#Hera resembles Rhea the most
writingamongther0ses · 4 months
Thoughts about the male gods of the six eldest in my WIP-
Hades looks like a mix of Kronos and Rhea, with his mother's dark hair and his father's golden eyes. His eyes are much more lively than his father's eyes though, and are a touch gentler. His children mostly inherit the golden eyes that resemble the gold he owns.
Poseidon looks like Rhea, with inky dark hair and deep blue eyes. His eyes have changed over the years to be more sea green. His children all resemble him, excluding Triton who resembles Amphitrite, but he doesn't mind that much. Someone had to get her lovely features.
Zeus looks like Kronos, with blonde hair and golden eyes. He changed his eyes to be sky blue to look like his mother and to honor his position. He's fiercely jealous and insecure over his features, to the point that his children look more like Poseidon or Hades then they do him.
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Lore Olympus Episode 251 Spoilers
"Yet in spite of everything, [...] look at the man you've become."
You mean, a slave driver, an abusive dipshit and a horrible parent. Yeah, that's not the best argument, Persie.
I find it funny how LO often goes out of his way to have characters assure Hades that he's nothing like Kronos, but honestly? Hades is extremely similar to Kronos. Uncomfortably so.
They were both lonely and filled that void with women much younger than them, whom they were also in a position of power over, Kronos with Hera and Hades with Minthe and then Persephone.
Both like to play victim. Kronos loves to guilt-trip Hera for deceiving him and ignores that his actions would most certainly have doomed the world and Hera and the other Six Traitors had basically no choice but to fight back by any means necessary. Hades frequently whines to Persephone and others about how he feels oh-so-lonely and oh-so-isolated as King of the Underworld, ignoring that he himself is a huge reason for why other immortals percieve him as scary and unapproachable. He's constantly intimidating and bullying people with both his status and his money, see him threatening that one poor nymph with closing her business if she didn't give him private information about Persephone or him constantly antagonizing Demeter for no reason.
They're both tyrants. Kronos is self-explanatory. Hades is downright proud of exploiting the shades who come to the Underworld. He literally brags about making them perform unpaid labor. Hades also seemingly doesn't give a rat's ass about his people. He threatens both his employees and regular citizens on a daily basis. The only person in the Underworld he shows a modicum of care towards is Hecate and that's only becaus she's a long-time friend of his. And also because she actively enables all the shit named above. If you wanna cheat you could say that extends to Persephone, since she's also officially a citizen of the Underworld, but let's be real here, that's only because he's in love with her. I sincerely doubt Hades would put up an embargo and show up at a trial as the lawyer if any other citizen of the Underworld was being unfairly persecuted by Zeus.
Both Kronos and Hades are horrible parents. Kronos ate all of his sons alive but one and the only reason he didn't eat Zeus was because Rhea was wise enough to hide him away. Hades emotionally abused and neglected Thanatos for all his life, didn't show concern when Thanatos was M.I.A and when confronted by Thanatos over being a shitty father, instead of apologizing or showing anything even resembling remorse, he instead made excuses about how Thanatos wasn't throwing himself into his arms eager to be fathered after his own mother gave him up into child labor. I've said it before but I'm genuinely afraid for Dionysus, Hades isn't father material and I'm positive he'll repeat the same neglectful bullshit he pulled with Thanatos.
"There were times in the last few years of my life where I felt truly hopeless."
Sure would've been nice if we could've seen those times instead of time-skipping right over them. Persephone keeps talking about how hard the years in the Mortal Realm were, but all evidence we've had of that were her hands going green. And even that's gone now.
"But then I thought about you and [...] your capacity for love despite all the cruelty you faced."
Excuse me, what????
Name one person in this goddamn Webtoon Hades was ever genuinely loving towards that wasn't someone he once fucked or wanted to fuck.
I see the child is only referred to as 'the interloper' now. I'm guessing RS doesn't want readers to think too hard about the fact that hxp have been doing fuck-all to save an endangered child for several episodes.
And we're officially going for the "Delusional Jealous Woman" route with Leuce it seems. RS' hatred for all women that aren't her self-insert is so palpable it hurts.
"I miss Minthe."
Me too, Thetis, me too.
I'm honestly scared of where this whole Kassandra/Apollo thing is going, I don't want any more Apollo woobifying.
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joandfriedrich · 1 year
the March sisters as Greek goddesses? (Beth is Hestia and no one can change my mind)
You just combined of my favorite things together and I am stoked! Also, sorry it took a little while, I wanted to be as accurate as I could in my choices.
Marmee- I am adding her just because, and she would be Rhea, Goddess of the Female Fertility. She is also was the goddess of motherhood and femininity, and was the mother to the Olympians. Marmee has been considered one of literature's best mother figures and Rhea seems to be the best match for her.
Meg- My instinct is to go to Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Women. Meg embraced her femininity, had longed to be married and have children, and actually wanted it from an early age compared to her sisters who never married (Beth), didn't want to (Jo), or marry for wrong reasons (Amy).
Jo- I am sure many people would say ether Athena or Artemis (mostly, I am sure due to their statuses of being unmarried/virgin goddesses) but really, she is closer to Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry. According to Hesiod, she was the leader of the muses, but also the most assertive, which that is certainly Jo, and her only offspring were two boys, Orpheus and Linus, much like Jo's only children were two boys, Rob and Teddy.
Beth- I agree with you 100%! For those that may not know, Hestia is Goddess of the Hearth, Family, and Home. She is said to be a pretty nice goddess, described as being pure and peaceful, and never married, which ties in my headcanon of Beth being aro-ace. There isn't too many myths about her, but it appeared that there wasn't a god or goddess in all of the Pantheon that had disliked her, which is very true with ho everyone viewed Beth.
Amy- This might be a shock to some people, but her goddess would be Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. As an adult, she displayed her newfound wisdom brilliantly especially to Laurie in Europe, which helped him avoid making a big mistake, and had greatly matured from her childhood into adulthood. Athena is also the goddess of Creativity and was known as a patroness of the arts, which fits the rather artistic Amy.
Mr. March- After some digging, I thought that the best fit is Hymenaios, God of Marriage Ceremonies. Given that Mr. March is a pastor who had served as a pastor for his own daughters' weddings (Meg confirmed, and Jo headcanoned), it feels pretty apt that he'd be this god, though not much else is known about this god.
John- I was not expecting to pair John with Hermes, God of Travelers, but it works. Hermes' main job was a messenger for the gods and goddesses, but has also been said to be the first teacher to the mortals, teaching them letters, science, and how to use their intellect, which makes in a way, a tutor, just like one Mr. Brooke.
Friedrich- Admittedly, this one was the toughest one, but the one I choose was someone I least expected, Dionysus, God of Wine and Festivities. Friedrich has always been known to be a easy going and fun man, but just like the god, he was also incredibly kind and helpful to his fellow men. One of Dionysis' titles was known as the "protector of misfits" as he had been an outsider in the Pantheon, which is very similar to Friedrich being seen as an outsider due to being a German in America.
Laurie- This is another one that was super easy to think of, Apollo, God of Music. A little fun fact is that Apollo was also the god of prophecy, which I couldn't help but to think about that scene in the book where Laurie ponders over the idea of Jo resembling the thorny red rose and Amy the thorn-free white rose, certain that it must mean something, which in the end it did.
How do you guys think I did? Is there any other god or goddess you'd think could work?
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Hades (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Mr. Gloom by Aphrodite
Dear Brother by Zeus
Aidoneus by Rhea
The Soulless One, The Unseen One, The Silent One, The Rich One, Lord of the Dead by the people in Olympius
Age- 22 (immortal)
Location- The Underworld
Personality- Hades is extremely solitary and independent. He’s intensely bitter and distant because of how he got his start in life. He has crippling anxiety and low self-esteem, mostly due to his traumatic experience with his father. He’s not very fond of having conversations, only speaking to those he considers his friends, which are few. Hades is extremely intelligent and he remains impartial and fair when conducting his affairs in his domain and in Olympius. He’s also known to have a dark and twisted sense of humor.
As god of the dead & riches, his powers/abilities include necromancy, umbrakinesis, limited geokinesis (controlling/summoning the earth's gems & metals), having an innate sense of people's life auras, pyrokinesis (his flame burns blue), invisibility (through use of his helm), teleportation, and communicating with/shapeshifting into his sacred animals- like black rams, serpents, and screech owls.
Hades has a deep rooted resentment towards his baby brother Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning). He looks down on the many affairs his brother has and his continual embarrassment of his wife Hera (goddess of women & marriage). He feels that his baby brother was their mother’s favorite. Hades is more tolerant of his other younger brother Poseidon (god of the sea & earthquakes) since they both went through being eaten by Kronos (Titan god of the harvest, time, & fate). He also loathes the fact that he's the only one out of his brothers that mostly resembles their father.
Hades covers up the many healed scars covering his chest, legs, and back (due to being burned by Kronos’ stomach acid) with intricate tattoos, which were done by his nephew Ares.
A notable symbol of his is his platinum bident.
He’s aware of his low approval rating amongst most people of Olympius, but Hades doesn’t care one way or another. Despite his low approval rating, they like his realm’s imports- pomegranates and Hades’ brand of cigarettes called Plutopack. Its slogan “You’ll want to die soon” cracks him up.
He drinks his coffee how he likes his women, “steaming hot and black."
Hades is the richest deity in the entire pantheon.
He stopped trying to get more pets after Cerberus kept eating them.
Hades met his current girlfriend Minthe in New Olympus during one of Zeus’ club openings. She was working there as a waitress. The valet gave them each other’s car keys by mistake, so Hades ended up returning her car at a parking garage. They ended up hooking up in the backseat. The only other relationship he had was with an oceanic nymph named Leuce, which he refuses to talk about.
Hades allowed his good friend and advisor Hecate (goddess of magic & witchcraft) to do the interior design of his modern style mansion. He keeps his most prized possession (his Helm of Invisibility) in an onyx case. In his garage (aside from his chariot), he also has a collection of vintage cars- his favorite being the dark blue & gold Rolls-Royce.
His favorite frozen treat is dark chocolate pomegranate ice cream.
With his family (and the pantheon), Hades is closest with his sister-in-law Hera, his niece Hebe (goddess of youth), and his nephews Dionysus (god of wine), Hermes, and Ares (god of war). He's also cordial with Hestia (goddess of the hearth). Hades is friends with Despoina (goddess of the arcadian mysteries, frost, winter, & shadows), Neféloma (goddess of space & dark matter), Thanatos (god of death), Nemesis (goddess of retribution), Charon (Ferryman of the Underworld), and Hypnos (god of sleep). He looks up to Nyx (goddess of the night) & Erebus (god of darkness). Hades also tolerates The Furies & The Moirai and he associates with Moros (god of doom).
In his free time, he enjoys skateboarding, listening to classical music as well as jazz, doing charcoal drawings & portraits, playing ice hockey, poker, writing poetry, lava surfing, billiards, reading, and chess. Hades even competes in chess tournaments in New Olympus, disguised as a young mortal man named Christos Michelakis. He’s won 1st place titles for the past few years.
Hades lost his virginity to Empusa (goddess of shapeshifting).
He’s in therapy, but he hasn’t seen his therapist Harpocrates (god of silence & discretion) in a while.
Being the richest deity, Hades has access to all the gems underground, taking up jewelry making as a little hobby.
His favorite holiday to celebrate is the Winter Solstice. The Underworld goes all out when they have its annual Winter Solstice festival.
He's in a makeshift deathcore metal band called Death Theater with Charon, Thanatos, and Hypnos. He plays bass electric guitar & sings- with them mostly performing for fun. They have released many of their songs online.
Hades believes he lacks the aptitude to cook, so ordering takeout is the only way of sustaining himself. He frequents Olympic Chef, a popular fast food joint in New Olympus. His go-to order is two double bacon olympian burgers cooked medium rare with extra pickles & mushrooms, a feta chicken sandwich, a mini pomegranate pie, two large fries with extra spicy tzatziki dipping sauce, and a large blackberry soda. Hermes usually brings it for him. He also enjoys a glass of red wine.
"They can say what they want. Everyone ends up in The Underworld eventually."
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nysus-temple · 2 years
SO rememeber this picrew of the gang? Well, I've seen many people doing it with Cronus's children ( you know who ) but as much as I like this picrew and the artist's style, I don't think those six look very good in it. So I found this one and decided to try and make more or less how they look in my story like the last one !
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I think it's pretty clear who is who, but in case you're not sure: Hades · Hestia · Poseidon · Demeter · Hera · Zeus
Now, explanation time, wuh !
The oldest of them ! He has a friendly look, am I right? HAH—
Lately, I've been reading how ghosts were portrayed in Ancient Greece, and for my surprise, it wasn't such a big deal. Either they were extremelly pale to a point of looking like a living corpse ( wich makes sense ) or they looked literally like a shadow ( wich also makes sense ). So here you go, Hades looks like a living corpse and wears everything black, pretty obvious to notice he rules the Underworld and never comes out. Not in full-body at least. He's the one who resembles Rhea the most out of the six.
The oldest of the girls !
She was born with a more humanoid-like appearance like the rest, but while growing up, she started becoming more and more like fire with human form. Yes, she is literally made of fire, albe to show only the face and the chest without flames. No, she isn't wearing any clothing, how could she if she's literally walking fire? Her eyes are grey, kind of resembling ashes.
The tallest of the boys !
His hair was originally blonde, but like Hestia, he changed while he was growing until he took this appearance. He was born with the fish scales tho, they just were more similar to the skin color. Behind the necklace he has gills, wich he hides when coming out of the sea.
The tallest of the girls !
I wanted to make her resemble nature as much as possible and I think I was more or less able to get her to look that way. Would probably wear more accesories tho, but not golden, like flowers or similar. Wears a lot of green? OF COURSE she does.
The youngest of the girls !
Maybe due to my obsession of making her resemble Ares the most is the main reason I made her look like this, I can't imagine Ares without any warm color, so his mom has a similar hair color to him. She has freckles and as you can see, she's the one who uses more accesories. Graceful like the queen she is, but still has that inmature side she always had.
And here's the youngest of the boys !
He's the one who resembles Cronus the most, but the straight hair is more of Rhea than him, who had it like Demeter and Hera. A big scar between the eyes, from when Cronus tried to hurt him with his sickle. Of course, has the most noticeable beard, I've been portraying him like this since I was young and I just can't make him without it.
BONUS: Persephone !
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Unlike Dionysus, she hides her horns with her hair, that is long enough to float and make it look like a veil.
She isn't as old as the other six, but is definetly older than the main gang, specially since her own son is there.
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ssaltbending · 3 years
Ok, guys, hear me out: Zuko is a Capricorn, Katara is a Cancer —and here’s why (it would be so poetic).
Part 1: Zuko
TW: explicit mentions of child abuse.
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I know this statement might seem weird and out of place, but in the last couple weeks I’ve been digging a lot into astrology and, in order not to forget my roots, I thoroughly felt the need to combine both of my most recent obsessions in one post, given that this headcanon hasn’t been able to leave my mind ever since I came up with it: if we applied astrology to the Avatar world, I’m sure Cancer and Capricorn would be Katara and Zuko’s signs, respectively. And I don’t say this in a superficial way, just by looking at zodiac memes and associating Katara with the crybabies Cancers are portrayed as or saying Zuko is a Capricorn buzzkill as people who know astrology on a surface level would assume they are —those are some of the most common stereotypes about the signs. No, I’m saying that they embody those signs on an archetypal leve: in the way their stories, especially Zuko’s, resemble the myths that originate the zodiac signs and their respective traits.
Therefore, without further ado, let me explain.
The Capricorn archetype: the sins of the father...
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As any casual astrology enthusiast may probably know, the sign of Capricorn is connected to qualities such as perseverance, integrity, resilience and ambition, typically treated as the CEO or boss of the zodiac. However, the sign itself has a richer and much more complex story as we look at the deities it is associated with as well as the planet that rules it: Saturn, linked to the Roman god of the same name and the greek gods Cronus, Zeus, Hestia and Pan. Some astrologers choose Cronus as Capricorn’s patron god and others prefer his children, but that can be explained very easily.
The myth goes like this: Cronus, a giant and father of what we would know as some of the main greek gods (Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus), was actually the son of Uranos, who he subverted thanks to the advice of his mother Gaia to use an agricultural tool to kill him. But as time went by and Cronus had started having children with his partner, Rhea, the fear of his descendants becoming stronger than him and doing the same thing he had done to his father took over him, which led to his decision of swallowing them all whole. He started with Hestia all the way back to Zeus, whom he couldn’t swallow right after he was born, unlike his other children, because this time Rhea had hid him in the island of Crete to protect him from his father. To deceive him, Rhea then covered a rock in cloth to make it resemble a baby for Cronus to eat it, thinking that it was a newborn Zeus.
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Time passed and Zeus grew stronger until he was ready to confront his father and save his siblings from his womb, and when he finally did it, he managed to force Cronus into disgorge them one by one, in the reverse order they had been swallowed —which left Hestia as the last sibling to be disgorged.
After that, Zeus was left with a prophecy, where he would also be possibly overthrown by a son of his. And after Métis, the woman he was told would bear said child, gave birth he swallowed the newborn whole just like Cronus had done with his brothers and sisters. The child in question, however, started giving him headaches as it grew older and bigger inside of him and would become the goddess we know as Athena. What Zeus did with her was the repetition of a cycle perpetuated by his forefathers, a cycle of abuse and trauma that seems inescapable. What this part of the duality of the Capricorn archetype shows one of the ways in which those ideas of tradition and legacy can be carried on (a very negative one, to be honest), but that’s not the only way they can manifest, which gives the archetype this… almost cinematic quality, in my opinion. (And if we take this into account, I might headcanon Azula as a Capricorn rising due not only to the archetypal coincidences but the overall mastermind outlook she has and how much of a natural, domineering and calculating leader she is, but that’s besides the point.)
Now, let’s talk about the other side of the archetype, which gives it this incredible dual quality: Hestia’s path. Unlike her brother Zeus, Hestia was the one who not only had been devoured by her father, but she had spent the most time inside him as well. This is often associated with the emotional isolation many Capricorns experience in their youth, the lack of warmth and love by one of their parents, along with the desire not to become the abusive parent they were exposed to. Hestia is the other side of the story, the unspoken leader of the Olympians, the one who broke the toxic cycle running in her family for generations, vowing to become an eternal virgin and protector of the earth. Besides, Hestia means “hearth”: the inner fire, the one that is never allowed to go out.
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(art by @elisebrave​)
That is the soul of the Capricorn archetype: the crossroads of destiny, the moment when the child decides whether to become like their parents, or forge their own path like Hestia did. Do you guys see what I see now? Are the similarities clear enough?
As my dear friend @persephobeee​ points out in her Capricorn essay (a crucial source for this one): “The Capricorn archetype is a cycle of stuck parents putting stress on their children at such a young age so then their kid ends up making money in retaliation, but then treat their kids the same as well due to the lack of warmth and freedom they had in their own childhood. The intense pressure put onto them as a child [then] leads to isolation and depression. It’s a cycle. ‘I don’t want to be my parent, but also… how they have ruined me’. The chain can continue with Zeus (projecting sorrows and nightmares onto their own children) or it could break with Hestia (the path of love, light and protection).”
This is why Capricorn’s planetary ruler, Saturn, is also associated with ideas found in this myth: restriction, limitation, order, boundaries, leadership, responsibility… pretty much dad vibes, to be honest. Do you guys see what I see or do I have to dig deeper?
“But isn’t zuko a firebender?? Why would he be an earth sign??”, you may ask.
The way that I might be making headcanons about the Gaang’s western zodiac signs isn’t gonna be based on which element they bend, because that would be quite reductive and restrictive for me as an astrology junkie, but their similarities to each sign’s archetype and overall characteristics. And yes, I do see Zuko as an earth sun, but that wouldn’t be his only sign, there is also the moon and the rising sign, which also have an important impact on the individual. In my opinion, Zuko’s personality embodies the qualities of fire signs as well: competitiveness, drive, passion, impulsiveness and loyalty. But to me those qualities are better shown in his character through his moon sign: an Aries moon, to be specific. See those anger outbursts? The “I don’t need any [fucking] calming tea!!”? The “you never think these things through”? Aries moon behavior, right there. But I’m not going to focus on moon signs right now. Let’s get back to the behavior I am the most well-versed at: Capricorn behavior.
So, the sign of Capricorn is also a cardinal sign, a leader, since they are the ones that begin each season. In the Northern Hemisphere, Capricorn season starts right on the winter solstice, and the opposite happens in the South. However, since all the astrology lore comes from the North thanks to the Greeks, Babylonians and more, the seasonal connections are related to the seasons there. As a consequence, Capricorn is the cardinal sign that brings the coldest, darkest season of the year: winter. And incorporating that into Zuko’s character would be incredibly fitting, in my opinion, because of some stuff I’ve read here on Tumblr saying that making him being born during the coldest time of the year would make it a terrible omen for a firebender, worse in this case due to him being born into the royal family, symbols of the power and “supremacy” of the Fire Nation. The fact that he would be born in winter, if we follow this reasoning, would have made him seem as a disappointment to his father ever since birth. 
… or maybe I’m just cruel, guys.
Moreover, I think Zuko embodies many of the Capricorn qualities in the way he carries himself (because no, not all Capricorns are confident managers with the world in our hands) and how hard he has to work to earn everything he gets. A key part of what this sign represents is “the path of hardships the goat has to overcome in order to reach the top of the mountain”, which along with the myth I have described before, could easily be applied to Zuko. It describes values of endurance, hard work, discipline and drive in order to achieve your goals, something that can be seen in Zuko all throughout the series, but changes its focus as the seasons go by. Besides, uhm… have you guys seen “The Day of Black Sun, Part 2”? That is literally the positive outcome of the Capricorn myth made into animation: the confrontation between an abusive father figure and his abused child who has decided to part ways with him in order to become a better person.
On another note, I think it is important to highlight how the Capricorn in Zuko could be seen based on how the rest of the Gaang treats him as well when he changes sides and he’s accepted into the group. How?, you may be wondering: as a father figure, but in a positive way. In many scenes it can be noticed how he naturally takes a position of leadership within the group as well as he takes care of the younger members such as Aang and Toph but, especially in Aang’s case, tries to ground them and teach them. As examples, take the following: Zuko reminding Aang that soon he will have to face the fact that he might have to kill Ozai, him trying to get everyone to train when the comet is about to arrive; how when Aang gets lost, it is him the one people look to in order to lead the group, etc.
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Another thing that is well-known in Capricorns is our resilience and perseverance and, honestly: do I even need to explain that? When it comes to the guy who would get his ass beaten again and again and again for one season straight in order to get what he wanted which would also give him the approval of his father, what he craved most? It screams earth sign behavior to me, but with a heavy saturnian influence due to Zuko’s background which, to me, can be quite an interesting reflection of the Saturn/Cronus myth with his children. Said tenacity could also be exacerbated by the willpower and energy brought by the possibility of him having a fire moon, I don’t know, think about it. I stick to that headcanon.
That perseverance can also be seen when it comes to Zuko’s firebending, given how much he’s always trying to improve his skills. Although it could be argued that in reality he’s doing so due to the expectations put on him to be a proficient bender just like his sister in order to be accepted by his father, and his constant training to the point of exhaustion is just a manifestation of that toxic behavior. I am sorry to tell you, but that’s textbook Capricorn behavior, associated with the symbolism of the hardworking goat in general: working the hardest in order to get what you want is always on-brand when it comes to important Capricorn placements, and in my opinion Zuko is no exception.
Final thoughts.
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Anyway, what I think would be most relevant is what I mentioned before about the Capricorn archetype and how it could tie in nicely to Zuko’s character arc with him as a representation of Hestia, who could grow out of the abuse she experienced and got a chance not to make her father’s mistakes and break that horrendous cycle she had been a victim of. I would go into this more deeply, but I think it has been enough for now. However, I’ll be back soon with a part two, talking about my water queen Katara. What do you think about this headcanon? Do you agree? If not, why? 
Thanks for coming to my weird-ass TedTalk at 1am. I needed to vent and I haven’t been able to put the computer down since 9pm, I literally only stopped to eat, lol.
See you soon, 
a Capricorn sun.
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fhenkehaney-blog · 6 years
Divine myths are wild. Ft. Hesiod
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The divine myths of the greeks are full of incest and petty revenge. Hesiod’s pessimistic view on the world shows through, in what seems to be a historical account of the Greek divine family tree. Most of this is just him rambling off names in the most horrific way possible. Paragraph form.
First, there was Chaos, then Chaos had some kids: Night, Erebus(darkness), Gaia the earth, Tartarus, and Eros. Then Gaia had a bunch of kids, 12 titans, and some monsters. Two of those titans, Cronus and Rhea had some kids together: Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. Then they had a plethora of children, many of which were fathered by Zeus in one form or another, consensually and not.
To top it off, it doesn't even have the atrocity that is the timeline. First, it's the Titans, then suddenly there are moral humans too! Where did they come from? Oh, the Titans had kids too.
I’d like to point out that their family tree is not even the wildest part of the Greek deities. They are also petty to the extreme. There also seems to be a large number of daddy issues that reoccur. It's amazing that they are even able to get anything accomplished. No ideas are original. Each myth seems to have come from different myth, that seems to resemble another. What do many of them have in common? The creation of women has to lead to man's downfall. And Zeus. The god that decides it's his right to bang everything in the room.
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