#Hetty x Belle
forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
My Artful Dodger Masterlist
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Rated T
And Spit at the Stars (And Scream in the Dark) Belle dies on the table. Jack x Belle | 962
Fair Days Jack's troubled by questions of love and fairness. Hetty knows something of both. Hetty x Jack | 2k
Lettuce-In-Law The first marriage proposal of the evening might be ill-conceived, but the second is quite sensible. Belle x Jack | 2.1k
Take What is Given Following Red's caesarean, Hetty reassesses what Belle means to the Port Victory Royal Hospital—and to her. Hetty x Belle | 912
Rated M
Long Leaving For Belle, studying the human body usually comes before intoxication, so this is new. Belle x Jack | 1.6k
Rated E
Amputated Nights Scissors, scalpel, needle, saw—Hetty is always passing Jack his instruments in surgery, and then they pass the night together. Hetty x Jack | 776
Bodies in the Theatre Jack and Belle make a new memory on the operating table where she almost died. Jack x Belle | 1k
Experimental Treatments Belle was the one who'd poured acid all over her thigh. How could Jack not help her? How could he not, afterwards, recall the sensation of rubbing salve into her skin? Jack x Belle | 1k
Private Practicing Belle's waiting until she's married to do all the things she seems to want when she kisses him. Jack's waiting for her to admit she's not that patient. Jack x Belle | 2.5k
remember it once “I’ve never wanted this before.” “What?” “To devote my life to another person. To live instead of just keeping myself alive. I don’t know… I don’t know how to say it…” “You said it very well.” Jack x Belle | 25k
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butcharondir · 9 months
the 19th century hospital polycule agenda is REAL and GOOD and RIGHTEOUS you can't stop us
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thedailydescent · 4 months
for the ask game, fav dodgerfox kiss and unpoplar opinion?
Hi, another fan!!! I'm finally getting around to answer this now, was going crazy over the most recent episode of IWTV :)
4. Favourite Dodgerfox Kiss
I'm going to cheat (LOL) and say that while this is my favourite "atmospheric" kiss (I'm an absolute sucker for sneaky closet kisses),
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this is my favourite “physical kiss” (you can probably guess why):
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14. Share an unpopular opinion!
Okay, prepare for a rant: I ended up watching this show way later and it looked like a tiny fandom anyway so I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I don't think Jack is held enough accountability for how he treated Hetty in the show? We had our main couple tackling the clash between gender and class. Whenever Belle would bring up the sexism she experiences in the medical field, Jack counters it with the struggles he faces as a surgeon who is from a working class background. Both of them bring up good points. Yet the huge elephant in the room seems to be Hetty, who gets caught (unfairly) in the middle of their star-crossed romance and the show never really questions how he, as a lower-class man, treats the lower-class women he socializes with. Sure, Belle is privileged so he can tell her to get real now and then, but while he complains about being constantly disrespected, he seems to treat Hetty (a nurse who has to follow his orders), like a disposable "friend with benefits" despite her obvious feelings for him. I think both of them knew what kind of relationship they were in, but I feel even if you are just casual, you should still check in with the person and say, hey, I met someone I want to get in a relationship with, I hope this is okay?? I don't know, it just left a bad taste in mouth at how oblivious he was, and how she was just expected to put up with it and say nothing (especially because Hetty is also Black, and despite this show being a lot better at handling race than, say, Br*dergton, it really missed the mark there by falling into a racist trope). Jack hardly has any of the trademark romantic hero qualities that I despise in period pieces, but the whole 'being laissez-faire with lower-class women until an upper-class woman comes into his life' thing is one of them and that didn't really work for me.
Thank you for the ask! <3
Send Me 'The Artful Dodger' Asks
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The middle daughter.
Hi! Can I have a Jack Dawkins x Belle's sister!Reader a fluff version. Can you write this oneshot where that one scene when Jack broke into Belle's house and found her on the floor? Instead of Belle being sick, the reader is sick instead
A/n: I hope this is what you were looking for. X
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Belle was sure she and Jack could fix her sister, even with the fear he felt of hurting her, she knew it. She looked to Fanny.
"I know he has feelings for her but he is the only doctor who could do this." She stated, fanny agreed.
"then you must help him sister. I'm sorry I have to go Oliver is waiting."
Belle slumped into a chair in her father's library.
Jack slipped through the window to your room, a new hope in his heart.
"Y/n, I think I've found-" his breath caught in his throat tangled with the unspoken words as he saw you lying on the floor. Books scattered around you. He dropped down beside you brushing the hair from your face. Your skin was white as snow. Jack quickly checked your pulse, the beat was so weak; too weak.
At first he could do nothing, his body was frozen in place, holding you against him.
"Help!" He called out.
Belle came running in, gasping at the sight.
"We need a carriage, now!" He yelled. Belle nodded and ran down through her house. Jack had scooped you up into his arms and carried you down behind her. His chest tightened with fear as he placed you into the flat bed of the delivery cart, hopping in beside you. Belle climbed into the front seat and demanded the driver hurry. Turning back to you both she felt a fear for her sister she had never felt before.
"Can you do it?" She asked him. Jack looked up to her as a tear dropped from his eye. His arms cradled you to his chest.
"I think so, if you help me." His voice broke.
"Do you love her?" Belle couldn't stop herself from asking the question. Jack's eyes met hers once more before turning back to your face. He brushed the back of his fingers across you cheek.
"I don't know what love is, but I would die for her." He admitted quietly.
At the hospital they rushed inside, belle demanded Hetty help them in the theatre. Jack placed you onto the operating table, his fingers hesitated over your dress. Belle touched his hand.
He pulled in a jagged breath, allowing Belle to take over and untie your blue dressing gown. The two of them worked in silence, his hands firmly inside your body.
Hatty couldn't stop the Governor and his wife from barging into the room. Your mother screamed when she saw you.
"Stop! Don't you dare-"
"If I stop now she does." Jack yelled back. There is an argument between the prof and your mother. Belle marched over to them.
"Jack is the finest doctor in the country, I have permission for this surgery. You will do nothing. Go with the prof and wait elsewhere. We have work to do." She basically shoved her mother backwards. The governor stopped looking back at his middle daughter then to Belle.
"Can he save her?" He asked.
"Yes father, he will save her."
Your eyes fluttered open, a cold hand held yours. Without having to look you knew it to be your mother's. Pain seared through your chest and you realised you were in the hospital.
"What happened?" You ask to the room. Your voice was croaky. Belle came into your vision.
"You're alive that's all that matters."
There is a cough behind her and she moves to reveal your father and Jack at the door. His hands and shirt are still stained with blood.
"ladies if you don't mind, the Doctor and my daughter have need to be alone." Reluctantly the two women followed the Governor out, leaving Jack with you. He perched himself on the side of your bed, moving his fingers to check the dressings on your chest.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Like I have been hit by a moving train. You did it?" You ask.
"I did. You asked me to." He replied taking your hand in his. He was quiet for a moment as a smile drew along his face. It was infectious and you found yourself copying.
"What is it?" You prompt.
"Your father and I spoke, he has given me a very generous offer."
The words panic you slightly.
"He has noted our affections and is willing to allow it, to allow us to marry, he would ensure us a home and have a wage secured for me with the hospital. He offers a large dowry for your hand." You can feel the nerves emanating from his every pour. "I told him I could not take the offer unless..."he took in a steadying breath, "unless.it was what you wanted."
"You have to ask me." You whisper.
"y/n, you are the most annoying woman that has ever crossed my path, you have unnerved me more than any one has. You vex me, daily, yet I find myself incapable of thinking of my work unless you are close by." He looked into your eyes, stroking back your soft hair, "please tell me I am not alone in this? If you hold even half of the feelings for me as I do for you then please tell me now." Tears were welling in your eyes.
"I feel them threefold, Jack. I love you."
His smile widened and he pressed his lips to yours. It was not your first kiss but it felt utterly new. This was not a kiss of lust but one of pure and deep love.
"I found you, in your room. I was so frightened, I've never been so scared." He admitted.
"It was too much, mother had shouted at me, I was frightened. You and Belle had been working so hard and when you both said it couldn't be done I... I'm glad you found me."
"So do we tell your mother we are to marry?" He laughed.
"Oh yes, it's just the fright she needs." You laugh but the action rocks your chest and it pains you.
Jack smooths your shoulder to comfort you.
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, Jack."
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sad
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Requested: Can you make one where jack had been neglecting y/n. Or maybe they had an argument so they've been ignoring each other and jack started hanging out with belle (or other character) and y/n can see that belle has feeling for jack so she just felt heart broken and tried to disappear from the face of the earth (not die ofc, just you know. Didn't come out of the house or left from somewhere and didn't come out for a while to cope). Idk how you'll do it but uhh fix the relationship after? Maybe with a little bit of hard to get but yeah WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH Angst to fluff😭🙏 i kinda wanna cry today cuz i haven't been processing my emotions like how a normal person should because it the normal way-,anygays so yeah ig. 🥲💕💕💕 Warnings: Cheating mentions/ arguing/ angsts
I had been sitting in this bed for what felt like a year, stuck up in this little room above the hospital listening to the chaos below. I had never intended to be here, I had a house of my own, but I seemed to always be here. At first, it was just visiting, every day once Jack finished his work I'd come up to his room to visit him, He'd tell me of his day and the business in the hospital, perhaps I'd make him dinner and we'd have a cuddle and perhaps more depending on his energy that evening. And I was so very happy, soon enough we were engaged and of course the sweetness and closeness that comes with it, Over time I visited more and more until I ended up as I was now practically living upstairs in his room. But the more time I spent here Ironicly the less I saw him.
It wasn't like that at first, when I was first here all day every day. The very moment Jack had five minutes he'd come up for a cuddle, a kiss and a cup of tea. But I had seen him less and less of these days. I know he's busy so I didn't want to complain, but I still missed him terribly. I missed just the joy of spending time together just cuddling and saying nothing at all for the pure love of being with one another. But now I saw him once a day, when he would come up to sleep, He'd barely give me more than a few grunts and an eye roll before he'd crawl into bed and sleep. Most days I didn't even get that as He'd come crawl into bed after I went to sleep and be gone before I was awake.
I had tried to go down into the hospital but I always got overwhelmed by the madness or just pushed away by the staff, but I know that's best I don't have any medical training or even knew only what Jack had told me second hand over time, so I wasn't any help and my body being wondering around was certainly a hindrance to the important work being done, and I wasn't even allowed to go into the theatre and watch the surgeries so I lived my life up in this little room.
But today, I had had enough. My mind had been racing all day curious of what he was up to, what he was doing, and who he was with, I found myself catastrophizing the worst of everything and I knew the only way to stop myself from doing so was to know. So I put on a nice dress, did my hair and went down into the hospital as usual people bustling about the place so I checked his ward but, he wasn't there. I checked the theatre but no that was empty too. I began to get worried looking around the hospital trying to see him but I couldn't find him. Luckily I spotted Hetty the head nurse.
"Ohh Do excuse me Hetty,"
"Yes, Miss Y/l/n?" She asked stopping with her bucket in hand,
"Do you happen to uhh know where Dr Dawkins is?" I asked,
"Jack's in the morgue Y/n."
"Ohh, thank you." I smiled, turned on my heels and headed down to the morgue, all being said I was excited to see him. But when I got down there I noticed he wasn't alone, and I don't just mean the body.
He stood over a body in the process of some sort of practice, with... a woman. She was beautiful, In a dress likely worth more than everything I owned, they both glanced up at me and she didn't seem interested, he however gave me a look, he knew me and how my mind worked, and he knew he was in trouble. Immediately he put space between them.
"I know, please don't and let me explain." He began,
"Too late," I answered,
"What's going on?" She asked,
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Belle this is Y/n. Y/n this is Lady Belle Fox the governor's daughter."
"Right," She nodded, "And she's relevant becuase?"
"Becuase I'm his fiancé" I spoke up,
She laughed, "Really?"
"Yes." I snapped a little,
"You can't be serious?" She asked him, "Jack?"
"Jack?!" I asked him too,
"I did tell you I was... kinda engaged," he said sheepishly to her,
"Kinda!" I yelled,
"Engaged! No, you did not!" she complained,
"You never even mentioned me!"
"No, he didn't."
"We've been Engaged two and half years!"
"Well, you neglected to mention that."
I was so so enraged! and to be fair so was she, I'm sure to any outsider this would have been hilarious to have seen both Belle and I gang up on him, leaving him really without a side to choose or anywhere to turn. No matter what he did someone was gonna be mad at him.
"I uhh..."
"I'd choose your next words very carefully." She warned,
"Yeah, listen to the lady," I told him,
And his response, was that he simply just walked out. Refusing to deal with either of us. Leaving her and I alone.
"I am... So sorry Y/n, I had no idea."
"It's Alright Lady Belle,"
"If I'd have known I'd never have-"
"you didn't know I can't fault you for that," I reassured her, "Do you have feelings for him?" I asked even if it shredded my heart to ask, and she simply nodded, "That's all I need to know."
I left heading up to his room, but he wasn't there. So I grabbed a bag packed up everything of mine that was there, and I left.
I made the walk back to my little house, even if the weight of my items and the time since last making this trip it felt far longer than I remembered. I set my bag down and locked the door, my little house was dusty and cold but I slid down the door and began to cry my emotions overflowing as if a river had burst its banks, I cried for hours only interrupted by banging on the door and his voice.
"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n I know you're in there! open the door, Sweetheart!"
I didn't answer,
"Ughhh! Open it!"
I didn't answer,
"Uhhhhh for god sake! Open the bloody door!"
I didn't answer,
"I don't have time for this! Will you at least hear me out!"
I didn't answer,
"Ohh for - Fine!" He yelled and the banging stopped.
I made sure the door was locked and went to my bedroom, I lay on my bed and let my emotions flow, they took over me and I remained in this state all day, only broken by the next day at the same time, banging returned to my door.
"Y/n! Y/n sweetheart it's me! Just open the door."
I didn't answer,
"Y/n Open the door!"
I didn't answer,
"Open it Y/n for god sake!"
I didn't answer and after a while, his banging stopped.
But this continued, day after day, every day at the same time he would come and bang on my door shouting, pleading at me to open it. But I couldn't bear to do so. I barely ate. barely drank. Barely even moved. But I just sealed myself away trying to come to terms with it all. It had been a month and I knew the time and expected the usual pounding on my door but not today. Instead, I heard keys in a lock and footsteps down my hall. I forced myself up as they came to my door but I shut it and leaned against it unable to lock him out.
I heard him sigh and weigh against the other side of the door as he too slid down to the bottom of the door,
"You gonna listen to me now?"
"Get out of my house Jack."
"I will, I'll go. When you listen and not before."
"why are you here?"
"Same reason I've been here every day."
"I meant inside."
"Well... I figured we could chat in private, and if I'm inside you don't have much of a choice but to listen, and I'm not leaving till you do so, listen or not I'm staying."
"How'd you even get in?"
"I still have my spare key."
"I regret ever giving you that damn thing..."
"I don't know, it had its good uses."
"I don't have anything to say to you," I said, "I just want to be left alone..."
"I know you do," He sighed, "Strangely enough after three years of dating and two years of engagement I know you fairly well. I know this is your response when you are upset, you hide. You run and hide yourself away it's your response to stuff like this. You run and hide yourself in a corner and catastrophize yourself into a ball of fear, and tears and god knows what else..."
"I think this is a pretty good reason."
"I never said you weren't justified, Sweetheart." He said, "Not this time." He said, "Will you listen to me? Please."
"Fine." I sighed,
"Are you mad? or are you sad?"
"I was mad. Now I'm sad."
"Alright, I don't blame you... for being angry at me, I completely agree you should be angry at me, you should shout and scream and call me a bastard. I just don't want you to be upset."
"What do you care?"
"Becuase I don't want the woman I love to be upset with me."
"You don't love me..."
"I do. You think I'd come back, every day and bang on your door till my knuckles start bleeding for a month, If I didn't still love you."
I didn't have an answer so I didn't say anything,
"Yeah, I looked like a bloody nutter every day for a month." he chuckled, "I wouldn't have come back every day if I didn't."
"You could have gone to see her."
"I could. But I didn't I'm here with you, not with her." He said, "Besides she's mad at me."
"Can't imagine why."
"Ohh everyone's mad at me. You're mad at me, Belle's mad at me, Hetty's mad at me, Even Rotty at the pub is mad at me." he sighed, "I've managed to piss off every woman in port victory in one day."
"Well done."
"Thank you, I'm not proud of it."
"I take it you're doing the rounds then?"
"No. they can be mad at me I don't care, you're the only person I care about being mad at me."
"I am?"
"Well you and Hetty, but I care less Hetty is mad at me for emotional reasons its more... She's the head nurse. Have you ever tried doing surgery where your nurse is ignoring you, not talking to you, and actively wants you to fail, I don't care she's angry It's more just causing me logistical issues."
"Fair enough,"
"I don't care Belle's mad at me, she can be mad at me. I don't want you to be mad at me." He said, "You don't trust me do you..."
"It's a little hard to when you neglect to mention your engagement to a girl."
"I honestly forgot. It didn't cross my mind to mention it."
"So you don't think of me?"
"I think of you every day Y/n. I think of you as my wife so much I forget to even tell anyone else becuase to me it's just... so automatic I don't even think to tell people becuase I just know." He explained,
"Even if she liked you."
He chuckled, "How long did you like me before we started dating?"
"Two years..."
"Would think you'd have figured out I can't tell. The only time I know if a girl is interested in me is if she comes up, sits on my lap and says 'Hey wanna have sex with me' I'm a lot more oblivious to that sort of thing than you'd think I am." He chuckled, "Plus... I don't pay attention to whether other girls like me or not, I have you. So I don't really pay all that much attention."
"Why were you alone together?"
"She has this... germ theory we needed to cut a body open to check. She didn't know how I was teaching her,"
"Teaching her?"
"We didn't do anything I promise."
"And I'm supposed to just trust you."
"Yeah, If I'm going to be your husband... You have to trust me. and I know it's hard. and I know it hurts. and I know your mind and its catastrophizing make you always believe in disaster. But this is ever going to work, You have to trust me. Please"
For a moment I didn't know what to think,
I questioned whether or not to let my heart rule over my head, or my head rule over my heart,
But I got up and opened the door which surprised him as he had been leaning his back against it and was now lying on the floor looking up at me,
"Hi, Sweetheart."
"Hi, Jack."
"Are you... still angry at me?"
"Alright, but it's a start? right?"
"I will forgive you." I nodded,
"You will?" He asked getting to his feet, "I assume there's a but, or an if."
"There is an if."
"Which is?"
"You move in here, and we get married."
"And you'll forgive me?" He asked questionably,
"... Okay," he nods slightly confused but clearly not going to argue,
"So you stay here, you come home at night, I always know if you're here or at work, and you wear a ring. That'll solve things." I said and I kissed his cheek as I went to the kitchen to make some tea, He soon followed and stood behind me a moment,
"You're sure?"
"Yes I am, That'll solve things, you live here you have to tell me where you go, I know when you're working or not, you sleep here with me, and you swear a ring, everyone knows you're taken. Besides... Two and a half jeans is a long time to keep a girl waiting about time we dealt with it, That agreeable with you?"
He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my cheek hard, "That's a deal sweetheart." 
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reneeluv154 · 9 months
Panic attacks
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This is a Jack x Belle imagine that wad anonymously requested of me!
I hope you all enjoy it, I don't normally write character x character imagine so I apologize if it's not all you hope or hoped.🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine Jack had a ⚠️panic attack⚠️ and Belle learns about what they are as he is having one.
Whoever requested this I really hope you enjoy.
Jack’s POV
The surgery will begin in 20 minutes. I was nauseous, this was going to be one of the most important surgeries of my career. “Dawkins are you alright?” Hetty questioned me gently, setting a hand on my shoulder.
I shook her off, “I’m fine.”
“Glad to see you haven’t started without me.” Belle smiled as she walked through the door, I forced a subtle smile only glancing before continuing to arrange my instruments.
“Are you okay?”
“You're a little shaky, and you’ve got some sweat.” She wiped my forehead with her handkerchief, looking rather worried.
“I’m alright milady.”
I glanced at the clock “10 more minutes.” I muttered in a panic. A wave of heat crashed down upon me starting from the top of my head all the way down to the bottom of my feet. I pinched the bridge of my nose feeling myself sway back and forth. “Jack.” It was Belle, I couldn’t let her see me in a panic, it would scare her, I can’t have someone I feel so fondly for scared of me.
“Yes?” I heard my voice echo and a loud ringing began to play.
“Jack, what’s wrong?” That look she gave me made me melt, she was genuinely worried about me. I felt terrible. My head shook as I felt time slow for a split second. “I just need to use the restroom.” I hurried off, instead making my way into my small living quarters and splashing cool water in my face before dabbing it dry with my sleeve.
Belle’s POV
Jack had been gone far too long, the surgery was starting soon, Belle watched as the eager men piled in to watch the amazing Dr. Dawkins. “Excuse me Hetty, have you seen Dawkins?” She shook her head. “Last I saw him he was rushing up the stairs to his room.” Belle took off out the doors towards his room, what was going on?
She made it to his door gently knocking but getting no response.
“Jack, are you alright?” Once again there was no response but as she listened closely, small sobs became more and more apparent.
“Jack, I'm coming in.” She was met with a worrying sight and immediately rushed to his side. He was sitting on the floor, his back flat against the wall with his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. His breathing was intense and fast leaving almost no time for oxygen to enter his lungs, his hair and clothing, now drenched in sweat, and his cheeks with tears.
“B-Belle.” He gasped, gripping his chest
with his hands.
“What’s happening?” Tears welled in Belle’s eyes, was he dying and hadn’t told her?
“It’s. a. Panic. attack.” He managed to mumble, still hyperventilating.
“How do I help?” A tear ran down her cheek.
“Stay. calm. I’ll. be. okay.” Belle had never seen this much pain and worry in his eyes, it terrified her. But she nodded gently resting her hand on his cheek bringing their foreheads together while taking his hand to her heart.
“Just listen to my heartbeat okay? Close your eyes and listen.” She whispered, caressing his hand with her own.
Jack’s POV
I was now the one holding Belle, I had explained what happened. She was not having a panic attack, just extremely shocked and overwhelmed. “I’m sorry Belle, I didn’t want you to see me like that.” As I moved to look at her she did the same. “I’m glad I could help you, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
I shrugged. “Like I said, I was afraid I would scare you.”
She shook her head moving to bring us closer, “Jack, I was scared I was losing you. If you had told me sooner I would have known what to do.”
I nodded, “I know and I apologize, but for not knowing what to do you were wonderful.” I smirked as I lay a gentle peck on her nose. “Since we missed the surgery, do you mind staying a bit longer?” And she shook her head.
“Not at all.”
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 8 months
Tell me about Artful Dodger! What are you hung up on? What would you want to see in a potential second season?
ahhh thank you so much for the ask!!! I have so many thoughts, I am so in love with jack x belle (dodgerfox), their chemistry is insane and they're so well suited😭😭 I need to see them convince Jane Fox and figure out a way to be together. They became my favs SO fast🥺 I also really loved Red and I wanna see her potentially form a friendship with Belle? Idk it could be fun. Also, Hetty!!! She deserves better, it would be amazing to see her find her own special someone and be happy without Jack!!!
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Encore - POYW - Harry Hook x reader - Part 24 - Sisters
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you and Harry woke up to loud knocks on Harry's room door, you had decided to stay the night at the ship since your room was just so damn warm and Harry's room was nice and cool. You glanced at the clock on Harry's wall and sighed, it seemed you had slept in a bit as the clock read 12:30 pm.
Harry sighed and sat up, standing from the bed and walking over to his door, creaking it open and yelping as he was pushed back by a blonde and red blur “Hi CJ” Harry grunted out, CJ laughing as she pushed off of him and skipped over to you, Harriet entering the room a moment later “Harriet, what do yeh want?”
“We’re stealing your fiancé, (y/n) get dressed, CJ keep Harry down” CJ leaped over your body and slammed down onto Harry, trapping him to the mattress.
“Oi!” Harry snapped, ripping his arm out of CJ’s grip and pushing her face, glaring at Harriet as she walked over to you and pulled you out of the bed “No! She's mine! Leave ‘er alone!”
CJ and Harriet shared a dangerous smile and CJ pinned Harry to the bed again “Quick get her dressed so we can escape!” Harry let out a snarl as you quietly laughed, grabbing a red shirt and black jeans. Stepping into your bathroom to quickly get dressed, popping your head back out to grab a bra and socks.
You sluggishly got dressed and stepped back out to the bedroom to put your shoes on, laughing again as Harriet and CJ held Harry down to the floor, CJ sitting on his back and arms as Harriet held down his legs.
“Okay okay, don’t kill him, he is a good pillow, and I’d rather not lose the warmth” Harry pouted at you as his sisters snickered and got off him.
“Oh, no ‘oh please don’t kill Harry, I love him’ or ‘please don’t kill Harry, I'd rather not lose him’ no all I get is ‘I’m a good pillow’? really?” you let out a quiet laugh and finished zipping up your boots, leaning down to kiss Harry's cheek and ruffling his hair.
“Yep, and I’ll be back later, bye!” CJ dragged you out of the room, Harriet closing the door behind her as Harry continued to pout.
A few hours later, you sat outside an ice cream parlor, spooning (fav ice cream) into your mouth as CJ sipped at her chocolate and mint shake with Oreos. Harriet walked out of the shop with her fresh waffle cone strawberry cheesecake and sat down next to you, licking her lips slightly.
“You’re welcome” you chuckled, smiling teasingly as Harriet glared at you before she stuck a spoon into the ice cream and shoved it in her mouth, CJ continuing to enjoy her shake. “So other than the reason you gave earlier” that being them just wanting to hang out because they hardly got to hang out with you “Why did you want to hang out with me today?”
“We have to pick up my suit and CJ’s dress from the tailor, thought you might want to see ‘em or something” Harriet muttered, keeping her eyes on her ice cream.
You hummed and nodded, you would like to see them, to make sure they worked with what you had planned. “Sounds fun, what time is pick up?”
Harriet pulled out her phone “at two, it's one now so we got about an hour but the place is pretty far away from here, so-“ Harriet turned to you and raised her brow “-you mind driving us there, after we finish?”
You nodded, spooning the last of your ice cream in your mouth and tossing the cup into the trash “Sure”
You couldn’t help the grin on your face as CJ stepped out of the dressing room, she admired herself in the tall mirror, spinning around and her scarlet skirt flaring with her. Her black top was detailed with lace and was separated from her high waisted skirt that stopped just above her knees. “Look’s amazing CJ, I think we picked the perfect one for you” you hummed, laughing as CJ bounded over to you and slammed into your side as she sat next to you.
“I think this is the first time she's worn a dress and actually liked it” Harriet huffed, smirking at you and CJ as CJ discovered the pockets on her skirt. The tailor came out from the back, handing Harriet a maroon and black suit and gesturing to the dressing room.
The tailor gave you and CJ a smile and went back to the front to tend to her other customers. You and CJ talked about the wedding plans as Harriet changed, and a few minutes later Harriet emerged from the dressing room. her suit jacket was maroon and her dress shirt and pants were black. CJ wolf-whistled, standing and bounding over to her sister, grinning up at her “Wow Hettie, you look amazing!”
Harriet gave a shy smile and nodded, looking down at her jacket and pulling down the sleeves “Thanks, I think it turned out good” you grinned and that and stood, walking over to the girls and tugging at the lapels of Harriet's jacket.
“It turned out great, it's perfect…thank you, both of you. I know we don’t really interact much but thank you for trusting me with your brother, I know how protective you both are over him” Harriet and CJ smiled, Harriet pulling you in for a side hug as CJ wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Thank you for taking care of him, I never thought he’d find someone like you, but I’m glad he did. I can't wait to call you our sister” CJ nodded in agreement, and squeezed your waist, pulling back and walking to the dressing room to change back into her clothes.
“Let's go get something to eat! Im starving!” You and Harriet shared a look and shook your heads.
“That’s CJ for ya, always hungry” Harriet laughed, sitting down on the couch and waiting for CJ to be done changing so she could do the same.
“yep…Taco Bell sound good?”
“Hell yeah”
Harry started as a cold sensation pressed against his cheek and he quickly sat up, looking behind him to see you, smiling down at him and holding a cup filled with Pepsi “I got Taco Bell for you” Harry grinned and took the soda, drawing his legs in from the couch to let you sit down next to him and taking the paper bag from you as you handed it to him.
“Thank yeh love” Harry purred, taking out the cheese rolls and humming, he hadn’t eaten yet that day so he was very happy to finally have something in his belly.
“You’re welcome~” you sang back, taking (food) out of the bag and unwrapping it, biting down on it and turning to pay attention to the tv, where Harry had turned on Captain America; The First Avenger. “Good choice”
Harry just hummed around his food, pulling you into his side and the two of you settled down to watch the movie.
“hard ta believe we’re getting married in twenty days” Harry chuckled, helping you put away the washed dishes from dinner. You stopped, looking up at the calendar on the wall and laughing.
May 2nd, wow it really was only twenty days from today. “Well how bout that” you murmured, closing the dishwasher and starting it, walking over to Harry and wrapping your arms around him, setting your chin on his shoulder “Only twenty days till you’re mine forever” Harry laughed and turned in your grip, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and nose.
“Only twenty days till I can finally call yeh Mrs. Hook” Harry purred back, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around, setting you back down and pressing one last kiss to your nose. “I love yeh” Harry whispered, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to yours.
“I love you too” you hummed back, kissing his jaw and slipping out of his arms, going over to the fridge grabbing two ice cream sandwiches, and tossing one to Harry, nodding towards the living room “one more movie?” Harry grinned and nodded, walking in and jumping over the couch, bouncing his leg as he waited for you.
“Oh, by the way,” Harry started, curling his arm around your shoulder as you sat next to him and curling into his side “All the invitations got sent out.” You perked up at that and swallowed down the bite of ice cream.
“Awesome! Did you keep one?“ Harry smirked and nodded, standing from the couch and walking into the kitchen, grabbing a card from the counter and walking back over to you, handing you the card and sitting down as you admired the invitation.
“I still love it, I think we picked a good design” Harry nodded in agreement, leaning over your shoulder slightly to look at the invitation.
The top was printed with watercolor waves at sunset, the bottom blocked with gold with white lettering detailing the date, time, and place of your wedding.
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 “only twenty days” Harry hummed, picking up the remote and turning on another movie, curling his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side, smiling as you cuddled into him and rested your head in the crook of his neck. “twenty days” you echoed, raising your brow slightly as the movie began to play. “Hook?”
“aye…what it’s a good movie!”
-end of part 24-
Note; I was writing this on the 2nd so that’s why the fic says “twenty days” instead of nineteen
24 parts! Woow!!! And the next part will be on the 22nd! The wedding! After the wedding, this series will officially be finished and the OG part of your world will be over! 😊 thank you all so much for coming with me on this journey and sticking with me through my horrible 2018-2019 writing. Again I will be rewriting Part of your world and Reprise because I want to (and rewriting some parts of Encore because the first 10-15 parts are fucking awful) and I’ll be starting on it after I finish encore, but I probably won't start posting until Rewrite(AU) D3 is finished so im not working on a thousand stories at once.
So Part of your world 2.0 will be coming after Finale - Rewrite is concluded so I can focus solely on POYW 2.0 :3 again thank you all so much for reading and soon, Mr. and Mrs. Hook will soon be introduced~!!!
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hettiesworld · 4 years
Coming by Age
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Summary: Based on the film, ‘Call Me by Your Name’, ‘Coming By Age’ is a romantic drama, set in southern Italy in 1996. It chronicles a romantic relationship between a 23-year-old, Sebastian, and Christopher, a 32-year-old baker, who owns his own bakery in southern Italy.
Author’s note: I don’t know if I have wrote this on here already, but I’m gonna do it again. If I haven’t, here is my bad rendition of the movie, Call Me By Your Name, but Evanstan style! Enjoy! Also, not my gifs!
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Chapter 1:
Southern Italy. 1996. 
The sound of an approaching car startled him. Sebastian was barefoot and in his bathing suit with a bright blue t-shirt over it as he ran over to the front door, hiding behind the banister of the staircase.  He was stunned - the stranger in front of him looked exactly like the man he’d been dreaming about. 
Christopher stepped out of the car, wearing a dark grey shirt with a wide-open collar, sunglasses. As Sebastian sat on the stairs, he quietly called up to Elena, who bounced down to Sebastian’s position on the stairs. 
“Panettiere…” Elena whispers to Sebastian as they watched Christopher meet with Alfredo, Elena’s father. 
“Ciao Christopher! You have brought bread for me and my family?” Alfredo loudly said to him as Ambra, his wife came up to him and whispered in Italian, “Dove e Sebastian?”
“Meglio che vada giu.” Sebastian walked down the stairs to the front door where Christopher, Alfredo and Ambra were standing. “Si, Ambra?”
“Prendi il pane del fornaio per noi, per favore.”
“Si, Ambra.” Sebastian gets the bread out of Christopher’s hands and feels them for a bit. They were very strong. No wonder he was a baker. Him kneading the dough for that particular bread Sebastian was holding. 
“Mettilo in cucina per favore.”
“Si, Ambra.” Sebastian blushes as he hurried off to the kitchen, putting the homemade bread on the counter. Elena rushed downstairs to meet Sebastian, kissing his cheek. 
Just then, Ambra asked Sebastian to bring Christopher’s thing up to the guest room. Sebastian does just that. 
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Christopher follows Sebastian to the guest room and they introduce each other. 
“Hello.” Sebastian goes to shake his hand. 
“Hi.” Christopher was very non-committal as he hesitantly shook his hand.  Sebastian cleared his throat and said,
“Make yourself at home. Our home is your home.”
Later on, Sebastian hears the bell for dinner as he was writing poetry at his desk. He goes to get Christopher, who is resting on his bed.
“We’re being called to dinner.”
Sebastian cleared his throat and hesitantly shakes Christopher, who was briskly awoken. “What?”
“We’re being called to dinner.”
Christopher looks up from his pillow, seeing Sebastian above him. He puts his face back on the pillow. 
“Later. I’ll have to pass. Can you make my excuses to your girlfriend’s mother?”
“She’s… she’s not my girlfriend…” Sebastian hesitantly said as he slowly backed out of the room.
“So, this is usually your room…” Sebastian nods as he slowly closes the door.
“Thanks, buddy.”
Christopher went back to sleep in total darkness.
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“So, what does one do around here?” Christopher asked as he was lying near the edge of the pool, in his swimming shorts. 
“Nothing. Wait for summer to end.” Sebastian said, lying in the swimming pool.
“What do you do in the winter, then? Don’t tell me: wait for summer, right?”
“No. I come here only for Christmas and some other vacation…”
“And Easter too. I am northern Italian. My foster family live here in Salerno. I live in Genoa.”
“I am from a small town in Boston… And what else do you do here in summer, besides this?” Sebastian smiled, shrugged. They both laughed. 
“What do you do?”
“Write poetry. Read books. Swim at the river and the pool. Go out at night.” Christopher nodded, who took in his surroundings, his eyes hidden by dark sunglasses as he gathered up his things, cutting their conversation off.
“Later.” Christopher said, leaving Sebastian on his own. 
Panettiere: Baker
Ciao: Hello/Hi
Dove e Sebastian?: Where is Sebastian?
Meglio che vada giu: I better go down.
Si: Yes
Prendi il pane del fornaio per noi, per favore: Take the baker's bread for us, please.
Mettilo in cucina per favore: Put it in the kitchen please.
Tag List:
@averyrogers83​ @yavanna80​ @kirstie-evans-writes​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @katiew1973​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ @jenna-writes-marvel​ @hettie-drysdale​ @capsthot​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @imaspecialpersonwhoneedshelp​
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bluenet13 · 5 years
Marty’s Promise
This story is both a response to this year’s @densi-mber Day 21 writing prompt: Densi spending the day/having dinner with their moms, and a continuation to “Little Drummer Deeks” a story I wrote two years ago for a similar prompt during the first Densimber. I reblogged that story a few days ago in case anyone wants to read it and it’s also on my fanfiction.net page.
“Do you have the salad?” Kensi asked as she awkwardly made the walk from the front door to the car, juggling gifts in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other.
Deeks just nodded, and then grunted, as said salad almost slipped from his hands.
“Be careful!” Kensi admonished, throwing all her belongings on the trunk, and running to her husband’s aide. “I spent three hours working on that.”
“Kens…” Deeks began slowly. “Most of what’s on this salad, came already prepared on a bag. I wouldn’t say it was hard labor.” He then winced, expecting a punch that never came, instead he felt like a dick, seeing a look of hurt cross Kensi’s eyes.
Walking quickly to the car, Deeks opened the back door for Kensi to set the dish safely inside, along a bottle of scotch Hetty had gifted them and a fruit tart that was his mother’s favorite. “I’m sorry, baby.” Deeks said, moving gingerly towards his wife and embracing her in his arms. “I’m sure the salad is great.”
Kensi still pouted but she smiled after Deeks kissed her lips sweetly. “You know I can’t cook. And our mothers too. So, when they only ask for salad, that’s the least I can do.” She explained.
“Mama offered to teach you a long time ago, but you had never taken her up on that offer.” Deeks said nonchalantly, moving to the passenger side of Kensi’s SUV.
“Deeks, you know I’m not meant for the kitchen. I don’t want to disappoint your mother.” Kensi then closed the door of the car, and the couple was on their way. “Plus, we have you. We don’t need two cooks in the family.”
“We might.” Deeks said with a glint in his eyes. “When we start popping out little baby wolves.”
“Wolves? As in plural?” Kensi asked with a smile on her face. The thought of kids no longer scaring her, just making her heart long even more for that future.
“Maybe?” Deeks replied hopefully. “But I could just do with Deeks family of three if that’s what you want.”
Kensi nodded, glad that they finally stood on common ground on this topic. Her apprehensions still there –about whether they could even have kids, or what type of parents they would be if or rather when it happened– but her excitement about that prospect now more powerful than her fears.
“Time to change the subject.” Kensi directed as she parked in front of Roberta’s house.
Deeks’ sure nod echoing her sentiment. “We don’t want our unborn kids to take over dinner.” He laughed, making Kensi giggle as well, remembering how their mothers got every time the topic of kids was touched on.
Sharing a quick kiss, Kensi and Deeks got to work, figuring out the best way to carry all the things into the house in just one trip. Their hands yearning to be held together, but the countless items they had brought making that impossible at the moment. 
Ringing the bell, Kensi and Deeks were welcomed by an overly excited Roberta, a glass of wine already in one hand, explaining her glee. “Welcome, Martin, Kensi. Merry Christmas.” She greeted cheerfully, her other hand moving to position a Santa hat over Deeks’ blonde locks.
Fighting his urge to roll his eyes, Deeks remembered that it was Christmas Eve, and everyone was alive and well, which in their line of work, was never a guarantee, so there was no reason not to be his happiest self tonight. “Merry Christmas, mama.”
“Merry Christmas.” Kensi echoed her husband, setting everything down on a table, and embracing her mother-in-law in a quick hug. “Salad, wine, fruit tart and a Scotch that Hetty gave us for tonight.” She explained, pointing to each item, as Deeks moved their gifts to the Christmas tree.
The next few minutes were spent enjoying small talk until the bell rang again marking that the latest member of their little family had arrived.
“Julia!” Bertie shrieked as soon as she opened the door, pushing a recently filled glass of wine into the other mom’s hand. “So glad you could make it.”
“Thank you for holding this dinner.” Julia said, as she took a sip of her drink. “Much better than breakfast the last two years.” She added, remembering the last two Christmases and how the family had opted for brunch outside instead of a home-cooked family dinner. This one being especially important and deserving of a change as it was the first Holiday since they had all become a real family, bound by law and marriage, and not only feelings.
Making her way inside, Julia greeted her daughter and son-in-law, exchanging kisses and hugs, before walking to the kitchen to set down a vegetable casserole, a ham and a Christmas pudding that was her daughter’s favorite.
For the next hour, they enjoyed a delicious dinner, and a lot of cheerful talk, as they all relished being together on this day. When most of the food was consumed, leftovers packed, and the kitchen cleaned, the gathering moved to the living room, all of them too full for dessert at this time.
The family then exchanged gifts since they wanted to enjoy a more private moment, as Christmas dinner the following day would involve the whole team and their families.
When all gifts had seemingly exchanged owners, Deeks got up and grabbed two small bags that had been hidden behind a table. He then gave one of the bags to his mother, a nervous smile on his face.
Opening the gift, Roberta was confused as a lone pen drive stared back at her. Recognition setting in her eyes eventually, as they quickly misted with tears. “Merry Christmas, mama.” Deeks embraced his mother in a heartfelt bug, as he tried to subtly wipe some tears from his own eyes.
“It’s an old tape. I had a place turn it digital and copy it into the drive. Mama always wanted to do it, but she never quite got to it.” Deeks explained, seeing Julia and Kensi share confused looks. “For you, baby.” Deeks then handed Kensi the other bag, which she promptly opened.
Holding a similar pen drive in hand, Kensi look at Deeks with a silent question in her eyes.
“OMG, Marty.” Julia said in a low voice, finally realizing what could be inside that drive.” She then got up from the couch, and echoed Roberta by embracing Deeks in another hug.
“What’s going on?” Kensi asked, feeling like she was an outsider in whatever was happening.
“Just watch.” Julia grabbed the pen drive and connected it to the receiver on Roberta’s media table. Both mothers already comfortable around it, after many bonding nights spent together.
The tv came alive with the image of a small tree on fire as the camera fell to the ground and the picture twisted sideways. “I told you it was a bad idea.” Julia came into the frame screaming.
A tall man with a buzz cut then joined in, running towards the tree with a garden hose in hand. “Turn it on.” He shouted. Water then came and he sprayed the tree until the fire was completely put down. “Turn it off.” He directed, again. White smoke coming off the charred tree. The remains of what looked like fireworks now on the ground.
“Sorry.” A little, brunette girl said sadly as she joined the frame for the first time.
“No reason to apologize, baby girl. It was my idea.” The man said, as he lifted his daughter in his arms, moving a gentle hand to her face, and wiping her tears away.
“You should both be apologizing, right about now.” Julia scolded her husband and daughter, even as she moved towards their family and embraced them both in a hug.
After a few minutes, Julia walked to the camera, and picked it back up. “No more playing with leftover 4th of July fireworks next New Year’s Eve.” She muttered, just as the image went dark.
The image came back on a different setting, father and daughter now dressed in matching Christmas sweaters and sitting around the Christmas tree.
“For you.” Little Kensi said, pushing a messily wrapped gift into her father’s hand.
Opening it, Donald Blye’s eyes instantly became clouded with tears as he held a handmade medal on his hands. The words “World’s Best Daddy” written in what he recognized as her daughter’s handwriting.
“Just like the ones the military gives you.” Little Kensi explained happily.
“But this one is better, baby girl.” Don then kissed his daughter and sighed contently, as she jumped into his arms.
The image changed again, this time showing a young girl peeking over the kitchen counter as her father baked a cake.
“What’s that for?” The little girl asked, pointing to a bottle with the words yeast written over it.
“It’s for the dough to grow.” Don explained in simple terms. “Want to help me with the eggs?”
Kensi nodded and jumped back down to the floor, her eyes going to the recipe as she read. “four whole eggs.”
Grabbing one she went to smash it fully on the container, before her father’s hand stopped her. “What are you doing? You have to open them first.” He said.
“It said whole eggs.” Kensi said, tears already prickling her eyes.
“That means both the white and the yellow part that are inside, baby girl, not the outside crust.” Donald explained softly. “Like this.” He then proceeded to open up the first two eggs, before he prompted his daughter to do the same thing with the last two.
“Sorry, daddy.” Kensi said, shaking her head.
“It was a simply mistake, Kensi. But that doesn’t mean you quit. You just try again.” Donald encouraged. “You can do it, just like I showed you.”
Kensi was still pouting even as she doubtfully grabbed the eggs and tried to imitate her father’s actions. The task took a little longer than it had taken him, but after a few minutes it was successfully completed. “I did it!” She screamed cheerfully; her previous near accident already forgotten.
“You sure did, my girl. You’re a quick learner.” Donald said proudly.
As he continued mixing ingredients, Kensi continued asking questions and pointing here and there as she tried to get involved. “You have lots of questions.” Father said after a while.
“I want to learn, daddy… So, one day, I can bake a cake for my own little kids.” Kensi replied, in between giggles.
Donald was surprised at the comment, but he smiled, nonetheless. “You’re too young to be thinking of that, baby girl. But yes, you will. One day, you certainly will…”
“How?” Kensi asked after another half hour of forgotten family videos.
“Marty asked me for these before the wedding. At the time, I thought he would use them then, but he didn’t, and I just forgot about them until I saw the pen drive and it just came back to me.” Julia explained, the tears in her eyes, mirroring that of her daughter’s.
“Thank you.” Kensi breathed out, her heart full at the gift her husband had given her.
“You’re very welcome, baby.” Deeks hand moved to wipe away the tears from Kensi’s face, her head then settling comfortably over his chest as the couple stood in an embrace.
“What’s in the other drive?” Kensi inquired eventually, both curious and nervous at the same time.
Deeks failed to answer. He just took the drive from his mother’s hand and connected it into the receiver.
“A very Merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear”
Father and son sang along with John Lennon as they sat on the front porch of a simple house. The little blue-eyed boy wearing Christmas pajamas and a Santa hat over his blond curls.
“Boys, we have already listened to this song about 10 times.” Roberta pleaded, her voice coming from behind the camera. “And that’s just today, not counting the whole month.”
The father, who was like an older looking copy of his son, nodded and stood up, moving to their tape player and changing the song. “Thank God It's Christmas” then started playing, and the young boy began as happily singing to the words by Freddie Mercury, father joining is as soon as he was back with his son.
“Come on, boys. What happened to the more traditional songs?” Roberta asked.
“I like Little Drummer Boy.” The little boy answered, smiling sweetly towards his mama.
“We can put that one up next.” Gordon Brandel added. “But, sit down with us and enjoy.” He grabbed his wife’s hand and pull her down.
“Thank God it's Christmas, yeah
Thank God it's Christmas
Thank God it's Christmas
Can it be Christmas?
Let it be Christmas
Every day”
As the next verse of the song came on, a third voice could be heard among the two male ones, as Roberta joined Gordon and Marty in their private family concert.
As the next image came, the video showed little Marty holding a Christmas stocking in his hands with tears on his eyes. “But I was a good boy.” He whispered sadly, looking at the coal that was in place of gifts.
An older looking boy then began giggling hysterically, “maybe you weren’t as good as you thought, Martin.” He said, a devilish glint in his eyes.
“Ray! That’s not something you do to your little brother.” Roberta scolded from behind the camera, as Gordon ran to his son’s side.
“Marty, no. Santa didn’t give you coal.” He tried to explain, glaring at Ray. “It was just a joke from your brother. Even though he knows, we don’t joke like that.”
“Really?” Marty asked in between sniffles, his sad, blue eyes now staring up towards his father, then sideways towards his best friend. “Promise?” He asked hopefully.
Gordon send a very angry stare at Ray, who just paled and got up, running towards the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a bag and handed it to his best friend. “Sorry, Marty.”
Little Marty then opened the bag, finding inside his real gifts and smiling happily as it became clear that Santa hadn’t really left him with coal.
“Merry Christmas, boys.” Roberta then said, comment directed to her husband, son, and practically adopted son, as they all laid on the carpet, playing with Marty’s new toy train, and Ray’s new remote-control car.
“Did Ray really put coal in your stocking?” Kensi asked sympathetically when the screen faded to black.
“Yeah…” Deeks muttered. “He got a big kick out of it. I don’t really remember much of it.”
“Gordon had a huge talk with him afterwards.” Roberta added. “But we know it was all in good fun.” She said giggling.
“Thank you, mama.” Deeks glared at her.
“Sorry, Martin. But it’s funny thinking about it now.” Roberta said honestly.
“Yes, it actually is.” Deeks agreed, wishing he could call Ray and talk to his best friend again.
The next few hours were then spent sharing more childhood stories until a yawn from Julia told everyone that it was already late.
“I will see you all tomorrow.” Julia said as she moved towards the door. “Thank you again for everything, Roberta.”
“Remember, 5:00 pm at the bar.” Deeks said, as he followed his wife and mother-in-law. “Merry Christmas, mama.”
“Merry Christmas, Martin, Kensi, Julia.” Roberta said, before closing the door behind her, head coming to rest on the wood, as silent tears finally came to her eyes. “Merry Christmas, Gordon.” She whispered, eyes on the sky.
“Where are we going, baby?” Deeks asked after a few minutes of driving, noticing that Kensi wasn’t going in the direction of their home.
“We’re going to the beach.” Kensi said, sounding sure of herself.
“Why?” Deeks wondered out loud, never opposing a trip to the beach, but it felt strange coming from Kensi at 10pm on Christmas eve.
“It’s time you make true on a promise you made two years ago.” Kensi said, sparing a quick look at her husband.
Deeks blanched a little, well remembering what promise Kensi was referring to, and having known deep down that this day would some day come. And it made sense it was today, after the videos had sent Kensi’s mind back to thinking about his childhood.
“Okay.” Deeks agreed, moving his hand to hold Kensi’s, as she squeezed tightly and smiled reassuringly.
“I have held you to that promise for two years.” Kensi began eventually, as they sat down on the sand. “But now it’s time.”
Deeks nodded, knowing she had been patient enough. “What do you want to know?”
Kensi lifted her eyebrows, before realizing his question was serious.
“It’s just easier. I wouldn’t know where to start otherwise.” Deeks answered, as if reading her thoughts.
“When… how… did all go wrong?” She asked tentatively. “Those videos showed a happy family. And Ray was even a part of it.”
Deeks blew out a slow breath and ran his hand through his hair. “I met Ray about 8 months before everything turned out wrong. We became very good friends, and one day, he came home, and mama discovered some bruises under his shirt. He sorta became part of the family after that.”
“Ok.” Kensi said softly, not wanting to push too hard and wanting for her husband to open up in his own terms.
“My father was never a perfect man, Kens. But he was a good father, as you saw on the videos. We didn’t have much, but he practically took Ray in, and that year he spent every holiday with us. He even got gifts for his birthday and Christmas.”
Kensi said nothing when Deeks stopped, knowing that it wasn’t easy for him to open up about this subject.
“I didn’t understand what was happening to Ray at the time, but mama told me we needed to be there for him. So, we did.” Deeks began again, back now towards Kensi and eyes on the dark ocean. “And he was there for me afterwards.”
Walking closer to the water, Deeks took off his shoes and let the cold water reach him. The chill helping the fog in his mind retreat as he considered how to better breach the hard part of the story. Feeling Kensi’s hand embrace him from behind, Deeks signed and closed his eyes.
Head resting on Deeks shoulder, Kensi kissed him on the cheek, trying to convey all her feelings through simple actions. “Take your time, baby.”
Taking hold of her hands in front of him, Deeks opened his eyes again, choosing to focus on the soft glow of the moon reflecting on the dark ocean, instead of the pain the past evoked in him. “Gordon always had a violent streak to him. Mama said it was how he was raised; times were different then. But he rarely allowed me to see it.” Deeks began again, voice low, and barely audible over the crashing waves. “Four months into the friendship with Ray, he had a work injury and hurt his back. Insurance quickly started giving us problems, and he started drinking after that. He had always enjoyed a good whiskey, here and there, but it was never like that.”
Kensi hugged him a little harder after that, wondering if it had been wise on her part to ask him to open up about this topic on Christmas Eve. But it had seen natural, as his promise had been made two years ago in the aftermath of another Holiday gathering with the moms.
“When he couldn’t get any more pills, he just continued drinking more. That led to him being laid off, after he showed up to work drunk one day and started a fight with a coworker. He came home with a black eye and broken nose, and I had never seen so much hatred in his eyes.” The last part spoken not louder than a whisper. “With money running low, he told me he didn’t want Ray at our house anymore, so we just started meeting outside, both of us wanting to escape our homes as much as possible. That’s when I first understood what was happening to him.”
“I’m sorry, baby.” Kensi said honestly, recognizing that moment as the time Deeks innocence had been shaken for the first time in his young life. Well knowing that the rest of it had been stripped away in the months that followed.
“Thank you.” Deeks lifted Kensi’s hand, and kissed it sweetly, letting it linger in front of his eyes a little longer. Staring at the ring on her hand, he reminded himself that everything he was recalling was in the past, and everything was better now. “Mama’s salary wasn’t enough to cover for all three of us, so soon after that, he began spending every night at the bar. Gambling then became his work of choice. But he lost more often than not, and that’s when the violence really started.” Deeks left the rest of it hanging in the air, not wanting to vividly explain to Kensi how Gordon Brandel would come home in a drunken rage intent on hitting his wife and son.
“Ray noticed one day. And he asked me about it. I told him it was a sport injury, but he knew I didn’t really play sports. At least not the typical kind, and what he saw, didn’t look like a skateboarding or surfing wound.” Deeks eyes darkened, recalling the shadow of fingers that Ray had seen etched on his skin. Which had then been followed by dark bruises on his torso, and more marks on his neck. “That’s how it all turned out so wrong.” Deeks finished, turning around to stare at Kensi, surprised when he saw tears streak down her face. “Don’t cry, please. Gordon doesn’t deserve your tears.”
“I’m not crying for Gordon.” Kensi explained simply. “I’m crying for the boy you once were.” Kensi then thought back to the videos, and the picture of little Marty she had seen on that brunch two years ago when Deeks had promised to open up about his past. The memory, making another thought popped into her head. “Why don’t you like to be called Martin?” She asked slowly.
Deeks closed his eyes and turned back towards the water before continuing. “Brandel was always vocal about how mama is the one that chose that name. He thought it was weak. When I was a kid, he used to call me junior, which is how his father had used to call him for the first few years of his life.” He almost spat the last words. “When he turned… violent, he used to call for Martin when he came home from the bar. It was just a game to him, and always spoke my first name in a mocking tone. I knew every time I heard that tone, pain would just follow. If not for me physically, for mama, and that was worse.”
“I’m sorry, I won’t call you like that again.” Kensi said, instantly regretting the few times she had used his given name.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t like other people calling me that, because I never know what intention they’re doing it with. But you say it with love, unlike him. When he went to prison, I changed my last name from Brandel to Deeks, and I could have changed my name too, but mama is the one that gave it to me, and I couldn’t let him have that much power over us. That’s why you should use it, if you want. It means, even now, we’re still winning.” Deeks knew it wasn’t really a game, and that in the full extent of things, he had already lost 30 years ago. The day his father had turned to alcohol to fill a void that could never be filled with such an easy escape. The day he had first laid a hand on young Marty. And the day young Marty had decided to end it all.
“Ok, Marty.” Kensi tested the name, before she kissed Deeks again.
Two years ago, Deeks would have cringed at the name, but a lot had changed since then. And with marriage, had come a bigger understanding of what mattered in life. Especially when that marriage had been at stake because of the mission in Mexico. He now had a wife, and a big family, so there was no reason to continue being stuck in the past. It just wasn’t worth it, and he was stronger than that.
“And how did it all end?” Kensi asked a final question, wanting to get a full picture, even if she well knew that Deeks had been vague about what his father’s violence had meant. But she agreed that she didn’t need to know those details.
“I shot him.” Deeks said simply. Turning around, expecting to see disgust on the face of a woman that had only felt love and admiration towards her own father. To his surprise, he found only love and admiration in her stare, and all of it directed at him. “In the months that followed, and having lost his safe haven at our home, Ray started running with some… groups.” The word gang, unspoken. “And one day, he gave me a gun and explained how to use it. I wanted to return it but remembering what my father had done the night before, I kept it.”
Recalling one of their first cases working together, Kensi remembered a story about Deeks and Thanksgiving Day, the first time he had mentioned his father, and she silently wondered how many of his comments and jokes over the years had contained partial truths hidden in them.
“I used it about a month after that.” Deeks continued, his eyes as dark as the Pacific in front of them. “It was either him or us.” He added as an afterthought.
Kensi had wanted to know more about that night, but she could already imagine how it all happened and she had to accept that was only a memory for Deeks and Roberta to know. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that, baby.”
“It’s okay, Kens. For better or worse, it made me the man I’m today. And thanks to that, I will know how not to behave when our little wolves start arriving.” He said, smiling sincerely for the first time in the last hour.
“And you will be a great parent.” Kensi said proudly.
“We both will, Fern. Our kids will be lucky to have us.”
“And we will be lucky to have them.”
They both nodded and hugged again. The chill of the night making husband and wife burrow into the embrace a little tighter.
“We will cook delicious cakes for them.” Deeks said, as they had begun walking back to the car, hand in hand. “With no whole eggs, just the inside.” He laughed, then winced as Kensi playfully punched his arm.
“And we won’t allow the older sibling to put coal into his or her little brother’s or sister’s Christmas stocking.” Kensi added.
“Brother or sister? So, you’re really agreeing to more than one baby wolf?” Deeks asked hopefully.
“I think so.” Kensi answered, equally optimistic. Stopping as they reached the parking lot, and kissing Deeks before they each moved to their side of the car. “Wolves do better in packs, after all.”
Reaching their house a few minutes later, Kensi and Deeks decided to leave all their belongings on the trunk for the night, and instead walked inside, tangled in each other’s arms.
Reaching the front door, Deeks smiled before stopping Kensi and turning her to look fully at him. “I love you, baby. Thank you for listening.” And not judging, but that part remained unspoken.
“Love you, too. And thanks for sharing.” Kensi said, and keeping your promise to me, that part also staying unsaid. With a final kiss, Kensi and Deeks stepped inside, door closing behind them, their Holiday wreath silently shaking with the wind gusts coming from the nearby Pacific…
Promises are always meant to be kept, even if it’s two years in the future. And that night, on Christmas Eve of their first Holidays as husband and wife, Kensi and Deeks went to bed feeling closer than ever before. Because that day, they had shared more about their respective pasts, and that knowledge would lead them to be the best parents they could possibly be. One day soon, they would both learn that surviving pain in the past, only means a sweeter happily-ever-after, and for them that would come in the form of little wolves and a pack to call their own.
Fun fact: A few of the stories that are part of this fic are not really fiction, but things I took from my own childhood. One day my mom was baking a cake and I almost threw the whole egg in the batter, I was like five. Back in my home country, fireworks are a big part of New Year’s Eve and my older brother did in fact burn down a small tree in our yard using it as a base for his fireworks. And that same brother put coal in my Christmas stocking when I was a kid… He would get a kick seeing his antics on this story :D Anyhow, thanks everyone for reading, and Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year.
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
The Viking and The Star Part 10 (Ivar x OFC Hettie)
Pairings: Ivar x OFC Hettie
Warnings: Choking, Knife Play, Smut, Edging, Unprotected Sex
Word Count: 2.8k+
Summary: Ivar finally gets you alone in the tent and he claims you once and for all.  
The fire was still lit as you came upon your tent.  Biting your lower lip you looked around the spacious area as your mind tried to figure out what to do next.  You knew, at any moment Ivar would be coming through the doors.  Thoughts of his hands, his mouth, his tongue running all over your body sent you into a frenzy with desire pooling in your belly.  
With the ale giving you liquid encouragement you took off your dress leaving you in your white underdress.  The fire illuminating your body as your underdress was see-through.  Taking deep breaths you calmed your erratic heartbeat.
The habitual sound of crawling and grunts came from outside the tent.  Whipping your head around you saw Ivar opening the flaps; his eyes narrowed in on your body as he made his way inside.  His dark hungry eyes zeroed in on yours and you had to bite back a moan. Just the way he was looking at you made you weak in the knees.  
“Take off your clothes” Ivar demanded as he dragged his body to the bed.  Once situated he pulled the wash basin to him and started washing his hands and face vigorously.  You stood there in awe as his once dirtied face became clean.  He was one of the most beautiful men you had ever witnessed in your lifetime.  “Hettie!” Ivar barked causing you to jump.  “Why are you not undressed yet?”
Ivar started removing his leg straps as you hurriedly removed your own clothing.  There was a draft in the tent as the chilly night air whipped around your exposed body; goosebumps trailing your skin as you shivered lightly. You watched as Ivar continued to unlace his pants.  As you watched his fingers work their magic to pull his pants down, you had to bite back a moan; your thighs clenching together as you stood there naked inside the tent.  You could feel the wetness start to pool at your core.  
Ivar grunted as he pulled his pants fully off him.  He sat on the bed as his head slowly turned towards you; his eyes going wide as he took in your naked form.  He parted his mouth to lick his lips as his eyes stopped just below your stomach as he eyed your dark curls.  “Come here Hettie” Ivar urged as he nodded towards the bed.  Your feet were stuck to the floor as you begged your body to move. With all your strength you unhurriedly started walking towards him; Ivar’s eyes never leaving your body.  
Sitting down on the furs next to Ivar you let out a shaky breath.  You wanted him so badly, more than anything in on this Earth.  But you were afraid he would hurt you again; not physically, but emotionally.  You felt his fingers pull back the curtain of your hair so he could see your face.  “You are so beautiful Hettie” Ivar whispered; his warm breath fanning your face.  
His fingers traced lightly over your cheek and down to your collarbone; igniting a fire in its wake. Your body was flushed, your breathing heavy as you turned to look at Ivar.  His face was soft, gentle like as he continued to trace your face and neck. A soft moan emanating from your throat as he touched a particular spot on your neck.  
Ivar growled as his eyes became dark, his expression turning hostile.  His fingers wrapped around your neck, pushing you back onto the bed as his face came up to yours.  “Do you enjoy making me mad hmmm?” he sneered out as you struggled to breath.  “Did you enjoy flirting with Hvitserk right in front of me?  Is this what you wanted?”  Your eyes became wide, your mouth agape as you attempted to get some sort of air into your lungs, but it was no use.  Ivar lessened his grip and you took in a gulp of air; your throat on fire.  
You were frightened of how far Ivar could take things, but deep down, you knew that he would never fully hurt you with intent.  You knew Ivar, and you knew this was the kind of thing he liked; and so did you. Desire was burning at your core and you wanted him to claim you once and for all.  
“I…I am sorry Ivar” you rasped out.  Ivar’s body was close to yours and you felt his cock start to harden next to your leg. Your heart fluttered as you felt the wetness begin to drip down your leg.  
“You are sorry?  Is that all you have to say my star?”
His eyes were almost as black as the night as his own chest heaved with desire and anger.  You shook your head at his question.  His brows furrowed as he cocked his head to the side, examining your face.  “No? Then what else do you want to say hmm?”
“Touch me Ivar.  Claim me like you wanted to.  I need to feel your hands on me.  I need to feel you inside of me.”  Ivar did not say anything after you spoke; your face blushing from embarrassment.  Did he not want you anymore?  Surely you thought he did from the way he looked at you, but maybe you were wrong. Your hands went to cover your body up as you looked away from his gaze.  
Ivar removed his hand fully from your throat.  You clenched your eyes to stop the tears from forming but you soon felt something sharp and cold on your thigh.  Gasping, you opened your eyes and looked down to see Ivar placing a knife at your right inner thigh.  Ivar narrowed his eyes at you when your legs did not part open.  He pushed the knife harder into your soft skin and your leg quivered.  There was a bit of pain, but the pleasure you felt at the mercy of Ivar was much more intense.  
You spread your legs apart; Ivar quickly settling in between them.  He inhaled your scent, growling.  Your eyes watched his face intently as he nuzzled his nose into your curls.  “You smell delicious my star.  I want nothing more than to devour you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you saw Ivar’s mouth move closer to your core.  With one hand still on the knife placed at your inner thigh, Ivar used his fingers on his free hand to spread your lips.  His tongue darted out and your head fell back on the bed as it came into contact with your clit.  Your body trembled; your hips jerking in response to the feeling of Ivar’s tongue on you.  “Ivar” you breathed out as your hand gripped his hair.  He grumbled as your nails racked his scalp, pushing him further into you.
All too quickly he pulled away from you.  His lips turned into a sneer before he looked to the floor.  Ivar reached to grab the laces of his pants then crawled up your body. He gripped your wrists roughly as he started to tie the laces around them.  “Wha….what are you doing Ivar?” you begged as you tried to struggle from his grasp.  He ignored you as he used his arm strength to push you further up on the bed; your head landed on the soft pillows.  He tied the rest of the lace onto a post on the wall, making you completely unable to use your hands or arms.  
“You do not get to touch me Hettie until I say so.  You have made a fool of me in front of everyone tonight.  So, this is your punishment” he seethed.  “You will not cum until I let you, do you understand?”
With a haste nod of your head Ivar went back between your legs.  His tongue lazily drew circles around your nub as his fingers spread your juices around your opening.  Your orgasm was soon approaching as your breathing became irregular.  You felt the coil in your bell tighten; short gasps coming from your mouth.  But Ivar was no fool.  He pulled his fingers from teasing your folds as his head backed away.  “Wha…no!” you whined as you lifted your head to see Ivar smirking at you.  
“I told you my star. This is your punishment” he husked out before dipping his head and using his tongue to lap at your juices.  You moaned at the warmth of his mouth on your core again.  He slowly pushed one lengthy finger inside you causing you to cry out.  
“Yes Ivar!” you mewled as he worked his finger inside you.  Because you were so close to your orgasm last time, it did not take long for you get that familiar build yet again.  Your inner walls started to tighten around his finger but all too soon, Ivar retracted it from you.  
A whine escaped your mouth yet again as you saw an evil smirk placed on Ivar’s face.  This torture continued as he pushed you to the edge and backed away a few more times.  
“Ivar….please” you sobbed out, just wanting to get to your release.  His eyes searched yours as his thumb wiped away a stray tear.  
He chuckled out, loving that you were at his mercy.  “Have you learned your lesson Hettie?”
Nodding your head, you squeaked out, “Yes Ivar.  I swear it!”
His eyes narrowed once more before his mouth attached to your nub, sucking with all his might as he plunged two fingers into your core.  “IVAR!!!” you screamed as your inner walls tightened around his fingers; only this time he did not remove them.  Your orgasm was right there and after a few more thrusts from his fingers you toppled over the edge.  “YES! YES! YES!” you cried out in pleasure as your body convulsed; your hands clenching into fists as you tried to pry them apart.  Ivar coaxed you down from your high before withdrawing his fingers.  
Upon opening your eyes you noticed Ivar situated right next to you; his erection poking your leg. You tried to pull your hands down but they were still strapped in the laces and stuck to the wall.  His face was dour as he looked upon you.  “Open your mouth” he urged and you obeyed as he stuck his fingers into your agape mouth.  You suckled on his fingers; the same fingers that were just inside of you as you moaned out, tasting yourself.  
“Ivar” you groaned as he released his fingers; your body wriggling around as you tried to pry yourself from the grasp of his laces around your wrists.  
He pressed open mouth kisses to your stomach before suckling on your delicate skin; sure to leave marks to know you have been claimed by him.  “Mmmmmm, yes my star?” he questioned between kisses, slowly moving up your chest and to your hardened nipples.  
You whined as the laces lashed at your skin as it became sore from your movements.  “Please untie me my prince.  I want to touch you, I want to make you feel good” you begged as you continued to fidget around on the furs.  
Ivar’s gaze darkened as he tore his lips from your skin, looking into your emerald eyes.  “Will you be a good girl and not defy me?” he questioned as he licked his lips.  Wetness pooled at your legs once again at his dark gaze upon you.  
“Yes, I promise Ivar” you pleaded.  You could tell he was battling internally with himself; whether to untie you or not. In the end, you won as he rolled his eyes before untying the laces around your wrists.  Once free, you brought your wrists to your gaze as you saw the red scuff marks across them.  Ivar’s warm hands gripped your arms, bringing your wrists towards him as he planted soft kisses around the marks.  It definitely made you feel better that was for sure.  
His erection twitched against your leg as you moaned at his lips caressing your skin.  Feeling adventurous, your hand left his grip as it trailed down his strongly toned torso and to his manhood.  As you hand gripped his cock, Ivar took a sharp breath; his eye strained on yours.  
You slowly began to pump his cock in your hands, making smooth movements to gage his reaction. His eyes closed as he released a short breath and you took this as a good sign.  As Ivar relaxed into the furs, you positioned yourself lower; never taking your hand of his smooth velvety cock.  Your head came in contact with his member and you never wanted to taste something in your life than you did now.  
Gazing up, you saw Ivar completely relaxed and nuzzled deeply into the furs.  With a smirk on your face, you lowered your head and swiped your tongue across his slit, tasting his warm pre-cum.  Ivar’s body trembled as his hands found your head, gripping your hair.  “More Hettie….I need you to do that again” his voice pleaded.  You wanted to appease him so your tongue licked a strip underneath, making sure to pay attention to the most sensitive areas as his hand tangled into your hair.  You loved that even though you were pleasing him, he was taking charge.  Your jaw opened as you took him fully into your mouth; your tongue swirling around his tip.  As you continued to bob your head up and down, Ivar’ hand tangled deeper into your hair, using it as leverage to gage how fast you wanted to go.  
“STOP!” Ivar roared as he pulled your head away from his cock.  “I do not wish to spill my seed in your mouth.”  His words went straight to your core, inflaming a fire to passionate to one you never felt before.  
“Claim me Ivar.  I want you, I need you so badly” you rasped as Ivar flipped you over so he was hovering on top of you.  His eyes were dark as he gazed upon you; your chest heaving as you tried to calm your breathing.  You wanted this, more than anything; both your heart and your womanhood spoke for themselves.  “Please my prince.”
That was all Ivar needed to hear as he took his cock in his own hands, teasing your wet folds before pushing himself into you. You both moaned in unison as he filled you up; his cock thick and hard as you felt pleasure in every way.  Ivar held himself up by his strong arms beside your head as you looked into his dark, hungry eyes.  
He did not move, instead his eyes connected with yours for many moments.   You felt like you could not breathe as he filled you up.  While he felt wonderful inside of you, you needed movement; needed to feel him moving inside of you.  Taking matters into your own hands, you planted your feet onto the furs and jerked your hips upwards.  
Ivar seemed to like it at first, but you soon found his hand at your throat yet again that night.  His grip tightened as he moved his hips, setting a rhythm as his lust filled eyes linked with yours.  “You. Are. Mine. Hettie” Ivar enunciated with each stroke into you.  “Do not ever forget that.”  
The lack of oxygen to your lungs made you dizzy, yet at the same time, your pending orgasm felt like it grew stronger with each thrust.  You gasped for air as your hand clutched his forearm; your eyes locked onto his.  You soon felt your inner walls start to tense as Ivar’s eyes clenched shut.  Ivar’s hand loosened on your neck.  It only took a few more thrusts as you fell over the cliff and raced to your high.  “IVAR” you cried out as your orgasm exploded through you; your walls contracted around his member at the same time his hips faltered, then stilled, milking his warm seed.
Your arms clutched his back as your fingernails became embedded into his skin.  It was the most powerful feeling you ever felt as your body convulsed from aftershocks of your orgasm.  Ivar bowed his rest, resting on your chest as you felt his breath fan across your body.  The two of you laid there, still joined as you came down from your highs.  
Your body quivered under the weight of Ivar; your inner walls still constricting as Ivar pulled away to stare into your eyes.  He gave you a small smirk that you quickly returned.  You still loved him as your heart swelled from his gaze; but you were too worried to tell him.  He bent down to capture your lips with his.  “You are mine Hettie.  Tonight, and for all the nights to come.  I have claimed you.  Do you understand?” he demanded; his voice strong.  
“Yes Ivar. I am yours, and only yours” you replied as you gnawed on your lower lip.  He gave you another grin before uniting your lips once again.
Tag List: @kanupps06 @potterhead1265 @miss-cap21 @pumbibaby @the-real-kellymonster @princess-evans-addict @mustbenot @remember-that-one-blog @projectxhappiness @libbitinasdeath @mcuimxgine @kenzieam @lovelynerdytraveler @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @scckzy @skeletoresinthebasement @imnotinsanehunny @vaisabu @kgbrenner @vbiggs03 @oddsnendsfanfics @romanchronicles @kawennote09 @awesome-as-i-wanna-be @forbidddden-snowflake @joybrett1001 @sophiealiice
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forasecondtherewedwon · 8 months
Thanks for the ask!!
Shuffle #3: “Rich Girl” - The Wrecks (cover)
And don't you know that a love can't grow / 'Cause there's too much to give, 'cause you'd rather live / For the thrill of it all / 'Cause you're a rich girl
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Take What Is Given
Pairing: Hetty/Belle Rating: T Word Count: 912 music shuffle fic game
Summary: Following Red's caesarean, Hetty reassesses what Belle means to the Port Victory Royal Hospital—and to her.
It’s how she won’t hold the baby. She would, surely, if Hetty needed her to, but she doesn’t ask to. Belle’s eyes are on the neat stitches with which she’s closing up Red’s belly, lifting to glance at the small girl in the crook of Hetty’s arm as she gently dabs away the blood with a wet sponge. When she does look, her eyes are warm and bright, like the life Hetty can barely feel weighing down her arms.
“She’s just beautiful,” Belle pronounces.
“You’ve got that right,” Hetty agrees, leaving off the sarcastic “Princess” her tongue threatens to tack on.
Because Belle’s actions today don’t speak of entitlement. That doesn’t mean Hetty’s going to forget the attitude of confident ownership Belle’s displayed since the first time she set foot in the hospital—how she’s assumed leadership of a fleet of nurses and laundresses, bossed Prof, and monopolized Jack’s time. But Hetty isn’t too proud to admit that some of it is paying off: Belle has cleaned the wards and managed to keep them that way, and has clearly learned enough about surgery to preserve not only Red’s life but her dignity, sufficiently adept to fill in for one of the male surgeons actually employed by this hospital.
The baby must be cleaned and checked now, thoroughly; after they sneak Red out of here with her daughter, who knows when mother and child might next be able to receive medical care? Hetty does this, wiping the good gore of a healthy birth from behind the ears and between the fingers as she jounces the baby to keep her from bawling from the lungs she’s already proven are in good working order. Belle spritzes Red’s closed incision with carbolic acid, and when she turns to Hetty, still smiling from their success, Hetty hefts the small bundle slightly. Offering.
Belle shakes her head.
“Not again,” she says, righting Red’s clothing. “Not before her own mother can take her in her arms.”
Hetty can feel that she’s staring at Belle in surprise.
“What?” Belle asks. “She isn’t a prize, she’s a person. Even if she is a very small one.” Her smile is momentarily only for the baby, but it beams on Hetty when Belle’s eyes meet hers again.
“You tend to behave as though this hospital and everything in it belong to you,” Hetty begins, and Belle’s expression grows immediately guarded. “On some points, it’s good. You’ve made improvements.” She pauses. “I believe we’ve also improved you.”
Hetty gives Belle as sly smile. Directed at a man, it could be a flirtation.
“You certainly lent me some of your composure today,” Belle says. “Your steadiness impressed me from the first time I watched you in the theatre. I should’ve said. Today…” She shakes her head with what appears to be bewildered joy.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“You called me ‘Belle’ before.”
Hetty’s lips part, but she turns her focus to the baby.
“Well,” Belle carries on, “I can try to pretend you didn’t.”
“Alright, ma’am.”
“Hetty, you needn’t.”
Hetty raises her gaze.
“Needn’t what?” she inquires lightly. “Obey the rules of society?”
“Exactly. I’m not. Clearly.” Belle sweeps a hand down her front, indicating the leather apron that shields her voluminous skirt.
True, her dress is completely impractical. It wasn’t a hindrance, but if Belle thinks the juxtaposition of her wardrobe and a risky caesarean is tantamount to flaunting the social hierarchy to which they both belong, she’s guttingly naïve. The fact is that she can afford to ruin her dress; whether it’s by burning a hole in the skirt while embroidering at the hearth on her family’s estate or splashing blood up the sleeves delivering a baby from Red’s sliced-open womb in an operating room is irrelevant. For Lady Belle, there will always be more where that came from. This is a thrill for her, an adventure—a benefit to the patients too, but Hetty can’t focus quite as blindly on the shine of another miraculous procedure when she assists in a dull grey uniform that’s been worn by half the nurses in this hospital while Belle stands next to her in a flipping ballgown that might very well have been shipped here from France.
She wonders what Red would say, and glances at her unconscious face. The ether seems to numb the ears as much as the rest of the body, blocking out all sorts of irritants.
“A surgeon princess,” Hetty remarks before she can stop herself.
“And you are an absolute queen,” Belle counters, dodging offence and dipping her hands into a basin of clear water. Blood swirls from her submerged wrists like red ribbons. “This surgery would have been impossible without you.”
Hetty smiles to herself and rocks the baby as she goes to stand at Belle’s side.
“Where do they think you are all the time, your parents?”
Belle shrugs.
“Unless something’s been arranged, my time is mine to spend.”
Like your money, Hetty thinks wryly, but when Belle casts her gaze around for a cloth while her hands drip, Hetty shifts the baby and flips up her cotton apron, offering the clean underside. Belle hesitates, so Hetty steps close to her. It’s the nearest they’ve been to one another without a body laid out between or before them. Their skirts brush. Red rustles on the sheet, approaching consciousness.
Belle reaches out and their hands touch through the apron. Hetty clasps her, finger by finger, and pats Belle’s hands dry.
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savetopnow · 7 years
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hamitome--imagines · 8 years
Tagging Thingy
I was tagged by @aoise-fandom-clover
RULES: tag 9 people you would like better
relationship status: In a relationship <3 and I’ll stop there otherwise I’ll write a paragraph talking about how great he is...
lipstick or chapstick: I wear both but chapstick way more than lipstick. Well, it lipstain the same thing?
Last song I listened to: The Schuyler Sisters...
top 3 shows: Supernatural, Sherlock, Timeless
top 3 characters: Princess Leia (still not over that), Belle, Hetty Lange
top 3 ships: ten x rose, Haruhi x Tamaki, and lastly I ship Castiel w/ being happy, healthy, and not abused for once
I tag @stupidships3335 @hamilimagines @imkindapassionate-kindasoulless @queentyna @daveedsbra @allofmyimagination (I’m just gonna do 6...I’m sorry but I’m cheating. It’s late, I’m tired)
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The cold truth
Artful Dodger one shot. Jack Dawkins x fem reader
Before Fagin's return, before Belle, before it all there was y/n. The first woman to break Jack's heart. He kept her portrait in a silver locket, the chain hanging on his bed. One day, long after her operation Belle sits in the hospital going over medical text when Hetty comes into her. Seeing the locket in Belle's hand she tells her the story.
"She was a lovely girl, a nurse here. Odd though because she was married. So many of us live a solitary life but not y/n. She was such a wonderful spirit. I'm convinced she could make the dead dance with her joy. None of us could have known. Jack was the first to notice the changes, they were so small at first. Y/n had always had the most beautiful red hair, it was so thick she could hardly contain it and would have it tied several plates pinned about her head. I remember Jack coming to me one morning, the spirals were gone. It was all chopped off up to her shoulders. Y/n wouldn't tell us what happened.
Then it was the bruises. Poking out of her dress on her neck, her arms you know. She just kept saying she was clumsy, but we spent hours with her and none of us ever saw her even trip. Jack tries to ask her once but she brushed him off.
I don't know if it was her original joy or the subsequent lack of it, but the doctor seemed fixated on her. He needed to know what was happening.
One time he bumped into her, knocking her ribs and the touch sent y/n to the floor. Shocked by the reaction Jack took her aside and checked her over. Y/n had a bruise that covered her whole left side. Angry and red, purple, blue. Still she wouldn't tell us a thing. Jack took it upon himself to look after her. Noting that she would often work a whole day without a bite of food he began making extra lunch and sitting with her.
He would talk about her when she wasn't around. Retelling her jokes and talking of her beauty.
Of course we know now that it was her husband. He cut her hair off with an axe. Said she was too vain about her appearance and a nurse didn't need long hair. The beatings were worse. He would attack her for any little mistakes. Her ribs? That was because she had burnt dinner one night. He was an awful man. We only found out because Jack found her wandering the streets on his way home for the cat and bagpipes. He had kicked her out of their house. I don't remember what for, but Jack found her and he took care of her. By then the only time I saw her happy was when they were sat together. She told him everything and he promised to help her. Said she could have a bed in our nurses quarters. She even appeared happy for a while, the two of em did.
A week or so later she went home to collect her things, convinced her husband would be at work. He wasn't.
She managed to get back here. I'll never know how she made it. One broken leg, a fractured elbow and a knife in her gut. She did though, she came stumbling in. I think I screamed when I saw her. Jack rushed her into the theatre, but this was about a year before you came along. There was nothing he could do with the knife wound. That damn blade was wide enough to take down an elephant. Ripped her up so badly inside. She couldn't breathe and the blood was pouring into her lungs.
Jack tried and tried until she asked him to stop. Exhausted and covered in her blood, Jack was ready to collapse himself. She held tight to his hand and looked into his eyes.
"No, no y/n, you gotta fight this. You can't die." Jack begged her.
"Jack, I have to go. I'm sorry. You can't save me." Her voice was hardly more than a whisper. Jack held on to her. I had hoped his will alone might make God knit her back together. My faith took a knock that day and I'm not afraid to admit it. The look on that boys face when they insisted on taking her away. Tim had to hold him to keep Jack from following her body to the grave.
We all changed after that day. The first time one of our own bad died so brutally. Jack wasn't the same. He threw himself into his work, his competition with Sneed.
You know there are times when he still visits her grave. Maybe that's why he was so desperate to save you, Lady Belle. Jack's poor heart couldn't take another love being ripped away from him. It's a lovely portrait of her. " She finishes by glancing over Belle's shoulder at the lockett.
"he's in prison, so you think, do you think you could take me to her grave?" Belle asks.
It's a small wooden cross with her name carved into it.
"we couldn't afford a real headstone. " Hetty explains. Belle bent to touch the wood, running her fingers over the carved wood.
"What happened to the husband?"
"Got himself hanged for his troubles three weeks after. It took three hours for him to die. Come on now miss we should get you back before you're missed." Hetty reminded her.
"of course. I shall bring y/n flowers tomorrow."
"very good Milady "
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
The mademoiselle P3
Tumblr media
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Adorable!
Warnings: Amputation / 1800's surgery / ether/ body horror
I couldn't help but move an ottoman over to sit on, and I looked closely at the amputation, I had been done... terribly, even just from this look I could tell this must have caused her agony even before weight bearing, the skin overstretched and warped, the thread used to sew up the amputation had never been removed, skin partly healed around it, it wasn't even surgical thread it was twine! fraying and splintering as old twine does, 
"what on gods earth-" I muttered bringing a candle closer to better see what fucked up nonsense was happening here, "Who did this!"
"A clown."
"Yeah, I think he was,"
"No, he really...really was."
"He was a clown?"
"An actual... actual clown!"
"Uhhhh you mind telling me what happened?"
"It's a very long story. I was in an accident and he was the only person nearby with any form of training and here we are." She explained, 
"Okay, I take it it's causing you more pain than usual?"
"Yes doctor, I can barely walk let alone perform." 
"well that's certainly no good, I've heard of the magic of your performances. Wouldn't want to deprive anyone of that."
She blushed a little, "Well is there anything you can do doctor?"
"Uhh... I can give you some painkillers they should help your walking but If I may be so bold, I think it would be wise to have a doctor really look it over, when was the last time someone looked at it?"
"When it was done."
"Which was?"
"Twelve years ago." 
"Alright, tomorrow come up to the hospital and I'll take a real proper look see what's going on. you sure it hasn't had any other work in that time?"
"Mild stuff, cutting back skin, infection control and such."
"Right, and not once has anyone suggested ... further amputation?"
"A couple of times, but I need to dance so we always just did the minimum."
"Alright, come by tomorrow whenever you can," I told her as I gave her some medicine 
"I will, thank you, doctor."
"You're welcome mademoiselle," I told her as I took her hand and gave it a gentle kiss, "Have a nice evening."
"You too doctor Dawkins," she smiled, 
I took my bag and headed out filling in the paperwork as I went, as soon as I got back to my room I collapsed on my bed, I don't know why I felt so... conflicted, that I had looked at her pictures and desired her so much when... she must have been in agony to do it. I felt guilty about it, like It was my fault she was in pain. I took my box from under my bed and looked at the various postcards, I looked at her in these poses and situations and noticed how often they had her sitting down, how often the drawings stopped at her knees, or hidden by dresses, all of it to hide her away. I wanted to help her out I didn't want her to feel any more pain. 
I made sure to clean up as I knew the mademoiselle was coming in today, and soon enough Hetty came and told me I had someone here to see me. So I fixed myself up and headed into one of the small patient rooms, and saw the mademoiselle sitting on the bed with a nervous smile.
"Bonjour docteur Dawkins,"(Hello Doctor Dawkins)  She smiled,
"Bonjour mademoiselle," (Hello mademoiselle) I smiled back, "Quelle belle robe tu portes aujourd'hui," (What a beautiful dress you are wearing today) 
"merci beaucoup docteur" (Thank you very much doctor) she blushed, 
"Now, lets have a look." I told her, "if you could?"
"Alright," she sighed, sitting back on the bed and unlacing her boots letting them fall to the floor, I got my tools and had a much better look really investigating and it was worse than I suspected and I think she knew that too as the longer it went on the more grim her face got,
"You know what I'm going to say," I told her, 
"You think I need a further amputation?"
"I don't think I know." I sighed leaning on the metal bed, "I know this is a big decision with you, but if I don't do this, you are going to get worse... and you could die."
"I don't really have much of a choice do I?"
"I can't in good conscience let you go without at least letting me do an operation to pull back the skin and at least remove the twine."
"Alright, When can you do it?"
"I can get you into the surgery theatre today."
She nodded, 
"Alright, I'll make sure everything is sorted I'll get you in as soon as possible." 
I made sure to get the theatre prepped while she got some stuff delivered by her maid, And soon enough Hetty brought her in,
"Right, Up Here mademoiselle," I smiled helping her up onto the table, "Just relax I promise I'll take care of you."
"I do hope so." She nervously nodded lying on the table, 
"Okay," I nodded fetching the ether, "Just breathe gently for me, when you wake up this will all be over," I reassured her she nodded and did as I asked slowly drifting off until she was gone. "Okay... Let's do this." I told Hetty that I needed her as my nurse, I quickly got to work revealing the true situation and it was bad. The skin was stretched and infected in places, with dirt and grime under her skin, the bone had been left as a sharp splintering point as if broken by hand not cut in the amputation, 
"Oh my -" Hetty gasped,
"I know,"
"How'd it happen?"
"she wouldn't say, I don't imagine it was good," I answered, I did my best to save it but amputation was the only option so I did as low as I could just under her knee and made sure to sew it up in a way that made it look as good as I could, once I was done Hetty took her back to her room so I cleaned up and went on with my other work, After a good while I went to her room to go and check on her, seeing her sat up in the bed with a box in her lap, "Bonjour mademoiselle," 
"Hello Doctor," she said looking through her box,
"How do you feel?" I asked sitting beside her 
"Humm... Like I lost weight," she chuckled playfully glancing at her leg which made me chuckle a little, "It still hurts, which is odd. As it's not there."
"The phantom limb will fade."
"I know, I remember when they took my foot, it itched for days but it wasn't there." She said, "Thank you, doctor, most doctors I've seen just do what I ask... not what I need."
"You're very welcome." I smiled, "And uhh you can just call me Jack,"
"Alright, Jack." She smiled, "Y/n." 
"Y/n? That's a very beautiful name." 
"Thank you," She blushed, "I'm going to take a guess and say you know who I am?"
"I do. I uhhhh" I blushed, "I spent a lot of time in the navy growing up, your postcards... gave me a lot of peace then. And still do now."
she chuckled, "I'm glad I could be of such, Peace to you." She smiled gently taking my hand, I smiled and held her hand tightly, "I can't thank you enough Jack, though... I'm not sure what the future holds now."
"I wouldn't be so quick to be fearful, not much has really changed trust me... Most people won't even notice. You're far too beautiful for people to be looking at your feet."
She laughed, "I guess so. The postcards won't change that much."
"No, not really. But... I'll still look forward to seeing them. I'll pick up your next one just to show you so." I winked 
"Humm... I'll send you it special," She smiled squeezing my hand,
"How did it happen? if you don't mind my asking?"
She seemed sad but flicked through her box before she handed me a postcard with a beautiful young girl, a ballerina dancing on a stage. "I wasn't always a showgirl, That was me... Once."
"My god- You were beautiful."
"Are- sorry I-"
"It's alright, I spent my whole life wanting to be a dancer classically trained from three, My father worked every hour god sent just to get me into ballet school." She explained, "I was so happy when got a job at the royal opera as a ballerina."
"They were talking about me like I was something special," She said, "my first tour and this one show we were out in the sticks, I went on and did my part but- the galley walkway above the stage collapsed, fell down to the stage below... By the grace of god, it fell where it did. A few inches to the left I'd be dead. But it crushed my foot" She explained, "I was losing blood so fast, my foot wrecked beyond repair. The nearest doctor ten miles away, the only person in the company who had any training... was one of the men playing a clown in the opera, He had some medical training but nothing near what was needed but- time was not on our side. So they did what they could and took my foot there and then on the stage." She explained, 
"How old were you?"
"What happened? Once it healed?"
"I healed while the rest of the tour went on and when we returned to the opera house... They tossed me away. Said I would never dance again. Wanted nothing to do with me. So I tried everywhere else but who wants a crippled dancer. The only place that would take me was a small club in pairs, they didn't want me to dance more just... take off my clothes. So I did. Learnt the violin, learnt how to perform in shows, named myself the mademoiselle, and... I suppose the rest is history." 
"For what is worth. I think you'd have made a beautiful ballerina."
"Thank you," she blushed, "But now... I'm not sure what to make of myself, I don't even know I can be a showgirl now."
"I'd pay to see you, still."
"You would?"
"even like this?"
"I would."
"That's very sweet of you." She smiled, "But if my boss doesn't feel the same... I don't know what I'd do, or where I'd go."
"Well... Port Victory is a little place, not much goes on here, it's full of those of us with nowhere else to go. You'd always be welcome here."  
"You think I would?"
"I'm sure you would," 
"What would I do?"
"Whatever you want, I'm sure a smart girl like you would find something." I smiled giving her back her ballerina picture, 
"I'm sure I'd find something, even if I just became some...business guy's wife."
"I think you could do a lot better than that"
"You do?"
"Yeah, I mean... I think you could end up a doctor's wife." 
"You really think so?"
"j'en suis sûr mademoiselle" (I'm sure of it mademoiselle) I smiled kissing her hand, "I'll leave you to rest." I smiled getting up to head back to work,
"Thank you, Jack."
"You're welcome Y/n." 
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