#Therapeutic Breakthroughs
gauricmi · 5 months
Breakthroughs in Treatment: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug Unveiled
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Gastric motility disorders can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, leading to symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and delayed gastric emptying. Fortunately, recent advancements in medical research have led to the development of promising treatments, including the introduction of novel Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies.
Exploring the Potential of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug:
Targeted Therapeutic Approach: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies aim to address the underlying causes of gastric dysmotility, targeting specific receptors or pathways involved in gastrointestinal motility regulation. These drugs offer a more targeted and effective approach to symptom management compared to traditional treatments.
Improved Symptom Management: Clinical trials of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies have shown promising results in improving symptoms associated with gastric motility disorders. From reducing bloating and abdominal discomfort to enhancing gastric emptying, these drugs offer hope for individuals struggling with gastrointestinal symptoms.
Benefits of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug Therapy:
Enhanced Treatment Efficacy: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies offer enhanced treatment efficacy compared to conventional approaches. By targeting specific mechanisms involved in gastric dysmotility, these drugs can effectively alleviate symptoms and improve overall gastrointestinal function.
Increased Patient Compliance: The introduction of Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies may improve patient compliance with treatment regimens. With the potential for fewer side effects and improved symptom relief, patients are more likely to adhere to their prescribed medication, leading to better long-term outcomes.
Potential for Personalized Medicine: As research in Gastric Motility Disorder Drug therapies continues to advance, there is potential for personalized medicine approaches tailored to individual patient needs. By identifying specific genetic or molecular markers associated with gastric motility disorders, clinicians can prescribe targeted therapies for optimal treatment outcomes.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Gastric Motility Disorder Drug
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praiseinchains · 2 months
Gratitude Journal Entry (8/6/24)
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Today I'm Grateful For:
*When I woke up this morning, I had an email from the publishing company who I did the poetry challenge with and they said that they see a lot of potential in it, so that made me happy :-) I just have to go through and sign off on the rough draft and the cover and then it'll be one step closer to getting the paperback version published.
*I had my therapy session today and while I was dreading it all week, I'm glad I didn't cancel. I was honest with my therapist and told her how I didn't feel like the tapping was doing much for me. When I do the tapping on my own -- just for keeping myself grounded or thinking of my happy place to help me stay calm or whatever -- it's different, but I haven't gotten much use out of it in our sessions. She understood and agreed to try something else called Flashing. It's a variation of EMDR and oh my gosh, I loved it so much! Just having one session of it I could tell it made a difference. I do occasionally get teary during our sessions, but nothing I'm not able to take control of. I actually cried a bit today and afterward I just basically had like a mini breakdown. It felt so freeing, and it was definitely needed, and I can't wait to do more of it. It will definitely be part of my nightly routine. It's not something I want to do in the morning or even the afternoon because I'm processing so much emotionally that it leaves me absolutely drained.
*Just for the day I had. It was quite productive (for ME, anyway) and enjoyable.
Something I'm Proud Of:
I'm proud of myself for speaking up and being honest with my therapist. I'm not one who likes to do that sort of thing. I was never taught to speak up for myself for anything, so it's always really hard and scary and I'm always afraid I'll look like a complete idiot or something, but I'm very proud of myself for taking that leap because it led to something new and something I can tell will definitely help me on the path to healing.
Tomorrow I'm Looking Forward To:
I'm finishing my next book by Simone St. James, The Book of Cold Cases. I'm just a little over halfway through, so I'll be doing a lot of reading tomorrow, but I love the author so much that I know it'll be enjoyable.
Daily Affirmation:
I embrace my progress and celebrate the strength and joy that guide me forward.
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theydjarin · 2 years
Why don’t you play through the entirety of Green Day’s American Idiot album on Rock Band and maybe you’ll calm down 😤
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good-old-gossip · 3 months
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The first Palestinian athlete to participate in the Olympic games died on Wednesday at the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza as a result of kidney failure due to power outages and medical shortages as a result of the ongoing Israeli war and siege of the enclave.
Majed Abu Maraheel, who passed away at the age of 61, became the first athlete to be the flag bearer and represent Palestinians at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996. Being a distance runner, he competed in the 10km race.
Since his breakthrough on the world stage, more than 20 Palestinian men and women have been able to compete at Olympic competitions.
"He was a Palestinian icon, and he will remain as such," his brother told Paltoday TV after the funeral.
"We tried to evacuate him to Egypt but then the Rafah crossing was closed (by Israel), and his condition kept deteriorating."
In his preparation for the Olympics, Abu Maraheel would often be seen on his daily runs from his home in Gaza to the Erez Crossing with Israel, which Israel closed in October after imposing a full blockade on the Strip.
Last month, it was reopened for the first time since then.
He would often have to pass through that crossing for his job as a day labourer in Israel. After participating in the Olympics, Abu Maraheel went on to become a coach for other Palestinian runners hoping to replicate his presence at the international competition.
Abu Maraheel's death highlights the grim fate of many Palestinians who are facing kidney failure in Gaza.
A report from the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor in March found that there were between 1,000 to 1,500 patients in Gaza with kidney failure, and that they are facing a "slow death" because of "a lack of medical and therapeutic services, medications and other necessities".
Israel denies blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza, though aid agencies say they are not able to get aid in because of Israeli restrictions.
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techtoio · 3 months
Biotech Breakthroughs: Cutting-Edge Innovations That Will Change Health Care
The field of biotechnology is at the forefront of some of the most groundbreaking advancements in healthcare. With new discoveries and innovations emerging at an unprecedented rate, biotech is poised to transform the way we approach health care. From revolutionary treatments to personalized medicine, the potential of biotech to improve lives is immense. In this article, we’ll delve into the most significant biotech breakthroughs and how they are set to change health care as we know it. Read to continue
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jadeannbyrne · 5 months
Behind the Cold Door: The Walk-In Cooler as Food Service’s Emotional Sanctuary
Absolutely! In the world of food service, the walk-in cooler is more than just a storage space—it’s an unofficial sanctuary where pressures simmer down and raw emotions often bubble up. It’s the behind-the-scenes confessional where stainless steel walls have absorbed more than just the cold; they’ve witnessed the spectrum of human emotions from exasperation to moments of unexpected…
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pharmanucleus1 · 9 months
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A ventpost detailing my feelings on being unable to fully get over elementary school
(in case anybody relates, and, let's be real, because it felt so therapeutic to write)
CW: bullying, brief mentions of animal death, suicide-baiting, child-on-child sexual harassment (verbal and forced kissing)
I consistently fail to be the bigger person.
I am not a child anymore. I'm well into my twenties now. I haven't set foot in either of my elementary schools (went to two, the first from the age of 6 to 9, the other from 10 to 14) in years.
I should be able to forgive and forget. It's the mature thing to do. It's the wise thing to do. It's the strong thing to do.
Yet I can't. I haven't. I didn't. I still seethe.
Even though they have already forgiven and forgotten me.
I still remember meeting a former classmate on a train. It was just a few years ago. He said hello, asked how was I doing, smiled at me. He smiled at me. Probably expected us to chat.
He remembered my name, my face.
And I remembered his. I remembered – and I still do – him sitting in the desk one row in front of mine when we were in the fifth grade. Every recess, like clockwork, he would turn to me and start telling me how relieved my parents would be when I finally commit suicide. In hindsight, it should be funny. Imagine this small 10/11 y. o. boy monologuing his little heart out trying to come up with the most grown-up sounding heavy-ass mean speeches. But back then it wasn't very comical.
I wonder if he has any idea that I still think about his words from time to time. I wonder if he figured out that I didn't leave the train carriage because I "had a reserved seat in a different one", but because I wanted to have nothing to do with him.
Also several years in the past, I have started receiving phone calls from yet another former classmate of mine. He always called around 4 AM, since he moved to the US and couldn't be bothered to figure out the time zones so that the times were somewhat acceptable for both of us.
I have never given him my number, but that wasn't surprising. I made the mistake of exchanging numbers with some girls in our class back then when I got my first phone at 9, and one of them or several must've passed mine along. I knew that almost everybody had my number somehow, as proven by the amount of prank calls and harassment I was receiving all throughout elementary school and a bit after, too.
Anyway. The boy wanted to reconnect. He apparently thought of me as an old friend. He told me that his life overseas sucked and he was extremely lonely. He told me that he has always had a crush on me and that he wanted me to come visit him in California.
My memories of our "friendship" are quite different, though. I wasn't teasing him when I was saying almost daily that I hated him and wished he would leave me alone, I meant it. He was relentless. He bothered me constantly, daily, most of the time multiple times a day. He mocked me for every little thing. He sexualized me a lot (for clarity, the sexual aspect was only verbal, he nor any of the male bullies never touched me). He kept stealing and destroying my stuff, mainly art supplies and notebooks. His torment ranged from annoying to purely cruel, even going as far as making celebratory comments about the death of my cat, gleefully informing me that he'd send flowers to the guy who ran her over.
He was joking the whole time, but never with me, always at my expense. To him, it might’ve been the two of us "playing". It might’ve been banter. It might’ve been bonding. To me, though, it felt like he was just an enemy hellbent on siphoning all the remaining joy and safety from my life.
This boy apologized to me during one of his 4 AM calls. He said he regretted the way he treated me. He said he was being an idiot. I told him we were both just silly kids and that I have forgiven him.
That was a lie. I haven't managed to forgive him yet.
My first kiss was with a girl in the fourth grade. Well, I was in the fourth grade, she was in the second. Given that I started elementary school at 6 not 7 and therefore I was a year younger then most of my classmates, that would technically make me only one year her senior.
Nevertheless, she cornered me in the after-school playroom. Most of the pupils went there, it was a place when we waited to be picked up by our parents after class, still a part of the school, still watched over by teachers. It was only one big room, though, and so everybody saw.
Several kids surrounded me. I was one of the oldest, if not the oldest in there, but that didn't matter. I was puny and autistic, and by all means I looked, seemed and felt at least 3 or 4 years behind my actual age.
I also had the reputation of the "ugly girl". That was the point of the whole scene. The kid in question was an edgy one. She was the one child that learned a lot of profanities and kept trying to shock and impress her peers by inserting innuendos and stories about her made up "sexscapades" into every conversation. I doubt she even knew what most of the words meant, I certainly didn't, but it sounded dirty and I guess that was good enough for her. Well, and she was at it again, loudly gloating that she was such a force of nature when it came to doing "IT" that she would make out even with the stink goblin (me).
Unceremoniously she grabbed me and put her lips on mine as the other kids laughed. I don't actually remember how the kiss itself felt. It wasn't important to me at all, the only thing that mattered was how humiliated and used I felt. I think I laughed awkwardly, too, when she let go of me. I thought that what happened was normal and that I just needed to grin and bear it to save face.
It felt like there was no escape, like the only way for the constant fear, conflict and dehumanisation to stop was to wait it out. I did that. I waited it out, and it stopped. But at what cost? I honestly think I've just started unlearning some of the maladaptive behaviors and mindsets that I've internalized during that period of my life. Could've I done something sooner?
I'm still unsure what would I do now, what advice would I give to my elementary school self?
Going to adults proved to be less than useless.
When I was in the first grade and a group of fourth graders made it their regular pass-time to hold me in a chair and recline it, threatening me to let me fall onto the shelves behind us and crack my head, I couldn't see through the absurdity in their game. I was 6. So it had me genuinely terrified. I cried – and I cried for help. What did the teacher do upon hearing me?
She scolded me for being noisy.
When I told my parents that everybody in the school hated me and that they kept hurting me, they laughed and told me that it was normal, that the other kids were just teasing me because they were in love with me. Boys will be boys, amirite?
When I got upset because "my enemies" (that's the word I used) stole my set of pencils and threw it onto the wall, shattering the thing (the pencils were woodless), I got told that was what I get for bringing it to school.
When someone seemed to get fed up on our behalf with how me and my best friend at the time were treated and anonymously told the teacher, she took the whole class aside and after a brief "bullying is bad, kids" speech she let the class vote whether they thought there was any bullying actually going on in there. The vote was overwhelmingly "no", so that it was democratically concluded I wasn't being bullied in the first place.
Funnily enough, I agreed at that time. I mean, I thought that bullying was when kids push others in shoe lockers. I thought that bullying had to include bloody noses and black eyes and dead animals on the porch. When you were beaten up, then you were bullied. But if you didn't have the bruises to show for it... then you were just unpopular.
The intervention changed only one thing; it added "snitch" to my long list of unflattering characteristics in the public consciousness. I mean, who would believe me that it wasn't me who told her? Nobody.
Sometime in the latter chunk of elementary school my teacher (another one) noticed that I wasn't doing exactly stellar. I had frequent meltdowns in which I conducted myself with about the amount of subtlety of a 12 year old having a meltdown. I cried, climbed the furniture and cried more, exclaiming loudly that I do not care about what they think of me, since I am the darkness and I reclaim every insult they throw my way, and they're pathetic anyway, since no matter how much they hate me, I hate myself MORE. Well-adjusted child moment. Anyway, she noticed and sent me to the school psychologist.
Don't get me wrong. The psychologist was a delightful lady, very nice, and I loved talking to her. I adored her. She seemed to kinda understand me, and that was enough. My only friend at the time also "kinda understood", since her situation was similar (as it was later revealed, by my fault, since they hated her for hanging out with me), but neither of us had the emotional intelligence and communication skill to have a productive conversation or meaningfully support one another, so the psychologist was truly the best bet.
But I couldn't tell her a lot, could I? I didn't even acknowledge most of the stuff I now see as fucked up, since I saw it as a normal consequence of me being Evil and Useless. Maybe I did tell her something about my relationship with my peers. I don't remember, but it couldn't be enough to make her take any action. Because she didn't.
Anyway, I remember one particular conversation, a breakthrough, if you will. We were on the topic of me hating myself.
I didn't have the self-awareness nor the vocabulary to tell her that I felt like no matter what I do, I would always be seen as subhuman by people around me, so I came to the conclusion that there must've been something wrong with me.
I didn't have the self-awareness nor the vocabulary to tell her that I adopted self-loathing as a way to atone for my mistakes and escape further punishments. See? I'm just like you, fellow children, I also hate me. So you don't have to. I already took care of it.
I didn't have the self-awareness nor the vocabulary to tell her that I made it so ingrained in my identity that I was afraid that if it changed, there would be nothing left of me.
So I just said something bad about myself.
And she responded, "If you truly hate yourself, why don't you just change?"
It broke my heart.
Anyway, sorry for the tangent. The adults were useless. I still seethe over the teachers, even over the nice psychologist lady. It was her job to know better. I seethe over my father who, to this day, doesn't think he did or said anything wrong to me – ever. I have forgiven my mom, though. She apologized to me multiple times and I think she understands now. The others? Useless.
But that's not the point of the post. It's not about the adults. It's about the kids. And it's about me, an entire grown-up still not over events that happened more than 10 years ago. Am I immature? Am I in the wrong?
I do not wish anything but healing on the today's adults who used to be the children who each helped to fuck me up for life. I know nothing of their lives, and I bet they had it just as hard as I did, if not harder. They're not the people they were in elementary school. I'm not either. My younger self was an ass, too. We grew. I do not wish to ever speak to them, but I hope they're doing well.
The kids that live in my memories, though, I am not capable of forgiving.
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floraisoncoeur · 2 years
2022 has had its ups and downs but honestly I’ve made the most progress in my mental health and self imagine that I’ve made in a long time and that’s been life changing
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fruity-calamity · 2 years
You know what's really inconvenient? Having a therapeutic breakthrough (or is it just an epiphany?) on your walk back to work after your lunch break. Now I gotta covertly reign in the accompanying minor breakdown until I get off because if there is one thing I can't stand right now it's my enemies (the company Karen's) perceiving me as weak.
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littlefeltsparrow · 7 months
Nesta’s emotional breakdown at the end of the hike was not a product of a well-meaning attempt to improve her well-being, but a manipulative pseudo-therapeutic strategy that aimed to simulate vulnerability and masquerade as progress in Nesta’s character arc.
The narrative would have you believe that the hike was an ordeal of self-discovery for Nesta, that Cassian was using a bit of “tough love” to help Nesta get better and grow as a person. But it operates on the idea that exposure to nature, which is presumed to be inherently beneficial, would give Nesta the push she needed to work through her issues and unpack the trauma that had been affecting her all throughout the book. But, this couldn’t be further from the reality that we are shown. Exercise like hiking can be immensely beneficial to one’s mental wellbeing and it can also be therapeutic in some cases, but such benefits are negated when the people involved are subjected to undue hardship and danger during that exercise.
It’s not a coincidence that Nesta opening up to Cassian comes directly after an extremely straining hike, during which she exhausted herself mentally and physically all while in the midst of intense psychological stress. Nobody told her that Feyre was alright after their heated argument, nobody told her that Feyre AGREED that Nesta did the right thing and understood why she did it. Consequently, this omission prolongs Nesta’s emotional anguish and guilt unnecessarily and makes the ordeal of the hike even worse.
Nesta, who has never hiked before in her life, is forced on one against her will, chaperoned by Cassian who does not speak to her and hardly looks at her during the 2 day hike. This is a detail that exposes this hike for what it truly is, a means of breaking Nesta’s spirit to get her back in line. It was never about piecing her back together, it was about shattering her emotionally to punish her for defying Rhysand’s authority. But, the text doesn’t want to admit that, it wants to pretend to make a grand statement on mental health and make a cheap copy of Cheryl Strayed’s memoir “Wild” without any of the pathos. Cassian can feel warm and fuzzy about the accomplishment of opening Nesta’s heart, when in reality, that vulnerability he witnesses is entirely a result of prolonged stress and pain.
So could it be, that Nesta’s emotional “ breakthrough” at the end of the hike, was not due to Cassian’s and the IC’s efforts to help her, but the combined strain of dehydration, exhaustion and intense emotional distress finally catching up with her after repressing it for 2 days straight?
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Almost 10% of US lung transplants go to COVID-19 patients. Researchers are learning why - Published Aug 21, 2024
Researchers from Michigan State University and Corewell Health, in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, have made a significant breakthrough in understanding post-COVID-19 lung complications.
The study, by Xiaopeng Li of MSU, Reda Girgis of Corewell Health and Kun Li of Cleveland Clinic's Florida Research and Innovation Center, was published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and highlights the role of a gene called ATP12A in promoting lung damage and excessive mucus production following COVID-19 infection.
COVID-19 infection activates this gene in the lungs, initiating progressive lung scarring that can eventually require a lung transplant. The collaboration investigated the biology behind climbing lung transplant rates among patients with post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis. Almost 10% of all lung transplants in the United States now go to COVID-19 patients, according to data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, or UNOS.
"Understanding how and why some individuals develop severe lifelong complications is critical to developing more effective post-COVID lung damage treatment," said Xiaopeng Li, associate professor in the MSU College of Human Medicine's Department of Pediatrics and Human Development.
Collaborating with Kun Li, Xiaopeng Li investigated ATP12A expression in lung samples from individuals undergoing lung transplantation. Clinical samples provided by Reda Girgis, medical director of Corewell Health's lung transplant program and a professor at MSU, confirmed elevated ATP12A levels in individuals with post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis, akin to fibrosis unrelated to COVID-19.
"At Cleveland Clinic, we confirmed COVID-19 infection directly caused ATP12A levels to increase and contributed to pulmonary fibrosis," noted Kun Li.
This discovery lays the groundwork for potential therapeutic interventions, aiming to benefit all pulmonary fibrosis patients, irrespective of their condition's origin. The next step for the researchers is to unravel how infection elevates ATP12A levels and its contribution to pulmonary fibrosis, paving the way for improved treatments in the future.
Find the (paywalled) study at either link!
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Researchers from Western and Brown University have made groundbreaking progress towards identifying the root cause and potential therapy for preeclampsia.
The pregnancy complication affects up to eight per cent of pregnancies globally and is the leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality due to premature delivery, complications with the placenta and lack of oxygen.
The research, led by Drs. Kun Ping Lu and Xiao Zhen Zhou at Western, and Drs. Surendra Sharma and Sukanta Jash at Brown, has identified a toxic protein, cis P-tau, in the blood and placenta of preeclampsia patients.
According to the study published in Nature Communications, cis P-tau is a central circulating driver of preeclampsia – a “troublemaker” that plays a major role in causing the deadly complication...
“The root cause of preeclampsia has (so far) remained unknown, and without a known cause there has been no cure. Preterm delivery is the only life-saving measure,” said Lu, professor of biochemistry and oncology at  Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry...
“Our study identifies cis P-tau as a crucial culprit and biomarker for preeclampsia. It can be used for early diagnosis of the complication and is a crucial therapeutic target,” said Sharma...
Until now, cis P-tau was mainly associated with neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and stroke. This association was discovered by Lu and Zhou in 2015 as a result of their decades of research on the role of tau protein in cancer and Alzheimer’s.
An antibody developed by Zhou in 2012 to target only the toxic protein while leaving its healthy counterpart unscathed is currently undergoing clinical trials in human patients suffering from TBI and Alzheimer’s Disease. The antibody has shown promising results in animal models and human cell cultures in treating the brain conditions.
The researchers were curious whether the same antibody could work as a potential treatment for preeclampsia. Upon testing the antibody in mouse models they found astonishing results.
“In this study, we found the cis P-tau antibody efficiently depleted the toxic protein in the blood and placenta, and corrected all features associated with preeclampsia in mice. Clinical features of preeclampsia, like elevated blood pressure, excessive protein in urine and fetal growth restriction, among others, were eliminated and pregnancy was normal,” said Sharma.
Sharma and his team at Brown have been working on developing an assay for early detection of preeclampsia and therapies to treat the condition. He believes the findings of this study have brought them closer to their goal...
“The results have far-reaching implications. This could revolutionize how we understand and treat a range of conditions, from pregnancy-related issues to brain disorders,” said Lu.
-via India Education Diary, September 22, 2023
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
New research with mice shows promising results that could lead to the development of a weight-loss drug that mimics exercise. As reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, the compound led obese mice to lose weight by convincing the body’s muscles that they are exercising more than they really are, boosting metabolism. It also increased endurance, helping mice run nearly 50% further than they could before. All without the mice lifting a paw. The drug belongs to a class known as “exercise mimetics,” which provide some of the benefits of exercise without increasing physical activity. The new treatment, currently in the early stages of development, could one day be tested in people to treat diseases like obesity, diabetes, and age-related muscle loss. The research comes as drugs like Ozempic have provided a breakthrough in reducing appetite, helping treat these metabolic diseases. But the new drug, SLU-PP-332, doesn’t affect appetite or food intake. Nor does it cause mice to exercise more. Instead, the drug boosts a natural metabolic pathway that typically responds to exercise. In effect, the drug makes the body act like it is training for a marathon, leading to increased energy expenditure and faster metabolism of fat in the body.
Continue Reading.
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blues824 · 2 years
I know you have a lot of requests and you can ignore this in the trash if you feel like it, but can I request something for the overblot guys + Malleus of Twisted Wonderland with a Pokémon trainer Yuu who specializes in helping to rehabilitate rescued pokemons and even trained some to be like therapy/service pokemons?
Something like Riddle ends up bonding with a rescued springatito, who starts rubbing there paws to create an aroma to help Riddle calm down when he is angered. Or Malleus with a hisuian goodra that once was lost, just to give him a buddy so he feels less lonely.
Gender-neutral reader.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Mans needs it desperately, and I think we can all agree. He might try to refuse the Pokémon at first, but he will come around
Since you are his significant other, he is more likely to listen to you out of anyone else (excluding the teachers)
He thought that your occupation was an admirable one, since taking care of animals is something his dorm specializes in
I feel like he would definitely need a Springatito to help him calm down when he gets super freaking angry. It would be better if you were there, though
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Leona Kingscholar
He also needs therapy, just like all of the other overblot victims. He acts like he hates the Pokémon first, though.
But, there are a few times where he gets lonely in his bed, so he will take you up on your offer for a therapy Pokémon
For that reason, he could use a Snorlax. They both like to sleep, and the Pokémon is like a pillow, so it works out.
Unfortunately, the Snorlax does not replace you or your cuddles and warmth or your scent. Leona won’t ever tell you that, though
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Azul Ashengrotto
This is a situation where he needs to see therapy as beneficial not only to himself but to the economy, the one that he contributes to by running the Lounge
However, it can be pretty stressful to be balancing school and work, so he needs a Pokemon that can help him relax at night
You can not tell me that he would not be vibing with a Jigglypuff. It would not only bring a soothing vibe to the Mostro Lounge, but Azul here can get an adequate amount of sleep
The only thing that could make it better was if you were there to cuddle with the very flustered cecaelia.
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Jamil Viper
We all know that this man is stressed and stretched out to his complete capacity, even after his overblot.
If you were to give him an Evee, who has multiple different evolution forms, it will be a huge burden lifted off of his shoulders
Because not only can all of the Evee evolutions help him in a variety of different forms, Evee also offers companionship
Then, if you join in on helping him around Scarabia, it only sweetens the deal. Not only would he have his Pokémon pal, but also his significant other
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Vil Schoenheit
He struggles with maintaining both his beauty and his reputation, and he feels as though no one understands how cutthroat this industry is
So, in order to make a therapeutic breakthrough with Vil, he needs a Pokemon that truly understands him
That’s why I’ve partnered with Milotic, because nothing is better than a humble and kind but also beautiful Pokémon
Not only does Milotic understand what he goes through in his rivalry with Neige, but he also has you to help him if he needs extra assistance.
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Idia Shroud
This man’s struggle is shyness. He hates being around a single person that isn’t you; you are the only exception
However, you are not available all the time, so you proposed a Pokémon pal for him. It didn’t sound horrible, so he agreed.
You decided that a Shaymin would be perfect for Idia. The two get along so well, you would think that you’re irrelevant
A little sidenote: I chose Shaymin because it has a flower and it reminded me of the Greek Mythology of Hades and Persephone
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Malleus Draconia
Last, but certainly not least, we have Malleus Draconia. The man is lonely, and that’s where y’all’s savior complex comes in
But, as the Ramshackle Prefect as well as a Pokémon caretaker, you don’t have a lot of time to just drop everything and hang out with the young prince
So, you offered to introduce him to one of your many Pokémon, and you decided that a Goodra would be the best fit
The three of you acted like a little family, with you as the leader because the others were emotionally attached to you.
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Never apologize
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Transcript of 03x07 | Legacy
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As I went over here, guilt is eating him alive.
I noticed that the whole AA meeting scene is about those people in the group voicing out what Carmy can't say in his own words. As if they spoke for him because they all have similar experiences, which is one of the goals of group therapy, that the patient can relate to others going through the same trauma and that "act of mirroring" helps them to feel less alone and ultimately to heal. That is the whole therapeutic process of that kind of therapy.
Carmy doesn't say a word in those scenes, is just introspectively relating to everything he hears, taking it all in and associating all of it with his own experience. He doesn't say a word because he doesn't have to. His peers in the group speak for him.
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They speak of guilt, of not being able to say the words "I'm sorry" or apologizing and having those unsaid words STUCK inside. They make them feel "stuck", which is exactly how Carmy is, throughout the season, till this moment:
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Which IMO is a clear sign that whilst the breakthrough moment was when he could finally cry, the real progress will be made when he can actually apologize (S4). THAT WILL GET HIM UNSTUCK.
But of course there's a catch.
Now he not only needs to apologize to C, which I think a simple text could do. But the person he needs to apologize the most to is Syd and not just with words, because he has been using his words for a couple of seasons now and that is not cutting it for Syd, obviously. With Syd, he needs to apologize in whatever way she tells him to. Whatever she asks, he has to do, and not just promise her this time around, actually do.
The catch is that that strategy will only work in a perfect world, not in Carmy's world.
This puts us back at square 1 because it's not like he hasn't been trying to fulfill his promises, it's that he keeps failing at it, over and over, because he has lots of unresolved issues, trauma, CPTSD, etc. So, what will have to happen for the apologies to actually work this time around is that THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY anymore.
What will break the cycle is that Carmy stops feeling guilty for not having apologized to C and starts forgiving himself for having fucked up. In his case, Self-acceptance is what will break the cycle.
Eventually, if that apology does happen, not because he proactively tries to apologize and fails every time, but because life happens... he runs into C, or whatever... Then he can apologize to her, and not because he feels guilty, but because he wants her out of his life for good and wants to give her and himself some closure and move on. For that, first, he has to realize that that is exactly what he wants. He has to realize he doesn't want C, but Syd and maybe that will happen after he finds out about Shapiro's offer...
As far as Syd goes, she will have to understand who she's dealing with here and not expect an apology from him, nor a change. IK this is an extremely unpopular opinion, but it's a valid one when you are dealing with addicts in the family. Sorry, I didn't make the rules. This is how love works when the one you love is fucked up and your life is not in danger. You don't walk out on them if they are hitting rock bottom. You try to help them, you look for help. You support and get the help you need too, to be able to show up. She will have to forgive herself for putting the wrong expectations on the wrong man and expecting something that Carmy simply can't give her. He has been giving her so far, whatever he is capable of, whatever he knows how to give. She can either accept it or not. I think she will for all these reasons I already elaborated on here and here. Anything else, is just not possible at this time, because for now, when he's still not fully recovered, he's just incapable of giving her anything else other than this flawed yet good-intentioned robot/psycochef he has been serving her. He can't give her anything else at this point, because he just doesn't even have it himself. And then she will have to decide if, knowing that, knowing who she's actually dealing with, someone who expresses commitment and affection in such a flawed and toxic way, she wants to stick around anyway BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM or not.
She will have to come clean with herself and adjust her expectations realistically.
If she finds it in her, she will have to be patient and trust in the process. Keep on trusting in Carmy. Put the SHIP in partnership. Not because she has to, but because she freely chooses to, out of love.
But sticking around expecting him to change, or fulfill his promises like a healthy person would, won't work, just as it hasn't worked so far. He will apologize, I'm sure. But that won't change a thing. Just like it hasn't changed anything so far. So does she want to and can she be there for him and for herself knowing and accepting this? And why?(Purpose, chef!). If she decides she will stay by his side, then she can't expect more apologies from him. She will have to forgive him for being an asshole and move on, help herself, and help him in the process. Because apologies won't cut it at this point.
Surrender will.
In Syd's case, surrender is what breaks the cycle she is trapped in. Surrendering to what she feels for him and letting that be the reason why she stays, as opposed to expecting him to change for her and AGAIN say he's sorry and that he won't do it again... and she knows the drill... Just won't be enough and she knows it deep down. She stopped believing in all of that, which is part of her current crisis:
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Then, once these crises (both, hers and his) have passed the real apologies, the ones that actually count, will come. But the other catch is that they will no longer be necessary because by then they will have accepted themselves and each other just as they are and will have improved as well. Together and because of each other.
So apologizing will feel superfluous. Although by then the expectations they put in one another will be well-calibrated, they will both know how to say I'm sorry when it matters and really put in the work to make the apology count. So, it won't really be necessary anymore. But they will still do it, out of love.
I trust they will find this loophole next season.
Bonus track: Syd is the source of his amusement and enjoyment that's why he hates Sundays. But the source of Syd's is all of the people she thought of right before her panic attack, all the people she just can't make herself walk away from, not even for all the money in the world, not even if Carmy is a piece of shit. They just have to accept it, first to themselves, and then to each other. There's no other way out of this labyrinth.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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