#Hes evil ... swap au... Yep
bravocat · 5 months
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olympeline · 6 months
FrUK FACE family Parent Trap AU, part 8! Part 1
Last time we left off, Tony had just returned and Matthew met “his” future stepdad. It was a shock to come face to face with Tony the way he did, but Mattie didn’t give himself away. He’s had plenty of practice dealing with curveballs by this point. So, they all sit down for breakfast and, afterwards, Matthew gets to witness Arthur and Antonio interact. Just ordinary domestic stuff. Mattie observes, and soon he can see what Alfred meant when he said that - although he likes Tony - he doesn’t think Tony and his dad are a good match. They get along, but there’s no passion. It’s almost like a business friendship, albeit an affectionate one. Tony is a nice guy and Mattie enjoys laughing at his jokes and chatting about ordinary, day-to-day things. So, no potential evil stepfather subplot here. But he still feels his stomach sink at the thought of what could happen in the future after he and Alfred swap back.
Can Matthew picture Arthur married to Tony? He can, but it’s not a picture that sits well with him.
What picture would sit well? Ah, isn’t that just the question. But one we’re not ready to answer. Yet
Meanwhile, Alfred is enjoying his time with Francis but Mattie’s jibe last time they talked is still niggling him. Alfred knows that he isn’t really a bad kid, but he does frustrate and exasperate Arthur. Lot’s of calls from teachers about talking in class and angry neighbours clutching baseballs and complaining about broken windows. Stuff like that. The thought of Arthur being happier with his more well behaved son? A son he won’t have to constantly excuse and apologise for? Yeah. Alfred no-likee. He’s well on his way to loving Matthew as a brother, but still. A little seed or resentment being planted? Maybe. Both twins have some complex feelings to deal with. I mean, on top of everything else going on with their situation, lol
Things go on as normal, until a few days later when Alfred comes home from school to find Uncle Gil waiting for him. Francis was called away last minute for work and so Gil is here to babysit. Alfred doesn’t mind. Gil is awesome! The two of them are ignoring Francis’s meticulously laid out instructions and making their own idea of food instead (“Hey, Uncle Gil, can we have a can of frosting for dinner?” “Sure, kid!”) when Gilbert casually brings up that his brother is getting married soon. In New York. Seems his fiance, an Italian expat, runs a restaurant there. Afterwards, Gil’s brother plans to move to New York permanently to live with his new spouse. Without thinking, Alfred starts enthusiastically talking about how great NYC is and how much Gilbert’s brother (Uncle Ludwig to Mattie) will love it there.
Alfred goes on and on about his home city for so long (homesickness nipping at the lad? Yep) that he doesn’t realise Gilbert has fallen silent and is just standing there, watching and listening. With an unreadable look on his face. Alfred trails off when Gilbert suddenly reaches out and tilts Alfred’s head, brushing his fingers behind his ear. Alfred is confused.
“Uncle Gil? What-?”
“You fell off the wall at the end of the garden when you were a kid,” Gilbert says. “Fell and cut yourself on a stone. Bled like a stuck pig and needed stitches. First time in hospital. Fran was having kittens. Think he cried more than you. Remember?”
Alfred feels his heart start to bang in his chest. Mattie never thought to tell him about that. It happened too long ago and they didn’t have time to go over everything. Alfred tries to sound confident when he replies:
“Yeah, yeah. I remember.”
“You do, huh? Like you remember New York?”
Alfred’s mouth is dry. The confidence is rapidly ebbing.
“I - y-yeah…”
“Weird, since you’ve never been.”
Alfred’s heart stops.
Those red eyes bore into him.
“Or,” Gilbert says. “Should I say, Mattie’s never been. Or is that wrong now, too?”
Gilbert feels behind Alfred’s ear again, then takes his hand back. And stares Alfred down.
“No scar.”
Alfred can’t speak. He feels like he’s going to faint.
“Let me guess,” Gilbert says. “Alfred?”
(Dun dun dun! In the end, it was Gilbert who worked it out first. Whodathunkit? Anyway, that’s all I have for now. So, please enjoy and stay tuned for part 9! (´ε` )♡)
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sui-imi · 1 year
[OLD Q&A] Roo answers some stuff
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Hello! A month or so ago, I had Roo answer some questions on twitter. I decided that it'd also be good to archive most of them here, so you guys can learn a bit more :] (some of it is kind of important?? i think... haha)
Click here to read the original tweet and all responses.
NOTE: answers are in character! Therefore, all questions below were answered by Roo! (undereats!sans)
edited: august 2024 (to fix small lore inaccuracies)
Qs & As under readmore! (warning: long post)
[names listed below are twitter users' URL.]
[Q from LazeroFox] Is there any place that you can’t really go? Like an au that’s destroyed-
[ROO] depends. if you know an AU's coordinates, the bike can create a portal for you. and when we receive orders, the customer's details are automatically sent to our phones.
[ROO] but if an AU's destroyed, it'll either send you to the void, or it won't create a portal at all.
[Q from mmm99tunas] Does Roo ever get a break? What does he spend his hard-earned Gs on? (aside from gallons of BBC sauce)
[ROO] oh yeah. i get loads of nap time inbetween rounds. just punch in some random cords, hide somewhere and snooze a bit. it's the easy life.
[ROO] (though technically that's not allowed so don't tell my boss)
[ROO] as for my G, usually i spend it at grillby's 2. it's hella good.
[Q from Malina_Vivvivu] Is there a place Roo hates delivering at :∆?
[ROO] hah... haha... hahaha....
[ROO] the doodlesphere, for one. and those evil sanses. i feel like i age 10 years everytime they're on my delivery list.
[ROO] why are they so violent?? they're the ones who ordered the food???
[M] They like playing before eating ((:
[ROO] is it playing or bullying??? i swear, it's like they only start when i arrive...
[Q from bl4ck_st4rs] What do you do if you mess up someone’s order? (pick up the wrong one or spill/drop it)
[ROO] woah now. i would never mess up a valued customer's order like that. who do you take me for?
[ROO] but if i did...
[ROO] you just gotta grovel. make 'em think you're gonna die if they don't forgive you. not that i'd ever mess up.
[* He looks shifty eyed.]
[Q from sweetnad_uwu] Hi Roo! The traveling moped u have, the only way anyone can get one is if they work to the same company you do? Or is there any other way to get it?
[ROO] hiya. and yep. gotta be a UE driver for the magic bike.
[ROO] the boss is REAL good at keeping track of 'em. they've never left a bike unaccounted for, and they always know when i "accidentally" break mine.
[ROO] feels like they're all-seeing or something. freaks me out.
[Q from AnnoyingFox20] dear roo,if you met an actual a person that charming and wise,nice,so caring do you consider to be your bf in your life? 😏😏😏
[ROO] sorry pal. spot's taken.
[* He's fiddling with a bottle.]
[ROO] his name's arbiter. he's real chill, owns the condiment hall. sells the best bbq sauce in the multiverse.
[* It seems he's mistaken 'bf' for 'bbq finder'...]
[Q from ZippyDoZane] Zane: Do you deliver to far off kingdoms? Also eh heh heh if you do could you stay for a bit? I got board games that we can play. The king will give you a big tip if you do eh heh heh.
[ROO] "UnderEats - if you can order it, we can deliver it!"
[ROO] ...that's not actually the slogan. it's actually...
[ROO] "UnderEats - tip the drivers, and they'll be your best buds!"
[ROO] ... so what time should i come over?
[Q from jasper2450] Have the bad guys ever wrecked your motorcycle?
[ROO] (cough) er... technically THEY didn't wreck it. but if they force me to use it, it's kind of their fault right??
[ROO] i mean, i always tell them, "don't make me use my special attack". and what do they do? they make me use it.
[ROO] so yes. it's their fault.
[Q from KaylaTSkeleton] is there anywhere roo likes delivering to?
[ROO] any AU where i can deliver food without being put in a whacky situation is good enough for me.
[ROO] i'm fond of underswap right now. swap papyrus is a real pain in the coccyx, but if i snitch to blue, it always pisses him off. hehehehe.
[ROO] plus they always tip well.
[Q from zeni_zetty] have you ever get Chase by simp???...
[ROO] huh? who? (what's a simp???)
[ROO] i mean, i HAVE been chased before. but i don't remember anyone specifically, except those bad sanses.
[ROO] ...do i even WANT to remember?? don't chase innocent workers please...
[Q from necropathy_] Do you have any destinations/AUs that you don't mind/prefer delivering to?
[ROO] underswap, outertale, dancetale...
[ROO] and uh... horror AUs. well, they don't really order. but sometimes food just. slips out of my bag whilst i'm passing through.
[ROO] uh. don't tell the boss. we have this whole non-intervention policy, so...
[Q from SolarPhoenix7] I know you probably deliver a lot of different foods, but what's your own favorite dish?
[ROO] anything bbq flavoured is delish.
[ROO] by the way. you ever been to grillby's 2? their burgers are to die for. tho honestly i could eat just about anything and enjoy it.
[ROO] as long as it's not mtt food. no idea how they own so many stores across the multiverse. 0 stars.
[Q from Greedy621] Hi! Do you ever getting weird requests other than food delivery?
[ROO] the app is only designed for food delivery, so not particularly. but it does has a messaging feature. which is used... creatively... by some people.
[ROO] if anyone ever sends you a pic on there, don't open it. i promise you it's not worth it.
[G] Ok, now I’m curious what kind of pictures have you saw to made you give this advice.
[* He looks like he's remembering something unpleasant...]
[ROO] sorry, client confidentially. trust me... you REALLY don't wanna know.
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destinysbounty · 2 years
I’m being so normal about how Zane in your elemental swap au finds Lloyd and decides to be the kids only family companion, and how that perfectly fits into Zane being built to help those who cannot help themselves even when he has no idea about that. And how he probably feels even more love and care for Lloyd after he regains his memories because he realizes that him and Lloyd becoming friends was another anchor to answers about himself he didn’t know he needed. Yep, no crying here, just completely normal reactions to these silly little Lego boys. Totally.
(Thank you for this emotional torment good sir you are doing the community a great service)
Thank you! It means a lot to me that so many people have keyed into that part of the AU, especially considering how that's my favorite aspect of it. Y'all are so wonderful and supportive and it's amazing! <3
As thanks, here's some assorted thoughts for the road
Lloyd is, like, 8 years old, and spent most of his life at Darkley's of all places. And at Darkley's he learned that girls are gross, and that girly things are stupid and worthy of ridicule. He also learned that the best way to look out for someone is to toughen them up through harassment. So yes, he does initially mock Zane for his love for pink and frills and flowers, but then he starts to feel bad about it when he realizes A) just how cool Zane is, and B) how upset Zane gets as a response to the mockery. So he apologizes and tries to be nicer - an evil mastermind must treat his henchmen properly, after all - and Zane eventually flourishes under this freedom of self-expression.
This, of course, results in him starting to wear more skirts and dresses and 'girly' things. Which likewise results in the ninja noticing, and in the middle of a battle Cole goes "wait, stop stop stop. Time out everyone. Lloyd, your henchman. What are their pronouns?" And because Lloyd's a baby who has no clue what a pronoun is, they all just kinda end up recreating that one Eggman meme.
At some point, Zane and Lloyd get split up. I have a few ideas for how this might play out, but it'll probably happen as a result of some Serpentine shenanigans. Either way, when they split up, Zane tells the falcon to go with Lloyd to keep him safe and watch over him, and to help Lloyd find his way back to the Bounty so they can meet up back at home. But then the falcon breaks, and Lloyd is scared and lost and alone with no one but his pet bird, whom he didn't even know was a robot to begin with, as his company. I've got the mental image of a crying baby Lloyd holding a broken falcon as he wanders in the desert, desperately releasing Pythor in the hopes of getting some help in locating Zane. But as you can guess, Pythor...doesn't do that. And just like in canon Lloyd gets taken in by the ninja shortly after Pythor betrays him. But Lloyd is still upset, because he's here and safe and Zane isn't, and he doesn't know where his friend is.
Nya and Jay could probably fix the falcon, but Lloyd doesn't fully trust them just yet and also isn't emotionally ready to part with it long enough for it to be repaired. Yeah, after being abandoned by his mom, getting kicked out of his school, and then being separated from Zane, the little green bean has a TON of attachment issues. Plus the falcon serves as a reminder of his friend henchman, and is his only connection to the life he had with said henchman. So yeah, even as he and the ninja grow close, and he starts to warm up to them, and they start to view him as a little brother, he still can't yet trust them with the falcon. He trusted Pythor too, didn't he? So when he gets captured by the Serpentine, he happens to have the falcon in his possession.
Here's where things get dicey: because Lloyd has the falcon with him and the falcon is broken, there isn't anything around to guide Zane to the Birchwood Forest. Meaning that in this AU, Zane takes a while longer to discover his nindroid identity and regain his memories. I imagine it happens sometime early season 2, shortly before the Tomorrow's Tea.
Eventually, Zane decides to seek out the ninja in the hopes that they'll be able to help him find Lloyd - only to discover that he was with the ninja all this time, and Zane is just barely a few days late because Lloyd was recently kidnapped. They just missed each other. And that's how Zane becomes a member of the team. He hadn't planned on befriending them, since they are Lloyd's enemies and according to the Villainy 101 lecture Lloyd gave him, You Aren't Supposed To Be Friends With The Enemy. But Zane...well, he's Zane. It doesn't take him long to get attached to the ninja, and within a matter of days he's calling them his family. And to their surprise, the ninja find that they actually like him too, and seamlessly induct him into their crew.
And when Lloyd and Zane finally reunite...🥺
Also, it's just like you said. Zane protects those who cannot protect themselves even when he doesn't realize that's his purpose. And looking after Lloyd sang to parts of himself he didn't even know were there in the first place. His affection for his little brother mastermind was a much-needed tether to his sense of self, to the life he'd forgotten. That's all well and emotional and good. NOW LET'S ALL THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT IN THE CONTEXT OF SEASON 11 AND LAY ON THE FLOOR FOR A FEW MINUTES
Anyway, thanks for the ask! <3
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Okay uhhhh how about Jasminetea with Touch 27 and/or Kiss 35, with one of your Swap AUs
I did evil peaches for this!
Touch 27. Pulling the other one towards them Kiss 35. Wake up kisses
Tang stared at his sleeping partner with love in his eyes. He brushed a strand of hair from his partner’s face.
Sandy’s face was scrunched up to form its usual scowl. To anyone else it would have looked scary. But to Tang, it was absolutely adorable. Sandy was always adorable even when his outward appearance gave off an angry vibe.
He had learned to read him well. A few years of being college roommates had allowed him to read the other’s social cues. Sandy carefully guarded himself and only allowed those close to him to see who he really was.
Thankfully, Tang had been one of those people. It was a surprise to him that the demon reciprocated his feelings, both in friendship and romance. Even with his ability to read the demon, he thought he just tolerated him and reluctantly accepted being his bodyguard. The human was sure he would leave the second he graduated.
That didn’t turn out to be the case. Sandy wanted to hang out with him even after college and also had a crush on him which the scholar didn’t realize until he was snatched from his chair and taken to a small luxurious cave where Sandy laid out his feelings.
Then they got married six years into the relationship. Now he was running a tea shop with his husband and carrying out his mischievous schemes where he conned some poor suckers. Couldn’t get better than this.
Smooching his husband on the cheek then leaving a gentle kiss on his lips, he whispered, “Wake up, sweetie. Time to get up.” Sandy emitted a groan but refused to budge. “My sapphire, we have a shop to run.” They needed to get up so they could trick more people and he had a feeling today was going to be a great day to do so.
“Five more minutes.”
Tang huffed and rolled his eyes. “We have to see if everything is in order, sweetie. I’ll make you breakfast.”
“Fine.” Sandy stretched and buried his chin in his spouse’s dark locks. “You owe me.”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay you back for waking you up, your highness,” he added the ‘your highness’ with a playful wink. “I’ll make the best breakfast you’ve ever seen.” Tang grabbed his robe and wrapped it around himself.
Sandy purred. He said, “I’ll meet you in a few minutes.”
“Okay, sweetie. Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
The human brushed his teeth then walked into the kitchen to feed their cats and get them ready for the day.
After that, the human turned on the stove and began making pancakes. As he flipped one, hands encased his waist and he was pulled towards his love. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. We can sleep in later. You really are just a little teddy bear inside, aren’t you?”
“Shush, Tang.”
“I love you too, teddy bear.” Sandy made another ‘hmph’ sound then buried his nose in the other’s bare shoulder. The robe had slipped slightly off to expose his husband’s shoulder and upper arm. Nibbling at the skin elicited a giggle from Tang. He placed a hand on his lover’s cheek. “Hey! I’m cooking here. Go set up the table for me.”
“Okay. Whatever you say.” Sandy reluctantly broke away from him to put plates and silverware down. He looked to see his husband’s usual grin getting even wider. “What’s with the big smile, dandelion?”
“Well, my sapphire, I have a feeling today is going to be a wonderful day!”
“You always say that.”
“Yep but it’s especially true now! Tricking unsuspecting people is always fun and it might be more true than usual! I got my hot bodyguard to protect me in case something goes wrong.”
“Yep. You got me sadly.” Sandy kissed his lover’s temple. “Now let’s eat.”
“Of course, honey.”
The two started their day. Sandy and Tang were in the back, kissing. No customers had come in so they decided to occupy their time in other ways.
Then the bell up above the doorframe rang and bickering was heard outside from three voices. Tang smirked and said, “Be right back, sapphire.” He walked out to greet their guests, unaware of the adventure that would ensue.
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rkin413 · 3 years
All 77 of my current AUs
I’m probably going to instantly regret making this post but it’s four in the morning and also I desperately want to talk to people about these things.
This is just. Copypasted from my AU list page. Some stuff might be outdated in a week. Who knows. Not me.
Star Vs The Forces of Evil:
Monster Carvers (link) - Main Star Vs AU. Stomco endgame + Tom stays with Marco + Star raised by Monsters (specifically Buff Frog). The titular antagonists were originally going to disappear after the prologue what the heck happened???
Pretty Cure vs the Forces of Evil (link) - Exactly What It Says On the Tin, Pretty Cure x Star Vs.
unnamed Pirate AU - Star Butterfly has a perfectly nice, unbearably boring life as a high-class lady, with little to do other than wait to be married to her arranged fiancé that she’s never even met. A week before her wedding she sneaks on board a shipping vessel in the hopes of having an adventure. She gets a little more adventure than she bargained for when the ship is attacked by pirates.
“"Cannon”“ - A cannon-adjacent AU that started as a crossover with Monster Carvers
unnamed Infinity Train AU feat. human!Star and human!Tom.
unnamed Post-Cleaved AU featuring forced humanizations, amnesia, and one small time hiccup. Also Dave and Wrathmelior are missing, so that sucks for Tom.
unnamed AU where Marco goes to live with Tom for a while instead of Star during Lint Catcher
How to Train Your Dragon:
Outsiders (link) - Main HTTYD AU. Instead of watching the entire Berk fleet sail off to their dooms with Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid free the arena dragons and take Toothless while he’s being brought to the ship and then they all get the heck out of dodge. Dagur accidentally set himself adrift with Heather back when they were both small. Snotlout learns the hard way that being the Heir/responsibility kind of really sucks actually??? Stoick has to deal with his son going rouge. And Gobber and the Berk Teenagers have to deal with Stoick and Snotlout respectively.
Modern Riders/Time Travel AU - Modern!Hiccup is dragged by his cousin into an unwanted camping trip with the other riders and one electrical storm later, they find their cell phones aren’t working any more. Also are those flipping dragons?! On Berk, Stoick and the other vikings are shocked to find a group of teenagers in the woods who bear a shocking resemblance to some of the members of a dead generation of children.
Unsevered Bonds - Modern Riders (minus Hiccup) meet a time displaced Hiccup who recognize them as his reincarnated friends, even if they don’t remember their former lives.
How To Train Your Lusus - Everyone are trolls on Alternia. Hiccup is a brownblood who’s probably the only troll in existence to get a second Lusus (Toothless) after his first one (Stoick) is killed. Astrid is an oliveblood that Hiccup is flushed for, Fishlegs is a yellowblood, Snotlout is a blueblood, the Twins, Dagur, and Heather are all purplebloods. Dagur killed both his and Heather’s lusus so now he’s trying to take care of her even though she absolutely hates him (and not in a black way), and he had an unrequited pitch thing for Hiccup at one point before they flipped pale (and are actually Moirails now). That’s pretty much all I have for this one.
unnamed Harry Potter AU - Does not actually take place at Hogwarts. Everyone attends Dumstrang (possibly) and the topic everyone avoids is Care of Magical Creatures, because the local Dark Lord is Drago Bludvist. Main trio is Hiccup, Snotlout (Pureblood cousins), and Fishlegs (Muggleborn)… somehow.
Dragon Gang (link) - Mob/Mafia AU set in the vaguely 1920s in a Fake Country so no one can call me out on inaccurate geography.
Rebuilding Bridges - Set in a Multiverse where RTTE and The Hidden World are mutuality exclusive. (Pt.1): After dealing with Drago but before dealing with Grimmborn, Hiccup and Toothless once fought a witch intent on ‘harvesting’ dragons. Now ten years after the dragons have left her apprentice seeks revenge and kidnaps Zephyr and Nuffink, and a panicked Hiccup and Astrid are contacted by the Very Retired and Very Much Done With This Kid witch. Meanwhile in the RTTE-verse, The Dragon Riders only just got back from informing Berk about Johann’s treachery, when some crazy lady spontaneously appears in the middle of the Edge with two terrified children she intends to feed to dragons. Yeah, that’s not happening.        (Pt.2, spoilers for this AU I guess???): Zephyr and Nuffink and their parents have safely returned to New Berk, but their world has been shaken by what was and could have been. Zephyr and Nuffink, after bonding with Dagur in the other timeline, decide they want to try and help him in theirs. This was perhaps not their best idea. Meanwhile, the Nightlights escape the watchful eye of their parents to go exploring outside the Hidden World, and quickly meet the hatchlings of their dad’s brother! (so… their cousins, then?)
Something Wild (name subject to change) - Several years after Berk (along with most of the Archipelago) is attacked and taken captive by a far more advanced foe, Stoick is able to free most of his people but what he finds when they get manage to regroup back to their island is less than a relief- Berk ravaged and their elderly and children, left behind by their captors, missing. To make matters worse, the dragons are still out there, now with some kind of devils riding and aiding them. Now Stoick, Gobber, and the rest of the people of Berk must find safety and a way to fight back against they’re new foe, find what happened to those who are missing, and figure out who these dragon riders are and whether they’re friend of foe (gee i wonder where the Berkians went and who the dragon riders are golly what a mystery). (aka the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au i keep trying to create)
Lost (name subject to change) - Alternate attempt at the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au. Several years before the events of the movie could happen, a raid on Berk not by dragons, but by other people, leads to the destruction of an entire generation when the raiders manage to capture the Teenagers of Berk and ship them away. While in captivity, they meet and ultimately befriend the dragons that in another life would be their partners and together they all escape. Unfortunately, they’re Thor-knows-where, and with no one they can trust (or understand) except each other, getting back to Berk might take a while…
The Lego Movie:
Hero with Two Faces of Yellow - Another ‘Emmet and Rex share a body like Good Cop Bad Cop’ AU
Peacemaker AU - Main Lego AU. About a year after the Duplo aliens attack, Emmet is attacked and presumed dead, but he’s actually been taken by General Mayhem to meet Queen Watevra Wana'bi, who remembered and missed her ‘father’. Later, Rex ends up jumping into an entirely different timeline by accident (this one) and decides to try and play the long game by befriending Emmet, who’s now living in the Systar System. That probably won’t work out for him the way he wanted.
Miraculous Ladybug
MiracuClass Knows AU - Prior to Volpina, each member of the MiracuClass finds out the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and just sort of collectively become their secret keepers. Inspired by Epiphanies by PFTones3582 on Fanfiction.net.
Miraculous Sburb AU - The MiracuClass play Sburb and end up dragging a good chunk of Paris in with them when they enter the Medium. Marinette is a Light player, Adrien is a Doom player, and that’s all I got. Gabriel probably definitely dies.
One Is Silver and the Other Gold - aka the Marikimno Brot3 AU. I headcannon that Marinette, Kim, and Nino were close friends as little kids that drifted apart a few years prior to the start of the show. In this AU, that never happened. Also, Alya becomes Adrien’s best friend instead of Nino, and Nathanel becomes their friend too somehow? (someone help Alya, she’s an extrovert and both her friends have social skill levels in the single digits.)
The Ladybug and the Monkey - Main Miraculous Ladybug AU. My take on the ‘Fu chooses Kim to be the second Miraculous wielder instead of Adrien’ AU that I’ve somehow seen multiple times.
Sleeper Miraculous -  AU where instead of the Miraculous being handed out, they’re transported magically to their wielders after they’ve proved themselves somehow. The Miraculous still need to be ‘activated’ by the Guardian to be used on either a permanent or temporary basis, so Ladybug still has to go to Master Fu at first before she becomes the new Guardian, but she knows literally none of the other members of Team Miraculous’s identities. They have a chat group, too, where Ladybug updates team members on whose Miraculous she’s going to activate, and both Chloe and Kagami never blow their identities. Contains both mild Classmates + (even milder)Adrien salt and sugar. (define irony: wanting to punch someone in the face for being an a-hole only to realize that said a-hole is you).
Miraculous! Pretty Cure! - Another Pretty Cure AU. Yep.
Mesapia AU - Butterfly!Marinette AU with a few twists - 1) instead of just facing the villainous user of the Ladybug Miraculous, all of the Miraculous have been lost to villains (save for the rabbit). Marinette frequently empowers her classmates (+Adrien, who’s still under house-arrest in this AU, Luka, and Kagami) to fight the Miraculous Villains, who are also all fighting each other; and 2) This isn’t so much a Kwami Swap as a Kwami Scramble, no one uses their canon Miraculous here (except for Fu briefly, and Emilie had the peacock before what happened to her)!
Boys vs Girls AU (name subject to change) - Marinette vs Lila with the Boys (+Kagami) on Marinette’s side and the Girls on Lila’s.
Labyrinth - Almost the entirety of the MiracuClass go missing (+Lila, Luka, & Kagami, -Chloe) and on a related note, eight very young children wake up in an ever-shifting, monster-filled underground labyrinth and grow up together. And two of them have some special, appearance-shifting jewelry…
Mad Gabriel - Miraculous Ladybug x Mad Father, starring Adrien as Aya, Marinette as Dio, Gabriel as Alfred Drevis, Nathalie as Maria, and everyone else as the doctor’s victims (Lila is Ines).
Miraculous Royal AU - A fantasy AU starring the MiracuClass (shocker) spread out across three fantasy kingdoms.
Quartz Butterfly AU - AU in which Jagged Stone takes the role of (a significantly nicer but still villainous) Hawkmoth as Quartz Butterfly, with Penny taking on Mayura’s role as Songbird. (yes i know peacocks aren’t songbirds SHHHH).
MiracuTrio AU - AU based on fanofanimation’s submission to terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus, where Kim becomes a permanent member of the team after Party Crasher.
Mitterlicht - horror-ish AU inspired partially by various horror games, Lucidstuck, and Underbright (no, really).  After receiving their Miraculous for the first time, the temporary heroes start having less-than-restful nights. Things quickly go from bad to worse when fragmented, panic-inducing dreams turn into nightly (and solitary) trips into a dark world full of monsters that want to take something referred to just as their ‘light’- a bright light that acts as both a beacon to the hostile creatures and the only way to return to consciousness every night -which just so happen to be in the exact spot (and in many cases, are also vaguely the same shape) of their Miraculouses.
Mirakatsu - Aikatsu AU
Ladybug: Don’t Deal With Hawkmoth - (aka the result of listening to the Cuphead Rap Battle 50 million times) Cuphead AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir have to go around beating up akumas and collecting their butterflies to avoid getting akumatized by Hawkmoth.
Miracle Thieves - a phantom/gentleman thief au where Marinette and Adrien (who have been thieves for years) unwittingly steal a pair of magical artifacts and decide to team up afterwards. Includes Fox!Nino, Journalist-determined-to-expose-their-identities!Alya, and possibly Tiger!Markov.
unnamed AU inspired by To Live a Normal Life
unnamed Harry Potter AU
Merged Sessions AU - An AU where our favorite trolls and the Beta Kids are all part of the same session
Same Side of the Scratch AU - AU where the Beforus Trolls replace the Alternian ones, and when both sessions get scratched the Alternian Trolls end up in communication with the Alpha Kids
Same Side, Same Session AU - Combines both of the two immediately above AUs, The Beta Kids and Beforus Trolls have a session together that fails and gets Scratched, then the Alternians and Alphas play the game together while the pre-scratch players (all alive) travel to their session and have Meteorstuck Shenanigans.
Relief Was Just a Dream (name subject to change) - aka the mandatory Troll Rebellion AU, inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on A03. Sweeps after Karkat and Feferi are (seemingly) culled, Ace Legislacerator Terezi Pyrope -one of the best despite knowing she’s one wrong move away from being culled for her disability- is called in to investigate a series of traitorous attacks on more and more ships. Weirdly, the trolls seen most in the attacks don’t even seem to exist, all seem to bleed a painfully familiar cherry red, and have powers that even Her Imperial Condescension doesn’t seem to have. (not a no-game au)
Freetime AU (name subject to change) - AU where Bro leaves Dave on Dad Egbert’s doorstep, and Dave and John grow up as brothers.
Pokemon Network - Hub lives Pokemon AU with at least two protagonist teams. Team A: Lan, Hub, Mayl, Dex & Yai in Kanto. Team B: Roll, Glyde, Gutsman (Gus) in Kalos. What are Chaud and Protoman/Blues up to? ~Secrets~
Sailor Moon:
Inverse Corruption - When Beryl scours the Earth looking for her reincarnated generals she fails to find them, but she does manage to find the senshi instead. Sailor Moon has to unknowingly face the very girls who were supposed to protect her, fighting side-by-side with the Shitennou instead. (the boys are highschoolers to the girls middleschoolers)
Hazbin Hotel:
Infernal Relations - Why did Lucifer and Lilith wait so long to have a child? Simple; they didn’t. Unbeknownst to Charlie, her parents both had and lost a child thousands of years before she was born, a fact that will have far more of an effect on her hotel than she could possibly realize (even if she had known).
Apprentice Charlie AU - AU where Charlie gets into a fight with Lucifer and leaves before she ever thinks to create her hotel and Alastor ends up finding amusement by taking on an apprentice. (inspired by Helluva Teacher by Sol_Victoria on A03)
Phineas and Ferb:
Cursed Cats AU - AU based on the song Black Cats of Halloween. Phineas, Ferb, and their friends are cursed by a demon who turns them into black cats, save for on Halloween night. They’re then thrown into a world of magic and have to find each other, their way back home, and a way to break their curse, preferably in that order.
Online Gamer AU - no one dies/non-despair AU where no one is a super/ultra highschool level anything, no one has met each other in person, and they all play Among Us together. Junko always dies first and she’s low-key going to hurt someone over it.
unnamed AU where the murders of the killing game happen differently (aka the mandatory dr au)
unnamed AU inspired by ask-the-dr-reset-kids - After an incident that forces Hope’s Peak to temporarily close it’s doors, Class 78 all transfer to a different school. Junko is in jail, Mukuro is coping, Izuru is looming somewhere, the Ultimate Despair are waiting like sleeper agents to cause the The Most Despair Inducing Event in History, and Makoto is straight up not having a good time (and has very good reasons not to tell anyone).
unnamed AU where both Class 77 and Class 78, including both Junko and Mukuro but without Chiaki end up playing the Killing Game together.
Double Mastermind AU - similar to the above, both Class 77 and Class 78 wake up one day with no memories of their school lives. They’ll have to work together, somehow, to find out where they are, how to get back to civilization, and how to get back their memories. Meanwhile in the control room, Makoto and a sort-of-but-not-really-reformed Junko are working together as the Masterminds behind the mystery. Well, Makoto’s working, anyway. Junko just kind of wants to give Makoto daily migraines. Contains Junko/Makoto hateshipping.
unnamed Taka Lives AU where instead of switching roles with Hiro during the third trial he just manages to survive the murder attempt. He does not, however, get out unscathed…
another unnamed Taka Lives AU where Makoto, at Kyoko’s urging, decides to stay with Kiyondo the night he would have died, throwing a huge wrench into the would-be-blackeneds’ plans.
Asassain!Makoto AU: The Killing School Life - an au where Makoto is secretly the Ultimate Assassin.
Assasain!Makoto AU: The Killing Mystery - au that’s basically the one directly above but takes place in a non-despair (or maybe averted despair would be more accurate) timeline. After receiving and turning down a job to assassinate a certain up-and-coming politician, The Black Mask (Makoto) alerts his would-be victim, an old former friend, that someone is out for his life.
Remnants of Hope AU - AU that takes place after the end of School Mode, with the class not being picked up by the future foundation right away. (does this. does this actually qualify as an au i’m not sure.)
unnamed Class Swap AU
unnamed AU where Makoto and Kiyotaka are brainwashed into Ultimate Despair in addition to Class 77. Contains both sweet and very effed up Naeishi, as well as Despair!Makoto+Izuru friendship (or as close as Izuru can get, anyway). Technically another 2 (or 3, sort of) masterminds au.
Soulmates AU - In a world where most people are colorblind until meeting their soulmate, Makoto Naegi walks into Hope’s Peak Academy colorblind, blacks out, and wakes up to color. As it turns out, the same thing happened to everyone else!
Scrapbook AU - After entering into Hope’s Peak Academy, Makoto started a scrapbook/photo album of himself, his classmates, and eventually even the class above his own during their time on and off school. It soon became a class diary of sorts after being discovered, shared among everyone… then a chronicle of the events leading up to Class 77 going missing, The Tragedy starting, and Class 78 sealing themselves inside the school bunker, before returning to it’s original purpose as Class 78 lived inside their homemade bunker. In canon, Junko found and burned it. In this timeline, it’s an amnesiac Makoto and his classmates who find it, hidden under the floor in Makoto’s room.
Amnesia AU - A boy wakes up in a school(?) with no memories of where he is, how he got here, or even who he is. As it turns out, there are fourteen other people here… and all of them have the same memory loss he does! (may or may not be an IF Bad End AU)
Polychain AU - Another different Victims and Blackends au, that extends well beyond the original Killing Game. The Tragedy occurs very differently in this one… initially. Also features Junko escaping after the Killing Game, and Hajime and Shuichi being half-brothers and kids of the survivors.
Unnamed AU where Leon and Taka also attended Makoto and Sayaka’s middle school.
Ghost AU - After being killed, the victims and blackened are forced to stick around and watch the Killing Game happen, believing they'll be allowed to move on after they leave. Turns out, they're very much wrong- but at least after it's over their classmates can see them! Too bad they're the only ones.
Teachers Assistant AU - inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net. After Nagito blows up a building and gets suspended, Chisa is forced to take a Teacher’s Assistant or be fired. Somehow, a very reluctant Makoto gets the job, despite being in the class below her own. Cross-class shenanigans ensue.
Unnamed Timetravel AU inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net where Makoto and Alter Ego, the only survivors of the Killing Game, are sent back in time to Makoto’s first day attending Hope’s Peak - Makoto mentally and Alter Ego physically. Not as dark as the premise sounds, at least theoretically.
Dagla!Adrien AU - Adrien isn’t the son of Gabriel and Emilie Agreste, but instead his parents are a Modern Dagur and Mala. He still works for Gabriel as a model, but otherwise has had a very different upbringing (most notably the inclusion of a lot of people who have cared about him for his entire life, such as his best friend Zephyr Haddock) and acts more like Chat Noir both with and without the mask. He still befriends his canon friends, becomes Chat Noir, and falls in love with Ladybug. (HTTYD x Miraculous Ladybug)
unnamed Adventure Time x Star Vs AU
Miracutale - Lila pushes Marinette down a hole, Adrien tries to catch her but fails. Undertale ensues. (Miraculous Ladybug x Undertale)
Sailor Bella (name subject to change) - AU inspired by some art from Turning-the-Tides, Princess Serenity reincarnates not into Usagi Tsukino, but Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, and her Senshi are reincarnated into the boys. I have no idea who Endymion became if he exists at all in this AU. (Sailor Moon x Phineas and Ferb)
unnamed three-way crossover between Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug, and How to Train Your Dragon.
unnamed Steven Universe x Undertale AU - After returning from the Jungle Moon, Steven and Connie end up stranded in an alternate timeline where they meet what appears to be another half-gem going by the name of False Topaz (Frisk). Things get a little more tricky when it turns out that gems and humans coexist somewhat… on one side of a giant, seemingly uncross-able mountain range live humans, on the other gems, and after a war between the two a few centuries ago, both cultures have a kill on sight policy. To make things more complicated, gems seem to be very different in this timeline. (note: Frisk is not actually a gem, just disguised as one)
unnamed Undertale x Star Vs AU - There’s a new face at the Silver Bell Ball - Frisk, heir and ambassador for the Kingdom of… Monsters?! Star and Frisk are quick to befriend each other, but despite that, Star can’t help but feel that Frisk doesn’t like her… And Frisk may have more than one secret to share… or maybe to keep.
unnamed Miraculous Ladybug x Danganronpa AU - The Worst Most Despair Inducing Event In History was localized to Japan (but the effects are spreading), and the six survivors of Hope’s Peek, aided by Kagami’s father, whom Byakuya naturally has connections to, immigrate to France to pick up the pieces of their lives. Meanwhile in France, Ms. Bustier’s class gain five new transfer students after the events of Miracle Queen.
Games -  (everything)
Wild Things - (everything)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 years
Wordgirl Au: Alliance Swap Au
Note: This au is a combination of Becky Boxleitner au and my half human/half alien Becky au. Another thing if anyone out there is a fan of the characters: Scoops, Violet Heaslip, Professor Robert Tubing, Captain Huggy Face/Bob, and Kid Math; then I am sorry. You will DEFINITELY not like this au. I am not kind to these characters in this au for a reason. 
In this au, Wordgirl is still the same hero we all know, but her allies are swapped. 
Becky Hope Boxleitner: In this au, Becky is a hybrid alien. She is half Inventeran and half Lexiconian. She was born on the planet Inventra which was a planet that neighbored Lexicon. In this au, Becky’s mother is Amirana Trese, a Lexiconian, and her father is Stevnen (pronounced: Stev-nen) Bauxlite (pronounced: Bow-cks-light). (Yep. I made Steven Boxleitner an alien in this au.) Inventerans are were-animal hybrids. In their were-animal form, they have a mix of human and animal features with a little more animalistic characters. They are also able to shift to a human appearance. Becky has the same abilities as her dad along with her Lexiconian powers. 
Background: This Alliance Swap Au is also an au of my half human/half alien Becky au with a twist. If any of you read my bio outline of Becky’s biological mother and my headcanon, it is basically the same in this au with a few twists. 
1. Amirana Trese came to Invetra on a diplomatic mission to help the Aviary Inventra scientists. Everyone on Inventra is a pursuer of knowledge. They have no military, just high defense systems. They relied on Lexicon for combat and war protection. (This ends up being their downfall.) 
2. Amirana is still engaged to her awful fiancee. On this mission, she encounters Stevnen and it was true love. 
3. In this au, Amirana is able to stay longer based on her diplomatic mission. (The Aviary Inventra scientists are designing and building crafts for long distance travel. Amirana is helping to test each one and offer advisory input.) She stays with Stevnen for two years, get secretly married, and have Hope (Becky).
4. The awful fiancee somehow finds out and goes into an apocalyptic rage. He convinces the other Lexicons that the Inventerans have committed a grievous mistake for getting one of their high, noble, Lexiconians impregnated by an inferior (physically inferior) Inventerans. The fiancee argues that to make up for this error, Amirana should be sent home and Stevnen should be sent to Lexicon to be punished (by death according to the fiancee.) The people and government of Inventra are more than aware, and are not blinded, to the fiancee’s corrupt nature so they refuse. They also try to get other Lexiconians to recognize that the corrupt fiancee needs to be stopped. They unfortunately fail and this causes a massive war between the two planets. The people of Inventra are quickly defeated and the corrupt fiancee leader orders that all Inventerans are to be taken from their home planet and either be killed, kept as prisoners, or low workforce. 
5. Amirana’s good friend (from Amirana’s bio outline) warns her and Stevnen that the friend’s evil brother is coming to Inventra to personally punish the family. Stevnen and Amirana attempt to escape with hope to a ship. Amirana is unfortunately shot and greatly wounded by her fiancee. She urges Stevnen to still escape with their child, and with a heavy and painful heart he does. (Stevnen knows how to fly a ship from reading and from Amirana.) It is a painful, tearful departure between the lovers. Stevnen is able to escape the planet before Amirana’s fiancee and his armada catches him. Amirana is unfortunately killed and her fiancee makes her death justifiable in the eyes of Lexicon. Another note about Inventerans is that they develop a empathetic link with their mates, no matter if they are the same species. So Stevnen definitely feels Amirana’s death. Hope is only 1 1/2 years old when this happens.
6. Stevnen crashes on Earth. (He is a good pilot, not the best.) He gets out of the ship with his daughter tucked close to him. He soon spots the Botsfords on a picnic in a woods. Hungry and desperate, Stevnen shifts to his human form and meets them face to face. The Botsfords take pity on this single father and let them stay at their house for a while until Stevnen gets a job as a scientist.
Character Outlines:
Stevnen Bauxlite (Steven Boxleitner) - Steven changed his daughter’s name to Becky Hope Boxleitner as a part of his plan to erase any traces of themselves to make sure no one from Lexicon can find them. Steven is a bit more serious than his human canon character (This guy suffered a lot of tragedy and is a single father now!) His human form is looks exactly like canon Steven. His Inventeran form is Dr. Two Brains, but without the mouse brain and more mouse features such as a tail and mouse ears. Steven can’t speak the human language (he can understand). He uses sign language or writing words to communicate. When Steven slips to his native tongue, he tells everyone he has a speech problem. Becky and Amirana can understand him because I have this theory that Lexiconians have a great vocabulary as a superpower because this ability allows them to understand any language of a dominant species (not subspecies like animals unless they are from Lexicon, like Bob. Becky is able to understand General Smoochington because of Bob). (I think this is some type of mental, telepathic power, which is why Becky has a great memory.) Steven’s native language sounds like mouse squeaks. (Other Inventerans sound like their were-animal forms but with a mix of other languages that counts as communication on Inventra. Steven does not have the ability that Becky and Amirana have with words. He is knowledgeable, not very bilingual.) Steven still loves Becky and supports her. He is worried about her heroic works so, in his were-form, he joins her heroic escapades as her partner. (A gag throughout this au is that everyone assumes he is her sidekick. Becky has repeatedly pointed out that her dad is her partner. Becky as Wordgirl does not call Steven her dad in public to protect their secret identities. Steven’s hero form is Mouse Ace (I may change the name later, that’s the best I got for now). (Steven was just a scientist with no military rank. I chose this name because he is a good pilot, just not as good as Amirana or Huggy). Steven uses his were-mouse abilities for battle, but mostly relies on self-made gadgets. He acts like a mentor to Wordgirl for her battles, but still behaves as her father (just not openly.) Steven’s Two Brains appearance can look similar to canon or he chooses to wear a ponytail. Steven’s outfit is a black jumpsuit with an orange belt that holds the gadgets. His jumpsuit has orange line accents. Steven has an Inventeran logo on the front of his jumpsuit (it is shiny silver in color and looks like shooting star.) He still has his canon goggles and silver armbands that act as shields for defense. He is afraid of clowns and spiders. He is not afraid of cats. He and Becky just don’t like them.  Becky’s Inventeran form is similar to Two Brains but she does not have red/pink eyes and her hair color is the same. (Becky’s eye color is a mix of her mother’s and her dad’s brown in human form. She does have some red flakes in her eye color in her were-animal form.)
Squeaky - On Inventra, there were regular animals that were used by Inventerans as minor assistants and protectors. Squeaky was Stevnen’s Squeaky also escaped to earth with Stevnen and Becky. In this au Squeaky is still a jerk, but tolerable. Has grown a desire to devour earth cheese only. (There was no cheese on Lexicon or Inventra.) He cares for Stevnen and Becky, but its subtle. Stevnen and Becky can understand what Squeaky is saying. (For Stevnen it is because he is part mouse.) They do not like to always understand what Squeaky is saying. (PS. He swears, though not in front of Becky.) Squeaky may accompany them on hero stuff.(He says he is bored, but he does not like being left alone a lot.) Squeaky wears a mask to hid his identity (idk what color, maybe black or silver), but he is often referred to as Nibbles (Squeaky did not want a hero name so what was Becky supposed to say.) Squeaky is called that because he bites, a lot. (Hates the nickname anyway.) Squeaky is vicious, just not sadistic and evil in this au. Is still afraid of cats in this au.
Here is a smaller outline of my ideas for the swap au. Note: this is also a power swap.
Steven Boxleitner - Professor Robert Tubing
Tobey - Scoops
Victoria Best - Violet Heaslip
Eileen - Kid Math (Rex)
Rose Franklin - Katy (She’s from the episode “It’s Your Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To”)
Squeaky - Bob/Captain Huggy Face
I did not intend to make a lot for this first post. I was intending to do all in one. I do the characterizations of others later.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Phoebe/Coop au where, instead of Spencer Ricks (which was a gross storyline and I can't believe they did it once, let alone twice), Phoebe gets into an advice-off with a mysterious new columnist whose advice is neck and neck with hers and she hates it. He calls himself something silly, like The Love Doctor, or Stupid Cupid, some name that people just love, and she hates that, too.
RIVALS TO LOVERS PHOEBE X COOP????? god the vibe. it’s be like the leslie/phoebe thing only like. well written (hopefully lmao). bc like. u know phoebe would be bitching about this about this guy constantly. and piper and paige would be like uh huh. yeah. yeah uh huh. yep. yeah totally. yeah. uh huh. hey have you ever considered that- no, yeah, uh huh. but like- yeah. uh huh. yeah, totally. uh huh. and phoebe’s totally viewing coop as My Arch Nemesis The One Thing Standing Between Me And Glory and coop sees phoebe as Wow She’s So Cool And Such A Great Writer I’m So Glad We’re Acquaintances. and then like,, in a modern au, elise devises some grand plan to appeal to them youths or whatever with like a podcast like a I Left My Heart in San Francisco: Two Local Columnists Offer Two Different Takes on Loss, Love, & Life and like phoebe’s constantly determined to like one up coop like she is consistently raising the bar giving top notch advice and coop keeps meeting her at her level and it’s driving her insane and at this point coop’s well aware what he’s doing and he’s not gonna stop bc it’s like he’ll give some like tender, soulful advice about being vulnerable and respecting your partner and phoebe just looks at him like he’s proposed actively capturing seabirds for the sole purpose of covering them in oil and he thinks it’s hilarious. because he knows she like needs to be the best advice columnist love guru in town and he knows she’s infuriated that he’s giving her a run for her money and he knows she has no idea she’s going toe to toe with an actual real life cupid and he knows that when she thinks he isn’t paying attention, she actually smiles at his advice and stupid little jokes. oh and all these lil genzennials with their dumb little love podcast totally start shipping them together and they’ll send in questions to the podcast like dear phoebe & coop: i think i’m in love with the cohost of my podcast. how can i tell if they feel the same way? and elise sees this question and immediately bumps it up to the top of the queue and phoebe sees it and like almost threatens to walk like elise this is clearly a gimmick this is just some dumb prank i can’t believe you’re actually feeding into this bc like it’s obvious like coop and i hate each other so i don’t even know why this would even be like a thing like it’s so ridiculous who would even who would even like you know even think- and elise would be like okay first off this whole this is a gimmick obvi so jot that down secondly how do you know this isn’t a real issue someone has hmm would you really just deny somebody advice just because they are in a situation similar to yours. third. many of us women out there wish we could find someone who ““hates”” us in the way you and coop. obviously. do. and phoebe’s all like ohhhh i am so not I Am So Not Doing you don’t think i’ll walk huh you think you’ve just got me in your little pocket well i am willing and Ready To leave right now your gonna watch my ass walk right out that door just you wait SMASH CUT TO: (podcast voice) so i think the best thing to do in the situation is remember that you are both in a professional setting, and that what chemistry some might think you have might be performances, augmented for the audience. and coop goes on to take the exact opposite stance and he’s smiling his stupid smile at phoebe the whole time and she tries glaring back but she can’t bc like fuck he’s really cute and charming and her mouth keeps twitching up in the corners which only like makes coop smile more so phoebe like has to divert her attention to her phone and she’s texting piper like can i vanquish my cohost? and piper’s like id prefer it if u didn’t and then afterwards coop’s like hey can we talk you know like blah blah blah i don’t want to make u feel uncomfortable blah blah blah if you don’t wanna do the podcast anymore like- and paige orbs in and phoebe’s like whoops gotta go family emergency bye!!!!!!!! and then paige is like idk demon!! blah blah blah and like paige has the vanquishing potions and phoebe’s scrying and she’s talking about coop the whole time and paige is like okay but like demon vanquish and phoebe gets a read and it’s still like the bay mirror and she’s like ohmygod it’s coop it has to be i knew he was evil and paige is like let me see that so they orb back to the bay mirror and phoebe’s like all suspicious and paige is like all confused and they don’t see any telltale signs and paige is like give me that and like scrys and gets like idk alameda so paige is like okay we’re going there and they go there and there’s the demon and they vanquish it woohoo but then phoebe’s like but no coops suspicious bc like why when i was scrying earlier did it give my the bay mirror and paige is like idk maybe bc you were scrying with your heart instead of your head and phoebe’s like !!! what is that supposed to mean?? and paige is like dear phoebe & coop: my sister is hopelessly in love with her podcast cohost / rival, but still pretends like she hates him. how do i tell her that this little act is driving me up the wall????? and phoebe’s like oh my god you’re unbelievable you’re way off base you’re totally out of line and piper’s like hi please don’t make me dust off my middle child boots again what’s going on and phoebe’s paige is Accusing me of being in love with coop and paige is like yeah! because it’s true! and phoebe’s like oh did you cast a power swapping spell without me knowing because last time i checked i was the empath here!! and piper’s like oh boy. okay. paige, go cool off can u check on wyatt at magic school phoebe paige is right and paige sticks out her tongue at phoebe and orbs out and phoebe’s like !!!! and piper’s like acht! and phoebe’s like but!!!! and piper’s like acht! and phoebe’s like >:( and piper’s like look you’ve been burned in the past i get it we’ve all been hurt before but phoebe love is your strength it’s your greatest power and you can’t run from it and phoebe’s like i’m not running from it! and piper just like looks at her and phoebe’s like okay maybe i’m running from it a little but- and piper looks at her and phoebe’s like yeah :/ and piper gives her a hug and like sisterly advice and phoebe and coop are married like within a year it’s a really cute local event the chronicle tweeted about it.
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shinymisty-blog · 4 years
Puella Magi, Sonic Magika (Side Story Underground)
Yep. I told you I had a new AU in my brain.
Before we begin, things to know about the Puella Magi universe.   -A Magical Girl is made by signing a contract with a small creature called Kyubey. Without Kyubey, it wouldn’t really be Puella Magi, so I cannot remove Kyubey. -In signing the contract, the girls receive a Soul Gem, a symbol of the contract and contains their magic (Among...over things) so they can fight Witches, which are creatures that spread curses and feed off of the misery of others, hiding in their own Labyrinths and lure unexpecting humans in with their Witches' Kiss. In return for all this, the girls get any wish they ask for granted. Their wish is what determines what their magic is, for the most part.   -Using up their magic causes their Soul Gem to darken with impurity, so they need to remove the impurities with Grief Seeds, which are dropped by Witches when defeated. If not careful, The Grief Seed will hatch into a Witch. -Witches also summon Familiars to defend their labyrinth and, eventually, turn into Witches themselves. Familiars do not drop Grief Seeds. -Only young girls can turn into Magical Girls, and only those Kyubey deems worthy of it.  
In this particular Universe, a few things are changed to better fit the Madoka concepts with the Sonic world. -Instead of Magical Girls, they are Magical Mobians. Which means only Mobians are able to be granted wishes.   -The character’s powers, like Sonic’s speed, are from their Soul Gems. -The knowledge of Magical Mobians is a little more known than it is in Madoka. This doesn’t mean all Mobians are Magical, however.  
Another thing I need to bring up before I begin, I NEED to clarify again that this AU WILL contain Spoilers for the anime Puella Magi, Madoka Magica.   Plus, Puella Magi, Madoka Magica, while service level seems like your typical magical girl anime, if it was just that, I would obviously not be here making an AU of it with the Sonic Characters. The Manga adaptation of PMMM is rated for Older Teens for a reason. If you are unsure if you can handle the darker tones the series can go into, which this AU would follow the same dark tones, I suggest looking up how dark the series is and if you can handle it. You have been warned!
--Into the AU, My original idea of this AU spawned from a particular ending credit theme from the anime. Replacing the two characters of the anime (in the song) with Sleet and Dingo, who, at the time, were all I was fixated on. No Soul Gems, no Witches. Just that song and them.
But I am now older and more bored, I have put context into the idea I had back in 2016/17. This is a rough, spoiler free idea of the Sonic Underground side plot of this universe. Sleet and Dingo are, now, Magical Mobians and live in this universe where magic is present. The conflict of Underground is now that the Sonic, Manic and Sonia also have been granted a wish each and are Magical Mobians. Robotnik, who is still a human but also seems to know about Kyubey and how Magical Mobians work, is after their Soul Gems for unexplained reasons and asks for Sleet and Dingo to take receive the Soul Gems intact, being promised endless supply of Grief Seeds in working with him. This, at least, fills that gripe I, personally, had with Underground that Robotnik wanted them captured alive. In this universe, he is after their Soul Gems.  
Sleet’s wish is simple. “I wish to be regarded as the best Bounty Hunter in all of Mobius!” His wish is granted, and his weapon are different kinds of guns that he can swap out when he feels the need, though his magic is very...bad. Dingo’s wish is also pretty simple. “I wish I could be helpful to Sleet.” Because of this particular wish, he doesn’t really have a weapon. Instead, his magic is determined by what Sleet needs at that given time. Hense his ability to transform.  
The three Hedgehog’s also had made wishes. Sonic: “I wish to be able to save all of Mobius,” Manic: “I wish I could beat down Robotnik,” and Sonia “I wish I was able to find mother.” Their wishes are all granted, given them their own magic. Their powers would need to be...reworked, however. Sonic would still have his speed, being able to run around and save people, Sonia would be able to locate things, maybe through soundwaves (to keep with the music motif) and Manic would be more in strength, maybe using drum sticks as tools to beat the ground and cause damage that way.  
I bring up their wishes word by word because HOW someone asks for a wish is important. For example, Sonia could have easily asked “I wish mother was here” or “I wish I knew were mother was” and it would result in a completely different result, and requires different amount of magical energy. This is also important because of Sleet’s wish, being that he wished to be regarded as the best Bounty Hunter, and not just “to be the best Bounty Hunter.” Because of how he worded his wish, people see him as this great bounty hunter, but his skills might not be all up to snuff. In the end, it is just a label.  
Anyway, Sleet and Dingo fight the witches as they are meant to, with Sleet hording all of the Grief Seeds that are dropped and only giving Dingo use of them whenever his Soul Gem gets to dark. They leave the Familiars alone, wanting them to grow into Witches for their Grief Seeds, turning a blind eye whenever there are people in danger if it isn’t a Witch causing it. Shortly after the hedgehogs gain their wishes, Robotnik calls for the two and requests their assistance. Get their Soul Gems, and you can have all the Grief Seeds you want. Sleet is very much on board with this, as he sees the hedgehogs as competition for Grief Seeds. He is informed, though, that the Soul Gems must be intact and whole. He didn’t care for the body, just the gem.  
Events play roughly the same, though now the hedgehogs are constantly saving the civilians from Witches and Familiars alike, and quicker than Sleet and Dingo had been. All while constantly beating Sleet and Dingo in clever ways. Sleet starts getting more and more frustrated over each defeat, and is realizing first hand that his magic is far weaker than Dingo or the hedgehog’s magic. He desperately tries to hide his insecurities, but it starts to show through his Soul Gem, which is darkening much more quickly than Dingo’s ever has. After all, they aren’t fighting Witches anymore, so they aren’t getting any Grief Seeds.  
The two go to Robotnik asking for some so they can continue hunting for hedgehogs and their Soul Gems. But Robotnik declines, reminding them that the deal was for them to get the hedgehog’s Soul Gems first, then they get paid. Sleet is furious about this, but goes off to continue hunting anyways. He doesn’t quite understand just how important clearing his Soul Gem is, as he never had to deal with it getting darker in the first place. He just thinks that it is just a side effect and just makes him a little weaker.
However, Sleet and Dingo continue to fail at catching the hedgehogs, and Dingo is now noticing how much weaker Sleet has started becoming, unable to even use his own guns to fight. The three hedgehogs also take notice how dangerously dark Sleet’s Soul Gem is getting and, out of the kindness of their hearts, offer some of their Grief Seeds for the two to use. Dingo, who has more magic and his Soul Gem is stronger, hence his Soul Gem not being as Dark as Sleet’s, happily takes one of the Grief Seeds and goes to clean Sleet’s Soul Gem first, noting just how much darker Sleet’s is, but Sleet violently declines, saying that he wasn’t going to take anything from the enemy and goes to talk with Robotnik once more, growing more and more stubborn and upset.
Sleet confronts Robotnik, asking why he was withholding any of the Grief Seeds that he was promising them, as they needed them to fight the hedgehogs in the first place. Robotnik explains that there were no Grief Seeds to begin with, that he didn’t have any and had used the promise of an endless supply to win over the greed within Sleet, who only fought the Witches for their Grief Seeds to begin with.  
Sleet is furious, but is now starting to feel serious pain within his Soul Gem, causing him to question what was going on and why Robotnik needed these three Hedgehog’s Soul Gems particularly, adding that things would have been easier if they could have just shattered their Soul Gems instead. It is then that Kyubey appears, the first time since they made the contract with Sleet and Dingo, and explains to Sleet that Robotnik just wanted the hedgehog gone, as he knew what their wishes were and knew that they had the powers to overthrow him. Kyubey convinced Robotnik to hunt for their Soul Gems, specifically, because their Soul Gems contain their actual souls, and that the hedgehog’s bodies were just a husk being controlled by the souls. They mention that Sleet’s Soul Gem is also his soul, Robotnik adding that he had learned that Sleet’s soul was much smaller and weaker than any of the other Soul Gems, so he felt he was a Magical Mobian to throw at the hedgehogs, as not much would be lost if he was killed.
Sleet is very much upset over this, demanding more answers. Robotnik happily explains that the three hedgehog’s Soul Gems, when they are captured, would turn into Grief Seeds and hatch into dangerously evil Witches, which causes Sleet to become confused. “But they aren’t Witches, they are Magical Mobians. They aren’t the same things!” Kyubey explains that all Magical Mobians turn into Witches once their Soul Gems are at their limit, casually adding that Sleet’s Grief Seed was already starting to form. Sleet, panicked, looks down at his Soul gem to notice that it was breaking, and was starting to look more like a Grief Seed. He feels himself quickly spiriling into a state of dispare.  
Dingo then rushes into the room where everything is happening, and notices Sleet on his knees, holding his Soul Gem, and, in a state of panic, tries to use the Grief Seed he was given to purify his Soul Gem, only to watch in horror as it fully forms into a Grief Seed. Sleet falls, lifelessly, into Dingo’s arms and Dingo watches as Sleet’s Grief Seed start to hatch into a Witch. Robotnik leaves the room, saying aloud how Sleet’s Witch was going to be rather pathetic and easy to kill, telling Dingo that even he could deal with it himself. And that he would have to deal with it himself, as his partner was now the Witch. Dingo, still holding Sleet’s lifeless body tightly, watches as the room around him turns into Sleet’s Witch’s Labyrinth.  
Dingo is very distraught over this, watching as Sleet’s Grief Seed hatches into the Witch La Pendu. At first, he tries to fight it, but realizes that, without Sleet, he is pretty much useless, and tries to escape. However, because he is still holding Sleet, he is having serious troubles. He feels a sudden wave of guilt of his own wish failing him. He wasn’t helpful to Sleet now, quite the opposite. He had failed Sleet, and now feels he has no meaning himself. He feels himself falling into despair himself, his own Soul Gem quickly turning black. But before he lets his Soul Gem turn into a Grief Seed itself, the three Hedgehog rush in and, quite easily, defeat La Pendu, causing his labyrinth to vanish and his Grief Seed to drop. Sonia takes La Pendu’s Grief Seed and cleans Dingo’s Soul Gem with it, telling him that he was dangerously close to becoming that Witch’s dinner, and should be more careful.
While going to purify Sleet’s Soul Gem, they realize that his Soul Gem was gone and starts to question what had happened. Dingo explains to them all that had happened, and they are mortified, but vow to avenge Dingo’s partner, offering Dingo a place in their team to help avenge his friend. Dingo politely declines, saying he was only around to help Sleet. That his wish was made in dedication to help Sleet and to keep him safe.  He adds that he knows Sleet more than anyone, and know that he would be scared if he was left alone and, calmly, holds La Pendu’s Grief Seed close to his own Soul Gem, saying that it was still Sleet’s Soul Gem, and that he wasn’t going to leave him alone. He suggests to the siblings to leave, and deal with Robotnik. They are ushered away by Manic, who quietly tells them he knows what Dingo is wanting to do.  
They return a few moments later, unable to find Robotnik, seeing Dingo lying beside Sleet, holding his hand. They grow closer, unable to sense Dingo’s magic, with Manic quietly noticing that his Soul Gem was shattered in his hand, along with La Pendu’s Grief Seed. The siblings vow to avenge the two.  
Que the song that started this whole idea, “And I'm Home.”  
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fellwhite · 4 years
(Im not sure if that name is taken and its just a temporal name, it will be changed later)
Tws: Genocide, death
Just a heads up, this will be a long post cause i have no idea how read more works in mobile, also i do not know if someone has had this idea before so bruh, anyway here we go:
Basically, the concept is that instead of Chara being the first fallen child, Frisk will be the first one to fall instead in an underground where Asriel hasn't been born yet, effectively swapping Chara and Frisk's roles
And also Asriel is still just a child on Chara's arrival and he will help them go through the underground
This idea was based mostly on Epictale! But in this case it's on the classic undertale. Epictale by @yugogeer012
Frisk being the first one to arrive made A LOT of changes in the underground, some of them being by example:Toriel and Asgore didn't get divorced or anything, but they have been separated for decades, some monsters being more passive, while others are more aggressive, a similar yet fairly different underground with new chara-cters and more.
I still haven't figured out a lot of stuff so yeah this will have plenty of plotholes or things that make no sans-e. But anyway
Frisk:Attack 20 Defense 25
*The first fallen human
*A rather kind and passive human child who heavily dislikes humanity and loves their monster family,while most of the time they act very nice sometimes they can lash out revealing their not-so-friendly side,their metods to achieve what they want or to do what they think is right are a bit extreme sometimes,loves puns and dominates flirting, their favorite food is charamel and chocolate
Chara: Attack 30 Defense 20
*The last fallen child
*A sassy and almost creepy human child,they hate humans but they're a bit more nice to monsters, they love chocolate,hugs and golden flowers
*Asriel is their best friend
(Chara's personality will heavily change depending on the route)
*Toriel: Everyone's favorite goat mom, she stays mostly the same but she is more protective and better trained at fighting, her fight is significantly more difficult in all routes
Asgore: The king of the underground and a big fluffy dad, his fight is a lot more difficult since he feels even more guilty and he's more desperate to end this, he wields his good ol'trident and will sometimes use a knife, he fights in genocide too. Asriel is forced to stay on the entrance to the throne room by royal guards so you have to face the king alone
Asriel: Everyone's favorite fluffy boi, he becomes Chara's best friend in just a couple days and he will help them go trough the underground
He's against murder but he will protect Chara either way and might even take a life for them
In genocide he will disappear after Toriel's death
He's 12 years old
THE GREAT PAPYRUS: Paps is a former member of the royal guard and he is a lot more serious with his job, he still won't kill you and there's also a lot less puzzles on Snowdin because of his job and instead there's a lot more royal guards in the way (mostly dogs)
He still hates his brother's puns and still has great self esteem but he is more aware of many things,he has a bit of knowledge on timelines and resets thanks to Sans but he still does not know when a load happens
Sans: The funny bone man, brother of Papyrus and another member of the royal guard (against his will) Sans is one of the characters with the most changes, he joined because of Papyrus and now has 2 Defense and 2 Attack, still 1hp, still does a lot of puns but just like Papyrus he's more serious and he will fight you once before the fight with paps to prepare you (he can't be killed in that fight as he will dodge and he will use only some simple bone attacks). He fights you on all routes in the last corridor unless you're in neutral and you didn't kill Papyrus, he is not the last genocide boss anymore, still has gaster blasters and karma but both are used only in genocide
Undyne: More ruthless and negative, her fights are all harder but not too much, she is even more determined than before and bleeds during genocide route, her undying form is pretty much the same but the heart in her armor is constantly changing from green, yellow and to white
You'll depend on Asriel to survive
Alphys: Our number 1 lizard nerd
Alphys is another character that's pretty different, she's more confident but she still is very shy, she's also more less kind at the start so you'll have to make her trust you first, she'll be against you for a bit in hotland but she will start to help you once Mettaton tries to kill you with the chainsaw (which by the way it's an usable item here and you get it on all routes after the Mettaton fight, it's the second most powerful weapon only behind the true knife)
Mettaton: He's literally the same, in fact he's a bit easier but has a longer fight and a couple new weapons, in genocide his NEO form can take only 7 hits but the attacks are very long and devastating. Asriel stays out of this one as it's a 1v1
Napstablook: they're a little bit more confident but still incredibly shy, their fight is easier but takes a couple more turns and you will need Asriel to help you
Muffet and Grillby: They united their places in order to have a better chance for their businesses to survive, it worked out really well but they constantly fight. Muffet is the exact same but a bit more stressed and Grillby is more talkative, Muffet offers drinks now aswell as spiders, and the same goes for Grillby
Temmies: hOI
Red: yes baby Red is here too, she appears around the CORE with 2 dog guards (which she mentions on her original fight) and she's an main boss and character
There's some additional characters that i added, like Captain froggit, yes their name is literally captain so their position is quite convenient, and a few more here and there
Toby isn't here, instead there's a wolf with... An smiling face? (yep that's me)
A few additional changes:
Frisk is viewed as an mostly chaotic neutral and inclined to chaotic good, but in genocide this changes ti chaotic evil
Yes Frisk is the narrator and acts somewhat similar to Chara
Both Chara and Frisk use they/them, i personally view em both as female and nonbinary respectively but i'll leave it like this to avoid discourse or anything
Napsta is nonbinary and uses they/them and he/him, prefers they tho, i left them like that since i haven't seen much discourse about Napsta's gender so bruh
Sans and Paps are ??????'? sons
Since im no Toby Papyrus can use his special attack (which is a blaster here) but he will hold back by himself in his fight
Some notes:
There's some guard campaments and the royal guard headquarters, only the campaments are accessible but you can see the hq from far away
You can ask me any doubts or anything idm
There will possibly be a comic, plenty of art, a written version or even possibly a couple playable fights in the future, but it will be a while before that happens
Odds are it will be all written but im not sure yet, references will be on an individual post
The au name is subject to change
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You know, even after all that, I was thinking you might go the route of "aww Butterfly is just Midoriya with really bad luck, he's just a baby uwu" but while you kind of did the first bit, the menace displayed in this chapter is ridiculous, even worse for me than when Butterfly was stalking him while hidden, and it's just a bunch of adults and Midoryia talking! The weird fantasies he wrote, his plan to drive him to suicide, then kill him, then body swap him without mercy. (1/x)
“And steal his life while making everyone forget just gives me the creeps! I really can't think of another villian in a fanfic I've read that's so messed up and evil and tragic. Can't wait to see what happens next! As an aside, is there really no difference between this universe and the other one other than Midoriya's hesitation? No extra event that made him hesitate more, nothing? Just a pissed off Shigaraki murdering everyone and dooming the worldstate at USJ? (2/2)”
Yep, just the one difference.  Such is the way of the Butterfly Effect.
I’m glad you like the direction I took.  Butterfly, both the character and the fic, were inspired by my general dissatisfaction with most villain Deku aus.  He either does nothing wrong and may as well be a hostage instead of a villain, does horrible things but feels bad so the audience is expected to absolve him, or is a generic knife-licking yandere that is not only boring and non-threatening but just a completely different character.  That last part was the most important to me, because Izuku is still my favorite character so I needed to strike a balance between his canon characterization and real menace.  Sure he was tortured by All for One, but I dried to primarily draw from Izuku’s own violent tendencies and his unstoppable determination to the point of self-destruction.  I wanted to make something that would push the audience to really second guess what the best course of action is against such a character.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Can i have a shattered dream x illusion ? There so few fanfic about them :333
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Fandom: Shattered Dream AU by @shattereddreamsau
Characters and pairing: Illusion, Shattered!Dream, ShatteredxIllusion
Warnings: unhealthy relationship, references to murder
Word count: 703
Summary: Shattered decides to visit his beloved Illusion.
Shattered cheerfully teleports home, stretching his tentacles out behind him as he looks up at the dark and rust colored sky, the dead, black grass crunching beneath his feet as he walks over to where Nightmare - in his passive form - is curled up at the base of what was once the Tree of Feelings. He can’t quite remember why he ever felt so much guilt and shame about how their home had ended up. It was so much better like this, and he’s been busily creating a great deal more negativity, to make his beloved even stronger.
He’s also been going after the miserable fools who viewed Nightmare as evil. The darker spirit had never been evil - simply trying to reveal to the multiverse the true nature of everyone and everything. He kneels down before the other - who’s been calling himself Illusion as of late for some reason. It’s odd, but perhaps he feels like he wants a change.
Which is fine, because Shattered has never felt so free in the entirety of his existence. He revels in the pain he’s caused, the fear he strikes into the mortal fools who dare stand in his way… The way that the blood and dust feels on his tentacles as he claims the lives of the particularly stubborn. He doesn’t have to worry about anything anymore. All of his cares and concerns - the overwhelming burden of trying to stop Illusion has been lifted from his shoulders, and he is free to spend time with his darling, when he’s not hunting out in the multiverse to bring gifts to his other half.
He sits down next to the other, lightly touching one of his shoulders, calling out sweetly “Beloved, are you sleeping? I’m home now, please wake up.”
Illusion jerked awake, tensing a little, looking around with wide, frightened eye lights, drawing away a little as he stared at Shattered “I… D-Dream? Oh… H-How long have you been here?”
“About five minutes or so. I’ve brought you a gift, darling.” Shattered responded with a smile as he wrapped a tentacle around the currently-shorter guardian, gently pulling him into his lap. Shattered begins to purr a little as he wraps his arms around the other’s waist. “I really wish that you would come with me. It’s fun creating negativity to make you stronger, dearest. But I bet that we would have so much more fun if we did it together.”
“I… Dream I… Please… This darkness isn’t you… I… Please come back to me as you truly are…” Illusion begged, violet and cyan tears running down his face as the other cupped his face with both hands, trembling a little and desperately unhappy.
Shattered frowned a little, hugging the other closer and pressing a light kiss to the other’s teeth. “Darling… You wanted this, don’t you remember? But if you’d rather I stay here with you in our home for a while, I don’t mind.”
“I… I’m… I didn’t…” Illusion was at a loss for words, but couldn’t help himself as he cuddled further into his other half. He’d desperately missed the other, and hated that he did… He was also unsure of what to do when Shattered visited because he couldn’t seem to convince the other to push back the corruption that had taken over his mind. “You… You mentioned a gift for me, l-love?”
“Yep!” Shattered responded with an eager grin. He pulled out a carefully wrapped box from his inventory, handing it to Illusion, purring contentedly. “I hope you like it.”
Illusion turned off his eye lights for a moment, hoping that it was something relatively innocent and not covered in dust, though he did mentally prepare himself as he slowly unwrapped the box, carefully setting aside the thin purple fabric. He opened the lid and blinked as he pulled out a plate of tacos. A cautious bite revealed that it had been crafted by a Swap Sans who was a fantastic cook. “This is really good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, darling! Swap Sanses who can cook well are hard to find… But I’ve found one and he’s easy enough to spook into making good food.” Shattered purred contentedly, falling asleep around his beloved.
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Supernatural Crack Attack Challenge Masterlist
I want to thank everyone who entered my challenge. I truly appreciate it. I’ve got a lot of first timers in writing crack and all of them did an AMAZING job! These fics had me giggling all the way to suddenly bursting out in laughter. If these fics don’t help brighten up your day, I don’t know what will. I hope you all enjoy these hilarious gems! Make sure to let the author know how amazingly talented they are, because well... they really are.
Also, PLAGIARISM is UNACCEPTABLE. These are the author’s original work and ideas, and they had put in a lot of effort to write these stories. REBLOG!! Do not copy, paste, or alter any of these stories without the authors consent!
I Am You, And You Are Me Written by @theworldiscolorful​ (@purpleskiesandcherrypies)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: You woke up one day to find yourself in Dean’s Body
Warnings: Smut (oral, a bit of dirty talk, a bit of panty kink), Crack (what is smut and crack? Smack?)
Prompt: Switching Bodies
The Hottest Garbage Man Alive Written by @evansrogerskitten
Pairings: Jensen x Reader, Jensen x Jared
Summary: In our reality, Jensen Ackles is perfect and glamorous. What if in a different life, he was something ordinary like a garbage man?
Warnings: Crack fic! Oral sex (male receiving,) implied smut, fantasizing, AU
Prompt: Awkward Moments
Flammable Angel Farts Written by @deans-jiggly-pudding
Characters: Castiel, Dean, Sam, and Jack
Summary: N/A
Warnings: canon-typical language, fart jokes, crack
Prompt: Allergic Reactions
Sam Who? Written by @winchesterprincessbride
Characters: Dean, Sam, and Reader
Summary: After an unsolved case that may or may not have been a witch, the reader wakes up with no memory of her boyfriend, and it gets old for Sam and Dean very quickly.
Warnings: Crack
Prompt: Temporary Memory Loss
Something Isn’t Right by ME!! (This fic is posted on my main masterlist)
Characters: TWF 2.0 and Reader (mostly Jack)
Summary: Jack’s clothes don’t seem to fit right and when he meets up with the others, he’s finally enlightened as to why.
Warnings: Crack!
Prompt: Wardrobe Malfunction
Freaky Friday by @bamby0304
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean, Rowena
Summary: Sam wakes up in a bed he didn’t fall asleep in… in a body that isn’t his. When he finds his own body asleep in the Bunker library he also finds you occupy the body, confusion ensues. Dean can’t stop laugh, you can’t stop freaking out, and despite everything Sam is- once again- the only person who can keep their head on… well, your head on… his head on? Jeez this is confusing.
Warnings: Explicit language. An attempt at crack. Body swap, obviously. Fluff? The slightest bit of angst? Implied smut.
Prompt: Curse
Hide and Seek by ME!! (This fic is posted on my main masterlist)
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean Winchester
Summary: Sam and reader are babysitting and things get a little heated when they share the same hiding spot.
Warnings: Crack!, Not really smut… but… slight Smut? PG-16? Dry Humping, Tight Spaces, Things touching things… lol.
Prompt: Accidents
Talk Psychology to Me by @bamby0304​
Characters: Dean x College-Student!Reader
Summary: The morning after meeting and rejecting Dean, you bump into him again. The two of you sit for coffee, and somehow the conversation turns to pick-up lines… which leads to sex.
Warnings: Explicit language, A poor attempt at crack, Bad pick-up lines, Rejection, Psychology talk, Smut, Oral (male receiving), Unprotected sex.
Prompt: Pick Up Lines
Switched by @waywardrose13
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam Winchester
Summary: Fucking Witches (that’s all you get)
Warnings: Witches/hex, language, some angst, a fight, Dean’s a dick, period talk, Sam’s a bit rude, fluff, crack!fic
Prompt: Switching Bodies
The Grass Is Always Greener by @hannahindie
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader, Dean
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Alcohol, weed, language, cracky goodness, so much smut. Just…just filth. Like a pinch of plot towards the end, but it’s like…guys, it’s just…you shouldn’t read it if you’re under 18. Hell, you maybe shouldn’t read it if you’re over 18. I mean, for me, anyway. It could be worse. But it’s all over the place, and there’s just a lot of it. So….here you go.
Prompt: Drinking/Drunk
Research by @sculptorofbeginnings
Characters: Team Free Will 2.0, Unknown Female Character
Summary: Sam is enjoying the day doing some quiet research until Jack finds a very interesting book…
Warnings: Smut (only a little though), Daddy!Kink, Embarrassed Sammy, Clueless Jack, General Crack!Hilarity, if I did my job right.
Prompt: Jack Asks Questions
Every Dean Has His Day by @bamby0304​
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Summary: After Dean drinks the potion that makes him act like a dog again, you’re stuck babysitting when it goes wrong. Days stuck with the older Winchester lead to truths being told. But is it just the dog in him talking?
Warnings: My poor attempt at crack (honestly, I tried). Scumbag in a roadhouse. Explicit language. Period talk. Fluff. A bit of angst. Smut (yep… smut). Dirty talk. Fingering. Unprotected sex.
Prompt: Potions
The French Maid by @myinconnelly1
Characters: Dean x Reader, Jack, Sam, Castiel
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Smut, 18+ , NSFW, roleplay, crack.
Prompt: Jack Asks Questions
Fallen For Me by @waywardmoeyy​
Characters: Jack Kline x Reader, TFW
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Self-doubt, Fluff, Crack.
Prompt: Clumsy
Baking With The Devil’s Son by @rubynationwins
Characters: Jack, Reader, Dean, and Sam
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Crack
Prompt: Jack Asks Questions
Animals by @winchesterwolf30
Characters: Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean wakes up one morning to find a very hairy surprise (takes place before the animal mind-spell.)
Warnings: None, except that I am TERRIBLE at writing crack, so, my apologies.
Prompt: Spells
Making a Princess by @samslittlespoon​
Characters: Sam x Reader
Summary: You and Sam are called to an emergency, only to find out it’s not the type of emergency you were expecting...
Warnings: Crack, Language
Prompt: Kids/Old People
See No Evil by @bamby0304​
Characters: Dean x Reader x Sam
Summary: A case goes awry and you end up being hit with a spell that turns you invisible. While the brothers freak you try to cheer them up. A few pranks turn to heated moments that you try to shy away from, determined to keep the brothers from getting their feelings hurt. In the end though, they tell you they see more than you might think.
Warnings: An attempt at crack. Bit of angst. Some embarrassment. Nudity. Fluff. Smut. Fingering. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Oral (male receiving). Admittedly… this is gonna be more smutty than funny… I couldn’t help myself.
Prompt: Spells
Jack’s Case by @rideandwritethethings
Characters: TFW 2.0 x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Jack finds a case for the Winchesters and is unable to understand why they keep laughing at the information he’s giving them.
Warnings: Warnings: crack, a whole bunch of innuendos so like PG13? they’re bad jokes though I am Not Good At Crack
Prompt: Innuendos
What Were You Thinking? by @a-winchester-fairytale
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Summary: While on a case, a witch plays a little trick on Dean, giving him the gift of too much information.
Warnings: crack
Prompt: Curses/Spells/Potions
Not Funny by @thatfanficstuff
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Crack, Clowns, dude, clowns. Canon typical stuff
Prompt: Disguises, Undercover/Costumes
Once again, thank you to everyone that signed up and followed through. There were a few writer’s, due to personal issues and timing, that reached out and couldn’t make the deadline or extension deadline. Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. There were others who didn’t even bother giving me a simple ASK or message, which I am disappointed in. In the future, please let me know. A small heads up is very much appreciated and considerate to the host. 
Hope you enjoyed the challenge and masterlist!! 
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kariachi · 7 years
I love writing magic!Kev, I love making AUs, I love combining AUs, so fuck it, why not.
“I hate you.”
“Oh come on, relax a little.” Gwen did not relax. She took great pride in her magic, great pride. It was her thing, and the fact she was having to turn to someone her age for help with it was, annoying. The fact that the person in question was Charmcaster’s brother, Aggregor’s nephew (and that was a connection she’d never expected to find), just made it worse. But apparently between Osmosian magic and his Legerdomain heritage he was the person to go to for magical artifacts and illusions. Didn’t mean he had to be so smug about it.
“I am not smug,” he said, and for a moment she wasn’t sure whether she’d said aloud without noticing or he’d read her mind. Could he do that? “I’m amused. I mean, you are the enemy of pretty much my entire surviving family.” He wasn’t wrong. So far he didn’t seem to have any of the villainous qualities of his sister and uncles, but she hadn’t known him more and the long argument he’d had with the alien that shared the apartment when she got there had been suspicious at best. Still, it wasn’t often you found someone every other magic user you knew recommended, so she wasn’t going to argue. Especially since he was doing this job for a pittance.
“In my defense,” she said, “your entire surviving family is evil.”
“They mean well.” Gwen silently raised a judging eyebrow at him and Kevin surrendered with a shrug and small nod. “Okay, Charm and Uncle Aggy mean well. Uncle Hex is just sort’ve a dick.” Gwen smirked.
“Sort’ve?” He grinned back.
“Look, I’ve got three people left, at least let me pretend.” With a purr he shoved his chair away from the table he’d been working at, given Gwen a clear view of a steaming pot on a burner and what seemed like a million small bits and pieces and tools. Kevin leaned over to a drawer, pulling out a small metal case and snatching an obsidian blade form the table, all in a single fluid motion as he got to his feet.
“Pick a locket,” he said as he placed the case in her lap and popped it open, “and try to make sure it’s one you’ll like. I can redo this, but I’m not cutting you the same deal twice.” Gwen nodded absently, trailing her fingers over the pendants until he regrabbed her attention with a flash of the knife. “I’m gonna need to grab a lock of hair. Nothing big, and I’ll make sure it’s out of the way.” She nodded again. Her attention went back to the selection of lockets, more than she expected from someone working out of a one-bedroom apartment, and she tried to ignore Kevin working. His hands at the back of her neck, under her hair, the brush of the knife shearing just against her skin. Someone who’d been in fewer fights than her would’ve been tense, and that was before taking into account his relatives’ prior attempts on her life. She didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath until he stepped away and she let it go.
“This one, I think,” she said, as much to avoid silence as anything, handing Kevin a wooden pendant shaped like a cat. May as well keep her theme going, after all. He grinned at her again, all sharp, white teeth, as he took both pendants and case back from her. Carefully setting both case and knife where they belonged, he collapsed back into his chair.
“Alright then,” he said, “I can grab you a snack or something while you wait, if you want. It’s gonna be another-” he was quiet for a second, visibly running through variables in his head- “twenty-three minutes? I think? You wanted a basic chick-dude swap, right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“Twenty-three minutes.” Kevin worked while he spoke, carefully coiling and twisting the lock of hair he’d cut from her so it would fit in the locket. When that was done he ladled a small spoonful of the mixture in the pot inside with a practiced ease, shutting the locket immediately. Gwen watched carefully as he chose a length of gold chain from inside another drawer, threaded the locket onto it, then lowered it into the potion, tying the chain to the pot’s handle so the locket wouldn’t lay on the bottom.
“So,” Gwen said as he leaned away, raising his hands in the traditional ‘I’m done’ gesture, “twenty-three minutes?”
“Yep.” Standing again, Kevin stretched. “Now, you want a muffin? I made ‘em for Charm, but she called me a twerp so now she must suffer.” Breaking out into chuckles- because was she not the same was with Ken?- Gwen stood to follow him to the kitchen.
“That makes me want one more.” Oh and they were raspberry, be still her heart. It was impossible for her not to finally grin back as Kevin handed her one and gestured towards the butter. The muffin didn’t need butter. She was going to have to trade brothers. “Hey,” she said after a moment, one she’d recovered from the sudden deliciousness, “what happens if you leave the locket in too long?” Kevin took a bite out of his own pastry before answering.
“I hope you like mustaches.”
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lesbiansandstorm · 7 years
redid my warriors au, long post
i’ve made a few posts about this au before but i’ve changed things
series 1
events of into the wild are basically the same,(i.e. firepaw joining clan etc) however sandpaw and dustpaw are the main characters
after ravenpaw’s departure, firepaw, dustpaw, and sandpaw realise tigerclaw is a threat, put aside their differences and eventually the three become best friends™
graystripe is a little bit older than them (about the same age as longtail) and was trained/manipulated by tigerclaw
the three get their warrior names and are happily doing warrior things until about 12 moons later
tigerclaw murders bluestar; he becomes leader of thunderclan and isn’t sure whether to pick darkstripe or graystripe as deputy, he encourages the two toms to fight and prove themselves
graystripe wins, tigerstar disposes of darkstripe
sandstorm + friends talk to whitestorm about their suspicions, he believes them and encourages them to tell the rest of the clan (-tigerstar and his friends)
the clan, after some convincing believe tigerstar is a bad dude and try to think of a plan to get rid of him
they have to be careful as tigerstar has a group of cats that are like bodyguards to him - former rogues that dont take warrior names or participate in clan duties (that turn out to be bloodclan spies)
but wait! there’s more! tigerbutt takes over riverclan after crookedstar’s death, the thunderclan cats wonder if they should tell leopardfur about tigerstar’s evilness - will she believe and side with them?
spoiler: she does and immediately tries to break their alliance, but seeming she wasn’t able to get her nine lives or name she is no more powerful than any other warrior and tigerstar threatens to murder her clanmates so she backs down
fireheart’s personality is a bit different to canon - he’s more easygoing and chilled (think of a mix between canon firestar, graystripe, and brackenfur)
silverstream and graystipe have a one night stand type thing causing her to fall pregnant
silverstream doesnt want anything more to do with him and doesnt want the kits to know he’s the father
some of her clanmates turn on her (even though both clans are all living together its very crowded) so she ends up making friends with the thunderclan cats
specifically sandstorm
they become very good friends
yep...just gals....being pals...
the main character squad (sandstorm, dustpelt, fireheart, and now silverstream and cinderpelt) realise they need tigerstar to trust them or they might just end up ‘accidentally’ murdered
he hates fireheart because he was a kittypet, thinks dustpelt is too short tempered...so then there’s sand™
sandstorm fools tigerstar and graystripe into thinking she’s on their side, and reports back their plans to the other cats
tigerstar exiles goldenflower because she doesn’t want to be his mate anymore and refuses his advances - tawnypaw goes with her and they flee to shadowclan where goldenflower later dies of carrionplace disease
graystripe is killed in a battle against shadowclan and windclan, and sandstorm is named deputy as tigerstar thinks he can trust her (surprise! sandstorm was surprised..)
silverstream survives her kitting
ferncloud is closer in age to dustpelt and they arent related
fast forward another 6 moons, the stress of having to suck up to tigerstar yet prove she is still loyal to the other cats is getting to sandstorm
some of the riverclan cats are accusing her of really being on tigerstar’s side
knock knock get the door its bloodclan
one night, tigerstar tries to use bloodclan to take over shadow and windclan
scourge murders him - sandstorm reveals the truth about tigerstar to everyone
riverclan finally go back to their territory and leopardstar gets her nine lives that night
sandstorm is unsure if she’s fit to be leader - she’s struggling as she feels she hasnt been a warrior long enough and her deputyship was a result of deceiving tigerstar
silverstream makes the difficult decision decides to stay in thunderclan as her ‘friendship’ with sandstorm would make it hard for her to stay loyal to riverclan, her kits, featherpaw and stormpaw go to riverclan and are raised there
the night after tigerstar’s death, sandstorm gets her nine lives from starclan (goldenflower - protection, brindleface - love, crookedstar - determination, snowkit - hope, thistleclaw - fierceness spottedleaf - wise judgement, bluestar - faith, lionheart - courage, redtail - loyalty)
whitestorm is appointed deputy
the four clans join together to fight bloodclan, they win, but not without a cost - whitestorm dies, sandstar loses a life
sandstar struggles to choose between fireheart and dustpelt for deputy, the two toms are her closest friends and best warriors
she eventually chooses dustpelt - fireheart doesn’t mind and continues to support them
a moon after the battle, sandstar tells silverstream she loves her
silverstream loves her back
sandstar and fireheart are still super close best friends, but theres nothing romantic between them though he fathers her kits, squirrelkit and leafkit as they both wanted to be parents
squirrelflight and leafpool are raised by sandstar, fireheart, and silverstream and the whole clan loves them
basically sandstar, fireheart, silverstream, dustpelt, and cinderpelt are best friends for life and all of them are gay in one way or another
new prophecy:
as a leader, sandstar is a little less hesitant to cross borders to help other clans like firestar would, but is still willing to provide assistance when others are in need
she is more sure of herself and more confident in her decisions compared to the first series
leafpool is openly bi
feathertail and crowfeather have more of a sibling relationship
fireheart is captured by twolegs
sandstar and dustpelt usually rely on fireheart to help them with leader/deputy duties
so dustpelt begins to assign more duties to brambleclaw, given his experience with the sun-drown-place journey
hawkfrost traps sandstar in the fox trap and encourages brambleclaw to kill her, stating that if she dies dustpelt will surely choose him for deputy, and he can get rid of him too
he doesn’t because he is a good dude
cinderpelt dies and cinderkit is born but cinderkit is herself and not a reincarnation
power of three
fireheart returns! with millie 
bumblekit is blind in one eye due to an infected thorn scratch - it doesnt stop him though - he is apprenticed to brightheart
rowanclaw is a trans dude - his and tawnypelt’s kits are fathered by an unknown tom
sandstar and silverstream are close with their grandkits
lionblaze and jayfeather are the kits of brambleclaw and squirrelflight, hollyleaf and breezepelt are leafpool and crowfeather’s
leafpool has her kits (she could hide it due to having strong scented herbs around her and shes fat and fluffy) but is weakened and feels squirrelflight is kitting (remember that bond they had)
crowfeather shows up and takes breezekit to windclan as leafpool cant carry both of them - nightcloud has also kitted an identical kit but its born dead so crowfeather kinda just swaps them (nightcloud agrees to this bc she wanted to be a mother)
leafpool gives hollykit to squirrelflight to raise
sandstar suspects hollyleaf is leafpool’s kit due to her resemblance to crowfeather and the fact that she guessed leafpool’s pregnancy anyway
the fire scene: jayfeather is trapped, hollyleaf helps him out but becomes stuck herself, assfur shows up and says he’ll kill her to cause squirrelflight pain
leading to squirrelflight’s ‘she is not my kit’
lion holly jay assume she lied to get assfur away, lionblaze asks squirrelflight privately if shes his mother, she says yes which is true  
as in she said yes she is lionblaze’s mother, says nothing about hollyleaf
assfur intends to reveal the secret at the gathering but shows up dead
sandstar killed him - she found him on the windclan border, he confronted her saying her daughter was a liar and he threatens her, saying he will reveal the secret to everyone - sandstar warns him, saying he shouldnt for the good of the clan
this enrages assfur, who attacks sandstar
sandstar kicks his ass and kills him, though she is overwhelmed with guilt, thinking that she let her emotions get in the way of what was right for the clan
breezepelt discovers his true parentage and reveals the secret, hollyleaf is so shocked that she runs into the tunnels and ‘dies’ 
crowfeather is rejected by his clanmates and ends up leaving windclan, becoming a rogue
lionblaze and jayfeather are understandably shocked, they still consider hollyleaf their sister anyway 
breezepelt’s revelation and disgust at his parentage boosts his status in windclan
omen of the stars
dovebriar is a thing, tigerheart who?
hollyleaf returns. as crowfeather is gone, she doesnt feel much connection to her birth parents. shes still close with lion and jay but not with squirrel and leaf
shes not as mad at them though, she understands why they did what they did but she feels hurt that she was lied to for so long and wishes to get to know breezepelt better 
breezepelt doesnt want much to do with her
the series is pretty much the same except for the last hope
silverstream dies along with mousefur and ferncloud
sandstar and fireheart work together to kill tigerstar
sandstar narrowly survives, but wishes she hadnt due to her mate and sister dying - she is on her last life
she stays in her den, depressed, and doesnt bother to check in on her clanmates or issue orders for camp rebuilding
an also-heartbroken dustpelt struggles to keep the clan in order
ivypool ends up yelling at sandstar to get her shit together, saying that she may be very sad but the clan still needs her
sandstar eventually gets up and tries to bring thunderclan back to normal, though cats notice she is much less enthusiastic and more withdrawn
a vision of shadows
in between the last book and the apprentice’s quest, dustpelt gets a bad leg injury and voluntarily steps down from his deputy position
he doesn’t join the elders yet though, he just becomes a normal warrior again as he can still perform basic duties
hollyleaf is named deputy
the birth of alderkit + sparkkit cheers sandstar up a bit, she is very close to both of them
sandstar loses her last life in battle, hollyleaf becomes leader
she names ivypool as her deputy
alderpaw goes on his quest, sandstar guides him towards skyclan in his dreams
alderpaw voluntarily becomes a medcat
leafpool returns to her position
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So umm… I’ve had an idea in my head for a semi-swap for the outcodes of Undertale.
I’m gonna put the entire thing under a cut due to length.
Mainly, where Dream discovered his brother being bullied by accident and desperately tried to do everything to get it to stop… even slowly feeding him a golden apple piece by piece every day, usually hiding it in food, so that he’d have positive emotions. Though he also slowly did the same for himself with one of the negative apples.
Though before he actually tried the apple plan he stole one of the bully’s cat and tested his idea out with both types of apples on it. The cat did slowly adjust to both apples’ powers, though the poor thing was forever altered by them.
Anyway, during the process of Nightmare unknowingly eating small amounts of a golden apple every day, he did notice he was feeling emotions he shouldn’t be able to. Of course, he did voice his concerns to Dream who said maybe his positive aura was affecting the other.
The lie was bought, though with the fear that Nightmare himself might cause Dream to start feeling negative emotions. Though… he did figure out what happened after consuming the last bit of apple. His body tried to reject the final dose of positive energy, forcing him to vomit up a golden, slime-like substance. At first, he thought someone stole a golden apple and tried to poison him with it until his brother admitted the truth.
At hearing that Dream had not only tricked him into eating small pieces of one of the apples every day but had been eating a negative one bit by bit those same days, he grew angry and the two had a huge fight. Nightmare stormed off and was missing for several days. The night before he returned there was a huge storm, Dream taking shelter in the nearby inn, and by chance, two lightning strikes hit the tree during that night, causing it to topple over and killing it.
The dream was the first to find it and was horrified. His brother returned not much later and was just as shocked. Unfortunately, the people that lived near the tree were foolish and blamed the twin that had been gone for what happened and began trying to attack Nightmare.
In desperation to stop it… Dream tried to fight them off but was thrown close to the apples. He remembered some of the magic the cat he experimented on could use with the apples it was forced to eat… and decided he could use that to stop his brother from being hurt.
With that, he began eating every apple he could get his hands on. The sudden change in energy from Dream actually paused the mob’s attack, allowing Nightmare to get away. When he saw what was happening… and how the energies of the apples were mixing into almost a hybrid, he tried to stop his brother, but the magic in that small body was so… off that getting too close actually made him sick… In desperation to stop Dream, he started trying to get to the apples first, barely saving two of them from his brother.
The entire time Dream was consuming the apples a horrifying change was happening, a strange substance was coming from him, some golden, and some black. Eventually, after eating the last apple that Nightmare couldn’t get to, it got worse, the substance breaking through bones and changing him.
After the change ended, the once small and sweet guardian turned to the horrified mob and gave a sickening grin. He told them this was all their fault, and how they should have learned to love and accept Nightmare… right before jumping in to kill as many as possible.
The remaining guardian opened a portal and evacuated as many as he could before being forced to flee when his own brother tried to chase after those people. Somehow, he had opened a path to the Omega timeline, where Core!Frisk happily took in the survivors and offered Nightmare a home.
He refused and got ready to return home until the child told him that he was no match for his brother and would only get himself trapped. With that, he realized he not only needed to protect the now changed apples he rescued but that he had to also find a way to reverse the change in Dream.
He did get advice on two other beings of balance he could recruit to his cause if he could get them to stop fighting. And he set out, looking to find Error and Ink.
So as for why it’s a semi-swap... it’s because Ink and a Swap Sans are both on the side that would be the alternates of the Star Sans, though Error is joining them as well. Cross is still on the side of the ‘Evil’ Sans, though his backstory is a bit different in this AU. Horror, Dust, and Killer Sans would also be allies that work with Cross and Dream.
As for Dream’s goal... Well he’s obsessed with making people accept his brother. And will do whatever it takes to build a new home where that will happen, even if it mean killing innocents to do so.
Yep, he’s sort of like a Yandere, but he wants everyone to love Nightmare.
Also, the cat got out of Dreamtale safely and is the mascot for Nightmare’s group.
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