#Hi new DSAF fans
If Dave and Jack Got Married at Least One of them Wore a Dress.
Look, I know this is already pretty much the consensus of the DSAF fandom almost as much as Dave and Jack being most definitely gay, but I’m doing this for new fans.
I believe that at least one of them would have worn a dress if they got married. I say at least one because actually I think both of them would have.
If only one of them did it would be Dave, because there’s no way he wouldn’t think that would be really funny. Given his entire personality, we can safely assume he would find one of the two of them wearing a wedding dress to be funny.
If it were Jack it would be because Dave convinced (or rather FORCED) him to. It’s possible he’d do it of his own volition, but I doubt he would have been the one to first come up with the idea.
Now here’s why I think it would be both. As established, Dave would have found the idea of them being men and wearing dresses to be really funny, so he would have worn one, not only that but he would have thought it would be funnier if they BOTH did, so he would have forced/convinced Jack to also wear a dress.
Not only is it logical that they would wear dresses, but can you really see them both in suits?
Alternatively, Dave could potentially view wearing a dress as a perfect punishment for the loser of a bet. They’d get drunk and high off their asses in Vegas, decide “hey let’s get married” in the spur of the moment, and whoever lost the dress bet would be converted to wearing a wedding dress rather than a regular one.
Do not tell me you can’t at LEAST see this as a subplot that would happen in a fanfic, if not having a random throwaway reference to it ingame.
All of these options are just so completely in character that I find it highly likely one of or both of them wore a wedding dress if/when they got married.
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directdogman · 25 days
Hi, I hope you're having a decent day! I'm sorry if this is an invasive set of questions - feel free not to answer - but do you still actively like DSaF as your own creation, or is it more of a "it was fun while it lasted but i outgrew it and it's for the best to leave it behind" kind of project? Do you ever regret making the games? If you knew they would get so popular, is there anything you would have changed about them? Is there anywhere I could read more of your writing.
It fluctuates a bit. These last couple of years, I've really just been sorta nostalgic for it. I've seen a lot of people discuss those games being a source of comfort during bad times in their lives, people talking about how much the characters mean to them and it's hard not to smile when you see that.
It's a funny thing for close friends of yours to see people WITH fanmade DSaF merch out in the wild, or to watch a random youtube video and being hit with a DSaF reference outta nowhere. It happens from time to time, even today. On a few occasions, I've even had a person reference my work to me in real life and not realize who they were talking to, believe it or not. It's really fun to play dumb and get someone to explain your work to you like you don't know what it is.
I certainly didn't think any of that would happen when I first made the series, or even during development. I think the normal assumption would be to look at DSaF as it exists now and assume its release was a peak for it, but believe it or not, the official discord only had 30 people in it shortly before 3 dropped! The archive listing of the series (reposted to a single page after the series ended) is now sitting at over 1.1 MILLION downloads.
People kinda assume the true heyday of something is when it's new, when it's fresh and novel. For instance, some people look back at when FNaF itself was new and see that time as its peak because it had a lot of internet cultural relevance as big new indie thing on the block. But, raw numbers don't lie. The series has been continually growing since its conception and that growth has similarly bled over to its fan projects. This explains why DSaF, despite not having a new series release in almost 6 years, seems to be inexplicably growing.
Just recently, I saw someone post footage of a scene from DSaF 2 on Twitter, which got over 16k likes. People praised its writing and largely celebrated the scene. The ironic thing about that particular scene is that I remembered being unsure if it was good or not, so I showed it off in one of the FNaF community hubs. The response was broadly lukewarm to negative. Now, it's held up as one of the best scenes in those games. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make, my thoughts on the series have certainly changed with everyone's else with years of hindsight.
Heh. I'm not sure if I've talked about this in a long time, but y'know, the very first scene I implemented in-game was actually the very first Phone Guy scene in DSaF 1, more or less exactly how it appears in-game today. This was before I'd even written the bulk of the game. I was pretty unfamiliar with visual novels as a whole, pretty unsure if something like this would be palatable to a fandom that was really just used to sit 'n' survive stuff that were far more gameplay than text. I mean, there wasn't any FNaF fangames really LIKE DSaF before that point. Closest was FNaFb, a jokey turn based RPG made in the same engine.
The engine I made the game in is also not exactly fit for VNs out of the box either, and I wasn't 100% sure the idea would actually work. But, the very first time I added the image of the prize corner, Phone Guy, the audio of that iconic cheesy stock track and booted up a test screen, I had a little moment where I said "Oh. I think I'm onto something interesting here." I kinda remembering instantly realizing in that single moment how much potential the idea had. Over 8 years later, I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
I think lately, that's the sort of stuff I think of when I see people coming to me and asking about the series. Yes, it's really rough around the edges, yes, there's jokes that've aged poorly. But, it is a source of comfort for people and entertains tens of thousands of people each month. And that's gotta count for something, right?
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sillylittlegaymer · 7 months
New pinned
Hi!! Im SillyLittleGaymer/SillyPeter!!
these two are my kinsonas…
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Heres the fullbodys
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More stuff in undercut
My pronoun page n junk for other names i go bu
My main interests:
FNaF, DSaF(kinda.) TRTF, BBIEAL, Ourple Guy, DNB, Dialtown, Fortnite, Taiko no tatsujin, FNF, and uh probably other things
Basic DNI criteria.. you get the drill..
But mainly happytreefriends fans: DNI. Please.
Also like.. im a MINOR so please no weird anon asks! Or ill be turning them off again!! :)
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dsaf-confessions · 6 months
Okay, new pinned post to disclose stuff!
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Welcome to dsaf confessions, the only mod here is modred hi hello I use she/he pronouns but that’s not important!!
This is a dsaf confessions blog but honestly since we unleashed the character anons it’s more like a hub, and the anons have sonas and stuff.
Here’s a list of all the taken anons, which I’ll update when more get added:
Davetrap anon
Jack Kennedy anon
Dave Miller anon
Flipside Dave anon
Steven Stevenson anon
Peter Kennedy anon
Caroline anon
Dee Kennedy Anon
Jake’s receiver anon
Stanley anon
Walt anon
Oscar Lewinsky anon (the first anon, btw!)
Dee’s scarf anon
Harry Fitzgerald anon
Matt Virginia anon
Giant scuttler anon
Steven’s boyfriend anon
Pencil Sharpener anon
Roger’s rotary phone anon
Dave’s dress anon
Hands lover anon
Jack’s badge anon
Hooker foxy anon
Blackjack anon
The real Fredbear anon
Jacktrap anon
Nuke anon (formerly kiwi anon)
Booper anon
Peter’s retconned son anon
Confused anon
Rogerzport anon
The RAT anon
Davesport anon
Rogersport anon
Harrysport anon
Pink anon
Wattpad anon
Puppet’s mask anon
Walt’s suit anon
Dave’s toenail anon
Henry no.2 fan anon
Little creature anon
And if I’ve forgotten anyone, feel free to bully me for it. There’s a lot of you it was not intentional
No confessing to proshipping
No ragebait confessions
No confessions meant to stir up drama (technically ragebait, but the difference is ragebait is obvious. If I think ur just trying to start shit or maybe it WILL start shit then I won’t post your confession)
No NSFW (I am a minor and can guarantee a lot of other people here r as well)
If you’re going to have lots of coloured text in your post, you need to provide an uncoloured version in the same confession or I won’t post it
I think that’s it. No limits to how many confessions you can post, go wild.
To look through actual confessions (because the tagging system on this blog has changed over time) you’re better off looking through the dayshift at freddy’s or dsaf tags on this blog specifically. the original tag I used for that (dsaf confessions) has sort of been repurposed to encompass all posts on here, confessions or not.
Anyway, I think that’s it. Have a good day all
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Just wanted to rant about Dsaf, dialtown and direct doggo
Dog man is one of the best game devs I’ve seen. His games are fairly priced dsaf 1, 2 AND 3 are free despite being some of the funniest games I’ve seen, dialtown is 8 dollars which is fuckin bonkers and the dialtown dlc being a beautiful 2 dollars (thank you sososos much dog man for not being greedy). Dialtown has 6 individual routes with 2 chapters each (excluding the narrators route and dietown) with a ass ton of endings, the games are funny without sacrificing a story line, the characters are memorable and relatable and the story’s are phenomenal. Both games having still active fan bases (despite the original release of Dsaf 1 being YEARS old). Dogman is constantly supporting the artist and fans of him games, answering questions and communicating with his fan base (something a lot of game devs just don’t do). So thank you direct dogman!!!! I can’t wait for the new dlc!!!
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luithesomeone · 2 months
NEW INTRO!1!111!!!!11!!111!ONE!!!!
Hi, i'm Lui!
I'm a gal (she/her)
Fandoms i'm in: Mario's Madness, Sonic.EXE, FNF, Pizza Tower, FNaF, DSaF, Regretevator, MPDSAP, Pokemon, Mario, My Singing Monsters and i think that's it.
"MAPs" (In quotes bc really you're just a pedo)
People that fetishize coping mechanisms (i don't have any but that's still very instensetive) and overall fetish people
Helluva Boss/ Hazbin Hotel fans (except Ink, you're very cool.)
Homophobes and Transphobes
And overall problematic/bad people.
Some things to know about me:
I am on the autism spectrum (Aspergers)
I am very normal about DJ Hallyboo
My oc masterpost
Ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss
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ol1verdrawsyt · 2 years
What r things you like about the dsaf community, and things you don’t like about it? Just curious to hear some thoughts! :D
Oh boy, I have a lot to say abt this one. I'm just gonna preface this by saying, I have a very special place in my heart for dsaf. Idk where I would be today if I hasn't have found that trilogy. With that being said, I'll start with the good.
Tw: opinions 😱😱
For starters, its a very welcoming community. Because a good majority of the community is queer, it makes it a safe space. In my experience, it was the first time I felt open and comfortable being myself inside of a Fandom.
It's also a very talented community. Like holy hell, have you seen those amazing Henry fanarts with him in the void? They're fucking epic!
Finally, the DSaF community is pretty sweet to new artists. I remember when I was in the piggy Fandom, they were brutal man. I got bullied constantly for my art and was pretty close to quitting for a while. In DSaF though, I just simply received constructive criticism and people helping me rather than shaming me.
Now onto the not so great
First, the ships that shouldn't really be normalized. Steven x Peter is probably a big one. Peter had a wife, Steven was a horrible boss and sent Peter to the factory knowing what would happen to him, and that he had a family (we know from Peter and Jimbo that you can refuse to do that. In the slightly evil ending, Peter refuses to send Jimbo to the factory) and also they canonically hate eachother. Also the horrible power imbalance? Like, idc what your excuse is, shipping boss x employee is just wrong.
And yet, this is like the 2nd most popular ship in the Fandom. I'm not done with it either cuz the people who ship Steven and Peter lead into my next point.
Being toxic towards straight ships. I'm gonna preface this before anybody gets mad by saying, I am a trans and queer man, I can have an opinion on this.
So Peterline is not a very popular ship despite it being cannon. Caroline is Peter's wife, and you see her at the end of the perfect ending. I've been bullied before (mainly on tiktok) for shipping this. I've had someone just go off on me because I'm "taking away gay rep and that Peter is canonically a gay man." Like, tf?? Also, side note: he isn't. Dogman confirmed the characters sexualities and Peter is "probably straight." Not to mention he had a wife that he chose and married himself, not a manufactured one like with Steven. But back to my point. Peterline is overshadowed by all of the Steven x Peter shippers because it's EVERYWHERE. I don't even know why it's a ship in all honesty. But heaven forbid you don't ship it and ship Peter and his WIFE.
You thought that was the worst of it? Wrong. We go away from the side that's mainly queer/allies and go to the homophobic side. Yep. There are homophobic/transphobic DSaF fans despite a good majority of the main cast being queer. Luckily, they don't really show their faces anywhere near the queer fans, so we're all set. I have seen them comment on davesport posts before though complaining. Speaking of davesport:
Davesport has completely taken over the Fandom. I love davesport as much as the next person, but if you truly love something, you have to admit the flaws. First, the weird kinda fetishism of it? I won't name names **cough cough daystars cough cough**, but there are artists who draw this ship and intentionally make the characters look like teenage boys and not old zombie men. Plus, people kinda romanticizing / glorifying the fact that Dave stalked and had an unhealthy obsession with Jack. That isn't cute and romantic that "he loves him so much that he broke into Jack's house on multiple occasions and watched him sleep 🥺🥺🩷🩷☺️☺️☺️" (genuine comment I saw btw, minus the emojis cuz I wanna make sure people know it's satire what I'm saying). Plus, people are bullied for shipping anything other than Davesport. I can understand if it's a proship (I'll get into those fuckewads later), but someone shipping anything other than davesport will get you witchhunted in this community. I know I said I don't like boss x employee, but I don't hate someone if they ship something like Harry x Jack or something. There are people genuinely scared of showing that they ship that because of the hard-core davesport fans. Final note on this point, it's the only DSaF content being made. I want more Blackjack and og managers art pls I beg of you I want more art of the og managers. But instead, it's just davesport again. It gets to a point where I'm kinda tired of it.
Next point: people babying characters. Now, I won't name names **cough cough daystars again cough cough** but there are very popular artists who get away with this. The biggest ones I can think of are Peter, Roger, and Jack. Here's why I think this happens:
Jack: Because he's shown to have a soft side. It's mainly seen in DSaF 3 on the flipside with him gently talking to the other souls and telling them that it's gonna be ok and he'll help them find justice and peace. Also, he is somewhat civil to Dave at the start of a few routes so probably from the fucking davesport shippers again.
Roger: Because he's hinted at to have an anxiety disorder. Hey there! Person with a diagnosed anxiety disorder here. DON'T FUCKING BABY US! Like, just because you have an AD doesn't mean you need 24/7 protection and babying because "what if you get scared 🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔". People with ADs can do amazing things despite it. And Roger is no exception. In the evil ending, he goes off at Jack about everything he's done and doesn't break a sweat. He's probably the strongest out of the 3 phone guys because he's the first person (other than Peter) to stand up to Jack when he's doing something wrong.
Peter: Same as Jack, he's shown to have a soft side. Mainly when talking about how he remembers his wife and family, and invites Jack to live with him and Caroline despite (to his knowledge) he's only known Jack about a week. But like with Roger, he puts his foot down when needed. In the evil routes, Peter takes Jack back to his office and just let's him have it. He goes off about the fucked up shit Jack has done and even throws in some amazing lines like
"That's Mr.Cawthon to you, employee. We certainly aren't friends."
"Employee, let me tell you something. I am a VERY good boss."
"It takes the truth to fool me, or close to it. And you've played me for a goddamned fool."
But of course, with this community, that entire badass scene with Peter and Jack is overshadowed by him being "uwu smol bottom gay boy"
I mentioned them earlier, so here it goes: the proshippers. They're everywhere. Some of the biggest dsaf artists **cough cough fucking daystars again cough cough** are proshippers. It's mainly a problem on tiktok. I've seen people ship: Peter x Dave, Dave x Henry, Steven x Henry, Jack x Peter, Henry x Dee, Henry x Jack, Dee x Jack, Jack x Dee x Peter x Dave. It's honestly disgusting, and I really don't wanna talk abt it anymore.
Next, people drawing Henry skinny. This one pisses me off a lot. People draw Henry as a skinny little bottom boy and not the fat old man he is. There's a lot of people guilty of this. **cough you probably know who I'm abt to say cough cough**. Some people try at least. For example, I tried sticking with my roblox-like bodies and giving Henry a very big torso. Later on, I finally learned how to draw plus sized bodies, and so now that I can, I immediately implemented it. Some people just don't even try.
Finally, people mad at dogman for moving on from the series. I shit you not. I came across people complaining about this just last night. Here's the thing: DSaF has a lot of problematic stuff in it. Nobody can deny that. Dogman has apologized for it on many occasions and doesn't want that to represent his work now. He moved on to Dialtown, where he can now get paid for his hard work and pay his team. But because he isn't talking abt DSaF anymore, people refuse to even look at Dialtown. It's just kinda...childish in my opinion? It'd be a different story if you just simply didn't enjoy Dialtown. Like that's fine and understandable, the game isn't for everyone. But really? Just because the creator moved on from his problematic past and made something original, you want nothing to do with him. That's just stupid.
Alr ty for coming to my Ted talk. If someone wants it I'll do one of these with Dialtown (there isn't much bad, it'll just be me ranting abt how much I love Dialtown)
Btw don't harass anyone I mentioned here if I did mention them. It doesn't solve anything, and you just look like and asshole.
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dee-in-the-box · 9 months
uh, hey Dsaf Fans! pleasure to meet y'all! uh, came up with an au while thinking about Charlie and Cassidy (yes, from regular fnaf) being in Dayshift, and it may or may not have spiraled into a Slight rewrite au. named it the LemonLime au because Charlie's main color is a Lime Green, while Cassidy's is a more yellowy color and i couldn't think of a better name.
anyway, new people have been added!
Charlotte "Charlie" Emily: the lovely gal herself! she's 17, fresh out of high school, during the first two games, and around 53 during the third. she's rather shy and will mostly keep to herself...except around Cassidy, whom she is more open around. she may also open up more to Jack during good routes. her exact reason for choosing to work at Freddy Fazbender's isn't clear, but two theories have been thought up: 1) she believes Sammy's soul is still at Freddy's, and she wishes to reconnect with him somehow, or 2) she wants to follow Cassidy, given they're the only person she really has left. during the first game, she is simply a coworker that Jack can talk to and get closer with, and potentially someone to learn lore from. she has a similar role in the second game, but with the added function that, for a certain amount of tokens, she'll help you keep the music box wound. well, provided you're playing one of the Good Routes, of course.
Cassidy Schmidt: a bit of a lil shit, but we love them for it <3 17 in the first game, but turns 18 by the second, and is around 53-54 by the third. they aren't afraid to mock and roast people to their face, including Dave. especially Dave. they appear a bit standoffish at first, but like Charlie, will open up to Jack during good routes. on bad/evil routes, however...well, they threaten Jack a bit. with violence. given their...history with Freddy's, their intolerance with child murder becomes a bit more understandable. an avid believer in the paranormal, Cassidy goes to various Freddy's locations (generally following Dave, given he leaves a trail of bodies wherever he goes) to find ghosts and assist with freeing them. similar to Charlie, they feel a familiar presence with them in the restaurants... Cassidy, on good routes, can help the player by (possibly) randomly completing one random task to free the souls. on bad routes...watch your back, is all the advice i can give you.
Samuel "Sammy" Emily: Charlie's twin brother. got killed by Dr. Miller when the twins were 4 in 1974, and is this universe's equivalent to Cassidy in the Fnaf games, being "The One You Should Not Have Killed." he is the only known exception to Henry's "Children Generally Create/Manifest Clear Souls When They Die" rule, being a Black Soul. alongside Mike, he possesses Fredbear/Golden Freddy. he, alongside Blackjack, sent Dr. Miller to the Void. in game, i feel like his purpose would've been to answer one short lore question at a time, generally being cryptic and/or leaving much up to the imagination. basically, he has a similar function to Blackjack in game. he will only pass on once Henry has truly been dealt with. during bad routes, he will cryptically threaten Jack, and during the Evil Route of the third game, he will only appear once to Jack, only dropping the line of "...You have no idea WHAT you're bringing back...I'd be careful if I were you..." before disappearing for the rest of the game. it's not known where he goes
Michael "Mike" Schmidt: Cassidy's younger brother. he was 3 when he was murdered in 1978. he was one of Henry's victims on the day Peter died. he is generally more scared and confused, and is a Clear Soul. he possesses Fredbear/Golden Freddy with Sammy. in game, on good routes, he will offer to assist Jack with getting him the materials needed to free one of the souls, but will require a trade for his help. in game, he appears as a regular child who described by the narrator as looking "like a regular child, but there's something...off about him. Why do his eyes look so dead...?" during evil/bad routes, he will not appear at all.
Henry Emily: Charlie and Sammy's father, as well as a technician for Freddy's and Fredbear's. he is never seen as an actual character in-game, and would only be seen in cutscenes about Charlie's past. he is described as being a good father by Charlie, if a bit of a nervous wreck and overprotective of his two children. she states that, in the aftermath of Sammy's death, he was never the same afterwards. he forbade her from going to Freddy's or Fredbear's without him, and even then it was only when he went to work there. she'd be kept under near constant supervision by him as he worked, and she noted that, for years, he'd respond to Dr. Miller with nothing less than hostility and aggression, never letting him get too close, especially not to her. Charlie will tell Jack, if they get close during the Good Route in the second game, that Henry died in 1982, and implies that he committed suicide: "(Wait, what happened to your dad?) What happened to him? Well...let's put it this way: I...I don't think he was able to handle the grief anymore...let's leave it at that, please..."
so, you may be wondering: "What's up with Blackjack in this au?" well, the briefest summary i can give:
he still assisted with dragging Henry Miller into the void. he still absolutely despises that man and wants him to suffer for what he's done.
he mostly babysits keeps an eye on the gang of small children that have decided to attach themselves to him. the children in question are Dee, Sammy, and Mike.
he protects them, and also tries to protect any living children alongside Dee.
he also used to lure Charlie home whenever she would sneak out to go search for Sammy at Fredbear's, generally at Sammy's request. after a while, though, he started doing it on his own. he also lures kids away from dangerous areas, because he doesn't want "that DEMON" to get any ideas.
so yeah! there's the new guys, and the general information about this au.
please send asks, i wanna talk about these lil guys :]
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irrelevant-iguanadon · 10 months
Sup new pinned post hi I'm cordy 👋
I have an art account it's iguanadonart or smth like that u should go follow it fr
Shoot me an ask if u want btw, I like to think I'm pretty chill.
The rest of my online presence
Redbubble: Irrelevant7
Art Account: iguanadonart
Reddit: irrelevant-iguanadon
Twt/X: IrrelevantIguan
Insta: irrelevant.iguanadon
Discord: dm me if u want it
Linktree: irrelevant.iguanadon
**linktree includes the above plus psn, steam, letterboxd, and stash (letterboxd but for games)
ALSO!! This is the link to the Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet if you want to donate :)) 🇵🇸
Anyways um fun facts about me:
Nonbinary/queer/demisexual yeah we love gay ppl
ADHD as fuck (I have the silly)
I'm in college!! So I'm a bit busy sometimes but it's okay!! Anyways I'm a film major (w/ a minor in gender studies) if you were curious
Speaking of I'm generally really really passionate about women's rights/queer rights/sex ed/aspec ed/trans rights so if you ever wanna get me ranting like hell send me an ask asking about something specific regarding those. Just don't be purposefully trying to get me pissed off at you about it plz.
I have some silly hobbies which include art (mostly just pencil/pen doodles and some digital stuff though), plushie making (that one is recent), and video games!! I love video games!!!
I also like fun clothes and outfits but only when it's niceish out, when it's cold I default to sweatpants and a hoodie 💀
Anyways going back to the art stuff I have a redbubble!!! Go buy some stickers or smth if you want!!
Moving On
Fandoms (this is gonna go in depth with each so they are titles for yee so just scroll past the ones u don't care about)
Soulsborne 🗡
I've beaten all of them except for Sekiro and DS2's DLCs (and the DeS remake but I've played the original)
Bloodborne is my favorite (and also favorite game of all time)
Fav characters consist of Lady Maria, Adeline, Simon, The Hunter, Lucatiel, Aldia, Hyetta, Blaidd, Marika, and Rennala
Speaking of, fav ships are (f or nb) hunter x maria, maria x adeline, lucatiel x (f or nb) Bearer of The Curse, and Marika x rennala
Fav bosses: either laurence or orphan of kos, penetrator, manus, smelter demon, sister frieda, and dragon lord
FNaF 🐻
I've been here since before fnaf world, I'm a veteran 💀
Favorite game is 4 but HW1 is better game play wise imo
Big fan of any nightmares, fredbear, springbonnie, rxq, ennard, funtime foxy, and roxy
As for like human characters, I love both movie and game mike, movie Vanessa, Cassie, and game Vanessa's potential
I like a lot of the big fangames a lot too, my favorites being the DSaF series, FNaC 3, and Super Fnaf.
I think the books suck ass (unless they're the logbook or cookbook <3), and the mimic is fucking stupid and should've just been a digital only thing, w/o a physical robot
I'm just salty about security breach in general
Game Theory/Team Theorist
This is Matpat hate free zone!!!
I've been watching his videos since 2015, this man practically raised me
My favorite channels atm are GTLive and Style Theory lol
I actually like his fnaf theories, not necessarily bc I think they're right but bc they're fun and he presents them in an entertaing way lol
Biggest Ash and Amy fan everytime they're in an episode of smth it's slay. Head editor Dan is super cool too.
Best GTLive series/vids are the murder of sonic the hedgehog, JRs, FNaC 3, Bad End Theater, the FNaF lore off, and Trombone Champ
Pokemon ⚡️
First game was white 2 back in like 2014 I think, my first starter was tepig
Favs of each category are emboar for a starter, white kyurem for legend, genesect for mythical, idrc about the ultra beasts, slither wing for paradox, mega lucario, and volcarona overall
Fav human characters are rika, prof sada/ai sada (same for turo), volo, nessa, Lillie and lusamine, ghetsis, N, all of the gen 5 gym leaders tbh
I also like pmd2 a lot!! It's one of my fav games ever actually
Pokemon Rejuvenation ✨️
I haven't played the most recent chapter 💀💀
I love all the characters a ton honestly but I'm the biggest risa raider fan
Sonic 🦔
This is a recent one and my current hyperfixation lol
Favs are Rouge, Blaze, Amy, Shadow, and Espio
Fav ship is blazamy <3 but my fav platonic relationship is rouge and shadow
I'm currently working a couple AUs so maybe those will be a thing on here evntually
No joke got into sonic bc me and my roommate watched the gt live tmosth playthrough together and we both got hyperfixated
Currently working my way through the games!! I just started though so I'm only on sonic adventure 1 and I haven't started the 2d list at all
Also trying to watch the shows but I've only seen the first few mins of X, and a couple Boom eps. I've finished s2 of Prime though!! Excited for 3!!
Also want to eventually read the idw comics but haven't gotten a chance yet.
All sonic girls are Sapphic btw <3
Hatchetfield 🎶
I've watched a few other starkid shows but these are the only ones I've latched on to
I've seen all the content up to this point save hey melissa
alice, bill, grace, steph, lex, hannah, becky, linda, and mrs holloway are my favs
My fav lib is tinky <3
Fav musical is npmd but fav nmt is killer track
Fav starkids are mariah, angela, jon, corey, and curt but all of them are slays fr
Heathers 🍵
I've been here since like late late 2019
Never seen the show but I have seen the off broadway slime tutorial a decent amount and I own a DVD of the movie
I love!!!!! Veronica Sawyer!!!!!
Chansaw if my fav ship by far I love them but McDuke is also slay and there's definitely reason to ship Veronica with almost any other student in that movie save Kurt and Ram lol
Big fan of the AUs where JD and Veronica are platonic besties ngl
Not a huge fan of the West End version though
I didn't know what emoji to out here bro
Sea of Stars 💫
Played it for the first time in December of 2023 and fell in love omg
Seraï is my fav love her <3
Every woman in that game loves women fr
I have lots of thoughts about the bosses I'll post about them someday
God this took me 2 hours I'm gonna go to bed now 💀
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It’s that time again, that time being when Ouija does something really weird
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I edited a bunch of monitor lizards into Dave. Don’t ask questions. Just enjoy lizard.
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directdogman · 2 months
Dogman, how do you write SO WELL!?!? I love all your characters and I need to know what/where you find inspo from...
Ha. Every writer is just someone who apes the creative processes of their inspirations. For video game writing specifically, there's two answers for me.
Toby Fox is always gonna be a huge inspiration for me. I've written plots and characters before and had to abandon ideas after realizing I'd accidentally written part of UT again. Even some of the ideas I used were undeniably inspired by UT in a subconscious way and ofc, I included several explicit references to UT in my last series. Toby's a very clever guy who likely pays very close attention to the art he consumes and tries to figure out how to maximize how much his work connects with his audience. Whatever his process is, it works.
The other answer is a lil funnier: Scott Cawthon, but specifically the legend, not the man. For context: Back in the earlier days of the FNaF fandom, people had a hyper-inflated view of Scott Cawthon's writing skills that largely came from how little of a presence he had back in those days. In the vacuum of Scott actually explaining his own process in detail, people got caught up in his genuinely creative way of hiding exposition in his games using cryptid and (then) unexpected methods, and a narrative formed (one that he's since refuted.)
While he never implied it tmk, fans broadly believed that he constructed these sweeping and complex narratives with tons of cohesive moving parts, with the games essentially acting like the mere tip of his lore iceberg. People even thought he wrote so much that he had whole games worth of lore outlined from the beginning! In the first Dawko interview he gave, he clarified that this wasn't the case and explained roughly what his process was (basically just outlining rough theme ideas + aesthetics for future titles.)
However, that legend made younger-me's mind run wild and any time I wrote a story, it became very difficult for me to not keep writing down ideas while completing the grunt work that followed me finishing my scripts. When I finished DSaF 1, I already had DSaF 2's draft written and by the time 2 was done, I had enough lore for a 3rd game on paper (and a lot more stuff that I didn't use.) By the time three was out, I had pages upon pages of unused concepts/story ideas and more or less just had to decide to call it quits or else I'd be pumping out entries forever!
That's why if you go back to those older games, there's references that directly refer to future plot-points in pretty casual/easy to miss ways. (Like Henry's mention in DSaF 1, Dave being heartless in DSaF 2, Jack being soulless in 1, and even Blackjack being Jack's soul in 2. Most of 3's major plotpoints are implied somewhere in 2 and some of 2's in 1.)
DT is much the same. By the time I finished writing it, I had fairly detailed drafts for arcs for each of the characters, some early material ended up getting completely recontextualized (and even modified in small ways to not conflict with the wider ideas I came up with.)
I get really into writing my stories/characters and I always wonder exactly how things ended up where they are, what characters think about but don't say, etc etc. This is why I have an obscene amount of Crown lore that I have very little to do with rn (since he impacted the whole world so deeply.)
This extra stuff also includes plenty of sequel material ideas, though I didn't think I'd even get a chance to use them since DT performed pretty meagerly before the big release and I was expecting to have to move onto something new. Though it turned out that Scott didn't actually write his games this way (by his own admission), it's the correct answer for what my core writing inspiration for writing game narratives is.
Hope this helps!
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foxiepot · 2 years
Hi! I'm Foxie and I'm new to tumblr so here's something about me and also my interact list!
I'm transgender / aroace , I use He/Him but I'm fine with neos! please do not sexualize me , it's weird..
I'm also an artist / cosplayer so reblogs are very appreciated
Let's move on to my DNI :D
Interact w me pls:
- FNAF , DSAF , Detroit: Become human fans!
- ed norton fans
- Fight club enjoyers
- aaron stampler stans
- Hannibal franchise or nbc hannibal fans
- shameless us fans
- jake Gyllenhaal , heath ledger , hugh dancy , mads Mikkelsen fans
- any movie or show David Tennant/ Michael Sheen related fans
- good omens fans (i love yall)
- movie enjoyers
- just ryan gosling, any movie , please.
- anyone who isn't in my DNI basically
-spn fans, destiel, sabriel shippers
- xmen , scogan fans
- 💐blr / poppyblr (poppytwt)
- proshippers , comshippers
- ableist , homophobic, transphobic , racist peeps
- minx defenders
- toxic genshin players
- hankcon shippers
- people who ship Martin Vail and Aaron stampler (Primal Fear 1996)
- sapnap fans
- toxic Quackity/Dream stans
- girls who fetishize gay men/mlm's (seriously fuck u)
- wincest shippers.
- wilbur soot , lvjy fans
-just don't be a dickhead
That's it I think , after all enjoy the stay!
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pepperedstarz · 3 years
I'm begging you, Henry ideas? I love the idea of a new fan game and aughfhfhhh YEA I'm also in love with your art EUGH
To be quite honest, I hadn't even began to humour a proper design for him yet before this ask! I had the brief idea for an outfit but that's all I really had. But! That has now changed and I did a good ol' page of concepts just for this ask! I'll show you the good ones 😳
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He is a very polite man, you know?
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A very smart, charming man....!
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Or maybe not...
My fangame is gonna have a lot of features of DSAF 3 honestly but, be gayer with nice tasty stuff that's probably very ooc but, that's what it's all about, baby!!!!
I intend to keep Henry as the absolute monster he is of course but, give him a good old toxic dad polish up is probably the best way I can describe it. I feel like Henry is a talented man who probably could do ANYTHING with a little time but, everything he wants to do is just twisted & rotten and it's all for kicks. His mask is likely the best you've ever seen and you wouldn't have a clue till it was just way, way too late. You'd never catch someone alive saying something bad about Dr Henry Miller.
Thank you so much for this ask! And yeah, he's a bitch lmaooo!!!
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the-bonnie39 · 3 years
Just going to copy and paste all the lore for dsaf death swap from a yt vid to here also not exactly good dad Henry he still is a piece of shit just less in this au also please dont judge my ship choices it’s Dave x jack and more Steven liking peter all of this lore and stuff I made at night so some spelling mistakes
Reminder this is who everyone is swapped with
Jack - Peter
Dave - Steven
Steven - Dave
Peter - Henry
Dee - Jack
Henry - Dee
TW: manipulation , murder, death, blaming others? If that’s a trigger, slightly homophobia, mental illness maybe If there is any more tw I need to put please let me know
Lure I guess:
Ok bit of a backstory So Henry was not in a good mindset When he opened freadbears He also wasn’t getting along with Dave/ William So he opened the place to get closer to him Again as he did see Dave as his son Even if he was a horrible dad he tried Dee couldn’t find Jack so she went To Henry for help. He took her to the saferoom And told her to stay there well he called Jack Why would he leave a child with death robot suits He isn’t a big fan of really little kids like Dee (why he looked after dave? Dave was deferent as he wasn’t like other kids he didn’t really like out doors and he was just quiet) After Henry left the room Henry went to the office He called Jack to ask what happened and why he wasn’t there Peter was aware she was in there but thought she’d be fine Dee thought it would be a good idea to clime in the suit And the spring locks went off and got rather injured But she did survive with the help of the real freadbear Why the real freadbear helped? They knew she was young and someone In the pizzeria wasn’t who everyone thought they where  It had been half an hour before anyone found out she was hurt She was in hospital for a long time she didn’t have a good time As everything went down hill from there Peter blamed henry for her injury’s but mainly jack For not being there to look after her Jack blamed himself before Peter did Peter mental stability had got a lot worse and killed The kids not Henry or Dave the joy of creation had came to peter As Henry had told Peter about his idea but he only started to kill more When he remembered because Henry told him some years ago Henry stoped the hole idea as he was hurting dave he finally realised it wasn’t good for either of them Steven had walked in on peter killing one day Peter new Steven had a crush on him and used That to his advantage even though he had been Married to coralline though coralline Wasn’t a angel she had been cheating on him for a while So Peter had no regrets messing with Steven head Peter had convinced Steven to not tell and help him They rigged the suits Peter done the Bonnie Steven done the Freddy both of them thinking They where getting rid of Henry and Dave They where wrong with Henry He had called in sick that day so Dave and Jack got killed Peter watched his own brother die having some regret But not for long as he had found out a little bit before that They where dating and peter had never been ok with it (yes Peter is slightly homophobic) Dee didn’t take it very well when she found out her brother had died Henry didn’t take his son death very well either Peter had gotten Steven to kill him in the middle of the day So that way if Steven got caught he could pin the blame on Steven alone After Henry was gone Peter took over and used the money to Pay for Dee’s medical problems She left and lived with Peter he left his wife not long after Dee got out Steven had a spring lock accident but lived Peter died do to little Dee (Dee’s soul) So Steven moved into the Kennedy house To look after Dee even if he wasn’t quite alive anymore But unlike dee he still has his soul Dee and Steven work together but Steven had passed away in the saferoom Of the dsaf 2 pizzeria so Dee was left alone from now on.
This is a long ass post
Hey I just done tags I just found out there’s a max of 30
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
Most of her before events remains the same as her ACTUAL bio { pinned on my blog } . Because this fan game is vulgar as hell, expect mature themes and horrible jokes.
NICKNAMES : Bethanne, Betsy, Bitch Bett, that one fucking animatronic, Yiffer’s Rival, Bigass Honkers Bethanne.
AGE : No actual age. However, she is designed to be in her mid 30’s.
SPECIES : Humanoid animatronic.
HEIGHT : 6’2.
WEIGHT : 220 lbs.
{ FORMERLY } Precious Moments Circus.
{ CURRENTLY } Freddy Fazbender’s Pepperonerie.
PERSONALITY : A sentient animatronic with the most raunchiest and vulgar demeanor. Having grown up around adults with dark and sexual humor during the late hours of Precious Moments Circus, Betty ended up blending in with this fun gimmick by performing swing and jazz scat whilst flaunting her former hourglass figure on stage — only to later on be filled out into a near spherical belly due to complaints that hugging her was essentially hugging a telephone pole for the kiddies. Sporting a thick New York accent and resemblance to 1940’s culture, Betty is foxy and flirtatious — and very, very emotional.
Similar to the majority of the cast, Betty despises working at Fazbender’s. Finding the drastic change and severe downgrade of scenery absolutely outrageous after the circus’ fire, Betty slowly lost her happy - go - lucky kiddy personality and substituted it with a more nonchalant, laid back, and sarcastic attitude. She also gains a newfound interest in pyromania after witnessing Jack and Dave set shit on fire, which spiraled into developing more traits of mischief, chaos, and nihilism.
Despite being sultry at heart, any genuine feelings of romance with attachment seems to spook her the hell out. She avoids any and all strings attached in fear of being abandoned for a human being because of her existence as an animatronic — as she has heard time and time again that she’s only programmed to behave certain ways and referred to as just a robot. It is her biggest pet peeve and insecurity alike — making her very forceful and adamant on being treated as a human being to mimic her humanoid appearance. It got so far that she refused to be kept within the pizzeria with the rest of the animatronics, choosing to leave after the shift ends.
🤡 Henry Miller was the last ringmaster Oliver performed with on the road before the dreaded circus fire. Though it is rumored by people that one of their elephants had accidentally knocked over a ring of fire and set the tent ablaze, it was never confirmed. Oliver and Henry had also went missing during the blazing fire — and several of the family died. Betty, caught up in the fire and was supposed to perish with them, ended up miraculously surviving the intense smoke and heat — not without permanent damage to her internal systems, however. Because of her memory fog and glitchy systems, she hardly remembers the events prior — or chose to completely block them out in disbelief and denial.
It was, after all, the perfect crime.
🤡 She has a horrible habit of constantly drinking and smoking. Getting drunk is her favorite past time.
🤡 Loves minion and wine mom memes. It makes her cackle so hard. No one knows why. She doesn’t either.
🤡 If she’s not in her clown costume then she’s usually in loose, vintage clothing. Betty used to adore cocktail and tight dresses — until Oliver filled out her frame. Now she’s self conscious of her weight in revealing dresses. She will still talk hot shit about herself regardless to save her dignity.
🤡 Owns a rinky - dink house that she won through gambling. Props to Vegas. It looks more like a motel you’d find on Craigslist than house, but it gets the job done. And surprise surprise, it’s filled to the brim with clown accessories and dolls. Essentially a funhouse.
🤡 Has a STRONG hatred toward Foxy ever since he was modified into a stripper and given his own game. As someone with GINORMOUS HONKERS, it offended her so badly that she swore to become an actual stripper herself and overthrow his reputation. She’s just salty people want to bang the vulpine with no breasts over her, the clown with a figure — and that the company never bothered to take her out of the kid department despite doing EVERYTHING in her power to royally piss the parents off and scare away the kids.
🤡 Is the reason kids curse. Is also the reason kids cry and say the most vulgar things. It’s her version of entertainment and a big FUCK YOU to corporate.
🤡 Is also the reason the dumpster constantly gets set on fire. Dave taught her how to light things on fire. It’s now her all time favorite stress remedy. If she’s stressed out, expect something to be lit on fire. So far, her list of blown-the-hell-up are : dumpsters, urinals, toilets, kiddy toys, food, crane machines, food machines, trash cans, and at one point she had gotten so frustrated at a screaming parent that she attempted to set them on fire too.
🤡 It’s unknown if she’s aware of the children being lured and murdered.
Even if she did, she likely doesn’t care.
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offputtingoffspring · 4 years
It’s autism month and my birthday, so to celebrate here’s a post dedicated to my special interests and hyperfixations
-bugs (they are so small and little! I love)
-pokemon (I seriously love this series so much, my biggest and first ever special interest, I especially love the games as the instructions are clear and easy to understand and the plushes because they’re cute and the material feels really nice)
-outsiders (this book, I love it, too bad the author is trash)
-dc and marvel (I absolutely love superhero comics and movies, especially when they have to hide their secret identity, because it reminds me of me masking my autism and coping mechanisms
-daemonism (its just so interesting, I wish the community was bigger though) -wtnv (fandom is dead, but I just love everything about it)
-otherkin and therianism (I used to think that this was cringy because of youtubers, but I looked further into it and everybody in the community is so sweet and amazing, they helped me realize what I was kin with and were so accepting no matter what)
-fnaf (don’t like the games because I’m jumpscare sensitive but the characters and fan content is amazing, and I’ve made a ton of friends through the fandom)
-batim (again, not a game fan, but because of this fandom I found one of my favorite artist and it brought me and my best friend way closer)
-dsaf (another fandom that helped me find a great artist, the game is hilarious and I can actually play it due to it being less scary than fnaf, the characters are some of my favorites, and the au content is so creative)
-ferrets (favorite animal, I want a little slinky so bad, I have so many ferret facts written down)
-the phobia project (the people making this are so talented, it’s so cool how they mixed the game’s story with purple’s and Leon is an absolute sweetheart, I love the characters)
-sander sides (thomas sanders content has helped me through so much and when I found his new series of course I had to binge it also I really identify with Logan and heavily headcanon him as autistic)
-minecraft (first youtube video I ever watched was minecraft, it’s so calming and nice, like you can sit down and just build, and the players of this game are super talented at building, I love it)
-slenderverse (just, all of it. I love watching everything go from just a project I’m doing to oh shit this thing is following me, the characters are always so amazing and I can identify myself so well with all of the, it makes you genuinely feel bad for them, the characters just feel so real)
-blacklight story (it’s just a story that me and my friend are making together, I’ve had so much fun working on it with her, I could infodump so much about this)
-sonic (silver, autistic silver, silver stimming)
-horror movies (they’re so fun to draw and follow along with! Especially the cheesy slasher films)
-digimon (not a very big fandom, the first 2 seasons were really good, but the third season was so amazing, and the movie was the best!!!, also terriermon, just terriermon)
-yokia watch (I remember shipping Eddie and Nate so hard, the jibanyan clones are unoriginal but I love all of them, the nokos are my favorite, I’ve always wanted a panda noko so bad, also the multiplayer aspects were so fun!!)
-studio ghibli (their animation is so nice and beautiful!! I love all their movies so much! Especially Ponyo and Howl’s moving castle)
-plants (theyre like therapy for me, alot of times I don’t feel like getting up, but make myself so I can make sure they’re healthy, also it makes me super happy to see them growing healthily because it reminds me that not everything has to be bad)
-animal crossing (don’t have the game, but the characters, I love)
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