#Healing Church
snipper-snapper · 4 months
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redraw :3 color palette challenge
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secteel · 3 months
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Another blorbo doctor 👀
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blamensir · 1 year
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buriedknight · 2 years
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me and @starrythroat took part in bloodborne event organized by awesome @seraphiiem, so here's our work with our ocs (mine is the sketch, their is the colouring)
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technomancer-01 · 3 months
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“Good Hunter, lost in the nightmare. What do you think of that beastly legend and those ailing wards of the church?... I know what you did to them... It’s not your fault. The nightmare held them, and now they are free. But, what about you? Have you profited at all?”
Folks, would you want this as a poster? I’m debating if I want this as an 8.5”x12” rather than just on my 4.5x6.5 spellbook pages. Granted it’d be a standalone. What do you think?
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fantomette22 · 1 year
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Here's what I have been up to this last few days, a little Bloodborne fan comic! I'm happy how it turned out.
I love this game, it's mechanics, differents parts, characters, enemies, music and of course I've been fascinated with it's lore for more than year now.
The Black Church Set description is always a point that fascinated me, yet make my skin crawl each time I think about it : Most Healing Church hunters are elementary doctors who understand the importance of early prevention of the scourge, achieved by disposing of victims, and even potential victims, before signs of sickness manifest themselves.  Their black attire is synonymous with fear, and that peculiar Yharnam madness.When a cancer is discovered, one must pinpoint its location, reach in, and wrench it from the host's bosom."
It's not talk enough and when it made us understand what horrors and in what state Yharnam was living before the hunter show up.
Additional I mixt this with my very own story concerning Gehrman's past. After Lady Maria passed away but before the Hunter's Dream.
I wanted to represent how we pass from the old hunters to the church hunters & doctors taking personally matters in their hands. As well as the harsh reality some of the inhabitants faced.f
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midorishinobi5 · 4 days
Made that one girlcel Yharnam tweet into a comic with me and @lumbar-supp0rt’s Bloodborne ocs
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katyahina · 10 months
Seems like Gold Pendant was not a single use one?
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^^^ I have not seen these model rips before! Found them here ( x ), and apparently they were extracted by AstralLace (same person who we owe that high-quality Gratia model reference to)? This oval inside structure is rather interesting, too?
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I have been thinking it was strange that a blood gem would be golden, but seeing that hollow place inside of the pendant, I feel like what Vicars were doing was adding blood (their own?) inside and locking the gem, allowing it to solidfy into mini Frenzy Spears from within! But since the blood would be trapped inside, it could easily make an amalgam and change its properties to golden!
I just think that I can finally be at rest with this line:
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The description made it sound strange, because not only it implies there were other Vicars in the timeline between Laurence and Emilia, but also that they had to rely on this pendant consistently TO put down the Clerics that turned! So, if the gold blood gem was made upon ruining the pendant somehow, that'd mean it has not been used before, which would make the description pointless.
...unless! The golden gem formed within WAS used at least several times, and became a tradition within the walls of the Healing Church! Because the pendant is not the gem itself, but a small tool to MAKE this special gem!
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Besides, rune Beast's Embrace is dropped by Laurence, and it is the second instance where the emphasis is made on "horrible/abhorrent" beasts, not just any type of beasts in general. Gold gem says it grants properties against the most horrible beasts too, which only further feels like it IS reserved to put down the Clerics in particular.
Soooo.... yeahhhhh. They've placed the lore inside of a small 3D model that its impossible to see without datamining. I don't know what else I expected from Fromsoft, really. -_-"
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
Vicar Amelia is the hypocrisy of the Healing Church made flesh
By the time you encounter Vicar Amelia, you probably aren't surprised that the Healing Church is corrupt, but she is a remarkably blunt confirmation of that fact, chanting a prayer specifically glorifying the Old Blood that causes the Beast Plague, before turning into a beast before an altar with the severed rotten skull of her also corrupted predecessor, in an explosion of blood that stains the religious icons she prays before.
And her design supports that storytelling, making her a sheer white beast in ragged cleric's robes, complete with a veil over her face almost like a corrupted vision of a bride. Like the Cleric Beast she is somewhat chimeric, a wolf-like shape with deer's antlers and humanoid hands, and rail thin under her cloak like she has existed in permanent starvation. Emaciation is a recurring motif with Bloodborne beasts, both because it's instinctually scary and offputting, but I think it also speaks to the nature of beasthood: you are cursed to feel the sweet call of blood that can never satiate your endless hunger.
The prayers of the Healing Church are hypocrisy, and it is in large part their worship and use of the Old Blood that has led Yharnam to its present disaster, and poor Amelia, though she prostrates herself on the floor begging for salvation, ends up another victim of its lies.
My full analysis of Vicar Amelia
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Lrb honestly, I still can't believe how clever some parallels in Bloodborne are
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Both Micolash and Laurence conceive a ritual of summoning Paleblood Moon, and both runes associated with their institutions have this shape in the middle, very (most) likely referring to a Great One child they need.
But what Micolash is doing is keeping the state of Bloodmoon looming over Yharnam permanently, when Laurence makes a Hunter's Dream that is one-and-gone deal and is remotely passive and obscured after Flora takes Gehrman as bait and switch (the cord Laurence used is still in Abandoned Workshop)
But I really love how Moon rune is red and Communion rune is white. The Paleblood Moon is associated with both 'pale' state and 'red' state, I always feel like it has connotation of being pure vs having "sipped" enough blood. It can be hunt (so, literal bloodspill) or being a Kin of 'stars' (that bleed blood devoid of color red and are called 'Emissary of the Moon' / 'Larva of the Moon' / 'Bastard of the Moon' in internal files), sacrificing their "color" in worshipping it. But also in GENERAL white and red are two possible colors of the moon!!!! Source: look in the sky normally vs look in the sky in rare wolf moon events
I just fucking love how many parallels Laurence and Micolash have, but it is reflected in such lore details too. Laurence is 'pale' moon and Micolash is red bloody moon (and they were classmates)
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
My friend: So like…on a scale of 1-10, how messed up is that church in Bloodborne?
Me: They canonically have assassins working for them.
My friend: Oh. Okay.
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snipper-snapper · 2 years
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~ challenge by @seraphiiem 🤍
(i want to redraw them later
so stay tuned! c:)
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mendely · 2 years
Laurence, the First Vicar
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aliesther-eistein · 1 year
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creepysora · 1 year
Memories of the Upper Cathedral Ward would populate his nightmares, up until the day they followed him into one.
Looking back, he wished he had found nothing but death. He could still feel the damp cold of those stone floors creep all the way up to his spine. He could still smell the ever-present odor of brackish water, salt and rot mixed with formaldehyde and disinfectant. He still remembered how the hazy sweetness of Lumenflowers thickened the closer he moved towards faint whispers not quite muffled by strong walls and stronger doors.
He should have packed sedatives.
It's finally here! Cold enough to Crystallize, my story for @vermilionzines' For Whom the Bell Chimes - Bloodborne NPC zine!
This story is about Simon the Harrowed, and what turned a hunter of the Healing Church against said Church. I think it's because he found the same terrible things we did, and wanted to write about that.
Much thanks to the brilliant @rococospade-main for the invaluable help with this story, and even more for the friendship that came with it!
The first seeds of doubt, it seemed in retrospect, were sown by those who try to eradicate every last sprouting bud. The wild frenzy of conviction allows room only for the hardiest vines to grow, scarce and worn and tiny, but impossible to tear out once the first shadows take root within a foundation of cracked faith. 
For Simon, it was hard to pinpoint when the cracks appeared in his belief in the Healing Church. Growing doubt ate away at the solid foundations of long-assumed truths, snaking through the mortar of reasonings he had repeated time and time again. By the time he conceded his heretical musings to himself, the roots of a million misgivings had already eroded the faith he had clung to beyond repair.  
The Church — an older hunter, a clergyman, someone — had sent some of the Harrowed to the outskirts of the city, somewhere south of Hemwick, but still shadowed by the beautiful grand spires of Yharnam’s ecclesial weald. They were to spot and snuff out the first signs of the beastly plague that had taken too soon and too often, even among the ranks of the Church, turning into martyrs hunters and blood saints alike. While he often spent days in squalor posing as a beggar, Simon didn’t mind his duty. It bound him twofold to Yharnam and the Church: discovering early what threatened the lives of the city he treaded through like a ghost.
Except he did not find any signs of the scourge there. 
He had returned to report as much, to the highest possible entity. The Vicar had been gentle. Understanding. Rueful, and pitying, and they might just as well have held a blade to Simon’s throat. 
“Simon,” the Vicar had said, the glow of a hundred candles dancing on their face, “I take it you understand how valuable your work is to the Healing Church. To Yharnam.” 
Simon could see fine silver-woven thread coming undone at the hem of their heavy clerical robes. The effigy of the First Vicar lay hidden in the darkness, as did the portraits of previous Church leaders, their long-dead eyes still piercing him like arrows.
“The city relies on us. And we rely on you. We cannot allow for… mistakes.” The Vicar had stepped very close now. 
As they took Simon’s hand in theirs, he could feel how soft they were, the gentle touch of warmth sudden on his skin. Even without the light tricking his eyes, Simon recognized several blood gems on the rings adorning their hands that many hunters would — and had — died for. The Vicar’s eyes were clear as he met them, pupils crisp and dark and devoid of any sympathy. His throat went dry, as if the iron bite of hallowed blood mixed with the heavy scent of incense was getting to him. 
“The last thing the Church — the last thing this city — needs is a repeat of the tragedy of Old Yharnam,” they said, tightening their grip on Simon’s hands. “Or an infection within our own ranks. Do you understand, Simon?” 
Simon understood. 
In his mind, festering doubt finally made itself known, breaking through his eroding mental walls like mold: Why would the Church harm their own?
Full story on AO3!
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ego-osbourne · 2 years
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Bloodborne DnD PC, a tiefling cleric. Very excited to play this compendium :DD
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