#I can make a whole post detailing why that HC is likely true in the future
If Dave and Jack Got Married at Least One of them Wore a Dress.
Look, I know this is already pretty much the consensus of the DSAF fandom almost as much as Dave and Jack being most definitely gay, but I’m doing this for new fans.
I believe that at least one of them would have worn a dress if they got married. I say at least one because actually I think both of them would have.
If only one of them did it would be Dave, because there’s no way he wouldn’t think that would be really funny. Given his entire personality, we can safely assume he would find one of the two of them wearing a wedding dress to be funny.
If it were Jack it would be because Dave convinced (or rather FORCED) him to. It’s possible he’d do it of his own volition, but I doubt he would have been the one to first come up with the idea.
Now here’s why I think it would be both. As established, Dave would have found the idea of them being men and wearing dresses to be really funny, so he would have worn one, not only that but he would have thought it would be funnier if they BOTH did, so he would have forced/convinced Jack to also wear a dress.
Not only is it logical that they would wear dresses, but can you really see them both in suits?
Alternatively, Dave could potentially view wearing a dress as a perfect punishment for the loser of a bet. They’d get drunk and high off their asses in Vegas, decide “hey let’s get married” in the spur of the moment, and whoever lost the dress bet would be converted to wearing a wedding dress rather than a regular one.
Do not tell me you can’t at LEAST see this as a subplot that would happen in a fanfic, if not having a random throwaway reference to it ingame.
All of these options are just so completely in character that I find it highly likely one of or both of them wore a wedding dress if/when they got married.
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harukapologist · 9 months
Hewwo fellow Haruka apologist/stan :)
I wanna ask the expert themself, what do you think about the headcanon that Haruka's parents (or his mom at least) is into taxidermy? There's a shit ton of taxidermy in his second t2, but also in a translation of AKAA lyrics (a more 'accurate' one, rather than the eng sub that's provided) instead of "I will keep killing to be a good boy" it's "Rather than taking something away, it's better to give". What if Haruka was killing animals to 'help' his mother with taxidermy? In his own sick and twisted way of getting her attention. And, let's not forget the famous scene where he's standing on top of the chair surrounded by the dead animal corpses, he's says "Mommy, look, aren't I amazing?". Sick, yeah. But what if he's presenting his 'gifts' to his mother, who's into taxidermy?
And the orange/amber liquid that everyone thinks is honey in reference to Muu? Someone in the comments said it could be formaldehyde, which is used for taxidermy. Just another thing that caught my attention
I thought about this way too much, but it's a just silly lil hc of mine
Hi hello!! Thank you for sending me this ask (and so sorry I replied so late!) I'm always happy to meet & discuss with fellow Haruka enjoyers :3c
I completely agree with that headcanon (in fact I don't think the orange liquid in AKAA resembles honey at all except for the color--the consistency seems closer to that of formaldehyde, and it makes more sense with the sequence of events that it'd be formaldehyde), I think Haruka's mom was a taxidermist or at least into something biology related, hobbyist or professional, so Haruka was exposed to a lot of things involving animals and taxidermy throughout his life. I assumed this is at least part of the reason why he dislikes animals--they remind him of his mom, when he was still somewhat loved by her, I imagine she'd tell or show him some details of her work/hobby, so he learned a lot about animals & taxidermy from her.
If I'm being honest, when I first watched AKAA it didn't occur to me at all that Haruka killed the animals, I interpreted that as a metaphor or symbolism (but I won't talk about that here because it'll be too long and it involves Weakness haha), so seeing most of the fandom interpret it literally (I guess because of his VD but I didn't take the VD at face value either) surprised me and I spent a while thinking of why Haruka would do something like that, and the perspective you offered really makes sense!! In my interpretation wouldn't call it sick or twisted as much as it is Haruka "accepting" that he is what his mom painted him to be, in his mind--someone whose only talent is bringing bad things, so he took to killing the animals in an attempt to utilize his "evil self's only ability" to do something his mom would hopefully approve of. It kinda reminds me of Tendou Satori from Haikyuu, who embraced the label "guess monster" because he was so used to being treated as a monster, so he embraced that he's weird and unlikable in a way that can make him still a good player but also true to himself. (I hope I remember correctly I haven't watched Haikyuu in like 2 years but Tendou is very dear to me) Except in Haruka's case it is way more fucked up lol.
Also gotta thank whoever retranslated AKAA more accurately--I noticed this theme with the innocent prisoners being painted in a purposefully bad light in T2 so we could vote them guilty, and the other way around as well, the guilty from T1 being painted as miserable and actually not that bad, yk. There's really nothing in MILGRAM that should be taken at face value imo.
And worry not I also thought about this an unimaginable amount, it's been on my mind the whole week actually, but I'm trying to articulate my thoughts into a coherent post lfhksdsl
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midnight-omega · 1 year
Alpha hc
I'm back with some general hcs about my alphas :)) pls bear in mind these kind of things vary from person to person and their world they're building !
Some of these are nsfw also ! proceed with caution
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🍃 Characterized by the instinct to provide for and protect their loved ones/pack
🍃 Alphas are rather possessive creatures! Not in a toxic way (at least not all the time), but in a caring sort of way. Being a little wary and overprotective is the way most alphas show love
🍃 Alphas tend to be a little skittish around other alphas they don’t know. Alphas can be buddies! But it takes a little bit of awkward leeriness to get there
🍃 Not all alphas are aggressive douchebags. Their protective natures make them quicker to jump into “defend” their loved ones giving them the reputation of being overly aggressive and ready to fight 24/7
🍃 Alphas do tend to have a shorter temper, though
🍃 Alphas have the longest and sharpest canines out of the dynamics
🍃 Building muscle mass is easier for alphas and many find working out to be a great way to blow off steam and relieve stress! But just because its easier for them doesn’t mean they’re all buff and that they all enjoy a workout
🍃 Alphas are typically taller and more muscular, but that’s not always true. Alphas can be short and chubby too! Though it may be a bit rarer for them to have these kinds of builds
🍃 A group of alpha friends are like a group of dude bros (the positive himbo kind of dude bros!)
🍃 All alphas experience ruts and all alphas knot (I’ll make a more detailed rut/heat post later probably!)
🍃 Female alphas cannot conceive. They have a vagina, but lack the functioning uterus as a whole the same way male omegas are born with a penis but lack the function to create viable sperm
🍃 Female alphas can enjoy penetrative sex, but it’s dependent on the person and not typically common.
🍃 Vaginismus is very very common in female alphas, so most tend to avoid penetration
🍃 Female alphas do have boobies ! They can lactate in very rare circumstances but its uncommon
🍃 Lone alphas (an alpha without a pack) are considered rather dangerous. In the past lone alphas would sort of infiltrate packs and cause chaos with their unwanted scents and ruts. Sometimes these infiltrations would end in murder or sexual assault. It’s generally believed that without a pack or loved ones to take their protective instincts out on they devolve into baser more aggressive instincts
🍃 Alphas have a lot of pent up stress. It’s not really manly/alpha-ly to express these healthily so often times their well intentioned worrying about their loved ones (are their pups safe at school? Is their mate doing well in that job interview? Are their mom and their aunt still fighting?) Turns into anger and the same aggression seen in lone alphas. 
🍃 Its really important for alphas to find a way to relieve this stress and worry. If they can’t manage to express it or talk about it, that is (some can overcome toxic mindsets!)
🍃 That’s why a lot of alphas like physical activity like I mentioned earlier! Working out, sparring in various martial arts, and sports are popular options, though there are also alphas who take refuge in creative fields too
🍃 Alphas who are a little less active, perhaps not as tall or not as masculine coded do tend to be bullied a bit for it
🍃 Alphas are pretty carnivorous. They looove meat and red meat especially and have a hard time cutting it out of their diet
🍃 Alphas never really grow out of teething. Not to say they’re like sharks constantly growing new teeth, nah, but they always hold onto the teething instinct to gnaw and chew for relief
🍃 Fidget toys that are made for chewing are super popular and an excellent way for alphas to stim
🍃 On the more kinky side of things you ought to try giving your alpha a bit even if they’re not into pony play their c h o m p instinct will trigger
🍃 Speaking of kinky shit say it with me not all alphas are doms! Collar them and tell them they’re a good boy/girl fr
🍃 Body worship is a really popular kink among alphas whether they prefer to be on the giving or receiving end
🍃 Most alphas are also total sluts for praise fr compliment ones body and tell them they make you feel safe and they’re yours for the taking
🍃 Alphas are typically expected to join the workforce, the same as betas. They can typically enter any school and any field they please
🍃 If an alpha is the head of their pack or the packs second in command they may forgo work to take care of pack issues especially if the pack is large. Managing a large pack is a full time job within itself 
🍃 Alphas are generally expected to mate but there won’t be too much pushback if they decide not to (though it depends on the family)
🍃 Alphas are not good with finances, do not trust them with pack credit cards fr
🍃 Alphas are typically in charge of obtaining housing for their mate and family and take a lot of pride in making their house a home (this is the denning instinct at work)
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cyborgdumptruck · 2 years
Why I like Jetstream Sam: A Comprehensive Essay
I was actually thinking of making a separate post about Sam as a character. So I think the time has come. 
Disclaimer: these are just my thoughts and observations about him (might also include hcs). I do not and never intended to establish one only interpretation of him in canon. Basically, this is just me rumbling about my own comforting stuff, and you don’t need to take that seriously if you have some other opinion. 
And another heads up: my English sometimes is very wonky when it comes to writing something very important, I get pretty nervous, and it is very hard to write about it. It is probably connected with my mental health, so don’t be surprised with some mistakes. 
My acquaintance with Samuel started with memes. I was curious to know more about Sam with the thought that he might play an important part in MGR plot (I was not mistaken). However, I thought that Sam was a sidekick of Raiden who would betray him in the end (which was not true and I am actually glad that it is like that). After discovering more about the plot and characters, I got invested even more into the game (which I managed to play after months of being in the fandom). I just fell for him as a character right away. In the end, I dove deep enough into fandom to know more about him.
Here is the meme I am referring to.
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and here also my favourite pic with the battle in badlands which I saw during my search.
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So, what actually makes Sam such a nice and expressive character? Voice, mimic and gestures, they are rich. The way I see him move and talk..It just makes me melt. Every time I see him on the screen makes me squeal “he is so cool”. (fangirl moment I guess)
However, there is something more behind this charisma and smile. It cannot be seen from the first glance, yet it is strongly connected with him. You know what they say? The eyes are the mirror of a soul. I see those eyes, I see pure sadness. Yes, Sam hides it, yet it can be observed through his reaction to different interactions in the game. Here are a few screenshots that I consider the best representation of how it shows Sam’s despair. It is not about expression, rather the way he looks - tired, sad, broken. He hides it behind the cocky attitude and remarks.
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Well and of course the difference between dlc Sam and Desperado Sam who is seen as a parallel to Raiden. I also like the detail that they both have scars on their left part of the face. Another interesting thing is that Sam cuts Raiden’s left arm while he had his right arm cut by Armstrong. From that point this wound started “the fall” of him. I think that he just lost his way, he lost desire to live. Raiden was his only hope, at least get rid of Armstrong as the final “revenge”. 
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Surprisingly, Sam feels more of a protagonistic figure than Raiden (he just has some vibes of it). If not the circumstances, he would be a hero too, I just feel like it. 
In my humble opinion, Sam is capable of not only showing some more “human” and “genuine” side of him. He CAN FEEL because he is not fully augmented. He struggles, like all humans and who knows, maybe he wanted a better life. 
Sometimes, I feel that I can partially relate to him. I don’t know why, but it is just something that helps me to feel significant in this world. His story kinda reminds me of my own (not at all parts, but just the concept of “losing my identity”).  Anyway, the point is that I feel him as my comfort character. It is just enough to see his smile to understand that things will be alright. 
To sum up: Sam has a large potential as a character, he deserves appreciation and love. I would give anything for him to have a separate game with the whole story of the revenge for his dead father and destroying drug cartels in Brazil. It would be really awesome! 
Just look at him ;_; he is so...perfect!
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not the same anon but i also hc sokka as autistic (specifically audhd), bc there was always certain ways he behaved that i found i related to a lot. a lot of them are just reasons you mentioned: he can be very blunt, and one thing about sokka is that he is a tendency to put his foot in his mouth sometimes, just saying things as they are without realising it might be insensitive or that it might not be the best thing to say. and i know that him overlooking certain important details, such as toph being blind at times, can be attributed to adhd but i think that forgetfulness in regards to other people is something that can be attributed to autism, in that he doesn't really think about the fact she's blind despite obviously knowing. on the contrast though, whilst at times he seems unaware, i think sokka can be very hyperaware of very small things that hes insecure of that other people don't really notice, or that other people have pointed out that he might not have thought much about before which is also smt ik some ppl with autism struggle with. and even though he is a social person, like i mentioned before that at times he seems slightly unaware of certain things, but a lot of his social behaviours can be read as masking, like his insistence he is the "meat, sarcasm and planning" guy, trying to pin his personality on these key things, and whilst his attempts to be like hakoda are Daddy Issues it can also be read as the fact he knows his dad is a well respected, well liked man, and that by mimicking his behaviour he will be perceived as more socially acceptable.
the most obvious thing is the scheduling, we know he loves his plans and he's the self proclaimed "plan guy" but he gets quite grumpy when people don't abide by them and happy when people do. sokka is a very routine person, when we first see the swt he gets frustrated when the kids don't want to train, another thing that could be read as them throwing off his schedule. there's also the thing with the fortune teller- sokka is very insistent on his science, something he's very passionate about, and gets really easily frustrated when people won't listen to him when he's trying to explain something, and can't understand why people would believe that instead of what he believes, which also kind of leans into the whole social unawareness thing. nowadays i write him more as having audhd just because i think it fits more- a lot of autism traits and adhd do overlap, and it's very common for ppl with autism to have a lot of adhd traits, vice versa. that's all i can personally think of tho, but yeah all nd hcs are neat. need more in the world
you're so right actually. i've been fully convinced. i think because i'm audhd it's hard to separate out whether it's the adhd or autism that makes me relate to a character. it could be both! also i think that the way sokka is widely perceived as dumb and silly when he's actually very intelligent is very similar to adhd stereotypes and less similar to autism stereotypes, so it was easy for me to just kinda pick that one.
his insistence he is the "meat, sarcasm and planning" guy, trying to pin his personality on these key things
i have a whole post in my drafts about how his various different "[x] guy" titles throughout the show are evidence of adhd because you feel like you can't focus on one thing and you feel like a fuck-up (bc you may forget things/be disorganized) and you're desperately trying to find the one thing that will make up for you being an unfocused fuck-up. but it actually makes so much sense as autism too, as a social script that makes it easier to define himself to other people. also defining yourself by your interests and only wanting to interact with people through them is very autistic. i think it's a question on the raads-r. also it's why i'm on tumblr.
anyways, the fun thing is that both can be true simultaneously. it's a product of insecurities about adhd and also an autistic social script.
and whilst his attempts to be like hakoda are Daddy Issues it can also be read as the fact he knows his dad is a well respected, well liked man, and that by mimicking his behaviour he will be perceived as more socially acceptable.
i think this might've also been why i initially read him as only adhd. i fell for his mask! what we know of hakoda reads as only adhd, so i made the mistake of assuming that was it. and i'm a huge proponent of "hakoda and sokka are actually different people"! shame on me.
like, generally the way he's trying to play this warrior role that doesn't fit him because he thinks that's what he's supposed to be can be read as autistic masking. he imitates how he thinks strong men are and it comes off as comical and fake bc attempting to mask sometimes means the fact that it's a mask is really obvious.
yeah i'm into this. audhd sokka!!!!!
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lolthswcrn · 8 months
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Sornin is like a child when it comes to learning how to "share and be kind". Despite his age (97), he has lived an entire life in the world of Menzoberranzan. A harsh place where most (if not ALL) male drow are seen as something beneath their female counterparts, especially in the eyes of Lolth.
I won't go fully into details the sufferings that Sornin has lived through, and I'll probably leave that to a separate more in depth hc post, but at a glance, this has all left Sornin to understand that kindness doesn't exist without manipulation. Kindness doesn't come without a cost, and if it's not death itself as that cost, then it's wanting something in return.
The people of Menzoberranzan kill each other purely because one of them may have looked at the other funnily. This is a true Hunger Games style city, where even those that are faithful to Lolth can STILL be killed (especially the men). The fact that Sornin is still alive says a lot, but that is only because he grew up to be strong and large for a drow, and because of that, he was seen as more useful than others. This means both physically (as a guard), but also sexually (as a pet).
He has seen what happens to those that are not loyal or behave under the hands of the priestesses. And although he has learned to resent them over time, female drow still instil fear inside him and likely always will. 97 years of being treated as a pet and punished if he acted out has made trauma settle itself firmly.
The first time he sees any senses of kindness and others to even expect kindness from him are when he's on the surface. This is a whole new world for him, and much of it is strange and challenging for him to deal with.
This is where his companions can either make or break him with his moral code. Sornin is evil neutral. Because of a life filled with manipulation, it does mean that Sornin can be manipulated into either becoming more evil or more good. It is much easier for Sornin to remain evil, though, because that's been his life, while it's a SLOW burn for Sornin to become lighter (though not impossible). This is a big change for him, and those that are patient and willing to teach him, will be rewarded with Sornin's deep sense of loyalty and companionship.
When I say Sornin is like a child learning how to share for the first time, I mean this. He needs to be taught and learn and understand why these things are important, because he's survived in a very selfish world where he has been a slave to evil for a long time. But just because he's a slave to evil doesn't mean he is incapable of learning these things (and my personal play through he IS capable of change). But these things do also completely depend on interaction with others and if these things are taught (meaning if your muse is evil or chaotic, he will remain evil and can become chaotic if enticed).
And as a reminder, Sornin is not a Tav, he IS a companion muse, which means if your muse is a Tav (or we have a generic Tav if not playing one), that Sornin isn't the one making the big decisions at camp--which can also alter his outcome depending on that Tav/origin story canon character. :)
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call-2-arms · 10 months
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Sornin is like a child when it comes to learning how to "share and be kind". Despite his age (97), he has lived an entire life in the world of Menzoberranzan. A harsh place where most (if not ALL) male drow are seen as something beneath their female counterparts, especially in the eyes of Lolth.
I won't go fully into details the sufferings that Sornin has lived through, and I'll probably leave that to a separate more in depth hc post, but at a glance, this has all left Sornin to understand that kindness doesn't exist without manipulation. Kindness doesn't come without a cost, and if it's not death itself as that cost, then it's wanting something in return.
The people of Menzoberranzan kill each other purely because one of them may have looked at the other funnily. This is a true Hunger Games style city, where even those that are faithful to Lolth can STILL be killed (especially the men). The fact that Sornin is still alive says a lot, but that is only because he grew up to be strong and large for a drow, and because of that, he was seen as more useful than others. This means both physically (as a guard), but also sexually (as a pet).
He has seen what happens to those that are not loyal or behave under the hands of the priestesses. And although he has learned to resent them over time, female drow still instil fear inside him and likely always will. 97 years of being treated as a pet and punished if he acted out has made trauma settle itself firmly.
The first time he sees any senses of kindness and others to even expect kindness from him are when he's on the surface. This is a whole new world for him, and much of it is strange and challenging for him to deal with.
This is where his companions can either make or break him with his moral code. Sornin is evil neutral. Because of a life filled with manipulation, it does mean that Sornin can be manipulated into either becoming more evil or more good. It is much easier for Sornin to remain evil, though, because that's been his life, while it's a SLOW burn for Sornin to become lighter (though not impossible). This is a big change for him, and those that are patient and willing to teach him, will be rewarded with Sornin's deep sense of loyalty and companionship.
When I say Sornin is like a child learning how to share for the first time, I mean this. He needs to be taught and learn and understand why these things are important, because he's survived in a very selfish world where he has been a slave to evil for a long time. But just because he's a slave to evil doesn't mean he is incapable of learning these things (and my personal play through he IS capable of change). But these things do also completely depend on interaction with others and if these things are taught (meaning if your muse is evil or chaotic, he will remain evil and can become chaotic if enticed).
And as a reminder, Sornin is not a Tav, he IS a companion muse, which means if your muse is a Tav (or we have a generic Tav if not playing one), that Sornin isn't the one making the big decisions at camp--which can also alter his outcome depending on that Tav. :)
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
Nice, very creative! I loved your next generation hc although isn't it a bit odd that both James and Albus are taller than Harry considering that Harry is tall-ish but not very tall in canon and Ginny is super short and small like a Prewett. Lmao I mean I don't really understand biology much but I feel like J and A would have to be suuper lucky to end up with those genes . Yeah but anyway I REALLY loved Auror Lily and Pediatric healer Teddy 🥰❣️
[for who hasn't read it, this question references this post]
I have a million old asks to answer but God, I'm fangirling over this question. I've never thought I'd actually have the opportunity to talk about biology of all things in an HP-centric blog!
To avoid sounding obnoxious I won't get into details but I am a biology nerd.
Ok, now I'm going to answer. I'm going to try to stay away from excessive technicalities. Before we start, I'm sorry but I refuse to use the imperial system, the metric system is the only acceptable thing.
Statistically, a good way to determine height is to take the parents' heights, find the middle and then add 13 cm if it's a guy, or take them away if it's a girl. And I imagine Harry and Ginny having a height difference that is somewhere between 20 and 25 cm. This would bring James and Albus around Harry's height, but it's a statistic, so it's done with the assumption that the parents have a height that can be considered average in their families.
Now, Ginny is short, sure, but all her brothers are very tall, so the possibility of Ginny having recessive "tall genes" is very high. Stupid example: my father and his brother are a lot taller than the other men in their family, they just took after one great-grandfather that was really really tall and their cousins didn't. My grandfather wasn't that tall either but he clearly had that recessive gene that he passed on to his sons (in my grandma's family they aren't tall either). My brother is even taller and I can assure you that my mum is not tall. Now imagine that you are the only short one of seven children, the possibility of carrying "tall genes" is super high.
Another thing to take into consideration is that while height is determined at 80% by genetic factors, there's still a solid 20% of free game. This is why people keep getting taller than the previous generations even in a society where height is not as relevant as it was when you had to daily fight for your life. There are environmental and nutritional factors to consider. So boys are usually slightly taller than their fathers and that would be especially true with the Potter boys considering that Harry spent ten years of his childhood (the more impactful time in terms of external influences on the body) suffering malnutrition. That Harry still managed to become objectively tall means that he probably had some serious tall genes in him.
This said, I just wanted James and Albus to be tall. If we need to find a lucky one with the genetic pool is actually Teddy. I know that no one remembers this, but at the end of the books, Harry is taller than Remus.
Also, I'm so happy that you liked pediatric healer Teddy and especially auror Lily! Lily was always an Auror in my head! Just like Ginny for the Weasleys, Lily is the first girl born in the Potter family for several generations it seems, she needs to be a badass with a cool job! Making her a Quidditch player like Ginny was too obvious. And having Harry's little girl doing his dangerous job is definitely the universal payback against Harry for all the heart attacks he gives to the people that love him over the years.
As for Teddy, he's a softie. He needs to have an adorable job but he's also Head Boy, so you know he was good at school and he would be interested in healing because of Remus. A pediatric healer seemed the perfect compromise. I've also always been fascinated by the whole idea of children being bitten and becoming werewolves at such a young age, like how do you deal with that? So I thought it would be something cool and personally important for Teddy to explore in his career.
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kirschteinsj · 4 years
Pinky Promises
Nanami x fem! reader
Warnings: nothing too much! maybe language but overall just a bunch of fluff and lovey dovey stuff 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Domestic Nanami and reader, just thinking about how much they love each other. sappy and cute stuff.
A/N: Hi! ^_^ Second time posting, I’ve had this one shot saved for a bit now! finally posting it lolz. I've noticed a lot of people have written domestic Nanami pics or drawn art, very glad society as a whole has this perception of him. it truly heals the soul I think. anyway, I hope u like this and sorry if there’s any grammar errors I wasnt able to catch U_U im thinking of doing a hc post next.... unsure hm, we’ll see ^_^!!
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“I’m hooooome.” He says loudly as he steps through the apartment door, setting his briefcase down and taking off his beige coat. Putting down the grand kitchen knife she was using to chop up spinach, she rushed to the door with a smile and engulfed the tall blonde into a tight hug, saying hello. She took a deep breath, inhaling the soft scent of his cologne, the smell of something sour and musty soon taking over. Her face scrunched up and she let out a giggle.
“Oh god, Nanami, you stink, what did you go against today?”
“Nothing too bad. Just a grade 3,” He sighed “A smelly grade 3.” He sounded disappointed, probably because he knew he stunk too. Though the smell was horrendous, she still remained in his arms and he still held on just as tight.
“Are you tired? I was thinking of making dinner with you tonight but if you’re too tired I can-”
“No no. I’m fine. Just let me wash up and I’ll help out.”
“You sure?” She asked looking up towards him, questioning once more to reassure. He looked down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m sure, dear.”
While he showers upstairs, she gets back to readying the ingredients so they could begin cooking their masterpiece as soon as possible. Tonight she had chosen chicken alfredo with a tossed salad; One could say it was her favourite, but saying that would imply that she would eat it when cooked and served by whomever. But to her, she would only eat it when it was him who had made it for her.
Y/n adored him. He adored her. To her, he was her light. She could simply not imagine life without him, not after he had come in and changed her in such a way. She never in a million years would have thought to be so in love with someone. To have known someone who cared enough to hear all about her day or listen to all her tangents, whether they made sense or not. Who listened to her talk forever about anything just so he could see the faint glow of passion in her eyes. Someone who remembered the small details in regards to the things she loved and the things she despised; Like how she hated the feeling of peanut butter on her fingers and how she absolutely admired the scent of fresh pages in a new book. Sometimes, she felt undeserving of him.
He admired her like no other. Never did he believe he’d be capable of opening up to anyone in such a way, at least not until she walked into his life. He could write a million lists, all full of everything he loved about her. The way she smiled cheekily at him after a witty remark, how she'd give every hug as if it was the last, the way she was oh so patient with him. It took him time to become vulnerable in the slightest, he just didn’t know how to do so without burdening her. She knew his job was hard, he’d told her. But rather than running away like he expected, she stayed with him right by his side. She refused to leave him over that. If anything, it made her want to stay more since she felt the need to be there for him. It felt like a punch to the gut but a good one. “So, is this love?” He had asked himself then. Nanami had someone who brought out the much more joyful side to him. At the end of the day, he knew he’d walk through the front door only to see her, arms wide open and with a big smile offering a cozy hug. She was his home. Sometimes, he felt undeserving of her.
Putting the final piece of broccoli into the container, she tidies any clutter and went back to their shared bedroom. Sinking into the bed and falling on it with a plush thump, she lets out a deep sigh mixed with some sort of a groan. She herself was exhausted from work too to say the least. She didn’t deal with curses or anything like that, but she did teach a class of 9 year olds which one could consider just as frustrating. Yawning, she checks her phone to read the time: 6:15 PM. Nanami hadn’t been in the shower for too long, a small nap wouldn’t hurt. Quickly, she settled for a little 30 minute nap. That way, she could get up soon enough to help him out in the kitchen and not abandon him to do everything on his own. She turns her phone off and slowly, her eyes shut.
Y/n slowly opens her eyes and notices a grey throw blanket placed on her, something that she doesn’t recall going to bed with earlier. “Must’ve been Nanami.” Grabbing her phone, she turns the screen on, wincing at the incredible blue light piercing into her skull. “Fuck.” she mumbles. Once her eyes adjust, she glances back at the screen for the time: 7:30.
“FUCK,” she says, voice croaking “I overslept.” With the speed of light, she leaves bed and runs down the hall to the bathroom to freshen up. She soon makes her way over to the kitchen silently, slightly ashamed and guilty. Y/n mumbles a whine with a frown, “He’s probably done making things now. I could have helped.”
The kitchen is filled with the delicate scents of sauces, cheese and herbs. She watches him from the door frame, admiring her boyfriend. He stood in front of the stove mixing at the sauce for the alfredo, which scent alone made her mouth water. Nanami seems to be in his own world, as he stands humming to himself softly, stirring the pot of sauce and adding in the broccoli and spinach, not seeming to notice y/n. With a final stir, he carefully sets the lid and turns to rinse his hands. Her gaze sits upon his figure, how his grey oversized shirt slightly clings to his shoulders and loosens as it goes down his body. Looking down, she noticed the bright red christmas pyjamas he had on, the ones with adorable little reindeers all over them. Grinning, she remembers how she had bought those for him. She purchased a matching set for the two of them and insisted on wearing them all day on Christmas last year. Nanami had responded to the idea with a stern “No” which left y/n in shambles. She didn’t expect him to agree, but hey, a girl can dream. However, on Christmas day, lo and behold, she had woken up to find Nanami sitting on the couch, watching the news with his reindeer PJs on. Immediately, she had attacked him with hugs and kisses and all Nanami did was sit there and accept them, secretly loving it the whole time.
A deep voice throws her out of her thoughts. “You know, it’s rude to stare, right?”
Y/n chuckles quietly and makes her way over, wrapping her arms around him from behind, snuggling into his back.
“I like to stare at you, you’re cute,” she breathes in his scent once again, “ah, you smell so much better now. Like the nami I know.”
“I am not cute. I am a grown man.”
“C’mon, you can’t possibly be saying that right now. Not while you’re wearing these pants.” She coos, gently patting his butt. He goes silent, refusing to rebuttal knowing that he’s lost. He leans against the counter, his front facing her. Though he didn’t say anything, y/n sees this as an open invite to his arms. The rope of his arms finds her waist this time, her arms in an embrace around his neck.
“Whatever, tell me, how was your day, hm?” He posed, changing the subject.
“Same old, yenno. The kids and I had a discussion today about drugs and safety. It was cute, hearing them rat out their neighbours for smoking cigs and talk about how yucky they thought alcohol is. It was… sweet. How was work for you, hon?”
“Shit.” He retorts, closing his eyes, “Work is shit.”
“Oh come ON, I’m sure it’s not always that bad, right? Say, how’s your friend doing, you know, the one who kinda looks like one of my makeup brushes! Isn’t he good company?”
“Yeah, if good company means having to deal with a nuisance to society on a daily basis then by all means, yes, Gojo is wonderful company.” He joked, loosening his grip on her and making his way over to the stove to check on his sauce. She follows, opening the first drawer and pulling out a silver spoon, “You’re so mean sometimes. I think he’s a great guy to be around! I met him once, such a flirt.”
He teases calmly, “If you love him so much, why don’t you get with him?”
Taking her spoon, she lowers it into the pot and brings it back up to her face, blowing on it carefully before she puts it to her lips to taste. “Hmm, I would. But I don’t think he’s as big as you. I’ll have to pass.” She smirked, putting the spoon into her mouth as he watched and sighed in disappointment.
He glares,“God, you’re something else.”
“I’m just kidding, babe.” Bringing her spoon down for another taste. He swats at her hand and she retreats it with a whine. “Don’t do that. You’ve tried it already, and will again when we get to eat.” He scolded tenderly, “Plus, you shouldn’t be given these privileges anyway. It’s not like you helped out or anything.” He smiled, teasing her.
“Nanamiiii, I’m sorry,” she whines, half laughing, “I promise, I was going to help! I just got a little bit sleepy and sort of lost track of time…” He turned over to her and lifted her face with a finger under her chin. Laughing, he delicately caresses her cheek, tapping it admirably with a curled finger. The blonde chuckles and looks her in the eyes, “I’m just joking with you, love. I know you’ve been tired lately, I can tell. Why haven’t you been resting?”
Her smile falls and she sighs. Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him into her, hiding her face into his chest. It was true, she was exhausted but she didn’t deem it to be anything so serious. Work was just heavy this past week from having to grade her students’ work in time for report cards. All she wanted was the best for her kids and was finding ways to get the kids out of their comfort zones enough to do well in class. That reminded her, Nanami also mentioned having a student of his own.
She takes her face out of his chest and glances upwards. “It’s just this week of work, I promise I’ll be back to normal soon. I’ve just been busy with lesson plans and activities, yenno. Anyway, speaking of students, how’s the one you’ve been assigned to?” She posed in a soft tone. Half smiling, he turned around to add the strained pasta to the sauce, scattering it into the pot.
“He’s special. Quite lively. And cheerful. He reminds me of you sometimes,” his voice strains as he stretches to grab the bowl of cooked chicken to finally add into the pot, finishing the meal, “He’s got potential.” Y/n beamed with happiness. Nanami really seemed to like this kid and if he thought you had potential, then it sure as hell meant you had it.
She lets out a squeal, “EEEEEEK!!! That sounds amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Nanami suppressed a laugh and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that-”
“This calls for a drink, don’t you think?” She babbled with excitement, “We should have some wine! Right?”
Grabbing her wrist as she skipped her way over to the bottle, he reminded her, “You have school tomorrow. You always end up having more than needed and struggle to wake up in the morning.” Y/n frowned at his words, to which he noticed and tried to fix, “Tomorrow’s Friday, you can drink plenty tomorrow, hm? I’ll drink with you.”
“Ugh, fine. You’re right. But you have to promise.”
“I promise you ca-”
“No! You have to pinky-promise.” She demanded, pouting as he stuck out her pinky finger.
His heart skips a beat. Was she always this cute? Her angelic eyes stare into his tired ones. Bottom lip poking out, awaiting Nanami’s pinky to interlock with her own. He knew she took pinky-promises very seriously despite her grown age. It was among one of the many petty details that he cherished. Something about this pinky-promise was enough for her to ensure trust onto someone, it made him laugh. Her naivety is what made her so kind hearted, what allowed her to see the best in people. He felt that this naivety is why they’re together to begin with. He didn’t ever think she’d give him a chance. He reminisced of their first few encounters. The way she did her hair back then, the way she dressed, her shy smile and how she’d look at the floor whenever she’d blush. Maybe it was her timid nature that made him fall head over heels for her. Or maybe it was her generosity. Perhaps her beauty. He was unable to simply confine the reasoning for his infatuation with just a few traits. She grew overtime, more comfortable and less shy, she was more confident around him but he knew he could still make her blush so badly that she’d have to hide her face from him. He enjoyed their banter, her company. He felt it was luck. Or maybe it was fate. Who knows. He didn’t want to think so much about it. He wanted to live in the moment, adore her in this present time. In that instance, he felt the strong urge to kiss her. And so he did.
The kiss was short and sweet, yet full of an unfathomable amount of love. It took her aback, she didn’t quite see it coming. She too stood in the present moment, then and there, cherishing the man she loved.
His lips leave hers and he extends the smallest finger on his hand, declaring, “I pinky-promise.” And a ginormous grin washes over her face. In a whisper, she squeals and scoops her arms around his torso, resting her head onto his chest. They stay like this for a while, not too long really, but to them it felt like an eternity being in each other’s affectionate embrace. He goes to speak and she feels the vibrating boom of his voice make his way up from his chest.
“I love you.”
She sighs, “I love you too.”
Turning her head, y/n smoothly gets on her tip toes and clasps her arms around his neck, giving it a tender kiss and attempting to make a trail leading up to his sharp jaw. Catching onto her tactics he laughs, putting his big hand against her face and pushing her back.
“Seriously?” He chuckles, “You couldn’t wait till after dinner? Come on, take out the plates.”
“Wait for what? I was just kissing you! You’re so dramatic, Nami.” She lies, playing innocent. She knew damn well what she was trying to do. She wasn’t going to admit to it though. Taking out the plates and utensils, she readied the table.
After dinner and meaningless conversation, the two lovers tidied and headed towards their room. “Do yo wana wah a mohee tomowwow nie?” Y/n proposed from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth. He perks his head up, confused, “Do I want to what?” She spat into the sink and rinsed her mouth, repeating her question.
“I said, do you wanna watch a movie tomorrow night? Like at home? There’s this documentary I saw on Netflix, it looks really good! It’s crime related.”
“That sounds fine with me. Though, that’s only possible if you don’t end up drinking too much. I always have to get you to sleep early when you drink.” He states nonchalantly, nose poked into a thick book. She rolls her eyes and smiles, “I promise I won’t drink all that much.” Shifting his book to the opposing hand, Nanami silently takes his pinky finger and holds it out to y/n. She snickers and reciprocates.
“You’ve now pinky-promised. Don’t break it, y/n.”
“I never do.”
The nightstand lamp illuminates the room with a soft yellow glow. Shadows of objects on the nightstand hang on the walls. Laying in bed on her phone, y/n turns over to Nanami, who was still reading his book. “Nami, come lay next to me, I wanna cuddle. Please?” Her voice faint. He looks down at her and puts his book away immediately. He could use a cuddle too. Bringing himself down, he lays on his back, y/n closing the gap between the two. Their legs intertwine, her arm and head resting on his chest while one of his hands rested on her bum, the other dotingly playing with her hair. Neither of them spoke a word for a while. Until y/n broke the silence.
“So, were there no other pairs of pants you had left to wear or-”
“Please, be quiet.”
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Ashe // SFW alphabet
​Request: Okay, okay. So I read your McCree SFW alphabet and WOWIIEEEE! I love it, so so so so much! I was hanging onto every word, and I 100% agree with everything that you put on there. So I kinda just wanted to request a lil something... 🥺Could you possibly do Ashe next? Like, she's amazing too. I love Ashe I mean like HhNnnng- An Ashe SFW alphabet would be SOO cool! If you actually take this request, THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! I'm sure good writers like you get tons of requests, so I'll just leave this here. 💞😚
Requested by: Anon
Summary: A sfw A-Z for Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe, from Overwatch!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol.
Notes: Would you be shocked if I told you this is my second request in nearly two months or so?   Also some of these are a little short, so I do apologise-  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
When it comes to affection, Ashe is like two sides of the same coin. In public, she doesn’t show all that much affection to anyone. Even you can’t make her stray from that mindset- she doesn’t want people to think she’s gone soft. In private though, very different story, for the most part. She can sometimes be a bit awkward with affection, be it giving or receiving, but she tries her best. 
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Ashe is very much a no-nonsense sassy friend.She’d tell it to you straight, leave out everything that’s necessary to her point. The bond between you would probably start when you where speaking to Reyes about McCree. She’d jump in to tell you a few embarrassing tales of him before she informed you of the practical backstabbing he’d done. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Ashe isn’t too much of a cuddler, or a hugger for that matter. She was deprived of physical affection for most of her life, so affection is often very awkward. She’d attempt to cuddle you with your head on her chest, but she finds it a little bit easier to cuddle and hug from behind. 
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
No. Ashe is most certainly not a domestic woman- she can just about cook, never really bothered with cleaning as she didn’t need to, and she has never thought about settling down properly, even with you. 
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d be blunter than the butt of her rifle- again, no nonsense. She wouldn’t beat around the bush, she’d would get straight to her point. Life’s too short for euphemisms.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)
Commitment, like settling down, was nothing that Ashe really considered. And to be honest, she probably still isn’t considering it. 
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Not overly gentle. She can be pretty rough- linking to both her upbringing with absent parents and gang activity. She will try, rarely, when she thinks it’s needed. 
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
She isn’t keen on hugs, either. (See C- cuddles).
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
Like hugs, cuddles, and most forms of affection, the L word isn’t one Ashe eagerly wants to let past her lips. She has said it to you once or twice, when she thought you were asleep, and wouldn’t hear her. 
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Ashe is an incredibly jealous woman. She gets very angry, and very confrontational when jealous too. Not always the best emotions to course through the hot-head’s veins, but she doesn’t shy away from her negative emotions at all. 
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Quick, heated, passionate. When they do happen at least. Usually her kisses come before some very lustful scenes, so.. There’s that. 
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Please keep Ashe away from children. Please. She is not good around them, at all. Not even as a family friend.She is not a good role model in any sense of the word. 
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
Ashe is usually up pretty early, and doesn’t hang about too long- she doesn’t like wasting daylight. She’ll occasionally stay for a few minutes longer for a cup of coffee, but apart from that she’s usually gone just after you wake up. 
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
She’ll spend a lot more time with you in the evening, winding don with you by her side. When I say by her side, I mean at least vaguely around her. 
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Much like McCree, almost never. Though, if you gave her enough whiskey, you could probably wrangle at least a few details out of her. 
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Needless to say, though Ashe tries to be reasonable at times, she has a very short fuse. Almost anything can set her off- a small, repetitive noise, someone telling her to repeat herself or even just waking up in a bad mood.
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
Almost everything. She knows your star sign, your favourite colour, the way you have your favourite hot beverage, and every date important to you. Just because it seems like she is absent doesn’t mean it’s entirely true. 
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
Her teaching you to shoot glass bottles and porcelain plates with her rifle. It was a fun day, for both of you. You have a picture of it too, and she keeps a copy tucked on the dash of her bike.
S - Security (How protective are they?)
Very protective. She is aware that you, in theory, could fight your own battles, but insists on doing them for you regardless. It was almost no effort for her, her sphere of influence was larger than it may first appear. 
T - Try (How much effort do they put in?)
About average, overall. When she’s out, not all that much. When it’s just the two of you alone, she tries her best to put her heart out to you, though it’s hard for her. 
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
Swearing, violent tendencies (though not towards you), and manageable drinking. 
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She does put some effort in, but she isn’t precisely vain. Her looks come naturally to her. 
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
She would certainly feel like something is missing from her life, for a little while at least. She would eventually move on, 
X - Xtra (Random HC)
Ashe had B.O.B tear off McCree’s arm because he was looking at you “With heart eyes, dove.” 
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
Too much back-chat- she doesn’t like getting sassed. 
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Ashe is a rather light and restless sleeper, hence why she always gets up so early. She wakes up at first light and can’t get back to sleep. 
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kuivamustekala · 2 years
okay okay one more then I'll stop this might b an Odd One but I hope u can have fun with it sjjfjd
silver the hedgehog!!
THATS MY ORIGINAL BLORBO THATS MY LIL GUY this is not even an odd one lmao you have n o idea how much ive thought of this guy lets go
First impression: well... my friend basically kin assigned this wild haired hedgehog to me idk who he is but the design is?? kinda neat?? i guess i'll go with it
Impression now: son boy. Wrote my first ever fanfics about him (I don't count the knockoff warrior cats oc stories as fanfics bc that was several layers removed from the insp material). Drew so very much fanart of him. Got introduced to the whole fuckin concept of fandom bc of him. Some of the first tumblr blogs I ever followed were ones I followed bc they posted fun hcs and fics of him. There's a telekinetic-hedgehog-from-the-future -shaped impression in my heart forever and ever.
Favourite moment: HE HAS HAD SO FEW CANON MOMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE COMICS THAT I NEVER MANAGED TO READ PROPER IT MAKES ME SAD and the only game he was in proper was a fucking mess but even then I have several moments I had to pick between but in the end, it's the moment where he's trying to contain Iblis himself and refuses to let Blaze do it. And then eventually he relents but it was that specific bit of the moment that I first wrote many pages of analyses about in my notebooks and then kept referencing in my fanfics. I willn't get into the details of why this moment specifically burned (hah) itself into my mind so but that's gotta be the one I pick as my fav
Idea for a story: that one fanfic I never got to write where Silver, having again returned to the present for some reason, gets overwhelmed with how much Sonic and the gang can be and floats himself out to the sea (with telekinesis) and then plops down to float (more literally) in the water, and the stars in the night sky get reflected in the water, and he has an "oh fuck existing can actually be really beautiful" moment. I thought it so many times but never wrote it. Maybe I should tho
Unpopular opinion: okay so I'm working off of fics and headcanons from years ago but I often felt like people kept writing him a little too much like a soft boy. Bc don't get me wrong he definitely has that side to him but I think he should be kind of emotionally volatile in all directions. Not sensitive as in gets sad easily but sensitive as in he feels very strongly about many things and can also get very angry very quick, and laughs at things easily, and just overall feels everything More. (kid me expressing frustration over how I was constantly seen as overemotional and wanted to feel validated in it? partially yes. but also it's just true. sources: trust me bro)
Favourite relationship: genuinely I think him and Shadow would go real well together. Not rly otp wise but just... they're both from different times and they're both extremely good at angsting (said so very affectionately) but in pretty different ways and I just think they could balance each other out pretty neatly there. Silver could teach Shadow how to find joy in small things even when the world is collapsing on you (sometimes literally so) and Shadow in turn could teach him how to strategically make an escape to cool down to cope with some real fucko moments. I could go on tehee but this post is already growing stupidly long
Favourite headcanon: this one, unlike all the other answers so far, is actually directly yoinked from someone else - the headcanon that he's got a lot of scars, mostly hidden under his fur. Look, I read a drabble about it when I was like 14 and it probably fundamentally changed me as a person in some way
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moonlitceleste · 4 years
I’m a warrior (now I’ve got thicker skin) Pt. 1
Part 1          Part 2          Part 3          Part 4          Part 5
I’ve toyed with this idea for a while, but I never posted it because I couldn’t think of the right song to go with it (that part comes in later). Thankfully, the idea came to me and I get to write it out!! It’ll probably be long, so I’ll split it into separate parts.
It’s three years since Hawkmoth started attacking Paris. By this time, the class has long turned on Marinette; however, she found solace in Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, and Luka. Together, they make up the permanent Miraculous Team.
They’ve finally defeated Hawkmoth. Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Lila Rossi have been arrested. It’s made very public knowledge that Lila initiated contact with Hawkmoth out of pure spite and that her sole purpose was to target Marinette-Dupain Cheng and get her akumatized.
Lila is unable to lie her way out, because ever since Lila had gotten Marinette expelled, the latter had been keeping detailed notes on everything she had lied about and done. The only reason Lila hadn’t been exposed earlier was because Marinette was actively preventing it. She had deduced that Lila was working with Hawkmoth and knew she was a valuable connection.
Alya had also been posting Lila’s lies on her blog consistently, and there were quite a few blatant jabs towards Marinette in there.
Anyways, it’s been three weeks since that all went down. And people were still following Marinette around, from reporters to random citizens. The public was curious as to why Hawkmoth decided one girl was special enough as to be his target.
Tired of having to evade everyone, Marinette decides to give them what they want. She has an adequately large Twitter following since she was best friends with Adrien, Chloe, and had previously worked with big names such as Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale.
She shoots a one-take video and explains everything, but not before a quick disclaimer.
“I didn’t know whether or not to, but I realized that telling this story could raise awareness, or maybe just help someone feel less alone. But before I start, please don’t send hate to anyone mentioned in this video. Whether or not they deserve it, and no matter what they did to me, no one deserves to be bullied.”
“I’ve never really told anyone the full story before, and as counter-intuitive as it may seem, telling it to a camera is a lot less scary than it is to an audience.”
Marinette doesn’t hold back. She starts from the very beginning, from when Lila came in. I don’t like the Marinette-creepily-follows-them-because-of-jealousy thing, so I HC that in Volpina she followed them because she got bad vibes from Lila and was worried for Adrien’s safety. She says she saw Ladybug calling her out and that’s how she knew she was a liar.
She continues telling the story about how when Lila came back, everyone believed her immediately. She repeated the lies that Lila said and tore into the ridiculousness of them--the tinnitus she got from saving Jagged Stone’s cat from an airplane runway, how her arthritis flared up after saving Max’s eye from getting gouged out by a napkin and seemingly switched wrists constantly. How her classmates glared at her for being the cause of Lila’s pain and how the teacher didn’t even check for a doctor’s note or blink when they moved her to the back of the classroom.
She talked briefly about Lila’s threat, and how an akuma went after her but she managed to calm down in time, and that Lila was akumatized immediately after.
And then she talked about the expulsion. In great detail. But not before a little backstory about how her principal was quick to ignore anything her childhood bully did because he was easily swayed by money and influence. How her teacher had always told her to be the bigger person. Set a good example. Show people what the Marinette’s of the world are like.
And despite her being the “example”--the perfect student and class president, he expelled her without a second thought or even proof if what Lila accused her of was true. Lila’s parents weren’t even at the meeting, but hers had to be.
She wasn’t un-expelled until Lila herself claimed that she had a “lying disease,” which she later figured out was because Adrien helped her out.
She mentions how ironic it is that “my classmates who I’ve known since childhood and my best friend all turned their back on me in an instant. The four friends who stuck with me were all very new, and I had a dislike for 3/4 of them at some point in time.”
After explaining the beginning in detail, she summarized the rest of what they did--it started with glares and small jabs, then escalated to tripping her in hallways. Most weren’t outright malicious, but the more bull-headed like Alya, Alix, and Kim did the worse stuff like “accidentally” pouring water on her. After all, she was bullying Lila even after Lila had been so nice to her!
And then the Hawkmoth part. Emotions and akumatizations.
“Even though I know I didn’t do anything wrong, it was hard for me to remember that since the whole world seemed to be conspiring against me. But my true friend were there for me, and if they weren’t I’d have long succumbed to Hawkmoth’s influence.
I didn’t actually think Lila would turn my friends against me; I trusted them. Every time I was almost akumatized, it was because of injustice. I just had to remember that in due time, justice would come for her too.
I think my greatest fear was that even once Hawkmoth was gone, Lila would be able to lie her way out of it and somehow, she would convince everyone that I was in the wrong again. But that didn’t happen, and I’m glad that I didn’t give in to my negative emotions.
Part of that is because after a while, I just became numb. I haven’t let myself feel anything after all these years--at this point, my automatic response is to click and delete my negative emotions. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that I don’t have to do that anymore. The reason I never talked about what happened was because I was scared once I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop, and I couldn’t risk getting akumatized.
My knee-jerk reaction right now is to say I’m fine, but I’m not. I don’t know when I will be. I still have thoughts of what I did to make everyone leave me so easily--why they were so quick to turn. But hopefully, letting all this out is a step towards healing. It’s made me stronger, but I’m ready to close this chapter of my life and move on”
She ends the video after a brief end note and a reminder to not send hate to her classmates (but it ends up happening anyways).
“Maybe this could have been all prevented if my classmates had at least tried to listen to me, or if my teacher or principal had done their job. Everything may have worked out in the end, and I’m very grateful for that, but maybe it could have been stopped earlier if anyone had stepped in to help. If you see someone struggling, don’t stay silent. My true friends stuck by me, and they gave me the hope that there really was light at the end of the tunnel. You can give someone hope too.”
(There’s more said in the video, but those are just snippets I have right now.)
Parisians are horrified at the full story, and it spreads like wildfire. People add English subtitles, and it spreads even more.
A girl being targeted by an emotional terrorist for three years, having to suppress her emotions while actively being targeted by said terrorist or else the world would end?! Yeah, people ate it up.
And then Adrien and Chloe tweeted something, and then Bruce Wayne got involved, and soon enough, Marinette became known as the Girl Who Saved Paris.
@2confused-2doanything @abrx2002 @alenee13 @animegirlweeb  @anonymously-odd  @buginetye @catthhay @certifiedbidisaster @dreamykitty25   @ertyzeta @fishandnoodles  *@how-to-function-properly  @iamablinkmarvelarmy  @ihavehomeworkbutistillhere @i-wanna-be-a-ninja @kris-pines04  @miracleofadisaster @momothefemur  @nach0 @nathleigh *@our-preciousss  @starpony999 @swiftie-miraculer13 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @thatonecroc  @theg0ddesspersephone  @thenillabean  @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @tired-butterfly @trippingovermyfeet @user00000003 @velvetterabby
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karanoid · 4 years
about top joe discord
There has been many fear and anxiety regardless the top!joe discord I made. I understand how it gives my discord a bad reputation. Somebody has kindly reached out to me to ask me addressing several points, which I’m now gonna clarify:
1. I am racist, I asked why, and they said mostly because of my dismissive behavior to people who called me out for drawing yusuf adorned in gold jewelry which made their friends feel unsafe. So, I am a muslim and was raised in a muslim household and community. I am fucking brown.
I didn’t say it because you don’t need to know that about me. What bothers me is how some people feel the need to come to my inbox informing me “maam yusuf is a religious muslim who prays 5 times a day and do all the supplementary prayers all while he drinks alcohol and fuck nicky in the dailies, he wouldnt be wearing gold maam no maam.” as if I didn’t know any better. so please, now don’t do that. If you care so much about the littlest details like wearing gold then you’ll also call out yusuf because he draws living beings and drinks champagne. yes it’s true muslim men are forbidden from wearing gold AND silk but let’s not forget, nothing in the comic and movies imply yusuf has ever been religious. It’s easier to see nicolo as religious because he was a fucking priest. Yusuf was a fucking merchant, it’s easy to see that he’d be less faithful because he would have been travelling and seen many kind of people to broaden his horizons and not contained to a little bubble of hyper religious community. However, let me remind you: whether yusuf AND nicolo are religious or not is entirely UP TO THE AUTHOR/ARTIST. It’s totally fine to make him religious and if you can respect it THATS GREAT, I ALSO LIKE HIM THAT WAY, but please remember it’s not even canon and hey sometimes I just draw things because I like the aesthetics. Also please, do not harass writers for getting a thing or two incorrect, even white people cannot get christianity correct, even between two muslims could be a disagreement whether this fic’s yusuf is problematic or not. I wouldn’t even expect anything more and THAT’S OKAY. Just don’t be an ass to muslims of color in real life and don’t fall into the believe that it’s a religion of violence. you can say that greg made him that way bc he knew nothing better but hey, I have no problem with that. again, it’s fine to make him religious, I’d be delighted but it’s ALSO fine to make him not religious.
2. I think that people only write Top!Nicky out of political correctness. OKAY. I apologize for this. I thought like this because I have accounts telling me that they were pressured into writing top!nicky or they wanted more readerships so I make a BIG assumption. I realized this is only a small part of switch and top!nicky fics and the big bulk of this must be out of genuine care. So yeah, I apologize for thinking that people only write top!nicky out of political correctness. I think writers should be allowed to write whatever they want. Yes this includes top!Nicky. And in whatever kinks they want it. However, this still doesn’t change that the discourses do scare people away from writing top!joe. Write top!nicky however you want, but stop vague-blogging about top!joe. racism isn’t inherent to top!joe and you can always remind people to be mindful with their writings but discouraging people from writing top!joe is not the solution. 
3. Top!joe is racist and people in the discord are racist. Okay, I am gonna touch several aspects why top!joe discord is considered racist: (1) because I don’t like to switch them, therefore I am racist. Sorry that’s not how it works. I have a clear preference and that’s just how I roll. Besides, a lot of people in the discord (including me) think either they switch (because they are 900 yo) or joe just doesn’t like bottoming. I’m not the kind of people who refers to reality for fiction I consume but people who prefer to top or to bottom exist (2) i want to be away from accountability and responsibility. Nope. The reason I made it is because I wanted to gather people with same interest as mine. 
4. I paint Yusuf as aggressive and the whole discord like him being an aggressive top. I think this is the only reason why the discord is seen in a negative light. Because wow what a coincidence that someone vagueblogged my discord at the day I celebrated about Nicky suggesting 20 years and wrote a post about how Joe is allowed to be angry. And beside someone made the WRONG assumption that we are focusing on Joe’s anger and violence (what). Okay, I don’t know how to break this down. But I will try. First, yes I was overjoyed at the news. Because I’m one of the people that do not like feral!nicky headcanon. I liked it at first bc it was funny but then it was twisted into Nicky being cold. So I don’t like it (lol), I still like it though but like I don’t seriously think that way. However, I never liked the idea that Nicky suggested higher than Joe. Because then his character just doesn’t click with me, there was a cognitive dissonance for me because joe clearly says nicky’s heart overflows kindness, you can see nicky as a medic in the credit montage. Also, from their body language and from the way the movie set em up, I think Joe is the one who suggested higher and I am glad to be proven right. Second, I did write a post about how Joe is allowed to be angry at Booker. People agreed with me, so I was not alone. But the reason I wrote that post is not because I wanted to paint yusuf as aggressive, but because I’m tired at people who think Joe shouldn’t display any negative emotions. I think it’s out of character. I do NOT think Joe is aggressive. That is NOT his wholeass personality. If you looked at my tog art tag, never once I portrayed Joe as anything aggressive. If I do, please show me. Third, people are conflating this with my post where I reblogged with a comment that implies aggressive Joe isn’t racism. Okay in this, the context is IN BED. It’s Joe being aggressive in BED. It’s literally BED ROLES AND FANTASY. I don’t even have a particular scenario in my head when I reblogged that, the original post clearly refers to bed roles with manhandling and kinks etc. like, why would you spank someone in public? Lastly, about the discord, NOPE, most people in the discord agree that Joe is either a GENTLE DOM or SERVICE TOP. But in my opinion, if someone likes Joe as an aggressive top (again, bed roles baby) I really don’t think it’s racism. It’s just... projection? 
anyway, back to joe’s emotions, these are posts from a moroccan man (paragraph #7) and a brown woman whose posts I agree with. Let’s be real, people of color are expected to shut up in favor of white people’s fragile feelings.
Now, about racism in fandom. I understand the concern because muslim men are painted as violent and aggressive. You know what I will never forgive those radicals for taking away innocents lives and to leave a lasting damage in how muslims are perceived in the west. However, you have to keep in mind, Joe in the movie is far from being stereotyped. I mean, Gina and Marwan practically greenlit him? Now, you might have concerns that writers are gonna turn him into a walking stereotype which is... okay, I understand that concern. But the solution is to communicate this ‘hey I think you make him too stereotypical in this etc etc’ not “write more top!nicky AND shame top!joe” because again, top!joe is not inherently racist.
also some people mentioned that they hope I recognize racial bias in the ship. dude, that goes without saying, all aspects of your life will be influenced by racial biases. however, this kind of thing is not specific to fandom/shipping. Like I said I’m fucking brown, friends and families with facial features that cater to white expectation are treated better. I did say at the bottom of this post, yeah I did notice why it’s always a brown character who’s always openly mad. And that’s in itself a form of racial bias. Racial biases affect everyone, white or POC, it doesn’t matter. But I got an issue with how people think this is racism. like how convenient, if by falling to racial biases mean you are a racist then what about those white people who created this racial biases in the first place? and I noticed the persons who got the audacity to cry about everything in this fandom is white?? I mean okay, they don’t know what I am, but not everyone is comfortable with sharing their private information like ethnic group, faith, etc. what if they really don’t want to share it? Because like you said, racial bias, whether good or bad will affect me. Now, I don’t know what white people are feeling, I’m not white. However, based on my interactions with them. We’re all just people sharing same interest, it could be they fall into racial biases, but all we shared about are just regular HCs. Even people making a conscious effort to combat racial bias still in essence fall for racial bias. You just cannot escape it.
According to this post, fandom assumes that the bottom is the proxy of writers, I don’t think this is applicable to everyone but let’s just say it’s true and people tend to write about their projection better so I’m gonna assume the racism part comes from the fact that..yeah I do think the bottom usually gets more fleshed out as a result of them being the writers proxy, so somebody posted this in the discord which I agree because yes I do think there’s a lack about yusuf’s background especially when it comes to crusade era:
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but since I know most writers aren’t muslims, to me it’s not so much about racism but they simply know nothing about it, and not always out of ignorance either but in this climate, if you get a thing or two wrong you’d get harassed. so *shrugs* I understand the reluctancy. But here’s the thing, this is not about top/bottom issue but because most of the fandom are white so they have more freedom in writing the white character. Anyway, plenty of people have projected themselves into yusuf already, the whole “top/bottom” thing in this fandom is not even a thing. Yes, some writers project on the bottom so if you prefer bottom!joe that’s fine, somebody in the discord is doing a research and it turned out top!joe wasn’t even a CLEAR majority in JULY. So clearly they got their share already?
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so please, let’s stop with the vitriol. if people are preferring top!joe it’s clearly because of different preferences. it’s not that deep. it’s the same way with how some people are preferring top!nicky. But we’re being driven out based on a hypothetical scenarios? like what do you want? for us to cease existing??? don’t be ridiculous.
I know people won’t listen to me. So this is my suggestion: LETS JUST IGNORE THINGS YOU DON’T LIKE. LET’S ALL JUST AGREE TO DISAGREE. 
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ninja-bitch · 4 years
Hey, I wanted to hop in here with a head canon request for a HxH adultrio with a female SO who’s either into, or expressed interest in trying out some level of exhibitionism/voyeurism if possible, thanks 😊💖
He he the possibilities, I am dying. I am dead now.
The inconsistency in the length of my head canons is strong tonight my lovelies, we are feeling it. It’s a really fun request though, I love it! I am writing some more regular relationships HCs too, that I’ll try and post soon.
Again I kept it pretty neutral and tried to put some more details for someone with a fem body, though in a scenario like this, I don’t think it would go much different for any gender love <3
Warning : exhibitionism/voyeurism
Hisoka with an S/o who’s into exhibitionism (NSFW)
Lmao he would be thrilled, he probably is into it too. He is
Ok but they wouldn’t even need to tell him, he’d figure it all out on his own. What do you mean you’re getting worked up when he taunts you and tells you people can hear you? What do you mean you cry out louder when you’re having sex in a semi-public area? (he does that already, whether you’re into it or not tbh, or at least he tries to) THIS MAN IS THRILLED.
No but if it was just a mere idea or something they’d want to try out he’d push them so much. He’d want to show them everything related to that. 
I feel like he’d take them to a nude beach if it wasn’t a really strong kink, just to see how they’d react to that. And I mean, truth is, it’s not really sexual but he’d be having fun and teasing them a lot. It’s kind of stupid, just tell him it’s stupid, he’ll fuck you silly on a boat parked somewhere or even on the sand right then and there.
Would like someone to cockwarm him anywhere.
He’d touch himself in public and have them watch it all tbh. He’s kind of a creep and while his partner may care about other people still, he doesn’t. He’d keep going butt ass naked in front of an audience. He’d put their foot on his dick too, just encourage them to tease him.
No but he’d take you out on a nice restaurant, which he would never do usually, and eat you out under the table. Groping in public might happen more often too.
I don’t think Hisoka would ever be with only one person (or anyone at all, but I’ll post those relationship HC later), so he might have them watch both him and a third person or have the third person watch them.
I have this idea, the both of them just looking at complete strangers having sex and rating it like it’s a talent show. They probably would end up having sex too.
Is into them not wearing underwear when they wear dresses or skirts. He just want a small peek and maybe stick his fingers in there just to have a small taste later.
Illumi with an S/o who’s into exhibitionism (NSFW)
Ok so, he doesn’t see the point. Why would you be into that? He wouldn’t be very understanding. Now he knows about the whole voyeurism/exhibitionism thing, it’s not out of a lack of knowledge, more out of a lack of interest. Why would you want to put yourself in such a vulnerable position, in public, where anyone could strike and get the upper hand? (I mean he’s a zoldyck he could take care of that while having sex probably but still)
Now would he indulge an s/o? Maybe, maybe he’d have them scream for him, while some Zoldyck servant/bodyguard is near. That would be something. He wouldn’t see the point but well, they seem to enjoy it. He’d comment on it too I think, but it would sound pretty unimpressed and cold.
Oh but can you imagine Kikyo hearing them? Now I need someone to write that. (not me I am a fraud)
He wouldn’t go out of his way and try to do something kinkier I think. I don’t think he’d have sex out of a bedroom to be honest. I mean he might, he might, sometimes when he feels like it, but it would be a very rare occurrence anyway.
Could be one to watch people have sex and rate it. Just putting it out there. It wouldn’t be arousing for him though. It’s just something he could do if his s/o wanted to.
Now if his s/o tried to grab him in public he’d probably push them away and ignore them tbh. I don’t think he’d be happy with that.
Oh but maybe, just maybe he’s gotten his dick sucked in a car before. Who’s to know? It was a long time ago.
Chrollo with an S/o who’s into exhibitionism (NSFW)
I could see Chrollo having a bit of an exhibitionism kink too to be honest. In a slight, teasing way.
Like he’d finger someone while they’re at a public event, before a heist or something. He could get into them touching and teasing him there too.
I did read a very great scenario of him getting it on on a balcony a while ago and I also think he’d be one to go for that, trying to keep them quiet and teasing them, threatening them even, telling them that they’re going to get caught because of them. He’d use anything as a gag too if it came to that, because he doesn’t want to be caught unlike hisoka
I definitely feel like he could challenge them to do things in public too, just out of curiosity. Like will you actually try and do it?
He’d be fascinated by how worked up his s/o would get for little things too. Like mere taunts and having them make too much noise, ingraining the idea that they could be seen or caught into their brain(without it being necessarily true) he’d love the fear and excitement he’d see in their eyes.
Haha he’d be into watching other people though, but he wouldn’t admit it. He already knows that, he’d just deny it all.
One to have sex on really dramatic places, like the beach, the top of a building, where technically people could see.  
BUT DOES HE HAVE PUBLIC LIBRARY SEX??? Because a bitch do be needing a scenario of him eating someone out in there. 
I could see him using a small vibrator on an s/o in public.
No but I could see him as someone who’d steal his partner’s panties and have them wear a skirt. He’d tell them it makes it easier for him to indulge them so why not? He’d be much more into it than them at this point tbh. 
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tessisawriter · 4 years
Invisible String, Part 1 (Colton Parayko)
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Request: Can you write an imagine where the reader is John Krasinski’s [niece] but she’s dating Colton Parayko and like she has to breaks the news and John acts mad or something and scares them but then he says he’s joking and he’s fine with it? Thanks
***NOTE***: I changed some details in the last scene b/c I moved the timeline up from October 7 to September 14.
A/N: I’m back! The protagonist is an OC but I decided to call her Y/N instead of giving her an actual name b/c John Krasinski has nieces and/or nephews irl. I already planned the entire plot but idk whether the series will be 2 or 3 parts—I’ll post an update when I know more. This series takes place from March 2018 to June 2019 and is loosely based on Taylor Swift’s “Invisible String.” Here is the playlist.
Warnings: Six swear words, rough breakup, alcohol, loneliness & homesickness
Word Count: 3.4k
March 21, 2018
You were impervious to the mix of pitying and derisive glances from passersby as you sat on the curb. You knew you looked like a cliché, crying in front of a restaurant because your boyfriend broke up with you on your 22nd birthday, but you didn’t care. One question gnawed at you: how had six words upended your seemingly perfect day and relationship?
Your brain was buzzing with activity, wondering if Max had given you any clues that something was amiss. This morning, you woke up in his Cambridge apartment to him singing “Happy Birthday” while kneeling at the side of the bed. As soon as Max finished singing, he kissed you before grabbing his backpack and hurrying out of the room. That didn’t mean anything, though: Max was one of the only seniors to have the misfortune of taking all morning classes because his major was Theater, Dance, and Media. He was also (as usual) running late.
The rest of the day unfolded like any other Wednesday as you followed your schedule of lounging in bed, studying for an hour, going to the sandwich shop across the street for lunch, and heading to campus at 1PM for your classes. Afterwards, you went back to the apartment to find Max waiting there, already dressed for dinner. You quickly showered, curled your long (Y/HC) hair, and changed into a dark green dress and black booties before taking his hand and going to an Italian restaurant in Boston’s North End.
There were no warning signs at dinner, either. In fact, everything was perfect until you were waiting for the check and Max said with a detached look in his eyes, “I think we should break up.”
You didn’t want to relive what happened next, but the images of you acting like Elle Woods when Warner broke up with her in Legally Blonde popped into your head unbidden. You closed your eyes in humiliation and shame as you remembered Max, the man you dated for three years, abandoning you at the table and fleeing the restaurant. The other customers stared at you, some sympathetic, others scandalized, and the rest in pure shock.
You snapped out of the flashback when you felt a large hand rest on your shoulder. You whipped your head around to find a young man with blonde hair and black rimmed glasses squatting next to you on the curb.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
The panic faded as you took in the man’s features. He was definitely in his 20s, probably a few years older than you, and his blue eyes were filled with concern. Something about that concern, though, made you snap.
“Do I look like I’m okay? I mean, come on, look at me!” you demanded while pointing at your face, which you (correctly) assumed had giant black streaks of mascara on it.
You fully expected the man to walk away and leave you be, but he sat down on the curb instead and said, “My bad, that was a stupid question. I’ve got some tissues if you want them?”
That made your attitude soften. He was only trying to help, so you nodded and he handed you a pack of tissues from his pocket. You smiled at him, took the tissues, and wiped your eyes and face. As soon as you were satisfied that they were clean, you broke the silence. “Thank you…?”
“Colton, and it’s no problem. What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You held out your hand for him to shake, which he did. After a pause, you asked: “Why did you stop? Surely you have somewhere better to be tonight.”
He chuckled, and the sound of it made your heart flutter. “I was just heading back to my hotel when I saw you, and I figured I’d stop and make sure you get home safe. That is, assuming you live here?”
“Yeah, I live in Cambridge.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you realized they were no longer true, so you amended your statement. “Well, I lived in Cambridge until about 15 minutes ago when my now ex-boyfriend dumped me. On my fucking birthday.”
“Shit, that sucks. I’m really sorry.” He paused before adding, “I’m assuming he isn’t here.”
“Nope. He hightailed it out of the restaurant as soon as he got his credit card back.”
Colton shook his head. “What a jackass.”
“I know, right? I wasted three whole years with someone who not only broke up with me in a very public setting on my birthday, but also couldn’t be bothered to ask where I would go! He probably assumed I’d go to my parents’ house, but still.”
“Your parents live here?” Colton asked as he fished his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it.
“Yeah, right by Boston Common, why?”
“I’ll get an Uber and drop you off before going back to the hotel.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” you protested while going through your bag for your phone. “We just met! I’ll pay.”
“Nonsense. You’ve been through a lot tonight. Let me take care of it.”
You stared into Colton’s eyes and realized he wasn’t going to back down. It took everything in you to suppress your pride, thank him, and provide the address. Colton typed it into his phone, waited for a moment, and said, “The closest one is around the block.”
“That’s good.” Your burst of energy dissipated as quickly as it came, and you fell silent. From the corner of your eye, you saw Colton open his mouth as if to say something before the headlights of a car momentarily blinded you.
“That’s the Uber.” Colton stood up and offered his hand, and you took it. You couldn’t help but notice how well they fit together as he pulled you up and off the curb, but after regaining your balance, something else grabbed your attention: his height.
“Gee, how tall are you? No one’s ever made me feel like a dwarf before,” you joked as he led you to the car, your hands still intertwined.
He chuckled and opened the door for you. You let go of his hand and slid into the car. After Colton slid in next to you and shut the door, he replied, “I’m 6’6” and no one’s ever made me feel like I’m not a giant before. You’re what, 5’10”?”
“6 feet, actually,” you corrected him. “So, where are you from, Colton?”
“St. Albert; it’s just outside Edmonton in Canada, but I’ve been in the States for a while. I went to the University of Alaska in Fairbanks before moving to, uh, St. Louis.”
You noticed Colton’s hesitancy and the fact that he lowered his voice when saying “St. Louis,” and you were about to ask why when you thought better of it. You were protective of your privacy, too, especially whenever people commented about how funny it was that you shared the same last name as John Krasinski. It wasn’t a coincidence—he was your uncle, and the two of you were extremely close—but you went along with it and never corrected them because it wasn’t their business. So, you let it go. “And what brings you to Boston?”
“Work,” he said before changing the subject. “What do you do? Are you still in school or—”
“I’m a senior at Harvard,” you cut him off. You generally didn’t drop the “H-bomb,” as you and your friends called it, with people you didn’t know well, but this was a special case. Colton just confirmed he was hiding something, and after looking at him in better lighting, his face seemed familiar, which weirded you out. You had to get back on equal footing, and the H-bomb almost always unsettled people.
“Wow, you must be really smart,” Colton said, seeming impressed but unphased. You couldn’t help yourself from raising an eyebrow as he asked, “What’s your major?”
“Government. What was yours?”
“Business administration.”
“Ah.” You fell silent again, this time on purpose, as you racked your brain for where you might have crossed paths with Colton. He wasn’t from Boston, not even close, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d seen him before, and recently.
Colton didn’t let you ruminate for long before reviving the conversation. “What do you want to do when you graduate?”
“I’ll be a lawyer one day, but I have to be a paralegal first. I’m looking for jobs right now.”
Before Colton could reply, the car came to a stop. You looked out the window and saw your parents’ townhouse and your childhood home.Your time in the car had flown by, a sensation you rarely, if ever, experienced. And there was something between you and Colton, a connection you couldn’t quite describe, that made you want to spend more time with him. But your time was up. “This is me. It was nice to meet you, Colton, and thanks again for the ride—I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem,” he replied. “I’m glad I found you.”
You were overwhelmed by an intense desire to ask for his number. If only he lived in Boston or somewhere in the Northeast. But he lived in St. Louis, so you moved to open the door, only to feel Colton’s hand wrap around yours and hear him say: “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You turned around and locked eyes with him. It was like being in a trance, and your heartbeat thundered in your ears.
It felt like years, but it was more like a few moments before Colton let go of your hand. “Good luck with the search. I’m sure you’ll find a good job.”
You wanted to let out a sigh of disappointment, but you just said, “Thanks,” and smiled at him before getting out of the car.
The smell of bacon finally lured you out of your bed at noon the next day.
It had been a rough night. The reality of the breakup hit you like a ton of bricks when you rang the doorbell and all but collapsed in your mom’s arms when she answered the door. She brought you over to the couch, where your dad was waiting anxiously. As soon as you sat down, you grabbed your mom and cried for an hour straight as she held you and stroked your hair. You knew Max wasn’t worth your tears, but it had more to do with you. Despite his major, he wasn’t that good of an actor, and yet, he fooled you into thinking he could be your person. You took immense pride in your instincts, but they failed you with Max. How could you have possibly fallen in love with such a heartless person? More terrifying, would you have ended up marrying him a few years down the road if he hadn’t broken up with you?
You didn’t know the answer to either question, so you stopped crying and began venting about how the breakup went down. Your dad almost hit the ceiling after hearing that Max left you at the restaurant, and you had to talk him out of driving to Cambridge to “give that little shit a piece of my mind!” That wasn’t to say you weren’t thinking about revenge, but your dad potentially getting arrested was not helpful. After that, you started crying again, only this time out of frustration, and didn’t stop until you practically passed out on the couch. The last thing you remembered was your parents guiding you up the stairs to your bed.
Thankfully, you had no classes on Thursdays, so you were able to sleep in and be, if nothing else, well-rested. Your stomach rumbled when you smelled the bacon, so you got out of bed and made your way down the stairs to the kitchen, where your parents were sitting at the table and watching the television.
“Ugh, why are you watching the news?” you said as a way of greeting while making a beeline for the bacon.
“Good morning to you, too, sweetheart,” your dad replied. “I’m waiting for the sports report. I missed the game last night and Uncle John wouldn’t tell me the score. He said he’s sorry about, I quote, ‘the scumbag’ and he’ll call you tonight.”
“God, I miss him. And you,” you addressed your mom as you shoveled a load of bacon onto your plate, “are the best.”
“See, honey? I knew bacon would cheer her up,” she said to your dad.
“I didn’t doubt it. Y/N, we have to figure out a time to get your stuff from that piece of shit’s apartment. I’m not letting you go by yourself, but do you want to let him know ahead of time or just show up?”
“Who did the B’s play?” you sat down at the table and changed the subject immediately. You didn’t care about sports, but your dad and Uncle John were major Bruins fans and the mere mention of Max gave you a headache.
“The Blues.”
“Where do they play again?” you asked as you ate your bacon. It had to be a team from the Western Conference, but the only teams you knew there were the Canucks and Blackhawks because they were on your dad’s shit list.
“St. Louis.”
You almost choked on your food. “What?”
“St. Louis, sweetie. You know, the Gateway Arch—”
“Yeah, I know, Mom,” you recovered. “That’s the team Jenna likes, right, Dad?”
“Yes. Shh, here it is!” He didn’t need to tell you twice; you doubted Colton was a professional hockey player, but your curiosity won out as you intently watched the television.
The score flashed on the screen—an OT loss for the Bruins—and your dad groaned. “Ugh, I’ve got to turn this garbage off.”
And suddenly, a few Blues players, including one that looked awfully similar to Colton (albeit without glasses), flashed onto the screen. You didn’t get a good enough look at him to be sure, though, because your dad changed the channel. You let out a noise of frustration.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” your mom asked, and your dad looked like he had the same question when he turned away from the television.
“I’ll text the scumbag and tell him I’m coming this afternoon, if that’s okay with you, Dad,” you said. “I want to get it over with and besides, I need my laptop and textbooks.”
“That’s perfect, sweetheart. The office doesn’t need me today, anyway.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back; my phone’s upstairs,” you called out behind you as you raced back up the stairs. You did not want to text Max, but it was better than telling your dad that the man he praised for making sure you got home last night was potentially part of the team responsible for his beloved Bruins’ loss.
You locked your bedroom door and grabbed your phone to pull up Google and the St. Louis Blues roster. Part of you thought there was no way a professional hockey player actually cared enough to bring you home, but the Blues being in town and one of its members resembling Colton were too many coincidences for your liking. You tapped your foot impatiently as the phone loaded the roster, and you scrolled through the list until you found a name of interest.
“C. Parayko, 55, R, 6’6’’…”
It cut off after that, so you scrolled sideways to see the other information. It left you without a shadow of doubt, but you clicked on the name anyway to view a picture. Colton’s headshot and full first name stared back at you as if they were looking into your soul.
It really was him. You had to have seen him on the little television at the sandwich shop’s register yesterday.
But what did this information mean for you, really, besides discovering his identity? It was nice to know his full name because it confirmed that he was a real person instead of a delusion your reeling mind made up, but it didn’t change one important fact: you lived in Boston and he lived in St. Louis. Barring a radical change in one of your lives, which you didn’t see happening, that was the reality of the situation. It was time to stop dreaming and confront your immediate future.
You pulled up Max’s number and began composing the text which, after several drafts, read: “I’ll be at the apartment today from 3 to 5. My dad’s coming with me, so make yourself scarce. I want my shit back.”
6 months later: September 14, 2018
You were miserable only two weeks after relocating to St. Louis.
It was funny how one phone call could completely change someone’s life. In your case, said phone call involved an extremely attractive job offer with a clear path for advancement within one year. The offers you had received from legal firms in Boston, New York, D.C., and Philadelphia were underwhelming, to say the least, and you were only a week away from graduation. You had already endured a lot of change this year, so why not one more?
After nearly giving your parents a heart attack but ultimately receiving their blessing, you accepted the offer and moved to St. Louis on September 1st. Uncle John had been especially supportive, enlisting Jenna (known by the rest of the world as Pam from The Office) to fly out from L.A. and show you around the city last week. She made sure you knew the ins and outs of the city, which you really appreciated. You also loved your job. You were doing important work every day, and your boss was already hinting at giving you the promotion you wanted. 
So, why were you unhappy? It was your social life, or rather, lack of one. You didn’t know anyone in St. Louis, and while your coworkers weren’t mean, they didn’t make you feel welcome, either.
That seemed to have changed earlier today when two of your desk neighbors who were around your age, Harper and Ellie, invited you out for drinks after work. You couldn’t have been happier. You went home after work, did your hair and makeup, put on your favorite royal blue mini dress, and met them at the dive bar you recommended. You were so excited on the way over that you could barely sit still; maybe you’d make friends with these girls and finally feel like you fit in in this city.
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Harper and Ellie abandoned you within less than five minutes after two guys came over and asked them to dance. You were now sitting at the bar alone, nursing a cocktail and despairing over your situation.
It was times like these when you thought about Colton. It had been six months since you’d met him in Boston, and you didn’t want to risk looking like a lunatic by slipping into his DMs on Instagram, but you were getting desperate. It was bad enough that being from the Northeast made you stick out like a sore thumb, but the loneliness was eating you alive, and the combination made you feel unmoored. Maybe a familiar and friendly face could change that.
As if God had answered your prayers, you heard a commotion near the entrance. You swiveled your stool in that direction and saw a group of tall, good-looking men in their 20s entering the bar. The tallest one had blonde hair and black rimmed glasses.
It was Colton.
Your brain screamed at you to look away and approach him after he settled in, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him as he laughed at something one of his friends said. It was as if he felt your stare because he suddenly looked in your direction and appeared to gasp.
It was only then that you turned away and faced the bar, drinking the rest of your cocktail in a few gulps. You were so embarrassed; he probably thought you were a stalker or something. You were about to flag down the bartender for another drink when you felt that familiar large hand rest on your shoulder.
You turned your head and found Colton staring at you, his blue eyes full of incredulity and…happiness?
“Y/N. It’s really you,” he breathed.
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mypimpademia · 4 years
SFW alphabet with Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo x reader
TW: Maybe some swearing
Note: You can also request SFW alphabets for other characters on my character list if you'd like
Template creds:
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kuroo is very affectionate. Usually shows it through lots of kisses and hugs.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?)
He'd probably be the crackhead ass best friend that convinces you to do dumb shit with them.
It would most likely start in middle school in a super cliche way. He'd probably be running in the halls and run into you, say sorry really fast then keep running. And the next day come to give you a real apology and you guys just hit it off.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kuroo loves to cuddle, and khen cuddling with him, hes always the big spoon. Has your back to him chest with his arms around you, while you're sitting up, chest to chest laying down or on your sides, anything where he can have you super close really.
Hes also the type to be reluctant to letting you get up to use the bathroom because he doesn't want to stop
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Once hes absolutely sure that you're the one, he'll start wanting to settle down. But he won't actually do it till he's ready.
He at least has basic knowledge, he can make spaghetti, rice, a grilled cheese, all of that, but can't do anything super complex. He definitely has potential to learn though.
He's pretty good at cleaning, it just the staying clean part that doesn't always work. I feel like he lives in chaotic cleanliness, meaning it'll look out of order but he knows where everything is. But if you simplify it and put everything into small units or something, he'll be really clean.
E = Ending (If they break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The longer you've been together, the easier he'll let you down, but the harder it'll be for him.
Depending on why you're breaking up, he'll talk it out with you. If you're going out on good terms, he'll ask if you'd like to stay friends. But if its on bad terms, he'll cut all ties with you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel commitment? How quickly do they want to get married?)
Like I said on domestic, he'll want to settle down and get married once he realizes he's got the right person. Doesn't really care when, as long as youre both ready and able to do it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, he play fights a lot and gives really tight hugs, but he wont if you ask him not to.
Emotionally, hes pretty soft for you. He'll open up to you when he feels a good amount of trust, and he'll make if clear that he'll be your shoulder to cry on when you need it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kuroo loves hugs, and he hugs you whenever he can. Usually hugs you in an almost back breaking grip, he might pick you up and spin you around too.
L = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Always said it when you guys were friends, and when you were dating he kept saying it. But never said it in a romantic way till about 10 months into your relationship, so decently fast
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Kuroo is confident, and doesn't get jealous too often. But when he does, he gets pretty jealous. He'll get super touchy with you, hold your hand, and your waist. If you're talking to someone he'll just stare at them, and drag you away when he reaches his limit.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kuroos kisses are usually rough, and passionate. But they'll be softer if he's in a soft mood.
Kisses your lips and face the most, and if youre short than him he'll kiss your forehead and the top of your head.
He really only ever likes kisses on the lips and jawline. He'll take anywhere else, but those are his favorite places.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kuroo is the type to get used as a jungle gym by little kids. But he'll probably play tag and hide and seek with them. He's like the fun dad type around little kids, and his parental side come out around them.
When theyre not playing, he's lying down with all of them watching a Disney movie while they're hugging him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Kuroo likes to sleep in, so mornings with him are spent going in and out of sleep while you hold each other. And once you're completely awake, you'll probably lay in bed for about an hour just talking.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Kuroo is a night owl, so the two of you will stay up, playing games, talking eating, etc. Then you'll go to bed around 1 - 3 am
O = Open (When would they start revealing themselves to you? Do they say everything all at once, or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
Since you guys were best friends before you were dating, there wasn't much to open up about. But opening up romanticly took him around 6 months. He's an open book, so there wasn't too much to say, so he said it all at one.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kuroo is super nonchalant, so he really does ever get mad. It takes a lot to make him angry, so don't expect to see him heated too often
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kuroo surprisingly remembers a lot about you. He doesn't remember everything you say word for word, but he knows a decent amount. He knows you favorite color, food, family names (even if you've only mentioned them once), favorite flower, etc.
R = Remember (Whats their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first "I love you" will forever be his favorite. It was such a soft and vulnerable moment, he just knew it'd be something he'd never forget
S = Security (How protectively are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Kuroo let's you freely talk to anyone, but if he gets a weird vibe from someone, or youre talking to someone that he knows isn't good, he'll make sure to keep an eye on you.
Normally either keeps his distance and watches you from afar, or stands next to you with an arm around you.
Doesn't really want protection, he wants to be the one protecting you. But if he had to choose, it'd be to defend him when hes mot there to defend himself.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks)
Kuroo is a very driven and passionate person, so he puts a lot of effort towards your relationship. However, it will falter if he sees that his partner won't reciprocate that energy.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Kuroo likes giving tight hugs, and rough kisses, and he's even rough during play fights. So his bad habit is that sometimes he gets too rough, hits you a little to hard during play fights, and squeezes you too tight during hugs, but nothing that hurts for more than a few minutes.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Again, Kuroo is very confident, so he never gets too concerned with his looks. People even call him bed head, which is probably true. He'll come out of the house without changing his hair from how it was after waking up and still feel like he looks good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once he's really into your relationship, he'll definitely feel like something is missing when hes not with you. Hes not clingy about it, but its not the same without you
X = Xtra (Random hc about them)
Kuroo takes a lot of pictures of you to the point where you make up 50% of his gallery. He even has them categorized; selfies, full body photos, cute pictures of you sleeping, you making dumb faces, etc.
Y = Yuck (What are somethings they wouldn't like? Either in general or in a partner.)
Kuroo wouldn't enjoy a partner that has nothing that they strive for. They don't have wants, or a goal, they're just there.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Kuroo moves around a lot in his sleep, but when you're next to him he moves a lot less. And he's a generally heavy sleeper, but tends to wake up if you even get out of bed to use the bathroom.
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