#Hey- Subconscious?
capricorn-0mnikorn · 8 months
Had one of my "Elevator Dreams," recently (-ish?). And it's been lingering...
At some sort of convention for the geekily weird, and generally having a good, if confused, time (I think I and my dream companions stumbled upon it, rather than having made plans to attend).
And in the hallway where the bank of elevators was, one elevator opening was as wide/large as an industrial loading dock space, and it was missing its doors, leaving the elevator shaft open (one misstep, and someone could plummet hundreds of feet to their death).
As we were commenting on this, and telling each other to be careful, the elevator car comes up, and stops at that floor. I don't think the other elevators were responding to the pushing of buttons, so I and one other decide to get into the elevator car...
Only to find the inside just as vast and industrial, with dim lighting, machinery, grey steel, etc., as the loading dock opening would suggest. ... And the whole inside space was a huge maze of stairs going nowhere in particular.
We spend a good, long, time wandering around trying to find our way back to the convention hotel...
But when we find our way out at last, it's out on the street, in the cold, at night, in a run-down, nearly abandoned part of the city, lit only by a couple anemic, yellow streetlights, and the sidewalks are super narrow and broken up.
And Also, randomly, as an aside during the convention, there was a Christian Evangelist Wife™ attacking and trying to kill people; I can't remember if she had a knife or not, or whether she was going after people with her bare hands, but her husband was there, smiling with that placid Christian Evangelist smile (you know what I mean, right? You can picture that description?)
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ffcrazy15 · 8 months
Someone needs to do an analysis on the way the Kung Fu Panda movies use old-fashioned vs. modern language ("Panda we meet at last"/"Hey how's it going") and old-fashioned vs. modern settings (forbidden-city-esque palaces/modern-ish Chinese restaurant) to indicate class differences in their characters, and how those class differences create underlying tensions and misunderstandings.
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brawlmetaknight · 1 year
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proud (he’s getting old)
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beatcroc · 1 year
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pest control.
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*UPDATE: i made a sequel
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
It's not totally clear here why Dave's dream self appears to be already awake while his real self is also awake. I think we must infer that his dream self is in some sort of "waking trance" where he's technically awake but too preoccupied by certain things to be considered fully awake.
thinking about jade being lonely as hell on her island and going to sleep waking up on prospit and seeing john (not knowing his name yet) asleep plagued with the creepy dersite doll dreams with the scary teeth and just aughhhh
and she’d like overhear the white queen talk about the dark kingdom derse and the prince(sse)s of the moon that are there and trying to attract as little attention as possible jade would fly out there through the medium because shes so lonely. and she’d go to the purple moons’ towers. she’d find a girl is sound asleep in her purple robes and bed. but the other kid on the moon she finds is awake! except… not really. more like in a trance state. awake but not conscious. but she likes to hear whatever garbled stuff this triangle-speced boy has to say
the trip is long but jade visits this boy a few times since he’s the only non-asleep person like her she can interact with face to face. he usually seems lost in his own world, usually listening to music or talking to himself about stuff that doesnt make much sense. when she’s deprived of sapient affection she’ll touch him in small gestures like holding his hand while he listens to his music and he’ll squeeze back instinctually, and it helps her experience a microdose of the human connection. maybe he doesnt get much in the way of sapient affection either. when she hears The Horrors of the furthest ring another dream headset pops into existence for her to listen along with him and they listen to whatever music hes making. who is he
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an-attempted-poet · 4 months
realizing i use ‘oy vey’ when im talking to ppl irl/texting w someone im comfortable with or have a somewhat close relationship with, and i use ‘oh boy’ online and in situations when i don’t know the person very well
it’s ironic bc like. yeah i’m subconsciously switching off the yiddish out of fear (shouldn’t have to do that!!! even unconsciously!!!) but i am also. wearing a star of david necklace. like babes yiddish isn’t going to give anything away that you haven’t already unless their blind lmfao
anyway. slay 👍
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mom said it’s my turn on the writing again!
Alex can’t exactly pinpoint when they first started to change. After all, they lived with a creature who could create hallucinations and worked in a place that had a “state of the art hallucinatory environment”. It’s hard to think about strange things happening to yourself when everything is already strange.
Although, a big telling point should have been the eyes.
Every once in a while, they would look in their bathroom mirror and meet yellow eyes, like that of a cat, or more likely, a veldigun. They would just sigh and continue business as usual, and when they glance back up at the mirror their eyes would be normal again. Human.
One time, before another day at the Lankmann Asylum, Alex was washing their hands. Their reflection didn’t look like them, but Clyde was asleep, so it wasn’t of much concern to them. The hallucinations always seemed to be stronger whenever Clyde was sleeping, whether under a table, in a closet, or sprawled across the couch.
Did Alex paint their nails recently? They didn’t think so, but there they were, with light green nails. It was probably just a hallucination, they thought. It was a nice color though, it suited them.
It took Alex a while to notice that the colored nails never faded. If anything, the color got more intense, eventually ending off as vibrant forest green claws.
Of course, at this specific moment, the nails weren’t the most important thing. The most important thing was the eye right in the center of their hand.
Alex blinked. Then it blinked back. It was yellow with a narrow pupil, like Clyde’s. 
Oh, this better be another hallucination because if not, then that’s not going to be convenient. If it’s not from Clyde, then maybe they should check the batteries in their co2 detectors.
The eye closed just as they thought that, and Alex could swear that they saw the air ripple before their hand looked perfectly normal. No eyelids. Nothing looking back at them where there shouldn’t be.
Alex just sighed and left for work. The fact that they’re seeing things doesn’t matter. Probably. Between the Lankmann Foundation and Clyde, a hallucination or two is probably not the worst thing that could happen to them.
After that, they never seem to get less… weird. Specifically with their reflection.
There comes a point later on, not long before the police raid their home, where Alex doesn’t like having mirrors around anymore. Afterall, the hallucinations always seem to get stronger in their reflection. The shadows seem to get deeper and darker, as though something was hiding one side of their face. 
Sometimes they catch a glimpse of inhuman teeth in their reflection, almost like Clyde’s, but whenever they fully look at it the reflection goes back to normal. Other times, the person in the mirror seems to move differently. The reflection looks stiffer than Alex feels, like watching a stop motion picture of themself.
(What Alex doesn’t realize is that the reflection isn’t the unnatural one anymore. They are.)
Does the Paradox of Theseus’s ship apply to a person as well? At what point does someone stop being human?
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ftl-faster-than-life · 9 months
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Hey Eobarry fans, how are we feeling about the fact that Barry loses part of himself when he kills Eobard in this dream sequence from Knight Terrors: The Flash?
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
the mental image of shidou approaching kazui from behind like "oh, mukuhara, i had to ask you-" and kazui turns around with red eyes, fangs, and a lil blood on his face, which makes shidou give the highest pitched little yelp and nearly stumble back and fall on his ass. amane will NOT let him live it down. she saw. she saw how he screamed like a girl.
Sorry to hold onto this for so long but Thank You I was laughing so hard at this!! 😂 When I originally wrote that comment, I was picturing the easy targets like Fuuta or Haruka -- it was so much funnier to catch Shidou unawares...
Shidou rubbed two fingers to his temple. He didn’t know why filming had been starting so early the past few days. According to the schedule, Muu and Kazui were already up and working. Milgram’s team had a doctor on their staff already, but Shidou liked to be around just in case -- even after a night cut short on sleep.
It should be noted that horror films had absolutely no effect on Shidou, so joining the children’s scary movie night had not been an issue. Rather, Fuuta hanging out in his room to talk, “not scared at all,” for hours afterward kept him up. He hadn’t pulled such a late shift since he’d been working at the hospital.
“Hm… some coffee may do me well…”
He didn’t usually indulge in the drink, but a small cup of it sounded good at the moment. Now that he was working on quitting smoking, he may as well pick up another habit in its place...
The break room was dark when he arrived. He had to blink after exiting the bright white hallways of the facility. He was tempted to flick the lights on, but Kazui and Amane seemed perfectly content in the dark. The light may have been too harsh at this time of morning.
Kazui had his back to the door, pouring some coffee. Amane sat at the table off to the side. She was picking at a small breakfast. The whole scene felt... off somehow. Kazui was still in his pajamas. He never left his room like that. Amane's eyes followed Shidou all the way into the room.
“Good morning.” Shidou greeted her with a bright expression. She kept her face straight, moving some food around in front of her. She stayed silent. 
“You’re certainly up early! It’s very admirable.”
No smile.
Shidou’s expression wavered. The thought of scary movies still in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but imagine this as a scene straight out of one. Amane’s grim silence in the darkness. Her intense green eyes fixed on him from across the room. He was glad for Kazui’s presence, else he might have actually been unsettled.
He tried to ignore his grogginess. There was nothing strange happening.
“Ah, Mukuhara. Is there enough coffee for m-eugh!” 
Kazui spun around, and Shidou found himself face to face with a monster. 
His eyes were slitted, like a wild animal’s, and bright red. Even in the dark, Shidou could clearly see the vibrant irises. There was blood spattered across his face, and his chest. He opened his mouth, revealing gleaming fangs. 
But the voice that came out was just as laid-back as usual.
“Oi, Kirisaki… I forgot I was already in costume. Looks pretty realistic, huh?”
“R-right.” Shidou willed the shock away from his face. He realized with horror he'd taken a full step backwards. He hurried to close the gap again. “The team did a good job…”  
“I’m bringing Muu some coffee while she gets her makeup done.” He lifted the cup in his hand, which had a coating of what Shidou now knew was entirely fake blood. Kazui’s smile was a bit crooked, revealing one of his fangs. He had the decency to ignore the mortifying sound that had just come from Shidou’s throat. “There should be plenty left for you, if you wanted.”
“Of course, of course. Thank you.” 
“Sorry if I surprised you,” he said. Kazui brushed by him, unable to stifle a little chuckle. 
Shidou dragged a hand down his face. He exhaled, glad to feel his pulse returning to a normal rate. His mind was far too scattered this time of morning. He glanced over at Amane. 
“I suppose you think this is funny? My surprise is merely a compliment to the makeup department.”
She kept her gaze on him. “No, it’s definitely funny. You jumped halfway across the room.”
“It was one pace backwards.”
“It was a huge jump. Plus, you screamed like a little girl.”
Now, she smiled.
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kradogsrats · 7 months
had a dream last night that there was a s6 tease on idk... twitter or insta or whatever the kiddos are using showing off a new outfit for Rayla like:
In Book 6: Stars, some things have changed... *picture of Rayla's sick new look* ... And some things haven't! *picture of Viren from the final shots of s5, still curled up and maybe/maybe-not dead*
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bilbao-song · 18 days
oh and just so you're all aware i had a dream last night that i was having a slumber party with like three people and david bowie was there and i was so terrified that he would find out that the sink in the upstairs bathroom doesnt work i stayed up all night hanging signs in the hallway, on the bathroom door, and intentionally obstructing the door handle so that he could not go in there. it was like almost 7 a.m. and people were already waking up and i was still busy hanging ❌🛑 david bowie do not enter 🛑❌ signs on and around the bathroom door. just in case
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oflostinfound · 4 months
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Character Insperation Meme - Eath Edition: Willow - The Owl House Roberta - Neopets the Darkest Faerie Perfuma - She-Ra Katara - Avatar the Last Airbender Crysta - Ferngully Kipo - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
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trollocs-ooc · 5 months
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Ok I'll admit it he is my favorite boything to draw
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phyllidaluna · 1 year
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oh yeah final(?) version that utena print I’ve been working on
unless I add some definition to the castle? Not sure if the silhouette with holes works better for the vibe I want. also maybe??? higher contrast on legs
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zukkaoru · 1 year
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
“We need to move,” Akutagawa hisses.
When Atsushi doesn’t immediately respond, Rashoumon reaches out and wraps around his wrist, tugging him along.
“Geez, I’m coming,” he grumbles, hopping over an unconscious, hopefully-not-actually-dead, body and stumbling after Akutagawa. Rashoumon does not let go of him; instead, it shifts its grip to Atsushi’s hand. Almost like it’s holding it.
(Almost like the glove he just lost.)
one of atsushi's compression gloves is destroyed in a fight. akutagawa takes it upon himself to help.
3.5k words || pre-relationship shin soukoku
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crimeronan · 3 months
had yet Another mundane stress dream about visiting another country without learning the basics of the local language (this is An Incredibly Common theme in my dreams), except this one upped the ante by having me travel with a stranger who, in the other country's airport, kept loudly cracking jokes about how people should just learn to speak english. to the active displeasure and anger of everyone around us.
a more nightmarish scenario than any of my actual apocalypse nightmares. Oh My Fucking God .
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