "Where is Ian.?" you asked annoyed a bit. "Why are you asking?" Addison asked while Jenn went into a protective mode. "Because i can?" You narrowed you eyes at them.
Magic came down and was about to ask what the trouble was until Ian's voice pipes up happily "hi love" they walked over and kissed you softly to which you melted and held them close smiling. "Hello Ian ready to go?"
Everyone was looking between Ian and you and found it highly amusing that this is who was making them happy. But if Ian was okay then they will be supportive.
It was a few hours later when you stopped at the bar you wanted to try out with Ian they was sitting with you at the little side bar area. Ian and you was enjoying a mean together and had a few drinks not to much because you had to drive but since your alcohol tolerance was high you didn't need to worry much.
However, someone decided it was a good time to bother Ian "hey you want to go home with me i can show you a good time" a guy said suddenly grabbing Ian's arm they turned around annoyed. "Don't touch me i don't want to go with a low life" they said shoving their arm away.
"Excuse me you little weasel you probably-" all that can be heard was Ian shout your name when you sock them in the jaw. "Back off asshole this adorable nerd is mine and secondly they are to good for your little peanut anyways." They got up from the floor and a fight began immediately Ian was trying to pull you off while the guys friend tried to do the same.
In the end you and Ian was sitting in a rented hotel room with Ian cleaning up your mess literally. They was frowning while dabbing at a cut near your right eye you winced. "O-ow easy love"
"You didn't have to get into a fight for me you know i can handle myself and not to mention your hurt because of me...you don't have to hurt yourself on my account"
You smile at them "I do not regret anything tonight and i would gladly do it again for you" you finished and leaned closer to kiss them to which they kissed back. Pulling away they pout cutely "be careful next time please" "no promise but i will try"
Somewhere far away from where Ian and You was Addison and Jenn was eatting Chinese food "it still surprises me that Ian literally has a Rock n Roll lover" Addison said while Jenn laughs "more power to them"
Taglist: @justaproudslytherpuff , @sherazyjade , @the-masked-scorpio , @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 , @happilydangerousworld , @harlekin6
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
hi!! just wanted to drop an ask saying ive just spent the last couple days reading and rereading all your sandman fics on ao3, and im not the greatest at commenting, but i wanted to let you know i absolutely adore your writing style! it's very sensory and very thoughtful, and each fic has excellent pacing (the elevator one takes the cake for that imo lol) and i just love it so much. your writing tickles smth in my adhd brain and its fantastic. have a good day!!
anon, I want you to know I've been sitting on this ask all afternoon, reading and re-reading it, because it's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.
you are incredibly, enormously sweet to make the effort to come and find me and send me a message like this and I want you to know that you absolutely made my day!!
thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 9 months
Okay I was gonna wait for you to answer but adhd will not let me, so here we go.
Shadow and bone is very good
Supernatural is a commitment, but pretty much everyone is hot and morally grey
Lucifer is good
Alice in borderland is basically squid game but sooooo much better, and everyone is hot
James Spader is older in the blacklist but smthg about his character is so yummy to me that I do not care
You is pretty good, the books are better but the show is good too
Pesky blinders I feel is obv
Gotham is very good and has lots of hot villains, but varies from cannon for Batman, so you have to watch it as a separate show
In general bbc Sherlock is kinda meh but Andrew Scott as Moriarty is soooooo hot
Personally I’m not a fan of Vampire Diaries but lots of folks are
I haven’t seen The Sandman all the way through but I’ve enjoyed what I have seen
White collar has a hot protagonist criminal
Okay I think that’s all I’ve got
-Villain anon
Oh, Villain, you have fed me this day 😏😏thank you so much for this list! I’ll keep you updated 🫶🏻
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noforkingclue · 1 year
Hey lovely! I’m really in a mood for some fluff writing. Could I request a Lucifer(the Sandman) x angel reader fluff where the reader has been send down to get information or something like that from Lucifer but doesn’t know that they are in a secret relationship type of thing and I’ll leave the rest up to you.
I hope you are able to write this. I absolutely love your writing and happy new year btw xx
Note: requests are currently closed
Aww, thank you so much anon :D
I hope you like this!
Title: Rebellion
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
It was hot.
Hell was always hot.
Up in heaven it was always pleasant. Neither too hot nor too cold. It was always perfectly adjusted to the preferences of the individual. Still, you stood up tall and refused to show how the heat was affecting you. You weren’t about to show weakness in front of a hoard of demons.
The demons below you jeered and shouted as they looked up at Lucifer’s tower where you were safely located. Your hand gripped the handle of your blade tightly. If the worst came to the worst you could always rely on that. It could cut through demons like a hot knife through butter. Still, it wouldn’t do the political situation any good if you slaughtered any demons however repulsive they might be.
Your breath hitched as a pair of strong hands gripped your shoulders and led you away from the window.
“You shouldn’t stand there. You excite them too much.”
Lucifer’s voice was a calmness that you hadn’t been excepting in Hell. You still remember the first time you heard it. A levelness you were shocked to hear and Lucifer’s smirk when they realised who Heaven had sent as their messenger. Maybe they had done this to punish them? To show Lucifer who was just out of their reach. So tantalisingly close and yet so far out of their reach. Another cruel punishment. Something as pure as you shouldn’t be in a place such as this. Of course, there was no way that Lucifer knew this for certain.
“Have you made up your mind?”
Lucifer leant down and graze their lips over your cheek. Your eyes closed at the touch as you resisted the urge to lean into it.
“You know I can’t.” you said
“You can. I did.”
“I am not you. I am not as strong.”
Lucifer’s hand gripped your chin and gently titled your head back. You were helpless, trapped in their gaze as they leant down and pressed their forehead against yours. Their other hand snaked around your waist and pulled your against their body. You always felt so small in Lucifer’s embrace and yet so safe.
“I wouldn’t let any harm come to you,” Lucifer said, “You’ll be protected with me. I will let no harm come to you. No demon, angel or any other creature would dare touch what is mine.”
“And what am I to you?”
“You know that already.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
Lucifer was a creature that always preferred actions to words and it was the same case with this. Their grip on your chin tightened and you winced in pain before Lucifer swiftly captured your lips with theirs. Your eyes slowly closed your eyes at the burningly passionate kiss. You felt as through your blood was being replaced by fire. A burning that filled you to the very core but unlike the heat of your surroundings, you craved this. Would you feel like this every day if you just remained? Maybe if you did you would-
At the sound of approaching footsteps you found the strength to pull away. Your rigid posture returned and you kept your back firmly turned to Lucifer. You knew that if you looked at them your resolved would crumble. Mazikeen looked between you and Lucifer, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. You gave her a cold look and hoped that it masked you uncertain feelings coiling in your stomach. You marched over to the balcony and stood up on the railings, your pure white wings unfolding behind you. They shone in the darkness of hell and the jeers of the crowd below increased.
“I will pass on your message,” you said, the coldness in your voice returning, “One of us will return with our answer.”
“You will return,” Lucifer said, “Or negotiations will be over.”
“I will pass it on.”
You flew high above the crowds and Lucifer and Mazikeen watched you leave.
“Shall I-“ Mazikeen started but Lucifer held up a hand
“She will fall of her own free will,” they said, “The first sign of rebellion.”
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witchblood-if · 1 year
Can you give little facts about your IF's world building?!
Hello, Anon, I am very sorry for being a little late. I haven't been particularly motivated to do anything at all these last few days (which enabled me to watch the entire season 1 of Sandman in one day).
Anyway, here you go:
The land is the fictional country of Esmar, with New Calrion City (a bayside port city) as its capital. As far as development goes Esmar is roughly on a similar level of technical innovation as our world.
Other big cities are Adjama (south-east) and Zecras (north-west)
Both Southern and Northern parts of the country used to be independent monarchies, that were at war for a long time
There is a pantheon of Gods, The Council of Makers, that is recognized as the main religion (with regional differences in worship and belief)
One of the eldest Crafted Ones are the Fae, most noticeable for their colorful skin and horns
(Unicorns do not exist)
Crafted Ones is a dusty reference to a good portion of sentient beings that were explicitly (at least as the Old Texts tell it) crafted by the Makers. Other sentient beings that have in contrast to that evolved to be what they are (for example the mushroom people) are referred to as Grown Ones. These are old religious terms, that no one outside of places of worship ever really uses.
Witches are part of the Crafted Ones, mostly indistinguishable from humans at least physically, but with the unique ability to use Energy to perform "magic". Other beings, like Fae, can have a special connection to Energy but cannot use it like Witches.
Witches themselves are a younger group of beings, only coming into existence about 1550 years prior. There are two generations of Witches, the MC belonging to the younger one. They are age-wise immortal but can "die" if they chose to. As a result, most Witches have left the living world already.
Phew, that was a bit. I hope that gives a little bit of a view into what I have planned. If you have more questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks for the ask!
Hugs and kisses
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shooting-love-arrows · 10 months
Hello!!! I just saw u completed my rq and i loved it! Your writing makes my heart go crazy,its feels like your characters are real and its just fascinating 💗💗
How have you been doing? Do you have any special intrests/hyperfixations? I want to get to know u more,you're such an amazing author,im sure you're just as amazing as a person 💓
Dear 🌟 Anon,
Hello! I am happy you liked it! And wow, I am flattered that I can make your heart race. My characters tend to make people feel this way 😏 When it comes to lil' ol' me, I’ve been doing well. Those past weeks are speeding by but they also seemed to drain me from all the energy.  Well, when it comes to my special interest/hyper fixations in fan fics, I have a tendency to go in circles. I cannot name every fandom I am in (bc there's a lot) but it works like a domino effect. So for example: right now I am into Twisted Wonderland, which triggered my interest in the Fairy Tales and XIX century again. Before that, I was hyper fixating over The Sandman and it triggered my interest in Mythology and Ancient Greece. I don’t know what to expect next…😳 When it comes to non fandom subjects, I am forever interested in XIX/XX century and history but only certain aspects (lifestyle, clothes, some medicine, crimes etc.); crime stories (Bailey Sarian is my usual to go). Now allow me to get to know you too, dear 🌟 Anon. Only if you're comfortable. Are you willing to share some of your interests? Do you have favortie fandoms? What are your interest/hyper fixations? (don’t feel obligated to answer if you aren't comfortable) You’re truly sweet, my dear. Ah, now you’re making my heart go crazy 💓 Hope to hear from you more and have a lovely day (even if it isn’t daytime)! P.S I have another of your message with the list questions and pardon me but I have to ponder over them for a little longer. Those are really good and inspirational questions by the way and I am eager to answer them.
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