#He wouldn't lie to Dream's face if he's asked about it and has a moment to consider
magnusbae · 2 years
Now hear me out, instead of Hob recoiling in bashful shame upon being caught on his feelings towards Dream, where he unconsciously been seeking to court Dream, asking him out on boyfriend dates and not friend dates without even realizing it—so instead of being embarrassed, ashamed or upset— he just tilts his head, furrows his eyebrows in thought and goes "Yes, yes I do".
Because that is the truth, he would love to have Dream as a boyfriend, and while the thought sets a warm blush across his cheeks, he is not ashamed of it, nor is he afraid to be caught. He had called Dream lonely to his face (a mistake, really) and had lived to tell the tale.
He'd survive this, also.
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hunterwritings · 8 months
𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 | 𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐤𝐮𝐞𝐢 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨
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summary: "Hey! I was wondering if you can write headcannons on the Lin Kuei trio being touch-starved? 😁" warnings: none i think notes: THIS IS THE GOOD SHIT
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↳ 𝐁𝐢-𝐡𝐚𝐧
i have a firm belief that this man is extremely touch-starved
Bi-han would never admit that he's touch-starved, in words at least
Physical affection is something Bi-han doesn't like to show in public, unless he is extremely stressed or he's trying to let someone else know that you're with him. If he sees Johnny playfully flirting with you, oh you better believe his hands are all over you. "C'mon gorgeous, you're made for the big screen! I bet millions of other people would agree with me, would make a lot of money in the box office too." Johnny smirked as he leaned back against his chair looking up at you. "Uh huh, very funny Cage." You rolled your eyes. Before Johnny could continue his hopeless flirting, you feel a cold hand wrap around you waist. You turn your head to see Bi-han standing behind you, he pulls you closer and lies his chin on your shoulder with his eyes glaring at Johnny. Oh if looks could kill, Johnny would be a dead man. "Woah there Blueberry Icee! I mean no harm!" He laughs and holds his hands up in defense. Bi-han just grumbles in response as he pulls you away from Johnny and walks away with you, his hands never leaving your waist.
Another scenario with Bi-han being very touchy, is when the two of you are lying down to go to sleep. This time in Bi-han's eyes is one of the best times of the day for him. It's the time when he doesn't have to keep that powerful aura to be a good leader, he can wind down and just relax with you in his arms. He holds your head close to his chest as he wraps his arms around your body. He has one of his hands caressing your head as he looks down at you, admiring everything about you. He wishes he could hold you like this forever and protect you from any harm that ever comes your way.
↳ 𝐊𝐮𝐚𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠
Kuai Liang is the type of person to see that he is touch-starved until he meets you.
When you two are together, he now sees how much he wants to hold you, to kiss you, to hold you in his arms. He would give anything to have you near him at all times.
Of course he wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way, so he might hold back on wrapping his arms around you or kissing you in public at times. Until you tell him it's okay, then he wouldn't even dream of removing his hands from you.
He loves walking hand-in-hand with you, to feel your cold hand against his warm skin. It was the embodiment of relief to him.
There are many moments when you will be doing everyday tasks and Kuai Liang will just come up and hold you.
You stood at the edge of the stove, cooking dinner for you and your husband when you felt two warm hands wrap around your waist. A chuckle escaped your lips as you felt him lie his head on your shoulder, softly leaning against your head. "Do you need any help, my love?" He asks as he presses a kiss to your shoulder. "No, honey, I'm alright." You smile and lean your head against his. He smiled and pulled his head back to press his forehead against your shoulder as his large arms tightened around your waist. "You don't have to stay here with me if you don't want to." You reminded him, bringing one of your hands behind you to lie on top of his soft hair. "I know." He quietly responds. You can't help but turn around and face him. You reach your arms up to wrap around his shoulder as he never moves his arms from your waist. The look he gives you is pure awe, as if he had never seen anything so angelic in his life. He could never get tired of looking at you. You pull him close to you and press a sweet kiss to his lips, hearing him sigh of relief as soon as kissed him. He could never be stressed as long as he knew you were around.
↳ 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬
Tomas is a bit more shy when it comes to his relationship, it takes him a while to confess to his partner and even longer to initiate physical affection with you. He wants to hold his partner in his arms for all of eternity if he could, he wants to always keep you near him.
Tomas is almost like a lost animal, he wants to follow you around everywhere you go.
He likes the idea of being near you to protect you and show other people that you are with him. Though, most of the time it might have to be you that initiates physical affection while in public.
When the two of you are very close, it would be easier for him to hold you and touch you without feeling anxious.
He likes to caress your face and analyze every single detail of it. Every freckle, every scar, every color, he doesn't care, he just loves every single detail about you. There will be many times when the two of you are talking and Tomas would hold your face in his hands as he tried his best to listen to you.
You sat at one of the dining tables, sitting next to Tomas with your chair facing his as you held a small notebook with your training plans for the new initiates. "I was thinking of starting to train them at dusk and then continue throughout the day." You started to explain, looking down at your notebook. Tomas's eyes were dead set on you as he leaned his head against the palm of his hand, his arm resting against the wooden table. His eyes scanned your face as you spoke, trying his hardest to listen to your words but all he could focus on was your face. "Tomas, I feel like you're not listening to me." You raise your eyebrow at him as he silently snaps back into reality. "I am listening to you." He quietly says, reaching his hand up to lie on the side of your face, his thumb caressing over your cheek. "Really? Then what did I just say?" You smile, reaching your hand up to lie on top of his. "Um.." He trails off before the two of you laugh. "I'm sorry, it's so hard when you are this beautiful." He says as he reaches down to your chair and pulls you even closer to him. Now both of his hands rest on either side of your face as he presses his forehead against yours. "I wish I could stay like this forever." He whispers as he exhales deeply. "Maybe there will be a time when we can." You smile before leaning into him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
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barcalover86 · 4 months
I am not allowed to love you
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Summary: You are too young for Gavi, but he can't help but fall in love.
Request : I'll request one Gavi fic where he rejected the reader 'cause she was a fan and younger so he didn't wanna get in some scandal, but some months later she starts to work as his maid since his parents decided to not live with him anymore, and he starts to realize she's a good person and not some gold digger as he thought she was, and the moment he realizes it, he has a breakdown and she helps him with it
Ever since you were 15 years old, you started to see Gavi all over tik tok because of his amazing football skills. You first thought that he was another boy overrated by girls who are only looking for hot boys, but then you started to see his soft part.
Just then, you caught yourself saving all videos of him with kids or smiling, laughing, and then you realized how beautiful he actually was.
After some days, you discovered his interviews, and you were absolutely in love with his voice and personality.
He was a shy boy who would do everything for what he loves. But then you started to think how would he react if he was your boyfriend.
And just as a joke, you started to imagine him with you.
Type of scenarios when you would go to his games to support him or when you'd be kissing. You even thought about how he was in bad. Sweet or posesive. Let's just say that you thought about him a lot. Way too more than you should have.
Since you were still in school, it was harder to concentrate because your mind was only on Gavi.
Gavi, Gavi, Gavi.
Then people started to notice you, and of course, you started to be asked if some guy caught your eye. And you didn't want to lie, so you told them about the mystery boy.
They only laughed, telling you that he is a celebrity and he has already a thousand of girls.
Well, you didn't really believe them. Yes, he could have a thousand girls per day, but you were sure he didn't. You saw him as a good guy. Or so you hoped he was.
But somehow you knew that you had 0 chances with him.
But if the universe wanted you to fall in love with him, then it won't be in vain.
Now that was 2 years ago, and ever since the day he appeared on your fyp, you couldn't stop thinking about him.
Even yourself, though, that it wouldn't last more than 4-5 months, but you were so wrong because years had passed and you just couldn't ger over him.
People were telling you that you were wasting your teenage years because of some Spanish boy that you could never have. That you won't experience teenage love anymore. They were hard on you.
Even you tried to stop your feelings for him by not watching his games and videos anymore, but Gavi was still on your mind.
Every single day.
You were walking around Barcelona, trying to find a place where you could work at only 17.
Your parents agreed to you moving to another city for college and Barcelona was the perfect one for you.
But they had one condition. You'd have to pay for everything.
You had 4 more months until you finished school and 8 more months until you started college. So you had enough time to earn money, but you knew that you have to move to Barcelona earlier to get known with the city you'll live for at least 4 years.
And while you were trying to look for anything that could help you, you suddenly bumped into Pablo Gavi.
You looked up at him, apologizing, and he smiled politely at you.
You were stunned and could believe that the boy you were dreaming about for years was right in front of you. And he was even more beautiful in real life.
He started to walk away, but you told him to stop. He turned around confused, and you asked him for a picture.
He nodded and you took your phone out of your pocket with shaking hands.
"Calm down, I'm not going anywhere. " he laughed.
You were now really embarrassed and your face got all red.
He moved his head closer to yours, and your ears touched. You felt like you were about to explode because of how happy you were in that moment.
"Thank you so much! I'm a really big fan of you, and I only wish you good luck."
He smiled and thanked you before walking away fast.
After he was gone, you looked at the photo for more than 10 minutes. He was so, so pretty.
You were back home to your parents, and you sadly told them that you found nothing.
"You even tried online?"
"Yes, mama. No one wants a 17 year old girl, and I'm turning 18 in 9 months! It'll be too late."
You were really sad and your parents felt sorry for you. But they couldn't afford college right now. At least not one from Barcelona. They agreed with giving you some money, but it wasn't enough. You still had to work.
After days of searching, your mom finally found something for you and you couldn't be more happier.
The thing was that you had to be a maid for a house in Barcelona, and you had to continue your studies. That meant 6h of traveling with the train every single day.
You knew it wasn't what you wanted, but you dreamt about going to the best college in Barcelona since you were only a kid. And you'll work for it!
You packed your things and in two days you had to move out.
You started to feel really sad, but your family and friends told you that it was alright. You'll see them at school anyway.
You knew it was going to be a hard period of your life, but you were willing to at least give it a try. If you can't take it, then you'll give up work. That simple.
After a 3h drive with the train, you arrived in Barcelona. It was a really hot day and your head started to hurt.
You looked then for a taxi so you could arrive to the house you'd stay for the next weeks and you thanked God it wasn't that far away so you didn't pay that much.
You knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.
A woman opened it, and you felt like you saw her somewhere. At least she was polite and super nice so that meant like you'd have a great time being her maid.
Or at least that's what you thought.
"Hello, y/n! Your mother told me how much you need this job. At first, I didn't agree to it because.. well, you'll be in a house with a 19 year old boy.."
You were shocked. A 19 year old boy?
"So I won't be your maid..?"
"I'm really sorry. I agreed to it because I feel like you are a good person who only wants to concentrate on her studies. My son, the boy you'll have to take care of, is as well a good boy, and he won't make you feel uncomfortable. The thing is that he didn't agree to be taken care of by a 17 year old girl.. you can imagine why. But I'm sure he'll understand later. So please, be patient. That's all I'm asking."
You nodded sadly. Why should you have to take care of a 19 year old boy!? You get that you'll clean the house and all, but do you also have to watch him all the time? Is he a rebel or what?
"Now come on, I'll introduce you to him."
She walks you to the living room. You couldn't lie, the house was really beautiful.
"Y/n, this is Pablo."
You immediately look at the boy.
How the fu-
"Pablo, this is y/n. The maid."
He seemed to recognize you as well, and he only laughed.
"She has to take care of me? She won't even be able to help me get up!" he says and you look at his hurt leg.
You assumed that he had just gotten out of surgery because of his injury from a Spain game.
You then look down embarrassed. He was right about it.
His mother looks at him with a warning look.
After that, she tells you some important things like when you should give Gavi medicine or what he is allowed and not to eat, then she leaves the house.
You walk back to the living room, trying to find the courage to speak with him.
"I didn't know that I'll be your maid. I only found out 20 minutes ago."
He looks at you.
"It's just weird to be taken care of.. my fan, you know?"
You nodded your head, understanding him completely.
"Then I'll pretend I'm not your fan." you say it seriously and he smiles lovely.
"Thank you."
Then he leaves the room with his crutches, leaving you alone.
This is going to be hard.
Part 2?
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c0s-lettuce · 3 months
favourites - platonic!crowley x reader
gender non-specific, reader is a uni student, crowley is a father figure, implied platonic!aziraphale x reader
a/n: back from my hiatus to post this. it's been sitting in my drafts for a while. hope you like it!! <3
word count: 767
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You thought it'd be nice to surprise Aziraphale and Crowley and come home during the break. However, you hadn't imagined they'd be in the middle of another… unearthly situation.
Turns out the two of them have been harbouring the Archangel Gabriel, whom you had only met once. And whom the last you heard of was when he tried to kill Aziraphale.
But, love thy neighbour, you suppose.
On your way home, you thought it peculiar that the streets were wet despite the forecast predicting no rain. However, the weather is known for its unpredictability, so you shrugged it off.
When you arrived at the bookshop, you were met with a grumpy-looking Crowley who, to your credit, did look surprised to see you. He explained that Aziraphale, against his own wishes, had taken the Bentley to Edinburgh. And he ignored your comment about how he never lets you drive his car.
So, you stayed at the bookshop with Crowley. You caught a glimpse of your room upstairs. Your bed, your desk, even the chair Aziraphale insisted on having so he could read to you was still there, despite you telling him that you were too old for bedtime stories. Everything was in the exact same place you left it.
Except now, Aziraphale's copious amounts of books have taken up storage like stalagmites in a cave. And there was a strange, large man occupying your space. You decide to take refuge downstairs.
To pass the time, Crowley tells you about Job as you look through the book that Aziraphale had left out. He tells you about God's plan to test the faith of their favourite human, how he had free reign to ruin Job's life but ultimately didn't.
Crowley was always nice, you thought.
After hearing the story, you say, "It's a bit overly righteous."
"Well, we are talking about God," Crowley replies.
"Yeah, I know, but there must have been a better way." You try to think of an analogy. "What if I said, 'Oh Crowley, you're my favourite dad, but maybe you only like me because you have to'. And then I crash your car and set your plants on fire and… punch Aziraphale in the face to see if you'll still like me afterwards."
Crowley stares at you with subtle incredulity. You sense that he's about to say something judgemental.
But instead, he asks, "I'm your favourite?"
"What?" you reply.
"You just said I'm your favourite."
"…I was just trying to make a point."
"Oh, so Aziraphale's your favourite?"
"Who said I had a favourite?"
"Come on, everyone has a favourite parent."
"Well, I don't."
Crowley stares at you even more, waiting for you to break. But you seem successful in holding your ground.
"Alright, whatever," he gives in. "And I do like you, by the way. Not just because I have to."
"Hah, I knew it," you give him a big smile.
"Just don't crash my car or do any of what you just said."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
He smirks back and continues, "I agree with you about the whole Job situation, too. So does Aziraphale. That was the first day the two of us were truly on the same side."
"Our side," you say.
"Exactly," Crowley nods, "Though we hadn't realised it at the time."
You watch as Crowley smiles to himself. It reminds you of the nights in your room when Aziraphale would abandon whatever book he had picked and tell you a story of him and Crowley instead.
You find yourself smiling too.
But a crash from upstairs ruins the moment. It's Gabriel, or rather, Jim.
You sigh and ask, "Did Aziraphale have to give him my room?"
"No, but I suppose he wanted Gabriel to be comfortable for whatever reason," Crowley shrugs.
"What if he's touching my stuff or something?"
"He probably is. Might be breaking a few of your things, too."
You cringe at the thought. "Would it really hurt you to try and make me feel better?"
"What, you want me to lie to you?" Crowley asks.
"You are a demon, aren't you?"
"Retired, technically."
Unable to think of something to respond with, you turn your sights to the street through the window, wondering when you'll see the Bentley return.
"Hey," Crowley grabs your attention again, "This will all be over before you know it. Then I'll let you and Aziraphale drag me to whatever dreaded place you both wish."
You aren't sure how true that is. Or how much trouble Jim will really be for them.
But for now, you just smile. "Sounds like a deal."
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gadriezmannsgirl · 5 months
I have this idea for a fic and you are the very best to write it🥰.
Sports journalist reader and Pedri being in a private but no secret relationship, she is ok with it until people start commenting that Pedri surely wants to keep her private bc he wants to keep his image of being single and linked with ig models, and maybe it gets worse whe he fucks it up with a public comment along the lines of him not being in a relationship and she is like "ya basta de estupideces" and we get drama. Here I don't know what could happen but it ends with our beloved reader doing the post match interview with the players, when it's Pedri's turn they do the questions as normal but at the end he knows the mic is on and he says something like: "me esperas para llevarte a casa amor?".
It's Enough -P.G8
Summary: You're tired of people assuming things that are not true while your boyfriend shuts them up
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You loved your work, you loved being a sports journalist, you were happy when you got the job at Sport and you loved being able to make people see a different point of view from what other journalist do, make players feel comfortable around you and ask them different questions than: "How was the rival team? Any thoughts on winning a certain trophy this year?"
And that's how you met and eventually make Pedri, your ten months boyfriend, fall in love with you, you being yourself even while working.
You had let people known you were in a relationship together two months ago and while everybody knew that, you both liked your privacy and you both tended to keep things on the low. And mostly, Pedri.
Everything has been great, both of you understanding each other, talking of anything, making time to be together, rarely fought but this one... it was the biggest one, you could ever have.
"I'm sorry"
"You really just think a simple sorry will cut it? I have my best friends asking me if you take this relationship seriously! My mom's calling me like crazy because she saw the video and my co-workers are sending me <<I'm sorry>> kind of texts, my brother wants to hit you in the face and I would gladly let him!" You shook your head "Why did you do that?!"
How on earth will he say "I'm not seeing anyone at the moment" when he clearly has you?!
"Y/N, amor-" You cut him off
"Comments about you with other girls have been going on and on lately, I honestly don't care about them, I know you and I know you wouldn't do that but then, you went ahead and said that shit that sent everyone into madness, it makes me rethink of everything I thought I knew about you once!" You admit with tears at the verge of falling "Did you lie to me? Do you really love me? Or you want me just to keep you company at nights?"
"Hey, no. Please, don't think that" Pedro shook his head "I've never lied to you, I'm in love with you, you are the girl of my dreams and the love of my life"
"Si lo soy, entonces ¿Por qué carajos dijiste eso?" (If so, then why the hell you said that?) Your voice broke lightly and the first tear fell down "You just embarrassed me in front of everyone, Pedri. There's nothing you can do to take it back, people think I'm good with open relationships, with you cheating, people are saying that you are hiding our relationship because you're embarrassed of me, people are saying you broke up with me just because you had what you wanted, people are saying shit about us, about me and it's all thanks to you"
"No, I didn't wanted that. I didn't- I'm not ashamed of us, of you, I just wanted to protect you, I-"
Your phone ringing interrupted him, you looked down at your hand and your boss's name flashed across the screen, you sighed in fear. You were news and bad ones.
"I gotta answer this"
"Please, amor-"
"Don't call me that, Pedro. In fact, don't call me, don't text me, don't even look at me, nothing at all because if you do I will do something I will later regret on"
"Like what?" He asked softly
"Like breaking up with you" You said strongly looking at him "I really can't bear with you right now, Pedro. We'll talk later" You shook your head and answered the phone going upstairs
Pedri felt like crying.
He knew he screwed up the second those words came out of his mouth, but it was as his body just blurted them out before his mind could process it. He just wanted to keep you safe.
But what a way of doing so, right?
He tried to do something else to shift his attention to the small office he set up for you at his house like washing the dishes, play some NBA, laundry and eventually get ready for his match.
He went upstairs with the intention of going straight into his room but his body tricked him and he ended up at your office, his heart breaking up when he heard you sniffing while speaking to your boss.
"You're giving us bad reputation with those news, Y/N" He heard your boss say
"I know, sir; my apologies" You said "He must have been really tired, you know he isn't like that"
"Whatever it was, it's done"
Pedri closed his eyes, his hand on top of the doorknob ready to come in and defend you but his phone interrupted him
"Ya vamos a empezar a calentar. ¿Dónde estás?" (We're starting the warm up. Where are you?)
He sighed and went to your chat: "I love you, always have and always will. I'm truly sorry about everything, my love. But I'll make it up for you, I swear to God"
And leaving a kiss on the door, he left the house quickly, his body was on his way to Lluís Companys but his mind and soul stayed with you at his house.
You sighed, coming out of the shower. You had to go to Barcelona's match because you were scheduled for tonight's interviews, looking at the watch on the wall, you saw you were a bit early but still needed to go so you could make it on time.
You weren't in the mood for anything today. From being called names, to have all of your contacts worried about you and your relationship, to have your boss onto your neck wanting for you to dissolve any rumor but won't even knowing how to do so.
You wanted to simply disappear but you never had powers back in high school and you won't grow powers now being an adult. So the only thing you did was buckle your pants up and act as if nothing was affecting you.
Calling a cab, you went to Lluís Companys and with the help of Aaron, the cameraman you started the reportage in which ended up with Barcelona being the winner. 2-0. Both goals from Pedri.
Both goals that were dedicated to you.
Your heart beating incredibly fast at the gesture of your boyfriend who changed his glasses celebration for your name on a personalized Barcelona jersey, still with the 8 number
"Te quiero" he had said before giving the jersey to one member of the staff and return the game.
You felt extremely proud knowing he was the MVP however your happiness slowly turned sour because as he was the MVP of the match you had to interview him, you wanted it or not and you weren't ready to face Pedri yet.
"Buenas noches, Pedri" You said with a small smile, professionalism running through you
"Buenas noches" (Good night) He said softly
"Vamos a ser un poquito rápidos que sabemos que tienes que irte... Enhorabuena por la victoria de esta noche" (Congrats on the win tonight) ", 2-0 against Getafe How do you feel?"
"Well... Good. We played very well, we had control, we managed to knock the rival mostly from the sidelines, we knew we had to be strong since Getafe is a great team as well. And well, it was a very good game which we won and now to focus on the next game"
"Both goals from you with amazing assists of Fermin and Raphinha. They were amazing, by the way"
"And you are the MVP for tonight's match. Congratulations as well with that, Pedri. How do you feel about that?"
"Good, good. It feels amazing, my goal is to score more and make more assists this season and hopefully I'll be able to help the team in any way I can"
"That's good to hear, Pedri. Once again, congratulations. Have a good night!" You said quickly wanting to get over with everything. "¿Lo agarraste?" (Did you got that?) You ask Aaron who nods and goes to show you a bit of the footage.
"Amor, ¿me esperas para que vayamos a casa?" (Babe, you wait for me so we can go home?) You heard Pedri asks "Por cierto, esto es para ti" (By the way, this is for you) He hands you the jersey
"What? Why?" You receive the jersey looking at it
"I'm dedicating goals to my one and only girl, is it bad?" And as much as you wanted to refuse a smile slowly came up to your face. You shake your head softly coming over to him to hug him "Te amo" (Love you) He said "And I'm sorry" You smiled and kissed his lips before kissing his sweaty, dirty but rosy cheek
"Don't do it again please" You whispered watching his big brown and beautiful eyes
"Never. You're my girlfriend, I'm in love with you and I see the rest of my life with you by my side, amor" He whispered back before pecking your lips softly "Entonces... ¿Me esperas? Voy a bañarme y a cambiarme rápido para que vayamos a casa y descansemos" (So... You wait for me? I'll shower and change really quick so we can go home and rest) You nod softly
"Better be quick, I really want to go home" You smiled untangling yourself from him
"I'm off right now"
"Y/N..." Aaron called you softly with a panicked look to his face
"Football players mic was on and that was live" You open your mouth in shock, troubles keep coming at you.
"Don't mind" Pedri said "Let everyone know I'm taken by the best girl ever" You looked at him and he winked at you squeezing your hand.
What a sneaky boy he was.
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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sunkissed-zegras · 6 months
❄️ Jack Hughes ”no matter where I go, all these roads lead me to what I once called a home”
Congrats btw! 😁
✮ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 / 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐠𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 | jack hughes
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♡ ─ word count | 4.4k
♡ ─ summary | jack, driven by his ambitions, realizes too late that he has taken his relationship with you for granted. as he achieves success, the bitterness of his lonely successes intensifies, highlighting the irreplaceable hole left by the genuine connection he lost.
♡ ─ warnings | unedited, angst!!! fighting, nothing else i think??
♡ ─ taglist | @dancerbailey3 @valluvsu @daisysnhl @dasiysthings @iminlovewithtz11 @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvleyzoe
♡ ─ ev's notes | this ask was a part of my 600 celly BUT i was feeling angsty so i wrote it. hope y'all enjoyed!! also, requests are open for now! always open to respectful criticisms :)
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As the clock struck midnight on your fourth anniversary, you sensed a subtle shift in the air, a quiet shake that seemed to resonate within the core of your relationship with Jack. The two of you had been inseparable since your teenage years, navigating the trials of adolescence and embracing the joys of young love. Yet, as the months passed, a distance began to emerge, casting shadows over the once close connection you shared.
You noticed it first in the subtle changes – the diminishing frequency of his texts, the laughter less genuine, and the gradual shift in focus from your shared world to individual pursuits. The I-love-yous that used to flow effortlessly now hung in the air, unanswered or replaced by a strained silence.
You found yourself grappling with a growing sense of unease, a gnawing suspicion that whispered of changes you were not prepared to face. The shared dreams and aspirations that once bound you together now seemed to drift into the background, overshadowed by Jack's newfound focus on career ambitions and personal goals.
You weren't angry that Jack put his career first, no, if anything you'd pushed him to make sure his dreams were achieved. It was the fact that somehow, everything else became more important than your relationship. Making money and going out seemed like the only thing that mattered; everything that you two had talked about when you were younger had became less and less important to him. Was it a lie? They couldn't have been, he promised.
In quiet moments of reflection, you found yourself remembering the vows exchanged during late-night conversations when the world felt like it belonged solely to the two of you. Jack's assurances that success wouldn't change him, that love would remain the foundation of your connection, echoed through your mind like a haunting song. Yet, as the days passed, those promises started to feel like distant echoes, fading away in his ambitions.
You had always envisioned a future where success and love walked hand in hand, where the pursuit of dreams strengthened the bond between you. But, it seemed that Jack's definition of success had turned into a solitary journey, one that left little room for the shared dreams you both had once held dear.
The weekends that were once reserved for lazy strolls in the park or movie nights now transformed into a whirlwind of social events, networking dinners, and late-night games. As Jack's career flourished, the time he dedicated to building a life together dwindled, leaving you grappling with a sense of isolation within the relationship.
You couldn't help but question whether the promises he made were now casualties of his success. Did the allure of wealth and a thriving social life overshadow the simplicity and authenticity of your love? The echoes of those once-heartfelt promises grew fainter, drowned out by the noise of his career and the allure of a lifestyle that seemed to prioritize everything but the intimacy and connection you once shared.
The nights you spent cuddled up on the couch, lost in conversations that stretched until dawn, became replaced by solitary moments of insecurity. You wondered if you had done something wrong, if there was a fault in your stars that you failed to recognize. Were you not enough? Were the dreams you shared no longer worth pursuing together?
The once deep connection that felt like an unbreakable bond now seemed like a fragile thread, ready to snap under the weight of unanswered questions. In those quiet moments, you found yourself replaying old conversations, searching for the missed cues or overlooked signs that may have forewarned you of this impending shift. Was there something you missed?
You longed for the days when love was enough, when the simplicity of being together was worth more than any fleeting moment of fame and success. The questions that lingered in your mind echoed in the silent spaces between you and Jack, becoming an unspoken barrier that seemed hopeless.
In those moments of doubt, you couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to bridge the growing gap, to reclaim the dreams that once felt so attainable. The beginning of the end hung in the air, and you found yourself at a crossroads, torn between holding onto the fading echoes of promises or facing the reality that the love you once knew was slipping away.
The clock on the wall ticked away the seconds, the sound echoing through the quiet living room as she sat on the couch, glancing anxiously at her watch. Hockey practice was supposed to end hours ago, but Jack was still out there on the rink, lost in his own world. The apartment felt empty, the only source of light was the soft glow of a lamp casting long shadows across the room.
You absentmindedly twirled a strand of your hair, glancing at the clock again. The frustration and exhaustion etched on your face were undeniable. The late-night practices had transformed from an occasional occurrence to a regular part of your lives, leaving your with a sense of loneliness that permeated the air.
The door creaked open, and Jack stumbled in, clad in his hockey gear, a tired look on his face. His gaze met yours, and for a moment, there was a flicker of guilt before it quickly masked itself with a tired smile.
"Hey," he said, his voice heavy with exhaustion. "Sorry, practice ran late again."
She forced a smile, but the weariness in her eyes spoke volumes. "It's fine," she replied, her tone carrying a weight of unspoken words. "I made some food, it's in the microwave if you want some."
"Already ate with the boys," he replied before he disappeared into the bathroom, you sank deeper into the cushions, grappling with the frustration of being left alone, night after night.
As the sound of the running shower echoed through the apartment, you sat there, feeling the weight of the unshared meal and the emptiness that seemed to seep into the spaces between you and Jack. The promise of a home-cooked dinner, prepared with love, now felt like a futile attempt to bridge the growing gap in your relationship.
When Jack emerged from the bathroom, the scent of soap and exhaustion lingered in the air. He joined you on the couch, the distance between you both more pronounced than ever.
He settled in, scrolling absentmindedly through his phone. The flickering light illuminated his tired face, the blue glow reflecting in his eyes that were once filled with the spark of shared dreams. You glanced at the clock; it was late, too late for meaningful conversation.
"Long day," he mumbled, his attention still on the screen.
You two sat in silence for a few moments before you decided to speak up again, another attempt to bridge the gap between you two.
"Jack," you began, the uncertainty in your voice cutting through the quiet of the room. He looked up from his phone, meeting your eyes with a distant acknowledgment.
"I was thinking about our future, you know?" The words hung in the air, a tentative attempt to navigate a conversation that felt more fragile than ever.
He sighed, the weariness evident in the lines that etched his face. "Yeah, me too. It's just... work's demanding right now. I'm on the brink of something big, and I need to give it my all."
The acknowledgment of his ambitions stung, a reminder that the dreams you once shared were now taking divergent paths. "I get that, Jack. I've always supported your goals, but it feels like we're moving in different directions lately. What about that family we'd always wanted, the two boys and the girl-"
"What about family, Y/N? We have time, We're 22 for God's sake, just be patient with me." Frustration dripped from his voice as he snapped, sighing as he watched all the patience drain from your face. He looked back at you, guilt overtaking his emotions. "I know it's been tough, especially with the late nights and practices. But this is temporary. Once I make it, we can have everything we ever talked about."
Everything you ever talked about. The phrase echoed in your mind, a stark contrast to the reality of unshared dinners, missed moments, and fading dreams. Did he even remember your dreams together anymore? "Jack, it's not just about the late nights. It's about us, about the life we planned together. I miss the simplicity of what we had."
He nodded, a reluctant admission of the truth. "I miss it too, but we need to make sacrifices for the life we want. This is just part of the journey."
You were tired as you looked forward, to the TV. "Okay, Jack." The conversation lingered in the air, unresolved and heavy.
The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of unspoken words settling between you and Jack. The glow of the television cast shadows on the walls, a stark reminder of the distance that had grown within the space you once shared.
The restaurant hummed with the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversations. The atmosphere should have been celebratory after Jack's successful game, but as you sat across from him at a dimly lit table, there was an undeniable tension in the air.
Throughout the meal, Jack's attention seemed divided. He was engaged in animated discussions with teammates who joined the celebration, and you found yourself fading into the background. Attempting to bring a sense of intimacy, you reached for his hand, a silent plea for a connection in the midst of the crowd.
However, when one of his teammates approached the table to congratulate him, Jack subtly withdrew his hand to shake theirs. The gesture was small, but the impact reverberated through you like a shockwave.
As the teammate left, you couldn't ignore the awkwardness that settled between you and Jack. The distance had become palpable, and the celebratory atmosphere of the restaurant only accentuated the loneliness you felt.
The walk back to the car was quiet and dormant, you felt almost nauseous after. The silence between you and Jack was broken only by the distant sounds of the city. You stole glances at him, hoping to find a trace of the connection you once shared. However, his gaze seemed distant, lost in thoughts that remained unspoken.
As you approached the car, the silence became unbearable. The unlocking of the car door punctuated the stillness, and you both settled into the seats, the physical proximity doing little to bridge the emotional chasm that had formed.
The car hummed softly as you drove back from Jack's hockey game. You stole glances at Jack, his profile bathed in the soft glow of passing streetlights. His eyes remained fixed on the road ahead, distant and unyielding. The connection you once shared, the easy banter and shared laughter, felt like a distant memory. The gap had widened, and you couldn't shake the sinking feeling that something big had shifted.
"I just don't understand, Jack," you finally broke the silence, the words hesitant but charged with emotion.
He sighed, his gaze still fixed on the road. "Understand what, Y/N?"
Your name sounded bitter coming from his mouth, hearing it felt like a curse. Your name used to sound sweet, like something special - now, it sounded like something else.
"I don't understand why it feels like we're falling apart," you admitted, the weight of the unspoken tension finding a voice. "I don't understand why every moment between us seems strained, like we're living in two different worlds. It doesn't feel like us anymore."
Jack's shoulders tensed, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. The city lights cast shadows on his face, emphasizing the lines that etched the weariness of unresolved issues.
"We're just going through a rough patch," he replied, his voice carrying an edge and it almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself that, too.
"But how long is this 'rough patch' going to last, Jack?" The bitterness crept into your voice, fueled by the frustration of being kept in the dark. "I feel like I'm losing you, and I don't even know why."
He remained silent, the distance between you growing with each passing second. Your hands fidgeted in your lap, the tension in the car becoming unbearable. "We used to talk about everything, Jack. Now it feels like you're shutting me out."
He finally turned to look at you, his eyes carrying a mixture of guilt and defensiveness. "I'm dealing with a lot right now, Y/N. It's not about shutting you out."
"But it feels that way," you countered, the rawness of your emotions laid bare. "I want to be there for you, but I can't if you don't let me in."
His knuckles tightened on the steering wheel, and frustration etched lines on his forehead. "You just don't get it, do you? This is my career, my life. I'm trying to make something of myself, and you're making it harder."
The words hung in the air, a declaration that cut through the silence like a sharp blade. The breaking point was reached, and a surge of anger replaced the hurt in your chest.
"Making it harder? Jack, I'm not your enemy. I'm your partner," you retorted, your voice rising. "I've supported you every step of the way, I've put you first for the last three years, Jack, I pushed everything aside to come move to Jersey with you."
"I never asked you to do that, Y/N." Jack replied, his frustration palpable.
"That's not the point!" you shot back, your emotions breaking through the dam of restraint. You couldn't believe that was the only thing he got from everything you'd just said. "I did it because I believed in us. I believed in you. But now it feels like you're pushing me away, shutting me out, and I can't take it anymore."
"You're not understanding, Y/N," Jack's tone grew sharper, defensive walls rising. "I'm under so much pressure, and I need space. I can't have you constantly questioning me, doubting everything I do."
His words cut deep, and you felt a sense of betrayal mingled with the anger. "I'm not doubting you, Jack. I'm doubting us. I'm doubting whether we can survive if you keep shutting me out like this."
He turned away, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I want a future, Y/N. I want success. Is that so wrong?"
"It's not wrong, Jack, but success shouldn't come at the cost of our relationship," you argued, desperation seeping into your voice. "I want a future too, but not at the expense of us falling apart."
He scoffed, the bitterness in his tone cutting through. "You knew what you signed up for when we started this relationship. I can't just drop everything now."
"Jack, relationships require effort from both sides," you insisted, your frustration reaching its peak. "You're so focused on your career that you're neglecting what's right in front of you."
"I'm neglecting what's right in front of me? Y/N, I'm working hard for us," he argued, the bitterness in his voice unabated. "I'm trying to build a future, a life where you don't have to worry about anything."
"But what about the life we're living now?" you pleaded, your voice breaking through the tension. "What about the love and connection we used to have? Is that not worth fighting for anymore?"
Silence lingered, the car speeding through the night, the city lights outside casting a surreal glow. The breaking point had led to a stark realization — you were both standing at a crossroads, and the choices made in this moment would shape the fate of your relationship.
"Jack, it's not just about the future. It's about us, about what we have now," you spoke softly, the vulnerability in your voice revealing the depth of your emotions. "I miss the way we used to be, the laughter, the shared dreams. It feels like we're losing all of that."
He remained silent, his grip on the steering wheel tight. As you neared home, the heaviness in the air grew more pronounced. The choices you both faced were stark — to continue down divergent paths, the breaking point had set the stage for a decision, and as the car rolled to a stop, the echoes of unmet needs and fading dreams reverberated in the silence that enveloped you both.
The engine cut off, and Jack finally turned to look at you. His eyes, once filled with love, now reflected the weight of the unspoken resentment. The air inside the car felt dense with the unmet expectations.
"Y/N," he began, his voice heavy. "I think we need to be honest with ourselves. We're not the same people we were when we started this journey. Our dreams, they've pulled us in different directions."
The breaking point had reached its culmination, and the truth hung in the air like a heavy fog. You looked at Jack, the person you had shared so much love with, and saw a stranger in the dim glow of the car's interior staring back at you.
"I never wanted it to come to this," he continued, a hint of regret in his eyes. "But we can't keep holding onto what used to be. It's not fair to either of us."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, the pain of parting etched on both your faces. The car door opened, and as you stepped out into the cool night air, the echoes of what once was lingered in the spaces between you. The breaking point had led to an ending, a decision made in the quiet aftermath of a car ride that had shifted the course of your relationship.
Months had passed since the break up, and Jack found himself navigating the post-Y/N world with attempts to move on. Tonight, he found himself at a bar with his friends, the dimmed lights and lively atmosphere attempting to drown the lingering echoes of Y/N and everything she was.
His friends, aware of his struggle, were determined to lift his spirits. "Come on, Jack, look around. There are plenty of beautiful girls here! Who wouldn't wanna sleep with the Jack Hughes?" One of them encouraged, gesturing towards the crowd.
Jack halfheartedly smiled, appreciating their efforts to pull him out of his slump. He scanned the room, the laughter and chatter of the bar patrons surrounding him. Amidst the sea of faces, one caught his eye — a girl who, from a distance, bore a resemblance to Y/N.
His friends nudged him, teasingly urging him to approach her. "There you go, Jack! She's cute, right?"
He hesitated, his gaze fixed on the girl who seemed to share a fleeting resemblance to someone he once held close, someone who had been his world. The internal struggle between moving on and clinging to the past played out in his conflicted expression.
But as he approached, the girl looked up, and for a moment, Jack's heart skipped a beat. The resemblance was uncanny — the same captivating eyes, a similar smile. In that instant, he felt a pang of nostalgia, a cruel reminder of what he had lost.
The girl, oblivious to the emotional turmoil within Jack, smiled politely. Jack stammered, the weight of the past and the allure of familiarity colliding. His friends exchanged knowing glances, realizing that even in a sea of faces, some connections were indelible. As Jack struggled to respond, his gaze lingered on the girl who momentarily embodied a resemblance to the one he couldn't forget.
"Hey, can I get you something to drink?" Jack said, feigning confidence.
"Sure, I'll have a vodka soda."
As he headed to the bar, Jack's friends continued their subtle exchange of knowing glances. They could see the conflict in their friend's eyes, torn between the past and the present.
As he returned with the drinks, Jack decided to engage in conversation, attempting to momentarily escape the weight of his thoughts. They found a more secluded spot, away from the lively crowd, and Jack tried to muster a genuine smile.
"Cheers," he said, lifting his glass. The clink of glasses filled the air, but in the echo.
As they teased back and forth, Jack decided to flirt, something he'd done a million times in the last couple of months, trying to move on. The girl reciprocated, and for a brief moment, the bar seemed like a place where past and present could coexist.
"You know," she said, casually swirling the drink in her hand, "I've never met someone as driven as you, someone so focused on their own success. It's impressive, but I wonder if you've ever stopped to enjoy the simpler things in life. I bet it's hard, with your work and stuff..."
Jack's smile faltered, and his eyes widened in surprise. Her words hung in the air, and for a moment, Jack was transported back to the countless times Y/N had gently urged him to appreciate the present and to find joy in the little things.
In that instant, the weight of realization hit him. It wasn't about a specific detail, but rather the essence of what he had lost. Y/N had brought balance to his life, grounding him in the beauty of everyday moments. The girl's words echoed Y/N's sentiments, and it dawned on Jack how much he had taken her for granted.
Excusing himself, Jack left the girl confused. He quickly said his goodbyes to his friends, walking back to his friends. The attempt to recreate the banter, the flirtation – it all felt like a hollow pursuit compared to the real connection he had with Y/N.
Outside the bar, the cool night air wrapped around him, and Jack took a moment to collect his thoughts. The city lights flickered in the distance, a stark contrast to the clarity that was slowly settling within him. Determined to address the growing void within him, Jack made his way back to the apartment he once shared with Y/N. The familiar surroundings seemed different now, carrying the echoes of both joy and the regret of what he had lost.
Upon entering, the silence enveloped him, a stark contrast to the happy memories that used to fill these walls. The photographs on the wall, the shared belongings, all gone now. The home now felt sterile and cold, it didn't feel like home anymore.
Jack sank onto the couch, his mind replaying the moments he had shared with Y/N. The laughter, the late-night talks, the dreams they had woven together – they all flooded back, bringing with them a profound longing.
Unable to shake the weight of regret, Jack decided to confront the reality he had been avoiding. He picked up his phone and dialed Y/N's number, the familiar digits carrying the hope of rebuilding what he had carelessly let crumble.
"Hey, it's me," Jack began, the words carrying a vulnerability he had long suppressed. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I need to talk to you. Can we meet?"
Y/N's response was a mixture of surprise and caution, "Jack, it's been months. What's there to talk about now?"
Jack took a deep breath, ready to lay bare his feelings. "I realized how much I took you for granted, Y/N. The success, the pursuit of my dreams – they meant nothing without you. I miss us, I miss the simplicity and authenticity we had. Can we meet, please?"
Y/N's hesitant silence on the other end spoke volumes, and Jack felt his heart sink. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally responded with a gentle but firm, "Jack, I appreciate your honesty, but I've moved on. Meeting now wouldn't change anything."
His chest tightened with the weight of her words, and the reality of the consequences hit him. Jack had taken a chance on something genuine and beautiful and let it slip away. The simplicity and authenticity he once shared with Y/N were now fragments of a past he couldn't reclaim.
"I understand," he said, his voice betraying a sense of defeat. "I just wanted you to know how sorry I am, and that I've learned from my mistakes."
Y/N's response was soft, "Jack, take this as a lesson for your future. I hope you find the happiness you're searching for."
The call ended, leaving Jack with a hollow ache. The apartment, once filled with shared dreams, now felt emptier than ever. The essence of what he had lost lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the genuine connection he had taken for granted.
Anger took over his body and he couldn't help but slam his hands on the coffee table, it felt like the whole apartment shook. Breathing heavily, Jack paced around the room, the weight of his realization settling in. The photographs on the wall seemed to mock him, frozen moments that he couldn't ever relive. The essence of what he could've had with Y/N now haunted him, a ghost of the love he had taken for granted.
He glanced around the apartment, each corner holding memories of shared laughter, whispered promises, and the warmth of their love. It was a stark contrast to the emptiness that surrounded him now.
Sinking onto the couch, Jack let out a heavy sigh. The world he could've had with Y/N played out in his mind like a bittersweet movie, each scene a reminder of what he had lost. Regret clawed at him, and Jack couldn't shake the image of Y/N moving forward without him. The authenticity he craved, the simplicity he missed – it was all embodied in the love he had taken for granted.
As Jack sat alone in the quiet apartment, the taste of success, once sweet on his tongue, now felt bitter. The achievements that he had relentlessly pursued seemed hollow without Y/N by his side to share in the joy.
The awards and accomplishments, once the pinnacle of his aspirations, now felt like mere tokens in a life that lacked the authenticity he had once shared with Y/N. The world he had built for himself seemed colorless without her to share in the colorful moments of success.
In the solitude of the apartment, Jack realized that the pursuit of success had come at a cost – the cost of a genuine, irreplaceable connection. The bitterness of this realization was palpable, a reminder that the sweetest victories were the ones shared with someone you loved. And no matter where he went, all those roads led him to what I once called his home, his everything.
It was a bitter truth that Jack couldn't escape, and as he reflected on the choices that had led him to this lonely moment, he understood that success, without the taste of shared happiness, was empty. In the silence, he grappled with the emptiness that accompanied the absence of the one person who had made every success worthwhile.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
Okay, hear me out. Sub!Bill who has a wet dream and wakes up reader in the middle of the night to “sort his problem” and reader makes bill tell her about it where he mentions a vibrator and since they haven’t used one before she tries it out and find his “new favorite toy”.
(Only if you’re comfy with writing it💕)
ofc! 😩 😏
Baby said
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tags/ warnings: wet dream, hard on, sub! bill, begging, cursing, use of toys, reader torturing the living fuck out of bill
MDNI! ⚠️ smut under cut
synopsis: when bill wakes up from a dream, doused in a cold sweat, he wakes reader up with him frantically, desperate for reader
a/n: this is so good, i was in love with this when i saw it
pairing: 2014 bill x fem
Bill's POV:
The bed was empty. I sat up, confused and disoriented, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. It was pitch black in the room, save for the faint glow of the alarm clock on my bedside table. What time was it? I squinted at the clock, feeling a knot of dread form in my stomach as I realized it was only four in the morning.
Great. Just fucking great. I groaned and flopped back onto my pillow, trying to will myself back to sleep. But it was no use. My body felt hot and sticky, my heart raced, and my cock was hard as a goddamn rock. I reached down, wrapping my hand around the thick length, feeling a surge of shame course through me as I remembered the wet dream I'd just had.
Fuck. I was so turned on that I couldn't even lie there quietly. The sheets twisted around my legs, the mattress squeaked beneath me as I squirmed restlessly. And then I heard it: a soft rustle from the other side of the bed. My breath hitched in my throat. Was it her? Was she awake too?
I threw the covers off and sat up, my heart pounding with anticipation. The room was still dark, but I could just make out the outline of her form on the other side of the bed. "Y/N?" I whispered. There was no reply, but I could have sworn I saw the outline of her body shift slightly.
Tentatively, I reached out and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Y/N?" I repeated, a little louder this time. There was a long pause, and then I felt her body tense beneath my touch. "Bill?" she whispered, her voice sounding groggy and sleepy.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you," I said quickly, trying to soothe her. But she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she squirmed a little closer to me, pressing her back against my chest. "What's going on?" she mumbled, her breath warm against my neck.
I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. "I had a…dream," I finally managed to say. "And I…I couldn't get it out of my head." I shifted my hips slightly, feeling the hard length of my cock press against her backside.
"Oh?" she murmured, her voice still sleepy. "What was it about?"
I took a deep breath, steeling myself for her reaction. "There was a vibrator…and you were tying me up…and you wouldn't let me cum," I blurted out, feeling my face flush with shame.
There was a long silence. "You're serious?" she asked finally, her tone a mix of disbelief and amusement.
"Completely," I assured her, feeling more embarrassed by the second. "It was really vivid."
She laughed then, a soft, sleepy chuckle that sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh, Bill," she breathed, sounding amused and maybe a little aroused. "I think we need to take care of that, don't you?"
My heart leaped into my throat at her words. "You'd do that?" I asked, hardly able to believe she was offering.
"Well," she purred, moving her hips against me in a teasing little circle, "if it'll make you feel better…"
Before I could register what was happening, she'd rolled over, straddling my lap with her knees on either side of my hips. In the dim light, I could just make out her silhouette against the darkness: the gentle curve of her breasts, the defined muscles of her stomach, the softness of her skin. She leaned forward, her hands braced on the mattress on either side of my head, and lowered herself down until her wet heat was engulfing my hard length.
My head spun with desire as she began to ride me, her hips moving in a steady, rhythmic motion. The heat of her body, the wetness of her folds, the pressure of her moving against me: it was all too much. "Oh, God," I moaned, my hands finding their way up her back, digging into the soft flesh.
She smiled down at me, her eyes half-closed. "That's it, Bill," she whispered, her breath hot against my lips. "such a good boy f'me"
I gripped her hips tightly, feeling the slick heat of her surround me as she moved. My cock throbbed inside her, and I could feel the familiar tension building deep within my core. "Y/N," I moaned, "I'm close…"
She smiled again, her lips curving into a wicked grin. "Not yet," she purred, her words sending a shiver down my spine. With one fluid motion, she reached behind herself, her fingers brushing against the headboard before grasping something cool and metallic. In the dim light, I could just make out the shape of a vibrator.
She pressed the buzzing toy against my chest, and I felt the vibrations travel through my skin and into my cock. My hips jerked involuntarily, the sensation sending a wave of pleasure coursing through my body. "Oh, fuck," I gasped, my head falling back against the pillow. "That feels so good."
Y/N smiled triumphantly, her eyes gleaming in the darkness. With one hand, she continued to guide my movements, while the other expertly manipulated the vibrator against my chest. "That's right," she breathed, her words almost lost in the rhythmic sound of our bodies moving together. "Let me control you, Bill."
I arched my back, my head thrown back, as the pleasure built inside me. I could feel my orgasm approaching, but she seemed determined to keep it at bay. With each thrust of her hips, the vibrator pressed against me, sending wave after wave of sensation through my body. I gripped her hips tighter, my nails digging into her soft flesh as I tried to match her rhythm.
"That's it, Bill," she purred, her voice low and sultry. "Let me control you. Give in to the pleasure." Her fingers danced over my chest, her touch feather-light yet impossibly arousing. I felt myself growing more and more desperate, the need for release becoming almost unbearable.
But she seemed to sense this, too, and only grew more merciless in her torment. With each passing second, the vibrator grew more insistent, the pressure of her body against mine more demanding. I tried to beg her, to plead with her to let me come, but the words caught in my throat. I was lost in the sensation, unable to think or speak or do anything but feel.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she slowed her movements, her breath hot and ragged against my neck. "That's enough," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of my labored breathing. She leaned forward, her weight pressing down on my chest, her lips finding my ear. "You've been such a good boy for me, Bill. You can come now."
Her words sent a shudder of release through me, and with a groan, I came, my hips bucking wildly against her. She rode out my orgasm, her movements becoming more fluid and less controlled. When the last tremor had faded, she collapsed against my chest, her body still and warm.
I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, feeling her soft breath against my skin. "That was incredible," I managed to say, my voice still thick with desire. "Thank you."
She nestled her head into the crook of my neck, her fingers tracing idle circles on my chest. "Don't mention it, Bill," she murmured. "I just wanted to make sure you felt better."
I smiled into the darkness, my heart still racing from the intensity of the experience. "I feel much better, Y/N," I assured her, my voice barely more than a whisper. "Much, much better."
a/n: sorry for not posting, i literally could not catch a single fucking break this weekend 😭 😩
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Can I request headcanons for Raphael, Haarlep, and Zevlor being jealous of some guy is flirting with their female s/o although she's oblivious that he's flirting with her? He's so possessive that he even took her back home to have a heated make-out while holding her close & his tail wrapped around her leg!
I love a Possessive man. I'm not even going to lie. I always get asked if I met a guy in the books or fics I read how I would handle them. In theory, I would love it; in practice, I am a sassy beach and would probably not last.
HEADCANON~~~~~~Haarlep, Zevlor, Raphael
He couldn't believe the fact he was so irate at this moment. Like he has never felt more than real lust since that was what he was incarnated for. Right now, though, it was as if he was a Demon of Wrath instead of a Demon of Lust.
How could you be so damn oblivious? You just sat there smiling with that stupid, adorable, cute smile.
You were perfect inside and out, something he didn't see in many people. You were the woman of his dreams. That wasn't an easy feat for a demon that could literally bed anyone.
You were his and his alone, so why was another demon standing so close to his woman.
(Haarlep would literally be the iconic TV trope of a partner breaking a champagne or wine glass in hand out of anger. Man is one for theatrics. Come on.)
It was all over after the demon talking to you touched your face to move some hair behind your ear. Before you could even process what was happening, Harrlep was on top of the other demon, practically torturing him.
Once Raphael dismissed and sent him on his way, he grabbed you and took you to his room.
Mans is a pacer when he fears his emotions are too big to handle right then.
Once calmed down, especially by your words, he just turned to you and, with no hesitation, kissed you passionately.
Let's be honest: Haarlep is a man of business. He doesn't play around.
As extra reassurance, you wouldn't leave him for three weeks straight; his tail was wrapped positively around your thigh or waist, constantly teasing you and testing others.
I'm not going to lie. In my first playthrough, I punched Zevlor, so I can confidently say Mans is a big baby. He plays it off cool, but once his ego is hurt, he tanks Man, and it's so cute.
Watching the male tiefling flirt with you was literally hell on earth. Might as well have Avernus burning around him as you laugh at that stupid demon's jokes.
This party to celebrate your victory was supposed to be a night for you and him to sneak off and consummate your relationship before the long journey through the shadowlands. (If you know, you know, and I cry every time)
Man is more of a self-deprecating jealous than a wrathful jealous. So, unlike Haarlep, who just waits to explode, Zevlor is coming up with 1000 reasons why the other demon is so much better for you.
Zevlor becomes withdrawn and makes his way to his maps and equipment for the expedition, no longer interested in the party.
If he can't see his heart get broken, how can his heart get broken, you know?
However, what this man loved about you most was that you picked up on so many subtle clues. So, with little time between his self-deprecating and abandonment of the party, you were at his side.
The man couldn't even look you in the eyes. He was so sure he would fuck something up.
After some gentle coaxing, he finally listens to you and holds you so gently, kissing you fiercely and passionately.
(He may leave a few hickies or ten to really make sure everyone knew you were taken)
While on the road to Baldur's Gate, he never took his tail from around your waist. He kept you close and secure next to him.
God forbid the tiefling from the party even remotely gets too close to you. That tail might go to other places to prove a point.
He is far too prideful and egotistical to physically show anyone or anything in general how upset he is that another man is talking to you.
He would rather burn in hell under his father's thumb than admit he is jealous.
He knows at the end of the day, you are his. I mean, he had your soul. The first night you two consummated, he took it from you.
That didn't stop the nagging feeling he had watching you laugh, smile, and, in his eyes, flaunt what was his.
Being prideful, Raphael's approach to removing the threat was simple. He simply reminded everyone how powerful he really was.
All it took was a quick interjection into the conversation and not so-subtly informing the lingering demon about how his father was a king of hell.
Once the threat was taken care of, he turned to you. Oddly enough, with a simple, commanding look, you knew it was time to retreat to your shared quarters.
Before you could make it through the door fully, you were slammed against a wall, mouth covered by his.
By the end of the night, you had more marks covering your body than you cared to admit, but damn, at least everyone knew who owned you.
After that incident, at every gala or event he held, you were to sit on his lap with his tail wrapped firmly around your body.
If you behaved well, he would use his tail elsewhere, too.
I had a lot of fun writing this; when I first joined Tumblr many moons ago, this wasn't a huge thing, so this is my first time writing one of these. I really hope I didn't disappoint. Thank you so much to everyone from Annons to other blogs for the help and support in beginning my journey to writing! I appreciate all of you!
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amourtoken · 1 month
Slut thoughts slut thoughts slut thoughts goddddddd
More toxic mentor Ruffilo x apprentice reader thoughts? This one's a little shorter but I'm planning to add to it as more thoughts appear.
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: Age gaps (legal, but possibly controversial? They're mentioned.), toxic Nicky, branding, exhibitionism, glove kink ig, he's a dick, raw sex (wrap it up bitch), oral (m receiving), love/hate (it's rlly love/love but shhhh that's a secret), Noah is here! (Nick is a cunt), degradation, dacryphilia, pining
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♡ Nicholas loves that he's got a few years on you, it really accentuates the whole mentor/apprentice relationship and he always pulls the "I'm older than you so I know what's good for you" card when you whine about things
♡ now that you've apprenticed under him a few months and he's got you melded into the perfect little cock sleeve, he's gotten a bit sloppy. Leaving hickeys just above where your shirt could cover and being just a little too touchy around the other shop guys.
♡ this normally wouldn't cause issues around anyone else however need I remind you your literal father is his boss and would skin him if he found out he so much as laid a finger on you in his dreams. That being said, Nicky didn't double check the schedule before deciding he was gonna have you on your knees. Who walks in unannounced? His boss.
♡ Luckily Nicholas' desk faced in such a way you couldn't see anything underneath unless you were literally in his chair, which spared you for the moment. To keep you quiet he used the hand buried in your hair to push your head entirely down between his legs, his cock filling your throat and making your eyes water pathetically. At this point he wasn't even truly doing it to keep you quiet or keep you hidden, he was doing it for his own enjoyment. Once his painfully long conversation ended and the room was clear, he pulled you off his cock and laughed at how messy you looked. (Asshole!!!! I fucking need to fuck him so bad hate him!!!)
♡ he made you get a tattoo of his initials after your "6 month anniversary" of being his apprentice. He said he wanted to brand you so everyone knows who trained you so well (this mf is not talking abt the tattooing I promise lmao). So now you have a pretty "NR" on your hip bone just barely low enough to be covered up by your clothing. He gets achingly hard whenever he remembers it's there.
♡ he claims you get on his nerves and swears up and down that he's definitely fucking other people cause he could "never date a random college airhead" (he's not, it's a lie, don't believe him lol) when he's talking to the other guys at the shop but if any of them so much as look at you in passing he has to actively restrain himself from jumping down their throat.
♡ speaking of this possessiveness, Nicholas ended up staying late at the shop one evening conveniently at the same time the new piercer Noah was there. Noah thought you were fucking gorgeous and had full intentions on asking if you had any plans this weekend so that you two could maybe hang out, unfortunately this plan was canceled cause Nicholas had you laid back on his tattoo chair split on his cock. He knew you two weren't alone, and made zero effort to keep you quiet, in fact he was encouraging the noise.
"Louder, can't fuckin' hear you- tell me how good this dick makes you feel"
"Bet I've ruined you for everybody else."
"Awe, are you crying? So fuckin' needy you're really crying for some cock?"
♡ afterwards he walked past Noah like literally nothing had happened even though minutes before he had you making sounds anyone else would've called 911 over. Safe to say poor thing didn't get his date.
♡ Nicholas loves playing with you while he's wearing his black latex gloves, he thinks you look pretty when his gloved fingers are forced down your throat and he's basically trained you to find them arousing cause he does it so often. He'll squish your cheeks in one hand before telling you to open your mouth so you can suck his fingers like you would his dick. (He literally stares at you like you hung the moon during this but God forbid he says he CARES ABOUT YOU)
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Alienation & Spite
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tuesday morning, 8:47 a.m.
characters: technoblade, dream word count: 1,541
I've been in this room before.
The last time, ages ago, it was brief. Techno had practically rushed me out after ringing the bell a few times. That felt like something that had to be done, some stupid ritual that you signed up for the moment you stepped into the cabin. He had come back, a little later, and made sure I wasn't watching as he opened the secret chest in the back of the room.
I knew where it was. I could go over right now and open the chest and take whatever the hell I wanted and Techno wouldn't stop me. It wasn't a secret anymore and that felt...
It felt shitty for no reason. Of course he didn't bother hiding those things anymore. I've been living in his house for months, what was there to hide? But fuck man. He could at least pretend things were normal.
Rolling over, I shoved one of the pillows into my face and resisted the urge to scream. If I did, Techno would hear. He would climb up the ladder and ask if everything was alright and I would lie. I should feel bad for lying; I know he's trying to help but I don't want help, I want to be left alone.
It's easier. No one gets that. No one understands that everything still hurts or that I feel wrong without a potion or that food makes me want to vomit or that I don't want to leave the cabin. I don't even want to leave the room.
Techno calls it wallowing. Maybe he's right. Maybe I don't care.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the sunlight reflecting off the bell and block of emerald. Something about that makes me angry. I've been angry a lot, I guess. It knots in my chest and I want to tear it out. I want to punch something. I want to punch myself. I settle for dragging my nails against my skin until its red and stings. It doesn't calm the anger that's making my eyes water. Without thinking, I throw the pillow across the room, at the bell.
It makes a low chiming sound and I groan.
As expected, a few moments later, Techno pokes his head up, arms resting on the floor. He's worried. I tug my sleeves down over my arms, hiding the scratches. Not that Techno would be mad. That's the problem. He'd understand. He'd say it's okay and it's not.
"Hey, Dream. You rang?"
It was funny and I have to fight the smile.
"No. That—That was an accident."
His eyes slide towards the bell and sees the pillow on the ground.
I don't say anything.
"How about you come downstairs, man? I'll make you some breakfast."
I still don't say anything. I stare at the ceiling.
"C'mon on man."
He talks so softly, the same way he does to his animals and it's another thing I want to be pissed about except I've heard him use the same tone with Phil, with Ranboo or Niki.
So stupid.
I want things to be normal but it is and I'm still mad.
"I'm not hungry," I lie. I'm starving. I want a potion.
"Alright." Techno reaches out and tugs the blanket up over me. He's stretching precariously. "How about we make a deal? I'll leave you alone for a bit but you've gotta promise to come down for dinner."
His words hang in the air a bit and I roll my eyes.
"Or what?"
Techno laughs.
"Or I'll carry your scrawny behind downstairs my dang self," he says.
I believe him.
"God. Fine, Techno."
He laughs again.
“See ya later, Dream.”
His head disappears back downstairs. Already I regret agreeing to his stupid deal. He won’t actually drag me downstairs if I change my mind, I know that. I roll over the other way, facing the ladder. On the bedside table is a bottle of water and Techno’s communicator. Mine is gone and has been since Sam took it. I reach over and grab Techno’s. It’s only 8:47 a.m. Dinner is a long way off.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I’m worried.
It’s kinda hard not to be worried when you have a man in your bedroom who’ll barely move and barely eat. I don’t mind. Well, I do, just not in the way Dream thinks I do. He thinks I want him out, gone out of my life. I had to fight against his idiotic plan to fake a parting of ways while we were in prison. The only thing I want is—
It’s lame, chat, I know.
I want him to be okay. The first few weeks, he hardly moved because he couldn’t. He wasn’t in any kind of shape. The thought of what happened to him in that cell after I left haunts me. How can you make up for that?
I pull the raw beef out of the ice chest. A good steak is a start. I wouldn’t have made something that required so much chewing a couple months ago but Dream’s jaw had healed. And I know he’s a steak man when he’s not relying on potions or golden apples. I’ve caught him sneaking both after days of refusing food.
Fighting the urge to keep walking over to stand at the bottom of the ladder is the hardest part. I want to go back up and check on him again. He had been quick at pulling his sleeves down but I saw the marks on his arms. If I had said something, it might have made him withdraw even more.
I’ll make him a cake.
I have no idea if he’ll eat it but he might. It’s something to occupy my time and something to do to show him I care. He knows, he’s gotta know by this point but sometimes he lays there like he doesn’t know anything anymore. I don’t blame him. He has that lost look in his eyes every so often and I know he’s pulling away because it’s easier.
I know, I’ve been there. This cabin was built to get away from everything. It took some time to realize I was being a fool. Dream will get there, I’ve got faith in him. He’s been through a lot and he still smiles sometimes.
I’m on autopilot baking. Niki’s recipe is well-worn by this point and I don’t need to have it sitting out but that’s habit, too. It’s a nice reminder. By the time the cake is in the oven, the sun is midpoint in the sky. The beef’s been marinating for awhile. I glance towards the living room and sigh.
Just a quick check, I won’t even go up the ladder.
Standing at the base, I can’t hear anything. That’s probably a good sign. Hopefully, he’s sleeping. Sleep hasn’t been easy for him which means it’s not been great for me, either, and I can sleep through a lot. Except the person next to me lashing out or screaming. It hurts. Not the times he’s hit me on accident but hearing a friend say ‘no’ and ‘please’ and ‘stop’ over and over.
I’ve gotta stop thinking about it. I know Dream’s picked up on my worry and I know sometimes it makes him feel weird. I get it, I do.
By the time the cake is cooled and has a nice layer of green frosting on it, the steaks are also done and the sun is lower in the sky. I pat my pockets, looking for my communicator to check the time, but I must’ve misplaced it again. I make another mental reminder to put a clock somewhere and head over to the ladder.
Dream is pretending to sleep, I can tell.
“Dinner time.”
He opens one eye. I smile. He opens the other and sighs as he props himself up.
“I’m—I’m not hungry.”
It’s the same thing as earlier and it’s still a lie, I know it. I raise an eyebrow and look at him silently. After a moment, a slight tinge of pink is on his cheeks.
Got ‘em.
“Ugh, fine,” he says as he swings his legs out of bed. “You’re so annoying.”
“I know, Dream, I know.” I slide down the ladder and wait for him. When he climbs down, I put my hand out, hovering near his back, just in case. “I’ve made you a real special dinner.”
“What? Why?”
I stop in front of the kitchen table. Some of the icing on the cake has melted a bit but the steaks look good. Dream is next to me. He looks confused. He looks sad. I put my arm around his shoulders. They still feel awfully boney.
“Because it’s your four month anniversary of stayin’ here, man. We’ve gotta celebrate.”
Dream’s voice rises in pitch.
I know that tone. He’s struggling not to smile and rolling his eyes. I nudge my nose against the side of his head and pull him a little closer. He doesn’t pull away.
“We’re celebratin’, Dream. I even made you a cake.”
“This is so stupid,” he says but he’s leaning against me and I wrap my arms around him and hug him.
“Let’s eat.”
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daryldixonfanfiction · 2 months
What you fight for! Pt.7 - strawberries and cigarettes *18+
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summary: Daryl tries to keep it in his pants, buts it's more then difficult when the girl hes crushing on is indulging a certain candy next to him.
Warnings: a steamy lollipop moment in Daryl's pov, Daryl is obsessed with her curly hair, angst, pining, sexual themes in dreams and thoughts, Daryl has thoughts of having her in the backseat, protective!Daryl, age gape, Daryl being a softy and a gentleman, mentions of bruise, brief mentions of almost previous rape.
wc: 6.9k
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Daryl found it hard to focus on the road. 
The sun glowed on her just right, and when it hit her brown eyes she looked angelike, her curls glowing like a golden halo. He wanted to move his fingers true her curly hair, smell that soothing scent of shampoo, pull back the two strands of looks that had fallen into her soft brown eyes behind her ear. 
Oh, how he craved to touch her. 
He should stop before he drives them into a tree - and he does so by pulling his lingering gaze away from her back on the road. She obliviously looked at the map in her lap, because he had told her to, even though he didn't actually need help in navigation. But he was selfish and wanted her to ask him questions about where they were going as it was mostly the only time she would talk. 
He had notest her becoming more quiet, avoiding his gaze and he knew it was his doing of his pore words from that morning. But he never intended for this and the more she distanced herself from him the more he felt drawn to her, wanting her to look at him, engage in conversations. And when they had been smothered in silence that he before had no problem with, he would ask her how much longer before he had to take another road,  even though he already knew the answer. But he couldn't help himself when the look of accomplishment covered her lips, her eyes and her face and even if it was subtle, he always caught it and he would smile to himself because she was just…perfekt. 
He noticed how she would get lost in the scenery speeding by her window and how she was engrossed in writing and drawing when there wasn't much else to do. She leaned against the window once more, gazing to the outside fields and he did the same without notesting, mirroring her against his own window. Then a rumbelle from her stomach broke the silence in the humming vehicle they had been smothered in sins she had told him to turn left and follow highway 76. He suppressed a chuckle, glancing her way as he drove with his one hand firmly on the wheel.
"There's some protein bars in the back,” Daryl offered, still looking ahead.
Julia shakes her head, “I’m not that hungry.” She denied softly, but her stomach rumbling again told a different story - and she kicked herself inwardly as she felt heat begin to blossom on her cheeks. Embarrassed of being caught in a silly lie she didn't know no way she felt the need to lie about in the first place. It was stupid. But Daryl didn't say anything and instead reached behind her seat and easily took out three bars from his pack, then offered them. She hesitated, then gave in. 
“Thank you.” She said, taking one from his hand.
The sweet and tasteful chocolate-bar melted in her mouth, the nuts crunched satisfyingly with every chew. As she glanced towards Daryl, watching how he ripped the package open with his teeth, tossing the raper aside and shocked to see how he finish it of with onely tree bites as she still was on her first. She found it amusing how he always ate so care free with no manners, how he smotherd the melted chocolate on his fingers against his pants that would have been avoided if he had kept the raper on. But of course he wouldn't, it was Daryl after all.
Dragging the back of his hand over his mouth, she couldn't help but let out a little chuckle notesting it did nothing to clean the residue of the melted chocolate on the corner of his mouth. Just like a child. Daryl glanced her way in question, 
“What’s so funny?” He asked with some still in his mouth.
Julia shakes her head, still smiling as she stares at the smudged chocolate spot. It was just adorable and he didn't even know it. She pointed to her own mouth, making him look at himself in the rear view mirror to see what she was referring to - making him wipe it off with his sleeve. Then began to dig into his second bar and Julia watched in amusement at his clear liking to sweets. When he finished it, he checked himself in the mirror making sure this time he got it all.
Puting the raper neatly away in her bag she then shugged some water down, the chocolate making her terribly thirsty and when she finished, about to put the lid bak on, Daryl nudged her arm, his hand oustreched towards her.
“Give me some.”
Julia handed him the bottle of water without much thought and never before has she seen someone down water that fast. Like he had been deprived of water like a man lost in the desert. And it was impossible to not stare at his adamsappel bobbing up and down his throat with every gulp he swallowed. Her fingers itched to touch him, but she pulled herself together. He held the water bottle to his mouth unaware of her sinfully drooling over how his bicep flexed. The fabric on the denim jacket looked like it would burst. He looked so strong and firm without even trying - and she couldn't help but to remember how bulky he felt under her touche when he had been on top of her, thrusting inside of her. and even then he had been so gentle. 
Daryl drank until the need for oxygen was unbearable, handing back an almost empty bottle and offered an out of breath, “Thank’s,” wiping away the axes' water on his lips.
And she aced for his lips to be on hers once more.
“Oh,” She said, snapping out of her engrossed daydream and putting back the water bottle in her pack, suddenly feeling the need to busy herself, beginning writing down the first thing she knew she would need on their journey or she would bleed true her pants eny day now. 
And her prayers must have been heard when Daryl not long after stopped at an abundant gas station that was looted with abundant cars.
Finding the auto store loted but walker free Daryl gave her the ‘okey’ to stay inside as he began to siphon fuel from the cars outside. Julia didn't waste any time, beginning to go to the shelves that were mostly empty, but when she found a big box of tampons she almost squealed as she no longer needed to dred of what she would do when her monthly came. The only thing she hoped to find but didn't was painkillers, but she knew she could handle the cramps even though hers tended to be severe sometimes - to the extent of throwing up and almost fainting.
After having consumed all that water earlier nature called and she moved to the ladies room in the back. She knew the place was empty as Daryl had cleared it, but she couldn't help from being hesitant when entering.
Having the rare moment of privacy, away from his watchful eye she pulled out the gun she had taken in secret, back at the house. Knowing he would take it the moment he knew she had it. 
She had never handled a gun before, the only knowledge of it was from action movies and watching others kill walkers. She had taken it because after what happened she wanted to feel safe, to protect herself and him if it came to it. But she knew she would not kill someone, it felt impossible to do so inside herself. 
Somehow she managed to take the fully loaded klip out, fumbling with the disarmed gun clumsy. It felt surprisingly heavy and smelld of gunpowder and metal. Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror the gun looked out of place in her hands, it felt as if she did something she shouldn't. 
Even though she knew she was free to do whatever she wanted, there was this obligation to do what he said, because he kept her safe and he knew more about all this than she did and she had agreed to do what he said when it came to going on this journey - to find the scientists that had become her life purpose. So for now she hid the gun away in her pack once more, hoping she would never have to use it.
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Exiting the auto shop she moves towards Daryl, who is siphoning fuel into a red dunk. He looks up at her and regards her before questioning,
“Everything okay?”
Julia could feel herself getting nerves, worried he had already smelled the secret she was keeping from him.
“Mmmh,” she assures, “Why do you ask?”
“You were gone for a while. Was almost  going to look for ya if you took any longer.” 
She watched as he leaned his back against the car, waiting for the dunk to get filled as he lightened a smoke, cupping his hand to shield it from the wind.
It should be illegal how he made a bad habit look so good. And wasn't it dangerous to smoke while handling gas? But she knew better than to question him.
Thinking about it she never knew he smoked, but on the other hand a lot of people did. Daryl took a long drag before letting the smoke pass true to his lips, the smoke cloud blowing away with the wind. And she couldn't help but notice how it made him relax, look more at ease. 
Roaming true her bag, Julia offers one of her lollipops she had found on her way out. Daryl stared at the pink and read raped up candy in her hand, shooting her a confused look. She offered  him a soft smile and insisted,
“Na, I’m good,” he drawls, blowing the white smoke away from her direction.
Unwrapping the candy, as he crosses his arms over his broad chest with the sig still between his lips, she looked at the half full dunk then to the siphon and asked curiously, 
“How does it work?”
“The siphon?
“Yeah,” she confirms, placing her pack on the car and plops the candy into her mouth. Daryl explains as he lets the sigaret hang from his lips,
“It’s when liquid travels against gravity.” He began, “mmh hmm,” Julia hums. “The liquid travels up and over the crest of the tube, the weight of the liquid goes into this,” he points to the red dunk, “It pulls the rest of it over the crest, causing the tank to drain.”
Julia swirls the candy in thought as he puts the lid back on the filled up dunk and takes the tube out of the filler neck opening and continues to the next car to fill another dunk of fuel. Julia follows, caring the heavy dunk and Daryl questions as he works the tube down the tank,
“You understand?”
“Well…only the part about liquid traveling against gravity,” she confessed, putting the dunk bak on the ground “The rest was too… complicated.” 
He hummed in acknowledgement, then put the tube to his mouth, sucking the fuel out, then let it drain out into the dunk and spat out the burning taste of gas.
Daryl leans against the car just like he did before and Julia glanced at his side profile. Silently studying him from head to toe. He was a very handsome man, smart. It felt like he had experienced far more of life than she had, had so much knowledge, had the answer to her every question and always knew what to do. 
She found him so capable. Safe. Everything a man should be she saw in him.
The taste of sweet cherry ingolfs her mouth and she takes the candy out to speak,
“Maybe next time I can fill up one du-
“Na,” Daryl cut her off. “You don’t need to be doing shit like that. Gas ain’t good for ya.”
“Gas isn't good for you either, you know.” Julia countered and Daryl gave her a look making her drop it knowing he wouldn't change his mind. She just wanted to be helpful when he did so much. Protecting her, going on this journey.
Plopping the candy back into her mouth she put her pack back on and the dunk along to start refiling the truck. But before she reached the truck, Daryl had caught up to her and took the heavy dunk from her grasp, caring both effortlessly.
“Thanks,” she said looking up at him and he gave her nood in response.
“Can you hand me that funnel?” Daryl asked her, handling the dunks to refuel the truck. "It's in the back.”
“Okay,” she responds and retrieves the funnel to him, happy that she helped in any way.
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It had been a good day so far, but still the sadness creeped in when there was nothing occupying her wandering mind. She had tried to distract herself in the journal, but when she realized she was drawing his eyes that she found so beautiful, she put it back in her pack and just stared out the window, watching Virginia's landscape speed by, In hop of thinking of anything else that didnt pain her heart.
What confused her the most was how could he be so normal about what had happened between them, how he kept being close to her even though he had told her it was wrong? And she just didn't understand. Nothing made sense any more. All she knew was she liked him and he didn't reciprocate those feelings, not in the way she wanted him to. And why did he all of a sudan wanna be close, talking more than he had done with her before? It made her distancing herself from him so much harder, painful even when she was so drawn to him. Maybe she would forget about her unrequited feelings for him if he wasn't being so kind, so protective and if he wasn't currently staring her way. She wished for him to keep his pools of deep blue on the road.
She could feel his gaze making a home on the back of her haid, but she couldn't look at him right now, because, if so, she feared for her feelings to deepen even more and it would all be so much more painful in the end. And she wondered, when someone rejected someone, wasn't the normal thing to do, not to give the other mixed signals - to keep to their words of rejection and regret? 
Virginia. America's heartland.  It's late autumn scenery was breathtaking and even more so in the golden sunset and for a moment she just admired the view. Thinking about everything and nothing at once while tasting another lollipop that tasted of strawberries. Her grandparents used to grow them.
Daryl struggled once again to keep his focus on the road. And even more so when she was so carelessly sucking on that damn candy stick. Making sinful sounds every time she would drag  it between her plump lips that he knew were soft, because he had tasted them that night he could not get out of his mind.
The memory forever plays on repeat.
She was just like candy, sweet and addictive. But he would not let himself give into that desire. Even though every time he would nudge her to get her attention, just to make her look at him, hear her soft voice and he knew he wasn't truly keeping to his own promise. It wouldn't be long before he broke it. 
He wouldn't let himself do that. 
He couldn't.
He had to protect her from himself. 
He would only end up hurting her more then he already had. She deserves someone that was worthy of her soft-heartedness, her untainted soul. And he knew he wasn't worthy of her kindness, that he never would be, so he had to draw the line. Telling her it had been wrong because she deserves someone who was as good as her, he would never be that. All he could do was to protect her, do whatever it took in order to keep her safe, and he had already failed her in that. 
It ate at him, gilt burning in his gut every time he would stare at her for too long and he would see that bruise on her delicate throat that had turned bluish purple. Now and again he would catch her unintentionally scratching it, making him worry it was hurting. 
That picture of her underneath that monster, pushing her down on the bed, forcing her legs open as she fought against him, silenced with that disgusting man's hand around her throat. And if he haven’t followed his gut filing to go into that room when he had she would have been raped and killed and God knows what more by the other men in the house. And it felt like he was more traumatized than she was which worried him. 
She had been deathly quiet just after he dragged her out of the house but then it was like it never had happened in the first place. Because of course she was so selfless and good - and all she did was to care for him, soothing him with her kind words and her soft touch.
He will forever be undeserving of her.
And that was when he realized how strong someone could be without any physical strength. That her emotional strength was something far beyond, something he needed and never wanted to live without. When he thought about it she had always seen through him, been there for him when he had been weak, vulnerable and he could only feel undeserving, but it had meant everything to him.
He flexed his wrapped up hand, and even though his knuckles were aching all he could think of was her touch from the night before. When she had told him it would not heal and then softly wrapped it up again. He had been close to kissing her then, too close. Just by her touch she had him folded, and how she looked at him with her kind eyes, he knew he would do anything she asked. He would bring the moon down for her if she so desired, and he had never felt something so strong and so delicate for someone else, and that scared him in a way. Because he knew there would be no limits for what he would do in the name of her. 
After all, he already had. With no regret - no second thought. It had been cristall clear of what he had to do in order to insure her safety.
Did she even know what she was doing to him? What was she putting him through?
And right now she was putting him in true hell and she had been doing so sins she had found them damned lollipops she had found in the auto-shop. The strawberry scent filled his nostrils and he could feel himself hardening in his jeans at the sight of her sinfully sucking on that candy that he wished was himself. But he wouldn't let his mind go there, not any further at least. But then the thought of the candy being his finger she was sucking on as she deeply locked eyes with him - or even better, if it was-
He shook his head to himself, trying to think of anything but that, because if he did he would stop the car, show her what she was doing to him as he would have her over and over again in the backseat until she begged him with her sweat voice, chanting his name like a prayer over and over until she fell apart under his touch.
He closed his eyes then looked her way and he shouldn't have. Because when he did so, she plopped the candy out of her mouth, a string of saliva followed, her lips pretty and swole glistening with the red color of the candy that just begged him to give in, inviting him.
He had to do something, he could not take this much longer. A beautiful, naive girl inches from him, sucking on a lollipop like it was him. Firmly Daryl tries to get her attention by calling her name but she is somewhere else in her pretty little head, thinking of something so interesting she didn't hear the second time either, making him become incredibly frustrated. So with no option left he reaches over and takes the candy out of her mouth, being met with her pretty bambi eyes and surprise written all over her soft features.
“Hey! What are you doing?” She questions.
“You are supposed to be keepen your eyes on the map.” 
He should be keeping his eyes on the road.
Julia rolls her eyes, then looks at him and demands, “Give it back.”
“What do you mean, Nah?” She tries to snatch it back, but his arm being superiorly longer than hers makes her groan in frustration when it was impossible to reach.
Then she tries a different tactic, by pulling at his jacket by his biceps, and even though she pulled with all of her might with both of her hands to get it back, it did nothing.
“Daryl!” Julia whines and his eyes almost roll back to the sound of it, “Comon, Daryl! Give it back!”
Still holding on to his clothed bicep she looked up at him with big puppy eyes, her brows furrowed, “Please,” she begs. And there was an immediate reaction as she did so, even though his face became unreadable, his arm felt like it was flexing even more in her hold. 
His eyes went back and forth between her and the road they were still driving on and Daryl fought for his life not to fold. Julia could feel him giving in slowly but surely. She then tilts her head at him and bats her eyelashes, “Pretty please? Pretty, pretty please?”
She could see him visibly swallow before he looked away from the road looking down at her and she knew if she wanted a chance it would be now when he was completely disarmed, the focus on her and not on the candy he had taken hostech. And the way he decided to do so, was beyond her.
As she tried to snatch it back, it was as if all of a sudden he snapped back to reality - and before she could attempt to stop him, he told her with that stupid smirk that looked so good,
“Nah,” plopping the candy into his mouth, making her frown in complete frustration with this ever confusing man that was probably around the same age as her dad - that more acted as a child. 
Daryl couldn't help but be amused by her pouting. He knew she was upset but he was left with no other choice. And the way she looked when she got mad was the most adorable thing he'd seen. Even though he knew he shouldn't - but he so badly wanted to see her frown with her soft features, see her wrinkle her nose and hear her whining that made his eyes roll back, imagining her beneath him.
What was this girl doing to him? 
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As the last light dips beneath the horizon, Daryl spots a fighting spot by the edge of the forest. He drives them off road true the open grassland into the protection of tall pine trees. 
The engine hums into silence as Julia's eyes almost drift close. Daryl's voice stopping her from doing so,
"We'll stop here tonight.” Daryl informed. 
Julia yawned, “We aren’t there yet?” 
“Nah, common.”  Daryl's answers as he gathers his pack. "Let's set up camp so you can get some shut eye.”
“I’m not even tired,” Julia argues.
Setting up camp Julia began to feel a heavy sense of dread and she didn't understand way. Last night was no problem, neither was the night before, so why was today different?  
They arrange their sleeping bags after dinner. Daryl dimmed the lantern to its lowest setting, creating just enough light to not be swallowed by the night. 
The dark, the cold, and the vulnerability of being asleep all made Julia very uneasy. She couldn't help but fight sleep even though being terribly tired. The thought of possibly being woken by a living nightmare, like she had been in that car when she was taken, disoriented and frightened, and in the house she had thought it would be safe enough to rest. 
That happening again, struck a fear so deep she didn't know if she ever could be okay.
Julia stared into the darkness of the forest, tall trees surrounding them. But then she looked up and the sky was clistar clear, stars shining brightly, forming constellation after constellation. She counted them, like sheep before one fell asleep. Her mind calmed enough for her eyes to get heavy, her breathing slowed down until she finally drifted into a deep sleep that she hoped would take her far away from the fear of nightmares she had experienced and the heartache that troubled her so deeply.
Daryl watches over her as she sleeps soundly, protected by the warmth of the sleeping bag he was happy he could provide. He washes her face twitch and how the steady pace of her breathing moves her form up and down. Her face looked so peaceful, so beautiful and serene, without a care in the world. 
Her hair fell in her face making her frown. Daryl tucked the curls away, pooting the hair behind her ear. Soft. He gently caressed her cheek and just admired her there and the beauty she possessed. 
He could stare at her for hours and never get enuff.
Julia was woken by his warm touch on her face. 
His fingers gently dancing along her skin. They were lying on their sides, facing one another, gazing deeply into eachothers eyes. Her heart drummed in her ears, butterflies dancing in her stomach. And for the first time she smiled at him and he returned it just as softly as his thumb dragged along her lower lip, slow and gentle, making her close her eyes, and just focus on his touch.
The only man she would let her touch her like this was him, and only him, no one else.
Oh, how she had missed this. 
Missed him. 
And she was so happy. 
A soft giggle escaped her lips as she returned to deeply gazing up at him. Daryl Dixon, was the most beautiful man she had ever laid her eyes upon. There was this rare beauty in his deep blue eyes that looked so softly at her she feared she would melt. The way his hair curtend his dashing face and the way his stubble framed his jaw so handsomely and the lines of aging had her admiring each and every single one. 
Daryl watches her back, his blue eyes wandering across her face down her neck. He softly touched the bruise on her trout. Creating goosebumps there, making her shiver of simply his touch. She shuts her eyes for a moment and sighs contently as she lens into it.
His pupils are blown with desire, his jaw clenched and muscles tensing as if he’s trying to hold himself back, and he tells her, his voice deep and rubeling,
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me, do yah?”
And Julia simply smiles softly, before leaning up and presses her mouth to his cheek. His hand on her neck shot out, and she jolted when he pulled her in by cradling her head, leaning in and kissing her just like he did that night. Hungry and starving.
And oh, it was heavenly. 
Her hands fists his color as his tongue danced with hers, his other hand tilting her chin up to get better axes. His stubble tickled her, but she could care less. Because finely, finely, his lips had returned to hers and she wished for it to never stop. 
The warmth of Daryl’s body pressed against hers creates a safe haven, momentarily replacing the fears with the undeniable comfort he provides. The dread and the fear melts away, it feels like she can finally breathe without her heart strings being pulled.
His nose pressed into her skin as they kissed, and he spoke even though his lips weren't the ones talking. And she didn't understand. Then, when his lips began to fade and his face began to blur and the voice calling her name from some distant place, repeatedly calling for her as she was shaken. She opened her eyes, meeting his ocean blues staring down on her newly woken form, as she was blinking past the wetness in her eyes.
“Hey, hey.” He soothed softly, worry covering his features and Julia realized she had been crying, but it had been tears of joy, of happiness. But being met with the reality it had all been just a dream, more felt like it was breaking her heart. Because it had been too good to be true. What she had longed for to be real. And she knew he would never reciprocate those feelings, touch her that way, nor kiss her like her heart aced for so terebully.
Now real tears did fall and the ace was once more heavy in her chest. She tried to blink them all away, but the wetness just kept coming, making her cheeks raw and her vision blurry. She wished she could have more control of her emotions, but it was all too much, overwhelming her like it had never done before. She had never had such a vivid dream and woke up crying this way. And it didn't make it easier with him drying her tears away as he softly rubbed the back of her hand,
“Hey, hey. It was only a bad dream, you're okay. I got you. I got you.”
As her tears began to slow and she had calmed enough to speak, she took a shaky breath,
“It was a happy dream.”
He searched her face - then, “You’re crying,” Daryl stated, 
He had been terribly worried when he saw her serin face turn into her crying in her sleep. He had panicked, anxiety spiking as he shook her awake. Fearing she was reliving the horror she had been true. So he didn't understand when she told him ‘it was a happy dream’. 
One last tear fell and he wiped it away - watching how she closed her eyes as his thumb lingered there - simply because he couldn't handle seeing her sad. It crushed him in a way he didn't know he could feel. But then she looked deeply into his eyes, her brown eyes shining as she smiled sadly and she told him, 
“Because I wished it was real.”
Daryl froze at her words.
Her confession sent guilt spireling, digging into him deeply - a confession he knew the reason behind, because her eyes looked just as sad as they did that morning, when she had been so happy and he just went ahead and ruined it all.
This was why she was crying.
Because of him. 
Because of what he had said.
There was so much he wanted to say but he didn't know how to. To confess what he truly felt inside. But he was teribull with words. He would only mess up again, creating more harm than good. 
Julia lowered her eyes to turn away from him. She didn't know how much more of this she could take before it all became too much again. And there was shame in how she had dreamed of him in that way, like it was rong, just like he had said. Then before she could do so, he pulled her in by the waist into his arms,
“Come here,” he said softly. 
She was surprised but didn't shy away from his hand holding her lower back, pressing her body into his warm chest and her head beneath his chin. Her hand naturally fists his jacket as the other was curled into herself. His steady heartbeat and his calming breath soothes her until she falls asleep in his arms. 
Daryl woke up to sunlight. 
He didn't sleep as much as he should have. There had been too much on his mind keeping him awake. Julia was already awake, cooking them breakfast as she did her morning routine, fixing her hair for the day, and brushing her teeth. 
Finishing her second braid with a rosette of some white fabrike she continued to stir the oatmeal. Her hair looked longer this way and her aperens even softer, if that even was possible? Plaiting two portion of breakfast Daryl seated himself as she turned down the gas stove,
“You're up early,” he said and Julia handed him his plate, along with a spoon.
“Yah. I was so hungry I thought I was going to die if I didn't get up and make something.”
Daryl hummed and dug in. They both ate in a comfortable silence as the morning sun brightened up another day - though the noticeable chillier weather and natural light had become darker by each passing day. 
Julia rinsed the dishes in the nearby stream as Daryl packed up the truck for their continued journey.
Silens was unending inside the car.
Julia was being avoidant, not once looking his way. It bothered him. She had been sad - and in the morning he had been naive and thought everything was going to be okay. But the way she looked far away through the window, he knew she was far from it. 
She didn't draw nor write that he knew she liked to spend her time doing. She just started with a map in her lap, with that look in her eyes. He wanted to do something, but didn't know how to, it felt like he never did.
Hours passed on. Daryl drifted away in his own thoughts as julias gaze never left the window.
Boredom eventually makes Julia move her attention from the tree's speeding bay and opens the glove compartment, finding a cassette. She studies it in her hands before putting it back. As she reaches forward to do so, Daryl stops her.
“Let’s hear it,” he encourages. “Could be something worth listening to.”
Julia gives him an unsure look. Hesitating before she puts it into the player. Daryl presses play and turns up the volume. The car fills with tons of an old song he hasn't heard since his mother was alive. 
‘Love will abide, take things in stride.
Sounds like good advise
But there's knowone there by my side’
He leans back in his seat, his left hand on his thigh, tapping along to the all familiar rhythm as he sighs in content.
Julia thinks he doesn't like the music that's playing and moves to turn it off.
“Oh, no wait,” he stops her, “No, leave it. Leave it. Oh this is good. This is Linda Ronstadt. Do you know who Linda Rondstadt is?”
“Yeah, I’ve listened to some of her songs.” Julia finally says, “This is my favorite song of hers.”
Daryl hums, smiling as a memory pups up in his head. He rarely remembered good things of his childhood but he could clearly remember his mom singing along as she did laundry in the summer sun. It was before she had turned to drinking wine, when she still smiled and still sang - wearing that yellow sundress she always wore in the summer, that his father didn't approve of, due to his jealous tendencies and her beauty that had everyone turning their heads. 
God, his mother was beautiful. 
She will forever be the most beautiful woman he’ll ever see. But from the moment Julia passed true the prison gates - there it was. That familiar beauty he couldn't put his finger on, but it was there and he had tried to deny it. Now being with her, he knew, and there was no denying. So he simply admired her from afar, quietly, or at least tried to. 
He would not put his feelings into words, because there were not enuff words that could possibly be enuff, no words that would do her justice. Neither would he be close - like he craved for so badly. The only exception had been last night. He had to, because he couldn't handle her sadness, the tears in her eyes. He was in agonizing pain, because he knew if he gave in like he had done, he would only hurt her, maybe even lose her. He didn't know how, but he knew good things never last for him. Not for Dixons. It never had.
Song after song played in the care. Julia didn't seem as sad nor quiet. She seemed to forget her sadness as she mindlessly sang along the country tunes. It was as if she had forgotten he was there or maybe she wasn't aware she was singing? But he didn't care. Her voice was so beautiful he never wanted her to stop.
The last song comes to an end, the car was once more smothered in humming from the engine.
Julia washes a distance hurd endlessly walks true overgrown fields in the horizon. He notices the change in her demeanor. He worries the sadness in her eyes had returned, that he could no longer distract it with music that had seemed to work so well. But then Julia lens back in her seat to lock true the wind shield and she is the one that asked him a question and even though it's isn't much it’s something and she asks him,
“What if we don’t find them? What if they're gone?”
“We're gonna find them.” He tells her matter of factly.
“How do you know?” 
“I’m persistent.” 
And Julia knew that he was a very capable man. He was a tracker after all. This was what he did best. But she couldn't help but to feel this doubt the closer they were, fearing she would yet again get her hopes up only to be left disappointed. To be left with the dread, of what would be the point of going on, what would be her purpose in life, her driving force if not she could save humanity and make everything right.
“And what if they're not in Pittsburgh?”
“We continue west. Wyoming.”
Julia nods, tracing their way west from highway 70 to 76. It would be a long drive, maybe 25h, but she prefers that then walking true six states that would take them months.
“So, we're in Wyoming then?”
“Somewhere close to Cody.” Daryl tells her and Julia begins to look at the state maps to get a closer look. And when she locates it with her finger, Daryl senses her question,
“If we don't find them there, the odds are they will be holding up in another hospital in a nearby city. Ain’t to many of ‘em in Wyoming.”
Julia hums with her eyes on the map, “Chee-Yen,” She tries to word one of the cities.
“Cheyenne.” Daryl corrects her.
“Che-” she begins "really?" Daryl looks at her and nods in confirmation. 
Julia continues naming the cities, “Cheyenne…Laramie…Casper–  Julia puts down the map book in her lap, her hands resting on top of it, “Way are you doing all of this?”
Daryl looks at her, taken back by her straightforward question. And he didn't know what to say. Or more, how to say it.
“Seems like the right thing is all.” 
Julia studies him, something is different, she can feel it, but she was so curious remembering how he had been so dismissive of this in the beginning. When he told her to forget it, that it would get her killed in the end.
“What do you mean?”
And Daryl wished for her to stop asking questions. To stop being so curious. Even though he had been the one that had longed for conversations in their smothered silence.
“You know.” He simply told her. As if it would shut her up before she would find out the real reason, his deepest truth that needed to be kept from her.
“What?” She pushed on and Daryl relents with the half hearted truth,
“I thought it was nuts. But then…
“Then?” She prompts eagerly.
Daryl sighs softly as he squints against the midday sun, “Then your scar convinced me I guess. That it’s real. And I believe youre doing the right thing… That maybe… a cure is possible.”
His confession made her smile brightly at him, and he thought for a moment time had stopped. He wanted to kiss her, stroke her soft cheeks, feel her pigtail braids between his fingers. His heart beating so hard against his chest he worried she could hear it.
“You really believe I’m doing the right thing?” She asked, hope glittering in her eyes.
“Yah,” he said earnestly, making Julia's heart swell. 
"Yah it is,” she echoed,  “I’m gonna make it right again, for the ones we lost. I want to give people a chance. That’s all I want… Do you think that’s too much to ask for?”
“No,” he said. Because anything she asked for was his life mission. Seeing her like this, with hope in her eyes and a peace in her smile he couldn't feel anything but to do right by her.
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Pt.8 Masterlist
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cosmal · 1 year
hello!! can i request #5 from the scenario list with a sirius pls?? thank u lovely 💜💜💜
a secret
∗ o5﹕ sender comforts the receiver in the aftermath of a  nightmare.
content — sirius black x fem!reader
Sirius gets home later than he wanted to and doesn't expect the warm light that spills under the bottom of your bedroom door. He shucks off his shoes at your front door and makes sure it's locked before he heads to your room.
The door creaks open and he just catches you flinching where you're sat on the other side of the room. You sit at your window bench with your legs pulled up to your chin and the cold breeze blows over you where it tracks in through the open window.
"Darling," he says softly as if he'll disrupt the quiet blanketing the room. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
You turn your head to rest your cheek on your arm and the glow from your hanging star-shaped lights washes over your neck and shoulders. Sirius thinks about how cold you have to be in just a pair of sleep shorts and the vest that's riding up your back.
You sniffle, rubbing your cheek against your arm. "You're home," you sigh. Sirius's heart feels heavy in his chest for a moment. You sound small.
"You okay?" he asks, padding softly across your rug to where you're sat. He places his hand on your cheek and startles to find it damp. "Honey..." he coos.
You close your eyes under his heavy hand and wrinkle your face up to hold back your tears. You're like ice under his touch. He leans forward to close your window and sits down at your feet.
"Did something happen?" he asks, trying to keep the panic hidden from his voice. If he freaks he'll definitely only make things worse. He stays calm for your sake only, because he really is worried.
"I had a bad dream," you say quietly, your voice thick with bubbling upset. "And then I woke up and you weren't here and I- I didn't know what to do."
"Oh, darling." He sounds just as soft as you do, though for a completely different reason.
He opens his arms to encourage you into them. You get up on your knees and shuffle over to him until you've got your shoulder tucked under his arm and your face pressed into his dress shirt. You've got your bent knees over his lap where he holds you closer with his hand spread over your leg right under your shorts.
He presses a kiss into the top of your head for good measure, it's more selfish than anything. He hasn't kissed you in hours and now he's home, you've been all upset without him. He feels apologetic more than anything.
"I'm sorry I was out for so long," he says into your hair.
"Don't be," you mumble. He can hardly hear you but he's not expecting anything more right now. "Don't be sorry, it's okay. It's over now."
"How long have you been up for?"
You shiver and SIrius tugs you closer. He'd get you in his lap if he thought you'd want it. "Not too long." He doesn't know if he believes you because you'd definitely lie just to keep him happy. He also doesn't want to talk about it right now if you don't want to.
"You should've called me, sweetheart, I would've come home," he says honestly. Because he would've. The boys would've understood, and even if by some hypothetical chance they didn't, he wouldn't have cared.
"I wasn't gonna ruin your night," you sniffle and push yourself closer like you're not in his space enough. Your hip digs into his and his arm has gone numb where it's pinned between the seat and your back but he doesn't care.
"James was pissing me off anyways," Sirius snorts. "He was pissed. Frank had him doing shots all night."
"Oh no," you sigh into his side. There's the barest smile on your lips which brings Sirius some comfort. "Poor Lily."
"Poor Lily," he agrees quietly. "I dropped him home. He broke one of her pot plants, she's not happy."
Then, he hears it. It's not loud, or overly exciting but it still lights Sirius's chest on fire. You giggle and try to smother it in the skin behind his chest. Covering your face, trying to hide the fact that you're laughing at your best friend's expense.
He looks down and feels your warming face under his hand. Your smile is killer and melts his heart like candy floss.
"You smell like brandy. Were you at The Swan?" you ask, sitting back so he can see your face.
He traces his thumb over the bow of your top lip and chuckles. "How did you know?"
You smile, kissing the pad of his thumb. His hand skips over your skin as you do so. "You and Remus always drink brandy there."
"True," he smiles. "God, can't hide anything from you, huh?"
"What would you be hiding, Black?" He thinks you almost bite him but decide against it.
He leans down like he's about to kiss you. His breath fanning over your lips. You close your eyes. "Can't tell you. It's a secret."
He kisses you before you can pretend to be offended.
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sisterofficerlucychen · 4 months
there were so many parallels, callbacks, and moments with the same vibes (big and little) that i had to write them down to keep track lol. lowkey may be missing some and also huge shoutout to everyone who has posted about them ♡ it feels like easter eggs bc some feel easier to spot than others and i think we're still finding some lol.
with angela
watching chenford angst and teasing them about it "maybe i'll go too. grab some popcorn on the way for the show" → interrupting chenford angst and teasing tim about it "don't do anything i wouldn't do"
lucy saying she didn't need tim to come with her but would accept his help → lucy saying she didn't need tim protecting her but was also glad he was at her six
the hammer
tim's face you got this? cool i'm out look when he turns to lucy telling her she's going to have to fight the hammer → tim's you got this? cool i'm out look when the guy whose car got torched asked for her number
tim telling her she was going to have to fight the hammer → tim making her fight ghost face on her second day
lucy telling tim he needed to fight the hammer because she needed to look good in her dress for the wedding (and no one cared what he looked like) → lucy talking about having to starve herself to look good in a dress to a wedding she didn't even want to go to
tim giving lucy his duty belt → tim stealing lucy's duty belt
tim fighting the hammer as lucy stands there and watches (nervous) → tim fighting the guy from the biker gang as lucy stands there and watches (scared)
tim's fake proposal to ashley → tim foreshadowing a proposal to lucy
lucy asking tim if he could see himself married to ashley → lucy seeing herself married to tim as he's down on one knee handing her bailey's ring
lie detector
lucy looking for tim at the station because he asked her to meet him → lucy looking for tim at the station after she broke up with chis
(confused by shenanigans) lucy's "what is happening right now?" as she walks into tim with the lie detector → tim's "what are you doing?" as he walks up to lucy chen's fist of justice
no personal space as they sit in front of each other and their legs are touching → no personal space as they sit next to each other on their second date and their legs are touching in the same way
tim being shook that the lie detector detected him lying → tim being shook outside lucy's apartment after the living room kiss
lucy asking tim if he loves her → tim asking lucy if she loved chris
bailian wedding
tim finding lucy across the way with chastity and randy → lucy finding tim across the way as she talked to grey and nyla
tim going up to lucy to ask her to dance → lucy "paying off the debt" at nyla's wedding of the dance she promised she'd save tim at angela's wedding
lucy telling tim that they'll get through it (bc of uc issue) → lucy telling tamara that they'll make it work (bc tim's under her chain of command)
tim telling lucy while they dance that he wants her dream of being a uc detective to come true → tim telling lucy while they dance that she deserves to be recognized
lucy telling tim "i love you" → lucy telling tamara her relationship with tim is the best relationship she's ever been in
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foryiujeans · 1 year
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love you twice.
synopsis. after breaking up for him chasing his dreams, he had finally met you for the first time ever.
pairings. ex-lover!kim gyuvin x fem!reader.
warnings. none.
word count. 1.9k
general taglist. @kittenyu
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“get ready everyone!”
the sound of the audience cheering and screaming from inside of the arena made you shakily breathed out a nervous sigh. the amount of groups that were performing with you and your group today made your heart beat fastened.
enhypen, &team, xikers, ateez and more were performing today on the third day.
you didn’t get to perform yesterday due to a photoshoot and event for your ideal brand that was held at namsan tower. taking the plane to japan, the fans crowded you along with reporters from all channels and news.
“y/n-ssi, how is your event that was held in korea and did you see the members performance yesterday??” mc ryujin asked with a smile on her face.
chaewon handed you the microphone, “it was really fun and i did watch the members performance in the plane yesterday, it was so cool.”
the loud cheers of your name made you smile widely, earning proud and happy stares and smiles from your members who were listening to you talk about your event yesterday and how much you practiced to give an outstanding performance.
after your performance, you and the members head backstage to stay hydrated and ready on stage. the members went in the waiting room while you and yunjin head over to the small cafeteria area where you buy snacks and drinks before going up on stage to perform.
“hey, i forgot my phone in the room,” yunjin gestured to the direction of your waiting room, “i’ll get it in a sec.”
you nodded, watching as the blonde walked off to the waiting room to take her cellphone. you were starting to feel your eyelids getting heavy as you sat down on the couch.
the moment you opened your eyes and saw a familiar figure walking towards you, you froze. the brunette’s lips were surprisingly parted in surprise.
“y/n,” kim gyuvin breathes out, “i knew it was you from the moment i saw you perform.”
"you perform too?"
"yes, i just debuted as zerobaseone," the male explained, while you nodded in understanding, causing him to giggle. once he was comfortable in talking with you, he approached you first, crouching beside you. "how’s life?"
you turn to him suddenly appauled. “i have been really great actually, making new idol friends from hybe.”
at that moment the end of your sentence slowly died, avoiding eye contact with gyuvin, feeling a bit shy rather than confident. it’s been a long time since he saw you perform.
"you know," gyuvin interrupts your thoughts. he hasn't taken his eyes off you since the moment he realized you wouldn't see or feel them burning holes into you. "i never thought we’d meet again." he chuckles.
you were so precious, and you weren't even trying. you never tried. everything about you was so effortlessly beautiful. he can't lie - he's a little hurt that you don't seem ecstatic about being trapped in here with him, but what could he say? you weren't his girl; he just wanted you to be. even so, his heart can't but feel drained in his chest-as if it was tired for beating for you.
he had learned a long time ago that he needed to embrace your relationship for what it was instead of mourning what he felt it should be. you were his best friend, and he was yours. the two of you had an uncanny amount of things in common, but even in your differences did you two manage to grow together.
it has to be a bit cold outside with the number of layers you have on. your outfit consists of all black oversized jacket, crop top and black baggy pants, topping it off with your white bag.
"do you wanna hang out with me for lunch then tomorrow? there’s this restaurant l've always wanted to try.”
you blinked blankly at him a few times before glancing at yunjin who's already been looking at the two of you. "what about your members? my members?”
gyuvin glanced at yunjin as well, then smiled and turned back to you. "oh, i’ve had enough of them for now. i wanna catch up with you after a long time as friends,”
you would be lying if you said you weren't taken aback, but you agreed anyway.
you did miss him after a long time.
"great! i’ll just ask my manager later." he said, exchanging numbers with you before bidding her final bow to the blonde girl beside you and walking back to his waiting room, with gunwook tagging along.
you stared at the written piece of paper that was in your hand,
***-***-*** , my number, text u later y/n :)
- k.gv <3
a smile curls up on your lips, knowing how excited you’ll be for tomorrow. seeing yunjin teasingly grin at you, a laugh escapes your lips before folding the paper back into your pocket.
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a/n ! thank you so much for reading and giving me requests. i’m thankful that you guys enjoyed reading it and giving all the notes and support. i do not own any characters, music or pics given, will definitely work harder for the next ones !
signing out, miaaa hihi !
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somnambulic-thing · 10 months
Siren Song
been sitting on that draft for ages. Eddie x afab metal vocalist!reader not really proofread, E18+ CW: concert setting, heavy pining, he comes in his pants :3
Words: 782
And what do you do after graduating highschool when all you want to do is play your fingers raw on the guitar or get your ass kicked in moshpits while your eardrums got blown into the stratosphere?
You move to the city and try to get by doing jobs that not fully annihilate your dignity and dedicate every free minute to the music.
And while Eddie had hoped to find a crowd where he wouldn't stand out like a fucking lighthouse on fire, he didn't expect to be welcomed in the scene with such open, heavily tattooed arms.
He gets invited to shit all the time, soon he has to choose between this concert or that house wrecking party on the same night and four months in, he gives notice to his three shitty jobs because that one dude he met at that grindcore show two weeks ago remembered he as looking for something in the business and called around for him to let him know about that free position as stagehand at that venue that fit almost 3000 people and was notorious for picking newcomer bands as support acts who quickly became established names in the local scene and past their borders.
The job is hard but the crew starts to feel like a family very soon. Eddie would have never dreamed of finding a job that made him want to hang around on his days off.
Eddie had spent hours convincing Jeff to move here too after graduation and the time has finally come. He’s now sharing a space with his best friend and they can finally make music together again and that has to be celebrated.
The lineup this Saturday consists of bands he’s never heard of but his colleagues insisted he would enjoy the show and since Eddie gets an employee discount on drinks and wants to show Jeff his domain and introduce him to a few people. So they head out to the venue in high spirits.
They sit at the bar with some of Eddie’s 'new' friends when the opener begins. The intro is a long instrumental thing that starts with low and slow notes on the guitar that then give way to distortion, almost like static and Eddie is already zoning out of the conversation. It’s engaging, almost like a finger that curls in a heavy rhythm to lure him in, calling for him to join the crowd. He asks Jeff if he wants to check out the band, but Jeff is good where he is so Eddie slips off the bar stool and makes his way towards the stage.
The moody angry mystic sound urges him to move faster, to step fully into this moment, into the realms of sound, and command him to surrender to this sonic adventure. It’s like a fucking siren song and then he rounds the corner and backlit in bright white floodlights out of the fog emerges his siren. You.
He’s starting to push through the crowd when your voice hits him like a gut punch and god how badly he wants you to knock him out. Every hair on his body is pointing towards you, pointing him the way home and in his hurry he bumps shoulders and collides with elbows but he barely feels it and it all fades away when he finally reaches the stage.
He’s front and center now and it takes all of his willpower to not keep going, to not hoist himself up and lie down to your feet. And as if you knew of his dilemma, you come to the edge of the stage, you lean in on your crowd, voice swelling, louder and louder and suddenly you are so close so close so close and he will surely die if your eyes will meet him but oh what a way to go on from this life.
The music grows impatient, signals a nearing release and you stomp your foot on the monitor box right in front of him. Heavy black boots stomping the rhythm of the song right in front of his face and he will break his neck looking up at you like that, like he was witnessing the return of a goddess and missing one second of it would doom him for eternity. Oh, the way your music moves through you as if it’s an extension of your body and have his fucking jeans always been so tight?
You throw him around like he’s lost at sea and he can’t but mourn the air leaving your throat going to waste; he wants to inhale what touched your vocal cords, wants to live on the ether that fuels your voice.
And then you throw back your head, strobe light exploding like a violent halo around you and you scream like you’re made out of thunder and lightning and Eddie comes in his pants before that fucking song is even over.
soundtrack inspiration for the music !!!not for the actual people!!! for those who care
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emeraldkniight · 2 months
im still thinking about those Hal and Kyle fics you wrote....changed my life fr 🤞🏽omg tho I had such a romantic and lovely dream about Kyle last night so I'm feeling extra fuzzy over him rn...what would non hate sex with Kyle be like? 🙈 (as much as I also love mean Kyle 🤷🏽‍♀️) i need your thoughts...
I hope you're doing well 🥰 xoxo - nightjarwings
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kyle rayner x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀… fluff and smut. porn without plot. dirty talk. oral sex.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . Aside from my fantasies about Kyle being mean, he is such a sweetheart! So I feel like he would be super dedicated to making you feel comfortable. I hope you like what I've written. <3
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Since your boyfriend confessed he was a Green Lantern, the first thing you asked was: which one of them? And you didn't ask because you thought Kyle might be that beautiful alien girl with lovely blonde hair, but because you hoped he would be that handsome dark-haired man in the distinctive white and black suit different from the others. You were right.
Because of his job, Kyle wasn't often at home, which made you suspect possible infidelity. What kind of artist would suddenly leave his home for days, even weeks, without even telling his partner? His actions made you suspicious, so when he returned, you confronted him, and he eventually confessed.
Fortunately for him, you felt relieved for a moment understanding that if he wasn't home, it was precisely because he was serving as an intergalactic law enforcement, which reassured you. However, as the weeks passed and the days without Kyle accumulated, you began to wonder why a large part of the universe had your boyfriend serving, while you waited for him at home with food ready in the fridge in case he decided to return. It was unfair.
Were you being selfish because you wished that he wouldn't save the world for just one day, but that he would lie down with you and hold you in bed instead?
What you wanted most at that moment was to be accompanied, as you sat bored with a bowl of soup in front of the TV, about to fall asleep. When people entered your apartment, they noticed pictures of you and Kyle everywhere, which forced you to face questions about why you live alone or if your boyfriend is even still alive, since he's never around the neighborhood like you are.
Just as your eyes are about to close, they quickly snap open as you hear the sound of keys turning in the door lock. Your heart begins to beat wildly, unable to believe that he has finally returned.
— Baby, I'm home... — You don't let him finish as you jump into his arms, kissing him as deeply as if millennia had passed since you last saw each other's faces. — Hey, hey, I missed you too, sweetheart.
— No 'I missed you, sweetheart' — you warn. — Fuck me now.
Kyle laughs. If he had seen how desperate you were, he would have come back much sooner. Still, he doesn't object to your request and blindly walks with you on top until he manages to place you on the table.
He is gentle when he kisses you, probably because he hasn't done it for a long time since he left. However, you apply pressure and surrender to his lips with devotion, enough for both of you to enjoy.
— I saw you on the news. — You gasp under your breath. — You have no idea what it's like to masturbate to a fucking picture on TV, a real horror movie.
Devouring your neck, his lips awaken sensations. His warm, calloused hand slides over your body, parting your thighs without removing any clothing, except your panties, of course. No matter how much time the two of you had together, it might never be enough until Kyle was needed for another mission.
— Do you want to talk about horrifying things? — he asked, tugging at your underwear. — Imagine me touching myself on an unknown planet with only a picture of you in my head. You have no idea how much I missed you, sweetheart; I was going crazy.
You melted under his touch, his kisses and his compliments. He kissed and caressed you as if it were the last time, in the warmest way anyone had ever bothered to do. It was even adorable how he took the time to lovingly caress your body while you could only think of reciprocating after such a long time.
His fingers entered your pussy. He looked at you in surprise, he had never felt you so wet before; you had practically soaked his entire hand. But he just smiled and decided to take responsibility for it.
— Baby, damn, you're dripping. Did you miss me that much, babe?
He lifted one of your legs and brought it up to his shoulder to get better access to your pussy. His thumb applied gentle pressure to your clit, first stimulating it, then circling around it, just as he knew you liked.
You groaned out loud, dropping your body onto the table. You couldn't see what Kyle was doing, but from how it felt, you were sure he was doing it right.
— Do you want me to eat you? — He asked, coming up for a kiss.
You nodded repeatedly, biting your lips to keep from making a loud noise. You're aware that your apartment is too small and that any neighbor could easily hear you.
Kyle pressed his lips against your folds, slowly sliding his tongue in and giving little licks so you could get used to the texture of his tongue again. You almost cried when you remembered that it had been long enough that you had forgotten how his tongue felt inside you.
But you pushed all thoughts aside and tried to enjoy the moment. Just as you bit down hard on your lip to stifle a moan, you nearly bled. Kyle was exploring a sensitive area of your body with his tongue and making gentle sucks with his lips.
Your hands intertwined with every strand of his black hair, gently pulling his head toward you. You looked at him with his mouth completely submerged between your legs, and the sight seemed glorious.
— Kyle, Kyle... — You sobbed softly with pleasure. — Don't stop, it feels amazing.
You could feel his lips curl into a smile over your pussy. Blood rushed to your cheeks, something that used to happen to you when you were close to orgasm, and he loved it so much that he couldn't think of anything else to do but kiss you all over.
A few minutes passed, but it felt like an instant. You filled Kyle's mouth with fluids and let out a moan that you couldn't contain and that the whole neighborhood probably heard. Still, he didn't stop until you were completely clean.
— I love you so much, sweetheart. I want to be as close to you as possible.
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