#Henry Flagler
celticcatgirl2 · 1 year
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How is Henry Flagler in SO many fucking animes?!?!
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atticus13 · 2 years
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all trains lead to whitehall. , pt. II
Henry Flagler Museum
Palm Beach, Florida
May 28, 2022
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Imperial Rome and Italy Superior
Imperial Rome and Italy Superior
Imperial Rome and Italy Superior is a necessary post to explain the Venetian (Italian) influence of Florida, formally, called La floridas, which means the land of the flowers.   The Venetians are named after their city Venice, Italy, which is a city built around water with a serious of water canals. Likewise, Florida is a state with thousands of water canals similar to the ones in Venice, Italy.…
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sassyredux · 5 days
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I flew half way across the country for 12 hours (from touch down to take off) to visit the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach Florida, for the sole purpose of having the opportunity to witness an exhibit showcasing a collection of works from my most beloved artist, Alphonse Mucha.
I fell so incredibly ill the week of this trip, and I was terrified that I would not make it. I did, and it was beyond words. This trip was so much more than I’d bargained for. It is truly one of the most magnificent bits of magic I’ve manifested for my self in a long long time. I look back at this adventure often, and my heart is so grateful for what it’s given me. It was truly a lifelong dream that has been fulfilled.
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lifestyleofluxe · 2 years
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obeetlebeetle · 17 days
the actual meaning of Florida!!! is well. Henry Flagler's personal brand of manifest destiny
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amtrak-official · 1 year
What is a train? How does a train work?
These are trains, they are metal boxes that go fast on tracks via continuous blood sacrifices to Henry Flaglers corpse
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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During the Florida Land Boom of the 1920s, entrepreneurs and real estate developers deployed creative tactics to woo potential clients [...] to invest in Florida land. [...] At Miami Beach, where Indianapolis-based entrepreneur Carl Fisher invested millions in resort development during the 1920s, tourists encountered a surprising attraction: elephants. Two elephants were brought to Miami Beach. They were named Carl II (named after Fisher himself) and Rosie [...]. Seeing the elephants’ work at Miami Beach positions these more-than-human actors in the histories of leisure in South Florida, as they signal the uncomfortable degree to which work and leisure were deeply entangled in this place. [...]
Carl II, came to Miami Beach from Peoria, Illinois, in February of 1921. According to the Miami Daily Metropolis, [E.B.], who owned several circuses in the Midwest, gifted the elephant to Carl Fisher [...]. “I am going to get a million dollars’ worth of advertising out of this elephant.” [...] Carl II also carried advertisements on boards hung over a saddle. [...] Infantilizing Carl II, as reporters often did in the Miami newspapers, seems to have [...] helped uphold his value as a toy of sorts, which supported the idea of Miami Beach as a “playground,” as it was called at the time. [...] [A]rticles stressed, however, that the elephant’s education would involve more than “play.” The Miami Daily Metropolis reported that “Carl, the elephant will be put to work.” This is coupled with language that strikes a disciplinary tone; the reporter stated that “he must earn his keep.” [...] Such work ranged from moving portable houses on the beach to pulling presses on the polo field. Carl also cleared mangrove swamps to make land suited for residential development [...].
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Like other resorts that pandered to a growing middle-class market for leisure in the roaring 1920s, Fisher’s venture on Miami Beach was carefully curated as a “playground to the World.”
Just as Henry Flagler had separated “work” from “leisure” by building Palm Beach separate from West Palm Beach in the 1890s, Fisher kept his beach workers’ labor largely invisible - except when it enhanced the tourist experience of its middle- and upper-middle class clientele, as when the elephants caddied on the golf course or stomped divots on the polo field. Fisher’s plan was to attract visitors to Miami Beach to come back year after year [...] [and] to prompt permanent settlement in his island subdivisions. These subdivisions, like his hotels, were meant to be exclusive. [...]
And while this landscape depended on an African American workforce, the city enacted Ordinance 457 in 1936, requiring the more than 5,000 service workers at the time to “register.” In addition to being photographed and fingerprinted, Black workers had to carry identification with them. [...]
In March of 1921, Carl II lived at the local fairgrounds [...]. An article in the Miami Daily Metropolis that celebrated Carl II’s presence there also noted that “the fair doors are not open to the colored population this year.” [...] 
Part attraction and part workhorse, Carl II moved across spaces dividing work and leisure, non-human and human, and Black and white on which Miami Beach’s status as a “tropical paradise” for the white leisured classes depended. [...] Carl II was shipped off to the Circus in 1926, the same year that a devastating hurricane struck the beach and brought the “boom” years to an end. His companion, Rosie, eventually met the same fate. [...] While Miami Beach was developed as a playground for the white leisure class, its success was inextricably bound with the labor force that built and sustained it.
Images, captions, and all text above by: Anna Andrzejewski. “Work, Play, and Elephants in South Florida’s Leisure Landscape.” Edge Effects. 27 April 2023. Published at: edgeeffects.net/miami-beach-elephants/ [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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emmaestrella · 5 months
oh ur nd?? whats ur childhood special interest?? prolly something cool like space or dinosaurs right?? nope it was HENRY FUCKING FLAGLER
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grottweiler · 2 months
important question what is the general location of grotts parking lot. dox that boy for me
Grott lives in the city of Flagler in southern Miami-Dade County, an amalgam of all the places I grew up, sandwiched between US-1 and the Turnpike. If I had to put it on the map, it's kinda sorta Florida City (34), Homestead (33), Leisure City (kk), Naranja (jj), with some bits of Kendall (u), Cutler Bay (32), Coral Gables (28), and a dash of Key Largo (not pictured; Monroe County) for flavor.
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If you grew up down here, you're familiar with the name Henry Flagler, or at the very least the cult of personality all the politicians and businessowners have built up around him. The old Overseas Railroad that connected Key West to the mainland cuts Flagler right down the middle, and Grott literally lives on the wrong side of the tracks. The Miami Metropolitan Area is a congested hellhole, but it's HIS congested hellhole! Grott's official responsibilities as a rook-in-training begin and end within the boundaries of the vacant lot he calls home, but he has appointed himself the town and county's Tutelary Gargoyle, sworn preserver, protector, and defender of everything and everyone between the Evergaldes and Biscayne Bay.
The forces of evil are on the rise in Florida, and Grott faces them head on every single day!
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adamsvanrhijn · 10 months
what i, tumblr user maudbeaton, actually want to happen with the gilded age character maud beaton and oscar van rhijn (part 1/?)
Ok. so.
I made a post a few days ago just talking generally about my thoughts on the theory that Maud is scamming Oscar, which then boiled down to, "I do not think the scam explanation is more compelling or necessarily makes more sense than the straightforward explanation".
Even after 2.06, this is still my feelings on the situation overall: to me, it is more interesting if Maud isn't simply scamming Oscar, and if there is truth to what we have heard from/about Maud and the people around her.
However. What I want to happen only very rarely aligns with what Julian Fellowes wants to happen. Nothing in this series of posts is intended to be perceived as a prediction or as me debunking a common fan theory. I won't be surprised if Maud does turn out to be a scam artist at this point! I'm not even saying I think she isn't, we'll get there... If anything this might convince you even more that she IS scamming who knows!
I'm only saying that my hope is that ultimately what happens is more complicated than that, and here's why.
Meeting Maud
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Let's take everything we heard about Maud (from Maud herself and from Aurora Fane) in 2.02 at face value for a moment. Maud has been living in Europe ("Paris mostly") since the death of her mother, who was born a Stuyvesant - old money New York family. She's heard of Mrs. Van Rhijn, because she was just talking to the Drexels in Newport - but she's not staying with them in Newport, she's staying with other friends. She now lives in New York with a sort of paid companion. Her named father, John Beaton, is dead. She is rumored to be the biological illegitimate daughter of Jay Gould, who has taken an interest in her, and she has lots of money at her disposal.
Jay Gould is an incredibly prominent figure, the archetypal robber baron. He has obscene money and influence (like George), and he amassed this wealth through being a ruthless businessman who undercuts and ruins the businesses of others (like George). This is Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk levels of publicity, with comparable buying power. People do not like Jay Gould. Jay Gould is not easy to deal with. That line from him in the first episode about hiring half the working class to kill the other half? A quote that has been attributed to him IRL and that lined up pretty well with his own actions. His one known soft spot was his own wife and children.
Realistically, Maud being rumored to be an illegitimate daughter wouldn't be good for her socially, let alone being rumored to be Jay Gould's illegitimate daughter.
We have a precedent for this in the show, because Marian brings it up about Cissie Bingham (the "niece" of Henry Flagler, rumored to be his daughter, whom Raikes later marries) the previous season in 1.09:
Raikes: We know New York now, you and I. There's a life to be lived here, and a good life. But two penniless strangers from out of town could not have hoped to live it. Marian: But Miss Bingham can make sure of that life for you? Well, why not? She won't suit the old crowd, but she'll do well enough with the new, and her fortune is more than ample for both of you.
(Just for fun, I will also call out that it's the Drexels' box at the Academy of Music where Aurora spots Bingham and Raikes in 1.09.)
And Aurora calls out that people do talk about Maud—in the same breath as saying that she goes everywhere and is nice, and as we see Maud speaking to a nameless background character.
Oscar thinks this is great. "Suitable and charming" he says! Oscar is a fortune hunter who wants to marry a rich girl for her money. He's also closeted and wants the social stability that would come with marriage to a woman — especially a pretty, popular woman who is liked (if not, in Maud's case, universally well regarded).
Here's the thing:
From when we first meet her, Maud is already too good to be true.
...but it's not because the information we have about her doesn't make sense on its own. It's because Oscar's conclusion doesn't make sense based on that information.
At this point all Oscar (thinks he) knows is that this woman is an orphan living with a paid companion who says she knows the Drexels and has friends in Newport she's staying with and lived in Paris and looks down on Parisians, and whose father might actually be Jay Gould, and that's why she can spend all the money she does. That all adds up! Not unheard of, it makes sense that a young woman with no living legal guardians might be supported by her wealthy biological father even if he hasn't claimed her.
What doesn't add up is that she would retain any of the wealth she has access to after she married other than a dowry. It doesn't add up that she would continue to be supported by a man who has no legal responsibility toward her once there is a man with a legal responsibility toward her: a husband. That's the case for girls with alive legitimate biological fathers, too—and in 1.03, Charles Fane calls out that it's not a good look or feeling to be a penniless husband relying on your wife's father for financial support.
There is no reason to think, with the information that Oscar has, even taking that information completely at face value, that Maud is an heiress to or of anything.
Even if we assume everything that Oscar has been told at this point is true (and it's already been presented to him as rumor!), the most straightforward explanation here is that Maud's biological dad doesn't want her to fall into poverty after being orphaned and it's a drop in the bucket to him, not that she's secretly an heiress to Gould money. Oscar is making an assumption based on what he wants to be true, without all of the facts.
Yes, Maud has plenty of money at her disposal... but is it hers?
Oscar is not bothering to ask that question. He is already setting himself up for failure.
(part 2)
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atticus13 · 2 years
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all trains lead to whitehall.
Henry Flagler Museum
Palm Beach, Florida
May 28, 2022
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peaceloveandhistory · 9 months
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Fun fact: Miami, Florida was founded by a woman, Julia DeForest Tuttle. She was born on January 22, 1849, in Cleveland Ohio. Julia visited Southern Florida for the first time in 1875 visiting her father's 40-acre orange grove. Her father would pass away in 1890, leaving Julia his property in Florida. She moves to Florida and uses money from her parent's estate to purchase 640 acres where the city of Miami is located today. To start a new city, she needed transportation and devised to ask Henry Flagler to extend his railroad, and in return, she would divide her real estate earnings with him. Initially, Flagler was against this idea until the Great Freeze of 1894-95, which destroyed the old orange belt of central and northern Florida. The events that happen next are debated, I would like to believe that during the Great Freeze, Julia sent Flagler a bouquet of oranges, and other flowers, convincing him to give the order to extend the Florida East Coast Railway. On July 28, 1896, Miami was incorporated as a new city, and by the 1920s it was a bustling metropolis. Julia is known as the "Mother of Miami," and is the only woman to have founded what would become a major American city. "It is the dream of my life to see this wilderness turned into a prosperous country."
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sassyredux · 5 days
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Alphonse Mucha exhibition, 2024
At Henry Morrison Flagler Museum
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conexaoamerica · 2 years
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Living the best life in the Magic City! 🇺🇸🏖 💡 Miami is the only major city in the United States founded by a woman. Julia Tuttle, a local citrus grower, was instrumental in convincing railroad tycoon Henry Flagler to extend his Florida East Coast Railway to the area in 1896. ⁉️ What is the most memorable travel experience you've ever had? . . ➢ Credit 👉🏆📸 @remotepilotmike . . . ➢ Follow 👉 🇺🇸@conexao.america for more photos and movies about United States 🇺🇸 . . . ➢ Alliance @america_states @enjoy_la_ @latinbrazil . . . ➢ ✈ Mark your photo with tag #conexaoamerica or @conexao.america and we'll post it! . . . #miami #visitmiami #exploremiami #miamibeach #miamistreets #tripscout #miamivibes #iloveusa #dream (em Miami, Fl) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cppque8LcIU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamesscottsi · 2 years
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West Palm Beach from Palm Beach Island at dusk. #canon #eosr5 #R5 #HDR #westpalmbeach #sunset #dusk #photography (at Henry Morrison Flagler Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLorS4L99s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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