#Having ‘side quests’ helps me to achieve small things towards a better day every single day so I want to set them now
saturdaymournings · 8 months
can’t tell if I’m happy or not tbh but something is up in my brain and it’s crazy shit. Like I’m not even stressed about the stressy I’m just. Vibes
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violet-knox · 4 years
Hi, I would like to make a request but first I would want to thank you, regardless of whether my request is accepted, It really makes me so happy how you portrait and write for Severus, it means so much to me, I don't think I can thank you enough but thank you, thank you so much and about my request, if you can I would like to request a young Severus x reader sweet smut story with lots of tender, meaningful touches and words, he deserves so much to be loved and wanted and feel good about him.
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Study Break
Pairing: Young!Snape x Female!Reader
Summary: Fed up with Severus studying for your N.E.W.Ts 24/7, you decide to give Severus a well deserved study break. 
Warnings: Smut. Lots of smut (Oral sex, vaginal sex, hand job, fingering, humping, implied light dom/sub)
Word Count: 6061
A/N: Oh my anon! Thank you so much for your lovely words!! 😭😭 You are too kind and your ask made me smile every single time I read it from the first day I got it! I will truly miss having it in my draft box, but I’m very honoured to finally have written your request. 
I think I’m beginning to get more comfortable with smut. I definitely need more practice but considering the word count of this one shot, I’d say there is definite potential. Hopefully I’ll eventually find the write style for me and we can get to the more.. raunchy stuff 😏😏😏
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You watched Severus pick up what had to be the tenth set of books that evening, placing them next to the others on the table in your own little corner of the library with a thump. You sighed and set down your quill, your eyes so strained you weren’t sure if there truly were four towers of books around you or if you were just seeing double. Severus took a seat back beside you and resumed his quest to memorize every spell, every potion and learn everything there was to know about the Wizarding world. That’s at least what you’d convinced yourself that he was doing because no one in the history of time had to have studied for their N.E.W.Ts as intensely as he was currently claiming to do. Day after day, week after week, you’d walk up to find him with a book in his hand barely eating a thing as he made his way to the library. You were beginning to feel more like his overly concerned mother than his girlfriend and that really didn’t sit well with you. You were tired of having to force him to take breaks if only to eat and sleep. His health was important to you and it hurt to see him suffering so much for a grade. 
“Sev, I can’t do this anymore,” you told him with a heavy sigh, your fingers rubbing your temple as you closed your eyes to try and regain your sanity. Severus snapped his head towards you, his eyes wide as he studied your posture. His heart beat rapidly, sweat trickling down his forehead as he anticipated your next words. “I think we need a break.”
His heart broke and he felt it fall to the floor, shattered in a million pieces. He’d always feared this day would come; the day you realized you couldn’t handle him anymore, the day you realized you deserved better than him. He could sense the tension, the frustration you felt these past couple of weeks as he buried himself in his studies to distract him from the truth. He’d used it as an excuse to escape this moment and found himself in a downhill spiral of denial and avoidance. 
“F-from us?” His throat was so dry, he could hardly find the courage to speak, afraid that when he did, it would truly be over. He wanted to tell you he could do better, that he hadn’t been himself these past few weeks, letting his fear of losing you cloud his judgment, but he couldn’t find the strength to do it knowing you were right to ask for a break. 
“From studying!” You lightly pushed his shoulder with a chuckle, a bit taken back by his assumption. Your smile slowly faded as concern returned to your face. Had this been why he’d thrown himself into all these books? Did he want to end things with you?
“I-I know (Y/N). I know I haven’t exactly been the best boyfriend lately and I truly am sorry for that,” he said, taking the second chance the universe had granted him to try and make things right with you. By Merlin’s grace, you hadn’t broken up with him and he knew if he was that scared of losing you, he had to do something to change how he was treating you. “But these exams, they will determine our entire future! They’re important!”
“You’re important Sev! You can’t keep pushing yourself like this,” you argued back, hoping to knock some sense into him and help him let go of whatever was driving him to act this way at least long enough to unwind a bit. “You need to take a break every once in a while.” 
You smirked as you moved your hand from your lap to his, slowly sliding up his leg. Severus rose a brow at you, unsure about your advances until he felt you cup him over his trousers. His eyes widened as he jumped out of his skin, quickly grabbing your wrist and pulling your hand off of him, only to be reminded you were a Slytherin for a reason. With your free hand, you slipped two fingers beneath his trousers before he tore you away from him once more. 
“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?!” he asked in a hushed voice, his face burning red, hoping no one was around to see that smirk on your face while he was holding your wrists in the air like he was just about to push you against the bookshelves and claim the entire library as your own personal make out room. 
You said nothing as you pressed your lips to his, smiling as you kissed him. Severus jerked back, but you were persistent, keeping yourself interlocked with him as he kissed back and finally began to ease up on the tension he held, slowly letting go of your wrist to lean into your kiss. He turned towards you and held you by the waist as you kissed him, your own hands subtly returning to his body. You did your best to distract him, one hand pulling on his tie as the other fell down to his lap. You could tell he’d lost himself in you as he usually did when he deepened the kiss, giving you the opportunity you needed to cautiously slither your fingers over his bulge. For a brief moment, you thought Severus had finally seen it your way and taken the chance to indulge in the moment when he moaned only to be stripped away from such hope as he broke your kiss and brushed your hand away. 
“Severus, relax. No one ever comes to this corner of the library.” You needed him to trust you, to let you help him take a break for once because you weren’t sure how much more strain your relationship could take if he kept pushing you away like this, claiming the exams were more important. “Trust me and just let go.”
Severus found himself enchanted by your words, sweet whispers of lust and devotion, all meant for him and him alone. His eyes softened as his shoulders dropped, letting you place your hands over his arms, your lips trailing soft, sensual kisses along his jawline. He looked over your shoulder and down the only corridor leading to your forbidden corner, his hands holding your waist as you got closer to him. His gut told him to keep watch, worried you’d get caught and banned from the library forever, but his heart, his mind were with you and how good your lips felt against his skin, sucking on his neck, leaving small love marks as your fingers lost themselves in his hair.
His breath thickened, a small whimper escaping his throat as he gave into your seduction. With one hand firmly gripping your waist, the other slid up your side, resting on the side of your breast. You moaned with delight when you felt him accepting the idea of a well deserved break and pulled on his hair just enough to encourage him to continue. Eagerly, he cupped your breast over your uniform, kneading it in his hand as you continued your quest to ease his stress. With your free hand, you slowly slid it down his chest until you’d found the outline of his cock. Severus bucked into your hand as he squeezed your tender breast, feeling a spark ignite within him. He held himself back, suppressing the need to let go as he reminded himself where you both were.
It had been so long since he’d felt like this, free from the stress, from the pressure of school. It had been so long since he’d felt this close to you. Your relationship had never been defined so physically, neither of you relying on the sexual passion between you when it came to the love you had for one another. When you’d started dating, he knew he’d never let your relationship end up that way, partially afraid of his own physical abilities and partially as a reminder of why he fell in love with you in the first place. But he’d forgotten how good it felt to trust you completely, to let himself be yours for just a brief moment. He forgot how unwinding it was to mindlessly lose himself in your caring touches, your soft kisses and tender words. 
“You’re so brilliant Sev,” you whispered to him between kisses, loving how he always fell apart at the compliments you’d give him in such heated moments. “You’re the most talented Wizard I know and I’m so proud of the person you are, the achievements you’ll make.”
You spoke like you were predicting the future, knowing all Severus needed was to realize there was someone who truly believed in him. He only ever threw himself into his studies like he did the past few weeks when he was feeling discouraged and abandoned. You’d hoped when you got together that he’d never feel that way again and it was true for the first two years. But it seemed the pressure of graduation and the idea of building a future affected him more than you’d realized and you didn’t notice until he’d buried himself in books and parchment. 
You’d made yourself a promise that day you’d finally shared your first kiss, one you intended to keep now until the end of your days; you’d never let Severus feel alone or unappreciated again. And indeed, you’d kept that promise today as you felt him through his trousers, his mind completely off the need to study until he passed out. You could feel his arousal growing as he tightened his hold on you, feeling as much of you as he could until you found him pushing you off him once again. 
For a moment, you thought you’d completely failed and was about to grunt in frustration before you saw him quickly packing up his belongings like the library had just been set on fire. You relaxed in your chair as you watched him so eager to pack up. Crossing your legs, you made no notion of leaving, getting his attention as he stopped what he was doing to stare at you.
“We’re going somewhere private,” he stated, throwing his bag over his shoulder as he wordlessly commanded you to pack up your own belongings. A part of you wanted to tease him, to lightly protest and claim you already were in private, but your own need for him had grown sufficiently and you couldn’t wait to unbutton his shirt and watch him pull off his trousers for you.
Pushing yourself to your feet, you gathered your things and let Severus take your hand as he marched out of the library. He looked so focussed as you both made your way after what felt like an endless amount of stairs. Neither of you knew where you were going, all your past adventures usually taking place in the boy’s dorm when no one else was around, but with exams coming up, students were scattered all over Hogwarts, every corner scattered with books and endless rolls of parchment as everyone studied. Finally, you made it to a floor that wasn’t swarming with people, walking down a hallway that became less and less occupied until you began to near the end. Stopping near a tapestry that depicted the attempt of Barnabad the Barmy to teach trolls ballet, you both looked around, trying to decide where to go, Severus making his choice first and pulling you with him as he started walking down the hallway which you knew would only lead to more classrooms.
“No Sev, let’s go this way,” you told him, tugging him back as you pointed to the corner you’d never explored before. Severus however didn’t agree with your decision, pulling you back towards the hallway. 
“Are you mad? We’ll be lost for days if we go down there,” he claimed. You smirked, wondering if that was really so bad. It would at the very least give you both some privacy which is what you were currently looking for and if some tragic accident were to occur to his textbooks and they were tossed out the window, perhaps he’d finally take a proper break. 
“Wait Sev look!” You pulled him back and stopped to look at the wall where a door had suddenly appeared. Severus looked at you in shock, swearing it wasn’t there a moment ago. He didn’t stop you as you went to turn the knob, opening the door to what looked like a bedroom stripped straight out of the honeymoon suite at a fancy hotel. A large king-sized bed was standing in the middle of the room against the back wall surrounded by a sheer silver curtain. Candles were the only source of light in the room, floating around the ceiling, lower than the ones in the Great Hall. 
Without a second though, you ran inside, dragging Severus with you, closing the door once he’d entered. You put down your bag and looked around in awe, absolutely astounded that such a room existed in the castle. It felt surreal, like the room was alive, enchanted in some way to serve you in any way you pleased. Hogwarts was such an amazing place and you’d learned long ago never to take for granted what the castle had to offer, and this was no exception. 
You walked over to the bed, shedding your clothing along the way. You dropped your robes and removed your shoes and socks before you pulled back the curtains and took a seat on the bed, smirking at Severus as you removed your tie. You sighed as you got comfortable, staring him down and kneeling on the bed with legs spread wide, slowly undoing the buttons on your shirt. 
“(Y/N), don’t you think this is a little too-”
“Nope!” you protested before he could even think to finish that sentence. “Severus this is absolutely perfect and after these past few weeks, we both deserve some time off, just a few hours to relax. A release from all that stress.”
You shrugged off your shirt and tossed it to join the rest of your scattered belongings. Slowly you began to crawl to the edge of the bed, Severus hesitantly dropping his own schoolbag as he walked towards you. Your smile grew as you watched him remove his robes from off his shoulders. He took a seat beside you and began removing his shoes as you snuck up behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders. Slowly, you began to massage him, Severus leaning into you as he closed his eyes, smiling at how caring your touch felt. You watched him with content as he finally seemed at peace, nothing around him to remind him of the burden he’d created for himself, nothing but your love for him to fill the room. 
Slowly opening his eyes, he looked up at you, returning your smile before you gently pressed your lips to his. You took your time with this kiss, your lips completely in sync as he lost himself in your soft lips, his hand buried in your hair as yours slowed their motions and wrapped around his waist and shoulder. Without parting, he kept his hold on you as he crawled backwards onto the bed, leaning back and letting himself go as you took control, throwing your legs over him and settling atop his lap. Severus moaned as he dropped his free hand over your leg, slowly slipping it under your skirt. 
You finally parted, Severus pushing himself up as you sat, happily smiling at him. Tugging on his tie, you removed it from his neck before you helped him unbutton his shirt, quickly throwing it to the side, looking forward to the struggle of finding your clothing again when it was time to get dressed. Severus pulled you in by your waist as you pushed his hair over his shoulder, grinning with content before you began to pepper him with kisses. You pressed your lips everywhere you could reach as you buried your face between the crock of his neck, one arm thrown over his shoulder, your hand in his hair. Severus pressed you into him as much as he could, merging your bodies together before unclasping your bra, needing to feel as much of you as he could. 
Briefly parting from him, you happily relieved yourself of your bra, wasting no time pressing your lips to his, your bare chest against his, hands wrapped around one another so tightly. You grinned against his lips as you shifted in his lap, feeling his hard cock strained against his trousers. He definitely wasn’t thinking about those exams now. 
Breaking away, you slide your hand down his chest to feel him through his trousers, Severus leaning back as he let you explore him with a smile. He watched you intently as you moved off him and undid his belt, tugging on his trousers enough to release his shaft from its clothed prison. Your fingers gently wrapped around him, his breath held in anticipation, his heart raging against his chest as you slowly moved up his length only to stop at the head. You locked eyes with him, happily watching his torment as your thumb grazed his slit, smearing precum as you made small, slow circles. 
“(Y/N),” he moaned as he bucked his hips in desperation. His voice was caught in his throat, his mind barely able to form a thought as you slowly began to slide your hand down your shaft, your grip on him so loose, taking your time and twisting your wrist along the way. “Please.”
His whispered plea, was a moment you immediately committed to memory, never wanting to forget how easily undone he became from your touch. You were pleased with yourself and your mischievous spur of the moment plan to help him relax, grateful it ended like this with him squirming beneath you for your touch. 
“Please what?” you whispered back, keeping your pace steady as you waited for him to make his demands, knowing full well it didn’t matter what they were. You were in control and he was all too aware of that.  
“F-faster.” You could tell he was holding back the temptation to try and take mastery over you like he always did, but it was suppressed by his need to let go, something you were rather grateful to see. If this were any other time, you knew he’d tease you back or do anything in his power to keep his pride and hide the fact he’d completely submitted to you. But the stress of the last few weeks had truly gotten to him more than you knew. It was clear to you that at times, he needed someone to take control, to help him steer through life, someone to show him he was loved, that he mattered and was worthy of such a pure thing. 
Instead of adhering to his request, you dipped down and pressed your lips to the head of his cock, your tongue very gently licking up precum before you wrapped your lips around him. Severus became a moaning mess as you continued to tease him, taking your time as you sucked on the end of his cock. He bucked his hips in desperation, all his energy focussed on restraining himself, but he couldn’t help his growing need as you slowly stroked him, sucking him so gently. 
Satisfied with the groans of frustration he let out, you took him into your mouth as far as you could manage. Severus fell back on the bed with a thump, fisting the bed sheets beneath him as you set a slow even pace, bobbing your head and gliding your tongue on the underside of his shaft. You listened to every sound that came out of his mouth, your panties dampening at how lustful his moans were, how much pleasure was seeped off his tongue from your touches. Increasing your speed, your hand stroking what your mouth couldn’t reach, you heard him coming completely undone, doing his hardest to stay in control, but it had clearly been too long since his last release.
“I-I’m close,” he barely managed to mumble as his cock twitched in your mouth. With a pop, you pulled yourself off him and immediately, he regretted trying to warn you at all. He groaned as you sat up and leaned over him, stroking his hair as he rolled tumbled down off the edge of his climax. You felt bad for denying him his release, knowing he so badly needed it, but you couldn’t let the evening end just yet. You were just getting started and by the end of it, you were sure Severus would thank you. 
“What the bloody hell did you do that for?!” he blurted out, his eyes closed shut as he felt every muscle in his body tighten, his heart pounding so hard as he tried to focus on your fingers running through his hair rather than the agony he felt in his groin. 
It tore at you to hear him so upset, guilt growing in your chest from the weight of his words. You thought perhaps it was a mistake to pull away, but it was too late now. All you could do was hope to make it up to him and eventually give him the release he so very much deserved. You said nothing, fearing no words could sooth him now. You focussed your attention instead on comforting him as you continued to stroke his hair, your lips finding his jaw as you desperately kissed him. His breath slowed, his muscles relaxing as he felt you pour out your love for him. Staying in that position, you waited until he’d completely eased his hold on you without exchanging another word. 
Severus had almost wished he could spend the rest of the night cuddled in your arms, a small whine of protest slipping his tongue when you pushed yourself off of him. He watched you hop off the bed and begin searching the ground of your robes, removing your wand from them before setting it on the bed and smiling at him as you pulled on the waistband of your skirt. He found himself once again enchanted by you as you pulled down your skirt and panties, leaving you completely bare standing in front of him before you stepped forward and reached down to free him of the remaining clothing he had on. He felt that lustful spark reignited itself as you crawled back on the bed and watched you cast a protection spell before seating yourself in his lap, pushing him back to meet the soft cloud like pillows. 
He let out a groan of bliss, his hands sliding up and down your legs as he enjoyed the light pressure of your hands over his chest, your eyes burrowing into his. You leaned down and kissed him passionately, your tongue gliding against his bottom lip before you found yourself fighting for dominance, Severus submitting rather quickly as you explored the inside of his mouth. You knew what he was anticipating, and though the guilt from before still lingered, your mission to keep the evening as lengthy as possible remained your top priority. It seemed however, that despite Severus’ willingness to give up control, he was hoping to push your buttons enough to bypass any further teasing and give him what he wanted. As you kissed, you felt his hands exploring your body, one finding itself over your breast, squeezing and tugging while the other lay over your thigh, his thumb pressed to your clit and running circles over your dripping slit. 
You moaned into his mouth and felt him smiling in satisfaction, leading you to break the kiss in retaliation, grasping the hand on your thigh as you began rocking yourself over his hard cock. You slid across his length, eliciting a moan from him as his hands immediately went to your hips, pressing into them, urging you to go faster. You held back from giggling as you regained the upper hand, controlling his needs as your pussy rubbed against his cock. 
“(Y/N),” he begged in desperation, his eyes shut as he threw his head back, his brows furrowed with frustration. You loved hearing your name spoken in such a needing tone; a tone you knew he’d only speak for you. Planting your hands on either side of his head, you stopped your motion all together, Severus wide eyed as he wouldn’t dare blink and miss a second of this moment, his heart pounding with anticipation for what you would do next. 
Slowly slipping one hand down, you grabbed hold of his cock and lined it up to your entrance, slowly sinking down until you were completed seated on him, Severus moaning the whole way down as you held your breath. You both panted as you adjusted to the feeling, your warm dripping wet walls tight around him, his hard length filling you up to the hilt, fitting so perfectly inside you. Without warning, you began to move your hips, grinding yourself on him without pumping his cock, knowing it would drive him mad. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling of Severus filling you up as you rubbed your clit against his pelvis, the slightest movement sending waves of pleasure through you. But the first time you’d done this, Severus had flipped you over in frustration, pounding into you with such force and clearly that same thought crept to the forefront of his mind now as you continued to tease him, leading him to believe you were ready to spend the next ten hours prioritizing your pleasure before you’d consider letting him come. You continued to grind yourself until he couldn’t take it anymore, his grip on you so tight as he groaned in annoyance. 
“(Y/N), please,” he moaned for you once more, pleading for you to ride him and send him over the edge. He’d always loved your smile, but in this moment, he could truly see the mischief behind it, and it frustrated him to no end knowing you had complete control over his pleasure and his ability to feel release wash over him. 
“Please what Severus? You have to tell me what you want baby,” you said almost innocently, like you had no earthly idea what he could possibly want. 
“Please ride me. Let me come.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he made his demands clear. He was rarely ever so direct, his feelings hidden behind a barrier it had taken years for you to break down and you couldn’t lie, it felt good to have him beg for you like this.
“All you had to do was ask,” you whispered with a smile. 
Deciding he’d suffered long enough, you removed yourself from him, slamming your hips back down hard and fast. He’d been so good for you tonight, so compliant, even dragging you out of the library for privacy, earning him a well deserved reward. You began to ride him as fast and as hard you could, your breasts bouncing with every thrust, his moans filling the room as you panted from the friction between your legs. You felt the knot in your core tighten, threatening to snap as his cock reached deeper and deeper inside you with every thrust you made. 
Severus couldn’t keep his eyes off you, his mind entirely focussed on the pulses of pleasure he felt every time you slammed back down on his cock. His eyes flickered between your breasts and the sight of you taking him so fully. One hand eventually slid back up your body to grip one of your breasts, enjoying the moans you gave when he twisted and teased your nipples. He let out his own groans as his line of sight dropped back down to watch his cock appear and disappear inside you. It didn’t take long for him to feel his release building up, electing to opt out of warning you in fear you’d deny him his much needed orgasm again. 
It all happened so fast, Severus stopping his motions as he held your hips still, pressing them down on him, his cock pulsating inside you as he came. You were shocked and more than a little disappointed that your ride had been over so quickly, your own needs still not fulfilled as you watched him groan, his eyes closed, his release lasting longer than you’d seen before. 
“Severus!” you shouted, playfully shoving his chest, the frown on your face was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes. You removed yourself from him and sat back as he planted his elbows behind him, looking up at you. He felt guilt and sadness seep into his chest as his high died down. He’d never felt so good in his life, the release you gave him one he was sure to remember but was it worth it if you were to be upset with him for not following the unspoken rules of the bedroom?
“I-I’m sorry,” he said, almost choking on his words, hoping you felt the sincerity in his apology. He knew it was wrong to have focused on his pleasure, neglecting yours, but in the moment, his cock begging for release, it was all he could think of. Grabbing hold of your thighs, he took you by surprise as he flipped you over, hovering over you as he stared deep into your eyes, apologizing with everything he had. “I can make it up to you.”
“You better,” you whispered, that warm look he gave you melting away any resentment you had towards him. His eyes always carried so much weight with them, reflecting a much older age than the rest of his body and you absolutely loved them. They were always the one thing that helped you decipher is emotions while charming you in times like these, coaxing forgiveness from you. Resistance was always futile, but you tried anyways, tried to remember not to let him off so easy, to make him earn forgiveness. Yet even in this moment, you found yourself completely enchanted by him, knowing if he asked to head back to the library right now, you’d oblige against your own wishes. 
You carefully watched him as he slowly leaned down, his lips meeting your chest, planting a kiss between your breasts before circling each one; a kiss placed on every side. You arched your back into his touch, your hands gripping his hair as your head was thrown back, your eyes closed. A cloud of lust enveloped you as he continued his path down, leaving a hand over your breast, very gently squeezing. Severus focused his full attention on you and the sounds you offered him as his lips found your hips, a kiss placed on each of them before he planted a final one right above your clit. You moaned with desire, your hips bucking before he used his free hand to hold you down. 
Severus couldn’t help but tease you as you did to him earlier, his tongue barely grazing your swollen clit as he sucked on your skin before slowly moving down. As he began to taste you, he pulled back and gave a light lick from your entrance to the end of your clit, the gasp you gave him exciting him further. Letting go of your breast, he hooked his arms beneath your thighs, lifting you up enough to give him full access as he began to lap up all the juices that had flown out of you, your moans music to his ears. Severus had only eaten you out once before, the pleasure you felt that day something you’d never forgotten, but this felt so different. He was more experienced and determined this time, he was confident as he sucked and licked your clit, his tongue teasing your entrance.
Every lick sent shivers through your body, your core aching for more when his tongue began to prod you. You felt his nose press against you, grinding into your clit as he pressed his tongue inside you. It didn’t feel nearly as fulfilling as his cock, but you loved the feeling he gave you now as he pumped his tongue in and out of you, flicking every which way as he pressed his thumb to you the nub between your folds. He ran circles in sync with his pumps and you couldn’t help but try and grind into him despite his hold on you. 
“More,” you moaned desperately, feeling a knot form as he moved his lips back up to suck on your clit. He pressed two fingers to your entrance and easily slipped them in, pumping you hard and fast. You moaned with every push, every lick of his tongue sending waves of pleasure through you, his fingers long enough to reach deep inside you. Hooking them as he pulled back out, you couldn’t help but squirm beneath him, that knot you felt threatening to snap with every move he made. 
Burying your fingers deeper into his hair, you gripped him tightly, eliciting moans of his own as he fastened his pace, wanting to feel you cum around his fingers, your juices spilling out of you more and more as he continued to please you. The faster he went, the more you could feel your release building up, bringing you closer to the edge, your nipples so hard, your clit throbbing from the stimulation. It only took a few more pumps to find your release, your insides exploding with pleasure as your walls collapsed around his fingers, his tongue lapping up all your juices. He slowed his pace and helped you ride out your high until your groans of satisfaction turned into soft, satisfied moans. He licked his fingers with a hum of his own, smiling as he crawled back up to you, kissing your lips and letting you taste yourself on his lips before rolling over to lay beside you. 
“Have I been forgiven?” He whispered with a smirk as you rolled over to meet his eyes with yours. You smiled in return and let out a soft sigh. Once again you found yourself completely enchanted by the look he gave you, so desperately needing your approval, to know he’d done right by you and repented for his mistake. 
“Always,” you whispered back to him as you brought a hand up to brush his hair away from his face. Severus gently captured your hand in his as you brought it down to his cheek, pressing it against his skin as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the afterglow surrounding you both in the magic room made just for you. 
“Good,” he mumbled under his breath, unable to bear the thought of disappointing you. He was beyond happy in this moment, your relationship feeling stronger than ever before, thankful you’d pushed him to let off some steam and take a break from studying. He was so beyond lucky to have you, he couldn’t imagine living a day without you and your care for him. “I love you.”
His eyes were so soft when he opened them again, whispering those three little words to you as he gave you the first genuine smile you’d seen from him in a while. You could tell he was content, that he hadn’t regretted running away from his studies with you and wasn’t thinking about leaving any time soon. Silence fell around you as you finally found him at peace with himself, a balance struck between self-care and responsibilities. Of course, you’d always be there for him to help when the scales tipped over, but for now, you took tonight as a win, a step towards your future together.  
“I love you too,” you whispered back, letting the room settle as your hand dropped to his chest. You cuddled into his side, his arms wrapped around you with so much love for you. No more doubts lay between you, nothing but trust and love remained in this room that you hoped would only be a template for your future, one where you shared a bed every night and a life every morning.
A/N: I’ve used the room of requirement before in the past for plot convenience and I really need to find new and creative ways to give them privacy 😅 
@sleepysnapesnake @darkthought15 @bush-viper-cutie @fluffymadamina @dracos-mudblood @mitchiesdungeon @severuslovebot @ravenhopeflyte54 @cuddlebunny0330 @flowerdementia
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
of two minds, yet one heart
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[ ffxivwrite2020 ] ★ [ my writings ]  ★ [ prompt #10 - avail ]
[ deftarm & wol ] ★ [ 1,734 words ] ★ [ post-heavensward ]
vath deftarm and mentions of mogzin and linu vali, some minor spoilers for heavensward beast tribe quests. deftarm has a minor crush on illya and has no idea how to deal with it.
it’s the first time in a long while the deftarm wishes he could share one mind with someone
Loth ast Vath has never been noisier. Traffic in and out of their quaint, modest little village away from the Onemind has been prosperous, in no small part thanks to the efforts of a certain hero, whose name has been rattling incessantly in his carapace ever since her lengthened absence. 
It was no secret that the Warrior of Light was the the very reason he’s managed to achieve all that he has to this day. Despite the differences that set Vath, Moogle, Goblin and VanuVanu apart, all who were considered allies and business partners to the Nonmind would never fail to echo his own sentiments of the young lady’s kindness and altruism. 
Overwhelming gratefulness was one thing, and undoubtedly he held a large amount of admiration for her - as did the other beast men the hero has helped. 
But there was something else, a sensation that stirred at him and troubled him for the following bells to come. A heat, a restlessness, and the jitter of his normally sturdy limbs that was exclusive to only him - and only towards her.
He’d consulted his newly acquired friends about his predicament - Linu Vali, and unbelievably, master Mogzin of the Moogle builders, who’d proceeded to laugh his kupo nuts off when deftarm suggested his master to be the cause of his continuously racing heart. 
 “Maybe, maybe you like her?”
Ridiculous! Why it has got to be the most preposterous thing Mogzin has ever said to him - a tall feat with all of the moogle’s tendencies for absurd pranks and jokes considering. 
The deftarm had vehemently denied the possibility, despite his furry companion’s insistence otherwise. 
His once master.. now someone he’d proudly declared to be his friend, was someone he greatly respected - the first of any mortal he’d grown to admire and trust. Nothing more, nothing less. 
The thought of his courting instincts being riled by one of another race than himself - let alone a lalafellin that he’d considered to be his mentor above all else had left the deftarm so flustered that he could scarce concentrate on anything else. 
And before he knew it, she was gone, left on yet another one of her grand adventures that he could only ever dream of participating it. He was one of a deft arm, but not daft in the head to think he’d ever stand a chance of standing by her side, for the Warrior of Light’s reputation precedes what even his many new friends would boast. It was hard to imagine a singular figure more renowned in name in the entirety of Dravania, and Coerthas for the matter, and even the deftarm struggled to the day to understand the true scale of her fame. He was but an adventurer with little renown serving his own people - while she will continue to rise like a shining star, whose name would be uttered again again by the people like she was their only salvation. 
She’d certainly been his.
Melancholy accompanied the pride and loneliness that lingered in the Warrior of Light’s wake, and while he dared not hope for her to ever return, busy as she must certainly be..he’d be lying if he said that fleeting, worthless hope hadn’t crossed his mind at least once. 
“How fare you as of late?”
And what perfect timing for the accursed mortal herself to appear before him, basket of nanka eggs slung over her arm and an oblivious smile plastered on her face. Deftarm furiously clucks his mandibles and taps his claws, and the other nonminds around turn to glance and chuckle in his direction.. he isn’t sure if he’s glad or not for Illya to be largely uneducated about Vath body language. 
“G-good! We’re been keeping in touch with the other tribes more, and practicing our dance with as passionate a fervor as when you’d last visited!” 
“That’s wonderful to hear!” The deftarm is acutely aware of every little detail of her expression - the slight curl of her lips upwards to form into a smile, the tiny folds of her skin around her eyes and the plumpness of her round and full cheeks that cradled a small, button nose. 
A hard carapace was a universal sign of attractiveness to Vath and Gnath alike, a trait Illya sorely lacked in. And yet he could not help but to still think, against his better judgement, that the softness of her entire stature and being was adorable. She’s closer to a moogle than she was Vath in that regard, the pure white of her hair does no favors, but she is most definitely way cuter and less infuriating to bear the company of. 
“W-w-what.. <click> <click> Um.. brings you here, m-mas- Illya.”
He utterly rattles in his scales as he speaks her name, and it felt as taboo as it did exciting. 
“Hm? A-ah.. To visit you, deftarm.. I’ve been busy lately b-but.. I wanted to drop by from time to time and help out like old times... I-if you don’t mind, at least.” Her voice was one of the softest parts about her, like a melodic wind chime that danced slowly in the wind. And what she lacked in the clicking of mandibles, she more than made up for with stumbles of her tongue, and the darting of her eyes as color rose up her cheeks. He’d been made aware that that was the sign of a flustered mortal, and it did nothing but worsen his own rattling and tapping.
“Of course I don’t mind! You are ever welcome in Loth ast Vath!” 
He manages to stop himself before he could add anymore unneeded sentimentality into his words, and watches with intent as the lalafellin gently nodded his head and placed her little basket of offerings upon the counter, where Vath Keeneye accepts warmly after clucking twice in a tease towards deftarm’s obviously enamored state.
And yet his idol, innocent and oblivious as she is, saw nothing amiss as the deftarm held his claws together, his head twitching and restless as he’d attempt to conjure words to say to her.
“May I ask you something, I-Illya?”
“A-ah, y-yes! Of course, you can!”
He taps his feet against the ground twice, and places the flat of his claws against the top of his carapace.
“W-what do you think of me?”
The suddenness of his question leaves Illya speechless for a moment, and her voice sputters out uselessly before she slowly thinks to regain her composure. Not even the most well read of her own kind would understand her flustered jibberish. 
“W-well.. um.. you’re very brave! And kind.. and you’ve worked very very hard to help your village. Y-you’re very wonderful...” Affection laces her voice as she speaks, and though it wasn’t quite the answer Deftarm had been looking for, he’s utterly smitten by the sweetness of the words that leave her lips. “A-and..what do you think of me, Deftarm?”
What does he think of her? There were so many and more words he could think of saying, of words he wanted to say to her for a while. And yet not a single one would come to mind to form a cohesive sentence, or anything he believed would allow her to understand the depths of his heart.
“Y-you... are my hero. You are.. very vibrant! And shiny!”
“Yes!” he clicks and frantically nods his head. “You are like.. a beacon of light! And I..admire you very much! B-but.. not in the same way as... other people..”
High praises never get any less easy for her to digest without going utterly red in the face, no matter how many times and from how many people she hears it from, but the manner of his voice trailing off catches her attention and piques her interest.
“N-not in the same way? W-why is t-that?” 
“W-well! It’s like... um.. Sometimes.. I wish we were of onemind, you see?”
Had Illya been more aware, she’d have noticed the barely audible gasps from the other eavesdropping Vath, and the way Deftarm basically crumbles under the blatant confession he’d just made. 
But curse all her twelve for having her be born a natural nonmind, for being a lalafell, who could only assume his words to be borne out of a relapse of his own will.
“T-that’s not good! Are you hearing voices again?” She turns from frantic and nervous to heroic in an instant, and stomps her foot forward with a furrow of her brow. “Don’t listen to them, Deftarm! You are your own person!”
“No no! That’s.. not what I meant!” 
Illya’s already girded up, with a heavy scowl on her face and hands balled into fists ready to pound and fight at the injustice of the hive mind his kind have had to overcome and suffer through. And it would seem his best reassurances would only serve to worsen their misunderstanding.
“N-no, just.. forget I said anything, Illya!”
“Are you sure? If you start hearing voices again-”
“I assure you, I won’t.” Deftarm clucks in defeat, and his shoulders visibly slump. It does little to wipe the expression of worry off the girl’s face. 
How much easier would if be for him to get his heart across to her if they were of onemind? If they were able to share their thoughts, to hear the beating of each other’s hearts.. surely she’d understand thoroughly without him even having to utter a single word. 
But that was a fruitless dream, one of physical impossibility. He could only dream of them being of one heart. 
“W-well.. Just know... you’ll always be Vath Deftarm. You’re important to me, a-and I..I would never want to see you have your thoughts and feelings stripped away again.” Her face glows as she flashes him a radiant smile, and he finds himself blinded by the beautiful twinkle in her eyes. “Your mind and your heart are of your own. Nothing can change that.”
It’d certainly be nice to be of one mind with her, would that he could understand the depths of her sincerity and kindness, and learn for himself just what she truly thought of him if she too understood his feelings. 
But Illya was right, as she ever always is. If being of onemind would avail him naught, he just had to try a little harder to express his own feelings with his words and actions. 
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lesbiansforboromir · 6 years
Ok I’ve been thinking about “Boromir Lives Succession Crisis” fic all day and I would love your Opinion on how best to achieve the first half of that clause. I feel like there’s basically 3 options 1) Faramir goes on the quest instead 2) Frodo successfully slips off unnoticed and Boromir doesn’t confront him and the party isn’t split when the orcs attack 3) Everything happens as in the book but Boromir isn’t shot (1/2)
(2/2) I’m kind of leaning towards either 1 or 3. 1 because I think it would strengthen Boromir’s claim and pretty much eliminate any bond he developed with Aragorn over the quest, making him more likely to contest the claim, and it has the possibility for good Fari drama. 3 is probably more straightforward but gets real hairy in sorting out the specifics, as well deciding at what point Boromir’s opinion on Aragorn would change etc. Curious how you would handle it!
👀👀👀 I stan you specifically for letting me talk about this- OK SO. 
I have played out each one of these possibilities with @emynarnens so many times that this is the only thing I’m qualified to do now. So to start off!
I don’t think I would recommend #1. Boromir’s effect on Aragorn is a pretty vital piece of Character development for him. Viggo Mortensen actually mentions it but we can see it in the Books too, Aragorn goes from considering the men of Rohan corruptible and weak willed to agreeing with Boromir that he does not believe they gave in too Sauron’s bribery. Essentially Boromir challenges Aragorn to rethink his attitude to humanity, both in others and within himself. Faramir is far too enamoured with the idea of Aragorn’s nobility and royalty and I don’t think he would challenge him in the same way, or at all really. 
#2 and 3 do create issues in terms of the general plot of merry and pippin needing to be with the ents, but if Boromir doesn’t feel he betrayed the fellowship and committed a grievous crime he would perhaps feel a stronger sense of self worth and therefore is certainly shot but doesn’t quite die. Too wounded to stop the Hobbits from being taken, but not dead. Although I would also say that Boromir’s momentary madness and loss of control and the guilt he feels afterwards is also an important piece of character development for him, even if he dies immediately afterwards. He realises he sacrificed too much of his own integrity and lost too much hope in his single minded drive to defend Gondor. His sacrifice for two hobbits, who are just his friends, brings back some of that care and concern the Ring’s influence had worn away. 
But have no fear! I wouldn’t call it necessary to take away any of what happened there. Remember in the books Boromir was not just pierced by three arrows, he was pierced by VERY many, and Pippin tells us Boromir was still up and fighting when he lost consciousness. Indeed, just before Pippin blacked out, he saw Boromir pluck a shaft from his side and continue with the battle, so reasonably the change simply could be ‘he wasn’t shot as much’. Obviously adhrenaline can keep you going and all that but these books are anything if medically sound and Boromir is just Like That. Wounded but not dead is a valid sacrifice and keeps the beats of the narrative intact. 
I would also recommend this because there needs to be some reason Denethor believes his eldest son dead. It is a vital contribution to the darkness that eventually drives him to suicide and means you don’t have to work around Denethor also being alive when you’re talking about the whole issue with the coronation. Denethor can have witnessed a glimpse of Boromir’s fate through the Palantir, and then Faramir perhaps does find Boromir’s horn cloven in the river and Denethor takes this as proof of death in his darker state of mind. 
With this in mind it’s also kind of necessary to have the hunters actually leave a wounded Boromir where he is and believe he will not survive. (I’d recommend this also just for the jab you can have Boromir give along the lines of, “What are you all waiting for? Will you compose a song for my funeral? The hobbits are getting further from you at every moment, go!” Because good god you three it’s enough to question how much you really care about your hobbit friends) 
AND another thing is that this still allows Aragorn his indecision, whether to go with Frodo or rescue the Hobbits, which is also characterful and important. AND it reinforces Boromir’s love of the hobbits, demanding the three hunters leave him there to die in order to save them as he was unable too. There’s still a repentant sacrifice there. 
But anyway the point is if Boromir is alive and perhaps found ‘dying but still with a chance’ by a company of Eored, then I would suggest he is forced to recover somewhere secluded throughout the events of Helms Deep. This is to make sure Pippin and Gandalf still think he is dead by the time they leave for Minas Tirith. It’s a shame because that would be cool for him to be involved, but if Pippin knows Boromir is alive then it’s unlikely that he wouldn’t tell Denethor that and, as I’ve said, Denethor’s grief is important. 
If you really wanted Boromir at the battle at Helm’s Deep, you could go along the route of Denethor not believing Pippin, but that’s a stretch. I suppose you could also consider that the shock of it has already taken it’s toll on Denethor and even if he hears Boromir is alive, it’s done it’s job by the time Denethor believes Faramir will die and the City will be taken. 
(Unless you do wanna contend with Denethor being alive which I also like but that does take away from the narrative simplicity of it just being about Boromir and Aragorn’s conflict and the complex emotions surrounding it. Denethor does not believe Aragorn should be king and it’s unreasonable to think Boromir would go against his father in this case so it detracts from the indecision somewhat. But I would say Denethor being dead is the better option just for this specific idea.)
As far as worrying about whether Boromir would contest Aragorn’s claim goes, I wouldn’t worry about that. Boromir never once accepts the idea of Aragorn as his King. Certainly they are friends, they work well together, he likes him, but his responsibility to his people and the laws of Gondor and his Father’s wisdom and wishes (especially now he’s dead) would supersede any personal connection they have. And really the best case Aragorn has for being worthy of the throne is ‘It was in a Prophecy and also people like me’ so Boromir has plenty of reason to be like… suspicious about Aragorn’s aptitude. 
I think having them as friends adds some interesting emotional elements to it actually, the balance of friendship vs responsibility. You mentioned Boromir’s opinion of Aragorn changing, but the truth is it never does. Boromir essentially ignores the fact that Aragorn is asking for the Throne for the entire book and just accepts him as a man who’s willing to give aide to Gondor. Which is all Boromir really cares about at the time, not really expecting any of them to live long enough for this to be a problem. The conflict between him and Aragorn about the kingship is manufactured by the film entirely. 
In the end the probability is that Aragorn would become king, Aragorn did a good job at becoming heroic and he does seem to have burst out of nowhere and saved everyone. Even the Lords are for it, it appears. I think the eventual crux of it would be the kinds of requests, clauses and checks Boromir would demand Aragorn agree too. How they should change the nature of a King’s rule to fit in with this more egalitarian society Gondor’s grown into. Boromir would also ensure Aragorn went through the proper channels, that a council of Lords was held and his Kingship debated and voted on, make the whole thing something everyone participates in and understands. 
You mentioned Faramir drama too but we’ll get that in SPADES when he’s fighting with his brother over his treatment of Aragorn. Faramir really is thoroughly taken in by Aragorn’s mystique and his reaction to him is to cast off any and all tradition and agree to his coronation on the spot. This could also be because Aragorn saves his and Eowyn’s life, but still he and Boromir will have some serious issues, perhaps for the first time in their relationship so that’d be super fun to explore.
I’d suggest absolutely nothing changes except for the severity of Boromir’s wounds. Aragorn still finds him, he still begs Aragorn to save Minas Tirith. The only difference is he verbally tells Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to leave him and save Merry and Pippin and he is alive when they go though they do not expect him to recover. 
He is found by some Eored and taken to a nearby Rohir settlement (In LOTRO it’s a small town called Walstow and the Thane is a little plagued by the Uruks running around so it could also be a kind of mini adventure for Boromir with helping them repel attacks and eventually being able to evacuate to Dunharrow?) But whatever happens, he doesn’t rejoin his friends until after Pippin and Gandalf leave for Minas Tirith. 
I know everything I just said but like… forget it for a moment because I have a second suggestion that absolutely flounces every one of the points I just made but I like it because I’m a sap. 
Gandalf slips up and tells them all on Caradhras that he doesn’t know the password into Moria. 
Aragorn: “What?! Then why are we even discussing it? Boromir’s right, we should risk the Gap of Rohan, at least we will not be so enclosed.”
Gandalf: “I can figure the password out when we get there!”
Aragorn: “Tosh! We could be discovered, pursued or killed long before you rattle through every possible way inside. Nope! The Gap of Rohan it is!”
And then they make their way down south and oh wow! Here’s the Prince of Rohan and he has an entire camp of loyal soldiers who could defend this little party. 
And Theodred exclaims ‘here is Boromir! My (love, partner, boy) friend! I, of course, trust him and his fellows. Let me just finish this skirmish- whoops! That was a close one thanks Boromir, who I love, for being here to save me from that Orc or I would have been dead! Wouldn’t that be terrible? Anyway we are still losing here so let me and Erkenbrand and Grimbold all escort you to safety.’ 
‘Oh? Your two young Hobbit friends left in the night did they? How strange, I hope they come to no harm but I suppose we shall all have to focus on defending Helms Deep for now. I’m very glad I’m here with you Boromir, to be a friendly face who knows when you are acting strangely and remind you of your humanity and softer side, you didn’t seem to be doing very well in the midst of these very strange and not particularly empathetic friends of yours!’
… Your choice of course ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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loozje · 8 years
Memories are just like Snowflakes - Secret Santa 2016
This is my gift for @heytsuki for the KMM Secret Santa 2016.
First of all, sorry it took so long. You’re such a dear for being so patient. 
This is also my first time writing about Shinou and the Daikenja. I haven’t actually read too much about them so I hope I got them right. Still, I had fun writing this even though it took forever.
Heytsuki, I really hope you’ll like it. Merry (belated) Christmas.
It’s a bit lengthy so you can either read it here on AO3 or continue to read after the cut.
Also, this will contain some spoilers for people who haven’t listened to Drama CD 43 - Secret.
It wasn’t unusual for Murata Ken to spend some of his nights lounging around in the royal bedroom, whether he was invited or not. It was certainly warmer than his room at the temple – not even a group of young virgin women could bring enough heat to reduce that terrible draft – and here Murata had a chance of goading his best friend Shibuya into another Murakenzu. Though with the way the king was yawning it would seem that their comedy act would have to wait.
“Nee, Shibuya, if you’re that tired it’s okay to finish the rest tomorrow.”
“No way! Absolutely not! It’s Christmas Eve, Murata, Christmas. And I, who is playing the role of Santa, cannot slack off until every present is wrapped.” Shibuya says stubbornly before trying to keep another yawn at bay. Lord von Bielefeld, the other occupant of the room, had already lost his battle with sleep and was now peacefully drifting off in Shibuya’s lap. He looked content, with Shibuya brushing his fingers through the golden locks, and Murata had to briefly suppress an emotion he wasn’t quite comfortable with naming yet.
“Either way,” the king continued, “We’re almost done.” And indeed, between the mess consisting of wrapping paper, strings, and cards lay enough presents for every child of the many staff members who worked in the castle. One extra-large and extravagant present for the princess, containing a carefully selected gift both her fathers had picked out for her, sat separately from the rest. “I only have to finish these last two and all that will be left is to put them in the bag.”
Shibuya diligently resumed his wrapping.
When the light of the fire reflects in the wrapping paper Murata’s eyes were immediately drawn to the hearth. It had been burning for quite some time now and the embers glowed red with much-needed warmth. Winter had taken a cold turn and the snow was piling up outside. With the way it was going the princess would get her wish and would get to build that snowman she wanted. Though Murata suspected the king would be out of the front doors long before her.
Murata couldn’t take his eyes away from the snow. Even the sound of Shibuya wrapping and Lord von Bielefeld’s soft snores faded away for a second. And just like that it was over and time seemed to move again. With Shibuya so consumed by the presents Murata felt it safe to grimace. And here he thought his control of his memory had been perfect, but it would seem flashes of pasts that weren’t really his but then again were still could pop up unwanted.
It had been a night, quite similar to this. Three people in front of a fire while the snow was raging outside. A semblance so strong Murata couldn’t ignore it.
He had been the Daikenja then, the previous life he was known for. And Shinou had been there too. Murata wondered what the people would say if they knew that even he had trouble remembering their true names.
Memory is a funny thing you see. Sometimes you can recall things as if you just experienced them seconds ago, with details you didn’t even think you had noticed. Other times memories were tightly locked away, hidden under other useless information that wouldn’t let you find what you had been looking for. And on some rare occasions memories were just memories, even if you hadn’t really experienced them yourself.
This had been a pleasant memory though. And after his slight annoyance had passed away he might even be glad this sprung upon him. Good memories were so few and far in between. Maybe, he would indulge himself. Just this once.
The double black had never been so glad to see a single cabin in the wilderness before. During another one of the quests Shinou had whimsically decided to go on they had been caught by a surprise snowstorm. Turns out not even Shinou could control the weather. Yet.
The Daikenja was occasionally shooting worried glances at Shinou. All of their clothes had gotten soaked and even Rufus’ desperate attempts with fire magic wasn’t enough to keep them from shivering. So the lonely abandoned cabin was gladly welcomed by all three of them.
They hurried inside and quickly closed the door. A quick scan told them the building had been abandoned in a hurry. Cabins were hanging half open and the table still had some bowls on them. The family that had lived her had probably gotten interrupted during dinner. It was sad, the Daikenja supposed, but after realizing they had left almost all their possessions he didn’t feel too bad. At least now they would have food and other necessities.
“What luck that we stumbled upon this house.” Rufus said relieved now that His Majesty was no longer in danger of freezing to death.
“Hmph. How weak. That we had to rely on luck.” Shinou scoffed and promptly sat down in the comfiest looking chair, legs wide and arms crossed.
“Your Majesty?”
“Just let him sulk, Rufus.” The Daikenja finally deemed it right to interfere. “He’s just grumpy because he’s cold and wet.”
“I’m not sulking!”
Well, try to explain that pout then.
“No matter. There’s an issue we need to address first. Your Majesty, Rufus, please take off your clothes.”
Their reactions were imminent. Shinou half shot up from his chair, now much more interested, resting his head on his hands, while Rufus hugged her chest and turned away with a beginning blush. He probably could have worded that better, the Daikenja realized, but the damage had already been done.
“Could this be. . . My Daikenja, are you finally showing us your dark side.” Shinou said with glee, the smile on his face infuriating.
“So even sir Daikenja has thoughts like this. . .”
“No you two!” He couldn’t believe he had to raise his voice. “We need to get out of these wet clothes or we’re going to freeze.”
Shinou only started that low chuckle of his that left the Daikenja feeling quite quaint.
“Relax, my Daikenja. I was just kidding. I would be different if you were two beautiful women, of course.”
“I-I-I’m going to start a fire. Please excuse me.” Rufus announced promptly and turned to the empty hearth.
“Did I say something wrong?” Shinou asked, genuinely confused and the Daikenja could barely restrain a sign. Honestly, this man could be so brilliant and clueless at the same time. Luckily that’s why he had him at his side, to notice the things the king didn’t.
“Just let Rufus be. A fire will be helpful.”
“He’s not going to overexert himself though? He’s been using his maryoku all day.”
“Are you worried? That’s not like you.” The Daikenja said with a faint smile and Shinou’s eyes were drawn to him again.
“I do care about my people, you know. I’m not completely heartless.”
It was such an offhanded comment that the Daikenja felt himself grow fonder of this man, not that he would ever directly say it out loud. Instead he made sure that Shinou was still watching him before saying.
“I know.”
It was Shinou who broke eye contact first, opting instead to watch Rufus light up the small logs.
“. . . If you know then stop questioning me.”
“But if I don’t who will.” Shinou turned to him again. “Now, undress. I wasn’t kidding when I said it was urgent.”
The moment was lost and Shinou finally started to undress. From the corner of his eye the Daikenja shot a quick look to Rufus. Her movements had slowed down and she was now nervously looking anywhere but Shinou’s increasingly naked body. He supposed he should give her a way out.
“Rufus.” He addressed her kindly while unclasping his cape. “After we finish undressing can you go look for some dry clothes. It’s probable that the previous owners left some behind.”
“R-Right, sir Daikenja.” Rufus stammered as she still struggled to keep her eyes from wandering. “Actually, why don’t I go look for them right now.”
They both watch as she hurries from the room and hastily closes the door behind her.
“Now that I think about it, I have never seen Rufus undress with us before.” Shinou says after he resumes undressing. “He must be very shy.”
“Don’t go prying later.” The Daikenja immediately warns him. He takes the discarded wet clothes and hangs them on some antlers that are mounted on the wall next to the hearth. It would take a while for them to dry completely if not the entire night.
Shinou moves towards the window and seems completely comfortable strolling around naked in someone else’s house. The Daikenja, on the other hand, feels too much exposed, too vulnerable, even here in a lonely cabin with people he should trust. Instead, he sits, his leg over his other, covering his parts, and quietly obverses his king.
Thoughts seemed to possess Shinou’s mind, coupled with a faint impatience. It wouldn’t be long now before Shinou would give them voice.
“You’re quiet.” Shinou said as he turned to him. “This is just a minor setback, you know. As soon as the snow lets up we’ll be out of here and achieve our goal.”
“You’re right.” The Daikenja said and Shinou seemed to beam with pride at the words. “Something like this won’t stop us. But I still feel like I have to tell you to be more careful.”
“It’s not like I’m reckless.” Shinou immediately argued.
“I never said you were.” He was arrogant, full of himself and bratty even, but not reckless. Shinou didn’t play to lose. “But you do lose your edge when things don’t go your way.”
Shinou seemed ready to argue some more but eventually resigned himself to the only person he would ever allow himself to.
“But that’s why I have you, my Daikenja. You, my number one strategist, would never allow me to fail.”
“And what if I’m no longer here.” The Daikenja barely whispered. They lived dangerous lives and he didn’t know if he would walk next to his king forever. Shinou however didn’t seem to appreciate the unspoken advice. Instead a scowl worthy of a Maou clouded his face and he marched over to where the Daikenja was sitting, looming over him.
“Are you planning on-“ He spat out.
“No.” The Daikenja said firmly, keeping his gaze steady. Shinou’s nose flared for a second before his features relaxed again.
“Then don’t talk like that.”
It seemed neither were very comfortable with the silence that followed and their gaze broke. As the Daikenja instead focused on Shinou’s drying hair he wondered if perhaps he should continue, no matter how uneasy the subject was for both of them. But Shinou never gave him the chance.
“You seem cold.” The man spoke as he traced his fingers over the Double Black’s goosebumps. The Daikenja swallowed. When had those appeared?
It was of course that moment that Rufus decided to come back.
“Your Majesty, Sir Daikenja, I found some- !!!” Her voice broke in a high shrill after she saw the position the two of them were in, her hand immediately clasped itself over her eyes while she held the clothes she had found for them out in a shaky hand. “I-I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to walk in on-!”
“Ah, Rufus, perfect timing.” Shinou said unfazed and he strolled over to her to grab the clothes. “Hmm, let’s see which one will suit me best. Huh? They’re all the same.”
“These were all I could find, Your Majesty. It seemed like the owners all had the same hideous taste.”
And indeed, the outfit Shinou handed him wasn’t very flattering. Similar to what Rufus and Shinou were now wearing the Daikenja was clothed in a red woolen sweater, abundantly decorated by the makes apparent love for red nosed reindeers. The pants at least, although also a striking red, were of a normal cut and lined with white fur.
“Well, at least there is no one to see His Majesty dressed like that.” The Daikenja muttered, now no longer shivering.
“What are you talking about, my Daikenja. We match, don’t we.”
“We all match.” Rufus added more for herself.
“This cabin is getting stranger by the minute though. Are you sure you didn’t find anything else, Rufus?” Now that they were no longer in danger of freezing to death it would be wise to take a closer look at their shelter. They still didn’t know why the owners had left in a hurry.
“None, Sir Daikenja. Just stacks of red sweaters and some fur lined coats.”
“Hmmm, I think I want to know more about the people who lived here.” The Daikenja said, his hand coming to rest on his chin. “I propose we invite ourselves for a little tour.”
“Anything you want.” Shinou said with that confident grin of his.
“You know I’m going to hold you to that someday soon.”
After a quite look in the bedroom Rufus had already checked out, and confirmed the owners love for red and white themed clothes, they advanced to the rest of the house.
The kitchen was next. It was a humble one, nothing like the ones the staff used when they held court at one of the many castles, nor was it as big as the makeshift kitchen tents hastily set up at the camp sites.
It was also surprisingly quite modern. It had an oven and even a water pipe system that seemed to come from a water barrel outside. Though that one would have likely frozen with this weather.
The cabinets, however, were fully stocked. Most contained food that was easily preservable and they found some salted meats and smoked fish.  
“Well, the good news is that even if we’re going to be snowed in we won’t starve.” The Daikenja said with a satisfied smile. Sure, he hadn’t cooked much in a while and Shinou wasn’t allowed to cook anything after last time – he just didn’t have the patience – but between himself and Rufus he supposed they could whip up something edible.
“I have some better news.” Shinou said while searching through some other cabinets. “I found their alcohol stash.”
“Put that back.” The Daikenja responses immediately.
“You never let me have any fun.” Shinou nearly whined. They both knew it wasn’t true. The Daikenja was far too lenient with Shinou. But he couldn’t help it. There was something about his king that drew you in. Damn it, Shinou, for being so. . .
“I wonder what kind of person His Majesty becomes after drinking?” Rufus said contemplating, having returned from gathering some snow to turn into water.
“Why, Rufus. I have an amazing tolerance. I never get drunk.” Shinou boasted, but wisely set the alcohol back down.
“This guy, he turns into a clingy old lecher.” The Daikenja deadpanned.  
“Oi, don’t tell him that so casually. Don’t listen to him, Rufus. I’m the perfect drunk.”
“I want to see it, the face His Majesty makes when drunk.” Rufus’ smile was so sweet both Shinou and the Daikenja felt themselves lost for words for a few seconds before the Daikenja returned the smile.
“W-well, if we’re not going to drink we might as well check the rest of the rooms.” Shinou said as he walked past them muttering something about Siegbert having iron self-control. As expected, a smile like that was enough to floor even the smoothest of men. Though the Daikenja still wasn’t sure if Shinou was aware of Rufus’ true gender. Probably not.
As they left the kitchen the Daikenja lingered a bit behind the two and he briefly checked to see if Shinou was out of earshot before whispering to Rufus.
“Nothing this man could do could make you hate him, huh?”
Rufus slowed her pace and started walking next to him, very aware of the real meaning behind the words.
“The same goes for you, too. Right, Sir Daikenja?” She replied in the same knowing tone, both of their eyes never leaving their king’s back. With a finality the Daikenja realized they never stood a chance.
“I’d rather not find out if that’s true.” He finally settled on saying. He didn’t have to look to feel Rufus agree.
“I think this is the only room we haven’t checked.” Shinou said as he abruptly stopped in front of a single door at the end of a hallway.
“Why would this room be located so far from the others?” Rufus asked as they caught up, standing on the tip of her toes to peer over Shinou’s shoulders. It was a good question, the Daikenja thought and he looked for any other abnormalities.
The door creaked heavily as Shinou swung it open and they saw that it wasn’t technically a room. Instead it revealed an old staircase that let straight into the darkness.
“A basement?” The Daikenja said surprised. He certainly wouldn’t have pecked this cabin to have one. The building was located on a solid rock, digging out a decent sized basement would have been a pricy business.
“Hmmm, this certainly makes me curious.” Shinou hummed, trying to peer inside.
“Please, Your Majesty, allow me.” Rufus jumped to the front and lighted her fire once more. The Daikenja felt better knowing that she would go first if something were to happen and not Shinou, but at this rate Rufus would overexert herself. Shinou knew it too.
“Rufus.” He warned her.
“I’ll keep it small. I’ll be fine.” And under the watchful eyes of Shinou and the Daikenja she traveled down the stairs.
The small light twinkled gently in her hands and lighted the path enough for them to see.
“There appears to be no one here.” Rufus yelled up as she had reached the bottom. Shinou and the Daikenja soon joined her.
The Daikenja surveyed the room, tracing his hand on the wall left to him. As expected the walls were made of the same rock the room had been carved out of. He shifted his weighted from one foot to the other, checking for any signs of breaking. Though the wooden floor underneath them squeaked whenever they walked, it seemed to hold up pretty well.
After inspecting their close surroundings Rufus sent her flame forward. This time they could see a couple of benches, littered with work tools. Saws in all sizes lay together with chisels, drills and gouges. Shinou strolled over and picked up one of the knives before turning his eyes on the projects the tools had been creating. It was a small wooden horse on wheels, fasten with a string around its collar. Shinou pulled the rope gently and moved the horse along.
“It’s a toy workshop.” The Daikenja said as he spotted more and more toys laying around and picked up a nearby wooden miniature of a warrior. Though unfinished, the details on the woodworks were near astonishing and the Daikenja could just make out a carved frown on the warrior’s tiny face.
Without a reason he put the miniature in his pocket, feeling the strange urge to keep the figurine.
From the corner of his eye the Daikenja could see Rufus freeze. She had previously been testing some of the toys too, her flame swinging a bit from side to side, but now her movements had stilled.
“Rufus, are you alright?” The Daikenja asked as he followed her line of sight.
It was the back wall, the one furthest from the stairs so they hadn’t seen it previously. Hanging on it, from top to bottom were shelves stacked with doll heads. Some were small, others large with wisps of hair hanging from their crowns. But they all had the same unnerving glass eyes that stared into nothingness.
“I don’t know.” Shinou said as he came to stand next to them, his fingers over his chin in a pose that would be more proper in an art gallery. “I kind of like the aesthetic it has going on.”
Rufus didn’t seem to think so and after the initial shock had worn off her hands started shaking furiously.
Someone must have shifted their weight because the floorboard creaked again. Rufus eeped before accidentally letting her flame go out.
They had expected total darkness to follow after their only source of light went out but were surprised when a green glow seemed to echo off the wall.
The glow came from the dolls eyes, Hundreds of little lights faintly flickering in the dark, shining their faint glow on the head themselves, making them appear to be floating. The Daikenja hoped it was only his imagination but the pupils that had before just stared aimlessly ahead now seemed to be turned on them.
The three made their decision unanimously and slowly backed away to the stairs. Once up they shut the door, locked it and in Rufus’ case even welded the lock close. It wasn’t until Shinou and Rufus had placed the wardrobe in front of the entrance that they felt remotely at ease.
“You know what. Maybe I could use a drink right now.” The Daikenja said after the whole ordeal, the toy warrior still in his pocket.
An hour or so later they had sat down in front of the fire. Wanting to remain as close as possible to the fire they had dragged the beds into the living room. Now with blankets and pillows all around them and their bellies full with the soup they had made, they were cozying in the warmth of the flames. They had also dragged all the bottles of wine with them, one and a half were already emptied.
“Why is it,” Shinou asked after they had opened the third bottle. “That even though I’m king I still don’t have beautiful ladies hanging off me. You would think they’d come swarming. But no, I’m always either in a meeting or on the battlefield. I mean, I absolutely love the thrill of battle, but it would be even more perfect if afterward I could have a woman or two.
“Oh how terrible.” The Daikenja said sarcastically, his words slurring a bit more than he’d like. Rufus just giggled lightly at the playful mockery, her cheeks glowing with a healthy red. “Whatever shall you do.”
“His Majesty sure has no luck huh.” Rufus said, a giggle ringing on every word.
“See. Rufus gets it.” Shinou said and he swung his arm around her.
“Careful.” The Daikenja warned as the action had spilled a bit of the wine. He fruitlessly dabbed the damp spot before deciding it wasn’t worth the effort. Meanwhile Rufus refilled Shinou’s now empty glass.
“My Daikenja, get here.” Shinou said dragging his last words before taking another swing of his drink.
“I am here.”
“Noooo, here here.” And Shinou gestured with his unoccupied arm, the other still encircling Rufus. “Come.”
Ah. . . Well, if it was a command from his King, the Daikenja reasoned, he shouldn’t refuse it.
He crawled over, a bit shy at first, before laying himself in Shinou’s open arm. Shinou immediately pulled him close and the Daikenja’s black hair spilled all over Shinou’s chest.
“This is good.” Shinou said contempt. “You know, both of you have such long hair I can almost imagine myself with two women.”
“How about some more wine, You Majesty. Your glass is almost empty.” Rufus didn’t wait for his answer and poured his cup full again.
Rufus, are you trying to get him drunk on purpose?
“Listen you two.” Shinou said, not caring that he was getting to the point that he would wake up with a killer hangover. “This is very important. It’s a big secret. I have another reason why I have you two in my arms other than your pretty hair.”
Shinou tried to sit up straighter but instead ended up leading a bit too much to the front.
“When it’s cold like this, it’s very important to share body heat. In fact, skin to skin contact might be necessary. We should get naked.”
“No, we will not!” The Daikenja said firmly, feeling a bit disappointed at himself for expecting a real secret from his king. Shinou only pouted.
“Buuuut, my Daikenja. We might die.” He whined. “I can’t let my Daikenja die. My Daikenja can’t die. That would make me. . .”
Whether the distress of his king was genuine or not, the Daikenja still felt the need to comfort him.
“We won’t die. We’re in front of a fire and we exchanged our wet clothes for dry ones, remember.” The Daikenja let his head rest freely on Shinou’s chest. It was a good thing they were wearing red, his face wouldn’t stand out so much.
“So you’ll stay with me.” Shinou said content, keeping both of them close to his chest. It didn’t matter. It made a fine pillow anyway.
Meanwhile Rufus has somehow managed the impossible feat of removing their glasses to a safe distance while still being held trapped in the king’s arm.
“It was still an important secret though.” Shinou said now that the both of them had settled back down in his arms. He lay on his back, a few pillows keeping him comfort while their feet huddled together for warmth.
“It’s a good one.” Rufus decided. “I will pass this down to my family and they will do the same.”
“I don’t really know if it counts as a secret, though.” The Daikenja mumbled but no one really seemed to hear.
Shinou was dozing off. His eyes were falling shut and by the rising of his chest the Daikenja knew it wouldn’t be long before he was completely asleep.
Opposite to him Rufus was taking full advantage of her position and nuzzled into the crook of Shinou’s arm. When she caught the Daikenja observing her she had the decency to look away.
“It won’t be easy.” The Daikenja told her. He wasn’t sure why he felt the need to tell her this, but something compelled him to talk. Rufus turned to him again. Their eye met, sharing a camaraderie; a shared bond for this man that held them captive.
“This man, he hides things and won’t ever be completely honest.”
“I know His Majesty lies to us sometimes.” Rufus said.
“He doesn’t like to rely on others.” He continued. “He won’t know his own limits.”
“We’ll carry his burdens. When he can’t carry them.” Rufus whispered back.
“He takes more than he’s willing to give.”
Why was he listing this?
“He will use you as he sees fit.”
Who was he warning?
“I’ll do anything.” Rufus finally said, echoing his own feelings.
A faint smile formed on his face. Resistance was truly futile.
“Careful. It may just come to that.”
The Daikenja was a brilliant man. Maou Shinou’s best strategist and number one confidant. He really ought to listen to his own advice more often.
Huh, what happened after that?
Murata racked his brain, trying to find the corresponding memory but seemed to draw a blank.
Though it was no wonder he suddenly remembered that night in the cabin.
“Oi, Murata. Just because you’re done with your task doesn’t mean you get to space out like that.” Shibuya reminded him. “Though I finally finished.”
Oh well. Murata smiled. It might have looked a bit familiar, but this king in front of him was far kinder.
. . . And currently trying to keep himself from falling asleep. It seemed his duties as the Great Sage would never end.
“Ah, Sorry, Shibuya. I just got caught up in something.” Murata said and then as he as Shibuya’s curious face, he added. “It was nothing important really. Though I better start doing my part.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m going to help you deliver the presents of course. As King and the Great Sage we can share the role of Santa. Even on Earth that man has many helpers, though I’m not going to wear a beard. My face will get warm and my glasses will fog up.”
Murata stood up and put the final presents in the large bag.
“In fact, why don’t I go ahead so you can put Lord von Bielefeld into a proper bed. He’s going to get a crick in his neck at this point.”
“Fine, but don’t deliver everything before I can catch up. I’ve been waiting all week for this.”
“Have you seen the size of that bag. I’m probably not even going to be done with this wing before you come join me.”
With a bit more trouble that he would like to admit Murata swung the bag over his shoulder, giving Shibuya and the sleeping form of Lord von Bielefeld a quick wave before opening the door.
From behind him a voice rang out to him.
“Nee, Murata.”
“What is it, Shibuya?”
“Thanks for always looking out for us.”
“. . . Don’t mention it. . .”
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darbiblog-blog · 7 years
Better Health Tomorrow Begins by Making Better Choices Today
New Post has been published on https://darbi.org/better-health-tomorrow-begins-by-making-better-choices-today/
Better Health Tomorrow Begins by Making Better Choices Today
I am a very practical person. When I was deciding on a series of articles intended to be both informative and practical, I realized that one of the missing factors in people being more healthy than they currently are is that they don’t know how to make proper choices in their lifestyle. I have written a series of articles to help you in your quest toward achieving and maintaining optimal health. Better health tomorrow begins by understanding what changes to make in your lifestyle and then making better choices in what you do and what you eat on a daily basis. Where we are in the future is determined by the small changes we make each day. Applying these changes consistently over time will take you virtually anywhere you would like to go in your health and in your future.
How healthy you CAN be is determined by many factors- things like genetic limitations, your history of childhood diseases, and many other things that are beyond your control. But by far, the NUMBER ONE reason that people are not in their best state of health is that no one has taught them how to make better lifestyle choices. Things like smoking or not, whether you choose to drink alcohol, what you eat, how much sleep you get every night, and more. I have been practicing in the field of health and health care for over 30 years, and it never ceases to amaze me how little the average person knows about how the choices they make affect their health and their future.
“You are today the product of all the choices and decisions that you have made in your life up to this point.” Does that make sense to you? If that is true, and it is, then where you are in your life and health 5 years from now will be determined by the choices that you begin making starting TODAY. It is NEVER too late to start making better decisions regarding your health, and it WILL determine your future.
In these articles, I will span a wide variety of topics all designed to provide practical steps toward achieving the best state of health that you can achieve. Regardless of your personal limitations that are beyond your control, you CAN be more healthy than you are today. Small changes in the choices you make consistently over time will help you more than you can possibly imagine at this point in time. In this article I will discuss the importance of exercise and the role it plays on becoming as healthy as is possible. Remember, you don’t have to start training for a marathon by tomorrow, but you must begin MOVING. Our bodies were designed to move and be active, and I will do my best to help you make better choices with regard to what you do during the day, the activities you participate in, and how to exercise simply and effectively on your way toward better health.
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Our state of health is not a “static” thing. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is a dynamic, constantly changing, sometimes elusive entity that requires constant attention. Health and your quality of life begin with choices that you make. If you make bad choices over a period of time, you will pay the consequences. On the other hand, good choices in matters that affect your health can turn around what appears to be a hopeless situation in a reasonably short period of time. One of the most important choices with regard to health is the inclusion of some form of exercise in your daily routine. You must make this a priority because research has proven that exercise on a daily basis is even more important to your health and your future than what you eat! The general populous pays way more attention to their diet than they do whether or not they exercise, so by applying this to your life, you will be ahead of most of the people you know regarding your state of health in a relatively short period of time.
I can hear some of you now saying things like “I’m too old to begin an exercise program”, and “If I don’t have any energy now, how can I possibly muster enough extra strength to exercise”. “I’m already tired. Won’t exercising just make me even more tired?” Other excuses include “I don’t have time”, and “I can’t afford to join a health club or a gym”. All I can say in response to all of these excuses is GIVE THEM UP! Everyone can exercise effectively as early as 3 and 4 years old, and no one is too old or too out of shape to begin a program of improving your level of fitness.
You can be just as effective in your quest for getting into better shape in your living room, family room, or den than you can in a health club, so you can’t use the lack of money as an excuse. You don’t even need to buy a bunch of weights and additional equipment, but can use what is available in your own home. By setting aside as little as 15 minutes per day, you can be on your way to experiencing the benefits associated with consistent exercise. Everyone can find 15 minutes per day- roll out of bed 15 minutes earlier, don’t go to bed until you have completed your exercises, use a portion of your lunch hour instead of talking, give up part of one TV show or perform your exercises while watching your favorite show! The payoff far outweighs the “sacrifice”.
Let me list a few of the benefits of exercise. They include the following:
More energy- instead of draining your existing energy, it assists in building your reserves of extra energy.
Better circulation in your arms, legs, feet and hands.
Increased resistance to sickness and disease.
Lowered cholesterol and a stronger heart.
Improved digestion and a higher rate of metabolism which will allow you to burn more fat!
Better muscle tone and more strength to go with it.
Look better and feel younger- exercise is truly a “fountain of youth”.
If we listed them all there wouldn’t be room in this article for anything else! God gave us a body in which to live during our stay on this planet. Along with it, He gave us the responsibility to take proper care of it. A significant part of this care of our bodies lies in the importance of exercising and keeping it fit and healthy. This is what enables us to do the work he has called each of us to in our daily lives. The Bible says that people perish for a lack of knowledge. Ignorance of how the body works and what makes it function at its best is no excuse when the information is readily available. I heard a great statement that simply said, “If you wear out your body, where are you going to live?” We have an obligation both to ourselves and to God to learn everything we can about the care of our earthly vessels (our bodies), and then to apply what we learn on a consistent basis. With exercise, the consistency of your effort should be on a daily basis.
If you will just start the process with 15 minutes per day and do this for a period of 30 days, it will become a habit. You will notice small changes at first, but the longest journey in your road toward recapturing your health and fitness begins with a single step! The advertising writers for Nike got it right when they coined the phrase, “Just Do It”. The first and most important single step is just to start! No one is so far out of shape that there is nothing they can do in the form of exercises, so you can’t beg off with that excuse either. Once you begin, you will see that you had nothing to fear and no acceptable excuse, so you never need excuses again.
Begin by implementing two different types of exercises into your daily routine. The first is a simple series of stretching exercises. Bend over and reach toward your toes keeping a slight curve in your lower back. You will notice I didn’t say touch your toes, as it may have been some time since some of you even saw your toes! Just reach forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in your back and your leg muscles. Next, reach up and stretch for the sky. Always remember to breathe when you are stretching. I don’t want anyone to pass out during this process! I know that sounds silly, but you’d be amazed at how often we hold our breath instead of replenishing our bodies with a fresh supply of oxygen. In fact, deep breathing is another form of exercise, so you’ve already begun to get some exercise each time you take a breath. You see, it wasn’t so hard after all! Repeat each of those stretches 10 times and hold each time you stretch for 5 seconds.
For those of you who are confined to a chair of some kind, or for those of you that are uncomfortable standing for any length of time, perform the same two stretches with your deep breathing while in a sitting position. This will not prevent you from bending forward or from reaching toward the heavens.
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The second type of exercise to initiate is a light form of strengthening. For example, hold a can of soup or a bottle of water with your arms at your side. Bend your elbows and raise the can or bottle toward your shoulder, flexing the arm. Then reach over your head with the same can as the second exercise movement. This will strengthen both your arms and your shoulders. Repeat each of these 10 times and as it gets to easy, add a heavier can or a hand held weight of some kind and increase to 2 sets of 10 of both of these movements. Again, these can be done both standing and sitting. In addition, if you are standing, take hold of a chair and bend at the knees going down only as far as is comfortable to begin with.
As you get stronger and more comfortable with the movement, try to squat down most or all of the way before coming back to a standing position. Use the chair to assist you in maintaining your balance and aiding you in coming up until your legs are strong enough not to need the help. If you are sitting, try standing up from your chair 10 times and then slowly sitting back down into your chair. Simple enough, but this is a very effective method of providing strength to the legs and lower body and the larger muscle groups.
I know these are for beginners, but they apply for all ages, in all walks of life, and in any state of health. Remember you have to begin somewhere, and all exercise programs should be implemented carefully and gradually over a period of time to allow the muscles of the body time to adapt and get used to the routine. When it becomes too easy, increase the number of repetitions, add more weight, do additional sets of repetitions, etc., and you are on your way!
Be sure and consult your doctor if you have health problems that might prevent you from performing these exercises and ask that they set you on the path to better fitness with a series of steps that will work for you.
Exercise must become a daily habit and become part of you. You must add it to the other components that we will discuss in future articles if you expect to develop a healthy lifestyle. Each step builds on the steps you have taken up to that point. Set realistic goals with your exercise and it will contribute long-lasting benefits in your attempt to be your best. Don’t be too hard on yourself for the poor choices you have made in your life up to this point. If you “fall off of the horse” and make a bad choice, just get up, dust yourself off and begin again. Decide today that you will begin making proper lifestyle choices from this time forward. A little discipline goes a long way. Keep it simple, be consistent, and expect small changes at a time. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your body begins to respond when provided the right environment consistently over time!
0 notes
netmaddy-blog · 8 years
Better Health Tomorrow Begins by Making Better Choices Today
New Post has been published on https://netmaddy.com/better-health-tomorrow-begins-by-making-better-choices-today/
Better Health Tomorrow Begins by Making Better Choices Today
I am a very practical person. When I was deciding on a series of articles intended to be both informative and practical, I realized that one of the missing factors in people being more healthy than they currently are is that they don’t know how to make proper choices in their lifestyle. I have written a series of articles to help you in your quest toward achieving and maintaining optimal health. Better health tomorrow begins by understanding what changes to make in your lifestyle and then making better choices in what you do and what you eat on a daily basis. Where we are in the future is determined by the small changes we make each day. Applying these changes consistently over time will take you virtually anywhere you would like to go in your health and in your future.
How healthy you CAN be is determined by many factors- things like genetic limitations, your history of childhood diseases, and many other things that are beyond your control. But by far, the NUMBER ONE reason that people are not in their best state of health is that no one has taught them how to make better lifestyle choices. Things like smoking or not, whether you choose to drink alcohol, what you eat, how much sleep you get every night, and more. I have been practicing in the field of health and health care for over 30 years, and it never ceases to amaze me how little the average person knows about how the choices they make affect their health and their future.
“You are today the product of all the choices and decisions that you have made in your life up to this point.” Does that make sense to you? If that is true, and it is, then where you are in your life and health 5 years from now will be determined by the choices that you begin making starting TODAY. It is NEVER too late to start making better decisions regarding your health, and it WILL determine your future.
In these articles, I will span a wide variety of topics all designed to provide practical steps toward achieving the best state of health that you can achieve. Regardless of your personal limitations that are beyond your control, you CAN be more healthy than you are today. Small changes in the choices you make consistently over time will help you more than you can possibly imagine at this point in time. In this article I will discuss the importance of exercise and the role it plays on becoming as healthy as is possible. Remember, you don’t have to start training for a marathon by tomorrow, but you must begin MOVING. Our bodies were designed to move and be active, and I will do my best to help you make better choices with regard to what you do during the day, the activities you participate in, and how to exercise simply and effectively on your way toward better health.
Our state of health is not a “static” thing. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is a dynamic, constantly changing, sometimes elusive entity that requires constant attention. Health and your quality of life begin with choices that you make. If you make bad choices over a period of time, you will pay the consequences. On the other hand, good choices in matters that affect your health can turn around what appears to be a hopeless situation in a reasonably short period of time. One of the most important choices with regard to health is the inclusion of some form of exercise in your daily routine. You must make this a priority because research has proven that exercise on a daily basis is even more important to your health and your future than what you eat! The general populous pays way more attention to their diet than they do whether or not they exercise, so by applying this to your life, you will be ahead of most of the people you know regarding your state of health in a relatively short period of time.
I can hear some of you now saying things like “I’m too old to begin an exercise program”, and “If I don’t have any energy now, how can I possibly muster enough extra strength to exercise”. “I’m already tired. Won’t exercising just make me even more tired?” Other excuses include “I don’t have time”, and “I can’t afford to join a health club or a gym”. All I can say in response to all of these excuses is GIVE THEM UP! Everyone can exercise effectively as early as 3 and 4 years old, and no one is too old or too out of shape to begin a program of improving your level of fitness.
You can be just as effective in your quest for getting into better shape in your living room, family room, or den than you can in a health club, so you can’t use the lack of money as an excuse. You don’t even need to buy a bunch of weights and additional equipment, but can use what is available in your own home. By setting aside as little as 15 minutes per day, you can be on your way to experiencing the benefits associated with consistent exercise. Everyone can find 15 minutes per day- roll out of bed 15 minutes earlier, don’t go to bed until you have completed your exercises, use a portion of your lunch hour instead of talking, give up part of one TV show or perform your exercises while watching your favorite show! The payoff far outweighs the “sacrifice”.
Let me list a few of the benefits of exercise. They include the following:
More energy- instead of draining your existing energy, it assists in building your reserves of extra energy.
Better circulation in your arms, legs, feet and hands.
Increased resistance to sickness and disease.
Lowered cholesterol and a stronger heart.
Improved digestion and a higher rate of metabolism which will allow you to burn more fat!
Better muscle tone and more strength to go with it.
Look better and feel younger- exercise is truly a “fountain of youth”.
If we listed them all there wouldn’t be room in this article for anything else! God gave us a body in which to live during our stay on this planet. Along with it, He gave us the responsibility to take proper care of it. A significant part of this care of our bodies lies in the importance of exercising and keeping it fit and healthy. This is what enables us to do the work he has called each of us to in our daily lives. The Bible says that people perish for a lack of knowledge. Ignorance of how the body works and what makes it function at its best is no excuse when the information is readily available. I heard a great statement that simply said, “If you wear out your body, where are you going to live?” We have an obligation both to ourselves and to God to learn everything we can about the care of our earthly vessels (our bodies), and then to apply what we learn on a consistent basis. With exercise, the consistency of your effort should be on a daily basis.
If you will just start the process with 15 minutes per day and do this for a period of 30 days, it will become a habit. You will notice small changes at first, but the longest journey in your road toward recapturing your health and fitness begins with a single step! The advertising writers for Nike got it right when they coined the phrase, “Just Do It”. The first and most important single step is just to start! No one is so far out of shape that there is nothing they can do in the form of exercises, so you can’t beg off with that excuse either. Once you begin, you will see that you had nothing to fear and no acceptable excuse, so you never need excuses again.
Begin by implementing two different types of exercises into your daily routine. The first is a simple series of stretching exercises. Bend over and reach toward your toes keeping a slight curve in your lower back. You will notice I didn’t say touch your toes, as it may have been some time since some of you even saw your toes! Just reach forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in your back and your leg muscles. Next, reach up and stretch for the sky. Always remember to breathe when you are stretching. I don’t want anyone to pass out during this process! I know that sounds silly, but you’d be amazed at how often we hold our breath instead of replenishing our bodies with a fresh supply of oxygen. In fact, deep breathing is another form of exercise, so you’ve already begun to get some exercise each time you take a breath. You see, it wasn’t so hard after all! Repeat each of those stretches 10 times and hold each time you stretch for 5 seconds.
For those of you who are confined to a chair of some kind, or for those of you that are uncomfortable standing for any length of time, perform the same two stretches with your deep breathing while in a sitting position. This will not prevent you from bending forward or from reaching toward the heavens.
The second type of exercise to initiate is a light form of strengthening. For example, hold a can of soup or a bottle of water with your arms at your side. Bend your elbows and raise the can or bottle toward your shoulder, flexing the arm. Then reach over your head with the same can as the second exercise movement. This will strengthen both your arms and your shoulders. Repeat each of these 10 times and as it gets to easy, add a heavier can or a hand held weight of some kind and increase to 2 sets of 10 of both of these movements. Again, these can be done both standing and sitting. In addition, if you are standing, take hold of a chair and bend at the knees going down only as far as is comfortable to begin with.
As you get stronger and more comfortable with the movement, try to squat down most or all of the way before coming back to a standing position. Use the chair to assist you in maintaining your balance and aiding you in coming up until your legs are strong enough not to need the help. If you are sitting, try standing up from your chair 10 times and then slowly sitting back down into your chair. Simple enough, but this is a very effective method of providing strength to the legs and lower body and the larger muscle groups.
I know these are for beginners, but they apply for all ages, in all walks of life, and in any state of health. Remember you have to begin somewhere, and all exercise programs should be implemented carefully and gradually over a period of time to allow the muscles of the body time to adapt and get used to the routine. When it becomes too easy, increase the number of repetitions, add more weight, do additional sets of repetitions, etc., and you are on your way!
Be sure and consult your doctor if you have health problems that might prevent you from performing these exercises and ask that they set you on the path to better fitness with a series of steps that will work for you.
Exercise must become a daily habit and become part of you. You must add it to the other components that we will discuss in future articles if you expect to develop a healthy lifestyle. Each step builds on the steps you have taken up to that point. Set realistic goals with your exercise and it will contribute long-lasting benefits in your attempt to be your best. Don’t be too hard on yourself for the poor choices you have made in your life up to this point. If you “fall off of the horse” and make a bad choice, just get up, dust yourself off and begin again. Decide today that you will begin making proper lifestyle choices from this time forward. A little discipline goes a long way. Keep it simple, be consistent, and expect small changes at a time. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your body begins to respond when provided the right environment consistently over time!
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