#Healthcare Advances
gauricmi · 5 months
Breakthroughs in Treatment: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug Unveiled
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Gastric motility disorders can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, leading to symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and delayed gastric emptying. Fortunately, recent advancements in medical research have led to the development of promising treatments, including the introduction of novel Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies.
Exploring the Potential of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug:
Targeted Therapeutic Approach: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies aim to address the underlying causes of gastric dysmotility, targeting specific receptors or pathways involved in gastrointestinal motility regulation. These drugs offer a more targeted and effective approach to symptom management compared to traditional treatments.
Improved Symptom Management: Clinical trials of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies have shown promising results in improving symptoms associated with gastric motility disorders. From reducing bloating and abdominal discomfort to enhancing gastric emptying, these drugs offer hope for individuals struggling with gastrointestinal symptoms.
Benefits of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug Therapy:
Enhanced Treatment Efficacy: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies offer enhanced treatment efficacy compared to conventional approaches. By targeting specific mechanisms involved in gastric dysmotility, these drugs can effectively alleviate symptoms and improve overall gastrointestinal function.
Increased Patient Compliance: The introduction of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies may improve patient compliance with treatment regimens. With the potential for fewer side effects and improved symptom relief, patients are more likely to adhere to their prescribed medication, leading to better long-term outcomes.
Potential for Personalized Medicine: As research in Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies continues to advance, there is potential for personalized medicine approaches tailored to individual patient needs. By identifying specific genetic or molecular markers associated with gastric motility disorders, clinicians can prescribe targeted therapies for optimal treatment outcomes.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug
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cbirt · 10 months
As computing power has exponentially grown, machine learning (ML) techniques have gained immense popularity in healthcare – including predicting outcomes for patients with devastating illnesses like cancer. By estimating survival rates and life expectancy, statistical models help patients and doctors make difficult treatment decisions, weighing benefits against risks. Now, researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have developed a pioneering new ML approach that significantly improves prognostic accuracy for cancer patients. Published recently, their work demonstrates how artificial intelligence (AI) continues advancing precision oncology to avoid under or over-treatment.
The Drive to Perfect Patient Survival Predictions
For patients battling cancer, determining their odds of surviving with or without intense interventions can dictate the quality of life versus longevity tradeoffs. However, traditional statistical models have faced limitations.
As lead author Dr. Suvra Pal explains, “Previous techniques don’t fully capture complex relationships between survival and factors like patient age or treatment details. They also offer limited interpretability into why certain predictions are made.”
By amalgamating sophisticated machine learning with traditional parametric cure models, his team aimed to enhance predictions that guide patients and doctors during difficult treatment decisions.
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I'm on mass health rn and I don't make much, which in this system how much you make determines how much you pay. And well and truly? As I am dealing with appointment after appointment? Worth it. I don't have a time sensitive issue (I understand that complaint when it comes to free health care) but it's so nice seeing my insurance cover thousands of dollars of procedures
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Staff from Al Shifa Hospital sent a message to Rishi Sunak, UK prime minister.
That they don't have much time.
To bomb a hospital is a violation of international law.
This is not justifiable in any sense.
And our government knows this, our government that wants to tear down every support for Palestine knows this.
We can't let this call go unheard.
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uncle-dusknoir · 8 months
{okay! so i think i can give an actual, uh, update on the situation now?}
{we rescued everyone a couple nights ago! it was very impressive ^.^ unfortunately most people in the fight got, uh, pretty badly hurt. ms basil got hit pretty hard with a rock type move... uh, i think it broke a couple of ribs? and some other stuff. they wouldn't tell me everything.}
{she should be alright, though! the doctor's said they've seen worse. so.}
{she's awake! technically. uh. she's on some pretty strong, uh, pain medication. so most of what she tries to type comes out like...}
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champstorymedia · 10 days
Innovations in Hospital Care: A Look at the Cutting-Edge Technologies Shaping the Industry
Introduction In today’s rapidly advancing healthcare landscape, hospitals are continuously seeking ways to improve patient care, increase efficiency, and enhance outcomes through the integration of cutting-edge technologies. From telemedicine solutions to artificial intelligence, the innovations in hospital care are revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered. Let’s delve into some of the…
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techytoolzataclick · 17 days
Top Futuristic AI Based Applications by 2024
2024 with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backdrop of what seems to be another revolutionary iteration across industries. AI has matured over the past year to provide novel use cases and innovative solutions in several industries. This article explores most exciting AI applications that are driving the future.
1. Customized Chatbots
The next year, 2024 is seeing the upward trajectory of bespoke chatbots. Google, and OpenAI are creating accessible user-friendly platforms that enable people to build their own small-scale chatbots for particular use cases. These are the most advanced Chatbots available in the market — Capable of not just processing text but also Images and Videos, giving a plethora of interactive applications. For example, estate agents can now automatically create property descriptions by adding the text and images of listings thatsurgent.
2. AI in Healthcare
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AI has found numerous applications in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to personalized treatment plans. After all, AI-driven devices can analyze medical imaging material more accurately than humans and thus among other things help to detect diseases such as cancer at an early stage. They will also describe how AI algorithms are used to create tailored treatment strategies personalized for each patient's genetics and clinical past, which helps enable more precise treatments.
3. Edge AI
A major trend in 2024 is Edge AI It enables computer processing to be done at the edge of a network, rather than in large data centers. Because of its reduced latency and added data privacy, Edge AI can be used in applications like autonomous vehicles transportations, smart cities as well as industrial automation. Example, edge AI in autonomous vehicles is able to get and process real-time data, increasing security by allowing faster decision-making.
4. AI in Finance
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Today, the financial sector is using AI to make better decisions and provide an even stronger customer experience. Fraud detection, risk assessment and customised financial advice have introduced insurance into the AI algorithm. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are now common enough to be in use by 2024, greatly assisting customers stay on top of their financial well-being. Those tools will review your spending behavior, write feedback to you and even help with some investment advices.
5. AI in Education
AI is revolutionizing education with individualized learning. These AI-powered adaptive learning platforms use data analytics to understand how students fare and produces a customised educational content (Hoos, 2017). This way, students get a tailored experience and realize better outcomes. Not only that, AI enabled tools are also in use for automating administrative tasks which shortens the time required by educators on teaching.
6. AI in Job Hunting
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This is also reverberating in the job sector, where AI technology has been trending. With tools like Canyon AI Resume Builder, you can spin the best resumé that might catch something eye catchy recruiter among a dozen others applications he receives in-between his zoom meeting. Using AI based tools to analyze Job Descriptions and match it with the required skills, experience in different job roles help accelerating the chances of a right fit JOB.
7. Artificial Intelligence in Memory & Storage Solutions
Leading AI solutions provider Innodisk presents its own line of memory and storage with added in-house designed AI at the recent Future of Memory & Storage (FMS) 2024 event. Very typically these are solutions to make AI applications easier, faster and better by improving performance scalability as well on the quality. This has huge implications on sectors with substantial data processing and storage demands (healthcare, finance, self-driving cars).
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2024 — Even at the edge of possible, AI is revolutionizing across many industries. AI is changing our lives from tailored chatbots and edge AI to healthcare, finance solutions or education and job search. This will not only improve your business profile as a freelancer who create SEO optimized content and write copies but also give your clients in the writing for business niche some very useful tips.
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silvermoon424 · 11 months
How is your new job going so far?
Thanks for asking!! I'm doing okay, but it's kind of overwhelming. Not just because it's a new job, but because a lot of the processes are super convoluted (basically, people kept slapping on bandaids instead of actually trying to rebuild the systems to be more streamlined and coherent). It's also kinda hard because I only have 3 coworkers in this department (1 of which is very recent as well), so there aren't a ton of guides on how to do things bc it just wasn't needed until recently.
Despite feeling overwhelmed a lot of the time, I will say that my coworkers have been really great about emphasizing that we'll be taking things slowly. More of it is starting to make sense and it helps knowing that they don't expect me to know and do everything right off the bat. They're very willing to let me work and learn at my own pace.
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wifeofspock · 1 year
if I die and there’s some alien or god or whatever and theyre like “choose a universe to live in” i *will* be choosing the most peaceful years in Star Trek canon to live in peace on earth and earth only
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learnatrade · 2 years
5 Reasons you should become a CNA!
CNA/NAC trained professionals are experiencing unprecedented demand. If you enjoy helping others a CNA certification may be right for you!
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a great career choice for individuals who are passionate about helping others and making a difference in their lives. CNAs are healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of a licensed nurse, providing basic patient care such as feeding, bathing, and grooming. If you are considering a career as a CNA, here are five reasons why you should…
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lovsome · 7 months
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serendipitous-mage · 9 months
not that ive had anything near a 'normal' year in well over a decade but thinkin about how proper fukt and hectic thiis one has been
beginning of year was working for one of the most insane managers/companys i ever have
middle of march i put in my two weeks, because in addition to a Lot of other reasons that i had already been struggling to not leave over, my manager straight up DOXXED a coworker(/their family member) on linkedin--and on the company linkedin as well no less--and some other drama that was just the last straw and i wanted some scrap of sanity back and to avoid that happening to me
end of march, hear that its not just possible but likely current roommate is moving, and while i *couldlve* gone with, it was an area i didnt want to go to
uncertainty from march-august, and not much progress made on job apps in that time because that is Such a huge/panic inducing process for me anyway without being unsure of living situation on top of it
roommate moving confirmed, i try and find someone who could take their spot where i already was but a lot of my friends had literally *just* moved in the last few months, so missed my chances
move in with some friends who already have so little space and money and now they have to share with me
finally hear about a job in like november
the job changes .. many times. first its a call center gig for this company, then they call back with 'the same thing but for a slightly different thing under the same parent company', and it actually does sound a little less hellish, so i go with that. all of the paperwork/emails i receive have the name of the first company on them, but when i asked about it they said it was just because of the parent company thing it was all good. they have me pick a schedule... all of the options are 40 hours, i had not asked too many specifics because i dont have the luxury of being picky rn, but i have never worked full time and am already always exhausted and cant stay awake all day, so this is going to be absolute hell. also there are 12 days where additional hours are Required, 4 of which i wouldve otherwise had off
i pick a schedule. they write back that some things changed here are some other schedules to pick from, i pick a new schedule. when we had initially talked on the phone for the first company i was told a setup day end of november and starting in december, but because of returning people/potentially from moving to the other, now im not starting until the end of january, which fucking sucks because ive been at $0 and owing friends for covering me for months. get a call saying some people dropped out, do i want to start a week earlier? yes ofc i do i need the money. get a call again saying the same thing, so now im starting the beginning of january instead.
equipment arrives: it is.....one small box......with the tiniest dinkiest little laptop with a whole entire one USB port and one USB-C port...great, perfect, this will work so well considering my monitor is VGA, and all three of my headset, mouse, and keyboard are USB connections. i do happen to have a USB to USB-C adapter for other things, but thats still only 2 of the 4 things i need plugged in. i tell them this, they through a series of CC'ing other people into the email find someone who knows where my Other equipment is. theyve sent me another monitor that has a USB-C connection and a (extremely chintzy) USB splitter. ok, technically everything can be plugged in now, whatever
we have a setup teams meeting: the lady running it mentions they just wana make sure our mics/cam work and then we can have them off for the meeting, 'because youre going to need both of them right? :)'. no. no i had bETTER not need both of them you are NOT having me ON FUCKING CAMERA for 40+HOURS A WEEK i will SCREAM.
but then. oh, oh boy howdy, and then...
the meeting was for both of the roles id been offered because the initial setup for both is the same, people for both the assignments are present. last i knew, i was on company B. i already have 15 pages of notes for company B from things i could find on the website and in manuals because i am an anxious bitch and wanted to make the first few weeks as painless as possible for me, im not confident, but i do have a fairly decent start and a basis understanding of the software already, so im a little less nervous about it
then the lady mentions...that....if youre with company A, you were sent one monitor, and if youre with company B...you were sent 2...
......i look up at my Singular monitor
and type in chat like 'hiiii um, so im with company B but was only sent the one monitor ?'
lady has someone else present double check my assignment
and they send
"youre with company A :)" legitimately with a smiley face
and when i tell you i am losing my shit-
15 pages of notes useless. company A is going to be higher call volumes and for a more generalized people which means more stupid questions and more confused customers. from what i can find on the website, their only support option seems to be phones, so there isnt even the possibility of having emails or chats which i Greatly prefer to phone calls, the other one had email at least. NONE of the emails they sent me said ANYTHING about the change, i can only assume it was one of the phone calls where they asked if i wanted to move up a week in the schedule, but it was NOT made clear i was changing anything other than the start date, just "theres an opening in the other class", and in the follow-up emails each time they only said "Thanks for your quick move to this new schedule" and "I'm excited for your earlier start date!", which does NOT imply i have been switched assignments
yall..im devastated lmao. i can never just Find A Job it always has to be some fucking batshit insane garbage like this
i start next week and im ......not excited to say the least ;w;
it only goes until april...but its going to be 40+ hour weeks (and i *doubt* any overtime pay, its technically a contractor role), on exclusively phone support (i fucking hate phones they make me mad anxious), i still havent been able to get solid notes for this one because their website is fucking unhinged and its taking me Forever to dig through it all, the laptop is tiny asf and there is no space in the shared room ive got rn to set it up in a way thats good at a desk or something im probably going to be sitting on the edge of the bed and using my shelf as a table which i Know from experience is going to kill my back and neck esp with the longer hours, they potentially want my camera on while working which is Not happening i might get fired for that even if i can keep up with the hours, and if i do get fired or quit? this job came through a recruiting agency which had got me one of my last remote jobs, and i dont think theyd be too quick to help me find something else if this one ends badly, so im really kind of forced to continue even if i didnt have such a pressing need for income asap
and all of this.. for a whole entire $16/hr :'D
happy fucking new years ;_;
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lathifertility · 10 months
What is IVF?
In recent decades, advancements in medical science have revolutionized the field of reproductive medicine, providing hope and opportunities for couples struggling with infertility. One such groundbreaking technique is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of IVF treatment, exploring what it is, how it works, and the potential it holds for those seeking to build a family.
What is IVF?
In Vitro Fertilization, commonly known as IVF, is a fertility treatment that involves the fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the human body. The process begins by extracting eggs from a woman's ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory dish. Once fertilization occurs, the resulting embryos are then implanted in the woman's uterus with the hope of establishing a successful pregnancy.
Understanding the IVF Process
Ovulation Induction: The first step in IVF involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Fertility medications are administered to enhance egg production, monitored through ultrasound and blood tests.
Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, a minor surgical procedure known as egg retrieval is performed. A thin needle is inserted through the vaginal wall to collect the eggs from the ovaries.
Fertilization: The collected eggs are then combined with sperm in a controlled environment, allowing fertilization to occur. This step is closely monitored to ensure the formation of healthy embryos.
Embryo Culture: The fertilized eggs, now embryos, are cultured and monitored for several days. The healthcare team assesses their quality before selecting the most viable embryos for transfer.
Embryo Transfer: In the final step, one or more selected embryos are transferred into the woman's uterus. This is a relatively simple and painless procedure that aims to establish a successful pregnancy.
Success Rates and Considerations
IVF success rates vary depending on several factors, including the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the embryos. While some individuals achieve pregnancy in the first cycle, others may require multiple attempts. It's essential to approach IVF with realistic expectations and to consult with healthcare professionals to understand individual circumstances.
Challenges and Emotional Aspects
Embarking on an IVF journey can be emotionally challenging for couples. The process involves physical, emotional, and financial commitments, and individuals may experience a range of emotions, from hope and excitement to disappointment and stress. Support from loved ones and mental health professionals can play a crucial role in helping individuals navigate these challenges.
In Vitro Fertilization has emerged as a beacon of hope for many couples facing infertility challenges.
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Sonal Lathi Today If you are considering IVF treatment, Dr. Sonal Lathi is the perfect choice for you. She is a leading expert in IVF, and she is committed to helping couples achieve their parenthood dreams.
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randolphbellmd · 1 year
me: hmm maybe i should get a primary care doc and maybe a physical and whatnot before i have surgery. i should make an appointment.
doctor’s office: first avaialble is in october, does that work?
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