#Haven't finished the first video yet but this guy. This guy is my favourite
aste-ri-sm · 2 years
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|| So I started watching Forgotten Indigo
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cbk1000 · 3 months
Hey, what are you into right now (movies, books, series)? Or even not right now, but in the past, outside of Merlin? I feel you have wicked taste, and I’m desperate for a new hyperfixation. Please, some recs if you have them!
Hey, anon! Sorry; I spaced on answering this.
I don't generally watch a lot of movies or TV shows, because I prefer reading. TV is generally for when I want to shut my brain off and just be entertained, so I wouldn't call a lot of what I do watch good. But if you haven't seen them yet, Our Flag Means Death and Sense8 are both really good shows. Both were pretty popular on tumblr at one point or another, so you may have already seen them, but if not, I really recommend giving them a go. Also, this is dated now, but it still holds up as a sitcom: I've spent most of my recovery rewatching Frasier, which I saw as a kid when it was first airing in the 90s. Ditto Third Rock from the Sun, which still makes me laugh, no matter how many times I've seen it.
This is a video game, but I've been playing an RPG set in medieval Bohemia that's really scratching my nerd itch; it's called Kingdom Come. It's very immersive and has been keeping me company the last couple of weeks while I get to the point in my recovery where I feel well enough to do more than lay in bed staring at my tablet, but am not quite yet a fully functioning human.
As for books, I'm finishing up a historical mystery series, 'Brother Cadfael' by Ellis Peters, set in medieval England during The Anarchy. I've thoroughly enjoyed it and am sad to have only one book left.
I just started rereading 'The Wolf Hall' trilogy by Hilary Mantel, which follows the rise and fall of Thomas Cromwell during Henry VIII's reign. I found the trilogy very gripping and difficult to put down my first time through, and though I've only just started the first book again, it's having the same effect, even though I just read it a couple of years ago. Definitely check out a preview of this first, though; I love Mantel's unique style, but I know a lot of readers find it difficult.
I read 'Shadowplay' by Joseph O'Connor a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. This follows Bram Stoker during his time as a manager at a London theatre, his struggles with his writing (he didn't really find commercial success until after his death), and the experiences that led to 'Dracula.'
For the last couple of years I've been making my way through most of Guy Gavriel Kay's work, which I recommend if you like poetic, historically-inspired fantasy. I started with 'A Brightness Long Ago', but I recommend picking whatever time period that interests you personally (the Sarantine duology, for instance, is set in an analogue of the Byzantine Empire; 'A Brightness Long Ago' evokes Renaissance Italy, and then 'Under Heaven' and its companion 'River of Stars' imperial China).
Ditto with Terry Pratchett and his Discworld, a hilarious satirical fantasy series. I started with 'Guards Guards' and read the City Watch books and then moved on to the books featuring the witches. Special shout-out to his 'Nation', which is not a Discworld book, but is one of the best novels I've read in years.
I've also been immersed in Arthurian literature and heaps of non-fiction about the Plantagenet reign for the last few years. My favourite work of Arthuriana is probably 'Idylls of the King' by Tennyson. It's gorgeous and haunting. 'The Plantagenets' by Dan Jones is a good, accessible introduction to that period of history if you're at all inclined to non-fiction. He's a historian, but it's not a stodgy, academic text.
I hope there's something here for you!
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yes hello I would like to order one jrwi. haha. anyways ur actually gonna make me start listening to this shit I can’t do this I can’t take more pain whiskey stop making it look enticing
HI HELLO!!! HI. jrwi is a rly fun ttrpg podcast and i've only listened to 2 of the campaigns so far but they're SO GOOD. the patreon is the main place to watch/listen to the episodes but people have put together youtube playlists of the video versions :3 i'll give u a couple of them here if u want :3
prime defenders- FAVOURITE ONE RN BECAUSE I JUST FINISHED IT. it's about teenage superheroes!!! starts out as kind of a sitcom-esque series where the stakes are very low. but then the stakes get high. and things get dire. and just. soooo many things happen. like it goes from zero to one hundred REAL DAMN FAST. and then it somehow goes past a hundred in season two. every character is so fucking good and i love them all and i think u should watch it, it's got 64 episodes total and there are a couple of oneshots in that playlist too if you want to listen to them!!! bizly dms this one and he's sooo fucking good at doing voices and stuff i love every single npc <3 HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING THIS ONE TBH. ITS SO FUCKING GOOD.
the suckening- VAMPIRES IN LOS ANGELES BABEY!!!!! this one is the first one i listened to and it's what convinced me to get the patreon so i could listen to the rest. this is a google drive of audio recordings from the final seven episodes (the first five are available for free on their youtube and spotify) but i can def put together a playlist of the youtube versions and send it to you!! this is just what i had on hand. anyway it's so fucking good. literally parts of this had me crying laughing. it's a comedy horror and it's SO GOOD. charlie slimecicle dms this one!! it's got 12 episodes total right now and theres going to be a season 2 :3
blood in the bayou- again this is a google drive but i think there are video versions if you'd prefer and i can def make a playlist and send it 2 u :3 this one is 4 episodes so if you're looking for something to just dip your toes in u can start with this!! i haven't listened 2 it yet but it's a horror and it's got lots of blood and gore. and bugs! lots of bugs. i love bugs <3 i need to listen to this one. also dmed by charlie
apotheosis- this one's a youtube playlist!! dmed by condifiction!!! i don't know much about the plot of this one personally but i think it's about a team of three people, one of whom is trying to kill, god, another of whom is trying to become god, and another guy who i think is just. there to be a fucking nerd. i know barely anything about apotheosis but i DO KNOW that two characters canonically have gay sex. i have watched the gay sex scene.
there's also riptide which is their publicly available campaign thats fully up on their youtube and spotify!!! it's dmed by grizzly and it's about pirates. i have not watched it myself yet because it is like. over a hundred episodes at the moment??? it is a large undertaking but i will brave it eventually. i have heard from very reliable sources such as my mutual mac that it is very good. i personally rly think u should watch prime defenders :3 it's very good :3 it will not grab ur heart and rip it into two pieces :3 trust me
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kahvilahuhut · 5 months
wip questions tag
thank you @sunset-a-story for tagging me!!!!!!! (and sorry it took me a while sjfjfjfjfj)
tagging @void-botanist @avi-why @televisionjester and anyone else who wants to do this :3
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
Worldbuilding!!! I've always loved Mars (influenced by Doom probably? i just think it's neat :]) and the idea of a whole society on Mars is just very cool for me. All the possibilities and things that can go wrong. And the political debates.......
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
HMMMMM this one is hard bc i absolutely su k at picking music for story playlists and this is waaaaaay harder. I think I would love it to be instrumental or smth tho!
That said I would soooo much rather have it become a video game, and and if I were to pick a song for a trailer I'd go with either Black Mambo by Glass Animals or something from Depeche Mode. My brain is currently telling me to go with "Pain That I'm Used To" but I wouldn't say it fits Cynosure that well KFKKFFKFKFK
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
Tobyyyyyyy <3 I love him so much he is such a...guy. He's some guy. A chemist who has spent a bit too much reading his dad's books about social theory and stuff since he was a child. All he wants is that people would be happy and he has so much love to give for the world, which mostly means him helping people a lot (people pleaser guy). Tobias isn't really that special, he wants to do something he likes, he's scared of guns (for a reason) and just wants a calm new life. Too bad that's not happening for a while.
To think he started as a copy of Nathan I made for a The Outer Worlds playthrough and then it all kinda turned into a bigger thing and he became his own self and I just decided to pull him + Klara & others out of being fandom ocs and put them into Cynosure.
putting the rest of questions under
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
HMMMM I'd say basically any kind of scifi book that has some societal themes in it + has some comedy and stuff. Same for video games maybe?
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
I'm going to be honest I haven't really started writing Cynosure yet JFBBFBFFKF
My biggest struggle is having a job and being a master's student basically hehe
6. Are there any animals in your story?
Haven't really figured out if I'd want to showcase Mars wildlife in it + what kind of wildlife would it be, BUUUUT!!! There's definitely Klara & Toby's cat, Melody. She's a lil tabby cat :3
7. How do your characters get around?
I'm a public transport fan so I'm putting public transport into my wip!!!! I'd say Mars has lots of fancy trains and the ocean area has ships. Buses, too, though probably not what Cynosure characters will end up using.
There's also cars and motorcycles, though they're hovering instead of having wheels. Mars terrain sucks for wheels.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Figuring out the plot + finishing up worldbuilding <3
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Hmmmm! I'd love to say worldbuilding or like, whatever is going on in Mars power struggles. Making fun of capitalism too (i'm a social scientist), maybe even the characters? Who knows :^)
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shatteredhourglass · 1 year
Fic Writer's Showcase Game
tagged by @drgrlfriend - thank you!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
First Fic:
Left Foot Forward (Marvel, Winterhawk, Omegaverse, E) - This was born of me reading first Bucky fics, then Clint fics, then running out of winterhawk fics and going 'I should write some so that other people make more for me to read. Maybe I'll do all the popular tropes.' I was terribly depressed at the time and spent most of my days watching the food network and doing nothing, so this actually saved me in a lot of ways.
Last Fic:
A Losing Game (OFMD, Rotating Ed/Stede/Izzy But NOT Steddyhands, Death Game/Modern AU, E) - I know a lot of people are scared of reading this one because they don't know the series it's inspired by and no matter how much I promise that it doesn't matter, it's still intimidating. But I think it's the bees knees. I need to finish the companion parts, they're some of the best things I've ever written.
One-Hit Fandom:
Bad Habits / Indisposed (Dying Light 2, Aiden/Barney, PWP, Both E) - Technically a two-hit fandom and I'm always tempted to write more, but this is a hilarious instance of a character in a video game being so annoying that I was like. I need that guy OBLITERATED (sexual.)
Favourite Fic In Biggest Ship:
BANG! (Marvel, Winterhawk, Suicide Squad AU, E) - I loved writing this fic. I'm in my element when writing violent, kind of wacky comedy action romances (see ALG above as well) and BANG! was a lot of my favourite things in one. Also a call back to a few villains I loved who aren't as prominent.
Fic I Wish Was Read More:
See above for A Losing Game. I was well aware that it wouldn't have a massive reception; it's inspired by a series that people probably haven't seen, it's 80k, it's not actually Steddyhands. But it's very good. I stand by it.
Fic Most Agonised Over:
under the heel of a devil (Marvel, Ameriwinterhawk, Western AU, E) - Westerns are NOT my thing. Arson set me this challenge and I was like "welp." And went to watch a few westerns so I had some semblance of an idea of what the hell I was meant to do. I think it came out alright in the end, but it drove me nuts.
Zero-Effort Fic:
An Endless Beating Heart (OFMD, Ed/Izzy & Jack/Stede, Zombie AU, E) - Okay this is technically a snippet collection in the same verse and is Very Disjointed, but I love it. It was so easy. Zombie stuff is so cruisy for me.
Pride And Joy Fic:
Off The Mortal Coil (Marvel, Winterhawk & Platonic Bucky/Kate, Zombie AU, E) - Over 160k words. 160k. I have not and will never achieve a fic this long again. It was a labour of love and I still love it dearly.
Tagging: If you haven't done this yet, do it now. You're tagged. Go. And tag me in the post.
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Wow I never thought I'd see an ARMY talk about NCT the way you did. What do you think of the group? You said you like their latest cb, what exceeded your expectation? If you have one who is your bias?
Hi Anon,
I usually check out every new release if I've got time to. Checked out Ay Yo and liked it. It's a dope track.
What I said is:
"For the first time in three years I am not completely disappointed. (Too bad SM Entertainment is sort of self-destructing right now.) Ay Yo is giving me everything the boys are capable of. And by 'the boys' I'm referring to Haechan, Mark, and Taeyong - that trio + Ten are the only people I care for (in a very neutral sense), in NCT. Chenle and Jaemin occasionally stand out. But the real star this comeback is the song. 2 Baddies was an atrocity that didn't need to exist, but Ay Yo sits just at the sweet spot between disorienting experimentation and anthem hit. When you see the boys perform it it only gets better... "
NCT is one of the more interesting projects out of SM in (1) its concept - NCT is the musical expression of Seoul, her culture; and (2) its medium of choice: hyper-pop and hip hop. NCT is a group significantly more interesting than SHINee or EXO. In theory, in my opinion. But until now, they really didn't live up to that hype. Again, my opinion.
But when I saw the dance practice for Ay Yo, I had to revisit that thought.
This dance practice video alone justifies the existence of this group. First of all, full kudos to Rie Hata for choreographing such an avant-garde and memorable routine. Next, the guys have to get their full credit. I haven't even bothered watching anything else they've released yet, I'm perfectly content just watching the dance practice over and over. That's how good they are.
My problem with NCT though (and honestly most SM-trained idols) is that, like a Roja parfum, performance quality doesn't last long. I know someone who attended that live performance that had Lucas disruptively dancing to a completely different song mid-performance. Like they saw that, in person. Can you just imagine what that is like? But I won't dwell on that, what I'd rather highlight is how much they've improved. They moved like a single unit from start to finish in Ay Yo. The entire performance is seamless, the attention to detail impressive, and they're all so into it. It's really cool and close to how insanely immersed BTS gets during a performance. This style of dance seems to work them into that almost trancelike state, and it suits them very well.
Haechan ties with Taeyong who ties with Ten who ties with Mark to be my favourites in NCT. I can't really speak to their characters, I don't watch them enough to comment, but I do think from a 'capability' standpoint, those four are in the top 10 male idols ever produced by SM. So, it was very gratifying seeing them improve even more this comeback.
The song is actually good too though, like I said, the bridge is a bit unfortunate. Jaehyun's verse too.
I hate bridges in SM songs. Generally. The bridge in an SM song exists to serve as a mood breaker and palette cleanser for the highlight of the song, which in Ay Yo is from timestamp: 2:57 to 3:35. A bridge should be something that redirects your focus, something that plays with the motif of the whole song, not introduce its own. Anyway, that's mostly my thing. I'm sure many people enjoy the abrupt switch ups mid-song, and sometimes I'm one of those people, but most times I'm not. It's so encouraging for me that Ay Yo is a song good enough even with that.
For the Anon who sent me an ask more tied to the mess happening at SM rather than my views on NCT, I'll get to your ask before long.
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lovethistoomuch · 2 years
Get to know me(me)!
I was tagged by @birdkeeperklink. thank you so much <3 how sweet of you! (sorry for the late response)
3 Ships: all time favourites or most written/read? not sure but these are probably my top 3.
Dean/Castiel aka Destiel - this has to be on here right? it's probably the ship I have read the most fanfic of, thougth I have never really written them myself. maybe because I thought I couldn't do them justice when I was first watching the show and I was still very insecure about my writing. I have started an AU of them now, so maybe I'll publish it some day.
Jimm Prideaux/Bill Hayden aka haydeaux - I don't know, man, these guys just break my heart. most tragic love story ever in my opinion and it's even canon (even though not very obwiously in the movie). this ship has me shipping Mark Strong and Colin Firth in every project they do together so merlahad should be here as well. reading merlahad fanfic is like a cure for my broken heart for these two <3
Spock/McCoy aka spones - I just love them so much! the way their minds work together, how they are the perfect counterpart to each other while still being very similiar, the perfect balance, the absolutely screwed up personalities. they fight like enemies and act like friends and I just love them endlessely <3 writing them is so much fun! and I just want them to be happy, damnit!
First Ever Ship: Spock/McCoy probably. my first fanfiction I ever wrote at the age of around 11 was Spock/Christine but the main focus of it was on Spock's and McCoy's friendship, so my real interest lay with them.
Last Song: no idea, honestly. I do listen to music occasionally but only the same songs over and over. probably the 1982 'the thing' soundtrack cause I want to make a video where it's in the background.
Last Movie: The Holiday - I don't care what people say: it's cute!
Currently Reading:  The Mauritius Command (Aubrey and Maturin #4) this was the last book I started but haven't finished yet.
Currently Watching: Charmed - my favourite character just died :( so who know's when I'm gonna continue. but my parents are soon finishing season two and I absoultely want to watch season three with them!
Currently Consuming: pear/apple juice + spaghetti and tomato sauce
Currently Craving: a job XD (have been unemployed fo a while due to health issues and I just want to work again)
I will tag.... @uponxhorhaus @accrov @topshelf2112-blog @catzy88 only if you want to of course! but I'm always curious :D
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stillness138 · 1 year
For the character ask meme: Idarran and Alzur
ehehe nice
First impression - long before cdpr did anything with him, in my head he was this mysterious, legendary, cool figure. I knew of the guy and of his accomplishments - from the double cross mentioned in Road With No Return through the zap card in gwent to the little there was on wiki/in educated videos about the creation of witchers. I remember thinking he wouldn't test the mutations on girls before i learned about the first batch of kids brought to Rissberg. Oh how naive i was :D.
Impression now - scrunkly motherfucker. I enjoy him thoroughly. The journey story is imo one of the absolute top pieces of lore writing to come out of gwent. They could've gone with the shallow notion i myself had of Alzur before really thinking critically (or to be honest, cynically, given the nature of this universe), but instead they presented two clashing points of view, both valid given their context, that helped paint the man at the center as the very much imperfect person he is. For once, genuinely decent picture of this genre of character. Also,
Favourite moment - when i unleashed the "Alzur really was a bug fucker huh" discord message onto tumblr in one of the shitpost collections and then our resident spy saw it and had it canonized in Rogue Mage 😌. Ok conspiracies aside, i think the circumstances of his death are just too fucking funny.
Idea for a story - [REDACTED] xd. Actually, i guess i can type out a peek to the level of derangement i reach sometimes: So i'm quite a fan of the album Mezzanine by Massive Attack, right. Teardrop, probably the most famous song from it, is one of those that i believe have rearranged my soul. So one day i'm listening to it, staring at the album cover, and it hits me; the bug on it looks like Viy's gwent portrait. So then my brain makes a few lightning fast connections, and the result is the idea of a short album in the style of Mezzanine, from the point of view of Galanthea as a sort of "return" into music without the Snowdrop pseudonym, with a few songs dealing with the things she learns about Alzur from Madoc, the rampage of Maribor, and Madoc's subsequent death. I consider myself musically illiterate, in that i just don't understand music theory, how songs are made, any of that stuff, but it's one of those things that i keep returning to like "it's extremely cool...to me." I guess i can always write a fic about it, but we know how """good""" i am with finishing those, too xd. Brain, why you gotta be like that.
Unpopular opinion - I love Lorenzo to bits but i think the key art for Alzur's journey is a little bit goofy 🙈. On the other hand, the atmosphere is kinda neat, so i dunno. I feel like we can all agree that Lily deserved better and that Rogue Mage is underdeveloped. I guess here's a tinfoil hat thing, i think the ice dragon might be a future tie-in for the lynx game. Smth about dragons and far north and unexplored areas and so on. But i should probably not dwell on basic imagery so much.
Favourite relationship - I think it's kinda fucked up to say that how he affected Madoc's life and caused him immense trauma is my favourite bit, because more so, like i said, i just find the entire dynamic between Alzur, Madoc and Galanthea compelling to read. Ship wise though, it's [redacted], of course. The thing is just that i wouldn't want to impose Alzur on anyone xd.
Favourite headcanon - that the Golden Nekker was like his little buddy. I kinda got that from the scrapped Rogue Mage art (because i decided to take it literally, because i have brainrot, because i need help) and i thought it was silly in an endearing way.
Idarran of Ulivo:
First impression - because i haven't read Season of Storms yet, my first exposure to Idarran was, i'm pretty sure, when his card came out. I might've heard Ortolan's monologue in a video before, but because my memory is shit, it largely escaped me. When i saw his card and read the flavor text and sort of pieced most of it together, Idarran seemed like this weird kid who's weird mostly because of the circumstances. Whose interests wouldn't be a little fucked up if they grew up in the sewers.
Impression now - that's still more or less the case. He's smart, capable, and off-putting. But i find the way of it - no pathos, not even much of edginess or self-absorption - actually quite endearing, too, he seems to me like someone who just wants to be left alone. Relatable. Granted, the accounts - at least those that i'm familiar with so far (is there something significant about his personality in any of the trpg books?) - are limited.
Favourite moment - how old fuck Malaspina did only the bare minimum on witcher mutation research and Alzur and Idarran are responsible for most of it. Though I feel like Idarran also peaced out of it quite early on, which seems to be supported by Rogue Mage and also by the fact he really just looks like he's way more into his fucked up monsters than anything else.
Idea for a story - i am quite intrigued by the beef Maxii has with the entire Rissberg group and where it went. Now i just leaked that i've barely played Rogue Mage...
Unpopular opinion - you know how there are characters that do really good in side arcs in a story but wouldn't work as the main focus? I think that's Idarran in the bigger picture of the Rissberg group, witcher experiment and Maxii's shit list. So i feel like there should be more about him, but not too much, if that makes sense.
Favourite relationship - we took Alzur's (and eventually many others') bugfucking to a literal level but i actually find the idea of "Bug" being Idarran's nickname around Rissberg equally cursed-yet-enjoyable.
Favourite headcanon - that the bald spot in his hair is a result of an experiment gone sideways or being around something gross in the sewers. Again, favourite with these characters mostly means "it's awful but it particularly captivates me" :D.
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imclumsy · 5 years
(peter parker x actress!reader)
Summary: the reader is an actress starring in stranger things. she starts a livestream as she chills with her best friend, peter. they get flustered when her fans point out their flirting. the fans go crazy once something happens.
Warning: idk, language maybe? if that counts??
A/N: i found this in my drafts on wattpad lmao. thought it was cute and decided to continue writing it for my first tumblr imagine post. oh and ‘Y/c/n’ means ‘your character’s name’.
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“Hey, guys.” You smiled at your phone screen, holding up a peace sign as you started a live stream on Instagram. Comments started to flood in.
msmarvel19832 - notice me senpaiiiii 😭
strangertingzz4life - hiiiiii ❤️❤️💖
"So, I'm kinda bored, my parents aren't home and I thought 'Why not do a Q&A?' since I haven't been so active on Instagram lately because I’ve been busy filming." You shuffled, trying to find a comfortable position to sit in.
"Stop moving, Y/n. I’ve almost got a 10 streak kill." Peter nudged you, keeping his attention on his video game as he ran someone over with a car.
Who knew Spider-Man would enjoy running over pedestrians.
"I'm trying to get comfortable, dickhead, let me be." You smiled, moving the camera so it was away from you and Peter. You finally decided to lay your head on his stomach as he let you lay between his legs.
"Ok, sorry about that, technical- well, physical difficulties." You laughed at the camera, making Peter chuckle, "Anyways, questions anyone? I'll answer as many as I can."
You waited for the comments to load and read out the first one you saw, "From captainamericaswhore, love the username by the way, 'Who's legs are those?'" You giggled as soon as you finished reading.
Everyone in the comments started to freak out.
y/n.y/ln.is.my.queen - YO I BET IT'S PETER SKSJAK
dontreadmyusername - who tf is peter-
madmax751300 - [dontreadmyusername] get outta here u uncultured swine
elevenseggos - those r some thicc legs wInK wOnK
suziep00 - [elevenseggos] and i fucking oop-
“Are you livestreaming?” Peter asked, pausing his game and taking his headset off, reaching away to place it on the table.
“Yep,” You replied, popping the ‘p’. Your fans already knew who Peter was since he made a regular appearance in all your social media, especially your stories. “It’s Peter’s legs by the way. Say ‘hi’ to everyone, Pete.” You turned your camera to him.
“Hey.” He waved, sending the fans a charming smile.
“Alright, next question-“ You said, sitting up before hitting your head on Peter’s nose.
“Fuck.” He held the bridge of his nose. You laughed, letting your head fall forward as you clutched your stomach. “That fucking hurt, you idiot!” He shoved your shoulder, laughing to lighten up the mood instead of making it serious.
You turned around, looking at the tears welling up in his eyes, “Aww, alright. I’m sorry.” You reached behind him to grab a tissue from the tissue box on the small table and wiped his tears, “You good?”
"Yeah, kinda hurts, but I'm fine." He laughed, giving you a smile to reassure you that he's okay.
“You’re such a baby.” You playfully rolled your eyes before quickly kissing his nose. “You know, my lips kinda hurt too.” He smirked.
“Nice one, Parker.”
“I try my best.”
“Well, it might just be working.” You flirted back, making Peter blush profusely.
You completely forgot that you were still livestreaming as you felt your phone violently vibrate in your hand. Everyone was going crazy; crazier than normal.
finnwolfhardofficial - real smooth peter,, real smooth
dustybun4life - i wonder what’s gonna happen after this livestream ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
steve_the_mom - [dustybun4life] SOME OF Y'ALL ARE NASTY OML-
Your face heated up after reading some of the comments. “What can I say, Finn? Practice makes perfect." He managed to say one last bold comment before his face turned completely red after reading all the comments shipping you two.
sadiesink_ - you guys better get together by the end of this live otherwise we’re no longer gonna have movie nights in my trailer
therealcalebmclaughlin - your flirting is so cute it makes me want to puke
gatenm123 - just saying.. i better be in the front seat for your wedding
You felt really flustered now, feeling Peter’s body heat radiate as he wore his headsets to continue his game in order to avoid showing his flushed face. You cleared your throat, “Alright, guys, come on. Elevenseggos is right, let’s continue the Q&A.”
gayforrobin - [elevenseggos] CONGRATS
flayedforbilly - [milliebobbybrown] MILLIE OMG @elevenseggos IS HAPPY-CRYING ALL OVER ME RN, WHAT DID U DO
You waited until some questions pop up and read the first one I see, "From stony4life, 'What's it like playing a fan-favourite character in Stranger Things?'" I bite my lip as I think of an answer, "I mean - obviously - it's really cool. I actually originally auditioned for a smaller role since this was my first big thing but ended up getting the role of Y/c/n. It’s really fun to be able to play this character; she’s strange but in a mysterious yet cool way, she clicks with everyone in the group and she just straight up vibes.”
You waited for another comment, “Ooh, from peterxy/n- oh, hah, okay.” You blushed because of the username, “Have you met your celebrity crush? See, I actually ran into him 3 years ago but that crush has worn off now.” You shrugged, “But! But this guy,” You turned the camera around to face a deeply concentrated Peter, “does have a celebrity crush and he won’t tell me who it is.”
He immediately paused the game again and took off his headsets, “Because it’s embarrassing.”
“I’m sure it’s not, don’t be so dramatic.”
“Trust me, it is.”
“You know I can probably get my agent to get you to meet them.” You pointed out.
“Yeah, but what if I already met them?”
milevenisrealmfs - omg y/n better get what he’s saying otherwise i’m gonna cry
“Oh my God, when? Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked. He looked at you like you were joking, “Seriously?”
“What?” You furrowed your brows in confusion.
“You’re actually so dumb.” He said before softly grabbing your jaw and kissing you. You almost dropped your phone from the sudden action but he pulled away just before you could.
You were left with a dumbfounded gaze, you glanced at your phone and saw all the comments flooding in again, “Alright, gotta go guys, bye.” You quickly ended the live.
You sighed then looked at Peter, “You like me?” You asked.
“Well, yeah. I thought it was pretty obvious.” He shrugged, nervously avoiding your eye contact.
You studied his features before gently placing your lips against his. He kissed back, leaning into your touch as you held his cheek. You pulled away, both of you smiling, “Then it’s a good thing I like you too.”
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rj019 · 4 years
Title : Genius, YouTuber, Artist, Musician and Spider-Man
Fandom : MCU
Pairing : Starker(tony stark x peter parker)
Rating : Mature (NSFW, Sexual Content) but it'll be in the later part of the story not in few chapters of starting.
Prompt : Social Media
Read on ao3 here. And Ch 0 here.
Chapter summary:
Avengers finding out things about Spider-Man.
Here's 1st chapter! Enjoy!!!
Peter went home and just go to sleep after cleaning up and eating something. He doesn't want to worry about anything right now he's really tired. He knows that now probably all eyes are going to be on Spider-Man. He just needs to lay low for a while and people and media will forget about it soon. As for shield he doesn't want to think right now so he went to sleep.
But before he got too deep into sleep his eyes went wide open as he got an idea to take care of shield issue once and for all. He finally relexed and went to sleep happily.
The day after ferry incident at Avengers 
The Avengers were in the common room area watching news while having breakfast for last day at the tower since tonight the things were gonna moved to the compound. And they were leaving tomorrow morning.
The news was about Spider-Man and the ferry incident that happened yesterday. Suddenly some news reporter said that they got exclusive footage of the ferry incident. Now everyone was curious about it and wanted to see what actually happened there.
Then the footage played. It was shot from the port. They sees as the some guy with metal wings was fighting with Spider-Man. He was trying to escape from his web. It wasn't so clear as it was in distance. Suddenly an energy blast happened and the ferry was split in half.
Everyone was shocked as to what was that blast. Now even Tony was more interested.
The ferry was sinking but it suddenly stopped. Spider-Man had connected both sides strong points with his web.
Bruce said, " How strong are his web to hold that much of weight together?"
Suddenly webs broke and ferry again started sinking. 
Everyone gasps.
But then again it stopped. Spider-Man was holding it together.
"Jesus Christ! How strong is this guy?", Tony said.
But it didn't look like Spider-Man could hold on for a long time but suddenly some bots were seen flying towards the ferry. Some bots were on the left side, some were on the right side of the ferry. They started pushing ferry togather. But some bots were still in the air. As the ferry got together, the bots in the air started mending it together. The clip ended.
Everyone was shocked as to what just happened. Tony asked Friday to get the clip and play it at the bots part. Tony started analysing it. His thoughts were confirmed that the bots were using arc reactor technology. Tony was in speechless for a while. 
"Who is this spider guy? How does he have my arc reactor technology and all this bots and stuff. Does he even have AI in his suit? It looks like it which will explain how he called the neno bots there." said Tony.
"May  be he had figured out your reactor. Crom the look of it he looks like a genius if he is one who made all those neno bots and AI." Bruce replied.
Tony tells him, "If he had figured it out then how does he not showed it the world. He could have sold it and got so much money. He would have made fortune."
"May be he does not want attention on him and wants to keep it to himself. As for why he didn't sell it, it can be that he knows how much danger it can be if it's in wrong hand. The guy can be genuinely good. After all if he had bad intentions, he would have shown it till now. He is out there for years. Even before NY battle. I saw some of his videos where he is helping people from aftermath of the battle on YouTube." said Pepper.
Nat and Clint were silent. 
Steve spoke up, " Not only that his strength stronger than me or Bucky combined. Why is this guy out there on street and not in Avengers team?"
"Shield is trying to get in contact with him from even before Avengers formed. He has been out there for almost 7 years. We don't know anything about him at all. Not who is or what his powers are or if they are biological or not. Everytime anyone goes after him he somehow knows someone is following as lose them. He was on Fury's list to get on the Avengers. He was on the top spots. But he never got to interact with him. Sheild is still trying to find out about him. The guy is good at cover his trials." Nat explained.
Everyone was blown away by that.
" I don't think so after this all Fury will get him away after this. He can be a big threat if he has this much power in his hand and ever gets on the other side." Clint adds.
" We need to find out who he is. If he is smart enough to figure out my arc reactor and make those techs, I need to have him work for my company and on our team." said Tony as he stood up.
" Wanna help Brucie? And all of you?"
Everyone nods. They all wants to find out who he was. They were bunch of curious heads. 
They tried all afternoon but got nothing and Tony was annoyed.
They decided to take break. Nat, Pepper and Wanda were watching some video on YouTube with others when he and Bruce entered the common room. Looks like the video just started. 
Pepper called them to watch it with them and played from the start.
There was a guy with mask who was playing a tune on guitar and started singing. The song was about Avengers. His voice was so pleasant to hear. There was so much details in lyrics. It continued for 2 minutes. After that video got cut. And the guy appeared again and said 'hey guys it's me again your cinnamon. Oh it's embarrassing to say this name now that I'm much older. I can't believe it's been so many years since we started this channel. I was like 6 when my aunt made my first video. Well it was my new song about the Avengers. Hope you guys liked it. Now let's go to today's video. I'm going to paint a portrait of all of the Avangers' whole team, everyone, new and old members in 15 minutes today while answering some of you guy's questions.' video cuts again.
Wanda paused the video. 'The song is so good. The lyrics are really detailed.' she said as others agreed. She played video again.
The guy appeared again but this time in a different place with canvas colours and all things to paint with. He starts working on canvas fluently and fast but neatly like he's been doing this for years like a professional artist. There was a woman with same mask as him sitting on chair beside him. He turned to her and said 'As you all know she is my Aunt and she will be reading the questions. You can start.' 
The woman smiles to camera and started cheerfully, 'Hey everyone once again! Let's get started with questions. So the 1st one from @user01 how much is your IQ? Your experiments are damn awesome and thing you make is just wow.' 
The boy smiles to the camera but go back to painting as he replies, 'I don't know I have never took an IQ test. I don't want to scare people away ' he gave a quick wink at the camera then goes back to painting. He is already done with base and outlines.
The lady starts to laugh and asks other question. ' this one is from @user02, are you still studying? ' the lady gave camera a weird look which said seriously?
The laugh can be heard from behind the camera. But the guy ssh them down. And replied 'Well you can say I am since I'm working to get my 4th PhD. Next question.'
' @user46 asks who is your favourite avanger? Look like this is a new to you videos. '
Everyone was paying attention now. Eager to know who was it.
The guy continues to paint as he smile and said, ' welcome to see our madness. My favourite avanger is Iron Man. He has been my favourite even before the Avengers were formed since he started. Tony stark has been my idol and crush from when I was 12. You can imagine how I must have felt when I found out he was Iron Man. If you wanna know there is a reaction video on my channel from 6 years ago.'
The lady asks next question ' @user8502 here wants to ask why can't I hack into you account to find out who you are? ' The lady and the camera guy and the guy himself starts laughing but his hands not stopping.He was half done and it was already looking great. 
When they calm down, the guy starts speaking ' you atually tried. Well it's good I made my account unhackable all those years ago cause I didn't want anyone to know who I'm and I still don't. Atleast for now. ' 
They continued with next question, '@user18qq how old are you?'
'I'm 19 and going to turn 20 in 5 or so months.'
'@userttl do you sell your art works?'
'No I'm sorry but I don't sell my work. I have a entire room filled with my all work since my childhood to now in my house.'  He smiles fondly.
'@user77kl what's your sexuality? Are you in relationship? '
This time the aunt continues to speak up, 'not that I know of. Are you cinnamon? '
The guy blush and shakes his head ' No I'm not in any relationship and I'm Bi. Come one aunt let get to next question I'm almost done' he blushes harder.
The aunt coos but ask the next question ' so @user63 wants to know what is your plan for future? '
' I haven't thought yet. I will probably applying for jobs in some famous companies. I'll stark industry too. Who knows if I get the job there and meet my crush. ' the guy smiles. He is almost finished he is just adding details everywhere. The portrait look awesome and he is still adding so much details. It's on professional level good and it not even done in even 15 minutes its only been 12 minute 47 seconds.
'ok looks like you're almost done so last question from @user3945 do you write your songs lyrics? They are so deep and detailed. I've heard all of your songs. You have some ones for individual songs too for Avengers. ' the aunt read.
'Thank you so much for listening to my songs. Yes, I myself write lyrics and compose all my songs.' he replied.
The guy adds some last details and finishing touches. ' So that was the last question for today and my painting is done.' he look behind camera ' how much time it took? '
The camera guy replied, 'it's been 13 minutes 53 seconds' 
' well looks like it took less then 15 minutes. Tada!!! ' he motions to portrait painting.
It was outstanding. It didn't look nothing like it was done in less then 15 min. The video cuts. Then it back again the boy and his aunt is standing togather smiling at camera.
The guy spoke, ' Thank you everyone who watched my video. Please like, share and comment. And if you are new and liked my video you can subscribe my channel. And as always guys if you wanna know how the portrait looks after drying, I'll be posting a pic of it at my Instagram. Check that out. Bye guys see you in next video. Till then take care.' 
Everyone stare at screen as the video finishes.
Rhodey speaks up, " It's a second genius we found in one day. Jesus 4th PhD at 19. Seriously? "
Wanda butts in " The video is 8 months old"
Scott joined in, "Is it only me who is all of a sudden feeling dumb? "
Pietro replied, " you were always dumb."
" If he gets in applies for job at SI we'll find out who he is, unlike some spider." Tony said.
" The guys is telented. Did you see his painting? It was awesome and so detailed and he made it in less than 15 minutes. I was on a professional level good may be better. I can't imagine if the guy did take his time to make something, it will definitely be a master piece. " Steve said.
" No one's gonna talk about the boy's crush on Stark?" Strange said.
Everyone looked at him startled.
"When did you come?"
" I'm here since the song part. You guys didn't noticed. " He replied smugly.
"Tony has been his idol and crush for eight years now. Woah! Even before you become Iron Man." said Clint.
" That mortal did look like there'll be a cute face beneath that mask, what do you think son of stark? " Thor asks.
" Yeah he was cute and had nice voice and all but I'm not gonna date any fanboy if you guys are implementing on that. " Tony sternly replied.
They were talking about the boy when FRIDAY spoke up. " Boss you are having a call from Happy."
"Connect the call Baby girl."
" Hey Happy"
" Boss the plane has took off. Everything is in order."
" Okk Hap. Thanks. "
The call disconnected.
" Looks like we're moving tomorrow as planned."
Not even half hour later Happy's call came again.
"Hey Hap. Everything fine?
" Boss! The plane has crashed at the Coney Island Beach."
Everyone's face turned to horror. They all stood up and went to suit up.
"What the hell Happy. I thought you said everything was in order."
" I'm sorry boss but everything was. The police is already at the scene. They said there was some guy webbed up there with a note from Spider-Man that he was trying to steal the stuff from plane. Some guy called 'flying valture guy'. I'm already on my way to the scene. "
" We'll be there soon too. " 
The line cuts off.
Avengers reached at the scene. It looked like disaster. Happy came to them.
"Boss everything is safe. Spider-Man had removed the carrier boxes from the fire before it could damage and the guy who wanted to steal it was webbed up to it. Sheild agents took him to the jail. He is the same guy from the ferry incident yesterday. He was selling some illegal weapons which were mixed with alien tech, they were after him for a long time."
Avengers let out the sighs. 
" It's good nothing's stolen or damaged. Get the stuff to the compound. This time we all will be going with it." Tony said as he motion to the others.
Next day at the compound in the meeting room
Nick Fury and the Avengers were having the meeting.
" You all know about yesterday's incident was handled by Spider-Man. The plane which was crashed at the beach was not supposed to crash there. I want you guys to look at this video clip which our satellite captured." Fury said as he played the clip.
Spider Man and the Vulture was fight on the top of the plane. Valture broke on of the wings and plane started to crash towards the city and the buildings. 
Spider Man webbed the othe wing and changed the direction of the crash. The clip ended.
"You must have got enough idea how strong this guy is from this and the ferry incident. He is got so much power and advanced technology in his hand. If he is to ever turn on the other side. He can be a great threat. But he isn't showing any signs of that happening since it's been years since he is doing this superhero stuff and looking out for little guy. He had defeated many supervillain like green goblin, lizard, doc oct, electro, sandman etc. I think he will be a great asset to the team. I want you guys to find out who he is and convince him to join the team. Shield has been trying for years but he always got was without any traces. I'm giving you this mission. Hope guys can do it. "
Before anyone could speak up there was a cough heard which was non of there's. As the looks around the didn't saw anyone. They got into a fighting position. 
Cliffhanger!! Hope you guys liked it.
(Peter has finished the 4th PhD mentioned in the video in this chapter. Cause the video Avengers are watching are eight months old. He even finished this fifth PhD in chemical engineering too but now he doesn't want to do anymore studying for now so he isn't working on any and is atually thinking about starting to find a job.
And Howard and Maria lives at Malibu mansion.)
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
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Part 9
Elijah Mikaelson x reader/Elena Gilbert
AU TVD/TO story a/n: Thanks for reading. I posted it without adding tags. Sorry. 😓 And now I can't do it on phone here for some reason - 😫
Weeks after
In California
"To lose oneself is a state that I don’t  know how to describe. You feel like nothing is there anymore. You are there, but you are not really, You feel like you are caught up in the riptide and  it's pulling you down and you can't do anything to break free. And you just sink. Forever sink. And you wish to swim, to move, to do something, to stop from drowning, but for some reason your legs, your arms are not moving. You hear voices calling you to do so. But you don't. You don't care what they are saying. And then there is nothing. Just nothing"- 
Y/N/E wrote in her diary. She put the pen down and looked out to the ocean. 
At the same time in New York, Elijah put his suit on, adjusting his tie as he looked then at his watch. It had plenty of time to meet his sister for breakfast before work. His phone rang and he answered.
"I will meet you there"- Rebekah said-"sorry, but I will be late a bit"
"Fine"- Elijah replied. Put his phone inside his jacket pocket.
He looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his sleeves.
The first phone call after Y/N/E left for California, as soon as she walked in Vicky's holiday home
"Y/N/E-"- Elijah said as he picked up the call.
"Elijah-"- she said and then there was silence. Long silence. And Y/N/E then breaking it with-"I got here ok. I love you."
"I love you, too."
And silence again.
In his therapy session with Camille he voiced their inability to talk.
"We used to talk about everything. And I can feel that something is keeping her locked away. It's like she fell in a coma yet again. But this time I can't do anything. And I saw in her eyes that she was feeling that she was letting me down and I could not persuade her that it wasn't so"
"She had a break down. A silent one. It's not always the case that people scream or get hysterical. Many things happened at once. The loss of a child - even when it is due to a miscarriage can cause a tremendous pain. In her case it is so much worse. We all react differently to loss. Everyone grieves differently. She could feel she had let you down because she had lost the child and she blames herself connecting it to her brother"- Camille said.
"Through her brother?"- Elijah didn't quite understand how.
"The loss happened at the violent attack on her which was connected to her brother- she is transfering it - all the troubles she had with her brother are the cause of her shut down"- Camille continued.
"But she is not to blame for any of it"- Elijah uttered.
"But she unfortunately doesn't see it that way. I do hope she is still seeing a therapist."- Camille concluded-
"She is"- Elijah said.
He opened the conacts icon on his phone and looked at Y/N/E's name on his favourite list. But he didn't make the call.
But then  the alert buzz popped out and it was an e-mail from her. It was a video she sent. He clicked the play button and now listened to the song and the messages Y/N/E put inbetween pictures of them-
But you are always here with me Oh inside me❤️ I find my way❤️ Back to you❤️
Calling your name in the midnight hour
Reaching for you from the endless dream
So many miles between us now
But you are always here with me
Two words
In your hands
In your heart❤️
It's whole universe
You are always here with me
Elijah watched it and his heart fluttered, the words filling it with hope and love. ****
Days after
The Mikaelsons felt shattered, but they carried on. The most dangerous currents never could break them, not entirely.
"We don't give up! Remember what father taught us"- Rebekah said to Klaus-"never give up hope!"
"Where is this coming from?"-Klaus wondered-"Oh- is this the wisdom of Dr Salvatore- are you sure dating him is sane?"
"Please- you've all give up on Kol and done everything to ostracized him. It's not right. We have to pull him out of this shit and help Sophie get him back!"
"I have not ostracized him- he has done it. He left his wife, he turned his back on all of us. You've been there, you heard him how he spat on us and said he doesn't want anything to do with us and that is his life! After everything we've done for him- I just haven't got the strength for him anymore"
"Right. Is this your final?"- Rebekah asked.
"It is. I am sorry sister, but he made his choice"- Klaus said-"got to go. See you later"
Klaus hanged up leaving Rebekah fuming. She had always fought for them to stay one united pack of siblings. This time she felt she lost her powers to keep them together.
Elijah now called her.
"I am sorry I have to cancel breakfast. Father needs me in the office asap"- he said.
"What is this today- ditch Rebekah day?"- she said disappointed.
"Rain-check. Sorry got to rush"- Elijah said and hung up.
"Great. When I find the person who put a curse on us- I will not take any hostages"- she thought miffed entering their favourite artisan bakery.
**** The day went on and everyone was wrapped in their work.
Later in the evening, as Caroline finished for the day, she checked her phone smiling at Klaus' message.
"This is the first piece of the map that will lead you to the hidden treasure." - it said.
"Hidden treasure?! Right"- Caroline raised an eyebrow and now pressed the speed-dial.
A second later Klaus picked up saying-"Yes, love-"
-"Do you ever work?"- Caroline said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.
"All the time. So- watched the news. The interview was - well- you slayed him."- he replied.
"Well- they hired me to ask tough questions and keep it real. But now I have a meeting, so the treasure hunt will have to wait till tonight"
"Sounds perfect"- Klaus said smirking happily to himself.
In California, Vicky waited for Elena outside a doctor's practise.
As she saw her she asked immediately how the check up went.
Elena passed her the paper with the blood results.
"What?"- Vicky read and looked at Elena in disbelief.
"Yeah. I had to read it like there times."- Elena said tearing up-"I couldn't believe it. I  am pregnant!!"
"Oh, Elena- that is so great!"- Vicky exclaimed.
"I know!"- Elena said smiling-" I don't know why I am crying - it's wonderful, isn'it?"
"It's amazing! I am so happy for you"- Vicky said hugging her friend.
"I can't believe it"- Elena muttered.
Vicky now looked at her friend in tears as well saying-"It's like a double surprise for Elijah."
"I have to change the flight. I need to fligh back asap."- Elena said.
"Yeah- come on. Don't need to pack. I am driving you to the airport now. I'll sed you your stuff on."-Vicky said.
"Yeah, thanks"- Y/NE smiled happily. ****
In New York, Kol drove to the place where the exchange of a large drug shipment was to happen. 
"It's now or never"- he thought as he got out of his car.
After the Ball, after his cover got nearly blown, he met by an Agent as he went to his home.
"You will have turn away completely from your family and cut ties with them. Find whatever excuse you can. You have to be believable. We can't afford any mess like it happened tonight. The other guy needs to be sure he has got you in his pocket. Tell me if you can do it now. If not, you have to tell us now"
"I can. I have messed up so many times with my family that they would kick me to the curb."- Kol said.
"Good"- the Agents said-"you're a born trixter. Later"
But was he  really a born trixter?
Caroline stood in front of the beautiful sailing boat where Klaus was holding his hand out to get on board smiling charmingly at her.
"You could have just sent me the address and the invite- it would have been just as right"- Caroline said still standing on the dock"
"It would not have been half the fun. And I know how you revel in the investigation- I hope you like sailing?"
"Well, I grew up in New Orleans. We have sailing boats down there. My ex was -"- and she stopped there.
"But I doubt he had taken you out in such beauty?"- Klaus said.
"Your confidence has no limits?!"- Caroline remarked.
"None"- Klaus confirmed smirking a bit.
From the first day they met - it was like they entered a dance of Paso Doble. Always so close and always one step away. Klaus figured out immediately that her heart was trempled on, but it didn't discourage him. And he did not push her, not in a way someone else thought and he had told her at the Ball-
"You are not ready to date. I see that. But please allow me to be there. Let's dance. And see where we get at the end of it"
And she went for the dance, then and everytime he had asked her out since. To a gallery opening, to dinner, to one event or the other. And behaved as a perfect gentleman. She was enchanted by him, but still kept her guard.
"So, are you coming on board? Or I should I leave the supper for the fish? I doubt they love cajun"
"No. I am coming on board."- Caroline said taking his hand now.
**** Elijah finished work and looked at the clock. It was nearly ten. He got up and put the tablet aside on the side table. Then walked out to the kitchen and got a beer out. The defeaning silence of the penthouse was nothing new. It was like a normal thing- or? No. This is not the normality he wanted. Not the normality he deserved. Why did the things turn out the way they did? Why him? He had done nothing but be there? Done everything in his manly power to make things better. Why? But there was no answer. Only complicated explications.
He took a swag of the beer and looked out through the window into the night. His thoughts wondered from one moment to the next - and strangely he felt a chill struck his whole body.
Wedding night, Mystic Falls
"I want us to promise something here"- Elena said.
"I promise everything!"- Elijah smiled giving her a small kiss as his hands roamed up and down her back.
"Elijah, I am serious"- Elena put both her hands on his head making him look at her.
"Promise, that if any of us stumble along the way for whatever reason- we would be honest about it. If you stop loving me or feel like this is not it- you will tell me and be fair about it- no matter how hard it is"
"What are you talking about? We've been married for about five minutes and you already have worst case scenario that we won't make it?"
"Promise you will always be open about how you feel. Always!"- Elena said.
Elena had her quirky moments, he knew and loved her for it- so he said-
"I promise. Always! I love you. And it will be forever!"- Elijah said-"didn't you hear my heart?"
"Oh, I heard your heart. I am hearing it now, too. It will be forever!"- Elena gazed in his eyes as he swept her up taking her over to bed, both  kissing wildly now.
The incisive ringing of his phone brought him back and he went back to the room to answer it.
"What are you doing?"- Rebekah asked.
"Just finished the budget for the new project for father. Having a beer. Drowning my sorrows. Thinking of flying over to California"-Elijah replied.
"No. Let it be. I know you love her like crazy, but no."- Rebekah said-"she wanted time and space. She can have time and space"
"Why did it get so fucked up?"- Elijah muttered.
"I don't know. But I know things will be good again. Right. Stefan and I are in this swanky new restaurant and you should come"
"Thanks, I know you mean well, but I am no third wheel"- Elijah said-"I am going to bed. I had a long day. You know how demanding father can be"
"Yes. That is why I would never work for him. Right. Talk to you tomorrow"
"Yeah, tomorrow"- Elijah said hanging up and went to have a shower. **** At the marina, Klaus and Caroline finished with the very late supper, and commenting about the news of the day.
Caroline swayed up to look at the moon in its round glory.
"I've calculated out for this to be the perfect romantic setting and listened carefully to your forecast guy-"- Klaus remarked having noticed how her eyes twinkled away in the moonlight as he poured them some more champagne.
She turned thr gaze away to Klaus-"How many times have you produced this line?"
"Never. Didn't ever dated a news anchor before"- Klaus said.
"You said you never dated before"- Caroline caught him.
"True. Dating was never my strong point. Elijah did this. I never saw the appeal of it. Until now"- Klaus said.
"Oh, yeah. Now you will tell me that I am very special"
Klaus sighed a little as he took a sip of the champagne-"what did he do to have put you off men in such a manner?"
She looked at Klaus seriously putting the glass on the table-"Thank you for the food"- she stood up and now walked towards the exit part.
Klaus cursed himself for having asked the damned question and hurried after her apologizing for being tactless.
"Please don't leave"- he asked with a regretfully.
Caroline turned around just before the exit and faced him blazing at him-"Your charming moonlight suppers and your-"-she couldn't think what to add as anger and hurt blocked her linguistical skills-"flowers and those blue eyes - can just leave me alone!"
"I really apologize.This was out of order. Please- can we rewind and - Caroline, please- I am in love with you. Don't you see-?"
Caroline stood still. No one had declared it to her like that. So dramatically, so wholeheartedly. And she didn't want to think anymore - be hot and cold. He neared her now and their eyes met not being able to hide what was in their hearts. And they both disappeared in the kiss.
**** Elsewhere, Stefan and Rebekah got out of the taxi.
"Thank you for a nice time"- Rebekah said.
"My pleasure"- Stefan retorted as they walked towards her building.
"Really- I haven't had so much fun since- I din't even remember. And I feel sort if bad as my best friends and my brothers are going through a neverending tough time"-Rebekah babbled.
"I had a great time, too."- Stefan said-" life unfortunately is a labirynth of twists and turns"
And now they stood in front of her building and he took her by the hand and she felt like she was twelve- all the butterlfies inside her stomach flew up as he neared her and kissed her. And if she could fly she would have taken off at that moment. And then her phone crash-landed her back because it wouldn't stop even though she ignored it twice.
"It must be important"- Stefan said-"answer it.
It rang again and Rebekah got it out - seeing it was Sophie she first blurted out that she would call her back but then Sophie's sobbing voice saying Kol was shot made her freeze for a second replying-"How- When-What?"
The next thing she knew was that Stefan put her in a taxi and she was on the phone to Elijah and then trying to get to Klaus, who wasn't answering. **** Y/N/E arrived somewhere around midnight. She got into the taxi. All the way in the car she felt uneasy and was impatient to get home. It seemed like the trip took twice as long. Her emotions were running high and she knew she had to balance them out. So, she focused on a mental game Bonnie taught her when she started feeling anxious. **
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Kol was still undergoing surgery. The FBI Agents who worked with Kol now took the siblings aside explaining them what went off that evening.
"So- you are telling us that Kol- our brother was working for you all this time?"- Rebekah was stunned at the revelation.
Elijah was quiet but tried to get his head round it.
"I sincerely hope he pulls through, He did a great job"- the Agent said before he left them.
Sophie could now tell them that she knew about it all along. But she had to keep it to herself.
"He just had to do it"-  Sophie said-"the whole thing with Jeremy was not letting him be."
Both Rebekah and Elijah just comforted Sophie now as she could not calm down, but refused to be given a sedative. Mikael and Esther arrived completely devestated at the news. **** Elena finally arrived to the building. She was home and it felt good even though a strange kind of uneasiness was not letting her go. She got into the elevator and pressed PH.
"Why is everything so slow tonight"- she thought as the elevator seemed to take forever to get up.
As she got out of it eventually, she remembered that she had no keys on her. She was miffed that she had to wake Elijah up as she wanted to surprise him. She rang the doorbell but there was no answer. She rang again and there was nothing.
She thought of calling the doorman for the spare key but she opted to give Elijah a call.
In the hospital, Elijah took his phone and simply answered it without looking who it was-"Yeah?"
"Elijah?"- he could hear Y/N/E's voice that threw him a bit and he authomatically said-"Y/N/E?"
"It's me. Sorry to wake you up, but I don't have my keys on me and can't get in"
"Can't get in?"- he repeated like shell- shocked.
"Yes. I am outside the door. I am here. I've just arrived"- she said.
"Y/N/E- huh, I am not at home. I am at the hospital."
"Hospital?"- she said worryingly.
"Yes. Kol's been shot"- Elijah then said.
"What?"- and the same how- when- what questions followed.
As he briefly explained she made her way to the hospital.
"Did you just talk to Y/N/E?"- Rebekah said having overheard his conversation.
"Yes. She's back-" 'Elijah said.
"Really? Just like that?"- Rebekah looked a bit gone out at Elijah.
Klaus and Caroline then appeared not long after together.
Elijah now went to get some refreshments for everyone as Y/N/E arrived.
It was somewhat surreal seeing her there. This was not something he expected.
They stood for a second as if they had been apart for a thousand years and yet at the same time not even a nanosecond. They went into a hug. Firm, warm, healing.
"I am so sorry"- Y/N/E whispered holding her husband tightly. "He is tough. He will pull through." "He will"- Y/N/E said as she now moved a little out of the hug.
They moved out of the hug slightly. Y/N/E put her palm on his cheek saying-"I missed you- so much"
He embraced her again, more warmly than before.
The moment broke as Rebekah came up to them announcing that Kol is out of the OR. He was still critical, though.
They suggested then to all of them to go home and rest.  Esther and Rebekah stayed on. Rooms were arranged for them to sleep if they needed some rest as this was a private hospital, for which the Mikaelsons regularily donated. **** After the night they had, both Y/N/E and Elijah just dropped into the bed. Whatever talk and all that needed to resurface had to wait as they needed to refresh.
Their phones woke them up at some time in the morning. Elijah had Rebekah on the phone and Y/N/E Vicky.
Elijah stayed on in the room, but Y/N/E ventured out to the kitchen. As she informed her friend about Kol, she started the coffee and put the bagels into the toaster.
"I don't know yet. He is on the phone to Rebekah. Yeah- we're hoping for the best. No. How could I tell him? How could I burst out in the middle of everything that I'm pregnant- "
Elijah now stood at the door and said astonished- 
“You’re pregnant?!”
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books--andt · 7 years
Zenith (The Androma Saga) by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings
Hey everyone! It's been a hot minute since I've last written to you guys. I haven't read a whole lot, only 3 books so far this year, but I'm ok with that. I read for pleasure, and for myself after all!
So Zenith... If you don't know what this book is about, here's a brief synopsis... It follows our main character, Androma or Andi as she's usually called by her team of marauders. Andi and her team get caught up in a quest to save the general's son, but along the way, past relationships resurface, and a war that they didn't want to get caught up in threatens to swallow them whole.
**This review may contain some very small details of the book, which could be viewed as spoilers if you haven't yet read it**
Now... to be honest I had very (and I mean very) low expectations going into this book. If you've been with me for a while, you'll know I read one of Lindsay's books called The Murder Complex and I haaaaaaated it. I am also not the biggest fan of Sci-fi, but I'll touch on that later. Furthermore, I wasn't sure how the writing and story telling, this being Sasha's first book, would turn out combined with the bad experience I had with Lindsay's previous book. However, I'm happy to say that my expectations were exceeded!!!! I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would. I wanted to know what was going to happen, and I did not see the plot twist coming.
However I do have some problems with this book. Firstly, the characters. Androma is a cut and paste version of Celaena Sardothien. This makes me really sad because I love Celaena! To me, she's the perfect amount bad ass and sensitive. She's a well rounded character. She has flaws. Andi on the other hand, is a bit... How shall I put it... One dimensional? She has this whole "I'm a fierce af warrior, I'm the Bloody Baroness and I will kill and destroy you. I want to see you die!!!" but then on the other hand she has that fake sensitive side, where she mourns the losses of those she's killed and views herself a monster. This is just kind of confusing I guess.
And Dex... he was just too cliche for me. It seemed Sasha and Lindsay were trying too hard to make him that "handsome and strong, misunderstood-hiding-secrets-lover-boy" type of character. When he and Androma had their moment halfway through the book, when they basically mutually say that they've had their time but they can no longer share a life together, I was like whaaa? Andi has found out the truth that he was keeping from her, and they obviously have some sort of feelings for each other, yet they don't want to give it a second chance?
My least favourite character was actually Gilly. Sorry, but I don't think a 12 year old cutesy-on-the-outside, but hungry-for-death-and-murder on the inside, is realistic whatsoever. I don't read many books with younger siblings or characters in them, so when I do I'm very picky. I hate when they are represented as annoying. And to me, that's how Gilly was.
One of my favourite characters was actually the AI, Alfie. I found myself lolling when he and Memory were having their little flirty moments. I hope we see more of him in the sequel, although I am a bit confused as to why he was destroyed? Like, Valen has altered DNA? So his mind controlling ability, or whatever, isn't natural then? Or was the altered DNA the Zenith thing that Nor created? So Is Valen actually not evil, and is just being controlled by Nor???? Someone explain.
I liked reading from so many different POV's. It made the pacing of the book quite fast and you got to know these 6 (there were 6 POV's) characters better. I actually liked reading into Nor and Klaren, because you didn't fully know what was going on until the end of the book. So I thought that was well done. I didn't have a favourite POV to read from. They were all pretty neutral for me.
I thought that the writing was good. I couldn't tell when it was Sasha or Lindsay writing, which was actually something I was looking for all while reading. I feel like co-authoring brings about many new challenges; what if you don't like how the other author wrote or changed something but they love it? It's great that their words and ideas flowed.
I do think however that there were some repetitive writing styles, specifically these poetic descriptions. They weren't bad in my opinion. It's just nice to see some variety.
Overall I thought this book was really heavy on cliche YA tropes. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm trash for certain tropes, but they have to be done well. Does that makes sense?
I was reading some reviews of Zenith on GoodReads and my god!!! People were being so harsh!! I understand that this book isn't amazing, but sheesh people! I read one person say they think Sasha should finish College before writing another book. Like how rude???? To any young aspiring author out there- YOU do NOT have to put your writing on hold until after you finish your education. Writers write. That's how they practise. Of course, you will learn and get better with an education, but it's not like thats your golden ticket to start writing a book.
For the most part, other reviewers agreed that Androma tried too hard to be like Celaena, but other critiques were that she was boring and one dimensional. Some said the first half of this book seemed more edited than the second half, and after pondering this I can say that I agree. However there was a lot more action in the second half, so not as much room for the fluffy poetic descriptions.
Another critique was that the book itself didn't need to be as long as it was. I definitely think there were some parts that shouldn't have been included. There were like 50 pages left when Andi and her gang went to that Ucatoria ball and I just felt like it was an odd time to be having a ball, and introducing new characters, so late into the book, and nothing was even resolved! I guess, that created the climax, and the last few chapters of the book were super short and easy to fly through. One part that, in my opinion, should have definitely been edited out, was when Andi is reunited with her mother. Firstly, her father had previously said she was ill or something, so that was confusing. Secondly, it seems that it was just put in place to show how bad of a relationship her and Andi had together. That could have easily been done with some sort of flash-back chapter. In fact, the whole family dynamic seemed really strange to me. When Andi is first reunited with her father, she has these mixed emotions, about wanting to be strong in front of him, and also wanting to crumble and be held by him. When she meets with her mother, she is so infuriated that she threatens to skin both her mother and father alive, and hang their skin like a flag from her spaceship. I mean!!! What!!!!!
Something else I need to touch on is the fact that so many people were offended that Sasha was handed this opportunity "on a silver platter". Sasha makes youtube videos in the booktube community, so obviously, she has a following and can easily get her voice out there. I have to admit, when I heard they were # 1 New York Times Bestselling Authors, I rolled my eyes. If every one of Sasha's subscribers bought her book, then of course she'd become a bestselling author! But I'm not upset about this. Sasha loves books! Her youtube channel (Abookutopia) is dedicated to that. To me, I have so much more respect for someone who's written a book from the youtube world, if they actually genuinely enjoy reading and writing. I would much rather read a book from a youtuber who makes videos around bookish topics, rather than some beauty guru or daily vlogger. So there. Get over the fact that her following probably had a big hand in getting her and Lindsay that title.
Writing is a process. And it takes time to find your voice. I think this book read too much like a knock-off Throne of Glass book. I'm kind of confused with myself because in a way, I think that's why I liked it?? LOL. I'm not a sci-fi person, but this book didn't really read like a sci-fi book. It was totally more fantasy just set in space.
I think that's all I can say for now.
3.5-4/5 Stars.
If you are getting into Fantasy/Sci-fi (that isn't super heavy on the Sci-fi lol) then I'd really recommend you read this! If you have read tons of YA fantasy and are looking for something different, well, this may not be the book for you.
Thanks so much for reading! What are your thoughts on Zenith???
- T
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