hijodelagua · 1 year
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¡Recién publicado! ¡Lee gratis en español los comentarios de Aleister Crowley al Libro de la Ley en Openmagick, en una edición especial llena de notas al pie y con un buscador integrado!
500 páginas de magia(k) cuidadosamente editadas y anotadas también disponibles en edición de bolsillo.
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anaflordelviento · 2 months
Sin título [iniciación] · Ana María Cobos Serrano
Acuarela e hilaza sobre tela de algodón teñida a mano · 23 x 16,5cm · 22.02.2023
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dreadboy-core · 11 months
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Ricardo Horacio Iorio
(Ciudadela, Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires; 25 de junio de 1962 - Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires; 24 de octubre de 2023)
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bocadosdefilosofia · 15 days
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«Hermes Trismegistro, nombre mítico asociado a cierta categoría de revelaciones filosóficas gnósticas o a tratados y fórmulas mágicas, era, para los hombres del Renacimiento, una persona real, un sacerdote egipcio cuya vida había transcurrido en épocas remotas y de cuya propia mano habían nacido todos estos escritos. Los fragmentos de filosofía griega mezclados en la obra, procedentes de la por entonces adulterada enseñanza de la filosofía característica de los primeros siglos de nuestra era, acababan por confirmar al lector renacentista en la creencia de que estos textos eran la fuente de la antigua sabiduría en que Platón y los demás  filósofos griegos había bebido la mejor parte de sus conocimientos.
Este enorme error histórico estaba destinado a ser el causante de resultados sorprendentes.»
Francis A. Yates: Giordano Bruno y la tradición hermética. Editorial Ariel, pág. 23. Barcelona, 1983.
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ochoislas · 4 months
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LA NOCHE HERMOSA Devetachi, 24 de agosto de 1916
Qué canto se alzó esta noche que urdió con cristalino eco del alma las estrellas
Qué fiesta surgía de alma en esponsales
Fui restaño de sombra
Ya muerdo como un niño la teta del espacio
Ya estoy ebrio de universo
LA NOTTE BELLA Devetachi il 24 agosto 1916
Quale canto s'è levato stanotte che intesse di cristallina eco del cuore le stelle
Quale festa sorgiva di cuore a nozze
Sono stato uno stagno di buio
Ora mordo come un bambino la mammella lo spazio
Ora sono ubriaco d'universo
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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branckaper · 6 months
Pessoas me adoecem desde sempre. Meus maiores arrependimentos estão nas entregas que fiz de mim. Para quem é bom, tudo é bom. Para quem é mau, tudo é mau. Perder a confiança é cair de um lugar alto e seguro. É um desamparo que dói o estômago, os ossos, a garganta. Uma somatização, que nos obriga a escolher entre abrir mão de nossa saúde ou nossa essência inocente. O que dói mais, nos deixar para trás para que ninguém mais nos destrua ou reviver diversas traições?
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learncafe · 1 year
Curso online com certificado! Hermes Trismegisto: A Arte Hermética da Transformação Interior
\”Descubra os ensinamentos da filosofia hermética e mergulhe na sabedoria milenar de Hermes Trismegisto com o curso \’Hermes Trismegisto: A Arte Hermética da Transformação Interior\’. Nesse curso especializado, você terá acesso a informações precisas e detalhadas sobre os princípios herméticos, as leis universais, as práticas de transformação interior e a influência da arte hermética ao […]
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hijodelagua · 4 months
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¡Por primera vez en castellano en edición de bolsillo!
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anaflordelviento · 2 months
Labyrinthum Mentis · Ana María Cobos Serrano
Acuarela, bordado y pedrería sobre tela blanca · 25 x 25 cm · 2023
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sinfonia-relativa · 15 days
Es triste quererlo todo con quien se esfuerza por no ser amado. Lo sé. Es triste intentar entrar en el corazón de quien vive encerrado en una hermética capa que no permite recibir y mucho menos dar. Es triste, si, pero hay que rescatar el hecho de que al menos no es egoísta ni hay mentira en ello. No se puede dar amor a quien te ha dejado claro que no quiere. Cuando tocas una puerta en muchas ocasiones y no te abren, es mejor no insistir. Ya que se volverá desgastante la espera.
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caostalgia · 1 year
Estaba pensando que me estaba volviendo loca.
Me decia que todo estaba bien pero lo único que recibía era malo. Solo estaba proyectando distancia y enojos, algunos conmigo y otros con los que yo no tenía que ver en lo más mínimo peor, aún así decidia pegarme y hacerme cargo de ellos.
Y lo sé porque yo hago eso. Hice lo mismo durante mucho tiempo con muchas personas. Yo me molestaba por algo y no podía decir qué era y se daban cuenta de que algo no andaba bien, pero yo lo negaba.
Hasta que conocí a esa persona. Y no quise hacerlo más. Y me abrí como con nadie jamás.
Quería contarle todo, a veces era difícil, otras más fácil, pero después de tantos años lo estaba haciendo. Y quizás no era suficiente, pero lo estaba haciendo y me sentía con el corazón en la mano, completamente a merced suya.
Pero terminó, porque todo termina. Y después de que se fue, pensé mucho.
Sobre todo pensé en cómo me había tratado todo ese tiempo. Y me pregunté muchas veces porqué amaba... entonces sentí que todo en mi dejaba ir a todo aquello a lo que me había aferrado tanto tiempo. A todo eso que me había aferrado toda mi vida.
Y me di cuenta que no tenía una razón intelectual, no la necesitaba. Sólo sentía. Y siempre estuve conforme y feliz de que me haga sentir. Confiaba en mi, confiaba en mis sentimientos, en todo lo que sentía en cada mensaje, en todo lo que me provocaba en la piel cada mensaje y cada charla.
Por primera vez en mi vida no estaba intentando ser algo o alguien diferente a lo que soy; simplemente estaba fluyendo y me sentí libre por primera vez. Y la fuerza que provocaba en mi todo eso me hacía saber que ahí era donde tenía que estar. Como si pudiera sentir cada latido en mi cuerpo en esas charlas eternas.
Y solo esperaba una cosa... que pueda aceptar eso que era y todo eso que daba. Y parecía que podía aceptarme, pero en realidad no lo hacía.
A veces podía sentir el miedo que llevaba en su interior. Deseé mucho tiempo poder hacer algo para liberar esos miedos. Prioricé su sentir para que encuentre la calma, mientras que yo formaba una tormenta tan cruda e hiriente en mi, imposible de sostener. Pero solo pensaba en hacer todo a mi alcance para que no sienta soledad y sane.
Y con el tiempo ese miedo se hizo personal. Los papeles se invirtieron, y era yo la que recibía mentiras día a día, mientras seguía completamente entregada a todo eso que sentía. Y aún así seguía viendo su belleza. Seguía sintiendo como el primer día.
Seguía eligiendo sin dudar. Pero estaba sola. Me quedé sola.
Fue tan fácil como acomodar un poco lo que había desordenado, y que dejé de necesitarme, para volver a estar sola y rota. Y volver a lo que siempre fui. Una caja casi hermética. Sólo que ahora con sello personal de quién puede abrirla.
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elbiotipo · 6 months
Like in most starships, and indeed like in any kind of ships through history, the mess hall was the heart of the Johann Sebastian Mastropiero. Of course, most of the rest of the ship was propellant tanks, engines, and cargo bays. But what truly mattered was this place, this sacred place with food and drink where the crew could relax after a long day sailing the aether. They were the ones who kept this old bird flying, they were the lifeblood of the Mastropiero, and the mess hall was its heart. At least according to the crew themselves. The cargo's insurance was probably higher than theirs after all.
“Mess hall” might also have been a grandiose name for it. It was basically a table, some especially uncomfortable chairs bolted to it so they didn't flew away in 0g, several handles to walk through while in freefall, an old booth that seemed -and probably was- taken from an abandoned fuel space station, an old fridge/hydroponics combo, some kitchen essentials like an electric kettle and oven, and a counter bearing the scars of poorly prepared food, because you get tired of instant guiso and mushroom chips after a while.
It was Human spacer tradition for the Captain to have a last dinner with the passengers before landing at the destination, so never mind the mess, in a way, the mess hall also needed to show the ship's history. And it did, with the pictures hanging on the paneling. A faded photograph of the crew during the Machine War, and then newer ones, an old captain giving a thumbs up at a newly repainted ship, a group of people wearing smokings doing a comedy sketch, Beto as a kid sitting on the commands with the hat on, an asado under three moons that legend has it bring good luck, and more. The latest picture was just next to the oldest one, with a lanky, angular-faced human male with a mate gourd on hand, a small shark-like girl wearing sunglasses and doing a peace sign, and a cactus-like man with his leaves in a sarcastic attitude, under that same sky as the three lucky moons.
Freefalling, and yet somehow looking busy while at it, Beto arrived at the mess hall to heat up water for the mate and start up his morning shift. As he rubbed his eyes he saw Ragua hanging by her squalene tail on a handle in the "ceiling", her headphones at a high enough volume to tell she was listening to Hermética. Siusini was sitting conspicuously in the center of the booth table -not that he needed to eat anyways-, while holding a bunch of crystals around him that reflected on his leaves in beams of focused light, like glittering rainbows. Beto wondered if Pink Floyd would perhaps be a better soundtrack in this case.
"Mornin', people." Beto yawned as he turned on the kettle, his weightless body hanging as he waited for the water to heat up -not boil, this was mate after all.
"MORNIN', BETO!" Ragua said from the ceiling, her voice more high-pitched than usual, perhaps because of her usual excitement, perhaps because of the metal screaming that seemed to envelop her. Siusini's chromoplasts shifted into a greeting hue.
"What are you listening to, Ragua?" Beto asked as the water began to heat.
"It's that music you told me about last night!" She answered, perhaps a bit offended that Beto didn't notice. "I love it, though some lyrics are hard to understand..." She noted. Beto nodded thoughtfully. He was amazed at how quickly she had picked up Rioplatense Spanish in any case.
"Yeah, I told you, they talk a bit about the things that happen in my history tapes..."
"Of course you like them because of that." She grinned while narrowing her eyes playfully. For various reasons, perhaps because she was part of it, history just didn't sit well with her. "But that's the fun part. The voices go... like all low and deep like yours..." Ragua did a frighteningly good rendition of Ricardo Iorio, "...and then it goes all like YEEEEEEAHHHH." Ragua did an even more frightening impression of Claudio O'Connor. Beto just smiled, amused.
"I don't sing like that."
"You don't sing. At all." Ragua teased back.
"Shut up." Beto said. It was true, he couldn't sing at all.
"But what I like the most is the controls." Ragua continued as the album rocked on, her fins shifting to the music.
"You mean instruments?" Beto corrected her word use, helpfully.
"Yeah! Those! It's just so AWESOME... Like, I love the sound, the noise, it feels like when prey moves on the ocean, when you're about to just bite on it? You know? So nice." She said, a bit too giddy, kicking her finned legs against the ceiling.
"That's cool man." Beto answered in a monotone as he poured water on the thermos. 
Perhaps not wanting to awaken her predatory instincts, he turned to Siusini.
"What about you, you finally gave up engineering to become a table decoration?" Beto bantered in friendly confidence. Siusini didn't seem to listen through his sound translator. His leaf patterns shifted in ways that were difficult even for the experienced Beto to decipher.
"Sius'?" He asked again. The chromoplasts reacted.
"GOOD DAY BETO." The patterns of colors said. Beto knew how to read them, and he'd better, since Siusini was his engineer after all. Not a good relationship for miscommunications.
"Testing out the crystals you bought the other time?" Beto said while pouring himself a mate.
"Are they, uh, good?" Beto asked, not sure how to put it.
"VERY GOOD." the leaves answered, as Siusini shifted the crystals to what Beto assumed was a more pleasant light show for him.
Beto sipped his second -always the best one, after the yerba is settled- mate of the morning and watched the crystals dance in Siusini's tendrils. Being a heterotroph himself, Beto didn't quite get what was so interesting about the focusing crystals that many photosynthetic species enjoyed, but visually, they were very striking.
"You know." Beto said with his usual curiosity, "You never quite told me what does that light show feels, exactly." Siusini's color shifted to one of amusement, and Beto sighed, wondering what he was gonna say.
"Oh come on. You can explain how a dark-energy inductor works, but not that?" Beto bantered back, knowing he won the argument.
"WILL TRY THEN." Siusini said, his color still in an ironic hue.
The communication leaves of Siusini shifted a bit in some patterns Beto didn't recognize. "IT IS LIKE. GOOD FOOD. VERY GOOD FOOD. NARCOTICS[?]. [?]."
Beto blinked a couple times, trying to understand. The last two patterns looked familiar, but... Then he noticed Siusini's leaves and tendrils shifting in a rather strange way... and he groaned.
"You dirty motherflower, I shouldn't have asked..." Beto groaned again in the tone of someone defeated while Siusini's leaves shone brighter in their amused state. He just grabbed his thermos and mate and decided to go to the cockpit.
Ragua, always up for some good gossip but who wasn't keeping up with the conversation because of her headphones, followed Beto with a teasing smile. "Wait, wait, what did Sius’ say?" she asked.
"Never mind, you don't wanna know." Beto said as he made his way to the cockpit.
"Come on, tell me, what was it?!"
"Ragua, no."
"COME ON, TELL ME!" Ragua insisted as she hovered on 0g after him, grabbing his leg while he grumbled. "BETITO, COME ON, TELL ME, WAS IT FUNNY? I KNOW IT WAS FUNNY!" She was not gonna let it go and he knew it. But never mind, first it was time to do trajectory corrections and get to work.
And so, another day started in the good spaceship Mastropiero, 614 years after Gagarin.
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inutilidadeaflorada · 3 months
O Umbigo da Besta
Tão grito solicito que pende afeto Corroído pelo fogo alcança um som Mas não tão sensível assim A ponto de absorvê-lo na mais tenra idade
Te despenda uma despedida e eu sempre serei Um pêndulo que vai e volta ao teu encontro E você sempre será o mesmo para mim Nunca juntos, mas nem sempre ausentes
Interromper qualquer dúvida ainda na sua fabricação Masca-la, degusta-la, regurgita-la em um ato súbito E então recolhe-la como se fosse íntimo Sentimento tão mortal quanto pecaminoso
Zelar por uma frustração E ampara-la como se fosse digna Cria-la em silêncio em dívida a ninguém Até que ela atinja a maior idade e te devore
Hermética paliativa: Algumas visitas me tocam Como se realiçassem uma autópsia Outros encontros são como se esculpissem Com as próprias mãos imagens sacras
Olhos tolos e selvagens que se deixam Embriagar pelo peso das palavras Ninguém cicatrizará o lodo do teu peito Ninguém varrerá os nomes do teu teatro
Um rosto insalubre de marfim Traficado do solstício de outro hemisfério Até a total corrupção da estima E todo o carnaval terminará em um velório
Impossível você e seus gestos Carregarem dois corações nas costas Quando eles já estão mumificados Entre os pedaços de âncoras velhas...
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ochoislas · 4 months
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LOS RÍOS Cotici, 16 de agosto de 1916
Me apoyo en este árbol lisiado desamparado en esta torca que tiene la lasitud de un circo antes o tras la función y miro el pasar calmo de las nubes sobre la luna
Esta mañana me tendí en un arca de agua y como una reliquia descansé
Discurriendo el Isonzo me alisaba como un canto suyo
Aupé mis cuatro huesos y eché a andar como un acróbata sobre el agua
Me agazapé junto a mis trapos sucios de guerra y como un beduino me incliné para recibir al sol
Tal es el Isonzo donde mejor me reconozco una fibra dócil del universo
Mi tormento es cuando no me creo en armonía
Pero las ocultas manos que me impregnan me regalan la rara felicidad
Repasé las épocas de mi vida
Tales son mis ríos
Tal es el Serquio cuyas aguas bebieron quizá dos mil años de mi campesina gente y mi padre y mi madre
Tal el Nilo que me vio nacer y crecer y arder de desconocimiento en las tendidas llanas
Tal el Sena con cuya turbiedad me confundí y me conocí
Tales son mis ríos contados en el Isonzo
Tal es la nostalgia que de cada uno me traspasa ahora que es de noche que mi vida me parece una corola de tinieblas
I FIUMI Cotici il 16 agosto 1916
Mi tengo a quest'albero mutilato abbandonato in questa dolina che ha il languore di un circo prima o dopo lo spettacolo e guardo il passaggio quieto delle nuvole sulla luna
Stamani mi sono disteso in un'urna d'acqua e come una reliquia ho riposato
L'Isonzo scorrendo mi levigava come un suo sasso
Ho tirato su le mie quattr'ossa e me ne sono andato come un acrobata sull'acqua
Mi sono accoccolato vicino ai miei panni sudici di guerra e come un beduino mi sono chinato a ricevere il sole
Questo è l'Isonzo e qui meglio mi sono riconosciuto una docile fibra dell'universo
Il mio supplizio è quando non mi credo in armonia
Ma quelle occulte mani che m'intridono mi regalano la rara felicità
Ho ripassato le epoche della mia vita
Questi sono i miei fiumi
Questo è il Serchio al quale hanno attinto duemil'anni forse di gente mia campagnola e mio padre e mia madre
Questo è il Nilo che mi ha visto nascere e crescere e ardere d'inconsapevolezza nelle estese pianure
Questa è la Senna e in quel suo torbido mi sono rimescolato e mi sono conosciuto
Questi sono i miei fiumi contati nell'Isonzo
Questa è la mia nostalgia che in ognuno mi traspare ora ch'è notte che la mia vita mi pare una corolla di tenebre
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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