#Hawaiian music instructors
typingtess · 9 days
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 NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    NCIS episode:  “Too Many Cooks”
The basics:  The teams from Washington, Los Angeles and Hawai’i investigate the death of a respected and beloved FLETC instructor.
Written by:   Christopher J. Waild, who wrote over 50-episodes of NCIS.
Directed by:  Michael Zinberg, who directed 20+ episodes on NCIS, 13-episodes of NCIS: New Orleans.
Guest stars of note:  Some of the Hawai’i (Jane Tennant and Jesse Boone) and Los Angeles (G. Callen and Sam Hanna) stopped by. 
Our heroes:   Finally get to be part of a big crossover!
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  First at the crime scene. Sam:   Grateful McGee escorted him to interrogation. Kensi:  In Los Angeles. Deeks:  In Los Angeles. Fatima:  In Los Angeles. Rountree:  In Los Angeles. Kilbride:  In Los Angeles.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Knew Gibbs from way back and knows the rules. Sam:    “300-pounds of muscle” according to Parker. Kensi:  In Los Angeles. Deeks:  In Los Angeles. Fatima:  In Los Angeles. Rountree:  In Los Angeles. Kilbride:  In Los Angeles.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  I’m guessing she knew Dale Harding/The Professor/The Cockroach and his secrets.
Who's down with OTP:  Jess and Jimmy seem to be doing well and encouraging and Jane-Nick love connection.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Thought the Nick and Parker scene near the end of the episode was interesting.  Don’t see Nick as much of a big sharer of his feelings and Parker being the guy he shares with to be honest.
Fashion review:   Callen wore blue, Sam wore black.  Everyone else was better dressed, maybe except Jesse Boone.
Music:  Barry Manilow got a mention.
Any notable cut scene:  Nope, unless it is on the NCIS DVD (which I don’t have).
Quote:  McGee:  “I can't believe this. You guys are accusing me of treason?  In my own house?” Callen:  “It is nothing personal.” McGee:  “Really? Then why aren't we doing this in the conference room?” Sam:  “We didn't know where that was.” McGee:  “You didn't know where this room was.  I had to show you.” Sam:  “And we appreciate your cooperation.”
Anything else:  In Washington DC, an older gentleman, Mr. Harding, is explaining his houseplants to his young house-sitter Libby.  Libby is working cheap monetarily but is also going to pick ten albums from his record collection.  Harding wants to preserve the Barry Manilow albums.  Libby notices a Hawaiian shirt and some other warm weather gear.  She now wants 12-albums as part of an envy tax.
Harding’s phone rings so Libby departs.  The person on the phone is a surprise to Harding who is unhappy the caller has his number.  He doesn’t want this person calling again.  As he is trying to wrap up the call, there is a hard knock on the door.  He asks if it is Libby at the door but two very hard knocks change that thought.
Harding runs to his computer and types something on his keyboard.  The person at the door is picking the lock.  Before the person at the door can enter, Harding takes a gun out of his desk drawer and kills himself.
In the NCIS elevator, Nick and Jessica picked up some party essentials – cups, streamers, champagne – for Kasie.  Kasie runs a very tight ship when throwing a party.  This party is for “The Professor”, a legendary instructor at FLETC, who is retiring.  Nick doesn’t like The Professor, Jessica loves him.  She see him as a mix between Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society” and the Professor on Gilligan’s Island.  Nick is thinking more of the instructor in “Whiplash”. 
Walking into the bullpen, Nick and Jessica see people lurking about at their desks.  It is Jane Tennant and Jesse Boone from the Hawai’i office.  Everyone is happy to see everyone else.  Hugs are shared.  Both are in a day early because they didn’t want to miss the party.  Jane talks about how much she learned from The Professor about threat assessments, Jesse was a D.C. Metro Police Officer who was recruited by The Professor.  Parker and McGee arrive with stats of all the feds The Professor trained – both are big fans.  Parker was a fan from the FBI where The Professor was known as The Cockroach. 
McGee says he had lunch with The Professor a few days earlier.  The Professor was looking forward retirement.  With the mention of retirement, Gibbs’s name comes up.  Would he show up for the big party?  McGee doesn’t think Gibbs is coming though Gibbs and The Professor went fishing a few times.  There is a “so you say there is a chance” joke but an arriving Leon Vance ends all the joking.  Professor Dale Harding was found dead in his apartment that morning.  The teams are shocked.  When Vance says it is likely a suicide, Parker and the DC team start to work.  As they leave, Jane and Jesse join them.
There is some ‘who is in charge’ scuffling between the DC and Hawai’i teams arrive at Harding’s apartment when Jimmy rolls Harding’s body out on a gurney.  Both teams want to know who cleared Jimmy to take the body from the crime scene.  Callen and Sam did.  Jane recognizes “Agents Callen and Hanna”.  McGee gets a shout out from Callen – how it has been a long time - but wants to know what they are doing there.  Sam realizes maybe it hasn’t been a long enough time.
McGee is taking photos at the crime scene.  Callen comments on using an old fashion DSLR.  McGee comments on the type of gloves Callen is using – black gloves where the dye could contaminate the evidence.  Callen says he and Sam were in DC for Harding’s retirement party.  They heard about his death getting of the plane and went straight to the crime scene.  Nick implies that it may not be Harding but Sam assures him it was and things were “not pretty”.  Single gunshot under the chin, gunshot residue – it was a suicide.
McGee brings up the lunch with Harding again, how he had big retirement plans.  Jessica finds a plane ticket to Cabo.  Sam comments about Harding, calling him The Cockroach as well, but offering it as a sign of respect.  Jessica thinks Parker and Sam have too much respect for “primitive insects”.  Parker disagrees – cockroaches are survivors.  Dale Harding was a survivor – he taught all his students to adapt and survive.  Nick disagrees but Callen and the rest of the teams think they are missing something.  Harding may have committed suicide but he had to be pushed. 
Jane and Jesse join the others in living room.  She jokes about the most number of senior NCIS agents in a single place but has more serious news.  Harding’s cellphone is missing.  She also spoke with Libby, who heard the gunshot at 7:40AM and had the building manager open the door at 7:50AM.  Libby told Jane and Jesse that she was with The Professor when he got a call on his cell – the now missing cell.  McGee does McGee things on Harding’s computer.  It was last accessed at 7:45AM, after the gunshot and before the body was found.  Someone was in the apartment.
As Nick and Callen break down the party room, Nick brings up Rule Number Three – always double check.  Callen knows what Rule Number Three is.  He and Gibbs “go way back.”  Nick isn’t sure it is a suicide, Callen is.  There is talk of a friendly wager over the difference since “there are no rules against that” according to Nick.  Jane arrives explaining that there are actually rules against it.  “Number 15.”  Nick is sure that he and Callen aren’t dating but Callen says Rule Number 15 is about lawyers.  Jane isn’t going to run through the rules but if Harding killed himself, maybe he was coerced. 
An arriving Jessica has news of a blocked call at 7:38AM.  The call went through all sorts of VPNs and without Harding’s cellphone, no back-trace.  They are going to adapt and solve the case for The Professor.  Well, most of them are – Nick brings up that The Professor tried to have him thrown out of FLETC but he deserves justice.
In Autopsy, Jimmy is a bit sad that McGee dropped by.  He’s happy to see McGee but was hoping one of the visiting NCIS agents would drop by.  Jimmy wouldn’t mind an invitation to the Los Angeles or Hawai’i offices.  McGee hasn’t been to the Hawai’i office and hasn’t seen the Los Angeles office since “OSP moved into that Mexican restaurant.”  Jimmy thought it was a Spanish Mission. 
Back to The Professor, Jimmy has a towel over the dead man’s face.  The way he shot himself, the bullet bounced around Harding’s head, shattering bones in his face.  “It’s not a good look.”  Jimmy has question about Harding’s body.  There are signs of bullet wounds, burns, deep scars from cuts.  With the tissue buildup, some of the scars are decades old.   McGee brings up Harding’s time with the Marines as a gunnery sergeant.  Maybe he was wounded in battle.  Jimmy thought of that but Harding was never wounded in action.  Whatever happened to him was kept a secret.
Kasie is working in her lab, debating with Jessica about eating the cupcakes ordered for the party.  They all have a little topper with a smiling photo of The Professor.  Jessica could eat them without the topper – makes it less creepy.  Kasie thinks eating it without the topper is creepy.  Kasie believes that The Professor was a noble man who was forced to do what he did.  She also says whoever worked on Harding’s computer knew how to cover their tracks.  Going through some of the data, Kasie sees that the computer was used less than a minute before Harding ended his life.  He typed “extra homework” into a text program. 
Digging a little deeper, Kasie finds some old DOD files – TSSCI – Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information.  That is not something a civilian employee would have either on his computer or really at all.  Harding deleted the files.  Not the actions of a noble man according to Jessica.
Vance is on the phone with the head of cybersecurity of DOD.  Harding did not have clearance to have the TSSCI files on his computer.  In fact, the DOD didn’t even know the files were missing until NCIS contacted them.  Parker asks what was in the files.  The DOD calls it need to know and Parker says he needs to know.  DOD needs to know how a FLETC instructor got the files.  Vance thinks Harding knew he was caught and killed himself.  Parker thinks there is more and Leon agrees – more resources on this case than any other NCIS is investigating.  Parker has all the different teams are looking into Harding’s life.  Maybe he was going to sell what was on the computer files.  The investigation is starting at FLETC’s Maryland campus.
On a crowded subway car, toxic gas has been released.  The passengers are trying to get out.  There is a loud bell and an instructor pops up.  He asks a group of probationary officers/agents how would they stop public panic like what is happening on the train.  “You can’t,” Nick says as he walks into the class with Callen and Sam.  The instructor tells Nick he’s right before asking the class what is the next course of action.  Callen says to identify the threat and Sam adds to neutralize the threat.  Again, the instructor agrees.  Sam dismisses class, which is news to the instructor.  Badges are flashed and class is dismissed.
As Nick, Callen and Sam look through Harding’s office, the instructor and his class are learning how to search an office through the office’s window.  Nick, Callen and Sam are doing an excellent job with resource management and evidence preservation.  Callen and Sam shut the blinds to the office, ending the lesson.
Nick finds a scrapbook of former students – promotions, commendations, etc.  Callen asks if he is in the book – he’s not.  Nick is, however.  And Nick is surprised since Harding hated him, calling saying Nick had a “lone wolf mentality and not a team player.”  Sam disagrees – Harding never hated any of his students.  Nick says just before he was going to graduate from FLETC, Harding asked him to quit.  Sam says his father always told him if the coach is yelling, it’s a good thing.  It means he cares.  If the coach isn’t “riding” you, then you have a problem.
Sam finds a case of old floppy discs – how could a man still using floppy discs hack the Pentagon?  Callen has a more disturbing discovery.  Harding never missed a class but he had a substitute teacher planned for his final class. 
The final class was a driving class, watching a controlled car chase.  Jessica was chasing Jane.  Jane was complimented on her evasive driving, Jessica complete a perfect pit move.  Instructor Greta Ford was impressed.  Jessica and Jane were favorites of Ford.  Ford was surprised when Harding asked her to fill in for his last class.  Ford almost said no – their teaching styles couldn’t be more different – but Harding said he was moving up his retirement a few days.  He couldn’t wait to go on vacation.  Cabo is mentioned but Ford says Harding was going to Hawai’i.  That caught Jane’s attention.  Harding was going to meet an old friend.
Sam arrives in Kasie’s lab with everything from Harding’s office.  She is on the phone but once off, she wants to know “who are you?”  Sam introduces himself, “Sam Hanna.  Los Angeles.  OSP.”  Kasie is not happy – Los Angeles didn’t RSVP – but gets back into the case.  She was on the phone with the airline.  Harding have a ticket to Cabo but changed it to Hawai’i a few days ago.  The ticket to Hawai’i was for early that day.  He would have missed his retirement party.
Kasie is confused.  There is nothing from Harding’s apartment that would indicate a friend or family member in Hawai’i.  Sam thinks it was an excuse to skip town with the stolen files, sell them and pad his retirement account.  Kasie tells him they don’t have proof Harding stole the files.  Sam admires Kasie is a positive thinker.  Kasie’s computer beeps – there is a security alert from DOD.  Harding wasn’t the hacker.  They have a new suspect, however. 
McGee can’t get into a locked MTAC.  Callen and Sam approach him – he’s under arrest for treason.
A very unhappy McGee is on the wrong side of the interrogation table “in my own house.”  He’d rather the questioning go on in a conference room.  Sam says they didn’t know where the conference was.  McGee says they didn’t know where interrogation was either – he had to show Callen and Sam the location.  Sam is grateful for McGee’s cooperation.  Callen wants some answers and hands a file to McGee.
Vance is in the interrogation observation room when Parker walks in.  Parker isn’t pleased that an outside team is interrogating McGee.  Leon tells Parker it was either an outside team interrogating McGee or it is DOD interrogating McGee.  The server hack at the DOD goes back to McGee’s credentials.  So Leon was given a choice of turning McGee over to the DOD or having an outside, neutral party talk to him. 
McGee is able to figure out what happened – his credentials were used to create a backdoor into the DOD server.  That would be the way he’d break in.  Callen thinks maybe McGee did break in.  McGee asks if Callen and Sam really think he broke into the DOD server.  Sam doesn’t, neither does Callen but DOD does.   McGee thinks someone took his credentials and did this.  Sam can’t believe that “the computer guy” lost his password.  McGee brings up that Sam, a car guy, lost Charlene once.  And Callen had his identity stolen.  So let’s not get “judgey” about someone taking McGee’s log-in info. 
Going through how someone would get his log-in info, McGee uses two-factor security for his laptop and a six-digit alpha-numeric code on his phone.  McGee stops for a second.  For the third time, McGee brings up the lunch with Harding.  He unlocked his phone when Harding asked about McGee’s kids – wanted to see photos.  McGee used the restroom shortly after that and Harding likely accessed McGee’s phone.
Kasie is on her iPad with Jesse.  She cannot believe that Harding not only broke into the DOD’s server but that he used a former student’s credentials to get in.  Jesse has more bad news and to Kasie’s great relief, it is not that Harding was a Cylon the whole time.  He can’t find the cellphone and he’s been all over Harding’s apartment.  The two share their love of Battlestar Galactica when Kasie complains about Sam arresting McGee.  Sam is barred from Kasie’s lab, which is going to be a problem since Sam just walked in.
Kasie wants an apology for arresting McGee.  Sam isn’t apologizing and he didn’t arrest McGee.  He never believed that McGee was a criminal.  Kasie is in a better place.  She has some news.  After going through all the old floppy discs – and the files on them were decades old – she did find one file created last week.  It also said “extra homework” just like the file on his home computer.  That means the disc is important, except there is nothing else on the disc. 
Sam thinks there was something in the disc.  A girl named Heather Richardson use to send Sam notes inside floppy discs.  Kasie takes apart the disc and finds a note that reads “The answer is in the files.”  Kasie is disappointed – Harding deleted the files.  But there is a photo with the note of the fireplace in Gibbs’s old cabin.  It looks familiar to Kasie.  Sam, not so much.
Nick and Jessica arrive at Gibbs’s cabin.  Nobody has been around for a while and almost nobody knows about the place.  Someone knows about it, however, when they open fire on Nick and Jessica.  She wonders if it is Gibbs shooting at them but Nick tells her if Gibbs was shooting, they’d both be dead.  Nick and Jessica return fire.  The find a grey jacket near the cabin covered in blood.  Inside the jacket is a cellphone that took a bullet for the shooter.  They hear a motorcycle take off.  He may be wounded but the shooter is in the wind.
McGee is getting roadblocks set up all over near the cabin.  Jane is running the search, Jesse is working with the county police.  The mystery shooter found the files.  Callen is on his way back to Los Angeles.  Kasie found wire transfers coming from Malibu to Harding.  He and Sam are going to check things out.  Callen and McGee exchange a manly handshake as Callen exits.
Kasie runs into the bullpen.  The phone the shooter had wasn’t a personal phone, it was Harding’s.  The mystery shooter was the person at Harding’s apartment.  Going through the phone, Kasie found a program that recorded all of Harding’s calls.  The damage to the phone, however, left the audio file a mess.  The caller says he’s “Simon Williams”.  Kasie hasn’t run the name yet but she doesn’t have to, McGee points to Williams on the NCIS Ten-Most Wanted wall.
In Vance’s office, Vance, Parker and Nick listen to the whole call.  Harding stole the files from the DOD because he knew Williams was trying to get them.  Parker again asks what was on the files and again, the DOD won’t share.  Harding’s plan failed since Williams now has the files.  Parker brings up that Simon Williams is a Ten-Most Wanted suspect on most law enforcement walls.  A rogue operative who has committed about every crime in about ever country over the last 30-years.  No law enforcement agency has come close to catching Williams.  Nick and Jessica wounding Williams is the closest anyone has come to catching him.
Vance wants to know how Harding got involved in this in the first place.  Why would a wanted career criminal be involved with a FLETC instructor and vice versa?  Parker found out the two men knew each other.  Williams was a FLETC trainee who Harding failed for a “lone wolf mentality and not a team player” – the same thing he said about Nick.  Nick looks stricken but wants to look through some files.
Jessica is negotiating with some local county police when McGee calls.  The locals do things a certain way and that includes not help Jessica.  Kasie is monitoring the local officers radios – just chatter.  Kasie hears one squad car is missing – 117.  Kasie is tracking the GPS for the squad car.  It is nearly 40-miles away near a farm.
McGee, Nick and Parker move in on a barn on the farm.  They find blood in the car and blood all over a first aid kit in the car’s trunk.  In the barn, Simon Williams is burning all his ID’s.  The man is much younger than the photo of Simon Williams on the NCIS Most Wanted wall.  He claims “we’re all Simon Williams” before he passes away.
In autopsy, Jimmy tells Jessica and Jane that their Simon Williams is 30-years younger than the Simon Williams on the wall.  Jane thinks “We’re all Simon Williams” is a bad omen.  As Jessica and Jane are about to leave, Jimmy wonders if they all shouldn’t get something to eat.  It has been a long day.  Jane wouldn’t mind some blueberry pancakes.   Jimmy is going to text Torres to join them, make it a double date.  Jane shoots Jimmy a look, Jessica gives him the cut sign and it becomes a share professional meal among colleagues. 
In his nice home, Parker wants some info from his friends at the FBI, all the files they have on Simon Williams.  Nick is at his front door.  Parker lets him in as Nick hears from Jimmy – dinner at 10PM.  When Parker ends his call, Nick updates Parker on the files.  They were in the things Simon Williams burned in the barn.  Parker doesn’t think this is the only reason Nick is by. Nick brings up the “lone wolf mentality and not a team player” comparison with Simon Williams.  Parker offers a good pep talk – he’s nothing like Williams.  When his phone chimes, Parker has the Williams FBI file.  An associate of Williams was going to meet with Harding in Hawai’i. 
Nick shows up at the diner (Gibbs’s diner maybe) where Jimmy and Jane aren’t there.  They left together before Jessica left the NCIS office.  Nick sees Jimmy’s “Dadmoblie” parked near the diner.  When Jessica calls Jimmy, his phone rings in a nearby trash pail.  She tries calling Jane.  Jane's phone is in a dumpster.  Jimmy and Jane are tied up in a van with a gunman watching  over them.
What head canon can be formed from here:  I have a lot of thoughts about this three-show crossover but I’ll save them for the problematic episodes.  This was a good set-up episode with one huge flaw.  “The Professor” was such an important part of the NCIS world (and FBI for Parker) that Jane and Jesse flew 5,000 miles, Callen and Sam flew 3,000 miles for this huge retirement party and 20-seasons in NCIS, 14-seasons into NCIS: Los Angeles and two seasons into NCIS: Hawai’i, this dude was never mentioned once.  NCIS foreshadowed Gibbs’s family tragedy for three seasons, the first half of season three of NCIS: Los Angeles was setting up Sam’s trips to Africa and Kensi’s investigation into her father’s death.  These programs have done that work in the past.  Didn’t do any of it here. 
Also, Robert Picardo is a big TV character actor.  He worked on two television series on ABC at the same time (The Wonder Years and China Beach).  He didn’t make it past the teaser.  What a waste.  There was also Stephanie Hodge as FLETC Instructor Greta Ford who had a delightful season one NCIS appearance as Sheriff Dupray and was Tangerine in “The Sounds of Silence” season 10 episode of NCIS: Los Angeles.  Another quality character performer woefully underused.
Episode number:   This is episode 10 of season 20 of NCIS, the series 445th episode (wow!).  This is the first part of a three-series, three-episode NCISverse crossover.
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I’d like to do a ship Request for Top Gun(1986).
Alright so my name is Amy. I’m almost 25 and stand about 5’5 even. I love to bake and cook and read or just watch child movies or cartoons. I love shopping and supporting my family and helping when I can wether it’s giving blood or helping a neighbor. I love to be goofy but I have serious moments because I am a super sensitive person. I love to just have fun and I’ve played sports especially volleyball.
I am Female and go by She/Her/They pronouns but mostly she/her.
I’m Bi with a preference towards men
I’m a bit more on the curvy side then most girls with long curly hair that’s dirty blonde. I’m fair skinned with perfect eyebrows and hazel-green eyes. Despite being big I do work out!
Hobbies are singing, baking, cooking, reading and sewing. I also have a passion for swimming and like to skate!
Unfortunately, giving my family’s history, I have a Irish Temper and I’m quick to angry but I’m also overly emotional and will cry for no reason or over something trivial. I am also as hardheaded as an ass which I get form both parents. I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age so unfortunately my brain doesn’t function so it’s hard for me to stay focused!
Growing up with two loving parents and a slew of family close by, I’ve learned to become loyal to a fault. I’ll always have your back and support you as long as you do the same. Despite my ADHD I love to learn and read. I’m somewhat musically gifted and I have a passion for baking and cooking as it lets me explore from what I know. If you really care about me, I’ll give you the same treatment in return. Doing your laundry(my parents mostly), offering advice and listening, just overall being there!
I’m mostly a pretty fun girl whose got a big heart and loves to have fun. I love kids too so sometimes I’m motherly to my cousins kids. I am the extrovert who collects introverts because I love to talk. I’m a people talker which can sometimes be a bad thing but mostly good!
My star Sign is Aquarius!
NSFW can be included!(im 25 on the 23 of this month)
I’d prefer to keep like all the older instructors and such off the list. Sundown and Chipper like background characters who don’t have as many lines. I’d also like to avoid Cougar and Merlin! I hope this helps! Can’t wait to see!
Hi Amy! Happy Birthday for when it’s the 23rd! Thank you for popping into my inbox and trusting me with a ship! I hope you enjoy it!
I ship you with…
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I almost shipped you with Carol because she’s so fun-loving but I kept leaning back towards Goose to the point where I was basically the mental human version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
But you’re totally Carols’ bestie! Perhaps she’s the one that set you and Goose up? (sorry Carol/Goose shippers!)
Goose definitely has a thing for blonde-hair, green/hazel-eyed babes! He honestly thinks he doesn’t stand a chance with you. You’re so gorgeous and have all the curves in all the right places. Your golden curls and gorgeous hazel-coloured eyes that are shaped by your eyebrows. Literal picture perfect. Can he have your picture pinned in the cockpit?
You and her totally go shopping together and you chat about Goose non-stop.
This is fine by Goose because he doesn’t like going shopping. However, he does love it when you come home all excited to show him what you bought! Especially if it’s clothes. He’d want a runway session!
And if it’s lingerie… Hehe
It must look a bit weird, you being on the curvier side and Goose being a literal stick figure (hurry and do some sugary baking. Fatten this man up at once!)
But he loves your curves. It’s a literal turn-on for him.
Guarantee, from an outsiders perspective who didn’t realise you two are a couple, he straight up looks like a fucking sleazebag checking you out from the aisle over. The cheesy moustache, Hawaiian shirt and holding a box of lego probably isn’t helping.
However, if you really want him to go shopping with you… lure him with the promise of ice-cream. “Can I get two scoops?” he’ll ask like a child, holding up two fingers, soft puppy-dog eyes glancing at you. How can you say no to him?
You WILL lose him in the store. But you can be guaranteed you’ll find him in the toy department looking at plane models.
Will he look at, holding a box of a model plane close to his chest and beg you? “Can we buy this? Please?” Yes. Yes he will.
Be careful though, he’ll definitely use this soft look against you to get what he wants! He’s just as cheeky as you are!
The fact you play volleyball makes up for all the times you’ve dragged him out to a spontaneous shopping spree. He loves volleyball and loves playing with you! It’s the best way to spend the summertime! A mixed round down at the beach of Girls Vs Boys and then mixed doubles (you and Goose, Mav and Carol [who aren’t dating but just friends]).
Followed by drinks at the bar.
Which leads into Goose at the piano. You by Goose’s side, loudly singing and Carol and Maverick joining in.
Goose is at his happiest during these times.
But you both have your serious moments.
Late evening talks. Sitting on the couch.
Goose is comfortable opening up about what’s on his mind. You both talk the problem out. If it doesn’t get sorted (perhaps because there’s no solution to what’s weighing on him) at least he came to you.
You both have such an open and honest relationship.
You never go to bed on an argument. You’re too soft for that and Goose doesn’t like seeing you breakdown.
No way is he going to let you fall asleep having cried your eyes out.
He’ll be the first to apologise. He has no issue with that. Even if he doesn’t know what he’s apologising for. He just doesn’t want to go to bed without saying ‘I love you’ and being able to hold you.
Goose is a huge family man. He’s always wanted a family of his own. So he’d definitely be there helping your family too. Whenever he can. He’s pretty absent most of the time but even after months of deployment that has him exhausted and tired, he’s still there helping your family.
Speaking of family, you both have such beautiful babies with cheeky personalities. They test the boundaries of what’s good behaviour, but they’re generally good kids. Always have a way of making everyone smile. So good luck figuring out which side they get that from!
He’s a very hands-on significant other. He’s always helping around the house without asking and trying to make things easier for you. Including following your ADHD trail of unfinished things which he finishes while you’ve started three other new things.
There’s more radio on in the house than the TV. It’s a very musical house.
Between Goose teaching the children piano or you just singing and humming away while you’re doing things around the house.
Goose’s favourite moments are watching you, particularly the first time you were pregnant, bopping a little in time with the song you were singing, while you were baking some cookies. You didn’t know he was watching.
Until he came in, dancing and singing, joining in the fun.
So there you two are, two parents-to-be, being silly and goofy in your own home.
But this is where Goose came in to do the dishes so you can sit down and relax.
He kept an eye on the baking because he knew you’d fall asleep on the couch. Pregnancy is tiring after all.
He loves it when you bake and cook. He cooks too! It’s not the stereotypical 50’s housewife scenario. Okay..admittedly it is. But that’s how things naturally fell into place. You do insist on baking and cooking because you enjoy it. But he does love it.
For some reason the house always smells better when you’re baking.
Luckily for Goose, he doesn’t need to worry about putting weight on because he regularly works out. Sometimes high intensity with Maverick. Other times, just a general workout with you. He loves it though. Gets to watch you work-out.
Remember when I said he looked like a total creep in the store?
Yeah…well…the gym too.
Also expect both Goose and Maverick to come to you to get their patches sewn on their jackets. Or to have it safely removed (guarantee they would’ve just pulled it off and made it worse).
You both frolicking at the beach in the summertime. I can see you both getting into snorkelling while on holiday. You both were kind of just ‘meh’ about it but once you did it, you loved it. Especially when Goose would randomly pick something up and point to it like a proud child of ‘look at this!’
But also keep an eye on him underwater too. He’s not the smartest to know what’s considered poisonous or dangerous. He just sees a cool-looking thing that looks like a plane and has to show you.
Skating dates. Or, rather… you’re off skating around the area while Goose is in a egotistical competitive match of Volleyball of him and Maverick Vs Iceman and Slider.
I know Ice-skating is different but you teaching him to skate on the Ice….
He never feels silly. He’s always up to trying everything and anything with you.
Like I said, you are both open with each other. About everything.
Goose is very calm…he shows this during all the times he could’ve torn a new one into Maverick but didn’t (instead, he calmly came to him and spoke to him about a problem) so your irish temper, whilst a thing to behold, is something Goose has learnt to navigate. He’ll either step back and leave you alone, or he’ll place a hand on your shoulder and use the safe word “Potatoes.”
Yes, you two have a safe word for your irish temper (sue me, it was funny in my head).
When you’re getting a little too angry, that little gesture and random word silently says ‘Calm down. Take a deep breath. Let’s work it out.’ …. Most especially if you’re in public. But there have been times when you’ve not listened so Goose is just “Potatoes! Think about the potatoes honey!”
Your over-sensitive heart is one of the things Goose has fallen for. It always makes him laugh a little when you cry over the silliest things (but he’s not laughing at you). He’s always there with a hug and a light “Awh honey.”
But your over-sensitive heart is one of the things Goose is extremely protective of. When Maverick gets too cocky and too risky in the air because, lets be real, he is slightly egotistical… Goose went to him that evening, once he made sure you were settled at home, and spoke to Maverick. He has you and a possible future family to think about.
Your hard-headedness is great because, as mentioned or likely hinted at, Goose needs to be reigned in with a few things (ie, buying toys he doesn’t need).
Now Goose is generally a placid being. But when he puts his foot down, you actually stop and listen. Because it’s not often he does this – and tends to do it when you’re being too hot-headed.
Also prepare to be annoyed with him throwing paper planes at you. Imagine you’re in the kitchen or just reading, minding your own business and you suddenly get jabbed by the nose of a paper airplane. You can’t be mad though because sometimes they’ll have a little love-note on them.
He would propose to you on the beach; which I see going 1 of 2 ways;
Either during the day where you were under the assumption that it was another beach volleyball so it didn’t bother you people were there. And he proposed to you in front of everyone.
Or he’d keep it just between the two of you and propose to you in the late evening when the sun was setting, the sky a soft pink, the water very gently lapping against the shoreline.
Do you know how hot you look if you were lounging on the bed, in lingerie or just sexy-looking pyjamas (that are specifically sexy but to Goose they are) and reading some sort of plane manual or something. You love to read and learn new things, and this was one of those things. Understanding Goose’s job… Except you look sexy doing it.
Picture this; you two at the beach…in the ocean…Your legs wrapped around his waist. Him holding you to him. The rest of the Top Gun guys have their attention on the volleyball match that’s going on at the shore.
Meanwhile Goose’s attention is on you. And IN you.
You do a lot of cooking and baking in the kitchen…prepare for Goose to interrupt that as he sits you up on the bench or has you pressed over the bench.
If he knows Maverick is coming over for dinner, always tries to steal a quickie right before he’s due to arrive. Has you pressed up against the wall, dress lifted up…
But despite these many quickies… he’s still a gentle lover.
Worships your body.
Takes his time. Peppers kisses anywhere he can reach.
One thing he always does is when he lines himself up at your entrance, you’re both gazing at each other and he wants to see your expression. Never gets tired of it.
Loves having your blonde curls splayed over the pillow.
But also loves watching them bounce up and down (amongst many other things) when you’re straddling on top of him.
The definition of sexy is what he’s seeing right before his eyes; his beautiful, blonde-haired, hazel-eyed woman with the perfect lips, the perfect curves…how he doesn’t fall apart immediately is beyond him.
He’s got his hands on your hips, bouncing you, but when you’re leaning down, one hand is definitely in the curls of your hair. Gently gripping as he angles your face to either kiss him or give him easier access to your neck.
You have a beautiful voice when you’re singing, but an even more beautiful voice when you’re moaning.
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
Punch Out x Poppy Playtime: Helper AU
Here’s a crossover AU of Punch Out Wii and Poppy Playtime called Helper AU. Please Enjoy! 
1. Doc Louis does exist in this AU but he’s Mac’s adopted uncle 
2. Super Punch Out character will get a separate story in a later time (Sorry 😓) 
In this crossover AU, the Punch Out characters used to be workers at Playtime Co. until they went missing. A few days later, Playtime Co. introduces a new line of toys: a series of dress up action figures called Happy Helpers, which resembles to the missing employees but in reality, they ARE the missing employees. In the game, the Happy Helpers or Helpers as they are called in this AU, help the player to survive inside the Playtime Co. factory and fight off the monsters that follow them. 
“Introducing Happy Helpers, a series of dress up action figures with each a different feature that makes them unique”. 
- Spokesperson
- Little Mac as Macintosh Sanders “Mac the Boxer” 
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Macintosh Smith was a 19 year old American factory worker who is juggling both work and school to support his life until he went missing alongside his fellow employee. He became Mac the Boxer, a boxing Helper who does, well boxing. Each Helper has a special feature in them and Mac’s special feature has a boxing feature that defends the player from the monsters. 
Mac’s Second Outfit (Contender)
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- Star Mika (My Punch Out OC) as Mikaela Florence Tiongson “Mika the Magical Girl” 
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Mikaela Florence Tiongson is a 19 year old Filipino American factory worker who also juggles both school and work to maintain her and Mac’s BFF, who also went missing alongside her fellow employees. She became Mika the Magical Girl, a magical girl Helper who defends the innocent with the power of love and justice. Mika’s special feature is that she has a magic stick that can light up when you move her arm. 
Mika’s Second Outfit (Galaxy Burst)
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- Glass Joe as Joseph Le Verre “Joe the Mime” 
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Joseph Le Verre is a 32 year old French factory worker who came to the US because he’s family is dead due to a fire accident and now he starts working at Playtime Co. with his girlfriend, Mika, until he went missing alongside his fellow employee. He became Joe the Mime, a French mime Helper who loves to entertain and make people laughs. Joe’s special feature is that he can stretch his arms and legs like Mommy Long Legs but he can turn them into a lasso, a grappling hook, etc. to help the player in any situations. 
Joe’s Second Outfit (Carnival) 
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Von Kaiser as Viktor Von Kaiser “General Von Kaiser” 
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Viktor Von Kaiser is the 40 year old German factory manager who came to the US because of financial issues and is a boxer instructor part time until he went missing alongside his fellow employee. Viktor became General Von Kaiser, a German general Helper who has great leadership and a strategic mind. Kaiser’s special feature is that he has a plastic rifle that can shoot foam bullets and use that rifle to defend the player from danger. 
Kaiser’s Second Outfit (Foot Soldier) 
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- Disco Kid as Dean Martin “Disco the Dancer” 
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Dean Martin is a 20 year old American factory worker who became the big brother figure to Mac and Mika and is a lover for disco dancing until he went missing alongside his fellow employee. Dean became Disco the Dancer, a disco dancing Helper who loves dancing until the night. Disco’s special feature is that he has an electric music box that can play disco music and uses it as a distraction to confuse the monsters. 
Disco’s Second Outfit (Rainbow Boogie) 
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- King Hippo as Maui Māhoe “King Hippo the Hungry” 
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Maui Māhoe is a 30 year old mute Hawaiian factory who loves eating and is a bit lazy until he went missing alongside his fellow employee. Maui became King Hippo the Hungry, an island king Helper who loves eating and sleeping. King Hippo’s special feature is that he has a compartment in his stomach that if you feed him food, using this compartment to help hide the player from danger and act as a shield. 
King Hippo’s Second Outfit (Captain Underpants) 
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- Piston Hondo as Takeo Hondo “Hondo the Samurai”
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Takeo Hondo is a 28 year old Japanese factory work and electric technician who is very serious and quiet but humble until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. He became Hondo the Samurai, a Japanese samurai Helper who honor his clan with determination of both mind and heart. Hondo’s special feature is that he has a sword fighting feature that defends the player from the monsters. 
Hondo’s Second Outfit (Red Demon)
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- Bear Hugger as Bryan Harris “Bear the Lumberjack” 
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Bryan Harris is a 32 year old Canadian factory worker, he’s down to earth kinda guy and loves hanging out with the other workers until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. Bryan became Bear the Lumberjack, a Canadian lumberjack Helper who loves nature and an animal lover. Bear’s feature has a swinging arm feature which he use to swing axe to defend the player from the monsters 
Bear’s Second Outfit (Werewolf) 
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- Great Tiger as Ranjeet Patel “Tiger the Magician” 
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Ranjeet Patel is a 29 year old Indian factory worker who is an amateur magician by heart until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. He became Tiger the Magician, an Indian magician/fortune teller Helper who entertain people with his magic tricks. Tiger’s special feature is that he has a light up jewel when pressing it on top of his turban, he uses his magic to distract the monsters in order to defend the player. 
Tiger’s Second Outfit (Arabian Nights) 
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- Don Flamenco as Raphael Santa Cruz “Don the Matador” 
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Raphael Santa Cruz is a 23 year old Spanish factory worker who has a great life with his girlfriend Carmen, he’s also a bit of a ladies man and a professional matador until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. He became Don the Matador, a Spanish bull fighting Helper who is the personification of a beautiful fighter. Don’s special feature is that he has a rose scent that he use this scent to knock out the monsters to defend the player, he also comes with a sword which he use. 
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Don’s Second Outfit (Zorro) 
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- Aran Ryan as Aran Conor Ryan “Aran the Leprechaun” 
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Aran Conor Ryan is a 23 year old Irish factory worker who is a bit of a jokester and prankster until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. He became Aran the Leprechaun, an Irish leprechaun Helper who loves magic, mischief and gold. Aran’s special feature is that he has a winding key that makes him go faster, this feature helps distracts the monsters to defend the player.    
Aran’s Second Outfit (Steampunk) 
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- Soda Popinski as Ivan Grigoriy Paccewich “Soda the Pirate” 
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Ivan Grigory Paccewich is a 35 year old Russian factory worker who has a heart of gold and is a life of the party until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. Ivan became Soda the Pirate, a Russian pirate Helper who loves drinking, well soda. Soda’s special feature is a swashbuckling action feature that he used to defend the player from the monster. 
Soda’s Second Outfit (Captain) 
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- Bald Bull as Burak Deniz Agha “Bull the Fighter” 
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Burak Deniz Agha is a 36 year old Turkish factory worker who has anger issues but tries to keep a calm mind until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. Burak became Bull the Fighter, a Turkish fighter Helper who is strong and fearless. Bull’s special feature is that he has a fighting mode to which he use to defend the player from the monsters. 
Bull’s Second Outfit (General) 
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- Super Macho Man as Steven Marley “Super Macho Man” 
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Steven Marley is a 28 year old American factory assistant manager who is egotistical and takes pride for his muscles until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. Steven became Super Macho Man, a Californian strong man Helper who loves being famous and is a movie star. SMM’s special feature is that he has a flashing light feature which he use it for a distraction and has a fight mode like Bull to defend the player from the monsters. 
SMM’s Second Outfit (Circus) 
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- Mr. Sandman as Samuel Elliot Sands “Mr. Sandman” 
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Samuel Elliot Sands is a 28 year old American factory moderator who is the first one to get black coffee when he didn’t get enough sleep until he went missing alongside his fellow employees. Sam became Mr. Sandman, a Father Time Helper who is the guardian of time and watches over time and space. Sandman’s special feature is a working clock that has a time stop ability that stops the monsters’ attacks to defend the player. 
Sandman’s Second Outfit (Masquerade) 
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Next: Super Punch Out 
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academiesofmusic · 2 months
Title: Strumming into Harmony: The Joys of Ukulele Lessons at Academies of Music
Introduction: In recent years, the ukulele has experienced a surge in popularity, captivating hearts with its cheerful sound and portable size. Whether you're drawn to its charming melodies or eager to explore new musical horizons, learning to play the ukulele can be a rewarding and enjoyable journey. At Academies of Music, we're passionate about sharing the magic of the ukulele with students of all ages and skill levels through our comprehensive ukulele lessons.
Discover the Ukulele: The ukulele, with its four strings and gentle tone, is a versatile and approachable instrument that's perfect for beginners and experienced musicians alike. Our ukulele lessons are designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of playing the instrument, from basic chords and strumming patterns to more advanced techniques like fingerpicking and chord melody arrangements. Whether you dream of strumming along to your favorite songs or composing your own ukulele masterpieces, our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way.
Professional Instruction: At Academies of Music, we're committed to providing the highest quality instruction to our students. Our ukulele teachers are experienced musicians with a passion for teaching and a deep understanding of the instrument. They'll work with you to develop a personalized lesson plan tailored to your individual goals and learning style, ensuring that you make steady progress and stay motivated on your ukulele journey.
Unlock Your Creativity: The ukulele is a wonderfully expressive instrument that offers endless opportunities for creativity and self-expression. In our ukulele lessons, you'll learn how to play a variety of musical styles, from traditional Hawaiian songs to contemporary pop hits. You'll also have the chance to explore different strumming patterns, chord voicings, and improvisation techniques, empowering you to express yourself freely through music and develop your own unique musical voice.
Build Confidence and Musicality: Learning to play the ukulele is not only fun and rewarding, but it also offers numerous cognitive and emotional benefits. Our ukulele lessons are designed to help you build confidence, improve your concentration and memory, and develop essential musical skills like rhythm, timing, and ear training. Whether you're playing for your own enjoyment or performing for an audience, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment as you progress on your ukulele journey.
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Performance Opportunities: At Academies of Music, we believe that performing is an integral part of the learning process. That's why we offer numerous performance opportunities throughout the year, including recitals, concerts, and community events. These experiences provide valuable feedback and encouragement, helping you grow as a musician and build confidence in your ukulele playing abilities.
Conclusion: Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced musician, ukulele lessons at Academies of Music offer a fun, enriching, and fulfilling learning experience. With expert instruction, personalized lesson plans, creative exploration, and performance opportunities, we provide everything you need to embark on a successful ukulele journey. Sign up for ukulele lessons at Academies of Music today and start strumming your way to musical bliss!For more details visit our website : www.academiesofmusic.com
0 notes
lets-talk-spirituality · 10 months
If you don’t mind I’d love a message from spirit about my music and releasing it. Thank you!
Sure! Let’s see what comes up.
🪨🎸 🪨🎸 🪨🎸 🪨🎸 🪨🎸 🪨🎸 🪨🎸 🪨
Spirit, what do you want to tell anon about their music and releasing it?
Are you happy with it? Do you feel like it correctly expresses you and your feelings? If it does that, that’s all it needs to be. It feels like you are hesitating because you’ve put more weight on your art than it existing as the art itself. Capitalism. Yuck. Even if music is never something that financially sustains you, it’s not for that reason you feel called to do it. You feel called to do it because music teaches you about using energy to create. Because the journey it takes you on as you create, as you transcribe the immaterial into material, is a lesson in energy manipulation. That’s the magic of creation. That’s why you create, because you are a creator.
Creating music is the same as creating worlds. Every time you deprive yourself of following your creative impulses because of your fear around the outcome, you take a ding in your solar plexus energy and you hold yourself back from the magical experience of being inside the flow state. You deprive yourself of the joy of being a magnificent creative being. We want you to be in love with creating, no matter what it is. Your goal is to find a way to stay in love and to learn new ways to love creation. Do you love the process? Do you love the product? It’s all about love. Love is the only frequency of progress. If you cannot come to the creative table with love, you are setting yourself up to fail. Love is the magic in everything, the ingredient you need for success. Be honest, are you in love with music? How much? And if you aren’t, can you find your way back to love?
Card Pull
Hawaiian Mana cards
36 Pōhaku, reversed— Pōhaku means stone in Hawaiian and this card represents relationships
Guidebook—“By relating to others with joyous affection, friendship and love, we experience a sense of belonging, identity, purpose and inspiration.”
This is the quote that stuck out to me. In Hawaiian culture, stones were very important and could sometimes represent an ancestor. They also have an energy, or mana, within. With this card coming up reverse for this reading, I’m feeling that you are hesitant about releasing your music because of a lack of community support. I’m not sure if you make music with a team or not, but I’m getting that you haven’t quite found your Ohana (family) within the music world yet. Not just a family of fans but also a family you create with. To me, this lack of connection may be why you aren’t as confident in your work.
I’m also feeling strongly that you may need to take active steps to create this community, ie, share your work with friends and colleagues, with strangers, people you know—like a girl in my workout class, she recently shared some music she created with the instructor and the instructor played the song in the class. It was super dope to learn that about her and to be able to support her. Get creative with the communities you have.
I think this is saying there’s more support for you than you are tapping into or seeing clearly. I’m getting that you need to put yourself out there more, like maybe playing live, going out and networking with DJs and other people. “If you build it, they will come.” Put yourself in strategic scenarios and the universe will connect you. So maybe try going to music venues, festivals, meet up groups, whatever it is, but go to places where other musicians hang out. You’ll meet people and find out about opportunities you may not otherwise have known about.
If you’ve been feeling drawn to any crystals or to going to any specific places, go or get the crystal. Also pay attention to any rocks or stones that catch your eye. They may have a message for you.
I hope this helps! Would love to know how/if it resonates. 🪨🎸
PS. My friend texted during this reading so I feel like that’s additional confirmation for you to reach out and look for connection in places you wouldn’t always look. Reach out first. It’s okay.
0 notes
jizabellamusic · 2 years
With music on the side, there is a part of me that wanted to share and I wrote a letter. There will never be pieces of me in different directions that go back to Hawaii this way. As content as I am with my Hawaiian side, I have other sides to explore. As a Zumba instructor I had a chance to share some of that within a classroom as a teacher. So here is where I decide how my music will grow with my Hawaiian and Spanish music. I will be growing with voluntary moments with children as a teacher in a school where they do have Spanish. Even though those songs will be separate, they are a part of me.
August 8, 2022
With my heart to those who are a part of me-
0 notes
superlinguo · 2 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with a Hawaiian and Tahitian language Instructor, Translator & Radio Host
This month’s interview is with N. Haʻalilio Solomon, who wears many diverse and interesting hats in his roles as Hawaiian and Tahitian language Instructor, Hawaiian Translator & Radio Host. He is also the president of the Kealakai Center for Pacific Strings. If you would like to hear more about Haʻa’s work, check out his episode on Field Notes, a podcast about linguistic fieldwork. 
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Photo courtesy of Mahina Choy-Ellis and NMG Network
What did you study at university?  BA: ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language)
MA: LinguisticsPhD: Linguistics
What is your job? 
I am an educator, translator, writer and editor for Hawaiian language media content, radio host, and a researcher.
As a radio host, I get to play old Hawaiian music on a weekly university-radio program which I host entirely in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, the Hawaiian language. Every Sunday afternoon, I pull vinyl records, CDs, and digital files of older mele Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian music) based on a theme I have chosen beforehand. It’s so much fun because I get to choose different themes each week! One week, the theme might be “songs about steamships”, and another week, it might be “songs composed in the 19th century”. After I select a theme, I play songs related to that theme, presenting and talking about them in Hawaiian the entire time, and I also get phone calls that request songs related to the theme as well! My radio program is a great way to celebrate and normalize Hawaiian language in its ancestral homeland in a very accessible venue. 
Another job I have held is a translator and interpreter for Hawaiian and English language. This has been an eye-opening position for me to realize certain attitudes people have toward (or against) Hawaiian language. For example, even though Hawaiian is a co-official language of Hawaiʻi, some people think it does not belong in certain domains. I have been the interpreter in court several times for people who have chosen to represent themselves while Hawaiian, and most times, the general vibe in the courtroom is awkward at best and condescending at worst. Legal officers and judges, who are actors on the behalf of the government, have typically negative reactions towards requests for Hawaiian language representation. This is a problem, especially given Hawaiian’s co-official recognition status, but also because these reactions do not apply to requests for interpretation for other languages (which are not official). These experiences motivate me to raise awareness and bring justice to Hawaiian speakers by ensuring their right to interpretation is protected. Helping people have more positive ideas about Hawaiian language involves normalizing it in the linguistic landscape of Hawaiʻi. FLUX is a local lifestyle magazine that has recently hired me as the Hawaiian language editor for their publication. This is helping to reshape the linguistic landscape by adding Hawaiian language pieces to the discourse here in Hawaiʻi, but is especially relevant and effective because of the content we choose to feature. FLUX has always paid important attention on arts & culture, local politics, and other topics that are current and high-profile. To feature these topics in Hawaiian starts to shift the paradigm by de-centering English, even just a bit, and move Hawaiian language media back into a more prominent role. This also demonstrates the role that media has in language revitalization!
How does your linguistics training help you in your job? 
Linguistics grounds all of my multilingual work, and when I have to think about certain translation decisions, the theories that have been robustly developed in the field of linguistics inform my decisions and make that process easier. As a polyglot, linguistics is my favorite subject, and it has given me a foundation and training that informs all of my work.
What was the transition from university to work like for you? 
I was fortunate to start teaching Hawaiian as a lecturer, and then I started pursuing an MA in Linguistics to justify my promotion to an instructor, so the transition felt serendipitous and mutually beneficial for my graduate studies and my career. And in the context of language revitalization, as in Hawaiʻi, a career is synonymous with a way of life, philosophy, and a calling to which I am committed both professionally and personally.
Do you have any advice you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Start making flashcards to memorize the IPA. HAHA! But seriously, linguistics as a formal training certainly has an application in certain careers, like research, preservation, education, etc. But I have been blessed to have so many professors, mentors, and cheerleaders who have always helped me realize how my training as a linguist can be applied all sorts of interdisciplinary projects. This is always so much fun for me! Any other thoughts or comments?
I feel giddy when I tell others "I am a linguist". The doors that this field has opened for me have come back to bless me tenfold. Related interviews:
Interview with an academic linguist
Interview with an Interpreter
Interview with an ESL teacher, coach and podcaster
Interview with a Freelance Translator and Editor
Interview with a Language Revitalisation Program Director
Recent interviews:
Interview with a Customer Success Manager
Interview with an Impact Lead
Interview with an Online Linguistics Teacher
Interview with an Academic Linguist
Interview with a TV Writer
The full Linguist Jobs Interview List 
The Linguist Jobs tag for the most recent interviews
The Linguistics Jobs slide deck (overview, resources and activities)
The Linguistics Jobs Interview series is edited by Martha Tsutsui Billins. Martha is a linguist whose research focuses on the Ryukyuan language Amami Oshima, specifically honourifics and politeness strategies in the context of language endangerment. Martha runs Field Notes, a podcast about linguistic fieldwork. 
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usual-day-dreamer · 4 years
Let Me Touch Your Fire (Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader) Chapter Three
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"Did you like the tape?"
"I did, you like Queen a lot, don't you?"
"They're one of my faves" you said taking a bite of your corn dog "Any favorite songs?"
"Yeah, it was that song about some place with a beach" he said "It went like..." he made a dramatic pose
"Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama" he sang with a stronger voice. You smiled at him amused and decided to join him singing the next part.
"Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go" you tried doing his same voice but failed miserably and laughed, he joined you in the next.
"Oh I want to take you down to Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow" he grabbed your hand and started spinning you around and the both of you sang in unison as he let you go you tried to do a Hawaiian dance and he did the same.
"That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo" he winked at you and you smiled and with the strongest voice you could muster you sang the ending of the chorus
"Martinique, that Montserrat mystique" you couldn't hold it anymore and you started laughing, Steve joining you.
Robin opened the small window with an annoyed look "Can you guys shut it? I'm trying to concentrate"
"Sorry" You said with a smile and she rolled her eyes and disappeared again.
Steve and you giggled, and Dustin came back.
"I'm sorry, I forgot my binoculars and had to go back" he said
"Are you ready?" Steve nodded at your brother
"See you in a bit" he said and walked away.
Once they were settled behind a plant, Dustin handed Steve the binoculars.
"Robin seems pretty cool" Dustin said
"She's not" he answered "What am I searching for?"
"Evil Russians"
"Yeah but, how will I know when I see one?" Steve looked around binoculars.
"Mysterious guy with a duffle bag"
Steve continued to look around the mall.
"You like Robin"
"I do not!"
"Come on Steve you should really be with someone that you actually like than with someone you think is going to make you cooler, you are an adult now"
Steve sighed.
"She's not even my type"
"And what about my sister?" Steve's heart raised but he tried to keep cool.
"What about her?"
"I don't know, you two seem to hit it off really well"
"Shut up Henderson I am going to date whoever I want, you have a girlfriend now because of my advice remember?"
Dustin rolled his eyes at Steve
"I think I found our guy"
Steve and Dustin ran behind the guy Steve thought was Russian only to find that he was the jazzercise instructor. Defeated they walked back to Scoops Ahoy.
Your brain felt like it was going to explode, you had no clue what the message could mean, and Robin seemed really stressed too.
"The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly" you read again and sighed.
"What do you think it means"
"I don't know, I feel like my brain is going to explode"
A knock interrupted you and she made her way towards the back door.
"Must be the delivery guy"
You watched her open the door and walked behind her peaking at the guy with the packages.
The company’s name caught your attention: Lynx
When Robin closed the door, you exchanged looks and ran outside the parlor, everything suddenly making sense.
You almost crashed into Steve and Dustin but ignored their bickering as you jumped on top of a bench, Robin standing next to you.
"The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west" both said in unison and looked towards the mall's clock, the colors matched the ones in the message.
"A trip to China sounds nice" you whispered and found the Chinese restaurant food. Robin followed your gaze, and everything clicked
"What the hell is happening?" Robin and you looked at the boys
"We cracked the code" you two said in unison and they stared at you with widened eyes.
"So, we stay until dark and sneak up on the building that has a right view towards the back where they take all the packages"
"And see what they are up to" you concluded.
"Sounds good to me, Steve?" Dustin, Robin and you looked expectantly at him.
He nodded "Yeah, let's do it"
You smiled at each other.
The ring of the bell in the counter made you turn away and Steve made his way out of the back room.
"I'm gonna go with him and help out" Robin said and walked out.
You waited until the door was closed and looked at Dustin
"Where are the others? Mike, Lucas and Will?" You asked
Dustin avoided your gaze and you immediately knew something was off.
"I don't know, they're probably busy or something"
"You know you can tell me anything Dusty"
He sighed.
"Mike's been with El all summer, he rarely stays with us all day, Lucas and Max haven't called or anything and Will only want to play Dungeons and Dragons, none of them really cared when I came back from camp and they haven't answered any of my calls either, even when I said it was code red"
He sounded sad and disappointed. You placed your hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly at him “You are not alone Dusty, you have us” he smiled.
"Do you want a hot dog on a stick?" He nodded and you walked out, Dustin trailing behind you with a smile.
"We'll be back in a bit!" You said and Robin and Steve nodded watching you both walk out of Scoops Ahoy.
The line was faster than you thought it'd be, and you told Dustin to sit with you on a bench before going back to Scoops Ahoy.
"You know Dustin"
He hummed as a sign for you to continue.
"I am really proud of you" you said "And I know I wasn't with you all this time and I-" your voice broke a little, eyes filling with tears and you tried to calm.
"It is not your fault, you know that" he said
"The point is, you have grown so much, and you've made awesome friends and some hero shit no one would do"
You smiled at him.
"I'm so proud of you and I love you so much"
"I love you too"
You finished the rest of your corn dog and walked back to Scoops Ahoy.
It was raining like crazy; you swore the sky was going to fall as you waited for the deliveries to arrive.
"I should've brought a jacket" you said and looked at Robin that seemed to be completely unbothered by the rain. You focused your attention somewhere to distract you from the cold. Your gaze fell on Steve, he was talking with Dustin about something you couldn't understand, you admired the way the rain fell down his face and lips and how his wet hair sticked to his face, he was really attractive. His lips always looked soft and his hair too, you'd be lying if you haven't thought about how his hair would feel between your fingers as you kissed...
You blushed hard trying to look somewhere else.
"They are coming!" Dustin said and you looked towards the mall.
Two guards were standing at the door heavily armed.
The delivery guy had the Chinese restaurant and shoe store boxes stacked in a cart as the guys let him through. The doors opened.
"It seems to be an elevator" Dustin said
"Lend me the binoculars, I want to see" Steve said and pulled them but Dustin did not let them go.
"Steve I am still using them" Dustin argued and you and Robin exchanged annoyed looks "Guys, stop, they'll see us" Robin said and the binoculars slipped from their grasps. They fell with a loud noise and the four of you hid as you grasped Steve's and Robin's hands tightly.
You locked eyes with Steve and quickly let go, still holding Robin's hand you said "Let's go, they'll probably come here to check" they nodded, and you scrambled away.
Once inside Steve's car you smiled
"I can't believe this is happening" Steve looked at you and smirked
"Welcome back to Hawkins" you smirked back as he said that.
"Can you stop flirting and drive? I am freezing"
With a blush Steve started the car and drove off.
"Let's play some music"
The familiar song filled your ears and you smiled "Is that my tape?"
"Maybe" he said with a shrug.
You sang the lyrics to Dance the Night Away by Van Halen quietly as your whole body shivered, you were freezing.
"My house is closer than yours, you can stay over and have a hot shower if you want" Steve said casually
"What about your parents?" you said.
"They are out of town" he answered "You don't have to if you don't want to"
You looked at Dustin, he was already asleep.
"Okay, we'll call my mom form your house to tell her"
Steve nodded "No problem"
You spent the rest of the ride in silence, looking out the window at the familiar scenery you never thought you’d miss this much. It was dark and the rain outside made everything feel peaceful as you sighed and relaxed.
Rain was falling less heavy as you arrived at Steve's house, you woke Dustin up and told him you were staying over at Steve's, he nodded tiredly and ran inside the house.
"You can place your wet shoes and socks here" Steve said and you followed him to a small coat room.
"The bathrooms are upstairs; I'll lend you some clothes"
You walked up the stairs as Steve disappeared inside his room. he came back with clothes for Dustin and told him to follow him.
Dustin walked away with Steve as you stood awkwardly at the staircase waiting for Steve.
"You can shower in my bathroom" Steve said walking hurriedly towards you, you followed him towards his room.
"I've already placed clothes inside for you, if you need anything call me" you smiled, he was such a worried dad.
He closed the bathroom door and you quickly undressed, you clothe heavy and soaked, you turned on the shower and stepping inside the warm water. You sighed at the feeling of your freezing body warming up. Your muscles relaxing as the hot water fell down your body.
Once done you wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel and dried up. You sat on the toilet and looked at the clothes Steve gave you: a pair of boxers, some pants and a hoodie. You brought them up to your nose and sniffed, the smelled like him and you smiled a little.
You walked out and you found Steve preparing a small bed on the floor next to the bed
"Where's Dustin?"
Steve looked up and eyed you up and down, you tried not to blush under his gaze.
"He's already asleep on my parent’s' bedroom" he said returning to his work "You can sleep on my bed, I'll be on the floor"
"You don't have to, you know?" you blushed and looked away from his gaze "We can share the bed if you want"
Rain was falling heavily again and the silence that filled the room felt deafening. 
"Yeah, okay, sure" he nervously answered.
You made your way towards the bed and got inside the covers; Steve did the same.
You were staring up at the ceiling, your body was exhausted but for some reason you couldn't sleep.
"I can't sleep” you turned your body towards him, placing your arm under your head for a more comfortable position
"Me neither" he did the same and you smiled at each other "Can I ask you something?"
You nodded.
"Why did you move somewhere else?"
You sighed "When I was 9 my parents divorced" you said "My dad hated it and as some kind of revenge he picked me up at school one day and took me away, practically kidnapping me, he prohibited me any kind of communication with my mom or Dustin. He tried to get back with my mom using me as some kind of bait but my mom rejected him, so he started to get more aggressive towards me" you lifted your shirt a little to show Steve old bruises that were disappearing "It was really hard to grow up alone but I finally saved some money and came back"
"I'm sorry" he looked at you, genuine sadness filling his eyes
"I am afraid" you admitted "I don't want to lose my brother again, he's everything to me and if something happened to him and won’t be able to forgive myself"
"You really don't have to worry" he said "He's pretty smart and badass too, he told you about everything with the demodogs and that stuff, right?"
You nodded.
"Nothing's going to happen to him" he continued "Not on my watch" a few silent tears escaped your eyes and he wiped them away
"Thanks Steve"
He just smiled, you smiled back and moved closer to him, he wrapped his arms around you and you slowly fell asleep.
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mountphoenixrp · 4 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                              Kheleiki Akana, who is known by no other name;                                                   a 23 year old son of Apollo.                He is a co-owner and skateboarding instructor at Aukai Surf&Skate Shop.
FC NAME/GROUP: Kim Jinhwan (Ikon) CHARACTER NAME: Kheleiki Akana AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: June 18th, 1997 PLACE OF BIRTH: Kailua-Kona, Hawaii OCCUPATION: ‘Aukai Surf&Skate Shop (Co-founder-Skateboarding Instructor) HEIGHT: 5’7 WEIGHT: 135lb DEFINING FEATURES: Tattoos; Roman numerals on his left arm, a ‘cool’ band-aid stick n poke on his leg, and a weird little smiley face on his ankle.  
He has numerous scars around his hips, as well as his legs and back. Some areas in his chest as well, all over half a year in the healing process no matter how pink they were.
PERSONALITY: Kheleiki is naturally really flowy, taking every minute like it was another second in a tune that would make up one big song of life. Growing up he had a lot of time to think of the things he wanted to appreciate when he could, so now he was all about good vibes and happy feelings. Expanding those skills, he tends to be the one that everyone almost wants to hate because he says some wild shit but it’s all in love and fun so they go with it. He can’t help being a man who’s a fan of insiders. A “you had to be there” kinda guy.
   “”Don’t do this bro I swear I’m gonna lay you out so hard you choke on your love for me. Got it?” he’s wild but his care is immense. He loves to do things well, and the ability he was born with only helps him do just that since he can only use it for the good of others.
HISTORY: Kheleiki was born into what was once a beautiful household, a happy life with one sister almost the same age, and a gorgeous mother with the softest smile. That smile was ingrained into his eyes even to this day. He had only seen her when he was young though–it was hard to believe he remembered that far back– When he turned 4, he started to understand the differences he got in love when it came to his father. It was long into khel’s years of imprisonment when he figured out that his father had resented him for how much his mother loved him, but at the time he had no idea what was going on, or why he couldn’t see his mother or sister anymore.
    “You won’t steal her from me like he almost did.” He spoke in Hawaiian Khel never got that. He still didn’t understand who *he* was.
When he was ripped from his mother, his father decided the *room* was a better option.
It was cold. Lonely for a while. He was given Mad Libs books, in english because that’s what they were available in there, so his home language wasn’t even his first. He had to learn by filling them out, playing with them for hours on end when he wasn’t finding a way to jam out to his music. That was the only way he kept himself happy. He could hear other people’s voices, which really helped with his loneliness, and he could try and make out words, helping him learn what he should be saying. It did take him a while to figure out which one was the english one, since he had never heard it.
*********************TRIGGER WARNING****************TW**********************
    After a while he got pretty good, but he only knew english and after a while his father started to bring friends over. Sometimes just wanting to talk to Khel, but when they realized they couldn’t they would touch him, getting their feelings out with their hands rather than their words. That went on for years. Progressively worse up until he was 17. He decided he was done at that time. He knew that he had to do something and he had to do it soon, so the next time his father came in the room with food, he bashed him over the head with the closest thing to him, staggering him just enough for him to run out. When he got out the house looked like it had never changed, his eyes scanning too quickly for his mom, only to find her wide eyed. She hadn’t seen him since he was take to the room. His father ran out and straight at Khel, the poor kid had no idea what to do other than to get out of the way, leaving his stumbling father running right into his mom. She fell, her head landing right on the fireplace corner, cracking her skull open.
     Khel watched in horror as his father raged at him for what *he* had done. It was his fault. Because of his selfishness, his mother died in front of him, the only person who was ever kind to him.
   What happened after that only tore khel to pieces, ruined his view on himself and caused him to start to drink every moment he could find one lying around.
     Kheleiki was ripped from all three bodies days later when cops finally searched around, and he was taken to foster care. For there he focused on bettering himself for a year, focusing on everything good in life he could to make being out worth it. To make it worth it to not have his family anymore but to be free.
It weighed on him.
 After a year of foster care, he got his own place, agreeing to go to therapy and group meetings and retreats every week. He followed happily. It helped him learn etiquette with people as well as make some great friends. One of the most amazing people he met was Joshua, the first man to show him how affection worked, even if it was in his own weird way. It was a good way that Joshua’s hilariously raw personality influenced his own personality. He thrived in whatever Shua was serving, and it really helped him in so many ways. He even waited two hours after he left from the retreat just in case he, for some reason, would turn around and come back for him.
   One day he did though, coming back after two years of skype calls and random weekend trips. He came back to stay with him for a while, a long while filled with the best memories he had ever created. What he knew best was that he had a new family now. and it was time for a redo, and a damn good one at that.
PANTHEON: Greek CHILD OF: Apollo POWERS: Kheleiki can expertely play any instrument he picks up. No matter what is maybe; he can also sing in the most angelic voice or the most grungry voice he can muster. Any style he could master in seconds. Being highly empathetic, he can soothe people by using his music to uplift their spirits or even calm them down to a more manageable level for them.
STRENGTHS: When he and another person are completely honest with all feelings. Strengthens the power of his abilities to help others. He can speak better with his music. Khel’s music can heighten his mood. WEAKNESSES: He experienced blackouts and almost comatose state after using his ability for actual feelings. He cannot properly get a good read unless he is close with someone and fully understands their struggles.
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foxespsu · 4 years
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Full Name: Kent Cheong
Nicknames: N/A
Birthday: April 3rd
Gender: Cis Male (he/him)
Orientation: Gay
Astrological Sign: Aries sun, Pisces moon
Languages: English, some Hawaiian, some Hawaiian Pidgin.
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii
Relationship Status: Single
tw death, terminal illness.
Hair Color/Style: Black and spiky. Yes, he uses gel to get it that way.
Eye Color: Black
Face Claim: Ross Butler
Height: 6′2
Tattoos: A sea turtle on his calf and a more traditional design on his upper arm. The latter was done through the method of kakau, or hand-tapping, and Kent was thrilled when the highly selective artist chose him for that work. He also has his mother’s name  as a band on his other arm but he doesn’t like to look at it—it was a spur of the moment decision, and the tribute seems like a stupid idea now. He wasn’t even there for her while she was alive. It’s too little, too late, and  Kent knows it.
Piercings: N/A
Unique Attributes: As a striker and as a person who simply can’t keep still, Kent’s usually got bruises somewhere.
Positive Traits: Daring, free-thinking, energetic, imaginative.
Negative Traits: Aggressive, escapist, foolish, irresponsible.  
Hobbies/Interests: Surfing, mixing up (and drinking!) fruity drinks, Exy, indoor rock climbing, martial arts. He enjoys press duty and doesn’t mind being the center of attention, even if it’s due to notoriety. He loves Instagram and posts far too many videos of himself showing off in practice.
Major/Minor: Geoscience major. He’s not exactly ambitious, having resigned himself to working as a waiter or a surf instructor before Wymack came along, but sometimes he thinks he could do something with environmental preservation. Realistically though, he’ll end up a bartender.
Insecurities: His anger. His fear. The way he runs when things get hard. The way he lets people down. He’d only just reached what felt like an equilibrium with the Foxes and now here’s Bianca, bringing it all back, making everything worse.
Quirks/Eccentricities:  Kent fidgets like crazy. Pens spinning, feet tapping, constantly standing, pacing, sitting back down, repeat ad infinitum. His notes are always covered in terrible doodles. In high school, his teachers used to let him stand up in class. It was the only way he could achieve some semblance of focus.
MBTI Type: ESFP, “the Performer”. They like hands-on experience and struggle in traditional classroom settings. They often fail to think of the long-term consequences. They are gregarious, spontaneous, and fun-loving. They are impulsive, easily bored, and often do not think ahead.
Enneagram Type: Type 7, “the Enthusiast”. At their best, they are grateful for what they have, awed by the simple wonders of life, joyous, and extroverted. At their worst, they are impulsive, childish, desperate to quell their anxieties, erratic, and on the run from their own emotions and concerns.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine
Immediate Family: Hannah Cheong (mother, deceased). Spencer North (step-father, estranged), Kimberly North (step-mother, estranged), Bianca Shay (half-sister, 19, unwanted).
How do they feel about their family?: Kent loved his mom. Before her diagnosis, Kent was a quintessential momma’s boy and proud of it. He knew it wasn’t easy for her to keep up with him, a boy with seemingly endless energy, but she tried her best. If she hadn’t died, all his best memories would’ve involved her. Now, though, all that love has turned to guilt. Kent wasn’t there for her—nevermind that he was a child, nevermind that he was hurting too. All his hindsight tells him is he didn’t take care of her. He didn’t love her the way she needed. He let her down. When she passed, he wasn’t even in the room. Kent has never forgiven himself. As far as his step-father goes, Kent allows himself  to be fully pissed off. Spencer pretended to love him, pretended he wanted to raise him, and as soon as things got hard? As soon as Spencer had a new wife? He was done with Kent. Deep down though, Kent wonders if it’s because he saw how useless Kent was when his mother was sick. Deep down, he’s a little more heartsick than he wants to be about his step-dad’s betrayal, after Kent worked so hard to accept him in the first place. Now, with Bianca, Kent isn’t even giving her the chance. He’s done the family thing. He’s over it.
How does their family feel about them?: Kent’s mother adored him. Her sickness never tainted that, nor did his avoidance of the reality. He was so young, he was losing her, the most important person in his life, and she understood. She told Spencer to look after him and truly believed he would. If she were alive to see the way Spencer washed his hands of Kent, eager to start over with a new wife and new start, she’d be furious. Meanwhile, Bianca is determined to win Kent over. As far as she’s concerned, he’s her fresh start. The brother she never had. The family member who hasn’t lied to her. Even when he’s keeping her at arm’s length, he’s brutally honest about it. As a Vixen now, she’s desperately hoping he’ll see the truth: she’s great, she’s lovable, and they can learn to be brother and sister now.
Pets: N/A
Where do they live?: He still thinks of Honolulu as home, even if he doesn’t have anywhere to go there. In reality, he’s in Palmetto full time.
Description of their home: Fox Tower
Description of their bedroom: Kent’s portion of the room is a mess. He fills their fridge with mixers and leftovers he forgets to throw out, stuffs booze under their bunk beds like he has to hide it, and leaves his dirty gym bag out in the open. He’s hung up some basic posters for sports teams and a calendar with Hawaiian scenery.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist.
Leader or Follower? Follower. Who wants that responsibility?
Confident or Self-Conscious? Confident.
Cautious or Careless? Careless.
Passionate or Apathetic? Apathetic.
Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Street smarts.
Compliments or Insults? Insults.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: He’s a BRO. Muscle tanks, board shorts (yes, even though they aren’t on the beach in Palmetto), socks and sandals, (backwards) snapbacks, sunglasses, bandannas, and duh, he’ll wear some Fox orange throughout it all.
Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Rock, Hawaiian folk, EDM, reggae, pop. Kent isn’t picky about what he listens to, but he does like to play it loud.
Favorite Movies: Shitty comedies, B- sci fi films, 80s horror.
Favorite TV Shows: He doesn’t usually have the focus for the full run of a TV show, but sometimes he’ll throw on a sitcom for background noise.
Favorite Books: Who reads? For fun?
Favorite Foods/Drinks: Poi, any form of salmon, poke, rice, and yeah, he’s got a soft spot for Spam.  Team ‘the food in Palmetto sucks compared to back home’. He’ll drink anything alcoholic, but he loves fruity drinks, knows how to mix his own and will do so for the other Foxes at parties. He certainly isn’t ashamed to order a cocktail when they’re out at Eden’s.
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Foxes all the way for Exy, but he still follows football too and misses it more than he’ll admit.
Favorite Time of Day: Morning, especially the sunrise.
Favorite Weather/Season: Summer. Suns out, guns out!
Favorite Animal: Sea turtles
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rockybalfeatherboa · 6 years
More B&T headcanons
More hc
-Ted has his haircut bc he pretty much just showed the barber a picture of Dee Dee Ramone
-Bill can (casually) dress pretty well but ted is the one who usually needs,,,a lil help
-he gains a better sense of fashion after high school when he moves in with bill tho
-every time they drink together ted does this lil hip swivel fists up dance when he’s drunk and bill absolutely hates it
-bills mom used to be a bad ass biker gang chick w a lot of tattoos but now she’s in jail,,,she’s really sweet and bill and his dad go to visitation often (sometimes ted tags along and he’s always so excited!! To see !!! mama s. preston esquire !!!!)
-they only have like 2 classes together but they sit with each other at lunch
-they’re both passing English but uhh not too well in everything else
-they’re in and out of detention a lot only sometimes bc they won’t stop talking and giggling during class but mostly bc of tardies
-they have learned how to have basically entire conversations thru facial expressions
-Bill can forge his dad’s signature perfectly and as far as Eugene Preston Esq. knows nothing happens at school
-Ted has a B+ in chemistry bc he cheats his motherfuckin ASS off !!!
-ted loves his dad and capt. Logan loves ted but they just,,,,are very out of touch w each other.. Ted’s dad is super old fashioned (according to the cartoon he’s a republican yikes!) and doesn’t really understand Ted’s personality or the new hip times of San Dimas 1988.. i like to imagine their dynamic like Eric and Red Forman
-both bill and ted place heavy metal and rock as their #1 music taste but synth and gangsta rap come very close
-Bill almost knows an entire cheerleading routine from watching them when they practice
-Ted and Deacon are so cool as brothers they have sworn to never snitch on each other to their dad
-missy is not a dumb hoe!!! Or a gold digger or sugar baby!!!,,,she’s just a super hopeless romantic and falls in and out of love easily, and her charms make men wanna propose to her every one luvs missy she’s so good!!
-ok ppl will admit she’s a lil weird,,,but very cool as well 😎
-Ted had to keep taking the driving test over and over bc he keeps hitting the cones and the only reason he got he license is bc one instructor got so tired of him always bein in the DMV she just passed him anyway
-Bill and ted give each other DIY piercings all the time and the only ones that don’t close up are the ones in their ears and even those got infected (once)
-like for example bill tried to pierce Ted’s nose and they already had enough trouble trying to get the nose ring thru the hole (that was bleeding a lot), but then his body just kinda ,,rejected the (cheap) jewelry over time and the hole closed up in like 2 weeks
-Bill was able to hide his shoulder tattoo from his dad for about half a year before they took a trip to the water park and had to do some explaining real fucking quick
-Ted loves Van Halen and especially David lee Roth and one time got a Charlie horse from trying to do those high kick jumps
-Ted’s dad is the type of guy to stand up in his living room and salute when the national anthem plays on tv and ted and deacon think that shit is so corny
-Bills dad tries so hard to be the hip cool dad bill kinda thinks it’s embarrassing but he loves the freedom he gets
-Bill n ted tried to recruit ppl for Wyld Stallyns but not too many ppl at school were interested and Deacon wasn’t really either.. they weren’t too bummed out bc they have big dreams about getting Eddie Van Halen
-Ted will only let go of a hug if u let go first
-Bill has a major crush on Christina Applegate as Kelly Bundy and pretty much only watches the show for her
-At deacon’s baseball games Capt. Logan is pretty quiet until something good happens then he stands up and goes “thaT’S MY SON!!!!! THATS MY SON!!!!! “
-he gets uncomfortable when ted tried to hug him (bc of old fashioned values about guys hugging and toxic masculinity) but he lets it happen,, ted goes all in while Capt. Logan gives a half hearted hug back but ted is oblivious to this
-Bill has glasses but doesn’t wear em bc his vision isn’t *that* bad but he pulls em out whenever he needs to read a sign from super far way
-before they settled on “Wyld Stallyns” bill and ted have considered the following: Rat Piss (with drawn logo provided by bill of a hand squeezing the piss out of a rat), Silk Angel, Jayne Mansfield’s Head, and Loins o’ Fire,,,,they wanted to be Van Halen so fucking bad
-Deacon jokingly suggested “The Brothers Bonehead” but they were just like shut up Deacon
-Ted could (and absolutely will!) inhale an entire jar of pickles
-same thing for bill but except with Kings Hawaiian bread rolls (were those a thing in the 80s-90s?? ah who cares)
-they’re both ticklish but especially Bill !!!!!
-every Christmas is just a battle of “idk dude what do YOU want?”
-whenever bill gets nervous her gets a slight lisp it’s kinda like the S sounds as a “thzhz” sound but it’s very very unnoticeable unless ur really listening
-Ted’s laugh is the purest sound to touch ur ears,,,heart emoji
-and bill has a lovely singing voice it’s so clear and deep and so nice ted and everyone loves it
-Ted wears a bandana sometimes,,he looks cute ,, just putting that out there
-also ted used to love dinosaurs and reading about them ,, he still does but just doesn’t read about them as much anymore but his love for dinos is still 💯
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of November being Native American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 20+ Shoshone faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. The term Shoshone refers to a group of culturally and linguistically related tribes from around the area of the Rocky Mountains. The tribes are broken into the Eastern Shoshone, Western Shoshone, Northern Shoshone, and Goshute tribes, then further broke into Lemhi Shoshone, Tukudeka Shoshone, and more. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (1940) Bitterroot Salish, Ktunaxa, Shoshone, Metis of Cree and French descent - painter, printmaker, and curator.
Nila NorthSun (1951) Western Shoshone / Ojibwe - poet.
Randy’L He-dow Teton (1976) Shoshone, Bannock, Cree - model.
Jamie Okuma (1977) Shoshone, Bannock, Luiseno, Native Hawaiian, Ryukyuan - visual artist and fashion designer.
Young Swan Rising From The Water / Acosia Red Elk (1980) Shoshone, Bannock, Umatilla, Nez Perce - dancer.
Moriah 'Shining Dove' Snyder (1983) Shoshone - actress.  
Sarah Ortegon (1986) Eastern Shoshone, Northern Arapaho - actress, model, Miss Native American USA 2013-2014, dancer, and artist.
Emily Sera (1995) Navajo, Western Shoshone / Venezuelan [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, Irish] - actress and youtuber.
Stormie Perdash (1995) Shoshone, Bannock, Chiricahua Apache - model.
MorningStar Angeline / Morning Star Angeline Wilson / Morning Star Angeline Wilson-Chippewa Freeland (?) Shoshone, Navajo, Blackfoot, Chippewa Cree, Nez Perce / Mexican, Unspecified White - actress.
Buh'ha Wiyepa (?) Lemhi Shoshone, Bannock / Colville - instagrammer (woggz).
Gabby Lemieux (?) Western Shoshone, Northern Paiute - golfer.
Kathy Corpus (?) Shoshone - actress, Kung Fu Martial Artist and a Certified Tai Chi Instructor.
Gayle Hansen-Johnson (?) Shoshone - singer.
Mark Trahant (1957) Shoshone, Bannock - journalist.
Ned Blackhawk (1970) Western Shoshone - writer and historian.
Taboo / Jaime Luis Gomez (1975) Shoshone, Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, distant Unspecified African] - rapper, singer, songwriter, actor and DJ.
Patrick Shining Elk (?) Eastern Shoshone - actor and stuntman.
Conrad Benally (?) Shoshone, Bannock - singer.
Cody Jones (?) Eastern Shoshone, Northern Arapaho - actor.
George Abeyta (?) Eastern Shoshone - dancer, coach, and teacher.
Layha Spoonhunter (1991 or 1992) Eastern Shoshone, Northern Arapaho, Oglala Lakota Sioux - Two-Spirit (He/Him/His) - dancer, spokesperson, motivational speaker, and advocate
Hilary Swank (1974) 1/4 Mexican [Shoshone, Spanish], 3/4 mix of English, German, Swiss, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Dutch - actress and producer - Publicly supports Ramzan Kadyrov and played a trans man character in “Boys Don’t Cry”.
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boazpriestly · 5 years
I feel like talking about the AquaHart Babies as adults because I think about them a lot and I need to write this shit down. 
If you don’t know who/what AquaHart is it’s an OC ship in the Hawaii Five-0 universe made up of Pete Hart, Freddie Hart’s younger brother, created by @hollandvalleybaptist and @pterawaters, and Nahuel Hart who was created by @hollandvalleybaptist. Pete’s portrayed by Travis Van Winkle and Nahuel is portrayed by Jason Momoa. You can find out more about them in these tags here, here, and here. (We reblog a lot from each other so there’s bound to be repeats in the tags.) 
The AquaHart Babies are Pete and Nahuel’s three sons, Freddie and Alika,  who are from a surrogate, and Kai, who they adopted. 
I have basically stolen these children and run away with them because I love them a lot. 
So like here are my thoughts on them as adults...
Freddie Hart
Freddie is aro/ace. He has absolutely zero interest in being with someone or having sex or having children. He prefers his alone time and finds dealing with others, besides his family, tedious and boring. He enjoys being alone and living in his house all by himself with his three dogs, two cats, and a parrot that quotes TV show lines at random times. 
He is also a librarian (his main section is the children’s books) and a tutor for middle schoolers. He is very patient and very soft-spoken, and working with children reminds him of all the times he spend helping his brothers with school when they growing up. He is a favorite at his library. 
He takes immense pride in being an uncle. His nieces and nephews are the highlights of his life and he will drop everything to be there for them if they need him to. He is on all their emergency contact lists and it is well known in their schools that if the parents can’t be reached for some reason (usually work), Freddie is who you call. He is also known as the baby/kid whisperer because not a single one of his four nieces and nephews have ever been held by him and continued crying. He has a very calming spirit and often times, especially now that his nieces and nephews are getting older, all it takes for them to calm down is holding Freddie’s hand or hugging his leg. But more often than not they want full on cuddles and Freddie is more than happy to oblige. 
Also, Freddie is a bad cook. Like he knows, in theory, how to cook because Nahuel is amazing at cooking and he taught all his sons, but Freddie is just bad at it. He doesn’t know why, because he can follow a recipe to the letter, but it will not turn out good. Ever. Luckily he has lots of family who can cook and are more than willing to stock his freezer with homemade meals. 
Alika “Ali” Hart
Ali has really bad ADHD and Dyslexia. He’s had it since he was a kid and Freddie was the first to notice and took it upon himself to help his brother to learn differently (Freddie would read Ali’s text book passages to him and also make recording so Ali could listen to them over and over again.) These difficulties mean that Ali does not have just one single job, it’s impossible for him to stick to one single thing. He has like five part time jobs that he splits his time with. He is a boxing instructor, a surf instructor, a line cook at his dad’s restaurant, an ASL interpreter, and sometimes he a personal fitness trainer (but he only does it in the summer and if he’s in the mood for it. He is not by any means the breadwinner in his family, but his wife Kalea makes more than enough money in her job that he can just do a bunch of jobs to keep himself occupied. 
Mostly though, Ali likes to be a stay at home dad to his daughter Ari. She is autistic and the love of his damn life. Ali and Kalea taught her sign language early because a) it’s her mother’s native language since Kalea is deaf and b) Ari is mostly non-verbal. And because Ali is very fluent in sign language, he and Ari are able to communicate very well together and Ali just things Ari is the best person he knows next to his wife. And he is a really great dad who encourages all of Ari’s interests and actively participates in them. Like one time Ari wanted to dress up to go to a movie, but she wanted to go as the prince and wanted Ali to go with her as the princess, so Ali was like, “Alright, let’s do this!” and went to the movie with Ari in her cute little tux and him in a beautiful poofy dress. It was magical and Kalea hung a picture of them at the theater in their costumes in a frame on their living room wall. 
When it comes to his wife, Ali is an absolute romantic and one of those husbands who loves his wife so much and just misses her when she’s gone and will leave an event early if it means he can go home and spend time with Kalea. She is his best friend (they are childhood sweethearts and Ali learned sign language just so he could speak to her) and he will talk to anyone who’ll listen about how much he adores his wife and is in awe of her. Their house is full of random items all over the place because Ali has a habit of buying stuff impulsively because it reminded him of Kalea. Like the brown wooden frog that sits on their lanai that Ali bought because it made him think of this one field trip they went on when they were like twelve and this tiny frog jumped out of a guide’s hand and landed on Kalea’s head and she just walked around for like 20 minutes that way before someone realized the frog was missing and Kalea just plucked it from her hair and handed it back to the guide and moved on to the next exhibit. Little things like that stick with Ali and when he remembers them he often buys whatever item made him think of it. 
There are three things that will quiet Ali’s mind so he is not bouncing around constantly: boxing, surfing, and cooking. Those three things are the only things where he will just relax, be calm, and focus completely. He can often be found doing at least one of these things late at night when he can’t sleep, or on the days when he’s just having a bad brain day. The only other thing that calms him down like that is being held by Kalea. 
Kai Hart
Kai is polyamorous and has three partners, two men (one cis and one trans), and a woman. The four of them have three kids together; his trans partner gave birth to one of their children. Neither Kai or his cis male partner, Adam, know which of them fathered which child and they plan on keeping it that way. They are a closed quad, meaning that neither of the four of them have partners outside of each other. They tried to but it just didn’t work, and through lots of communication they all decided that it would be best or all of them if it was exclusively just the four of them. They’ve been doing well that way for like six or seven years now. (The names of his three partners are Adam, Cymon, and Sierra, and the name of their children are Tayvin (boy), Erynne (girl), and Eden (girl).)
Kai works in his dad’s restaurant, and plans to take over when Nahuel retires. He fell in love with cooking at a very young age and was like Nahuel’s shadow whenever his dad was in the kitchen (his love of cooking is very different to Ali’s love of cooking. Ali loves it because it keeps his mind quiet, Kai loves it because he gets to create something from nothing and share his love of it with others through the dishes he makes). When he isn’t creating new things, he is perfecting his family’s recipes passed down through generations. He hopes to one day be able to not have to look at any of the recipes and just make them perfectly by memory. 
Kai’s favorite people to spend time with besides his fathers, his brothers, and his partners and kids, are his grandmothers (Nahuel’s mother and Pete’s mother). He loves hearing listening to his grandmas tell him stories about his fathers or about their lives when they were kids. They fascinate him so much and he has such a deep respect for both of them. But the one thing he loves the most is that they still love to do his long hair whenever he comes around. He’s like 6′2 with hair down to the middle of his back and they still act like he’s this six year old little boy and have him sit at their feet so they can brush and braid his hair and make it look awesome. 
Kai loves to sing. He’s inherited his musical abilities from Nahuel and he loves to sing. He’s been in several different bands growing up, but currently he just does solo stuff and sings at venues whenever he feels he’s got a song worth sharing. He has no dreams of becoming some big artist or anything. He just likes writing and singing his own songs which are usually about his family. He sings in English and Hawaiian, and like Nahuel, Kai has written and recorded a special, individual song for each of his children and partners. 
I have more about them, but as this is already really long I’ll stop here. 
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jizabella · 2 years
My first post just to keep those who got confused is to say that Jizabella or also Jiz or Jizzy is my music artist stage name. Hey! I'm Stacey. In the music industry I chose to grow as a music minor with a background in the education field. I am writing music in Hawaii as always and Jizabella came from my research in what matches me in coming together in Hawaiian and Spanish with Spanish pop even as a Zumba instructor. Latin dance and merengue is a favorite of mine. I love who I am. My lyrics will be under jizmusic with ties to my Zumba. With lots of love and smiles! Stacey-Jizabella
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/eA8V8J #
Beverly Hills, 90210 star Brian Austin Green swears his girlfriend and Dancing With The Stars pro Sharna Burgess didn’t convince him to compete on the show. The duo began their love story following a romantic Hawaiian vacation in December 2020. One month later, Sharna confirmed their relationship with a steamy photo of the couple kissing on a balcony. Since then, she’s revealed how the COVID-19 pandemic has given them time to grow closer and more serious. Brian was previously linked to Megan Fox, but split in May 2020 after 10 years of marriage. They share three sons: Noah, Bodhi and Journey.
Now Brian is taking his skills to the Dancing With The Stars dance floor. Competing alongside Brian for ABC’s monumental 3oth season will be reality stars Matt James from The Bachelor fame, WWE superstar and reality TV personality Mike “The Miz” Mizanin, star of Netflix’s Bling Empire Christine Chiu, and The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kenya Moore. ABC also leveled up this year’s talent pool with a few A-list castings such as Spice Girls’ Mel C, country music star Jimmie Allen, 21-year-old beauty influencer Olivia Jade, beloved Peloton instructor Cody Rigsby, The Bold Type‘s Melora Hardin, NBA athlete Iman Shumpert, The Karate Kid‘s Martin Kove, and The Talk‘s Amanda Kloots, who used to dance on Broadway and even worked her way to becoming one of the Radio City Rockettes.
Related: DWTS: Derek Hough was ‘Faking’ His Skills In Earlier Seasons
Shortly after Brian’s participation in the hit ABC show was announced, he talked to E! News about the rumors that his girlfriend persuaded him to take on the new project. “We actually talked early on when we were dating about this not happening. We were like, this is never happening,” he said. “We used to laugh and joke about this never happening. When it came around this season, and we sort of talked about it, it just seemed like, ‘Why not?’ It is a chance to do something that entertains a lot of people that watch it. It’s something that a lot of people have been wanting me to do for years.” The actor added that he hopes those fans don’t get their hopes up that he’ll be taking home that Mirror Ball trophy because his dancing abilities just might disappoint them.
That said, there’s always room for growth with his amazing partner, of whom Brian wasn’t ready to confirm the identity. “I don’t think I am going to get extra practice in,” Brian said in response to living with a pro. “I don’t think I am going to have time for extra practice. The practice schedule gets pretty rigorous here, but I can get really good pointers. I can at least have someone who is in my corner and wants me to enjoy it overall and be the best I can possibly be.”
Brian might not be ready to reveal his pro partner, but Dancing With The Stars fans are hoping to see the real-life couple tell their story through their weekly performances. Brian and Sharna have been relatively private with their relationship since it began only sharing a few photo moments on Instagram. It would be nice and refreshing to get a deeper look inside their love.
Next: DWTS: Gleb Savchenko Called 911 After Contracting COVID-19
Source: E! News
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abitofafatass · 3 years
11-12-14 Grif and Simmons (honouraryfirstofficerslog)
Honouraryfirstofficerslog asked: It runs in the family
Send “It runs in the family” and my muse will tell you something they and a family member have in common.
Dancing abilities, definitely. You’re looking at some graceful motherfuckers.
“Right…” He snorts out a laugh, quirking an eyebrow in disbelief. “I’m going to have to call bullshit there. We’ve been stationed out here for a while now, and I’ve yet to see you display anything remotely close to grace.”
Grif flipped him off, “Hey you know what? Fuck you. I’m a fantastic dancer. Its just been years since I last gave a shit. It takes skill to dance around on the sand.”
“I don’t know, Grif… Don’t you have to practice to be fantastic at anything? As it stands now, you’re just a has-been.”
“Hey now. I could prove it to you! I mean, I would, but you look like you’d be a wallflower with two left feet.”
“Choosing not to dance doesn’t make you a wallflower!” He blurts, folding his arms over his chest and giving Grif a pointed, defensive glare. “It just means you have other interests.”
“Riiiight,” Grif just snorted, “Welp, I guess you’ll never know how great of a dancer I am. Such a shame, Simmons. One big wasted opportunity…”
“You’re not—-You know what? Fuck it.” He shrugs, half heartedly throwing his hands up. “I’m calling your bluff. Show me what a ‘fantastic’ dancer you are.”
Grif offered a hand, half bowing, “Prepare to have your fucking mind blown, Simmons.” He said that, but Western dancing wasnt exactly his forte, and he’d never tried doing it with another man.
Holy shit, maybe Grif wasn’t bluffing after all. He hesitantly returns the half-bow before reaching out, taking a step forward as he takes Grif’s hand. “So, how’s this going to work? Do we flip for lead?”
“Fuck if I know.” Thank god for his mostly dark complexion. It hid the fact that he was blushing fairly well. He’d expected Simmons to back out at the last moment. “Do you like, know how to waltz, or what?” Simmons was a little taller the Grif, so his hand settled onto Simmons’ lower back. This was getting weird.
“No…When would I have learned to waltz?” He tenses a little as Grif’s hand settles across his back, and pauses a moment before cautiously placing his hand on Grif’s shoulder. Damnit, he shouldn’t have called his bluff, or backed out where he had the chance because now, it’s too late to back out without looking like a tool—-even if this is getting pretty weird, and it probably shows too. Stupid fucking pallid complexion. “Why? Do you?”
“Its been fucking ages.” He now really had to prove himself dammit! Waltzes were easy, just one-two-three, one-two-three… That should come back pretty soon. “Like, I learned it in school, so fuck if I actually paid attention to it. Just follow my lead I guess.” They were just standing there, so it seemed like Grif had to take the first step. “For the record, when I said I was good at dancing, I meant Hula Kahiko.”
“So why the fuck would you initiate a waltz?” He frowns slightly, looking down at their feet as Grif takes the first step.  Okay, should he be stepping back here? That seems like the right thing to do. He’s going to try that.
“Because why the fuck would I start chanting and dancing here and now?” he asked, falling into what was approximately a waltz step.“Besides, I figured you would know how to dance this.” Another person could easily fit between them (in the back of his mind, Grif could hear some old instructor telling him to leave enough room for Jesus) and the distance was getting awkward.
“What? I told you I didn’t dance! Why would you interpret that as, ‘Sure, I know how to waltz’?” He keeps intently watching their feet as he follows the waltz as well as he can. Basically, it looks as though he’s just meant to step where directed. Is that it? Or is there a pattern here? Maybe if he can figure out the pattern, it’ll—-wait no! Damnit, he missed a step. Damn everything!
Grif just shook his head, and tried to make sure that they didnt stumble too badly. ”… This is easier with music… Fucking, I dont know Simmons. This is like Junior high dancing that everyone learns. Then again, you probably ran screaming in the other direction when you were forced to be around girls.“
“You had to take dance in junior high?” He winces a little, also doing the best he can to keep them from stumbling, but apparently, it’s not doing all that much good. “That’s different… We didn’t even have co-ed gym—-goddamn it!” He mutters darkly, clenching his jaw as he misses yet another step. “How would this be easier with music? This is all just three counts; it should be straightforward.”
“You’d be able to find the beat then.” After about a minute of trying to dance, Grif finally gave up, and ended up just swaying with Simmons. “I guess you dont need to learn. Not unless Donut gets his way and throws a fancy dress ball or something.” It almost slipped past him that they’d also given up trying to keep up a bit of distance between them. Almost. There was still enough room that someone could squeeze by if they were an especially rude fuck.
Well, Jesus has been known to throw the odd tantrum… so maybe he wouldn’t think twice about squeezing through. They may well still be making room for Jesus. “I’m pretty sure Project Fancy Dress Ball was vetoed a while ago.” He unwinds a little as Grif finally gives up on the waltz in favour of swaying. Swaying works. He can handle that at least. “But yeah… Not sure you’ve really proved anything here, Grif. Now might be a good time to admit defeat.”
He shrugged, a smile on his face, “I dunno if I would say defeat. I got you to dance with me, didn’t I?” That was quite an accomplishment, and Grif was going to save this memory forever. “But fine don’t believe me. If we ever get out of this joke army, come to Hawaii, and I’ll show you what I can do for real. This just inst the time or place for me to show off my awesome moves.”
He half-smiles, snorting out a quiet laugh. “And all that proved was that you’re only slightly more graceful than I am.” Seriously… that waltz was not an accomplishment, you shiftless underachiever. “Unless you’re in Hawaii and conditions are perfect, and you know what? I’m going to take you up on that. If we make it out of here alive, I’ll be calling your bluff. Again. So yeah… Well done, Grif. You’ve just invited another white-bread tourist to Hawaii.”
“Well… At least you wont be one of the annoying ones.” Grif shrugged. “Besides, you’ll be visiting me. That makes you more of a guest then a tourist. Like shit I’m going to take you to any of the big tourist traps.” Well, maybe some. Especially if Simmons embarrassed him by wearing one of those loud Hawaiian shirts.
Oh dear God, no. He’ll be caught in a loud Hawaiian shirt when Hell freezes over. “Okay, that’s a good point… But isn’t a guest just a tourist with connections? How much difference does that really make?” Wait a minute, why are they still dancing? They could have stopped this right after they gave up on the waltz. Is this weird? It’s probably weird, and maybe he should pull away… but what if that just draws attention how weird this definitely is. “Anyway..” He tenses a little, clearing his throat. “If we ever get out of here, and if you lose your mind and decide you want to see Shelby, Michigan… You’ve got an in.”
“Michigan?” Grif shook his head, “I suppose if I ever got the urge to see how a nerd lives… But I’ve heard its fucking cold over there. Like, my step-dad took us to the mainland once so that we could go ice skating and shit, and no thanks. Fuck that.” Simmons was starting to tense up, and Grif was worried that he’d pull away. He didnt want the moment to be ruined like that. They were starting to slow in their swaying, so maybe when they quit it wouldnt be the end of the world.
“Don’t talk shit about Michigan! Only people from Michigan are allowed to do that.” Yeah, it feels as though they’re slowing down. He’s going to slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, pull away, giving Grif a stiff, hesitant bow as he does. “But fuck you. The offer’s still open. And it’s only really cold between November and March.”
Grif didnt bother bowing, he was too busy laughing. "Guess when I’m never visiting then? If I want snow, I’ll just go to the top of Mauna Kea in the winter. So, like, I guess I could come over before then, and then drag you back for the winter. Cold’s got to be a bitch for your metal bits.” Come to think of it, the sand would also suck. And the wet. Being a cyborg just sounded like it sucked when he really thought about it.
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