#He should let his intrusive thoughts win
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kdsburneraccount · 1 year
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i just think they're neat
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chuluoyi · 5 months
✎ rivals... in love?
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- gojo satoru x reader
gojo is in shambles—so suguru might have a crush on you too?
genre: high school!gojo being a menace but pls spare him he just can't take losing, you see... crack, totally jealous!gojo, justice for geto, enemies to lovers, fluff
note: people have been asking for this so this is up next! i'm writing this while listening to bigbang's bang bang bang and fantastic baby so if gojo is a bit unhinged... you know why
a part of gojo's love entries
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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No way. There is just no way.
Satoru felt his eyes itch and twitch uncomfortably. Despite the opaque black tint of his sunglasses, he could still distinctly see you happily giggling.
“Geto-san, that’s so funny!”
With Suguru. His ride or die. Your massive crush.
Your crisp laughter rang in his ears, scorching his ego and igniting it in flames—that was precisely the reaction he had hoped to receive from you too!
"Aren't they just cute?" Yaga was suddenly beside him with a wistful smile, looking at you and his other student a few feet away. "What do the television say again... a perfect match? In this case, a perfect match made in jujutsu school, then."
And responding to your bubbly self, creating the very picture of perfect match made in jujutsu school indeed, Suguru was every bit as enthusiastic. “Nah, wait until you see this—”
"Perfect match my ass," Satoru grumbled outwardly, rolling his eyes, but he immediately dashed away before his teacher could bonk him in the head for cussing.
It was harmless conversation, or jokes, or whatever. Because Suguru couldn't possibly reciprocate your feelings. His type is women of gravure magazines—Satoru had deemed it as such.
At this point, he wasn't in enough denial to say that he didn't like you, because he had made it so clear that he was, in fact, obsessed. He wasn’t shying away from the things he did, which included annoying you constantly, asking you out after school, helping you in missions, and sending you few pick up lines here and there.
And he thought he was certain he could whisk you off your feet. After all, who else could measure up to him and win?
Heh, no one.
(or basically that's just him ignoring the intrusive little voice in his mind that whispered, “Suguru!”)
“So what's with the nice act, huh?” Satoru blew his bangs in a huff as he questioned his best friend with a twinge of dissatisfaction. “Do you like her or something?”
Suguru quirked his eyebrow at him. “What?”
“Don’t play dumb. I have noticed how you two have been joined at the hip lately,” and with deliberate intention to spite his best friend, he made the sourest face as he mockingly recited, “Wait till you see this~”
Instantly realizing what he meant, Suguru burst into a loud snicker. “Come on, Satoru, really? Surely you aren't that petty. We were just chatting—”
“Not that. I know. What I'm asking now is that do you like her or not?”
It wasn't a rare sight to see Satoru with a pout and a frown, and usually he'd humor him. But this time, even Suguru could see that there was something different in the way he asked this. And should he say something that irked him then—
“Heh, so what if I am?”
That's the wrong answer.
Satoru halted abruptly, whipping his head around in sheer shock. "What the heck?"
“She’s a nice junior, kind, easy on the eyes,” Suguru shrugged, flashing him a dauntless smile. “Only a fool would let the chance pass up. Satoru, if you keep dawdling, one of these days, I just might—”
“Wha—hey!? That’s totally foul—!”
“Nah, they do say all is fair in love and war now, isn’t it?”
By a mind-boggling twist of events, apparently his best friend was also a guy after his dream girl. Satoru was irked, challenged, and he would never admit it, but a tiny part of him recoiled because Suguru clearly had an early start and a boost—you favored him first.
This was unexpected, and now he was conjuring up various scenarios of what he should do. He must act fast or else...
Little did he know that Suguru was thoroughly relishing his restlessness.
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Everyone around you said that your relationship with Gojo Satoru... is intriguing to say the least. And especially ever since that one botched mission you two went, you also felt there was a shift in your dynamics.
And if by intriguing they mean him constantly blocking your way and invading your space, then yes, it definitely is.
"Okay, okay, but wait, just hear me out!"
You halted your steps and faced him with an annoyed frown. You really had no time for this. You were about to be sent on a mission. "Gojo, really, can't you just—"
"Okay, I know he's dashing, or whatever," he huffed, the last word he said with a hint of disdain. "But hear me out, and I'm sure you'll reconsider."
"Who are you talki—"
"Who else!? Suguru, of course!"
You couldn't possibly arch your eyebrow even higher, and before you could say anything, he somehow took it as his cue to keep going.
“First, he eats curses. Cursed spirits! He eats them like rice balls! Can you imagine just how foul the taste is?”
"Gojo, I don't have the time—"
"Then! Going from that, just imagine kissing him," he stressed, eyeing you intensely as your own eyes felt like popping out by the sheer suggestion. "What if you taste the cursed spirits rice ball?"
"You're unbeliev—"
"Wait! Can you even kiss him? What if his cursed spirits suddenly pop out of him? Are you willing to kiss his little friends—"
"He's your best friend!" you finally interjected, obviously and utterly in shock by his unhinged rambling. "How could you say all of that?"
"No, you're getting me wrong." Satoru's clicked his tongue. "I'm just listing facts why it's better for you not to end up with him."
You barked a dry laugh. "And? Better with you, you mean? That's awfully biased."
"Why yes of course! Self-promo is never bad," he blatantly retorted. "Let me just tell you aallll you need to know about me!"
He audibly cracked his knuckles and puffed out his chest. "You know already, I'm strong. I can protect you well. My cursed technique doesn't involve eating curses, so you don't have to worry about tasting the said curses on my lips."
How could he blurt all of this with that perpetually playful expression? A chuckle escaped you unwittingly and that only spurred him to go on.
"And I'm handsome!" he boldly claimed, pointing at his face with pride. "And obviously I don't need to say this, but I'm filthy rich—"
At that, you burst into hearty laughter, unable to hold it in any longer.
Satoru's eyes sparkled, lit as if someone had just made his day. "All in all, you know what I mean. Everything with me, all of it is going to be fantastic!"
Even you couldn't deny that all of this exchange had been so amusing. Hilariously so. "You're down bad, huh?" you tried to taunt, although it seemed like a burst of snicker. Yet, you were caught off-guard when he said:
"For you?" his little smirk made your insides suddenly all jumbled up. "Yes."
Huh? What is this? Your bravado faltered a bit as your heart did a somersault inside.
It wasn't supposed to thump this hard. You weren't supposed to feel this overwhelming urge to squeal too. And your face wasn't supposed to grow this hot...
Seeing that, Satoru celebrated his little win, a wicked smile on his glistening lips—that somehow looked rather attractive to you now. "How? Thinking twice now, are we?"
But he couldn't believe that after all this, you would still cunningly retort with, "Ha! You wish, Gojo Satoru."
His stunned face was so comical that you chuckled once again. You wanted to rebuff him more, but before you could, Haibara's voice called you from a distance. "Heeey! Let's go! Or we're gonna be late!"
"I suppose that's my cue," you lightly shrugged, and before you left him in a dust, you could've sworn you saw a flicker of brewing tantrum behind those glasses, which brought a smirk on your face. "See ya, try harder, and I might look at your way."
Satoru was at his wit's end as he saw you sauntering away. What more that he could do so that you could be his? To keep your eyes on him and him only?
And yet, little did he know, in that beginning of summer in 2006, even before you realized it yourself, you had already did.
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In another corner of the school, eagerly spying on you were...
"Wait! Can you even kiss him? What if his cursed spirits suddenly pop out of him? Are you willing to kiss his little friends—"
"Did he just..." Suguru gaped, utterly in disbelief at what his own best friend said of him. "Did he just say that?"
Shoko let out a satisfied guffaw. "Oh, he definitely did."
"I can't believe he's tarnishing my name over a girl."
"Well, you know very well he could do way worse than that just to get what he wants," she threw him a thin smile, while exhaling a puff of smoke. "And hey, you lose. You gotta pay me."
Suguru turned to her in surprise. "Huh? Oh—oh, darn it. Shoko, can't you be less stingy?"
"Well, whose bright idea was it to pull that stunt on him and bet on whether Gojo would approach her in less than a day?"
-> continue to extended cut !
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wttcsms · 5 months
DRUNKEN CONFESSIONS WITH HIGURUMA PLEASE AND THANK YOU! (and maybe some nsfw if you're up to it?)
a rendering of regret, hiromi higuruma ;
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pairing hiromi higuruma x f!reader word count 4.1k synopsis like everyone else who suffers from early onset midlife crisis syndrome, hiromi discovers two important things: he wishes he could fix things between you two and YOLO. like any other man with nothing to lose, he finds himself leaving the city and going back to his hometown, ready to be back in your good graces. content contains drinking, small town that sucks the life out of you but is home as the setting, being disappointed that growing up does not, in fact, solve all your problems, hiromi's mother is heavily implied to have committed su*cide, smut (riding hiromi, creampie, drunk sex)
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Returning back to his hometown shouldn’t be as shameful of an ordeal as he makes it out to be, but the thing is, when you make a big show out of outgrowing small-town life, only to come back when it turns out the Real World sucks the soul out of you, it all becomes startlingly clear that you were never supposed to make it out in the first place. Becoming a hotshot attorney in Tokyo quickly disillusions any and all grandeur of being special and adulthood for Hiromi Higuruma, resident prodigy. 
It turns out that city living is even worse than a quaint little town because, while there’s really nothing to do back home, there is entirely too much going on in Tokyo. The subway is always crowded and reeks of B.O., cheap perfume, overpowering cologne, and crushed dreams. There is never not a case that needs his immediate attention. With so many people existing all in the same place, at the same time, it somehow becomes increasingly harder to form real, human connections. 
He knows that his mental break was long overdue, and honestly, he’s just shocked that his snapping hadn’t occurred sooner. Innocent people get tried for crimes on a daily basis; he knows this. He goes into this job knowing this, and witnesses it firsthand. It shouldn’t hit him so hard, but you told him, once upon a time, that at his core, he’s a good person. Hiromi Higuruma doesn’t think that a good person would punch both the prosecutor and the judge, but it certainly made him feel good. 
The justice system is a sham, and growing up sucks. Hiromi thinks that for someone who popped out his mother’s womb a full-blown genius, he was a bit slow on the uptake when it came to realizing these two monumental truths. He decides not to waste any more time on trying to tackle the world’s problems on how he used to do, which is rationally and with a clear-head. Lately, Hiromi’s just been letting the intrusive thoughts win more often than not. He’s certainly not punching judges in the courtroom, but he tests out new experiences when he’s feeling particularly adventurous.
Adulthood is all about being able to take a bath in your suit and tie, and no one can give you shit about it besides yourself. There are absolutely no consequences to doing this, and Hiromi thinks people should advertise adulthood as getting to do batshit crazy things to yourself without fear of a scolding. That is much more realistic and sounds much more promising than bullshit like you’re going to change the world. The world sucks. Everybody sucks. Tokyo sucks. His hometown sucks. He sucks.
Perhaps the only good thing to come out of this life is you. You, Hiromi thinks, are the only person in the world who he can never look at differently. 
Hiromi realizes too late that when you spend your whole life running from something, it eventually catches up to you, and it usually does whenever you’re out of breath and decidedly not prepared for life and past regrets to start pummeling you into the gravel. Hiromi has spent literal years avoiding any trace of you, and now he’s back home, probably worse off than he was when he originally decided to ditch this place, and his biggest past regret is standing in the staff lounge, making coffee from the communal coffee machine.
A shame, really. It’s almost embarrassing to be a grown man who gets literal heart eyes whenever he sees you. It’s doubly embarrassing whenever he realizes it’s been a decade since he’s last seen you, and that somehow, you still manage to make his heart get all hyperactive on him. 
“Hi, stranger,” you say, pretending like the fucking ghost of Christmas Past isn’t standing in the staff lounge of the community college you work at. 
“Hi,” he says, because for all his booksmarts, he can’t seem to come up with anything better. When he first skipped town, not even bothering to walk the stage for graduation, there had been a lot left unsaid between the two of you. Bringing up the past now, dredging up buried memories, seems like a bad idea. 
“You must be the new law instructor.” 
“Yes.” Apparently, as eloquent as he can be when it comes to defending his clients, he sure as shit is awful when it comes to saying the right thing to you. Then again, there are no instruction manuals to reference when it comes to facing your ex-girlfriend from high school who you never actually properly broken up with, just ghosted. 
You stare at him, study him for just a second. Take in his tired appearance. The circles under his eyes. An apathetic expression you aren’t quite used to. Strands of hair still stick up a bit in the back of his head and a few more hang in his face — that, at least, is one thing that hasn’t changed. 
“Good for you.” You tell him, and you leave it at that.
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Hiromi Higuruma returning back to this shithole is certainly not on your bingo card on situations you thought would occur this year. Growing up, you were convinced more than anybody that Hiromi didn’t belong here. Not because of his appearance or the fact that his household was infamous for being a loveless, lifeless shell of a home and family, but because if anybody was destined for bigger and better things in life, it certainly would be Hiromi. 
He’s always been smart, to the point where the teachers would practically give him free rein to do whatever he wanted to during class because he already studied the material beforehand. Usually, he just spent this time helping you with your assignments. You remember making a comment to him in high school one time. 
“I’m holding you back, aren’t I?” You poke the book he’s ignoring in favor of helping you edit your essay for English Lit. 
“No,” he says, eyes glued to your paper. He’s erasing something. 
“Sure I am. You could be doing anything else besides editing my paper.” 
“I don’t mind.”
“Well, I do.” 
“You shouldn’t.” He’s rewriting a sentence for you. “There’s nothing I’d rather be doing.” 
“You should stop helping me, Higuruma.” 
He finally looks up from the paper. “What?”
“You should stop helping me.” You yank back your essay, unceremoniously shoving it into your bookbag. “It’s bad for me in the long run.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ll just keep on depending on you, and then what am I gonna do when you leave?” 
You mention this hypothetical as if it’s a fact. As if he is one hundred percent going to ditch this town and everybody in it. At the time you’re saying this, he doesn’t even know he’s going to leave yet.
“What makes you think I’m leaving?”
“You’ll die if you stay here.” Looking back, it’s comical how teenagers have a bad habit of voicing assumptions and then presenting them as fact. Hiromi Higuruma is the type of guy who cares so damn much about people and the state of the world, no matter where he goes, death’s going to follow. Caring is killer. 
“Even if I do leave, I’d want you to come with me.” He doesn’t know why he says this, but he knows that it’s the truth. If you want to stay here, that’s the only reason he needs to stay. If you want to go, he’ll have his bags packed. 
You search his eyes, looking for a possibility that he’s just saying stuff to appease you. Apparently, you find the sincerity you’re looking for because you give him a bright smile, hands already digging in your bookbag in search of your now-crumbled up essay. 
“Pinky promise?” 
“Pinky promise.” 
He seals the deal by interlocking his pinky with yours. This is a sacred act. You made it a strict rule in your friendship, and Hiromi is a stickler for rules. You can’t break a pinky promise; it’s the type of vow that transcends legality. To break a pinky promise would be to break off your friendship, make it null and void. So, when the time to walk the stage and receive your diploma in front of the town comes, you’re confused as to why Hiromi isn’t there. He’s not home, either. 
Hiromi left, his dad tells you. He looks like Hiromi, but since that’s his father, it’s the other way around. The only difference, besides the fact that he is a grown-up, is that Mr. Higuruma has what you call dead eyes. Lifeless. Like, he’s looking, but he’s not really seeing what’s there. He talks funny, too. All flat and emotionless, like he’s perpetually unbothered. You can’t even tell how he feels about his son’s departure, or the fact that there’s a teenage girl on his doorstep at seven in the evening, still wearing your cap and gown. 
“Do you know where to?” You ask Mr. Higuruma, still hopeful, still feeling the ghost of his pinky twisted around yours.
That checks out. You always knew Hiromi was meant for something more. 
“I’m shocked he’s not put behind bars,” Yuki tells you, wiping down the bar counter. “Didn’t you hear what went down in the courtroom with him and that judge?”
It had made the news. You normally don’t care to tune in, but it was something that concerned Hiromi. Of course you heard all about it. 
“I just don’t know what he’s doing back here.” 
“This place is a dump. ‘Course someone down on their luck is gonna come slinking back in here.” 
“Yuki…” You look at your best friend. “Didn’t you technically come back, too?”
“Well I never said I wasn’t down on my luck, now did I?” You can’t imagine someone like Yuki having to come back home with her tail tucked in between her legs. Yuki is the opposite of a loser; while the world beats people to a pulp, Yuki curbstomps the world. If Tokyo managed to send Yuki and Hiromi packing their bags, you don’t want to leave your hometown. Ever.
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You meet Hiromi in grade school. Your town is too small to actually have its own public school, and so all the kids from home walk the two miles to the designated bus stop where this ugly, wretched faded yellow deathtrap on wheels comes squeaking and squealing to pick you up and take you all to the nearest city’s school.
Everyone knows that you all are the students from the rinky-dink town that’s such a shithole that it can’t even produce its own school. Finding work in that town is hard enough as it is, but you grow up used to being surrounded by your other financial equals. It’s hard to find your footing amongst a crowd of kids who get new shoes every school year and can afford the fancy crayons. You know, the ones that aren’t just glorified lumps of colored wax that would probably work better as candles instead of cheap art supplies. 
Hiromi gets most of the city students’ attention, though. It’s not as if it’s a surprise to you that they like to pick on him for his nose — it’s like the joke’s practically staring them right in the face. 
You are surprised, though, that he takes it so hard. He’s sitting alone at the front of the bus, staring out the window, and you think you catch a tear running down his cheek. 
You know that Hiromi is always early to a fault; he waits outside for the bus a good thirty minutes before it’s even scheduled to show up, just to ensure that he won’t miss it. You have to get up extra early as a result because you think it would be better to try to make friends with Hiromi without an audience. 
Before you can lose all confidence in yourself, you go for it. You take one grubby little hand of yours and swipe awfully close to his face, nearly hitting his nose in the process.
“Got your nose!” You wave your hand in the air, smile slowly falling when you realize that he doesn’t look amused. “Sorry. I was trying to help.”
“How was that supposed to help?” He doesn’t sound mean when he says it. He sounds curious, like he’s genuinely trying to hear you out. You will soon learn that that is the type of person Hiromi is. He might be the only person in the world who doesn’t judge someone within the first five seconds of meeting them. 
“Y’know, so when the other kids in school make fun of your nose, you know they’re lying.”
“How would they be lying?” 
“‘Cause I got your nose. How are they making fun of something they can’t see?”
Logically, young Hiromi knows that this is not the case. His big, fat nose is still smack dab in the center of his face, and the “nose” you captured is just your tiny thumb tucked under your fingers. Logical thinking is no fun, though, so Hiromi goes with it, and the two of you have been inseparable ever since.
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Hiromi Higuruma has a lot of regrets, actually. In his mental tier list, the bottom of the barrel shit is made up of petty things, like not punching his grade school bullies in the face for being little assholes, or not trying Kitakata ramen when he had the chance. Then, there’s the stuff just a level above, which is less-silly things, like how he regrets the way he handled certain cases and the fact that in his haste to return home, he didn’t pack a pair of comfortable house slippers, and the ones he bought at the only convenience store in town feel too stiff. 
At the very top, his biggest regrets are all centered around you. This isn’t to say that he regrets you, but he does know that his treatment of you haunts him during the nights he lies awake in bed and wonders why the fuck life sucks so hard. He hates that he didn’t admit to you that he liked you sooner, that he wasted so many of his high school days awkwardly trying to hide the fact that he’s hopelessly devoted to you. He hates that he didn’t get a chance to take you to prom. He hates that he didn’t tell you that he was leaving, that he didn’t think to bring you with him, that he never called or texted after he left because he was too embarrassed and scared at the prospect of you not wanting to hear from him after how he left without a trace. He regrets not telling you why he left, that he caught his father and his mistress together, and how disgusted he felt at seeing such a sight. That the next day, he vowed to tell his mother, only to knock on her bedroom door (it’s no surprise that his parents never shared the same bed for as long as Hiromi could remember), and when she didn’t answer, he opened the door, only to be greeted by her still body in bed, three empty orange pill bottles on the nightstand. 
He couldn’t have stayed, and he was rendered speechless. Final transcripts had already been released, and walking for graduation was optional. Hiromi took whatever meager savings he had, clicked “accept” for his college admission to Tokyo U (full-ride, because if anyone was going to get a scholarship based on academic merit, it would be Hiromi), and skipped town. Everything in the world to him appeared to be in shades of black and white, the occasional bright orange catching his eye, haunting him, taunting him. 
Life is too short, though. Too short to waste time in bed, in an apartment he hates located in a city he despises, to look back at all his shortcomings. If he could go back in time and do things differently, he would. He wouldn’t have punched that judge or the prosecutor (even if they totally did deserve it), and he wouldn’t have kept his acceptance into Tokyo U a secret from you. He would have taken you to prom, and he would’ve asked you to come with him to Tokyo, escape this dump of a town and take on the big city together. He thinks he probably would have hated Tokyo less if you were with him, you and your nonsensical logic that makes the worst things to ever happen to him suddenly seem bearable. 
He should tell you all of this, but he’s drunk because Yuki is manning the bar, and she pours with a heavy hand. He never really spoke to the blonde despite the fact that they grew up down the street from each other, attended school at the exact same time, same grade, same everything. The downside of living here, it seems, is that everyone you’ve ever known is entirely unavoidable. You run into them everywhere. You want to drown your sorrows in amber liquid served in questionable, grimy glassware, and the person aiding in your slow death is the very girl who used to wake you up in the middle of the night due to the sound of her revving up her obnoxiously loud and ancient (she claims vintage) motorcycle that she bought for cheap at a junkyard. 
The upside of living here, it seems, is that since everyone is unavoidable, you are running into him here. 
You take a seat to his left, conveniently leaving one barstool between the two of you. Yuki is joking around with you, saying something that makes you laugh, and the urge to do something very stupid builds up in Hiromi. He’s been totally chill with the whole “letting the intrusive thoughts win” routine, but he wants to handle his relationship with you with a delicate hand.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks you, hoping that his words don’t come out slurred. 
“I’d normally say yes, but Yuki gives me my drinks on the house.” 
Yuki yanks back the drink she made you. “If Ace Attorney over here wants to pay for your drink, you’re getting charged, hon. Sorry. Girl’s gotta make a living.” 
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Conversation with Hiromi comes naturally to you. Everything you do with Hiromi comes naturally. The alcohol helps warm you right back up to him, dormant feelings now coming back to life. You think you’re too old to have butterflies in your tummy when you make tequila-induced attempts at flirting with him (at least, you think you’re flirting; it’s been a while since you actually tried). You think that you definitely don’t give a shit whenever he plays along, because that’s just what he does, what he always has been doing. 
When he left, everyone in town was under the impression that Hiromi had been stringing you along. The fact of the matter is, you have Hiromi wrapped around your finger to the point where he doesn’t think he could ever get unstuck. 
Everything you do with Hiromi comes naturally, and it’s only natural to have him walk you back to your apartment. It’s only natural that you invite him inside to “catch up” some more, and it’s only natural that “catching up” involves you grinding on his lap, sinking his body deeper into the pink loveseat in your living room. 
Your dress is tugged up to your waist because easy access means you don’t have to get naked to get dicked down. Hiromi’s suit pants are admittedly not made for quick fucks, but if there’s a will, there’s a way. His pants are unzipped, briefs adjusted enough so that his dick can unceremoniously be freed from its confines and make its way to where it truly belongs, which is buried deep inside the warmth of your cunt. 
Hiromi finds pleasure in the discomfort of it all. If he was doing this with anyone else, he’d be hyper aware of the stiffness of his dry cleaned suit, and how the loveseat seems to protest with the combined weight of you two rocking back and forth on top of it. He’d be too irritated with the way sex would wrinkle his clothes, and he probably wouldn’t even be this hard because he drinks so he has a valid excuse for never taking a woman home with him. 
Because it’s you, everything is felt to the extreme, but you have this way, this charm, this spell, that makes everything that happens to Hiromi better. The best. You are the best he’s ever had, and he thinks he grunts this into your ear as you rest your body against his, upper body limp and boneless, your lower half moving up and down, trying to get a good angle so his cock can hit right there.
He kisses your shoulder, and he experimentally thrusts up, and you let out a string of moans that are interspersed with little breathy fuck’s, and he thinks this might be one of his most favorite sounds in the whole entire world. So he keeps thrusting, keeps relishing in the way your walls seem to clamp down on him, keeps enjoying the way you hang onto him and whimper out his name. 
He is drunk, and he is in love, and he knows that he didn’t come here with the intention of fucking you boneless, but you don’t seem to mind, didn’t seem to mind when you kissed him first and started grinding on him, the catalyst to the situation he’s in now. 
He planned on telling you the truth, the story about why he left, about how he feels stupid on how he handled the whole situation. The bourbon he downed earlier this night seems to be affecting his brain, though, because all he knows is that there is only one confession he is capable of giving to you right now.
“I love you.” He groans, his hands finding your waist, gripping hard. “Fuck, I love you. Never stopped.” 
His cock feels too good when it's buried deep inside of you. You know it’s silly and stupid, but you want to tell Hiromi that you want him to fuck himself so deep that he can touch your heart with his dick. No other man would want to hear some creep shit like that, but Hiromi is Hiromi. He would get it. You drunkenly tell him your wish, and he lets out a little breathy laugh, rolls his hips, and rocks your world. 
“I’ll give it my best shot.” He says, and because the alcohol tells him that his sobriety makes him a bitch, he reminds you once more. “I love you.” 
You cum. The sex is drunken and messy, and while drunk sex usually happens in a blurry haze for you, you are seeing everything clearly. You can see the crease in between his brows as he concentrates on maintaining the perfect balance between relishing in your wetness and not overstimulating you. You can see the way his eyes greedily, lovingly, admire the messy sight of your joined bodies. You can see his nose, tall and as noticeable as ever, and so Hiromi. 
You want to tell him that you love his nose, but speaking is hard when he dicks you down like this. All you can do is press a kiss to the tip of it. This only makes him tighten his grip on your waist, his thrusts getting more erratic, and then you feel a nice warmth flooding inside of you. The two of you are rational adults, and rational adults know that cumming inside should be a no-no between two people who have yet to establish what the fuck you are to each other. 
“I love your nose.” You tell him, when you finally manage to catch your breath. He’s still buried inside of you, and you’re afraid that when he does eventually have to pull you off of him, everything’s going to come spilling out of you. The thought of separating from Hiromi makes you frown. You just got him back. 
“I love you.” He says back, for the nth time this night. Maybe he’s making up for lost time. Maybe he’s just drunk. You don’t care. Hiromi is back, and even if he leaves again, you’re happy that he’s at least here with you right now. 
“You’re drunk.” 
“If I tell you when I’m sober, will you believe me?” 
He’ll sober up tomorrow. If he tells you when he’s sober, that means he’ll have to stay. He won’t go. 
“Yes.” You say, trying not to reveal the fact that you already believe him. Hiromi is not as impassive as he thinks he is. “Pinky promise.” 
You feel the familiar warmth of his finger twisting ‘round yours. 
“Pinky promise.”
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teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
Intrusive Thoughts PT.2- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: bestfriend!reader x bestfriend!Matt
classification: SMUT
warnings: 18+, MDNI, literal sex, oral sex, cream pie, slight cursing, no use of y/n, dom!reader x sub!matt (kinda?), short
inspiration: request
summary: The morning after yours and Matt’s night together, you go for round two.
Instrusive Thoughts PT.1
The next morning you wake up tangled in Matt’s naked limbs. Last night was a blur for you, the aching feeling between your thighs serving as a reminder of your inability to practice self control. Your intrusive thoughts migrated from your mind down to your core, impulsing you and Matt to cross a boundary that best friends should never cross. This is new territory that you’re not sure how to navigate; you don’t know whether to be mortified, embarrassed, confused, or all three.
Matt’s soft snores fill the room, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks which each exhale. He looked peaceful, still blissfully unaware of last night’s activities. You wish you could go back to sleep and force these feelings of anxiety out of your mind. Matt stirs in his sleep, strong arms pulling you closer to him and situating you in a compromising position. He lays on his back and pulls you into his body, your head now resting on his chest. Your leg is thrown over his waist, the exposed skin of his penis grazing against your calf.
This feels intimate, almost too intimate, but at the same time it’s exciting. Your mind replays the way he fucked you last night, the way his strong arms wrapped around your torso and gripped into your boobs. Your core clenches around nothing at the though, reminiscing on the pleasureful stretch his dick provided you.
Subconsciously, your hands begin tracing shapes on his stomach, the silhouette of your hand visible under the white comforter as you trail dangerously close to his tip. His dick lays up against his stomach, his soft breathing causing it to barely miss your finger each time. You bite your lip as you debate whether or not to take the plunge and grab it, it’s not like you two didn’t already fuck, right?
You let your intrusive thoughts win, letting a gentle finger graze his tip slightly. Matt stirs a little, bucking his hips and pulling you in closer. You take this as an invitation, finally wrapping your small hand around his big cock, pumping it slowly and intently watching his face for a reaction. This shouldn’t get you so worked up, you were never meant to cross this threshold with him, but then again he fucked you to sleep last night.
Matt’s grip around you becomes tighter, but you manage to wiggle out of it and shimmy your way down to his cock from under the plush blanket. It serves as the perfect cover, if anyone were to accidentally walk in right now they’d never know you were here.
You situate yourself over his cock, finally getting to see it up close. Immediately you feel your mouth watering and an insatiable hunger take you over, but you control yourself and start off slow. You start by kissing the base, trailing sloppy open mouth kisses all the way to the tip. “So big,” you whisper to yourself, feeling his dick become hard in your hands. Matt’s still asleep and the sensation makes him feel like he’s dreaming, and he doesn’t want it to end.
He drowsily murmurs your name, his dick twitching as he replays the night before like a movie in his mind. You wrap your lips around his tip, dragging your tongue along the slit slowly. You struggle to take him all in your mouth, his sheer size being enough to elicit a gag from you once he hits the back of your throat. But, once you’ve managed to deep throat him, you’re bobbing your head up and down slowly.
Your cheeks hollow when you come back up towards the tip, only to relax once your head bobs back down. Matt’s awake now, but he swears he’s still dreaming, there’s no way he’s waking up to head. When you stop at the tip and suck and kiss it sloppily, Matt can’t contain the whimper that escapes his mouth.
Your hands momentarily leave his cock to push the comforter off of you. Matt’s eyes are already locked on you, a sleepy smile adorning his face. “Hi,” you greet, placing another sloppy kiss on his tip. He can’t take it anymore, he needs to feel you, “come here.”
You happily oblige, crawling from your spot until your bare pussy is hovering over his crotch. He wastes no time in pulling you in for a kiss, the first kiss the two of you have ever shared. It’s slow and sensual at first, but it quickly becomes heated and passionate as Matt’s hand’s rest on your ass and push you down onto his cock.
Your wet folds hug the sides of his dick, Matt’s hands guiding your hips so they drag up and down his member enough to coat him in your juices. Momentarily, you break from the kiss and place your forehead on his, your eyes focusing on where your bodies meet. This provides Matt the perfect view of your tits as they threaten to spill out of your loose fitting crop top.
“Take this off,” he grunts, desperate hands pulling the edge of your shirt. You help him take it off, your boobs bouncing against the fabric and finally on full display for him. He swears he’s in heaven. “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he groans, using his big hands to pull you into him. You giggle in response, his praises making your pussy flutter.
“I need you, baby,” you whimper once his lips latch onto your breast, sucking and nibbling at your nipples hungrily. He hums in response, alternating between your breasts as he praises your body. Your hands massage the back of his neck, holding him in place and pulling the back of his hair in the process. “Then use me, beautiful,” Matt replies with a moan, your boobs muffling his words as they suffocate his face.
You reach behind you to grab his dick, lining it up carefully with your entrance as Matt continues peppering your chest with kisses. He’s leaving purple bruises everywhere, marking his territory for everyone to see. Slowly, you sink down into his cock, a satisfied sigh leaving your lips once he bottoms out. Matt whimpers, your tight pussy clenching around him just right.
The new angle makes it easier for you to be in control, yesterday’s position giving Matt all the leverage. “Let me make you feel good,” you whisper, quoting Matt’s words from yesterday as you pull him into a hungry kiss. He nods his head eagerly, ready to feel your walls push and pull against his excited cock.
You pull away from the kiss and begin bouncing on his dick, your hands resting on his lower abdomen and chest for support. Your thighs slap against his waist and your ass against his thighs, his balls sitting right under your pussy with each bounce. He watches in awe as your slick pussy coats his cock.
“So fucking sexy. All mine,” he grunts, needy hands finding their way to your breasts again. He squeezes and twists your nipples, silently thanking God for sending him the perfect angel to fuck him so early in the morning. “You like that, baby? Tell me how it feels,” you moan, one of your hands snaking down to rub on your clit as the other moves to Matt’s thigh, gripping onto it for support.
His jaw is slack, the euphoric feeling being too much for him to form comprehensible words. “C’mon baby, don’t be shy,” you tease, grinding down especially hard as you say it. The situation is all too familiar, reminding him of how he had you babbling through your orgasm last night.
“You’re making me feel good. So fucking good, princess,” he manages to choke out between moans, his hips bucking into you as he chases the feeling. “Yeah? Is that why you fucked your best friend? Because I make you feel good?” you tease, swiveling your hips back and forth on his cock. You reach behind you and squeeze his balls, only pushing Matt further past his breaking point. Your dirty words turning him on more and more.
“Oh!- Fuck yes!” Matt moans loudly, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him. Your head falls on his shoulder, small whimpers and breathy moans fanning against his neck as he fucks into you. His strong arms are wrapped tightly around you as he bucks into you forcefully, each thrust making you see stars.
Your pussy starts trembling and clenching around him as your orgasm nears, “just like that, handsome. Just like that.” You’re feeding off of each other’s praises at this point, his hips snapping into you harder each time a sultry word leaves your lips. His dick twitches inside of you, a clear sign that his orgasm is close too.
“Fill me up. I wanna feel you fill me up.” The invitation is enticing, and Matt, being so pussy drunk, gladly takes it. His hot cum paints your walls with loud grunts and moans, the warm feeling being enough to push you over the edge. “So, so, so, so good” he whimpers out, limp arms falling to his side as his thrust become sloppy.
You grind on his dick again, playing with your clit as you chase your high. Finally, it washes over you, and you cream around his cock. The sight is beautiful, and Matt takes mental pictures as he watches in awe. “You’re so perfect,” he praises again, bringing you in for another kiss. Matt doesn’t know if it’s the post-nut clarity, or what, but he feels so in love with you right now.
“Shush,” you reply, still convulsing around him as you sloppily kissing him back. You reluctantly hop off of him and lay on his chest, instinctively slinging your leg over his hips once again. You’re both a sticky, wet mess, and the moment is too perfect to leave. But you have a long, busy day ahead and you certainly can’t leave like this.
“I should shower,” you chuckle, mindlessly tracing shapes on his skin once again. He hums in response, dragging a finger under your chin so you’ll look at him. He pulls you into another hungry kiss, blissfully enjoying having you in his arms.
The room goes silent as you muster up the courage to speak, but when you have your thoughts in order you continue, “Matt?” There’s a slight hesitance evident in your voice, you’re scared that this could go horribly wrong.
The plush, white comforter is thrown over you both and you mindless pick at it, trying to distract your mind from thinking anything negative, “What does this make us?”
He thinks for a while, the question catching him off guard. For some reason he thought that these past two extremely sexual experiences would’ve been enough for him to mark his claim over you, “the sex?”
“Yes, Matt, the sex,” you reply with a small eye roll and a chuckle, what else could you be referring to?
“Oh. Are you not like… my girlfriend?” Matt’s nervous to hear your answer, he doesn’t know what he’ll do if you reject him, especially not after being so intimate with you.
A small giggle escapes your lips, “I mean, I can be…Do you want me to be?”
“Yeah, I’d really love that,” he responds, a sigh of relief following the sentence.
“Good, now come join me in the shower,” you say, a big smile painting your face. You get up from the bed, holding onto Matt’s arms as you guide him towards the restroom.
He happily follows behind you, his dick shooting up at the idea of you lathered in soap, the intrusive thoughts were going to get the best of him every time.
alright enjoy this guys, I’m done writing Intrusive Thoughts for now 😋 thanks for showing it so much love🫶🏻 my bday is coming up & ima be super busy so I probs won’t be updating/ writing for a while (only like a week but still). So, I’m tryna feed yall before I leave & write as many requests as possible 🤓
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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gisele0127 · 1 year
Could you do something where you ask Michael Kaiser, Rin + Sae Itoshi, and Reo Mikage if they only love you for your body? Thanks :)
notes: thank you for the request i love it :) not proofread though :(
Michael Kaiser
╰┈➤ “if anything you love me for my body”
you lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling after being intimate with michael. he comes back in the room holding two glasses of water humming to himself.
“here you go my lovely lady”
you pick up the glass of water, thankful for his kind actions. michael is a very loving partner, he always makes sure you feel loved and appreciated. even with all the assurance you can’t help but feel that maybe he’s just using you for your body. he’s always praising it, but maybe it was just something you weren’t used to.
“what you thinking about love?” he looks down at you lightly smiling. letting the intrusive thoughts win, “do you only love me because of my body?”. he chokes on his water and looks at you offended.
“excuse me? if anything i should be the one saying that. i mean look at me” you turn to face him, kind of annoyed he once again made this about himself. wrapping his arms around you and softly kissing your temple he says, “i’m just joking love. what would make you think that anyways?”
“i don’t know, you just always compliment my body so i just can’t help it” he smiles smugly, “oh i see what this is about. for the record i love everything about you, especially your caring nature. i guess my way of showing you love is complimenting you. and who do you think i am?! talking about im only using you for your body! i’m not a douche”
you see him pouting, he’s so dramatic. but in all honesty his words make you feel better, and you feel stupid for ever thinking that. of course he loves you for you. you’re the only person who could ever put up with him.
Rin itoshi
╰┈➤ “babe it’s 3 in the morning”
it’s currently 3:08 in the morning and you’re laying awake in bed next to your boyfriend. he’s sound asleep facing the other way, but you? you’ve just woken up from a nightmare where in which while you and rin were in a long distance relationship and he happened to have cheated on you, because “texting you was not enough”.
you stir him awake feeling a bit insecure. “rin, wake up” groaning he tiredly says, “babe it’s 3 in the morning what do you want?”
“do you only love me for my body?” “no” and he goes back to sleep a little annoyed that you woke him up for one of you silly questions.
“i can feel you staring at me y/n. what’s wrong?” “i don’t know” he groans annoyed, and drapes his arms around your torso.
“that’s such a stupid question. i don’t even care about what you look like. you could be as ugly as a troll and id still love you. now go to sleep i have to wake up early”
you softly smile at rin, sometimes he could be a little weird but you know what he means. but one things for sure, you feel better knowing that you boyfriend would still in fact love you if you were a troll.
Sae Itoshi
╰┈➤ “i cant name someone else with a better ass”
“do you only love me for my body?”
sae’s taken aback by such a random question while he’s sitting down watching replays of games.
“excuse me?” he looks at you with confusion.
“do. you. only. love. me. for. my. body?”
“well i can’t name someone else with a better ass” he says bluntly. sae has no filter and he says things as he sees. the man has a butt fetish after all. you look at him surprised that your boyfriend actually said that.
“what? i’m just being honest stop looking at me like that.” he says bluntly. you’re now laughing because you can in fact name other people with a better butt, but you quickly turn the conversation back to what you were saying before.
“i’m being serious sae”
“so am i”
“you only love me because of my ass?”
“you’re an asshole you know that?”
he pulls you into a hug, something he rarely does and says, “i’m your asshole. and no that’s not the only thing i love about you” he flicks your forehead and gently kisses it. “it’s just a bonus”.
Mikage Reo
╰┈➤ “i have standards you know.”
“you really think that?!” he sounds surprised that you would even ask that question. “we’re literally doing face masks and watching keeping up with the kardashians and you’re asking me if i love you only because of your body?”
he’s so dramatic. “i have standards you know. i’m not some low life.” you look at him seriously, a little hurt to be quite honest. he notices the glossyness in your eyes and is quick to give you a soft look.
“i don’t just fall for anyone you know. you’re special, and you know that. so don’t come asking me silly questions” he ruffles your hair.
you feel better at his reassurance, and when you think deeper in thought you scold yourself. reo could’ve chosen anyone in the world and he chose you. he’s lucky to have you.
in the morning you wake up to an extravagant breakfast made by yours truly (surprisingly), and now you’re thinking about how lucky you got.
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spamgyu · 5 months
ONE LAST TIME // Seungcheol x Reader oneshot
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DESCRIPTION: It's Christmas and Seungcheol was bored... Who better else to bother than Kkuma's mom? PAIRING: Seungcheol x Reader GENRE: Fluff MASTERLIST
Merry Christmas to all my Cheol Apologists. Here is a quick unedited drabble/oneshot for you guys – a little something for making me laugh.
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"Merry Christmas 🎁🎄😉"
His thumb hovered over the send button, chewing at his lip as he contemplated whether he should go ahead and allow his intrusive thoughts win.
He had seen countless of twitter posts about exes doing this same thing, laughing at each one.
After the fifth one he scrolled past, Seungcheol decided "why the hell not" and scrolled to the bottom of his messages — clicking on the one conversation he had yet to delete.
Along with the name he had yet to change.
He wasn't hanging on to her, no definitely not.
Just didn't think it's that important to delete messages when his phone storage was completely fine.
And why go as far as changing her contact name back to her government name. The honey emoji was cute anyways.
Fuck it.
Holding his breath, he hit send and waited for the screen to flash the words delivered before swiping out of the app.
It was just in good fun, he wasn't expecting a reply — he just wanted to be as annoying as the other men on social media who reached out to their exes after months of no contact..... for the laughs.
He knew there was a higher percentage of her leaving him on read than replying and telling him off; she was always the bigger person.
But Seungcheol was oh so wrong.
In the midst of replying to Jeonghan's instagram story of his family's Christmas feast, her assigned contact name appeared.
"Lmfao stfu" She replied.
But she also hearted the message.
Letting out a soft chuckle, he quickly typed away on his keyboard.
"Damn, not even going to say it back?"
He was just joking.
And he knew she found it funny.
Within seconds her chat bubble appear — she was typing.
"Merry Christmas, Cheol🎄"
"What about my family?"
He was pushing it.
But with all his other friends far too busy with their own family activities to reply to his texts, he was going to keep at it.
"Texted your mom this morning dumbass."
He wasn't aware she was still in contact with his mother.
Though, he should have figured.
They were together for three years.
And his mom had always wanted a daughter.
"Dumbass? At least be nicer to your favorite ex."
"Who said you're my favorite? 🫵🏼"
"I just know 😉"
"You're currently at the bottom on my list. At least my other ex got me a present."
Bottom of her list.
She had only one other ex.
And he didn't count.
High school boyfriends don't count. Especially if they broke up right after graduation.
Those were just test runs.
More importantly, it was Seokmin. And he gives presents to everyone.
He had a big heart and wants to be everyone's friend.
"Was it a tea set again?"
"Shut up lol"
"Send me your list, I'll get you something."
"Dyson Airwrap 😈"
He knew she was joking.
But wouldn't it be funny, if he actually did it?
Switching apps, Seungcheol typed into his search bar, clicking the first result that had pooped up.
He still had her address memorized.
Seungcheol hit the complete button, and locked his phone as bounded for the dining room — checking to see if his mom and dad had finally set up tonight's feast.
He was just about to pick at the cheeseboard his mother set up on the table when the familiar sound of a facetime call blared from the phone in his hand began to ring — it was her.
She must have gotten the confirmation email.
"Wassup?" He swiped the accept button — throwing a cheese cube in his mouth.
It had been a while since he had last seen her, being blocked on all her social media accounts and all.
She was really persistent on keeping the no contact rule after the break up.
Even when they took turns taking care of their shared dog, Kkuma — opting to use Wonwoo as their puppy's form of transportation and point of contact.
He protested each time their non-government assigned custody switch off was set to happen — trudging to his car with Kkuma in tow.
Wonwoo claimed they were far worse than actual divorced parents — complaining more considering Seungcheol technically had custody of him and the dog.
Seungcheol couldn't help but bite back a smile as he watched her from behind the screen — making note of how cute she looked when she was annoyed.
He's allowed to think she's cute.
They were broken up but that doesn't mean she wasn't attractive.
"You're joking, right?"
"What are you talking about?" Seungcheol blinked.
She could see right through his act, giving him the finger.
"Hey, that's not nice." He laughed.
"You're crazy, you know that?"
"Am I your favorite yet?"
"I'll buy you another one." He threatened.
"Yes?" He answered sweetly, making her lips curl in annoyance.
He always did enjoy getting her nerves.
Seeing her huff and puff had always been his favorite part of his day.
Especially when she would pout after taking a joke a little too far only for him to kiss it all better — not that he could do that now.
He's allowed to reminisce on old memories. At least, he'll allow himself just this one time during the holidays.
"Fine, what do you want?"
Seungcheol shook his head. "Nothing."
"Come on, let me get you something."
He pursed his lips, thinking — he had almost anything he could ask for.
And if he did end up thinking of anything, he could simply swipe his card and purchase it himself.
There was one thing he did want, but be knew it would be a selfish thing to ask of her.
Settling for the next best thing, a smile crept on his face."What perfume do you use again?"
"You want my perfume?" She raised her brows.
He missed the way she smelled.
The remaining item he had that held traces of her no longer had that signature scent — having it been nearly a nine months since she had lounged around his place in his hoodie.
He would have purchased it himself, but the thought of him going out of the way to purchase her scent only for him to spray it on her favorite hoodie and her side of the bed seemed pathetic.
But considering she offered....
"Why not? I like the smell." He shrugged.
Sighing, she swiped out of their call — allowing for his face to minimize and settle for a corner in her screen as she quickly typed away on her phone.
She still had his address memorized as well.
Seungcheol couldn't be more grateful that Apple had changed their phone setting and no longer pause the person on the other side of the line's video when they swiped away — watching as she brought the device closer to her face, her brows naturally furrowing as she focused in her task.
"Done." She sang, clicking back into their call.
It wasn't long before he got the confirmation email, his eyes widening at the transaction breakdown.
"Why the hell is your perfume $250!?" His mouth hung in shock.
It was no wonder she had always scolded him for spraying a little too much when she allowed him to have some.
Curse Le Labo and their damn prices.
"It's worth it."
"I would hope so, it cost almost as much as a hairdryer!"
"You asked for it!" She laughed.
It was music to his ears.
"Is that y/n?" His mom's scurried over to him, wiping her hands on her apron. Seungcheol moved the camera to fit the both of them on screen, the smile on his face growing larger – as if it could get any more since their call began.
"Merry Christmas, mom!" She waived.
When he had first introduced her to his parents, it didn't take long for them to warm up to her – insisting that she referred to them as mom and dad because "you two will be married soon, anyways."
Oh, they were so wrong.
"Stop by tomorrow for leftovers yeah?" The older lady asked.
"Mom..." He trailed off, not wanting to pressure the girl behind the screen – although, they did agree that Kkuma was to ring in the New Year with her because he had a snowboard trip planned with his friends.
She can pick her up early instead of having to ask Wonwoo.
"I'd love to." She smiled warmly.
How was he going to find someone who got on well with his mom?
Trick question.... he didn't want to.
"Perfect." His mother clapped, before excusing herself back into the kitchen.
"Guess I'm picking our daughter up early." She mumbled.
Our daughter.
"Guess I'll be seeing you too."
"That can be arranged."
"Come on, it's been months. I think we can see each other now." He half-heartedly teased.
The anger had subsided and the wounds that once kept them up at night had grown numb – the only memory of their past were now re-runs of the good times. It was as if their brain completely disregarded the fighting and the heartache that they had gone through in the last few months of their relationship.
They were now.... okay.
"I don't know, Cheol."
"Come on. One last time."
It was almost like he was pleading for her – the playful tone between the two have shifted.
He watched as she nervously switched holding her phone from one hand to the other, chewing at the skin inside her cheek.
He shouldn't have mentioned it.
But he was already far from the line they had drawn between them – swearing to never cross.
"I miss you." He continued. "It's a neutral setting. We can have breakfast with my parents."
"One last time?"
He broke that promise within a few weeks – picking up Kkuma at her apartment instead of his friend. She nearly stumbled back when she swung the door open and saw his smiling face – holding a paper bag containing her favorite pastries.
It wasn't long before he would show up at her door again and again; and she wasn't complaining.
They swore they were just friends.
Two exes who were coparenting – remaining cordial for the sake of their dog.
That was, until she had agree to spend Christmas with him at his family home – one last time.
They should have known his mother was scheming, she was a little too cheerful when she had greeted them at the door.
"Oh, will you look at that!" She gasped, pointing up above them as they kicked their shoes off.
The two exchanged looks before looking up at the doorway where his mother taped two leaves – a chuckle escaping his lips in an instant.
"What do you say?" He raised a brow at her. "One last time?"
"Or maybe a couple more," Y/n copied his playful tone. "if... you want."
"Oh, I definitely want." Seungcheol wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer – planting a quick peck on her lips.
His mother was there.
And so was their daughter.
"Merry Christmas." She giggled.
Thank god for that damn twitter trend.
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sucker4colby · 1 year
5 star Spa Treatment ( Smut +18)
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Warning: smut ! Short story
Summary: Colby is supposed gets distracted while filming a spa video with his girlfriend.
Word count : 694
Pairing: Colby Brock x female reader
If Colby had an obsession it had to be with your boobs, since the day he met you he had a fixation on them. Sure he noticed your pretty face and he fell in love with your personality but the moment he saw you with your string top on he couldn't help but eye the way your breast rest perfectly on your chest. His eyes kept glancing down to the buds that peaked through the thin material of your shirt. So early on in your friendship you noticed his liking towards them, he would take any chance to cuddle so he could lay right on your chest.
He never went beyond that, respecting your boundaries as friends but it didn't stop him from visualizing how it would feel to lay on them bare, How the soft skin would feel in his palms. So when you guys took it a step further and became official he couldn't get enough of them. He gave the most BS excuses to be able to hold them, he once told you that statistics said it would improve his mental health therefore it was a need which resulted in an eye roll from you.
You had convinced him to let you do his skincare for your channel promising a whole spa experience. You had him lay down on the bed fluffing up the pillows for him and setting your camera besides the bed facing you guys. You had started off with cleansing his face giving him kisses in between as a reward . When you got to microblading your back started aching from leaning over him so you moved to sit on his lap straddling his waist and leaning forward for the perfect angle. Sure it enough it was the perfect angle for Colby as well, your boobs were basically spilling out of your tube top. Every back and forth motion of your arm making them bounce making him hold back a moan.
He wrapped his hands around your bare thighs gently adjusting you on his stomach so you wouldn't feel his dick hardening. Still oblivious to what your actions were doing to him you reached over him to grab a cleansing pad pushing your plump tits towards his face. Allowing his intrusive thoughts to win he reached forward yanking the thin material down causing your boobs to spill out completely. Letting out a surprised Yelp you covered them with your arms jumping back on his torso with wide eyes. " Colby!" You scowled him reaching down to pull your top back up only for him to slap your hand away.
He reached behind you placing a hand on your back and pushed you forward breast bouncing in his face as he placed your nipple in his mouth. Letting out a gasp at the sensation you arched your back placing your hands on his chest to avoid falling over. “Colbs” you moaned as he nippled on the already swollen bud before switching over to your other breast. Remembering the camera was still on you pushed off his chest, he chased your nipple only for you to push him back. Pulling your top back over your breast you got off the bed and went to turn off the camera.
“We can’t use any of this baby.” You pouted trying to decide if anything was salvageable. “ you should send it to me …..for research purposes?” Colby told you smirking as he laid with his arms crossed behind his head looking proud of himself. You rolled your eyes placing the camera in the corner and then going to lay down in the spot next to him. Laying on your side so you could look at him with your head resting on your hand you asked “what now”.
Colby rolled over raising an eyebrow before tugging your shirt down again and grabbing your brushed bud in between his fingers tugging on it. Listening to the small moan that left your mouth he smiled. “ you can let me finish what I was doing?” He asked not waiting for an answer as he rolled you on top of him so he could connect his mouth to your breast.
Hope you guys enjoy !
Im sorry it was such a short story ! 
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﴾ i drink your blood and i eat your skin, part seven.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
genre: vampire au
word count: 5,8k
warnings: angst
It was another day and as more time passed by, spending it only in your room, the more the boredom creeped up on you. Even the books you took with you from the library started to get boring, words on pages blending together and creating just a bunch of nonsense. The delicious food turned as bland as your world. The known unpleasant feelings started to show and not even the beautiful house could not keep you away from embracing them. You haven’t seen Hyunjin after the dinner and in some way it bothered you. Loneliness, feeling you knew all too well, quickly joined the party and now it felt way stronger, even deeper. You didn’t even realized that his presence was effecting you in some way…
More like his absence. You however knew better than let your intrusive thoughts win. It is so wrong to want his attention, him. It was so wrong that it felt good…right. You don’t know if he truly was a bad person, maybe it’s just your own head playing tricks on you. Or maybe it was just instinct, maybe it was keeping you safe from him. He is a predator and you were his chosen type of prey after all. He told you that he wouldn’t hurt you but you both know that in some way or another he already did. You weren’t in the wrong to think like this.
You are just careful around him, because you still fear him in some way. Even if you get to know him, will you ever not be afraid? You knew what power he holds and that scares you. He could snap your neck by a blink of an eye.
But…wasn’t that also so exciting?
Hyunjin is so strong, a creature created from the darkness. A vampire that walks with an aura so menacing but also so alluring. It makes you want to have just a little taste of it and before you would know it, you would be already drowning in it. And it would taste even better because his deepest desire.
You really should sort out your feelings. You wished for Mia right now. You missed her, even if it were just days but being ripped away from her like that — you didn’t like it. You choose to stay, you have to remember that.
As you were gazing through the closed windows, you wondered if you could go there. You needed some fresh air and the slightly open window in the bathroom wasn’t enough anymore. After you went to the library the door to your bedroom was mysteriously left unlocked, maybe he knows that you won’t try to run away again. For one you are sure that you wouldn’t be able to, even if you tried your hardest and second of all you don’t really want to….but maybe a walk outside wouldn’t hurt anyone.
To your surprise you found a long, warm coat for you in the closet and also some boots. Every time you had opened it, you always found new things for you. It was endless and you couldn’t help yourself from going over the multiple boxes of shoes. He really does have a taste but being alive for God knows how long, it should come naturally.
It felt wrong going out of your room like this or was it just in your head? You weren’t really a prisoner but still everyone was so careful around — with you. You weren’t that sure which way lead to the back of this place but you were definitely familiar with which way was the main entrance. You calmly made your way to the big staircase and you momentarily stopped, gripping the railing with your hand. You glance into the dark hallway just few steps away from you, you haven’t been there before. There is still so much for you to explore but your lungs really call for the fresh air you promised yourself.
As you made your way down, you noticed that you weren’t alone at all to your surprise. The house looked like it was finally waking up. Two guards were standing at each side of the main door, dressed neatly, bodies pin straight and eyes hard, it made a lump form in your throat. Maybe it’s not going to be so easy.
They didn’t spare you a glance first, even if you now stood right in front of them and you were a little thankful for that. You clear your throat, clasping your hands before you. “Ehm — hello, may I go outside?” Even by clearing your throat, you still sounded like a hurt kitten. ‘Even my voice is not on your side.’
Finally they take a glance at you briefly, before giving each other looks that you couldn’t quite place. You stood there for a while, swinging on your feet slightly. The one on your right with fair hair and looking a little older than you sighed. You weren’t so sure about his age, after all you feel like this house only reeks of the undead but this man didn’t look like it. He doesn’t have the aura around him, the different eyes or anything. He looked like you, human. His company however didn’t. He was more like your age, tall and skinny with dark curly hair and light eyes which for a second reminded you of him. This was interesting. Were there many like you here?
The older man step out, unblocking the view of the door. “I will accompany you, miss.” He said. At that excitement pumped through your veins, finally feeling some kind of relievement in these past days.
You shake your hand, waving him of, making your way to the door. “You don’t have to.”
Before you could wrap your hand around the handle, he put his hand on it, again blocking the entry with his body. You look up at him at that. “I will accompany you, miss.” He said slowly, not that sternly but letting you know that you didn’t have a choice.
“Okay.” You replied. The prices you have to pay to just get a whiff of fresh air…
The other man step aside as well, probably to not get hit with a stream of light that might shine through the now open door. You are curious about what is and what is not true about these creatures but you can tell for sure that they did not like the sun. It wasn’t that sunny outside however but you could smell the warm spring peaking around the color. The sky was still grey, maybe it was because of where you are, middle of the woods and cut from any other people that weren’t residents of this house. But is it really a house? It looked like a mansion, mixed with cathedral, you couldn’t quite place it. At least you now had time to fully analyze it.
The man walked few feet behind you and you find yourself not minding it that much, maybe because he was like you. Did he knew about who — what he was working for or was he compelled? That question ran through your head while you walk around the building, however you didn’t ask. It was none of your business but you hope that they did not keep him, like a alive blood bag…
Tracing your fingers over one of the statues, you wondered again where this marvelous place was located or more like where you were right now. You remind yourself that they had the power to do everything and more, you almost scoffed how easy it must be for them to live. The nicer weather even made the bushes bloom, you remembered that they were empty just days ago but now red roses peaked out from them.
You touched one of the roses softly, it wouldn’t propably hurt anyone to pick one up but you still glance back at your company that watched you silently the whole time. “Can I have one?” He raised his eyebrow, looking confused to why you would ask permission for that but still nodded nevertheless.
You snap the stem then, careful not to cut your finger because that definitely wouldn’t end well if you did. Twirling it between your fingers, you decided to go around, to the direction where you would look out of your window. Just as you wanted to cut the corner you suddenly appeared somewhere else.
The smell hit your nose, just as well the noises of the animals in the stables. Your mouth opened slightly. The stables were right at the edge of the mansion, so there was no way for you to ever guess to be meet with horses. You thought that vampires enjoyed more of dead company than anything. Glancing back momentarily at the guard, seeing that he doesn’t have anything against you to you going there, you pick the end of your long coat and step inside.
The heads of the horses peak out at you and you immediately went to pet each and every one of them, still careful because there wasn’t certitude that they would like you but to your surprise they did. The second your hand touch the soft skin of their neck, it seemed that almost a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Petting an animal really does help with nerves. As you passed through them, giving them each enough pets for them and for you to be satisfied, you came across a one horse that had its back to you. It probably could sense your presence, turning to finally walk up to you and have a look and you gasp softly at the beautiful white color and the black spot at it’s back.
Your lips after so long lift softly at the corners as it leaned into your open hand. You really don’t want to pick and choose favorites but this one surely speak out to you and it definitely liked you the most so far out of everyone. The stables were big, bigger than you expected, this place sure has it’s secrets and surprises.
A loud noise startled you, hand jumping away from the neighing horse to whip your head to the direction. There at one of the stalls stood a man, leaning on the wood, looking you over and you wondered if he’s been there the whole time. Your body stiffened at his dark eyes and matching black hair.
“H-Hello.” You greeted, unsure, looking back your company that to your surprise kept his distance, standing at the entrance to the stables. Looking back to meet the eyes of the lean, tall man, you don’t receive any answer. He looked like one of those statues in the gardens, the aura and his unraising chest giving you the answer about who — what this man truly is.
The horse you were just petting nudge the back of your head, making you jump before your focus was back on the still silent vampire who was still sizing you up. You cleared your throat, straightening your back, suddenly feeling insecure under his gaze. “I am–“ Before you could finish introducing yourself he beat you to it.
“I know who you are.” He said.
A small smirk appears on his face at your response. “My brother can’t shut his mouth about you.”
‘Really’ You thought. You weren’t so sure what to say to that so you kept quiet. The silence however made you feel uncomfortable, turning around to continue at your petting of the horse. As you do that you could feel him getting closer, you couldn’t hear his footsteps but the burning stare at the back of your head gave him away. You turned back to him, his gaze hard but not looking so unwelcoming, maybe it was just his natural expression and also he was much closer to you that you thought. Basically right next to you
“I’m sorry for asking this but…” You begin. “–are you all…following me?” The question was answered by silence, his face unmoving. “I feel like you are…”
He hummed almost like in thought, his own attention falling to the animal before you two. “Just keeping an eye on you, like everyone.” The vampire answered. ‘What does he mean by everyone?’ Your eyes briefly flicker to the guard.
“Hyunjin likes his sleep…” He continued, making you snap out of your thoughts to look at him as he nodded his head to the direction of the horse. “You ride?”
You shook your head widely, still slightly stuck at his statement. “Oh n-no, but I for sure always wanted to try.” You careased the soft skin of the horse, smiling at it’s noises of contentment.
The vampire watch you in silence, petting the happy animal. The news of your existence shocked everyone, it was such a crazy theory that even he didn’t know what to think. He, like everyone else didn’t want to give Hyunjin the satisfaction that maybe he was right about you. The fact that this animal, your so called soulmate’s untenable horse let you pet him so freely was for sure a little significant. All eight of them had their own look at you at some point, peaking from behind corners in curiosity. Their brother was so mesmerized by you that they just had to have a look themselves. They however didn’t expect you to be like this — look like this. Such a beautiful soul but also so sad, wide eyed like you finally opened your eyes after years of living. Walking amongst the living but so close to the dead. Still you looked and smelled so sweet, like a flower, maybe you were just tormented, lost soul like them. Maybe you are more enchanting than you think…
The black haired man startles you as he suddenly opened the gate to let the horse out. “What are doing?” You asked in wonder. The question only made him roll his eyes in annoyance. He was only doing this for him. Maybe if you saw kindest in others, you could finally start seeing it in him.
You watched the vampire as he put the saddle on the horse. “We are going for a ride.” He stated casually, making you choke on your spit. Because of the gate now being open you could fully see how magnificent this animal is and it made you nervous to even approach it now.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
He again rolls his eyes. If this bordered him so much, why was he even doing it then? Your body froze slightly as he suddenly made his way up to you, so quickly that you didn’t even have time to react. One second you were on the ground and now you were being picked up by your waist like you weighed nothing. A small gasp leaves you. “Wait! Wait, I don’t even know your name…”
“Seungmin.” He answered simply, while helping you up on the horse’s back and if you weren’t so focused on balancing yourself you would’ve seen the small amused smile.
The vampire walked with you in his arms, before helping you to get fully seated. “Wait! Aren’t you not supposed to be able to go outside.” You stated, clutching the leather of the saddle tightly as the animal moves under your weight.
A sigh, almost like a laugh comes through his nose at your words. “I appreciate your concern but however the sun can’t harm me from here.” You opened your mouth in realization.
You were know seated on the horse, body so rigid that now you were the one looking like a statue. The vampire still had his arms stretched out, like you were going to fall at any second into them but you were basically frozen at your spot. The animal moved a little, making you grip the saddle even tighter.
“Do you want to go down?” Your company asked softly. You didn’t say anything because you simply didn’t know the answer but as seconds passed by you started to not mind your position. Maybe the whiplash from how quickly you were put so high up was wearing out. “Or do you fancy a walk around the castle?”
Your head snapped to his direction. “Can I?” You asked softly.
“What do you think.”
You sighed through your nose, body not so tense anymore. “I would love to.” You really would.
His lips formed into a small smirk and not because of your words but from the annoyed sigh coming from inside the house that only he was able to hear. His hand then wrapped around the reins, making the horse move from it’s spot, you immediately tensing up again. But after some few steps as you walked your way to the direction of the guard who you almost forgot about, you found the hang of it.
“Accompany her, make sure she doesn’t get hurt on my brother’s behalf and sanity.” Said Seungmin and you couldn’t miss the difference of the tone of his voice nor the way he looked into the man’s eyes.
The guard nodded, blinking away rapidly and grabbing the reins to the horse. “Yes, sir.”
Seungmin turned to you, even if you had the higher ground, you couldn’t possible share the same authority as him. “For my well being I won’t be the one to give you the tour.” ‘Oh? So direct sunlight was the enemy.’ Your eyes then fell on the two man again.
“Just around the forest.”
“Yes, sir.”
You felt a little bad for this unknown man but there was nothing to do. You simply don’t have the power to even have a say about who or who not should be compelled. The way Seungmin now was looking at you, made you think that he could read your thoughts. This intense glare probably came with every vampire though.
You smiled briefly at him. “Thank you, Seungmin.”
He waved you off, looking into the distance. “I did this for myself because I can’t tolerate my brother’s whining any longer.”
“Huh…” You frowned because you couldn’t imagine him doing that, eyes traveling back again at the vampire who stood under you.
“You made a choice to stay.” He stated. “So at least try to enjoy it and stop your own whining.”
“Excuse me?” Flies out your mouth because you had nothing other than that to say at the moment but he just ignored your question, turning around to make his way back inside, exactly as the sun appeared on the exact spot he stood second ago.
“Goodbye miss Y/N.”
‘Vampires are going to be the death of you.’
It was a cold night, so cold that even Hyunjin shivered. Though was it really the breeze, coming from behind the closed door that made goosebumps appear on his skin, perhaps it was the unsettling feeling bubbling inside his chest, ready to burst at any moment. He stood behind the closed door to your bedroom, silently getting over the words inside his head. His thoughts were so loud that he didn’t even have time to listen. Hyunjin listened to the sound of your beating heart every second, since you’ve been here, even the many walls separating you apart couldn’t safe you from his ears. The thumbing soothes his soul, like a lullaby but now the sound makes his ears ring. The sound…so close yet so far.
He wanted you to know that yours made his own beat again. There’s no way for him to express his emotions throughout words. He tried plenty of different ways to show his devotion to you but you dodged every one of them like a bullet. Did you even know that every second without you made him mad? It made his skin crawl, itching, burning and fangs hurting and wanting nothing more than to pierce the soft skin of your neck and make you his. Hyunjin wanted to mark you so bad that he had to bite his own lips to ease the temptation, while imagining they were yours instead.
The vampire didn’t want to say this but your rejections were so confusing to him. He knew how and what he could evoke in humans, he was the creature that trilled on the seduction and the pleasure after all. You however didn’t return it. Or did you? He would like to say that he could see in the depths of the soul that people try so desperately to keep hidden and you weren’t really good at hiding yours. Your eyes gave you away every time he would look into them. The desire, the desperation they held, the wanting and longing to be finally seen. ‘Why won’t you let me in, Y/N?’ Let him in and he promises to ravish every corner of your heart, every piece of your untouched skin and lips…
Hyunjin has to contain himself a little but how when you were the reason and also the answer to his suffering and redemption?
He finally found the courage to knock on the door. The sound echoed through the old mansion, like the creaking wood under his feet and yet he didn’t hear anything from the other side. He waited a little bit for an answer but every moment made his suffering even worse. Hyunjin knew you were in there…so he let himself in. He hopes you won’t be angry with him.
His eyes traveled over the room. From the unmade bed, to the multiple books on one of the nightstands. They stopped at the open window to the balcony, the very reason of the cold seeping inside the room. The strong wind made the heavy curtains float but the smell of your sweet scent didn’t immediately hit his nose, like he expected. Sense of panic washed over him, making him take quick steps to the balcony. ‘Have you ran away, jumping from the balcony and running for freedom through the forest? What if you were injured?’
Just as quickly as the panic had reached him, it flew away through the wind as a gasp ringed in the air. He turned around, coming face to face with your shocked expression and he had to slightly sigh in relief, taking in the smell of your skin.
One moment you were enjoying your bath in silence, washing away the smell of the animal you spent your whole day with and then there was a vampire standing inside your bedroom. You didn’t expect him to visit you at all and definitely not so soon after the horrible dinner and also not so late but what seemed like late to you was the beginning of the day for him. Your white nightgown gave you little to no coverage, wrapping your arm around your chest, the man following your action before quickly everting them. “May I ask what are you doing here unannounced?” You spoke up, eyes glancing at how the moonlight casted shadows on his face.
Hyunjin look up at your words, glancing over your figure so quickly that you didn’t even catch it. He had to licked his lips to ease the thirst. ‘God what are you doing to me?’
“I did.” He said. “I knocked but you didn’t answer.”
“Alright.” You said, nodding not really sure what to say to that. You again watched each other in silence for a while. These moments were making you unsure if they made you uncomfortable or…comfortable. His presence doesn’t brother you that much anymore but you still haven’t got used to it.
Pressing your lips together, you walked to your bed, passing by him shifty. He had to take a deep breath as the wind blew your hair away from your neck. You knew exactly what he was doing as there was no need for him to breathe at all, however you tried to ignore it. You climbed into the bed, taking the duvet closer to your chest. It created a small imaginary distance from him, shielding you from his glaring eyes but you knew that if he wanted to he would tear it apart together with you.
You gave him a look of wonder because for what was he exactly here for? The expression made the vampire snapped out of whatever trance he was in. “I came here to talk to you.” Hyunjin answered simply.
You frown. “Talk to me?” You quoted. “About what?”
He gave a weird look, almost like in thought, before he sighed. “Anything…” He walked up at you, stopping just at the end of the bed. “I just want your company.” Hyunjin almost sounded desperate and how he towered over you, it reminded you of something.
How he looked at you that night and how he made you feel. You knew that it was just your imagination, a dream and it didn’t particularly ended well for you but the way he made almost everything look so appealing…His sultry voice and his eyes, lips, hands — your eyes flicker to his rings, wrapped around his long fingers.
Looking up from the dark color of the duvet, you could see that he had moved a little closer to you with just a moment of your unawareness. He leaned his weight on the column of the bed’s canopy, just where your legs were. “Minho said you enjoy reading.”
“Yes.” You said carefully. How can you be surprised?
He hummed at your answer, warmness spreading inside his chest because you shared something in common — and of course he couldn’t forget about your love for animals…
Glancing momentarily at the one book on the nightstand, he could see bookmark peaking out from it. “What book did you picked?”
Biting your lip, you also look at the book before placing your hands in your lap, playing with your fingers. “Would it be bad if I said Dracula?”
Hyunjin laughs, genuine smile on his lips and you couldn’t help yourself but marveling over it. “Interesting, I wonder why the sudden interest in vampires.” There was still the same smile on his face, though now teasing you.
You were so taken back by his reaction that your own lips started to tug at the corners. “Hey, don’t laugh.” You tsked, eyebrows furrowed. “It’s more interesting to why you even have this book in your library.”
“Certainly.” He nodded, still amused.
A sudden big gush of cold air flew from the still open balcony inside the room. It made goosebumps appear on your skin and just as quickly as your reaction to the sudden cold appeared on your body, the man before you took action upon seeing it. “Are you cold? I will close it.” Hyunjin didn’t even give you time to answer, walking to the windows to close it.
Your hungry eyes stared at his back and even from here you could see the muscles underneath the tight shirt. If only he knew that the shivers weren’t only from the cold. The vampire turn around slowly after closing the balcony, looking right at your laying figure. There was so much to say but neither of you knew where to start.
But you however had enough of this killing silence, feeling the way your heart skipped a beat after glancing at him. “I’m sorry but I was just going to bed and —“
“I understand.” He didn’t even look angry nor sad with your words, not like at the dinner. “I will talk to you some other time…”
You nodded again, still being slightly tongue tied. Again watching him walk away from you made you feel empty. Why were there so many mixed feelings? You really don’t know what you want from him…maybe the truth.
Just as walked pass your bed you stopped him with your hand raised. “Wait!” He immediately turned around, almost like waiting for you to say that. “Can I ask you something?” The man in question kept quiet, giving you room to speak.
You also went quiet, basking in the silence. The only noises being the wind banging on the closed windows and you could even hear the frequent dripping of water coming from the bathroom. To your surprise he still kept quiet and unknowingly to you also enjoying this moment. Maybe it was just because he could look at your figure so freely as you were to occupied with your thoughts. You always have to be the one to destroy every pleasant moments like these…
“That night if those men didn’t appear what would you truly do…I know that you already answered but—“
“I am failing to understand…”
Oh, but he did. He knew exactly what you were talking about.
“You were watching me before, syzing me up…” God, what are you doing, you two were doing so good and now you are messing it all up…
Your mouth was open still, both of you waiting for the million dollar question. But you couldn’t immediately form it, the glare he was giving you made you scared to even think about it. He was giving you a warning look but you still said it anyway.
“Were you going to drink my blood?”
A sneer falls over his features and you wondered how this same face could even form a smile minutes ago. “Why are you asking such question?” He tried to warn you to not go further but the damage was already done. Why can’t you leave things in the past? Was it because you were human that you couldn’t let go so easily?
You watch how his knuckles turned white around the column and you were afraid that he might crush it into pieces. What if that was your throat instead? “I just want to know…did you really have no intention of drinking from me?” You can’t be in the wrong for asking this…
“I can’t answer that.” Whispered Hyunjin, head hanging low and praying that you would just let this go for his and your own sake.
“Yes, you can.” You declared slowly, duvet falling over your body as you sit up to get closer to him. Was he shaking?
Your scoff rings inside the room next, head shaking at his stubbornness. You both know the answer already but you need to hear it from him. Maybe it could finally make you hate him…He on the other hand had a really hard time to contain himself. You don’t even know that you were playing with fire right now. Someone so afraid yet blindly teasing the snake with a bare foot at the same time.
“Just tell me damn it! Would you kill me if they didn’t showed up?”
“No! I was just—“
“Just what?” The question comes out sharper than you intended.
Finally Hyunjin look at you. Long hair covered his eyes, shielding the vibrant color dancing in them. The silence now didn’t sound the same as before. It was exactly the silence before a storm. You suddenly realized what you had done but it was too late now. You completely turned him around. The way he looked right now, perfectly mirrored the way he had looked at you the very first night you met. “You’re—your blood.” He pulled his hand away from the column and even in the darkness you could see the dents in it from his fingers. “I’ve never smelled someone so delicious as you before.” Closing his eyes, a sigh dangerously close to a growl left him. “And you were just in the perfect position — all alone and oh so mesmerized.” Opening his eyes again, he listened to your loudly beating heart. “If they didn’t come…if you wouldn’t scream for help.” He stopped himself from going further, you both know that this confession is all you need. “I couldn’t kill you after that because it was the first time I have felt bad about my possible victim…and also seeing you in such pain — I couldn’t possibly continue it.”
Your face crunched up, his raw words bringing out the mentioned pain to the surface but you decided to stay strong for a little longer. “So you would’ve just killed your soulmate or whatever you call this and you wouldn’t even know.”
Next, so quickly that you even had time to blink, he was on you. From the end of the bed, he suddenly appeared before you. His body covered yours and you couldn’t do anything but look into his wild eyes. He was so so close, you could feel his breath fanning over your lips as he spoke up. “Be quiet.” He growled, his red eyes glaring into yours and after a long time you felt like fainting from fear again. Was this how his victims felt? Your chest that raised with your every breath, touching briefly his but you were too afraid to move away.
“You’re not listening, I said vampires can sense the bond easily. So I apologize that your fucking warm fresh—“ His tongue trailed over his bottom lip slightly, glancing at the noticeable vein on your neck. “— pulsing blood pumping inside you is in the way, hypnotizing me so much that I wouldn’t even mind sucking every last drop.” He tilts his head at you. “You wouldn’t even mind…would you, Y/N?” His teasing tone was gone just as soon as it appeared and because of his words you didn’t even feel the hand bruising the skin of your leg.
The tears in your eyes couldn’t be contained anymore. “Sorry for not letting go of the past so easily, sorry for not forgetting that I met my so called soulmate the night I was almost raped and then killed by — you…” Spitting out the word, a pathetic whimper comes out next from you and not because of your crying but by the immense pain in your leg. His left hand gripped your right thigh so hard, that you couldn’t even find the will to fix the skirt of your nightgown that was now bunched up at your waist.
Something in him broke at your tears. What did he do? ‘What have I done’, you thought. The irises around his pupils cleared, face falling into shock. You have never seen such a raw emotion from him before. His now blue eyes glance at his hand. He never meant to bring you pain by his touch but the way your skin spilled over his fingers from how much he gripped it, made him sick to his stomach. He withdrew his hand, like you’ve been the one to burn him and when you sob out in relief he thought he will die again just by that godawful noise.
Both of you could see the obvious handprint on your skin, making you grasp the skirt of your nightgown, letting it fall over your exposed legs. “Get out…” You whispered, his eyes as wide as yours. “Get out!” Screaming the words at him, made Hyunjin almost fall to his feet before you and he had no other choice but to follow your orders.
‘What have I done?’, you thought again, swallowing your sobs. Maybe you really don’t deserve to be loved…
author’s note:
for my lovey right here: @hanonlymeuu
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barbieaemond · 6 months
Intrusion (part I)
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moodboard by the queen herself @zae5
PAIRING: (modern) Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!reader
WARNINGS: angst, Aemond has no filter, drug use (very brief), mentions of overdose, suggestive themes, sexual tension (sadly nothing more but part II will be a helluva ride)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Sothoryos is a large continent in Martin’s universe. It is located below Essos.
Song for this fic:
taglist: @zae5 @chompchompluke @multyfangirl
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“What’s up with the green light?”
Jason's voice came distantly, even though he was sitting right next to her. She looked up through her long eyelashes, scanning the mighty, green-lit Hightower from top to bottom, an emerald glow kissed her face.
“How dumb are you? It was a beacon once.” She said mindlessly, dragging her eyes away from the car window to watch her brother crouched on a little mirror with three lines of white powder on it.
“D’you want some?”
“I’m done with that shit.”
“I should hope so.” He chuckled, rolling a banknote between his fingers with the expertise of a magician ready to do his trick. “Dad is still paying the hospital to keep their mouth shut. Not to mention the papers…”
She heard him snort the substance, humming with delight as it reached his brain. She looked at him for a moment, green just like the glowing light on her face. It was so easy for Jason to surrender to the void. She struggled to do even that.
“Speaking of which” he said wiping his nose “he could’ve bothered to come.”
“And watch Otto Hightower gloat in his face? Dad would rather throw checks to the homeless.”
“Why are we here then?” he asked as the car stopped in front of the huge, tall building, the tallest in all the continent.
“Because he wants to remind everyone we are still the wealthiest in this wretched world.” She said she grabbed her little purse and got out of the fancy car as soon as the driver opened her door.
Blinding lights fell on her as photographers took note that the Lannister family had sent its scions to attend the annual Gala held by the Hightowers. A party that had always been held in the capital in the previous years, at least until what the newspapers had called the divorce of the century.
“I would not be so sure about that.” Jason said, squinting his eyes in front of the ruthless flashes. “Papers say Viserys is going to pay a fortune, for alimony and all that shit.”
“Miss Lannister! Here, please! On your right!”
She built a broad smile for the photographers, maneuvering her hair to let it slide down her shoulder, placing a hand on her hip. A well-thought-out act, repeated incessantly for as long as she could remember. A beautiful machine doll bathed in gold and diamonds.
“Do you still read papers?” she asked, not breaking her plastic smile.
“How else should I find out if I've done something illegal?”
“They’re a reliable source on that, less on others. They claim I had a thing with Cregan Stark when even walls know he’s gay.”
They claimed many other things. But she never confirmed or denied the rumors, because it was all part of the plan.
Any rumor of an alleged flirt or talk of an engagement with a scion from one of the old power families of the country only increased the height of the pedestal on which her father and mother had placed her. So that when rumors died, the vultures would come even more savage, raising the stakes to win the most coveted prize in their circle of starched shirts and centuries-old privileges that no longer had any value except in the small, greedy world inside their small, greedy heads.
She moved, swiftly but graciously, and stepped inside the building, followed by her brother and his giggles, and the photographers screaming at the top of their lungs, begging for another picture—just one more. The begging had started already.
The Hall of the Hightower Palace was a sight to behold. Adorned with green and dark tones, crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings and yellow cocktail music pushing all the fine-dressed people to chat and laugh more loudly as if they unconsciously tried to imitate the lively ups and downs of the notes.
The Lannisters lingered on the entrance, immediately catching many pairs of eyes, greedy and green as the decorations around them.
“Are they waiting for us to go greet them?” Jason asked, watching the Hightowers at the center of the Hall. “Gods, why do they always act as if they were royals and us merely subjects?”
"Apparently, it has been proven they have hints of blue in their blood.”
“Who’s the blondie?” he asked, taking his sister’s arm as they walked towards the hosts.
“Helaena Targaryen.”
“Oh! The freak?”
“She’s not a freak. She’s a renowned entomologist.”
“And my point stands.”
Miss Lannister knew all the four Hightowers waiting to be greeted. After all, who didn't?
Otto Hightower was the most influential man in the country, although he liked to hide and pull his strings behind the curtains. They said that family and strangers made no difference to him. His daughter Alicent would agree with a stiff lip.
She wore the most lavish dress of all, but that was not what caught the eye, but rather the determination in her gaze and the way she stood. A woman free from the chains of a marriage she had never wanted.
“It is a pleasure to have both of you here.” She said smiling at the two Lannisters. Her father Otto was towering just behind her, a curious look on his face as his eyes rapidly scanned Miss Lannister.
In fact, he stepped in, saying “Indeed, Alicent. Especially Miss Lannister. I’m relieved to see you well.”
After what happened in Pyke, was the part he deliberately omitted.
The young woman looked at him, unfazed, building another one of her plastic smiles and then directed her attention to the youngest son of Alicent and Viserys Targaryen. Daeron.
The boy was no more than twenty, but he had a way of standing and carrying himself, which gave him at least five more years. That was the price of being doomed to inherit a heavy family name and all within it. The young Lannister girl understood it all too well.
As for Helaena, she seemed the most out-of-place creature, like watching a dolphin swim along sharks. The Lannister girl didn’t know her that much; truthfully no one did. Helaena was always far away from the country for her studies, traveling to the edge of the world to discover wild and rare creatures. She had a way of avoiding eye contact, Miss Lannister noticed, if not for brief and furtive glances, as if she was afraid that if she looked too much, she would see too much.
“And you don’t call that a freak?” Jason asked once they moved away from the Hightowers.
“You are just sour because she barely looked at you.” his sister answered, grabbing a flute of champagne from a passing waiter.
“Hey. I’m nice to look at!” he said gesturing to his figure.
“You tell yourself that.” she sipped her bubbly like water, barely tasting it, as her eyes roamed around the lavish hall, watching the same old play unfold, with the same old puppets. And she was one of them, perhaps the main star, ready to follow the script and never stray from it. It was her purpose in life. A well-trained parrot with a melodic laugh and the stillness of a porcelain doll.
She looked around and saw the eagerness, the anticipation as they bided their time before flocking to her, begging for flesh and money and power, each one of them so eager to sell one piece of themselves to be on a golden plate, the very same on which everything was always freely given to her. Things, places, people. The Golden Girl, they called her. She was born in it, she reflected it. She never had to ask, she never had to beg for anything. While everyone around her seemed to be able to do nothing else.
"Miss Lannister, we would love to have you as our guest in High Garden. Please, consider our invitation."
"Miss Lannister, did your father receive the gift I sent him last week? Please, have him contact me as soon as possible, I have another proposal for a collaboration."
"Miss Lannister, please, convince your father not to cut off the funds, I wouldn't know what to do without the invaluable support of your bank.”
“Miss Lannister, please—"
Please. Please. Please. Please.
They all came muffled, the beggars and their begging, as if speaking from the surface while she was deep down underwater, floating. Then the puppet would take over, moving haughtily and mischievously, promising lies with empty smiles and stolen words. The same old power play, to tell the world the Lannisters were far above it.
But amid the muffled chatter and greedy eyes, there was one in particular, stripped of all reverence, blue and cold as the eye of the scientist dissecting something under a microscope.
He had placed her under the lens out of pure boredom.
He never attended these kinds of gatherings, at least not after Sothoryos, not after Floris. He was there only because his mother had insisted, almost pleaded with him. This was the first public event after the divorce. It was essential to appear close, united.
The word tasted rotten in Aemond's mouth.
He had made sure Aegon would not attend, and had come in through the back, creeping into the hall like a spectre.
Alicent had seen him at once, her eyes widening with surprise as if she were certain he would not come. And they had barely talked.
She had kissed him on the cheeks with that look in her eyes, the one that rose tenderness and contempt at once inside him, twin flames mirroring and dancing around each other. His mother's lips opened and closed repeatedly, like a record needle cutting the same groove on and on without making a sound. And he had no desire to fix that.
Once, maybe. He had nurtured so many unspoken words that they had ended up souring and festering the more he held them back, locked in a dark corner where no light filtered. So, his mouth stayed sealed and silent, like a tomb.
He had withdrawn to a corner of the hall, watching as the people lingered with their gazes on his dead eye, half curious, half scared. Something he was all too used to. He found himself cursing under his breath for wasting time in such a vapid and useless way. He could have been at home, studying, or working in the basement.
But then he had spotted her.
It was hard not to.
The moment she had entered the hall with her brother, it seemed she had drawn all attention to herself, absorbing all the light from the chandeliers. It seemed that her golden dress was truly made of gold.
Aemond had seen her once or twice in the past and each time, two distinct thoughts had rapidly crossed his mind.
First: that she was a pretty doll with more money in her pocket than cells in her brain.
Second: that he wouldn't mind taking her doll's clothes off.
No man with sense would have denied her beauty, but the more he looked at her, the more he saw how dry she was, how cold, like a sculpture doomed to live the same moment forever.
It was all scene, all pose. And Aemond understood it at once since he himself had enacted the same play in the years past. He knew what it meant to be an inanimate thing waiting to be moved by others, for duty or loyalty. Things that had lost all meaning to him once he’d found out that the more he latched on these things, the more hollow he felt.  
He watched the Lannister girl build fake smiles at each turn and he found himself grimacing, feeling pity for her, almost contempt. Perhaps she was just a tool, an extension of his former self for him to loathe, like spitting into a mirror.
But he just couldn’t stop watching.
She had a way of making the place where she stood like some kind of holy shrine and everyone around her kept scrambling to fall at her feet. She had a way of moving, slowly, like a creature living underwater. She would lean forward as she listened to people, only to retreat when it was her turn to speak, and she did it quietly, making the privileged speaker unconsciously lean towards her.
A tactic—a working tactic, though. Because Aemond had found himself craning his neck forward more than he would’ve liked to admit, and he wasn't even close to her.
“Choosing your next victim?”
He turned on his blind side as Helaena stopped beside him, handing a flute of champagne.
“Hāedar.” he said, taking the glass “Don’t say that. With all the shit they say about me, tomorrow they might title I’m a serial killer.”
“Well, you do have a dank basement in your place. And with the way you keep looking at the Lannister girl, it would be hard to beat the allegations.”
He looked down at the sizzling bubbles and curled his lips. Helaena did the same as her blue eyes scanned his face. Of all her brothers, she had always had the closest bond with Aemond. Born only one year apart, they had grown up as close as twins. Helaena did not look down when she talked to Aemond; she did not stutter or struggle to voice her thoughts as she did with anyone else. And his lips, which struggled so much to voice his emotions, always curled up in the most spontaneous way when they spent time together.
“You won’t get away with a smile, though.” She pointed out after a sip of bubbly “You barely talked to me earlier.”
“I was afraid our mother would stir up a hornet’s nest seeing me here.”
“She was sure you wouldn’t come.”
“I shouldn’t have. This place smells of coffin.” 
She watched him for a moment, trying to guess his mood and, therefore, whether it was a good time to speak. “Did you get my message last week?”
His eye remained fixed on the elated crowd, but Helaena didn’t miss the slight twitch in his lips. “I did.”
“You didn’t answer.”
“What was there to say?”
“Aemond, I know you have your grudges, but... he’s our father and he’s severely ill. He wants to see us, all of us, at Summerhall, next month. I want to believe he’s changing and—”
“Must I remind you what happened the last time we had a family heart to heart?”
She did nothing but cast a single, saddened glance to his dead eye and all her willingness to talk and try to make things better withered like a leaf in a frosted land.
“He’s changing because he already has one foot in the grave. Quit the fancy words, Hel, he’s not changing. He’s just trying to relieve his conscience. A bit late for that, no?” and he downed his champagne in one gulp.
“I don’t want to hear about it. I don’t care.” He said, slipping his pack of smokes from his pocket and placing one cigarette between his lips. He glanced one last time at his sister and with the coldest distance he said “But do let me know when he dies. I'll toast to that.”
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She had had three flutes of champagne while talking to a countless number of faceless beggars when she started to feel nauseated. She didn’t even know by what, whether it was the champagne, the people, or herself. Perhaps all of them.
The cold night air embraced her as she went out on the terrace, making the hairs on her arms stand and her half-covered spine shiver. She had not brought her coat with her, but she did not mind. The cold awoke her from her torpor, made her stop being a relic on a mantelpiece.
She slipped a cigarette between her lips and looked into her purse for the lighter. "No, no, no—" she said to no one, frantically feeling every nook and cranny of the purse. "Fuck!"
She jumped, turning her head just in time to see a lighter flying towards her. She caught it, staring at the dark corner on her left. There was a man sitting there, wrapped by the shadows, except for a thin white hand laying on the table, long fingers, and half a cigarette resting between index and middle.
She squinted, trying to get a better look. “I can’t see you.”
“I do.”
It was just a simple statement, but his tone was strange, riddled with an edge of shrewdness.
She stared at the dark figure for a moment longer, then lit her cigarette and walked a few steps closer.
"I would like to know who I'm speaking to, stranger." She said, handing over the lighter.
A moment later the shadow stood up, and she had to lift her chin as she watched the glow of the lamps unraveling his face, sharp like a knife. The air hitched in her throat, her gaze inevitably caught by the blue of his eye, as well as the dead blue of the prosthetic. "Oh."
His arched mouth bent upwards. "Define your oh."
“It’s just a oh, you’re not a stranger after all.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, curiously tilting his head with a ghosting grin “What do you think you know about me? Aside from what you read on gossip papers.”
“I don’t read gossip papers.”
“Yes, you do. All the girls like you do that.”
“All the girls like me?”
“Dolls with a trust fund to squander before forty.”
She raised her eyebrows, quickly scanning the young man before her. He was clad in black, with a black turtleneck and a leather jacket, accentuating his sharp features and pale face framed by short hair, a bit curly but neatly styled. “You’re the one to talk, Mr. I have blue blood in my veins.”
“I don’t work for my family.” He said matter-of-factly “They don’t pay my rent and they don’t cover up my shit.”
“Mine neither.”
His eyebrow raising was enough to dismantle her lie right away. “Papers say otherwise.”
“Do you trust papers and their cheap rumors?”
“Hmm. Trust is a strong word. But true or false, rumors are often more revealing than facts.” he took a long drag on his cigarette, narrowing his eyes and she watched as the dead one remained unnaturally still. It was not disturbing, she thought. It gave him a sinister allure, catching her off guard.
“Then I should believe all the rumors about you and your...charming mystery.”
“They say I’m charming now?” he asked with a smirk.
“I believe they called you a sphinx” she deadpanned “before claiming you hit a journalist, a woman.”
“And which one do you think is more likely?”
She looked at him uncertainly. Well, he was charming. But he was a lot more mysterious. More than a sphinx, Aemond Targaryen was a living riddle.
Even before the accident in Sothoryos, from where he returned with an eye missing, the second-born son of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower was a foggy figure, often in the shadows, more than often in the shadows of someone else, his half-sister Rhaenyra, his older brother Aegon. And after Sothoryos, he seemed to have grown his own shadows, distancing himself from his family and dropping his academic career to do Gods-know-what in a small flat in the oldest quarter of Oldtown.
“Both?” she dared.
He clicked his tongue, looking away with disappointment, and flicked the cigarette. “Too easy. And now you’re boring me.”
“I shall take my leave, then.” she chirped with a tight smile.
“Don’t expect me to follow you. I am not one of those wankers inside who come in their pants as you bat your fake eyelashes.”
The smile left her face instantly, and she glared at him, throwing her half-cigarette on the ground. “It is true, then. Royals do act like the rudest jerks.”
Instead of looking offended, her words seemed to do nothing but tickle his pride—some kind of gratification that poured like poison from the angles of his mouth. “I don’t act. But if I wanted to, I'd know who to turn to.”
“And you keep boring me.” his eye went momentarily below her neck, and he tilted his chin “Are those pretty diamonds slowing blood to your brain?”
Miss Lannister looked stunned. No one, ever, dared to talk to her like that.
She was used to being praised and begged and praised. A beautiful portrait framed by gold and hung on a wall for all to see. She should have been outraged, she should have used her last name as shield and threat. But for once, she was breathing on her own, free of any strings.
“Are they real?” he asked suddenly, and she stilled as his hand ghosted on her necklace, feeling his cold fingertips hovering above her skin.
“Of course they are.”
“Hmm.” He mused, pulling his hand back as he continued to stare at the necklace and then down at her dress.  “They serve their purpose I’d say.” he said dragging his eye back to her face.
“Slowing my brain?” she asked with a little vitriolic smile.
“Hiding all the fake beneath them.”
“Who are you, a fortune teller?” she spitefully asked. “Do you possess the Third Eye as well as the Fake One?”
“One eye is enough to see right through you, golden girl.”
“And why were you watching me if I am so blatantly obvious?”
He almost shrugged his shoulders. “These parties are dreadfully boring. I was in need of a distraction, and you were hard to miss.”
“I could say the same about you.” Her gaze flicked for an instant to his dead eye. “Except that I don’t hide in dark corners from my own family.”
Whether he was stung by her words or not, his composure remained utterly impassive. A sphinx through and through.
“No. You do it before them.” An amused smile, spiced up with poison, curled his lips. “At least I have the dignity to disappear instead of begging for attention like a pathetic creature.”
Her words did not sting, but his surely did. And they shouldn’t.
They had crossed paths once or twice in the years prior, but effectively, Aemond was but a stranger to her. She wasn’t even aware of him watching her inside the hall, maybe too absorbed in her puppet play, or maybe resigned to scream into a crowded room of deaf mannequins.
She swallowed heavily, not dropping her gaze, waiting for all the gold to shield her, hide her, serving its purpose once more. But Aemond had a strange look in his eye. He was staring at her, and what he saw thrilled him.
He was sure he would see harshness, contempt, but not that. Not…anguish. It was buried in her pretty eyes and yet it just lied there in full sight, the darker shade of abyss beneath the crystalline blue of the deceiving surface.
If only someone had bothered to look.
“You remind me of someone.” he said almost mindlessly.
“Do I dare asking or do you wish to offend me some more?”
He seemed to ponder for a while, looking at her as if he were measuring an opponent.
“Come with me. I’ll show you.”
He moved, leaving the terrace without waiting for her, sure enough she would follow him. And she did.  
Not immediately, though. She stared at his tall figure as he went back inside and thought she should go back to the party, go back to the script. There was something uncanny, almost eerie about staying close to him, like walking on the thin thread of a cobweb while being dreadfully aware to be walking towards the spider’s bite.
But the dread made her feel alive, made her heart pounding in her throat. So, she followed him.
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“I didn’t know your family had it.” She said with a tinge of amazement as they stopped before the painting gloriously exhibited along one of the lavish corridors upstairs. “I thought it got lost during some war.”
“It was.” He said, stopping beside her, eye roaming on the canvas.
“Did I remind you of a lost anonymous painting?”
“You reminded me of the Maiden.” And his eye flicked to the left of the painting. Then he dragged his gaze on her, turning his head, and watched her. “Do you know the story?”
“The myth?”
“You don’t believe it to be true?”
“I don’t believe in Gods. Or myths.”
“That is strange, coming from a girl who spent so much time building her own.”
She turned her head and looked at him. He was smiling subtly, but it was different this time. There was no poison dripping from the angles of his mouth, but the clearest intrigue.
It stopped her heart for a moment. A sudden cut in the canvas, a crack in the porcelain. And she felt that this stranger was peeking inside, or perhaps she was.
Aemond looked back at the painting and laced his arms behind his back, making the leather of his jacket creak. “They said once there was a land inhabited only by Gods and Monsters. The Maiden was the most beautiful Goddess in the Holy Garden. She grew flowers from her hands, trailing behind her as she walked. But she was unhappy. The Gods only sought her for her gift, used her as a piece of ornament. She was beautiful on the outside, but inside—”
“Lonely and hollow.” she filled in.
“Just like the Stranger.” he said, and they turned at the same time, locking their eyes.
Aemond glanced back at the ominous figure in the painting and said “He was not allowed to enter the Gods world. He lived underground, blowing his mortal winds to call the souls into his realm of death. But then he saw her. He dried her tears through his wind until one day—”
“He took her.” she filled in once more. “He used the wind to tie her hands with the flowery branches she grew and kidnapped her from the Holy Garden.”
“Are you sure kidnapped is the right word?”
“According to the myth? Yes. You might have been a great scholar, but I’m not a goat.”
He chuckled quietly, and the sound made her turn again to watch him.
He held her gaze as amusement left his marbled features, and without taking his eye off her, he tilted his chin towards the painting “Look at her. Look at her face and tell me what you see."
She did so, observing the anguish, the dark trepidation on the Maiden’s face.
“She is frightened.”
“Is she?” he asked, and suddenly he was almost behind her. His breath tickled her ear like the wind on a hot summer day, and her breath hitched once more. “Look into her eyes.” he whispered on her nape “Is it fear to be taken…or desire?”
She swallowed, keeping her eyes fixed on the painting, and dug her nails into the expensive fabric of her little purse. “Art is not math.” she said with confidence “There is not one undisputable interpretation.” And she turned to face him “So unless you painted that, and I have some doubts, you say she’s keen on being taken. I say she’s frightened.”
Aemond stared at her for a moment with a strange new look on his face, as if someone had just issued a challenge to him. His blue eye was wide, and the little smirk was peeking through his lips. “Do you ever choose a position, golden girl?”
“I think I just did.”
“Allow me to rephrase, then. A less boring position.”
She opened her mouth to retort, but he was faster. “Let me show you something a little less ambiguous.”  
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"Wow, these are beautiful," she said as they climbed the stairs to the floor above the one where the glorious anonymous painting stood. On the angled wall, a series of photographs were exhibited—portraits, precisely—all in black and white.
"Are we complimenting each other now?" he asked, halting on a step.
She looked at him doubtfully for a moment before slightly widening her eyes. "What, these are yours?"
He gave her a simple nod, and she looked back at the portraits.
"My mother put them here. Her way to prove she cares, I guess." He said absent-mindedly, as if conversing about the weather. 
The Lannister girl watched him closely, in search of something that would betray such a cold statement, but there were no cracks, no cuts.
"The great mystery unraveled.” She said forcing a dramatic tone “Aemond Targaryen is a photographer."
"I am not. I don’t do it for a living.”
“Yes, because you don’t need a job to get by.”
“Look who’s talking.”
She glared at him, trying with poor success to stifle a smile.
“It's just an interest." He stated.
"A passion." she dared to suggest.
"I wouldn't call it that. Passion preludes emotion, ardor. Photography is nothing like."
She watched him fold his arms behind his back in a peculiar way, grabbing his forearms with his hands. He had done the same thing earlier, in front of the painting. The gesture caught her attention then, as it did now.
"What is it then?" she asked, trailing her eyes back to his face.
He stared at her for an impossible long time before answering. “Revelation.”
She looked back at the portraits and observed them thoroughly. There were some men caught behind the camera, but the majority were all women. Young and beautiful women.
The portraits were majestic, she considered. He had found a way to toy with light which made these people look like glimpses from an otherworldly dimension, flashes of dreams.
No, not dreams, she thought.
The light was cruel, exposing, cutting. And all the subjects seemed to have been caught in a moment of great distress, flowing almost into a grotesque despair.
Flashes of nightmares.  
The sight made her lips part, her skin shiver with eeriness and something else, something she could not name. The same basic instinct that had pushed her to follow him. These people, made eternal by black and white, were dressed, but their souls utterly naked before the eye.
“I wouldn’t call it revelation…”
“And what would you call it?” he asked, stepping beside her to watch the portrait, not missing her little startle when his elbow brushed against hers.
She took a deep, silent breath and turned her head to look at him. "Intrusion.”
“Hmm.” He mused, slipping his pack of smokes from his pocket “Intrusion of which kind?”
He placed the cigarette between his lips only to see her hand snatching it away, but slowly, just like she was used to move, so much that her fingertip brushed his upper lip. “Any kind.” she answered and his eye fell on her rosy lips closing around the filter.
His mouth twitched, as if her light brushing had lit his skin aflame, and he moved unconsciously, bringing the lighter close but pausing, his thumb lingering on the little wheel, and he looked at her, just as she looked at him.  
When he pushed his finger to light the flame, the short metallic sound came through with a strange finality, a curtain dropping after the first act.
She lit the cigarette and took a long drag, glancing at the portraits and then back at him. “Did you fuck these women?” 
“No.” was all he said, hiding a little smirk as he slipped another smoke between his lips. He saw her raising her eyebrows with clear disbelief, so he clarified. “Not all of them.”
“I bet they revealed themselves thoroughly.”
“They were more than keen to do it.”
“And did you?” she countered, tilting her head, lowering her voice so that once again, he found himself leaning towards her, like a moth to a flame. “Did you reveal yourself as well? Did you let them intrude?”
“Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.”
She clicked her tongue and laughed—the very first genuine laugh she could conjure up in the span of hours, or even days. “Now you’re just trying to impress me.”
“Yes. And unfortunately for you, it is working.”
She gave him a bemused look at his brazen statement, but she felt strangely exposed under his unblinking stare, a hand ending her ceaseless floating to anchor her against the seabed.
“I want you to come to my place," he said suddenly, his voice kept quiet, almost soft, to the verge of whispering. It wrapped her senses like a soothing lullaby.
“I want to take your picture.”
“Why? To end up on this wall and in your bed like dozens of girls before me?”
“Dozens?” he raised an eyebrow “I’m flattered.”
“Don’t be.”
“Hmm” he crooned, cocking his head to one side, a contented expression stretching on his face, much like a cat licking its whiskers. “Envy doesn’t suit a Lannister.”
“Envy?” she repeated, laughing scornfully. “You’re an arrogant brat, has anyone ever told you?”
“Many in fact. So, shall we?”   
“Shall we what?”
“Pity, I thought you had stopped boring me.” He said pocketing his lighter “Stay here playing the doll with those old fogeys, if you like. I’m leaving.”
She had only time to blink and he was gone, leaving her on those steps with the foreign, unsettling longing to follow. Her feet moved on their own, dragging her back to the party with an urgency shaking her bones, pushing her eyes to dart in every corner of the hall, moving amongst the people as if chasing the wind.
“Oh, there you are!” Jason pulled her to him, and she stilled, as she was used to, but everything inside her kept moving. “That Lonmouth smartass came at me screaming like a chicken.” Jason said with cocaine pupils, slurring words after words “as if it’s Dad’s fault that he’s an idiot. Put him in his place, would you? I’m too high, I might stick a fork between his eyes. D’you you want to hear something funny?”
“No, Jason. I don’t.” she replied absently, looking around once more “Listen, did you see Aemond Targaryen?”
“Nevermind.” She said, wriggling herself from his hold, but he was fast to pull her back “Sis, why are you looking for that creep?”  
“Let me go, Jason.”
“Listen to me. First the shit show in Pyke and now Aemond One Eye? Dad would not be happy to know you are—”
“Dad would not be happy to know fucking anything that he has not concocted and told us to do. And I’m tired of it, Jason.” She hastily broke free from his grip, alerting the well-dressed people around them, but she ignored them altogether. “Just this once, you’ll have to play the puppet. I’m done for tonight.” she tugged the pocket square from his jacket and threw it at him. “And wipe your nose, for Gods’ sake. There’s coke on it.”
She wandered inside the huge hall like walking through quicksand, sinking a little more any time another man or woman stopped her to chit chat, to ask her about her father and the bank and the next slot in her father's agenda.
As if she had any clue. As if her father had not dismissed any of her natural vocations  like wrong bills to be fed to the shredder only to make her study economics, only to frame her degree, and then instruct her himself to specialize in the sacred act of parading herself around like a rare stuffed creature.
“Here you are.” A hand slipped around her waist, and she found herself enveloped by two familiar hands. “I’ve looked for you anywhere.”
“Quentin.” She said, looking into the dark glinting eyes of Quentin Martell, slightly wrinkling her nose for the heavy male perfume in which he had apparently dunked his suit.
His eyes scanned her slowly, looking like he wanted to peel her dress off like an orange. “Always outshining anyone else, are you?”
She looked away, stifling an exasperated sigh, all too used to Quentin’s redundant flatteries.
“This party is dead, isn’t it? And rather self-celebratory from the Hightowers. As if they don’t owe their current position to Viserys Targaryen.”
She glanced at him and saw her father talking. It was one of his favorite refrains at breakfast, lunch or dinner. It made no difference to him. Any time was a good time to incense themselves as the best, the wealthiest, the proudest, and hundreds of more superlatives that made the food instantly go rancid in her mouth.
Distractedly, her eyes roamed around, numbing her ears while Quentin kept talking. It was then that she saw him. He had not left.
Holding a glass of some liquor, he seemed to be in deep conversation, or rather on the receiving end of a soliloquy from his grandfather, who was leaning slightly over him, almost talking to his ear.
His eye was absently buried to the floor, one long finger tapped against the glass. A couple of words she could not make from that distance slipped from his mouth, resigned as his whole demeanor.
She thought she was looking into a mirror.
“Honey, are you listening to me?” Quentin asked at some point, tightening the hold on her waist. “Who are you looking at so rapt?”
“No one.” she hurried to say. But Quentin was quicker to follow her gaze before she dropped it.  “Aemond One Eye?” he said on the verge of mockery. “Baby, he is so out of your league.”
She cocked her head and plastered a tight smile on her lips. “And precisely, what do you know about my league?” 
“You know what I mean. How blind can you be not to notice that your brother has been screwing your girlfriend behind your back for months? Oops, sorry, wrong metaphor.”
“Both the Baratheons and the Targaryens have denied it.”
“Sure, sure. Then why the Baratheons were not invited tonight? And why did the one eyed come? He never does. Oh wait, look at that, Aegon’s missing. Not surprising though, didn’t they say Targaryens used to fuck amongst their own in the old times?”
She lowered her gaze, lost in thought, and then turned her head, instantly widening her eyes, shoulders tensing when she saw Aemond looking straight at her, sipping his drink, straightening the cobweb’s thread on which she had been tottering until that moment.
“Baby, are you high again?” Quentin asked her, with a genuine, inquisitive tone.
“You’re shivering. Greyjoy told me everything about that night. Said you went batshit crazy on coke. Depraved as he is, it’s actually a good thing that you OD’ed. That creep would have fucked you even that stoned.”
She immediately grabbed his arms, trying to wriggle out of his hold. “Let me go.”
“Oh, come on.” He nothing but hold her more tightly. “I know you like to get a little freaky once in a while. I do, too. In fact, why don’t we take a tour upstairs? We could cheer up this drag.”
“No. Quentin, let me go.”
“Come on.” He insisted, pulling her to his chest.
She had to step on his foot to shake him off. “Let me cut straight to the point. I won’t fuck you, Quentin. Not tonight, not even if you were the last man left on this earth.”
He grimaced, spitefully twisting his mouth like any man who's been denied the chance to feel like a man for a few minutes. “I had warned Greyjoy about this. I told him you’re a spoiled cunt. You know what? You should get with that Stark fag. He may fuck your ass, so maybe you’d feel something 'cause I’m sure as hell your cunt is drier than the Red Waste.”
The insults were also part of the play.
After all, the act might not please everyone in the stalls. “Just shrug them off. They’re praises, actually, disguised bitterly for what they cannot have.” her mother said “Besided, a lion does not concern itself with the opinion of the sheep.”
When she was younger, each bitter word was a giant finger pointed at her, a gavel sealing the next judgement. Her mother had tried with all her carelessness to teach her how to be exactly that. Careless, a river flowing in its direction no matter the filth that would pollute the waters.
But she was draining, ever since Pyke, perhaps long before that.
She was tired of pretending to be gold while her fingertips seemed to leave behind nothing else but ash.
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Thank you so much for reading!! If you like to be tagged when I post part II, leave a comment below 🫶
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vampcubus · 1 year
a/n: second round! ik i said i was done with the unsolicited aot hcs for a sec but that was a lie and we both knew that.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒!┊erwin, connie, eren, and pieck.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒!┊spicy in places, boner mentions in eren’s, these got long… but don’t they always? 💀
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— this man… THIS MAN. Literally should write a book about it because he kisses you like he was made for it.
— Your first kiss is soft and full of a hesitance you rarely see from him. Despite his age, Erwin was unpracticed in matters of the heart. He has a brilliant mind but he’s adorably clueless when it comes to romance. He has to maintain a pristine and calculative appearance as commander of the scout regiment, but he’s tearing down a lot of those walls for you. Don’t let his stoic exterior fool you, he’s tender inside.
— His kisses start off gentle, but everything about Erwin just feels so passionate, and that passion bleeds through in everything he does. It isn’t long before you feel his hand at your lower back, pulling you further against his body, the originally chaste kiss melting into something more. He’s just got so many feelings for you bubbling inside that he can’t always quite translate into words.
— He uses the sweet press of his lips against yours as an outlet for all that wound-up desire. You can almost feel it sizzle and hiss between you as he closes the distance between your bodies, thick fingers brushing over your cheeks, at the nape of your neck, in your hair… he can’t get enough of you or your wicked lips.
— Erwin is a creature of habit, so your kisses absolutely become a part of his routine (when the poor man can afford to have one, there’s always something going on in the scout regiment)
— oftentimes the first thing you feel when you wake up is his warm lips on your temple before he’s whisked away for his duties as commander. If you’re awake enough you can grip him by the shirt collar and coerce him into giving you a few proper kisses before he’s really gotta go. Nothing more endearing than the disappointment in his eyes when he has to pull away from your sweet lips before he winds up late because you “seduced him back into bed.”
— Greatly appreciates kisses to his temple or between his brows when he’s swimming in paperwork <3
— Likes it especially when you climb into his lap while he works, every once and a while trailing kisses along his jaw when he’s deep in thought.
— You’ve had too many cadets and captains alike walk in while you’ve got your tongue down his throat though 💀 at this point it’s a running joke. It’s cute watching him get all frazzled by the intrusion, especially if you appear unbothered by it. “You could at least try to act embarrassed,” he’d whisper to you, and you’d only grin, getting all comfy in his lap as the mortified interrupter attempts to state their name and purpose.
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— If I had to pick one word to describe Connie’s kisses, it’d be enthusiastic. He’s been dreaming of kissing you for years (he’s so perfect for friends to lovers I swear) so you’ll have to forgive his eagerness once he finally gets the opportunity.
— Sometimes he gets a little too excited and your teeth clack or your noses bump together none too gently, but you two usually just laugh it off and then try again—softer this time.
— Connie gets a little too good at kissing though, and absolutely uses his smooching prowess to win arguments and distract you from work. Sasha is always making kissy faces when you’re around so you can assume that he’s constantly babbling to her about how good a kisser you are.
— A kiss thief, he’s always stealing kisses from you when you least expect them. He can’t help but love that adorable look of surprise you get when he lays one on you out of nowhere, it’s priceless to him. Turns into a puddle when you turn the tables and surprise HIM with a sudden smooch. It makes his knees get all wobbly.
— Gets whiney if you turn your face when he leans in so his lips hit your cheek instead. He does the same thing to you though just to make you mad, especially after he starts sprouting up like a weed (seriously how’d he get so tall?). He just tilts his head up so you kiss his chin instead 😡 like that’s not allowed.
— Very much the “where’s my hug/kiss?” bf.
— Smiles into kisses <3 He’s always grinning ear to ear when he’s around you so it’s inevitable.
— Connie’s favorite thing to wake up to is your soft lips peppering saccharine kisses across his entire face. You can tell when he’s awake because the biggest grin breaks out across his face, and he starts trying to return them, turning his face this way and that in an attempt to catch your lips on his.
— Watch your neck around this one, he’s always trying to sneak hickeys there no matter how much you admonish him about leaving visible marks. Connie does it especially when you aren’t paying enough attention to him (you never are by the way, he wants all of it)
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— Whore (affectionate). No literally, cus even the softest well-meaning kisses result in you making out. It’s hard to stop once you’ve started. It’s so easy to get lost in his warmth, his smell, the way he softens and his body sags against you.
— Eren’s kisses are passionate and hungry, like he’s trying to devour you. You’re one of the few good things he thinks he has and he doesn’t want to let go.
(modern au eren with a tongue piercing?? if his tongue isn’t in my mouth right this instant-)
— Literally just wants to lay on the couch and kiss n suck on your sweet lips till they bruise. And if you play with his hair while you suck on his tongue? He’s whimpering, shifting his hips around like you can’t feel him poking you. He gets hard super easily, but he’s oddly content to just keep kissing you instead of paying attention to it.
— His kisses are wet?? Like why tf are you leavin so much spit on my cheek?
— Another one that comes up behind you while you’re working/cleaning and starts kissing along your neck just to distract you. He really likes the sound you make when he pulls the tender flesh of your throat between his teeth and sucks dark marks into it. And once you’ve made the slightest noise of approval he’s impossible to shake off. He’s your leech <3
— Doesn’t care about PDA, there could be a hundred people in the room and he’s still gonna be smashing his lips against yours like there aren’t countless eyes watching you.
— It’s a little embarrassing actually, you’ll find yourself constantly reminding him
“Have some restraint. We aren’t alone, ‘ren.”
“Save it for home.”
“People are watchingggg.”
— And for the most part, he’ll relent with enough nagging, but he’ll pout about it. It’s cute, watching him all crestfallen like he just got his favorite toy taken away.
— Eren gets jealous so easily, and you can tell cus he’ll start getting all handsy, practically hanging off of you. His sudden starvation for attention might be confusing to you, but you don’t see the daggers he’s glaring over your shoulder at your potential admirers. And if that isn’t enough, he’ll start nudging at your shoulder with his nose to demand kisses. Acts all pathetic about it cus he knows the pitiful act always gets him what he wants.
— He’ll whine about how you’re “so mean,” and that he’s “kiss-starved.” And if he’s convincing enough—which he can be if he really tries—you can’t help but spare him a few smooches (even if only to shut him up)
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— Pieck’s kisses are very sweet? Like she gets that soft look on her face before she leans in and sighs as if relieved when your lips touch, arms snaking around your middle so she can be as close as possible.
— Rubs your noses together affectionately <3
— Believes in kiss currency, she’ll do just about anything as long as you promise her a kiss for it. Also withholds belongings until she gets her kiss, “you want this? gimme a kiss first >:(“
— Sleepy morning kisses are mandatory!! She doesn’t care about morning breath, she wants her smooch and her “good morning, princess” NOW.
— Intentionally kisses you while her lipstick is still drying so she leaves behind stains on your face and DOESN’T TELL YOU. You’re so confused as to why you’re getting strange looks in public with the hugest kiss print smack dab in the middle of your forehead.
— Pieck doesn’t mind PDA, in fact she’s notorious for trying to sneak kisses when you absolutely shouldn’t be sucking face. Meetings with the brass, diplomatic parties, on the battlefield… her favorite thing is when you climb onto her titan as she’s phasing out of her nape to breathe for a few smooches. She always looks so serious when she’s working, the soft gasp of surprise when your lips smack against hers makes it worth nearly getting scalded in the process.
— another chronic hand kisser, it’s just too convenient and intimate.
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berryfeilds · 5 months
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𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲.
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Summary- Sirius meets you at one of Lily and James' party's and thinks you're just absolutely incredible.
Warnings- Non I believe? Bad writing perhaps LMFAO and tooth-rooting fluff, oh and no use of Y/N
W/C- 3.7k
A/N: hihi!! this is legit my first ever fanfic and im kinda nervous lmao, please please be nice and if you have any constructive criticism, i am all ears! thank you!!
New edit: oh girl i don't know i feel abt this being my first fic-
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Sirius recounts the first time he met you well, -saw you- for better judgment. It was a little party, a couple weeks ago; just a gathering with some old friends and classmates, hosted by James and Lily at their house for a small reunion. Wine and finger food being consumed, laughter and stories being shared around the living room, just all around a good time. 
Sirius was catching up with Frank and Alice when you walked through the door with Mary. And -wow- were you pretty. You were wearing a light green number that ended right above your knees and the sleeves stopped on your elbows giving him a view of the numerous bracelets on your lovely wrist. Your hair sat perfect and your shoulders looked toothsome. You had an easy smile while conversing with Lily and Mary and handed over a box in which he guessed held some sweets inside. You were pretty and thoughtful? Oh did the universe have a beautiful way of rewarding him.
“Seems like birdie riled up the dog,” Alice teased. Sirius, rather solemnly, shifts his attention from you. “What? No, pshh, don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Sirius waves his hand dismissively, before he sneakily sneaks another glance at you once you enter the living room.
 “I’ve never seen her before, did she go to school with us?” Frank inquires before taking a sip of one of Marlene’s famous sugary cocktails. “No, she studied abroad, can’t pinpoint where though, maybe, Sirius will find out for us,” Alice mischievously smirks up at Sirius.
Said man-dog looks up to where you are now conversing with Remus and Lily, still looking ravishing and smooth. “You know what, maybe I will.” He finalizes before raising his glass to the couple in front him, excusing himself to make way to you. “Go fetch, Paddy!” Alice laughs. Sirius flips her off quickly without turning around.
“Wow! You’ve really been all around the world and more, you’ve gotta take me with you one day,” Lily exclaims while holding your hands excitedly. You smile warmly clutching her back airily, “Hardly around the whole world but, I’ll definitely take you to the places worthwhile your time,”
“Excuse my sudden intrusion, but I don’t think we've met yet,” Sirius sneaks in the conversation; sly as a fox with eyes looking at only you. “Oh I don’t think we have, I apologize I still have to make my rounds, Remus and Lily have been such great company I simply just had to stay and talk,” You say with an easy smile -oh wow you were pretty, did he already say you were pretty?-  “Oh, no,” Remus says your name, “flatters too much, she’s been telling us about her exciting life, we’re just the audience,” Remus says with a simple smile.
That should have been a big deal breaker -I mean it is- that the Remus Lupin, is enjoying a conversation with a complete stranger about their life!
“Well, hopefully, I can hear about this exhilarating life myself,” Sirius says with an award-winning smile, hoping he wasn’t making an absolute dog of himself, -no pun intended- “Hopefully you will after you introduce yourself,” You reply with an equally dazzling smile and teasing eyes. Sirius thinks his skin is tingling and he’s excited and nervous and he hasn’t replied to you yet, “O-oh, yeah sorry, I’m Sirius,” You nod, now grinning with your pearly whites barely showing beneath your glossy lips. “Oh I didn’t ask what you were feeling, I asked for your name,” He watches your eyebrows raise up expectantly, eyes holding a little mirth in them, while Lily giggles and Remus lets out an amused huff. Oh my God, you are adorable. He observes you dreamily, speechless. “Sorry bad joke, nice to meet you, Sirius,” You chuckle effortlessly. “No, no, very clever, you should try stand-up comedy,” He gives a boyish grin. You offer your name gracefully and he humbly accepts it. He tries it out on his tongue, repeating it to himself. Remus and Lily watch this scene over with a knowing smirk.
 “Well, I think I smell James burning something in the kitchen, Rem, mind helping me drag his body out while we can?” Lily pipes up. “Not at all, excuse us.” Remus replies with a teasing grin, holding out his arm for Lily to take while they walk away.
Once Remus and Lily leave the conversation, you reposition your eyes back to the handsome man in front of you to be met with his eyes already on you. “How about we sit down so I can hear about this novel-worthy life of yours?”
You and Sirius stuck by each other for the whole party: meeting the rest of the guests together, feeding him the different delicious food Lily made, sitting and getting to know about where you studied and his time at Hogwarts. And Sirius has come to the conclusion that you are incredible. You’re incredible and educated, and sweet, and well-versed with books and the world, and let’s not talk about your acceptable music taste, and you are incredible and it's incredibly attractive to Sirius.
By the end of the night he was partially jumping out of his seat to ask you out. You said your goodbyes to Lily and James and thanked them (mostly Lily) for the food and the night. James and Sirius have a non verbal conversation while you and Lily make plans to have a day with the rest of the girls. 
You’re gonna ask her out aren't you? James raises his eyebrows while pursing his lips.
Uh duh, are you seeing what I’m seeing! Sirius rolls his head while widening his eyes.
James was in the middle of replying to Sirius with a dramatic head nod like the stag he is when they both caught on that your conversation was coming to an end.
“Ah, thank you again Lily! And, I’ll be sure to call you to let you know when I’m free,” You say happily, a little alcohol in your system that loosened you up; making you warm. “Yes, definitely! I’ll see you later, drive safe you two!” Lily says matching your enthusiasm waving you both goodbye while you walk down to your cars. “Thank you! Bye!” You wave the couple with matched gusto.
As you both walked down to the cars lining up the driveway you realized that Mary left earlier to drop off Marlene and Peter which ultimately means you don't have a ride. You subconsciously groan at yourself. Ugh! He’s totally gonna think I’m desperate! You whined inwardly.  
“Hey, um, you can totally say no, and I can call a cab, but Mary left me stranded and I don’t have a ride, and this is the part where you can say no, and I can call a taxi-” Sirius looks at you fondly as you ramble. I am so asking you out. He dreams to himself. 
“Hey, hey, first of all, you are not taking a taxi at this time of night,” He gently places his hands on your frantic arms. “Second of all, who did you meet tonight? Cause I personally thought you met a handsome gentleman, y’know? You might have met him; dark-haired, tatted, amazing hair, and an exceptional wizard,” He flips his hair dramatically making you giggle, softly calming you down after your rant. “But apparently you met some arse who probably smells like car oil and beer, who would probably leave you at the pub,” He masks a faux concern, his right hand coming up to tuck a fly-away hair after a gust of wind passes by. You grin at him gently, peering at him through your lashes. Merlin, this man is gorgeous.
“Hmm, I believe I met the arse if my memory doesn’t fail me,” A glint of mischievousness flashes on your face while you bite away at an upcoming smile. Sirius scoffs offendedly as he grasps the left side of his chest where his heart is located. “Ah! You wound me, angel! And here I thought you were my wish come true,” He squints his eyes as his head shoots back. You let out a hearty laugh at his little show, enjoying the play a little too much.
You start to walk away from the improvised actor, as his arms swing back to his side, lazily. “Did anyone tell you how animated you are?” You look back at him over your shoulder in a cat-like manner. “Can’t recall if anyone did, pretty girl,” He jogs up to your side again, placing a hand on your lower back as he guides you to the passenger side of his car, opening the door for you. 
You slide into the cold, leather seats while Sirius practically slides over the hood to get into the driver's side. He opens the door feverishly and closes it with the same amount of. “Are you always this excited to drive someone home?” You ask as he starts up the car. “Just eager to get you home safe…and maybe be invited into said safe-haven for a cup of tea, or a good time,” He turns to you and gives you a flirty wink, as he sets his arm at the backside of your chair to shift his eyes at the back of the car to reverse out the driveway. You scoff, while teasing a look at his face and neck and how delicious he looks working a car. “My, aren't you frank,” You tell him your address as he drives out the neighborhood. You smile at the road as he expertly drives with his left hand on the wheel, while the right hangs by; inching to hold yours. 
“Good to know you appreciate my very endearing qualities,” He smirks, not taking his eyes off the road. The big grin on your lips stays glued on. Your eyes locate the hand that temptingly rests on the console, waiting to be filled with your hand that happens to be empty. You slowly slither your own fist towards his and you opt to link pinkys. Sirius’ little smirk widens into a full blown smile as he feels the little contact initiated by you. 
You soon realize when you and Sirius start talking that he’s such an uncomplicated character. He’s easy, charming, positive, a little bit of a stud but, you can get over that. For the next ten minutes, you engage in a relaxed conversation about your life and passions. The car starts wheeling into your little neighborhood when the talking dies down. “Right here, the little cream colored house,” You use your pointer-finger to show direction to your abode. Sirius turns the wheel with an open palm to your very small driveway. He turns the ignition off and rotates his whole body to peer at you, softly. 
“So…” He starts with a cheeky look. You chuckle and steer your eyes towards his dark brown iris’. You speak up with a dope grin. “So..thanks for driving me, and the stimulating argument about Bowie and Elton…I really appreciate,” You nod and look away from his handsome face. “Anytime, pretty,” He speaks gingerly. Now’s the time you git!
You opened your mouth to say goodbye until he interrupted. “Um, hey, I had an amazing time talking to you tonight, you’re incredibly incredible-” You giggle coyly, “Incredibly incredible?” He looks at you entranced. “I’m getting there, birdy,” He looks at you with a smug face, “As, I was saying before you started chirping,” He pinches your cheek, “I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner, at my place, I make a mean carbonara?” He says bashfully, sitting with hopeful energy; if he was in his animagus form his tail would be whipping around.
You both sat there looking at each other. Sirius expectantly and you blazing; flustered. “Yeah..yeah, I’d love to,” Biting away at an enormous grin, eyes everywhere but his. “Great, I’ll call you so we can arrange our date,” He replies buzzing with a cheshire grin. The skittish atmosphere was suffocating and endearing at the same time. “That we will do,” You open the passenger side and get out. You bend down and look at him one last time brushing your hair behind your ear sheepishly, “Thank you for tonight really, and I’m excited for this famous carbonara,” Sirius bites his lip looking at you, “No problem and you will not regret it, it’s one of a kind,” You smile at him thoughtfully, “Goodnight Sirius.” “Goodnight pretty.” 
Sirius drives out of your driveway after he made sure you safely got into your house. He drives away blasting Bowie, already planning to call James about scoring his date with you. A dizzying smile the whole drive back to his flat.
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Inviting you to his apartment for dinner was the best idea he’s ever had, Sirius thinks.
You’re sat perched up gorgeously on his kitchen counter while he grinds black pepper to the spaghetti in the pan. Jazz music in the background, playing softly while the whole apartment smells of good food and new relationships.  It’s like you belong in any environment and you make it your own; you fit perfectly in any space he lets you into, it's breathtaking, you’re breathtaking. 
“So, where’d you learn how to cook?” You inquire before taking a sip of your wine, crossing your legs. Sirius mixes up the sauce into the spaghetti when he replies. “My family has ties in France so..I take advantage of their money and head out for a couple of weeks. I’ve become quite acquainted with the cuisine, the language, the city of love,” He gives you a wink. You laugh at his witty behavior before retorting. “Oh wow, he’s bilingual, a cook, and a philanderer? My, what a catch you are!” You tease with a smirk. “Oh shush, you,”
 He puckers up his lip subconsciously asking for a sip of wine and you’d be insane not to oblige. You hop off the counter and pick up his glass, striding to where he was stirring the food. You tilt the dainty glass to his inviting lips. He gulps down carefully trying not to spill on his very expensive black turtleneck. You giggle at his antics, “Alright French casanova, I’m pulling away,” You stick to your word to his displeasure; he liked you being so close. 
“Wow, pretty girls are mean,” He pouts dramatically. “Well get used to it mister, ten step hair care routine,” You scrunch your nose, while walking away to cut up the fresh baguette. “Okay, miss universe, the cutting board is in the cabinet under you and the serrated knife is right beside me,” You bend down and grab the handle of the wooden cutting board before you hear a wolf whistle. You whip up before giving him a joking glare. “Hey, there's a deliciously incredible girl in my kitchen helping me cook some delicious food, don't blame me!” He raises his hands up guiltily. You roll your eyes before walking towards him to grab the knife.
“Do pray tell who this delicious, incredible girl is,” You place a hand on his shoulder looking at him slyly. “Hm, I would tell but then I’d have to kill you,” He looks at you with a foxy stare. “Well, people have mentioned that I’m one for risks,” You take hold of the knife and olive oil, steering your eyes away from his dark eyes. “Ever heard that curiosity killed the cat, birdy? ” He draws closer to your face, “Good that I’m a bird then huh,” You taunt, peering at his pink lips. “Aren’t you a minx?” He smirks, “Well thank you, thank you very much.” You deepen your voice to imitate Presley and perk up your shoulder while making your back to the waiting bread. He chuckles and cuts his line of sight to the food in front of him.
Hot food is excellently plated, bread is cut, and wine refilled. The ambience is toasty and orange, illuminated by two small lamps and a couple dozen candles. You were both eating and drinking and you’re enjoying his company and his little quips and stories about his years with The Marauders: the pranks, the curriculum, some sport called quidditch. And you tell him about your life, traveling around and learning about the magic in different countries and how they use it differently and the schools you studied at.
“All that traveling must have been hard?” Sirius asks. “Well, my family has never been one to be anchored to one place –too suffocating I guess– so I’ve never really imagined my life to be a still, unmoving picture y’know?” You answer before shoving a fork tight with saucy pasta in your mouth. “Yeah I understand, I actually share similar feelings,” He sips his wine and you finish chewing.
“Really? How so?” “Heard of the Black family, darling?” “Ah makes sense,"
He shifts in his seat before continuing, “My parents had a special way of making your entire existence feel like it was a non-stop debutante ball,” You laugh while holding another fork of food to your lips. “Foods good?” He asks while looking at your puckered, sassy, mouth. “Hm! Yeah, it’s amazing and –did you add lemon?” Curious eyes find his, “Yeah, just a little secret ingredient.”
Easy gossip came after that for the next hour -or two- you both couldn’t really care. 
The needle hit ten and both of you were still deep in conversation. Plates pushed aside, bottle half-full, –so are your stomachs– and hearts happy. And Sirius is comfortable, his expectations of this little date exceeded by a mile, and you were still as lovely and incredible as the last time; being lit up by the moon, eyes shining with drowsiness, ready to go to bed. But this time you were kindled by the warm flavor of the fire and adorned a tranquil smile, eyes reflecting the flame he probably shared. You’re happy and you wear it so well, he’s thinking about the next time he experiences this luck and how to extend his time with you because you’re looking at his clock and he needs to act quick.
“Oh it’s getting late, I should probably get going,” You say tight-lipped, picking up your finished plate and standing up. “Are you sure?It’s late?” He swiftly gets up and takes your plate, disregarding your protests as he heads to the kitchen, poking fun at your complaint; sticking out his tongue about the help you didn't give. “Yeah I better, I’ve overstayed my welcome; don’t want you getting bored of me,” You lean on the doorframe to the kitchen, crossing your arms while watching him place the plates in the sink. His biceps contracting beneath the wool of his black sleeve, his hair up in a bun giving you a peek at the tattoo on his neck. He turns fully towards you as he walks to your figure. 
“I could never! You could crawl into my skin and I wouldn’t even utter an objection,” He replies, uncrossing your arms to hold your soft hands, “Oh yuck, that’s just a scene from Alien,” You say with faux disgust, “Sounds like a date idea, doesn’t it?” He gives you a cheeky smile, “What? Crawling into your skin or Alien? Cause I’d rather not spend a nice Sunday suffocating in you or traveling in outer space,” You raise a brow as you poke fun at the man in front of you, “Funny girl aren’t you?” He narrows his eyes at your giggling form, as you start swinging your guys’ arms, “Of course! That's why I have ladies and gentlemen lining up to watch me,” you jut your chin out in fun, “Well I’d push them all out the way with my spaceship just so I can steal you away from all those possible horrible bachelors,” He drags you out to the living room and you notice just in time before he smothers you with his smooth-talk.
“Sly aren't you? Distracting me from leaving,” You plant your heels to stop the trek to the living room, “Dammit, wasn’t as careful as I thought,” He huffs in annoyance, “Well you are a dog, not a fox hun,” You say walking to the foyer.
“Hun?” He slips his large hands to your waist while you grab your coat. He gathers the fabric away to slip it on you himself. “I like hun.” You twirl around to see a little smirk, his hands locating your waist again, “Hmm good, cause I think we need to change birdy,” You say.
“What! Birdy totally fits!” He counters while you let out a giggle, “It totally doesn't-” “Oh yes it does, you chirp, you fly around the world, you’re smart and incredible,” He counts the reasons on his fingers when you interrupt, “I believe you broke a world record calling me incredible,” He looks away from his fingers and places his hands on your waist again but pulls you against him this time, sending electrifying shots throughout your body and making you warm.
“Well it’s true, You are incredible,” He stares at your face, memorizing it to memory, “I think it’s fair I also let you know, I think you’re incredible too,” You peer up at him, “Yeah?” He purrs, “Yeah,” You reply softly, “How incredible would you say?” He asks smugly. You scoff at his attention-seeking before pulling away, “Alright rockstar I'm gonna head out,” You pat his chest and walk towards the door. He opens it gloomily, wearing a little pout and giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“Do you really have to go?” He practically hangs off the door, “Yes, lovely, I have work tomorrow,” You place a gentle hand on his cheek, “I’ll walk you to your car,” He elevates himself before you stop him, “My legs work fine Sirius, I can walk down myself,” You giggle. God does he want you to stay and keep making that wonderful noise. “Call me when you get back safe?” He sulks, “Deal,” You smile at him, “Thanks for tonight, I enjoyed myself and you of course,” He stares at you through his lashes, “Hm no, I should thank you for coming, you brought color into the apartment, my life was getting dull,” He cheeks at you as you slap him gently on the arm.
You look at him deep in thought before you lean up and give him a kiss right on the side of his lips. He closes his eyes and he starts to feel limp at the feel of your soft, plush lips. You pull away and laugh at his drunk-happy grin.
“Bye hun,” You start pulling away down the hallway, “Bye incredible girl.” He waves dumbly as he watches you walk down the stairs away from his prying eyes. Godric help him; he's on fire.
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© berryfeilds 2024
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goddessofwaifus · 5 months
Honestly, how shinichiro managed to worm his way into my heart still surprises me...
He deserves love too! Nobody is "normal" by any standard so how does such a cute weirdo like him get rejected 20 times?! Whatever if none of the girls who rejected him want him, I guess that means no competition for being his one and only 😏 This one is for my shinichiro lovers!!! He may be a loser but he can get a w while being a lovable dork. If takemichi can get bitches, then it shouldn't be out of the question that the same can apply for Shin!
Premise- You're walking in the usual crowded halls and there you bump into the boy who every girl gossips about at school. He's weird, he doesn't know how to talk to women, he's been rejected 20 times... Wait what? How does that happen?!
The only real thing I should note for this little fic is that you and Wakasa are familiar with one another. The relationship can be familial or platonic. Might give some background in a follow up part if anyone is interested in exploring that aspect in detail. Reader,as usual,is gender neutral for inclusion of all who read.
Lose to win
Shinichiro Sano x Reader
How many dates would you go on with this guy? Honest answer for the shinichiro simps out there, I know you're out there!
Personally, I'd go on however many dates he wants. If none of those girls want him, I'll take him myself 🙄 their loss
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Honestly school is shit. Especially when you're the subject of gossip and your friends have better luck with pulling than you. That was the case for Shinichiro Sano. Poor guy had been rejected 20 times, he was about ready to give up and just fully dedicate himself to the gang life with his love for bikes. Walking down the hall with him were his friends Wakasa Imaushi, Takeomi Akashi, and Keizo Arashi (Benkei).
"Honestly Shin, I'm starting to worry about ya bud. You are just woman repellant, I feel so sorry for you."
"Maybe his charisma just doesn't work on girls? You really need to stop letting your intrusive thoughts win, man... Girls avoid you like the plague and I don't need you scarin' off the bad bitch I snagged this week..."
"You'll find someone eventually. Girls are picky. If it doesn't work out, who knows? Maybe datin' ain't it for you. If not, you got us! We can go out and kick some ass! Cheer up man!"
Shinichiro gave a small smile to Benkei 's attempt to lighten the mood. He gave a frown to Waka and Takeomi, feeling the white-haired boy give him a light punch to his arm with a chuckle. Some friends they are, he joked until he felt an impact with his chest that prompted him to stop with his friends pausing as well. You had bumped into him on your way to class and bowed your head, embarrassed for getting in his way.
"Sorry... I wasn't watching where I was going. I didn't mean to bump into you! I'll get out of your way... Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll-"
"No no you're fine! This hallway is pretty crowded so it was inevitable for this to happen."
Shinichiro laughed, rubbing the back of his neck while his friends looked down at you. You were going to move aside and continue your trip to your classroom when Wakasa spoke to you.
"Yo y/n, before we let you go off to class, I got a question for ya. You got a type?"
The question was completely out of left field so it flustered you a bit. What kind of question was that? Wakasa is prone to asking odd questions, sometimes to perform his own personal social experiments among other students or simply for his own personal reasons. Maybe to try and see what kind of person they are? You'll never know, Waka has always been aloof and a bit mysterious in your time of knowing him. You shrug and figure maybe this was a test of his, so you'll bite.
"In partners? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they're not an absolute dickhead or douchebag just looking for some ass. I can't stand people like that..."
You trailed off as you had glanced up at Shinichiro who looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the floor beneath him. You slowly put the pieces together as you remembered overhearing girls giggling and laughing or gagging in over exaggerated disgust about some boy named Shinichiro who had supposedly asked them out, but they either blew him off or he somehow screwed up his chance by saying something weird that creeped them out/ turned them off from pursuing anything with semblance to a date. You then glanced over to Wakasa as you were now curious to see where he was going with the question now answered.
"You've probably heard around the hallways, but this guy has had an unlucky streak with the ladies. Unlike everyone else, you're one of the nice ones here on campus. You can probably see where I'm going with this."
You nodded, looking back at the embarrassed delinquent busying his gaze with the floor to avoid looking at his friend who was smirking slightly at the response. A gentle tilt of the chin upwards was almost enough to put the boy into cardiac arrest as he instinctively swallowed against your hold. His charcoal eyes meet your (e/c) ones in hesitation,you can see the anxiety building behind them. He watched your lips as you spoke your next words, his ears at attention.
"Shinichiro Sano. 20 rejections? What did you do to scare them off?"
"Too honest and open."
"Speaks before he thinks."
"Being himself is apparently the worst advice to give him..."
You weren't expecting the three boys to list every fuck up the guy made for every girl he potentially had interest in. You almost felt bad for his string of bad luck, but you figured Waka chose you for the most obvious reason.
You didn't have the best track record with dating either. Although you don't like to admit it, you can sympathize with the guy. Girls, as a joke or genuinely, have warned/told you not to get involved with Shinichiro. Social suicide they said, you'll never be able to eat with the little friends or acquaintances you have due to associating with the weirdo, he's not worth it, and so many other disheartening things they spewed from their mouths.
Who were they to tell you not to give the guy a chance? Half of the girls spouting that crap are either dating his friends, fucking with them, or haven't gone out with the guy and are simply regurgitating what everyone else is saying so they don't get the side-eyed by the ones who started spreading the information around. Some say he's bad in bed, others say he's not loyal, one girl said she couldn't stand the smell of smoke from his cigarettes, another said he's impulsive, and so on. They all had something to say about him, never positive things. You would decide, not them. You had a mind of your own and you could tell a person's intentions based on their behavior.
So what if he's bad in bed? Sex ain't everything in a relationship after all.
Most of the girls couldn't say anything about being unfaithful to their lovers when the hypocrisy in their words couldn't have been any louder.
You honestly couldn't say anything about the cigarette smell, but he should quit while his lungs are still healthy and taking in oxygen as they should. The smell is an easy fix, just spritz cologne lightly and it should overpower the nicotine. Some girls don't mind the smell or taste.
As for the impulsive part, that comes with being a teenager. Hormones play a part as well as other factors. You were a bit impulsive yourself so maybe every now and then you say something wild or out of turn that would have the class eyeing you like hawks and wishing you could vanish right then and there in the moment. Perfectly natural for both men, women, and those in between. Nothing new, nothing bad.
Half of the things they listed weren't heinous or anything worth slandering his name for. If not to put these stupid rumors to rest, then just to satisfy your buzzing questions and learn more about the boy who supposedly repels girls away instead of attracting. You don't know what the fuss is about, he's a good looking guy and from the times you've passed by him and his friends, he's a pretty chill and easygoing person. He's never caused trouble, his grades are decent, has no problem with making friends, and you wouldn't assume he's the type of guy who goes around beating up other students to assert his dominance and show off his strength. Shinichiro Sano seems like your average guy who might,one day, work as a mechanic.
"You're L/n-san, right? Y/N? Y-you don't have to if you don't want to... I wouldn't want to waste your time or bring down your reputation by asking you out. I'd only cause problems for you and the guilt would eat at me..."
"What are you talking about? What reputation? I'm not losing anything from going out with you. If anything, I think I wanna be the first girl to ask you out for a date~ If that's alright with you."
You stopped his train of thought right then and there, a smile he swore took the breath from his lungs and made his heart thump hard enough to nearly trigger a panic in him. You asking him ,out of all the guys at school, on a date? He swears up and down his face has never been so hot and red like a cherry tomato before. The smugness of his best friends couldn't have been so loud and visible to the raven-haired delinquent.
It's a big deal because, while you aren't picky about who you date and go out with, you still have standards and on top of that, major trust issues as a result of relationships that have crashed and burned for many reasons you don't want to think about or remember right now.
"Is it cool if I join you guys for lunch period? For once, I don't wanna eat by myself like I usually do. Maybe I can also get to know the gossip topic himself better so I have a better read of him. I have a fairly good idea of who he is,but I wanna hear it from his mouth for myself."
"Y-yeah! It's perfectly fine for you to hang with us! T-the more the merrier right?"
He can't get any cuter or be more of a dork, you thought to yourself with a soft smile. The boys walked you to class and you breezed through most of the lectures with ease. Before you can even squeeze in a little nap, it's lunchtime and unlucky for you, you completely forgot to make yourself lunch this morning before you took off towards the school grounds. You sighed in disappointment,trudging to the roof as you also didn't have enough money for even a little snack to suffice. All you brought with you on the way up was your sketchbook for doodling while you ate, but maybe today was looking up for you.
"Hey. You made it...Did you forget to make yourself lunch before you went to bed again last night?"
The look on your face gave Wakasa his answer, he chuckled as Shinichiro had been telling Benkei that he was saving the extra bento he made to hopefully give to someone (preferably someone who was a good cook) as a taste tester for his cooking. Ever since his little brother and sister started teasing him about being a bad cook, he had become determined to improve his culinary skills in the kitchen to get his rotten little siblings off his back and prove he was a good cook. The lunch he made tasted fine to him, however a second opinion was needed due to his taste being an "unreliable source" to his siblings and grandfather. No more takeout, he would learn to cook for them. Plus, it makes good practice.
"Alright, what idea kept you up this time? I'm assumin' ya jotted it down in your handy sketchbook so let me have a look and see."
While Benkei was distracted by whatever you had stayed up late to work on instead of getting your precious sleep, Takeomi saw the extra lunch Shinichiro made as a perfect opening for the two of you. He nudged their leader and nodded his head over to you to signal him into seizing the golden opportunity to learn more about you. The messy haired bundle of nerves that was Shinichiro gave a subtle nod to his friend's encouragement, sighing deeply as Wakasa sat on one side of you and Benkei sat by Takeomi. You and Shinichiro were sat in the middle as the five of you sat against the fence walls along the school rooftop, Waka seeming to get the same idea that Takeomi had when he remembered the extra bento his friend was holding onto.
"Uh hey Y/n? So I've gotten into cooking recently on account of wanting to get better at it for my lil siblings and grandpa. S-since you forgot to make lunch for today, I figured maybe you could try the extra one I made and have that if you like it. If it's cool with you, I wanna see what you were working on last night too in exchange. If you're not cool with that, I'll still give you the lunch either way!"
You nodded, a bit nervous about showing him the doodles and pieces you scribbled away in the confines of your sketchbook, but you figured it wouldn't hurt for him to see. You didn't think you were the best artist and admittedly didn't think you were good at cooking to really be a good judge of taste testing. Wakasa would shut down any and all belittling of your skills, be your number one cheerleader, and encourage you to pursue your hobby. If you didn't think you were the best cook, shut up. How dare you call his friend a bad cook? He should have you cook something for him and he'll judge it for himself.
Shinichiro traded you the lunch for your sketchbook under the single condition that he didn't laugh and make fun of what you worked on until 2 in the morning before finally falling asleep upon satisfaction of your finished product. Let it be known that you rarely show anyone your work on account of being laughed at and/or bullied for the subject matter of your pieces. You were an anime fan, you liked to watch anime at night and often imagined scenarios between you and your favorite characters from the media, if inspiration struck (more often than not as you're getting ready to go to bed) you would draw said idea in your sketchbook, erasing and redrawing line after line until it looked exactly like your daydream or was close enough to it.
Watching with held breath as the charcoal eyes of Shin glided across the page where your latest piece from the night before sat. He admired each line you drew, the expressions, poses, no space on the filled canvas was left untouched by the observant eyesight of the gang leader. You were so worried about what he thought about your artwork that you hadn't touched the lunch he gave to you. What did he think of the doodles you made? Was he gonna laugh at you too? So many questions flow into your mind, filling your stomach with dread and slowly regretting handing over your sketches.
"I recognize this character! I've seen the anime before, but I can't remember the name. God... What's it called? Oh! A/n (Anime/name)! It was really good!"
"You've seen that anime? Y-you watch anime? I didn't think you were the type to be into that."
"Well, I remember reading the manga for it and thinking 'what's the anime like?' so I watched it and I got invested! This art is really cool! I like the way you drew them, is this your character in the anime? They look really nice."
You smiled, nodding as Shinichiro didn't need you to tell him what was what. He did notice you hadn't touched the lunch he made yet, he looked through the other pages before he was satisfied with taking in your work and committing it to his memory.
Eventually, you opened the bento and found delicious food inside,wafting to your nostrils and making you salivate from the aroma. Shinichiro watched you drool over what he cooked this morning,pride blooming in his chest at the sense of accomplishment but he needed to know if you would eat it. He needed you to take a bite and give him your thoughts on how it came out. Now you were the one being observed closely with bated breath by Shinichiro as you thanked him for the food, bringing a portion up to your lips taking a bite of what you grabbed. The flavor made you tear up with a smile, chewing thoughtfully to savor the taste in your mouth.
You won't forget the looks on their faces as Wakasa cackled from the range of emotion in his friends in response to what you said about Shinichiro and his food. Shinichiro was redder than a strawberry and trying to cover his face, Benkei nearly spit out his food from how wild your response to the food was, and Takeomi was just as flabbergasted if not in utter disbelief at what came out of your mouth. Once Wakasa could breathe somewhat and finally wipe the laugh tears from his lavender eyes, all the snow haired boy had to say was:
"I told you you weren't the only one who blurts out weird shit on impulse! I tooold you!!!"
You hadn't even realized what you said until you saw Shin turn into a tomato with his coal eyes wide open in shock and other things in the mix. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't flattered by the comment on his cooking. It meant he was improving and his practice was starting to pay off. Did you really love what he cooked that much? If so, he'd make a personal note to try and cook more for you in the future. Maybe he could even taste your cooking one day if the date was still gonna happen and it went well. The date was still on and you'd make sure it was fun for the both of you. This date would be the best one that you and Shinichiro had ever been on.
"Ready to go?"
You gave Shinichiro a nod, looking forward to how this date would pan out. Even if the date didn't go well, you would give him the opportunity to take you on another one to make up for it. The two of you had fun riding around together, watching the world pass by as you were behind him on the bike. He'd check on you every few minutes to make sure you were okay, slow down if he felt you were nervous about the speed he was going, he was very accommodating and that alone made the afternoon all the more enjoyable for you.
Shinichiro took you to the movie theater, you had tickets but wouldn't tell him what movie you were seeing. You wanted it to be a surprise,and you had good seats in the back with a perfect view of the screen as long as no one blocked it in the middle row. You two had all kinds of snacks and the best part about this theater was the security doing their job to ensure the watchers had a good time which meant they made sure everyone turned off their phones or put them on silent. If they didn't, well they would "mysteriously lose signal" on their phones and would be forced to go outside to get better reception. If they brought noisy kids, quiet them down or leave. If you stepped out of the viewing room for any other reason besides going to the bathroom or getting more snacks for the movie, you weren't allowed back inside to avoid disrupting the movie for everyone else.
If the adults who were disregarding the viewing room rules of turning off their phones brought kids, the children would have to leave with the parents or whomever the adult in attendance was. They were serious about their jobs and they too respect the rules of the viewing rooms. You had gotten mildly annoyed because as the movie was getting good, that's when the wailing of upset babies, ringing phones, and loud talking began.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Wakasa happened to be in the watch room with the two of you, acting as the discreet wing man once he spotted you both on the way in. Waka did his part and helped jam the signals of any moviegoers who were on the phone when they shouldn't have been. Many complaints followed by irritated teens and adults alike exited the theater to get better reception to their dropped calls or messages they couldn't send, falling into the trap of being kicked out via signal jammers. If they came with kids, the kids would be escorted to their families to avoid the risk of leaving them unsupervised. It's not like they would be allowed to come back inside once they were out anyway.
With the amount of noise now back at acceptable levels, you could hear the movie and enjoy your large shared bucket of popcorn that you got for the two of you to share. Although you both weren't focused on the movie, moreso on one another as you both softly conversed in the back row while munching on your snacks and sipping your respective drinks. Really, you two were using the time to get better acquainted with one another by learning about your common interests and what lives you two lived. By the time you two noticed the movie was nearly over, you felt kinda bad for not watching it because you didn't know what the movie was about.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when Shinichiro admitted he wasn't really focused either. He'd already seen the movie several times so it didn't really matter, but he still had a great time with you and that's all that really mattered at the end of the day. The movie could have been absolute garbage and he'd much rather talk with you than watch it because he really liked you. You'll admit that,on some level, part of you is happy that other girls aren't attracted to Shinichiro and think they're out of his league. Because you aren't too sure you'd have been able to compete otherwise if there had been anyone else that was interested. If it were up to you, you'd keep this handsome,dorky sweetheart of a boy all to yourself and Shinichiro wouldn't mind it. If this is what being loved feels like, then he's all yours and how can he refuse someone as sweet as you if you ever suggested being his one and only lover? He can't and he won't.
I hope I did Shinichiro justice 👉👈 Same with Wakasa and the other boys too, they haven't been animated yet but with how they act in the manga, I assume they're a couple of bros that fuck around and tease their leader about his failing love life. They might shit on him for it but hey, they aren't your friends if they don't at least try to help set you up with someone they think you have a shot with or try to cheer you up if you've been rejected back to back. Bros roast each other but they've got each other's backs when they need it.
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harrysmimi · 7 months
Harry From Bar
Synopsis: One where YN is conflicted but Harry is there to support her.
Ps. Mentions of abortion and religion pls do not read if this is smth bothers you. And if you are planning to read it, keep an open mind and spread no hate. This is just a work of fiction and NOT real life.
More of my work
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YN was sat on her bed in complete and utter and disbelief with her head in the palms of her hand. It is horrible.
"YN!" Her friend, Brielle yelled from her bathroom. "Who's is it? Do you even know?"
"Of course I do, I do not sleep around!" YN defended herself, crying like a baby.
Look, don't take her too seriously. YN doesn't judge other people and their life choices or even let other people do the same in front of her, but she is certainly not the one who would be going out of her way to do the same. She was completely sober when she slept with this guy (so was he) she met at the bar and had a nice two hour chat with. One can say, she let her intrusive thoughts win that day. They very carefully used protection during the entire time.
She quite took on a liking on him. He was charming, adorable and caring most importantly. It is something she was drawn towards. They even exchanged their numbers before she left his place, he texted her to make sure she reach home safely.
His last text read: Perhaps we can meet again?
And her reply was a simple yes to which he reacted with a red heart. And was the end of it. Yes she went down into spiral of the weird betrayed feeling for the first time from someone who she started to grow immediate romantic feelings for. It went on for about a month, she couldn't bring herself to text him. Now this is the third month.
You see YN missed her period for the second time and it did not take her long enough to put two and two together before she was calling her best friend over. This is something serious and had her going down yet another spiral that she had to take two days off work. That isn't like her at all, she loves her job and she hardly ever takes a day off from work. The entire point of her moving to a completely different country was her work.
"Then who is he?" Brielle asked, pulling YN back down to earth.
"The guy I met at the bar three months ago." YN let out a sigh and quickly added, "I haven't dared to sleep with anyone else, before you say anything!"
"Oh okay!" Brielle sighed, "do you want to keep it?"
"I, I, I honestly don't know." YN shrugged, "I mean I am certainly not ready for it and my grandfather and dad and brother will have me buried alive if they find out."
"Who cares about them!" Her friend sighed again and sat down next to her, "it's your body, do whatever the fuck you want to!"
"I know Brielle, but..." YN stopped herself, "I need to talk to him. But I don't know if I should call him or text him."
"Duh! Call him over!"
"I am scared, what if he thinks I am just to trap him? I quite liked him, we were going to see each other again soon but it never happened." And it started, YN cried her eyes out for next hour and half.
It's not a challenge for her to bring a human into the world and raise it, she is definitely financially capable of that, but she is not mentally or emotionally capable to do so. She still has so much to grow in her life and having a baby was further down her list of priorities, most probably after marriage.
Truth is, YN had been sulking around for about a week think the same and a pink plastic stick just brought her fears into reality for her. She's been contemplating her entire life since then.
"He is not going to think that." Brielle assured her friend, "if he does, we're going to kick him to the curb where he belongs and move on."
"It's not that easy." YN shook her head still sniffling on her tears. "I, I, I am going to text him, I can't talk right now."
"Okay, let's do it." Brielle urged her and YN finally texted the guy. Just by the start of the morning three days later she got a reply back.
Harry from Bar
- Hi, this is not Harry.
- I am Jasmine
- This number doesn't belong to him anymore I recently got this :)
That made her heart drop to her stomach. And she was all alone. Her best friend had gone home. It was luckily a Sunday for her and she had to go grocery shopping, even though she didn't wanted to she's still got to eat. She still got her reusable bag and drove to the grocery store.
She has been asking her pregnant cousin what she can eat and can't eat indirectly because she has no idea what to do.
It's just so confusing!
She picked out mostly junk food which she found appetising, which contained chips, ice cream, bread and butter and some other healthier options too. Lately she has been too exhausted to even cook herself meals for the whole day.
Just as YN was loading her bags in the back seat of her car she saw the guy from the bar walking into store with a girl. He had his arm around her shoulder. Now YN knew who it was, the girl was his sister. He'd shown her the pictures when he was sharing his weekend's experience with her that night.
Just as she was about done he saw her and approached her excusing himself from his sister. Luckily she had her sun glasses on to hide her swollen eyes from crying so much. Though her red cheeks and nose would be pretty evident.
"Hey, YN!" He chirped.
"Hi." She smiled shutting her car door.
"Haven't seen you in a long time." He started, "actually, let me rephrase that I wasn't in town for a few months so couldn't get back to you."
"Oh, I, I texted you yesterday." She started, still sniffling from her tears from three hours ago. "You changed your number."
"Oh, yeah." He smiled sheepishly, "I lost my phone and we couldn't find it. They gave me a new number, also lost all of my contacts. You sound sick, you alright love?"
"Yeah, I, uhhhhh, I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Yeah, what is it?" Now she had his undivided attention, which intimidated her even more to approach the conversation.
"Not, not here please. Can we like go somewhere private?" She could hear her heart thump in her ears.
"Okay, you wanna go to mine?" He asked.
"I, I have groceries in my car. It's not that urgent anyway." Harry could tell it is indeed something urgent and she is making excuses.
"Then we can go to yours." He announced, "I will tell my sister she can take my car, we can go to your place and talk."
YN just nodded in agreement. He just walked over to his sister for a minute meanwhile YN got herself a few seconds to gather herself up. She's been going through a shit ton of emotional turmoil and, balancing a very demanding job with very little food and nutrition was never a challenge for her but with a growing fetus inside in a different story. Her lifestyle works for her, but it is not working while she is clearly pregnant. She knew she shouldn't have gotten that ultrasound there it's fucked her up emotionally even more.
"Okay shall we go?" Harry came back to her.
"Mhmm." She nodded. She some how managed to drive to her place and Harry carried all her groceries upto her flat for her. "You want water? Or tea, or coffee?"
"Water is fine, thank you." He nodded.
"Please, have a seat." She insisted as she reached for a glass. He watched her as he sat on the bar stool behind the kitchen counter. The flat with a loft bedroom was small yet incredibly lavish and luxurious looking, maybe it's the way she has it all set up. He also noticed she haven't taken off her sunglasses yet. She sat the glass of water in front of him and walked around the country. "I will be back, just a second." She went into her bedroom upstairs and came back down with a with a blue folder and without her sunglasses.
"You alright YN?" He asked, now clearly worried seeing her red puffy eyes.
"I don't know how to tell you," her voice cracked as she tried not to cry but her eyes were pooled up with tears.
"Hey, what happened?" He was quick to get off his seat and go hug her the first thing. "It's okay. It's okay, I promise!" She wrapped her arms around him. "You can tell me, that's okay." He caressed the back of her head as she had her face buried in his white shirt.
"I, I, I am pregnant and I don't know what to do!" She cried out in muffles, "it's yours I promise!"
"Hey, hey, hey I want you to take in a deep breath for me, okay?" He guided her through the breathing exercise to get her to calm down a little. She just looked at him with guilt and hope in her eyes, "look, I trust you. Look at you, you've gone all pale come and sit on the sofa." He walked her to the sofa quickly fetched her a glass of water. "You need time to gather yourself?" To which she nodded.
Harry sat there in silence. Well, this wasn't the first time for him to go through a scare like. Certainly his past girlfriends went through similar situations but all of those have turned out to be negative, this time it turned out to be positive with a girl he knew only for two hours.
Well, he was quite smitten by her. And to be honest he really couldn't stop thinking about all these months, if it weren't for his phone getting lost he would have asked her out. He even visited the same bar a couple of time hoping to see her there, but he didn't and he eventually had to go on the tour in America. He'd nust gotten back home a two days ago and now he's gotten the news that he could potentially be a dad now.
But, whatever YN wishes to do. She seems very conflicted to him. If she choses to not keep it, he'd support her. If she choses to keep it, he'd support her anyway and step up to be a present dad regardless of where his relation with her leads.
They both sat there for what seemed like to be hours but in reality it's just been ten minutes. "Can you please fetch that folder?"
"Yeah." Harry quickly got up and brought her the blue folder, from which she took out a few reports.
"Got these pictures yesterday when I went for the appointment." She showed him the grainy ultrasound pictures, a seahorse looking silhouette was the cutest thing ever, it took his breath away.
"Oh, I see them!" He whispered, pointing his finger to the obvious human fetus silhouette. His eyes pooled up with tears.
"Yeah." She nodded and they both sat in silence again, or at least Harry could feel his heart thumping in his ears.
"Oh my god!" He took in a deep breath to face the conversation, "you want to keep it?"
"I don't know." She looked down at her hands in her lap, "I don't know honestly. But if you don't want to have to do anything with this matter, I understand."
"Don't say that." He moved closer to her carefully, "I want to be there to support you, no matter what your decision is. At the end of the day it's your body you're going to house a human for nine months in."
"Do you want it?" She asked, "don't give me a diplomatic answer please."
"I do want a baby, I want to be a dad one day or other, yeah. I think I'd want this little one." He admitted after yet another silent pause from him. "I don't want you to base your decision on what I want YN."
"I know." She nodded, "I know I will be a bad mother, I am not emotional there to be a parent plus I'd have to deal with my family for getting pregnant like this. But I don't want to get rid of it, I know this will sound stupid but I don't think that's the right thing to do with an innocent life. I don't want to kill it."
"It's not stupid, your feelings are valid." He took her hand in his into a gentle hold, "if you don't feel ready for it, I say don't do it. Even though you'd have plenty of time to prepare, but if you really think you can't, then you shouldn't have to."
"You are not helping." She started sobbing again.
"Hey, can I hug you?" He asked carefully approaching her to which she responded with just curling up next to him, he wrapped his arms around her. "What do you want now? And be honest with me, please."
"I want to focus on my career." She shared, "it sounds mean, but I am really not ready. It's going to be a big conflict as well because I am not married I just don't know what to do!"
"Hey, first off all, your feelings are not stupid." Harry corrected her, "you don't want the baby?"
"I don't know, but I know if I have this baby I won't be able to be there for him or her. I am not ready!" She sobbed again.
"Hey look, you don't have to." He announced, "you want me to go with you?"
"You will?"
"Of course, I would!" He squeezed her in his arms gently, "look you shouldn't feel guilty for putting yourself first. It's very important you that, yes it is difficult to make these kind of decisions. But put yourself first."
"Okay." She nodded, now slowly pulling away from him not wanting to make things awkward. "Did the condom really broke?"
"You want me to be honest?" He asked with a guilty look on his red face, she nodded, "I don't know honestly, got in bed immediately after we cleaned up. I swear I would have told you."
"I trust you." And to be fair she does, the man was asking for consent at every little thing. She was also fully present in the moment.
"Did you eat something?" He asked just to get a nod of her head in answer in disagreement, "you want me to make you something? Did you get pasta?"
"Yeah." She sniffled.
"I'll go make you some pasta." He placed a delicate kiss on her head before he was off to kitchen.
"Wait, you can cook?"
"That's sounds surprising doesn't it?" He chuckled, "well, turns out I can't keep a cook as I travel so much so had to learn to cook for myself." She just gave him a small smile.
In no time Harry was done with some delicious pasta, he plated up two plates and brought them back to the sofa just to run back and get water. YN honestly did not feel like eating but she felt too guilty to let all of his hard work go to waste. It was pretty good actually, she liked it.
"I, I, will make an appointment for Tuesday then." She spoke breaking the silence between the cutlery clinking on the ceramic plates.
"Sure!" He agreed, "I will give you my new number you can text me, I will come and pick you up."
"Mhmmm." She nodded again.
That was about it for the afternoon. Harry did gave her his new number and promised not to loose it or have it saved somewhere so if he looses it he can reach out to her this time.
Tuesday rolled around and Harry was anxiously waiting for YN's text. It was way too early in the morning, but he was still ready for her text whenever she is.
To be honest, Harry really never got over the fact he still wants to see where things would go with YN if they both gave it a chance. He is just not so sure about how she would take it now given the situations. He is really smitten by her, so much, he will admit it shamelessly. He still finds himself grinning like an idiot when he thinks about their first interaction.
How she thought he was his own doppelganger, how she mocked him for solid fifteen minutes with an untouched wine glass in her hand. In her opinion she'd rather spend four pounds on the cheapest glass of wine even if she doesn't drink to keep the creepy men away from her.
She talked to him, apparently he wasn't being creepy and did not ask to buy her a drink. And most probably because she was having so much fun mocking him and laughing. He still doesn't know how that night happened honestly. It was blissful.
To pull him out of his day dreaming his phone started ringing, it was of course YN.
"Hello love, good morning!" He said as he answered the call, sounding way too excited.
"Hey, good morning." Her morning did not sound so good, "I called in the clinic yesterday after work they said they couldn't fit me in, and I like already took next three days off. Do, do you think you can me out here? Now I know I should have called them earlier but I had to run in early for work, there was this important thing I had to get to which I had been putting off..."
"Hey, look you don't have to explain yourself." He assured her, "let me make a few calls and we'll take care of it okay?"
"Okay." He let out a sigh, "please call me back, I'll call my friend too."
"I promise, will call you back. Give me half an hour." He reassured her again before the call was ended.
He called in his manager, and the hardest calls to make were to his mum and sister. He needed their opinions okay. He doesn't know if either of them have been into this situation but he hoped they could help. His sister told him about her friend who is a doctor at this private clinic, who she had referred her other friends too. Luckily both, his mum and sister were so nice and cool about it. To ease his nerves, it was good. Amazing actually!
He had called in the clinic and they actually had few slots open for an appointment, he made sure with YN first before booking one. Rest assure he wasn't ready for the questions she bombarded him with when he went to pick her up. The clinic wasn't so far away from her place actually.
Harry spent his entire Sunday night and all Monday researching about the pregnancy and everything which came with it. And everything about the abortion.
"Harry, it is a private clinic, I really can't afford it. Do you think they'll charge to cancel the appointment?" She panicked when he told the name of the clinic.
"Don't worry about it, we'll take of it."
"No, no, nope! I really can't afford it." She started to get stressed.
Actually she had spent more at hospital these past few weeks than she had her entire life. She had to actually dip into her savings which she was going to use to buy the flat she is living in. Maybe in a couple more years, or at least before he lease ends as her landlord was really looking to sell the property. And it was eating at her that a huge chunk of her savings went to something she could so surely avoided from happening.
"Let's just go in okay, let's just see what they say first." He parked his car and got out to get the door for her. YN was clearly nervous the whole time.
She had gone in for the procedure alone actually, she could apparently go home by the evening they said. If things seem good, or they'd have to keep her in for the night. Which none of them were prepared for. Harry had to wait outside for about an hour before he was told he could see her in the recovery room.
"Hey love, you doing alright?" He asked as he carefully entered the room. A nurse was checking up on her there.
"She is a bit drowsy, let her sleep if she wants to." The nurse informed, "she is doing well, you can probably take her home by evening." He smiled at Harry before he was out.
"Thank you." Harry acknowledged the nurse and carefully sat beside YN on the edge of her bed.
"You are blurry." She shared.
"You are under a lot of meds right now love." He shared, "you want to take a nap?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, "I, I want to lay on my side but I can't move."
"You want me to help you?" He offered already helping her to lie on her side, well, she did it on her own anyway, "is it better now?"
"I'll wait here for you, okay?"
"Thanks." Her eyes were already closed shut.
Harry sat right next to her for next three hours as she took a much needed nap. He found some old magazine to keep himself occupied, he read almost every little gossip and random facts column. He got to know ketchup was once used at medicine and shrimp's heart is in it's brain. Totally weird as fuck!
None the less YN was up in a couple of hours. She was doing well.
"Hi!" He greeted her as he placed the magazine down.
"Hi." She smiled back.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked watching her carefully, her forehead was all sweaty.
"I am warm, I don't know." She yawned.
"Want me to turn up the AC?" He asked to which she nodded in yes, he did so after he found the remote, "you need a minute or do you want me to call a nurse?"
"I don't want to see anyone right now, there were like five people there." She shared.
"Mhmm, do you need something?"
"Nope, I am good, thank you!" She smiled again now lying on her back.
"You did so great, the nurse said you can be discharged by evening hopefully." He shared, "what do you want for dinner, it's my treat."
"Oh, can we get burgers? I am really craving those I don't why!" She chuckled weakly making him grin showing off his dimples.
"Sure, anything you want, love." He carefully leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead. It felt natural in the moment but he felt awkward real quick. "Hey, can I ask you something real quick? I don't know, it might be a bit of a wrong time to do so."
"What is it?" She let her hed relax more into her pillow, still teensy bit drowsy from the medications but technically sober and in her consensus. Harry took a hold of her hand, the pad of his thumb rubbing over her knuckles.
"How, how about after you're feeling better and have rested well enough, we, we— I mean you and I can go grab dinner sometime?" He asked nervously, he is a little scared to be honest but he's trying his best to act cool. "I mean like a date. I've always wanted to ask you out to be honest!" A soft embarrassed chuckle left his mouth.
"A date?"
"Yeah, only if you want it to be." He added quickly.
"You, you sure you want that?" YN asked, her eyes welling up with tears in instance. In her defence she was starting to get cramps now, bht it was just the partial reason of her getting emotional.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He announced more than making it sound like a question, "was going to ask you out the same day but got a last minute call from my manager and then shit happened. Hey, why are you crying?"
"You're asking me for a date, I just got rid of your and my baby." She pointed out feeling guilty.
"Hey, hey, hey that's not why I asked you out my love, it's because I genuinely like you!" He announced to her, "I just want to get to know you, you are the most genuine person I've met in a very, very long time now. And you placed yourself first, don't have to be guilty about it. You know I wish I would have asked this the very morning I booked you that cab back to yours. I wish I wouldn't have lost my phone then."
"Yes!" He chuckled, finding her red nose now adorably funny, "I really do feel that way. Not asking you out just because I got you pregnant, lovie. I really do like you a lot!"
"I qm going to cry, stop!" And her voice was choking already as she spoke, which made Harry pull her in a warm and tight embrace.
"I respect your choice YN, that's the bare minimum I could do, you deserve so much more." He whispered in her ear.
It's been weighing on her heart, when growing up all she was taught that when she finally get married and get pregnant she has to keep that child and care for it, it's her duty to do so. If she felt otherwise, she was being ungrateful of the great gift. Her family is very religious, still. And by-product of that belief is herself and other five of her siblings. Though it is going to take time to get over those internalised misogyny, she hopes she can over come those really.
She really do wants kids, she is not sure how or when yet, but she does. This time felt just way too wrong to her. She can barely take care of herself let alone take care a whole new human and teach it how to go by their day and manage their emotions. It is definitely much more than just being able to financially take care of someone.
After what felt like whole ten minutes but actually had just been a minute Harry tried to pull away but YN wouldn't let him. "No, please don't."
"Oh, no I won't darling." He held her tight again, "you'd still let me take you out?"
"Yes!" She chuckled softly. "I want to get out of the hospital first please!"
"Mhmm, for that you'll have to let me go so I can go and get a nurse." He informed her.
"Oh, yeah..." He let go of him reluctantly.
"I'll give you all the cuddles you want, first let's get you out of here." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Soon they were out of the hospital and back at YN's. Harry was already planning a perfect date in his mind, given YN was adviced to rest (not bed rest) for a couple of days.
The next night Harry gave up and cooked up a nice and hearty meal for for both of them, they called it a date. According to Harry, that's the most romantic gesture he's ever done for anyone. Everything was starting to look like it was going to be fine.
N O T E:
Okay, so pls bare with me, my brain is a bit rusted lately. I apologise if this one sucks. I tried my best.
Also, pls feel to point out any typos, or not. I do not have time to go ahead and proof read this. I have to catch up on sleep. Hehe.
Hope you like it!!!
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txtistheloml · 8 months
soobin being jealous over something seemingly small but to him is a big deal !! do with this what you will 👀👀 (sfw or nsfw) i think he’s so silly especially in that recent video where he keeps denying being chosen as one of the sleepy members hehe
making it pretty bc i have too much time on my hands lmao
hug me - choi . sb
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pairing! - soobin x gn!reader
genre! - fluff
warnings! - silly jealous soob, kissing?, petnames (baby), enjoy the cutesy haha, not proofread bfhhrhsd
word count! - 762
a/n! - hope you enjoy anonie! i made it sfw bcs it seems like moablr is always in heat haha also idk what those people are called like those ppl who are stationed at a carnival booth yeaa
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“I want that one soob! can you get it?” you chime in excitement as you point to a big penguin stuffy to soobin, doe eyes sparkling as you think about being able to bring the adorable stuffy home to add to your collection.
“That one? I’ll try baby,” he says, laughing at your adorable nods as he hands the game guy money to play the game.
Sure the game was presumably easy, but when you tried to score the stuffy of your dreams, it was the complete opposite of easy.
Soobin had been watching you try to win the stuffy from the start, standing at the side and cheering you on, handing you the money when you wanted to go again, reluctant to give up your stuffy.
Being the absolute sweetheart he was, he couldn't have said 'no' when you turned towards him, lips all pouty and sadness painted over your face, asking for help.
Could he..?
Well surely, he should have convinced you to give it up then because he was having second thoughts about helping you to get that stupid penguin stuffy that you were so dearly attached to.
It only took soobin a couple tries to win you that penguin surprisingly, given his athletic ability, and at that moment he was happy to make the love of his life happy.
But now, it seemed as if you loved the stuffy more than you loved soobin.
The issue might seem minor to other people but it was most definitely a big deal to him and as much as he hated to admit it, he was indeed jealous of the penguin.
Seeing it caged in your arms during movie night, waking up to engulf you in a hug in the middle of the night only to realise you were cuddling the penguin fondly when it should have been him being caged in your arms, and him you were cuddling instead of the stupid penguin.
He should be the one receiving your love and attention not the penguin.
Well you could say his silliness had gone to his brain at some point and he let his intrusive thoughts win.
Soobin was just coming home that day from work as usual, but today he wasn't met with you who would usually jump into his arms and attacking him with kisses so he assumed you were sleeping.
He gently pushed the door open as he entered your shared bedroom, to be met with the sight of your figure covered with the blanket and he could even hear your soft snores that he found extremely adorable.
A smile was tugging on his lips and his heart swelled at the immense love he felt for you as he made his way over to you.
Walking closer, he could see that you were hugging the penguin stuffy closely to your chest as you snuggled your face into it.
Soobin's smile was soon replaced by a pout, that you would surely think was adorable if you were awake, and he was strutting over to you.
He pried your arms off the penguin as carefully as he could to not wake you up, then tossing it on the floor, not before giving it a glare, and climbing into bed with you and wrapping you up in his arms.
If him prying the penguin off didn't wake you, the hug definitely did.
"soob? you're home, I missed you- wait where's the penguin?" you ask half-awakenly as you hurriedly sit up to scan the room, only to find it lying pitifully on the floor.
"how'd it get there..?" you muse as you turn to look at soobin who only stuffed his face into your stomach even more before it all clicked.
Your jaw quite literally dropped as you turned to soobin and said, "baby- you can't be actually serious right now!" breaking into laughter soon after as you lie back down to come to face to face with soobin, seeking for an explanation.
"You were giving it so much attention. I don't like it n/n." pouting at you as you continue cackling at the silliness of this.
"hug me." was all he uttered as he opened his arms wide, ready to claim his lover back from the penguin stuffy that he had somehow started to grow a sense of hatred and jealousy for.
Needless to say, you cuddled with him all night and gave him loads of kisses to soothe his jealousy away.
Maybe if you give soobin enough attention to keep him content, he'll let you keep his 'rival' around...
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taglist: @huckleberrykai (send an ask if uw to be added ,, make sure to specify sfw or nsfw!)
feedback along with likes and reblogs are always appreciated !!
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willyoubemycherryy · 3 months
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❥𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝐽𝑜𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑧’𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑔𝑓...٩(◕‿◕。)۶𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒔!
Warnings: innocent victimless pranks😇, disturbing his peace, some suggestive lines here and there, she’s a headache but one he loveeees getting folks😂💕
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“𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚, 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒐...𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚...”
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._(✿ ❤︎︎‿❤︎︎)(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(≧◡≦) ♡( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡•..~
Its been about a week ago since Joe had attacked your poor cheek and persons with his cutesy bullying….
And you’ve been making good on your vow to get him back.
By inconveniencing him in every way you could.
Letting your intrusive thoughts win every time, It had gotten so bad that even the boys on the team knew about it.
Shorty especially got a kick out of it.
Like that time when Joe came to practice with red lips all over the ass of his shorts, kissed personally by yours truly.
“That color’s workin for you Rantz!”, he teases as some of others whistle when they catch on. Joe, however, is confused.
“What are you talkin’ about?”
The very mature answer he gets, comes in the form of various obnoxious kissing sounds.
They’re on their way to the boat when he catches one of his coaches try and fail to hide their smirk before he notices his reflection out the corner of his eye in the water. Breath catching in his throat, he’s flushing the same shade of red when sees it.
The deep red, lip-shaped stains all over the seat of his shorts. He had so many questions but none of them about who left them.
He had some clues as to why but not how. Unfortunately, that was only the beginning.
From leaving marks on his persons without him catching on, getting him riled up then leaving, pinching his butt and messing with him by insisting you didn’t know what he was talking about when he called you on it; to spraying the inside of his backpack with your perfume and watching him freeze in class the next day when he opens it and your scent, along with a few choice memories tied to it, hit him in the face. Looking away quickly when he snaps his head up at you.
And you deserved an award for how well you’d play good girl. Wiping the smirk off your face with record speed, assuming the look of utmost innocence before looking up at him through your lashes. Pouting, “why I’d never, honest.”
To prove that you definitely would, Joe decided to test you. Doing everything you like in a day and seeing if you’d tease and flit away or jump him like you usually did.
You were both out in the water after the sun had gone down and you were sitting in his lap while he tried to “teach” you how to row.
Blanks weren’t the only thing about to get filled.
Until, you push away from his wandering hands and lips to sit as far as you can.
Pinching your lips in as you smile, “well look at the time. Guess we should be heading back now..” and that’s when he gets it.
“You’re still mad huh? That’s why you’ve been actin’ up so much.” Of course you let him off the hook. It was so you could get him back.
Then since the jig is up…
“Duh I’m still mad! You laughed at me for like 10 minutes straight! You…you bullied me,” dropping your voice at that last line, so he can hear the pout.
Smiling, Joe shakes his head with a huff amusement. There’s his dramatic girl. Making sure the oars are secure, he reaches across and pulls you back into him.
“Alright sweets. I shouldn’t have laughed like that. That wasn’t very nice of me, to you, who’s never bothered me.” You definitely have bothered him and on multiple occasions but he’s being sweet and a little sarcastic which is your weakness. You’re just too fond of him. Breaking into a grin, you giggle prettily. Making his heart swell in adoration as he looks at you.
“Forgive me?” Obviously. You throw your arms around his neck, nodding happily.
The war was officially over.
“Good. Now, was the lunchbox with ‘from your big sexy girlfriend who wears the pants in the relationship’ written on top of it necessary?” Ahh yes. You may have went a drop overboard.
But if it’s one thing you are: it’s shameless and unrepentant. Blushing, you nod again.
“Absolutely necessary”.
Pecking his full lips and pulling away with a wink.
Cheeky. What was he going to do with you?
Grabbing the oars with you snuggled happily in his lap, Joe starts to row you two back. Feeling content that out of everyone you could have been “inconveniencing” with the loveliness of your presence, you chose him.
It’s that thought with the feel of you cuddled all over him that has him grinning ear to ear all the way back.
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