#He blacklists family members if they mess up while watching them
flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 31 - "It's not your fault."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: Based on the setting created through Prompt 14 and its Reblogs. Not necessarily to read beforehand but it might give a little context. I tried to go with a more Halloween themed short story hope that worked out.
"Damian this mission has the highest priority any mission or case ever had before." Dick was clutching a glaring Damians shoulders who was now raising an eyebrow like his elder brother had lost his mind.
"Richard, this is ridiculous." He commented, crossing his arms.
"I am serious Dami, we can not fail with this." The elder stressed more. If it were any other situation than this then Damian might have taken Dick more seriously but as it was. His elder brother was pleading with him, dressed in a ridiculous Vampire outfit after having forced Damian into an outfit that was clearly a mockery towards his old league gear. It was a simple ninja costume Dick was making him wear.
"Please Dami! You don't want to get black listed for a month like Bruce or Tim, right? Jason is going to do this if we ruin their first Halloween in Gotham!" The younger's eyes narrowed.
"Do not place me on the same level as Drake. I will not lose any rights towards my nieces and nephews like he did." He huffed as he looked away stubbornly from his elder brother. Damian was not foolish enough to repeat the same mistakes some members of his family have made. He was not going to let his nephews even touch coffee or any caffeinated drink in the first place.
Besides the incident with Jasmine and their father was a whole different matter. It was their fathers own fault for unconsciously challenging his niece and disregarding her talent in analyzing one's mindset, Todd had mentioned once.
"I just want to make sure! Jason has become so protective of the kids and I do not want to lose favorit uncle's privileges!" Damian's eye twitched as he shoved away his elder brother with his hand placed in the other's face. "You must be delusional Richard. I seem to remember that I was the favorite uncle of the twins."
Before Dick could counter Damian the front door opened and the two saw Jason enter the manor with the crime twins on either side of him and the toddler in his arms. The second eldest raised an eyebrow at them before glancing down towards the twins.
"Hey Little Wing, right on time! Where is Jazz?" Dick greeted them cheerfully, bending down a little to wave at Ellie that was blowing a raspberry in his direction. He was probably imaging it but it looked like the little girl was glaring at him.
"Already dropped her off with her school friends, I will pick her up tomorrow afternoon. It's her sibling free day, remember?" Jason only raised an eyebrow also noting the frown the twins were sporting at seeing Dick.
Dick nodded, turning towards the twins. Did he imagine it or did one of the boy's whisper fruitloop to the other. "Ready for your first Trick or Treat in Gotham? We gotta collect all the candy for you two that we can!"
"Sure." Dick was hoping for more enthusiasm from the boy's but maybe that would come once they got their first candies bagged. "You two look interesting, what are you going as?"
"Frankenstein." The two answered simultaneously before glaring at each other and Dick sweatdropped. One of the boy's was dressed like a mad scientist with a white coat and welding goggles strapped to his head as well as some broken medical equipment clearly made visible. The other boy looked more like a monster with ripped clothing, fake bolds glued to his neck and drawn stitches all over his visible skin that was coloured slightly greenish.
"Wow you both did a good job! The monster looks just like in the movies." Dick tried in hopes
"I see. So Daniel is Doctor Frankenstein while Dante is Frankenstein's monster." The twins looked up towards Damian, the glare lost for a moment before they turned on each other again.
"See Uncle Dick said it! When someone says Frankenstein they think of the Monster, twerp!"
"Nuhu! Uncle Damian got it! He knew I was the Doctor and not the monster!"
"And Jazz just got them to stop arguing about that shit." Jason muttered with a glare towards Dick before the twins could devolve any further into their argument Jason stepped towards the side where Alfred had appeared and was heading over the now bubbling little girl that was making grabby hand towards the butler. He then turned towards the boys.
"Okay you two. Remember today's rules." He clapped his hand for more effect and to get the two to look at him. Which sort of worked as they still gave each other side eyed glares but nodded regardless. "Good and remember no crimes today, enjoy your fun and do not stuff yourself with candies."
"Okay Dad." The twins answered in sync before Jason literally pushed them towards Dick and Damian and out the Manors front door. They were the ones taking the twins out for a Trick or Treat run as their first Halloween in Gotham. Jason was going to hang back with Alfred to take care of Ellie.
Dick had volunteered doing this for his brother a couple weeks before Jason had wondered what he was going to do with the kids for Halloween. Dick had also instantly volunteered Damian for it two. Their youngest brother wasn't that much older than the twins yet and they surely would feel more comfortable with two known family members around.
An hour in and Dick was moments away from admitting that he made a grave mistake.
"Dami! Have you seen Danny?!" Jason was going to murder them if they lost one of his kids. So Dick was rightfully slightly panicked. He had taken his eyes of the boy for only a moment to check something on his phone.
"You have lost Daniel?" The youngest Wayne looked miffed at him and had a slight glare before though Dick noticed something else in his eyes too. "Damian, where is Dan?"
The younger clicked his tongue and Dick paled slightly. Okay no big deal, they temporarily lost the crime twin. He had found and followed Danny before, surely he would be able to find the boy in the crowd of disguised children too. Danny went with a mad scientist costume. How many of them were running around? It would be more difficult to find Dan, he had spotted a couple of different Frankensteins already.
"Jason is going to blacklist us, isn't he?" Dick muttered his eyes wandering over every child he could see going from door to door for candies. Damian doing the same even watching other adults and parents in case one of them had the idea to snatch his nephews from them.
"It won't be as bad as Drake and father." Damian commented as a form of consolation to his elder brother but knew it probably would. Jason blacklisted Tim from watching the kids for the caffeine incident for a month and their father was still blacklisted until Jazz felt like talking to the man again, the twins in solidarity to their sister doing the same.
"Should we split up? But what if they are looking for us? Oh good what if one of the rogues snatched them up? Or worse, some leftover guys from that damned organization?" From the corner of his eyes Damian saw how his elder brother was getting worked up and even though he wasn't showing it, he too was worried. This certainly was not how they had hoped the boy's first Halloween with them would go.
In a decorative street tree on the side of the path Dick and Damian were on sat two boy's one munching on a licorice stick while the other was nibbling on chocolate. Both were invisible just in case their uncle decided to look up.
"Fake blood next?" Danny asked as he watched Dick starting to pace.
"Not yet. Did Dad mention anything about the firecrackers?" Dan asked in return as he bite of another piece of his licorice stick.
"Not that I remember, tho Jazz said to go easy on Uncle Dick." Danny hummed tilting his head slightly with a frown. "But he lost that privilege looking like the fruitloop. You got one of Dad's fake guns right?"
"Why? Didn't you say you wanted to 'fake' stab yourself with the broken syringe?" Dan raised an eyebrow as Danny gave him a feral grin. "You recovered your shape shifting power, right?"
Dan returned the feral grin with one of his own understanding what kind of prank Danny was hinting at. "For once, I like the way you're thinking, twerp."
"Would you stop calling me that! We are the same age now!" Danny pouted as he stuffed the last of his chocolate in his mouth and prepared to jump off the tree.
"Never!" Dan quickly answered with a laugh as he took the lead and jumped off the tree and disappeared into the crowds first as he let go of his invisibility. Danny quickly followed doing the same. They had after all a lot more pranks planned to play on their uncles.
The evening ended with Dick and Damian making their way into the Manor through the bat cave entrance so that they could get to the Medbay before Jason saw the twins. Both looked rather disheveled and like they had gotten dragged through mud. What they didn't expect was Jason, being in the cave and looking at them with raised eyebrows. Dick was holding Dan who was literally growling as Dick was pressing a bundle of tissues against the boy's nose. There was a ripped strip of his vampire costume tied around Dan's arm, a line of dried 'blood' going down the arm.
Damian was holding Danny. The boy looked dizzy, holding his head with one hand while he whined about everything being to bright, the goggles of his costume were cracked and the white coat now had red 'blood' strains, the shirt he was wearing also appeared to be soaked in 'blood' and there was a tried spot of blood below Danny's nose like he also had had a nose bleed like his twin.
"What happened?" Jason's tone sounded neutral and Dick laughed nervously.
"It looks worse than it is…" He tried to salvage, maybe they could still save their nephew watching privileges.
"It's Richard's fault. He lost sight of Danny first." Dicks head whipped around towards Damian who just decided to throw him under the bus. A look of betrayal crossed the eldest face at the narrowed stare Damian was giving him. "The situation spiraled from there."
"No wait! Damian lost Dan! It's not just my fault!" He tried to defend himself as Jason's eyes narrowed on him. But before he could come up with any more reasons why it was not just his fault and that they should not lose any of their uncle privileges because of that…
…Jason started laughing, wheezing out a "It's not your fault."
Confused Dick blinked before Dan jumped out of his hands the same time Danny jumped out of Damians. Suddenly the kids appeared like nothing was wrong as they rushed over towards Jason. Hadn't Danny been dizzy until now? And Dan had complained and growled at him about a headache?
He glanced at Damian who was watching the twins with narrowed eyes.
"Well looks like you two had a lot of fun." They watched how Jason patted the twins' heads grinning at them as the boy's sported proud looks, like they were pleased with themselves. "Your Auntie Babs is making a highlight reveal for the entire family later. Till then go wash up and bug one of your other uncles or aunts."
"Can I go bug Uncle Tim! I got an new invention idea when Uncle Dick got chased by the dogs!"
"I want to find Aunt Harper."
"Sure both should be in the Manor by now. Just wash up first." With the boy's sent away it left the two adults and teen in the batcave. One of them gabbing like fish, the other glaring with narrowed eyes and the last of them still chuckling.
"Todd." Damian hissed and Dick knew that tone. Damian was promising revenge on Jason.
"Light up brat. The twins needed an outlet and Jazz suggested they could pull some pranks today, I just told them that with you two they could go all out."
Dick wasn't sure if he should feel relieved or be slightly mad at his brother for that but eventually he decided to go with relief. "So we are not losing uncle privileges, good."
"You two are still getting blacklisted for two weeks."
"I demand a reason."
"You tried taking them with you on patrol and you gave them blade training. They are six."
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lanajvmeson · 4 years
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emerges frm a field of corn slinking in w a faux mink shrug dangling around my elbows n a strand of wheat between my teeth..... farmer eleganza.... hlo! my name’s nai. i am bt a humble ghoul arrived to haunt ur home. 23 n she/her pronouns n i live in manchester. fun fact my friend’s neighbour used to b harry styles PE teacher. i played delilah yrs ago as carlson young (n even cara delevingne at one point what the fk) which feels so weird n ancient to me nw bt i missed her a lot so decided to spruce her bk to life.... ANYWAY delilah’s pinterest is here n i’ll jst leap right into things without further ado
their family is kind of modelled off the sedgwick family like old money n pretty dysfunctional bt all abt keeping up a seamless facade of perfection... with a pinch of the kennedy’s in there. her dad’s high up in politics n his dad before tht ws in politics n it’s just a long prestigious line of clones in expensive suits as far as delilah’s concerned. her dad i picture as like.... nate archibald’s grandfather in gossip girl.... personality wise.
for as long as she cn remember she’s found this cookie cutter white picket fence life boring. stifling. to delilah it’s like being hemmed in a stuffy room n forbidden frm opening a window. it’s all vry Rich People Problems i wnt lie bt <3 she feels everlastingly bored. All The Time. plus her family hs always been a focal point fr tabloids etc which doesn’t help this feeling of not rly Living but just being the focus of a spectator sport. they’re lowkey a bit of a household name so they get a bunch of scrutiny n......... well. new bullet point alert! cue a powerpoint transition
(self harm & depression tw) frm being young delilah always knew there ws sort of. a white noise inside her where everyone else saw a technicolour movie screen. it rly hit her at like 12 i’d say as she was jst coasting towards adolescence. it ws pretty obvious frm her behaviour i’d say bt her parents only became Aware it ws a problem when she stuck a fork into a socket n short circuited the power in the house. she got shocked unconscious n when she woke up she told the in house dr they’d called (to keep it under wraps frm outsiders) tht she just.... couldn’t feel anything. she’d been reading frankenstein (she’s always liked gothic literature) n thought it’d zap her to life like the monster
her parents got her on medication n figured that wld fix everything. they didn’t like to talk abt things and that was that. it wasn’t to be mentioned again
delilah’s parents r just very.... sterile. family is abt appearances. they’ll be all smiles n flowing conversation when ppl are around bt it feels like being an actress n reading frm a script. being a toy in a dollhouse
she had two siblings: an older sister named clara & a younger brother named elijah. clara ws always like.... the Dream daughter. did everything right. amazing grades. america’s sweetheart. LOVED by the press. did sm charity work. elijah was fine/kind of a slacker compared bt coasted by on athletic prowess (captain of the rowing team). delilah hs very much always been the anomaly in this idyllic line-up. middle child effect! altho having said tht she’s always ran w the popular crowd of her age group bc Rich + Pretty = Status. it’s all quite superficial n delilah’s attitude on the matter can b summed up w this photoset. having said tht there was Some merit in constantly being paraded around as “such a pretty thing” bc a few modelling agencies attempted to scout her bt delilah found that boring. she wants to b called brilliant not beautiful. her mother called this her “not playing to the advantages that god gave her”. with a tight-lipped smile and a “god forbid i use my brain”, delilah only disappointed her further <3
(drugs & ed tw) delilah gt pretty heavy into partying fr the sake of trying to Feel something. intense on the drugs front (coke n prescription pills). rarely eating. she got a silver broach of a swan tht she pins to most of her clothes n u can unscrew the swan’s neck n pull it out to reveal a little powder spoon. still wears this today. clara n delilah were always super close n clara wld cover fr her a bunch. making up lies n jst having her back to their parents if they ever asked where she was / she ws in trouble n needed to keep it under wraps. when delilah hd an article in a tabloid pretty mch like this one clara talked their parents dwn frm sending her to a rehabilitation centre in switzerland. they gt it pretty much scorched frm existence bt delilah kept a clipping bc honestly she thought it was funny hw pale her mother went abt it
(car accident & drunk driving & death tw) at a fancy benefit the astors were all attending among 4857925974 uppity families delilah wound up heading off w some of the rich kids n one thing lead to another n a couple of them gt arrested fr a coke scandal. delilah used her phone call to contact clara n fr once clara hd let loose a little n hd something to drink bt still drove to the station to bail delilah out n try n fix her mess bt.... skipped a red light n crashed. she died upon impact.
(hospitalisation & drugs & addiction tw) this made delilah spiral massively obviously.... she clung on by the skin of her teeth fr a while bt she rly was just getting quite out of control doing an extremely excessive amt of coke to get by at this point so her parents actually did.... end up shipping her off to switzerland for rehabilitation. they didn’t tell anyone this tho n as far as ppl were/are aware she was doing charity work with habitat for humanity in trinidad. her parents literally........... hired ppl to take photos of things there n a social media team posted them to her instagram account jst. the most elaborate lie.... it’s a lot.
delilah jst pretty much went along w whatever they said at the facility bt didn’t absorb any of it too much.... she did get sober there bt it was vry much bc she had no other choice rather than a want to......... she even pretended to “find god” while she ws there n memorised bible lines to recite w a coolly detached smile. in her head she ws probably thinking abt hw her mandated therapist cld gladly eat shit and she’d be happy to watch. it was just like.... everyone there was RLY hideously overpaid bt did they actually Care abt their work or patients? debatable. wasn’t the most healing experience thru delilah’s eyes bt... maybe it’d work better if she’d actually opened her mind to it bt anyway...... <3 cornelius fudge voice: she’s back. the dark lord.....
nw tht her history is out of the way i’ll leap like a flea off a shaggy dog’s back into personality! aesthetically she almost ALWAYS wears white/cream. reminds me of the woman in white frm sharp objects. rarely she’ll dabble in silver or gold or like..... vry pale green bt.... always muted tones. usually white or cream. big white sunhats. white sunglasses. white pussybow blouses w a little white skirt n a pearl barrette in her hair. she even smokes white sobranie cigs tht r imports like it’s a lot she’s truly committed to the aesthetic.... paired w like. classic patent mary janes.... she tends to flutter around the place like a silk moth. likes lace too. hs a very put together image n even demeanour like she’s very lithe n graceful n drifts like a ghost which kind of contrasts w... who she is at her core bt in the astor family it’s all abt appearances <3 the only deviation from this is she sometimes wears dark blue mascara once in a blue moon n if ppl comment on this she’s like. idk what ur talking abt? glides away like a ghost in a haunted mansion n is never seen again.
very perceptive. incredibly observant. yrs of early life media training n being born frm politicians means she’s an excellent liar. she knows ppl n knows what makes them tick bt she’ll only use this when necessary. she isn’t a terrible person bt she knows how to b Very mean n will equip this as a weapon shd a situation call fr it. also more prone to lashing out since her sister......... she hs sometimes played chess games socially fr kicks
dark n biting sense of humour. rather frank abt things. VERY ruthless when scorned bt she isn’t particularly?? emotive abt it??? her bf cheated on her once n when he told her she slapped him rly hard in front of sm ppl he knew n then jst walked away. blocked him on literally everything. removed him frm the face of the earth as far as she ws concerned. had him blacklisted frm every event n told ppl they’d be cut too if they continued to associate w him. goodbye sir <3 u are the weakest link <3 needless to say he regretted it <3
very loyal to u until she isn’t. finds it very easy to cut ties if need be. once her trust is broken it is gooooone baby goone.... the trust is Gone. selective in who she cares abt
vry cavalier abt sex. she doesn’t sleep around hugely i dnt think??? bt when she does it isn’t often tht emotionally invested she’ll jst out of the blue very nonchalantly blow out a wisp of smoke n b like. so u want to fuck me then? cool. proceeds to get up as if she’s walking to leave n then looks bk n is like what do ur legs not work? follow me. n leads them somewhere
nothing rly.... moves her particularly. she isn’t very animated. it’s like she jst finds the entire world thoroughly unimpressive. it’s difficult to stimulate excitement from her. it’s like that hugh laurie quote where he realised he had depression bc “boredom is not an appropriate response to exploding cars”.
has a pet swan bk at home she’s named lilith inspired by satan’s offspring. lilith bites ppl if they get close n is honestly an abomination of a bird. delilah finds her funny n throws her bits of croissants sometimes bt even she isn’t immune to her pecks. in some ways they’re similar...... hv a graceful surface appearance / aesthetic bt a darker attitude beneath the surface
exes: the ex bf tht cheated on her n she got blacklisted from 94872347 social events cld be a fun thing to explore..... delilah wld be EXTREMELY cold towards him n honestly want him dead. wouldn’t show any shred of caring abt him at all she’s very gd at stoning her emotions n keeping them inside. hasn’t cried since her sister died as an example of how..... withdrawn she is from confessing her innermost thoughts n desires. maybe an ex bf before tht that she rly didn’t take seriously at all..... typically she just isn’t interested/invested in romance she’s vry apathetic abt it all
party friends: those tht run in similar rich kid circles tht she would have smuggled off with at fancy events so they could let loose.......... ppl tht r completely her opposite who she finds interesting bc they represent everything she always wanted outside the oppression of her strict regiment family....... mutual bad influences tht are heavy into drugs n always enable each other...... u name it!
hook-ups: she doesn’t have a HUGE amt of these bt.... maybe a select handful.... some she wld have hooked up w once n never again n just been like >_> if they implied they shd as if it was preposterous n she was thoroughly over it.... some maybe she’d find interesting enough to extend beyond tht...... none she’d invest in if she cld help it altho? maybe someone as an exception to tht rule cld be fun
friends of her sister: (death tw) clara was universally well liked for being rly sweet n well intentioned n she attended yates only two yrs delilah’s senior so she might have some connections here still somehow??? cld be angsty to work with
i won’t lie i’m rly hungry as i write up these wcs so my brain’s going blank n i’m gna have to sprint to get some toast bt <3 roommates, enemies, competitive friendships, resentments, angst, chaos, drama, strife, u name it n i am dwn!!!! hits post n takes off galloping dwnstairs
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sandwyrm · 5 years
TL;DR melancholic rant on why I took the writing in WoW so badly this year just to get it all out and finish my fucking five stages of grief spin routine.
Gonna read more it, it’s probably gonna end up super long and unedited really so don’t feel obligated to read lol
     I am one of those losers that has been with Warcraft for the whole 25 years. I watched the company grow from “check out this FULL GAME coming with this gaming magazine! it’s called Warcraft: Orcs and Humans!” to being the biggest MMO around and celebrating 25 years while the world is burning.      And when I was younger, it was perfect. It had everything. Nice gameplay, cool and funny voices, decent graphics for its time, cool models, and it started having a story too. Perf! 
     I never got along well with my brother, but by the gods the only fond memories I have of him are centered around Warcraft. Watching him play WC1. Him teaching me to play WC2. Me playing WC3. Him leaving our abusive home to hide out in internet cafes, and my parents sending me to look for him, and us just staying in there for hours, me watching him play WC3. Fond memories of us getting our two toaster computers hooked up for LAN to play WC over it.
     Then WoW came, and my brother first got us an US account - it was impossible to play cross-region back then, our lag was immense, in the thousand of ms on a good day. So then an EU account. First rolled on Sylvanas, one of the biggest servers back then, then on Twisting Nether. I would skip school just so I could play because my toaster wouldn’t run it, only my brother’s computer, so when he was at work I’d be skipping high school playing WoW (I did fine, don’t worry). I invested so much time into my vanilla account it’s surreal. I wouldn’t be shocked if I found out it has more /played than the rest of my life in the game.      I met my ex on TN. I still have my vanilla account and characters on EU TN. The relationship with my ex doesn’t matter, it was abusive, toxic, I was a dumb optimist that stayed in it, doesn’t matter. He tried to get me to stop playing WoW. I still remember many instances when he went off on me for seeing me online, it’s 5 years since I broke up with him and like 8 since I stopped playing WoW with him and my heart still skips a beat when I get a whisper or hear the guild member login sound. It was that bad. He sure did his best to make me play the game only with him, “because he didn’t trust me and I would cheat on him through the game” - guys, if any of you are in this boat, please please please, put your foot down or break up. Your interests should be sacred and respected, as should be your entire person. But I digress.
     Instead of breaking up, I went the mature route of buying a US license, and playing it while he was at work or I was visiting my parents. I rolled on a RP server for the first time ever, and it was probably the best decision of my life, so, gotta thank my abusive ex for that. I met many wonderful people, have many wonderful things on that account, and another 7 years of wonderful things on my EU account.
     Then, the community itself. I hate it. Believe me, I hate the playerbase and fanbase of WoW with a burning passion. But at the same time, I have met amazing, wonderful, intelligent, friendly people I love and respect and wish the best for (if you’re reading this you’re part of this, yes, don’t let your brain trick you into thinking you’re a horrible person lol).      This is another fun arc. I started in the cringe culture. OCs are lame, who makes OCs lol. Then I became, I make OCs and cringe culture can die. Same with characters, but it’s different there. Oh, so different.
     See, I began by loving the obvious characters - Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Tyrande, Malf, the works. I didn’t even like Garrosh much as his arc was unfolding - between the thing with my ex, quitting Cataclysm, changing regions and restarting, I didn’t really have a chance to dwell into him fully. He became a villain and I was all yeah okay. Iguess.jpg. I even wanted him out of the story at his peak edgelord moments because I liked Anduin more obviously. WoD was something I did not process almost at all because I was high on a cocktail of pain meds and post-partum depression and sleep deprivation. Legion was pointless bullcrap in my eyes on the main story factor, and I sort of enjoyed BFA until the whole Saurfang sucks Sylvanas fucks deal in the writer dept and fandom.
     Deciding to finally read the novels I had missed out on, and reading War Crimes, was what propelled me into “hahahahahah these idiots actually acquitted Garrosh of crimes in this book? Are they for fucking real?” and actually realizing the entire arc was a complete mess, BFA is a mess, the writer dept is a mess, and suddenly, I had no footing to stand anymore. A spit in the face, and then it overlapped the Saurfang hErOiC sAcRiFiCe special edition. I sort of had a breakdown and I hid it behind “well Saurfang was hot lol now I don’t have my orc grandpa anymore” but it was deeper than that.
     See, when we get into a setting, we have this selfish expectation that it will grow with us. That it will mature with us. Keep up with us. That we will always enjoy this setting, definitely not as starry eyed as we did as children, but that it will always be good. ATLA is a great example. Dragonlance is still good. Star Wars may be hammy and have tons of issues now as an adult, but it’s still good.  But Warcraft was my lifeblood for 25 years.       And to know that not only it did not grow with me, but it regressed beyond belief, destroyed me in a strange sense. Kind of like losing a friend, a family member. They didn’t just kill Saurfang for me, the setting died with him as far as I’m concerned. Because he was the last bastion of what interested me in it. 
     I am that weirdo that loves, loves, war movies and books. I devour them. That was part of my downfall, and the writers and fanbase of WoW so often make it feel like it is, somehow, MY FAULT (just like Garrosh getting backstabbed repeatedly was his fault I guess?)       It feels like it’s my fault that I care about weird things like the Geneva Conventions, and the Paris Conventions, and so on and so forth. It feels like I’m the idiot for knowing basic military tactics and conventions. It feels like I’m the idiot for wanting WARcraft to, at all, even a little bit, bear any resemblance to real wars, to real military tactics, to genuine war stories with genuinely well written soldiers. In my folly and pride, I forgot it’s first and foremost, a fantasy setting, a simplistic one at that.
     It insulted me these guys can’t even google what consists a war crime. It insults me to my core these guys paint the ONE (1) character who goes all “hey maybe.... weird concept but..... maybe not kill kids, or torture prisoners, or kill unarmed soldiers and civilians. Maybe show COMPASSION”, that this guy had to go. It also insults me the only other character who listened to him - Garrosh, yes - was written as the setting’s biggest fucking villain to this day, and it needed some real fucking propaganda and twisting of the OBJECTIVE narrative to get that to pass, and yet it successfully passed by so many, including myself years ago as it unfolded. 
     At this point, it’s insulting to see the same themes - mentally unstable or hurt people deserve to suffer and die, there is no happiness because happiness and happy endings are for toddlers, we are just edgelords jacking off to our self inserts, world isn’t fair because real world isn’t fair anyway kiddo grow up, and what the fuck is honor even we just make it up no? Also objective facts and lore? Fuck that who cares lmao.
     Here’s the deal. 
     War stories NEED hope. I can handle watching a whole regimen be killed in brutal ways in war, because REAL war stories always leave you SOMETHING at the end that was worth the whole pain. In a REAL war story, perhaps Saurfang would have still committed suicide by proxy in front of everyone, but people around him would have actually then gone and maybe fucking went “you know what he was correct. Let’s write the Geneva Conventions.” In a REAL war story, it would have been handled so much better. And perhaps, in a REAL war story, he would have survived. With so much loss, so much pain, and yet - with HOPE. Hope, for HIMSELF, for the future. Not the generic bullshit hOpE they tried to write into him. yOu CaNt KiLL hOpE.......      Yes, you can.       You fucking can.      By killing off the last fucking character in the setting that cared about actual military honor (not just the buzzword it is in this fandom and setting), the last fucking character that cared about tomorrow, about fighting for a better world.      That’s how you kill hope.      And in my eyes, they did so damn well.
     Because I don’t want to sit around and be insulted for another 25 years that I’m the only idiot who expects tactics, honor, a good outcome, a hopeful ending. Because I have reached the point I hate being in this game only to hear sTrEnGtH aNd hOnOr when it literally means nothing. Because I reached a point I hate watching the double standards they apply to their precious babes while the minor characters get thrown under the bus for way less. Because I reached a point where the fandom trying to go all “but Alex, someone has to set a precedent for a war crime trial!” means jack shit when nobody ELSE has been tried for any war crimes AFTER Garrosh (which would’ve been PEACHY by the fucking way). Because I got to a point Blizzcon gave me goddamn anxiety every time someone IMed me to tell me an announcement, and I got to a point I blacklisted half the tags on tumblr because I walk in to read what my friends have been up to and some damn Discourse makes its way to my dash, only for me to find myself feeling stupid and in the wrong for liking Saurfang. Not even Garrosh, which I would admit is Problematic(tm) but goddamn Saurfang.       Leave it to this setting and fandom for making me feel stupid and idiotic and in the wrong for loving the goddamn war movie protagonist.
     And at the end of it all, after much debate, I don’t think I will quit the setting. Writers don’t care, about their lore, about their characters, about us. The other fans don’t care who they hurt with their edgy rhetoric, I sure as fuck didn’t when I was younger and dumber myself. I’m sure eventually the wound will close completely and I’ll dissociate again from the story and fanbase and enjoy the gameplay and my very wonderful friends. First step in that, just for me, is to not buy Shadowlands. The xpack after, perhaps, it depends. But just out of spite, I will be that one idiot who has a sub running but doesn’t give a +1 sale on Shadowlands. Just for myself.
     Second step...? Who knows.... Who the hell knows what tomorrow will bring... This has indeed hurt worse than anything in my life. I have been going through the stages of grief - jokingly or seriously - since 8.2.5 now (and a whole load of 5 months of pure anger before that processing Garrosh’s arc from an objective standpoint). I cried more over the death of Saurfang (and the setting) than over my ex of 10 years leaving me as a single mom, or over all my other relationships combined. I’m not ashamed to admit that even if it’s cRiNgY. Like I said, it wasn’t just the death of one fictional character, but the death of a setting I loved and grew up with. The final acceptance that there is nothing left for me in the setting that shaped my interests, art, writing, and all that. That my interests have gone too far in other directions - optimism, actual war stories, good stories, being a mature individual, acknowledging mentally ill or divergent characters and not making excuses for author darlings. It’s a weird thing... Like the final acceptance that I have lost what could qualify as a dear friend or family member. While they are still alive and interacting with me daily. Like a breakup. But way worse.      It is a pain I wish on noone honestly.      But I do hope against hope, like an idiot, that other settings, other writers, future generations of writers, will do better. I know they won’t. But I’ll take my sliver of hope.
     And if you read this far, I do genuinely hope the game - this game, any other interests - will keep bringing joy to you. And also, help yourself to a cookie. Thanks <3 I wish you a good day/weekend.
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sternenteile · 5 years
( answer the questions for your muse and tag some people. ) tagged by @sangfear​ !! ♡
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muse’s name.  ♡♪!?  /  call him ‘geno’. least favourite nickname.  ‘starlight’ under certain circumstances. friends and certain family (i.e. rosalina and the lumas) are free to call him that, but he feels nothing but bitterness when the star spirit collective uses it on him. it just has sour roots for him.
least favourite colours.  he doesn’t really have any lol? he sees something good in any color. least favourite season.  n/a; he loves every season. least favourite weather.  blizzards. he loves winter and snow, but blizzards are the worst. it’s snow that he can’t frolic in, and to make matters worse, it keeps him trapped inside with likely no electricity. lamest thing ever. least favourite, hot or cold.  he adores the cold, but as a star, he is naturally used to and radiates significant warmth. he loves the sensation of cold and is complacent with heat, so i suppose that’s your answer: hot. least favourite holiday.  n/a; he loves them all. least favourite food.  kimchi. he and spicy food already don’t get along, but that stuff is particularly reviling for him, and this is from a guy who will eat almost anything. least favourite flavour.  spicy. he has very low tolerance for spicy food, and while there are very mild exceptions to the rule, he generally does not like spicier flavors. least favourite drink.  alcohol in general. how anyone can drink that stuff is beyond him. least favourite scent.  while only experienced at one point in his life, he’ll never forget it. the scent of synthetic material and metal mixed with the rotten smell of inherently vile magic, like the magnified taste of blood in your mouth in scent form... but with a little extra zing. the heart-wrenching scent present on every member of the smithy gang, especially within bowser’s former keep, is one he never wants to face again. while not the most nauseating thing he’s smelled, the weight behind it is indescribable. oh, he also hates the smell of someone who hasn’t showered or worn deodorant in too long. ew. least favourite sound.  the sound of eldstar’s voice is like nails to a chalkboard for him now. least favourite books.  none. even trashy, terrible novels are fun for him, because he gets to have fun tearing them apart for how bad they are. they’re worth a laugh. he’ll find something to like in just about anything. least favourite movies.  movies that shatter his suspension of disbelief when they’re supposed to be taken seriously. hilariously bad movies are the best, but something he wants to like and enjoy being tarnished by poor writing and lack of forethought just... makes him ridiculously irritable. he will complain and bemoan the loss of potential ‘til your ears burn. least favourite tv shows.  soap operas. gaz’s mother loves them, and geno... cannot understand why. he just... he really tried to give one a chance, but as the mushroom turns was just not that compelling. sorry. least favourite area of study.  mathematics because he is a basic 90′s fuckwad who dislikes the same thing everyone growing up hated. he basic as hell. least favourite aspect of job.  the restrictions and poor treatment from the higher-ups. the only person he’d prefer to refer to as his ‘higher authority’ (note the lack of plurality) is rosalina. the star spirits that govern star haven are the one aspect of his job that he loathes. as such, he prefers to think of himself as a vigilante nowadays, an independent defender of wishes. least favourite person.  smithy, easily. while his elders’ ideals conflict with his own, he doesn’t hate them as people, even though he despises the way they treated him. smithy, however, is someone he absolutely hates with every fiber of his being. he is the antithesis of everything he loves and stands for, and unlike the star spirits, he has no redeeming qualities, so fuck that noise. least favourite trait in others.  controlling, abusive people. easily. this comes from personal experience. least favourite place to be.  not so much a specific place, but a conditional place: alone and trapped. most of those moments were spent in the star road he loves so much and his old home in star haven, not because of any disdain towards those places, but because of his superiors tearing him down, isolating him there. being imprisoned with his own mind and his mind alone, his loving heart distant from all that he wants to reach out to, is the foulest place he can go. least favourite thing to talk about.  the star spirits. he loves talking about his job and fulfilling wishes, because there is a lot of good to be had from that. just... just, nope, not them, not them lmao. least favourite thing about themself.  that he sometimes doesn’t even know who ‘himself’ is. remember, he’s spent decades by his lonesome, his duties being his sole modus operandi with very little autonomy granted to him. if he’s at any point ever asked to describe himself in detail, despite him having many qualities that makes him a real person, he’ll likely either blank out or end up with one grating answer: ❝ i don’t know. ❞ he’s well-aware that he possesses personality traits and unique experiences like a person should, but knowledge versus believing it is a battle he often wages in himself. at times, it makes him feel like he’s delusional, either for feeling like he lacks personhood or for feeling that he has any. he’s a mess lmao. least favourite daily chore.  anything that involves having to reach high-up places, especially in rose town inn. it’s embarrassing having to clean stuff down in front of guests when he needs a freaking step stool or ladder for it. haha geno too shorte. least favourite style of clothing.  n/a; he likes all kinds of stuff, from modern wear to stuff as cheesy and terrible as parachute pants from the 90′s. he’ll just wear whatever if it comes down to it. least favourite activity.  swimming, or in his case, a lack thereof lmao. more like flailing like an idiot unless he’s got water wings on. least favourite thing about humanity.  how some people slip through the cracks and become downright evil without any sort of decent qualities. he adores humanity and the bulk of its flaws, mostly because it all feels so real and genuine in its imperfection, but people who spend their lives doing horrible and unspeakable things (that are so problematic that i’d rather not mention them here) are just... oof. nope. the worst. nope. get out of here. you’re blacklisted from wishes forever. least favourite thing about falling in love.  the fear of being forcibly torn away from it, not by his other half, but by outside sources like his elders. least favourite thing about death.  the inevitability of it, the shortness of his friends’ life spans, and the knowledge that he’ll watch every single one of his friends, their descendants, and their descendants’ descendants die.
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Ok, so I’m like, two days late with this...
This past Thursday, I had a doctors appointment. I had to fill out some paperwork, and when I wrote the date (5/23/19) I did a FULL STOP and just went “...OH”
Now, to explain. There are certain dates that affect me. January 15th is obviously one based on my love of Shane.
May 23rd is another for a WHOLE OTHER REASON.
For anyone who doesn’t realize what I’m getting at, this past Thursday was 20 years to the day since Owen Hart fell to his death at Kemper Arena at the Over The Edge PPV.
It was a night I can never, and will never forget.
Being a minor at the time (I was I think 15), I had ZERO say over wanting to watch a PPV, let alone a WWF (Again, yes F) PPV. HOWEVER, there was a technique back in the day, where if you turned your TV to channel 1, you would get to LISTEN to the PPV while the video feed was scrambled.
So naturally, this is how I watched ALL PPVs from October ‘98 until about September 2001. Basically, until I got to college and could visit a Sports Bar and watch it properly. 
So, anyway, there I was, sitting in the basement, TV on (quietly) doing my homework. When IT happened. At first I didn’t realize what was going on. But as it dawned on me, I got really upset. I turned up the TV to better hear JR and Lawler. Of Course, this brought down my Mother who demanded I turn the TV off and focus on my homework. I refused shouting “You don’t understand, I THINK SOMEONE JUST DIED!”  My mom, not believing me, rolled her eyes and took the remote from me and clicked off the TV. She then proceeded to sit with me for the rest of the night and made sure I didn’t turn the TV back on. I never got to hear the end of the PPV and I never heard the official announcement of Owen’s death.
Fast Forward to the next morning. My mom, at 6am, rouses me to go to school by saying “Hun, get up. Wake up. Remember how you said someone died on WWF last night? You were right. I’m so sorry.”
I SHOT out of bed like a rocket and IMMEDIATELY called my Boyfriend’s house... at 6:15 am. I get his mother. “Hello??? YESS???? Who is there???” “Um yes, It’s Missy. Can you put Josh on the phone, it’s an emergency”
I had to be the one to tell him. He was a bigger wrestling fan than I was and I had to tell him. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to me all day though.
That came once I got to school. I arrived at school, and met up with my best friend at the time, Aurora. She was all excited and the first thing she asked me was “So... did Owen win the belt last night? Tell me, I need to know!” Y’all don’t understand. Owen Hart was her HERO. He wasn’t just her favorite superstar. Owen was to her what Shane was to me: Her reason to wake up in the morning and function. She had actually gotten to meet him years earlier and it was the “Best day of my life” she always told me.
Do you have any IDEA... and NOTION what it is like to tell a teenage girl that their hero just died? To tell ANYONE that? To just hear the words leave your mouth and just watch someone’s entire WORLD CAVE IN.
She just started SOBBING and fell to the ground because her legs refused to hold her any longer. And she lay there, on the floor of the upper commons, for a good seven or eight minutes after the bell to go to homeroom rang. She simply could not process anything. I eventually had to basically pick her up physically and guide her to her locker and homeroom because she couldn’t stop crying. 
Mind you, I was bullied almost non-stop from kindergarten until 11th grade. I spent a whole year of high school as a suicidal mess. I was humiliated by my “Friends” during school events several times that still haunt me.
This... this was the worst day of my entire childhood.
I really don’t want to remember much more than that. I watched RAW is OWEN that night and cried the entire time. Watching the superstars who I had so recently become vested in cry, WATCHING SHANE CRY, it only served to further cement Monday, May 24th, 1999 as one of the worst days of my entire life. 
I read an article tonight about how the event not only caused an ever further rift between the Harts and the McMahons, but also caused an internal fracturing of the Hart family. I don’t know enough about that to comment nor do I really want to. But I do know this. Bret makes a good point. By preventing the current WWE from airing/honoring/acknowledging anything about Owen, all that has happened is an entire generation has gone by and knows nothing of his legacy. While it may be for different reasons, he has been erased just as much as other superstars and alumni that have been blacklisted. I’m not naming names, but there are many people in the current HOF who don’t deserve it NEARLY as much as Owen does. But we all know he will never be allowed it and it SUCKS.
This has gone on way too long, but I felt the need to put this on here. I don’t know how many people will actually read this, and it’s almost more of a journal entry than anything. But to me, May 23rd is one of those days which I can’t help but notice as it comes and goes every year. Being the 20th anniversary just meant that I had to say something this time is all.
PS. Aurora was not the only best friend I ever had who went through this. My current BFF, on tumblr as @aquilalorelei, had to experience the death of Kevin Tod Smith (AKA Ares, from Xena). By being her friend all these years (I luckily didn’t befriend her until AFTER his death) I have seen proof that this kind of pain doesn’t go away. It lingers and eats at you. You might not have been a part of that person’s life IRL, but they were very much a part of yours. At least when an actual IRL loved one dies, you have memories with them to hold on to. Very few people ever get to experience meeting their heroes. Those that never do will never have that first-hand experience to remember. So do I think losing an idol is worse than losing a true love or family member? No, not worse. More like ‘equally painful in a different way’. In conclusion, I have posted twice tonight about the parallel worlds notion. Somewhere, in the multiverse, we can take solace in the fact that there is an alive and well Owen Hart who got to retire, and how resides in that world’s Hall Of Fame. We may not be lucky enough to ever experience that world. But the thought that it exists does cheer me up slightly. 
RIP Owen. We still haven’t forgotten you.
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laurakinneywrites · 7 years
fc: evanna lynch | counterpart: the white rabbit from alice in wonderland
full name: rebecca whitmore goes by: bex, becky, bunny, bun, etc birthday: february 25th 1992 sexuality: panromantic asexual parents: jeanette lawrence (mother), richard whitmore (father) pets: tweedle dee (white rabbit), tweedle dum (brown rabbit) occupation: circus performer; acrobat/clown/trapeze/unicyclist/etc
Rebecca Whitmore was never your 'average' student. In fact, she was never average at anything. Very ambitious from a young age, Rebecca knew from the minute that her feet touched the ground that she wanted to become an Olympic gymnast. Training from the minute she could walk, she worked herself to the bone, never letting anyone deter her from her dream, and always driving herself forward, well past her limits at times. From a family of four other siblings, she always strived for the top spot in all aspects of her life. She fought for her parent's approval, thriving off of their attention and the way that they fawned over her, watching her excel through life and come home, week after week, with a new medal or trophy to add to her growing collection.
Rebcca was the exact kind of girl that continually had crowds at her disposal, girls at school wanting to be her, boys wanting to get her into their bed, and sometimes a little bit of both. She was the ultimate Queen Bitch, using her high status within the school to her advantage at any given moment. She was cruel, thoughtless, often picking on the kids she didn't like. She easily worked her way onto the cheer squad as a Junior in high school, not only impressing the older girl's, but finding that even as a youngster she still managed to have a hold over them. She was smart, tactical, manipulative, but with talent like no other. Sailing through High School on her looks, and her domineering personality, Rebecca often found herself butting heads with absolutely anyone that crossed her path – but none like Bailey Blue. Bailey and Bex butted heads from the second they met: both of them Queen B's trying to charge their way to the top, intent on taking over the role of Captain of the cheer squad, bitching and bickering their way through high school, clashing at any given moment.
The kind of girl that had everyone falling at her feet and following her every word, whether it be fashion tips or just who to like and who not to like (ahem, Bailey), Bex had her fair share of enemies and fans, an even split down the middle. Never one to shy away from conflict, she always stood her ground and, on more than one occasion, sent people running from class, or even cheer practice, crying and cursing her name. She wasn't a nice person, and she didn't care who she hurt along her road to victory. She was not only ruthless with her words, but by nature in every way possible. A strict keeper of time, Bex wouldn't tolerate anybody messing with her schedule, not in any capacity. With an irrational desire for everything to be perfect, Bex has exceptionally stern rules that she follows through all aspects of her life. Between her unyielding sense of cleanliness and the tip-top condition of her room, her flawless handwriting and painfully tidy school work, her prim and proper outfits, and pristine routines and workouts, without so much as a foot out of place, Bex has no time for imperfections of any variety. She was diagnosed with a very mild case of OCD during her teen years, and was told that with the right attention that it would eventually pass, but with her drive and her determination she pretty much ignored any and all advice she was given, and so her anxieties and all her nervous ticks, as well as her little habits, grew tenfold and became a little unmanagable, while also being one of the driving factors in her success and her endless immaculate records. If anything is ever remotely out of place, or behind on schedule, it'll mess with her entire day and she'll find herself seething.
One girl in particular that Bex did have a soft spot was Alice Liddel, who was a couple of years younger than herself. While they mightn't have always shared similar interests, the younger girl seemed to admire her – as many did – and so Bex found herself attached to the girl, feeling a fierce sense of protectiveness over her. Should anybody mess with Alice, Bex would take it as a personal attack and take them down.
As well as all of the above, Bex always had a great love for bunnies, even to the extent that it became the reason behind her very nickname. All through high school she was referred to as nothing but Bex, or Bunny – nobody ever called her Rebecca. Where plenty of rich, uppity, trust fund kids tended to veer towards horses and other unreasonable animals, Bex always preferred bunnies. That same love of them carried over to holidays such as Halloween, where she would be the cliché, token Sexy Bunny every single year, and if anyone so much as dared to wear the same costume as her, or something similar, she'd have them blacklisted from every party, and every social gathering, and would bring down her wrath on them so hard.
Passing every class with flying colours, representing the school at Gymnastics competitions not only across the State, but across the Country, Bex was well on her way to attending an Ivy League University, one step closer to her dream. With a scholarship at her fingertips, she had nothing to lose.
One day, however, there was a huge part to celebrate the end of the football season. Bex was one year away from graduating, the cheer squad had just won gold at nationals, and throughout the course of the year she'd won a whole plethora of gymnastics trophies and medals. The squad were holding their annual party, and Bunny was attending. Bunny didn't drink, smoke, or do drugs of any variety – her record was spotless, and she had no intention of ever harming it, never wanting anything to get in the way of her training. All the boys at the party were all over her, as they always were, and trying their best to have their way with her. Over the course of the years and her time at school, Bunny had solidified her reputation and was known not only across the campus, but throughout other districts, too. But one thing that was particularly notable about her – to the boys on the team, at least – was that she never put out. She was the girl that everyone wanted a piece of, and yet she was impossible to get into bed. Bunny hadn't ever know the term asexual, but she was very firm on the way that she felt, and had no intentions of ever climbing into bed with any of them. While she excelled at stringing people along, this was one instance in which she was firm and wouldn't waver, not for anyone.
At this party, one boy in particular was especially pushy, and the end result was that he spiked her drink and sexually assaulted her while she was unconscious. Bunny was afraid and devastated, and understandably traumatised, and so she never told anybody of her r*pe. She withdrew and became incredibly depressed, her anxiety doubling, tripling, quadrupling, and she became unrecognisable. She started drinking as a means to cope with everything, and eventually turned to drugs, too. It started out light, just her looking for pills, and weed, and anything that was considered 'mild' or 'harmless', until she started turning to heavy drugs, injecting herself, and staying out partying every night. She lost herself completely – her reputation was in tatters, she was the school joke, people thought of her as trash, and were ashamed to see her. She was kicked off of the cheer squad, her grades dropped and she was kicked from her Gymnastics programme – losing her scholarship, as well as any hopes of seeing the Olympics. Her detour onto the drug scene took a hard hit, and she lost all of her friends, bar Alice. Alice remained on her side, though unfortunately it was for the worse, as Bunny lead the younger girl astray and introduced her to a life of drugs too, her influence a terrible one on her fellow blonde.
After her inevitable fall from the top spot in all walks of life, Bunny's family were furious, disgusted by her behaviour, and they cut her off. With no trust fund to support her addictions, she was kicked out onto the street by her own family, who were unwilling to help her – not wanting her to tarnish the family name. Alone on the streets, her descent into the drug scene only grew grimmer, and she found herself broken, weak, and close to death. Eventually, she was taken by surprise when she was approached on the street, found laying in a gutter, soaked through from rain, shivering from withdrawals. She thought the stranger was going to take advantage of her, or at least provide her with more drugs, but instead they took her in, taking her some place safe, cleaning her up, and helping her get the help she needed. She was admitted into rehab, and soon found that her saviour was a member of the local circus, and their whole 'family' of performers gave her a roof over her head, offering her food, clean clothes, and a bed to sleep on until she was recovered and ready to make her way back out into the world. In the end, Bunny decided to stay, finding a place and a comfort within them. The circus and its intricacies endeared to her, their kindness and their wholesome, unwavering love with no want or desire for anything return drew to her like nothing she'd ever felt before, warming her heart substantially. She joined up with them, putting her skills in both acrobats and gymnastics to use, while also exploring other fields.
Though still a stickler for time, and with her own anxieties and problems, Bunny is a lot happier than she had been in the past. She's a recovering alcoholic and addict, and has found a much deeper compassion within her that she never knew she was capable of. While the old her still has moments where it tries to unleash itself, a part of her wondering if, in a difficult situation, it would be easier to lash out, the level headed side of her wins over. Her fellow performers taught her what it was like to be compassionate, and understanding, and kind, and to have an open, loving heart to absolutely anybody. She found a new walk of life with them in all aspects.
She still suffers in a lot of degrees from both the trauma of her rape, as well as her drug abuse, however. Fidgety and with a tendency to hop around – something akin to a bunny – she's often perceived as weird by outsiders, and certainly by people that knew her in the past. Her moods can vary from her being incredibly hyperactive, smiley, and forthcoming, to her withdrawing, and becoming incredibly nervous, always needing to be doing something with her hands, for the desire to keep them steady, and in need of projects to keep her mind active and busy when in need of a distraction.
If she should find anything out of place, of her own belongings, it'll certainly set her on edge. After her fall from the top, even the slightest change can unsettle her. If it's so much as an out of place tube of lipstick, or a performance being delayed by just one minute, she'll find herself disorientated and slightly erratic. She likes to have a control over her time, and her belongings, as best as physically possible, feeling a sense of power in being able to handle some aspect of her life, where she failed miserably to regain her control in the past. The parts of her life that she can take the reigns on and make sure fall into place exactly as planned are where she's most comfortable, as she finds herself put out by situations that she can't pull the strings on, and can't predict the outcome of. Her aversion to being late, and her obsession with timekeeping, means that you could very well be deep in a conversation with her, and she might cut you off entirely out of the blue, and inform you that she has precisely 17 minutes and 6 seconds to reach her next destination, and that she certainly can't be late.
She struggles, at times, with touch, though she has grown better. Where people like Jay, and little Grace, have remained in her good graces (no pun intended) and kept her steady – Jay's own recovery, and grief, from his addiction having been an anchor of sorts for Bunny – she finds herself at home, finding in him an older brother figure with whom she can relax around. She finds Grace, and her childlike manner, a comfort, and will accept a warm hug from the little girl when she's in a good place. Jay also remains one of the sole people who knows just how to calm her down in a bad situation, with the capability of holding her and containing any of the anger, fear, and grief that often fights to unleash itself.
Now she's trying her hardest to live her life with a smile on her face, as often as she can. It remains hard, and the good days and the bad days are like a switch with which she has no control over – her mental health overpowering her in a way she'll never be able to get a grasp onto. She has a much more open heart, and has the capacity for kindness, and has no room for bullies and nastiness, feeling utter shame and disdain towards her past self. There are still days during which she blames herself for her own attack, wondering if all her life decisions lead up to it and whether she deserved it. Of course, that's not the case at all, but she often has a hard time processing it.
Bunny has alternated between three different lifestyles, all three of which warranted a whole different sense of fashion, with which she's now merged as one. Pre-addiction, she was very comfortable in her gymnastic leotards, her bunny costumes, cheer costume, as well as having a proclivity for waistcoats, berets, and pencil skirts. Her fall from status lead to a few looks that she'd never have seen coming for herself– adopting much darker colours, with one short stint into dyed hair (varying from blue, to black, to green, and so on – thank you Cher, for that). She wore lots of blacks, torn tights and jeans, with heavy black boots, painted nails, and so on. After her recovery, and after delving into the exciting, quirky workings of the circus industry, and their bizarre sense of fashion and exciting wardrobe, she found a comfort in larger, puffy, dresses in which she could drown herself in, bunching up the fabric around her and often likening it to sitting in a cloud. All of that, coupled with Jay's own bizarre sense of fashion, meant a delightful mixture of a whole array of fashion senses, meaning she had a tendency to look either very well matched, or entirely out of sorts completely – a perfect representation of her own personality.
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anneedmonds · 5 years
Sex On Tape: Call To Police!
Yesterday I did a bit of sifting through my junk mail folder. I rarely remember to do this but apparently – now and then – you should. I say this because last year I missed four incredibly important emails and each time it created quite an awkward work situation; in two of the cases the person involved thought I was ignoring them and in the others I completely missed out on some rather nice opportunities.
So now, every week or so, I skim through my junk email folder and check that there’s nothing interesting and/or urgent from legitimate senders who have somehow been blacklisted by my Mac Mail. It’s usually just a few dozen of messages from shoe companies, phone card top-up providers and cosmetics manufacturers in China who seem to think I’m a makeup brush retailer. Sometimes they are from scammers saying I’ve won money or I need to send money or I need to do something else that always – quite frankly – seems like a bit too much effort. Nevertheless, if I’m stuck for things to do (ie: I have loads of stuff to do but don’t want to do it) then I quite like to spend a few joyous minutes searching for threatening emails and then reading them out with comedy voices. These emails are never actually addressed to me – in the last week I’ve had emails sent to Tonya Recommends, Emily Farr and – amazingly –  Peaches McTaff – but still. They’re in my box which means I own them. (On a sidenote, I’d love, more than anything, to meet someone called Peaches McTaff.)
Anyway, I got sent the below and it really tickled me. Especially the “I’ll call to police!” part. It made me go right back to the start of the email and re-read it all in the voice of Aleksandr Orlov from Compare the Meerkats.
I have to say that scamming emails, though obviously pretty dark in intent and potentially destructive in the wrong hands, are often very amusing. The malapropisms, the typos, the hilarious phrases that have simply become lost in translation; I worry about cyber crime a lot, but there’s nothing like a ridiculous email to lighten the mood.
This one, as you’ll find out, relies on the recipient being something of a racy internet user – watching saucy vids and, I assume, doing various things to themselves whilst they watch them. I can genuinely say that I have never watched sexy films on the internet, mainly because I’d rather spend hours on Rightmove looking at houses I can’t buy (floorplans are my porn, baby!); but if I did, then I’m not sure I’d do stuff to myself in front of the computer. What if I was accidentally connected to my mother via Skype? What if, somehow, I was uploading myself onto Facebook Live?
If there’s one thing you can take away from this post, it’s this: don’t do any naughty business in front of your computer without taping over your spyhole first. (“Taping over your spyhole” might sound like a euphemism: it’s not. I mean the camera hole in the top of the computer and if you didn’t know that was there, I suggest you spend an evening acquainting yourself with your machine. Again, not a euphemism.)
So here’s Aleksandr and his scam – I’ve made some notes in brackets as we go along.
“I’ll begin with the most important. [Please do.]
I hackled your device and then got access to all your accounts… It is easy to check – I wrote you this email from your account. [He/she didn’t.] Also I have an old password for the hacking day: xxxxxx. 
[OK let’s pause already: what is the hacking day? Is this another one of those “national days of” celebrations, like #nationaldoughnutday or #worldunicornday? Should we be celebrating hackers?]
Moreover, I know your intim secret, and I have proof of this. You do not know me personally, and no one paid me to check you. [To be honest I’m quite disappointed that nobody paid to have me checked. Am I worth so little? I feel like a television baddy when they find out that the price on their head is only $2000.]
It is just a coincidence that I discovered your mistake. In fact, I posted a malicious code (exploit) to an adult site, and you visited this site… [Nope, not me. Now Aleksandr, had you written to me and said “I posted a malicious code to a Velux blinds discount site, and you visited this site…” I would have been properly worried.]
While watching a video Trojan virus has been installed on your device through an exploit. This darknet software working as RDP (remote-controlled desktop), which has a keylogger, which gave me access to your microphone and webcam. Soon after, my software received all your contacts from your messenger, social network and email. [I have no idea what most of this means but the Trojan, Darknet and Keylogger now residing in my device make me feel slightly uneasy. They sound tough and mean, like they might all carry those hammers with spikes sticking out of them. Is my laptop screen the portal to another – Lord of the Rings style – universe?
“Darknet? Darknet, you imbecile! Come closer and bring me the Orb of Clustertron.”
“Y-y-yes, Trojan sire. Here it is, the Orb, oh mighty one.”
“Darknet! Where is the Orbal Octicular Augmentor?”
“The…the what sire?”
“The Orbal Octicular Augmentor, fool! You know, the looking glass that makes viewing the Orb possible!”
“The…magnifying glass you mean? Keylogger has it, sire…”]
At that moment I spent much more time than I should have. [To be fair, Alek, I spend much more time than I should have doing a lot of things. Don’t beat yourself up about it.] I studied your love life and created a good video series. [Oh thank the lord – can I buy it off you please? Creating original Youtube content that people actually watch is killing me off. If you have video and I’m the star, I’ll pay good money.] The first part shows the video that you watched, [Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper singing Shallow, live. I know it must be that because I watch it multiple times a day.] and the second part shows the video clip taken from your webcam (you are doing inappropriate things). [This is probably true, to be fair.]
Honestly, I want to forget all the information about you and allow you to continue your daily life. And I will give you two suitable options. Both are easy to do. First option: you ignore this email.  The second option: you pay me $700(USD).
[Third option: you turn it into a blog post and make everyone read out my email in the voice of one of the meerkats from the Compare the Market.]
Let’s look at 2 options in detail. [OK.]
The first option is to ignore this email. Let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. I will send your video to your contacts, including family members, colleagues, etc. This does not protect you from the humiliation that you and your family need to know when friends and family members know about your unpleasant details. [Most confusing sentence structure I’ve ever seen – I can’t even unpick the meaning from this mess.]
The second option is to pay me. We will call this “privacy advice.” [Or extortion, but carry on.] Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. [Does it take me through Fall Forest, over Winter Mountain and out to Summer Lake like in Dora the Explorer?] Your secret is your secret. I immediately destroy the video. [Uh huh.] You continue your life as if none of this has happened.
Now you might think: “I’ll call to police!” [No, I don’t think anyone will actually think this because it’s not a sentence that exists. The grammar is completely incorrect. Still, this is my favourite line in the whole of your email. I like to imagine lots of people reading the same scam and then looking up from their screens and saying – “I know! I’ll call to police!”
“Pauline? Pauline! Come up here. I’ve got something shameful to tell you.”
“What is it Bob? Tell me you haven’t been vacuuming your penis up the hoover hose again?”
“Worse, Pauline. Much worse. And someone has filmed it, that’s the bad thing.”
“Oh Bob, when will you learn, love?”
“He’s threatening to take it public if I don’t pay seven hundred dollars.”
“What are you going to do, Bob?”
“I don’t know Pauline, I just don’t. If work see me using the office-issue hole punch to gently pincer my testicles whilst wearing a scuba diving mask I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I wondered where the hole punch had gone Bob! I needed to file the electricity bill and I had to just rest it in the ring-binder, untethered!”
“Sorry Pauline, I really am. I just don’t know what to do. Any ideas?”
“Hmm. I know!”
“I’ll call to police!”]
Undoubtedly, I have taken steps to ensure that this letter cannot be traced to me, and it will not remain aloof from the evidence of the destruction of your daily life. I don’t want to steal all your savings. [This sentence is proof that Google Translate is never your friend] I just want to get compensation for my efforts that I put in to investigate you. [Flipping Poirot, here!] Let us hope that you decide to create all this in full and pay me a fee for confidentiality. You make a Bitcoin payment (if you don’t know how to do it, just enter “how to buy bitcoins” in Google search)
Shipping amount: $700(USD). Getting Bitcoin Addresses: xx (This is sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully) [Oops. I replaced it with an XX. This is like when you opt to use the Safari strong password and then the computer forgets it and it was something like Sf%!!hjkh6789cdDcDD34?4 and you are locked out of Gmail forever.]
This is a one-time offer that is non-negotiable, so do not waste my and your time. Time is running out.
I think that the sign-off might be my second most favourite part. So cheery! So familiar! I sort of wish that he/she had signed off with a name, no matter how fake.
Leslie xx.
    The post Sex On Tape: Call To Police! appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Sex On Tape: Call To Police! was first posted on February 6, 2019 at 10:41 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Sex On Tape: Call To Police! published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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angel47258-blog · 6 years
I can't even stand to look at people that don't want to over throw the Government. If I even suspect they don't want to over throw the Government, I really start to hate em* quite a few people seem to have lost this moral highground somewhere in societal degrade city. Some people are extremely adamant about making the World a terrible place. Case Number 03938061: This is why nobody has safely advanced civillization. Now while every scumbag shitty retard therapist and police sergeant and satanic investor was thinking about a rebuttles to say how it's not ok overthrow the Government ,as well as every worthless asshole politician who is a dime a motherfucking dozen since the 70's or 80's and everybody's mommy and daddy was working for the stock market and everybody was just dying to work for a Chevy and Ford Honda and Toyota oil monopoly. I swear to God I better hear ever soldier and police officer and courtroom judge tell me and everybody else how great the representation is in America, and how great rampant abuses of psychiatric fraud and medical malpractice are. I need to hear how great it is to drug everybody with toxic medications and to see drug commercials everywhere because they are so important to corporate policy along with every single other societal degrade including psychotronic attacks on Civillians and big oil, smog,and toxic poisons and waste!, I need to hear how important it is that every asshole died for a piece of the pie in lobbyist funded corporate America, Because I was unfortunately being a victim of some type of traumatic mind control. There Are certain types of EMF,v2k, Sonic blackjack and or psychotronic weapons that I was attacked by. It may be monarch traumatic mind control. America the marketing capital of the fucking world. It causes traumatic amnesia, memory loss, repressed emotions that victims will be unable to process. It is horrible. Psychiatry and the DSM will not acknowledge these types of attacks even if a person can remember. This is a state of emergency for far too many people. Victims have been blacklisted even in the public school system. Some therapists are very well aware of how fraudulent psychiatry can be and the DSM . Attackers and gang or cult blacklist stalkers will take full advantage of this. Often times a victim may be trying to make a positive life change and will be drugged and or attacked by these destructive trauma weapons. I went to Pittsford Mendon graduated 95. Teachers have even set up students with these types of attacks to conspire against victims. Let me remind everyone in Satoris class I did say I wanted every mk ultra scientist shot in the head (twice). I said I wanted to run for Congress as well even if I just got the grant and marketed grassroots biofuel to vote on I would have crushed all enemy opposition. ) Usually inventory is taken on victims to see if they have any truly positive or safe connections. Familiy life included. Some families will set their children up or be so Ill equipped to deal with this that they may simply call it a mental illness which is not even close to acknowledging these issues. Some families endanger their kids by not helping them protect themselves. Either running or gunning. Some family members hold others back from truly protecting themselves.This causes very much loneliness, trauma and depression so others can later take advantage of the victim. There is no real protection in the news or media or any effective legislation for these types of attacks. I had many people falsely befriend me and when they saw me moving on they made sure I was stalked and attacked. People that had me attacked shortly after I moved 20 minutes to a new town called Pittsford. My dad was dead in less than a year. Gunjit Nathan J Berkebile grant Hammond. All lived on the street I moved to. Dale Goldstein jack watts had me stalked and watched in therapy people will even conspire to have people set up with therapists. Doyle just happened to move into my school after berkebile left. He's a satanic fuk. Doyle really needed people shot with these weapons so he could "deal" with them. I.got tricked into moving in with jeff and Kevin Wright and Milan and Doyle shot me with some type of hand held devices. It was after I moved in. My brother "introduced " me to Jeff, Tim and kevin. Had to be purposeful The Palmers on Roslyn street met Palmer at college at Alfred state . Jon ash I am pretty sure really followed me to college. I think that's what really happened. chris Milan justin figgarelli, conti Collins had Anne Corey followed me to my class at mcc jon Ash followed me to Alfred state. I had thought I made a friend of the Palmers. But it was not the case They so badly set me up. I knew them for years they plotted and suggested therapists through another source. At 145 south fitzhugh I was m.h. placed me thru case management Steve Pezel, Courtney Audino Cindy Kinyan and Jenn Moore were there to harass me after I was later shot months later. maybe I sat on a device it's very obvious when people get blasted by these weapons similar to EMF, psychotronics and v2k , Jordan Collins. Sean Driscoll, Chad Francis and Todd Francis as well as Jason Doyle had me hurt very badly with some type of device and Amy fien. Sometimes hand held Devices are used. They have people shot by these weapons and insult them or say terrible things to them and the victim loses their memory. Concentration, happiness, motivation and quality of life are very much effected. Teacher satori targeted me openly in class knowing I would suffer memory loss and nobody helped at all. Aeisha Ash wanted me attacked,,she said so in class. Weiss too. I wonder how many Jews are especially targeted like me. I even mentioned I was thinking of running for Congress. Nobody does sht in office anyway If law enforcement can't provide safety or put up a billboard people must protect themselves. There are far too many cover-ups and stovepiping so people are not nearly well enough informed. Any president could have protected his people a long time ago. Homeland security isn't really for the anything and what has the CIA done? budgets for nothing but societal degrades big pharma, big oil and false news in America. These are intolerable Grievances. Justin Figgarelli was always a disgusting sick fck. I never even entertained the idea of being friends with someone like that. This trauma is terrible people or victims sometimes will get messed up to the point that they fall into situations they had no intentions of getting into. Conti lived with figgarelli. Everybody knew I was really just not interested in Tim anymore. Doyle said when I was 19 a gang was going to come into my group therapy and I wasn't even thinking about group therapy at the time. It was when I was 26 when Watts came in met him at the Palmers barbecue when I was 22. Tim had me shot with some weapin to mess me up and Jessie got drugs from someone for Tim to give me. Age 22. I was working part time and going to school. There is no way my life would have gone this way without severe negative intervention. Those weapons really effect judgement. This is a conglomerate attack. This is so much of the reason society never progresses beyond a big oil company and medical fraud and dsmv malpractice. Does anybody think any of these people would have a decent job if they got shot a bunch of times with these types of weapons? I have memories as a kid of pretty strange stuff. People may find out things happened to a victim of traumatic events and say something like well how come I can't mess with them yet? — in Rochester, NY. Photo sometimes I just knew things as a kid like haarp and TENCAP. in the 80's. I think they may have sent information to me and then had me attacked. Jason Doyle when I was 19 told me he didn't care if I was going to be the most talented psychic in the world he just wanted to mess me up. I was getting shot. I actually remember songs that I knew and could partially here so many years before they came out. I dont think Earth or pf Chang's needs people like Jason Doyle alive at all. Or people like Fred or Jessie or Becky Palmer or this person and that other person and this one and that one or Anne Corey or definitely not Cindy Kinyan or Jenn moore or.. it's like Satan and Hitler just strolled in with some lobbyists and a marketing campaign. And rommell took a break from tank duty and bought an Abrahams. it's the song of Deborah. In the book of Judges most people didn't do anything. Psyops patches and badges nro literally remind me of my childhood and I never viewed them a normal way. I caught glimpses of them though
0 notes
angel47258-blog · 6 years
Societal degrades and tax break incentives
I can't even stand to look at people that don't want to over throw the Government. If I even suspect they don't want to over throw the Government, I really start to hate em* quite a few people seem to have lost this moral highground somewhere in societal degrade city. Some people are extremely adamant about making the World a terrible place. Case Number 03938061: This is why nobody has safely advanced civillization. Now while every scumbag shitty retard therapist and police sergeant and satanic investor was thinking about a rebuttles to say how it's not ok overthrow the Government ,as well as every worthless asshole politician who is a dime a motherfucking dozen since the 70's or 80's and everybody's mommy and daddy was working for the stock market and everybody was just dying to work for a Chevy and Ford Honda and Toyota oil monopoly. I swear to God I better hear ever soldier and police officer and courtroom judge tell me and everybody else how great the representation is in America, and how great rampant abuses of psychiatric fraud and medical malpractice are. I need to hear how great it is to drug everybody with toxic medications and to see drug commercials everywhere because they are so important to corporate policy along with every single other societal degrade including psychotronic attacks on Civillians and big oil, smog,and toxic poisons and waste!, I need to hear how important it is that every asshole died for a piece of the pie in lobbyist funded corporate America, Because I was unfortunately being a victim of some type of traumatic mind control. There Are certain types of EMF,v2k, Sonic blackjack and or psychotronic weapons that I was attacked by. It may be monarch traumatic mind control. America the marketing capital of the fucking world. It causes traumatic amnesia, memory loss, repressed emotions that victims will be unable to process. It is horrible. Psychiatry and the DSM will not acknowledge these types of attacks even if a person can remember. This is a state of emergency for far too many people. Victims have been blacklisted even in the public school system. Some therapists are very well aware of how fraudulent psychiatry can be and the DSM . Attackers and gang or cult blacklist stalkers will take full advantage of this. Often times a victim may be trying to make a positive life change and will be drugged and or attacked by these destructive trauma weapons. I went to Pittsford Mendon graduated 95. Teachers have even set up students with these types of attacks to conspire against victims. Let me remind everyone in Satoris class I did say I wanted every mk ultra scientist shot in the head (twice). I said I wanted to run for Congress as well even if I just got the grant and marketed grassroots biofuel to vote on I would have crushed all enemy opposition. ) Usually inventory is taken on victims to see if they have any truly positive or safe connections. Familiy life included. Some families will set their children up or be so Ill equipped to deal with this that they may simply call it a mental illness which is not even close to acknowledging these issues. Some families endanger their kids by not helping them protect themselves. Either running or gunning. Some family members hold others back from truly protecting themselves.This causes very much loneliness, trauma and depression so others can later take advantage of the victim. There is no real protection in the news or media or any effective legislation for these types of attacks. I had many people falsely befriend me and when they saw me moving on they made sure I was stalked and attacked. People that had me attacked shortly after I moved 20 minutes to a new town called Pittsford. My dad was dead in less than a year. Gunjit Nathan J Berkebile grant Hammond. All lived on the street I moved to. Dale Goldstein jack watts had me stalked and watched in therapy people will even conspire to have people set up with therapists. Doyle just happened to move into my school after berkebile left. He's a satanic fuk. Doyle really needed people shot with these weapons so he could "deal" with them. I.got tricked into moving in with jeff and Kevin Wright and Milan and Doyle shot me with some type of hand held devices. It was after I moved in. My brother "introduced " me to Jeff, Tim and kevin. Had to be purposeful The Palmers on Roslyn street met Palmer at college at Alfred state . Jon ash I am pretty sure really followed me to college. I think that's what really happened. chris Milan justin figgarelli, conti Collins had Anne Corey followed me to my class at mcc jon Ash followed me to Alfred state. I had thought I made a friend of the Palmers. But it was not the case They so badly set me up. I knew them for years they plotted and suggested therapists through another source. At 145 south fitzhugh I was m.h. placed me thru case management Steve Pezel, Courtney Audino Cindy Kinyan and Jenn Moore were there to harass me after I was later shot months later. maybe I sat on a device it's very obvious when people get blasted by these weapons similar to EMF, psychotronics and v2k , Jordan Collins. Sean Driscoll, Chad Francis and Todd Francis as well as Jason Doyle had me hurt very badly with some type of device and Amy fien. Sometimes hand held Devices are used. They have people shot by these weapons and insult them or say terrible things to them and the victim loses their memory. Concentration, happiness, motivation and quality of life are very much effected. Teacher satori targeted me openly in class knowing I would suffer memory loss and nobody helped at all. Aeisha Ash wanted me attacked,,she said so in class. Weiss too. I wonder how many Jews are especially targeted like me. I even mentioned I was thinking of running for Congress. Nobody does sht in office anyway If law enforcement can't provide safety or put up a billboard people must protect themselves. There are far too many cover-ups and stovepiping so people are not nearly well enough informed. Any president could have protected his people a long time ago. Homeland security isn't really for the anything and what has the CIA done? budgets for nothing but societal degrades big pharma, big oil and false news in America. These are intolerable Grievances. Justin Figgarelli was always a disgusting sick fck. I never even entertained the idea of being friends with someone like that. This trauma is terrible people or victims sometimes will get messed up to the point that they fall into situations they had no intentions of getting into. Conti lived with figgarelli. Everybody knew I was really just not interested in Tim anymore. Doyle said when I was 19 a gang was going to come into my group therapy and I wasn't even thinking about group therapy at the time. It was when I was 26 when Watts came in met him at the Palmers barbecue when I was 22. Tim had me shot with some weapin to mess me up and Jessie got drugs from someone for Tim to give me. Age 22. I was working part time and going to school. There is no way my life would have gone this way without severe negative intervention. Those weapons really effect judgement. This is a conglomerate attack. This is so much of the reason society never progresses beyond a big oil company and medical fraud and dsmv malpractice. Does anybody think any of these people would have a decent job if they got shot a bunch of times with these types of weapons? I have memories as a kid of pretty strange stuff. People may find out things happened to a victim of traumatic events and say something like well how come I can't mess with them yet? — in Rochester, NY. Photo sometimes I just knew things as a kid like haarp and TENCAP. in the 80's. I think they may have sent information to me and then had me attacked. Jason Doyle when I was 19 told me he didn't care if I was going to be the most talented psychic in the world he just wanted to mess me up. I was getting shot. I actually remember songs that I knew and could partially here so many years before they came out. I dont think Earth or pf Chang's needs people like Jason Doyle alive at all. Or people like Fred or Jessie or Becky Palmer or this person and that other person and this one and that one or Anne Corey or definitely not Cindy Kinyan or Jenn moore or.. it's like Satan and Hitler just strolled in with some lobbyists and a marketing campaign. And rommell took a break from tank duty and bought an Abrahams. it's the song of Deborah. In the book of Judges most people didn't do anything. Psyops patches and badges nro literally remind me of my childhood and I never viewed them a normal way. I caught glimpses of them though
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