#Help Yourself By Helping Others
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kaladinstormblessd622 · 9 months
I have a wisdom tooth that has come in sideways and cracked in half, the other is also coming in sideways and both need to be removed. however, since this country’s healthcare system sucks, it will cost me $560 dollars to have them taken out. The pain is excruciating, and I also work a job that necessitates me interacting & talking with the public; which is impossible with the side of my face swelled up so bad my eye can’t even open fully, and even more impossible with the absolutely horrendous pain I am in. After being out of work for 3 months due to an open bowel resection surgery I had due to my Crohn’s disease, as well as having just paid my rent, it has rendered me completely destitute and unable to afford having these two teeth extracted. Any aid would be massively beneficial, I genuinely cannot live with this pain.
$0/$560 raised
Cashapp: $Raughtweiller22
Venmo: @jakeraught
PayPal: @Raughtweiller622
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dre4mzandvisi0nz · 1 year
Now I share some of the things I do to get back on track after an Depressive episode(or as a help to get out of a depressive circle)
To get back at waking up earlier:
Pushing myself to do my nighttime routine the night before.
Then putting my alarm on LOUD with a new sound and putting my phone away from my bed so I have to get up.
Not trying to get up on at 5-6am like I used to. I try to set my Alarm like 15-30mins earlier to where I’m getting up in the depressive episode/circle.
Then slowly set the alarm closer to the time I wanna get up.
Also I like to change one thing in my morning routine to change and break the "boring" part of it.
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thedreamagevolumezero · 6 months
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Captain America (2023) #7 by J. Michael Straczynski and Carlos Magno
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thebonesofhoudini · 11 months
If you have the opportunity to help someone, help someone. If you find yourself in a situation that involves helping another person, don't hesitate to do it. Always help people when you have an opportunity because the table of life constantly turns.
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eccentricphilosoph · 1 year
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VENT: Millennials and Gen Z Need to Stop Being So “Introverted”, Especially Americans
The one thing I dislike about Millennials and Gen Z is that they act like they’re so damn shy like everyone is gonna hurt them or whatever😑 Especially the adults. You’re an ADULT now. You can overcome.
You can deal with people and you should. I can’t even have a fun dinner or cocktail party because you Millennials “hate people” even though a party will have my friends who are truly good people who I painstakingly choose. You have to work with people and people can be fun if you would just stop being so into yourself and your mental problems and your “introvertedness”. We all have mental problems. How are an entire two generations TRUE “introverts”? The internet isn’t an excuse. We are hard wired to need other people to survive, being a hermit isn’t normal. “Oh but I’m an introvert. I need my safe space. I hate people.” That isn’t normal. Get help where you can
I just passed a Gen Z adult in a hallway and she wouldn’t even move until I was right up on her and said “excuse me” and she move *six inches* for me to SQUEEZE by and she didn’t even look at me besides a quick eye glance. Even in Japan someone would be more accommodating and they usually hardly interact with strangers! Jfc
I’m an ambivert with ADHD, PMDD, depression, anxiety, been betrayed by several friends, have been in several bad relationships, have had bad family experiences, have been harassed, bullied, have chronic fatigue syndrome, have been sexually assaulted and harassed, have been careerless for nearly a decade, had professors treat me poorly in university, etc. so I get it! I’ve been there, but life is fun when you share it with many others.
I just am sick and tired of my own damn generation being so boring and defensive and being bad friends all the time! I look at my parents having fun mature parties with friends all these decades only wishing I could do that, but I can’t. I see them going on group outings and trips with friends and I can’t do that either. I also want to make better friends but no one wants that because they’re all too defensive about their “private lives”. Millennials are so damn flaky and boring and self-centered (as in they think a lot about themselves and what’s going on with themselves) and I’m getting so so tired of it.
Young Gen X still has kids, so they’re not easy to hang out with and anyone older than that is like my parents’ age which, rn is still weird to me tbh…
Millennials are also so flaky too. If you don’t keep them on the line, they just go away or they tell you they’re just too tired or busy or whatever. They make poor friends because they’re not there when you need actual help with something because it’s “too much” for their fragile being with their “mental problems” or they can’t trust people because they’re “jaded”.
Like jfc it’s a CYCLE. If you are an introverted selfish person, that’s the kind of people you’ll be around too because they learned it from those around them. If you learn to be better, then people end up becoming better.
Just. Please. Grow. Up. Get. Help. Be. A. Real. Friend. Be. Better.
Do you realize you’re BLOCKING out people who can UNDERSTAND YOU?
Inb4 all the excuses of mental health or being betrayed all the time or being jaded or being really and truly introverted.
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s3znl-gr3znl · 2 months
Seeing a lot of people comparing our choices in president to Cop or Handmaid's Tale, and im really struggling to get it through peoples heads that they're the same thing.
Both are forms of fascism.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is no longer a viable voting strategy (and it never was) when both candidates are ultimately going to do nothing to change the status quo or uplift/protect the most vulnerable groups.
Its never too late to organize your neighborhood. Its just work.
Its never too late to build communities. Its just work.
Its never to late do something to effect a positive change. Its just work.
We can do it.
We can make a better world for ourselves and future generations.
We deserve better.
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ageofseers · 4 months
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Gentle reminder: “bear witness” means “learn about what’s happening, so you can talk about it, agitate for change, and help where you can”
Not “you must watch X number of snuff films and look at X number of dead children, in order to be a good person”
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Well, I am being very productive. I will graduate next December with my BA in Graphic Design and Media, I got my bartending license, and I am also now a life coach, holistic health coach, and a wellness coach. (Basically I’ll just advertise as a life coach and offer a bit of physical, mental, and life guidance.)
Only way to help others is to be productive myself, right?
Come let me help you, help you. 🖤
If I can overcome the daily obstacles and life traumas that I have, I believe truly anyone can if they want it bad enough. Sometimes you don’t realize how bad you want something, until someone truly listens and helps you open your eyes to another perspective and your own potential.
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bermudaagentofchange · 6 months
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Midlife (or How to Hero at Fifty!) Volume 1 by Brian Buccellato and Stefano Simeone
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thedreamagevolumezero · 11 months
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Wonder Woman: The Circle by Gail Simone, Terry Dodson, and Rachel Dodson
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pressl1toeventheodds · 7 months
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