#He really wants to impress Minato-Sensei
anannua · 10 months
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cooking to impress your crush
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animeshrink · 10 months
Naruto...A Lesson in Attachment
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This is Naruto Uzumaki.
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And so is this.
So, how did he go from doing this:
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Desecrating and vandalizing the village
To doing this:
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Leading it.
We'll explore that, but first want to start where it all began.
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These are Naruto's parents: Minato Namikaze, his dad. All around great shinobi, a prodigy, super talented, became Hokage at a really young age. And Kushina Uzumaki, his mom, quite an impressive kunoichi (female shinobi) in her own right.
So, yes, from the start Naruto had an extra leg-up with two loving parents who loved him and cared for him.
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At least for a couple of hours.
Yes, he lost both of his parents as a newborn. So, what happened to that child? Well, it's below, but first a lesson about attachment and why it's important.
First there are four types of attachment:
Secure - confident, non-reactive, comes back from adversity; kids feel safe, secure, and trusting
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Adult Naruto and his own family.
2. Avoidant-Dismissive - Independent, show little emotional needs, unemotional, little physical contact, manage own distress
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Hear me out here, I would say Little Sasuke (sahs-kay) and his relationship with his father. Sasuke was independent and parents focused their attention primarily on his older brother. He eventually grew to become self-reliant and used other people to get his needs met, forming very few attachments along the way.
3. Disorganized/ Avoidant-Fearful - Inconsistent emotional support, crave attention from but also fear caregivers; often stemming from trauma
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Anybody with this man, Orochimaru. Orochimaru thrived on creating disorganized attachments in the children he experimented on, kidnapped, worked with.
Or anybody with Danzo. Both preyed on orphans and their lack of secure attachments.
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4. Anxious - Inconsistent parenting, so seeks reassurance to elicit caring response. May become really attached, dependent on others in a relationship to fulfill emotional needs, may become preoccupied with others. Place high hopes on others and get attached to potential. Sounds a little like our hero.
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Inconsistent parenting
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Granted, it wasn't the village leader's job to raise him, but he did step up and take responsibility for him. Just was inconsistent.
Becomes easily attached and preoccupied with others and their potential.
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He literally chased Sasuke around for years (!) to force a friendship. He became obsessed not with the person Sasuke was, but the person he could be.
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No matter how many times Sasuke tried to kill him or refused to come home.
Anxious attachment.
Poor attachment also can lead to behavioral struggles.
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And poor academic performance
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Naruto finished last in his academy class and failed three times.
So, what changed?
Healthy Relationships!
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Iruka sensei, his first teacher, and ramen!
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Team 7! Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei!
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And friends!
*As always, this post is for entertainment-educational purposes only. If you do need mental health assistance, please reach out to a local (!) mental health provider. If in crisis, please in the US, call 988.
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Speakin' of kiddos, I've always wondered something. Growing up, I'm sure y'all spent a good time around the OG Ino-Shika-Cho. How's it feel watching the new generation step into them same shoes? I think they did pretty well, but that'd be my opinion.
Sorry if this makes ya' feel a bit up-there Hokage-sama!
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By 'OG', are you referring to Inoichi, Shikaku, and Chouza? Because I hate to break it to you, but there's at least... five more generations of that iconic trio before those three. The Yamanaka and Nara have been Akimichi clan vassals for a long, long time, if not from the start. Although I will concur that it was the three you have in mind who elevated the Ino-Shika-Cho formation into international infamy during the Third War, since their immediate predecessors were more diplomats and negotiators with a emphasis on trade at the time. I was too young to have really known them, aside from seeing them around the village from afar.
Long post ahead. You've been warned.
Now, Inoichi... I didn't know him beyond as a work acquaintance. Definitely addicted to caffeine, incredibly busy with leading both his clan and the intelligence department, but he made time for his friends' old genin students just so they wouldn't have to switch shrinks when they got older. A good man, if a tad absent from his home as the years went by, from what I've heard. I can appreciate that he kept whatever he learned about me separate from our working relationship, and honor all he's done for this village.
Shikaku was a great drinking buddy if you weren't looking for any drama, but a frustrating conversationalist when he was looking for something from you. It was difficult to stay mad at him when he was so... deadpan? Levelheaded? Blase? I don't know if I would have accepted my initial nomination to become Rokudaime after Pain's attack if he hadn't been the one to talk me around.
He left a very strong impression on me when I was younger. You could say I looked up to him, in a way. He wasn't a genius like his son— which isn't to say he wasn't a brilliant analyst, tactician, and strategist in his own right— but then, there are very few people who can match Shikamaru in that aspect. It was more his organizational skills that got him where he ended up as Konoha's jounin commander and the Shinobi Alliance's chief strategist. Incredibly efficient, incredibly sharp, and above all, you never saw him lose his cool or his resolve. He knew what had to be done and made sure that it would be done. Among that generation, Shikaku was one of the greats— not infamous like Minato-sensei, but rather, the epitome of what a shinobi had to be.
Chouza is only someone I know because Gai and Genma— two of his genin students— kept in touch. I used to get dragged to Akimichi-hosted gatherings when I was younger, ergo, lots of positive connotations. I appreciated his wisdom when he invited me to tea shortly before both of my formal nominations, and he remains the most easy-going out of all the clan heads I have to meet with on a quarterly basis. Although he's since retired from the field, he was one of our village's greatest combative assets through two wars. I'm glad that he's still with us.
That said, their successors are not them.
Ino is still making progress in leaps and bounds with her clan techniques and innovating with our village's barrier team. Shikamaru is learning how the tower operates and taking on more responsibilities. Chouji continues to be an exemplary shinobi of Konoha and a role model for the rising generation of new genin as he grows in his role as a squad leader on missions.
All three have been lauded for their admirable contributions during the Fourth war. It is my hope that they will never see another, and never become what their fathers had to be. Let the youth create new footsteps for others to follow, and let old shoes be buried with a past that we can learn from.
If you want a better comparison, maybe ask @whotookmysenbon. He's closer with everyone involved than I ever was.
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dark-elf-writes · 11 months
Sharing the sharingan
What if The Uchiha, The Hyuga, and Kakashi all die during Pain’s attack and end up at Sakumo’s limbo-campfire together?
Maybe they all die one by one with kakashi last because they’d be damned if they didn’t do everything physically possible to keep him safe. They just absolutely refuse to meet their sensei again with the knowledge they let his kid get killed while they were still kicking.
Them showing up one by one at the campfire and Sakumo smiling oh so sadly because while he wanted to see his family again, he never wanted it to be so soon. Not like this.
Sakumo getting immediately dog piled by all three of his kids once they’re all there. Just knocked to the floor and nuzzled into because yeah they’re adults but they all lost him too early and grew up too weird to give a shit about appearances now.
The Uchiha and The Hyuga immediately launching into a full blown bragging session about Kakashi’s accomplishments (both shinobi and otherwise. They personally think him beating Gai is far more impressive than his multi page spread in the Bingo book since they have them too but oh well).
Kakashi retaliating by talking about their extensive list of accomplishments (ie the weirdly specific but very useful self help books, the highly successful erotica novels, the universal fear of all Jonin, and the legion of devoted kids they managed to build )
Sakumo being very bemused because he really thought this reunion would be a lot more…apologetic? Philosophical? Because while he certainly apologized to them all and they accepted it, everything moved past it pretty quickly. According to them they’d “slap his guilt-ridden brain out of his ears if he tried to leave them again” but didn’t actually mind his decision on the mission? When he asked about it the Hyuga huffed because “come on sensei, really? You think we helped raise your pup thinking you made the wrong choice on that mission? You have us the wolf summons for a reason, didn’t you?”
Kakashi, now possessing the spirit of a little brother instead of an only child, absolutely delighting in watching them both get scruffed like unruly pups when the stories start flowing and some less than advisable actions come to light.
Microwaving this in my head because anncnsjskdjdnshush
I always planned on at least one of them dying in the Pain attack because of the angst but the thought of all three of them dying has me feeling emotions only known to shrimp.
The Hyuga dies first. Impaled by a chakra rod and exhausting his chakra to give his family, his pack, even the slightest chance. The last thing he hears is the Uchiha’s roar of fury as everything goes dark.
The Uchiha dies next, shoving Kakashi out of the way of a sure kill blow before throwing himself forward, determined to draw blood if it’s the last thing he does. He tells Kakashi to take Choji and run. He wakes up with a campfire in the distance and silence all around him.
Kakashi dies last, exhausted body unable to maintain the sharingan even a second longer. He’s no natural dojutsu user. Was never meant for the constant drain. He makes sure Choji gets out and prays it’s enough that even one do the kids makes it out of this shit show alive.
(He dies grateful that Naruto is gone. That Minato’s son would live even if Kakashi was no longer there to help raise him.)
The three of them find the campfire around the same time. The Hyuga laughs so hard he would have definitely pulled something if he was still alive when he realized who was there waiting for them.
The only real family other than each other and Kakashi that he and the Uchiha had ever known.
Sakumo looks sad (and a bit concerned that the Hyuga is going to figure out how to die a second time) but that’s as nothing compared to his shellshocked expression once after the Hyuga gathers himself he’s tackled by his three very much bigger pups all yapping over each other and laughing and crying. He wonders if this was what it would have been like in a perfect world where all of them lived. He wonders if they feel the missing weight of his final pup (the one that turned from them) just as keenly as he does.
As much as it hurts to see the light come for his pups he’s so fucking glad they get to live another day, get to break the cycle of the Hatakes (because they are all Hatakes no matter what clans two of them were born into) dying young.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
For the fluff prompts 1 or 15 for obkk pretty please 🥺
hiiii this is from like 15 days ago <333 and i finally came up w something for it!!! (actually i did like three days after u sent this but never got around to writing it bc i started working on the collab w bp :333)
some info: kakashi has sound to taste synesthesia! he has a little bit of both sound and word-stuff, which i’m not entirely sure is real, but it’s going to have to be for the prompt LOL
there are of course more than five words that taste bad but so far, only those five invoke uncontrollable reactions (and it’s his duty to report them as a ninja. because they’re pretty common words and he wouldn’t want to out their cover by being asked to take midnight watch lol)
obito and rin’s voices generally taste good!! words that usually invoke no particular taste invoke something when they say it. i didn’t specify the tastes of anything bc i wanted to leave it up to the reader shdjsjfhdk
ok enjoy!!!!!
prompt: "Should I stop talking?" || "Don't, your voice is very soothing"
Kakashi always had some pretty well-established rules about himself that, for the most part, were normal. Don’t look when the mask is off, no hugs allowed, and no stealing food unless you were Rin and Obito. Genma nearly had his hand stabbed through with chopsticks when he’d tried.
But by far, the weirdest was the list of words that by any means, were not allowed to be said near him. And not the expected words from a shinobi, like the sensitive-topic ones.
Knife, sleeve, spider, contradict, and midnight were the five words written on the paper that Kakashi handed Minato-sensei on the first day of training. Minato explained the list to Obito and Rin, and then did not explain why that list mattered or what it had to do with Kakashi.
But, whatever. They avoided the words as much as they could, and never really questioned why.
It wasn’t until Obito was a eighteen (impressed he’d lasted that long? So was he) that he found out the reason for Kakashi’s aversion to those words. He’d accidentally let “contradict” slip when he had been arguing with his teammate, and Kakashi had suddenly gagged so violently that Obito worried he’d torn his throat or something.
Immediately disarmed, Obito had quit his yelling and kneeled next to his fallen teammate, who had yanked his mask down to breathe. He averted his gaze and asked, “Holy shit, are you okay?”
“I’m…I’m fine,” he panted, smacking his lips. “Ugh.”
“What happened?” Obito asked, a hand resting on Kakashi’s back. “Are you going to hurl? Should I find Minato-sensei?”
Kakashi shook his head. “Please just keep talking.”
Obito blinked, taken aback. “Um. Okay? Why?”
“Your voice…” The younger trailed off, looking away.
“Kakashi. You have to tell me now that you’ve said something.”
“Fine. I have synesthesia,” Kakashi spat, rolling his eyes as he pulled his mask up. “I taste sounds and words.”
“What the hell?” Obito said before he could stop himself, and Kakashi rose to his feet with a scoff.
“Yeah. Bye, Obito.”
“Wait, what? Hey! That doesn’t explain why you wanted—Wait, does my voice…taste good?”
“Yes. Bye, Obito.” Kakashi formed the signs to a shunshin, deceptively calm but Obito could see the crease in his brow. He lunged forward and grabbed Kakashi’s wrists, splitting his hands.
“Kakashi!” he shouted, yanking the younger to a sitting position. “I think that’s super cool! And I want to help!”
“And I’d really like to go home to wallow in my shame.”
“I mean, if me talking helps, then I’ll talk. Please? Will you at least stay and we never have to talk about it again?” He batted his eyelashes and pouted, hoping to make himself look like a bigger fool than Kakashi felt to redirect his attention.
Kakashi stared at him, then cracked a small smile under the mask and bonked him gently on the head. “Fine. I’ll stay. I should probably help you clean up the training field anyway…”
Obito glanced behind him to the fallen trees then flapped his hand dismissively. “It’s fine. We can do it later. I wanna watch clouds again.” He flopped onto his back and Kakashi followed, crossing his arms over his abdomen.
“That one looks like a duck.”
“Oh please never say duck again,” Kakashi groaned.
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 77
He hadn't been on watch since there were so many people to share it, so Kakashi was the first one awake and ready to start in the morning that they would reach Rouran and the real mission could begin.
Kakashi didn't like any of these interlopers. This mission should just have been him with Sensei's team. They didn't belong here, and he didn't trust them. The Sandaime had apparently believed that they came from the future, but he was less certain.
He hadn't managed to decide if it would be worse to find out that they were spies or that they were telling the truth. He didn't… he didn't want to know what was going to happen. The older boys didn't seem to have any compunction about giving hints. He disliked them for that. He didn't want to know. The thought that his life was already predetermined was terrifying.
If they were honest and sane, then he was going to get saddled with that blonde moron as a student. It was an unappealing prospect. His other supposed student, the Uchiha, was surprisingly okay for a cat person, and markedly more intelligent than Obito. He'd grant that.
Though his stupid eleven year old teammate was far more irritating than this 'Sasuke', Obito was probably a good match for Naruto. Ugh, Naruto.
'He just really gets on my nerves.' Kakashi clenched his jaw, totally unaware that the expression was an adorable pout on his 9-year old features and Minato-sensei was a champion of distinguishing facial movements through his mask. His teacher coughed to hide a giggle, but Kakashi was too busy moping to catch it.
Naruto thought he was so tough. And he was annoying, too, always grinning and looking at Minato-sensei. It was weird.
Sensei was too nice to say anything, but he could tell that it unnerved him. Sensei seemed strangely fond of and interested in the idiot, though, for some bizarre reason.
'I don't know why. I don't think he's even a real shinobi.' Kakashi took an extra large stride, working twice as hard as everyone else to keep up. 'The Uchiha might not be either. I've never seen him do anything impressive.'
The last one seemed to be the team-leader. That wasn't necessarily prestigious, considering her company. At least she wasn't simpering all the time like Rin, and she didn't seem interested in lording her knowledge of the future over him. He much preferred 'taciturn' to 'chatty'. Bossy, though, and he didn't like the way she looked at any of them.
Sometimes it seemed like she was going to bare her teeth at Minato-sensei if he got too close to her teammates. Funny that she was so protective when she was seemed to be the weakest one there. What little he'd pieced together of the failed mission that brought them here indicated that she was some sort of support type and had been lurking back.
Kakashi scoffed, pushing his lower lip out for a moment before he caught himself and tried to still his face. It was hard, damnit, but he was a real shinobi and they didn't have emotions or weaknesses.
He had finally been trusted with a real mission for once instead of stupid escort missions or watching big dumb Obito fail mundane D class tasks. Sensei had chosen him to accompany his own team. No one was going to mess that up for him.
They entered the city of towers in the cover of darkness, vaulting completely over their precious wall and traveling in a line like ants, one leaping from the wall to a tower with an open window in a room that Shibi's insects had made sure was clear as soon as the person in front was safely inside. The home owners who had left their entrance open lay sleeping, unwitting and restlessly, on the other side of one of the walls.
"We'll set up a base in an empty apartment in this complex," Minato whispered to everyone but Shibi whose plan it was. "There are an unusual amount of unoccupied homes."
'That's probably a clue that something is wrong.'
Despite the unnerving sense that the city was too quiet even for an area at sleep, Aiko didn't breathe anything about her bad feeling. Her intuition was nothing to write home about, so she'd wait until she had concrete evidence and something more than 'where are the criminals, dissident teens, and streetwalkers who should be out at this time of night?'
Perhaps Rouran really was so regulated and clockwork-clean that they didn't have any of those social ills. The thought made her shudder. It would have to be a totalitarian nightmare for there to be no one willing to risk the nightlife.
"Alright team, gather round," Minato began with a silent (and therefore pointless) handclap to gather them together and unnecessary bubbly attitude. Obediently, they formed a seated circle of sorts. "For now, we need to gather information. My team's primary goal will still be to investigate any hints that indicate the human trafficking originates here. You three will be locating and shadowing princess Sara in order to ascertain whether she is willingly complicit in what this 'Anroukuzan' or 'Mukade' is planning. Any questions so far?"
There was apparently a question, but it wasn't directed at Minato.
"Did you say that this Anroukuzan would recognize you?" Shibi asked.
Aiko sucked in a breath through her teeth. That was a harder question than it sounded. "Maybe?" she admitted uncertainly. "For him, it's been six years. If he does, he'd probably recognize just the boys. I don't think he had a good look at me."
"Then perhaps it would be unwise for you to accompany them to shadow this princess," Choza pointed out, crossing his arms across his broad chest. He looked surprisingly like a lucky cat with his eyes squeezed shut like that. "If he sees them, Anroukuzan will know that he brought back the two closest to him when he traveled here. If he sees someone he doesn't recognize…"
Choza trailed off meaningfully, but Minato cut in. "Yes, I see. He would suspect that there were further intruders, and the rest of us are likely to be discovered before we want to be. Our mission is better accomplished if no one knows of our presence until the appropriate moment."
She stared at them, aghast. It turned to sullenness quickly. "You don't think I can hide from a puffed-up Chuunin when it counts?" Aiko asked disbelievingly. None of them looked ashamed. Kakashi even looked a little amused.
'Don't they know I snuck into the Hokage's office? That's not something an amateur- oh. No, he wouldn't have shared that information. Still.'
She actually felt a bit angry. The hell was that about? Had she been imagining a hint of disdain earlier the other day when Naruto had clarified that she had been removed from the initial fight? Was this because they thought she was a support type?
It wasn't the first time that she'd encountered casual prejudice against ninja like medics and infiltration specialists—those who weren't pure combat specialists. But it was the first time it'd been directed at her, even if it was in a mildly patronizing, protective way. Like the stupid little girl needed to be kept out of a risky operation or risk ruining it.
"Of course," she snipped after a long moment, giving the three older men a nasty look. 'You simpering troglodytes.' In unison, Minato and Choza recoiled. "You're right. My delicate constitution isn't suited for the dangerous task of following around a spoiled teenage girl without getting seen by her fat old advisor."
'What the hell just happened,' thought Minato, who had thought he was being perfectly reasonable.
Choza cringed back a little at the unexpected temper, attempting to exchange a desperate plea for help with his eyes while his submissive body language warded off further hostility, but Shibi was impassive and her teammates just stifled snickers.
"In any case," Minato burbled, eager to get back to a conversation he understood, "Shibi has a point. Aiko-san, I think that you should work with Kakashi."
All the unkind amusement fled the boy's face.
"You can watch each others' backs," he gently added, raising an eyebrow at his student as if to ward off protests. "I was going to allow you to do unassisted recon, but I'd feel better knowing a Jounin has your back," he tried for a little flattery of both of in one go to assuage their egos. The attempt failed to affect Aiko's ill mood and made Kakashi's obviously worse.
'I give up. I can't make them all happy.'
"If you're worried about your team, don't be," Minato said with a tone that brooked no argument. He seamlessly untucked a Hiraishin kunai from his thigh pouch and reverently held it out for Naruto to grasp. The boy reflexively took it with a strange expression on his face. "I will be watching out for them, and if anything goes wrong they can call me instantly."
For some strange reason, Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a supremely amused look.
'Supreme,' Minato mused, suddenly distracted. 'What an excellent word. Supreme. I like it.'
He never did get around to questioning Aiko's dry response about how that made her feel exponentially better or her teammates' odd response.
"A Hiraishin you say," Sasuke exclaimed in an unusually positive tone. "How novel. We will treasure it always."
"Yes, well." Minato coughed a little, uncomfortable with the awe. Unfortunately, his next topic might not deflect it. "If your report was accurate, then there was some sort of seal covering the chakra well? We would probably need the princess's help to replicate the feat, but it would help if any of you could describe it."
'Was it put there by me? If I had to seal a large amount of nature chakra in a rush, what would I use?' Worry struggled with intellectual curiosity. 'Obviously, if removing it had the effect of transporting those who came in contact with it to their timeline's past, then I could have done a better job. But is it now crucial that I create the same seal so that they end up traveling back in time? Will it just be sitting there waiting for another disaster like this? It could be so much worse, if someone like Mukade were to try such a thing again. Would it be possible to have the seal altered after those three are safely home?'
"Unfortunately, I didn't get a very good look."
Mildly surprised that the sulky girl had spoken up again, Minato blinked and looked over at her.
"Whatever you used, you must have thought that it could be destabilized from the undulations of the chakra beneath, because you bothered to physically pin it in place with a Hiraishin kunai." Her eyes were distant, almost glazed with thought, but her face was perfectly smooth and unemotional.
The effect was a little creepy, to be honest. Aiko could have been in a trance or séance. Didn't people normally do something with their face when they thought hard? Like squint or frown or something?
"There must be far too much chakra for it to be contained in a normal storage type array, so you substituted a stabilizing agent that occupied a similar frequency to persuade it to straddle the line between the physical and the metaphysical, probably as you physically stilled the energy supply—or Sara did, I suppose—and prevented it from growing or moving. Really, you put it to sleep more than anything, but your other option would have been to steadily siphon it off, and that would have had a transformative effect on the environs that I definitely did not observe." She frowned. "Then again-"
"You're a seal user, I take it?" Minato interjected, for once regarding her with interest. When she remembered her audience, Aiko looked mildly embarrassed.
"I dabble," she deflected.
'That is not dabbling. Is she modest, or is she uncomfortable discussing the extent of her abilities?'
Either way, he was content to let it rest. Naruto wasn't.
The boy let out a rude snort and kicked his feet up to rest on Sasuke's legs. The Uchiha (even without sharing his last name, that was one an easy identification) scowled, but his friend paid him no mind. "Don't be modest, Aiko chyyaaaan. You're way better than I am. I don't think you get to claim you're dabbling after you've been asked to seal a-"
At the clipped tone and tight expression, the blonde teen's eyes widened and he looked sheepish. "Right. Yes. We're not talking about the future."
'Asked to seal a what?' He sent his team to rest and took first watch, but Minato had to wonder what one instance of sealing was so important that it could qualify as sensitive information.
The ANBU team left first in the morning after Shibi woke everyone else. Naruto and Sasuke made a beeline for the palace soon after while they still had the shadows of early morning to ease their travel, but Kakashi and Aiko waited in awkward silence for daylight to truly come before they ventured out in the guise of civilians.
Their objective was to assess the atmosphere and attitude of the city by subtly interacting with the populace. They would go and do some shopping, perhaps go out for breakfast.
Or at least that was the plan.
'This is spectacularly creepy.'
Her face was probably a bit green under her henge, but at least Kakashi didn't know to mock her for it. 'Even so, it's completely legitimate to be grossed out by human puppets or puppets of humans after having met that nutjob back in Sand,' she argued to herself, justifying her discomfort.
It didn't work, so she turned to dark humor to steady herself and prevent gaining the notice of any of the real people moving with obvious fear through their artificial fellows. There were so few that they might be recognized as outsiders. That had seemed ridiculous in such a large city, but that didn't change the bizarre fact that there appeared to be less than a tenth of as many people as there should be in the streets.
'At least I was right about Mukade,' Aiko remembered blackly. 'More right than I knew. He must have been more than a little pissed about missing his opportunity to have real influence in Sand. He couldn't control the people there. I bet he gets off on creating his own perfect little world. Like his own real Barbie Dreamhouse, if she and her entire world was made by a monster.'
Control freak. He was definitely a control freak, past even the point that qualified as a mental disorder. He was obsessed with asserting his will on his environment.
With that knowledge, his apparent goal of gaining domination over Wind Country (at least, possibly the Elemental Nations as a whole) made sense. Mukade was unsettled by things that were out of his control or that he felt he could better manage. He was proving to himself in an endless circle-jerk that Sand had really fucked up by not allowing him to run his own town. He was so excellent at running a city that he didn't even need people to live in it, for christ's sake. What a prize.
They had immediately returned to their base to wait for the others finish their reconnaissance. Even though they had left hours after the others, it seemed to be an unbearably long time later that the other teams returned.
"Sara is innocent," Naruto concluded, nibbling on a nail.
"She seems completely ignorant," Sasuke added in his usual way of back-handed compliments.
He received a glare from Naruto for that one. "She is a really nice person, I can tell," Naruto asserted. He crossed his legs, apparently unconcerned that the others were treating this as a more formal debriefing. "I think she's sad about something though."
"It might be the city full of demented puppets getting ready to put on a parade," Kakashi interjected unkindly, looking bored.
Everyone else, who had been far from the majority of people, gave him looks that begged clarification.
"He's right," Aiko helped, folding her hands behind her back and straightening as if to formally report. "Perhaps one in every twenty of the apparent civilians doing business on the streets this morning was an actual person. I am not certain, but I think that the others are deceased city residents who had been made into puppets." The expressions she got ranged from revolted to disbelieving. "That's a thing," she informed dryly, not hiding her shudder. "It's really gross. I hate puppet masters."
Naruto made a sound of comprehension. "Oh yeah, that time Sasori kidnapped you."
"We're not talking about that."
Her Uchiha teammate, the traitorous bastard, had the nerve to smirk. "I think we should. Didn't he find you such an unpleasant prisoner that he released you? Perhaps you should be the one to deal with Mukade after all."
"You know perfectly well that I escaped on my own," Aiko replied icily, not appreciating that the amusement that had been interjected into the conversation was at her expense. "No thanks to you."
It was actually a little hurtful that they would tease her about that. It had been one of the worst experiences of her life. 'Then again, how would they know that? They never met the creep in person, and it's not like I talked about it.' Still, it stung.
"Hey, don't blame us," Naruto taunted, giving the watchers a mischievous look. "Blame Kakashi. It was never my job to make sure you didn't get kidnapped from your hospital bed."
Kakashi seemed to disbelieve that would be his problem as well, but Minato was giving the boy a mildly disappointed look. Hell if Aiko knew why.
"This is pointless," she deflected, tightening her clasped fingers in irritation. 'I know that they deal with stress by making light of it. But I do not appreciate it right now.'
Somehow, Minato managed to get them all sent back out. She didn't fail to notice that he hadn't shared what his team had discovered, but he had concluded that it would be acceptable for her to travel with her team now. That had to mean that he had discerned that Mukade was the culprit for his mission as well, and he didn't worry about them getting in a fight over their heads because his team would be around. They were going to have to confront Mukade.
'We're probably the decoy. Minato's team is shadowing us. Mukade is meant to see us but not his team.' Aiko parsed, following Sasuke through the crowds that paid them no mind to have a better view of the princess. She was already walking out onto the balcony to give some speech to a vast courtyard full of puppets, gargled cheers torn from dead throats and generously supplemented by the enthusiasm wrestled from the few real humans there. It was probably enthusiasm not to be murdered for failing to help make the show pretty.
'Mukade must think it's amusing to figuratively puppet Sara into giving pointless speeches to literal puppets.' Aiko's own lips twitched with amusement she hid from her brother. It was pretty funny, in a perverse way. He probably wouldn't appreciate it, though.
That was when the girl on the balcony seemed to suddenly jerk forward and fall. She must have been stunned, or drugged, or under mind control of some sort because it was just plain unnatural for her to plummet from a fatal height without a sound.
'Is he trying to have her killed because he knows we're here?' Guiltily, Aiko glanced down at the redheaded girl in her brother's arms. He'd been the fastest to rescue a damsel. Creepily, none of the puppets had reacted at all to her fall. More tellingly, neither had the figures on the balcony. Either Sara was surrounded by more convincing human puppets, or they were all in on the plot. 'Poor girl. If we weren't here, she would probably have been left alone, if only for a while longer.'
Sara was fourteen- barely younger than Aiko herself. But a civilian fourteen was so much younger than a shinobi fifteen, even if Sara had technically come of age. Sara was probably more naïve than most, pampered and misled by someone who wanted to control her since she was a vulnerable child right after the death of her only living family.
Then Sara opened pretty, jewel-bright purple eyes that had apparently been squeezed shut in fear and shock—and immediately slapped Naruto twice.
'Suddenly, I do not like her at all.'
Aiko didn't remember moving, but she was holding an incredibly delicate wrist between her thumb and forefingers to restrain the brat's movement. When the princess twisted to look at her, fury in her face, something stilled her.
Probably the expression Aiko held, though she had no idea what it was. "Maa," she started with deliberate casualness, "That's not a good way to thank someone who just saved you from falling to your death. I think you owe him an apology along with your thanks." She gave a smile with just a little too much teeth and let go of the younger girl's wrist.
Sara turned an unbecoming pink. "I- I don't have to say anything but put me down!" She elbowed Naruto with all the force a wiry looking civilian girl could muster. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she was dusting herself off and giving an imperious sniff. "Thank you. If you will excuse me, I need to get back up there."
"I," Sasuke breathed into Aiko's ear, "am not impressed."
She didn't think she had to speak to communicate agreement, only direct a dry look at him. "Since she can't be bothered to thank Naruto for her life, maybe she doesn't appreciate it very much. If she really wanted to fall to her death, we could put her back up there," she turned just enough to mutter under her breath. Sasuke gave her a wicked smirk in return.
But Naruto seemed to be about to set Sara off on another snit, judging by the way she was puffing up, so she reluctantly re-entered the conversation.
"Look, Sara, is it?" The other girl turned, probably to say something indignant about her title, but Aiko gave her a look that brooked no shit and pressed forward. "Don't you find anything remotely unusual about the fact that you just nearly fell to your death and no one seems to have noticed? Go and take a closer look at the crowd."
"Why?" Sara frowned. "I had a much better view from the balcony, of all the colors of their clothing and them cheering for me."
Aiko cringed a little. 'It helps our purposes, but someone really failed this girl. She has no self-preservation, and she's unbearably naïve. We're representatives of a foreign military illegally in her city. She should be struggling to get away from us. Someone… Someone needs to help her. She'll never survive ten minutes like this once we get rid of Anroukuzan. She's an easy victim.'
"What, you don't find the idea of meeting your subjects in person interesting?" Sasuke raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow. Sara seemed to notice him for the first time—and instantly flushed. She dipped her chin slightly in what seemed to be shyness but also allowed her to check him out.
'Sasuke, you pretty boy. I think we just about heard her panties drop.'
He looked less amused, and Naruto hadn't even noticed. Ugh, boys. At least Sasuke had thought to play on the girl's apparent sentimentalism for her people. Naruto was looking at them in disquiet that indicated he would have preferred to open by telling her the truth: that her people had been killed and replaced with simulacrums and that her trusted advisor was a criminal from twenty years in the future.
But that just wasn't going to win them any friends. In fact, Sara would probably be in the right to decide they were dangerously crazy and flee post-haste.
The princess looked torn between her curiosity and duty to return to her attempted murderer, but luckily she was just contrary enough to indulge herself. Aiko felt almost bad about how obviously eager Sara was to meet her adoring public. In another circumstance, she might have found amusement at the look on Sara's face when they first got close enough to see the unnaturally altered visage of one of the puppet-civilians.
Aiko was instead sympathetic. "Yeah, they're creepy." Sara was a bit of a brat, but her naivety was intentionally cultivated and not necessarily a personal fault, so she didn't have to steel herself too much to give the younger girl a comforting squeeze with one arm.
Physical reassurance was usually more Naruto's shtick than hers, but after Sara had smacked him for saving her life, Aiko was going to assume that the girl wasn't comfortable being touched by boys. That was fine.
She did feel badly for Sara and a bit melancholy in general. The girl had been used all her life, and her future was bleak. No matter what they did here today, Rouran was destined to fall soon.
Still, she withdrew her arm briskly. No need to push it or wallow. "Do you want to know what those are, and why they're here?"
Sara looked to be on the verge of panic. Her purple eyes were welling with tears, but this was the time to push. If they let her go now, she would run back to her trusted advisor.
Naruto gave her a dirty look that said he knew exactly what she was doing and didn't approve. Still, she was currently the team leader, and he generally trusted that she wouldn't bring the girl to harm. "Princess Sara?" he tried gently. "Don't you think you should know what's going on?"
Sara sniffled, glancing back at the simulacrum stiffly waving up at an empty balcony. Sasuke gave Aiko a mildly panicked look, as if begging her to make the crying stop. She gave a helpless shrug in return, silently communicating, 'What the hell do you want me to do about it?' The look he gave her implied he was willing to accept anything to make it go away.
"Yes," Sara stated softly, but with an undeniable firmness. Aiko's lips pulled into a faint smile, both in relief and approval. Good. The girl wasn't hopeless after all.
'Wait. That scent is a living human.'
The difference between a living person and one of the non-rotting puppets made with human materials was slight, but enough that Aiko had turned and pointed a wary glare on the pretty woman who had slunk up behind them before anyone else.
But the interloper had only eyes for Princess Sara.
"Are you…" She shakingly stopped, and tried again, focused with unnerving intensity on Sara. "Are you really the Princess?" When Sara gave a quivering smile and a nod, the stranger woman cut her off before she could speak. "Did you come to help us?"
The naked hope in that question cut even Aiko's heart. Naruto and the princess didn't stand a chance.
An hour later, she was willing to rescind every kind or even tolerant thought she'd had about Sara. She kept getting in the way, tripping over nothing and talking inappropriately loudly about incredibly dull things. Alternately, she monologued (something about her mother? It wasn't half as interesting as Sara thought it was) and argued with Naruto about the likelihood of Anroukuzan being a puppet-master.
They had somehow ended up on some hare-brained mission to show Sara the depths of depravity that the resident puppet master had descended to by investigating one of the complexes that the people thought was suspicious. Or rather, that one of the few people who hadn't been dragged away on 'Sara's' orders found suspicious. Some of the kidnapped people were later replaced by puppets. Perhaps worse was that some weren't. Women and men who were ill-suited to manual labor tended to return as puppets, while the children and athletic men were simply gone.
Aiko rather suspected that what they would find when they eventually discovered where the civilians were being taken to would not be pleasant. She had never seen humans used for slave labor or turned into weapons, but it couldn't be anything less than a shock to an intentionally pampered child like Sara.
'Speaking of shocking new sights: There they are.'
"Oh for-" Aiko cursed quietly, picking Sara up bodily and leaping backwards out of the line of fire when the next corridor yielded a grotesque looking puppet with a tiny head, arms and legs that had apparently been modeled off of Madonna's cone bra, and hula hoops around their hips for some reason–not a particularly humanoid one, thankfully, but probably a more dangerous one—that gave a hoarse sound of some sort of alert when it spotted their group. No doubt it was summoning allies or backup dancers. She'd seen Beyonce do the same thing in a music video once. Or maybe it was the Lady Gaga?
She shrugged away that pointless line of thought and deposited Sara behind a support column and turned back to their opponents. "Stay here, okay? We'll take care of this. There are probably more."
The creature and those that followed it were a dusty red color, like dirty river clay, and they smelled of something sour and herbal. Perhaps it was the compound that Mukade used to treat the metal weapons contained inside to keep them oiled and rust-free. When Naruto leapt ahead to strike the first blow, the impact's sound implied they were largely hollow.
'That would be strange. Usually a puppet designer is very efficient about balancing weight, space, and variety of weapons. Why wouldn't Mukade want to fill all the available space?'
Naruto and Sasuke had already barreled ahead into the complex and began to test themselves against the puppets for the first time. She'd been right to tuck Sara away: there were a lot of the things.
'Mukade is a busy guy.'
"This is actually pretty fun," Sasuke huffed with a grin, blowing a lock of hair out of his face and twisting around to clock another puppet so hard that it crashed into two more of its fellows, shattering against the wall twenty feet away.
She gave a snort in return, keeping a thin smile on her lips and an eye on the massive pile up of puppets and the way that they moved.
This seemed like an odd ploy. What was the point in constructing so many structurally weak puppets with predictable weaponry and sending them at intruders without any sense of strategy? At this rate, they would have them all destroyed within six minutes, easily.
She probably should have noted that the pieces jerked strangely when they fell on the ground, as if the creatures weren't really defeated. But she was cutting her enemies down with little concern for those that fell, working to eliminate their numbered advantage.
It was even more fun than she'd known the only time she'd used this in a fight before to swirl, dart, and Hiraishin her way through the pileup, getting faster and faster as she tagged seals after seals, all explosive Hiraishin. Speed was definitely her friend—some of those puppets were wielding chakra strings of their own to shoot retractable blades, which was ridiculously extravagant. Enormous amounts of chakra indeed. When she'd fought her way into the opposite end of the area, Aiko turned to view the expanse, gave an anticipatory grin, and yelled "Boom, baby!"
Just for the fuck of it.
The room was positively filled with stupidly surprised looking puppets flying about in bits, but none of the charred smell associated with standard explosions. They were whole and then they were in hundreds of pieces in the air.
There was a strange "Erp" sound from behind her. Aiko swiveled to see chibi Kakashi staring wide-eyed, incomprehensibly shaking his head at the room. Ah, that was right. He was observing today. It was take your student to work day, apparently, and she'd ended up Minato's babysitter.
'Oh well. He seems fine.'
She shrugged and moved on with her life, flipping up onto a puppet's back to avoid the blade it brought down.
Naruto's panicked shout on the other side of a wall drew her attention, and she realized for the first time that she'd pushed her way further into the complex and in a different direction than the boys had.
Her Hiraishin bounced her off of the enormous thing that had snatched Naruto up and was enclosing him in—were those puppets, fusing together like some sort of goddamn transformer about to fight off bad aliens? Were those the puppets that they had been knocking apart?
In a detached way, her mind surveyed the situation. Her brother was pale-faced and pounding on the closing puppet, fifteen feet off the ground. Sara, that indomitable idiot, was splayed up on the floor with her lower lip trembling in a way that just told her he'd gotten snatched up to save her when she inevitably ran to tell the puppets to stop in the name of love or her mother's spirit or whatever it was she went on about. Sasuke was forcing his way through a crowd of those puppets, pulling them apart as though they were made of tissue paper even as they struggled and warped into a cohesive whole.
But mostly she saw her otouto looking determined but deceptively frail as the new puppet sealed him inside a grotesque, stupid tomb of Mukade's making.
Aiko gave an enraged scream and leapt thoughtlessly at the clay puppet trapping her brother for the sake of that girl who wouldn't pay attention to her surroundings. "Sen Tsurara!"
With sudden, hateful clarity, she realized at least one reason why people shouted out the name of their jutsu, despite it being unprofessional and generally counterproductive for sneaky assassins. When you really despised someone, you wanted them to know how you were going to kill them. She was going to kill Mukade herself, and to hell with the consequences.
Her technique skittered with a cacophony of high pitched shrieks off the hard reddish surface in the instant before it bit in and punched all the way through the unnatural material trapping her brother, leaving her wrist deep in sodden, scraped and shattered material. Her blow had been aimed several feet above him to prevent any chance of harming him with her technique. This should have shattered the damn thing and let him escape.
Instead, the horrid self-regenerating clay bubbled and warped up, already growing back in where she'd collapsed it. Even worse, the hole she'd made had been about a foot and a half in diameter. Certainly not enough for Naruto to escape unless it was positioned perfectly.
'I need more force. A lot more force applied precisely.'
"Sasuke!" she called, fear frantically whining in her head.
"Back up," he roared, cocking and fist and coming at the puppet with a fierce expression. She crouched and pushed off of the puppet in the direction Sasuke had come from, crossing him in the air a half-second before he collided and smashed the whole tacky affair like an antique plate, collapsing the armor inwards. Naruto easily slipped out, hitting the ground in a roll and popping back up to form a shadow clone.
"I'm taking Sara out of here," he called, gathering the girl up like she weighed less than a thought and bounding towards the left corridor and letting his clone cover his back. "They were targeting her."
It was good strategy, though she didn't like him going alone. And it gave her an opportunity to pound on these things without impunity.
"Sasuke, follow him." Aiko cracked her neck and flexed her fingers, giving the reassembling puppets an unimpressed stare. "They're just going to keep regenerating. I'll immobilize them and catch up to you two later."
'It's almost a shame we didn't find any of the missing people here, but this had to have convinced even Sara that something is really wrong. Being attacked on sight has to be unnerving.'
"Understood." He gave a brisk nod and left in a flash of movement.
It wasn't like she was at any risk for being trapped inside a puppet cage, after all. Besides, the constructs that she had detonated still hadn't brought themselves back together. Either that was impossible, or it took much longer. She blinked away thoughts of the potential strain of setting that many seals at once. She'd already set at least a hundred, and that was a good chunk of her reserves.
'I'll tag every other one and make the explosions bigger to conserve chakra,' she decided grimly. It was hardly optimal to do less localized explosions when fighting inside, as it increased the risk of structural damage or friendly fire. But the only ally who was possibly still in the area was Kakashi, who was a sneaky little bastard. He was probably scoffing at her showiness and steadily picking through a confused-looking group of the idiot devices from a distance, insulting them under his breath the whole time.
That was about the time that she jumped and realized one of her Hiraishin seals was definitely not where it should have been. She methodically, efficiently worked to get through her opponents—they didn't seem to regenerate when detonated—so she could go investigate.
When all the puppets laid in broken pieces on the floor, she picked her way through the rubble mindlessly, making certain that the missing workers weren't in the area. Naruto and Sara must have gone the right way, because her path led her outside. Oddly enough, she'd traveled far enough through the complex that she could see one of the city gates, and a single figure standing under it looking lost.
A bit of dust was kicked up by a rather efficient shunshin, and the boy she'd misplaced was standing by her side. "That one of yours?" Kakashi asked long-sufferingly, pointing at the older shinobi who had just now noticed them and gotten a dopey grin.
"Yepp," she sighed, wishing he looked a little more impressive and a little less windswept and silly. Then Aiko frowned. "But he shouldn't be alone." She purposefully left Kakashi behind, striding to meet Yamato in the middle of the block. Before he could open his mouth, she flung her arms around his flak jacket, burying her face into his chest. She could feel him stiffen and knew he was uncomfortable. Didn't even care.
"You're taking over," she informed him, knowing he could understand her muffled tone. Still, for emphasis, she drew one arm back and poked him in the chest repeatedly with two fingers. "This shit is ridiculous and I want to go home and I don't like being captain."
"I- I guess I'll take that as a compliment?" he asked uncertainly, gently pulling her back by her forearms and giving her a slight frown, brows creased. "What's going on? Where are we?"
Aiko tilted her head up just to be sure he could see her roll her eyes at him. "You serious? Look around." She gestured widely, fingers held together so she wasn't rude like Naruto or chibi-Kashi.
Not coincidentally, said boy was in the range she indicated. Yamato's eyes locked on him and widened comically.
In a strange, stifled tone, he asked, "Is that-"
"Yepp," she informed easily.
He seemed to deflate with a puff, before just the slightest hint of boyish amusement crossed his features. Then he was a professional again. "Right, then. Where are the boys?"
"They're playing bodyguards to a princess who is being manipulated by Mukade while an ANBU team lurks in the shadows," she replied professionally. At least, as professional as it was possible to say such a ludicrous thing.
Yamato pinned his hand to his head and slowly shook it. "Start from the beginning."
"Well, to be fair, the princess doesn't seem to really believe that Mukade is the one behind all this. When he unstuck that seal, he ended up getting us all sent back in time." She raised her eyebrows meaningfully. "As you've noticed, we didn't all end up in the same time."
Sweet, clever, socially capable Yamato seemed to read the question she didn't hint at. "As far as I know, Mitsuo is fine," he assured briskly. "He was far enough back that I'm sure he didn't get caught up."
She slumped in relief, taking a deep breath and putting that worry to rest. "Thank kami."
Kakashi had been watching with curiosity, but seemed fed up with waiting now. "You're being rude," he pointed out waspishly. "And we should report."
Yamato stared at him for a moment. He seemed to swallow the first thing that came to mind, and merely gave him a rather sad look. "You've got a lot of growing up to do, kid." Aiko tried not to wince. Yeah. This was pre-Obito Kakashi. He was almost a different person.
Whatever he saw in their expressions unnerved him enough that he didn't say a damn thing, only took the lead and cut the straightest line to the rendezvous point.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months
1 for Choji! (I was just telling my sister about him and Karui, so Choji is on my mind!)
TMS AU (Team Minato Splits au)
Admittedly not one where a whole heck of a lot changes for Choji, but i fo think one big important thing changes for him
In canon Choji saw Kakashi die. He watched as Naruto’s sensei gave his life to save him, and it happened so shortly after he lost his own sensei
In the TMS AU this still happens with Rin (and Kakashi but no one knows who he is here) and this time Choji goes to check on Naruto. To ensure he’s doing alright after almost losing his sensei so shortly after having lost his master
He finds Naruto just as Karui and Omoi are confronting him about Sasuke, and jumps between Karui to stop her punch when Naruto offers to let her take out her anger toward sasuke on him. Choji has seen enough pain and death to know that he’s not ok with standing by
The thing is, he doesn’t threaten Karui. He doesn’t want to fight her, he just wants to stop her from harming Naruto.
Karui almost strikes out at him but Omoi stops her since Choji has done nothing wrong.
This is a moment both Karui abd Choji remember well when the war comes around. They end up in the same division of the alliance and during the fight against the edo tensei shinobi the two of them at some point fighting side by side, and they fight together perfectly
Karui see’s Choji’s expansion jutsu and uses it to have him chuck her at enemies for a strike
Choji supports her while she heads head first into the fighting
She’s by his side when they have to face Asuma and instead of demanding that choji fight his sensei, she yells at Asuma for expecting such a thing of him even in this scenario, and tells him that she’ll face him because she knows if it was Bee in Asuma’s spot she wouldn’t be able to fight, and she’s not a pacifist like Choji is. It’s just friggen hard to fight and end someone you looked up to for so long.
Another (non shippy) change i would make for Choji’s story is that I would have him branch out in hus fighting style. He knows the standard is the ino-sgika-cho formation, but during his fight in the rescue sasuke arc he realizes he needs to improve himself as a solo shinobi in order to become a better teammate, and as such he begins experimenting with his expansion jutsu and how he can use it without the aid of Shikamaru’s shadow’s or Ino’s mind transfer jutsu.
He actually comes up with some cool idea’s that haven’t been thought about before, to the point that his dad is really impressed with his growth
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summette · 2 years
okay because Tumblr said that I could fill my wall with whatever I wanted sooooo OvO let's start with something I can write in English.
Ermmm... Tbh I'm also a writer, but in my native language - Vietnamese. And no matter how much I wanted to translate it into English, I still don't have enough vocabularies to describe my words. (it's even that hard in my mother tongue, not to mention that English is just my second language) Buttt, I want to share it, at least, because I love my idea about Minato team as well as many other fandoms.
But today let's just talk about Naruto.
To see it more clearly, I think I have about... 8 ideas for Naruto fandoms. Mostly about Minato team, or the ins and outs, Kakashi and Obito relationship. I really love their relationship, in both romantic or platonic way, I found the joy in seeing them breaking through the walls of issues, and coming back to each other in the end. And that's what most of my fics work.
1/ Coward
It's the fic that I love with all my heart and soul 😭 I put so much ideas and time into it, so I hope it can be completed at the end.
It's in the point of view of the comrade that Sakumo rescued. I put it on a "what-if", what if that man actually wasn't a heartless person, but a coward instead? So he didn't honestly blame Sakumo for their failed mission, but just too scared of being brave to stand up for what's right. So he blamed Sakumo, and it caused Sakumo's death. That hit a severe impact on his soul, he regretted and suffered as well. Through his eyes, we can also see the life of Kakashi, from the pov of an "outsider".
It hasn't completed yet, but I hope I can go with it til the end. Because there are such an impressive idea for me, and I want to try it, at least once, to make this become real.
2/ Like the day we met before
Fortunately, I completed this one =).
In LTDWMB, I focused on Dai nana han relationship. I always want to see it tho, the real, original Team 7, included Kakashi. It feels like in Boruto, we didn't have a chance to see him with his lovely students tho 😭
So this fic took place in Boruto timeline, when Naruto became Nanadaime Hokage and after the second Chuunin exam. And it happened in the anniversary of the day they officially became a team. Team 7 dying to know about all the ins and the outs of their sensei's life, which Kakashi never gonna tell them. So they made a plan, they wanted to remake the introduction that happened in the first day they met, but deeply and... more details than just "it's none of your business" or something like that =)
Everyone changed, but mostly in the good way. They all got what they wanted, and set a bigger goal for their future. It's kinda nostalgic when I wrote it down, because of how much they have grown up since the first day they met. It means so much for me, the way Naruto painted "growing up". And then, they asked about his dream, and Kakashi realised he never dreamed for himself, but everything now he had, it's always because of someone else. He completed his precious people' dreams. So what about his dream, fully his?
After all, it's just "My dream is... you guys will be able to get what you dreamed about." But this time, it's not for someone else, it's for him. Because he found happy when seeing his students growing up, and becoming the brighter future for his past, and that's all.
Seems like most fics I wrote are just non-couple. The relationship between them reached me so well that I wanted to write about them more and more, just to fill the empty spaces in canon. 😭 But yeah, I also got some romantic obikaka fics, but I think it gonna be for the next timeee.
See ya
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wolfsgravity · 2 years
Ship- Familial: Father-sensei (Jiraiya father figure)
The two were by the river, the young Remee with her feet dangling in the water and Jiraiya sitting cross-legged next to her, staring across the water as she spoke.
"It's like my team hates me," the 13-year-old griped, clearly comfortable enough with the older man to let herself really show it bothers her, balling up her fists and holding one up to her forehead like she's holding back from striking herself, "I was never good at those stupid kunoichi classes in the academy, but I managed to pass. Now I'm expected to be good at kunoichi stuff and I can't."
Jiraiya glanced at the youth without moving his head. He had to admit, despite her first impression on him trying to desperately be a more mature woman, she didn't exude much femininity. She always sat with wide legs, shaking one when she was thinking (which was always). She didn't care about makeup except for weird, painted looks (which he couldn't knock, he always needed his face paint). Really the only things she had in common with young girls were stuffed animals and boys, but her taste in boys... He huffed with a smile.
"Tell them to stop expecting a kunoichi out of you."
"Every team needs a kunoichi." She groaned, notably not arguing against not being a kunoichi. Jiraiya definitely noticed that.
He finally turned his head towards the young girl, so different from Minato and his team but strangely just as compelling. "You're still young, and I know it feels like you need to be someone that other people want you to be. But there will come a day when your squad, your parents, none of that will matter more than you being who you want to be."
Remee fell silent for a while, drawing her knees up to her chest and hiding much of her face in them. Ah, adolescence, the insecurity. Jiraiya placed a hand on her shoulders, already strong and broad for her age, and let her come to her next thoughts on her own.
"I hate being a girl sometimes," she finally mumbled, barely audible over the water of the river.
"In a 'I want to be not-a-girl' way?" Jiraiya asked simply.
She nodded, then dropped her feet back in the water and kicked, "But I gotta. I'm my team's kunoichi, and my mom's only daughter."
"Let me talk to your team leader next time I visit" the older man winked, the insinuation that he'd make it back from another bout of fighting in the Third Shinobi War making Remee smile despite herself, "No more kunoichi missions for you, and your teammates don't have to know exactly why. They can think you're a bad kunoichi all they want-- you and I will know you just aren't one at all."
Remee giggled, "Maybe now that I don't have to do stupid kunoichi stuff, I can catch up to that Hatake jerk. Or at least be brave enough to try hard in the Chunin exams."
"I wouldn't call that kid a jerk," Jiraiya admonished gently, knowledge of things beyond Remee's current comprehension weighing him down, "being promoted so young isn't a walk in the park. He's been through a lot for such a young kid."
"Don't apologize to me," he groaned as he stood up, looking skyward to get a read of the time, "just keep it in mind if you run into him. I think you two would get along if he ever had the time."
He looked downwards again and caught Remee with a blush on their, he was going to call them them until they figured themself out, face, and oh, they brought him up because they have a crush he thought with a chuckle. He held his hand out to help the child he couldn't help but feel affectionately responsible for up off the ground.
Their eyes welled up as they knew what was coming next. "You'll be safe out there, right, Dad?"
He smiled warmly. He'd tried to tell them to save 'Dad' for their real father but they had told him they like him as much as they had liked their birth father before he'd run off. He'd been a shinobi, so the older man didn't have the heart to suggest maybe he'd perished in the line of duty. Jiraiya reached out and ruffled their hair. "Safe is hard in a war like this, but I promise you I'll be back soon. Do your best until I get back, okay?"
They sniffled, "Okay. You better keep that promise."
"I will, I will. I'll come find you when I get back. Until then!" With a grunt, he jumped up into the trees, out of sight, to rendezvous with his team.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere team minato
It sometimes just breaks my heart whilst thinking about what would have been if nothing would have ever happened to this team. Minato is a platonic Yandere in here!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, manipulation, delusions, paranoia, threatening, blackmailing, violence, mentions of death, killing
Yandere Team Minato
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📖🔥🟪⚡️To clarify things a bit, this is an AU where Rin and Kakashi managed to save Obito just in time, though one eye of his now belongs to Kakashi. And those two also managed to save Rin and obviously Minato and Kushina are still alive as well. Basic knowledge would also be that the darling themselves was together with those three as a student in the Academy, probably someone they were really close too. At the very least I can picture them being really close with Rin and since Obito often hangs around Rin, he became most likely over time a good friend of them as well.
📖🔥🟪⚡️So Rin and Obito are the ones who fall in love at first with their darling. Despite being assigned to different teams, both make an effort to still keep in contact and meet up whenever they have the time. This is how Kakashi ends up tagging along somehow as well and is “forcefully” pushed to become a good acquaintance of yours. He most likely remembers the darling from back when they were still classmates, but he might have just never shared such a close bond with them like Rin and Obito did. Not like he doesn’t get his ears talked off due to Obito, who simply can’t shut up about them. Rin is a bit better, but she talks quite often about you as well and once those two start a conversation about you, it’ll go on for a while.
📖🔥🟪⚡️If we had to pinpoint it down whether it was Obito or Rin who grew romantic interest, I’d say that it is probably Rin since Obito was very much attached to the girl back in the days, he still is though. Noticed that she liked you back then and for that really envied you and was jealous of you, pretending to not like you. But for Rin’s sake he got along since he didn’t want to upset her. You might just be in for supporting him and acknowledging him as well which ends up flattering him a lot. Kind of in denial when he first realized that he had started growing emotions for you as well since he is a loyal guy and felt like he would betray Rin like this.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Just imagine that Rin might have noticed way back then that she wasn’t the only one in love with the darling since Obito just happened to be very obvious. She wasn’t really angry though, more a bit surprised. But she might have just seen this somewhat coming with how supportive and kind the darling is to the Uchiha and constantly cheers him up. She’s also the one to approach Obito about this and it’s going to be awkward for the poor guy who doesn’t know what to do. But luckily Rin takes charge and offers to share since she doesn’t wish to lose her friendship with Obito because of a love fight. You would be so upset over it too since you see them as really good friends as well. That’s how those two start working as a team and Obito is glad about this solution.
📖🔥🟪⚡️No way Kakashi and Minato won’t notice what is going on behind the curtains. Rin is the better on in hiding it, but Obito can’t quite do that. He is clingy, obsessive, very delusional and after the incident where he was nearly crushed he just happens to grow more possessive, protective and paranoid. Rin isn’t quite like that, though she has her more obsessive and somewhat lovesick moments as well. A worried sensei and slightly weirded out fellow teammate is the result of this.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Kakashi has a more cold impression on the darling since he surely met them during the time where he was living strictly after the rules of the shinobi. Honestly just thinks that the whole infatuation thing is ridiculous and keeps Rin and especially Obito from concentrating properly. Didn’t really like you for this all either, especially if you remained obvious. It ended in Obito being about to fight him more than just once and Rin and Minato both had to interfere every single time. Rin isn’t happy with the way Kakashi clearly shows his dislike for you either, she’s sad and upset and tries to talk with him about it on numerous occasions. Even Minato feels like his students cold and harsh behavior around you and the way he tends to talk like you keep his teammates from doing their work are too much.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Apologizes later on after he has found to his old ideals and rules again and starts becoming friends with you as well. Rin is happy about this new development after she was worried him and the darling would never be on good terms. Obito…you probably know how he is. I mean, he felt like beating Kakashi up for being so mean to you in the past so now that this has stopped he is of course happy as well. But seeing the jonin growing so close to you isn’t something he wants to see and after nearly having lost his life, he has grown to be more paranoid and easily jealous. So he starts throwing hands on numerous and ridiculous situations.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Kakashi needs the longest to gain feelings, but I would say that watching his friends and hearing both of them talking so highly about you plays a huge part in his obsession. Thanks to them he just comes to notice a lot of good and really adorable traits the s/o possesses and he actually feels like he owes them quite a bit for having been so rude to them in the past so he grows to be more protective additional to the pain of having lost his dad. Kakashi is quite aware so he knows that his feelings are not normal just as much as he knows Rin’s and Obito’s aren’t either. Also has picked up through observation that both of them seem to share and he does not wish to distance himself from them after all they have went through. He’ll have to confess eventually as well before Rin, quite the smart girl herself, picks up the signs as well.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Obito Uchiha does not approve of this and neven if Rin holds him physically back, he’ll most likely shout his head off at first and curse Kakashi. He gets better along with him now and views him as a friend, but sharing the darling with him now as well is still something completely different. He knows that the s/o is one of the loveliest people on this planet, but why him?! Doesn’t want to admit it, but he fears you’ll fall hard for the charm of the copy ninja since he knows Kakashi is a very cool guy. A bit unexpected for Rin as well, but just like all those years back with Obito, she doesn’t want to break the bond all of them share and so the idea of sharing is brought up once again. Exactly what Kakashi wanted to suggest as well, even if he is more possessive as well. Obito is more dense, but with enough convincing from Rin’s and Kakashi’s side, he’ll eventually agree begrudgingly.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Minato might just start seeing the darling at one point like a precious student of his own since they tag incredibly often along with his pupils and at one point he just starts teaching them as well. He’s somewhat warily over the situation they’re in, though he at least has come to realize that Rin is the one to make sure the boys don’t act out of line. His students at least seem to be happy with you after all they have went through and he starts talking to you at one point as well very often. Gets tainted at one point due to the others feelings a bit as well, though more in a older brotherly or teacher-fashioned way. In comparison to Rin, Kakashi and Obito, he doesn’t spend that much time with you, but he is watching the one or another way over you. He entrusts his students to protect you.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Rin is, as mentioned, really just the peacemaker between the grey-haired man and the black-haired man. Those two often just bicker over such petty things and whether Obito’s unbelievable jealousy including everything above and under the sky or Kakashi’s snarky remarks meant to annoy the Uchiha are to blame doesn’t matter. Both will get in either case a thorough scolding from her. Let’s just say from those three she puts in the most effort to guarantee that things stay normal, meaning no kidnapping and murdering and she is also the one who will handle the whole “we-all-are-in-love-with-you” speech, though Kakashi and Obito interrupt her to add something of their own as well. Hearing it from Obito and Rin might not even surprise the s/o, but Kakashi might come as a bit of a shock.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Rin gives the darling even time to think this through, hoping for the best. Kakashi and Obito are not quite that patient and Obito fears a rejection the most, Kakashi has his initial doubts as well. Rin tries to see things from the more bright side though and hopefully nothing goes wrong. Because Rin won’t be able to hold her teammates back from using sabotage and blackmailing.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Funnily we have a bit from everything in here. Obito as the heavenly delusional Yandere who justifies every action for your safety, Kakashi who is aware yet will kill if someone is considered in his eye a threat and Rin who is semi-aware. She somewhat refuses to believe that her feelings could ever harm the s/o yet she is the most harmless one. And Minato, who mostly watches from the back and guarantees that you don’t get pushed into a tight spot with those three. He’s probably also be up to help his team pushing the darling a bit more into their direction if they should hesitate and make sure no one finds out about his team nor him. If it would be needed, he’ll also lend a hand in finding a solution how to keep this relationship a secret at first, though I imagine Kakashi, Rin and Obito coming up with a temporary solution of their own.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Yes, this relationship will be kept a secret at first until a good plan has been made up so no one will have too disapproving reactions. Seeing all four of you together is not a strange thing anymore and quite honestly, there are villagers who have at least picked up on Obito’s and Rin’s romantic feelings and with Kakashi there might just be already rumors. So it is for anyone just a question who will be it in the end, though most can’t and won’t imagine those three ever breaking apart because of their love for you.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Poor Rin has her hands sometimes really full whenever she catches Obito and Kakashi bonding over their pervy side or having to play the bridge between them once again when they’re about to throw hands over something. Quite honestly, those two constantly get on the nerves of each other in one way or another since they get jealous of each other. They do it on purpose though, Obito just smothering the s/o whilst Kakashi has to do something else or Kakashi letting his possessive touches roam over the darling’s body whilst Obito is watching. Rin strangely never seems to attract jealousy that much nor does she get jealous either, she’ll just let out an exhausted sigh whenever she sees it. Rin is just the most innocent out of the whole team, likes cute and nice dates and checks a lot on whether the s/o is comfortable or not.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Messing with their darling is a bad idea because with Obito, Kakashi and even the Hokage himself stepping in if needed the opponent is in for personal hell. Rin isn’t someone who is really violent and as someone duty medic knowledge if it would come down to it, she’d always choose attending to your wounds and pain instead of fighting. She wouldn’t even really get the chance with those two overprotective men on her team. Because they’re fast to avenge their darling. It’s thanks to Rin that the body count is at least under control.
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kamuikissed · 2 years
Fun au idea!
ok so obito canonically sees nothing wrong with genjutsuing people against their will right
and also canonically believes the world isn't real
and i don't know when he figured it out but he figured out that rin suicided and kakashi didn't mean to and didn't want to kill her yeah?
and like i said, we know from the mizukage that obito Would and Could genjutsu people long-term, and we know from the moons eye plan he sees nothing wrong with genjutsuing people happier
anyway to make a long story short, obito genjutsuing kakashi so he doesn't realize anyone's dead
Rin had a seal on her that would break if she went to konoha, so now she's wandering about the elemental nations healing people in her path, and its dangerous for her for konoha-nin to approach so kakashi shouldn't go looking! Minato and Kushina are on a long-term mission very far away, and kakashi won't see them for a very long time and shouldn't ask about them! Obito is on a SSS-rank mission, undercover and presumed dead, so kakashi shouldn't mention him to anyone else! (Luckily, he can see Obito because of the Special Sharingan powers, and he can even help by giving obito information and sabotaging some konoha missions! Anything for Obito and his Akatsuki!)
also since kakashi doesn't think anyone's dead, he's less intense about "those who abandon their teammates are worse than trash". so people on his team die more than they might otherwise.
and of course that guilt threatens to break the genjutsu, so obito has to reinforce it again
so kakashi quickly loses the grief at his teammates going on "forever missions we don't talk about", which makes him look pretty heartless to everyone else
what im saying is "Friend-killer kakashi" is a bigger nickname here
and Kakashi knows about the nickname but it's not like it's his fault former teammates are chosen more often for deepcover missions! ...and no one else is supposed to know about those, so he can't exactly contest it.
Obito: I have created a happy kakashi ANBU: You've ruined a perfectly good taichou is what you did! Look at him, he doesn't have anxiety and gets people killed!
i like to think that eventually, bc of the repeated genjutsuing by a sharingan whose other half is in kakashi, he eventually starts auto-correcting himself. like. there could be a dead body in front of him and depending on the wounds kakashi could see they were "injured", but kakashi could also look at a clearly glassy-eyed body in front of him and go "why are they sleeping on the street?" completely unironically
(tbh i really want to see a scene where others slowly come to the horrified realization that kakashi's acting so heartless bc he's in a genjutsu and can't recognize death)
team 7 kinda thinking "weird flex but ok" whenever kakashi tries to impress on them that if they fail their missions they might get sent on a forever mission which is very easy but they'll never be able to come back from it, and yeah kakashi jokingly threatens to send them on "forever missions" if they can't learn teamwork, until one day naruto asks where the shinobi on the "forever missions" are sent and kakashi answers "The pure lands! where there's no war and missions are easy..." and the genin are all hit with the sudden realization that sensei is not right in the head.
(and then a few minutes after that is the realization that the threats to "send them on forever missions" mean sensei has been half-seriously threatening to kill them)
im a simple man. i see kakashi's history, i think "i want that man's mind to snap like a pocky stick"
I have been thinking about this since I got it.... The absolute horror kks would feel if he ever realised he was in that genjutsu.... The way he'd break.... How everyone around him would doubt his sanity and trustworthiness bc surely someone can't be controlled by a genjutsu that long.... Man
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
oh my gosh, on one hand i love the powerpuff trio but on the other, i kind of wonder what reina being on the same team as minato would be like
They were already friends in the Academy, Reina being one of the very few people to realize that the quiet blond boy who always had his head in the clouds was actually terrifyingly intelligent. As such, she always made sure to ask his opinion on things and it wasn’t long before she went from merely listening, with an occasional interjected comment or clarifying question, to actively challenging his theories and sharing her own (she has quite a few. It’s not like she had anything else to do those first few months after being reborn, trapped in the body of a baby who couldn’t even walk).
On Minato’s part, well, even as a child he was naturally charismatic enough, likable enough, to be friendly with most of his class (Uzumaki Kushina being a notable exception) but Reina’s the only person he’d really consider a friend. He’s smart enough to realize she’s hiding something, that there’s more to her knowledge than natural intelligence (no, there’s wisdom and experience and all the things a 6 year old shouldn’t have), but he respects her enough not to pry (and he’s patient enough to wait for her to open up on her own). When genin teams are assigned, he doesn’t exactly hope for her to be on his team— after all, that would be unprofessional, as a shinobi he should have no preference who his teammates are— but he can’t help the automatic relaxing of his shoulders when her name is called all the same.
Honestly, they were never supposed to pass, which was the only reason Jiraiya had agreed to take on a genin team in the first place. They consisted of Namikaze Minato, an orphan from a civilian family, Yamada Haru, a remarkably unremarkable boy with two career genin parents who’d just barely passed the genin exam, and Kobayashi Reina, a civilian girl from a long line of civilian bakers. The odds were stacked against them from the start, and yet—
They’d passed with flying colors. And once his arm recovered function from that short one trying to paralyze him, he might even admit to being impressed.
Jiraiya’s not quite sure how it happened, but somehow, somewhere down the line he finds himself cajoled in attending family dinner night at the Kobayashi household at least once a week (his female student, he’s discovering, is remarkably good at getting what she wants when she sets her mind to it).
(“Here,” Reina said, thrusting an envelope at him. Jiraiya glanced at it, confused.
“What is this?” He asked, noting his name written on top in what looked like a neater version of Reina’s handwriting.
“An invitation to dinner at my parents’ house at 6 this Saturday. I gave one to Minato-kun and Haru-kun earlier,” she explained.
“Ah, I don’t know about this, Reina-chan,” Jiraiya said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I might be—”
“Just think about it?” Reina interrupted. She looked up at him pleadingly, eyes appearing almost unnaturally luminescent behind those thick glasses of hers. “I understand if you can’t make it, of course, but I’d really love to see you there, sensei. It’d mean a lot to me.”
Which was how he’d found himself frantically digging through his closet for his nicest shirt (one Tsunade had bought him a few years back) at 5:52 p.m., cursing up a storm. He’d shown up at exactly 5:59 with a bottle of wine in one hand, palms sweaty and feeling slightly nauseous (which was completely ridiculous. He was one of Sannin, an S-ranked ninja, he’d fought and won thousands of battles— he had no idea why he was feeling so nervous about attending a civilian family dinner, of all things).
“I—” He cleared his throat when the door opened, revealing Reina with Minato at her back. “I brought wine?”
“Sensei!” She broke into a beaming smile at the sight of him. Jiraiya felt something alarmingly warm fill his chest. “You made it! Come in, come in!”
“You didn’t need to bring a gift, although I appreciate the thought,” she added, before glancing at him, a teasing glint in her eyes. “Just…don’t hit on my mom, okay?”
Jiraiya choked on a laugh as Reina reached out to grab his wrist, pulling him inside.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he promised.)
As for Minato, Reina decided that him going home to an empty apartment was completely unacceptable and so he ends up having dinner at the Kobayashi house almost every day. Reina’s mother dotes on him and her father sneaks extra pastries into his coat every time he visits. To Minato, Reina will always be the person who gave him a family— and he will always, always be indebted to her for that. After they become chuunin they decide to move into an apartment together (where Reina discovers to her exasperation that for all his genius, Minato is astoundingly dumb at basic, household common sense things like turning the stove off after he cooks). She’s somewhere between best friend and sister to him, and as such, he’s extremely protective of her (which complicated the Hyuuga matter somewhat. He knows her well enough to see through her fury at the Caged Bird seal to the sheer sadness underneath at witnessing what family members could inflict on one another. Had it been just anger, he could’ve dealt with the issue more rationally, but sadness? He’s never been able to stand seeing her in pain).
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Hi! So I noticed you have more than a few people here who are getting into Naruto, and wanted to give my top 3 fic recs. Unfortionatly I couldn’t narrow it down that much so, here are (in no particular order) my 9 faves! (3x3 keeps it sort of a top 3?)
1. Nine-Tailed Foxes are Dead – Rowlettlesbian
Summary; For Konoha, it's been one month since the preliminary Chunin exams. For Naruto, it's been six. And he wasn't in Konoha.
At the end of his ordeal, Naruto walks into the Chunin Exam finals without his left arm.
Shikamaru is very concerned. And, eventually, very precious to Naruto as they work together to solve the mysteries of Konoha and bring kindness to the Shinobi world, one adventure at a time.
Comment; You know one of those fics that makes you sit up and go WHOA! This. This is it.
2. Soft as an Unready Mind –  BC_Brynn
Summary; Inoichi’s decision to adopt the boy was a spur of the moment thing, but he stood by it, and he could not be prouder of both his children, even if they lived to give him grey hair.
Comment; Funny and feels in equal amounts.
3. Clouded Mind and Heavy Heart –  dawnstruck
Summary; You reap what you sow. Sasuke plants seeds of doubt. Instead of fighting in the Valley of the End, Sasuke convices Naruto to join him.
Comment; Series. Pretty dark, the mindfuck tag is there for a reason.
4. Wolf and cub (Or how small children became the new must have missing nin accessory) –  Dissenter
Summary; A slightly unhinged Kakashi finds two year old Naruto being beaten up, and decides the best course of action is to kidnap him and go on the run. Hilarity ensues. Other ninjas follow Kakashi's example. Zabuza has no idea how he ended up giving all these Konoha ninja parenting classes.
Comment; Incredibly funny. The chaos is abundant as Kakashi give Naruto the childhood he truly deserves.
5. Hiding in the Leaves –  aventria, iluxia
Summary; Fighting a bitter battle against forces within the village that are more influential and well-positioned, Orochimaru finds himself gifted with one last shining opportunity: three children, a team of genin, handed to him because Konoha has no better choice. He agrees to become a jounin-sensei for the first and the last time, taking on the next generation's Team Seven: Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru, and Uzumaki Naruto.
Comment; Author has a tendency towards using Japanese words, especially in earlier chapters. I don’t mind too much but I know there are some who dislike it.
6. Flip the Coin – Inrainbowz
Summary; "When you think about it, Sasuke, we could be standing in each other's place right now" Naruto grows up shunned, hated, without support and full of rage. Sasuke grows up determined to step out of his brother's shadow and be recognized for his own merits.
In which Naruto is the one who runs and Sasuke does the chasing.
Comment; First part of an ongoing series. Great for if you want to cry for a while.
7. A political perspective –  MueraRashaye
Summary; Hatake Kakashi was a shinobi, and as a shinobi, the only people who could give him orders were his military superiors. The idea that a Council made up of civilians and peers was under the impression they could give him orders...displeased him. Or: He was ordered to pass Team 7. He was fine with that, until they actually passed.
Comment; The real problem with this fic is that it was last updated in 2018.
8. Ear to the Wall –  Vodkassassin
Summary; The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice. Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
Comment; Aka the best redeemed Orochimaru you have ever seen and a Kakashi who really needs a hug.
9. Nukenin –  WhisperingDarkness
Summary; In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders. “Ok. That is definitely different.” In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault.
Comment; The one thing really wrong with this is that its only 4 chapters long.
excellent recs!
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cyhyr · 3 years
Whumptober - AAAAAAA
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: PG
Pairing: Iruka & Kakashi & Naruto; Iruka/Kakashi (pre-relationship)
WC: ~2800
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: running away, kidnapping (non-derogatory), pursuit, hunger, head injury, passing out
A/N: This is the first part of my missing nin verse, for which I finally have a tag woooo. idk when or if I'll write more in this verse, but I figured it's better to get it out of my head now!
Tagging for Whumptober: @sweetysamaa, @atereal, @kelkage, @stupidbadgers
More in this verse here and here
He should really wait until it’s fully dark, or even a few days until the new moon so that the moonlight won’t give away his location. Actually, he shouldn’t be doing this at all, and he should just accept that Danzō’s plan to take Naruto into ROOT is what’s best for the village. He should stand down and remember what happens to those who turn on the village; for fucks sake, he’s hunted down traitors before. He knows what happens to people who make these kinds of decisions.
But Sandaime passed away, suddenly and sickly, not ten minutes ago, and with his final breath told Kakashi to not make the same mistake he had, believing that the Village would take care of their own.
Sandaime said to honor Minato-sensei’s memory, and when he asked for clarification, the old man just grinned and said that Kakashi knew what that meant. And fuck that, he wouldn’t have asked if he knew the damn answer!! But then he went on about how Danzō’s plan for the village is not one in which a soft heart like Naruto’s will survive and Kakashi—he suddenly knew what to do.
So here he is, running across the rooftops to Konoha’s orphanage where Naruto currently lives. Because he has to honor sensei’s legacy and he has to prevent Naruto from being turned into a weapon and he needs to get out of this village that won’t take care of orphans who can’t assist in their own care.
Kakashi slips through the window into the dormitory Naruto lives in. He collects together the tiny amount of books and clothes and toys Naruto has in the trunk at the foot of his bed and seals it all away in a scroll. He’s careful and quiet as he bundles Naruto up and puts the almost-four-year-old against his shoulder.
“Shh, go back to sleep, Naruto.”
“Kaka-nii-chan? Wha?”
“Shh-shh, we’re on a mission. Gotta be quiet, alright?”
“Hmm-hmm. Can be… quiet…”
Naruto falls back asleep. Kakashi holds in his sigh. He scoops up the scrolls and stuffs them in his pouch, and then leaves through the same window he’d come in.
There’s no time to stop back at his own apartment. He has to get Naruto out of the village now, before the emergency council meeting names Danzō the Godaime Hokage. He’ll have to leave with the clothes on his back and nothing more.
He should leave a note for Gai. But. He can’t implicate his best friend like this. Gai should stay in the village, with his own team and friends and—
Kakashi stops outside the genin barracks. His breath catches as he realizes where his feet took him.
Naruto would want to say goodbye to Iruka.
Kakashi looks to the Wall, back to the window where, inside behind the strongest seals and wards available outside of a forbidden scroll (and even then…), Iruka sleeps peacefully unaware of the political conflict brewing in Konoha.
He wants to tell Gai, but he has to tell Iruka. Iruka will follow him, track him down, and unlike Gai who will bring him back, Iruka would stay with Kakashi, away from the village. If nothing else, he has to impress upon Iruka that he has to stay here. Gods, it’ll be hard enough to run with a toddler. He can’t take responsibility for Iruka, too.
Kakashi places his palm on the wall beside Iruka’s window and wills the wards to recognize him and let him through. He slips inside and sets Naruto down on the futon beside Iruka and his heart clenches as Iruka rolls in his sleep to gather Naruto in his arms. Naruto also nuzzles into Iruka’s neck and fists his sleep shirt and—
Gods, he’s gonna miss him.
“Iruka,” Kakashi murmurs, shaking him gently. “Iruka, I have to go.”
Iruka hums in his sleep and mumbles, “‘Kay. Stay safe. Come back soon.”
Kakashi very nearly sobs, but manages to keep himself quiet. “No, I. Iruka, this is goodbye for good.”
And that. That seems to wake him up. Iruka realizes that Naruto is in his arms and Kakashi is kneeling beside his futon, and slowly (so as not to disturb the toddler on his chest) he sits up. He holds Naruto to himself with one arm and with the opposite hand scrubs at his eyes.
“What—Kakashi, what do you mean, goodbye for good? They can’t—” He yawns. “Can’t send you on a suicide mission. Can they? You’re like, an asset to the village!”
“I’ll fight ’em. They can’t do this to you, not after everything you’ve done for this village, everything you’ve lost—”
Well, Iruka’s awake now, Kakashi sighs. He puts a hand on Iruka’s shoulder and stops his tirade. “Iruka, it’s not like that.”
“Then what—” He looks down at Naruto, bundled up in his blanket from the orphanage, and then back at Kakashi, scrolls sticking out of his pouch and anxiously glancing over his shoulder every few seconds. “Kakashi, what’s going on?”
A bit of chakra to strengthen his hearing and smell and Kakashi’s certain—the ANBU guards have found Sandaime dead in his bed, and are sounding out and trying to alert the relevant parties. Danzō will know, soon, if he doesn’t already.
They have to go.
“Sandaime’s dead. I have to protect Naruto. You. You understand, right? You know I have to protect him. Danzō will warp him into a weapon and I—”
“We can’t let that happen,” Iruka says fiercely while drawing Naruto ever closer to himself and burying his nose in blond fuzz. “What’s the plan?”
“No, you can’t honestly expect me to sit back while you do your jōnin crap and Naruto’s well-being is on the line! What’re we doing?”
“There’s no we!! I came to say goodbye, because I—”
“Kakashi, we both know you’re actually an idiot, but you’re not so stupid as to think you can take Naruto and leave—”
Kakashi growls, “Damn right I will—”
“—and not expect me to go with you.”
He stops, stares, and then it hits him what Iruka’s implying and he frowns. “Absolutely not.”
And then. Then Iruka stands up, Naruto still clutched to his chest, and he begins moving around the studio. He dresses, first; then unrolls a storage scroll and starts putting everything that will fit on it—a pot, a few dishes, a bag of rice, vegetables, tinned meat, clothes (Kakashi hadn’t remembered that he had left a few outfits here, but Iruka’s thinking of everything), a blanket—all while grumbling something like, “stupid ANBU, thinks he’s gonna leave me behind.”
“Iruka, please, it’s going to be dangerous. I have to take care of Naruto, I can’t also look after you!”
“Well, then it’s a good thing you won’t need to look after me, huh?” Iruka takes Naruto’s blanket and starts wrapping it around his shoulders and upper back, and not a minute later Naruto is tied to his chest and Iruka is tightening the knot at his bottom to hold him up. His hands are free, and he finishes the seals on his scroll to close it up. Then he looks at Kakashi while tucking his own storage scroll in his pouch. “You’re not leaving without me.”
And damnit. Damnit.
Kakashi could snatch Naruto back and knock Iruka out. But he… no, he really can’t. Because honestly, Naruto likes Iruka better anyway, and Iruka’s actually packed and—
He steps close, cups Iruka’s face, and whispers harshly, “Stay close, follow my orders, and if all else fails, run.”
With Iruka’s nod, they leave the studio through the window. Iruka pauses to reset the wards—“It’ll keep them from pursuing us for a bit, if they’re trying to break in”—and then they’re off.
It’s just past daybreak, and they’ve been running hard all through the night, when the edge of Kakashi’s awareness alerts him to the fact that they’re being followed. It’s far off, but their pursuers are hemorrhaging chakra and he puts himself behind Iruka and snaps, “Keep going; don’t stop.”
Iruka—he’s a good shinobi. He follows orders easily and even puts on a slight burst of speed to try and get ahead of Kakashi. Kakashi keeps himself between their pursuers and Iruka, even though he knows he could go faster than Iruka, that the ANBU (because they are so obviously ANBU) following them are gaining ground. He just hopes… he hopes he doesn’t know any of them.
To fight his old comrades… that would be too difficult. Especially because, to protect Naruto and Iruka, he’ll use deadly force. He will absolutely kill every one of those ANBU, but he hopes that it won’t come to that.
Naruto starts crying. Little, soft whimpers at first, but they grow over a long hour into loud sobs while he fusses against Iruka’s chest. Kakashi catches up to them and casts a worried look over at them. “Is he alright?”
“He never fell back asleep after we left the village,” Iruka shakes his head. “He’s tired.” Iruka ducks his head slightly and sniffs, wrinkling his nose. “And he needs to be changed.”
“We can’t stop,” Kakashi sighs.
“I know. That doesn’t mean much to him. He’s uncomfortable.”
“We’ll change him as soon as it’s safe.”
“I’ve tried to tell him that, but—Kakashi!”
Iruka pushes and jumps to the next level of branches while Kakashi dodges to the side. He stops, looks up at Iruka, paused on the branch, and growls, “Keep going!” Iruka nods, cradles Naruto close, and jumps away. Kakashi turns back to the ANBU squad, who has finally caught up. He flicks up his hitai-ate and draws his kunai, and moves to engage.
Snake, Racoon, Crane, Turtle.
Poisons, taijutsu, medic, captain.
At least it’s no one from my squads.
Iruka runs, and runs, and runs. The morning dew dries up around him, and Naruto’s cries have died down to sniffles as Iruka talks to him, describing the forest around them as they go. He stops, for just a few seconds, and tries the chakra-location technique he’d been developing with his jōnin-sensei.
All he can sense are animals. Either his pursuers are very good at repressing their chakra, or he’s put some serious distance between them. He only hopes that Kakashi will catch up soon.
He hops down to the forest floor and unwraps Naruto.
“Iru-nii, it hurts.”
“I know, Naruto. I’ve got some cream and fresh underwear.”
“I’m hungry.”
“I know.”
“And tired.”
“I told you you could sleep while we ran.”
“I wanna go home.”
Iruka’s chest clenches and his face falls. “That’s. Okay. Um.” He helps Naruto change quickly, sealing the soiled clothing away to be dealt with later. While he does this, he says, “My father used to tell me about how he had to leave home once, too. About the destruction of Uzushiogakure, and how he had to walk for days to come to Konoha. And when he got there—c’mon, hop up here, I gotta tie you back in the carrier, thank you, you’re being so good—all he wanted was to go home. But he came with his younger cousin, your mother, and do you know what Kushina-ba-chan would say to him?”
Naruto, who loves hearing about their parents, shakes his head eagerly and says, “Ka-chan used to tell your daddy off! That’s silly. What’d she say?”
“She said, ’Home is where the heart is, and our heart is with our family.’ You and Kakashi and I, we’re a family now. And our hearts are with each other. So wherever we are, we’re home. Does that make sense?”
Naruto nods and snuggles into his shoulder. “Still tired, though.”
Iruka laughs. “Me too. We’ll find a place to stop soon enough.”
“Can we wait for Kaka-nii-chan?”
“No. We gotta keep going, sorry.”
“Will he be okay?”
Iruka swallows the lump in his throat. He doesn’t answer, just jumps back up into the trees and continues running. Naruto drifts off to the rocking of his stride, and the day grows hotter as the sun rises higher. Iruka uses chakra to keep himself from overheating; he’s sweating buckets under the blanket wrapped around his shoulders.
Eventually, he missteps and loses his footing, and he cups the back of Naruto’s head and tightens his hold around him as they fall and Naruto screams and Iruka feels a branch thwump on the back of his head and gods, he fucked up Kakashi said he wasn’t going to take care of both of us what am I doing out here—
He doesn’t hit the ground.
Strong arms wrap around him and catch him, and he’s holding Naruto while his savior is holding him and Iruka can’t see who caught him so he wriggles and flails and snarls, “Lemme go!”
“No way. Are you alright?”
He looks up and relaxes.
“I’m. Just tired. Sorry.”
“I thought I saw you hit your head. Are you sure?”
“I’m fine. Put me down?”
Kakashi stops and lets Iruka slip from his arms. Iruka uses the barest amount of chakra to keep his feet on the branch, and peeks down to check in on Naruto. He shushes the toddler, who’s crying quietly and sniffling again. He looks up at Kakashi and frowns. “Your hitai-ate…”
It’s… it has the slash of a missing nin on it.
Kakashi sighs. “One of the ANBU I fought slashed at me, and I caught it with my forehead. At least it wasn’t my other eye.”
And it hits Iruka, finally.
He abandoned his village. He… he and Kakashi, they’re missing.
They’ll come after Naruto. They’ll never stop. And Iruka will protect him until his dying breath, just as he knows Kakashi will.
But who’s going to protect them?
“Come on. There’s still daylight, and I’d like to put some more distance between us and Konoha.”
At sunset, Kakashi stops them and points to a cave in a nearby cliffside. He helps Iruka climb up and settles them all down. Iruka unties Naruto and shoos him into the cave to explore a bit—it’s not a deep cave, and he looks at Kakashi and says, “I’ll set up wards. Can you get him fed?”
Iruka unrolls his scroll, picks out the seal with his ink and brush, and starts in on making their hideout imperceptible for a night. He stands back after the seals are all drawn, lets his chakra flow into them to activate, and then—
Then his vision blurs and focuses and blurs and focuses and blurs—
And he hears Kakashi yell his name and Naruto scream before he loses all consciousness and slumps to the rocky ground.
Kakashi abandons the tin he was about to open and flickers to Iruka’s side, carefully turning him this way and that, gently tapping his face. Naruto toddles over and kneels beside Kakashi and rocks Iruka’s upper arm, crying all the while for him to wake up, please wake up.
Kakashi shares the sentiment.
Then he cups the back of Iruka’s head and feels sticky slick on his fingertips and he lifts his hand, shaking, to his face. Blood. Iruka’s bleeding from a head wound on the back of his head and Kakashi never had to learn medical ninjutsu because he was always in a squad with a medic, and before that he had Rin—
Fuck, fuck, fuck—
“Breathe,” Iruka murmurs. “I’m… ’m okay. I promise.”
“Oh gods, Iruka, you—fuck, I knew I saw you hit your head.”
“Need to… y’need to feed Naru…”
Iruka’s neck goes slack and Naruto shouts again. Kakashi picks Iruka up and carefully brings him over to where the blanket-carrier lay in a heap. He lays Iruka out on the blanket, and then takes off his flak vest and drapes it over him.
“He’ll. He’ll be alright,” he tries to assure Naruto. “Let’s get you fed.”
“When’s he gon’ wake up?”
“I don’t know. I’m sorry. I’m…” he looks down at Iruka, face lax in unconsciousness. He swallows hard, leans over Iruka and puts his forehead to Iruka’s stomach. “I’m sorry. Gods, Iruka, please, I’m sorry, you shouldn’t even be here, you should be home, I’m sorry.”
“But. But he is home.” Naruto pipes up, and puts a little hand on Kakashi’s shoulder. He looks up and over at the three-year-old, and Naruto continues, “Home is where the heart is, and his heart is with us. As long as we’re together, we’re home!”
Kakashi gathers Naruto up in a hug and drags his mask down to kiss his golden hair. “Thank you. Thank you, thank you—where did you learn that?”
“Iru-nii said it earlier! He’s very smart.”
“He is.” Kakashi whispers. “He is. And so are you.”
“Food, yes. Sorry.”
He brushes his fingertips along Iruka’s face, hopes that he wakes up soon, and leaves to go and finish preparing food for Naruto.
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candyopala · 3 years
Stuck in his ways, chapter 1
Sinopsis:  After deciding to settle down after a whole life of mercenary work, Y/N moves to Konoha and becomes a nin thanks to an old favor the Nara clan owed her. She is assigned to a jonin mentor, but he is not too happy about his new task since he is a man stuck in his ways and a bit closed off. Will they be able to work their differences out?
Chapter summary: First impressions are important, especially when they are bad. 
Words: 1.3k
Chapter: 1/? 
“You’re at least an hour late, Obito”
Another restless night, two old ladies needing help with their groceries, Kakashi bothering him again to go on one of those blind dates, yeah, of course Obito was late again. The Uchiha flinches as he hears this as he goes through Minato’s office door. He does not try to come with any excuses, his former sensei knows him too well to fall for any of it, and so he just apologizes. 
“You know, I sometimes tend to go too soft on you but this is third time this week you’re late. That’s a lot even for you.”
“I’m sorry sir I promise this won’t happen again”
“It won’t because I’m suspending you from getting S ranked missions until you change this behavior. I can clearly see that something is not wright with you lately”
Great, just great. 
“Anyway, I was going to assign this one to a jonin with less experience and prestige as you, but I think I’ll be giving it to you since I’m sure you need to cool down a little, get some rest. You will be training a new chunin I just promoted exceptionally, not in a team due to specific circumstances, just one student. I want you to evaluate their abilities and teach them the ways of the village”
Obito immediately hunches his back forward in a mix of disappointment and frustration. He has been working so hard lately on his missions in an effort to impress, he wants to be the next Hokage, after all. Fine, he has been a little tired and unmotivated lately but hell, he still is better than most ninja, he does not deserve to be babysitting chunin like that. 
Minato hands him a folder and gives him some more detail about the student in question, but the Uchiha does not pay any attention on it. He lazily starts making his way to the training field he was told his new pupil would be. Obito figures he will just borrow those bells from Kakashi and put them through it, no way in hell anyone will be able to pass this test with him as the teacher and he will get rid of this situation quickly. 
One quick look through the file and Obito immediately recognizes the face on the top of the first page. The outsider joining the village. Great. Her face on paper stares back at him, the unmistakable cold look of someone that just kills for a living with no clear objective but money. As if he was not already uncomfortable in the position of teacher, it had to be someone his prejudices will not allow him to fully trust and on top of that, another person to give him that look, that awful look they have when they first see him. 
Leaning into a tree, Obito keeps reading the papers. Ex merc, over a hundred captured S ranked missing nin, taijutsu and blade techniques, uninteresting details about the girl’s life. What on earth Minato had on his mind to allow someone from outside into the village’s ranks? He knows they are still struggling with reduced numbers since the war, but for Kami’s sake, village secrets cannot be told to just anybody like this. 
He takes another look at the picture and the word pretty comes up in his mind, only to be immediately shut down by a pile of self-imposed negative thoughts. 
“Hm, probably just a weakling traitor” He thinks aloud while still gazing at the folder. 
 Y/N sits close to the top of a tree observing the training grounds. These few weeks have been… exhausting. She never thought that settling down would be so complicated, but some of that is on her for choosing to be a village ninja and not opting to just open a small bakery or something. 
They told her that her new mentor was supposed to meet her here, but she has been waiting here for over an hour and a half and… nothing. As if having to get used to ranks and authorities was not overbearing enough, she will have to deal with someone closely bossing her around. 
After a while, she hears footsteps in the direction of the clearing she was in. A tall man appears, from this height she can only make out his black colored hair and jonin vest. This must be her supposed mentor, he has a beige folder and he is reading it intently. He appears to not have noticed her presence, so she decides to get down and approach him silently as to find out if what he has in his hands is about her. What can she do? She is a curious being. 
Jumping down silently and getting closer from behind, he has not noticed her yet. She is able to look at the open folder, the jonin is staring at a picture of her. A bad picture if you ask her opinion, almost a mugshot. 
“Hm, probably just a weakling traitor” the man says clearly referring to her picture. 
“Ok, rude” is what she is able to say in response, while in truth she really wanted to spell out her entire extensive catalog of insults
Caught off guard, the man immediately points a kunai at her neck. A single red glowing eye meet hers, joined by a face half covered of scars that look incredibly painful, a vision that for sure would intimidate anyone. Y/N, on the other hand, has her interest growing bigger by the minute. She has heard of the dojutsu possessed by the Uchiha family in her travels and she knows they are native to Konoha, but she did not expect to meet one of them so quickly and to work with them on the field. The man is also strikingly han- uneducated, yes, uneducated. 
Deciding to discuss the awful thing he said about her just now later, Y/N raises her arms as sign of peace: 
“Calm down, I’m the one you were staring at in your creep file.”
Confused, the man stares at her and back at the picture a couple of time before finally letting his guard down. Putting the kunai back in his pocket, he finally speaks: 
“It’s not a creep file, it’s mission information. I’ve been assigned to be your mentor while you’re new to the village. Obito Uchiha, nice to meet you.”
“It’s not a creep file alright, but it is a little creepy to be staring at people’s faces for too long and saying mean stuff about them. Anyway, I’m Y/N L/N, nice to meet you too sir.”
Mr. Creep Uchiha seems quite lost until he visibly realizes what she is talking about, and then he gets visibly uncomfortable and a little mad, hence the pout forming in his lips.
“Are you sure you should be talking to your superiors like this?”
“Are you supposed to welcome new people like that?”
Awkward silence follows for a bit before Obito starts walking to the middle of the clearing, Y/N takes this as a lead for her to follow him. Stepping into the sun now, the Uchiha finally speaks again: 
“I want to see you fight” Is all he says, with a small conceited smirk creeping in. 
“Weren’t you supposed to explain things to m-“
“It won’t matter if you are too weak to even go out on a mission later. I’m not big on having my time wasted.”
Y/N is stumped. Normally she would have already jumped at him for treating her like this, how dare he talk to someone like that? To not even acknowledge her. But in this new situation of hers she is obligated to not do anything, the only thing that escapes her mouth is a small whisper of the word asshole. 
“Catch these bells. Fail to do so and I’ll make sure you’re kicked out from here forever. We’ll talk about everything else later.”
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theshinobiway · 5 years
I Fix Team Gai’s Endings:
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Might Gai
How it Ended:
Gai fails to defeat Madara despite having the ‘best chance’ as a Taijutsu master. 
Gai narrowly escapes death and his leg is shattered, disabling him for life.
One of his precious students is dead. 
He’s forced to retire from the career he’s spent his whole life attempting to build. 
Well, be does get to spend his time with Kakashi (who is also in retirement), so he does have some silver lining.
What SHOULD have happened:
Gai defeats Madara, cementing his reputation as the legendary Taijutsu Master and gaining respect for Taijutsu users worldwide OR
Gai narrowly fails to defeat Madara, but Rock Lee avenges Gai by surpassing him (Possibly inventing a new level of Taijutsu that surpasses the 8 Gates).
Even if Gai is disabled, he gets the fame he deserves by being the most renowned Sensei in history. He becomes the model for all future Jounin instructors, and his training methods and philosophies (and by extension, Duy’s) become ingrained in Konoha’s teachings.
Might Duy receives the honor he deserves post-mortem because of Might Gai’s heroism.
People from all over come to battle Might Guy in his dojo, who still manages to defeat all of his challengers despite the lack of mobility in his leg. He accepts students who show particular grit, and it’s considered a badge of honor to receive tutelage from Gai.
Gai still spends retirement with Kakashi, going on trips and leaving his dojo to Lee and Tenten when he’s gone.
Rock Lee
How it Ended:
Rock Lee is an Average Dad
Despite being a romantic, his wife is nowhere in sight. He was never shown with a happy marriage with someone who loves him for who he is.
He has no particular fame or renown for his part in the war, and he has no major fights in the final war arc.
Lee doesn’t get a rematch with Neji OR Naruto.
We find out in the final war arc that Lee has a…CLAN? And then it’s never mentioned again.
What SHOULD have happened:
Lee needed way more screentime during the war. This would cement him as someone important and give us a chance to finally see Taijutsu at it's most advanced‐and I don't mean just the gates. I'm talking sheer technique and will of the human body that simply decimates.
Lee would either team up with Gai in the final fight (or attack) against Madara. If Gai gets defeated, it's Lee who steps up to the plate, delivering this badass monologue: "You all thought Taijutsu had its limits. You all thought I had my limits. Well, let me say this now: I, Rock Lee, have finally pushed Taijutsu beyond what you thought impossible. And how did I do it? Simple. You decide your limits from the beginning... and I reach them."
Lee, to the witness of the entire world, defeats Madara. No one is sure what to make of it at first, but it's clear: he's unlike any other Shinobi in history. He's created something they've never seen before and it's strong. And now, they believe in him like never before.
In the post-war, Naruto is approached with an offer about about a path to becoming Hokage. At the same time, he learns that the village is banishing Sasuke for the time being until they can sort out what to do. Naruto realizes political corruption exists so our precious war hero chooses going/being with Sasuke/his team. It's unintendedly a major political statement that has the elders clutching pearls and clamoring to pardon Sasuke. In his sendoff amid the uproar about him leaving, Naruto loudly nominates Lee in front of all the other Kage and drops the mic.
When finally confirmed after much drama, Lee makes for a FAR better Hokage. His arc goes from disadvantaged, talentless youth to the most impressive Ninja in existence by sheer hard work, the guiding theme of the series. No one worked as hard or stayed as humble as Lee, and Naruto recognized that.
Naruto can be his ‘War-Hero’ right hand when he returns. The "Hand of the Hokage." He still gets the “heroic” validation he REALLY wanted without the responsibility of governing.
Shikamaru is nervous about working with Lee since he's the opposite style in terms of, ahem, "actually working," but after a few early riffs and some honest communication, the two actually learn to balance each other out: Lee teaches Shikamaru be more diligent, Shikamaru teaches Lee to pace himself.
This also frees Naruto and Sakura up to actually accompany Sasuke on his redemption journey, be more present in the series, have relationships develop naturally, and explore the political repercussions of the war and everything that led up to it. It's a point of humility for Naruto to admit he wanted love and confidence over the real responsibility of governing, and let's just say the most effective ruler is always the one who never asked for the job. Naruto is better suited having his own squad as a jounin.
Shikamaru gets exasperated by the shenanigans Lee sometimes pulls in the office to train while doing paperwork. Lee often overworks himself too much and Shikamaru feels bad on his behalf, eventually encouraging him to delegate work. He has a much easier time guilting Lee into going home, though, because Lee would never choose to miss time with his family when it comes down to it.
Lee Clan? Don’t know her.
Lee surpasses Might Gai to become the most renowned taijutsu user in existence, paves the way for taijutsu specialists in shinobi culture.
Lee happily lives with his wife and Metal, who were definitely introduced either in a stand-alone novel or earlier in the series. They are the quirkiest, but most loving family in Konoha.
Their love story is meant to be cute and has the theme of “loving someone for exactly who they are.” I would love it if his wife was also disabled but excelled in her own field and Lee admired her for it. 
Lee invents a new style of Taijutsu techniques that he uses to defeat Madara. These techniques are on-par with some of the most legendary jutsu in existence.
Lee finally defeats Neji in a match, completing the arc we started in season 1. It’s a legendary fight that's still talked about to this day.
Lee’s condition is finally explained as being from a sickness he had as an infant that almost took his life. Gai had the same illness, but not as bad. 
He spends his adulthood looking for information on this sickness. He doesn’t want a cure for himself, but he has research done so it can save the lives of other children.
Lee does a training routine every morning. Academy students who idolize their Hokage eventually join in and try to keep up. It’s also endearing to the village that their Hokage makes time for the kids. 
Even if they can’t finish the routine (and none of them can) Lee congratulates them every morning on doing their personal best. 
Often, Lee teaches valuable life lessons at the end of his morning training sessions–just like Gai.
How it Ended:
Tenten sets out to become a Legendary Kunoichi, but only manages to be legendary because she wields/owns all the Sage Weapons.
Tenten is never given a thorough backstory.
Tenten ISN’T the head of Konoha weapons research.
Tenten finally accepts that she isn’t like other girls and doesn’t want to have relationships or get married, her friends support her.
Tenten embraces her goofy side, becomes more like Gai and Lee and is heavily involved in their lives.
What SHOULD have happened:
Tenten originally sets out to be like Tsunade–the woman who could heal an entire army. She isn’t great at medical jutsu, but later discovers that her abilities mirror the Fourth Hokage.
Tenten vows to be legendary like the Fifth, powerful like the Fourth.
Tenten rediscovers and revives the Uzumaki’s sealing jutsu. This, coupled with her mastery of Minato’s jutsu, make her untouchable.
Tenten acquires all Sage weapons, gains fame for using them in battle to turn the tide of the war. Minato meets her and recognizes her as his successor. He gives her his blessing to revive the Uzumaki techniques as her own.
Tenten instead becomes the “Legendary One-Woman Army” In the war arc, she can teleport entire platoons of shinobi in an instant. She rains destruction down on the Zetsu army. 
Tsunade comments that her “strength of a hundred″ seal would have been wasted on Tenten; Tenten has the strength “of a thousand.”
Tenten’s mastery of seals lets her identify and rig the reincarnation seal; All deceased Shinobi that were forced to fight have their free will restored. Tenten has your army now.
Post-War, Tenten, at Hinata’s command, finds the way to remove the Caged Bird seal from the Hyuga clan.
Instead, a new seal is given to EVERY member (starting with Hinata) that functions to protect the Byakugan after death but has no other effect. It effectively halts all attempts by outside forces to steal the Byakugan.
Tenten keeps her weapons shop only because it suits her and her down-to-earth personality. She also likes the freedom to travel as she pleases, exploring the world and discovering more about the Uzumaki.
Tenten is famous for being Konoha’s #1 desirable single, but she will never settle down. It’s not what she wants.
Tenten deflects suitors with sharp objects as a gag. Everyone, though they may not understand, supports Tenten being exactly who she is, and they protect that. It remains a quietly apparent choice her character has made, and doesn't act as a challenge for the plot to fix.
She eventually becomes the sensei of Metal (and Neji’s child too, if he has one.) She pulls pranks on her team to both train them and remind them of who's in charge.
She still is involved in the lives of Gai, Lee, and Neji.
Neji Hyuga
How it Ended:
He begins his arc by cursing the fact that he’s going to die for the main branch and then…dies for the main branch. (And Naruto, I guess.)
Neji does not see his clan unified.
Hiashi’s throwaway comment during the war meant nothing. Neji and other branch members still had their seals. The Hyuga clan still went into the war with “head” and “branch” families. 
Neji does not get a rematch with Lee.
Neji doesn't speak to his father during the war.
What SHOULD have happened:
Hiashi dies for Neji, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that familial love comes before the hierarchy and reversing the old narrative.
Hiashi declares Hinata the new leader of the Hyuga with his dying breath, and tells her she knows what to do. He cryptically hints that Neji will lead the Hyuga to a brighter future. Hiashi knows the elders wouldn't accept Neji as head right off the bat, but he knows his daughter will stop at nothing to fight for her family.
This is also Hiashi’s redemption, finally repaying his brother’s sacrifice.
Neji gets to speak to his father during the war. It’s one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the whole anime.
Post-War, Hinata stands before the elders and abolishes the status of head and branch families. She also has Tenten abolish the seal, as well as create an entirely new seal that goes on every member to completely protect the Byakugan from thieves but serves no other purpose.
Neji is the first to have his seal removed, Hinata is the first to have the new seal. 
Hinata then declares Neji the new head of the Hyuga while she finally gets the quiet, peaceful life she’s always wanted. If the opportunity did present itself, however, she may have her own squad with a similarly shy kunoichi. She comes to Neji often for advice on how to best train them.
Neji leads the Hyuga through major reform, abolishing harmful training methods and teaching the younger generation about the importance of family.
Neji is rightfully respected and hailed as the greatest Hyuga as he single-handedly creates new techniques that we see used in the next generation.
The Hyuga clan now selects their future leader from the most capable in the family. Hanabi is fine with this because she ‘knows she’ll be the best anyway.’ Neji teases her by saying he ‘isn’t so sure’, which pushes Hanabi to work harder.
The Hyuga are one of the most fiercely loyal and loving clans. Any affront against a single member will bring the wrath of the others. It's like one giant, close-knit family. Make fun of a Hyuga kid and now you’re getting drop-kicked by their third cousin.
Neji loses to Lee in a rematch, but warmly acknowledges his growth from when they were children. Neji is the first to officially support Lee becoming Hokage and is the one who gives him "the talk" that convinces him to accept Naruto's nomination of him to the council. Neji becomes Lee’s confidant and closest advisor.
Neji is an amazing uncle who is sometimes out of his element when it comes to dealing with his energetic niece and nephew. It’s all fluff.
When no one is looking, Himawari will stare intently (threateningly) at her uncle, who will slowly grimace and hand her a piece of candy from inside his sleeve, glancing around to make sure no one sees him complete the exchange. No one knows where Himawari gets her spontaneous candy and stash from. It's a mystery as to what he seems to be paying her off for, but it'd probably be a delicious secret to find out..
Neji’s relationship with his niece is heartwarming. He constantly threatens Naruto to be a good husband and father to his niece and nephew OR ELSE.
Neji trains Boruto and Himawari. He’s strict, but as kind as he is firm.
Neji teaches Boruto to have a closer relationship with Himawari, mirroring the relationship he had with Hinata. If he has children, they're the "cool older cousins" to the siblings and have their dad's clout for sure.
Neji might get married or have children. If he does, it’ll be the subject of a Gaiden novel. Perhaps also a quick throwaway scene in the epilogue post-war where he meets someone that catches his eye. His child(ren) will be on the same team as Metal, where they will also be rivals.
He might have twin boys if we really want to go hard with literary parallels, but it’s not necessary. He'd name his kids after his father first.
There, I fixed it.
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