#He's taking good care of her Otis <3
chiropterx · 2 years
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Muse vs Mun ♡
Tagged byStolen from;; @ratwhsprs Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this?
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Hey thank you for the links! They are working. Werewolf Sykes is sooo cool. And, I love dark fic so I thought the drabble was awesome. Pulling a gun on his s/o? Yeah. He would. His gentle, quiet, dangerous voice...👌👌
I had a dark thought, too. Warning for dub-con. If your family happened to owe Sykes a debt...imagine him demanding you as part of his payment. Promising them that the amount they owe will be reduced if they hand you over. He'll say you'll be working for him, helping with accounting and bookkeeping, that your services will take some of the weight off his shoulders...they can't see any other option but to accept.
He walks to you to his car, whispering silkily into your ear not to worry, all your needs will be taken care of. One of his big, warm hands on the small of your back as you climb into the back seat. Just a hint of a threat in his voice and his imposing size sending a shiver through you. You soon find out that the services he mentioned aren't exactly what you were expecting ;)
That's it. 😁 You must have some Toon Patrol asks then. 😁 I like the Weasels too, Wheezy being my fav. What else do you have asks for? It's ok if you don't want to share- I am just very curious. I have a feeling I'm going to like it here!
This. This, this, this!!! There's nothing to add, its just- Ughhh, good stuff 👌 XD
Accounting 😏 and Book Keeping 🥰 I see.
And- yes!! I have lots of Toon Patrol asks! ^^ There is some other stuff sprinkled in as well though. Ooh you like Wheezy?? Sameeee XD He is so chill and in control 😏 While also being an unpredictable addict, which is very interesting XD
Here's the list!: (Apart from the OC stuff, the audience for which is basically @marinerainbow and I XD )
Doc and Sheriff from Cars x Reader x Chick Hicks. I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED TO WRITE THIS. I NEED TO SIT MY ASS DOWN AND ENJOY IT, I DUNNO WHY I KEEP PUSHING IT BACK!! @marinerainbow g i f t e d this ask to me, suggesting a reader who's so flirty with Doc and the Sheriff, because she likes them so much <3<3 , but who's getting nowhere with them because she's younger and they're gentlemen who would never 'take advantage' of her- when Chick comes into the picture and starts coming onto reader (He has no problem with the age gap 😅🤣). And she kinda has a moment, like... well, I'm not getting anywhere with the men I w a n t- so I might as well give this guy, who actually w a n t s m e, a chance! Right?? And then suddenly Doc and Sheriff are jealous XD
Another of her gift asks to me as a Professor fucking Callahan one where he treats Student!Menstruating!Reader better then all the other students XDD I c a n n o t believe I haven't written this yet. I guess I just feel guilty writing so much Cal (and Jim and Cruella and Otis- my f/os) 😅😅 The audience is real niche for them 😅😅😅
Horror Villains sorted by Love Language
A few Spotify Wrapped Prompts I still havent done 😅😰 (Maleficent, Psycho Weasel, Greasy Weasel, Inkubus, Clayton, and the Horned King).
Rufus Firefly thoughts! x2
@marinerainbow 's Slasher!Toon Patrol AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x2
Lady Tremaine and Madame Medusa thinking about reader while they're... self caring~ 😏 XD
Which Disney Villains would be up for a threesome with reader?? And with w h i c h other Disney Villains would they be happy to do it with? 😏😏😏
Ex!Freddy Krueger x Reader who's with someone else now but cant stop thinking about him. (God fucking damn him, right?? XD ) I actually have written this, but I made it r e a l self indulgent and the other guys is d e f i n e t l y Jim Bickerman (I mean- I didn't use his name- But I alluded to it XD Reader kinda goes 'J- ' and stops just in time XD ). So i have to rewrite it and make it a bit more ambiguous XD
Pervy Villains (Beetlejuice, Chucky, Freddy, Greasy, Hades (or Jafar. I'm thinking of swapping them), and Offenderman) reacting to noticing reader having a wet dream ~~~
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justoneofthoseghosts · 9 months
“You flinched.” + Brettsey
This one is AU featuring firefighter Brett and doctor Casey!
Sylvie winces as she massages her shoulder. Based on her basic EMT training, she didn't think it was dislocated. She could still move it anyway without much discomfort or pain.
She sighs, leaning back against the cold, metal chair in the Med waiting room. All of 51 was there waiting for news on Otis. Poor guy had been shot in that call where Sylvie had ducked haphazardly to avoid the bullets flying around, landing on her left shoulder.
"You flinched."
She glances at Stella next to her, raising an eyebrow at her fellow firefighter.
"You flinched - just now. You should really get that shoulder checked out," she advises.
"Later - I want to know how Otis is doing first," Sylvie mumbles.
It had been an hour since he went in for surgery. She tries not to relive the whole thing. She knew growing up in Chicago was dangerous but she never expected something like that ever to happen during a call. She sends a prayer upward, hoping her friend would be okay. She and Otis had known each other since their days in the Academy. By some sheer luck, she got transferred onto truck 81 two years ago, almost the same time as Stella, and the three of them together with Joe had been thick as thieves ever since. She couldn't imagine a life without Otis.
The sliding doors open up, drawing everyone's attention. They glance as Connor Rhodes walks into view. They all stand up, walking towards the trauma surgeon.
"Otis is going to be fine," he announces, "it's going to be a long road to recovery but with rigorous physical therapy, he should be able to get back to work in a few months."
Sylvie breathes a sigh of relief as everyone around he rejoice at the good news. They were going to have to deal with a floater for a few months but Otis would be back in no time.
Stella pokes her in the shoulder.
"Ouch," she lets out unintentionally, shooting daggers at Stella.
"Time to see a doctor, Brett," Stella reminds her, "luckily we are in a hospital."
"I'll be fine," she tells Stella, brushing it off. She thinks it might just be a bruise forming. She'll ask one of the paramedics to check on it when they get back to the firehouse. Foster did still owe her for introducing her Lana, the lady that ran the mobile rig command center.
"Nope - you are coming with me."
Stella grabs her by her suspenders, walking purposefully towards the ED entrance.
Stella doesn't relent. She asks Maggie, the charge nurse, if any doctors were available to check on Sylvie quickly. She explains the situation and the nurse nods, calling over a doctor Sylvie didn't recognize. He was tall, had broad shoulders, sandy blonde hair and warm, blue eyes.
Honestly, he was very handsome.
Objectively speaking of course.
"Dr. Casey, Brett here needs her shoulder checked," Maggie informs him, handing him an iPad.
He smiles at her, "sure - bay 3 free?"
"All yours."
As Stella bids Sylvie a quick goodbye, she nudges the blonde firefighter, "bet you're thanking me now, huh?"
She blushes, pushing Stella away, rolling her eyes when the other firefighter snickers in response.
Her cheeks redden even more when she realizes Dr. Casey observe the whole interaction.
"Sorry," she says, twisting her watch band absentmindedly.
He shakes his head, "nothing to be sorry about."
He leads her to a bay, asking her to take a seat on the bed as he closes the curtains.
"Can you tell me what happened?" He asks, glancing down at his iPad, pushing a few buttons before looking up once more, sending her a soft, encouraging smile.
She doesn't know what makes her spill her guts to the doctor. Somehow, he males her feel at ease immediately, a certain calmness washing over her at being in his presence. Maybe it was how he was looking at her, like he genuinely cared about what she was going to say.
Yeah, maybe it was the solemn yet attentive expression on his face.
Did she mention he was handsome? That look made him 10 times even more handsome.
Gosh. She really didn't need to thirst over the new doctor. He was just doing his job.
She recounts the whole ordeal, realizing it as the first time she was speaking it out loud since this morning. She tells him about how it was just a routine call - they were firefighters and were used to putting out fires only this time, there was a room that had guns in it that apparently were semi automatic and rigged to fire at random. She and Otis were in the room searching for victims. She managed to call a warning and duck behind the bed, causing the trouble with her shoulder, but Otis wasn't so lucky.
Unintentionally, she lets it slip how terrified she was for Otis, of potentially losing another person she loved in the line of duty, how she tried to remember what was taught at the Fire Academy about applying pressure to wounds while waiting for what felt like forever for the paramedics to show up, how she was glad that Otis would be alright.
"I'm really sorry," she tells him sheepishly, "you don't need to hear all this."
He shakes his head once more, eyes full of understanding, "don't apologize. You do need to talk about things like that. It can be heavy dealing with it alone. I get it."
She smiles softly at him. It was like she was talking to someone she had known for years. He was right too. Firefighters were often tough but Sylvie knew mental health and emotional well being should be their priorities too, especially with how hard their line of work could be - not all calls resulted in rescues. There were grim days when they became recoveries.
"Thank you, Dr. Casey," she says earnestly.
"Nah - no need to thank me."
He asks if it was okay for her to pull up her top so he could check on her shoulder more closely. She nods, thinking nothing of it until it dawns on her. She tries not to blush again because today she chose to wear the one lacy bra she had in her underwear drawer.
Hey, it was the only one left because laundry day isn't scheduled until tomorrow.
She pulls up her grey shirt carefully as the doctor slips on a pair of surgical gloves. She tries hard not to look at him. She's sure he's seen a lot of women in their undergarments.
Darn it. She didn't mean that.
She meant at the hospital, of course, while examining them - for medical purposes only.
He begins to slowly knead the portion of Sylvie's shoulder that she pointed was the place she thinks she landed on. He does it carefully, clinically like any good doctor would. Curiosity getting the better of her, she chances a glance at him, noticing how his own cheeks seem to have reddened. When their eyes meet, he averts his gaze, clearing his throat.
"Doesn't feel dislocated," he tells her lowly, "but there may be some bruising or swelling so I suggest icing it whenever you can so it'll heal faster."
"Got it," she says as she lowers her top, smoothing it out, "thanks doc."
He smiles at her, "in case you feel any pain after a week, feel free to swing by. I can check on you shoulder or write your script for some pain meds."
She nods, swinging her legs back and forth, "thank you again - not just for checking me out but for listening too."
Few people were good listeners in her option and Dr. Casey was definitely a good one, especially since she unloaded so much about the day to him.
"No worries," he states, one hand going to the back of his neck, awkwardly massaging it, like he was debating something internally.
She wonders briefly if the tiny hint of a connection she felt wasn't all in her head.
When doesn't speak, she swallows down a bit of her own disappointment.
They stare at each other for a few seconds. She's unsure of what to do and he doesn't seem to know too.
She clears her throat, jumping off the bed, pointing towards the door, "I, uh, I should get back to everyone. Thank you again, Dr. Casey."
"Call me Matt," he blurts out before his eyes go wide, like he couldn't believe he just sad that.
She lets out a laugh, "call me Sylvie then."
He grins.
"I'll see you around, Matt," she states before turning around to leave.
She pulls back the curtain, taking a step out of the room when she hears him call out to her.
She turns back around, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Here's my card," he says, handing her a calling card, "feel free to call me if you want to schedule an appointment."
She takes the card from him, glancing at it before tucking it into her turnout pants pocket. She nods at him.
He seems to be debating something internally again.
"Or feel free to call if you need anyone to talk to - anytime."
She furrows her eyebrows at him, not quite sure what to make of it. Was he offering to be her therapist or something? It was sweet of him to offer but she already had a therapist she loved.
"Thanks," she says, "I'll keep that in mind."
He frowns, signaling for her to not walk away just yet.
"Jesus, this is coming out all wrong," he grumbles.
"What is?"
"I, uh, I was hoping to ask you out for a drink," he states before smiling shyly at her.
Her heart leaps to her throat at his words. Guess he felt it too.
She smiles, "there's a bar called Molly's. It's owned by a few firefighters from 51. I'm usually there off shift. I'll text you the address."
She sees his shoulder visibly relax, "great. I'll see you there."
He claps his hands awkwardly but it makes Sylvie laugh. She thinks about how adorable and completely dorky he was being, endearing himself further to Sylvie.
"I'll see you there," she confirms.
As she's walking back towards the rest of her house, she thinks that maybe she'll buy Stella a drink for pushing her to get checked out. Something tells her getting a date out of it with someone who seemed sweet and genuine was just the tip of the iceberg.
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gctchell · 5 months
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@damnedrainbows asked: 🤔🤔🤔 (and a sex canon for lucifer for his wifey)
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1) Listen, they have the ability to shapeshift. Lucifer's more masterful and has a much bigger variety of what he can become, but Lilith's selection is nothing to sneeze at, either. Combine this with the fact that they trigger silly moods in one another so easily and you got a goofy couple who both enjoy transforming into animals and running off on their own Creechure Adventures lmao. They can disappear for hours because they get so caught up in it, and if Charlie can't contact either of them, she can safely assume they're just off on one of their little Milo & Otis excursions.
Sweet Rings, have they been through some adventures. This ability in HELL of all places? Oh yeah, they've been in situations that get the heart racing and adrenaline pumping. Sometimes it's a nice day where they're literally re-enacting the damn Untitled Goose Game, sometimes it's a chaotic day where they are starring in their own Don Bluth feature film. Honestly, it's a great way for the Queen & King to keep connected to their domain. They see a lot of things when they're this tiny.
After Lilith came back home, it was Lucifer who got this ball rolling again after he shyly offered up the idea to his wife. Lilith was sick and she needed to get re-acquainted with the energies of Hell for her health, and what better way then skittering around together in creature form? They could not go as wild and far as they used to, but they still did it and they had fun, and it helped her a lot. Finally when she was better, they fell right back into this little hobby of theirs full-fledged.
It's good medicine for Lucifer, too. It gets him out and about, it's good for his head and helps ease the depression, and Lilith likes to keep that in check.
2) As the Hotel Parents(tm), they like to gather everyone together on Friday for a movie night every week. They insist upon it! They know it's a good bonding activity and that it's simply nice for everyone to coexist in the area for an hour or two in peace (for the most part).
On Tuesday, they take suggestions for movies and add it into a bingo cage to draw on Wednesday morning during breakfast. It's a fun little routine for the two of them, though they've had to deal with the process getting pranked or entirely thrown off course a time or two for someone who wanted to rig the results. Charlie loves the whole routine top to bottom - she is her parents kid.
3) Light sensitivity and overstimulation to it is something that Lilith is all hands-on-deck for taking care of, or at least providing relief for; the Queen of the Night hushes light sources - let them be electrical, magical, or flame-oriented, she extends her magic to snuff it out. If there is an instance where this is not ideal, or not possible, she creates dark barriers to shroud Lucifer for relief. They're cool and encapsulating, and he can walk anywhere with them. On the outside, it almost looks like a huge black egg with legs going for a walk.
It's not tangible, he can reach outside of it if he likes. It feels like pushing through a light stream of cold water.
Lilith is masterful in home crafts, and one of these skills branches into toiletries. They still shop for their favored brands, but she's made their own soap, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners for years to run alongside it. She had a lot of fun figuring out how to create bath bombs and went wild with it, and naturally, it did not take long for her to steep into the sensual side.
Lilih & Lucifer have their own private stock of these special bath bombs; there are combinations that heighten sensitivity, and then there are the really fun ones that they use quite often - the aphrodisiac bath bombs (encouraged to drop while in the bath for a better experience).
Pop them into the warm or hot water and they get to work; they fizz and spin with their lovely colors of red and magenta, black and white, all while gradually releasing more and more of the effect - it gets stronger the longer it goes on. Combine this with the steam, the heat, and the vapors of the water, and these two are going crazy with lust during bath time. They can get carried away. They might have broken a tub or four because of this lmao.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 6 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 26
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox, Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers, Jason Todd, Otis Graves, Lex Luthor
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25
Lena cuddled up next to Kara on the living room couch. After dinner, Eliza and Alex were the first to leave since Alex was feeling the jet lag hard and wanted to get some sleep. Sam left shortly after them with Ruby opting to stay the night for a sleepover with her grandmother. She was currently changing into pajamas before they sat down to watch a movie. Kara and Lena were going to head out after Sam, but Lillian and Martha wanted to talk to them before leaving. Lena was curious about what it is since neither of the women gave a hint of what they wanted to talk to them separately about during dinner. Before Lena drifted more in her thoughts, Martha and Lillian joined them in the living room with Martha carrying tea and cookies with her. 
Kara smiled and said, “You didn’t have to make anything extra for us tonight.”
Martha chuckled and said, “I know dear. I just thought that having these things here would make the conversation go a little more smoother.”
That comment piqued Lena’s interest. 
Lena stared at Martha and Lillian quizzically and asked, “Why would you say that?”
Martha and Lillian looked at each other hesitantly before Lillian asked, “Remember when I told you that I am sick of Lex having a chokehold on our collective families?”
Lena narrowed her eyes, frowned and said, “Yes…”
“Well, Martha and I got tired of being bystanders and decided to do some investigating of our own to get Lex out of all of our lives for good and help Clark.”
Lena stared at her mom baffled. Her mom briefly mentioned wanting to get Lex out of their lives but didn’t know she had already tried to do something about it. Lena looked over at Kara who seemed equally as baffled by the situation. 
Martha chuckled at their collective shock and said, “I take it by the silence that we took you off guard.”
Kara rubbed the back of her head and said, “I wouldn’t necessarily say off guard.”
Lena looked up hesitantly and said, “I just think we are kind of concerned. Lex only cares about himself. What if he picks up on what you are doing and decides to attack you or worse.”
Lillian grabbed Lena’s hand and rubbed soothing circles around it. 
“We took precautions. Mostly, it was a fact-finding mission. Nothing too dangerous at all.”
Kara looked up intrigued and asked, “Were you able to find anything?”
Lillian nodded and said, “Leviathan used to help Lex with funding his different ventures and also providing security. However, he did something to piss them off and they cut ties. Due to that, it allowed me a brief window to get information out of Luthor Corp.” Lillian went to her desk in the living room and pulled out two folders. She went to hand them to Lena and Kara. “Two purchases stood out: Anders & Anders, and Grover & Sons.  Grover & Sons sells a variety of drinks ranging from water, wine, energy drinks, soda, juices, and protein shakes. Anders & Anders deal with everything in regards to a child’s development up until the age of five. They advertise that their food and educational tools enhance a child’s performance.”
Lena frowned and said, “Hmmm….”
Kara looked at Lena frowning and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Lena sighed, looked back at Kara thoughtfully and said, “Lex has always been about using tech to make him the ‘Man of Tomorrow’ in the hearts of everyone. These two purchases don’t seem in touch with his goal at least on a surface level.”
Kara raised an eyebrow and asked, “So you think there is more to these purchases than just them being random?”
Lena nodded and said, “Yes. I hate to admit this but Lex has always been a meticulous planner. He never purchased something without it having a purpose that serves him. If he purchased those companies that means they had something he greatly valued.”
Martha nodded and said, “That is what your mother and I thought which is why we met with Amanda Waller earlier today.”
Lena turned to her mother while raising an eyebrow and said, “I thought you and Amanda had a falling out years ago especially after she joined forces with Lex. What makes you think she wouldn’t just expose you to Lex.”
Lillian smirked and said, “Amanda works with Leviathan. She is more loyal to them instead of Lex especially since they said that they would go after anyone that provides them assistance.”
Kara looked up thoughtfully and said, “I really want to know what he did to piss them off.”
“If I had to take a guess, it is Lex’s anti-alien stance that he is running on in the Senate. Leviathan has been supporting pro-alien candidates which is a 180 from what they have done in the past.”
Lena raised an eyebrow and said, “That is curious that they made such a drastic change. I wonder if they have someone new in charge.”
Martha shrugged her shoulder and said, “Whatever the reason, it is working in our favor. Amanda has given us a lead with Anders & Anders that we will be following up on in two weeks.”
Kara frowned and asked, “Why the long wait?”
Lillian said, “Amanda is given us a window of time to get the information we need without Lex noticing what we are doing. Until we have even a hint of what he is up to, I would rather avoid a head on approach.”
Lena nodded and said, “I agree subtlety would be better. Is there anything we can do to help?”
Lillian smiled and said, “Actually yes. We still haven’t figured out why Lex wanted Grover & Sons. The little information that I was able to get from Luthor Corp is that they are trying to alter some of the drinks Grover & Sons produced. The folders have copies of their results but I don’t understand what any of them mean. I was wondering if you could analyze the data and see if it makes since to you.”
Lena smiled and said, “That is something I definitely can do.”
Lillian let out a sigh and said, “Now to the much harder ask.”
Lena frowned and asked, “What does that mean?”
Martha rubbed the back of her neck and said, “Amanda talked about how Lex has done a nuclear option: done something to a loved one of Clark. We haven’t noticed anything odd so we wanted to rule out the possibility that something wasn’t done to our bodies without us knowing.”
Lillian nodded and said, “We think it is best that everyone gets tested: Sam, Ruby, Kara, Lena, Martha, and myself. Part of me is hoping that Amanda is over-exaggerating or even bluffing, but I rather be safe than sorry.”
Lena leaned back and sighed. She wished that she could say that Lex wouldn’t do something that low, but she couldn’t. This was something that was right in his wheelhouse. 
Lena said, “I agree. I can have everyone come to the hospital to be tested tomorrow.”
Martha frowned and said, “That is wonderful, but we do have one small problem.”
Kara frowned and asked, “What problem?”
Martha sighed and said, “Clark. He should be tested too. However, you know his stance on hospitals and needles and that was before he started to act beyond unusual. I don’t see getting him to agree to this.”
Kara looked up thoughtfully and said, “I think I know someone in the League who can provide some assistance.”
Martha smiled and said, “That is wonderful. Do you think they would be able to help as soon as possible?”
Kara nodded and said, “I am supposed to see this individual tomorrow for something else. I don’t see them saying no to the request in particular.”
Before Kara could say anything else, Ruby rushed in with her pajamas on and said, “Grandma, I found a movie we can watch on Netflix: Inside Out. Can we watch it now?”
Lillian smiled and said, “Sure dear. Why don’t you turn on the movie on in the TV here and then we can start watching. I already have the tea and cookies ready.”
Ruby sprinted to the TV while shouting, “Yay!”
Lillian chuckled while she turned to Kara and Lena and said, “Would you guys like to stay for the movie too?”
Ruby turned around with pouty lips and round eyes and asked, “Can you stay Auntie Lena and Kara? It would be even better having you here to watch.”
Lena sighed while chuckling and said, “You know I can’t say no to that face.” Lena turned to Kara, gave her a soft smile, and said, “If you need to leave that is fine, although I hope you will stay.”
Kara beamed and said, “Of course I’ll stay. I enjoy getting to spend extra time you you guys.” Kara leaned into Lena closer and whispered in her ear, “Especially you my love.”
Lena blushed while cuddling into Kara more and said, “You always know what the right thing to say.”
Kara leaned back with Lena on the couch as they got ready to watch the movie. 
As Kara watched the movie, she thought about her new task of getting Clark tested. Kara wasn’t entirely honest about who she could ask to help with Clark. There were technically four people that she could ask. Most were magic users which Clark would hate her even more given his serious distrust for magic. It just left one person that she could ask. Kara sighed. She knew the she and the person in question on going to have their work cut off for them. 
I smell a ruse coming on.
Read the rest on AO3
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starset21 · 8 months
A Heavy Weight
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Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist 
Word count: 2235
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents, mentions of suicide
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“We work a dangerous job. We all knew that when we signed up. A firefighter dies in the line of duty, we are shocked. Our hearts are broken. But in some dark corner of our mind, we are bracing ourselves for that possibility. But a firefighter takes her own life? That is not a contingency that we can prepare for. We can't change what happened. But we can learn from it. We all missed the signs here. And we can never let it happen again. So you reach out to each other. You be there for each other. Not just for today, or this week... always. I never want to see another member of this family slip through the cracks. Let's go to work.” With those words Boden finished the morning brief and everyone disbursed out into the common room. “Hey, roomie. Cable bill's due. Make with the cheddar,” Cruz told Otis, dropping an envelope into his lap. “$140?” he questioned after looking at it. “Yeah. That includes the setup fee,” Cruz shrugged. “Yeah. And your NFL package,” Otis protested. “Your half is $70,” Cruz tells him. “I haven't seen Clarke this morning. He still subbing over at 25?” Mouch asks from his usual spot on the couch. “Clarke's not subbing out. He transferred,” Casey told them. “What, just like that? No explanation? No good-bye? What a jerk,” Herrmann grumbled. 
Dani walks out from behind the kitchen counter with half a toasted bagel and takes a seat on the other side of Matt. “Gabriela Dawson?” An officer walks into the common room. “Oh, God, what'd you do this time?” Shay teases and nudges Dawson. “Yeah?” Dawson asks, standing up. “This note was left behind for you in Rebecca Jones' apartment,” the officer tells her. “Why?” Gabby asks, a lump forming in her throat. “I wouldn't know,” the officer told her before handing it to her and leaving. “Why would she leave me a note?” Gabby asked quietly as Matt moved to stand behind her. “Only one way to find out,” he tells her. Just then the alarm bell rings. “Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Fire. Grand and Ashland.” Dani stuffs the last bite of her bagel in her mouth before heading for the truck. It’s somber as they get on the road, lights and sirens going. They pull up on scene and climb out. “Otis, make sure the pumps are shut down! Everyone, get in there with extinguishers! Don't wait for 51!” Casey yells. “You gotta get my wife! She's in the car!” A man begs. “We'll take care of her. Get out of here!” Casey tells the man. “Shay!” Herrmann calls out, after helping to put out a man’s jacket that was on fire. “Got him, Herrmann,” she moved from the ambo quickly. “Okay, okay. Let's get you out of there!” Herrmann tells the woman still in the car. “I can't! I can't!” she cries hysterically. “All right, all right. Just stay put! Stay put! All right, listen! She can't get out of here! She's in a full leg brace! Let's get this fire out!” Herrmann called out. Herrmann moved to grab an extinguisher when the husband who had been with the medics shook his head and sprinted towards the vehicle. “I got you, Janice! I got you!” he yelled. “Sir, wait! Casey!” Dawson shouted. “Hey!” Casey shouted as the man got in the vehicle, started it and backed into another car and pulled away from the pump, still connected to it. “What are you doing!” Casey yelled at the man. He had pulled forward and ripped the hose from the pump, spraying gas all over the back of the car, causing it to catch fire as it went close to the inflamed truck in front of it. “Stop! Hey, get under the pickup!” Casey yells and Dani and Herrmann are able to put it out quickly. “It's okay. We got you. You're okay. We've got you,” Casey reassured the woman as he helped her out. Herrmann went to the driver's side and opened the door. “Get out of there, numbnuts!” Casey shot Herrmann a look through the car, after Cruz had taken the woman over to the ambo. “Sir, please step out of the vehicle, if you'd be so kind,” Herrmann grumbled. 
“That was the dumbest move I've seen in a long time,” Herrmann grumbles on the ride back to the station. “Yeah, Darwin-award thinkin' right there. Ha! What a call,” Cruz scoffed from the driver's seat. “Hey, what do you guys suppose Jones said in that note to Dawson? I'm just curious,” Mouch says after a moment of silence. “The other night… Jones stopped by Molly's. She was looking for Dawson,” Herrmann told them. “Really? What for?” Casey asked. “No idea. But she apparently went straight home and… You know the rest,” Herrmann sighed. Tension in the firehouse when they got back was high, the heavy cloud of Jones' death hanging over them and Dani spent most of the time between calls sitting on her bunk and drawing, it was her way of trying to find some semblance of peace in the chaotic place they call Life. “Truck 81. Squad 3. Ambulance 61. Accident,” the alarm rang out.
“We got a driver pinned in the car, hurt but conscious,” the officer told Boden. “What about the bus?” he asked. “Ah, kids on their way to the prom, banged up, but nothing too serious.” The Chief nodded before grabbing for his radio. “Casey, Severide... we have a pin-in in the gray car. Get 'em out, Dawson, check on the victim. Shay, assess these kids.” he ordered. “Copy that,” everyone split off to do as told. “Hang in there, sir, we're going to get you out, okay?” Dawson had climbed onto the car through the passenger side and placed a C-collar on the man. “Casey? We're good,” Dawson told him. “All right, let's move this car. Ready? Lift! Ready? Lift! Ready? Lift!”
“Mouch, Otis, check the bus,” Shay calls out after talking to one of the girls. “You got it,” Mouch tells her and the two climb into the bus. “Sweetie, have a seat here. Where was she sitting?” Shay asked. “I don't know. We were all goofing around, and... we hit something, and the bus started swerving, and that's when I hit my head,” the girl told her. “There's nobody else in here,” Otis tells Mouch. “Why is this window open?” Mouch asks. “Oh, no. Chief! I think somebody was ejected!” Otis called out. “Oh, my God,” Mouch murmurs. “The girl could have fallen out wherever the bus first lost control. We are gonna shut down the road, run a search,” Boden tells the officer. “My guys have been up and down this road. They didn't see anything,” the officer continues directing traffic. “We should have some firefighters take a look,” Chief tells him. “Look, be my guest, but I can't close this road,” the officer huffs. “You do realize you have a girl that is unaccounted for,” Boden counters. “Yes, I do. But my guess is that she got out with the others, and she wandered off,” the officer tells him. “You have an open emergency exit! Somebody was ejected!” Boden nearly sneers. “Chief, let me talk to him,” Casey tried to cut in. “I'm shutting down this road!” Boden exclaims. “I can't let you do that,” the officer tells him. “Truck 81, block off this road,” Chief calls into the walkie. “Last warning, Chief,” the officer tries. Boden gives Casey a look. “Go ahead, Cruz,” Casey calls into the walkie. 
“Halstead, Mouch, Herrmann, Otis, fan out, search back along the road.” The four of them nod, and begin heading down the road. “This is my scene, Chief. Are you really gonna make me arrest you?” the officer asks. “You know what? You're just gonna have to do what the hell you need to do,” Chief offers the officer his hands. The officer takes his cuffs out. “Really?” Chief asks. Just then Severide looks over to see the officer placing the cuffs on the chief behind his back. “You gotta be kidding me,” he mutters in disbelief. “You picked the wrong cop to piss off,” the officer mutters. “Oh, I haven't even started on you. You seeing this?” Boden asks Casey. “Yes, I am, Chief.” The officer took his helmet off and pushed him down into the squad car. “I got her! I got her! We need a backboard, and a black bag,” Dani calls into the radio as Herrmann and the others come over. “Officer Woodall? Is this really the hill you want to die on?” Casey asks the officer, who takes a minute, thinking on his words. The 81 crew comes over carrying the girl and places her on the stretcher. The officer lets Boden out and takes his cuffs off. They finish clearing the scene and load up to return to the station. 
“After you. I insist,” Herrmann starts when he almost bumped into Mills after he had closed the truck door behind Dani. “Hey, whatever's going on between you two, can you drop it?” Severide asks. “I'll drop it when he apologizes,” Herrmann scoffs, causing Mills to turn back towards him. “Apologize for what? For speaking the truth?” he asks. “Knock it off, both of you,” Casey cuts in. “Yeah? He's saying that we made Jones suicidal, and I'm supposed to swallow that?” Herrmann asks. “No! No! Just own up to your behavior and admit that you could have handled things better!” Mills exclaims and Casey puts up a hand to stop him when he takes a step towards Herrmann. “How dare you!” Herrmann yells and storms towards Mills. “Herrmann! Hey!” Severide and Casey grab the older man, stopping him from continuing towards Mills. “I was the last one to see her alive! You think I didn't wonder over and over again what I might have done different, what else I might have said that would have changed her mind?” Herrmann yells. There was a tense moment of silence in the garage. “Is this what you all took from what I said this morning? Is this really how we're gonna get through this thing?” Boden asks. Herrmann wipes a hand down his face and Dani places a hand on his shoulder. “Look, blaming each other or ourselves doesn’t bring her back. All we can do is be better and be there for each other, that is what chief was telling us this morning,” Dani speaks up. Boden tipped his head to her in silent thanks. “Severide? Bloom is inside,” Capp comes in from the common room. “Sorry, Chief. Got one more save to make tonight,” Severide apologizes before heading inside. “Well, I guess I'm gonna get a lecture about skipping out on rehab, let's get it over with,” Bloom huffed. “No, Bloom. I got no more lectures for you,” Severide tells him. “Yeah? Then give me my wallet,” Bloom crossed his arms. “Just relax. Capp's getting it from my locker.”
“What are you all lookin' at?” Bloom sneered as the company gathered at the edge of the common room. “What, you need an audience? You ruined my white board. That was permanent ink,” he huffed. “I'll get you another one,” Kelly laughs. “What is this?” Chief asks as the chaplain comes in with two men. “I know, I'm not staying. Severide asked me to pick up these two up at O'Hare,” the chaplain told him. “Chaplain,” Severide greets. “Lieutenant. This is Damien, and this is Aaron,” the chaplain introduces. “Screw this,” Bloom huffs. “Bloom, just give me one second,” Severide tries. “You are a son of a bitch,” Bloom tells him, getting in his face. “Hey, it's not like that, Captain,” one of the guys, Aaron, tries to say. “Oh, Captain! Captain. Aren't you cute? You can mail me my wallet,” Bloom hisses at Severide. “We didn't know what happened to you, Bloom,” Damien says. “Now you do,” Bloom gestured to himself. “We're sorry. That's what we came to tell you. The way we treated you back in Denver… Well, you gotta understand, we were upset,” Aaron tells him. “Oh, you were upset? You were upset? I was the captain. Those were my men in there! They were my men!” Bloom exclaims, tears beginning to form in his eyes. “We said a lot of awful things in the heat of the moment. But we had a lot of time to think about it. We were wrong,” Damien tells him. “You made the right call.” Bloom looks between the two men. “If you would have let us inside, we would've still been in there when the roof came down. There's no question, you saved our lives. Your boy could only afford two plane tickets. Otherwise there would have been a dozen of us here. We all feel the same way,” Aaron tells him before pulling out his phone. “This is my daughter, Lily. She wouldn't exist if you hadn't tackled me that day. 'Cause I was going in, Captain. I was going in.” Those words hit all of the firefighters in the room right in heart. The former captain had tears streaming down his face. 
The crew finished out the shift and left, still a little somber, but a fair few of them met up at the local bowling alley. “To Jones,” Mills said and everyone raised their beer before taking a sip and getting set up for a few games. 
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quins-whump-stuff · 2 years
982 | Chapter 3: Willow
(I know none of these have been super whumpy yet, but I promise we're getting there. For now, whump will be in the form of flashback or lasting effects of what our poor whumpee has been through)
Contents: (institutional) pet whump, conditioned whumpee, dehumanization, 1st person pov (whumpee's pov), profanity, emotional distress, imperfect caretaker, lady whump (whumpee), whumpee calls caretaker her owner
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"Oh, god! Are you okay?"
I shift my gaze upwards, not moving my head. My owner looks worried, her hand clasped over her mouth and eyes wide in shock.
"You- you aren't mad?" I ask tentatively.
"What? No! I'm just... I don't like people touching me," My owner tells me. I let out a shallow breath.
"Oh. But... I'm not a person, Ainsley. I'm a pet," I say, quietly. I want to ask, So you won't punish me?, but I know better. I look up at my owner, another salty tear falling off of my chin.
"Please don't say that. And, uh, don't cry. I'm not mad, I was just, ya'know, startled."
I nod my head and sniffle. Then, she reaches out a hand, and awkwardly pats me on the head a couple times. Only then do I feel my muscles relax, and I start to calm down.
"So, um, you good now?" she asks.
"Yes," I whisper, with another small sniffle.
"Okay, uh, if you're ready, we can go meet Otis."
To my surprise, Otis is a slobbering, tail-wagging, yellow-furred dog that seems to be smiling.
My owner kneels down and scratches the dog behind the ears with both hands.
"Hello, sweet boy! I missed you!" she dotes on the dog for a full minute before remembering me. "This is... a friend." Turning her attention to me, she says, "You can pet him. He's a sweetheart, won't hurt you, unless you're allergic to drool."
I cautiously raise a hand toward the dog. He sniffs it for a second, before nuzzling his nose into my hand. I smile a bit, and shift my hand to gently scratch him behind the ear, like my owner had. Before I know it, a rough, wet, pink tongue is on my cheek. I feel a smile spread across my face, and a giggle escapes me.
"Otis is super friendly. And very energetic. He's a lab, and he only stopped chewing everything I owned about a year ago," my owner says, her mouth stretching into a small smile, "he's a handful, but he's a good boy." Realization crosses her face. "Oh you're probably hungry, aren't you! I was about to make lunch. You can hang out here with Otis while I fix something, and if you need me just give a holler. Or you could come inside with me."
She must be testing me. Pets don't make choices. She must be gauging how well I've been trained. I won't mess up. "Whatever you wish, Ainsley."
"I literally don't care."
I'm frozen. I don't know what to do. I don't know what she wants me to do. I can't do anything until she tells me what to do. If I do i'll get in trouble. I bite my lip a little.
"Do you like it outside?" my owner asks after a few moments, and I nod my head. It doesn't matter what I like, I must be grateful. "Do you like it inside?" I nod again. "Which do you like better?"
But again I am paralyzed. I don't get to have preferences, favorites. Those are for people, not pets. Metallic warmth bursts through my mouth. I bit my lip so hard it's started bleeding. "Please just tell me what to do, Master," I whimper.
"Ainsley. And I just gave you the options. If you're worried I'm, like, messing with you, I'm just, not."
I look at my owner's face. She seems so genuine. She seems confused by my reluctance to choose. I think about it. Inside is much better than the kennels ever were. Warm and carpeted and quiet. But outside is so... beautiful. There's sunshine and soft green grass and the nice dog. I swallow, take a breath of the summery air, and tell my owner in a quiet, breathy voice, "I like it outside."
"Okay then. Let me know if you need me."
The second the door closes behind her, I sigh in relief, and collapse to the ground. It wasn't a test. I didn't fail. My owner isn't disappointed in me. I take a few deep breaths, calming myself.
After a moment, I look across the yard again. There’s a wooden fence that marks the outer bounds of the yard. One edge is lined with colorful flowers. Along the house is pavement and some furniture. In the far corner of the yard are three trees, two small ones with something stretched between them, and a larger one.
I think for a few seconds, my owner did say I could move about the house freely, before I make my way to the largest tree tree, and lay in the shade underneath it. Laying like this, my toes still feel the warmth of the sunshine, but my eyes, which haven't fully adjusted after so long in the dark, are protected by the tree's canopy. I consider cleaning my glasses, because the dog got some slobber on them, but I'm not sure if my shirt would scratch them up.
I make my way back inside, and let the door close behind me before I start whispering under my breath, "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?" Why was she so scared? When she startled me and when I asked if she'd rather stay outside she seemed petrified. Why can't she even walk?
I walk into the kitchen, rubbing my temples. I know they say that human pets aren't really human, that they are "genetically engineered cloned humanoids," but she just seems like a scared young woman. The only weird thing about her are those light gray, almost white eyes. Other than that, she just seems so human. And the idea of her calling me "Master" makes me shudder. I'm no saint, but how depraved must the other people who buy pets be?
I wash my hands and then open up the small package that came with her. I read through the "personal" section of the info sheet to make sure she doesn't have any allergies, just in case I forgot. She doesn't, so I start cooking. I open a can of tomato soup and put it in a pot on the stove. While it boils, I dump various spices in. Then, I add some alphabet pasta. It's not a very filling meal, but hopefully it will hold the both of us over until dinner.
Both of us, I think, and I smile a little, I'm not alone anymore. I get two bowls and spoons, and after the pasta is cooked, I split the soup between the two bowls, and bring them outside to... well, I need a name for her.
She's laying on her back, under the willow tree. Willow, I roll the name over in my mind. I'll ask her what she thinks of the name. I hope she doesn't panic again. Willow.
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toppersjeep · 2 years
The One-[Jay Halstead X Matt Casey]
Chapter 11- Incomplete
Masterlist -previous chapters
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Elle’s POV
“Hey guys” I said walking into the district. “Elena what are you up to” Kevin said. “I brought doughnuts actually don’t tell my squad boys” I said with a smile. “I won’t” Kevin said taking the box.
“Ooo doughnuts” Kim said walking over to Kevin. “Enjoy them” I said. “Don’t you have to work soon” Adam said. “Yeah I just stopped by on my way over” I said. “Well thank you” Hailey said. “Absolutely” I said.
“Hey” Jay said. “Oh there you are didn’t see you last night or this morning” I said. “He was working late” Adam said. “Actually I wanna talk to you about it” Jay said. “Alright” I said. We went into the break room he shut the door.
“What’s up I gotta get to shift in 15 minutes” I said. “It’s about what happened last night” Jay said. “What” I said. “I was on this job and.. this girl Camilla my marks sister” Jay said. “What” I said. “Elena we kissed” Jay said.
“You kissed her” I said. “I obviously didn’t mean too” Jay said. “But you let her kiss you knowing you have a girlfriend” I said. “Undercover I don’t ok” Jay said. “Wow that’s great Jay” I said. “Elle I didn’t mean it like that” Jay said.
“You’ve done enough Jay” I said. “I’m sorry” Jay said. My radio then came through with a call. It was a couple blocks away. “Elena with firehouse 51 and squad 3 I’m a couple blocks away I’ll check out the alarm” I said into the radio.
“Copy that Squad 3 is also in route” Kelly said over the radio. “Elle” Jay said. “Don’t talk to me” I said opening the door. I stormed out downstairs. I got in my Jeep and went to the call. It was a fire alarm pulled in an office building.
I parked my car behind Bodens. I went over to the Squad truck. Even though I was hurt I wanted to be there. Being a firefighter made it better on me right now.
“There she is” Stella said. “What do we have” I said. “A kid pulled the alarm but we wanna do sweeps to check” Kelly said. “Alright sounds good” I said. “Alright Elena stay back with Matt I’ll take Otis with me” Kelly said.
“You got it” I said sadly. They walked into the school and Matt came over to me. “You alright you look a little bit lost” Matt said. “Just stuff” I said. “About Halstead” Matt asked.
“I’d prefer not to talk about it” I said. “False alarm a kid pulled it” Herman said. “Alright Truck 81 let’s go refuel” Matt said. “Elena just meet us back at the firehouse” Kelly said. “Copy that” I said.
I was working on some paperwork with Kelly. When I heard on a knock on the door. It was Matt.
“You got a second” Matt said. “Who” Kelly said. “Elena” Matt said. “Yeah I got the rest from here” Kelly said. I handed him the papers. I then followed Matt into his office. He shut the door.
“What” I said. “Look I know we haven’t seen eye to eye in the past but I’m here if you need anything” Matt said. “I appreciate I really do but I got this” I said. “I just don’t wanna see you get hurt again” Matt said.
“I’m not gonna let him hurt me” I said. “Really cause it seems like you are” Matt said. “Why are you so concerned about my love life” I said. “Because I care about you a lot more than you know” Matt said. Someone then knocked on the door.
“Elena Jay is here to see you” Herman said. “I’m serious stay out of it” I said. “Easy kid” Herman said as I walked past him. Jay was waiting in the living room area. I took him into the meeting room and shut the door.
“I really don’t want to speak to you” I said. “Please let me explain the whole thing” Jay said. “You kissed someone else Jay knowing how I feel” I said. “Elena it was a mistake” Jay said. “But you let her kiss you Jay and we are together” I said.
“I’m sorry Elena I really am” Jay said. “I thought you were different I thought this was different” I said. “Elena what are you saying” Jay said. “Maybe we should just be friends” I said. “Don’t do that” Jay said.
“Jay you know how I feel about you but yet you.. do this” I said. “I don’t know how you feel if you won’t tell me” Jay said. I looked into his eyes. I was hoping this would go differently. “I’m in love with you Jay is that what you wanted to hear” I said.
“Elena I didn’t know but she still meant nothing” Jay said. “I’m staying at Kelly’s in his spare room and this is over” I said looking at him. “Don’t do this Elena” Jay said. “How can I trust anything you do undercover Jay” I said.
“This was a one time thing” Jay said. “I can’t do this right now” I said walking out the door. I then went in the coat room and sat in between the coats crying. I trusted him so much. For the first time in a long time I thought he was the one.
“Elena” Matt said. “Hey” I said wiping a tear. “Are you okay” Matt said. “No I’m hiding in a bunk room crying” I said. He hugged me. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have yelled at you” Matt said hugging me.
“No it’s okay I just I guess I’m blinded sometimes” I said. He sat next to me. “His loss right” Matt said. “I guess” I said. “Your Dads gonna kill him” Matt said. “Oh no I don’t think so” I said laughing. “There she is” Matt said.
“I should probably get my stuff over to Kelly’s” I said. “You need any help with anything” Matt said. “Uhhh no but do you wanna join us for dinner” I said. “Sure I’ll bring the beers” Matt said. “Sounds like a plan” I said.
After shift…
“Ok I’m officially unpacked” I said. “Good pizza just got here” Matt said. “Ladies first as always” Kelly said. “Thanks guys I needed this” I said sitting next to Matt.
“Hey we will always look after you” Kelly said. “For real we’ll protect you no matter what” Matt said I smiled.
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unhallowedarts · 2 years
I’d like to applaud Otis Blackwell, Eddie Cooley and Peggy Lee for writing the closest thing I’ve ever heard to a five-paragraph-essay song.
(Please note that I’m not here to discuss whether the thesis of the essay is CORRECT, nor to discuss the ethics or accuracy of the examples. This is just about the FORMAT of the essay. Feel free to analyze the content in another post.)
1. Hook: A personal anecdote that introduces the main idea of the essay
Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear You give me fever
2. Thesis: Clearly stating the point illustrated by their anecdote:
Everybody's got the fever That is something you all know Fever isn't such a new thing Fever started long ago
3. Body Paragraph 1: Specific example with commentary to support the thesis.
’Romeo loved Juliet Juliet, she felt the same When he put his arms around her He said, "Julie, baby, you're my flame" Thou giveth fever
4. Body Paragraph 2: Specific example with commentary to support the thesis
Captain Smith and Pocahontas Had a very mad affair When her daddy tried to kill him She said, "Daddy, oh, don't you dare" He gives me fever
5. Conclusion: Restate your thesis
Now you've listened to my story Here's the point that I have made Chicks were born to give you fever Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade They give you fever
My only note is of course that the hook here takes up two whole paragraphs, with a third for the thesis, while there are only two body paragraphs. For a more traditional five paragraph format, they should tighten up that hook to be more of a teaser, so the hook and thesis together can be paragraph one, Then they can add a third body paragraph where they expand on that personal story introduced in the hook. But considering they were PROBABLY not intending to turn this in for English class, they did a remarkably good job and damn do I wish I was still teaching so I could use this for an example. But I’m not, so tumblr gets to read it instead :P
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agentcable · 1 month
Chicago Fire Season 5 Ep. 21 "Sixty Days"
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Cruz is in trouble when an off-duty incident gets out of hand, prompting Mouch to step in and help him avoid serious consequences from the CFD. Casey fights a politician to pass a measure for first responders.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Joe Cruz explains the firehouse to Jason Kannell. Lt. Kelly Severide watches as Cruz says they are glad Severide isn't taking time off after his girlfriend's death because he doesn't take care of himself. Severide bursts in and orders them to top up the tanks. Kannell thanks him for the chance and offers his condolences. Severide tells him his visor is dirty. Connie calls Cruz into Chief Wallce Boden's office.
Boden asks him to close the door and says he's been charged with "conduct unbecoming" after getting into a fight at his second job. Cruz is shocked he even knew he was CFD. His tattoo on his upper arm gave him away. Now he's facing a hearing with the CFD that could result in anything from a slap on the wrist to dismissal. Cruz says he didn't do anything wrong, but Boden says it's out of his hands. Boden tells him he has until the end of the day to decide how he wants to proceed.
The alarms sound and everyone is called out. Squad 3 arrives at the stadium and finds an electrician hanging from the top with his arm trapped. Severide tells Cruz to get two lines ready to repel down and get him. Cruz suggests Kannell instead, but no one notices how distracted he is. They lower him to the upper deck. Kannell says it was nice work, but Severide says he should come with next time in case he needs help.
Mouch runs into Nick, a former CFD firefighter who sells gas detectors. They talk about knee injuries and how this job lets him stay close to the CFD without running into fires. He says Mouch can join him, but Mouch isn't ready to leave.
When Squad 3 returns to the firehouse, Capp shows Kannell how their dryer works. They put their jackets on it to dry. Cruz is sorry there's only room for four, but Kannell is okay with that.
Matt Casey asks Kannell hos his first shift is going. Kannell says it's okay. They talk about the measure Casey is trying to implement to help first responders. Cruz tells Mouch he's facing a 60-day suspension. The drunk club patron, Davey, says he'll sue the department if they don't do something. Mouch thinks it's crazy but Cruz says this will ruin him because he already has a school loan for his younger brother. Mouch says he'll speak to the lawyer at CFD and help.
Gabby comes out of the laundry room and is greeted by her father, Mr. Dawson. He hugs her and says it's sad when a father has to come to his daughter's work to see how she is. He's upset that her mother sees her, but he doesn't because he wanted the divorce. He says everyone makes mistakes. She promises to call for dinner next week.
Chief Boden calls Severide into his office. Casey is there too. He wants to know how Kannell is doing and says CFD likes a 5-man squad. They have to make him feel at home. Casey says they're looking out for him and Kannell because they've been through a lot. Severide says he's there to work and if Kannell isn't, he should stay home. This is a firehouse, not group therapy. He stands up and tells them to let him put Kannell to work.
In the kitchen, Sylvie tells Kannell they don't make decaf coffee and he doesn't need to make another pot. She giggles and says it's decaf. Kannell doesn't laugh and asks if that's her idea of a prank. She admits she isn't good at them. Kannell says he's good at them and she just started.
Mouch and Otis see an interview with Alderman Matt Casey on TV and everyone stops to watch. Herrmann applauds what Casey says about first responders, but the mood changes when Blakeslee disagrees, saying Casey is unethical. Herrmann tells Casey not to worry about the jerk.
Severide asks Cruz when he'll tell him about the charges against him. Cruz thinks this is the last thing Severide should be dealing with. Severide agrees.
Mouch tries to contact Jerry again. He tells Otis that he would normally fix things like this quickly, but Jerry isn't answering his calls. He wants to tell Cruz, but Otis says not to freak him out. Mouch says he'll visit Jerry after work. When Cruz asks about it, Mouch lies, saying he has a meeting with Jerry next afternoon.
Gabby and Sylvie are called to check on someone. They arrive and see that the patient's tongue is black and foul-smelling. He had bitten it and gangrene had set in. Gabby says they'll give him fluids and the hospital will treat his tongue with antibiotics. They help him into the chair. Brett says they can't save his tongue. Gabby says she'll visit her dad after shift.
Mouch sees Jerry and learns he's retired. Eric Hanover is the new CFD legal counsel. Mouch tries to get Hanover to take Cruz's case, but Hanover says he won't hide a claim just because the firefighter is a good guy. What matters is the case itself. Mouch says he'd take a drunk clubber's word over a decorated firefighter's. Hanover is more concerned with protecting the CFD's image.
Casey meets with Tamara Jones to discuss what was said on TV. She asks if he minds her getting involved. He says he doesn't. She reminds him she's persuasive and loves speaking up for a good cause.
Mouch tells Herrmann at Molly's that he hasn't told Cruz he has to face a hearing. Herrmann tells him to tell Cruz the news casually, but when Cruz arrives, Mouch says it could be good because he can speak to the boss and clear his name. Mouch will represent him and prove the charges are wrong. Cruz says it's nerve-wracking but he'll try to stay positive.
Gabby arrives to see her father but hears him arguing about money. Gabby asks what's going on and he says he'll call her tomorrow. Gabby listens outside the door.
Severide returns home. He drinks a beer. He slumps onto the couch and finds a mitten under a pillow. Stella Kidd knocks on his door. She knows he's home alone. She says he should order Chinese food and a movie. He says it was thoughtful, but he isn't up for company. She understands but makes him eat.
Casey and Herrmann load gear into the truck. Tamara arrives with Alderman Blakeslee, who wants to hear Casey's proposal about first responders. Casey takes him to the briefing room and asks Herrmann to tell Chief Boden. Mouch runs to Herrmann. He needs Casey's permission to go to Cruz's hearing. It was moved to this morning.
Kannell joins Casey in the briefing room and tells him about a firefighter hurt in the sewer explosion. He explains why funding is needed for first repsonders and their families. Casey calls Mouch over. Casey says they're not trying to trick anyone. Their fellow firefighter needs their help. He shakes their hands and leaves.
Mouch says he needs to get to Cruz's hearing. Cruz is pacing, worried about Mouch not being there. Mouch arrives out of breath and disheveled. Hanover says Mouch can be in the room as his union rep, but he can't take part. Things used to be different. Mouch tells Cruz to tell his side of the story.
Casey returns to his office and sees Gabby waiting for him. She wants to know what's going on with her father and why he owes money. She wishes she'd knocked down the door and dealt with the guy. Casey says she shouldn't involve her mother and that Ramon should solve his own problem.
Mouch's phone rings, and Cruz chases after him. They wait for the hearing results. Mouch says he's sorry but he's suspended for 60 days without pay.
Cruz is angry that Mouch said thank you at the end of the call. He says Mouch doesn't know who works at CFD or what the procedures are. Cruz said he told his side of the story, and now his life is ruined. Before he could finish, the alarms sounded, and the crews were called out to a car accident. Mouch cries and apologizes. Cruz is shocked and stays behind.
The crews arrive and Casey asks where the biker is. The driver points to a hole on a transport truck. Stella says, "Oh boy!" as Casey and his crew rush to help.
Stella can't see the person inside as Herrmann gets the cutters after Mouch brings the wrong ones. Otis brings the saw to cut through the truck. Stella finds the biker inside. His leg is broken and his face is cut.
They remove him, but he seizes as soon as he's on the stretcher. Casey tells the guys to load up the tools. Mouch frets to Herrmann that maybe his radio wasn't turned up enough. Herrmann tells him not to worry.
At the firehouse, Severide asks Kannell what he's working on. He says he might have found a way to add another jacket tree to the dryer. He says he doesn't like sitting at home these days and prefers to do this in his free time. Severide knows what he's talking about.
Casey brings the draft for first responders, but they frown. The other Aldermen say he's moving too fast and the climate isn't right for this. He says he met with Blakeslee and he's on board, but they say he hasn't changed and made it political. They can't get near it now, but they encourage him to try next year. Casey is defeated.
Cruz says 60 days without pay is a long time. He can barely cover rent and worries he may not have a job when he gets back. Mouch comes in but doesn't sit at the bar. Herrmann and Otis tell Cruz he needs to forgive Mouch, but he leaves. Mouch meets Nick, who explains his job. He gives him the man's name and number.
Ramon comes in looking for Gabby. He takes the beer as Otis calls him over. Casey is at home complaining about Blakeslee. Gabby gives him his jacket and he promises to make her forget about everything and focus on their date. She ignores Herrmann's calls. When she rejects one, he calls Casey.
Casey and Gabby take Ramon home. He says he messed up. Her mother took care of him, the house, and the bills, so now he has nothing. He says he spent his retirement money and can't pay for his new place. Gabby hugs him, saying he has her.
As Kannell works on the dryer, Severide returns with his tools and helps him finish it.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
We're going to start coming down on them right now it's alone in the bus it was no reason Ken was not doing anything and the a****** just starts screwing around with him when she gets off it really I can't stand their stupid attitude they're sticking rotten losers he has just in a wheelchair and completely incapacitated and really he spent a lot of people and lost territory just to be normal to drive a stinking bus isn't good for me is there a fact we're taking stuff for them is a lunatic
-JC and Mary did the same thing on a small scale what we're doing is taking the entire race down and all of his people his particular race and they don't care or something they don't seem to understand cut that out or you're all gone and everybody is starting to agree and it's working he's just don't seem to see the any of the lights
-there's a couple more things happening Charlotte county is going to be upended meeting all the people here are running some sort of weird loser plan and people are coming in to fight and they're slowly taking off with the rulers are not coming back others are these are not aware of it at all and they're continuously plowing through their own but right now these armies are raising of 50 million an hour at this time I'm mostly coming from Florida in the Macklemore locks are at around 13% and the pseudo empire at 5% and the rest are two percent and it's around 20% and they're going to be evacuated they're not losing bad and they're trying to call people from other places and they're not coming here yet this is a very odd thing but there is a blockade up and there's a blockade around the islands so they're forced to fight
-there's a couple other things these people are under so much to rest but they can't think straight most of the day we have to do it so you should start deciding what to do not try to figure out who will do what. But this is a good plan and he does approve me because the Trump is taking things from him to threaten other people if it's not legal under man's law or any law and it needs to be answered. It's going to start happening fairly soon and the first payment and that would be from last not month April 14th so what month before last month can you expected shortly that was for missing a month and that will come from inside of the family no both sides and from grandparents and others they're thinking of doing it kicking It off so people agree to it. It's going to be a hell of a day that check is probably $700. And there are three hours but the second one is $700 the third one is 1500 but now we have some battles and they're full-blown by the way in Jersey and New York and 76 is playing out this year it's not. They will a little bit in those areas were affected and there were raids and just were not this big as 1776 which is 2,025.
76th and 25 is 101 so think about it
It's a couple other things too I don't like their attitude any of them and their demeanor to talk it makes you feel a little sick does look like that but still this is gross already and they're putting it way out there.
-and it's going to be fun when he said he can't wait to appliance shop and save it flat top stoves came back 20 years ago not 30 and everyone's going oh no but yeah he's going to be smirking and saying and it's really not that rude and people will start blabbing.
-and a couple other things there are other battles in 75 but in 76 or a bunch a lot from August to October hello Connor no it's after Otis POTUS and that's the big one so how they going to do that. Next year's investments in bank money but the delay it's not really that long it was right after the battle but they spent it about a month and a half later and her son didn't really get money I have the office yet but from the first two battles it took a few months so you know it took a couple months and about 3 months so once again it's July 14th no it's 15 and that's what we figured out to me after Dave's birthday
Thor Freya
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idlechatting · 2 years
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47. Cancer. Isfj-a.
Character’s full name: Stettin Dennis Jr. Reason or meaning of name: Follower of Dionysus  Character’s nickname: Denny, den den ( when Ines was a child )
Reason for nickname: Father's first son kind of thing. He’s named after him and even has his fathers nickname. Not that Dennis isn’t honored, but he was very happy that Ines started calling him den den it made him feel like he was his own man. Of course, now that he’s a much older man he could care less, but growing up he always wanted an identity of his own.
Birth date: June 24, 1975
Good personality traits: Reliable, Observant, Supportive Bad personality traits: Overly Humble, Takes things personally, Over committed
Character’s soft spot: Ines and Alex
Height: 6`3
Hometown: MA
Current location: MA
Mother: Stephanie Stettin
Relationship with her: Authoritative 
Father: Dennis Stettin Sr.
Relationship with him:  Authoritative
Siblings: Ines Stettin
Relationship with them: Best friends forever. Protector
Type of childhood: Loving and nurturing
Pets: St. Bernard named Otis
First memory: Christmas 1982 Dennis lost his grandmother. She passed away in her sleep during the weekend just after the holiday. If was the first death he experienced. He wasn’t able to fully understand his emotions at the time, he just knew that it hurt. He wouldn’t leave his grandpa’s side for months because of this. He lived with him until he was sure that he would be okay. 
Most important childhood memory: ( TW; ABORTION MENTION ) Prom 1993 He would be taking his crush to prom. It took him months to think of how he’d convince her that he was the right choice. When she agreed Dennis couldn’t believe it. Unfortunately, when the night of prom began it proved that he was only able to take his crush because he was being use by her to make her ex jealous. Eventually, he’d get left spending prom alone, that is until one of his friends who also had a crush on him confessed their feelings. Shocked at first, Dennis would question why it took them so long to tell them, of course fear of rejection played a part on her not making a move. For the rest of Prom he would spend it with her. Things ended up getting heated and they’d lose their virginity to each other. Having been friends before hand it didn’t feel rushed, but soon, reality would kick in. She’d be packing up to study abroad and he’d had plans of his own after graduating. They spent the summer together, falling for each other more than they thought they would. Before she would be packing up to leave for good, she would find out that she’s pregnant, instead of telling him the truth she reveals that it was a pregnancy scare. They would break up, she’d go to have an abortion, but chickened out last minute. They tried to stay in touch, but eventually raising a baby and adjusting to a new country would keep them from communicating for years.
Childhood hero: Grandfather 
Dream job: Travel Speech Pathologist 
Education: 4 yr Masters in Speech pathology
Smokes: Cigars Drinks: Socially  Other drugs: No
Optimist or pessimist Introvert or extrovert
Daredevil or cautious Logical or emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself
Animal lover? Yes.
How he feels about himself: He rarely thinks about what he thinks. He can hard on himself, so unless someone else has something to say about him he usually disregards his own feelings.
One word the character would use to describe self: Reliable
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: He’s always working to please others and to help them where he can. He feels better when he can be useful to others than having to sit around and try to figure out what to do for his own life.
What does the character consider his best personality trait? Supportive
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Overly committed 
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? His stature
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? His face
How does the character think others perceive him? A gentle giant
What would the character most like to change about himself? His look. He feels like he’s noticeable no matter where or what he does. 
Best friend(s): Ines and Alex
0 notes
Otis Driftwood
"Hold still, will 'ya?" The mean bastard said- or rather ordered- as he roughly pinned your hips down and still, pushing his cock further inside you. As far as he could go at least; he was already so deep inside you, "The point 'a this is that you don't get to move 'til I'm done. Got it?"
Jim Bickerman
His beard scratched at the skin of your cheek, though you could also feel that amused smirk on his face even while he pressed kisses to your cheek. His calloused hands traveled down to your currently bare hips and thighs, letting out a chuckle when you tried to subtly roll your hips on his dick, "Ah, c'mon sugar, just a little longer? I think you need this as much as I do anyway~"
You let out a content moan as you leaned back against the vizier's chest. It had been such a long and unforgiving day, and now, you two were relaxing with each other; his cock buried balls deep inside your warm cunt, and you were all too happy to enjoy this perfectly full feeling. The sinful purr Jafar let out was enough to make you clench more around him, but then he spoke, "When I am sultan, my first order will be to set aside more time to enjoy my servant more often~"
Greasy Weasel
"Mi vida~" His husky voice was laced with lust- more so than usual, he loved it when you were in this state- as he took a break from sucking on your neck to breath in your ear. Not once did he stop rubbing your clit or loosen his grip on the leg he was propping up for you. You could tell with the occasional rocking of his hips that he desperately wanted to start thrusting and chase his own pleasure. But he wouldn't. He knew you needed this right now, "Relax, mi amor~ Just let me take care of you tonight~"
(You probably already know who this is, but I felt like going on anon tonight XD I hope you enjoyed these! ^^)
I... THANK YOU! These hit the exact spot I needed!! I see that cheeky little smile but these genuinely helped so much!! Omg, I was just sitting there reading them and rereading them for like 20 minutes, I swear XD
I had to write more for them!! &lt;;3<3<3<3 I hope that’s okay !
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Warnings for, obviously, cockwarming and smutty themes- and also, periods. Also because this is very self-indulgent the reader is an afab female.
Otis B Driftwood:
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"Hold still, will 'ya?" The mean bastard said- or rather ordered- as he roughly pinned your hips down and still, pushing his cock further inside you. As far as he could go at least; he was already so deep inside you, "The point 'a this is that you don't get to move 'til I'm done. Got it?"
Feeling sleepy, warm and fulfilled, you stretch your arms up and arch your back like a cat before sighing, dropping your arms onto Otis’ shoulders, and nodding. “Yeah,” You yawn, shifting only enough to press your pelvis against his. “I got it… “
“Hmm, lookit that… “He grins cruelly. Being too tired to be scared of him right now, and feeling too lovely and full because the bastard actually has the perfect cock for you besides, you just blink at him; a hazy look on your face.
“You couldn’t even last 2 seconds keeping fucken still. You’re that dumb.”
Rolling your eyes gently and sighing quickly, you give a sad little pout. “Sorry, Otis… I just… wanted to be closer to you… “
Looking at you like this, so weak and dumb in his lap painting his hard dick red with your cunt-blood, Otis - for once, - gives you a pass. You’re just too fucking cute like this, and feeling so good and hot around him, that he cant bring himself to push you off even for a goddamn second. No. He wouldn’t even let you go if someone walked in and shot at him. You’re gonna sit and squeeze his cock until you’re crying and begging for him to move, and then… well, he probably still won’t. Ha. Sucks to be her.
“… Okay, baby doll,” He smirks, leaning back slowly until he’s lying down, and gestures for you to follow and lay on his chest- which you’re all-too-happy to do, snuggling into him like a hot water bottle. His beard tickles your nose but that just make you smile into his neck, nuzzling into him more and giving him a little kiss. “Stay still okay? Gonna take a nap. Don’t fucken wake me.”
“Okay Otis… love you… “
Jim Bickerman:
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His beard scratched at the skin of your cheek, though you could also feel that amused smirk on his face even while he pressed kisses to your cheek. His calloused hands traveled down to your currently bare hips and thighs, letting out a chuckle when you tried to subtly roll your hips on his dick, "Ah, c'mon sugar, just a little longer? I think you need this as much as I do anyway~"
Giving a heavy groan, full of exhaustion and frustration, you settle more closely into Jim’s lap with your legs draped around his hips, and wrap your arms around his neck; Hugging him close and burying your head in his shoulder. You nod. “You’re right about that… “
“Relax, honey, I’ll take care a’ you.” Not that its going to be easy at all, he thinks, shifting uncomfortably at the feeling of your sweet little cunt bleeding and throbbin’ round him. He’s gonna try, though. For you. You just looked so damn worn out when you came home, complaining about the people you work with and your cramps, and the smile you gave him was so tired- he just wanted to cheer you up.
You laughed at his jokes when he tried to do it that way, but you were still so exhausted and droopy- so, plan B.
He loved plan B, but goddamn was it torture.
“… knew I kept you around for a reason… “You mumble, grinning into his flannel.
“Yeah, happy to remind you.” That rouses a chuckle out of you, before you take in a sharp, deep breath, and sit up straight again. Jim’s eyebrows furrow, and he’s about to reach out for you again to relax- but you’re just reaching back to unclip your bra and slip it out of the bottom of your shirt. You chuck it off to the corner of the room, flashing him a side eye afterwards.
“… don’t get any ideas.” You joke, your grin already becoming lighter and less frustrated.
Giving a shrug back and a wide-eyed ‘innocent’ look, Jim shakes his head. “Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
You lean forward and rest yourself against him again, curling into him and burying your nose in his shoulder once more; Closing your eyes and giving a pleased sigh when he slips his hands under the back of your shirt.
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You let out a content moan as you leaned back against the vizier's chest. It had been such a long and unforgiving day, and now, you two were relaxing with each other; his cock buried balls deep inside your warm cunt, and you were all too happy to enjoy this perfectly full feeling. The sinful purr Jafar let out was enough to make you clench more around him, but then he spoke, "When I am sultan, my first order will be to set aside more time to enjoy my servant more often~"
“Perhaps we’ll stow away every month for an entire week… “He goes on, smirking hotly against the side of your head. “… I do love it when you bleed… “
“Yeah, fucking really helps with cramps… I feel so much better already… “Turning your head, you give Jafar a little kiss on the corner of his mouth; Twisting his beard around your fingers.
At this, Jafar pauses. “… well, that’s obviously a bonus.”
“Ha.” You say, rolling your eyes and letting go of his beard, resting back against his chest again; His body heat amazing against your lower back. Your eyes slowly fall closed, your head resting back against one of his broad shoulders. It feels so good…
With your knees bent and pointed towards the ceiling, your pussy - stretched around Jafar’s cock, coating it in slick and heavy flow, - is bare and Jafar takes this as an opportunity to reach around and use two fingers to stroke your sensitive lips around his length- just as a ‘bonus’.
Immediately your lips fall open and breathy moans start to slip from you while he grins and watches you writhe. You are beautiful, especially in this state - a mess from such a long, terrible day and all his, -, in your rightful place spread across his regal lap. Keeping him hot and wet, filling his ears with your sweet sounds… completely exposed and practically belonging to him.
… You were born a lowly servant… but it’s obvious you were meant to be his Sultana. And he will get you there.
Greasy Weasel:
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"Mi vida~" His husky voice was laced with lust- more so than usual, he loved it when you were in this state- as he took a break from sucking on your neck to breath in your ear. Not once did he stop rubbing your clit or loosen his grip on the leg he was propping up for you. You could tell with the occasional rocking of his hips that he desperately wanted to start thrusting and chase his own pleasure. But he wouldn't. He knew you needed this right now, "Relax, mi amor~ Just let me take care of you tonight~"
“Greas-yyy… “
“I know, I know… “Tilting his head and focusing in on your pretty little cunt, all pink and spread around him, his thumb skilfully keeping you at just the right place without making you cum. He may not have as much experience with the ladies that he would like, but he does know you and your body… He could play you like a fiddle if he wished to. And usually, he does. “I’ve got you, mi amore… “
But tonight is about you. You’ve had such a long couple of days, Smartass has pushed you too hard in his opinion, especially in your current state~… you just need a little bedroom time with him, though, and you’ll feel so much better. He’s sure.
“I-… I love you… This feels so good… “Your fingers curl into the fabric of his suit jacket, pulling him adorably closer- god, mierda… you really are irresistible in this state~ So needy, and whiny… It’s taking all he has to not ravage you. Screw you, until you’re a shaking mess and the other boys can all hear you shamelessly begging for him~... “Thank… you… “
“Of course, Y/N… “Greasy looks up, then, at your beautiful face, and can’t help leaning in to give you a kiss on the corner of your mouth. You just look so sweet, and pliant… God, he loves you. He has it so bad. Do you even know what you’ve done to him?? “Any time.”
You pull him back, then, to kiss you properly and fuck- mierda- damnit- you kiss him right now just as needily as you sound; Your lips warm and perfect, sucking against his as your tongue licks greedily along his. He allows himself to kiss you back as nastily as he wants to fuck you, swallowing your cute moans and feeling his cock twitch inside you.
Oh no no no! Immediately Greasy rips his mouth away from you, pressing his forehead against yours, breathing heavily and focusing for a moment on just bringing himself back from the brink; Getting a hold of himself. No, no. No cumming yet.
Not until you do.
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
On a spree on asking this- what do you think some of the characters you write for smell like?
What I think Slashers and Borderlands Characters smell like:
Thomas Hewitt: Sweat, Dirt, Blood.
I love Tommy, but this man looks stinky </3 he looks like what I smell like after a long day of hunting, tracking, and killing a deer which is no Bueno. Honestly, he looks like he smells worse. So I rate him 1/10. I do believe he would shower for you though.
Tiffany Valentine: Honey and Sweet Perfume.
Mommy 👁👁- I truly believe that she smells SO GOOD. Like bury my face in her skin good. She just looks like she takes good care of herself when it comes to appearance and she just smells yummy. She does smoke so there may be a faint cigarette smell to her, but I feel like her perfume over powers it, but in the best way. Not in a "I can't be around her because of how stronger her perfume is" way. I give her infinity/10. I want to smell her so bad.
Otis Driftwood: Blood, beer, and weed.
I truly think this man is as smelly as Thomas. He doesn't look like he takes care of himself too well when he is working on his projects. Though his hair did look fairly soft? Not too greasy? So he might shower and clean up fairly well when not working on his art. Homie reeks of weed and beer 24/7 though. I rate him 4/10. He's higher than Tommy because weed is a comfort smell of mine due to family smoking it a lot since I was small 💀👍
Baby Firefly: perfume, liquor, and weed
She takes more showers and uses more deodorant and perfume than Otis, though she still has a faint blood smell to her. She makes sure to clean herself up real well after her projects. Especially since she seems to lure a lot of people in. Can't be smelling like death if you wanna have more friends to torture. She also likes smelling good in general, but does smell like liquor and weed. I rate her 8/10.
Stu Macher: Cheap Cologne and Old Spice
I love Stu, but he buys the cheapest Cologne and Old Spice. I know he has money or whatever, but that doesn't stop this dingbat from acting like a highschool boy. I would eat up that smell though. All the hot guys in my area smell like this. 9/10
Billy Loomis: Leather, Cigarettes, and again... Cheap Cologne.
Homie smells like the bad boy type. Got the leather and cheap Cologne type smell going on. I feel like he steals Stu's Cologne because he likes the smell but is too lazy to go and buy his own lmao. 7/10 because I hate the smell of cigarettes.
Michael Myers: stanky. Death.
I feel like they didn't let him bathe in the institution so he just kind of lives his life smelling like death himself. Please, Mikey, take a shower. I will wash your hair for you. -2/10
RZ Myers: even worse than OG Mikey...
I love you RZ Myers, but Holy Jebus... have you ever seen a bar of soap? No? Fuck. Idk guys, he looks like a mess. Probably why I like him tbh. I would MAKE him shower. Idc if he tries to stab me. The STENCH of this man. How does he sneak up on people? -4/10
Bo Sinclair: Cologne, beer, and oil
Ugh he is such a comfort smell LMAO I associate him with the mechanic smell and my dad's and ex mechanic so Bo would be straight up nostalgic if I smelt him. I feel like he does take good care of himself. He seems like a tidy guy. Gotta smell good if you wanna keep tourists in town. 9/10 only because of the beer smell. I hate beer.
Vincent Sinclair: Cologne, burnt wax, maybe slight death lmao
He smells okay. It truly depends how his week is going. If he's lost in his art or not feeling the best mentally he may not shower as much as he should be. He does like keeping clean and smelling good, but damn. That's hard sometimes, y'know? He tried his best, but he doesn't smell horrible. 8/10, but he's a king so that's fine.
Lester Sinclair: Old Spice, but also B/O and Death.
I love Lester SO MUCH but FUCK he smells bad on his work days. I hc that he showers every night, but during the day that he's working he reeks. Not only is it hot as balls so he's sweating buckets, but he's also picking up dead roadkill so the stench just attaches to him. As a farm kid, if you're wet. From sweat, the hose, or even just from freshly taking a shower. That's when smells seem to leech onto you the most. I HATED taking care of hogs for that reason. 5/10 on his stinky days and 9/10 on his good days.
Brahms Heelshire: mold
I literally cannot explain it. He looked musty in the movie. I mean he lives in the wall... IN THE WALL. He has to have this musty old man smell that would have me scrubbing the house ceiling to floor and then dunking him in the tub. -10/10 because I am deathly allergic to mold.
Mordecai: Rakk Ale, bird, and gun powder.
I love him, but he doesn't take care of himself well. (I could help him though...) he drinks all the time and his only friend is his bird so he's gotta be stinky. Like a bar and a zoo in one. Plus as a sniper he smells like metal and gun powder. 2/10 for Mordie Mom.
Scooter: Oil, Gasoline, anything related to Mechanics.
He is a Mechanic, in every game he is in he has a streak of oil on his face or SOMEHWERE on his person. He just looks like he'd smell like the mechanic shop. I love the little guy but he needs a bath. I would happily help him with one, too. 4/10.
Krieg: Death.
Literally nothing else. He is stinky and that's that. He knows it too. Part of him hates it, and the other half doesn't care because he's a psycho and all. I would help him with a shower if he asked. Or with just personal care, I feel so bad for the guy. 2/10
Rhys: Expensive Cologne and metal.
Idk, he just looks like these two things. I wanna stick my face in his neck and smell him though LMAO I love him so much(only without his weird mustache thing) but ugh I would again, just feed off of the Cologne smell this guy let off. 10/10
Brick: Sweat, Dirt, and guns
He is a stinky big man, but that's what makes him him. He is a bounty hunter and then pretty much a psycho leader thing after all. How is he supposed to regularly shower? He would if he was asked to by Tina or say you, but he doesn't do it a lot. Only because he's always on the move and it's so hard to. 4/10.
Moxxi: Alcohol, but also the sweetest Perfume
MOMMY- I mean... She smells very good. She has the bar stench that kind of lingers on her, but in the best way, y'know? It mixes with her perfume and she smells like Pandoras most intoxicating cocktail. Like you.could get drunk off of just her smells. I can see why Mordie and Jack aren't entirely over her tbh.
Zer0: leather and outdoors
This guy is so mysterious and I love them for it. I think they smell like leather due to their suit and also outdoorsy. Not in a stinky way, but like. He just smells like outside. Like he blends in with his surroundings, because he does.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 years
Caught in the middle (2/3)
Info: During Casey and Voight's falling out Voight goes for the one person Casey cares about the most, his 16 year old sister y/n.
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It had been a week since the incident between Voight trying to talk to Y/n. Casey had been overprotective since then, dropping her to school and having someone collect her every day. The crew at firehouse 51 always made sure someone was with her to prevent anything bad happening to her.
Casey sighed as he pulled up to the school, turning to y/n as she took her seat belt off.
"Alright, I'll pick you up straight after school. I'll still be on call so no hanging around." Casey pointed at her causing y/n to sigh and roll her eyes. "Can't I just walk to firehouse, it's not that far to walk." She asked causing Casey to shake his head in disagreement. "I don't want you on your own after Voight. Don't want to take any chances." "Come on Case, I'll be careful." She persisted. "Y/n no alright, I'll pick you up here after school, no later okay. Now please don't fight with me on this." Casey stated, giving y/n a warning look. "Uggh fine." Y/n groaned, grabbing her bag from the back. "Alright I love you." Casey stated with a smile as y/n kissed his cheek. "Yeah love you too." Y/n muttered as she jumped out of the truck and closed the door.
Casey watched as his sister walked up the steps to the school before leaving when she was out of sight.
Casey sat at the table in the firehouse canteen, eating lunch while talking to Hermann.
"So how's all with y/n?" Hermann asked, gaining the rest of firehouses attention. "She's good you know. Getting a little annoyed on having someone collect her and being here all the time. She wanted to walk home but I can't chance it with what's going on." "Yeah, I get that. She want's her independence but you've got to protect her as well." Hermann explained. "Exactly. I don't like not letting her do her own thing but God I don't know what I would do without her in my life." Casey shook his head, looking down slightly. "Your a good brother Casey." Hermann stated, pointing at him. "Thanks Hermann, I appreciate it." Casey slapped his hand on Hermann's shoulder gently.
The crew looked up as the alarm went off, alerting them of a fire.
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, school fire, Chicago high." The voice announced.
"Isn't that y/n's school?" Kelly stated as they stood up. "Yeah." Casey sighed in concern as he rushed to the fire truck, everyone else following suit.
Casey's leg bounced impatiently as Cruz turned on the sirens, rushing to get to the school. Mouch and Hermann glanced at each other in concern as they watched their lieutenant worry over his sister. They rushed out of the truck as they came to the scene, Squad 3 and ambulance pulling up behind them as Chief Boden rushed passed them in his car.
"Alright, guys masks on. Cruz, Otis and Mouch take lower end, Mills and Hermann, your with me." Casey stated as he took his helmet off to put the mask on. "Got it lieutenant." Hermann nodded before they headed into the fire, Squad following them in.
Boden scanned the area before seeing the crowds of students to the far side. He turned to his side as a woman in a suit rushed towards him.
"I'm the principal of the school, We think the fires started in the lab." She announced, watching as the firemen brought out students from the building. "What would be the cause?" Boden asked. "I dunno, it's a science lab so got only knows." She stated as Hermann walked towards him. "Everyone from the bottom two floors have been brought out, Casey and Kelly are checking the top floor." Hermann stated to Boden.
"There's still someone in there." The principal stated, coming back over to the chief firefighter. "What's their name?" Boden asked. "I dunno, a girl..............." The principal stuttered. "Y/n Casey." A student called out, causing Hermann and Boden to side eye each other in concern. "That smokes not looking too good." Mouch stated, pointing at the smoke that was slowly turning black.
"Casey, Kelly, update on location." Boden called out in his radio, turning to face the fire. "Nearly finished on top floor, doesn't seem to be anyone here so should be out shortly." Kelly's voice came through to them. "Is y/n out there?" Casey asked, his voice full of concern causing Hermann to raise his eye brows warily at Boden who looked at him before sighing. "She's the only student not here." Boden replied, unsure of how his two firemen would react.
Kelly looked at Casey as he threw his head up in frustration when their chief stated that his sister wasn't out. The squads lieutenant sighed and went to answer back into the radio.
"We're going to scan the building again, maybe we missed her." Kelly stated, glancing at Casey as he headed into a room, calling for his sister. "Kelly that smokes not looking too great." Boden warned them. "I'm not leaving without her." Casey stated to Kelly, heading into a new room. "Yeah Chief we got it." Kelly replied, sighing before following Casey.
Boden sighed and looked at rest of firehouse 51. Shay and Dawson only glanced his way before aiding another student who had minor burns. Mouch and Hermann rolled their heads to the side as they looked at each other before looking back at the school, monitoring the smoke.
"Y/n!!" Casey called out, kicking a door down as he entered the last room on the top floor. "Casey, she mustn't be here, we should check down below." Kelly called out, appearing at the doorway. "You check middle, I'll check bottom." Casey shouted back before they headed down. They turned around as debree fell onto the stairs. "We need to work fast, there's no telling how long we have left." Kelly called out. "We need to find her." Casey stated before rushing down towards the bottom floor.
"Casey Kelly, we need you out of there now." Boden called out, not liking having to say it. "Chief we haven't found her." Kelly stated in disagreement. "I'm sorry Kelly but that place is about to blow so you need to leave now." Boden stated with urgency.
Kelly sighed but headed towards the stairs, scanning the rooms briefly in hopes of seeing the young Casey. Reaching the bottom of the stairs he seen Casey rushing towards the back of the hall of the bottom floor.
"Casey, we've got to go." Kelly stated, rushing towards him and grabbing his arm. "I need to find her Kelly." Casey said with urgency, not looking at him as he kicked a chair out of the way. "This place is about to go up so we have to go." Kelly stated with urgency. "Y/n's in here somewhere." Casey replied. "I'm sorry Casey." Kelly stated, eyes watering as he started pushing Casey out of the burning building as it started collapsing behind them.
The two lieutenants got out of the door before throwing themselves onto the ground as the fire blew up. Hermann and Capp rushed towards them and helped them up as Otis, Cruz and Mills began letting the fire out. Casey pushed them away as he turned towards Kelly as tears built in his eyes.
"The hell Severide." He shouted, pushing Kelly back as the squad leader allowed him to. "Casey!!" Boden warned as he came towards them, Hermann and Mouch holding Casey back from Severide. "You seen there Casey, the place would of collapsed on us if we were in there any longer." Kelly shouted at him, his own tears building as the whole of firehouse 51 watched on with sadness.
Casey glanced at his firehouse co-workers, each looking at him with sadness and worry at the possibility that the light of firehouse 51 being gone.
"Maybe she got out without anyone knowing, or maybe someone didn't realize it was her they got out." Mills stated, with slight hope.
Casey closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before rushing over to the ambulance as Shay and Dawson wheeled a student into the ambulance.
"Dawson, have you seen y/n?" He asked with hope. "No I'm sorry, is she not here?" Dawson asked with worry. "Damn it." Casey muttered, turning to watch people hurry around the fire scene.
He turned his attention to a car pulling up to the scene, glaring at it when he seen who it was. Voight looked at him as he got out of the car before turning his attention to Boden as he walked towards the detective.
"Voight." Chief nodded as the crew turned to watch them. "Just here for observation, school fires, wanna make sure it wasn't achieved on purpose." Voight stated, nodding at Casey who glared at him. "Unknown yet, started at lab area so probably a case of unfortunate events." Kelly stated as he moved closer to Casey to make sure he doesn't do anything drastic. "Your sister go here?" Voight asked Casey as he pointed at the burned school, causing Casey to go for him. "Hey easy man." Kelly called out, grabbing Casey as Boden put his hand up in warning. "I think it's time that you left Voight." Boden stated, giving a hard look at the detective who nodded before leaving.
"Any luck seeing her?" Boden asked, turning to Casey once the detective was out of sight. "No, none of the ambulances have seen her." Casey, stated, shaking his head in concern. "We've evaluated the building and there's no sign of anyone in there." Capp stated as he walked towards Kelly, Casey and Boden. "That's fortunate." Mouch stated, relief evident in his voice. "Yeah but we still don't know where she is." Hermann stated causing the rest to nod in agreement. "Come with me to the hospital, make sure she wasn't brought there without you knowing." Boden stated to Casey before turning to the rest, "The rest of you head back to the department, we'll let you know if she's there." He ordered the before heading to his car, Casey following as Kelly hit his back in reassurance.
Casey rubs his head in concern as Boden rushes through traffic, sirens blaring. He turns into the hospital parking area and Casey jumps out before the car stops, heading towards the nurses desk in the emergency area as he ignored the receptionist. He slammed his hands onto the desk, scaring Maggie as she looked up from paperwork.
"Casey......." Maggie started. "Was my sister brought here." He asked desperately, interrupting the head nurse. "Casey I don't....." "Y/n Casey, was she brought in here from the school fire." Casey asked, looking at Maggie with desperation to find his sister. Maggie looked at Casey before turning to the computer closest to her, checking for y/n's name on the system. There's no y/n Casey here, are you sure she was brought in." Maggie asked but Casey ignored her as he moved back, hands on his head as he rubbed his face before rushing out.
"She's not there." Casey stated to Boden as he got back into the chiefs car. "Maybe she made her way back to the firehouse, don't lose hope yet Casey." Boden stated before rushing back towards the firehouse.
"Hi, this is y/n, sorry I can't answer right now, call back later." Y/ns cheery voice called through the phone, causing tears to build in Casey's eyes for fear of losing his baby sister.
Casey paced the floor of his office as he tried calling his sister once again. It had been two hours since they left the scene of the school fire and Casey was beyond worried. No one had heard anything from her and everyone was starting to fear for the young girls life. She hadn't been found in the building after the fire was extinguished which means that she could be anywhere on her own.
Sighing in frustration, Casey threw his phone onto the desk as he sits down on his chair, face in his hands. He takes a deep breath as he tries to calm himself down as he hears footsteps coming towards him. Looking up he seen Dawson knocking on the door.
"Hey, any luck?" She asked. "No, haven't heard anything." Casey stated with a sigh, rubbing a hand down his face. "Antonios here with news on the fire." She stated, looking at Casey as he stood up. "Great." He replied, making his way to the canteen where the rest of firehouse 51 had gathered.
"Alright, what have we got?" Boden asked, glancing at Casey as he and Kelly moved to his side. "The fire was started on purpose. According to the principal it had started in the lab area so it was probably done t try distract the attention as an experiment gone wrong." Antonio stated. "Do you know who could of caused it?" Kelly asked, his arms crossed. "Could be student, teacher, someone who possibly got into the school to start it. We're currently working on finding who done it but no one say anything out of the ordinary." Antonio shrugged. "Right well if you need any assistance with this case let us know." Boden stated, crossing his arms as he stepped back. "Course." Antonio nodded before moving away from the group of firefighters. "I'll see you out." Gabby smiled at his brother before walking off with him.
"Hey Casey, any word on your sister?" Hermann asked, worry laced on his face as he looked at his lieutenant. "No nothing yet but still trying." Casey replied with a sigh as everyone looked at him. "God, it's been two hours." Cruz muttered to Otis as the two looked at each other. "I hope she's ok." Otis replied with a nod at Cruz. "Maybe we could check with Antonio, he might of heard of something talking to the school." Kelly stated, looking at Boden and Kelly. "Good idea." Boden pointed at Kelly before turning as Casey walked off to where the Dawson siblings left.
"Antonio." Casey called out, running to catch up with the detective and his sister. "Casey." Antonio nodded at him, leaving the conversation he was having with Gabby. "Hey have you heard of anything about a missing girl." Casey asked, pointing slightly at the detective. "Why?" Antonio asked in confusion. "Casey's sister y/n hasn't been in contact with him since the fire and she goes to that school." Dawson explained to her brother causing the detective to nod. "There hasn't been anything on any missing person from the fire, no said anything. Are you sure no one has heard from her? Maybe she left early or something." Antonio explained the possible scenarios. "No, my sister isn't like that. She likes school so wouldn't just up and leave. She hasn't been in contact with anyone and I'm worried as there wasn't anyone found after the assessment of the building." Casey shook his head. "Have you got a picture of her, I can look into it and see if any kid we questioned about the incident matches her." "Yeah, there's one in my office." Casey nodded, signaling for the detective to follow him. "Here." He stated, grabbing a picture of y/n smiling with a milkshake beside her from his pin board, handing it to Antonio. "Great, I'll let you know what I find." Antonio stated before leaving. "Thanks Antonio." Dawson smiled, leaning against the door as his brother left.
Casey sighed and moved to his chair, sitting on it as he sighed deeply. Gabby sighed as the firefighter ran his hands over his face in frustration. She moved closer and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Antonio will find something out." Dawson assured Casey, rubbing his back gently as he bounced his leg with worry. "I just want her back here, safe." Casey stated, causing Dawson to sigh. "Yah, I think we all do." Dawson stated with a look of worry for the young girl.
Kelly looked up from the squad table as footsteps were heard rushing into the firehouse. Seeing Hailey, he got up and came towards her.
"Kelly where's ...." "Casey's in his office." Kelly stated, interrupting the out of breath doctor.
Hailey nodded and rushed towards her fiancés office. Casey looked up as he heard the footsteps and stands up when he sees who it is.
"I'll leave you two alone." Dawson stated before leaving, smiling softly at Hailey before closing the door.
"Maggie told me you were looking for y/n, is she here, is she safe, is she ok?" Hailey asked as she hugged Casey. "Haven't heard from her, I've been trying to contact her but it keeps going to voicemail. Antonio is looking for her now." Casey explained, tears filling his eyes for the first time since the incident. "Hey Matt, look at me, she'll be okay." Hailey tries to reassure her fiancé, cupping his face in her hands. "I just, I can't bare the fact that I don't know where she is, she's my baby sister Hails, I've raised her since she was one, I can't, I need to know she's okay, I need to know where she is." Casey cries, sitting on his bed with tears flowing down his cheeks. "Matt, listen to me, she will be found, it'll be okay, she'll soon be back here with you okay." Hailey tried to comfort him as he rubbed his arm gently. "I just want her back Hail's, I can't bare the fact that she could be anywhere, maybe unconscious...." "Don't think like that" Hailey interrupted him, putting a hand on his cheek to force him to look at her. She kissed him gently before before hugging him again as he cries. "I need her back Hails." He cried, clinging to her. "I know, I know." She stated, running her hand through his hair, trying to calm him down.
Y/n groaned in pain as she leaned against a wall in an alley. Burns and cuts were littered all over her from the fire and her head was pounding. The guy who had been around her since she woke up gripped her arms and forced her to stand up.
"What's wrong sweetheart, scared I'll hurt you." He jeered in her face. "I think that's enough, no need to hurt her." A voice called out. Y/n glanced to the side to see a figure coming close to the man who had been around her as he walked away. " Here." The same man that spoke before stated, handing him something.
The guy who had been at her glanced towards y/n before nodding at the new man before walking away. Y/n sat up weakly, rubbing her head before looking up when she heard someone coming towards her. She moved back, her back hitting the wall as the man crouched in front of her.
"Oh don't worry y/n, I'm not going to hurt you. I think you've suffered enough now." The man spoke causing y/n to look up at him, recognizing him as Voight. "What?" Y/n asked in confusion. "Just tell your brother something for me, if he withdraws the claim against my son then all of this will go away." Voight stated, bringing his hands up to y/ns shoulders. "Why are you doing this?" Y/n asked, gasping in pain. "I really didn't want to bring you into this but my sons a good boy and your brother might ruin his chances of having a good life." He stated causing y/ to nod before scrunching her face in pain. "Let's get you back to the firehouse, I'm sure there worried about you." Voight stated before offering y/n his hand as he stood up.
Firehouse 51 sat around the canteen, not speaking as they worried over the youngest Casey. Casey sighed as he tried calling his sister again, all but throwing his phone down when it went through to voicemail once again. Hailey had gone back to work with promises of contacting her fiancé if y/n turned up at the hospital. He leaned his head against the wall as Kelly sat across from him.
"Still nothing?" He asked, looking at his friend. "No, I'm worried man, she always answers my calls, or at least texts if she can't answer, no matter what she's doing." Casey stated, leaning on the table via his arms. "God I hope she's ok." Kelly stated, concerned for his youngest friend who he thought of as a sister.
"Casey!!! We need you." Gabby shouted from the parking lot as Mills runs into the cafeteria where most of the crew had looked up at the sound. "It's y/n." He stated, pointing behind him as Casey rushed towards the parking lot, the crew not too far behind.
"Y/n." Casey shouted in relief when he seen his sister, Dawson close by her. He ran towards where Gabby kneeled beside his sister, y/n lying on the ground tiredly. "She has burns and cuts all over her but they don't seem severe." Gabby stated, glancing at Casey as he stopped beside her, placing a hand on his sister cheek as he watched her with concern. "Bring her here." Shay shouted from the ambulance as he opened the back doors.
Casey brought one arm under his sisters back, the other going under her knees before lifting her up bridal style, heading towards the ambulance with Gabby following close behind.
"Casey." Y/n called weakly. "Hey, I'm here, your okay, your safe." He reassured her, kissing her head gently as they reached the ambulance.
Casey placed y/n onto the stretcher before watching from the doors as Shay and Dawson examined her. Kelly moved closer to Casey, placing a hand on his shoulder as they watched the paramedics place an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. The rest of firehouse 51 gathered around the ambulance, watching on with concern for the young girl.
"Her burns don't look severe, cut's aren't too deep, y/n sweetheart are you hurt anywhere." Shay asked as she listened to y/ns breathing. "No, just tired. Where's Casey?" Y/n asked, rapidly looking for her brother. "He's just at the doors sweetie, don't move too much alright. I'm just going to patch you up." Gaby assured the young girl, pointing to Casey as Shay jumped down from the ambulance. "I don't think she's done any internal damage, her burns and cuts aren't too bad so they will clear up, she'll be fine after some rest but if she does show anything out of the ordinary we can bring her to med." Shay explained to Casey as Dawson treated y/ns cuts and burns.
Casey nods and moved onto the ambulance after Dawson got down. Bent down slightly, he moved towards y/n who reached up to her brother when she seen him. Smiling, he removed the mask from his sisters face before lifting her up into his arms. Kelly patted y/ns head as he helped Casey down before they left to his office.
"Come on little one, you can rest in my office." Casey smiled, kissing y/ns head as she clung to his neck. "I'm sorry for worrying you." Y/n stated tiredly, snuggling into her brothers chest as he opened the door with his foot. "Hey, don't worry about that, I'm just glad your okay. I was afraid something had happened to you." Casey reassured her as he lay y/n on his bed before crouching down near her head as she turned to face him "You okay?" He asked, petting her hair gently. "Yeah, you?" She asked with a smile. "I am now that your here." He stated, leaning down to kiss her temple "What happened?" He asked in concern. "I was in english class when the fire alarm went off, we made our way to the fire exit but I got trapped so I made my way to a empty classroom, closed the door and looked for water to make a face cover as you had told me to do countless of times. I think I breathed in smoke or something as I must of passed out because next thing I know I was in an alley with a guy pushing me against a wall." She stated causing Casey to look at her with worry as he grabbed her arm and rubbed it gently "Voight came after, gave him something, told him he needed me not harmed and then he came over to me" Y/n stopped as Casey's face hardened. "He didn't do anything to you, did he" Casey asked with wariness in his voice. "No he just told me to tell you that if you wanted it to stop, you just had to withdraw the claim" Y/n explained tiredly "I'm tired'" She stated, yawning gently at the end, "you get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up unless called out. I just have to talk to Boden about something" Casey stated, kissing y/ns head before getting up from his crouched position. "I love you Casey." Y/n muttered as she closed her eyes. "I love you too." Casey smiled, relieved to have her back close to him.
Casey walked into the canteen to see majority of the crew sitting around, chatting away. The air was more at ease now that y/n was back safe. Kelly looked towards Casey and nodded as he nodded for him to follow, before moving to Hermann and Mouch, asking them to follow them to Bodens office.
"Casey, how is y/n?" Boden asked, seeing him walk in along with Kelly, Hermann and Mouch. "Yeah she's resting in my office." Casey nodded, closing the door behind Mouch. "Did she anything of what happened?" Kelly asked, watching as Casey stiffened. "Yeah, it's not good." Casey stated, sitting on the chair in front of Bodens desk, Mouch taking the other one. "Well, what happened?" Hermann asked. She said she got trapped during the fire so went into a room and done water on a piece of cloth but must of inhaled smoke or something as net thing she knew she was in an alley wit ha guy pushing her against a wall." Casey stated causing the men to inhale a sharp breath. "Did he?" Mouch asked, unable to finish his question. "She said no one hurt her but Voight did come up them, gave the man money and then brought her here. Said if I wanted this to stop then I had to withdraw the claim against his son." "So Voight organized this?" Boden asked fro clarification. "From what y/n said yes." Casey nodded, holding back his anger. "Jesus why would Voight do that to a young girl like y/n" Hermann stated in shock, leaning on the back of Casey's chair. "Revenge." Kelly stated bluntly, glaring in front of him. "Casey it's your choice here, we can have y/n here at all times till this blows over" Boden stated. "I'm not withdrawing that claim" Casey stated with determination. "Then y/n stays here till somethings sorted. Have Antonio come here and tell him what happened, Voight's gone for the wrong person this time." Boden stated causing the rest to nod "Thanks chief" Casey nodded in appreciation for the guys. "She's family, and no one in out family gets hurt" Mouch stated as the rest nodded in agreement before the alarm went off for them to get to work.
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munmunx5 · 3 years
Thoughts on Sex Ed S3
It’s been over a week since Season 3 of Sex Education and here are some of my thoughts since it’s not considered as “spoilery” now.
I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as I did on the show than when I was watching Episode 3x08. They hit the feels in all the right directions. I am not the biggest fan of Adam but bravo on the writers for making him so vulnerable this season that I couldn’t help but emphasize with him.
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I’m all for seeing the Adam/Rahim dynamic developing more next season. Adam’s surprising Rahim time and time again this season, proving him wrong in his preconceived prejudices towards him. So much potential there. I also knew Adam/Eric weren’t going to work (sorry!). They were/are on different wavelengths. Let’s not forget that Adam bullied Eric for years... it’s just not a healthy set-up for a end-game relationship. I’ll talk more about that later.
The theme of this season? ACCEPTANCE.
- Hope’s lack of acceptance into her situation and narrow-mindedness worldview made her into an unhappy and ruthless Headmaster
- Moordale Secondary finally embracing and accepting their sexuality
- Eric finally completely accepting who he is and what he wants.
- Maureen and Aimee accepting that it is okay to be alone and that is what they need right now.
S3 was also about seeing these teenagers grow up and learn to accept the harsh realities of life.
I think people forget that these characters are only 17 years old (Maeve literally said it multiple times this season, the writers’ reminder to the viewers perhaps?!). I get so peeved when I see people saying anti-Otis, anti-Maeve sentiments. Teenagers make mistakes, they do stupid things, they regret doing these said stupid things, they break up with each other, they mend, and they fall IN LOVE (constantly). If you’ve been a teenager, you know... the angst is real. What makes this show so fun to watch is that we get to follow the lives of very flawed teenagers portrayed in a realistic and emotional way, without being overtly bashing, stereotypical or corny (like most teen dramas).
A big majority of the fandom are talking about Ruby/Otis being so amazing and end-game. That’s bullocks. It was clearly set up to be a one-time thing. It was a growing up moment for the both of them. Otis is finally embracing his own sexuality. Ruby is now finally learning how to love someone else besides her parents and herself. She was a complete arsehole and bully to everyone in Season 1 (even to her own friends). You can’t give her a free pass for all her misgivings just because she looks good with Otis or because she takes care of her sick father (btw, wouldn’t we all?). She was ashamed of her home life. She was ashamed of Otis. She was trying to control everything about Otis when they were together, to the point where he couldn’t chew his food in front of her. TOXIC relationship at it’s best. It’s real sad to me that people are obsessed with them. It just doesn’t make sense. Also, I didn’t see the chemistry. It was just teenage lust, and that was how Asa played it. There was no love on Otis’ part. Why ship a one-sided relationship?
Now, on to the foundation of the show: Otis and Maeve.
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Everything falls back on them. Two words. SEX CLINIC.
They are the main reason Moordale turned into the “sex school” and the basis of the show (Eric clearly acknowledged this.) They have literally brought out the best in each other. Meave made Otis realize that he has a knack for talking to people and helping them (btw, his scene with Hope was beautiful, and I cried when I saw Jean listening on). Maeve brought him out of his shy “wallflower” bubble and into a person that people are drawn towards for advice. (Otis and Maeve both speaking up to everyone during the new SRE lectures and respectively getting kicked out was brilliant to see). Otis constantly encouraged Maeve to be the best that she could be academically and helped her to acknowledge her own brilliance (trophy from S1, anyone?). Yes, they have been selfish and have let jealously get the best of them (house party speech in S2, Maeve telling Ola that Otis is a virgin in S1...) . But that’s only human, isn’t it? Also, like most things in real life, they experienced a-many missed opportunities and bad timing with each other.
And their last scene with each other (fitting that it’s the final scene of S3):
“We have to see where we’re at when I get back.”
“So this is goodbye?”
“No, no... it’s see you soon.”
It’s left open-ended and there is no finality for the viewers. But we all know that they are meant to be. It is not yet the right timing yet for them to be together, but Maeve is emotionally strong enough to accept that, and now so is Otis.
Nothing screams endgame on the show than Otis and Maeve. The show revolves around them. I would’ve liked to see more scenes between Asa and Emma together because they have incredible chemistry but I think the writers wanted to focus on their other relationships more (and also a lot more time were spent with side characters this season). The writers also never forgot about them. We always saw the longing glances, the almost text messages/phone calls, and the conversations they have with other people about each other. Their romantic scenes were thoughtfully crafted. They made Eric (his speechlessness when Otis told him they kissed was PRICELESS) and Aimee their biggest shippers ever, which makes complete sense since they are the two people that know Otis and Maeve the best. 
Judging by Emma’s latest interview about wanting to have a scene with Gillian next season (if it happens), we know there’s a chance she’s coming back on for Season 4.
One final comment, I absolutely LOVE Miss Sands. 
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