#Finally my lame ass with her new hair dye
chiropterx · 1 year
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Muse vs Mun ♡
Tagged byStolen from;; @ratwhsprs Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this?
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mimssides · 4 years
Life on Crow Avenue: Part 1
Roman and Remus are the new owners of the flower shop Flores Encantadas at Crow Avenue. Their business starts of well enough and as time goes they start to get to know the different shop runners on the street. There is the pastel punk tattoo artist Patton, the reserved but sharp bookshop owner Logan and the uncle and nephew duo Janus and Virgil, which run a pet store/rescue.
And as they get closer, they reveal their wounds and scars, bruises and blisters. See those of the others and learn togehter how to heal.
And maybe also how to crash a wedding or how to go viral on diverse social media platforms.
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“You can handle yourself?” Roman asked as he was about to go out through the backdoor of their shop.
Remus huffed for the millionth time and stared at him. They had gone over this last night at length and Remus really did not want to repeat this discussion again. Also, if Roman was not to go soon, he would be late and he did not want his brother to be late for his first theatre group meeting in years.
And so, Remus told him while pulling his beanie further over his forehead: “We both know I can, so just get your ass out of here and go play pretend with your new, silly, potential friends.”
“It’s not play prete-”
“It’s ten to four pm, Príncipe. Go.”
Immediately Roman checked the time on his phone and sprinted cursing through the door with a last: “Bye Rem! Set nothing on fire and take care!”
Remus rolled his eyes and turned back to the arrangement he had been working on before. It was a birthday present for an elderly lady from one of her oldest friends. She asked for tickseed – coreopsis – to be in the arrangement and let him have fun with the rest.
Her request had refreshed him. Normally, people didn’t care for the little flower, growing in the wild and maybe even looked at as weed, but Remus liked them quite a bit.
“Always cheerful”
He imagined the woman he was making the arrangement for. She was turning 67, he had been told. She probably was little, chubby, had bright brown eyes with a glint of curiosity and life in it. A laugher, which resembled the honking of a goose and was authentic and refreshing. She had a little trouble standing up but her voice carried strongly and her hands pointed with intent.
Quietly, with a hum on his lips Remus worked on the little basket and eventually put a blue ribbon and with a few wooden buttons around the basket. The elder lady would come by at half past four to get it and Remus had it ready now.
He looked around in their store. It had been a slow day and right now nobody was inside. Remus scratched his left under arm and clicked his tongue. A good time to put some of the last boxes away, he thought and occupied himself with the task.
They had moved into this shop at the beginning of May and had the opening at the 25th, so a lot of things weren’t really at the place where they were supposed to be. Roman and he had been alone to set up the displays, the register and decorations and while the important stuff all was standing, everything they needed was functioning and at their disposal, some things still needed to be put aside and optimized.
Remus’s eyes hushed over the display box at the west front and immediately felt the urge to pull them aside and rearrange them anew. He inhaled. He didn’t do that but instead picked up one of the empty boxes from under the display in the middle and brought them back into the storage room. As he walked back out, he took the water hose and walked around the room, checking and watering the hanging plants in the corners.
The fairy lights flashed two times and the bell rang. Quick Remus turned to see who had come inside.
“¡Bienvenido! How can I help you?” he asked, while walking towards the entrance and wiping his hands at his apron.
And then he saw them. The shelf with the orchids had blocked his view before but now he could see the curious person, who had come in. They were about his height, broader shoulders, a little gut, bushy, cyan-dyed hair which reached their chin and wore a black Demin waistcoat, with pastel unicorn and rainbow patches on it. Beneath they wore a t-shirt in pastel blue and pink hue, black ripped jeans, and combat boots with neon pink shoelaces. Their arms were covered in tattoos; the one which stuck out most to Remus was the motive of the silhouette of a winged figure falling as feathers came off their wings.
But in the end, they could have worn casual jeans, a blue polo shirt and a grey cardigan draped over their shoulder and Remus would have been enraptured just the same by those gold brown eyes, behind the round glasses, and this big warm smile.
“Hello!” they said cheery and Remus tried to get his grip back and keep his mouth from falling wide open. “I’m Patton. From the tattoo studio next door?”
Remus blinked. Tattoo studio? There was something in his head about this. He knew. He knew, he knew.
“The – the one above the bookstore?” Remus remembered vaguely and watched Patton’s eyes light up.
“Exactly! This one. Ink Hug!” he chuckled and got closer to offer Remus his hand.
Patton’s chin was scrubby. Judging the hair colour, he probably had dark hair if he wouldn’t dye it.
Remus took his hand and shook it firmly.
“A strong handshake,” Patton commented and Remus felt himself relax at once, “I like that in a man.”
They let go and Patton turned to look around in the room. His eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder and Remus started to rock a little on the spot.
“I just wanted to come and introduce myself, since I couldn’t make it to your official opening. You know, welcome you in the neighbourhood,” Patton explained further, apparently unbothered to keep the conversation going on his own.
“That’s kind of you,” Remus commented lamely.
The smile on Patton’s face somehow grew wider as he heard Remus speak and a short chuckle escaped Remus’s lips. He grabbed the collar of his white shirt and fanned himself with some fresh air before he stated, finally recognizing his own voice again: “The bookstore boy and the guy from the pet store have come by at the opening. Logan and – I forgot. It’s something with J?”
“Double right! It’s Janus Jones! Two J’s” Patton grinned and rocked on the tips of his shoes. “Also, I think Logan would not like to be called bookstore boy. He is a grown-up man after all.”
“With a stick up his butt and rage in his eyes. Not many men I’ve met can stare like that at homophobic ladies in their fifties and actually shut them up with just that. So, I’ll keep your warning in mind Patty,” Remus answered and winked.
Apparently, his bluntness had made Patton stumble and he almost expected him to bid him Good Bye and leave, as the fairy lights flashed again and the bell rang. Remus turned and saw Mrs. Torrez. Hastily, he gave Patton a nod and turned to her.
Politely he greeted her and the woman happily chatted with Remus for a few minutes in Spanish. The moment she had entered the store yesterday and was welcomed with a ¡Bienvenido! she had been absolutely smitten by the twins and she had been quick to tell them how nice it was to use her native language once in a while.
Remus didn’t mind her rambling and enthusiasm. It meant she was happy with the service and next to the products they sold that was their strongest suit. Carefully, he led her towards the counter as she talked and showed her the arrangement, unbeknown to him that their neighbour was watching him funnily.
Remus asked Mrs. Torrez if everything was to her liking and the woman almost looked like she wanted to jump up and down on the spot. she told him happily that it was perfect and her friend would love it.
“Glad to hear it. Would you like to have a little instruction card of how to take care of it? It’s not complicated, but it never hurts to have a little reminder of how much watering and sunlight some plants need,” Remus offered her in Spanish.
“That would be wonderful, my boy. You offer such a great service, I’ll make sure to tell it my friends!” she answered enthusiastically and Remus took forth the little card he had prepared.
He had had Roman write it, since his handwriting was a lot neater than his own if he didn’t want to go all out and do full blown calligraphy. Swiftly, Remus handed her the card and then Mrs. Torres payed. Closing the register, Remus asked her if she needed help to carry it outside, to which she agreed and he took the arrangement and carried it outside to her car.
Remus closed the door to the passenger seat and waved Mrs. Torrez a last Good Bye before he walked back inside and found himself again in the presence of Patton the tattoo artist. He was now straight up gaping at him with an impressed smile on his lips and Remus found himself scratching the back of his neck.
“You’ll fit in perfectly,” Patton said quietly.
Remus did not want to ask and just shrugged, hoping that was an appropriate response and was glad that Patton continued in a louder voice: “Lo and me always go to the Jazz place close by every Friday evening. Janus plays then and I wanted to ask you if you and your co-worker would want to come an join us? So, we could get to know the two of you a little better and you’d see what kind of people are working next to you.”
Remus felt his expression jump from a frown, to surprise and then to a short moment of contemplation before it settled on a little uncertainty and answered: “You sure? He didn’t seem to like me that much and I don’t want to ruin your night out.”
“What are you talking about! Lo is always a little cold with strangers, he just needs some time to warm up to you! And I would really like it if you’d come,” Patton replied suddenly fumbling with his hands as he added the last part.
Remus let out a resigned breath, which immediately lost its edge as he grinned and told the man in front of him: “If you say so, Patton Candy. Wouldn’t want to disappoint a sugar cube like you.”
Remus was pretty sure that he saw Patton’s fair complexion flush as he winked accompanying sugar cube comment, and felt immediately a little proud of himself.
“Great!” Patton suddenly blurted and headed towards the door. “Then we’ll meet tonight at half past eight at James’s Jazz Palace in the corner? That good with you?”
“Sure, Poppy,” Remus said with a wide grin.
Patton halted in the door frame and grinned just as wide.
“I’m happy you agreed! Until tonight … ?”
Remus startled.
“Remus! Remus Segura Reyes.”
Patton giggled and pushed some of his vibrant cyan hair out of his face.
“Then until tonight, Remus Segura Reyes,” he said and was gone.
Remus was left there standing for a minute and then shook his head to start and clean the place up. He picked up a few more boxes and brought them in the back, finished watering the plants which needed it and eventually started sweeping the place.
“Gotta sweep this fucking place, ‘till it’s spotless,” he hummed with a little melody as he tried to reach a spot under the middle display.
He kept sweeping for some time and as time passed as at once the fairy lights turned on. He looked up and realized that it was time to close the shop and went outside to change the sign and close the front door. As he turned the key in the lock, he suddenly actually realized that he was humming and froze.
His face fell and his hand clenched around the keys in his hand. He didn’t deserve that. This was not supposed to happen. Not now. Not here.
But there he found himself denying those sentences as Patton’s hopeful look lurked into the back of his mind and told him to ignore those feelings for a little longer and just go and have fun tonight. To grant himself a break.
Remus shook his head and finished cleaning up for the night. He had to go through his wardrobe and put together the perfect outfit for tonight. And while he was at it, he could maybe also choose something for Roman, as he did not want his brother to embarrass him in front of this quirky tattoo artist with the cyan dyed hair.
@aprincehasgotoslay, @varthandi, @sickeningly-deceitful, @sammy-is-obsessed / @exhaustedfander, @unoriginalgayboyalex, @alexisrealgay, @softie-sushi
I tagged you guys additionaly since you liked my post for the AU^^ if you want me to keep you tagged on this work tell me, otherwise I will leave you alone^^
@bullet-tothefeels, @frawkeye, @a-totally-creative-username @just-a-neoclassical-painting, @callme-vee, @athenastark, @shadeofadye, @snowflakesincalifornia, @justarandomfander, @wolfs-feder, @magic-but-its-green, @fancycomedypositivitypeanut, @liv-is-a-fander @everythingisstardust, @espepspes, @sourchocolatebars @ladysuperheros, @marshmeleesblog, @queenoficeyuki, @out-of-order-exe, @saidhippo, @fukindork, @arodynamic-enby, @shadypersonstudentskeleton, @unbornbread, @our-bloody-mari666
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch4: Drooling in Majolish
Find previous chapters HERE! Sorry for posting this one late. Hectic week! This chapter had was a way to show off how the triplets get along and for the OM! characters to learn about them. Things happening in between ***** are meant to show that it is happening at the same time as the rest of the story. People blankly watching as idiots do their thing.
Warnings: None. Just swearing this chapter. Lemony goodness will happen, just gotta build those relationships yo! n_<
After 2 more classes, Lena and Leviathan met with the twins on their way to lunch. Of course they had to make haste in order to keep up after Beelzebub. He was excited for whatever was on special, or so he said. Satan clarified that he was excited for anything he could eat.
“Even the atrocious slop Solomon ‘cooks up’?” Lena asked. Immediately the three brothers at her side laughed. So it wasn’t just with the Devildom ingredients. ‘To be fair, Sol’s always had servants prepare his meals. Being this independent is a first for him…”
Just as they entered the cafeteria, Lena was able to spot the rest of the people she'd met in the Devildom, along with her brothers, and Solomon.
“Well, speak of the Devil…-contracting imp!” she chuckled. She returned a wave to him and approached the giant table they were congregating around. Before she could get a word out, Azri intercepted his sister.
“Le, who did you hair?” there was a serious look on the towering nephilim's face. There was over a foot and a half height distance between the two of them. “Oh, Asmo did it! He did a great job. And he braided it the night before so I had no tangles…”
Azri gave a sigh of relief and continued to examine her. The rest of the table and a few passers-by observed the siblings. “Dude, will you stop!? People are staring and you are embarrassing me…” Lena said with gritted teeth.
“Oh ignore them Le, I am just looking at this uniform of yours. It does suit you well...though this material is, well, a choice. And the color of the shirt...I don’t get what we’re going for. A Totalitarian....Spring? I just can’t! At least this shade of green brings out our eye color.”
“And I’m about to bring out your eyes with my fork if you don’t sit the fuck down and eat lunch!” The female nephilim took her seat between Lilly and Asmodeus, who wrapped his arm around her as a welcome. They and everyone else were taken aback by her threatening words except for Zak and Solomon who were chuckling as they began to eat.
Zak finally spoke, “Don’t take Lena so seriously guys. She’d have done that without warning if she was really pissed.”
“Yes, you should have seen her back in ancient Rome…”
“Don’t talk about Rome Sol!” Lena warned. “Seriously, you guys live to embarrass me don’t you? No! Don’t even answer.”
Azriel took a seat across the table from Asmodeus. Zak was to his left, and Mammon to his right. He had most of his classes with Lilly, Mammon, Asmo, and Satan. There were also the angels who were now joining the table.
“Asmo, you did a wonderful job managing Lena’s hair. It can be quite unruly for the untrained...and for her. Can you continue the upkeep since we aren’t staying together?” he really was the worrisome mother hen of the triplets.
The Avatar of Lust gave a sly smile and nodded, “Of course! It’s nice to finally have someone with long hair to play with. And she is quite the patient customer at salon de Asmo.”
“Don’t talk as if I’m not here…” Lena reminded them, “Though I am really grateful to you for helping me. Nephilim hair grows back within 10 minutes of cutting it. And all dye is temporary. We have cursed locks I swear!”
The rest of lunch was full of banter. Mammon and Satan got into it again over the book that was stolen and pawned. Asmo, Azri, and Lilly discussed fashion. Lena chimed-in every now and then, but had moved to see what Leviathan was playing. She ate half of her food and gave the rest over to the bottomless pit that was Beel. Lastly. Zak was talking to Simeon, Luke, Solomon, and Satan. He was a huge history buff and wanted to know things about both the Celestial Realm and the Devildom.
Before they all split up again for the day, a meeting place and invite for everyone was made. Lena decided to show pictures of her attic room to Azri so he might faint, just to spite him for that earlier embarrassment. Zak was interested in learning about the cool hang-outs and to get in on some Devildom poker and street racing. Of course Mammon had all of the information he wanted for that. Lilly made the demon agree not to go without her, their chaperone after the shopping ended.
When their last classes ended, Mammon flew down the hall to meet Asmo, Lena, and Leviathan. Lilly was left in the dust, trying to catch up to him.
“We need to hurry guys!” He exclaimed.
His brothers didn’t budge. “You’re trying to hurry off to collect your check from Hell’s kitchen so you can spend it before Satan takes it. LAME!” Leviathan called him out, hitting the nail on the head with his older brother.
“Dude, that’s really cold. To your own brother!” Lena shook her head, feigning deep disappointment.
“Ah, I dun wanna hear that from someone who threatened her sibling’s eye removal at the lunch table…” he narrowed his bright eyes at the short nephilim.
“I’d say touche, but he did provoke me…” was her only response. She wasn’t sure if they should go on ahead, or meet outside of RAD like they’d agreed.
Lilly frogged Mammon’s arm when she caught up to the small group. “Thanks for taking off on me you ass!” He barely felt anything from the tiny human, but was annoyed nonetheless. “Hey!”
“Let’s just go towards the meeting location,” Asmo said with a slightly annoyed tone, “If you wanna take off, then go. Just don’t involve us. If Satan asks, then I’m going to tell him what you’re scheming.”
Leviathan nodded, “Yeah, it’d be the wrong route choice siding with you over Satan.” They didn’t want the Avatar of Wrath on their case.
Mammon sighed and then decided to bolt anyways.
The small group went ahead to the meeting spot. Everyone was there, save for Lucifer, from the House of Lamentation. Satan had anticipated that Mammon would try an escape. Azri, Zak, and the rest of Purgatory Hall arrived shortly, and they all left together.
When they arrived at Majolish, a couple employees instantly greeted them and rushed to Asmodeus. They were all blushes and giggles while Asmo proceeded to charm them over and talk about his recent collaborations.
Lena and Lilly both ran over to the shoes. “A girl after my own heart!” The human shouted. They were both major shoe collectors. And, what was even better, the two learned they had the same size. “We can swap!” Lena insisted.
“You know what, I’m not gonna say ‘no’. Normally I wouldn’t want to risk it for the biscuit when it comes to borrowing expensive things...but shoooooeeeessssss!” Lilly squinted.
Azriel stood in the center of the store, with an index finger drawn to his face to indicate how deep in thought he was. He was observing all the textiles the store carried. He noted the locations of all accessories, the jewelry, the perfume. He looked intense, like a predator about to strike.
Then he instantly rushed to Lena’s side and told her to grab 4 specific pairs of shoes. Great, she was about to be dragged around. Mammon had been sulking in the entry way, watching everyone else happily shop. Seeing two of the nephilim start racking-up items made his eyes widen slightly. “Look at em go…”
He was half talking to a sleepy Belphegor that didn’t feel like browsing, and Leviathan who was waiting to get to the crane game he’d mentioned to Lena. They both looked over to the siblings. Lena was becoming a walking stack of clothes.
“Weird……” Belphegor mumbled.
Lilly joined them, unable to keep up with what was happening. “It’s not weird...it’s cute.” since they didn’t have parents and Lucifer was hypercritical most of the time, it made sense that the brothers wouldn’t understand the way Azri was taking care of his sister, wanting her to look perfect. Which, in Lilly’s opinion, was unnecessary since Lena was stunning already.
“Yes, he is taking care of his little sister the way you and Beel take care of each other.” Simeon joined in their conversation. “Though it seems like he’s a little too involved.”
“LOL. He’s literally smothering her...with clothes!’ Leviathan laughed. “It looks like he's about to lose the game of Tetris he’s made out of her stack of clothes.”
“Did you guys notice it though…?” Lilly asked, “Lena is only a bit taller than me...and yeah I know she’s curvier than me, but look at how easily she’s managing.” They all nodded. So this was a tiny bit of her power on display.
Zak had picked a couple of things out for himself, talking to Beel, Luke, and Solomon. When he caught his siblings in the corner of his eye, he let out a huge sigh, “Excuse me for a moment guys. Looks like I need to intervene.” He left his stuff at a counter with his new friends.
“Hey Azri, you’re going nuts with the clothes…” he called to his brother. It was no use though. Azriel was possessed by all things fashion. He wanted to know how things felt. The durability and the way they folded. What sewing techniques they used!
Taking half of Lena’s stack so they could actually see her face again, Zak cleared his throat loudly. He was trying to stay calm and civilized. It didn’t help that Lena was in a zombie-like state with the dumbest grin he’d ever seen. Was that drool?!
“Well I’m certain that’s a first!” Asmodeus appeared out of nowhere, “Someone is actually drooling in Majolish after my line of clothes!” Of course that boosted his ego even further. “You look so cute Lena Darling!” He quickly went to take her stuff for her.
“NO! She needs to try that on.” Azri came out of his fashion trance to stop Asmo, before continuing on enchanting cotton, latex, leather, velvet is gross, real silk.
Zack quickly put the stack he’d grabbed from his sister onto the counter at the checkout and returned to his deranged siblings. “OI, Azri! You are not wasting everyone’s time by making Lena try all of this stuff on. It’s not like this is our only day to shop!”
“B-But the Mary-janes, the stilettos with the skulls...batty boots! Zak, they have batty boots!” Lena whined. Zak was embarrassed, rolling his eyes as he took his sister’s hand.
He led her over to sit by Mammon. “Guys. Watch her for a moment. Do NOT let her wonder off.” There were a few nods.
Zak went back to Azri and Asmodeus, telling the demon to add the stuff he was holding to the pile at the checkout. It was no exaggeration that Azri and Lena picked one of every single thing out in Majolish. And this was their first store. They hadn’t actually bought any amenities for their rooms. And that was the only goal of their trip. “AZRIEL VAN HELSING!” he shouted.
Azri snapped out of it, “Oh my. What do you need Zak?” he looked as if he had no idea where he was. After looking around for a moment, he sighed, “I went over board-”
“You went overboard.” -_-
“I’m so sorry.” he scratched his head sheepishly, then bowed to the Majolish employees standing around dumbfoundedly by what was happening, and to his new companions who were just enjoying the show. “Let’s hurry and pay for this. Lena needs sheets and curtains and a proper dresser…” He was already starting to chant items to buy at the next store without knowing where it was.
Mammon’s eyes widened so much, Belphegor had to ask what had him so shocked. “D-D-Did you just see...they have a Black Royal card!!!”
“What?! OMFD!” Leviathan responded equally as shocked. Of course Lilly didn’t know what that meant at all.
Simeon chuckled softly and volunteered to explain, “A Black Royal card is the only thing that trumps Mammon’s Goldie..er gold card. It’s so rare that I believe only Lord Diavolo and possibly Lucifer has one. If he does have one, I’d imagine he never uses it on account of being extremely frugal compared to these two.” He referred, of course, to Mammon and Leviathan.
Those two brothers had the biggest track records for blowing lots of cash on nonsense. The third worst was Beelzebub with food costs being outrageous. His saving grace is going to places that offer free meals for completing eating challenges. They were starting to pop up less frequently thanks to the parfait incident when the carnival came to town.
“Oh I see. Yeah, Lena told me that the Van Helsing family was loaded. They are, after all, the princes and princess of Solitva.”
“A p-p-princess?” Leviathan gasped, “She came from another world against her will to live with demon lords...this is just like that manga I told you about!”
“Ya know what, Levi, you’ve actually got a point with this one!” Lilly laughed. Lena had actually made the same remark when she was talking to her about it.
They watch in awe as the triplets paid for all of the clothes, with a promise to return soon. Zak lectured Azri, since he was the one in charge of family finances. “Ya know it’s pretty bad when I become the voice of reason!” His arms were loaded with bags. So were Azri’s, Lena’s, Solomon’s, Simeon’s, Lilly’s, and even Luke’s.
“I don’t know how we’re gonna even make it to the next store…”Lena sighed, feeling tons of regret.
“I’d carry it all back for you sis, but you know Azri will go nuts if I leave…” Zak said with a sigh.
Solomon gave his signature smile at the siblings. The smile that stopped them both in their tracks. Clearly the genius sorcerer had a solution and was waiting for them to ask.
“Okay Sol, spill the beans…” Lena said, taking the bait.
Beel perked up, “Beans? Where?” It bummed the redheaded hungry machine to learn from Lilly that it was just a figure of speech which caused Leviathan and Asmodeus to laugh.
“I have the perfect people for the job so you can continue your shopping trip..” In a flash, Solomon summoned 6 lesser demons he clearly had a contract with. “They will take your stuff to The House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall for you…”
“HEY! Why don’t ya ever do that for any of us!?” Mammon complained. Asmo and Levi agreed since they were also avid shopaholics, ‘Yeah why not lend us some helpers?”
Azri handed his bags over and took the ones Luke and Simeon had and gave them to one of the lesser demons. Nonchalantly, he answered the brothers, “Probably because he doesn’t owe any of you an eternal debt of gratitude…” He flipped his long, flowing hair as he glanced at himself in the windows of Majolish, “And I do mean that.”
Solomon didn’t give a reaction; ever the poker-player. Asmo, on the other hand, had a good idea about that debt. It involved Rome, a certain female nephilim, tigers, and a huge fire. He grinned mischievously at Lena, but received a pair of sky blue eyes glaring back. They told him not to say a word, and he would keep his promise not to.
After the shopping bags were no-longer a burden on anyone, the large group finished the day of spending by getting all of their bedroom furnishings and extra amenities. Azri went into another designer-obsessed mania trip while Lena floated around in her zombie state. Zak chased his lunatic siblings about, but they ended everything on a high note.
“And you were all worried about them!” Lilly said to Belphegor as they all spectated the scene, “I see no difference between them and you guys getting into silly situations…”
Belphegor could see it. And after spending some classes with them, began to lift some of his suspension for the time being. He also wasn’t salty with Lena any longer for getting his Attic hang-out. She described the dorms at Belmont Academy, their supernatural school, that she shared a room with 4 others for years. He couldn’t imagine sharing a room with any of his other brothers besides Beel.
The group agreed that their next stop was going to be Hell’s Kitchen. Satan called ahead so they could reserve a large seating area and to warn them that Beelzebub was on his way. His excitement was so apparent that it spread over to Lena. She was a bit of a foodie herself.
The two of them seemed to rush ahead of the group. Beel was smiling, listing off all the menu items to her, recommending everything basically. Her mouth was watering after the weird-as-well-you-know ingredients she was about to devour.
Mammon was in third, after them, with an angry Satan on his heels. It was obvious that he planned to rush in, collect his check, then slip out during their meal to A. avoid paying for his own meal and B. void paying Satan his whole check for the dick move he pulled by selling his brother’s tome.
Too bad he picked the wrong one to screw over. The intellect; the crafty one; the avatar of WRATH! Was not someone that easily forgot who did him wrong. Not only did he see through his older brother’s schemes, he was going after him to make sure he did get his check and to directly hand it over to him. “MAMMMOOOOOOON!”
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Spider-Man: Life Story #4 Thoughts Part 3: Pathetic Parker
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Aaaaaaand finally....let us discuss you know Peter Parker.
Or the stand in for him in this mess of a mini-series.
Positives should be gotten out of the way first. I like the new Spider-Suit’s look. I’ve liked all the suits’ looks so far.
Okay cool we’re done now with positives.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo...Peter is dating Jessica Drew huh.
Hahahahahahaha....fuck off.
Jessica Drew technically speaking existed in the 1960s but only because Bendis picked a random girl from a Ditko issue and decided he would make her his new original character (who was a rewritten Jessica Drew stand in...) Jessica Jones...which happened in the 2000s.
Remember how I said the Stark thing was remixing stuff from the 2000s and how this probably references the Ultimate Clone Saga?
Well between that stuff, the inclusion of Parker Industries, a obvious reference to Slott’s ‘No One Dies’ buzz word, and now Jessica Jones Zdarsky has entirely collapsed the ONE consistent thing about his writing in this series.
You can read my past posts on this series for more detail, but in a nutshell, this series is utterly convoluted in it’s premise and confused in what it wants to be.
However the ONE utterly consistent thing about it was the fact that it remixes elements from Spidey stories that happened in the decade each issue was covering.
Until now.
Now in fairness Parker Industries was a 2010s thing that debuted in the 1980s. I let that one slide a bit because I guess the idea was if Peter age 30 had money and time he could have a company by age 37 which would be in the 80s. Okay I guess.
But with all that other stuff...this issue isn’t remixing 90s stuff it’s remixing 90s and post-90s stuff so what the fuck is the conceit of the story again?
It’s anything Zdarsky wants whilst mostly remixing stuff from every decade per issue oh and Spider-Man ages in real time I guess and mentions various wars.
I (and others) have talked about how this series is fanficion. A time honoured tradition of fanfiction is the wacky indulgent ships that occur.
In professional works though these are best avoided, see MockingSpider.
That’s what Jessica Jones and Spider-Man being a couple is. Yeah she had a crush on him in high school.
Now tell me anything else that’d serve as a basis for their relationship instead of her being with Luke?
How the fuck did this even happen? At least with Peter and MJ you have canon as a roadmap. In this series...nothing. Peter and Jessica just hooked up somehow in the last 11 years!
What’s so insultingly asinine about this ship is that it emphasis another person who is conspicuous via her absence.
So...where the fuck is Felicia!
I know that the important life events of Spider-Man can be debated up to a point.
That point doesn’t cover though whether Black Cat is relevant of a mention or not across his ‘life story’.
No shit of course she is!
But she wasn’t mentioned in the 1970s when she debuted. She wasn’t mentioned in the 1980s when she became a regular. She wasn’t mentioned in the 1990s.
Surely in a world where Spider-Man’s marriage to MJ falls apart and he’s dating a private eye that should be fucking Black Cat not a character who wasn’t even invented until 10 years later! I mean c’mon Black Cat BECAME a private eye in the 1990s!
And wouldn’t that have been way more dramatic too?
In the 1980s instead of Peter being allegedly addicted to a costume or neglecting his family to clean up radiation or asking his wife to kill him if he turned into a brain munching alien the root of their break up involved his affection for Felicia?
I mean c’mon the symbiote was framed as a response to a mid-life crisis, a sexy platinum blonde who actually wants to hook up with Spidey not Peter isn’t prime real estate for a story about a superhero’s mid life crisis? Even the Incredibles did that!
And wouldn’t that have been more worthy of drama in this issue than literally 2 panels of Jessica Jones establishing they’re shagging but also he’s neglectful and she dumped him. I mean at that point you might as well have just had her be a private eye he hired and dropped the romance completely it served no purpose at all.
One aspect of the story that I will praise Zdarsky for even if I think he got it right by accident is that without his family Peter couldn’t keep on going as Spider-Man.
MJ, May, etc, they keep him together, he needs people, he’d fall apart without them.
Running out of gas as he did in this story could be seen as a reflection of that depending on future issues. Or it could just be he’s old and tired and don’t you know all superheroes would feel that way at age 48.
Too bad that seems rather at odds with issue #3 where he was a neglectful jerk.
Another problem inherited from issue #3 was the issue of Peter’s diminished prowess in his old age.
Remember how he wanted the symbiote to stay ‘relevant’ because he was slowing down.
Okay so it’s been 11 years later, he’s held onto Parker Industries and...he’s just accepted he’s gotten slower and weaker.
Remember how issue #3 implied he had a nano-weld suit.
Okay so he’s had 11 years to improve on that tech and...he hasn’t.
In fact his current outfit looks less high tech even.
Now brace yourselves because I’m about to do something nuts and call upon Dan Slott continuity as reference material.
In Slott’s run Peter with HORIZON labs and Parker Industries tech was able to whip up a variety of costumes for himself. These included nanotech.
In fact his MAIN suit in ASM volume 4 was nanotech armour that came complete with all sorts of gadgets.
Are you telling me that a Peter Parker with even greater years of scientific knowledge and experience, with even more time and resources, across 11+ years NEVER made technology like that?
He NEVER invented tech that could offset his diminished powers?
IRON MAN had strength enhancing armour in the 1960s and that technology got illegally distributed to countless people, hence we got Armor Wars. Even that aside there is countless inferior technology that could increase strength, speed, agility, etc, let alone protect from knock out gas.
But Peter in LF is such a jackass he...never employed this. He never considered this. He just let himself grow weaker and more vulnerable?
Either he’s stupid or he’s a sellout on Ben and May’s morals of responsibility because he had a death wish hence he never upgraded.
I mean Jesus Christ the Hobgoblin found a way to make the Goblin serum SAFE. Peter couldn’t investigate that avenue as a way to spike his power levels? Friggin Norman Osborn was in his 40s when he got the formula and it made him almost on par with Spider-Man.
It gets even stupider when you consider Peter hands over his mantle to Ben Reilly.
Ben is physically the same goddam age as Peter. In fact considering he clearly doesn’t crime fight as much as Peter does or else ‘Red Mask’ would be more famous, Peter if anything would be in better shape. So Peter is giving the mantle of Spidey to a less experienced, weaker 48 year old man who’s ALSO got diminished strength and speed.
But it gets worse.
He doesn’t just hand the mantle of Spidey to Ben. He hands Parker Industries over to him. You’d think this is a case of him passing it on to his relative Ben Reilly right?
He wants Ben to...literally become him.
Peter wants Ben to literally pose as him forevermore and run his company.
This is the most gamebreakingly stupid thing in the entire issue.
Ben having Peter’s notes doesn’t mean he’ll be able to pose as Peter.
He doesn’t know the in jokes Peter has with people. He has 0 experience of running a big company.
He has less scientific knowledge and experience.
He will be way worse in business negotiations because he hasn’t got the measure of people.
And he’ll be seriously stressed out because unlike Peter who just knows this stuff Ben will have to study for a lifelong performance as Peter Parker every moment of every day.
Not to mention is no one going to notice the sudden disappearance of Ben Reilly?
Didn’t he have friends or colleagues of his own like Lori from the start of the issue?
Peter starts the comic determined to not allow Parker Industries to fall into the hands of the war profiteer Tony Stark but by unloading his entire company onto Ben Reilly he’s placed it in a hugely vulnerable position that makes it MORE likely that it will be absorbed into Stark International.
Oh and of course there the teeny tiny problem of PETER AND BEN NOT LOOKING ALIKE!
Now realistically Peter and Ben Reilly, having lived such different lives, would look similar yet different, like identical twins. Identical twins might look the same at age 1 but they really wouldn’t at age 30 if one of them was a desk jockey and the other was a soldier.
But you know artistic licence and suspension of disbelief can bypass that.
What cannot be bypassed is when Mark Bagley is drawing both characters on the same page in the same panel and you can tell that they clearly look different to one another. Their faces, hair colour and hair styles are not the same.
Did Peter’s notes include the correct shade to dye his hair too?
But the biggest aspect of this which is betrayal pornoigraphy for Peter’s character is between handing over the reigns of Spidey and P.I. to Ben...how...the...Hell...is...that...at.all...responsible?
He claims that he can’t give up his responsibility but he can ‘shift it to where it matters’.
What a crock of shit. That’s some lame ass lawyer talk for giving up and letting someone else do your job for you.
In the 90s Clone Saga Peter’s retirement was justified. He had impending parenthood as a responsibility and he and his wife had nearly broken in recent months. In Spider-Girl he got his leg blown off and had a 2 year old child to care for.
In this? His ex-wife and children are doing just fine without him as far as we know but the city still needs Spidey and P.I. still needs Peter Parker.
So no, retirement under these circumstances is irresponsible and utterly unjustified.
Not to mention wouldn’t BOTH Peter and Ben being heroes be more responsible? Or at least have Ben take over hero work and Peter runs P.I., possibly training Ben up.
There is also this bullshit that because Peter is so loud and public Ben could never live up to his potential.
I’m sorry but what is it with the Spider-Man fandom’s obsession with the idea that success = owning your own business.
As if that is the one and only way Peter or Ben could fulfil their scientific potential. Why not work for Reed?
Why not work with a Think Tank?
Why not start up a company in a different country and establish that Ben is indeed Peter’s relative. He already had his last name in issue #2!
Hell the argument that if they both started up companies and 2 Spider Heroes showed up it’d raise questions doesn’t consider the ideas that:
a)      Ben could WORK for Parker Industries, thereby allowing Peter to be in the lab as he wants or Ben handle the lab work
b)      They could SHARE the Spider-Man identity, which if anything would help maintain their secrecy
 Finally this issue (and the last one) on the recap page and at the end of the story pushes some toxic, dated, bullshit narratives regarding MJ:
a)      That it was grief alone that hooked up Peter and MJ
b)      MJ is Peter’s Plan B
c)       Peter cannot be married/have kids and be Spidey
d)      MJ wouldn’t stay with him if he’s Spider-Man, hence he only regains his family by retiring from Spidey
 I’ve seen an assessment of this story that argues that issue #3 as the halfway point was the low point from which the character will gradually fight back.
In a sense issue #4 goes along with this idea. Peter is at his lowest in issue #3 and his happier by the end of issue #4.
But the narrative structure of this series, wherein each issue is a snap shot of his life in each decade leads me to think that we’re unlikely to have 2 more issues of ending on gradually happier and happier notes.
Rather I think this issue is giving a pretence of happiness before it comes crashing down next issue and then in issue #6 we will get our happy ending or a bittersweet exit.
Regardless writing these long ass posts has actually soured me even more on the issue.
It’s another shit show I’m afraid.
P.S. The solicit read:
“THE REAL-TIME LIFE STORY OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man’s life enters the 1990s! The COLD WAR is no longer cold as PETER PARKER returns to a world gone MAD! But will he let that madness infect HIM and his family?”
Where the fuck was any of that in this story?
Peter didn’t have a family, Peter didn’t return from anything, and the only madness to be found was in Ben and Otto.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
After family day
Evie: just what exactly do you want me to say?
Therapist: that you’re sorry.
Evie: for what?
Therapist: for humiliating princess Audrey and queen Leah
Evie: oh boy. Every word that just came out of your mouth was complete and utter bs. What did Ben’s dad tell you huh? That I opened up a black hole under their feet and sent them to Uruguay? That I pulled a Carrie dumped pigs blood on them? No. Here’s what happened “doc”. They were bitching about Mal. For something her mother did. And when Carlos came to her defence. Leah tried to hit him. Carlos was defending Mal. Jay was defending Carlos. I was defending jay.
Therapist: it says here that you hurled a spell at them with intent to harm
Evie: what I did was say an exceprt of dialogue from the 2012 dark shadows movie and perform a cheap light show.
Therapist: so...?
Evie: NO! No I’m not gonna apologise for given that jackass of a “princess” a taste of her own medicine. No I’m not sorry for defending my family.
Elsa (stalking through the door): and there’s no reason for you to be. Get your bag dear we’re going.
Evie (under her breath): thank you Mal’s mother
Therapist: king Adam said
Elsa: do I look like I give a fuck what that over shaved idiot has to say? Evie doesn’t need this type of therapy. Not when she’s in the right. C’mon dear
(Once outside)
Evie: So it’s true you’re trying to get a snowlem into college?
Elsa: heh heh...yeah. I am
Evie: why
Elsa: because even though I refused to join Adam’s cult. My son still deserves the best education he can get.
Evie: Oh. Hey if you’re Mal’s mother now can you order her to stop trying to hit me whenever she’s mad at me
Elsa: no. That’s not my place. And besides. You are more than capable of fighting back are you not?
Evie: well yes but
Elsa: then when she fights you. You fight back. You all have magic. You all have to learn to use it however you need to
Evie (sarcastically): thanks
Elsa (sincerely): you’re welcome
(In the library. Jay bounds up to Ben and Mal)
Jay: great news. Elsa got Evie out of the your dads lame ass therapy and oh my god.
(Ben’s quietly reading blood of Olympus with his right hand. Because Mal is holding on to his left arm, he head readying in his shoulder sound asleep with his blazer wrapped around her)
Jay (excited whisper): holy shit! How did you do that?
Ben (shrugging): I dunno. She didn’t feel like talking so I didn’t push the subject. I gave her my blazer cause she looked cold. And she’s been asleep ever since.
Jay: how long?
Ben: eighty minutes I think
Jay: you’re a miracle worker. She doesn’t sleep. She’s got insomnia. Not for years. (Beat). Just how comfortable are your arms
Carlos (excitedly walking into the library): less comfortable than yours I should think. Now on to more important things. Doug and I finally finished it.
Jay: finished what
Carlos: well it was more Doug’s idea but I had the skills to make it work
Jay: make what work?
Carlos: magic simulating Exosuits
(Jay looks at him quizzically)
Carlos: apparently my best friends boyfriend is one of those crazy survivalists. And he was worried. That even though we aren’t you-know-what anymore. All that magic in one room. Mal you Jane evie fairy godmother visiting dignitaries. That the you know might respond. And. Boom
Jay: ok. I’m following you. But for Ben’s benefit. Doug thinks that the wand might negatively react to all the magic in the room at Ben’s coronation and try to protect itself and that could lead to Maleficent breaking free of the barrier?
Carlos: yes
Ben: thank you
Jay: your welcome bud
Carlos: So you guys wanna see it holy crud is Mal asleep?
Ben and Jay: yes
Carlos (waggling his finger): you. You good sir are a freaking
Jay: I already a miracle worker.
Carlos: yeah but he’s inadvertently trying to earn my respect
Jay (chuckling): what?
Carlos: you need to watch more movies. You guys wanna go see em?
Jay: sure
Ben: I’ll wait until Mal’s up. I don’t wanna disturb her
Carlos: c’mon jay!
(He excitedly grabs jay’s hand a hauls him out of the library. Halfway to the room the encounter Evie who looks like she just got the greatest news in the world)
Evie: guess what guess what guess what!
Carlos: you finally dealt with Audrey permanently
Evie: if I had I’d be in another country anonymously sending jay a letter telling him to drop off clothes food money and a fake ID at an undisclosed location ready for pick up
Jay: you’ve thought about this situation a lot haven’t you?
Evie: yeah but the “dealt with” changes on a day to day basis. Eight out of ten times it’s Mal
Carlos and Jay: of course
Evie: lately though it’s been Audrey.
Carlos: well she does sorta deserve it for how she treated you.
Evie: and of course sometimes I finish the job I started on h
Carlos (wincing): please don’t say his name
Evie: ... someone else we know. But this isn’t that. Doug asked me on a date.
Jay: haven’t you already
Evie: kissed? Yes. But this is the first official date because of the zit boy that shall not be named
(Jay flexes the fingers on his right hand. Which still faint bruises on them. His eyes dance a sadistic gold. Carlos look vaguely worried)
Evie: I gotta go get ready
(She pecks them both on the forehead and runs off back to her room. Carlos looks at his watch)
Carlos: we’ve wasted enough time. C’mon jay
(Doug’s sitting motionless on jay’s bed not even noticing Dud chewing on his left loafer looking like a lost puppy)
Jay: you ok there buddy?
Doug (barely audible): I’ve not been on a date.
Jay: beg your pard’n
Doug: *clears his throat* I’ve not been in a date. Ever.
Carlos: why? You’re smart you’re funny
Doug: that doesn’t count here. I’m not a prince. I’m second place. And somehow Evie likes me.
Carlos: yes. Yes she does.
Doug: you gotta help me. I don’t even know where to start. Do I bring food. Is she allergic to anything. Do I take her dancing. Oh god I’m gonna make a fool of myself abd she’s gonna dumpnme like cold coffee
Jay (turning to Carlos with Doug still babbling neurotically in the background): hey. Why don’t you go take his highness for a walk while I help Doug.
Carlos (weirded out by Doug’s semi breakdown): oh god yes please
(He picks the pooch up and leaves the room in a hurry)
Jay (turning to Doug): alright Doug (the half dwarf is still babbling) Doug. Douggie. 🎶Doug🎶 Doug. Douglas. DOUG! Oh I really didn’t wanna resort to this
(He walks up to Doug and slaps him around the face)
Doug: th tha thank you. Although Ben usually waits until I peter out of voice before he does anything
Jay: I’m not Ben. Now. Evie is allergic to boot polish and hair dye. Yes that is her and Mal’s natural hair colour. I take it you can dance
Doug: yes.
Jay: are you any good
Doug: very
Jay: and isn’t there a ball at the coronation?
Doug: yes. And Ben’s planning on throwing something more modern after the traditional’s are over and done with
Jay: ok then. Take her dancing. It’s fun romantic. Right up her alley. And it’s good practice for the big night. The girls a control freak.
Doug: ok. Thank you. Again. Uh
Jay: no I’m not setting you up. I like you.
Doug: sorry about. What I did with
Jay: Mal Carlos Evie and I would’ve done the exact same thing.
Doug: what...do I...
Jay: well I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve
Doug: really?
Jay (putting an arm around Doug’s shoulder and guiding him to the walk in wardrobe): oh Douglas Douglas Douglas. I don’t think you’ve quite grasped the fact that youv got a free genie on your side
(This is when friend like me happens)
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chaoticgoodmermaid · 6 years
Lights Out - Part One
Hey guys! Here’s part one of my Venom fanfic! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Hailey is a normal seventeen-year-old, just trying to pass her classes so she can get out of Queens. But, when mysterious killings begin happening around town, things go from normal to anything but.
The day before my life turned into a total shit-show started normal enough. I woke up in the same bed, in the same apartment, on a normal Tuesday. I took a shower, got dressed in my normal t-shirt and jeans, and ate a normal breakfast. It was all perfectly fucking normal.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s back things up a bit. My name is Hailey Elena Rodriguez. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Queens with my mother who’s almost never around. It’s not her fault, though. She has two jobs that keep her pretty busy so I can go to a fancy school. Well, as fancy as a public school can get. I go to Midtown School of Science and Technology. Long ass name, right? It’s not as cool as it sounds. The only good thing about going there is that it’ll look good on a college application.
I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My hair was, thankfully, under control this morning since my mother had just put it in cornrows a couple days ago. I actually liked my hair, unlike most hispanic girls at my school. They all get it chemically straightened and shit. My mother would kill me if I did that. She was a God-loving, proud Puerto Rican woman who expected me to be one too. Which meant loving the head of curls I was given and not ruining them with chemicals and dyes. So, I wore them braided a lot. And with a quick layer of mascara, I was ready for school. Mama had already left for work at the diner down the street. She always worked the early morning shift there, and wouldn’t get back for another hour or so. I had to learn how to get myself up and ready at a young age.
I don’t mind, though. I grabbed my keys off the table and swung my backpack over my shoulder to leave. There was a knock at the door, and I had a feeling I knew who it was.
“Hey! I was starting to think you were dead.” Peter smiled as I opened the door. He had another new backpack over his shoulder. I was starting to wonder what had happened this time.
“Are you stalking me now, Peter?” I rolled my eyes and stepped into the hallway, shutting and locking the door behind me.
“Obviously,” Peter retorted. “No, I texted you last night about our project, but you didn’t answer.”
Shit. Peter and I were assigned physics partners this year, and our midterm was due in a couple weeks. I wouldn’t say Peter Parker and I are friends per say, more like friendly acquaintances. We really only know each other from physics class and because we live in the same building.
“Sorry, I got busy,” I gave my lame-ass excuse, when in reality I’d been watching Netflix and avoiding him.
“Uh huh. Sure,” Peter muttered. “Whatever. We need to work on it tonight. Can you come over, or are you working?”
I wish I was working tonight. I did a few shifts a week at the same diner Mama worked at. And the last thing I wanted to do was work on this stupid project. How could anyone find thermodynamics interesting? Still, I really didn’t want to fail this class.
“Yeah, I can come over.” I sighed a bit and headed down the hall towards the elevator. Peter caught up to me, messing with his hair as I pressed the button. “You do realize that MJ doesn’t see you like that, right?” I glanced over at him, raising an eyebrow.
“What? I don’t like MJ. What are you even talking about?” Peter rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. As if he thinks I don’t notice. He was so bad at hiding things.
“Oh, please. Since when do you care about your hair?” I asked snarkily, stepping into the elevator as it opened and pushing some of my braids over my shoulder.
“I don’t care about it. It was in my face.” Peter followed me in, shrugging unconvincingly. I swear I saw a blush form on his cheeks.
“Oookay, Parker.” I smirked at him. He pressed the button to bring us to the front door of the building. The rest of our walk to school was pretty quiet, as it usually is. I guess we don’t have much in common, so there’s not much to talk about. When we got to school, Ned was waiting for Peter, so I went on my way. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I reached my locker.
Hails. You alive? MJ. Apparently, everyone assumes I’m dead when I don’t answer my phone. I sighed and typed up a response. She was probably already here, she liked getting to school early.
Nope. This is zombie Hailey. I hope you don’t mind your brain getting eaten. She didn’t waste any time texting back.
Hilarious. I grabbed my textbooks out of my locker and shoved them into my backpack. I found MJ in our usual meeting spot, in the library. She was sitting at a table near the M-Z biography section. She was my best and quite possibly my only friend, since we’d gotten close over the summer before junior year. Now we were a couple months into senior year, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.
“Hey, girl.” I nudged her with my bag before sitting down across from her. She looked up from her book and smiled.
“Hey! Ready for another shitty day at Midtown High?” MJ asked sarcastically, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. She always looked so good without even trying. What a goddess.
“You know it,” I replied unenthusiastically. I couldn’t wait to get out of this place. The bell for first period rang and I stood, slinging my bag over my shoulder. “See you in third period. I’m off to fall asleep in physics.”
“Don’t worry, Peter will keep you awake by staring at you.” MJ grinned up at me. Peter? What the hell was she talking about?
“Um, no. I’m pretty sure he only stares at you.” I rolled my eyes. “He likes you.”
“Ew, seriously?” MJ shook her head. Oh, please. As if she didn’t know.
“Bullshit. You know he does. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye!” I waved to her before walking to my class. And lo and behold, there was Peter, waiting at our table. Great. I sighed and sat down next to him, dropping my bag on the floor.
“Long time, no see,” Peter mumbled, not looking up from his notes. Oh, God. Do we have a test today? “Did you even study for the quiz?” Shit.
“What do you think?” I quickly pulled my notes from my bag. Why do I always do this? As I was studying them, our principal walked in. He cleared his throat, causing everyone to look up.
“You can all put your notes away. Due to an... unexpected turn of events, Mrs. Harrison will be out for an indefinite amount of time.” He seemed to be holding back information. “Your quiz is canceled for the day, and since we have no substitute currently, I’ll be sitting in. Consider this a free study hall.” He sat down at Mrs. Harrison’s desk and pulled out his laptop, typing quickly. An email, I assumed. I looked at Peter, who seemed concerned.
“You don’t think this has anything to do with those attacks on the news, do you?” I asked quietly. There had been multiple reports of something attacking people on the streets. They said it looked like the claws of an animal. Nothing that had ever been seen before in New York.
“I don’t know,” Peter answered, his voice low. Not knowing made it so much worse.
The class went by uneventfully, as did the rest of the day. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Mrs. Harrison. She never called out sick or took personal days. When she broke her leg two years ago, she came in on crutches and continued to teach her class. That woman is a badass. So, you can imagine why I was so curious. When the final bell rang, I left English class hurriedly. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe I could get out of working on that project after all. I didn’t look for MJ or Peter when I left school. I didn’t really feel like talking.
The sun went down so much earlier now that it was November. It was already starting to get colder, too, so I wanted to get home as quickly as possible. A few buildings down from mine, I heard a strange noise in the alley. I stopped in my tracks, thinking it was a stray dog or something. Of course, even though I’ve seen as many horror movies as I have, I went into the alley. It was quiet for a few moments before I heard the noise again. It sounded animalistic, and I was starting to regret my decision to investigate. Before I could decide to leave or not, I heard something speak.
“We must find a new host. We are dying.” I was a deep, beastly voice. It almost sounded like there was more than one of them.
“A-Are you okay?” I asked, glued to the spot, even though everything in my body was screaming to run. There was silence, and within a split second, I was pinned to the side of the building. Before me was a huge beast, oily black with what seemed like a hundred sharp teeth. It stared down at me with its white triangular eyes, saliva dripping from its mouth.
“You will do. For now.” It growled and seemingly melted in front of me, revealing a man who fell to the ground immediately. I looked down, frozen in fear. The black sludge that was once this creature inched it’s way over my sneakers and up my legs. I started to panic, my chest heaving as my breaths became more shallow.
“What the f-” I started before the sludge took over me completely. I no longer had control over what I said or did. I felt a deep chuckle radiate through me, though I didn’t know why.
“We can make this work.”
Thanks for reading! Part two will be linked here when it’s done!
@leahnicole1219 @lumberjackofthelumberwoods
Let me know if you would like to be tagged for future chapters!
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assassins-writing · 7 years
Because my actual masterlist is... Well, it’s a mess, and the tags don’t always work. So... Here’s this thing. All the writings in one place! Beware of titles- they were all mostly unnamed, and I had to improvise :’) If the read more isn’t working on mobile, let me know, loves!
NOTE: This is a MASSIVE post. You’ve been warned. <3 I’ll make sure it gets updated every time new things get posted!
Last update: June 10th
Desmond Miles
Desmond being a dad.
Summary: Desmond and his son spend the day together. Introducing: Dadmond.
Summary: Desmond teaches Y/N how to ride a motorbike. Fun?
Back to the Future day!
Summary: Wrote this on, you guessed it- Back to the Future day! Movie marathon with Y/N and Desmond.
Lazy days.
Summary: Desmond and Y/N are watching movies and honestly, someone can’t stay awake.
Summary: Desmond is stressed. Y/N tries to help him in the only way she knows: video games.
A barista and a bartender walk into a bar..?
Summary: Desmond and Y/N finally go out together, after Desmond gathers some courage.
“Let me see.”
Summary: Y/N always keeps half her face covered for personal reasons. Desmond finally talks her into letting him see her full face.
Circle of life.
Summary: Desmond loses his wife, and he’s heartbroken, but he’s still eager to meet his son. 
The Time Travel AU
Summary: Desmond and his twin, Y/N, go back in time to meet their grandfather.
Dadmond headcanons. <3
Circle of life, part 2.
Summary: Desmond spending time with his son and granddaughter.
“I thought you were dead.”
Summary: Desmond isn’t... dead. Y/N refuses to believe it- can ya blame her?
Summary: Altair’s daughter can’t sleep, so he climbs into the crib with her- and regrets it soon after. Modern AU
On getting thrown into the future, and breakups.
Summary: Altair and Ezio are Y/N’s ancestors, and she goes through a breakup. Modern AU 
Speeding ticket
Summary: Cop!Altair pulls Y/N over, somehow ends up with a date.
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
Summary: Altair can’t sleep, and finds himself going to Y/N for some support.
Summary: Altair likes picking on his short girl. ‘Bout it :’)
Fun night out.
Summary: Altair gets drunk. Y/N finds out, real quick, that he’s a total sap when he’s drunk.
“You can sit on my lap, if you want.”
Summary: There’s nowhere to sit at the theater. Altair finds a solution!
Love Story
Summary: Altair’s girls, Phoenix and Raven, ask him once again about how he and their mother met. (Look this is really cute and I’m proud of it???)
“Those are my BABIES.”
Summary: Phoenix and Raven get separated from their father. ALtair then finds out that his girls are little bad asses.
“So what if I have a broken arm, I’m still doing it!”
Summary: Altair breaks his arm. He’s still a little shit, and Y/N might want to break his other arm.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Silver Fox
Summary: Ezio’s finally home! Fluff follows. <3
‘Hold my hand, and jump.’
Summary: Ezio is teaching Y/N how to do the leap of faith. Y/N is scared, but he reassures her.
Ezio and Flavia
Summary: literally just dad!Ezio and his lil’ lady. <3
New hair?
Summary: Y/N dyes her hair and wants to know what Ezio thinks.
‘Wanna dance?’
Summary: Carnivale has rolled around! Ezio finds his dancing partner among the crowd.
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Summary: Exactly what it sounds like. While waiting on Y/N, Ezio... Ezio decides to be a little shit. 
“Kiss me.”
Summary: Just... Kisses.
Summary: Ezio notices Y/N’s self harm scars and he reassures her that he’s there for her, and things can feel better.
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway
Papa Bear!Connah
Summary: Y/N is pregnant, and someone in the city almost makes her fall. Connor gets a little irritated.
Lil’ Charlotte
Summary: Connor finally holds his daughter for the first time after she was born. Straight up FLUFF.
Generic zombie AU.
Summary: Exactly what the title says.
Snowy days.
Summary: Again, just what the title says! Playing in the snow with Connah.
“Please, don’t leave me.”
Summary: Connor’s afraid Y/N will leave. She reassures him that she’s not going anywhere. Little bit of angst, little bit of fluff.
“It could be worse.”
Summary: Connor comes home from a mission hurt. Y/N is there for support.
The one where Y/N cheats.
First words
Summary: Lil’ Charlotte speaks her first words! Connah is stoked!
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”
Summary: N/A. Title contains errythang.
Love Triangle
Summary: Shay x Reader x Connah. College AU!
“It’s not what it looks like…”
Summary: Connor is just... The best dad, ever. He spends the day with Charlotte and cuteness happens.
Telling TOKW!Connah he’s handsome - GIF imagine
Taking care of a sick!Connah
Summary: As a result of playing in the snow, Connor wakes up sick the next morning. Y/N takes care of him.
Being Connor’s first kiss - GIF imagine
Teen!Connor embarrassing himself to impress Y/N - GIF imagine
College days
Summary: Connor meets Y/N while waiting for a class. College AU!
Papa!Connah headcanons <3
“Just breathe.”
Summary: Connor has a nightmare, but Y/N is there, so things get better quick.
“Let’s adopt twenty cats together and treat them like our children.”
Summary: Y/N wants all the cats. Connor agrees on one now, another later. Introducing: Revolver Kenway.
Edward Kenway:
Goin’ fishing
Summary: Edward teaches Y/N how to fish. 
Making a choice.
Summary: Caroline makes Edward choose between her, and Y/N.
“Hello there.”
Summary: Y/N meets Edward in a coffee shop. 
Terrible Twos
Summary: Modern!AU. Edward spends the day with a terror toddler Haytham.
Just... Cuteness.
Summary: Exactly what you’d think from the title!
“Come over here and make me.”
Summary: Edward being a little shit.
“Did you do that just for me? Aw, come here.”
Summary: Y/N made dinner! Edward loves it.
Late nights and video games
Summary: Y/N and Edward are up late. Y/N decides to play video games.
“I’ll always be here.”
Summary: Trigger warning. Y/N is suicidal and she tells Edward.
“I could outdrink you!”
Summary: Y/N says she can outdrink Edward. Lil’ list of headcanons!
Arno Dorian
On parenting fails, and cute moments.
Summary: Arno is left to take care of the baby. He kind of fails, but he’s trying and that’s what makes it so damn cute.
“Come back.”
Summary: Arno worrying before his lovebug goes away on a mission.
Summary: Arno makes Y/N breakfast.
Summary: Y/N’s insecurities rear their ugly head, and she starts feeling bad about herself. Arno is there for lots of love, and support.
Confessing your feelings to Arno - GIF imagine
“Bring her back.”
Summary: Y/N is on a mission. Arno is talking to himself, about her safe return.
“Let’s just stay here all day. Yeah, that sounds good.”
Summary: Arno and Y/N spend a lazy day together.
Evie Frye
Gift shopping
Summary: Y/N is trying to get a gift for Evie that she’ll like. Jacob tags along to verify if his sister would like it or not. Fluff between Evie and Y/N follows.
Dynamic Duo
Summary: Evie and Y/N are fighting together and things... Things go great.
Jacob Frye (or, ‘THIS MOTHERFUCKER’ and ‘Fuckstick Frye’ as I call him)
On sleepy dads, and not sleepy babies
Summary: Jacob is clueless when left alone with the baby. He figures it out, though!
Jacob with his newborn - Mini ramble
Summary: Lame title is lame. Christmas is a week away, and Jacob is being nosy.
“I don’t know if I want to punch him...”
Summary: Y/N shaves off Jacob’s eyebrows because he just... He’s such a pain in the ass. Things end up going great, though!
“You can sit on my lap, if you want.”
Summary: There’s just... Nowhere to sit at the party. Enter stage right, Jacob being cocky.
Knight in shining... Top hat?
Summary: Y/N finds herself in a super sticky situation. Thinking that things are going to end bad, she prepares for it, but doesn't expect Jacob to swoop in to save the day.
Summary: Y/N gets thrown from the carriage, and as the name implies, Jacob is there to help her get better.
Not so sneaky
Summary: Jacob leaves a trail of hay on the train. Luckily for him, Y/N is there to help clean up!
Diamond Dog
Summary: Y/N’s old dog passes away. She’s understandably upset, and Jacob is there for her.
“I need you.”
Summary: Jacob has a minor anxiety attack. Luckily, Y/N is there to help soothe him.
Ah Tabai
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
Summary: Just what the title says! Ah Tabai catches Y/N staring at him again, and the two of them have a chat.
Yusuf Tazim
Days of doing nothing.
Summary: Yusuf is done training with Ezio, and he finally gets to spend the day with Y/N.
“Until the end of time.”
Summary: Y/N is feeling down about herself, and Yusuf reassures her that she’s perfect and he cares so much about her.
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Summary: The air conditioner has quit working. Yusuf found a quick solution.
Pierre Bellec
On a rooftop in Paris
Summary: Just a relaxed night with Pierre.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
Summary: Exactly what the title says! Pierre catches Y/N staring at him... A lot.
Charles Vane
Nights on the beach
Summary: Quiet time with Charles Vane. It’s just him and Y/N. Charles is low-key smooth.
Napoleon Bonaparte
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
Summary: Snow days = snowball fights. Napoleon didn’t expect Y/N to have a damn good aim.
Shaun Hastings
Such an ass.
Summary: Shaun is being an ass and giving Y/N hell for everything.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Summary: Y/N admits some feelings to Shaun, he thinks she’s joking. She’s not joking.
All the assassins (preferences and such!)
The one where long hair is an issue
Summary: Someone clogged the drain and... Y/N is just pissed.
Summary: It’s Y/N’s birthday, and she gets to spend it with her favorite boys!
Handling depression - Preference
Shay Cormac
Quiet words.
Summary: Shay is spending some time with his wee girl. Lots of whispered words and pride from a happy papa.
On nightmares, and those who help
Summary: A nightmare wakes Shay up in the middle of the night. He’s scared, but Y/N is right there to help him.
When you can’t flirt...
Summary: Self explanatory. Shay can’t flirt to save his life.
First steps.
Summary: Shay and lil’ Abigail. Abbey starts walking, and she takes a little tumble.
Sick on the sea.
Summary: Y/N is sick. Shay teases her a little bit, but ends up taking care of her.
Loss and new life.
Summary: Shay loses his wife while she’s giving birth to their child. He’s destroyed, but realizes a new light has entered his life- his daughter.
Loss and new life, part 2.
Summary: Shay and Abbey go to visit Y/N’s grave. 
“I’m right here.”
Summary: Y/N has an anxiety attack. Luckily, Shay knows just what to do to help her.
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
Summary: Shay admits something that he hasn’t wanted to tell Y/N. He’s afraid of the outcome.
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Summary: Y/N faints and Shay just... He’s an ass about it. It’s all in good fun, though!
Being an artist
Summary: Y/N loves drawing on everything. Shay lets her draw on everything. Feelings are admitted.
Misplaced blame.
Summary: Shay had always been a little shit to Y/N. But after Lisbon, he’s beating himself up, and is a changed man. Y/N is there for support, though. Assassin!Shay.
The one where Shay needs some support.
Summary: Shay’s angry after Lisbon- who can blame him? But, Y/N is a sweetheart, and she’s there to help calm him down and keep him from leaving the Brotherhood.
Haytham Kenway
Quiet nights with the Grand Master
Summary: Y/N spends some time with Haytham. Male!Reader
Thomas Hickey
Like a songbird
Summary: Y/N is singing, and Thomas hears her for the first time.
126 notes · View notes
tayegi · 7 years
The Anti-fan Ch. 2
Previous Chapter: Ch 1
Word Count: 4,053
The next day at work, you sit in your cubicle for hours, ignoring all your duties to simply stare at the photo on your screen. The only rational thing to do send this immediately to your editor, then revel in the fame as the reporter who has exposed Korea’s favorite maknae idol.
Seunghoon would love you. You’d instantly get promoted. You would never have to write about tampons or hair dyes again. You would be the youngest fulltime writer the magazine has ever had, in its decades of publication history. This would open so many doors. In a few years, you’d be able to transition from fashion magazines to something more substantial. And maybe… just maybe… if you work hard enough, you could make it on television. It’s been your dream to be a news reporter for as long as you can remember. It’s a long stretch, but maybe this could open doors…
But at what cost?
Time comes to a standstill as you stare unblinkingly at the grainy photograph plastered across your screen.
Then, with hands so shaky that your cursor trembles like a leaf in the wind, you slowly scroll up to delete the image from your computer’s drive forever.
You know that you’ll probably end up regretting this in the future when you’re stuck in this cramped cubicle, running errands for the real writers, and slaving over mindless columns about toenail colors. But at least you didn’t lower yourself to this level. And you’ll always maintain your dignity.
Exactly one week after the fateful encounter with BTS’s Jungkook, you’re trudging into the office, already wearied by your workload before setting one foot into your cubicle. But before you can set down your bag, your co-worker Jihyo suddenly grabs you by the arm to yank you into her office.
“Ah, what’s going on?” you grumble as you swat at her hands.
“___!” She practically bellows your name, “Look at this—it’s you, isn’t it?!”
“What? What the hell are you—” Your voice abruptly breaks off, mid-sentence when your sleep-deprived brain finally processes the image on the phone screen shoved under your nose. “Oh… oh fuck.”
It’s you… and Jungkook. In the dank staircase, both of your faces are shadowed, but there’s no mistaking the distinctive features of the handsome idol’s face. Your heart is fluttering wildly in your chest as you continue to scrutinize the photo. He’s standing a bit too closely to you, his head dipped down until your noses are nearly brushing, but you can see how the company can spin this in an innocent direction. You’ll be fine.
You exhale deeply and rub the tension from your neck, “Ah, you can’t really see anything, sunbae.”
The older woman raises an eyebrow, then flips to a second photo. And then you can’t breathe at all.
Your first thought when viewing the new picture is that Jihyo has accidentally shown you pornography instead. The way the man is pressed intimately against the woman, her breasts squished against his chest and his large hand palming the curve of her ass. It looks like a still from any erotica. There’s no way the company can play this off as anything innocent.
And in this photo, you have your head turned to the side, revealing your face to the camera as clear as day. Your heart freezes to ice in your chest. You are so fucked.
Jihyo watches your reaction with a frown, “How long have you been having an affair with Jeon Jungkook?”
“I’m not,” you quickly say, raising a hand to wipe at the perspiration beading on your forehead, “This is a huge misunderstanding.”
“Uh huh… Sure it is.”
“You’ve got to believe me, sunbae,” you desperately grab her sleeve, “The photographer caught us at the wrong time and place! There is literally nothing between us.”
“Right… And you let any random man grab your ass like that then?”
You rake your hands through your hair in frustration, but it’s clear that you’ll never be able to convince your skeptical co-worker of the truth, “Where did you find these photos?” you ask, changing tactics.
“They’re all over the internet,” she informs you, “I was just reading the news this morning and almost had a heart attack when I saw your face… Luckily, the media outlets don’t seem to have identified you yet.”
“Oh my god,” you groan, pushing past Jihyo to rush down the hall.
“Wait, where are you going?” She calls after you.
“To fix this!”
“When I asked you to dig up scandals, I didn’t mean for you to cause one,” Seunghoon mildly comments as he eyes you from across his desk a few minutes later.
You nervously tap your heels together, “I’m sorry, sir. But it’s a gross misunderstanding. There is seriously nothing going on between Mr. Jeon and I.”
“Yes, I know that,” he says, “Your behavior last week when I assigned you the job was clear indication of what. But it doesn’t matter if the two of you are actually having an affair or not. All that matters is what the public thinks. And judging by the mass hysteria taking over the internet, they are not pleased.”
You bite down on your bottom lip, “I know, sir. I am terribly sorry about this. It won’t happen again.”
“I know it won’t,” he pleasantly agrees.
You look up in surprise, “You do?”
“Yes… Because I’m letting you go, Miss ___.”
“Wait… What?”
Seunghoon winces at the volume of your voice. He takes his time adjusting his wire-framed spectacles before speaking again, “Netizens haven’t identified you in that photo yet—but it is bound to come out soon. And when it does, it would be harmful to have our magazine linked to this scandal. I’m truly sorry, Miss ___. But I have to put the magazine’s reputation first.”
“But… but I didn’t do anything wrong! He was the one who put me in that situation, I swear!”
“I know,” he sighs, “But unfortunately our society has a way of blaming the woman while idealizing their idols.”
“This is so unfair.”
“Yes, it is,” he admits, “But what would you do in my position?”
Your chest deflates at once as you realize the hopelessness of the situation. As a woman, you’re automatically at a disadvantage… No matter how much you can try to defend yourself, you know what the fans will say…
She was asking for it…
What a whore!
Protect Jungkook-oppa from this gold-digger!
You lower your eyes to the ground and stiffly nod your head, “I understand, sir.”
Jihyo and Kihyun are the only ones who care enough to say their good-byes and help you clear out your cubicle. The rest of your colleagues avoid you like the plague—the ones who aren’t making snide comments and singing Dope under their breaths at you, that is… Maybe it’ll won’t be so bad to leave this godforsaken job.
“I can’t believe the editor is being so ridiculous,” Kihyun exclaims as he and Jihyo help you throw empty the content of your desk into a cardboard box, “I was there, I can attest to the fact that you and Mr. Jeon definitely are not having an affair!”
“You should’ve slapped him off you when he tried to get his grubby little fetus hands on you,” Jihyo adds, “… Or you should give him a taste of his own medicine … Grab his ass back and see how he likes it!”
“This is horrible!” Kihyun groans as he buries his face in his hands, “Should I talk to Seunghoon for you? I can be your alibi!”
“It doesn’t matter,” you say in a quiet voice as you collect all your files over the years and shove them into the box, “No one will believe us.”
The two of them fall silent at that, unable to attest the undeniable truth.
“What will you do now, ___?” Jihyo asks after a moment of uncomfortable tension.
You shrug, “Get plastic surgery and start over?”
Neither of them laugh at your lame attempt at a joke, “This is karma,” Kihyun says, resting both hand on your shoulders, “Something terrible and unfair has happened to you, so now something great has to happen.”
You smile faintly at that, “I sure hope you’re right.”
Half an hour later, you find yourself standing on the street curb, cardboard box in hand, as you wait for your taxi. It’s incredible how all your hard work for the past two years can amount to just this mangled assortment of dried up highlighters and half-filled notepads. And now you have no idea how to move forward with your life.
You’ve never felt more pathetic, standing there on the side of the road after getting fired. You had thought this would be less humiliating than taking the bus, your usual form of transportation, but the jeering faces of the drivers who speed by make you feel as insignificant as an ant. Embarrassed, you whip out your phone again to check the status of your taxi. He seems to be lost. Huffing under your breath, you scroll through your contacts to call the taxi company, but your eyes land on something else.
Jeon Jungkook.
You had forgotten that he had slipped his number into your contacts during that disastrous encounter in the stairwell. You frown as you stare at the string of numbers. It’s probably fake. There’s no way the world famous idol would give some random second-rate reporter his personal phone number.
Annoyed, you hit “call,” curious to see what take-out restaurant this line connects to.
To your utmost surprise, a very familiar voice answers, “Hello?”
Your heart stutters to a stop, “Mr. Jeon?”
“Who’s calling?” he asks, suspicion in his tone.
“This is ___,” you say.
“Ah… ___, I’ll assume you’ve seen the news?”
You wet your dry lips before responding, “Yes I have. We really need to talk about this.”
The singer sighs deeply on the other end, “Alright,” he finally agrees, “When are you free tonight?”
It turns out that he has back to back schedules and meetings and can’t sneak out of the dorms until a quarter past midnight. And even then, there’s no good place to meet. Any public location is out of the question, so the two of you end up sitting in his car outside your apartment in the middle of the night as you try to resolve the scandal before it blows up.
“This is the first time I’ve been caught in a situation like that,” Jungkook quietly says after a few minutes of dead silence in the car.
“You and I both, buddy,” you grumble.
“BigHit is going to find out about this soon,” he sighs deeply, “What do we do?”
“Well, I think it’s obvious that you need to come clean about this,” you say, “Tell everyone that you’re having an affair with that other girl, not me.”
His face crumples, “So you weren’t the one who took the photo?”
“Really, Mr. Jeon?” You say with a roll of your eyes, “Did I suddenly teleport ten meters from my body to take the pic? Come on. I didn’t get fired today for this kind of abuse.”
“You got fired?” He asks, and there seems to be genuine concern in his tone.
“Yeah… Apparently sluts like me who fool around with idols tarnish the name of the magazine,” you say, failing miserably to keep the bitterness from your voice.
“At least you can find a new job,” Jungkook says in a quiet voice, “I might be ruined forever…”
You turn to look at him for the first time, and your heart clenches in sympathy at the way he’s gripping the steering wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white. “That won’t happen,” you assure him in a gentle voice, “We’ll work together to prevent that.”
His eyes bore holes into your skull at that, “___… I’ve worked over a decade to get where I am… Did you know I was recruited while still in middle school? I gave up my youth, my childhood, working my ass off to get where I am… And now everything is going to be ruined because I couldn’t keep it in my pants.”
You can’t help but sympathize with him in that moment, “Don’t worry Jungkook,” you say, spontaneously reaching over the console to grab his hand, “We’ll fix this.”
He hesitates for a moment, freezing to stone under your grip. Then he’s turning to face you, locking your hand tightly in both of his before you can react.
And the two of you stay like this, holding hands in the dark car, for a very long time.
You wake up two days later to the sound of your doorbell. It’s perplexing to have a visitor arrive unannounced to your tiny little studio apartment in a hidden crook of the city. Your sleep-fogged mind can’t think of a single person who would show up on your doorstep this early in the morning. You sleepily swing open the door—
And are abruptly bombarded by dozens of flashing cameras and a cacophony of jumbled voices, all shouting variations of your name. For a long second, you freeze, staring blankly back at the rows of unfamiliar faces.
“Miss ___, Miss ___!” They all cry your name, “What is your relationship with Jeon Jungkook?”
“How long have you been seeing him?”
“Why did you keep your affair a secret?”
You cower under this relentless assault, unsure how to react when your brain isn’t properly functioning at this early hour. So you retreat like a little hare caught in the eye of a wolf, snapping back to slam the door shut in their greedy faces. Their voices are muffled at once as you lean heavily against the door, blinking away the flashing lights that linger in your vision. How did they find you? Fuck.
It takes you a few seconds to catch your breath and slow your racing heart. Then you slowly reach down to pull your phone from your pocket with shaky hands.
Seven missed calls. All from Jungkook. Good. He has a lot of explaining to do.
As though he read your mind, your phone rings again at that moment. You angrily hit the talk button, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” You screech at him in lieu of a greeting.
There’s a brief moment of silence on the other end. Then, “Is this Reporter ___?”
You pause. Wait, that’s definitely not Jungkook’s voice… “Who is this?” You ask in confusion.
“This is Bang Sihyuk… I think it’s time that we talk.”
An hour later, you find yourself back at BigHit, this time seated in a sterile conference with a group of stiff older men staring at you from across the oval table. The way they examine you from head to toe… You feel like some kind of insect they’d love to exterminate.
You awkwardly reach for your glass of water before thinking better of it. You wouldn’t put it past this wealthy, powerful corporation to poison you… They would be no scandal, after all, with no scandal maker…
Finally, the heavyset man seated directly across from you at the table sighs and rubs his fingertips into his prominent nose bridge, “You swear you’re not having an affair with Jungkook?”
“N-no sir,” you choke out, intimidated against your will by the famed CEO’s presence, “The interview last week was the first time I’ve ever met him.”
“And you started your affair on that very evening?”
“No, it’s not like that!” You quickly defend yourself, “We don’t have any relationship, whatsoever. I just… uh… Mr. Jeon wanted to tell me something. And it was noisy in the bar, so he had to get close to me. That’s it. The paparazzi just took things out of context!” But your excuse sounds flimsy, even to your own ears.
“It’s true,” the hulking younger man next to the CEO pipes up, “Reporter ___ didn’t even seem to know who Jungkook was when she first met him.”
You recognize him as the manager from the interview and you beam at him in gratitude. “Yes, thank you, Mr. Kim.”
“Then how do you explain this?” The CEO asks, pulling up a picture on his phone.
A strangled gasp tears from your throat as you recognize the shadowed figures in the car, the woman’s fingers interlocked tightly with the man’s. The paparazzi have somehow caught the exact moment Jungkook dropped you off at your apartment, when you spontaneously lurched forward to grab his hand in an impromptu display of sympathy. This is how they found you. This is how you woke up to dozens of cameras and screaming voices this morning.
It was a split second squeeze of his hand—the only real skinship you’ve ever shared with the singer. And yet, it’s all captured on film forever. How is anyone so damn unlucky?
“I-I…” you stammer, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, “I swear, this is also out of context… It wasn’t like that!”
“Then how was it like?”
Flustered by his question, you glance over to Manager Sejin for help, but he simply stares down at his lap, avoiding eye contact. It’s evident that no one can save you now. You lick your dry lips, “I swear on my life that it was the first time I’ve ever held his hand…”
“The two of you were also outside of your apartment building at midnight… Did he stay over that night?”
“No!” you exclaim, before catching yourself, “I can deny this to my dying day… But it seems like nothing I say can or will convince you…”
Bang-PD flashes you a tight-lipped smile, “That’s right. But let’s stop focusing on the past. What matters now is how to deal with this situation… With you,” he says, hands folding together in his lap as he continues to scrutinize your appearance.
The heat rushes to your face under his extended stare. You can’t help but feel threatened by such ominous words, and you have no idea what to say to such a powerful man. As a result, you can’t help but feel as small as an ant under his critical examination. Your shoulders scrunch and your eyes drop as the seconds tick by.
Finally, he sighs and kicks back in his seat, “If it was just the first set of pictures in the bar, we could’ve denied everything. But with the new pictures in front of your house… We’re going to have to hold a press conference.”
A week later, you are bewildered to find yourself in the waiting room of a conference room, half a dozen stylists swarming you from every side. You’re not quite sure why the scandal maker is required to attend the press conference. It would make more sense for BigHit to hide you, or better yet, force you to flee the country until this scandal blows over.
Every morning you wake up to voices screaming your name outside of your apartment, and a mailbox full of disgusting hate mail, so being a fugitive sounds better and better with every passing day. How nice it would be to walk around outside without getting pelted with eggs by furious teenage girls every time you try to leave your apartment!
But you are too fearful of Bang PD’s wrath to dare book your one-way ticket out of here. You’ll do whatever this powerful man wants to appease him, then you’ll run for the hills. It critically wounds your pride to flee like a coward instead of standing up for yourself, but you know it’s no use. Your face is plastered all over the internet and no self-respecting magazine will ever take you again. Your dreams are dead, and it’s time to move on.
Maybe you’ll be a bartender in South America or something. At least the weather would be nice.
“Ready?” Manager Sejin asks as he pokes his head into your dressing room.
You don’t respond for a second, taking the time to meet your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. Not even the layers of makeup can hide how exhausted you look. You’re not impressed by what you see there. And you don’t expect that anyone will be.
“Yes,” you exhale deeply.
It takes everything in your power to keep from cowering under the heat of hundreds of cameras pointing straight at you. You can already imagine the jeers of the fangirls who will see these photos in a few short hours. You can see the way their noses wrinkle in disgust and hear the way they degrade every feature of your lacking appearance. Not that it’d come as any surprise. You’re probably the most hated woman in South Korea at the moment.
It’s some sort of miracle that you’re able to sit there on the panel and face the judgment and scorn of the fame-hungry reporters before you. It’s almost impossible to believe that just a month ago, you were in their very positions. Oh, how the tables have turned. Who would have imagined such a rapid fall from grace?
You wish you could just tune out Jungkook’s voice when Bang PD finishes his speech and hands the microphone over to the singer, but it’s impossible with his magnified voice bouncing off the walls.
“I am so truly sorry for all the pain that I have caused all the fans,” he says, his head drooped and his dark fringe hiding his somber expression, “It was completely irresponsible of me to go behind the fans’ backs and keep them in the dark like this. If I could take my actions back, I would in a heartbeat. I know that this doesn’t make up for what I have done, but I just wanted to give my sincerest apologies to ARMY. I am so sorry and I love you. Thank you for all of your support throughout the last seven years, and I will never do anything behind your backs again.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. With the way Jungkook is apologizing, it’s like he’s killed a man instead of simply holding the hand of a member of the opposite sex. This is fucking ridiculous. But you bite your tongue and force yourself to look regretful.
“So I will come clean to you all today, and hopefully make it up to all of you,” Jungkook continues, “Please forgive me for keeping this a secret to all my beloved fans, but the truth is… Miss ___ and I…
"We’re dating.”
It’s like the whole room is suddenly enveloped in a vacuum seal, how the conference hall is plunged into silence. No one speaks for a long second, surprised speechless by the unexpected confession. You’re probably the most shell-shocked of them all. You can’t move, can’t even fucking breathe as you gape at the singer sitting down the table from you.
Jungkook moistens his lips with the tip of his tongue before continuing, “I know I shouldn’t have kept our relationship secret. So here it is out in the open: Miss ___ and I been in a relationship for six months now. She is my girlfriend.”
With that, the spell breaks and the entire room lurches with activity. Your vision blurs from the sea of cameras suddenly flashing in your face and your ears ring from the volume of the mingled voices, all yelling over each other to try to be heard.
There goes all hopes of fleeing the country to hide out in Brazil. This little fucking liar has just irreversibly ruined your life.
And you actually thought things couldn’t get any worse.
A/N: Thank you for being patient and please don’t ask me for updates! ^^
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anon-luv · 7 years
Blankets [JungkookxReader](Pt 2/5)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Feat. Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung)
Genre: Romance/Angst/Smut BadBoyAU!
Summary: A one night stand turned into various visits. No strings attached, or at least that is what you told yourself every time he walked through the door. His first name was the only thing you knew, besides having memorized every sensitive spot that laid upon his skin.
One night you catch a glimpse of his world. One that you had never had the temptation to roam on your free will. Jungkook though was addicting, and your craving for his touches led you to venture into his life. This new found world offering you a freedom you didn’t know existed. The consequences of your actions instead of taking you a step closer to him, formed a barrier. Jungkook’s sweet touches turned rough with rage, his passionate kisses turned possessive, and his comfortable casual talk went to promises/lies of a forever.
Rating: M [Language, Strong Scenes, Drug usage, Sexual Scenes](Will add a warning prior if that chapter will contain any smut scenes)
Author’s Note: Sorry for the small delay. I am still not super happy with the way this came out. I scrapped half the chapter that I had already finished, and rewrote it since my vision of where this fic was heading changed. This also triggered the fic to grow in complexity now expanding it from a 3 part to a 5 part. Hope ya’ll enjoy.
Also quick confession….. I have never written in 2nd POV till now, so sorry for any mistakes I might commit while writing in this form.
Trigger warning: Drugs, alcohol, and Sexual scenes
Not 100% edited yet. Might have minor mistakes :)
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Word Count: 4,900+
.Part 1.
Better an Oops than a What If - Unknown
You had always heard the saying: ‘People do crazy things for Love’, but you weren’t in love, so why were you doing it? You had not figured out what temporary madness drove you to commit such a radical act. Jungkook had never played an important role in your life, nor he changed your daily routine, other than serving as an extra source of warmth through the night. How can a simple act of possession drive you to such madness. Actually, whenever he was not around to intoxicate your coherent thoughts with lust, you would dream of a faceless man who would make you fall in love chickflick style. The thought of the possibility of Jungkook filling in those shoes would make you laugh. He was a good fuck. He was an amazing source of relief, but when you looked at the boy asleep in your bed it did nothing for you.
Jungkook was handsome, that was something you couldn’t deny. From his soulful eyes to cheeky grin, it was perfection. Even the scar that lay upon his cheek looked like it was carved on purpose into his face to create an even more intricate structure. As much as he was handsome though, he was  far away from perfect. Jungkook had a bad temperament, and you had witnessed it in quite a few occasions, when he came home beat up only to take out his frustrations by pounding you so hard and rapid that it left your center bruised. Those nights he would escape the security of your bed right after without even a goodbye. Other than cooking skills and casual talks, Jungkook never bothered to find out much about you. He like you, seemed to find those specifics irrelevant. Jungkook was immature. He threw tantrums if you didn’t open the door right away, and the few opinions he shared with you over frivolous topics seemed to be based upon illiterate sources. Jungkook was stubborn. He liked things his way or not at all, and that would’ve been okay if you weren’t stubborn as well, which would lead to boundless amounts of arguing and angry sex. Jungkook was just sex. That’s what you have told yourself repeatedly, for the past year when you laid alone upon your bed, inhaling his scent from the unwashed blankets, as if by doing so he would materialize beside you.
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“Are you sure about this??? Your hair I can dye back, but I definitely won’t be able to glue this together” Danielle said holding the scissors in her trembling hands. She knew how erratic your request had been last night when you called her to come over and dye your hair a sinful red. You rolled your eyes at her overthinking nature. You tried reaching for the scissors. You had decided to take advantage of the predicament you had encountered due to your temporary insanity, and really attempt getting out of the endless loop on uniformity in your life. You were a 22 year old senior in college, that had enough hangovers to count in a single hand. You had been called a prude/lame way too many times. You were not doing this only for Jungkook. You liked to think that you were also seeking something to conform your thirst for diversity in life. Danielle had explored every dark corner of her youthful years, and had gladly shared her rowdy experiences with you. Her narratives leaving you with want, but your brain shutting down any ideas to participate in such activities, until the night you bumped into Jungkook. Now you were taking the bull by the horns. You were going to go big or go home as they say.
“If you do not do it already, I will” you warned her.
She nodded defeatedly as she cut your waist long hair to the best of her ability.
The image in the mirror of the small bathroom already becoming unfamiliar, as the virgin hair you had was no more.
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That night you made sure to give Danielle another heart attack as you dragged her along to a tattoo shop. A tattoo was way too far of a stretch from your usual comfort zone, and Danielle was aware of that. What she didn’t know was about your unvoiced fascination with permanent markings upon skin as a way of self expression. Your Google search bar had sufficed to alleviate your curiosity with this practice by showing you the many forms of art that lay upon strangers skin. You were now using this as an advantage to  diverge into this now at day trend that would send your mother into hysterics.
“I want that tattoo, but can you make it bigger?” you asked the tattoo artist named Jackson, who in return eyed you a bit sceptical.
“Are you sure ma'am?? Is it your first tatt? If I was you, I would aim for something smaller” he replied as you sat on the awaiting chair infront of him.
“Yeah plus….why are you getting a turkey??” asked Danielle tilting the tattoo binder to the side, as if it was a complex calculus problem.
“I have a  high pain tolerance. No worries. And Danielle….it is a phoenix, it signifies rebirth” you stated as the guy arranged the various colors of ink infront of you “Now let me get this over with”
The buzzing of the gun going off and on causing you to grip the handle of the black chair tightly. The little voice in your head was no longer encouraging you, but instead kept sabotaging your courage with wavering doubts of your true intentions behind such an out of character act.
The needle getting closer to your skin by the second, causing your stomach to churn with anxiety. You were not known to be a quitter. Your tenacious personality caught in the current dilemma of whether jumping off the chair would be an acceptable move in your behalf due to the ongoing war in your head. One centimeter till it made full contact with your skin, and your vocal cords on their own accord let out a “Stop!”
Jackson halted and rapidly moved the needle away from your skin. A sigh of relief made it’s way out of your parted lips. That had been close.
“You know what, maybe let’s stick to a piercing first. You know, small steps” you said trying to convince the public present that the reasoning behind this choice lay on an ulterior motive other than plain ass nerves.
Jackson smiled at you as he put his gear up “No problem here, let’s just get ya over to Bam over there to sign the paperwork. What kind of piercing are you looking for??”
“Tongue and maybe Nose”  you said visualizing the look you were aiming for minus the tattoo.
A rush of adrenaline surged through your body as you took out your tongue for Jackson to inspect. The long needle in his hands appearing more like a sword from its length. The saliva starting to generate a pool in your mouth.
“You should totally close your eyes dude, that looks….” Danielle started only to be shushed by Jackson.
You shut your eyes tightly following Danielle’s instructions as you felt the cold metal against your tongue.
“Ok (Y/N),  you are going to take a breath for me and not move. I’m going to count to three okay?” he said quietly.
You took a deep breath, and blocked out the noises till you felt a slight pinch, and then like magic it was done. There had been no pain or excessive blood like your imagination had replayed over and over again in your mind.
You smiled triumphantly, maybe this was how everything would play on between you and Jungkook. In all finality, Quick and Painless.
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It was red, sore, and inflamed. The pounding in your nose still fresh, and your tongue still causing a  massive fluid buildup in your mouth. Why had this seemed like such a good idea last night?? You were not quite sure at this point if the way you were heading was the way to go, but you had 2 hours to get ready before Yoongi picked  you up.
The clothes in your closet seemed inappropriate in comparison to the mini skirt that Tabi wore that night. You wanted to make Jungkook suffer for some reason unknown to you. You wanted to flaunt skin he had only been able to witness on those secluded late risque nights. You wanted to show him a side of you that would trigger an abundance of lewd thoughts to flow in his brain.
You have never portrayed yourself as the vindictive type, but as your slowly stepped into your skin tight torn skinnies you realized maybe you were just unaware of this side of you.
The need for some sort of retaliation against the boy, who according to you was a mere accessory in your life, had become a fun game and you wanted to be the MVP.
You had also made sure to rip apart one of the many band shirts he had left behind on your bedroom floor. Now, you were by no means a fashionista, but thanks to youtube and the fact this was not any sort of rocket science, you had upgraded the shirt from overwashed and baggy to something more hip with a vintage look.
The phone rang snapping you out of your trance state as you slipped on the now cropped shirt.
“Hellow”  you said as you swallowed a big gulp of saliva.
“(Y/N), are you brushing your teeth or something?? You sound funny” you heard your mom say from the other side of the line.
You gulped nervously. You had always been an obedient child from what your mom knew. You always had been the star child in her eyes, and she rarely found out about the little rushes of adventure you encountered once in a blue moon.
“Good Mama. Just getting ready for a college event. I just ate ice so my tongue is numb” you replied as you attempted to draw up a semi perfect line of mascara.
“Ok. I’ll let you go then. Just reminding you about the family reunion this month. Bringing a date would be smart, remember what happened last time?? I don’t want your aunts to pester me about your relationship status. They see you as a nun already” she said causing you to chuckle. Your dear mom was so clueless about your sexual activities, and how your commitment problems were the source of your single status, not your inability to obtain a man’s attention.
“Ok mom. Will do” you said hanging up not waiting for a response.
It had been the 11th time you had erased your left eye’s eyeliner. The complexity of capturing the same length and shape of line in both eyes stressing the hell out of you. Grabbing a wipey, you smudged the line you had unsuccessfully drawn once again. A sigh of frustration leaving your lips as the doorbell rang. It was like every force of nature was preventing you from accomplishing your mission of tracing the most enchanting winged eyeliner.
You stomped your way to the door, not even caring to ask who would be standing on the other side.
Much to your luck, Yoongi was standing there with his mouth agape.
You tried wiping your panda looking eye discretely, but you had a feeling you had just made it worse.
“Hey there, you are early” you said as you let him in.
He walked in inspecting your place quietly. Your apartment was not very spacious by any means, but you were proud of the decoration that had taken you months to put together. Your walls were every star wars fan’s dream come true. A lifesize poster of darth vader being your proudest possession.
Yoongi smiled as he took a seat on your couch without any hesitation of making himself right at home “Even more of a reason of my skepticism on the ‘Friendship’ between you and Kookie”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a teasing smile “Well, I am almost ready to be off….. Other than myself, should I bring anything else??”
“No just you and your cute butt will do” he said as he scanned you up and down, clearly taking into liking the (Y/N) 2.0 you had going on “We will provide the rest. By the way, you got something right about here” Yoongi said pointing at his eye “ I know you have this whole I wanna look rough kinda thing, but I don’t think beat up was the look you were aiming towards ”
You shook your head leaving him behind, without another word as you made your way to the bathroom. Yoongi’s mere presence feeding the atmosphere an almost turbulent aura, one which set ablaze a rebellious side of you. One which you were ready to embrace full on.
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You were not sure what you were expecting from the evening, but as you stared up towards a beat down garage full of vintage band posters, you realized you were clearly oblivious to what lay behind those brown orbs you had woken up to for the past year.
“We are here princess. It’s just the gang tonight, so you will have a clear view of what I mean, by not fitting in” he said slamming the door shut,not even showing an inkling of an intention of opening yours like a true gentleman would. Of course, you were not expecting such manners from him. This was not a date. On the contrary it felt like he wanted to warn you on what kind of man you had gotten yourself involved with, not really setting to mind the value or classification of the relationship that had been established between you and Jungkook.
The beat of the bass was of poor quality, as you stepped into their territory. The worn out speakers barely being able to take on the excessive volume to which they were being controlled to play on. Your heart beating slightly faster, as the boy’s eyes landed on you taken aback by your surprise appearance. A shy smile made its way to your face which you quickly tried to replace with a sly smirk trying to enact some sort of confidence.
“Hey boys,  you said following Yoongi’s lead to take a seat on a beat up couch. Jungkook wasn’t present, but JImin, Jin the bartender who you hadn’t met personally yet, and Namjoon were sitting on the floor surrounding something that looked like a giant beaker of some sort.
“Hey aren’t you the chick from the club?? Kook was looking for you left and right, after you left. We let him know you were in good hands” Namjoon said winking towards Yoongi.
You looked at Yoongi who had a slight pink tint to his cheeks “No, Joon I just escorted her to her car, and then took off myself. I had work the next morning. Early night”
Jimin winked at him this time “RIIIGHT!”
I was about to add my two cents to the feud, when another entity made their presence known.
“We got the drinks” the boy you remembered as Hoseok came in followed by Tabi, who once again wore the tiniest of skirts.
Hoseok saw you and his grin widened “Glad to see you again. Like the new look”
You gave him a stiff smile, not really sure on how to answer back as you saw a scowl decorating Tabi’s face already.
Hoseok unaware of the sour look on Tabi tried getting her to acknowledge your presence “Tabi, she is Kook’s friend (Y/N) from the other night, remember??”
She forced out a smile clearly not ecstatic of the turn of events that now included you.
“She’s with me tonight. Wanted her to destress and get to know the guys” Yoongi said clearly noticing the radical mood change which had already left a bitter taste in your mouth.
Tabi’s shoulders relaxed when Yoongi addressed the fact that you had been invited by Yoongi not Jungkook.
“So, you with Yoongi?” Tabi asked.
You nodded, and then a wide grin came upon her face giving her a glow that made your confidence turn down a notch. She truly was beautiful in an exotic sort of way.
She sat down on the floor with the guys “Why aren’t we hitting already??”
“Waiting for Kook and Tae to bring it in. We finished the first batch while you guys were gone” Jin said looking regretfully at the item infront of him.
Everything clicked in as you stared at the crowd. Their eyes were a slight shade of red, and the magic lamp was a bong. Maybe you were more innocent than you had previously thought. Slightly embarrassed, you hadn’t put two and two together you shrank more into your seat. Yoongi noticed your slight discomfort and held your hand encouragingly. You squeezed his back, as you noticed two figures making their way towards the crew. You automatically recognized Jungkook disheveled look, and Tae’s rectangular smile. The barely visible presence of a newly formed bruise lining Jungkook’s right eye, releasing an autopilot need to run for a first aid kit and aid his wounds.
Your hand trembled with the need to go over, and make sure he was not injured anywhere else. Flashes of bruised ribs and swollen wrists from previous nights, when he had shown himself in  your steps seeking comfort, causing an inner turmoil to care for the man.
Tabi stood up right away and mad her way to his side caressing his face caringly, making  you wonder why Jungkook hadn’t run to her instead. Why did he take the path to your place, when she was more than willing to look after him, from what you had witnessed. Jungkook smiled softly at her.
“What happened??” she asked with a slight tone of worry mixed with annoyance in her voice.
“Jb was there, and he made a bet that I couldn’t refuse” Jungkook said smirking.
“You are an idiot” Tabi replied hitting him teasingly on the shoulder.
“Your idiot” Jungkook replied as he slowly lowered his head to meet his lips with hers. Before there could be any contact Yoongi coughed catching Jungkook’s attention and diverting it to your seated figure. Jungkook’s face paled as he looked straight into your eyes.
“Fuck” Jungkook said “Sorry I mean, Hey (Y/N) almost didn’t recognize you there. Nice..umm….hair”
You only nodded in acknowledgement not being able to form a coherent word.
“Hey (Y/N).” Tae said cutting into the awkward conversation “Anyone got a lighter?? Mine is out”
Yoongi took out one from his pocket and tossed it to Tae who was now making his way to the giant circle that was now forming around the table. Jungkook dragged Tabi down with him as his eyes wandered around and landed on you cautiously every once in awhile. You swore you caught a glance with a touch of jealousy as he caught sight of Yoongi’s hand on yours, clearly mistaking the situation.
Yoongi scooted his way to the floor and then caught your gaze questioningly to see what your next step would be. You looked up to take a quick glance at Jungkook’s confused face. Etched curiosity aligned along his subtle scowl. You might’ve not been super emotionally involved with Jungkook, but you had spend enough time together to wordlessly communicate. You knew he was aware of how out of place you felt here, further encouraging you to find a cover up and decide on a potentially drastic choice. You tried to force up a playful smirk and made your way down to sit on Yoongi’s lap shocking him and the rest of the gang. Yoongi adapted to the scenario quite quickly as he let his arm encircle your waist without any sort of interrogation.
“You thirsty??” Hoseok asked, not even waiting for an answer as he passed the strawberry flavored drink to you.
The bong was being passed around the circle as Yoongi explained to you in a whisper how to smoke it, and repeatedly instating the fact that you were by no means being forced to participate in this activity if you were not comfortable with it. Most of your close friends smoked pot, but they had never truly offered you an invitation to engage in the experience, and to be honest it was not something you were willing to go out of your way to try. You knew it wasn’t the healthiest activity, but you were already here, and wanted to get a full taste of Jungkook’s world, if this might be the last time you ever saw him.
When the bong made its way to you, Yoongi helped you hold it, and then he just told you to inhale and hold the hit in for a bit and then let it out.. You followed his instructions and then went into a raging coughing fit, not expecting the feeling of floating to catch up to you this quick.
“Wah Kook, this is some good shit” Yoongi said as he finished his turn after you, not one single cough coming out of his mouth.
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3…… maybe 4 drinks and about 5 hits, your half lidded eyes and now relaxed stance made you feel way more at ease around the gang. Jimin and Taehyung were hilarious, Namjoon’s and Jin’s philosophical talk was tripping you out in such an enjoyable way, Hoseok’s smile was even more contagious than before, if that was even possible, and Jungkook and Tabi were cuddling and smooching every once in awhile. Surprisingly, that didn’t bother you, especially when Yoongi’s hand had made it’s way under your shirt distracting you from the fucked up scenario around you, caressing small shapes in your warm skin with his cold fingers, causing a comforting and sexual atmosphere which caused you to unconsciously rub against him in an unexpected promiscuous way, a slight smirk playing on his pink lips.
“Hey (Y/N), is that a piercing on your tongue??” Jimin asked as he licked his pink plump lips.
You attempted to gather enough saliva in your cotton mouth to gul and be able to answer without sounding like a man.
“Yeah, it is” you said with a slight raspy tone to your voice making you internally cringe.
“I have always wanted to make out with someone who had one” he said as his eyes squared right into your mouth.
In any other occasion, you would’ve blushed and felt absolutely flustered, you were not sure if the culprit was the alcohol or pot, but you found yourself turning to meet Yoongi’s eyes asking for permission. Yoongi’s eyebrows rose surprised, but an encouraging smile highlighted his usually cold features, probably high as a kite. You turned to Jungkook who had stopped his make out session just to witness what you would do next.
“Well, let’s unlock that life achievement of yours” you said leaning forward enough to catch his lips, but not enough to get off Yoongi’s lap. Your lips landed on his slowly, giving him enough time to back away if desired. To your surprise he leaned forward biting your bottom lip ,causing a small moan to come out of your mouth, which gave him the perfect opportunity to slowly graze his tongue with yours. Yoongi’s hold on your waist tightened, as you felt something hard on his lap, that had previously not been present, causing you to intensify the kiss with Jimin, as you moved your hand slowly up  and down Yoongi’s leg. You broke away from Jimin when you heard a barely audible whimper coming out of Yoongi’s parted lips. You turned your face to capture Yoongi’s lips, and give him a taste of the new metal decoration in your tongue as well. To your surprise Jimin didn’t back away, and instead took this chance to slowly kiss your neck causing a throb to pulsate on your core. Every touch amplified by 10 due to your intoxication level. You were being absorbed into a lustful state, that had sent your mind buzzing into hoeland, but at this point you didn’t give two fucks, you wanted two fucks.
“Wahh, I didn’t subscribe to porn tonight guys, not that I mind or anything” Tae said tearing the moment apart to shreds, and causing the 3 of you to separate as quick as lightning.
The atmosphere in the room turning a bit thick as you took your time to gain your composure back. Namjoon chuckled “That was hot as fuck. I would like to participate in the next round”
Tabi threw a napkin at him “Keep it in your pants, Joon”
Jungkook’s demeanor had become outraged which he tried to cover up with a deep chuckle. One you knew came out of his mouth everytime he came over to your apartment beaten up to a pulp.
You stood up from your seat as your bladder decided it was time to unload what it had retained for way too long.
“Um do ya’ll have a potty I can use??” you asked trying to figure out which way your legs were going to have to lead you towards.
“I’ll take you, I need to go grab the Doritos in the kitchen anyway before these fuckers start complaining they got the munchies” Jungkook said standing up.
You nodded robotically. You knew it was not a good idea for Jungkook to be your guide, but your bladder was not allowing you to be picky.
You followed him out of the garage and to the house next to it. The dim entrance was followed by a hallway. You tried to be as quiet as possible, not really sure if there was any other people present in the location, not wanting to disrupt anyone’s sleep.
“Don’t worry, this is Taehyung’s, Jimin’s, and my place. You don’t have to go all ninja up in here” he said chuckling. He pointed at the door at the end of the hall ”That’s the restroom”.
You hurried your steps, and made your way in, hoping you would make it before your bladder exploded.
When you were finished with business, you were not sure if Jungkook had made his way back already, so you gave yourself the opportunity to  wash  your hands slowly, enjoying the sensation of the cold water against your skin. For some odd reason, it was highly amusing to see how the water landed against your skin, and how droplets formed in the parts where the water halted to skim through it again.
You opened the door to the restroom only to be pushed in by a body and lips crashing into yours. You were caught a bit off guard, but you immediately recognized the lips that danced to a familiar pattern against  yours. Jungkook.
It was alot more rougher than usual, and his hands did not hesitate to undo the button of your pants and pull them down.
“You…..are……mine” he said inbetween kisses.
You shook your head “I am not yours, not when you obviously belong to someone else. I’m not your bitch”
“Oh, but you are” he said turning your around against the sink as he lowered your panties “You are my bitch, who gave you permission to play tongue wars with my two best friends while you are wearing my shirt. You’ve been naughty”
You didn’t respond as he entered you, he did  not even check if you were wet enough for him. He slammed into you so hard causing you to let out a loud unexpected moan, only further encouraging him to continue. He swallowed your noises in a deep kiss as he rocked your bodies back and forth. The bathroom growing stuffy by the minute. His hand traveled through the bottom of your shirt grasping onto your breasts as if they were a stress ball.
A voice echoed throughout the house, causing panic within you, but not willing you to stop your actions as you were being fucked out of your wits.
“Kookie??” you both heard Tabi ask on the other side of the door. Jungkook didn’t stop fucking you as he covered your mouth. The doorknob to the restroom started twirling, and in a desperate attempt to prevent the girl from opening it you ripped Jungkook’s hand from your mouth and stuttered “Tabi, I’m….here” you said between gasps “Jungkook went outside I ,,,,,think……I’m having tummy…problems” a small moan coming out at the end of your sentence. You were a bit frightened to be discovered in such a compromising position with Jungkook. His dick slamming into you while his girlfriend called out for him lovingly, wouldn’t make you out to be a good person, but at this point you didn’t care. The effect Jungkook had on  you surpassed all the alcohol and pot you had consumed today. Jungkook was your drug, and as Tabi walked away, not really interested in  you, you didn’t feel guilty, quite the opposite really. You felt an adrenaline rush so high, that it made you delirious with want. Your body exploding into millions of fireworks as you became undone on Jungkook’s dick.  His warm fluid filling you, and claiming you as his own. He slowed his pace as he slipped out, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
“I’ll end it with her, just give me some time, please. Just don’t…..you are mine….and only mine” Jungkook said still panting as sweat traveled down his forehead.
You pecked him lightly not answering back to his pleads.
He was right, and he knew it.
There was no doubt about it. You were his…
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ispyblu · 7 years
Rubies Are Red, Azurite Is Blue
A super long oneshot based on @parfaitperi's super wonderful art of the Voltron lions as humans and @a-little-hot-mess's post that contributed to some details and a couple personality traits I can't explain how grateful I am to them to inspire me to write this oneshot thank you both of you! ----------------------- “Lance! Mijito, c’mon baby, we're going to be late!” Azura said as she tried not to yank on her nephew’s arm too hard. “But tía! I don't want to go see your friends, I want ice cream!” His exaggerated pouty lip and and the crocodile tears threatening to come out were trying Azura’s patience. “Hey hey hey hey hey, none of that now. C’mere.” She picked up the 5 year old and bounced him on her hip. “I promise you, as soon as we're done catching up we will go get ice cream, but you have to promise me you will be a good little munchkin, ok?” Lance kept his head down while his face kept a scrunched up look. “Hmm? I can't hear you…” she said playfully before attacking his little belly with tickles and raspberries. “Ahh! No! Stop Tía ‘Zura!” The little boy said between giggles. “Ok! Ok! I promise!” Azura stopped and readjusted Lance back on her hip. “Thank you. I promise you won't be too bored, Hunk is going to be there and the girls said they'd bring some kids your age too! Maybe you'll make some new friends!" Her little nephew gasped happily and proceeded to explain in great detail what games they would play and how excited he was. Azura just listened and answered any of Lance's questions. She loved her nephew dearly and even though she loved and cared for each of her sister's children, Lance was a kindred spirit . They were so much alike, always smiling and adapting well to bad situations, of course Lance was a child, but Azura was sure that once he was older he'd be just as attentive to those situations as she was. They walked for ten more minutes before finally reaching a sweet looking cottage like house, it was surrounded by a short white fence and different flowers surrounding the yard, rose bushes, hydrangeas some huge pink and white flowers that looked like they'd topple over with their own weight, different shrubs and baby trees were seen here and there scattered around the yard. Lance was amazed. "Wow! Tía, are your friends fairies? It's so pretty!!" Azura just laughed and pushed open the gate following the little cobblestone path to the front porch. When they reached the front door she placed Lance down in the floor, straightened his shirt, and took his hand before knocking. There was loud shuffling coming from inside and a muted "Katie Holt! You get your little naked ass over here!" More loud crashes and screams were heard until suddenly the door opened by a small little girl probably half Lance's age, in nothing but a huge fluffy green towel swallowing her slight frame. "Hello! My name's Katie! But auntie Esme calls me Pidge!" "Gotcha! You little gremlin! Hey Zura, how's the husband hunting going?" Esmeralda stood there with a wriggling little girl in her arms acting nonchalantly as if it happened everyday. Overcome with a sudden shyness, Lance stood behind his tía. "Esme watch your language there are children present!" Azura said with mock offense but shortly pulled a brilliant smile. Esme leaned against the door jamb returning the playful smile. "Aw, don't worry Pidgeon here has heard much much worse." The little girl stopped her escape attempts to smile and nod at their guests. Esme laughed and spotted Lance peek out behind Azura's leg. "Hey little guy, oh my gosh don't tell me this is Lance! What a handsome little man!" Azura saw Lance's chest puff out and he came out of hiding. "Thank you very much ma'am." He said with a wide grin. "Ooh and polite too! Maybe you could learn a thing or too from him Pidgey, but first let's get you some clothes. Come in you guys, sorry you had too see my little streaker, but she really needed the bath. Little stinker decided it would be nice to have a dirt war with herself before guests came." "Oh no, go ahead I remember babysitting Lance at that age, he hated wearing his diaper." She laughed while Lance tried to defend his honor. "And as for the husband hunting, god Esme! I haven't been any luckier than when we graduated! This is a total blow for my street cred! I was voted Most Likely to Date Her Whole Life, and since then I've been cursed to die alone!" Azura sat on the bar stool at the counter with Lance on her lap, hiding her face in her nephew's loose curls. "Damn, sounds like a bummer. Wish I was more help, but hard to give advice about relationships when you aren't into those kinds of things. You'd probably be better off when Amber or even Ebony comes." Esme said as she came out of a side door with dear little Pidge in green short overalls and little orange Crocs. Azura set down Lance so the two of them could play, they walked off to the next room where a chest of toys awaited them. The two older women talked a bit until the doorbell rang again. Esme quickly launched herself around the counter just in time to catch Pidge from opening the door again herself. "Nuh uh, my little sapling. Not this time." Together they both went to the door and Azura heard and smelled Amber before she saw her. The lovely heavyset woman peeked her head in before nearly dropping her huge bag of cupcakes and cookies on the counter to crush Azura in a hug. "Girl, I missed you so much!" Azura laughed as she returned the hug. "Honeydew I just saw you last week for Lance and Hunk's play date." Amber grabbed her by the shoulders. "And do you know how long I've suffered by not being in your presence?!" The girls were interrupted by a sudden cry of "Hunk!!!" And watched as little Lance launched himself in the stockier boy's arms causing them to fall over. Esme put down Pidge at that moment just in time for her to run over and join in on the pile of twisted limbs. The little kids were giggling and the older girls chuckled at their antics. "I'm so sorry I'm a bit late, I was waiting on the cupcakes to cool off long enough to frost them, and by the time they were good I realized I only had a few minutes to decorate them, pack them, and get Hunky and myself into the car!" She said as she took the said pastries out of the bag and onto a cute little display Esme had purchased just for the occasion. "It's worth it if it means I get cupcakes!" Esme said excitedly trying to snatch one, but unfortunately Amber slapped her hand away. "Wait until Ruby and Ebony come at the very least." Esme grumbled and clutched her 'injured' hand to her chest, perking up when the door sounded again. "Please tell me they carpooled, please tell me they carpooled.." she mumbled under her breath. Azura and Amber stayed in the kitchen to unpack the rest of the treats when the heard a loud groan come from the front. Esme came back a little later with her shoulders slumped and Ebony behind her with an older boy in tow. "I have never felt so loved before." Ebony deadpanned before cracking a grin a ruffling the shorter girl's hair. The other two joined them and more hugs were exchanged. Then Ebony introduced the boy with her. "This is Shiro, he's part of the Big Brother Big Sister thing I started with Alfor, you guys remember Alfor, right?" "You mean the adorable little twink from high school?" Azura asked. "How is he now?" "Take a look for yourself." Ebony then took out her phone that showed a picture of group of people and their 'little brothers and sisters'. Ebony stood with Shiro in front and at her side stood a broad shouldered, mocha skinned man with a goatee and light blue eyes. "Holy shit! When the heck did that happen?!" Azura took the phone from Ebony's hand and zoomed in on Alfor's face. "How did- when did- huh??" The girls merely laughed and Ebony told Shiro to go keep an eye on the younger kids for a bit. Azura snapped out of her stupor. "So, is Mr. Hotbod looking for a missus?" She waggled her sculpted brows. Ebony shook her head good naturally. "No after we left school, he actually found himself a nice girl to settle down with and they have a sweet little girl a year younger than Shiro." "Aww man! Why is fate so cruel to me! Please diosito, I'm sorry for anything I've done to deserve this!" She slumped into Amber's cushy shoulder while she patted her friend's head. “Aww come on Zura don't be like that. You know you'll always have us.” Amber said trying to comfort her. “Well come back to this soon, but for now have you guys heard from Ruby? She told me she was going to be late but I expected her to be here by now…” Ebony looked concern, which wasn't a surprise considering the two were friends long before meeting the rest of their group. "I'm sure she's- Ding dong! "-already here!" Amber said positively. "I'll get it this time!" Azura called out as she made her way quickly to the front door. While the other four gave knowing looks to each other. Azura paid no mind to them as she subconsciously combed back a loose curl from her face and opened the door. “Hey carrot-top, long time no see.” She said with a sly grin, leaning dramatically against the door frame. Ruby did not seem amused. “It's not my fault you grabbed the wrong hair dye! When are you going to put that lame nickname to rest?” “Never. I still have pictures if it makes you feel better!” Ruby just pushed her way into the house, a little boy in tow. “Oh! Is this-?” “Huh? Oh. Yeah. Zura, this is Keith, my new son.” Azura knelt down in front of the little boy, who had yet to look up from the ground. “Hey Keith. My names Azura, I used to know your momma.” Azura used the quiet voice she used when she was dealing with her sister’s youngest kids. Keith looked up for only a bit before returning his gaze to his little white sneakers. “Hullo.” He mumbled. Azura looked up at Ruby who momentarily had a pained look on her face before taking a breath and hardened her eyes. Azura knew that look. Knew that the pain Ruby felt was still fresh from the accident that happened almost a year ago that took away her sister and her brother-in-law. But Ruby was stupidly dutiful like that, and she would not let herself grieve terribly when she had her sister's child to look after, Azura admired her for that. She acted before thinking and stood with her arms open letting Ruby know she wouldn't judge and she definitely wouldn't say anything if that's what she wanted. Ruby merely leaned her head against Azura’s shoulder and wrapped her free arm around Azura’s. They paused for a moment so Azura could pick up Keith and let him hug his aunt turned mother. The other girls came trickling in, causing Azura and Ruby to separate quickly. But Azura kept a hand on the small of Ruby’s back as they traveled further into the house, to give that little bit of reassurance to her. Keith was dropped off with the other kids perking up a bit when he saw Shiro, whom he had taken a strong liking to. The group of women told each of their charges to be good, gave them each a cookie that Amber said Hunk had made especially for them, and left them in Shiro’s care before going back to the kitchen to catch up. Being a good three years older, Shiro felt good that his new aunties trusted him enough to keep an eye on their babies. Pidge was the youngest at the age of three, and Shiro had already taken to carrying her almost everywhere. Esme warned him he was going to spoil her, but Shiro didn't mind, she was an angel with him. Maybe it was playing favorites, but Shiro had already invested too much attention to Pidge in the short time he'd known her. The only one he'd probably put over Pidge was Keith. Thanks to Ebony and Aunt Ruby's tight bond, Shiro and Keith spent a lot of time with each other. Ebony would tell him that everyone needed someone to look up to, like he looked up to her, and Keith seemed to have imprinted on him like a baby duckling. The little boy wanted to be just like Shiro. He would follow him around the house and share all his stories about what he did in school. Shiro liked having Keith around, and when Keith and Aunt Ruby stayed over Ebony's home after the accident, Shiro had made it his personal mission to help his 'little brother' out. It wasn't easy at first, considering Keith didn't know what had actually happened, and even after he was told in the most gentle of ways instead of flat out throwing tantrums to see his parents again, he just became sad and quiet. Acting as if he accepted never seeing his parents again. It was a few months before the two were well off enough for Aunt Ruby to get them a little apartment and a few more to obtain and sign the papers needed for Aunt Ruby to adopt Keith. In the meantime Shiro had tried being the best brother he could be, but Keith still would clam up and didn't speak unless it was necessary, but Shiro wouldn't give up. It wasn't until one rainy day when Shiro went to visit that he found out what was going on in Keith's head. He and Aunt Ruby were trying to get Keith to do a puzzle with them, but the little boy just sat and watched them instead. When Aunt Ruby left to get snacks from the kitchen Keith spoke. "Shiro, do you think Aunt Ruby will leeb me too? Like mommy and daddy?" Shiro just stared at him. "What? Why do you think that?" Keith just played with his socked feet, curling himself up into a tiny ball. "Mommy and daddy didn't want me anymore right? Ts'why they leff me." "Oh, baby..." Aunt Ruby had entered the room and Shiro watched as Keith tried to hide from her gaze. Aunt Ruby sat next to him and pulled him into her lap. His little shoulders were shaking with the force of his unshed tears. "They didn't want to go baby, they would never have wanted to leave you if they had a choice." Aunt Ruby was strong, Ebony always called her a great and terrible force of nature, and it brought tears to Shiro's eyes when he heard the crack in her voice and her own shoulders quake with wracking sobs. She saw him and lifted her arm waiting for him to crash into her lap and the three of them just cried and cried after almost a year of pretending they'd cried enough. After they all calmed down some Aunt Ruby had put her hands on either side of Keith's face. "Now you listen to me little man," She said gently. "You were always wanted, life just knew how good your parents were that it wanted them for itself. And it's not fair. But just because the world did a bad thing does not mean they loved you or me any less! You were always wanted and you are wanted now, that's why we signed all those papers, so you would never be alone and I will always stay with you and love and take care of you forever." She wiped away the moisture from his cheeks and Keith's big indigo eyes met hers. "So...does that mean you're my new mommy now?" Aunt Ruby hugged both of the boys to her chest. "If that's what you want me to be firecracker, then that's what I'll do." Keith just pushed his tear streaked face and runny nose further into the softness of her shirt and just kept saying "Mommy! Mommy!" over and over again. After that Shiro saw a gradual change in his little brother, there were still times when Keith would get sad for his first parents. But then when Shiro visited he would bounce back a bit and let himself smile. Shiro knew it would take time to have Keith fully recover from this experience, but he was willing to help as much as he could. Which is why he was so confused with Keith's sudden change of attitude when he met the other kids at Aunt Esme's house. Shiro was fully prepared to have two little kids at his side while the other two played together. Instead he found the little blue eyed boy named Lance challenge Keith to a Lego building contest. "C'mon! It'll be fun!" Keith just stood there staring defiantly at the boy, probably not planning on leaving Shiro's side. "Ohhh, I get it. You're just escared of losing aren't you?” Lance had his hands on his hips and a cheeky smirk on his face. Keith pushed his face up and creased his brows. “No I'm not!" Shiro watched as the anger shined through Keith's eyes, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "Yeah right! Prove it then!" "I will!" With that the two boys raced quickly to the big bucket of Legos that sat in the middle of the floor. Lance and Keith split the Legos evenly amongst them and had Hunk be the referee. "Ok, whoever makes the biggest tower wins! Ready?" The two boys stared down the other, each already holding onto a brick to start. "Set?...GO!" Shiro sat Pidge on his lap and watched as the two boys aggressively started clasping bricks together. Keith had already started stacking his into a singular line already having to stand on his knees. Lance's wasn't very high yet, but Shiro saw he had made a base of sorts to balance the weight of his tower. Which would've been helpful to Keith, whose tower leaned to much to one side and came down with a crash, breaking into different pieces when it came in contact with the floor. "No!" Keith moaned as he started gathering his pieces and tried to refit them again before Lance finished his tower. He had to keep a hand on his tower at all times, until he realized the last piece was out of reach. He vainly tried to stretch his small little arms to it but moved to much and sent his tower tumbling once again. Just as Lance placed the last brick on top of his still-standing tower. "Ha! I beat you! Whoo!" Lance started running around the room with his arms stretched out like a little airplane, while he hummed a familiar little song out loud. "Lance? Is that the Space Ranger Buddies' theme song?" Shiro asked. Lance nodded his head super fast. "Uh huh! It's my favorite! Mama says I might get the Ranger Red toy for my birthday if I'm good!" His little blue eyes sparkled as he showed how excited he was by running in place. "That's Keith's favorite show too! And he really wants the Ranger Blue toy, don't you Keith?" Keith, who was pouting up until he too recognized the catchy little song escape Lance's mouth, uncrossed his arms and nodded equally as excited. "The Rangers are so cool! Beating up the bad guys like whoosh! And wham! And blak-chika-bla!" Keith made little finger guns and pretended to shoot. “I think it's more like pow pow pow!” Lance interjected pulling out his own ‘weapon’. “No it's like this! It's like this! Ka-chow ka-chow ka-chow!” Hunk joined into, practically vibrating in excitement. “Pew pewpew pew!” Pidge was the loudest obviously trying to voice her own opinion and join in the fun. "Shiro! Shiro! Do the thing! Do the voice!" Keith screamed, a happy sparkle coming into his eyes. Shiro sighed, but smiled, and in the best evil alien voice he could, said "I'm coming for you Rangers! I will have the Black Lion, and the ultimate weapon will be mine! Mwahahahaha!” The little kids laughed and chased after Shiro when he ‘took hostage’ of Pidge and ran around the house. “Lookie what I brought!” Azura said excitedly. Ruby glanced up from her plate (Amber had outdone herself once again, dammit, she was going to gain another 10 lbs...oh well!), and saw Azura holding up a bag of herbs. She groaned. “Zura, no! When are you going to get it through your head that you are not psychic?” Azura pouted. “I very well could be! My grandmother was a fortune teller! I just...haven't unlocked my true potential, that's all!” Ruby rolled her eyes, she would never tell Azura, but she found it quite adorable the way she tried relentlessly to predict their future. Everyone's future. She corrected herself. Everyone's. "Regardless of some people's lack of faith. This time will be different, I can feel it!" "I'm pretty sure what your feeling is just an ominous cloud ready to rain acid through your happy daydreaming." Ruby went back to attempting to steal treats from Esme's plate but would get smacked instead, fully intending to avoid Azura's pouting look. "I'll go first Zura!" Amber raised her hand as if they were back in high school. Azura's sad face magically slipped off her face a she squealed and grabbed Esme's tea kettle. "Ok, I think I figured out what went wrong the last time," she said over the running of the faucet. "Obviously, working with just any tea lying around won't work. I need to use one that represents me on an astral level, so obviously I need to align myself with my Pomegranate Green tea and focus our energies together to actually be able to read all you guys’ futures!” She put the kettle on the stove then ran back to the table before launching herself into Ruby's lap and stealing a bite of the cookie she was about to put in her mouth. “Azura!! You don't steal another woman's cookie! We have rules for a reason!” "Aw come on Ru-ru, I know you're not really mad at me." Azura fluttered her lashes and wrapped her long arms around Ruby's neck. Ruby had two options; become flustered and show everyone and their respective child how much Azura could get to her or...not. I think we all know which one she chose. With an impassive face, she merely hooked her arm underneath Azura's knees and lifted her up. She ignored the shrill squawk that exited from the other girl's throat and chucked her over the sofa in the front room. "Don't eat my cookies again, savage." Azura just giggled until the kettle started whistling, at which point she raced back to the kitchen and mixed the dry mix and water into cups. "Ok! Everybody drink at your own pace, whenever you're done Amber, I'll start with you." The girls smiled fondly at their friend and through a variety of blows and sips and gulps they steadily finished their cups. Amber sat in front of Azura holding out her cup in anticipation. Azura took out her ‘scrying saucer’ (it was just a plate with cool painted pictures, let's be real here) and made a big show of lifting the cup over her head and called forth the spirits of her dead ancestors to help her see the events yet to come. It was actually really fantastic to watch, what Azura lacked in actual prophetic skill, she made up for in wonderful showmanship. She then carefully turned the cup over and placed it upside down on her saucer, giving it a couple of pats to its bottom. "Ok here we go!" She lifted the the cup with a flourish, the dregs of tea scattered along its surface in random places. "Now Amber, according to the leaves...you will be taken someplace new, ooh lucky, oh! Never mind." "What? What is it?" Amber asked. Leaning over the saucer as if she too could see something more than soggy tea leaves. “It looks like trouble will follow you, a fight of some kind takes place, oh! But look, you come out victorious!” “Yes! So all in all seems like a good day, whoo hoo!” Azura laughed at her best friend's antics. Ruby was grateful that Amber would do anything to make Azura feel more confident in herself, she just wished she could be more like that, be the one Azura could go to as well, be her shoulder to cry on, she knew Azura was the most self-sacrificing person to ever live, she does so much for others she forgets about herself...ugh, maybe she should face the facts, her and Azura's relationship was nothing like what Amber and Azura had. “Ok! Who's next?” Azura read that Ebony would travel somewhere far, most likely job-related, she assured her she will have enough money so souvenirs were greatly accepted, insert her smirky wink-face. Esme needed to watch herself or she would carelessly break another bone, again. (“I have done no such thing before!” “Lies, blasphemous lies.”) “Ru-ru~ It's your turn~” Ruby let out an expected groan and pretended to drag her feet as she switched seats with Esme. “Fine. Here.” She plunked her cup on the table and waited with her arms crossed. Azura tipped the cup and patted its sides like before. “Alrighty, let's see what the world has planned for you carrot-top.” Azura said with a sweet smile. Ruby just huffed and glared at her to hurry up. Azura took a look at the tea leaves, the grin slipping off her face. “Huh.” “What?” Ruby said looking much more interested than she seemed. “You- you're- the leaves say there's a promise of love in your future…” Azura's voice had lowered exceptionally. “Oooh, Ruby! Who are you crushing on? You planning on asking them out soon?” Esme egged on her, giving knowing smirks and glances. “I don't know what you're talking about…” Ruby grumbled, obviously lying as a blush formed across her nose. Azura looked her in the eye. “Who-?” She was interrupted by loud squeals of delight from their charges. The older kids had found toy guns to help better act out their adventures, while Pidge toddled after them with a paper crown that was falling over her forehead and an old apron tied up as a cape, indignant cries to ‘slow down guys!’ coming from her mouth. The little girl seemed tired, her steps a bit unbalanced. Esme scooped her up, letting her lean against her chest. “Hey stinker, I think it's time for a nap.” She said gently while bouncing on the balls of her feet.: “Noooo, I'm na sleepy…” Pidge said with a large yawn. Esme just giggled at her goddaughter. “Close your eyes little sapling, dream of talking flowers.” The little girl curled up in her embrace and slowly complied. Hushed coos came from everybody else. “Well I think that's our cue to be on our way.” Ebony said. Amber agreed stating that her mother told her to go with Hunk to his kid-safe cooking class. And Esme went to quickly put Pidge to bed before saying good bye. “Tía! Tía! Can Keith come get ice cream with us? Please please please?” Azura picked up lance and nuzzled his nose with hers. “You don't forget anything do you?” “Nope!” He wriggled out of her arms to go and grab Keith's hand. Azura looked over to Ruby. “Do you guys have any plans for today?” Ruby smiled and shook her head. “Keith baby? You wanna go get ice cream?” The boys nearly screamed in joy. The women said their goodbyes, promising to catch up with each other a lot sooner and left their separate ways. Keith and Lance held each other's hands to Ruby's car, who had offered to drive them home as well. Luckily she had two car seats for when Shiro would come visit. The four climbed in and rode off to the cute little creamery in the center of town. All the while the boys play fought, and talked about other shows and toys they have. They each got an ice cream cone and walked over to park across the street, the boys eating on the swings while their guardians watched from a park bench. “So…” Azura started airily. “So…?” Ruby responded focused on getting the drops of strawberry threatening to spill over. Azura cleared her throat. “So, do I know this person you have a crush on?” Ruby almost choked on the bit of ice cream she was savoring. She coughed while Azura rubbed her back. “Why are we talking about this now?” Azura shrugged. “I don't know, I've just been wondering. Who in this entire world could've caught the great Ruby Kwang’s eye? How wonderful must they be to achieve that kind of honor?” Azura said this with an easy smile but couldn't help the plummeting feeling in her stomach. Someone caught Ruby's attention, someone Ruby deemed worthy enough to be considered an equivalent. Azura couldn't help but feel bitterness for whoever they were, they were going to get one of the greatest people to ever grace the earth with their presence. She looked back to her friend who looked a bit red in the face, but that could've just been from the coughing fit she had. “You really think that? That I'm wonderful?” Azura hid her face and nibbled on her waffle cone. “Of course I do,” Ruby looked down at her own partially melted cone. Azura thought she was wonderful. She couldn't even comprehend how that was possible. Azura was like all the stars in the sky, she outshines the sun, her smile alone could cause wars like that of Helen of Troy. If Ruby was wonderful, Azura was 10 times that amount, how could she not see that? The two stayed silent and watched the boys climb onto the jungle gym pretending they were space pirates or something, until Azura spoke again. “They must be smokin’ hot, huh? The person you like?” Ruby felt her cheeks burn. “Why are so adamant about this?! Just let it go, Zura!” “I need to know! It's killing me from the inside! Tell me!” “No.” “Ru-ru come on! How am I supposed to know if they're a good match for you? You gotta tell me! Are they from work? Did you bump into each other in the supermarket? Did-?” “I have liked the same person since high school!!” The confession had just burst from her mouth with no warning, both parties were shocked, by the volume and bluntness of her response. “Wait, what? Seriously? How could you have been crushing on the same person for almost 7 years and I didn't know about it!? We were together everyday! We were roommates in college!” “Well, that just goes to show you the person I like is completely obtuse…” Ruby mumbled under her breath. But Azura caught it. “What does that have to do with anything? We were talking about….me….” Ruby wouldn't look back at her, she kept her arms tensed and crossed, her posture, defensive. “Me?” Azura said again. “You liked...me? All this- all this time?” Ruby lifted her knees and held them to her chest, hiding her burning face even more. “You're telling me you've had a crush on me since high school?” Ruby nodded. “For seven years?!” Another nod. “You're telling me I could have been macking on your fine ass for years now and you were keeping it a secret!!!” Ruby nodded only to stop halfway and slowly turn her head. “Wait, wha-?” Azura reached over and took Ruby's hand in hers. “You beautiful idiot, why wouldn't you tell me?” She whispered gently, fondly. “I- I didn't-” she swallowed. “I didn't think you felt the same…” Azura exhaled and raised their joined hands to her lips, kissing each pale knuckle. “Stupid carrot-top…” she mumbled against her skin. “Will you go out with me sometime?” Azura asked, lips never leaving her hand. Ruby nodded and Azura smiled slowly and widely. She pulled them up to their feet and corralled the boys back to the car, all the while never letting go of Ruby's hand. When the boys were seated and Ruby started the ignition, Azura took hold of her hand again. “Hey?” Ruby looked to her. Azura looked at her happily. “Told you I was psychic.” Ruby snorted out a laugh while Azura placed one more kiss on her hand. It was the start of beautiful relationship.
17 notes · View notes
barrimyr-adin · 7 years
Naruto Shippuden E130-134 Notes
Finally done with the unbearable bullshit that was Jiraiya’s backstory.
So Naruto only has half of the Nine-Tails inside him? That’s fucking stupid and yet another needless retcon. Who is the other half sealed in?
The Nine-Tails was summoned? I thought the tailed beasts just roamed unless they were sealed inside a jinchuriki.
So is this actual Madara or is it Obito?
I like the start of the new OP music, the rest feels kinda basic though.
So does Konan have her soul or chakra sealed into one of those sheets of paper? If not, how has she gotten rid of her body and replaced it with paper?
Pain is so damn badass. What amazing voice-work.
So Nagato wants to use tailed beasts to create atomic bombs? Um, how does that even work?
Does Jiraiya fucking think for himself at all?
Oooh, the good animation is about to start.
So what fucking animal is that thing that Nagato summoned?
Damn, I wish we had gotten to see Naruto summon a toad like this.
This toad’s ungraceful gimmick has gotten annoying.
Gimmicks in general are annoying.
Why is Jiraiya still keeping his hands together? Didn’t he already end the summoning? Don’t tell me he’s starting all over again.
I find it hard to believe that Jiraiya is fast enough to outrun that bird.
Also, why doesn’t he use his Raging Lion’s Mane Jutsu to bind it? It worked on the chameleon. Or use his fire or earth style? Or just trap it in another toad throat? Or summon another toad? It’s not like he seemed to be worried about having to restart the summoning before. At least once the bird is gone, he can take some time to do the summoning and recuperate in peace.
And why does this summon take so long? What exactly differentiates it from any other summon?
What the fuck is wrong with this bird’s legs?
There you go, Jiraiya. Use that fire style.
How the hell was that rhino fast, Jiraiya? Especially after seeing the bird.
Nice work, Gamaken.
Jiraiya, how about you just fucking send Gamaken back? He’s exhausted and wounded. You can summon another toad later. It’s pretty fucked up that you just ditched him while he was injured before,
There you go, Jiraiya. Give the guy a break.
Nah, seriously, why was it so hard to summon Ma and Pa? It didn’t take that long to summon Gamabunta. What makes them so special?
Ma and Pa’s dynamic is exhausting.
Ma’s tongue is fucking terrifying. Why does that exist? And why is it smiling!?
Wait, does Sage Mode make Jiraiya grow a beard? What the fuck? Why? What is this, Teen Wolf?
So this dude is only one of Pain’s six paths, right?
And there are two more.
Is now really the time for comic relief?
Holy fuck, Ma and Pa are annoying.
Fried Pain? Alright, I’ll give you that one. Good one, Ma.
I mean, this is just my two cents. I know that Naruto is gonna learn perfect Sage Mode and Jiraiya is only able to enter Sage Mode by fusing Ma and Pa to him. Personally, I think it should be the other way around. Naruto’s whole shtick is being clever and diligent enough to find creative solutions to perform strong jutsu (i.e. using shadow clones to perform the Rasengan) so it would make sense that a novice like him wouldn’t be able to enter Sage Mode, so instead he’d use fuse Ma and Pa to him. A technique that no one would have expected. Honestly, I just think it’s dumb that Jiraiya, an honest-to-god Sage with years of experience, can’t enter Sage Mode without Ma and Pa but a braindead teenager who barely knows any sage techniques can enter Sage Mode just fine.
Also, why hasn’t Jiraiya pulled out the Rasengan? Hell, now that he’s in Sage Mode, wouldn’t he be able to pull off a Giant Rasengan?
Nevermind, I immediately regret saying that. Now I have to watch the stupid, sudden, ridiculous, and exhausting BS that is the “Massive Rasengan.”
Way to be redudant, Kishi.
So this path is basically Samehada?
Why did Jiraiya suddenly grow shark teeth?
I really don’t want to look at Jiraiya’s hands and feet like that.
So Jiraiya’s slowly falling farther and farther into Sage Mode?
That’s one hell of a song.
I don’t like how the Shadow Clone Jutsu just became some basic jutsu that practically everyone knows.
That’s a pretty lame illusion. Doesn’t have much aesthetic. The jutsu itself is pretty cool though.
I hate that we’ve gotten to the point where losing an arm is considered a basic injury.
Tsunade definitely wants to hit that.
Tbh, Tsunade’s scene had no point but to essentially emotionally manipulate the audience.
Aaand now we’re just straight up shooting missiles. You guys remember when this show was about ninjas?
Tbh, I was kinda let down by Sage Mode. Jiraiya’s Sage Mode anyways. I mean sure, it felt like a power up, but not really like a gamechanger. Maybe it’s just cuz he’s facing the Rinnegan.
That path should have just died in the acid. No reason for him to really jump out, meta-wise.
Jiraiya finally looks his age.
If I was Jiraiya, I would have just assumed that Nagato and Yahiko performed a fusion.
If you wanna join Pain’s emo band, you have to dye your hair bright orange and get some ugly ass piercings.
What a fucking coincidence that Nagato just happened to use the corpse of someone Jiraiya remembers killing.
Jiraiya should have died of blood loss from that bleeding fucking stump a long time ago.
Jiraiya’s monologue was actually compelling until the prophecy shit reared its ugly head back up.
Naruto’s a child of prophecy, because fuck literally all of the themes you ever wrote into your story.
Jiraiya, just fucking die already. Why do death scenes always have to be dragged out so goddamn long? It’s honestly ridiculous.
And of course fucking everything has to be about Naruto, even Jiraiya’s death.
So two Sannin dead so far.
Still pissed that Madara is even a character. It’s bullshit that a guy like Pain is taking orders from anyone.
How would the secret have even saved Jiraiya? Like, the secret is just that Nagato was using people’s corpses as the six paths, right? Or am I missing something? I don’t think that would really change anything, but then again, it’s almost midnight and I’m exhausted.
Ugh, I have to deal with Karin again.
Naruto, why are you fucking talking to yourself?
Kiba, I don’t think you’re supposed to ride dogs.
Yet another flashback to something we’ve already seen.
I feel like Yuri Lowenthal has been high all throughout Part 2.
OMG, am i gonna get to see Kisame beat the crap out of Karin!? Yes pls.
Please kill her, Kisame.
Madara’s getting his own music so I’m assuming he’s gonna beat some ass.
Yes! Beat Naruto’s ass, Tobidara!
These swords are stupidly big.
Tbh, if Shino had been in command of the Sasuke Rescue Mission, the whole thing would have been solved in five minutes.
Can’t Shino just use his insects to know where Tobi is at all times? Or Hinata use her Byakugan?
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convndrums · 7 years
here the FAWK she ( the semi-finished masterlist of all my characters ) is ! took way too long but hopefully as you proceed to click on the linque below you’ll know why smh but yep ! i’ll be adding their pages on my account when i’m done with them soon i hope and maybe come back with a bunch of connections for each character but for now this is all i got & smash this like or im me for plots i’d love to get on those finally xx
reintroducing amanda wheeler;  intro & info page.
queen of irony. rich post- faux country gal who’s a loud homosexual and writes hetero fics/has an indie het smut for the absolute shits and giggles. dates a married woman she’s utterly in love with and will pull the life support cord for. said to be possessed by a possessed flapper. cute and knows it even though she looks like a republican. socially open & everywhere. morally grey.
reintroducing imogen yates; intro & info page. ( tw violence )
the grey area between your mom friend and your drunk aunt. happily vegan & owns a vegan restaurant called the fork, alt. the vegan cult’s lair. won’t kill you, but will convince you she really wants to. local brat tamer. minds her business via minding others. clashed head-first into nature’s very own reset button: amnesia. used to be satan and traumatized everyone. disgustingly active and accomplishing.
reintroducing ethan holland; intro & info page. ( tw suicide )
he is a sk8r boi, she said see ya later boy ( and meant it. they’re dating now. hey lourdes ! ) a nice person, so nice he doesn’t realize how fake he sounds/is. a certified headass. previously a bully/bully enabler, current guilty fuck. #torn. does the most for his loved ones. doesn’t remember his own birthday. googled foot fetishes once. trolls stan twitter with his fake selena gomez stan account when tumblr crashes. burned a sue of cide note with his name scribbled on it.
reintroducing sebastian miller; intro & info page ( tw violence )
kazimer sokolov whom. russian ex-cult member well-adjusted into a mundane life via lies, a fake canadian accent he’s ‘trying to get rid of’, being a twilight saga aficionado and a dickwad, a lame record store and a tumblr blog to keep himself sane by maintaining a general aesthetic and shitting on people and every discourse out there. knives/books sniffer. allegedly fucked a moose. probably kinkshames as a way to deal with his own “kinks” aka please keep the dead bodies away. ( im kidding i swear but [redacted] )
reintroducing prudence zima; intro & info page ( tw death )
parents died in a fire when she was two months old and it shows. idolizes avril lavigne & her favorite movie is lords of dogtown for aesthetics references. dude. social leech or effortless networker ? both. remains in her lane regardless. cry-types probably. here for a good time, not a long time. steals your stash and smokes you out with it. avid dick connoisseur. minimum effort lifestyle. either on her way to become a manager of some one hit wonder band that finds it’s demise in a freak accident, a drug dealer or god forbid, a guidance counselor; depends. mild cool girl syndrome. 
reintroducing jennifer meade; intro & info page ( tw death, violence and abuse )
bi/pussy muncher and proud misandrist, first and foremost. remembers killing her brother very fondly. the one girl in a room to call when you want to kill a bug and you’re relieved until she kills it with her bare hand. tops. unstable & chaotic evil, respectively. the ginger devil. biased and has her minion whom she invests a great deal of her time in brain washing and obsessing over. supposedly here to make amends but that’s not happening any time soon.
reintroducing margot williams; intro & info page ( tw mental illness )
deserves better. very gay. all her friends are heathens xtra, take it slow. corrects typos in the gc. a nerdy editorial assistant daydreaming about publishing houses instead of the magazine she works for. lowkey shy and she’s angry about it. goes off if she must. jacks off to #knowledge and yuri anime. helps with homework and essays and takes the kids out. deadpan because we’re original but she swears it’s just the face & unresolved trauma. stans her therapist. unofficial older sister.
reintroducing chandler accardi; intro ( re-written ) & info page
needs to do better. dropped out of college for culinary school then dropped out of that too. was engaged to an absolute goddess he ultimately wronged ( with her damn best friend, bitch disgostin* ) and got kicked out to the curb. currently residing in the couch of his sister until things are resolved. thot-by-default & annoying. has like three ( 3 ) redeeming qualities. has never been told to shut up and it shows. works at buzzfeed.
reintroducing abel gautier; intro & info page
french and “confused”. lives a minimalist n’ expensive life. if american psycho & french kiss were the same movie. wine sniffer. the devil bakes croissants. will watch you die. takes grudges to the afterlife. gets attached but either ruins it or ruins it to spare everyone, himself included. falls in love a lot but knows how to calm the fuck down. very giving, fortunately. manipulative but isn’t too wild about bending everything to his will. 
reintroducing simini gale; intro & info page ( tw abuse, violence & mental illness )
token white actress & character in rosie’s show. [ britney vc ] its me.... against dissociation. a loud mess with an intense mental state and anger issues dulled out by her prescribed meds and whatever pill she got in the bottom of her manager’s purse. dependent and distraught about it. grocery shopping for garbage food and attending comedy stand up shows half drunk as a hobby. stable ? where. very nice and super flighty. heels are hot. wishes she could fight someone without feeling the urge to actually fight someone. 
reintroducing calvin o’shea; intro & info page ( tw mental illness )
it’s not just the depression more than the incredible self hatred. walks into rooms with his bad energy, grumpy mood and cunty attitude. graduated college just to shut his dad up. wants to die harder than edward cullen. just doesn’t give a shit. has a baby named freddie mercury ( also known as the antichrist, with alanis, his mortal literal enemy whom he absolutely despises and will not hesitate to put his dick back in again lbr ) who will probably grow up to talk shit about his parents whom he also mentioned in his tell-all book on ellen. works at his family’s bookstore that sucks the life energy out of college students nearing a mental breakdown.
reintroducing isabel pavia; intro & info page ( tw drug use )
contemporary dances her feelings away. too ambitious for her own good but knows what she’s doing. in a goth ass secret society ( here ) a.k.a her new found purpose. knows everything eventually. oddly trustworthy. doesn’t know what speaking loudly is, let alone yelling. loves the moon & has that moon app. had to take painkillers when she twisted her ankle very badly and would take them for a while for stress and performance reasons, but has stopped. a quiet angel. 
reintroducing anastasia zeller; intro & info page
ambitious/multi-talented asshole. horror trash & an emotional/mental maze which translates well into her weird works on no sleep reddit and current horror comedy podcast. ( click here for info ). needs a therapist according to a friend, whom she dropped for saying that. will bite your head off. obsessed with her works to an unhealthy point. would love to establish a company and stuff out of it and is working on that. healthy relationships are a semi-foreign concept.
reintroducing morgan booker; intro & info page ( tw death )
vape-curious and takes photos of ghost towns and abandoned-everythings because #vision. had a roadtrip phase like the fake deep idiot he is. morally grey. genuinely here for a good laugh and spreading joy in the form of hover-friendships and taking lit candids of his friends. knows shit and comes off as a creep sometimes but does he really care. knows your mom’s name. lives in a disused hospital bc he’s marinating on that aesthetic. 
reintroducing bowie harmon; intro & info page ( tw drug use & abuse )
part of a duo in a web series as the anxious n’ cackling mess. showcases her depressión & anxieté by her colorful wigs n’ new hair dyes. painful receptionist at a tattoo parlor. recovering addict who advocates for drug use. thinks tattooing a ruler on someone’s dick one day would be the peak of her accomplishments as a tattoo artist. daily bad decisions. “ it’s complicated. ” when asked about literally any relationship she has with anyone in her life. traumas include her failed singing career. an ex viner-by-association.
reintroducing shaheen bin baz; intro & info page ( tw violence & mental illness )
the physical deception of going through hell in a short amount of time with zero mental durability to begin with during midterms. trigger-anxious. will shoot your toes off your foot if caught off guard. aided in criminal operations with the brilliance of his mind in codes. would not mind dying. seasons your food. waters his crops in his balcony garden. the grey area between a super laidback dude and a crackhead with violent tendencies. nearing a mental breakdown probably. 
reintroducing minka abbott-santos; intro & info page ( tw abuse )
defeats the evil stepmom stereotype one breath at a time. the human embodiment of a deer. gothic angel. alarmingly gets black swan. type to wake up to her staring at you from an armchair across the room, but lovingly, with a book she was reading in hand and two hot cups of tea; she was waiting to start the day with you. spooky until you get to know her and even more spookier when she’s ( note: calmly ) pissed but that’s extremely rare. gentle voice, soul and everything.
reintroducing reuben faulkner; intro & info page ( tw abuse & violence  )
rekt hell prince. lived in an amish community with his family until he got kidnapped away from home when he was seven into an awful living situation. doesn’t remember if the gas leak that happened five years later and killed everyone was his doing or not. knows where his real family is after months of tracking them down but. blood kink under investigation. shady bouncer at a shady club. has issues he has no care or time to diminish. fights for the shits and giggles. leaves texts at read. leaves you alone for your own good and his own sanity. 
reintroducing alexandra turunen;  info page
wants to do everything and be everything and doesn’t know what to do with herself ( read: post-graduation identity crisis ) currently investing in a motorcycle for no reason. essentially jobless. a “retired” kathryn merteuil who “outgrew” her cunning ways since highschool but really only found new socially destructive interests. appears to be self-possessed but she’s #shaken. doesn’t care about how well she presents herself anymore after getting rejected by four universities and refusing to accept her father’s offer to pull some strings to get her in one. sleeps a lot. 
reintroducing giuseppe del vecchio;  info page ( tw death & drug use  )
goes by pepe because well. son of italian oil peeps & is extra. said to be in a cult when all he’s in is this extra ass dining club that does the most for initiation ceremonies. ready to fall in love with you. goes to the king’s college in london and studies business & changes his minor way too often for everyone’s liking. into everything and will be down to do whatever. faux deep. mischievous shit. incredibly unbiased. had his rawrk n’ roll phase that died along with someone in a club literally. still has it but he knows god now & less drugs.
reintroducing kelian scott;  info page ( tw death & drug use  )
a father/father figure who tries™. runs a mechanic shop/chop shop because bad decisions and dire needs ( had his son to send to school and his daughter who passed away due to a disease he couldn’t afford to treat even after turning his shop into a chop shop. his wife then left him ). stares into the distance. wants the best for the kids but one of them is a junkie ( he doesn’t know yet ) and the other -- his niece -- is an orphan he’s worried about. thinks ahead 24/7. needs to pull out of this dull n’ depressing daily routine he has fallen into like the basic ass divorced dad he is. 
reintroducing sal presley;  info page
smexy trace & fingerprint detective. talks. the perfect illusion to bring home to your parents and friends. gets shit done which is both a good thing and a bad thing. looks calm, collected n’ well-rested but isn’t. his actual name is salvatore but no. knows how to mix drinks and more; used to showcase his multi-talented ass to make his ( currently ex ) fiancée look good now just himself. was engaged three times; two of those times with the same person. obsessive; gets into his job a little too intensely for no reason but #justice and maybe something else whom knows. loses sleep at least two nights a week as a habit at this point. has an extended family back home he misses occasionally. wishes he could calm down truly. 
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phlebotomyprincess1 · 7 years
The Lunatic's Princess Chapter 1
Title: The Lunatic's Princess Category: Misc » Wrestling Author: AnimalloversInc Language: English, Rating: Rated: M Genre: Romance/Humor Published: 05-18-15, Updated: 01-26-17 Chapters: 24, Words: 52,464 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 This story is based on a writing challenge on Tumblr; I know I'm a glutton for punishment working on all these stories at the same time, but I couldn't resist this one! Hope you all enjoy! Aurora. My parent's idea of a great name for me when I was born, a fucking Disney Princess; well the joke was on them! I suppose I shouldn't really be shocked by the choice of name; my mother's nickname is the "Billion Dollar Princess", that's right my parents are Stephanie McMahon and Paul Levesque (Triple H). I'm 19 now; but my rebellious side came out when I turned 16. I'm pretty sure if they had their choice, they would have shipped me to a convent or some snobby boarding school; but I'm Grampa Vince's favorite grandchild so that didn't happen. You name it; I've done it at least once: Drugs – Yep, Drinking – Hell Yeah, Sneaking out of the house – I practically have a master's degree in it and Sex – Well…it's on my "To Do List". Anyways; I'm backstage at RAW tonight and as usual my parents are busy making their employees miserable, ever seen a personal assistant cry because their ass got chewed out for not remembering that my mom takes 5 sugars in her coffee and only put in 4? I have! "Rule with Fear"; that's their moto, though it's never worked on me. Their newest pet project is trying to dismantle this new faction; what were they called again? The Hounds of Justice or The Justice Shield…I can't remember; I'm positive that my dad came up with the corny name though. They were supposed to be protecting Randy Orton; only apparently they can't stand him, smart guys! Orton is a perv and if I catch him staring at my ass one more time; I'm going to punch him in that pretty face of his. So the plan tonight is Randy and my parents are going to ambush them during their match with Batista, The Big Show and Kane. Personally; I'm bored to tears back here, wonder where a girl can find some trouble? I found the one WWE security guy who didn't know who I was; 19 must be my lucky number! I was flirting with him near one of the monitors when entrance music hit that I hadn't heard before; it sounded kind of "army-ish", you know that phonetic alphabet crap? Sierra…Hotel…India…Echo…Lima…Delta; that stuff. Oh! The Shield; that's their name! I immediately lose all interest in the security guy and turn my attention to the monitor. Holy Shit! These guys are fucking hot! I watched them walking down from the upper level of the arena; entering through the crowd. One of them is obviously the younger one, I'm hoping he wanted the hairstylist to fuck up his dye job; otherwise he must be pretty pissed off to have half brown hair and half blond hair. The second one to walk down is this big Samoan guy with long black hair; he's kind of sexy, bet the long hair gets him laid all the time. The third guy; now we're talking, he's got his dirty blond hair all slicked back. He obviously is cocky as hell; cause he's got this "shit-eating" grin on his face, oh yeah he looks like a bad boy! Just my type! This evening is starting to look up; of course, it helps that my parents hate these guys. I watch the match start with an intense interest. I had heard my parents and Randy go over the plan like a hundred times earlier tonight; I knew when they were planning to ambush these guys. It was almost time and in a lame attempt to seem inconspicuous; Randy and my parents headed down the ramp and joined the announce team. Real smooth; they'll never be suspicious of that! Morons! I think I'll have a little bit of fun! I skipped; literally, skipped right past several producers and multiple stagehands all yelling at me to stop. I turn and skip backwards long enough to flip them all off with a smile. I skipped my way out to the top of the ramp, I'm so glad I chose to wear my low cut halter top and my tight black, leather skirt tonight. The crowd doesn't notice me until I'm already skipping "AJ style" down the ramp towards the ring. Some of them start cheering; let's face it most of the people there are middle-aged dudes who still love with their moms, of course they're going to cheer for a hot chick wearing very little. I pause and wave for a moment; and start skipping around one side of the ring. My sudden appearance ringside was enough to make Batista, Big Show and Kane all stop in the middle of the ring and watch me. Based on the smell of smoke; I was guessing the three of them were all trying to figure out what I was doing. I skip right in front of the announce table, my parents (who look confused and pissed at the same time) and Randy (did I mention he has a major hard-on for me). I smiled, blew them all a kiss and skipped my way to the stairs leading up into the ring. The three men of The Shield are now alternating between looking at one another and back at me. I walk right up the stairs, look at the ropes and shrug; Batista must have thought this was planned because he rushed right over to hold them open for me. I make sure as I enter the ring that I use my manners and say "Thanks" to good ol' Dave. I skip past him and the other two big idiots and stop just in front of The Shield; well actually, just in front of "Mr. Bad Boy". I take a glance around at the crowd and they go wild cheering. I glance back at Randy and my parents, who are all having fits next to the ring. I look back at the three guys in front of me, give them a smile and a wave; they are dumbfounded. Trust me; they haven't seen anything yet! I take another step forward towards the object of my curiosity; he was hot on the monitor, but now that I'm up close he is just plain sexy! My brown eyes meet his deep blue ones and for just a moment we just stare at each other. He smirks and I smile; in one quick jump, I have my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. I have to chuckle; there was maybe two seconds where he looked completely shocked, but he caught up to me quick and supported my weight. In my peripheral vision; I can see his two friends with their mouths wide open. Before I could chicken-out; I laid one hell of a smoldering kiss on him. One of his hands; which were previously planted firmly on my ass, came up and tangled in my long, brown hair as he deepened the kiss. Truthfully; I hadn't meant for the kiss to last this long, but damn he is a good kisser! Finally I decided it was time to break this party up; tapping him on the shoulder, he broke the kiss. I jumped down off him; grinned and said "Watch out; there's about to be an ambush!" I curtsey to the crowd in the middle of the ring; slide out of the ring (undoubtedly flashing a few people in the process) and skip back up the ramp. My parents and Randy; irate, storm the ring for their brilliant surprise ambush, which isn't a surprise anymore and I triumphantly watch the three men clear the entire ring in record time. I walk back to my parent's office and await the punishment I'm sure to be getting.
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