#my artful dodger masterlist
forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
My Artful Dodger Masterlist
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Rated T
And Spit at the Stars (And Scream in the Dark) Belle dies on the table. Jack x Belle | 962
Fair Days Jack's troubled by questions of love and fairness. Hetty knows something of both. Hetty x Jack | 2k
Lettuce-In-Law The first marriage proposal of the evening might be ill-conceived, but the second is quite sensible. Belle x Jack | 2.1k
Take What is Given Following Red's caesarean, Hetty reassesses what Belle means to the Port Victory Royal Hospital—and to her. Hetty x Belle | 912
Rated M
Long Leaving For Belle, studying the human body usually comes before intoxication, so this is new. Belle x Jack | 1.6k
Rated E
Amputated Nights Scissors, scalpel, needle, saw—Hetty is always passing Jack his instruments in surgery, and then they pass the night together. Hetty x Jack | 776
Bodies in the Theatre Jack and Belle make a new memory on the operating table where she almost died. Jack x Belle | 1k
Experimental Treatments Belle was the one who'd poured acid all over her thigh. How could Jack not help her? How could he not, afterwards, recall the sensation of rubbing salve into her skin? Jack x Belle | 1k
Private Practicing Belle's waiting until she's married to do all the things she seems to want when she kisses him. Jack's waiting for her to admit she's not that patient. Jack x Belle | 2.5k
remember it once “I’ve never wanted this before.” “What?” “To devote my life to another person. To live instead of just keeping myself alive. I don’t know… I don’t know how to say it…” “You said it very well.” Jack x Belle | 25k
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
The Masterlist of Masterlists
House of the Dragon Characters :
Aegon Targaryen - Here Areon Bracken - Here Davos Blackwood - Here Daemon Targaryen - HERE Gwayne Hightower - Here Jacaerys (Jace) Velaryon - HERE Lucerys (Luke) Velaryon - Here Oscar Tully - Here
Thomas Brodie Sangster Characters :
Adam Douglas (Lewis The Mind Has Mountains) - Here Benny Watts (The Queens Gambit) - No.1 & No.2 Casey (Some Dogs Bite) - Here Donald (Death Of A Superhero) - HERE Jack Dawkins (The Artful Dodger) - No.1 & No.2 & Mrs Dawkins Series Jake Murry (Accused) - Here Malcolm Mclaren (Pistol) - Here Newt (The Maze Runner) - Here Nigel (Orbit Ever After) - Here Paul McCartney (Nowhere Boy) - Here Romulus Augustus (The Last Legion) - Here Samuel Brawne (Bright Star) - Here Samuel Emmerson (My Left Hand Man / Phantom Halo / Sleep No More) - Here Sam (Love Actually) - Here
Matt Smith Characters :
The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) - HERE Daemon Targaryen - HERE Lucien Crown (Morbius)- Here
Tom Holland Characters :
Gregory Cromwell (Wolf Hall) - Here Nathan Drake (Uncharted)- Here Peter Parker (MCU SpiderMan) - Here
Eugene Simon Characters :
Jerome Clarke (House Of Anubis) - HERE Lancel Lannister (Game Of Thrones) - HERE
Isaac Hempstead Wright Characters :
Isaac Hempstead Wright - Here Brandon Stark - Here
Asa Butterfield Characters :
Jacob Portman (MPHFPC) - HERE Willoughby Blake (Slaughter House Rulez) - Here
Other :
Elrond (Rings of Power) - Here Viserys Targaryen (Game Of Thrones) - Here
Commission Page
If you have the time give please Elisview a look - Here
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The Guest. - one
Jack Dawkins x reader. Completed 25 parts fic masterlist
Request: Hey! I have an amazing idea! How about a Jack Dawkins x doctor!reader story, and yes I would like her to be a sick person (same sickness as Belle) and she was finding a cure for herself, but she is from the future, like in the 2000s, if you want it to be 2023 or 2024, and she somehow cam to the 1850s and she and Jack gradually fell in love and a bit of jealous Jack because Sneed also fell in love with her, not Belle but she doesn't like him. And She is close friends with Belle, who is also trying to help in finding the cure for her and the reader and Belle got a job in the hospital together, she got taken in by Belle's father since she didn't have a home in the 1850s. You can write in the beginning that the reader only watched like 5 episodes of the Artful dodger and didn't know the cure yet. Thank you! (This is a long description 😂)
Sitting alone in your small studio apartment you flick off your TV after almost fully binge watching a new show. Your work friend had recommended it after finding out you were a Dickens fan. At first you weren't sure, could they really do it justice yet here you were five episodes in and hooked. Unfortunately you had to go to work. You had a night shift at the local hospital. Night shifts for you often felt easier, not the work exactly; there were always new patients coming in and out of the emergency room. As a doctor you were no stranger to blood and gore and all the strange things people did to each other. You pull your hair up into a messy bun at the top of your head and glance over to your clock.
"Oh shit!" You say grabbing your purse and running out the door. If you didn't go now you'd be late, and honestly you couldn't afford another late on your record. Your boss was already looking for a reason to fire you. Jumping in your car you speed out of the parking garage below the building. The roads were fairly clear for a Friday night, eerily empty. Sure you lived out in the middle of nowhere Australia but this was almost extreme. The tarmac below your wheels was wet, yesterday another unusual thing for mid summer. You mostly ignore the strangeness as you drive, taking your eyes off the road to flick your radio on. When you look back a fog starts to roll in, low to the ground at first, growing steadily until you can hardly see in front of you.
There is a rush of thundering steps charging and you see a great herd of horses speed past you.
"What the-?" You start to say when all your thoughts are stopped. Something large and black had hit the side of your car sending you spinning off the road. The car comes to a stop. Your hands are clenched around the steering wheel. You grab at your chest feeling the tightness there.
"No, not now." It had been a long time since you had felt any pain in your chest. In fact you had been a child when you had your first operation. There had always been a possibility of it coming back as you got older but at only twenty six you didn't think it would be yet. Needing to get air into your lungs you unclip your seat belt and fall out of the car.
The fog was thick and it caught in your throat.
"What is that?" You say out loads to yourself. Coming closer you hear something hard rolling quickly toward you. A large black shadow looming out of the fog. Unable to see properly you don't have enough time to move when the shadow hits you hard, sending you flying to the ground.
A hand is patting your face and you finally look up. It's bright daylight and a woman is knelt beside you, her big, fluffy pink dress is what you notice first.
"My gosh, are you okay?" She asks frantically, "Father we must get her to the hospital." You recognise something about that voice.
"Yes my dear, let's get her in the carriage." An older man with large, white sideburns agrees. Between the two of them they lift you up to your feet and into the carriage.
"What happened?" You ask, fighting the dizziness.
"We hit you with our carriage I'm afraid." The man said, "we may have broken your arm, my dear."
Finally acknowledging your pain you look down at your arm and the strange way it bends.
"hmm yes it looks like it could be a hairline fracture of the Radius bone." You say looking at the shape and swelling of your arm.
"Oh Father, she talks just like Belle." The woman laughed. That name caught your attention and you look back to the fluffy woman.
"Lady Fanny?" You ask.
"Oh you know me?" She says excitedly.
"That makes you Governor Fox?" You say turning the older man. He nods with a smile.
"And who might you be?" Fanny asks.
"Oh um I'm y/n." You say. "I don't understand, how am I here?" You ask them.
"well we put you in here." She answers you a laugh.
"No, no I mean, how am I...this makes no sense at all." You look out of the window and see a bustling town all around you. "Port Victory? Stop the carriage!" You shout to the driver. He pulls at the horse's reins slowing them to stop. You climb out and find yourself surrounded by men in frock coats and women in large dresses. The heat beats down on you and you're sure you had to be dreaming.
"Come on now miss, let's get you back into the carriage!" governor Fox called over to you. You shake your head, still turning around yourself to take it all in. At the exact moment you were turning back toward the carriage a hard body hits into yours, sending both you tumbling to the floor once more. You call out in pain and grab at your arm.
"I'm so sorry, miss, let me help you up." The cheeky English voice says. Your momentarily blinded by the sun above you only able to feel the strong arms pulling you off the ground.
"Your arm looks bad let me, take you inside." You know that voice.
Focusing your eyes you look up into the deep brown ones in front of you.
"Jack Dawkins." You whisper.
He grins down at you.
"So you've heard of me? Come along then, I'll get you all fixed up." He says guiding you towards the hospital, "shall I ask the nurses for some clothes for you, miss?"
"Well, you uhhh you appear to be in your...well you aren't in a dress." Jack stumbles.over his words. You look down at your denim jeans and small white t-shirt.
"Oh, right." Eyes shifting around you see the way people are looking at you and feel utterly exposed. Jack led you into a small private room where he helped you sit on the bed.
"Okay let's have a look." He takes your hurt arm and pulls it towards him gently, "Yes, it's definitely broken. It doesn't seem so bad though." He says.
"A hairline fracture I'd say. We should get a scan on it just to be sure." You say.
"A what?" His eyes narrow in on you.
"Oh, I'm, nothing it needs a, um a splint, right?" You ask trying to recall how medicine worked in the 1800s. Jack studied you with curious eyes.
"Doctor, do you need anything?" Hetty pops her head through the door.
"Ahh yes, please could you get miss...uhh" he looks back at you,
"y/l/n" you announce.
"Yes Miss y/l/n some clothing, please." The nurse nods her head and disappears out of the room. Jack turns back to you and checks your arm once more.
"Yes a splint, very good. How did you...no it's alright I'll be right back." He follows Hetty out the door leaving you alone. Looking around the room you try to make sense of what was happening. This had to be a dream, right. You didn't fall through some magic fog and end up in the middle of TV show. Either way you figured it would be best if you didn't tell anyone where you were really from. The future seemed a bit crazy and could wind you in a jail cell rather than being helped.
When Jack came back into the room he was carrying a small pile of clothes and medical equipment.
"um, the nurses are all busy, would it be okay if I helped you to um, get dressed?" He asked sheepishly.
"Sure, I won't be able to do it myself." You admit. He straps up your arm, a thin wooden plank on top and bottom with a white linen bandage wrapped around your arm. Jack cut the sleeve the grey dress and helped you to step into it. He pulls it up so you can slide your arms into it, material is surprisingly soft but worn. Jack is careful with your broken arm and begins to button the front.
"Thank you for this." You say in a quiet voice.
"Of course. How did you get hurt?" He asks.
"Oh a carriage, um, Governor Fox's carriage." You say, still not fully sure what happened yourself.
"And he just left you?" Annoyance flashed across his face.
"No, god no. He was bringing me here but I was too curious, I guess." You laugh.
Just as you were speaking you hear Edmund Fox talking in the corridor with the nurses.
"She is just in here with the Doctor, sir." Hetty knocks and opens the door, "The Governor is here for the lady."
"Ahh there you are, well how are we doing?" Fox asks.
"A simple break, Governor. Miss Y/l/n will be fine with a few weeks rest, the bone will repair itself." Jack explained. Fanny came darting in to your side.
"Oh, thank the lord you're okay." She said grabbing you as if you were old friends, "where are you staying?" She asks.
"I insist you stay with us for the duration of your recovery." Fox said very matter-of-factly. You shake your head.
"I couldn't do that-" you begin to protest.
"It is a good place to recover, miss." Jack cuts you off, "I will visit you there on my rounds, to check on your healing." He smiled.
You think for a moment, realising you were changing the course of events already. Though ultimately you agree and follow the Fox's out of the hospital and back into the carriage.
Jack watched as you walked away.
"Strange one, she is." Hetty remarked standing beside him.
"She's remarkable, knew exactly what was wrong with her arm, but you aren't wrong there is something odd about her." He mused.
"Red was looking for you, said there is a card game tonight on the ship." Hetty told him.
At Government house you stood in the parlour with Fanny and Belle, Smales sat at the table.
"We'll take you to the seamstress tomorrow. She has a few dresses we can have fitted to you immediately." Fanny chatted away.
"I appreciate it, Fanny, but I don't have any money to pay for dresses." You say.
"Oh, none of that. Miss y/l/n. We did you a grave service today. It would be our pleasure to ensure your stay here be as pleasant as possible. Think nothing of any cost." Edmund spoke up from his chair, their dog sat on his lap. You thank him then turn to Belle.
"Lady Belle, have you been to the hospital at all?" You ask trying to keep yourself as neutral as you could.
"No I have not, though I would like to." She sighed.
"Oh we will have to get you a dress for the ball tomorrow night." Fanny clapped happily.
"your ball is tomorrow?" You ask, realisation dawning on you. "I'm sorry I need to go somewhere." You jump up and run for the door.
As always let me know what you think of this one.
Comment, like, reblog etc
PT 2
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islayhawkin · 9 months
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Last updated: 31.07.24
Fluff = ♡ ; hurt/comfort = ☆ ; angst = ♤
ace!reader ; autistic!reader
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Sherlock Holmes | BBC 🎻
~ Denial ♡
Sherlock doesn't want to feel the feelings he has for you but still can't help but enjoy the attention he gets from you.
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Ominis Gaunt | Hogwarts legacy
~ Capable of love ☆♤
Ominis tried to kiss you but it didn't go as planned which brings up insecurities in him.
~ Sleep ☆♤
Based on my headcanon: At home ominis had to sleep on the floor as a punishment so he still feels safest sleeping on the floor.
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Newt | Maze Runner 🌿
~ Let me help you ♡☆
you're both in love with eachother and newt pays you a visit in the med hut so you can take care of his limp.
~ Let me take care of you ☆♤
newt accidentally overhears you talking about liking him but he thinks you were talking about minho. he gets insecure and unstable.
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Jack Dawkins | The artful dodger
~ Rescue ☆♤
jack is accused of thieving and you take the blame for him instead.
~ Could that be enough? - ace!reader ♡
you're asexual and decide it's time to have the talk with jack
~ Compliment ♡
you wake up together and spend time as he escortes you to a social gathering
~ Savior ☆♤
you get hurt and jack does everything in his power to save you
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Captain John Price | COD
~ It's from her ☆
The task force learns that John's beanie holds way more importance to him than it should
Simon "ghost" riley | COD
~ Coming home - ace!reader ♡☆
~ HC: simon with ED
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average-vibe · 9 months
”Are You Well?” pairing: Tom Simons x Fem!reader summary: you have a killer headache, and your boyfriend is very worried about you TW: cursing, so much fluff, and unedited work (lmk if i missed anything) A/N: this is my first Tommyinnit fic! hope you like it! i definitely didn’t get the title idea from the artful dodger masterlist ****
you quietly groaned in pain as your boyfriend, bless his soul, yelled out on joy, proceeded by a loud laugh.
“WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?” Tom continued, laughing along with the sounds of his keyboard keys getting smashed by his quick fingers. you held your head in your hands, trying to ease the banging pain in you temples. after about 5 more minutes of loud shenanigans going on in his office, you resorted to going in there, hoping he would calm down when he saw you. you slowly made your way to his office, and when you opened the door, his demeanor became a gentle, kinder looking one.
“Oh look! it’s the love of my life!” he said in a calm manner. you had been in some videos and more streams, but you rarely came in unplanned.
“Hey, can i stay in here?” you asked, looking at his monitor, slightly surprised to see how tired and, well, bad you looked.
”if you’d like. i’m doing a mod stream.” he replied, smiling at you, a twinge of worry in his eyes.
you then saw the chat, and as you moved closer, you could see some of the comments.
fruity-sky: LOVE UUUU
random.user1928: are u ok? how u doin?
barbie*gurl*barbie*world: hope ur doing well :)
You smiled at the ‘fans’ you had, giving a small wave. “Hey guys! how’s the stream going?” you asked.
“Going pretty good, better now, though.” Tommy flirted, smirking at the camera. “Obviously, i make everything better.” you teased, shrugging your shoulders as you sat down in a small stool designated for you. it was titled the “Y/N throne” (named by tubbo). You caught tom slightly glancing at you in a worried type of way as you answered some questions about how life was going. you shrugged it off, supposing it was something on your face, or maybe the dark circles that had gathered underneath your eyes.
Finally, you had finished introducing yourself, you sat back and watched your boyfriend joke around with his fans with the mods, which had made every tame animal hostile, and every hostile animal tame.
“AAAAGH!” Tommy yelled, as a chicken began to attack him. it was funny, but the sudden yell made you flinch in pain, your head in agony. you shut your eyes and tried to distract yourself, but the pain in your forehead was too prominent to be dismissed. your boyfriend looked back at you, as he clearly noticed your sudden change in additude.
“you okay?” he quietly spoke, trying to not draw attention to you, but no matter what, obviously his fans were going to take note of what happened.
username: is she okay?
papi susis: look at her; is she well?
you quickly nodded, smiling for effect, but you knew tom didn’t buy a second of it. but he simply nodded in return and turned back to his monitor, attempting to react to some comments taht chat was making, most of which about you, worried about your well-being.
“Yeah, i’m SO excited to meet up with them.” tom rambled, referring to his plans to meet up with Bill, Aimsey, and Ranboo. “I think y/ns going aswell, aren’t you?” he asked, turning to you.
“yeah, if you’ll let me.” you joked. “i’ll go as long as you let me out of the basement.”
“wHAT?” he reacted, the small yell going straight to your migraine, but you continued in your smirk, not wanting to ruin the stream with your headache.
the rest of the stream was spent with you laughing slightly at tom, who kept making flirtatious remarks towards you, making you blush a deep red and all the fans go crazy. after what seemed like forever, he finally signed off, saying goodbye to his fans and ending the stream.
“What’s the matter?” he said, almost immediately after ending the live. you studied him, looking at his eyes that were drowned in worry for you. his eyebrows that were furrowed together in stress. and his mouth that had hints of a smile at the ends of his mouths.
“what’s the matter? you’ve been staring at me for like, 30 seconds straight.” he said.
“oh. sorry.” you said, standing up from your “throne”. “i’m gonna go to bed.” you said, walking to the door until you felt a strong grip on your arm, holding you from advancing any further.
“Y/N. What is the matter?” he asked, the third time now. “Are you well?”
“i’m okay.” you said, playing a small smile.
Tom didn’t but it for a second.
“No your not.” he said, standing up, his frame towering above you. loosened his grip on your arm and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“i just have a headache, Tommy. That’s it, i promise.”
“how bad is it?”
you looked down, trying not to let him see your eyes. “Umm..”
“is it one of you worse ones?” tom asked, with nothing but concern in his eyes.
“yeah. a really bad one. the worst one yet.”you said, in one big string of words.
Tom held you close, giving you a gentle hug. “I suppose my screaming didn’t help much.” he guessed, looking guilty.
you hugged him tighter, sighing. “No, it really didn’t. but it’s part of your job.” you defended him, holding his face in your hands.
“I need to think about you more. i only think about my fans during streams. i never think about you. i’m sorry, love.” Tommy says, guilt covering all of his emotions.
“It’s okay.” you say, smiling.
“Do you wanna go cuddle in bed?” he asks, almost innocently.
“i would love to.” you say. “just let me get my headache medicine.”
“no, let me do it.” he says, jumping infront of you, walking to the closet.
for the rest of the night, he wouldn’t let you do anything, insisting that ‘you need to rest!’ before doing it for you.
when you finally fell asleep, he kissed your head.
“sleep well, love.
***** A/N: that sucked but wtvr.. sorry for taking so long on the stream part lol
hope you liked it
love u
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lvrsparadise · 1 year
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A/N - New theme! Tmr, The Artful Dodger, and TVD
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STURNIOLOS ! (including friends!)
Matt Sturniolo -
'JEALOUS' | synopsis - She's always liked him.
'CIGARETTES OUT THE WINDOW' | synopsis - When she has a rough time quitting her addiction.
'FOURTH OF JULY' | synopsis - This was never supposed to happen. Not today.
'LUCKY' | synopsis - She's just lucky.
'I'LL ALWAYS BE HERE' | synopsis - When she had a bad day and breaks down in her boyfriend's loving arms
'CAN YOU?' | synopsis - "Baby, are you struggling?" "Yes. Can you help me."
'AFTER DARK' | synopsis - "But... why do you hate that you like it?" "Because I'm supposed to hate you! And I can't do that when I'm in love with you!"
'GAMER' | synopsis - "Tired?" "Mhm."
'WHY (NOT)?' | synopsis - "There was six of us. Now I'm alone."
'FUZZY' | synopsis - "Woah there, getting fuzzy, aren't we?"
'YOUR ARMS' | synopsis -"I never realized how much I love being in your arms I guess."
'I GOT THE STARS FOR YOU' | synopsis - "I mean that much to you?" "Of course you do. I've loved you since high school Y/N."
'ALWAYS' | synopsis - "You and me, always forever."
'i can't go on.' | synopsis - "Matt, please don' go." "I wasn't planning on it."
'PRETTY GIRL' | synopsis - "you're so pretty. my pretty girl."
'WICKED GAME' | synopsis - "And I never dream that I'd lose somebody like you."
'STRANGERS' | synopsis - "and then one random night when everything changes, you won't reply, and we'll go back to strangers."
'I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS' | synopsis - "if only daddy had only seen mommy kissing Santa Clause last night."
Chris Sturniolo -
'CLINGY' | synopsis - All she wanted was to talk to her boyfriend.
'BLIND' (I) | synopsis - They're so in love with each other, they're oblivious.
'WILL YOU?' (II) | Synopsis - After his return, feelings are confessed, and dates are made.
'Claustrophobia' |synopsis - "Breathe, it's okay. I'm right here."
'LOUD' | synopsis - "Can you be quieter?" "Can you be louder?"
'FACETIME' | synopsis - "What up bro."
'dummies in love' | synopsis - "What? I can't kiss my girlfriend when I want to?"
Nathan Doe -
'MY (OUR) FUTURE' | Synopsis - "You really thought that far ahead?" "Of course. I just want what's best for my lady."
Platonic -
'A FEW TOO MANY' | synopsis - "this kid i swear."
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Have a wonderful day and / or night !!
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chemical-killjoy · 1 year
Greetings Dear Reader! Right now the majority of the fics on my masterlist are from my old blogs, @immrbrightsideeee and @remingtonisleithal, so most links will take you to that, any and all notes on those posts I am not likely to see for a bloody long time, so please message me or send an ask or something if you really liked the fics/want a sequel or are anything! Also if you like my writing, check out @smiling-girl and @fandomfoodiedancer, they're amazing <33
Requests are OPEN
(and encouraged lol)
I write for a whole bunch of fandoms, but here's the ones I can think of: arcane, black veil brides, bridgerton, maneskin, marvel, motionless in white, my chemical romance, palaye royale, pierce the veil, the artful dodger, the raven cycle (books), and supernatural :)
If you like my writing, here's the link to join my taglist (It's very important you guys fill this out if you wanna join my taglist as I do write some serious, dark topics sometimes) and here's a link to buy me a coffee
updated: 15/12/23
Damiano David:
*A night to remember 1/2
smut. Damiano is attracted to reader singing iwbys
Movie and a kiss
the reader had a fight with their family and Damiano looks after them
Fast Car (trigger warning)
Honestly this is just angst and emotional and if you don’t cry I have failed as a writer. But it’s got a happy ending!!
Vic de Angelis:
Knight in Shining Armour
Vic saves the reader from a creep at a bar
Remington Leith:
*Caught in the Storm
reader and remington share a bed in a storm. What ever will happen?
Feel better
comfort fic, remington takes the reader on an adventure to feel better
*Only one answer (part two of Feel Better)
I will find you
mesmerized by someone in the crowd, remington has to find the reader
Something beautiful (part 2 of I will find you)
I Just Need Some Air*
young!Remington and the reader are at a party and after confessing their feelings things get heated.
Better Than Nutella
Remington is hooked on his new friend’s cooking, and smile.
Movie Night
Remington and Y/N have a movie night
Morning Light: (this is a collab with @cursivetalk)
vampire Remington, based on the tonight is the night I die video. Series, currently being written.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Emerson Barrett:
Teach me
emerson teaches the reader the drums
Andy Biersack:
Don’t go (trigger warning) (there is comfort)
I Don’t Wanna Be Alone (trigger warning) (with comfort)
Love isn’t always fair *
After a concert Andy reveals his love for his best friend
Mortician’s Daughter (trigger warning)
Thomas Raggi:
Moonlight’s Curse (part 1)
werewolf!thomas, a series being written :)
Mistakes and Misunderstandings
Ronnie Radke:
pwp really, Ronnie meets Y/N in a bar and things happen
Vic Fuentes:
Hell Over Me (trigger warning) (happy ending)
Frank Iero:
Not A Kid *
TW brief mention of abuse, age gap. Y/N works for MCR and it turns out Frank likes her just as much as she likes him
Gerard Way:
Cemetery Drive
TW for suicide and self harm. Y/N visits her ex’s grave, and is surprised to find him there
Hang Em High
Cemetery drive part 2
Demolition Lovers
Part 3 and final chapter of Cemetery Drive
Kisses and Coffee
Coffee shop and accidental kiss AU
Dean Winchester:
Life In (Rose) Pink
Dean is a romantic cliche trying his hardest
Chris Motionless:
Eternally Yours *
Based on the music video
You Decide
Reader has a breakdown and Jinx helps them
Jack Dawkins/Dodger:
Healing Kiss *
Reader is in hospital, but Dr. Dawkins is there to heal her. TW for self harm, suicide and mentions of abuse.
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Hi everyone, I'm Rin, welcome!
I'm a multifandom writer and you can send requests for headcanons, fics, etc. I can write for ships but currently I’m mainly doing x readers (no smut)
I'm also currently in school, so please be kind if I don't respond for a bit :) I wrote this when I started my blog, now it's more like please accept the most heightened sorrow and apologetic energy I'm sending you because fics are coming many months after request
Besides writing this is mainly a maze runner blog, plus whatever else I decide to put on it - at this stage likely to be stranger things, the artful dodger, the marauders, and the umbrella academy
Tags: #my writing (just fics), #rin's saved (my fav posts of all time), #asks, #not fic (any non-fic posts)
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Fandoms I write for (+ masterlist):
My personal favs: ✩, my most popular: ❀
(gn) = gender neutral reader, (f) = fem, (m) = masc
Come back to me: Part 1 & Part 2 (gn) All in two days: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (gn) ✩ You're my favourite: Part 1 & Part 2 (gn) Tides (f) Play me something? (m) ❀ Strawberry kisses (f) Angel boy & Perfect without (gn) Soul sister (f) The night we met (gn)
✩ Invisible string (f) Calm and Storm (f) Intertwined (f) Thomas Relationship Headcanons (gn) Something I Need (f)
Love your touches (not in a weird way) (f) Classic (f) Just cuddles and kisses (f) ✩ Real or not real (f) First date (gn) ✩ Teenage dream (f)
Scars (gn)
It's you and me (f)
Everyone (platonic)
The Heart (gn) Shields: Part 1 & ✩ Part 2 (f) ✩ Hope (f) Born to run (f) ✩ Look after each other for me (f) ✩ Yellow painted skies (m) ✩ Everyone loves Y/n (gn)
Stiles Stilinski
New kids
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Kira Yukimura
HARRY POTTER (main cast and marauders)
George Weasley
It's a love story (f)
Beth Harmon
My girl (f)
Benny Watts
Jack Dawkins
Belle Fox
Five Hargreeves (note that his age is a bit fiddly, so fics will be set a) before he jumps forward, b) in an AU where he never jumps, or c) the time he spent in the apocalypse will be reduced. also depends on whether requests specify reader's age range)
Peter Parker (tasm or mcu -verse)
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
If you're looking for any fandom/character that's not on this list just send an ask and I'll see if I know it well enough to write it
Requests are open!!
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New Girl In Town - Bookstore Owner!Chris AU (Headcanon)
A/N: okay so I literally couldn’t stop thinking about this little universe and thus this was born because I have no chill
Summary: As you explore your new town you stumble across your version of paradise
Warnings: Bookish Fluff! Not edited at all!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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It had been two months since you moved into the small town of Sudbury
You knew nothing about the area, or anyone else who lived here but it was a small price to pay for your dream job working at a small independent publishing company
You had slowly began to make friends at your job but your days off were spent in solitude, exploring the small town you now called home
One of your co-workers had suggested you check out this small cafe on one of the smaller side streets
Her directions weren’t the best though so despite your best efforts you couldn’t find it, not even google maps could help
As you were about to make your way back onto the Main Street, you spotted a small bookstore that instantly captured your attention with its old school look
A small bell chimed as you pushed the door open, and the feeling of warmth instantly hit you, the smell of books filling your nostrils
You had barely stepped inside and you felt more at home than you did in your apartment
The wooden floorboards creaked as you slowly began exploring the quiet shop, your fingers gently brushing over the spines of the books
You were pretty deep into the store when you found a dog who kinda looked like the Artful Dodger from Oliver and Company curled up on a dog bed
The pup lifted its head, tail gently wagging as you bent down to stroke the top of its head
“Hi is there anything I could help you find?” A deep voice says behind you.
You quickly stand back up, turning around to face the man, smoothing out your clothes when you saw just how handsome this stranger was, wearing a cable knit sweater, a pile of book in his hands
“Oh uh no I was just looking, is this your dog?” You ask.
“Yeah his name’s Dodger, found him on the doorstep a few years back and we’ve been hanging together ever since” the man smiles “I’m Chris by the way” he adds holding out his free hand.
“Y/N” you smile shaking his hand.
Chris repeats your name with a gentle smile “are you new around here? I’ve just never seen you before and I know I’d remember seeing you around if you weren’t”
You tried to stop the blush the crept up onto your cheeks, ducking your head to hide it instead “yeah moved in a couple months ago, i’ve just been exploring the town”
“Oh nice, have you checked out Mugs and Magic, best coffeehouse in town” Chris asks
“No I was actually trying to find it when I found this place” you tell him.
“It’s a pretty easy place to miss, doesn’t look like a coffeehouse at all” Chris chuckles “I can draw you a map” he offers nodding his head back towards the front desk
“That would be amazing thank you” you smile following him over to the front desk
He quickly grabbed a scrap piece of paper and drew you a simple map that showed the way from the bookstore to the coffeehouse “there you go, is there anything else I can help you with?”
"actually you don't happen to have a copy of The Mysterious Affair Of Styles do you? Don't worry if you don't I know its pretty rare, and I know I could just get it on my Kindle but..." you ask
"but its not as nice as reading a physical copy" Chris says with a smile at the same time as you
"exactly, you don't get the book smell" you say with a bashful smile
"well we don't have it but I'll keep my eyes out for it" Chris offers
“That’ll be amazing, i’ll see you around, I’m sure you’ll be seeing me in here a lot” you smile taking a step back, glancing around the shop
"i look forward to it" Chris smiles are you walk back towards the door
"see you around Chris" you smile as you step outside the chime of the bell signalling your exit
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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ir3ssa · 18 days
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r4p3 (cnc is different)
full on gore
Fatui! Scara NSFW headcanons
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
-coming soon
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
second's (eclectic) masterlist
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Hello! Under the cut, you’ll find all the fics I’ve written for these fandoms:
The Artful Dodger ⁎ Bodyguard ⁎ Bridgerton ⁎ Daisy Jones & The Six
Daybreak ⁎ Deadly Class ⁎ Dickinson ⁎ A Discovery of Witches ⁎ Dollface
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ⁎ For All Mankind ⁎ Gilmore Girls ⁎ Hawkeye
Heartstopper ⁎ The Irregulars ⁎ Loki ⁎ The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Masters of the Air ⁎ My Lady Jane ⁎ Nancy Drew ⁎ Never Have I Ever
Peaky Blinders ⁎ Percy Jackson and the Olympians ⁎ Preacher
The Queen's Gambit ⁎ Riverdale ⁎ Sanditon ⁎ Schmigadoon! ⁎ Sex Education
The Sex Lives of College Girls ⁎ Stranger Things ⁎ Ted Lasso
The Umbrella Academy ⁎ WandaVision ⁎ Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
The Wilds
Avengers: Endgame ⁎ Black Widow ⁎ The Hunger Games ⁎ Inception
King Kong ⁎ Marriage Story ⁎ No Time to Die ⁎ Spider-Man ⁎ Star Trek
Thor: Ragnorak ⁎ Top Gun: Maverick ⁎ Twisters ⁎ Wonder Woman
daisy jones & the six
E / 3k / Eddie x Camila - “Just Like Andy Warhol Said”
T / 1k - “Life and Death in Laurel Canyon”
E / 4k / Karen x Graham - “Typical Wonderful View”
deadly class
E / 5k / Petra x Billy - “Rats’ Waltz”
E / 9k / Petra x Billy x Lex - “We Test on Rats”
M / 2k / Emily x Sue - “Another Dickinson”
T / 1k - “How Luscious Lies”
G / 376 / Emily x Sue - “Lands Away”
a discovery of witches (phoebe x marcus)
E / 2k - “Gladly Be a Fool”
E / 3k - “The Night Today”
the falcon and the winter soldier
T / 7k / Sam x Bucky - 3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian
T / 1k - “À la Carter”
E / 5k / Bucky x Sarah - “Chasing Water Pumps”
E / 8k / Sam x Bucky - The Great Madripoorian Snake Off
T / 3k / Bucky x Sarah - “Guest Side Story”
T / 3k / Sam x Bucky - “Never a Gull Moment”
T / 4k / Sam x Bucky - “Stare Enough”
T / 2k / Sam x Bucky - “They're Sayin' (You're Gonna Be My Man)”
for all mankind
T / 1k / Margo x Sergei - “The Bridges of Madison”
G / 286 / Pam x Ellen - “Ode to the Front Porch”
T / 1k - “This Mortal Doyle”
gilmore girls (rory x jess)
E / 11k - Dreams I’ve Yet to Find
E / 24k - You Need Me to Be With You
the hunger games
E / 2k / Peeta x Johanna - “Elevator Pitch”
E / 2k / Katniss x Peeta - “Finally, Finally”
E / 4k / Katniss x Cato - “Lonely at the Top”
G / 1k - “If You're a Robot and You Know It, Clap Your Hands”
G / 1k - “Mr. Second Chance”
T / 2k - “Riding in Cars With Lokis”
my lady jane
T / 1k / Guildford x Jane - “After the Horse Has Bolted”
E / 3k / Jane x Guildford - “Bad Latin”
E / 3k / Jane x Guildford - “Emotionally Stabled”
E / 15k / Jane x Guildford - It's Enough, It's Enough
E / 4k / Guildford x Jane - “Pure Grey”
T / 4k / Stan x Frances - “So, Hey, Check Me Out”
E / 1k / Jane x Guildford - “These Days Forth”
never have i ever (devi x paxton)
E / 4k - “Boy Meets Girlfriend”
M / 2k - “No Harm, No Towel”
T / 4k - “Runaway Ride”
M / 5k - “Swimming the Sonoran”
peaky blinders
E / 15k / Tommy x Grace - The Grand Dream of Things
E / 3k / Tommy x May - “Preferred Pastimes”
percy jackson and the olympians (2023- )
G / 830 / Sally x Poseidon - “but for the grace of gods”
G / 1k - “lullaby for a rottweiler”
T / 1k / Percy x Annabeth - “salt-and-vinegar dreams”
G / 967 / Percy x Annabeth - “soundtrack to a tooth alignment”
M / 875 / Sally x Poseidon - “a tall, tall tale no one believes”
sex education
E / 3k / Ola x Lily - “and the stars (they all aligned)”
E / 2k / Maeve x Isaac - “Please May I…?”
star trek
E / 3k / Bones x Carol - “The Deserted Planet, the Gorgeous Woman, and the Goddamn Torpedo”
E / 7k / Scotty x Jaylah - Something to Fix
stranger things
T / 2k / Steve x Nancy - “Always Mr. Right”
T / 458 / Eddie x Chrissy - “And Here’s to You, Chrissy Cunningham”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Kate Escape”
T / 1k / Lucas x Max - “The Lovers’ Lake Effect”
ted lasso
E / 8k / Keeley x Rebecca - “Cat Ladies”
T / 1k - “Crimminology”
E / 2k / Roy x Keeley - “The Halftime of It”
E / 3k / Ted x Sassy - “Sass Backwards”
E / 34k / Darcy x Jimmy - Hex Life
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Mailbox Blues”
T / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “The Neighbour Never Rings Twice”
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “One Papaya, Two Papaya”
T / 26k / Darcy x Jimmy - Only in a Sitcom
G / 1k / Wanda x Vision - “Our Names in a Heart”
why didn’t they ask evans? (frankie x bobby)
E / 2k - “One-Man Chauffeur”
E / 5k - “Sailors’ Hands”
the wilds
T / 2k - “Fourth Coming”
T / 738 - “Interviews by the Pool”
T / 1k / Shelby x Toni - “a verse about expecting the worst”
Avengers: Endgame : Dolls' Eyes
Black Widow : “Same Day, Different Jumpsuit”
Bodyguard : “Don’t Ever Let Me Start”
Daybreak : “Garden-Variety Monsters”
Dollface : “Fender Is the Night”
Hawkeye : “An All-American January Christmas”
Heartstopper : “we sum up perfection like a handbook”
Inception (2010) : “Je Ne Regrette Rien”
The Irregulars : “The Sun Is Coming Up (I Think It’s Time)”
King Kong (2005) : “I’m Actually Quite Familiar With Your Work”
Marriage Story (2019) : “the whole night and the next day together”
No Time to Die : “The Blood You Owe”
Preacher : “Lonely, Handsome”
Sanditon : “Finding Georgiana”
Schmigadoon! : “I Fleetly Flee, I Fly”
The Sex Lives of College Girls : “An Abundance of Caution Tape”
Thor: Ragnorak : “In the Arms of the Anus”
Twisters (2024) : “get ya thinkin' (that you need me)”
The Umbrella Academy : “The Park Across the Way”
Wonder Woman (2017) : “Unconquered”
my fic masterlists
10 fics - the artful dodger
10 fics - bridgerton
13 fics - the marvelous mrs. maisel (midge x lenny)
12 fics - masters of the air
13 fics - nancy drew
13 fics - the queen's gambit (beth x benny)
38 fics - riverdale
71 fics - spideychelle
21 fics - top gun: maverick
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Prisoner of War: Part 2
Disclaimer: I don’t own Maus or any of Spiegelman’s work. I have attached the photos from the work itself, but do not claim to own the scanned version either. I highly recommend purchasing the book to support the original author. My thoughts do not represent the author's work and are merely my own interpretations.
Warning: MAUS is a graphic novel based on the author’s father’s experiences during the holocaust and includes anecdotes and scenes including violence, blood which may be considered triggering. 
Introduction: The work MAUS by Art Spiegelman is a novel that tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman and his experiences during the holocaust using an allegory and parallel storylines to depict the Vladek's past and Artie's present as he hears the story from his father. This work includes an autobiographical and biographical element due to the inclusion of two main characters - Vladek and Artie. Spiegelman makes the decision to introduce himself as a character in the work as a mouthpiece for himself.
Main Characters: Artie: The author Vladek: Artie's father Anja: Artie's mother Mala: Vladek's second wife Françoise: Artie's wife
Navigation ->Prisoner of War Masterlist -> Previous Part
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MAUS by Art Spiegelman
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Points of Interest:
Foot stop
Artie uses a visual depiction to pause the story, emphasising the control the narrator version has, which shapes how he writes the work. Another point to note is that his tail is out. A lot of the mouse features are seen as defining parts of them- and having his tail out suggests a comfort in his identity and his location.
Vladek starts out his story of the war in a dark surrounding. The gloomy and dreary forest highlight his weak and frail body structure. Artie is not ready to discuss this story yet, but we see Vladek at a tilt holding his gun in a defensive position suggesting him being at the mercy of his assailants. We will see this again in the next part where we start the actual story of the war.
Paternal love
Vladek resembles his imposing father, and we see a repetition in the discipline the fathers in the Spiegelman family try to impart. It is worth a mention that I find the motivations quite honourable- not wanting your son to go to war is not a bad thing. Artie introduces us to the methods of draft dodgers, and shows very little concern for his father. The passionate love the Spiegelmans have for their sons is visible, and its suffocating nature shows us how they end up rebelling.
The Lamp
Vladek is shrouded in the darkness even in the present and we previously pointed out that it suggests him being a dark place. His chair is seen with lines, and kind of suggests a similar jail like emotion highlighting his entrapment and Artie as an outsider to his stories.
Vladek's poor health
The events described could cause his health issues in the present, and we realise that the lines between the past and present are drawn clearly. They have directly impacted the way Vladek lives now, and as a result Artie's reactions to him. The lack of nutrition and a gallon of coffee would have probably made him weak even before the war and holocaust and we sympathise with Vladek for the ordeals he has survived.
Visual Elements to show sickness
The use of bubbles and dark circles are influential in encouraging the readers to see Vladek's dazed and unhealthy state. The curved in face is used to denote to the point of exaggeration of his mistreatment, and emphasises how those around with sympathise with him. This is exaggerated by his father's strict posture, mimicking Vladek's present body language.
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Next Part
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The guest PT 25
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You awake to the sound of laughter outside. And slide from your warm bed. You wrap a thing blanket around your shoulders and walk out to your yard. There by the crystal clear lake Jack was playing with two small children. A girl and a boy. It had been five years to the day that you arrived in Port Victory and one dream had finally come true.
"my love, it's time to get ready for work." You call over to him. Your blonde daughter comes dancing over to you and hugs you around the waist. You pat her hair.
"Already? We only just began to play." He laughs, lifting the boy over his shoulder and walking over to you.
"Come on, we've got work and Fanny will be here soon to look after the children." You explain taking the boy from him.
"Go get your shoes, children." You say and they dart off together. You and Jack walk inside to get ready for the day.
As you pulled your trousers up and buttoned them you heard Jack welcoming Fanny into the house. She was there to collect your two children for the day. She had become closer than any sister over the years and now would take your son and daughter along with her own when you and Jack both needed to work. She had married Lord Grinlow eight months after the incident with Oliver Twist and quickly gave birth to two beautiful twin boys. You dart down to see her and give her a hug. She looked beautiful in her pale blue dress and bright smile.
"Thank you, Fanny." You say as you did every day.
"Anything for my sister." She giggled.
Jack took your arm in his and you walked towards the hospital were you both worked.
Sneed had become a wonderful head surgeon, bringing in many new practices from around the world. A few months ago he and Belle had announced their engagement, though she had admitted to you it was more of convenience than love. She wanted to move out of her parents house and his brother wouldn't release the nutmeg money until he was married. Belle was also working in the hospital as a surgeon in the women's wing. You were in there as well, working happily to help any woman that came in, no matter what they needed.
In a way this was a perfect life for you. There are times when you recall your old life. Moments when you miss things, like a microwave or your hairdryer. Yet, none of that could compare to the life you were living with Jack and your children.
Jack kissed you at the hospital door, his hands on your jaw.
"Is Fagin here today?" You ask.
"I'd rather you didn't think about him when I kiss you." He laughs, "Yes, I suspect so. He has too much money and nothing to do."
"At least he bathed now." You smile against his lips, "have a good day"you said.
"I love you." He replied to you.
The end
Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed this story!
I'm going to take a little break from the Artful Dodger for a bit but requests for other TBS are welcome. Much love to you all for reading along. 💜
@afalls14universe @fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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islayhawkin · 8 months
My fic recs
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Collection of fics I really enjoyed and I reread all the time if you read through all of mine already ;)
Check all the amazing writers out! Jack dawkins | the artful dodger
literally anything from @the-fiction-witch
Battle scars
I‘m listening
Breathless P2
Ominis gaunt | Hogwarts legacy
Let me in by @ravenelyx
You were the first by @spaceyaceface
Loving hand by @cursedonyx
Nikolai Lantsov | grishaverse
If I knew by @luna-writes-stuff
Anchor by @bey0nd-1he-stars
Newt | the maze runner Get your hands off my girlfriend by @when-worlds-end-archive
dating headcanons by @heliads
running accident by @ineedrickgrimes
Matt Murdock | Marvel
Out of the shadow by @courtforshort15
Sherlock Holmes | bbc sherlock
Seeing your ghost by @sherlocks-blanket
all Sherlock fics from @starks-hero check them out in their masterlist!
𝚃𝚑𝚎 ���𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚌𝚌𝚞𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝟸𝟸𝟷𝙱 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚝 by @teigo-the-explorer
safe place by @lykaonimagines
Spiraling by @stupidthoughtsinwriting
Remus Lupin | Harry potter
Remus‘ hands headcanons by @shaynawrites23
Full moon one shot by @moonlightspencie
Routine by @emy-222
Illness and comfort by @emy-222
Raphael santiago | the shadowhunters
Bound by blood by @defectivevillain
Kieran duffy | red dead redemption 2
His undeserving pitiful comfort by @luvliewriting
Arthur Morgan | red dead redemption 2
Your protector by @cowboydisaster
The fire in your eyes series by @cowboydisaster
Simon "ghost" riley | Call of duty
It all comes crashing down by @tacticaldiary
Not a hero just a good man by @just-a-sewer-goblin
gentle touch by @staytrueblue
Captain John Price | Call of duty
From far distant waters by @halcyone-of-the-sea
Baby blues by @yeyinde
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(minho x ace!reader) Just cuddles and kisses by @justwearthegoddamncardigan
Possibilities by @GenuineRoseW
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yup-thats-me · 7 months
Hi do you write for the Artful Dodger? If you do I have a request.
unfortunately, I haven't watched it yet :( but I do plan to!! I'll update my masterlist when i do :3
0 notes
lvrsparadise · 1 year
Lovers Paradise ★
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Hi! My name is Lily !
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Fandoms I'll write for !
The Artful Dodger / The Maze Runner / Teen Wolf (currently obsessed)
The Vampire Diaries | The Queen’s Gambit | Scream | Avatar | Kick-Ass | Titans | Marvel | TASM | X-Men | Bullet Train | OBX | PLL | Riverdale | Wednesday | Fast and Furious | 10 things I hate about you | Jake and Johnnie | Sam and Colby | Why Don't We | Sturniolo Triplets | The Originals | And It
I'll also write for the actors !
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About me! ★
My favorite season is fall !
I'm 14 !
My birthday is October 1st !
I'm a Matt girl !
I use a computer !
My favorite artist is The Weeknd !
My favorite song is Yellow Box by The Neighborhood !
My current favorite book series is the Crave series by Tracy Wolff !
I have a Maltese-Dotson mix, and his name is Sam !
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Spotify ! | Pinterest ! | Masterlist ! | Instagram ! | Wattpad ! | Prompt list !
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My favorite blogs ! ★
@dwntwn-strnlo ✮ @oneirophobic ✮ @querenciasturniolo ✮ @ssturniolo ✮
@murdrdocs ✮ @stvrni0lo ✮ @megamett44-lover ✮ @madisturniolo ✮
@prettysturniolo ✮ @thetriplets3 ✮ @20nugs ✮ @lustfulslxt ✮
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I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful day and / or night ! Remember to take care of yourself and I love y'all ! ★
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