#He’s just trying to help Dave with his crush
mint-flavoredd · 2 years
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‼️Bro Strider appearance in my art‼️
I don’t usually draw 13 year old Dave and Karkat so this was fun. Though I now compare Karkat to Puppycat.
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billthedrake · 23 days
"You got this, Carter," I heard from behind me. It was Dave, the guy at the camp I'd bonded with the most.
I wasn't sure I had it. Over the last week we'd done a lot of challenging stuff... long hikes, swimming races, rock climbing, you name it. But the spelunking was freaking me out a little, between the darkness and the tight spaces. I didn't realize I had claustrophobia, but I guess I did. I was hyperventilating.
"Come on, relax, bro," my buddy said. "One inch at a time. I'm right behind ya, man."
I pushed through. And once I cleared into a bigger part of the cave, I saw more headlamps ahead. I unclenched my held breath.
I'd been a real fuck up of a teenager. That's why I was here at this Outward Bound camp. Strike one was shoplifting and getting caught for it. Strike two was yelling at my dad and calling him a piece of shit, on his birthday no less. Strike three was the ketamine use. The next weekend Dad was shipping me off to this godforsaken place in the woods upstate. He wasn't going to pay for baseball, college, or my car if I didn't go. So I did.
The first couple of days I gave a bunch of lip to the counselors. I couldn't stand their fake-cheery demeanor or their 12-step BS. "Stay strong," we had to say at the end of each "huddle" meeting. Like it was fucking church.
But I was smart, smart enough how to play this. I knew I should just lay low, go along with it enough. It was just three weeks.
It helped that I bonded with Dave the first day. He was another baseball jock and cynical too. We made fun of the Sunday School teacher vibe of the lead counselor Mr. Connell. Only at Outward bound we were supposed to call the counselors by first name.
Dave had been there a week. "At least all the physical stuff is good exercise," he said. "I'm actually getting in really great shape for next season."
It was true. There was a gym, too, in the common room of the main cabin basement. Kind of a basic barbells and benches kind of gym but a lot of us jocks would work out together, until I got annoyed by them too. Other than Dave, they all bought into the 12 step crap.
I started talking to Pete, a punk guy with a shaved head and a permanent snarl on his face. He was cool. He wasn't just cynical, he'd talk back to the counselors. But one day he was just gone. No Pete.
Maybe unconsciously I was trying to get Pete's fate. Get out of this fucking place. I thought three weeks would go fast, but a week and a half had drained me. I mouthed off to Mr. Connell. Sorry, to "Mike." He smiled in that fakey way and tried to be zen about it. But I was getting to him. After dinner I sulked on my own. I'd started to realize Dave was in on it. Playing normal to get my confidence and win me over to the Program.
I was wallowing in self-pity sure, because I knew I was crushed out on Dave. I'd hidden the gay thing pretty well my last few years, but now I didn't have booze or pot or drugs to push my feelings down. Maybe that's why I was acting out, I don't know. My body was just a mess of hormones and my brain a bunch of conflicted thoughts.
I woke up in a room that was identical to the two-bed cabin I'd been sleeping in with another guy Zach. Only it wasn't the same room and there was no Zach. On the other full bed a man sat reading a book, kind of a big beefy-but trim older man, dressed in joggers and a zip-up athletic top that clung to his thick muscle. I thought it was a sex dream, but the second I realized it was real I jolted awake, sitting up straight in my small bed.
"Wait, who are you?" I blurted out. This man wasn't one of the counselors. He was older, with salt-and-pepper hair trimmed short. Probably in his early 50s.
Patiently the man set down his book. He didn't have that fakey-nice look but was on the sterner side of normal. "You can call me Daddy," he said. He had a smooth tenor voice.
This was weirder than a dream. "What the fuck?!" I yelled. "I'm not fucking calling you Daddy. Where's Zach? Where are the other guys?"
He shrugged. "You didn't like the other guys," Daddy explained. "We had to change plans."
I was freaking out now. More than in that dark cave. I jolted up and ran to the door. This cabin wasn't in a big compound but was attached to a single small room with a window overlooking the mountains. I looked back on the bed. The man was surprisingly calm, like he expected my reaction, or worse. That was one thing that made me try to check my emotion, to use my head. I knew how these fuckers worked.
"This is kidnapping," I said. I was realizing I must have been drugged to be moved entirely to this new place.
Daddy shook his head. "Fraid not. And we suggested to your father that we extend your stay here to two months. He agreed it's needed. We'll add more if takes all summer.
I broke down. Tears welled up in my eyes. I wasn't going to let this asshole see me cry, and yet I already was. Defeated, I sat on the bed facing away from him.
"It's OK," he said, with terse reassurance. "It's tough here. I'll make breakfast for when you're ready."
I gave him the silent treatment. Unlike the Outward Bound counselors he didn't try to make me talk. Maybe he was giving me the silent treatment too, maybe he realized a one-way conversation was useless.
I got dressed and while Daddy was showering up, I stepped out of the small cabin. There was a trail, and it had to lead somewhere. I took one look back into the cabin, then took off.
Fortunately the trail split a few times so if Daddy followed me he'd have a hard time catching up. I don't know why I hadn't thought of escaping before.
I got lost. Real fucking lost. The deeper into the woods I got, the less sense I had of where to go. The day went on. I got hungry. I kept walking. I expected to hear a highway or cars or people or some sign of civilization. Nothing.
I was freaking out. I stopped and sat on a tree trunk. Crying. There was no Dave urging me on. No "stay strong" mantra. No other guys. It was just me, fucking up again. My stomach rumbled, and I felt thirsty. It was getting dusk. I couldn't believe I'd have to sleep out here, but my big fear was wondering if I'd ever get back.
I heard rustling on the trail. Then saw a flashlight and the dark imposing figure of a 6'4" man coming my way. It was Daddy.
"Here," he said, offering me a sandwich and water. "Have this, then we'll head back."
I was too grateful and relieved to mouth off. But on our walk back I had a realization. "You knew I was here," I said.
"Yes," Daddy replied. They probably had a tracking chip in my clothes somehow.
"And you made me wait here alone."
"Yes," he admitted. "You had to learn the hard way, Carter." There was an undercurrent of empathy to his voice.
It took me a couple of days, but I opened up. And once I started talking, you couldn't shut me up, it felt like. I talked about my problems, and Daddy listened. It was like a therapy session and a buddy conversation, from breakfast till night.
Daddy was the first man I told I was gay. We were sitting on the Adirondack chairs outside, enjoying the view of the mountains and the sunset and I just went there. I confessed my problems dating girls and the times I got erection problems during sex.
"I told them I was drunk, but I wasn't," I said.
"I'd have done the same," Daddy said in his mellow voice.
That caught me off guard. I tried to read him, but he was still an enigma to me. A flash of me wondered if he was into men. The dude was jacked for his age, and I got a flash of excitement imagining him having sex.
Daddy was counselor, captor, friend, and father figure rolled into one. "What's your deal, man?" I asked. Not hostile like before, but probing. "Here I am spilling my guts out and I don't even know your name."
He smiled but just kept his even manner. "You don't need to know name, just Da..."
"I know," I interrupted. "You're 'Daddy.'"
Something about my exasperated tone made him smile. And maybe relent. "I did Outward Bound when I was your age. I acted out, got into trouble," he explained. "The Program set me straight."
"Was the program as unconventional when you did it?" I gestured around to the isolated cabin where I was more or less hostage.
That got a grin. "More so."
I was curious. "Did you have a Daddy?"
He nodded. "I did." He took a sip from the can of soda. "Later he taught me how to be a Daddy."
I still didn't get whatever psychoanalytic babble the Program was tapping into, but Daddy's words did make me think.
"You know what makes me, mad?" I asked.
"This shit's probably working."
That got a chuckle. "You'll be glad when it's over Carter."
It was dark now and it felt darker out here in the middle of nowhere. "You ready for bed, kiddo?"
It was the first time Daddy used that nickname. But I replied I was.
We'd talked so much we were pretty quiet now as we went inside and got ready for bed. Normally Daddy slept in a T-shirt and shorts but that evening he peeled off his shirt. In the lamplight I could admire the powerful chest muscle and ripped abs. Best of all that DILF body was covered in a trimmed coat of salt-and-pepper fur. Before Daddy I didn't realize I was into older men. Now, I had to check my gaze.
"It's ok to look, buddy," the man said. His voice was as soft and encouraging as I'd ever heard it.
"What?" I replied in a checked grunt.
He tossed the shirt aside and turned to face me directly. He was a masculine god, even more alluring for his quiet nature. "It's OK to look," he repeated. "That's what Daddies are for."
The words were fucked up but they gave me a boner, instantly. I couldn't help it.
Daddy saw and was unfazed, peeling down his joggers to show off his soft genitals. That cock was meaty and matched the low-hanging full nuts in their shaved-smooth sac. It wasn't the first cock I'd seen of course, but it was the first live one I'd seen in a sort of sexual situation.
He walked over and pulled down the bed sheets. Daddy's backside was just as magnificent as his front. Strong back and a meaty round ass, the kind I didn't know 50-something men had. But Daddy had one.
My body was shaking, nervously, but the man was acting normal, getting into bed and pulling up the sheet to his abdomen. He gave one more look over.
"If you want to join me Carter, that's your move."
I didn't know if this was some Outward Bound trap or mindgame. A part of me didn't care, I was so horny. It's as if my brain couldn't stop my body from slipping out of my bed and crossing over. The one thing that gave me courage was seeing Daddy scoot his bed to the side to give me room to get in as he lifted the sheet a little. I could see a flash of his erection, even, thick and meaty like him.
"Stay strong, kiddo," he said softly and I nodded, getting into the bed to join him, my body shaking.
"There," he grinned as I finally settled into a lying position next to him. I could feel the heat of his body even if I was afraid to touch him still.
"You're first time with a man?" Daddy asked.
"Yes, Daddy." It was the first time I called him that. It made him smile, which made me glad.
His fingers touched my flank. I was still wearing my shorts but was shirtless and the skin contact felt incredible. This wasn't faking it with a girl.
"You're a very handsome young man, Carter," Daddy said in that soft tenor voice of his. "I'm honored to be your Daddy."
With that the mean leaned in and placed his lips against mine. It was my first kiss with a man, and nothing prepared me for it. A tingle went up my body and my prick surged even harder in my shorts. Particularly when Daddy's tongue pressed forward between my lips and into my mouth.
I was following his lead. Daddy was my coach at that moment. Coach in life and Coach in sex. I couldn't have dreamed of a better one. It was intense and sexual and passionate, but we also took our time.
As we got into it, I got the courage to feel him. His hairy, muscular, warm body. I reached down and touched his cock, hard and alive in my grip. My first dick, and one I'd never forget.
The way I moaned made Daddy pull back from the kiss.
"You like that, buddy?" he grinned.
"Yes, sir," I hissed.
"You like dick," he said with assured ease. "Don't let anyone make you think you're a lesser man because of it."
"No, Daddy," I replied, gripping his boner one last time before relinquishing it. I had to feel up the rest of him, too. More.
He slipped my shorts down, at least from one side till I decided to help him out. My dick was sap-wet and as rigid as I had ever remembered it being.
"You're not the only one," he said. "Not the only young man into dick. Your buddy Dave..." he started.
That jolted me in surprise. "For real?"
Daddy nodded. His hand now circled around my crotch before his fingers grazed my boner. "For real."
I don't know if it was jealousy or something else I was feeling. "You do stuff with him?" I asked.
The man shook his head. "No. He has a different Daddy," he explained, pausing before deciding his could share the information. "Connell."
Well, fuck me, I thought. The last thing I would expect.
Now Daddy's lips were on my neck, kissing me as his hand alternated between massaging my smoother body and stroking my cock. "You up for the full ride tonight, Carter?" he asked.
If he'd asked me that even an hour before, I would have chickened out. But the body contact and the sexual intimacy made me want it all.
"Yeah, Daddy, I do," I answered. "Stay strong, right?"
That got a laugh. He leaned up. I'd never seen him look so hot, so handsome. "Yeah, kiddo... that's right. Stay strong." He leaned in for another kiss, softer this time. It felt right. Righter than right.
Then he started working his way down, kissing my chest and abs, feeling me up some, telling me he was going to take his time.
I got my dick sucked for the first time. I got my balls licked. Then Daddy urged me to pull back my legs and proceeded to give me my first rim job.
I decided then and there that two months here wasn't going to be enough. I hoped my Dad would keep me here the whole damn summer.
"Oh fuck!" I hissed. It was stimulating and naughty and tickling at the same time. I loved getting eaten out. I didn't have anyone to compare it to, but Daddy was a pro. Eager, intense yet also working in some finesse to keep it intersting.
I slowly relaxed my hole. My whole body was relaxed, in fact, lying back into the bed, looking up at the ceiling as I kept my legs pulled back for Daddy.
The first finger entry caught me by surprise. I looked down to see Daddy's brown eyes fixed on me, as he worked his finger in and out.
"Stay strong, buddy," he urged softly.
"Fuck yeah, Daddy," I replied. Trying to be his good soldier. Daddy was gonna make me a man that night, and I wanted to be all man for him.
He finally pulled back and reached over. I didn't even notice the little jar there before, but Daddy unscrewed the lid and dug in. There was some liquidy grease that coated his fingers.
And now my asshole. Damn, it made his two fingers feel incredible going in. And out. And in again.
"Yeah, you're hungry, kiddo."
I grunted. Those fingers were feeling intense in a great way, but short circuiting my thought. I flashed to think of Dave, imagining Mike Connell doing this to him.
A third finger now breached my relaxed ring. It gave a few gentle prods then pulled out.
"You're ready."
The man scooted in place, his hard dick standing straight up from his hairy crotch that was still darker brown than his chest hair. I had felt but not gotten a real good look at his cock, but Daddy was real thick and maybe 6.5 inches in length. The guy was horned up, too, judging by how rigid his meat was. He slathered some of that grease on his boner and pushed it down to line himself up.
"The entry might be tough," he warned. "Or not."
"You better not say, 'Stay strong,'" I joked.
That got a laugh out of the man. "You're all man, Carter," he said.
And like that his cock was breaching my hole.
"Unnfg!" I let out, before I caught myself. The sting surprised me. It didn't hurt too bad, but the unfamiliarity of it freaked me out some.
Daddy's hands rand along my abs, gently, coaxing me silently to relax. I tried, until I was successful. More dick slid into me. The man was patient, but I could tell he was really turned on.
I was getting my cherry taken away, and I was thrilled, particularly when Daddy's cock bored deeper. Weirdly, the deeper the man went the better it felt. Daddy felt bigger than 6.5 inches. Maybe I'd underestimated his size, maybe it was just the psychological effect of having him buried inside me.
"Fuck yeah, kiddo," Daddy growled. "Take it."
I looked up at him. The man was a stud who knew what he was doing. "You done this before?" I asked. "Taken a guy's virginity?"
The question caught him off guard. It was almost like he didn't want to answer me. But he looked down with those soulful brown eyes and replied, "I have, Carter. Many times." He pulled his hips back and thrust in. THAT felt fricking amazing and I held onto his meaty arms. Then again. "But I care about each and every one," he added. His thrusts got faster, as Daddy intuited I was receptive. "I care about you, kiddo."
Daddy was taking me there. Physically and psychologically, he was showing me how amazing getting fucked could be. The man wasn't rough, but he pumped faster and harder. He was teaching me I loved it that way. I held on and looked up at him and felt my prick quiver.
"Fuck me, Daddy!" I hissed.
"Yeah, kiddo. Daddy's got ya." His body seemed in control but his breath was ragged and heavy. The man was turned on like hell.
That thick cock seemed a blur inside me now, its way in my tunnel greased up and the heavy hard rod punching some spot inside me.
I dind't realize I was so close to cumming until Daddy's greased fist wrapped around my bone. Not even needing to stroke it, just touching me made me fire off. I saw white, and my body felt hot and tense, then it all got released with a series of cum shots firing out of my young jock body.
I tried to keep my vision, to look up at Daddy in gratitude. To watch his own O face take over form the calm, collected surety of his experience. That got tossed out the window when Daddy came. He was as lost in pleasure as me. That made me happy.
We crashed together. Holding onto one another's hot sweaty bodies, them our lips meeting to kiss again.
"Oh buddy," he hissed finally. Like I was the one who'd done him a favor. Maybe I had.
We didn't talk after, we didn't need to. Instead, Daddy held me in a spoon position and we drifted off to sleep. At least for a few hours before we had sex again.
The next week, Daddy had me pack my backpack, and he led me back to main compound. I would have been sad our alone time was over, but I knew it wasn't going to be our last. Daddy didn't have to tell me. I just knew he'd be in my life from now on and me in his.
Punk dude Pete was back. His hair had grown out and was in a military buzz and his snarl was gone. Dave though was the one who welcomed me first with a bro hug. The other guys followed suit.
I wondered how many of them had a Daddy.
I was part of the Program now. Welcoming the newcomers. Bonding with the cynical ones. I'd been where they were and knew what they were going through. I'd been a fuck up, too.
Two months went by quickly. My Dad was there to pick me up. He had an apprehensive look on his face. Connell told me that Dad had been updated on my progress, but after what my father had been through maybe he was nervous I'd not been truly changed.
I had my mobile phone back, and I'd already looked at the last messages multiple times. "Stay strong, kiddo - Daddy." Then "You better stay in touch. Love ya, Carter."
I took one last look and tucked my phone into my pocket before running over to give my Dad a big hug.
"Damn, Sport."
Dad hadn't called me Sport in ages.
"Thank you, Dad," I said. There would be more to say later. But the look on his face was a huge reward. His fingers grazed behind my ear as he held my head steady and looked into my eyes. Like he was reunited with a son he'd lost for real.
"OK if we break up the journey home?" he asked, snapping out of his spell and grabbing my bag from me. "It's a long drive."
"Of course," I said.
We got settled into the front seat and Dad started the car. We made some small talk, and Dad caught me up on life back home. Though I didn't miss much, other than maybe Dad re-treating the wood on the back deck.
We were winding down the mountain and re-entering civilization. At least if these small, one-traffic-light towns counted as civilization.
Dad shifted from the small talk. "So... you survived OK, Son?"
I nodded. "More than survived, Dad. Thrived." I had bought into the whole Program now.
He seemed pleased. "I, um... heard from an old Army buddy of mine," he said. Something in his tone seemed laden with meaning. "He said he got to know you real well."
I blushed. I knew damn well my father was talking about Daddy.
"Yes, sir. We got real tight."
Dad had a good idea of what I meant. He gave a gentle nod and glanced over at me. "I'm glad to hear."
I was chubbing up in my jeans now thinking about Daddy. "OK if I go visit him sometime, Dad?" I asked.
Dad's voice got quiet. "That can probably be arranged."
I thought maybe I freaked my dad out. But we were quiet for a lot of that drive. It had been around 3PM when I'd checked out of the Compound, and it was getting dinner time.
I loved diner food and after two months of Outward Bound meals, I was ready for a real restaurant meal. I scarfed down my food, which amused Dad. "Looks like they haven't been feeding you, Sport," he said.
"They definitely don't believe in creature comforts," I said. I pulled out my phone. "This might have been the hardest thing to live without." I mostly was checking to see if Daddy sent me another message.
Dad laughed. Then he got serious. "So... no hard feelings, Carter?"
I sighed. "God, Dad. After what I did to you? What I put your through? I don't know how to make it up to you."
"You don't have to make anything up to me, Son. Just stay on the straight and narrow. At least till you find yourself."
I took that in. "I'm finding myself, Dad. For real."
"That's all a father can ask," he said.
Dad was normally not great at expressing emotion, and already he was itching to get the check and pay for the meal.
We drove a little bit more. Dad had me find an available hotel that wasn't too expensive. I don't think I realized until we checked in how long of a day it had been. Emotionally as much as anything.
I decided not to check my phone again. Daddy and I would find a groove to correspond and to meet again. I trusted him.
After I brushed my teeth, Dad was in one of the beds, watching TV on low volume. He wasn't build quite as strong as Daddy but his upper body was solid, and he had the same soft furry chest. As I stripped down to my briefs, Dad's eyes watched me furtively. Probing me with soft expectation.
I took the initiative this time. Just feeling Dad's eyes on my half-naked body was all the signal I needed. Pausing at my own bed, I turned back to him. "Ok if I join you instead?" I asked.
Dad was too scared to reply. But he nodded and slid over.
Only when I got into bed with him did I realize that Dad's bod was more solid than I initially thought. His clothes always hid the hard tone of his muscle and he had some love handles that stopped shy of a beer belly.
Our kiss was soft and taboo as fuck. Dad's hands clung to my body, like eagle talons. I pushed my tongue into my father's mouth and felt him plunge his back. Dad didn't kiss like Daddy did. It was hard and needy.
Just as impetuously he and I stripped down our underwear. Our dicks were a lot alike. Longer, regular thickness, with a gentle curve to the right, heaving leaking. Like twins. Dad looked down at mine, like I did at his.
"You're all grown up, Carter."
"Yeah, Dad." I reached down and touched his cock. My dad's cock. He wasn't Daddy, he wasn't my first man, but the forbidden aspect made it off the charts. "I gotta learn to be your son again, though."
Dad gulped. His eyes grew misty wet. "You never stopped, sport. Not even this last year."
We kissed. Dad was responding to my soft approach, like I'd responded to Daddy's. My hand ran along his strong chest and his softer middle as we made out. I felt every bit of guilt for how I'd treated Dad and it was coming out in the only way I knew. Like Dad, I wasn't good at expressing emotion.
But I was good at this.
I broke off the kiss with a playful smile. Dad seemed to be trying to read what I was thinking. I let him wonder a minute longer.
I scooted down, kind of kneeling on the bed, till I was face to face with the dick that made me. I touched it again, feeling its poker hot heat and its steel rigidity. I could smell his masculine scent.
"Sport..." he urged, as if telling me something.
His next words caught in his throat as I took his dick into my mouth. I paused a second. Daddy had instructed me in this, but my father's cock felt particularly dry until I summoned up some extra saliva. Then I went down on him, slowly, teasingly.
I was going to make things up to Dad in the way I knew how.
He placed his hand on my head, softly cradling it as I lovingly blew him to completion.
The next morning when Dad was in the shower I sent a text.
"Daddy, you didn't tell me you knew my father."
He was up and the reply was quick. "You had to find out for yourself." Then, "I hope you can be a junior counselor next summer."
I thought of what next year would mean. Being off at college, enjoying some independence. Making new friends.
But I knew that meant nothing. "You know I will," I wrote.
"Stay strong," Daddy replied.
"Stay strong," I wrote back, then set down my phone.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Reader who makes Aaron blush!!!!! Maybe the bau are out together after a case has wrapped up, and the reader says sm cute to him and he starts blushing and everyone starts teasing them <3
There's a woman that nearly walks into a table while passing your own in the bar, and you can't really blame her. Your team is a gorgeous bunch, but you suspect the woman's eyes had been singling out the tall, dark, and handsome figure of your boss.
Her friends helps yank her out of the way before she can topple the table, and she seems too embarrassed at her near-spill to come over, if that had been her intention in the first place. You're glad, because even if you can't blame her for finding Aaron handsome, you can be jealous.
"Poor thing," Emily tuts, "Derek, button your shirt up a bit, you're causing traffic jams."
Morgan grins at her observation, but you down the last of your drink for the courage you need to speak.
You attempt it casually: "I dunno. Seemed like she was eyeing up Mr. Smokeshow over here," You nod towards Aaron, then glance around at everyone's glasses, "Anyone need a refill?"
"Me, please." JJ recovers quickly from her barely-masked delight, having clocked your not-so-subtle crush on Hotch from the beginning. She slides her glass over to you and you catch it before it can hit the ground, looking back up at everyone else.
"Mine, JJ's, anyone else?"
"We're good." Reid decides, his smile tight-lipped, "Thanks, L/N."
You take your leave with a nod and a grin, hoping they don't notice the slight tremor in your hands as you turn away with the glasses. They barely wait until you're out of earshot to round on Hotch, and he's glad he hadn't given you his drink so that he can bury his burning cheeks in it.
"Mr. Smokeshow," Derek kicks him beneath the table with a shit-eating grin, "Hey, bet no one's ever called you that before."
"Maybe you can have it engraved on a plaque for your desk," Rossi goads, "You can just throw out the one you've got, your name doesn't matter anymore."
"Dave. She was kidding." Aaron scolds, and JJ thumps her fist on the table.
"She was not kidding! Oh, my god, you are absolutely impossible! She likes you," JJ levels him with a knowing stare, "What is it going to take for you to believe it, her dropping to her knees?"
"Well what if she's just tying his shoe?" Emily frowns in mock worry, "You have to be careful about that sort of thing."
"I do have to be careful," Hotch insists, keeping a wary eye on you to be sure you're still occupied and out of earshot, "Expressing interest in a member of my team would be disastrous if they didn't feel the same."
"Yeah, but she does feel the same," Reid gives Aaron a pitying glance, "I'm not exactly the BAU's matchmaking expert, but I know that."
"She's coming back," Penelope elbows Reid, and the man winces as her arm hits his slender side, "Everyone shut up!"
"Here," You slide JJ her drink back, taking your seat beside Derek and across from Hotch, "What did I miss?"
"Oh, the usual," Emily shrugs, but there's delight dancing in her eyes, "Just talking about blowjobs."
Your eyes shoot wide in surprise but you stifle a laugh into the rim of your glass, "Oh, yeah. That's what I thought. Who are we blowing?"
"No one." Aaron clears his throat, nearly choking on the last of his drink that he downs, "I changed my mind, I'll go for a refill."
He seems much more calm and collected as he beelines for the bar than you had, but you try not to stare too long at his departure lest someone catches on. Apparently, though, they already have; you turn back to the table and six pairs of eyes are on you, all accompanied by identical grins.
You don't let them get a single word out as you raise your glass to your lips, "Shut up."
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14buddy22 · 1 month
Hey if you're looking for Hotch requests, what about Hotch dealing with a crush on a non-bau sunshine reader when he's still sad after the divorce/Foyet but he's so confused by his feelings because it's been so long that he doesn't know what's going on??
Like if it's case related, maybe he thinks reader is a suspect because why else would he be so on edge around her and it's just so painfully obvious to everyone else. Idk if that makes sense but I just think Hotch being so out of touch with his emotions despite being a profiler would be funny lol
Feel free to adapt and make it your own!! Thanks!!
Thanks for your request! I hope it lives up to your expectation!
You were the best damn bartender in Quantico, Virginia. At least, that's what you thought to yourself. You made work fun. You worked in a club environment so if you wore something scandalous, flirted with the customers a bit, you were sure to bring in a hefty tip at the end of the night.
But, you loved the hustle and bustle of it. You loved the interactions, loved singing along to the bands or the good music. You loved having conversations with the locals, loved celebrating parties for kids turning 21, people getting married, or hell, people getting divorced.
Then you met who you swore is your soulmate. Something in you stilled when you were bartending. You never froze up at your job. You were good at what you do. But seeing him walk through that door, looking all handsome in a suit, he took your breath away. You watched how he interracted with the bouncer.
You watched him show his badge to your best friend. FBI. An average Joe wouldn't just waltz into your bar, you knew he was a sophisticated man.
But when he locked eyes with you, you felt like the bar had heated up 100 degrees. Making his way over to you, you were trying to calm down. What had you feeling like this?
"Hi, I'm Agent Hotchner with the Behavioral Analysis Unit for the FBI. It's my understanding from the gentleman at the front that you are the lead bartender?"
You finished making your drink for one of the locals and asked your partner to manage the bar. Luckily it was early evening and the college kids had about another hour before they started flooding in so you knew you'd be okay leaving her by herself.
"Yes, I'm Y/n Y/L/N. It's nice to meet you. How can I help you?"
You shook his hand, and you swore you both held it for longer than you both intended.
All I could think was that she was beautiful. No, no, I can't think like that. My wife, ex-wife was brutally murdered a little over a year ago. Something's different talking to her, to-Y/n. Something I haven't felt in a while but I don't know what it is.
She's a bartender. I hear she's a damn good one. Maybe that's why she's about to be the suspect in a string of murders. Men have been killed shortly after they leave this bar. Traces of posion have come back on the tox screen. Bartenders have access to the drinks and alcohol before they serve, y/n's the perfect suspect.
But she's beautiful, and I haven't seen her stop smiling at all. She has a gorgeous smile. She'd be the sunshine on the rainiest days for the men that have been murdered. Before I know it, my thoughts and feelings consumed me, I'm still holding her hand. I could feel Dave's eyes burning a hole into me.
"Have you heard about the three men murdered around town?"
"Yeah, I have. It's very unfortunate. They were great men. At least to me. They tipped well and always had friendly conversations. They also stood up for me if some men coming in here for the first time were getting a little handsy with me."
Oh how I wished I could be the one to make sure no one got handsy with her. Wait, what am I saying? She's a suspect, she doesn't know it, but she is.
"How were they killed?"
Agent Hotchner's partner spoke up to answer your question.
"They were poisoned."
Ugh, these poor men. Had to die a slow pain, they didn't deserve it. They deserved justice now.
"We just wanted to come in to see if anything unusual has happened lately."
"I've seen a lot of crime shows with my ex-boyfriends before. You're really trying to see if I did it. Which I didn't. I don't think I have the heart to kill anyone. I broke up with my last ex because he hunted and I couldn't bare the thought of killing animals."
Of course you broke up with your ex because of that. But I have a job to do and I have to investigate further. Plenty of killers have lied straight to my face before.
"We'll be in touch Ms. Y/l/n, thank you for your time."
You smiled and shook their hands one last time before you went back to working your shift. Something about Aaron caught my eye. Maybe it's the way he was blushing like a school boy. You're not sure, but he was handsome.
Just when Aaron walked into the bar, you smiled at him, offering him a drink.
"Agent Hotchner, it's good to see you again."
Your smile never waivered. Maybe you would shoot your shot with him.
I can't believe I have to do this. Arrest someone this pretty. Arrest this girl who Rossi thinks I have feelings for. What? Feelings? That's an intense word, but I have to arrest her.
"Unfortunately I'm here to place you under arrest."
I watched all the color drain from her face. I watched her smile fall so fast. But it had to be her. Rossi and the team wasn't so sure, but I have a gut feeling it's her. Of course with it being my team, they weren't going to stop me. I took her sunshine away.
"Agent Hotchner, I, I didn't do anything."
Your manager saw what was going on, he was like your work dad. He took care of you like his daughter, despite him having sons, he treated you like his princess. You heard him say say, "Y/n, I'm getting you a lawyer, do not speak. I know you didn't do this. But I'll meet you where they're taking you."
You smiled back at him, tears filling your eyes. You wanted to make everyone happy, you never wanted to hurt anyone. How are you being arrested? You didn't do anything wrong.
Your ride back in Aaron's SUV was silent. How could you think he was your soulmate? Your soulmate would never arrest you. But you were still feeling something, you couldn't explain it.
I keep looking in the rearview mirror at her. I had to trust my gut. She poisioned those men. But why do I feel so guilty arresting her. From the time we had met her, been surveillencing her, up until I placed the handcuffs on her, she had smiled. Everyone spoke highly of her. I took away her sunshine. I did that.
As you walked into an interrogation room, Aaron sat you down in the seat, then took off your hand cuffs, handcuffing one hand to the table instead.
"We'll wait for your lawyer, do you need anything?"
You couldn't even look at him. How could her. You told him you didn't do it.
As I walked out, I was greeted with Penelope. "Sir, she has nothing on her record, not even a speeding ticket. I've looked through her social media posts and everyone spoke so highly of her. Friends were making special post to thank her for being a great friend. She took care of everyone. Sir, I-I know I'm not an agent, but I just can't believe it's her."
Penelope was cut off by my phone ringing, picking it up after viewing the caller I.D.
Morgan said, "Hotch, we got the wrong girl. It's Y/n's bartending partner. I just watcher her slip something into this guy's drink. I'm bringing her in, we can cut Y/n loose. You can be happy now. Y/n's not a killer. What that gut feeling is, is your feelings that you like her Hotch. You haven't felt that since Haley. I know it's been 20 years, but trust me man. Y/n is something special, according to the track record she has. She's the opposite of a killer. She's just the type of sunshine that you and Jack need in your life."
Aaron walked in and said, "I'm sorry, there has been a huge mistake. You are free to go. It was the other bartender you worked with.
"What? There's no way. She's amazing at what she does."
Aaron shook her head and said, "One of my agents was in the bar watching the entire time, he was undercover. He watched her slip something in another man's drink."
"Oh. Well, I'm glad you got the right killer. If, if you don't mind, can one of your agents give me a ride home? I don't have my car, obviously."
You didn't know how to feel. You knew you didn't do anything, but was Agent Hotchner always going to have a doubt in his mind that you were a killer?
You got in his car, this time sitting in the front seat. A storm was coming in, you enjoyed the rain and thunder, it calmed you. You two rode in silence, when he dropped you of at your apartment, he walked you up.
When you opened your door, you turned around to thank him, instead that didn't come out.
"I told you I didn't do it, ya know?"
"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I. There's something about you, y/n. I thought you were a suspect, but you should've never been one."
As your eyes were red and filled with tears, you looked at the man who you thought was your soulmate, instead, he had ruined you. Yes, you two didn't date, yes, you didn't hook up, but there was something there.
"Well then why the hell did you do this, Aaron? Why arrest me?"
"My ex-wife passed away a year ago. I haven't had feelings for anyone in nearly 20 years. My feelings for you confused me. I didn't know what I was feeling. I didn't know what these feelings were because I've been so out of touch with them. And it took me a minute to realize that these feelings are because I didn't think you were a killer, I thought you were beautiful. I think you're beautiful. But that gut feeling was that I think. I think I've found my soulmate."
As she stepped closer to me, I watched the sunshine fill her eyes again, her smile creeping up her face. God, was she beautiful and amazing, and from her friend's testimonies who I interviewed, she was a down right amazing person. Just the absolute sunshine to be around.
You were going to kiss Aaron. You were glad he figured out his feelings. This was going to be the start of something new. You didn't know what happened to his ex, you'd find out someday. You took the chance. You placed your hands on Aaron's hips and leaned in to kiss him. You were so happy that Aaron felt the same way. How did you know this? He placed his hands on your face and kissed you back like you were the only sunshine he'd ever see again.
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albertdabuttler · 1 year
Masked Adversary | D.L.
Pt. II
this fics masterlist
fandom: Kick-Ass
pairings: Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass x F!Reader
WARNINGS: language! patching up an open wound, mentions of blood, wound descriptions, fluff OOOO, also angst because he knows you don’t like HIM, kinda proofread but idk..
summary: You and Dave have lost a childhood friendship. The circumstances have made you grow to despise one another, until Kick-Ass has no one else to turn to but you, causing him to develop a small crush. The only problem being that you don't know it's him.
WC: 3.1K
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gif not mine!!!
A/N: Low key insane this is the first fic I write that isn’t smut ☠️ also sorry for posting this a day late mb…
“Dammit,” You spoke as you quickly lifted your water bottle up from your desk. It had spilled all over your research papers and ruined some of the fresh ink.
You had already spent a little over an hour trying to get your information together and you needed a break. Grabbing your headphones, you made your way to the little sofa you had sitting by your window and took out a comic.
It was rare, but it didn’t take long for you to get bored, you had read this specific issue many times. The music made it that much more boring and you were getting restless. Cracking your window open just a bit, you heard the soft chirps of the birds and crickets outside, feeling some of the cool breeze enter into your room. The sun was set and there was still some twilight left over the New York skyline. You lived a few blocks from Dave, getting a decent view of the city although it was blocked by a tree near your window.
Soon after you had opened your window, you felt yourself getting drowsy, that breeze and the sounds of the night settling in almost made you doze off.
The state you were in wasn’t fully conscious, but you weren’t quite asleep either. You heard a faint sound outside your window, like some big bird just fell onto your roof. You tried to ignore it and relax, but soon you began hearing faint taps at your window.
How odd.
Your eyes slowly opened, allowing your pupils to adjust to the soft fluorescent light.
“Please,” You heard someone whisper, in that moment your eyes shot open and you jumped out of your chair, turning to your window.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” You almost yelled, keeping it quiet enough not to alarm your parents. Kick-Ass.
“You said I could—“ he groaned quietly, wincing.
“You said I could stop by if I needed something,” he sighed.
“What?” You questioned, confused at first until you noticed one of his gloves covered in blood, clutching his side.
“Please, you said…” He paused to take a breath, “Your mom’s a nurse, right? I—I can’t go to the cops or the hospital.”
“Well—I mean yeah, she’s a nurse, but… If she helps you she’s gonna end up telling someone.”
He only stood there and waited.
“I can patch you up myself,” You swiftly moved forward to open the window, allowing the boy into your room.
“Agh, fuck—” He groaned, you helped him walk over to your bed.
“Hold on,”
Setting a towel on your bed, you motioned for him to sit down, grabbing his batons from his back and setting them to the side. You ran to your closet to grab a cloth or anything similar.
“Here, put this on there with pressure, okay? I’ll be right back.” You gave him an old shirt and left your room to find a med kit your mom had somewhere downstairs.
He noticed the shirt you gave him and smiled softly. It was an old shirt you had matched with him, well, Dave, in middle school. It was really oversized when you got it, so it still fit. He was surprised you hadn’t thrown it away. It was a Robin shirt, himself owning the Batman one. He remembered how much you loved Robin.
Kick-Ass sighed as he waited for you, holding the shirt to his wound with as much pressure as he could to stop the bleeding.
“Okay,” you spoke out of breath, closing your door and locking it.
“Um…” You looked at him awkwardly, and he waited for you to continue. Clearly in pain.
“I’m gonna need you to take your suit off.” You informed, it was only necessary.
“Okay…” he hesitated, “I can’t really take the suit off...by myself,” he breathed. You could tell that speaking was quite the chore.
You moved towards him, helping him take his gloves off one at a time as either of his hands held the cloth to his wound. Sitting behind him, you unzipped his suit, pushing it off each one of his shoulders.
His back was very well defined and it took everything in you not to graze your fingers along his muscles. He felt this, trying to hold in a smile.
“You’re gonna have to let go for a second, okay?” You warned him. Kick-Ass let go of the cloth on his cut, clenching his teeth as you pulled his suit down to his hips. The blood caused it to stick to the wound, it seemed to burn as you peeled it off.
“Shit,” He sighed in pain, taking a deep breath as you soaked a small towel in a little bowl of soap water. He frowned as you brought it up to the gash on his side.
“This is really gonna sting, so you should use something to bite on.” You handed him the cleaner glove and as soon as he bit down onto it, you began dabbing the cloth onto his injury.
He let out a significantly loud groan through the glove and tears welled up in his eyes, his breathing quickened due to the sharp, stinging pain of the soap seeping into his wound. He was seeing stars.
“Okay, we’re done.” You spoke, turning back to the med kit to take out a gauze pad. “This cut is too big to heal on its own, I’m gonna have to stitch it up…” You looked at him to make sure he was okay with it. He only nodded. You continued to dab at his skin to remove all the blood around the slash to see it clearly. It was a cut right above the chiseled area of his iliac furrow, a few inches to the left of an already healed scar that seemed to appear like another stab wound.
“You okay?” You asked him, just to make sure. He nodded once more, removing the glove from his mouth and smiling weakly as you grabbed a needle and suture. You noticed he had a pretty nasty cut on his lip, and his eye was starting to bruise.
“This one’s gonna hurt even more, right?” He joked.
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “Are you ready?”
Kick-Ass clenched his jaw, locking eyes with you for a moment, “Yeah,” he grunted, keeping his eyes glued to yours.
You pierced through his skin and his back straightened. Choking out an agony-filled moan, he threw his head back, his hand flying to cover his mouth. Your eyes widened looking up at him.
“If my parents hear you, it’s over.” You whispered and he nodded, chewing on his lip.
Continuing the process of piecing him together, he kept whining about how much it stung even with his fucked up nerve endings.
“Of course it’s gonna hurt, dipshit! How the fuck did this happen to you anyway?” You questioned.
“Oh y’know, some muggers with a knife. Guess they were serious about taking that lady’s bag.” He chuckled.
As you drove the needle through him one last time, he inhaled a sharp breath, gripping into your sheets for his life.
It was quiet for the moment in which you cleaned up, putting everything away and leaving out some bandages to put on him.
You could feel his gaze on you, but goodness, were you scared to look him in the eyes. You knew that if you looked, you’d wanna lean in and kiss him.
“Thank you,” He said, watching you intently as you got up to take the med kit back.
“No problem, Kick-Ass,” you smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Your smile was super pretty and holy hell was this mask giving him confidence.
“I’m gonna go put this back, the bathroom’s right outside my door to the left, incase you wanna wash your face or something.” You made your way to your door and left it slightly ajar, so that no one would hear it open while you were downstairs.
Kick-Ass slowly limped into your bathroom, finally taking off his mask after closing the door. His face was covered in blood, so much more happened than some muggers with a knife. Frank D’Amico’s men had tried beating him senseless, but he oh so fortunately got away due to a patrol car nearing the area. Yes, he had made sure no one followed him to your home. He wouldn’t know what to do if he was the reason some fucked up kingpin tried to hurt you.
He washed his face as best he could without getting any blood anywhere, his left eye beginning to grow a soft red color.
You knocked softly on the door, “Hey, just come back to my room when you’re done. My parents are watching TV so you should be good.”
“Thanks.” He answered, staring at the door.
Guilt began to overcome him. He was lying to you, not only in keeping his identity from you, but in making up some bullshit about getting jumped by some "muggers."
He wanted to tell you it was him, but he found the thought embarrassing, maybe you would call him pathetic for this whole Kick-Ass thing, even the thought of coming to you when he had no one else was enough to make him cringe. He would rather get stitched up without anesthesia again than have you react badly and get angry at him for lying to you.
Sitting at your desk waiting for him, you finally heard the bathroom light shut off, the door just then clicking open. He limped into your room and you quickly ran to help him sit on the edge of your bed.
You grabbed the gauze, pausing and taking a look at him for a second. Goodness gracious, he was an Adonis of a man. He had really well toned arms, his abdominal muscles very defined as well. He was quite the specimen. And his eyes. The way he looked up at you, like some lost puppy, it made you melt.
“Um, just lift your arms up a bit,” You cleared your throat, embarrassed of the way you were thinking in such a moment.
He lifted his arms and you put the gauze over his now closed wound, grabbing a roll of bandages to wrap around his waist.
“Hold this here,” you told him as you knelt in front of him. Pulling the white fabric around his side, you had to move closer to him in order to reach for it with your other hand behind his back.
You tried focusing on what you were doing, but he kept staring holes into your head. His hand twitched, wanting to brush a stray hair from your face to see it clearly but he held back.
After wrapping the bandage around his waist a few times, you used some medical tape to keep it in place.
“Alright, I’m almost done.” you spoke, finishing up.
Kick-Ass spoke your name with a light tone. This startled you and you looked up at him to see what he was going to say. He only looked at you, glancing at your lips before looking away and it caused your heart to beat a million miles a minute.
“Thank you...” He finally moved his eyes to meet yours, a look of guilt upon whatever you could see of his face.
“I’m really sorry…” He frowned, looking at the ground next to you.
“It’s not your fault, Kick-Ass,” you reassured him without even knowing what he was talking about.
He shook his head as if he was about to speak but the two of you could only watch each other those following moments, your faces moving closer together like magnets. You didn't know why it felt so right in the moment, but you quickly leaned up and kissed him.
He slightly jumped but immediately kissed back. His lips were so plush and smooth, they felt like clouds. And he kissed you like no other boy had ever kissed you before. He kissed you with emotion, he didn’t just kiss you for the sake of kissing. Even if he wasn't the best at it.
The fabric of his mask brushed against your chin as he tilted his head to the side, moving himself closer to you. You felt like he was going to pull away because you were already starting to feel the need to breathe, but he kept kissing you.
Resting your hand on his chest, you felt his heart beating rapidly under your palm. You stood up, causing him to have to lean upwards in order to keep his lips attached to yours, but the movement caused him pain, making him release a grunt and quickly pull away.
“Sorry,” you apologized, referring to the kiss and the wound. He stared at you in utter surprise.
From now on, Dave knew he would look at you in a different light. Why’d you even kiss him? And what gave him such a desperate urge to keep his own lips connected to yours?
He chewed on his bottom lip, "It's okay..." He replied softly.
“I shouldn't have done that, right...? I—It won't happen again—“ You rambled, suddenly cutting yourself off and picking up the empty packaging of the bandages to throw them away and keep yourself busy.
Kick-Ass watched you pick things up with his jaw hanging, still trying to process the kiss and why he... Enjoyed it?
“You can do it again, if you want.” He mentally screamed at himself, why the fuck would he say that!?
You whipped your head around and stared at him from across the room, your face heating up like the Titanic's boiler room.
"I haven’t kissed anyone since like… sixth grade, so…" He chuckled.
Hiding a smile, "Yeah…that was kind of obvious." you spoke, scrunching your nose.
"Sorry." He looked away while giggling at how pathetic it was.
“It’s okay…” you smiled.
You sat next to him. "Everyone needs practice…” You said suggestively.
Turning to look at him, you saw that he was already gaping at you.
"Yeah..." He kept his eyes on yours this time. The reason he was so afraid to do so before was because he felt vulnerable, like you’d know it was him just by his eyes or something.
“So…” you began, “can I kiss you..?”
“Yes—“ he replied a little too quick for his own comfort. “I mean…Yeah.”
You placed your hand on the side of his neck and moved your head closer to his. You noticed him watching your mouth as it neared his, the palm of his hand coming to press against your lower back as you finally connected your lips.
He kissed you softly, innocently, almost like he was afraid you’d pull away if he kissed you any differently.
Moving one of your hands to rest on the back of his neck, you slipped your fingers under his mask, feeling a bit of his soft curls.
You just wanted to kiss him, missing the feeling of someone's mouth on your own. He felt the same, he didn’t feel judged on the fact he was kind of a shitty kisser.
The two of you sat there for a minute, his calloused hands moving from your waist to the sides of your face, the tips of his fingers playing with the shorter hairs on the nape of your neck.
“I hope you don’t hate me,” he breathed, mumbling against your mouth.
“Mm-“ You made a sound of confusion.
You began to realize why he had said it as he brought his hand up to the hem of his mask and began tugging it upward. Quickly pulling away, you reached for his wrist to stop him.
“Don’t do that…” You watched him, slightly alarmed.
His heart dropped, “Why not…?” he spoke, uneasy.
He couldn’t lie to you. Yeah sometimes he hated your guts and wanted you to just shut the fuck up, but today was a completely different story. He changed in the way he saw you. With everything that had just happened in the past ten minutes, he couldn’t lie to you.
“What if I tell someone? How can you trust me if you barely even know me…?”
But he did know you. He knew you enough to trust you, and that there was no way in hell you would ever tell anyone a secret entrusted to you. But he didn’t want to argue with you. Not as Kick-Ass.
“Fine. Sorry...” He apologized.
"You should probably get home... It's kind of late." You suggested looking at your hands as you fidgeted.
“Yeah,” He stood up, grunting as he pulled his arms through his suit to put it back on. “Could you…” He was nodding at you, referring to the back of his suit where the zipper was.
You pulled the slider along the teeth of the zipper, enclosing him completely in his suit.
He turned around to face you “Thanks…” He watched you for a moment. “For patching me up… And stuff…”
You chuckled, “No problem.”
He smiled awkwardly. “I’ll see you tomor—or uhh, whenever I need you again—or whenever you need me,” He stammered, realizing what position he’d almost put himself in. “I’ll just see you.” He chuckled, swallowing hard as he grabbed his gloves and batons and turned to your window.
“Will you be okay to get home?” You watched as he limped by your window. “I could walk with you… Until we get to your neighborhood or whatever.”
“Uh—No, it's like a 10 minute walk. I’ll be fine. Thanks though.” He smiled softly, beginning to climb through your window as he held his side.
You thought about that. There were no other neighborhoods within ten minutes of walking, so he had to live here. That means he had to go to your school. And that means you have to know him if he said he was your age. Holy shit.
“Kick-Ass?” You rested your palms on your windowsill as he crouched down to look at you from your roof.
“Do you go to Fillmore?”
He paused, staring at you like he’d just been caught.
You felt your hands getting clammy.
After a few more moments of silence, you spoke again.
“Do I know you…?”
He stayed silent. All you could do was take it as a yes.
“Weren’t you just getting mad at me for wanting to take my mask off?” He shot back.
“Fuck, you’re right. I’m sorry.” You looked down. “I’ll… I’ll see you around.” You pursed your lips.
He smiled back softly and made his way off your roof and out of your view.
You sat back down to finish your homework, somehow taking three times as long because the only thing on your mind was those beautiful blue eyes of his. And who else in your school had them.
Thank you for reading!! x
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who sent in a request! ily! enjoy the ABBA theme since T.S titles are for full fics 🫶
~ Masterlist Includes ~ James Potter Tangerine Dave Lizewski Pietro Maximoff Tom Ryder
fluff ✿ angst ✮ hurt & comfort ✷ smut (nsfm) ♥︎
James Potter
OUR LAST SUMMER ✿ - Your best friend "helps" you organize your old belongings to move them to the cellar.
TAKE A CHANCE ON ME ✮ - You want to help your boyfriend with his prank but it goes horribly wrong (happy ending)
HEAD OVER HEELS ✿♥︎- You stay over at your boyfriend's house for the holidays.
LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME ✷ - Girls can be mean and your boyfriend isn't having any of it.
DOES YOUR MOTHER KNOW ✿♥︎ - James is older than you so he thinks he knows better and it pisses you off.
VOULEZ-VOUS ✮ - Nothing is as it seems.
HONEY HONEY ✿ - Sharing a bed with Tangerine is less awkward than you'd anticipated, at least for you.
ONE OF US ✿✮ - Seeing your ex for a job is the worst possible scenario—you think?
WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE ✿ - You try and take Tangerine to the movies to cheer him up.
ANDANTE, ANDANTE ✷ - Tangerine accidentally hurts your feelings.
MAMMA MIA ✿ - Tangerine doesn't like when you go on dates. The reason? Currently unknown.
I STILL HAVE FAITH IN YOU ✷ -Your boyfriend makes you feel unloved in some stupid misunderstanding he quickly remedies.
SHOULD I LAUGH OR CRY? ✿✷ - You hurt yourself with Tangerine's brass knuckles.
Dave Lizewski
KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU ✿- Being partners with Kick-Ass is far more intimidating when you have a huge crush on him, especially when he won't stop talking about his crush.
DANCING QUEEN ✿ - You convince your best friend to take you to Prom—only as friends, of course.
IF IT WASN'T FOR THE NIGHTS ✿✷ - You're having a bad day and you and Dave share earbuds on the bus.
LITTLE THINGS ✷ - Dave loses his patience with you when studying and then feels super bad.
Pietro Maximoff
FERNANDO ✿- You don't want to share a bed with Pietro. He wants nothing more than to share one with you.
GIMME! GIMME! GIMME! (A Man After Midnight) ✿ - You and Pietro are just friends, right?
GONNA SING YOU MY LOVE SONG ♥︎ - You and your boyfriend come back from a date and he's desperate to get his hands on you.
WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME? ✿ - Pietro almost misses your birthday.
VOULEZ-VOUS ✮ - Nothing is as it seems.
Tom Ryder
THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL ✿ - You try and convince Tom Ryder that doing his own stunt out of the blue is a very very bad decision.
ANGELEYES ♥︎- Tom fucking you in his bed.
WATERLOO ♥︎ - Helping Tom with his big problem.
THE NAME OF THE GAME ✷ - Tom makes stupid stupid decisions.
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silverstar70 · 6 months
Fandom: Criminal minds Character: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Author's note: English isn't my first language, i apologize for any mistakes. This is set after 10x21 ending.
Summary: Hotch finds a way to deal with what Mr.Scratch and Y/N is happy to help and comforts him.
Warnings: 🔞‼️estabilished relationship, smut, rough sex, vaginal sex, consensual sex, voice kink, praise kink, orgasm control, spanking, vaginal fingering, non consensual drug use, mind control, hurt/confort, blood and violence, character death
Words count: 5,466k Hope you like it and let me know what you think! Enjoy it!
What do you want?
Hotch was sitting in the ambulance with Dave near him. He was trying to get him to talk to know what had happened in that house before they arrived, but every attempt was wasted. Hotch seemed to be on another planet. Y/N walked away from Morgan and JJ and headed to the ambulance. When Rossi saw Y/N, he went up to her, leaving Hotch alone.
“He didn’t say anything. Maybe you’ll get luckier.”
“I’ll bring him home and talk to him” he nodded and kissed Y/N goodbye on her forehead before leaving her behind and join the rest of the team. She walked to Hotch and offered him her hand.
“Let’s go home” she said softly. He looked up to her for a moment with his eyes full of pain and sadness but didn’t say anything. He just took her hand tightly than she expected and got up, ready for her to bring him home.
The car ride was silent. It was like Hotch wasn’t even there, Y/N occasionally looked toward him just to make sure he was okay. She was sicked worried and didn’t know what to do to help him.
“Jack is staying with Jessica tonight. I thought it was for the best” she informed him but only received a mumbled okay. She kept driving until they arrived at his building. Parked the car and went straight to his apartment.
Once inside, Y/N went to prepare something to eat for both of them while Hotch crushed on the couch still fully dressed. Neither of them was hungry but they hadn’t eaten anything since that morning. When she was done, she put a plate in front of him with some leftovers and a scrambled eggs but he refused to eat.
“Hotch, babe, you need to eat something. At least try, please” he remained silent once again.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she asked caressing his cheek but only got a no as answer. An hour passed and he still hadn’t touched his food. Standing, leaning against the wall that separated the living room from the dining room, Y/N was watching Hotch laying on the couch with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. She wanted to help him but all he was doing was shutting her out.
“You don’t wanna talk. You don’t wanna eat. What do you wanna do, Aaron?”
After a moment he sat on the couch and looked at her with a smirk.
“I wanna fuck you until tomorrow morning. You won’t be able to walk later.” He said serious keeping looking into her eyes.
“I’m serious Hotch” at that he stood up from the couch and walked slowly towards her, no leaving her look.
“So am I” he said with a low voice. He stopped a few steps away from her and he stretched out his arms against the wall. Y/N was trapped between his body and the wall, and his arms prevented her from leaving.
He bent his head forward, resting his lips on hers, but she coolly returned the kiss. His stubbornness was driving her crazy and she didn’t wanna gave up that easily but, slowly, pleasure begun to take place in her body. Hotch kept softly kissing her down her neck.
“I wanna hear you moan my name, Y/N” his low voice was making her wetter that she would’ve liked to admit. She was holding back her moaning whenever he kissed her and his look full of lust was begging her to give up. “I wanna make you cum so many times. You’ll beg me to stop.”
He kissed her one more time down her neck and then caressed her cheek gently. She wanted him right there and he knew it. He bent near her ear, while one of his hands founded place on her hip.
“Don’t resist me, baby.”
A shiver of pleasure ran down her spine. She took his head in her hands, paying attention to the wound on his cheekbone, and kissed him intensely for several moments. He squeezed her against his body grabbing her by the hips and she felt his erection pressing against her. She jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist without breaking the kiss. He moaned in the kissed while holding her under her cheekbutts.
"Fuck, I love you so much” Hotch said against her lips as he carried her to the bedroom.
“Then show me” she replied provoking him. He hurried to the room, slamming the door behind him with his foot and slamming Y/N against it while still holding her. While her hands were in his hair, he kissed her roughly on her neck. She moaned softly and every time she did that, she felt his hardening cock under her.
Hotch pulled her away from the door and laid her on the bed, covering her body with his. His look was full of lust and craving, his eyes dark and intense. She was almost afraid of it, yet excitement kept growing for them both.
A hand slipped under her sweater, and her body recoiled at his cold touch. He slipped off her sweater and throw it away, revealing her naked chest. She started to unblock his belt while he was kissing her leaving hickeys all over her chest and neck. She then started working on his shirt, which she slipped off and dropped to the ground. He unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slipped them down her legs, not letting her gaze go.
“You’re perfect” he whispered to himself. She was enjoying the view of him standing at the end of the bed, in all his beauty, and unintentionally she began biting her lower lip. He also removed her panties before settling between her legs. He was covering her body with his once again and bent on her leaving wet kisses on her neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her hands started traveling along his strong back.
“You’ll do everything I say, including when cumming” he whispered in her ear while one of his hands slipped between their body reaching her center.
“And what if I don’t listen?” Y/N answered back with a provoking smile. Hotch roughly pushed two fingers inside her, as deep as he could taking her by surprise. He started to move them in circle making her gasped while enjoying the look of pure pleasure on her face.
“You don’t wanna find out” he begun to move faster, going deeper and deeper. He was enjoying himself watching her orgasm starting to build but didn’t wanna gave her one so soon, he slowed down making her groaned.
“You still have your pants on” she said between moans.
“Don’t worry about it” he kissed her roughly on the lips before pulling out his fingers and tasted her. “I wanna please you before I destroy you.”
He pushed back his finger inside and begun to move faster, building her orgasm. She moaned loudly and soon his other hand was on her mouth to stop her from being loud. She was so close to cum and he was torturing her.
“Please Hotch” she lamented.
“Please what? I didn’t say you could cum.” he kept going faster, back and forth. He was building her orgasms once again and she was desperate. She needed the release. He knew she was close; he was feeling it how she was clenching around him.
“Hold still.” She did what she was told but was failing, he decided to give in. “Cum for me, babe.”
She moaned out loud as a wave of pleasure was leaving her. She arched her back with Hotch’s fingers still inside her but he didn’t stop and started to move his finger again riding her orgasm. In a mere of seconds, she was close again.
“One more time, Y/N” he ordered in a low voice. That damn voice. She felt weak every time he used it. She came hard and loud for the second time that evening. Y/N felt like her body was leaving her and her mind went black. She loved how he made her feel, she loved even more how he made her cum.
 When she calmed down, he pulled his fingers out and kissed her forehead softly. He got up form the bed and disappear in the bathroom for a few seconds coming back with Y/N bathrobe’s belt. He took off his boxers and climbed on the bed pulling apart her legs so he could stand in between.
“Now, I wanna fuck you. And you won’t be able to touch me.”
That bastard. He knew she loved touching him, feeling his muscles tensing under her hands. He tied her wrists, not tight to hurt but tight enough to block her and pinned them over her head with one hand. With his free hand he slid his cock inside her, deep. They both groaned at the feeling.
Giving her very little time to adjust to his size, he started moving fast and deep for a sever mere of time. Holding her tight by her wrists, he bent over her groaning in her ears knowing she loved it. She was getting wetter and wetter and felt her orgasm building in the stomach. She was clenching around him which gave him a lot of pleasure, and he let her know by groaning louder.
“Aaron, p-please” she moaned “I-I’m close.”
He stopped and put a hand around her throat, without tightening.
“You’re not gonna cum yet.”
He pulled himself up and started fucking her again, going harder and deeper every time more. With a devilish smile on his face, he was looking down at his lover being overwhelmed by pleasure and completely at his mercy. He loved her so much, he loved how she was letting him using her in that moment.
She was a strong and independent woman and never in a million years she would bend over a man wants. But when it came to him, that was a different story. She loved to be dominated by him in bed and he loved doing it.
“My God, Aaron. P-please let me cum” she tried to say between moanings. With each thrust she felt losing control over her body. He grabbed her hips tightly and moved faster, ready to give her all the pleasure. Giving her a nod, that was all the permission she needed to cum.   
“Oh, fuck” she cried out loud, almost losing her voice. Hotch slowed down but didn’t stop until she calmed down once again. He bent to kiss her gently on her soft lips as to remind her, her Aaron was still there.
The belt around her wrist had tightened too much due to her squirming so he quickly untied her and started caressing her wrist. She noticed the worrying on his face and grab his head between her hands pulling him down, over her body, and kissed him again.
“I’m fine, honey” Y/N reassured him with a soft voice looking into his beautiful hazel eyes.
“You sure?” she nodded and received a quick kiss from him “Good. Because I’m not done”
He stood from the bed and helped Y/N doing the same. Without giving her time to say anything, he quickly bent her over the bed pulling her legs apart. Standing behind her, he pulled her hips onto him and entered hard and deep inside her.
“You’ll be a good girl and not cum until I said so. Understood?” he asked her and when she didn't answer right away, he slapped her ass hard enough to make her gasp "Understood?"
“Yes, yes I understood” she replied in excitement and a little pain. She was sure she had his handprint on her butt but couldn’t care less.
“Good girl” she could imagine the grin he had on his face. He started pounding her again from behind, holding her hips tight. He was groaning in pleasure not afraid of being loud for her to hear it. She loved hearing him moaning, it was so erotic and greeting to know he was comfortable enough to not holding back.
The room was filled by their skin slapping against each other and their loud moanings. She was holding tight on the sheets to try to control her body and wait for him to give her the permission to cum. She was close, so damn close.
“Don’t. Cum.”
“P-please, Hotch” Y/N begged whispering, not being able to control her body anymore. He stopped abruptly, taking a breath, and giving her time to cool down. He bent over Y/N and started kissing her spine, from the lower back up to the back of her neck.
She shivered at the feeling, he was kissing her like she was the most precious thing made of glass. Hotch loved being rough with her but being able to connect just by simple touches, soft kisses and small talking was something he would always love more.
“Cum with me” he whispered softly in her ear and she nodded. He stood one more time and interlocked their fingers taking her hands behind her back. He moved faster back and forth, never leaving her hands. Every thrust was perfectly placed, knowing full well what the effects on her body were.
She was craving the orgasm and Hotch’s could take it anymore. She was clenching around him and he was fighting to gain some control. Seconds later she came hard followed by him.
“Oh God!” they groaned in union. He released her hands and kissed her shoulder, gently caressing her side with his fingertips.
“Wait here” he whispered and gave her one last peck on her back before pulling out slowly, she gasped at the loss of contact but didn’t move. He quickly disappeared in the bathroom and soon she heard the water running.
“Let’s take a quick shower” he suggested reentering the room. Helping her getting up, Hotch saw she was walking funny and smiled to himself.
“Don’t laugh. Aaron”
“I wouldn’t dare it” she walked past him with a death stare and headed to the bathroom while he was enjoying seeing the effects of the previous performance on her. Hotch suppressed a laugh and followed her.
They entered together in the shower with the water running on their body. No sexual touch was shared just soft petting, tender kisses and so much love and admiration. He gently caressed the handprint he left on her ass while kissing her soft lips. Her hands were running throw his hairs pulling him closer.
“Hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“No. I liked it” she smiled and his lips was on her once again.
They finished showering and went back to the bedroom where they put some clothes on. He was only in boxers and she was wearing one of his t-shirt and her panties. They climbed under the cover, with Y/N on his right side, tangled to each other.
With her head on his chest, Y/N could feel his strong heartbeat. It had always calmed her on the bad days, whenever she felt down, he was ready to comfort her and hugged her tight on his chest. It became a habit to fall asleep listening to his heartbeat and he was happy that it worked.
Before going to sleep, Y/N needed to make sure he was okay. She knew he wouldn’t want to talk but she hoped that after the amazing sex he was more willing to do it.
“It was amazing” he broke the silence while playing with her hair.
“It really was” she looked up to him and smiled. Careful to his wound, she caressed gently his left cheek and looked for some sign of discomfort but didn’t notice any.
“It still hurts?” she worried. Hotch took her hand and gently kissed her palm before answering.
“Not much”
“Good. So…” she started carefully “Do you wanna talk about what happened tonight?”
“No” he answered back without thinking twice. She didn’t insist and let it go. Y/N knew he was scared and that he would have talked whenever was ready, but she also wanted to let him know that she was there for him, for the goods and the bads.
“I don’t wanna force you, just know that I’m here for you. Whatever you need.” He nodded and went back at staring at the ceiling while softly petting her side. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, neither of them could sleep. He was too overwhelmed by what had happened that night and she was too worried that if she closed her eyes something bad would happen to him, again.
“He made me see things.” he mumbled after sitting on the side of the bed, with his back to Y/N. He was resting the head between his hands trying to control his tears that were ready in his eyes. He soon felt Y/N’s arms hugging him from behind and smiled when she kissed the back of his head.
“It’s okay, babe. It’s over now” he took a deep breath and kept going as she moved sitting near him, turned to him.
“You guys were all death. You died because of me” her heart broke at seeing him so vulnerable and hurt. One of Y/N’s hand was running toward his hair, while the other was caressing his hand. She was looking at him with a worried sight.
“What happened in that house, Hotch?” she asked carefully.
“I was sitting on the floor in the office, hurt and drugged. You went in separately a-and…” he paused for a second, scared to reliving those moments “JJ and Reid were the first to die. He took them by surprise, they couldn't even defend themselves. Then he killed Rossi and Morgan”
He looked toward her and she saw all the pain in his eyes. He watched his team die in front of him but Y/N knew he wasn’t done. She wiped the tear that had fallen on his cheek and smile softly when he kissed her knuckles.
“What happened later?” his eyes were glassy one again. He took him a few seconds before answering that.
“He killed you” he looked down, between his feet, not being able to bear her look at the moment “You had found me. You were there in front of me w-when he shot you. He shot you twice and your blood was all over me. I couldn’t help you. I couldn’t help any of you.”
Y/N hugged him tightly to her chest to make him feel her presence. He broke down and started crying in her arms pulling her even closer if possible. He needed to feel her, to make sure she was there in his arms and that it was real.
“It’s over. I’m right here, honey” Y/N tried to reassure him the best she could, caressing his back the way she knew he liked. Hotch calmed down after a few minutes and pulled out from the hug to looked at her.
“It was so real. Watching you and the team die. The thought of watch my team die always scared me and now I get to see what it would look like. I know it’s a risk of the job b-but…I can’t lose you Y/N. Or the team. Not the way I lost Haley.”
“He got into your head. It was what he wanted, taking control. But you don’t have to let him do it again. We arrested him, it’ over. Don’t give him more power. I’m so sorry you had to go through that and I’m sorry I’ve arrived too late but please never doubt yourself.” She stopped for a moment to kiss him hard on the lips and to wipe away another tear from his cheek.
“You’re an amazing team leader, you always have your team’s back. They count on you, they respect you but more that this, they trust you, Aaron. As a leader, of course, but also as a friend. I know how your feeling, I’ve been there too but I’m sure that when the time will come, you’ll do everything in your power to protect your team.”
Without hesitation, he leaned over to close the gap between them and kissed her lips holding her head in his strong hands. He deepened the kissed wanting to feel more of her. Laying her back on the bed, he was over her once again, but this time felt different. He just wanted to feel her close, nothing sexual, just a pure connection and innocent kisses and touches.
“Wanna go for it again?” Y/N joked.
“No. Just wanna cuddle” he answered honestly and she nodded. They climbed under the covers one more time spooning, and Hotch wrapped her in a tight hug around her waist holding her impossibly closer to him.
His mind was playing games with him and it would take a while to move on, but right there he was in peace. He had in his arms one of two of the most important people in his life. She was alive and safe and that was the only thing that mattered to him. He fell asleep minutes after her with a smile on his face.
The next morning, she woke up to his soft snoring and turned toward him after checking the time. The light of the sun coming through the window was still weak so they could stay in bed for a few more hour but no mattered how much she tried she couldn’t stay in bed anymore. Carful not to wake him, she headed quickly to the bathroom and then straight to the kitchen. Y/N was planning to make Hotch some homemade blueberries pancakes that she knew he would’ve loved.
She found everything she needed and prepared on the kitchen counter. There was always food at Hotch’s, unlike at hers. She was barely at home, not just because she practically lived with the Hotcners but mostly because she was always at work if she weren’t with them.
She always put her job first, that was how she grow up. Y/N traveled at lot since she was a kid due to her parent’s job and then when she joined the Navy she just kept traveling around the world. She never had a place to call home, just empty houses. Never stayed in the same city for more than a few years and she was okay with it. She was more that happier to keep living liked that and then she met Hotch.
For the first time in a long time, she stopped traveling and had a place that felt like home. It wasn’t easy at first, she wasn’t used to it but for Hotch was worth a try. She was enjoying her new life; she still had her job but it didn’t require to travel that much anymore.
While thinking about her life, she finished preparing the pancakes and an hour or so had passed. She headed back in the bedroom and stopped in her track looking at Hotch. He looked peaceful and vulnerable and the sheet, that only covered him to his waist, left his scarred torso exposed.
She knew what had happened with Foyet but that hadn’t never changed her feelings for him and she make sure to remind him how much she loved him and how sexy and handsome he was. He hardly believed he was sexy or handsome but secretly loved when Y/N tell him.
She climbed back in the bed, carefully to not wake him and stayed in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the view. She started placing a few soft kisses down his neck getting a low groan from him, she moved on the shoulder before straddling him. He opened his eyes slowly, even though his body was betraying him and full awake.
She leaned down to kiss his lips, attentively placing one hand on his wounded cheekbone. His hands through her hair were pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. She felt his body react under her and smiled at the sensation.
“Good morning, Agent Hotchner”
“Good morning, Lieutenant Y/L/N”
“I made pancakes” she informed him.
“It can wait” he said smirking and without giving her time to reply, he rolled them over ending on top of her. She gasped at the sudden move but wasn’t complaining. His hands were wandering under her t-shirt, touching her tits and making her moaned. Immediately he took it off and threw it away somewhere across the room.
He bent to kiss her neck and went down on her chest taking a nipple in his mouth and massaging the other. She arched her back and groaned at the feeling. He was good with his hands. He continued his way down her body, leaving wet kisses here and there on her torso. Once he got at her entrance, he moved her panties to the side and slipped a single finger into her wetness.
“You’re so wet, baby” she groaned begging him to do something, anything. He started moving slowly back and forth doing small circles but stopping right before the release. He wanted to savor the moment and had planned to do it by edging her.
“Aaron please?” she lamented pulling on his hair.
“Not yet”
He moved his finger up on her clit and began circling it, fastening the pace to his own liking, doing smaller and smaller circles but stopping as soon as she got too close to the edge. He began his assault with his tongue too making her moaned at the sudden contact. Sucking hard for a few minutes before sliding two fingers inside her making even more difficult for her not to come right away. Y/N was almost dripping as he was using his fingers to fuck her. When she begged for him, he stopped moving again.
“You bastard” she mumbled to herself. His erection was growing just by hearing her moaning. He needed to be inside her as much as she needed him. He went back overing her, she took his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Y/N could taste herself on his lips and moaned.
“I wanna make love with you, Y/N” he whispered against her lips. She smiled nodding, giving him the permission he needed before he slowly slid into her. Her body reacted like it was the first time, like he hadn’t fucked her senseless the night before. They groaned in unison.
He started going slow and deep, making her moaned loudly for hitting all the right spots. Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist to give him a better angle to go deeper.
“Oh God, baby” he groaned in her ear, feeling her get tighter around him. He started moving faster pounding her deeper, sending her over the edge.
“Oh fuck!” He didn’t stop, riding her orgasm to give her one more. She was holding on his shoulders scratching them with the nails, as pleasure was overwhelming her body. He was groaning into her neck trying to gain some control.
“I-I’m close…” she came again within seconds and with a few more thrusts he came deep inside her, groaning loudly.
“Oh yes, baby” he rolled off her and laid on the bed, both trying to catch their breath. He pulled her on his chest and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. They staid in bed for a little while, planning what to do in the next few days, deciding what to tell Jack about his father wound and forgetting soon about the pancakes. The silence of the room was broken by Hotch’s stomach rumbling and they both laughed.
“There was a mention of pancakes, was it?”
“Oh yeah! They’re waiting for you. And so are the blueberries” he smiled widely at the mention of his favorite fruit. They headed together to the kitchen after putting some clothes on. While Hotch was sitting at counter, Y/N was assembling their plates. Three pancakes each, with a few more blueberries on top and maple syrup.
“Don’t look at me like that, Hotchner.”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to fuck me right here, right now.” he laughed at the comment as she put the plate in front of him and sat in chair next to his.
“I was just thinking how much I like this, having you around.” she blushed and smiled.
“I like this too. I like even more making you and Jack blueberries pancakes in the morning and spending the days with you. I never thought I would’ve love this life style but now I can’t live without it.” He smiled and took her hand in his to kiss it tenderly.
“I love you, Y/N”  
“I love you too, Aaron”
They shared another intense kiss when Hotch’s stomach rumbling interrupted.
“Now let’s eat because I’m starving.”
Once they finished, Hotch washed the plates while Y/N was sitting at the counter enjoying the view of his perfect ass and the way his t-shirt was perfectly hugging his back and biceps. She was daydreaming and didn’t notice that Hotch was done.   
“Now who’s the one with the “I wanna fuck you” look?” he moved back near her while mocking her and sat on the chair.
“Wait here” she disappeared in the bedroom and came back with a few stuffs he couldn’t identify and put them on the counter. “We need to clean your wound.”
Right. He had forgotten about it, but he didn’t have the time to protest that she was already standing between his legs with disinfectant and gauzes in hand. She was quick and careful before putting a small band-aid on it. She kissed him on his forehead before starting to massage his temple, because she knew he needed but was too stubborn to ask.
“Thank you”
“You’re welcome. Just ask me whenever you need it”
“I-I meant…Thank you for being my rock, for respecting my boundaries and not forcing me to talk about last night. I could’ve done it without you. But I need to tell you something.”
“What?” she asked a bit worried.
“I didn’t have sex with you last night because I wanted to have sex but because I wanted to have control over something. I needed to have control over something. Peter Lewis made me felt so powerless and weak, he got into my head and used my biggest fear against me, and I was stuck, I couldn’t do anything to stop him. You were there and sex was the only thing I though could’ve give me back some sort of control.”
He stopped and searched for some kind of reaction from Y/N but found none.
“I’m so sorry. I should have talked to you instead.”
Silence filled the room; she was still standing between him. Hotch was expecting the worst, she had every right to get mad and couldn’t blamed her. For sure, he wasn’t expecting what happened next.
“Did it work?” the question took him off guard and gave her a questioning look. “The sex. Did it give you some control back?”
“Yes. For a little while at least”
“Then you don’t have anything to apologize for. If sex was what you needed, I’m happy I was there.”
“But..” he started but she interrupted
“No buts. You didn’t force me to do anything if this is what you’re worrying about. I was completely fine with it; it was what you needed. And I knew that if I ever felt uncomfortable you would’ve stopped right away, without even asking you. Am I right?”
“Of course. I would never hurt you intentionally.”
“Good” Y/N leaned quickly peck his lips and caressed his cheek “You’re a good man, Aaron Hotchner. Never doubt it.”
“Thank you”
“But if you ever forget it, I’ll be happy to remind it to you. In every way I see fit”
He laughed and pulled her closer to him to share a passionate kiss, there in the kitchen. Oh, how much he loved that woman, never in a million years he thought he would’ve been so lucky. He had this beautiful woman in his arms that loved him as much as he loved her, and this scared him to death because he didn’t want to ruing things.
For a moment his mind went to Jack and thought of how much they’ve liked each other from the very first moment. Hotch loved watching the two of them interacting, and loved having her around. Sometimes it still felt like a dream, but it was very real. Y/N was there, and she was his. Well not yet, but one day he would marry that woman.
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97keanu · 1 year
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Dave Lizewski x goth!Reader
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Premise: Dave sits next to you in History, he's been secretly pining for you for ages, but he's been too scared to ask you out since you're so pretty and your goth exterior is very intimidating for him. To his surprise, he and you are paired up to finish a history assignment this weekend. Truth is, you thought he was cute too...
Tags: 18+ characters/pining!Dave/extremely nerdy and loser!Dave/hard exterior soft interior!reader/reader who despite having a crush on Dave does NOT want to admit it(tsundere!reader)/Mutual pining/mini slow burn into eventual smut/virgin!dave/submissive!Dave + switch!Dave who ends up taking control/reader on top/oral(both parties)/face sitting/edging/no condom/raw/doggy/cuddling/aftercare
A/N: Finalized version 7/8/23, fully edited. I am glad so many of you liked this and I am hoping to return to this couple in the future!
Taglist: @lazyneonrabbitt
(Ask to be tagged in upcoming one offs of Dave if you'd like!)
Imagines of these two: here and here
Jennifer's Body AU reader x Dave here
UPDATE!!! Read the direct sequel here
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It's a normal Friday afternoon and Dave sits, staring out the window and daydreaming about this or that for his last class of the day. Class hasn't started yet, and what pulls Dave out of his daydream is you. You with your all black clothes, black lipstick and dark style. You walk into class as if its nothing, and every time you do Dave feels butterflies fill his stomach. He still can't believe how lucky he was to get sat next to you, even if he's way too intimidated to say anything to you.
You sit down next to him and you keep your face neutral. You know how mean this highschool has been about your style, so these days you hardly give them anything. And after you broke some jocks finger for trying to touch you in the 10th grade, people leave you alone for the most part. To your face at least. You know they probably snicker when you're not looking, but at the very least you can go on autopilot through out the day and go home to where you can really be yourself.
Dave has no idea about this, he thinks you're just the most confident chick in school, and he is in no way in your league, at all. It doesn't stop him from day dreaming about it though. He goes home and thinks about you at night, thinks about what it would feel like to actually ask you out. He's practiced saying it in the mirror a few times even, but when you sit next to him in class it's like he can't even make his voice say "Hello" let alone "Can I take you to the movies this Friday?". What kind of movies would you even like? God, its hopeless. He's doomed to sit next to you pining until senior years up and he never sees you again.
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Today you sit next to him as always, headphones blaring The Cure while you ignore the world. You do steal a glance towards the guy who sits next to you in History, and quickly glance away, your dark lashes fluttering. You try not to interact with him because you know if you do, it's going to be obvious you like him. You can't help it, something about the way he's obviously so flustered by you, his big blue eyes gazing at you behind those nerdy glasses, it does something to you. Something the other students would notice and probably pick on the both of you for. Imagine it, the social outcast goth girl and the loser nerdy boy? No way, it's something you're not willing to risk after being bullied from your last school. No, its better to not think about it. Keep your headphones in and look forward, pretend you see nothing.
Your history teacher begins class, so you put away your headphones and get ready to start class. As you put them in your bag, you catch Dave's eyes. He looks like he almost wants to say something to you, and you furrow your thin and arched brows, giving off a "why are you talking to me" energy without even trying to really. It's almost second nature at this point for you, and when you see his cheeks heat up, you feel your heart jump, a mixture of feeling bad for how you come off and a hope for what he might have wanted to say. His hand nervously slides his glasses back up, his big blue eyes blinking away in embarrassment, the words unsaid falling flat in the air and your history teacher gaining the attention of the class.
You turn from Dave, obviously conflicted about what transpired, even if it was brief. It was one of the few times you two interact, but somehow when you sit next to him for this hour long class, it's as if you are interacting. You can almost feel the space between you two, and the times when his foot or your leg gets too close, bumps, barely touches, it's almost electric. It truly makes it hard to focus on class at times, but for the most part if you really fixate on what the teacher is saying, you can get by. From the looks Dave gives you at the end of class usually, he didn't hold up as well for the most part.
"This seating arrangement really was a mistake..." You muse silently to yourself inside your head, a small sigh escaping your lips.
Your teacher begins describing the next history assignment for the weekend, it's supposed to be something about fake "interviewing" someone from the history lessons from so far, or something, you're catching about half of it, but you know they pass out a more detailed paper later.
Meanwhile, Dave is beating himself up for, once again, not being able to ask you out tonight.
"C'mon man, you should have just said it!" He curses himself mentally. "Worst she could say is no right? God...with her, she might actually bite my head off..."
He's practically sweating next to you, his hand nervously tapping the table between you two lightly. Your hand, inches away is trying to take notes on what the assignment is supposed to have because you absorb it better when you actually write it out. As well as an excuse to not focus on Dave's nervous fidgeting beside you.
Dave is biting the inside of his cheek trying to game plan if he can save this, ask you at the end of class, when the teacher says something that makes his stomach drop, but his heart flutter.
"Alright, so that's the basis of the assignment, however, I would like for you to work with your table partner outside of class this weekend and choose which of you will be the interviewer and the interviewee..."
"Holy shit!" Dave could practically jump out of his seat from excitement and fear. This means he doesn't even have to actually ask you out, now you two are forced to spend time together this weekend!
"Holy shit..." You think to yourself. You feel entirely tense, as if you need to run out of the room right this instant, and your cheeks are hot under your makeup. This means you have to spend time, alone, with Dave this weekend. The truth was, you weren't even dreading it because you hate him, even if you try to convince yourself that. No, the truth was...you didn't know if you keep the charade up if you were to spend that sort of time together. Surely, surely...he would notice the crush you had been building for him for the past few months...
The teacher dismisses the class early, letting everyone figure out how they're going to make time this weekend with each other. You could turn to stone, in fact maybe you have because to your surprise it takes Dave's squeaky, unsure voice to call you name to get you out of your trance.
"Yes...Dave?" You turn, almost ridgid, but trying to be neutral, if not kind. Dave is obviously shocked, this might be the most attention he's ever scored from you!
"Well, since we're paired up, I was uh..um..." His doe eyes dart down as he speaks, finding the right words. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school to work on it?"
You can't believe it, he wants you to come over, now? No way, you can't even hardly bring yourself to move from your seat, let alone find your way over to Dave's house. You find your head giving the smallest, most timid of shakes as you stare at him with disbelief of the situation.
"Oh! Uh yeah no it's totally cool.." Dave senses the rejection and is obviously red faced as he scratches the back of his head, moving those mop of gorgeous dark curls around. "It's so sudden, you probably have big plans for a Friday night, huh?"
The way he's so obviously trying to make this work begins to melt at your icy heart. You shake your head again and immediately Dave is trying to stammer out more, but you finally find your words and work everything out.
"No, that's okay, Dave, I actually, um... I could come to your place around 7pm if that's okay?" Your usually confident self feels a bit wavered as you ask. Dave's eyes shine so brightly you think he may burst, the color in his cheeks different than before.
"Oh, that's totally awesome! I'll give you my address!" He says, with unusually less attempts to speak than normal, he must be really excited about this. You gulp at the thought, and as Dave takes a pen and rips off a piece of notebook paper, you do the same. You write down your number, in case you two need to talk at all between now and then.
You can't help yourself, you put a little black heart next to your number. It's like something has possessed you, you can't even stop yourself. "God...this is just the start..." A part of your subconscious whispers somewhere...
If you thought Dave was over the moon when you agreed to come over tonight, he's downright estactic when he sees you pass over your number.
"This is...for me??" He stares at you, mouth agape, and doesn't even realize what a dumb question that was, but you can't help but find it endearing.
"For if I get lost or something comes up..." You trail off with reasons, but you know you truly just wanted to give him your number despite your reservations. Dave totally thinks the reasons are valid though, he scrambles to put his number on the paper he passed towards you with his address.
"Oh, that makes sense here, lemme just..." His tongue pokes out the corner of his mouth as he scrawls his number. He passes it back to you again, and your cheek heat skyrockets as you see he's also put a heart. He seems pleased with himself and shy about it at the same time, as if this is a secret between the two of you.
You begin packing up after that, and look at him with your lips pursed, unable to reciprocate all he's giving you right now. As you walk away he calls out.
"Alright, see you tonight then!" And you're almost sure the whole class has eyes on your back while you walk quickly from the room, eyes down. You just hope no one decides to dig their grimy fingers into the sliver of hope that this just might work out in the way you're terrified of...
The sky has started to turn dark, amber meeting violet in wispy clouds above. You're looking about for the address Dave wrote down, but his writing is comparable to chicken scratch. You find the house you think is his, and decide to text the number Dave also wrote extremely poorly underneath the address. You take pause, staring at the heart he returned on the piece of paper, and wonder if you should go through with this. It's not like you can just back out either, both your grades rely on this.
"It's just studying..." You breath out into the chilled brink of nighttime air, and text him you're here.
You are surprised how soon Dave is bounding down the stairs inside before opening the door with a big smile.
"You're here! Awesome, I just got pizza ordered, it's inside!" He does everything but pull you inside, he's so excited.
You feel some of your fears evaporate as you cross the threshold of his house. It's very homey, something your house always lacked. You feel like while its not pristine, it's meant to be lived in, a place where life goes on inside. You can't remember the last time you felt that way about a place, maybe your grandma's house, once upon a time...
Dave ushers you into his kitchen where he's got pizzas and snacks laid out. You can't help but feel like this is turning out more date than study when you see the set up. Your stomach builds with butterflies as you realize he's done all this just for you. You who has ignored him, at times being borderline mean, but of course you would have had to give him the attention he deserved to have truly been mean. That would have been more than you ever had given him by a mile. "Shit..." You think to yourself as you consider the situation.
"Yeah, I figured ya know, you might be hungry and it uh, it t-takes brain power to uh do a study...study date...." He stammers out as he sees your reaction, totally trying to wring out the study from 'study date' the way you do from a wet cloth.
You can't help it, you're flattered despite yourself. No one has ever been this kind to you since you moved to your new school in 9th grade. A part of you is desperate...desperate for this attention, for this connection you so clearly don't deserve. And with a sweetheart like Dave of all people. You feel a lump in your throat, but nod, agreeing with his words. His anxiety seems to have subsided as you do, and he beams a grin at you.
"Yeah! Here lemme grab this," he takes the pizza and a can of soda for each of you with ease. "And we can head up to my room to get started?"
His room. Oh god...
Your legs follow despite everything in you feeling absolutely undeserving of this kindness, your combat boots thunking on the kitchen tiles.
He takes you upstairs to his attic room and you are surprised. As much as it's a teenage boys room, it's also quite clean, and looks really comfortable. He sets you guys up on the bed and pats a place next to him. You settle down next to him, and he flips on a TV across from the bed. You wonder how you went from being here to study, to having pizza and movie.
"I just thought we might like to watch something while we eat..." Dave says in a nervous mutter as he sees your face.
"Okay..." You say, taking a slice of pizza and nibbling a bite. With all the butterflies in there, you don't think your stomach can hold much more than a slice right now. The two of you settle into his bed, munching on slices of pizza and watching some action flick Dave's put on...
After you two are done eating, Dave moves the food stuffs out of the way, and it's just the two of you on the bed. Somehow much more intimate now that there's not a pizza box between you two. You try to focus on the movie, but you can feel Dave glancing at you for much of it.
Dave can't help himself, you just looks so gorgeous, your dark eye make up is so sharp and bold, the thought of you taking control of him, of you pushing him into his bed and using him up keeps running through his thoughts. He even tried to jack off before you came over so he wouldn't be a total horn dog, but here he is, imagining what it would be like to lean over and kiss your black lips. God...he couldn't even ask you out properly, and the only reason you're here is because of the school assignment. There's no way you would be here otherwise. "I'm such a loser..." He thinks to himself, his eyes darting away from your face when you glance over and catch him staring. Instead his eyes land on your hand, laying in between the two of you on the bed, your finger nails black like the rest of your attire.
"Maybe if I could just..." He thinks, imagining himself being bold enough to take your hand, to test the waters to see if something was there. It would be enough that he could see if you have any interest, but wouldn't be as awkward as what he wants to do, which is lean over, take your delicate face in his hands and look you in the eye before kissing you as deeply as he can. Yes, holding hands would go over better than that, he has to tell himself. He feels shaky as one of his hands reaches up to push his glasses back into place, focusing himself to complete the task of holding your hand. The movie plays on...
After what seems like ages of Dave having an internal debate, he raises his hand slowly, deliberately, making a move towards your hand. You seem to be caught in the movie right now, the film is nearing it's climax as you two sit beside each other. If all goes wrong, he'll just pull his hand back and pretend he didn't mean to move it there. "Yeah, like that will work..." The voice in his head chides. It's too late now, he's already practically doing it, his hand hovering over yours before slowly dropping it down, the heat of his hand meeting yours, before softening into a hold.
You let out a small gasp, but don't pull your hand away. Dave is at a loss for words, he doesn't know how to explain it away, he IS holding your hand, and it's clear he doesn't mean it in a friendly way from how red his cheeks get. All you can do is stare at him right now, it's like time passes by in molasses, sticky and sweet. You can't believe it, he's really making a move on you...
What surprises you more is the fact that when your body catches up to your brain, you're moving towards him with fervor. Your other hand comes to the side of his face and you're crushing your lips against his. The movie is forgotten, as well as your inhibitions. Your lips tingle when they meet his, and you can't help yourself, somehow his small innocent touch has caused the dam you built inside yourself to stay away from him to collapse. You're working your lips into his like he's the air you breathe, and Dave is so caught off guard he's letting you, moving along with you as his guide.
"Oh my god, she's kissing me...I'm kissing a girl!" Dave thinks to himself, totally blown away, his eyes wide at first before melting into your kiss, his glasses only sort of getting in the way.
"God...I can't help it...he's so nerdy and sweet, I need to know what his body is like..." You think to yourself, your hands moving wildly into his mess of curly hair, gripping and tugging him into your kiss.
It's the type of kiss that almost hurts its so wanted.
You find yourself pulling away for a moment to catch your breath, and you see your black lipstick smudged both on Dave's pouty, plump from being kissed lips, as well as your own from the reflection of his glasses. You look as if you've totally given in, your eyes filled with a desire you've never seen before. You look back into Dave's vibrant blue eyes and see he's completely at your will.
"P-please...don't stop..." He whispers, those eyes of his pleading for you to continue. God, you want to fuck his brains out right here, and at this rate you think you will.
What surprises you next is Dave taking a bit of control, his own hands wrapping around your waist and bringing you on top of him, his hands grabbing into your gothic hair style, and your lips colliding once again as Dave let's out a whimper into your kiss. You can't help but moan back, the sound a dull vibration between your lips. Dave kisses sloppily, he wants you so bad and he's never kissed a girl before, that much is clear. You bite his lower lip to slow him down and take control, his body jumping from the bite, and where your legs straddle him you can feel his hardness against you as he bucks. God, he's like putty in your hands.
Dave can hardly contain himself, his hands roam your body freely, at some point one of his hands finds it's way under your skirt, gripping your hips and running along your stomach. He doesn't want to go too north or south without your permission, scared to run you and the pleasure you're giving him off. You can tell, and moan in a way that signals your frustration, before releasing your hands from where they're knotted in his curls and grabbing his wrists. You guide his hands underneath your shirt and sit up on him, letting him explore your breasts over your bra as you slip your shirt off and quickly discard it on his floor. As you look down, Dave's eyes are wider than ever, totally encapsulated by your body, his mouth hanging open and stained with your dark lipstick.
"God...you're so sexy..." He mumbles, not even sure what he's saying, just that he's in total awe of you. He's wanted this for so long he feels like he's accidently just convinced himself that you're really here, really doing this. It's as if you're a dream come to life instead of actually straddling him on his bed.
You reach back and undo your bra, the straps sliding down slowly before you pull your bra over your head, your breasts falling out. Dave doesn't need to be told to grab them, he's getting the hang of this. He feels the softness of your chest before exploring your nipples playfully. You smirk down at him as your hips ride him fully clothed.
"Would you like to taste them...?" You say slyly, almost savoring his reaction, knowing how excited he is. All he can do is nod eagerly and say 'Please'. You lean down and let Dave cup your breasts, pulling one of them to his mouth and sucking hungrily. He has dreamed of this moment, thought of it before bed with his cock in his left hand. He never thought he would actually be here, playing with your nipples in his mouth, switching sides so your other breast doesn't feel lonely.
You continue to grind against him, his already hard cock feeling as if he will cum just from you dry humping him. You can feel it twitching, aching to be released from his pants. You slide down his body, his mouth popping off your breast with a soft pop! before he gives out a whine that he wanted more. He looks down at you as you reach his pants, and playfully stare up at him with your devilish, make up smeared smile. Somehow knowing he's messed up your perfect goth make up is turning him on. He even finds himself imagining if he could ruin it more by cumming on your pretty little face. He wonders if you would ever let him and groans as you begin pulling his pants down and letting his cock free.
You're surprised not for the first time tonight, and not for the last. Dave's cock is huge! You had no idea this little nerd was packing so much heat, it's way longer and girthier than any cock you've seen up until now, and even putting your black manicured hand around it is making your hands look so small in comparison. Dave seems almost shy about his cock, he shifts nervously as you gaze at it, mouth slightly agape at his size, and Dave wonders if you don't like it.
"Is it...okay?" He finally squeaks out from nerves, and your eyes dart back up to his, dragging out of the trance the sight of his cock put you in. You begin to stroke him and nod.
"More than okay..." You say as you feel your cheeks heat up, your mouth watering just thinking about sucking him off. You hear Dave whimper out from your touch, his back arching into you, his hips bucking for more already. He feels so sensitive, as if your touch is too much.
"Please be careful...I don't know how long I can last..." He warns you, and the idea that you get to edge him until you want him to cum has your legs clenching from the wetness unraveling there. You can't believe how your body reacts to his, it's as if every little thing he does has your stomach coiled and shivers running up and down your body. You look him in the eyes as you place your mouth over the tip of his thick cock.
He closes his eyes in pleasure just from that, and you pause. You know you'll be doing a lot of stopping and starting, going so slow, just to keep him from blowing his load early. Dave is glad once again that he has already cum a few times today, if not he would have definitely came from you dry humping him earlier. He moves a hand to your hair, holding and petting you as you begin to go deeper, bobbing up and down in a rhythm that keeps him on his toes. He can't believe how hot and wet your mouth is, and you leave black rings on his cock as you go.
You suck his cock with purpose, finding out what gets him going very easily, and putting a stop to it before he goes too far. He's a whining mess, breathing hard and husky, his voice coming out in a quiver as he speaks your name, begging you. When you think he's had as much as he can take right now, your lips satisfyingly pop off his cock, and you look him in the eyes, his cock beside your sweet face.
"Now that I've tasted you Dave...I think it's your turn to taste me..." Dave's eyes are heavy with want, but they widen as he realizes what you're getting at. Truly, you can't even believe you're so eager for him, but you've fought it for so long you can't anymore. You know what you want in this instance, and your body isn't letting your brain ruin this for you. You take off your bottoms, leaving you naked before him, his eyes grazing your body with need.
You put your knees on either side of his face, and Dave looks up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes as he stares up from under your pussy.. You worried a bit if he would shy away from it, some men can be afraid of eating women out, especially their first time doing it. But Dave has literally imagined over and over what it would be like to have you sit on his face and to eat you up like his life depended on it. And he does just that.
Without having to give him any pointers, he grabs your hips and presses your pussy onto his face, his tongue going to town right away. He begins with your clit first, sucking the whole thing right away, and you actually have to cry out, your thighs almost crushing his head.
"Sensitive! Wait!" Is all you can say, and Dave seems to get the memo, beginning to swirl his tongue around your clit, playing with it before lightly lapping at it, sometimes with his tongue pointed, others with it flat and tasting all of you. Dave is grateful he ever cared to look up online how to do this properly, even though at the time he never thought he would ever get to use this knowledge.
You're surprised when he even begins to tongue your wet hole, playing with you there before dragging his tongue back up to play with your clit. He isn't perfect at it for his first time, and you likely won't cum from just this, but god does his tongue feel good down there. Dave is definitely not embarrassing himself in this catergory. He even presses your hips, pushing your pussy further on his face, practically suffocating under you from time to time, before releasing himself, his hot breath tickling your pussy. He looks up at you every so often with such a submissive look you can barely believe it. He loves being beneath you, you taking from him just how you like it. His cock is still hard and twitching, you reach back just to give it a feel and you can tell his cock has calmed enough you could probably get on top without him spilling in you right away.
"I want you inside me, Dave..." You whisper down at him, as you pull your pussy off him and he opens his eyes, completely drunk off your pussy, your wetness glistening on his lips.
"Anything you want..." He replies, his eyelids heavy and pleased with everything so far. He wants to make sure you're satisfied.
"In that case, I'm going to cum on your cock Dave...I need you to hold out til I'm finished..." You're voice is so soft, but commanding at the same time, which Dave is crazy for. You can see he's nervous about it still, worried he will disappoint and cum too early, but he nods with determination.
You move down, and position yourself over his red, hard cock. You look him in the eyes as you slowly lower yourself, his tip gliding in, stretching you out already.
"Fuck...." You moan out, your eyes closing as you take him inch by inch. He is completely enamored, watching you closely, and so confused as to how someone as hot and intimidating as you is fucking herself on his cock. You bite your messy lip as you find yourself struggling to fit him all, he makes you feel so full. When you finally do, you let yourself sit there for a moment and take it all in, enjoying the feeling of being so completely filled.
"God, Dave...your cock is so big..." You murmur out and Dave can't believe you think his cock is big, he never realized that, he knew it wasn't small but somehow he had convinced himself he wasn't that big either.
Eventually, you begin rocking your hips, moving up and down as you both gasp from pleasure. You use your hands to steady yourself on his chest while your other hand begins to touch your sensitive clit, working it until it feels amazing, heat flooding you.
Dave holds onto your hips and helps you move on him, sometimes going slower to stop himself. He wants to fill you up so badly it hurts, his stomach and muscles are so tight, his arm muscles clenching and showing themselves as his big hands guide your hips. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer by the minute.
"Dave, you're going to make me cum..." You whisper out as you begin to feel it. Dave looks at you with worry, and asks you something you forgot to talk about before getting wrapped up on the heat of the moment.
"If you cum, I'm going to cum...do we need a condom?" He says, his brows furrowed. You thank god you are on reliable birth control right now.
"It's okay, I have birth control, go crazy..." You say off handedly, not expecting much change in reaction.
Somehow, hearing you tell him to 'go crazy' starts something in him. He almost hesitates, but there's something he really wants to try. You can tell by the look on his face that he is planning something, and with a slight nod you silently tell him to go for it.
Dave quickly lips you off his cock and effortlessly tosses you onto the bed face first. You gasp out, the power dynamic shifting in that moment. You didn't know he was that strong...
He grabs your hips and ass and pulls them into his cock, easily slipping back inside your wet folds and pushing himself so deep you had no idea he could even do that. You moan out his name and grip the pillows beneath you, suddenly feeling like the submissive one now.
"Fuck, Dave..." You breath out and shudder as he fucks you so deeply you can hardly breath right. "I didn't know you could be this...dominant..."
Dave almost chuckles at your comment, but he agrees silently. Something about you letting him fuck you like this has emboldened him, he grips you harder, playing with your ass as he goes. Squishing and squeezing it, enjoying the feel of it in his hands.
You move so one of your hands can be under you, fumbling for your wet clit once again. You moan out Dave's name loudly as he fucks you deeply, your ass bouncing against his thighs with satisfying slaps. Dave can feel you clenching as you get closer, and it's so hard for him to contain himself. He wants to spill inside you so badly, his face scrunches up from the thought, he has to bite his lip to think of something else, even if it's the pain of biting.
"Please...I can't hold on much longer..." He says between heavy breaths and calling your name.
You focus, finding the sweet spot and so lost in his cock fucking you that suddenly your legs are locking up as your pussy clamps down on his cock, your climax spilling over the edge as you moan Dave's name. Dave pounds you harder as you do this, needing to to keep up as you clench around him so tightly it makes it hard to fuck you. Almost as soon as you reach your peak, Dave is thrusting his final thrusts into you, his cum welling up and shooting off inside of you, making a total mess of your pussy. You cry out as he does this and Dave groans loudly, his body shaking and his cock twitching as it finishes releasing.
When he's done, he stays there for a moment before carefully pulling out, his cum dripping onto the bed, and the tip of his cock so sensitive he has to rush to pull the end out so it doesn't hurt.
Dave doesn't even care anymore about being shy with you, he pulls you onto him and snuggles onto your hair, taking deep breaths.
"That was amazing...I can't believe you let me do that..." He whispers into your hair, he could almost cry from how emotional and raw he feels right now, but he holds it back as best he can, not wanting to cry during sex even though you wouldn't have held it against him anyways.
He holds you for a long time, and during that time you can't even speak, the afterglow of your breath and sweaty bodies speaking for itself. You never wanted to let Dave in, and now here you are, full of his cum and sore from his cock, while you lay naked in his bed, cuddling. You end up blocking out any negative thoughts, and realize that it was so worth it. You move and snuggle into his neck, petting his chest, and musing lightly into his skin.
"I'm glad I came over, Dave..." You end up saying, because that's how you feel about all of this. Dave pets your hair and laughs lightly.
"I'm glad you came over too..."
There's no way that history project is getting done tonight.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
Past the green
Barbie dolls: Dave Lizewski x gn! Reader
Word count: 6.3k
Summary : you guys are just geeky together you help him when he's bleeding you kiss him you guys almost bag woohoo 🎉🎉🙌🙌
Warnings: you write comics now, you're friends with Katie, mentions of Dave staring at the teachers tits twice oops, blood and cuts mentioned(Dave gets his ass beat), you're kinda a dick but like in a loving manner yk, a good portion of sex jokes and I blue ball you at the end, theres like description of handies but it's like hard to explain, you quote Shakespeare, Dave's kinda an idiot, it's fairly clear that r thinks of him in a wimpy sub type of manner but who knows, insinuated that it's r and Dave's first time together like within in their relationship but I don't say if either of you are virgins, you drive and listen to Sir-Mix-A-Lot, you guys are just geeky and nerdy together yk, insinuated that you're better in English class than Dave but he could be really bad in there you don't know, a small pretentious vibe from you about your comics but it's just confidence shut it, Dave tries to kiss you and you're not feeling it, also you call Dave David a good three times, I insinuated ACAB ideas so idk suck my dick if you don't agree no Dave fic for you ig, small mention of throwing up,mentions of porn and I made a James Potter reference kinda, comic you is called Cardamon but it's supposed to be like a fake identity so sorry if thats your name
You really only dabble in comics. Your friend Katie also dabbled but she read more than you did. She just recently started a new series and wanted the third and fourth volumes. So with a fair amount of convincing, Katie and you were walking towards the only comic book store in town. You held the door open for her before stepping through the door yourself. Katie glanced back at you, smiling at you.
“We’ll be in and out in no time.” She reassured, heading straight for the genre of her comics. You shook your head, following after her.
“Take your time, I can be patient.” Katie smiled at you, reaching for the stacks of comics. You leaned against the table the box she was looking through was sitting on. You glanced around the bookstore. You normally just borrowed some of Katie’s comics, so you’ve only been inside the bookstore once or twice. You turned your head, looking at the back of the store. You froze when you saw Dave Lizewski.
Back against the windows he was sitting in the booth with his two friends. Unfortunately for you, he was facing your direction. He stared down at the milkshake in his hands, stirring the straw around his cup. Dave must’ve noticed you staring at him because his eyes moved up from his cup. You turned your head back towards Katie as fast as you could, hoping not to arise too much suspicion.
Dave was in your biology class and English class. You worked together in English, he wasn’t the best at English. You sat next to each other and you often helped him revise his answers. In biology though, you weren’t entirely sure he even knew you were in there. You weren’t sure he even knew where anything in that class was, well aside from the teacher's tits. You hadn’t told anyone, anyone being Katie, but you were pretty sure you had a hard-core crush on him.
Katie looked up from her books, looking around the store to find what could’ve possibly made you move so fast. She saw Dave staring at the back of your head. Katie looked at you confused. Connecting two and two in her head, Katie gasped. You faced her, silently telling her to be quiet with your face. She leaned towards you, holding up a comic book to hide your faces.
“You totally like him.” She whispered. You shook your head.
“Nope. No. I don’t even know who that is.” You whispered back, throwing in a one-shouldered shrug to sell the act. Katie glared at you. She gently put the book back. She latched onto your wrist, dragging you away from the table and towards Dave. You pulled back trying to stop her but unfortunately for you, Katie was crazy strong. Dave seemed to notice you two on the way, setting his milkshake down and readjusting his jacket. He leaned towards his friends, whispering something you couldn’t hear before dropping back into his seat to play nonchalant. Katie stopped by the side of Dave’s table, keeping her hold on your wrist.
"Hey guys, what’s new?” She asked glancing around at all the faces at the table. Marty set down his open comic and stared up at Katie. Tod stared too but he had a lost puppy look most days so you weren’t surprised.
“Not much, so are you guys into reading comics?” Dave asked, reaching for his milkshake again. Katie nodded. You tried to slink behind her and hide from the awkwardness. Katie jerked on your hand, forcing you to stand next to her again. You glared at her out of the corner of your eye.
“I enjoy reading them, I haven’t read a whole lot. They don’t read them though.” Katie said jutting her thumb over her shoulder at you. Marty glared at you.
“Then why are you in a comic book store?” Marty asked. You thought about insulting him. Getting down in his face and calling him a shit-bag. You settled for giving him a sarcastic smile, looking back at Dave. Dave raised an eyebrow at you before flickering his eyes back at Katie.
"They prefer to make comics than read them,” Katie said. You turned your head towards her.
“Why would you share that?” You whispered. Katie hummed.
“Trust me.”
“You never told me you did that?” Dave said. You shrugged.
“Never asked.” Dave scoffed at you.
“I asked about your hobbies though, you never said you did that,” Dave said, pointing out a hole in your story.
“I like keeping it under wraps, Katie is the only one who has read them.” You said, glancing out the window to avoid eye contact.
“They’re shy with their work, the stories they come up with are so good,” Katie said, making you wish you were sucked up by a black hole. Dave hummed. He leaned forward. He pulled one of his arms up onto the table, holding his head up by his palm.
“So what kind of comics do you write?” Dave asked. You glanced at Katie, please help. Katie pulled her hand away from your wrist.
“You guys talk about that while I go find my books, you sit next to Dave and I’ll be back in a few,” Katie said before pulling away from you entirely. As she passed you while heading for the comics she was looking at before, you whispered to her.
“Katie, Katie, please. Katie, I’m fragile. Don’t leave-“Katie motioned to her ear before shrugging and walking away from you. You turned back to Dave. You gave him an akward smile. He scooted closer to the wall to give you room. You settled into the booth next to him.
“So do you illustrate your books too?” Marty asked. You nodded. You glanced back at Dave.
“What do you write about?” Dave asked. You shrugged.
“Nothing really all that crazy but the last one I was working on was about a ship of aliens landing on Earth and then they tried to blend in with other humans.” You said. You looked at Marty to see him nodding.
“Kinda like Superman?” Todd asked. You tilted your head from side to side.
“Sort of but all the aliens like super built a town and started selling most of the houses to real humans. They would pretend to move in, this is after they have human costumes. Sometime later, a teenager spotted two aliens shed their human skin and he started to get really paranoid so he went on a killing spree and killed everyone in town before walking multiple miles down the road to get to the next town over. So actually not really like Superman.” You said, explaining the plot as fast as you could. Marty stared at you for a long moment. Todd’s jaw had gone slack. Dave let out a snort.
“You only let Katie read these?” Dave asked, tilting his head to the side. You wondered if he knew how much of his movements made you want to rip his clothes off with your teeth.
“Yeah.” Dave gave you an overdramatic frown. He leaned his head against his hand.
“You won’t let me read them?” Dave asked, staring at your wide eyes from behind his glasses. It was incredibly hard to say no to his face. So you turned your head to face Marty.
“No.” Dave groaned and pouted, taking another sip of his milkshake. He patted your arm, setting his drink down.
“While we have you here, Do you think you could weigh in on a debate we’re having right now?” Dave asked, letting his hand drop from your arm. You shrugged.
“So, why do you think no one has tried to be a superhero before?” Dave asked, making Marty and Todd groan.
“Not this again, Dave,” Marty muttered. You considered Dave’s question. Human beings are astronomically stupid, so why hasn’t one slapped on a mask yet?
“I don’t know. Someone probably was stupid enough to do it somewhere. I doubt they made it past ten minutes though.” You said. Marty nodded.
“Someone would have to be crazy stupid to it” Marty argued, looking over at Dave. Todd hummed.
“Not to mention it wouldn’t even be a superhero, just a straight regular hero,” Todd added, making you agree. You forgot about that aspect. Dave shrugged.
“Well, maybe you guys aren’t the creative visionary I am,” Dave muttered. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah whatever, Dave. Why don’t you call me when you get yourself a supersuit, hm? Use your dumbass as inspo for my next couple of books.” You said, snorting at your own joke. You looked away from the table to see Katie at the register. You stood from the table, knocking on the top.
“Gotta dash, losers. Dave, I’ll see you in English. Marty I'm going to see you when I curse your bloodline tonight. Todd, good seeing you. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, dickheads.” You said, before jogging over toward Katie. You both left the bookstore. Katie asked for all the little details of your conversation.
It was months later when Dave seemed to take you literally. You were scribbling away at your desk, trying to come up with a new idea. You dropped your pencil, almost knocking your head into your lamp. You spun your chair around, hoping maybe dizziness would spark your imagination. Your phone started ringing on your desk. You dropped your feet onto your floor stopping your chair from spinning more. You glanced at the contact name. The fuck does Dave want with you at 2 am?
“Hello?” You asked, your confusion laced deeply into your words. You heard Dave let out a groan that sounded way too close to moan for you. “Oh my god dude what are you doing?” You asked, sitting up in your chair.
“I’m like bleeding out, I think,” Dave said, you heard a car speed by on the other side of the line.
“Listen, I’m hurt right now. I can’t call anybody else. I just- I need you to come pick me up. Just- please.” Dave let out a huff, you could hear him struggling over the phone. You stood from your chair, finding your closet pair of shoes.
“Yeah. Sure, baby, where are you?” You said, walking out of your room towards the front door. You pulled your keys out of the bowl sitting on top of the table shoved next to the door. You heard Dave huff.
“Next to that weird buffet that shut down two years ago because they found a rat in mac and cheese. I’m in a ditch as of right now.” You snorted. You pulled open your car door, settling into the driver’s seat.
“Okay, I’ll be there in a couple minutes. Sit tight and don’t do anything stupid.” You started the car, grimacing at the blaring radio. Your hand shot for the knob, silencing the radio. Dave hissed on his side.
“I think I might be past stupid. I’m sitting in a ditch, bloodied and torn.” You hummed.
“Right well, just hang in there.” You hung up the phone and headed towards where Dave told you. You felt like it was a little too insensitive to play music on your ride to get your bloodied friend out of a ditch. However, you did seem to forget how boring driving without music was. You were there in a few minutes just like you said. You parked your car in what used to be the parking lot for the buffet. You pulled out your flashlight and got out of your car.
“Dave?” You called. You started wandering the sides of the road, looking into the ditches.
“Oh Davey Boy? Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy-“ Dave’s hand cut off your rambling, shooting up over the edge of the ditch.
“Over here,” Dave called, his voice strained. You looked down both ways of the street before running across it. You shined your flashlight down the ditch. Your jaw dropped at the sight of Dave. His face was covered by a green mask, though it was darkened with blood in some spots. You could see his lip was hurt and his left eye would probably be bruised for weeks to come. His body was covered in what you thought used to be green material. Dave was pressing his hand to his side. He turned his head to the side, groaning at the flashlight.
“ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch.” You muttered. Dave groaned loudly, pulling his head up to glance at his wound. He dropped his head back into the dirt.
“Please stop with the Shakespere. It’s making me wish I called someone else.” Dave muttered. You jumped down into the ditch next to him. You slid your hands under his arms, attempting to pull him up. With a lot of struggles and groans, you were able to get Dave onto his feet. He was leaning most of his weight on you, his arm over your shoulder.
”I will bite thee by the ear for that jest.” You whispered. Dave groaned loudly, dropping his head back. You laughed, making him grin. You started walking, it was hard to get onto the edge of the ditch. Once you reached the top getting across the road was easy.
“Yay, baby’s first steps.” You said, glad you finally reached the side of your car. Dave snorted next to you. You pulled open the door to your backseat. Dave slumped in the backseat. He kept his hand against his side, dropping his head back against the seat. You closed the door and ran around the car to the driver's side. You started the car the second you got in.
“Right, so hospital, or are we diy-ing this?” You asked, glancing back at Dave in the back seat. He was sitting still, staring at the car ceiling. You waited a moment for him to move. You reached your arm back and smacked Dave’s knee. He jolted up, staring at you.
“Do. Not. Die in my car.” You said, placing your hand back on the wheel. Dave sighed, readjusting and lying down across the backseat.
“Not the hospital, I'm taking a nap.” You hummed. You started the car, pulling out of the old buffet parking lot. You started your way back home, planning in your head how you were going to patch up poor Dave. As you turned past the Italian restaurant that you and Dave saw someone throw up into a fake plant, you spoke up.
“Are we going to address why you’re dressed like Kick-ass?” You asked, glancing back at him for a split second, he had already pulled off his mask. His eye was definitely going to be bruised.
“I’m Kick-ass.” He said. You snorted.
“Right, Dave. You’re Kick-ass.” You repeated sarcastically. Dave sighed.
“I am.” You stayed silent. There was a slight wimpy vibe about Kick-Ass that you found attractive. Dave was always showing up to school with new bruises and bandages. He was the one who posed the 'why has no one become a superhero yet' question.
“Oh. My. God. You’re Kick-Ass. Hol-ee shit.” You said, smacking the steering wheel and laughing in disbelief. Dave hummed in the backseat.
“Tried to tell you.” He muttered, turning his head, so he was facing the back of the seat. You scoffed.
“Dude you’re like..” You laughed again when you remembered you had Kick-Ass sitting in your backseat. “a total moron.” Dave flung his hand over his eyes.
“You could be a little nicer you know,” Dave said. You shook your head, keeping your eyes on the road.
“Somebody has to reality-check you. You’re getting your ass beat in a scuba outfit. You’re sitting in the back of an unpublished comic writer’s car. You’re about to have to listen to my CD of my upbeat music because I left my sad one at home. I’m taking you home so I can slap some mermaid bandaids on you and then in a day's time you’re going to be sitting in biology class staring at the teacher’s tits. I mean no offense Dave, but does that sound like something a person making smart decisions would do?” You looked back at Dave through the review mirror. Dave shook his head, staring down at your messy floorboards.
“It was partially hot though, you get two points back for that. Now you’re going to shut up and listen to Sir-Mix-a-lot, and you’re going to like it.” You turned the volume up, hoping to drown out all the bad decisions Dave made tonight. You started singing along, ignoring the scratching worry in your head that Dave would die in your backseat. You pulled into your driveway, parking your car where you always did. You shoved your keys into your pocket before opening the backdoor. Dave tried his best to help you help him out of the car.
You pulled his arm over your shoulder, snatching his mask off your floorboard. You kicked the car door shut before hobbling with Dave to the front door. You opened it, letting it swing inside. You dropped your keys into the bowl. You held onto Dave the best you could as you shut the door. You walked him to your room, letting him flop onto your bed. At this point, you weren’t all that hung up on getting his blood onto things. You could see it coating your hands and spots of it on your forearms. You just didn’t care anymore.
You helped him pull the top of his suit down so you could reach his cut. Did you think about having Dave shirtless on your bed before? Yes, but not like this. You cleaned his skin with a wet paper towel before taking the first aid kit from the bathroom. Once it was clean, it didn’t look too bad. You definitely weren’t experienced in the whole medical field. You found some Closex thing that had a cool picture on the front so you decided to use it. After that, you used a cotton pad and held it in place as you wrapped up his side with some ace bandages.
“That looks something like what I’ve seen on TV.” You said. Dave sat up, groaning in the process. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror. He hummed, rubbing his hand against the bandage. He turned back to you, staring at the blood on your arms.
“Sorry, for being stupid. I shouldn’t be pretending to be a hero, I’m just some stupid incompetent dickhead in a suit. I never should’ve even talked about a real superhero.” Dave muttered. You sighed, slapping your hands together.
“Yeah well, I guess we all say some dumb shit. You actually don’t have to listen to everything I say. I say stupid things like constantly.” You said, leaning back on your hands. Dave moved back to you, sitting next to you. Still shirtless, and still bloodied. Stay focused.
“Yeah, but I like you...r approval. I want you to like think I’m cool and stuff.” Dave said, reaching out to you. You stayed in your position, keeping a frozen smile on your face. Dave moved closer to you, leaning over your legs in an attempt for you to see the seriousness in his eyes. You weren’t entirely sure what to say. You could avoid the conversation entirely and change the subject. You could say you like his “approval” too. You squinted at him.
“Dave, I already think you’re cool just by existing. And I know you did not do all this stupid shit in an attempt to impress me. You knew I was quoting Romeo and Juliet three times today! I'm already impressed.” Dave laughed lightly, leaning even closer. He met your eyes before looking down at your lips. He knocked his nose against yours, his breath warming your face. You caught a hint of copper and wished you had a toothbrush in your pocket. It’s not that you didn’t want to kiss him. It didn’t feel like the right time.
“Whatcha doing David?” You whispered. Dave pulled back. He sniffed.
“Just checking to make sure you didn’t drive drunk, is all,” Dave muttered, slowly inching away from you. You hummed sarcastically. You stood from your bed.
“Right well, I don’t let pigs into my home so if you’re done playing pretend cop...” You trailed off giving Dave the time to respond. He nodded.
“I’m done.” You gave him a small smile.
“Right, you find your glasses. I’m going to go get you a wet washcloth, and a change of clothes. Then we can make you a pallet on the floor because I can’t let you out of my sight.” Dave nodded. You left the room, wandering around the house to collect the list you gave Dave, along with a few other items you thought might help. You headed back to your room with your arms full. You dropped your armload onto your bed. You looked up at Dave to see him with his glasses on.
“Oh, there you, pretty boy. Missed those spectacles.” You turned back to the pile. You pulled out the sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. You stuck them both out to Dave. He thanked you, holding them to his chest. You stepped out of the room while he changed. Eventually, he opened the door again. His face no longer had blood and he was holding his bloody suit. You took the suit from his hands, dropping it into your dirty laundry basket.
“I will wash it and patch it up, your crime-fighting will be set on hold for the next couple of days, okay?” Dave nodded at you. You got busy making the pallet on the floor next to your bed. Dave sat on the edge of your bed, snacking on the ice cream you brought him as a reward for the struggles he went through today.
After a while, you were both snuggled in your own beds, or pallet in Dave’s case. You couldn’t sleep. You knew Dave wasn’t either because he kept shuffling around. Maybe you should’ve kissed Dave. You really rejected him because it wasn’t the right time? But then again, if you didn’t like it in the moment then you had the right to reject him. You flipped over onto your side, staring down at Dave.
“David.” Dave hummed. The blob shape of his head turned towards you. You couldn’t see what his expression looked like in the dark but it was Dave so he probably looked handsome sobbing his eyes out. You dropped your hand over the edge of the bed, reaching out for him. His blankets rustled as he moved his hand to yours. He gently took your hand in his.
“Were you trying to kiss me earlier?” Dave froze, his hold on your hand tightening.
“No.” His voice cracked through his words. You hummed.
“Why?” You asked, glad you were having this conversation in the dark so you didn’t have to face the consequences of talking. Dave’s blankets rustled again, you assumed he shrugged.
“I’ve liked you for a while now, I just thought I was getting that vibe from you. I’m sorry for getting all up in your space like that, I must’ve read you wrong.” Dave said, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
“I like you. I just didn’t want to kiss you then. I just want it to be like when you’re not in pain, sitting in my messy bedroom with an open first aid kit sitting next to you.” Dave hummed. His blankets rustled again. You felt his lips brush against the back of your hand.
“Then I can kiss you when the moment is right?” Dave asked. You hummed, pulling your blankets up further.
In the morning, you drove Dave home. He kissed your hand again, before opening the door to his house. He pulled you inside, muttering something about needing your support. His father was in the kitchen, making a disgruntled sound at Dave’s battered face.
“So what’s this then?” Mr. Lizewski asked, pausing to make his breakfast. You glanced at Dave.
“Right yeah, we were riding bikes and I totally ate it,” Dave said, actually selling the act. You hummed, nodding along.
“Oh yeah, you should’ve seen it. We were heading down to the bookstore and he just flipped I swear. It was awful. He got blood all over his clothes so he’s borrowing some of mine as of right now.” You added, hoping Dave didn’t mind your addition to the explanation. His father shook his head.
“Yeah well, I’m worried about you Dave.” You really felt like you impeding now. Dave shrugged.
“I’m fine, just klutzy,” Dave said, taking a step backward. His father glanced back over at you.
“Yeah. Whatever, Davey. You’re my boy, you know that. I love you and want you safe.” His dad stepped forward and cupped his face. He pressed a light kiss to Dave’s forehead before moving back to his pan on the stove.
“Love you too, Dad,” Dave muttered. You awkwardly said your goodbyes. Dave walked you to the door and you kissed the back of his hand goodbye. You drove home and were very happy to find that you were highly inspired by last night’s events.
A short month later, Dave was leaning over towards your ear in English class. You were working on the newest passage your teacher gave you, it was something about a lamb leg.
“What if we do the spiderman thing?” Dave whispered, even though it was group work so he had no reason to whisper. The volume of conversation was loud enough that another conversation would pass under the radar with no problem. You looked away from your paper, facing Dave.
“The what?” You asked. Dave gave you a small smile. He shrugged like he felt he was put on the spot. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain.
”You know in Spiderman, he and Mary Jane kiss while Spiderman was hanging upside down. It’s been a good couple of weeks and we still haven’t reached the moment. I mean I’m not rushing you or anything. But I thought maybe if we tried the Spiderman thing, we’d get the feeling.” Dave said, apparently stopping the whispering act. You felt a smile grow. Your lovely comic nerd boy-friend was trying to fix your weird ‘it needs to be the right moment’ problem with a comic. You shrugged.
“Yeah, worth a shot.” You said, looking back at the paper in front of you. Dave let out a quiet cheer.
“Plus,” Dave lowered his tone making sure only you could hear him. “You get to kiss the alluring Kick-Ass.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you, making you snort. You tilted your head towards him.
“Oh, well why didn’t you say so? Now I want to do it right now, let’s go right now.” Dave snorted at you, finding your hand on the desk. He intertwined your fingers, smiling at you again. You looked back at your paper.
A day or two later, you and Dave were standing in an alley. Dave was trying his best to pull down the fire escape ladder. You stared at him as he continued to struggle.
“It’ll work just give me- give me a second,” Dave said before groaning again as he pulled on the ladder. You hummed, letting him struggle.
“Take your time, your ass looks great in that.” Dave glanced back at you. He rolled his eyes before yanking on the ladder again. Finally, after Dave had tried over a million times, the ladder screeched down. Dave stepped back as the ladder hit the ground. He looked back at you to make sure you saw his good job. You held up a thumbs up. Dave pulled himself up the ladder, climbing a good couple number of rungs up. He pulled his legs through the space between two of the rungs, effectively sitting. Dave slowly leaned backward, his back pressed against the ladder. He motioned for you to come over with both his hands. You walked towards him, glad to see he estimated the height right, you being face to face.
“Okay okay, how are you feeling?” Dave asked, looking up at you through his mask. You shrugged. You took a moment to pay attention to your surroundings. It smelled faintly of piss. It was cold and the night air was making you shiver. You had been standing outside for so long you were starting to miss your bed. With all the negative feelings stirring in your mind, staring down at Dave made them disperse. Dave was hanging upside down for the chance to kiss you. You smiled, gently resting your hands on his cheeks.
“Yeah, Yeah. I think we got it.” Dave’s cheeks split into a smile.
“Yeah?” He asked. You nodded, an excited laugh slipping out.
“Yeah.” Dave giggled, pulling his arms up from the sides of the ladder. He gripped onto the rung his legs were thrown over, making sure he wasn’t going to fall off. Your hands gently inched towards the edge of his mask. You gently dug your fingers under the hem of his mask, pulling it down towards his nose. You pulled the edge of the mask just barely over the tip of his nose. Dave smiled brightly.
You leaned forward, feeling his breath on your face. Dave leaned forward, pulling his back just barely off the ladder. You pressed your lips against his, slotting his bottom lip between yours. You felt your shoulders relaxed, the weight of the first kiss of your relationship leaving your mind entirely. You let your lips linger on him, dragging out the kiss just a second more than you should. You pulled back and gently stroked his cheek. Dave grinned.
“I’m going to get down and then can we have our second kiss right side up?” Dave asked. You nodded, smiling at him. You did laugh at Dave when he stumbled off the ladder. As much as you wanted the first to be perfect, the second kiss was possibly even more exciting. You moved Dave’s hands to your sides instead of hovering next to you. You didn’t even worry about someone seeing Kick-Ass kiss someone in the alley. You were too focused on the feeling of his lips against yours.
“We’re dating now, right?” Dave muttered against your lips. You nodded. You dug your hands into the front of his green suit, pulling him closer. You could feel the stitching on the side of his suit from weeks ago when you had to drag him out of the ditch.
With Dave and you now officially dating, Kick-Ass seemed to enjoy climbing through your window. You were already 10 or so volumes into your new comic book series. Was it based on your boyfriend and fully titled Kick-Ass: Past the Green? Yes, it was. Were you planning on capitalizing on the popularity of lovely Kick-Ass, taking your finished series to the publishers, (with Kick-Ass’ approval of course)? Yes, but first you had to finish it. You were currently working on the volume you were positive would stay exclusively on your bookshelf.
A knock on the glass of your window made you jump, looking over at the open curtains. You smiled when you saw the green of Kick-Ass’ suit. You dropped your pencil, standing from your desk. You slid the window up, taking a step back to let Dave slip through. He stepped around you as you shut the window. You pulled the curtains closed so someone couldn’t sneak a picture of Dave in the suit without his mask on while you two weren’t paying attention.
You turned around to watch Dave pull his mask off and shake out his hair. He swung his backpack around his shoulder, reaching into the side pocket to pull his glasses out. Dave pushed them up his nose and looked over at you, grinning at you. He dropped his backpack next to the edge of your bed. Dave moved across your room, cupping the sides of your face and kissing you gently.
“Missed you,” Dave pulled away from you, wandering around your room.”You know someone threw nachos at me today. I didn’t even-“ Dave stopped when he reached your desk.
“You’re working on a comic?” Dave asked, glancing back at you. You jump-started, remembering what page you were working on.
“No, no, no, no, don’t look at that!” You said, rushing over to your desk. Dave moved faster than you, pulling the page off your desk. He held it up towards the light. You smacked his arm. “Dave. Please, just give it back.” Dave gasped, turning his head towards you.
“You drew porn of us,” Dave whispered, staring at you. You snatched the page out of his hands, hiding it in the folder you kept all your current projects in. You avoided his eyes, feeling like you were going to throw up from embarrassment. It was supposed to stay a secret project that you hid under your bed and pretended it never happened.
“Just shut up, Dave.” You muttered, pretending to organize the papers on your desk so you didn’t have to face Dave.
“Can I see it again?” Dave’s voice was quiet like he was scared of your reaction. You shook your head, trying to ignore your face burning.
“No. You’re just going to get all grossed out and like make fun of me.” You started ‘organizing’ your pens instead. Dave stepped closer to you, gently turning your head to face him. He bumped his nose with yours.
“I’m not going to make fun of you for drawing us having sex. If you seriously think I haven’t watched porn and imagined it as us instead, you’ve lost your mind.” You stared at his eyes. You thought about him sitting at his desk with his pants around his ankles. Then compared that to you sitting at your desk making sure you got every curl on Dave’s head right so you could draw a version of yourself pushing Dave down into your bed. It appears you two are more similar than you first thought.
“Please?” Dave asked, tilting his head down and giving you his best puppy eyes. You groaned, throwing your head back and turning towards your folder. You glanced over at him out of the corner of your eye.
“Do you want all of this issue or just the interesting part?” You asked, staring down at your papers. Dave hummed.
“All of it.” You handed him all of what you had of this volume, in order so he wouldn’t get lost. Dave settled onto the edge of your bed, gently holding onto the papers. He slowly started reading through the pages. You mentally thought through the story, trying to guess where he was at.
James Parker (the knockoff version of Dave to keep his identity safe) and his lovely partner Cardamon (knockoff you) had gone on a date to the movies. Unfortunately neither one of them knew that included in the movie was a rather raunchy scene with characters that they were able to pretend it was James and Cardamon. James and Cardamon had sat in the back of the theater, with nobody around. Unfortunately for James, Cardamon had a wandering hand that slid between James’ thighs. For the last 15 minutes of the movie, Cardamon’s hand was shoved down James’ pants, refusing to let him cum yet still dragging their hand up and down his length. By the time the credits rolled, James was shooing Cardamon out of the theater. Then after a few pages, Cardamon was pushing James down onto the mattress and swinging their leg over his lap.
Dave readjusted his hips. You stared at him as he set the pages back in their rightful order. He stuck them out to you. You gently took the pages from him, setting them back on your desk.
“So how freaked out are you on a scale of one to ten?” You asked quietly. You stared at the carpet, twisting your chair back and forth. Dave sighed, bucking his hips up again to readjust his sitting position.
“15/10 horny as of right now. Like a -4/10 freaked out.” Dave said. You glanced down at his lap, feeling a small sense of pride at the bulge peaking through the green of his suit. You shrugged.
“I wasn’t planning on publishing that one, I was just going to keep that on my bookshelf.” You said, flinging your pencil at your desk. Dave sighed.
“You know, like we could-“ Dave started.
“Oh my god please, can we?” You asked, turning in your chair to fully face him. Dave looked up from his hands in his lap. His cheeks were flushed and the tips of his ears were red. He nodded.
“You know, actually my math teacher sent me to the counselor’s office because I keep showing up to school battered and while I was down there I snagged some condoms from the bowl while they weren’t looking,” Dave said, digging into his bag. He pulled his hand out of his bag, flashing the shiny and square package at you. You grinned, leaping up from your desk chair to climb over Dave’s lap. You pressed your lips against his, partially aggressively. Once again poor Dave’s hands were just hovering next to you. You reached behind your back, grabbed onto Dave’s hands, and pressed them against your ass. You moved your hands back to Dave’s face. Dave squeezed your ass, groaning into your lips.
You were terribly glad no one was home to walk in on you and dear old Kick-Ass in precarious positions. As it turns out all it takes to get Dave Lizewski into your bed was him getting bloodied and left in a ditch and a comic about himself.
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loppsided · 2 months
hi lovely 🤍 i apologize for the very detailed request i have lol but can i ask for a fic or headcanons of dave’s best friend (fem!reader) accidentally finding out he’s kick-ass?
like… maybe the reader confesses she has a crush on kick-ass, and decides to send fanmail to his myspace page despite dave trying to convince her otherwise. she doesn’t understand why he’s so insistent about it until she sends the message and dave’s phone immediately goes off 🫢
i’ll leave the rest to you from there! again, thank you so much lovely 🤍 your writing is wonderful, don’t ever doubt that!
WARNINGS: dave lizewski x best friend!reader, f!reader, fluff, typical nerdy and nervous dave lol, lots o cussing, classic teenage girl!reader shes very bubbly, first kiss NOTES: the end is such a mess im so sorry! stop thank you so much i really appreciate that. and no worry's, i actually prefer longer requests with detail because it helps me set the scene. so if u have any others that are long, send them my way! also this is such a cute scenario ugh i love his nerdy ass. i donnnnnttt really think i like this buts its not completely terrible so ill post it lol. likes and reblogs appreciated! WC: 960
"because you just shouldn't, ok? god!" dave's whiny voice echoed throughout your room which almost made you giggle before you realized your parents were sleeping. you and him had been going back and forth for what seemed liked hours, all because you wanted to send your new celeb crush *kickass*, a few words of encouragement through his myspace page.
"that's not a good reason, weirdo. your such a baby, its not cringe to send him something. everyone deserves nice things said to them." you pulled your chair into your desk, a slight smile creeping on your lips at the thought of the green vigilante.
dave sat in silence, a little more nervous than he should be. i mean, what the hell was his problem? its just a comment on a damn board, and! its anonymous. dave knew you had a slight crush on the masked crusader, but you would never meet him so who cares?
you began to type, biting your bottom lip as you did. you caught a glimpse of dave out of the corner of your eyes and noticed he had scooted his chair farther away from you. whatever.
'dear kickass, i just wanted to comment about how much i appreciate you, well everyone does. so keep up the great work and keep kicking ass!' you re-read the message before hitting send. your internet had been a bit slower than usual that night, and while you waited for the message to send, dave excused himself to the bathroom. "um ill be uh right back, gotta piss." but as soon as he was about to open your bathroom door, you had noticed the message sent. and a slight *ding* could be heard from daves phone. who texted hi- your thoughts interrupted your own before you whipped your chair around and yelled his name.
he froze, nervous as ever and sweating profusely. "come here." you said calmly, even though you had put the pieces together in your head. you didn't want to overreact before you knew you were correct. he walked over to you, trying not to seem suspicious. "yeah? whats wrong." he said, but his voice cracked in the process which was a dead giveaway. "give me your phone, mines dead and i have to text someone." he paused for a moment before coming up with the most obvious lie ever "uh, um mines dead." you raised a brow, biting back a smile. "but i just heard it ding." he froze again, looking around your room dumbly.
you stood up quickly, startling him as you lunged towards his pocket and grabbed his phone. he tried to grab it but you held it high in the air with one hand, as the other pushed him away roughly. you jumped on your bed and turned it on. and lo and behold there was a notification from myspace. *to: kickass from: *user* 'dear kickass, i just wanted to comment about how much i appreciate you, well everyone does. so keep up the great work and keep kicking ass!'*
you gasped loudly, finally confirming your suspicions. "oh my god! oh my god! oh my godddddddd." you sat down while kicking your feet. "ok i know how this looks but i swear im no-" he started to tell another lie before you cut him off. "why didn't you tell me?! dave lizewski you are such a d-bag, im your best friend and you didn't tell me? this is fucking major!" he sat down slowly. your smile faded as you caught his expression. he looked...sad. like he was embarrassed. he spoke softly, "i just didn't want you to think-" you cut him off again, "that your a famous fucking superhero who kicks peoples asses for fun?!" you both laughed before he begun to speak again. "no....that i was a costume wearing loser. i mean i know im your best friend but your cool. cooler than any 'famous fucking superhero' and i like you too much to seem like a weirdo around you." his voice was barely above a whisper, he probably thought you wouldn't be able to catch that last part but you absolutely did.
you and dave had known each other for what seemed like forever, and despite your crush on kickass, your crush on dave trumped that completely. but you kept it to yourself out of fear of rejection. you two sat in silence for a few seconds as you calculated what you wanted to say. you wanted to be bold, and to tell him how much you liked him. you took his hands in yours and he looked up slowly.
"listen here, you could be wearing nothing but a speedo and a pink wig and i would still think your the coolest guy in the world. i wish you told me sooner, because i want you to trust me dave. and i like you too much to be kept in the dark." you repeated his words back to him as your faces were inches apart and his hands were sweaty in yours. but in this moment you didn't even care. you stared at his lips before pushing your face into his. he was still for a second before he ran his hands up your arms and cupped your face. he pulled back quickly leaving you confused, "so does this like mean you like be back? or am i wrong cuz like i dont-" you laughed at his ramblings "yes idiot, i like you back. and if you wanted..we could make this official. you and me." he smiled as a blush creeped onto his cheeks. "like girlfriend boy- wow. um yea totally. do you like wanna be my girlfriend?" you mirrored his smile quickly, "yes, kickass i would love to be your girlfriend."
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feyhunter78 · 11 months
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Chapter One - A dance between mortality and desire, between that which you already know and the seductive lure of the unknown in the shadows of the morgue. Miguel, your new coworker, has this irresistible pull and seems to have set his sights on you. You try to stay professional, stay strong, but sooner or later you know you’re bound to fall. A fic in which vampire Miguel has found his lost love (you) once more, and he won’t let anyone, or anything stop him from reclaiming you.
Ch 2
There’s something strange about your coworker, Miguel. Maybe it’s how comfortable he seems to be with the late hours, or how he never seems to eat? At least not where you can see him eating, not that you’ve been watching him, waiting to see if he eats, and yes, the morgue is not really the place to eat, it’s entirely unsanitary, but in the break room? That’s fair game.
All he seems to do is work, drink those weird power shakes he’s so possessive over, and work out? He’s got to work out, there’s no other explanation for why he’s so built.
“Y/N, you need any help with that cadaver?” Miguel asks, a brilliant smile aimed your way, he’s dazzling, teeth straight as a military cemetery, white enough to blind you and his lips...they’re perfect, like unfairly perfect.
He’s handsome, and he knows it. A ladies man, the city mortician office’s Don Juan. You still can’t get over how you caught him and Cheryl from accounting, necking behind the building. Well, almost caught him, you heard the sounds they were making and all but sprinted to your car, face burning. And if your subconscious replaced Cheryl with you while you slept that night, then that was nobody’s business.
“No, no, I’m almost done, just wrapping up my notes.” You tell him, waving your voice recorder in the air, the standard one that the city gives every mortician. The one that annoying ass Dave always breaks, which means every project you work on with him takes twice as long because you have to wait for him to type up and submit his notes manually.
“We’ve got it, Manuel, no worries.” Dave says, the deliberate mispronunciation of Miguel’s name makes you cringe, but Miguel doesn’t even flinch, merely nods and heads back into the hall.
“You know his name is Miguel, right?” You know Dave knows, but you remind him anyways.
“Miguel, Manuel, same difference,” Dave says, brushing you off. “He thinks he’s so great just because all the normies fawn all over him.”
Normies aka everyone not tasked with cutting open dead bodies for a living.
“He’s nice, and he does good work,” You say briskly, finishing up your notes and zipping the body bag back up. “Put this one back in the freezer, yeah?”
“Why are you defending him, you got a crush or something?” Dave asks, leaning onto the slab, wriggling his eyebrows.
“No, I just don’t want to be called as a witness when you get hit with a discrimination lawsuit.” You drawl, clicking off your recorder and slipping it in your lab pocket.
Dave holds up his hands in surrender. “Whoa, hey, hey, I’m not being racist or anything, I’m just hazing the new guy.”
“Since when do we haze?” You snort, locking the freezer once Dave slides the body back in.
“Since we started hiring pretty boys.”
“Oh, so you think he’s pretty. You sure you don’t have a crush on him?”
Dave makes a fake gagging sound. “Excuse you, I am loyal to my wife.”
“That poor woman.”
“Hey fuck you, y/n,” Dave sputters.
You laugh and pat his shoulder. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I’m sure you and your wife are very happy together.”
“We are, thank you. It’s actually our anniversary next week, fifteen years.”
You’re taken aback. You knew Dave was married, but you didn’t think he’d be married for that long. “Wow, that’s amazing, seriously, congratulations.”
He smiles and pulls out his phone, showing you dozens upon dozens of smiling photos of him and his family. “Thank you, thank you, I’m a lucky man. Wait, don’t you have a boyfriend? How long have you two been together?”
Oh yeah, your boyfriend… “Oh, umm, like almost a year.”
“Hey, that’s not too bad,” Dave smiles.
You cringe internally. Almost a year of feeling like maybe your boyfriend doesn’t actually like you, compounded by your fear of being alone, driving you to do whatever it took to keep him. “Yeah, yeah, he’s great.”
A loud crash, the sound of metal crashing to the floor, and a low swear draws your attention.
You and Dave rush out into the hallway to see Miguel trying to lift a massive filing cabinet up from the floor. It’s dented on one side, almost the size of a…fist?
“Miguel, shit man, what happened?” Dave asks, hurrying over to his side and helping him lift the cabinet back to its rightful place against the wall.
Miguel’s eyebrows are furrowed, his hair disheveled, the sleeves of his lab coat rolled up exposing his forearms, his large hands flexing and unflexing. “I—I don’t know, I was walking down the hall, and it just fell, nearly broke my foot.”
“I’m glad you’re not hurt.” You tell him, searching the bottom of the cabinet for any loose parts or crooked corners that might’ve contributed to the crash.
He smiles at you, that Don Juan, panty melting smile, his warm brown eyes focused solely on you, as if you’re the only person in the world, the only one worth paying any attention to. “I’m just glad it was me and not you—or Dave, I wouldn’t want either of you getting hurt.”
“Aw, Manuel, you care about us,” Dave teases, going right back to his hazing.
“We’re a team,” Miguel says simply, rolling his shoulders back.
For a moment you wonder what his back muscles look like underneath his coat, his shirts always seem so tight. Do they ripple under the fabric, is it stretched taut, his back droolworthy and broad?
“A team that’s finally heading home, isn’t that right, y/n?” Dave’s arm landing across your shoulders brings you back to reality.
“Yeah, yeah, closing time,” you say, hoping you weren’t blatantly staring at Miguel’s back.
“You two go ahead, I have some things I need to finish up.” Miguel says, waving you both off as he heads back to his office.
You drive home in the dark, warm streetlights lining the street, soft music playing from the stereo. Miguel never left with everyone else, he always stayed late, and was always there early, like before the sun got up early. You did not envy his sleep schedule.
Digging through your purse, you fish out your keys and unlock your apartment door, flicking on the lights and sighing happily. There’s nothing like finally getting home after a long day and just getting to relax. Nudging off your shoes, you go to heat up some leftovers, letting the mindless reality TV shows keep you semi-entertained until you feel sleep tugging at your limbs.
You go through the motions, shower, skincare, pajamas, make sure all the doors are locked, turn down the air conditioning, and turn off the lights. Settling into your bed, you toss and turn, that fist shaped dent in the filing cabinet still bothering you. Did you need to call maintenance, or file a complaint with the city to let them know? It’s not like they’d give your department a new cabinet just because it was a little damaged, but still, at least you can say you tried.
Finally, you begin to drift off to sleep, breathing evening out, your heart rate slowing, the stress of the day melting away. Your dreams come quickly, cotton candy sweet and nonsensical, until a familiar figure appears.
Miguel’s hand caresses your cheek, his voice low, murmuring something in a language you don’t understand. He pulls you closer, and you can feel the press of his skin against yours, the toned muscles beneath your touch.
“Mi tesoro, tócame.” Miguel whispers, taking your hand in his and sliding it down, down, down his chest, stopping at his waistband, the fabric soft, his skin burning. Trsl: My treasure, touch me.
You take hold of the waistband, fingers slipping beneath it, as Miguel dips his head down trailing his nose up your neck, inhaling deeply before groaning, his free hand a vice grip on your hip.
“Touch me.” He breathes, his lips against your ear, his hand guiding your lower, more smooth flesh meeting your fingertips.
You want to, you want to explore Miguel, to find out if the rumors are true, but a shrill ringing draws your attention away.
“Te quiero y/n, no dejes que otros me roben tu atención.” Miguel pleads, his voice low and desperate, the hand on your hip pulling you flush against him. Trsl: I want you, y/n, don’t let others steal your attention away from me.
But the ringing won’t stop, and soon you’re jolting awake, alarm clock blaring, the sun streaming in through your blinds.
You throw off your covers, cringing at the sticky wetness between your legs. Really y/n? That’s what gets you going?
After eating breakfast and getting ready for the day, you check your phone, a few texts from your friends, some work emails, and a voicemail from Todd.
Hey babe, so I’m out at this bar right, and the drinks are fucking great, but I was talking to these girls about our issues, you know your whole not really enjoying sex thing? And they gave me some great advice, I want to try it out next time, so tomorrow night I’ll be at your place, get that couch ready, we’re going to tear it up.
He talked to other girls about your relationship? About your intimacy issues? What the fuck? You start to type out an angry text message but delete it halfway through. He’s trying at least, and you did ask him to try.
Maybe you should just hear him out on this, maybe those girls gave him actual advice like: “stop violently rubbing her labia thinking it’s her clit or listen when she tells you where her clit actually is, or maybe don’t be a dick and just give up once you’ve finished, your girlfriend deserves to get off too.”
You type out a neutral response and send it, before tossing your phone in your bag and setting out for work.
This fic was inspired by @sassyposssumm's kinktober request which was such an interesting prompt that I knew it needed to be expanded on! Also since this is a vampire fic there will be some instances of slight dubcon, I'll put warning in the beginning for those chapters with *slight* details in case anyone is uncomfy and wants to skip.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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creedslove · 1 year
Which one of Pedro boys is more likely to move out of the bedroom, because your little baby is not letting him sleep properly. and because he has a job, he is like "no, I'm not sleeping in the same room as you and the baby."
I'm just crushed a little, because I heard a conversation ar my work among two men, who done this. I can't stop thinking about it since.
Like. Who would leave a bedroom to go sleep in a living room, until baby start sleeping during the night.
Javier P? He has responsible job. He needs to focus and think clearly.
Joel? Drive a car to work, he needs to focus and be precise.
Frankie? If someone suggested to him this as a solution, would he listen to the advice?
Jack? He is an agent, constant danger require clear and rested mind.
Dave? Would he take a pillow and move in his spare bedroom for few weeks?
Tim?! He is detective. 🍓✨
This makes me so sad, I get so upset when I see/hear about men being so insensitive towards their own son. Taking care of babies is exhausting but everyone should help, the couple, it's unfair to do that and so rude too.
That being said, I'm sure NONE of the Pedro boys would do that, because they are all great dads on their own way 🥺😍
So thinking of a situation like the one you mentioned, I believe that:
Javier Peña: he ain't no stranger to lack of sleep at night, he often suffers from it and struggles to get back to sleep once he wakes up, so instead wanting to move to another room, he picks up the baby and walks around the house with him, he's so soft, saying love words to his beautiful baby trying to calm his precious little child, since he can't sleep, he doesn't see why he would prevent you from resting in order to watch the baby
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Joel Miller: yeah Joel works A LOT and it's hard work, but he also knows you work a lot by taking care of the baby and he's also been a dad, he knows some nights are easy and some are a nightmare. So he does what's correct: he acts like a real man and helps you take care of the baby; no matter how much their little Miller cries, he's there to help you, or he's there to tell you to go back to bed because he's gonna handle it. And I'm sure he plays the guitar to the baby 🤧🥺
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Agent Whiskey: please, we know Jack's favorite hobby is to worship you and treat you like a goddamn queen, especially after you gave him his precious little Daniels baby; you've given him a family and he's given you himself entirely, and he will never let anything or anyone take away his family from him, so he will never leave you alone in the bedroom, that's just not happening at all... The baby's crying? No problem sugar, daddy Daniels is gonna take care of him for you. He checks the baby for a fever, a diaper change, sees if he's hungry and if by then your little cowboy hasn't calmed down, then he just holds the baby. Simple as that, giving him the snuggles until the baby is calmly asleep
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Dave York: Dave would never sleep somewhere else, it doesn't matter if he literally kills for a living, inside his house, he's a family man and he will always make sure his family is around him. He thinks he's already too lucky to have a woman who accepts him for all his faults and sins and the moment he starts a family with you, he can't stay way, he needs to be close, to feel that love and remind himself he's part of it, also, he likes to be close in the case of a possible attack, he can defend you as soon as possible. If your baby simply won't stop crying, Dave will pick her up and pace the house, carrying her in his arms and he will possibly wake up on the couch with a baby slept peacefully against his chest
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kirk-says-wah · 3 months
14 (watching) and 17 (mutual) with james and dave please?
Thank you for the request! 💕
Send me a pairing and a number and I’ll write a little something
14 - Porn (watching it or making it)
17 - Masturbation (mutual or otherwise)
“Do you wanna watch something with me?”
Dave looks up from the magazine in his lap, disinterested. They’re sat in some hotel room, trying to pass the time before the gig. Usually James shares with Lars so this is a bit of a rare occurrence.
“Like what?” Dave asks, flipping over a page.
James shifts next to him.
“Like porn.”
Dave’s head snaps up, magazine forgotten in his lap. He doesn’t even want to acknowledge that he sees James as someone he wants to ride his dick, so the whole idea of James wanting to do something sexual with him makes him a bit uncomfortable.
“What?” he finally splutters.
“It’s no big deal,” James shrugs. “Me and Lars do it all the time.”
Of course they do. Dave can’t help the jealous rage that swamps him, and he tosses his magazine to the side, bitterness seeping through him.
“Sure. Why not.”
It’s probably not a good idea, not when Dave has the fattest crush on the entire fucking planet, but he can’t help but want to have the same thing James and Lars have, if not more.
James flashes a wide grin before flicking through the channels until he finds the right one. The image flashes in front of them of a woman riding some guy’s dick, and Dave can’t help it when he stiffens in his pants.
James sighs happily next to him, and it only takes a few moments of listening to the onscreen moans before he’s fishing his cock out, right in front of Dave.
Now, Dave’s seen James’ cock before, they share dressing rooms all the time, but he’s never seen it hard before, and he can’t help but salivate at the sight. It’s thick and long, slightly bigger than Dave’s own, and he watches as James spits on his hand before starting to stroke himself lazily.
James looks up at him then, quirks an eyebrow.
Dave would usually reply with a snarky comment, but his brain is buffering in overdrive and he can’t seem to do more than duck his head as embarrassment blazes his cheeks.
Dave doesn’t answer, and decides to just pull his own cock out, wonders just how often James and Lars do this. It causes anger to rise in him and his cock hardens even more.
He’s not even really paying attention to the porn anymore, the woman’s high pitched moans only a background noise as he watches James, the way he pulls at his cock, the way his chest heaves, the way his head is tilted back slightly so that his lips are barely open.
Dave fists his cock quicker, all embarrassment and shame flying out the window, especially when James lets out a soft moan.
It’s that sound that finally spurs Dave on, finally plucking up the courage to venture further, and he speaks, gaining James’ attention.
“Do you like it? Doing this with someone else?”
James doesn’t look at him, just closes his eyes, bucking up into his own hand.
“Yeah, of course you do,” Dave breathes, quickening his hand. “You want everyone to see how pretty you are when you come.”
He’s treading on dangerous ground, but James lets out a high pitched whine, obviously aroused by Dave’s words, and Dave carries on.
“I wonder how much you and Lars get up to without me.”
James opens his eyes, looks back to the tv, eyes blown wide, hand skimming over the head of his cock.
“But tell me,” Dave says. “Does Lars ever do this?”
He reaches over with his unoccupied hand, bats James’ hand out of the way and starts working James’ cock. James’s eyes fly to him, wide open and shocked, though he must like it for his body shudders, bucking into Dave’s hand.
“You like that?” Dave teases, rubbing James’ cock as quick as his own. James keens, head throwing back, exposing his neck. Dave can’t help but lean forwards, starts to kiss James’ neck, sucking gently under his jaw.
James groans, sinking into Dave’s touch, his hands scrambling to hold onto something, finally finding purchase in red hair, pulling at the root.
Dave keeps fisting at their cocks until James lets out a breathy noise and says “kiss me.”
It surprises Dave, but he doesn’t object, just moves upwards to capture James’ lips against his own, relishing in the softness in them, until eventually James lets out a low moan against his lips and comes, spilling over his jeans and up his tshirt. Dave keeps his hand on his cock until James pushes it away, moaning weakly.
Dave follows not long after, still kissing James, though it’s more rough now, their teeth mashing against their lips, and he comes, hips thrusting upwards, muffling his moan into James’ open mouth.
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rocknbolan · 2 months
Recap 7-12
General News:
T-shirt theft continues, a rash of apparel crime, apparently. First crimes done in the Skid Row camp, and now Letti getting on Axl (GnR) to return her Faster Pussycat t-shirt or else!
Something happened to Jani (Warrant), Bret (Poison) arriving swiftly to extract him from a party. Where did things go wrong? Only someone well versed in drunk-ese will be able to decipher the Warrant frontman's type to figure it out.
Kitchen foibles continue in the Primus camp, Herb trying to put a taco into the toaster. For his crimes, banished to the chicken coop to sleep with Buckethad! Oh the humanity!
Rob (Skid Row) tackled the math problem of 2 + 2, with help from Arthur (New York Dolls), Dave (Megadeth) and Bret (Poison). While a number of solutions were floated around, and arguments/insults over who was wrong traded, eventually Snake slid in and helped Rob figure out the answer. (It's 4. FOUR. srsly.)
The Gossiptrain:
Rumor hazzit that øystein can't reach the sink! Height or skill issue? We just don't know.
Rumor also hazzit that Scotti (Skid Row) is kinda dumb. Rachel disagrees but he's also very biased. HEY I AM NOT!
Another rumor, Jani (Warrant)'s cat can open doors. Also he takes showers at 4:30 pm because he is from Ohio.
Fred (Cinderella) is rumored to e a grown man. IS HE? Inquiring minds want to know.
Joined the Chat: Jeff Nahherman @r3ign-in-bl00d has joined the chat!
Tom Araya @hauntingthechap3l has joined the chat!
And now, the weather:
It's a beefstorm, rockland. A cold front jettisoned down from up north and we got Lars (Metallica) beefin' with everyone. With Max (Escape the Fate), with Mozart, with Ron. Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cause he's beefin' with everyone out here.
Also affected are Snake and Rachel (Skid Row), arguing over... someone having a crush on Rob? Don't ask, we just don't know. That weather front stalled out over Rob, though, demanding both his bandmates apologize to each other.
Meanwhile, there's a flash flood warning in the Motley Crue and GnR vicinities, Nikki reporting pipes breaking or... is that sewage backup? Either way, steer clear. Turn around, don't drown!
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Can I get asking gym crush!Dave Lizewski to spot you and needing his help. I think that could spark a beautiful romance
a:n: yes of course!! if anyone wants more of this idea definitely give me any thoughts. college aged dave :)
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It's embarrassing. You don't even know his name, and you've never once talked to him. Sometimes he comes in with his friends- two of them- but you haven't caught any information about him besides his frankly impressive workout routine. And it's not like you see him a lot; he comes here way less than you. Yet somehow he seems to be stronger than most other regulars at the gym.
It’s probably for the best that you don’t see him a lot, though. Because when he is there, you find it hard to focus on anything except for him. Everywhere you look he seems to be there in the corner of your eye or in the glimpse of the mirrored wall.
It's unfair, really. No one should be able to look that good while covered in sweat, his curls sticking up in every direction and matted to the back of his neck. The compression shirt that he's wearing is dark with sweat, but his expression doesn't look fazed at all.
Today, though, you're determined for it to be different. You have a few more reps you want to do at the machine, then your plan is to go to the bar and do squats. Then you have your usual cool-down mile and stretching routine. Distractions don't fit into your schedule, especially because you’re already bone-tired today.
You do the last rep, timing your breath in and out to your movement. There's a pleasant, constant tiredness in your legs that you’ve come to love, and the music blasting in your ears pushes you towards your next exercise.
Luckily, the bar is open and you’re able to start your set right away. Maybe it's because you're still a little bit sore from your last leg day, or maybe you're just not feeling it today, but it feels harder than usual. By the third set, your legs are shaking much more than usual and you’re having trouble getting through the reps.
It’s definitely not your smartest decision ever to keep going, but you really don’t to stop early. Some part of you thinks that you can just push through and make it; the reasonable part of you is saying that you’re going to need someone to spot you.
Looking around, you don’t see anyone you know- no friends or friends of a friend. It’s relatively empty for the time of day, but you need to ask someone to spot you.
And in the opposite corner of the gym, there he is. He’s not doing any reps, and from the way he’s checking his phone you don’t think that he’s in the middle of any.
You try to tell yourself that everyone else is busy and he’s the only option, but you know it’s not true. Even if he was busy, you would wait for him to finish and ask him anyways. There’s no telling when you’re going to have another opportunity like this to talk to him- at least you have an excuse to go up to him.
If your legs weren’t already shaking, they are as you walk over towards him. It’s a sin, for him to look at good as he does without really doing anything at all. Your own music blasting through one of your dangling earbuds isn’t enough to calm your nerves. He’s wearing headphones too, so he can’t hear you coming, and he seems immersed in whatever he’s doing, so you stand there awkwardly while he finishes. When he looks up at you, a smile makes its way across his face, and he holds out his hand for you to shake it, not caring about the obvious sweat.
You tell him your name and shake him hand, your stomach doing flips the whole time.
He, in turn, introduces himself. “I’m Dave. Do you need something?” He says it with a pleasant tone, but he must think that he’s been rude because he backtracks immediately. “Shit, that sounded rude, sorry. I just- people don’t usually come up to me.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him with a laugh. “I actually wanted to ask you if you could spot me. I only have a few sets left.”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” He looks genuinely excited at your request, and he dutifully follows you to your rack.
You take a deep breath and look at the weights waiting for you. The soreness in your body seems worse now that he’s there standing behind you, his hands clasped behind his back. When you take another breath, it sounds a lot like a sigh. You’re thrilled that he’s willing to help you, but you don’t want him to think you’re weak.
“Hey, you got this,” he says lowly. “I’ve seen you do this a million times before, it’s just another rep, yeah?”
You don’t have the brainpower to think about him saying he’s seen you do this before because all of your thoughts go to his hand on your back, gently urging your forward towards the bar. He doesn’t say anything more, but the message is received.
You step underneath the bar and stand up straight, the bar’s weight settling into your shoulders. You can’t see Dave behind you, but you can feel the heat of his hands underneath your arms as he supports you.
You breathe in. Go down.
Breathe out. Push yourself up.
Do it again. And again 8 more times before stepping forward to rerack the weights.
When you turn around, Dave is looking up at the ceiling, his hands straight down at his sides. You fix your hair and pause your music before taking a sip of water.
“Dave?” you ask. “You can look at me, you know.”
“I didn’t want you to think that I was checking you out,” he explains while he brings his eyes to yours. “M’not gonna be that guy.”
“I appreciate it,” you respond, your heart warming at the sentiment. “Really, I do. But I wouldn’t mind you looking.” It’s not exactly the most subtle hint you’ve ever given a guy, but something tells you that subtle isn’t the right approach with Dave.
“What?” He really looks clueless as to what you’re talking about, his head tilted to the side. Your brain helpfully supplies you with “puppy dog.”
Too subtle, then. “Do you want to get coffee after this?” You’re positive that your smile is uncertain and crooked.
“Me?” he asks.
“Yes, you,” you laugh. “Look, I know you don’t know me, but I’d like to get to know you.”
“I’d like that, too.” The grin on his face is wide and full, bringing light and laugh lines to his eyes. You haven’t seen this smile from him yet, which is probably a good thing because it has a dangerous effect on you. “You have another set left,” he informs you. “So why don’t we finish that up and go get coffee after?”
“Sounds like a plan,” you agree, stepping back underneath the bar, a renewed vigor in your legs. That vigor, of course, goes away when you actually start the last set.
You do the first five without an issue, but you start struggling more with the sixth. By the eighth rep, you’re face is twisted with effort and you can barely get back up.
Dave doesn’t say anything, but you know he’s there. And his presence is fully reassured to you when he mutters close to your ear, “Come on, just a few more. I’m right here.”
He has to help you with the last rep, his arms supporting you underneath your armpits as he takes some of the weight off and helps you get back the the rack. It forces him much closer to you than before, and you can feel his heart racing against your back. You know yours is beating just as fast.
“Thank you,” you tell him, a little bit out of breath still. “You’re a live-saver.”
A funny look comes across his face at that, but it clears away in a blink. “Anytime.”
“How about that coffee?” you ask, grabbing your keys and water before shooting a quick text to your friends so they know where you’re going. Then, holding out your hand, you say, “It’s the least I can do.”
He takes your hand in between his own, leading you towards his own pile of things. “I know a good place around here.”
“Lead the way,” you tell him.
Maybe asking for his help wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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baronessvonglitter · 3 months
if love be rough with you, be rough with love | chapter 4 | "tinder date"
Dave York x f!Reader
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Word count: 2,401
Summary: you accept a date in order to try to get over your crush on Dave, but end up needing his help when you're too drunk to drive home.
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, drinking (reader is of US drinking age), drunkenness, drunk confessions, Dave respects boundaries (for now) and tells you exactly what he wants to do to you when you're not drunk and can consent. Reader has long hair and wears a dress on her date.
Series Masterlist
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The girls wake you up saying they want breakfast. So, still groggy, you get up, wash up and start the day. The three of you make French toast with powdered sugar and you help Alice cut up some fruit to go with it. The girls are in a good mood and the three of you dance around to music in the kitchen. It's an innocent day, but your thoughts are honestly elsewhere.
The phone call from last night seems almost like a dream. You can't be sure it really happened, but Dave's call is there in your phone log. You recall the sleepy sound of his voice, raw and intimate, the way he breathed, the immodest way he spoke to you, as if his hold over you was already strong. It is, and he knows it. You're not sure how you're going to address it when he gets home, or if you're even going to have the audacity to bring it up. Perhaps you would, if you'd felt violated by his late night call, but more than anything it turned you on. Dave was at a hotel with his wife, on their anniversary and still he called you. You were on his mind.
And as usual, he's on yours.
You're tempted to call him again, just out of cordiality, maybe have the girls say hello. But you resist even that. But you do text Dave and Carol in a group chat.
Good morning, lovebirds! Taking the girls to the zoo. Be back later. :)
You know it's a cheeky move, but right now it's the only thing that can scratch the itch you have to contact Dave. It's all you'll allow your greedy little heart for now.
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It's a cool, bright day as you and the York girls stroll the zoo, drinking hot chocolate. In your coat pocket your phone vibrates and your heart speeds up in the hopes that it's Dave trying to reach you, but instead it's Cameron, one of the guys you met on Tinder, asking you out for that night. Cameron.. the guy who likes Texas Hold 'Em and is studying to be a veterinarian. For some reason you almost say no for some reason, but you need a distraction from your employer, so you accept, and you make plans to meet him at a bar that night.
That afternoon you put a date outfit together while Molly and Alice play with their dolls. You don't have too many impressive pieces in your wardrobe, but with the girls' enthusiastic encouragement you manage to put together a couple of selections.
Soon you hear the front door open and your heart does a somersault. You and the girls go out into the hallway and see into the foyer. Dave and Carol are home. The kids go and hug their parents as if they'd been away for weeks and not simply overnight. You walk down slowly, heart thundering in your ribcage.
"How was it?" you ask, taking the stairs down one at a time. There's a look of expectancy on your face as you study the happy couple, inwardly assessing their closeness. Dave's arm is around Carol's waist and they're both smiling. You smile too.
"It was lovely," Dave answers at the same time that Carol says, "We had the most beautiful time."
"That's good to hear," you reply, your smile giving nothing away. "Well, the girls have already had lunch and I'm heading out tonight. I have a date," you say, forcing excitement in your voice.
It's subtle, but Dave's eyes flick to you, appearing only slightly interested in your announcement. "Okay," he says brightly. "Who's the lucky guy?" Carol also looks at you with interest.
"His name is Cameron, and I met him on Tinder," you explain shyly. "It's about time I started testing the waters, get back in the game.."
The reaction from Dave is not what you expect. He doesn't show an ounce of jealousy. In fact his smile seems genuine, and a part of you feels disappointed.
"I'd better start getting ready, I don't want to be late."
There's a strange mix of excitement and disappointment as you get ready. You typically do low-key makeup, but tonight you do a smoky eye look, with glossy lips and your hair long and straight. You choose a purple and black dress with a black leather jacket and ankle boots. It's an edgy look, almost a sort of armor to keep you safe. You say a quick goodbye to Dave and Carol, who are in the living room watching something on TV. The electronic light casts a bluish tint on them. Carol wishes you luck, but Dave barely looks up from the sitcom they're watching, and it's another little disappointment that puts another dent in your hopes.
You meet up with Cameron at the bar, and the night starts off normal enough as you order your drinks. He's nice, friendly, attentive. But even in your distraction you think about Dave. He and Carol looked so happy when you left, so cozy.. it's a thorn in your heart.
You have no right to him. And even though you've only ever wronged Carol in your dreams and fantasies, it's better to move on before anything has a chance to blossom between you and him.
In lulls in the conversation you keep downing drinks. You need to relax but nothing is happening. You want to feel about Cameron the same way you feel about Dave, but there's no comparison. At the end of the night your date leaves after you reject his invitation to his place. You should say yes, but you refuse him. Having taken a taxi here, you have no ride home, in a part of the city you don't know well. Without a second thought you open your phone and call Dave.
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Carol's gone to bed but Dave's watching TV, hoping to be awake to catch you on your way in. He tells himself it's some sort of fatherly instinct, but there's nothing fatherly about the way he felt when he saw you leave in that dress that's too short, your perfume trailing you, he knows you're pussy on a plate for this idiot you're going out with tonight. And there's nothing he can do about it that won't probably scare you off.
He gets a call and checks his phone. The last thing he expects is your name to light up his screen. He answers your call. "Is everything okay?"
"Heyyyy Dave," your voice slurs over the line. "You know, I really hate to ask but could you come give me a ride home? My date left." You giggle then hiccup.
He hides a smile. "Sure. Where are you?"
"Um.. I'm at the bar on 29th and Main? Oh my god you really will come get me? You're the nicest man everrrr. I promise I owe you one.."
A wry smile crosses his face. "I'll be there soon."
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You wait on the curb outside the bar. A few stragglers are around but they don't bother you. Dave's car pulls up and you've never been happier to see someone in your life. "Hey you," you greet him as he gets out of the car. "I guess you're my taxi tonight," you giggle.
"Hey yourself," he replies, a little smile on his lips. "Are you okay? How much have you had to drink?"
"I don't know. Not a lot." But you're a little unsteady on your feet. Dave opens the passenger door for you and gently guides you in. You've never been in here before. It has that new car smell, plus leather, and a hint of his cologne. "I live like eight blocks away. Just don't take me to your house. I don't want to go over there like this," you tell him. It's the most sober thing you've said all night.
"I just want to make sure you're safe," he assures you. He backs out of the parking lot and starts to drive you home. "You'll have one hell of a hangover, but at least you'll be in your bed."
"The city's so beautiful," you mumble as you look out the window. To your drunken vision there's a blur of lights, landmarks you drive past every day that take on a beautiful yet eerie cast at night. "Music," you mumble, and flip on the car radio, not giving a care that it's not your radio to touch. "Let the Light In" by Lana Del Rey starts playing and you drunkenly mumble-sing along. You're never drunk, but you like the freedom it gives. Nothing is embarrassing to you. "Dave," you turn your gaze to him. "I want to ask you something." You don't care what he'll think because in the end he'll just blame it on your overconsumption of alcohol.
"What is it?" His tone is curious but his eyes stay on the road.
And now that you're about to ask such a question you realize you're not drunk enough to deal with his reply. In any case you go on with it. "Dave.. do you like me?"
He's quiet and you watch him, his handsome profile illuminated by streetlights every few moments. You're alone with him for the very first time. You've asked him for the truth and now it seems he won't given an answer. "Never mind. I was kidding. It was a joke."
He says your name, murmurs it like he's soothing you, like you've asked this question a million times before. "I do like you. I like you a lot."
You slowly turn your gaze at him, in disbelief, and your heart hammers within your chest. Looking down, you smile. The alcohol is exacerbating that feeling, and right now you're ecstatic. "Up ahead, take a right," you point the way. "It's the third house on the right."
You stop at the house you share with your roommate, who's evidently also out as well. "Thank you, Dave." You place your hand on his knee.
"You're welcome," his voice sounds thick, strained.
"Do you want to come in?" You blush and shake your head. "Not like that.. I don't mean.. just being friendly," you shrug and laugh.
"Yeah sure. I can stay for a bit and maybe get you to bed or something." He turns off the car and gets out to help you out.
"We have that expensive Thai beer you like," you offer as he helps you to the door. Of course you own things he likes, because you hope that in liking them yourself you can understand him.
Inside, you go straight to the small kitchen and open two bottles of beer and hand one to Dave. "To getting home safely. Both of us."
He smiles at you and clinks his bottle to yours. "Cheers."
It takes some effort in your state, but you hop up on the counter. Only in the space of your own home do you act so casual. "I have another question for you.."
Dave sips his beer, eyeing you, admiring your legs swinging over the counter. "Sure, ask away."
"When I asked if you like me, you didn't ask if I like you back. Don't you want to know?"
He laughs and he sounds quite sure of himself. "I guess I already know. But I'll humor you by asking: do you?"
You take a swig, studying him, looking for any chink in his armor, but he maintains such a cool facade. "Yes. I do." You take a deep breath. "And last night.."
"What about last night?" He leans against the counter, mirroring your relaxed, self-possessed stance.
You open your mouth but it feels dry. You remember that private moment on the phone. His eyes on you, Dave approaches you and sets his bottle down on the counter next to you. He stands before you and just like in your fantasies you open your legs for him. He puts his hands on your shoulders and slides them down to your arms. "I want to kiss you."
Your heart pounds so loud in your ears. This is the sweetest moment of your life, but it's not something you take lightly. He's married. You're the au pair. "You can kiss me.. here," you point to your forehead.
Dave gently takes your face in his hands and presses a kiss to your forehead. It's both innocent and intimate, a blessing and a sacrilege. His body is still so close to yours and you can feel the heat coming off him. You realize what a pivotal moment this is. You could easily take his hand, lead him to your bedroom. You just know it would be good with him. You've thought about it a million times.
"I want you to stay tonight," you tell him as every fiber of your being is on fire. Trepidation and confidence war within you.
His expression is unreadable, as usual. It's frustrating, not knowing what's going on in that head of his. "If I stay any longer I might hurt you."
And there's the truth, laid out flat on the table. Your situation is hopeless. "I don't want to be your mistake," you tell him. "I don't want to be something you feel bad about."
His smile is one of amusement, light dancing in his dark eyes. "I wouldn't fucking feel bad about you. I want to fuck your mouth, I want to fuck your tits, I want to fuck your wet little pussy, and I want to fuck your ass. And I wouldn't feel bad about any of it."
He's so casual about it that it takes a moment for you to realize what he's said. There's a thrumming deep inside you that wants to feel him in all those places.
"But not while you're drunk," he says with conviction, and steps away. His keys jangle in his pocket and you realize he's going to leave. "Will you be okay tonight?"
Stunned, you nod.
"Stay hydrated, take some aspirin before you go to sleep," he says gently, almost like a reprimanding parent. He doesn't make another move towards you, and his comment from earlier almost seems as if it hadn't happened. "Good night," he tells you softly, and leaves.
You follow him, watching him as if to savor the sight of him, until he's in the car, and then you watch until his headlights are long gone.
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dividers by @saradika 👑
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