#Hidden leaf ninjas
thoughtsareclouded · 2 years
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Why is this image so fucking funny to me?
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sleepy-kc · 2 years
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I forgot to post this on Halloween, but enjoy the anbu kiddos spending Halloween in Konoha ^^  
In defense of the ninja puppies... It was an honest mistake.
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thecuriousquest · 1 year
What Happened to Your Tag?
Yandere Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Warnings: implied kidnapping, implied Stockholm Syndrome, slapping, stripping, electrocution, abuse/wrongful punishment, Yandere themes
Checkout my Master List here.
Part Two
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His usually calm disposition turns into outrage, and you are in fear of your life. The silver haired ninja stalks towards you like a panther, making you cower in the corner.
“What’s wrong, Kakashi?” You ask nervously.
“Oh, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong, Y/N.” He grabs you, forcing you on your feet, pulling you in close. “Did you attempt to remove the tags in your room?”
You know he’s referring to the tags that keep you within the barrier of your room. When you found that you could leave, you thought Kakashi was just being nice and letting you roam the house for the day.
“What?” You have no idea what he’s talking about. “No, all I did today was move a bookshelf and read. I-”
You never got the chance to finish that sentence as he cut you off with a sharp slap to the face. If he didn’t have a tight hold on your arm, you would have fallen to the ground.
“Ah! Kakashi, what the hell?!”
“If you think I’m going to put up with your insolence for one more second, think again. I could lock you in a cage. I could break your legs at any moment. Is that what I have to do to keep you from running off? Is that what you want me to do?”
“No! I wasn’t trying to run!”
“Lies!” He picks you up and throws you on the couch, tearing at your clothes. “Just tell me the truth.” He finishes ripping the last of the fabric off of your body. “Don’t force me to do something we both don’t want.”
Your lip quivers. “I didn’t do anything. I was just moving the bookshelf. I’m telling you the truth. Please, you have to believe me. I would never try to leave you. I love you.”
He sends a light jolt of Chidori through your body. You cry and convulse at the sudden shock waves ripping through your muscles.
“Tell me the truth. Be honest and this can end.”
You shake your head, denying any escape attempts. He doesn’t listen, and he repeats the cycle, every shock wave growing worse.
He doesn’t stop until you’re lying there with closed eyes. He makes sure you’re still breathing, and that’s enough to satisfy him. Picking you up, Kakashi takes you to your room. He opens the door and places you on the bed, pulling a blanket over you for comfort.
It’s only when he turns around that he notices your bookshelf is in a completely different area. It’s no longer across from your bed but next to your desk. Because you moved it, it caused one of the tags on your wall to fall off. He picks up the tag, eyes going wide with horror.
Kakashi looks at you with pity. “What have I done?”
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illuminatedbackbone · 11 months
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In honor of the colourpop collab I’ll finally post this edit I made like 3 months ago lol
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bh-52 · 5 months
I like Shikamaru, but it's messed up how the super lazy and unmotivated pre-timeskip version became a Chunin when he literally tried to sleep through an invasion by enemy shinobi, and made it clear he didn't want to get involved after being found out.
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itsthetism · 1 year
i will never understand how kishimoto managed to fail sakura so badly. all he had to do was: give her a good backstory, goals, motivations, and some cool jutsus. she was supposed to have a "talent for genjutsu," so why did he never have kakashi teach her it? or have her train with kurenai, as well as tsunade, during the timeskip? she also apparently has earth, water, and fire release, so again, why didn't kishimoto have her learn any jutsus from those elements? why was he able to do all of that with naruto and sasuke, but not with her?
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plumsaffron · 10 months
what’s wrong with nchammer? /gen
There's a lot... hmm how should I put it?
He's a Crow Eater
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A complete waste of functioning organs.
Clickbaiting massive time wasting trash with fugly takes and suffers from the curse of hatred against Sasuke (and The Uchiha Clan). Solo Weeb is a maggot. NO! Umm Dung Beettle. A make believe grass toucher (second or third channel).
Few days ago that mesh of armpit fungus decided to post a he was wrong about Sasuke. I won't watch that buffoonery and it doesn't matter. That worm posted of video in an earlier time of being proud that he got a tattoo of Sasuke decapitated by Killua (screw that wretch who gave him that as well but that trash is not a landfill). Real shame considering he knows of Sasuke's story. Oops I forgot. Lame loser loves sucking his precious Soloking's crows and the Chlorocumphyll of The Leaf. Probably believes that The Will Of Fire will keep himself safe from fire on fire.
Whines of how Sakura should have fought Sasuke rewrite but not beat with the title that she should have killed Sasuke. Which is amusing because no Sasuke means bye story and what a shame for a Solodweeb with a collection of naruto crap and stuff from other animes and this gamer clown doesn't realize that such desire for Sakura to actually fight Sasuke has already been fulfilled technically in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (or Full Burst).
But like imagine hating a child character so much that you're willing to do that and gloat. Engraving who you hate on yourself? Couldn't ignore?
What a stupid human.
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madsscreenshots · 4 months
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naruto: ultimate ninja storm (2008)
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panconcepts · 1 year
Fanart Friday, my friends.. 👊👊👊
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sotiriabellou · 1 year
naruto is so delusional<3
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cartoonrival · 11 months
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this is just not what i expected
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thoughtsareclouded · 10 months
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Baby ‘bito
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So…why does Sasuke have cowboy theme music?
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julesthecutiepie · 3 months
The Warriors of Hope meet Sasuke Uchiha
The air was crisp with the promise of autumn as Saki Miyu, a renowned ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village, found herself strolling through the bustling marketplace. Sasuke Uchiha, her close friend and fellow shinobi, walked beside her, his presence a silent comfort amidst the chaos of the crowd.
As they weaved through the throngs of people, Saki couldn't help but feel a pang of longing tug at her heart. Despite being hailed as the most beautiful woman in the village, she was acutely aware of the void that lingered within her—a yearning for a love that had thus far eluded her.
With a wistful sigh, Saki found herself drawn towards the baby section of a nearby store. It was a place she often found solace in, surrounded by the innocence and purity of infancy, a stark contrast to the complexities of her own life.
Sasuke observed her with a mixture of concern and understanding, his onyx eyes betraying a depth of emotion rarely seen by others. He knew all too well the burden that Saki carried, the weight of unspoken desires and unfulfilled dreams.
"Saki," he began softly, his voice a soothing melody amidst the cacophony of the marketplace. "Are you alright?"
Saki offered him a faint smile, her gaze lingering on a display of tiny onesies embroidered with playful designs. "I'm fine, Sasuke. Just... reminiscing, I suppose."
Her words were tinged with a hint of melancholy, and Sasuke couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt gnaw at his conscience. He knew that he and Naruto, their mutual friend and Hokage of the village, had inadvertently contributed to Saki's solitude with their overprotective tendencies.
Silence fell between them as Saki continued her leisurely perusal of the baby items, her fingers tracing the delicate fabrics with a sense of longing. Despite her outward appearance of strength and poise, she couldn't shake the profound emptiness that echoed within her heart.
"Saki," Sasuke spoke again, his tone gentle yet firm. "You deserve happiness, you know. Don't let anyone—or anything—stand in the way of finding it."
His words resonated within her, stirring something deep within her soul. For the briefest moment, Saki allowed herself to entertain the possibility of a future filled with love and companionship, free from the shadows of the past.
With a newfound resolve, she turned to Sasuke, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Sasuke. For everything."
And as they made their way out of the store, Saki couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker to life within her heart—a beacon of light amidst the darkness, guiding her towards a future she dared to dream of.
As they wandered through the store, Saki's attention was captured by the colorful array of baby clothes and toys on display. She couldn't help but smile at the sight, her heart warmed by the innocence and joy that radiated from each item.
"Saki," Sasuke's voice interrupted her reverie, drawing her gaze towards him. "Have you ever imagined... a different life for yourself?"
She tilted her head, her brow furrowing in confusion. "A different life? What do you mean, Sasuke?"
He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I mean... have you ever thought about finding someone who truly understands you? Someone who sees you for who you are and appreciates you, just as you are?"
Saki's cheeks flushed slightly at the suggestion, her mind racing to comprehend his meaning. "Oh, um... I guess I've never really thought about it. Being a ninja keeps me pretty busy, you know?"
Sasuke nodded, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before turning away. "I understand. It's just... everyone deserves to find happiness, Saki. No matter what path they choose."
Her heart fluttered at his words, a warmth spreading through her chest at the thought of finding true happiness someday. But for now, she was content to focus on her duties as a ninja, trusting that fate would guide her towards her destiny when the time was right.
"Sasuke," she said softly, reaching out to touch his arm, "thank you. For caring about me."
He offered her a small smile in return, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion she couldn't quite decipher. "Of course, Saki. You're an important friend to me."
And as they continued their stroll through the store, Saki couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more beneath the surface of their conversation—something unspoken yet palpable, lingering just out of reach. But for now, she pushed those thoughts aside, content to bask in the warmth of friendship and the promise of a future yet to unfold.
As Saki and Sasuke made their way through the store, they unexpectedly ran into Kiba Inuzuka, another fellow ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village. Kiba's eyes lit up with excitement as he spotted Saki, his grin widening into a mischievous smirk.
"Saki-chan!" Kiba exclaimed, bounding over to them with the exuberance of a playful puppy. "Fancy meeting you here!"
Saki returned his greeting with a warm smile, genuinely pleased to see her friend. "Kiba! It's been a while. What brings you to the store?"
Kiba scratched the back of his head sheepishly, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "Oh, you know, just picking up a few things. How about you? Shopping for anything special?"
Saki glanced at the baby section beside them, her smile softening with nostalgia. "Just browsing, really. I always find it comforting to look at baby clothes and toys."
Kiba's eyes widened with curiosity as he followed her gaze. "Ah, I see. Are you... um, expecting?"
Saki chuckled softly, shaking her head. "No, nothing like that. Just indulging in a bit of daydreaming, I suppose."
Sasuke observed the interaction with a subtle frown, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive at the sight of Kiba's easy rapport with Saki. He knew that Kiba had always harbored a crush on her, and while he respected his friend's feelings, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of anyone else vying for Saki's affections.
"Saki," he interjected, his tone carefully neutral, "we should probably get going. Naruto's expecting us back at the village."
Saki nodded in agreement, shooting Kiba an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Kiba. Duty calls. We'll catch up soon, okay?"
Kiba's grin faltered slightly, but he quickly masked his disappointment with a good-natured shrug. "No worries, Saki-chan. Take care, you two."
As they made their way out of the store, Sasuke couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered in the pit of his stomach. He knew that Kiba's feelings for Saki were genuine, and while he trusted his friend to respect her boundaries, he couldn't help but worry about the potential threat he posed to their fragile dynamic.
"Saki," he murmured, glancing back over his shoulder to ensure they were out of earshot, "be careful around Kiba, alright? He... he seems to have developed quite an interest in you."
Saki frowned in confusion, her brow furrowing as she glanced back at Kiba with a wave. "I know, Sasuke. But Kiba's just a friend. There's nothing to worry about."
But even as she spoke the words, a flicker of doubt lingered in her heart—a nagging sense of uncertainty that whispered of the complexities of human emotions and the tangled web of desires that bound them all together. And as they disappeared into the bustling streets of the village, Saki couldn't shake the feeling that their encounter with Kiba was just the beginning of a journey fraught with unexpected twists and turns.
As Kiba called out to Saki, inviting her to text him later, a playful grin lighting up his features, Sasuke's jaw clenched involuntarily. He watched, his expression growing increasingly tense, as Saki turned back to Kiba with a nod and a warm smile, agreeing to his request.
From the corner of his eye, Sasuke could see Kiba's pleased expression, a glint of hope sparking in his eyes as he waved goodbye to them. It was clear that Kiba's feelings for Saki ran deep, and the thought of him potentially encroaching on their friendship sent a surge of unease coursing through Sasuke's veins.
"Saki," he began, his voice strained with barely contained frustration, "are you sure it's a good idea to give Kiba your number?"
Saki glanced at him, her brow furrowing in confusion at his sudden change in demeanor. "Why not, Sasuke? Kiba's just a friend. Besides, it's harmless."
Sasuke's grip tightened on his cloak, his knuckles turning white with tension. "I know he's your friend, Saki. But... I can't help but feel uneasy about this."
Saki's expression softened with concern as she reached out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "Sasuke, you're being overprotective. Kiba's a good guy. I trust him."
The words stung like a slap to the face, and Sasuke recoiled instinctively, his pride wounded by the implication of his own insecurities. He knew that Saki was right—that his protective instincts often bordered on paranoia—but he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of possessiveness that clawed at his heart whenever he thought of someone else vying for her attention.
"I'm sorry, Saki," he muttered, his gaze falling to the ground in shame. "I didn't mean to... I just want to make sure you're safe."
Saki sighed softly, her hand still resting gently on his arm. "I know, Sasuke. And I appreciate it, I really do. But you have to trust me too. I can take care of myself."
A wave of guilt washed over him at her words, a painful reminder of his own insecurities and the lengths he would go to protect those he cared about. And as they made their way back to the village in silence, Sasuke couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air between them—a fragile tension teetering on the edge of uncertainty, as they grappled with the complexities of friendship and the unspoken desires that threatened to drive them apart.
The sun dipped low on the horizon as Sasuke and Saki made their way through the bustling streets of the Hidden Leaf Village, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestone pavement. As they approached Naruto's residence, a sense of anticipation stirred within Saki's chest, mingling with the quiet introspection that had consumed her thoughts since their encounter with Kiba.
Naruto's house stood tall and proud, a testament to the indomitable spirit of its owner. The warm glow of lanterns spilled from its windows, casting a soft, inviting light onto the pathway leading up to the front door. Saki's heart fluttered with nervous excitement as she followed Sasuke inside, her mind awash with memories of their shared past and the uncertain future that lay ahead.
As they entered the cozy living room, Naruto's booming laughter greeted them, a familiar sound that filled Saki with a sense of comfort and familiarity. He bounded over to them with open arms, his smile radiant as he enveloped Saki in a tight embrace.
"Saki-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, his voice brimming with genuine affection. "It's been too long! How have you been?"
Saki returned his embrace with a warm smile, feeling a surge of gratitude wash over her at the sight of her dear friend. "I've been well, Naruto. Thank you for inviting us over."
Naruto grinned, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief as he released her from his embrace. "Anytime, Saki-chan! You're always welcome here. Hey, let's celebrate! I'll make some ramen!"
As Naruto disappeared into the kitchen, Saki couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia tug at her heart. Ramen nights with Naruto and Sasuke had been a cherished tradition since their childhood days, a time of laughter and camaraderie amidst the chaos of their ninja training.
But as she settled onto the couch beside Sasuke, her mind drifted to deeper, more introspective thoughts. She couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that had plagued her in recent days—the gnawing sense of uncertainty that whispered of untold possibilities and unfulfilled dreams.
Lost in her thoughts, Saki barely registered Naruto's cheerful chatter as he bustled about the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of simmering broth filling the air. Her gaze drifted to the window, where the last vestiges of sunlight bathed the village in a soft golden hue, casting a warm glow upon the world below.
Sasuke watched her with a furrowed brow, sensing the turmoil that churned within her soul. "Saki," he murmured, his voice a gentle caress against the quiet of the room, "are you alright?"
Saki started, her reverie broken by his concerned gaze. She offered him a faint smile, the weight of her thoughts heavy upon her shoulders. "I'm fine, Sasuke. Just... lost in thought, I suppose."
He nodded in understanding, his eyes reflecting a depth of empathy that warmed her heart. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you, Saki. You know that, right?"
The sincerity in his words touched her deeply, a silent reminder of the bond that had forged between them over the years. And as Naruto emerged from the kitchen, a steaming bowl of ramen in hand, Saki felt a sense of gratitude wash over her—a gratitude for the unwavering support of her friends, and the endless possibilities that awaited her on the journey ahead.
As Naruto set down the bowls of steaming ramen on the coffee table, Saki couldn't help but feel a pang of longing tug at her heart as she glanced around the cozy living room. The absence of Naruto's wife, Hinata, and their children left a palpable void, a reminder of the family she longed to have of her own.
"Naruto," she began tentatively, her voice tinged with wistfulness, "where are Hinata and the kids? I was hoping to see Boruto and Himawari."
Naruto's expression softened with affection as he settled onto the couch beside her, handing her a pair of chopsticks with a reassuring smile. "They're at the Hyuga compound tonight. Hinata wanted to spend some time with her family, and the kids were excited to visit their grandparents."
Saki's shoulders slumped with disappointment, her pout evident as she stirred her chopsticks absently in her bowl of ramen. "Oh, I see. I just miss Boruto and Himawari so much. They always bring so much joy whenever they're around."
Naruto reached out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, his gaze filled with empathy. "I know, Saki-chan. I miss them too. But don't worry, we'll plan a family gathering soon so you can spend some quality time with them."
Despite Naruto's reassurance, Saki couldn't shake the sense of longing that gnawed at her heart—a longing for the warmth of family and the laughter of children that had eluded her for so long. But as she took a comforting sip of her ramen, surrounded by the warmth and camaraderie of her friends, she felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her—a hope for a future filled with love and companionship, no matter the obstacles that lay in her path.
As Naruto and Saki settled in to enjoy their ramen, Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle at the conversation, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement. "You know, Naruto, Saki has been absolutely obsessed with babies lately. It's all she talks about."
Naruto's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his grin widening into a mischievous smirk. "Is that so? But Saki, you don't even have a partner yet. What's gotten into you?"
Saki's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she felt the playful teasing wash over her. She pouted slightly, her defenses rising instinctively. "Hey now, I can dream, can't I? And who says I need a partner to have a baby? I'm perfectly capable of doing it all on my own if I wanted to!"
Her words were laced with determination, a fierce independence that spoke volumes of her strength and resilience. And yet, beneath the bravado, Sasuke could sense the vulnerability that lingered within her—a longing for companionship and love that she had yet to fully embrace.
Naruto's laughter filled the room, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, you certainly have a point there, Saki-chan. But don't worry, I'm sure your knight in shining armor will come along eventually."
Saki rolled her eyes good-naturedly, a fond smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, Naruto. But until then, I'll just enjoy being the cool auntie to your kids."
And as they shared laughter and camaraderie over their bowls of ramen, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her—a reminder that true happiness could be found in the bonds of friendship and the simple joys of companionship, no matter the twists and turns that life may bring.
As the conversation shifted from playful banter to more serious matters, Naruto's expression grew somber as he turned to Saki with a hint of concern in his eyes.
"Saki-chan, there's a mission that's come up, and we need someone with your expertise," Naruto began, his tone grave. "It's in a dangerous territory, and I need to know if you're willing to take it on."
Saki's eyes lit up with a spark of excitement at the prospect of a new mission, her sense of adventure overriding any sense of caution. "Of course, Naruto! I'm always up for a challenge. What do you need me to do?"
But before Naruto could respond, Sasuke cleared his throat, his expression a mixture of apprehension and determination. "Naruto, perhaps it would be best if I went with Saki on this mission. It sounds like it could be too risky for her to handle alone."
Saki bristled at the suggestion, her pride stung by the implication that she couldn't handle the mission on her own. "Excuse me, Sasuke, but I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. I don't need you to babysit me."
Sasuke's brow furrowed with concern as he reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. "Saki, it's not about babysitting. It's about ensuring your safety. This mission is in dangerous territory, and I don't want to take any chances."
But Saki shook off his touch, her gaze flashing with defiance. "I appreciate your concern, Sasuke, but I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. Besides, I've trained for situations like this. I won't let you or Naruto down."
The tension in the room crackled with palpable intensity as Naruto watched the exchange unfold, torn between his loyalty to his friends and his duty as Hokage to ensure the safety of his villagers. Finally, he spoke up, his voice firm yet compassionate.
"Saki, Sasuke," Naruto began, his tone commanding their attention, "I understand both of your perspectives. But this mission is too important to take lightly. Saki, I trust in your abilities, but I also trust Sasuke's judgment. If he feels it's necessary to accompany you, then I have to agree."
Saki's shoulders slumped with defeat, her pride wounded by the realization that she couldn't always do everything alone. But deep down, she knew that Naruto and Sasuke only had her best interests at heart. With a resigned sigh, she met Sasuke's gaze, her eyes softening with gratitude.
"Alright, Sasuke," she conceded, her voice tinged with reluctance. "If you insist on coming along, then I won't argue. But just know that I don't need your protection."
Sasuke offered her a reassuring smile, his hand squeezing her shoulder gently. "I know, Saki. But sometimes, even the strongest of us need a little help. We're a team, after all."
And as they prepared to embark on their mission together, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie swell within her—a reminder that true strength lay not in solitude, but in the bonds of friendship and the unwavering support of those who cared for her.
As Saki and Sasuke ventured deeper into the mysterious island, the air grew heavy with an ominous tension, the rustling of the foliage around them seeming to whisper of hidden dangers lurking in the shadows. With each step, they were acutely aware of the palpable sense of unease that hung in the air, their senses heightened as they pressed forward into the unknown.
In a clearing ahead, they stumbled upon a group of children, their figures small and fragile amidst the looming trees. These young warriors stood with an air of quiet determination, their eyes sharp and calculating despite their tender years. At their forefront was a girl with vibrant green hair, her gaze piercing as she regarded Saki and Sasuke with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.
"We are the Warriors of Hope," the girl announced, her voice surprisingly steady for one so young. "We have taken it upon ourselves to protect this island from the creatures that threaten its peace."
Saki and Sasuke exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them as they assessed the situation before them. The children's resolve was impressive, their small frames belied by the strength of their convictions.
"We want to help," Saki declared, her voice filled with determination. "But we need to know more about these creatures and how to defeat them."
The girl studied them for a moment, her expression inscrutable as she considered their offer. "Very well," she conceded, her tone tinged with cautious acceptance. "But know that we do not trust easily. You must prove yourselves worthy of our alliance."
And so, bound by a tentative agreement, Saki, Sasuke, and the Warriors of Hope set out to confront the creatures that plagued the island. The journey was perilous, fraught with danger at every turn as they navigated through dense forests and treacherous terrain.
As they ventured deeper into the heart of the island, they encountered increasingly ferocious foes—monstrous creatures with twisted forms and malevolent intent. The children fought with a courage that belied their age, their small frames moving with surprising agility as they unleashed a barrage of attacks against their adversaries.
Saki and Sasuke fought alongside them, their skills as ninja put to the test as they battled against overwhelming odds. But despite their best efforts, the creatures seemed endless in number, their relentless assault pushing them to the brink of exhaustion.
It was then that the true strength of the Warriors of Hope became apparent. Despite their small stature, they fought with a ferocity and determination that rivaled even the most seasoned warriors. Each one had their own unique abilities—Nagisa's strategic mind, Kotoko's cunning intellect, Jataro's agility, Masaru's strength, and Monica's unwavering resolve.
As the battle raged on, Saki found herself drawn to Monica, the youngest among them yet possessing a wisdom far beyond her years. Her vibrant green hair stood out amidst the chaos, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume them.
"Monica!" Saki called out, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle. "You're incredible!"
Monica flashed her a brief smile, a flicker of warmth in her emerald eyes. "We all have our roles to play," she replied, her voice filled with quiet determination. "And right now, our role is to protect this island at all costs."
Saki nodded in understanding, a sense of admiration swelling within her as she watched Monica and the other children fight. Despite their youth, they possessed a strength of character and resilience that was truly inspiring.
In the end, it was the combined efforts of Saki, Sasuke, and the Warriors of Hope that turned the tide of battle. Their unwavering determination and indomitable spirit proved to be their greatest weapons, driving back the creatures and restoring peace to the island once more.
As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the stillness of the night, Saki couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude towards the young warriors who had fought alongside them. In their small but mighty hearts, she had found a newfound sense of hope—a hope for a brighter future forged through courage, unity, and unwavering determination.
As the battle drew to a close, the children collapsed to the ground, their small chests heaving with exertion as they struggled to catch their breath. Saki rushed to their side, her heart heavy with concern as she knelt beside them, her gentle hands reaching out to offer comfort and support.
Jataro flinched at her touch, his body tensing instinctively at the unfamiliar sensation. But as he met Saki's kind gaze, something within him softened—a flicker of warmth igniting in the depths of his eyes as he allowed himself to be enveloped by her gentle embrace.
Saki smiled at him, her expression tender and maternal as she stroked his hair with gentle fingers, like a mother comforting her child after a long day. The other children watched in awe, their eyes wide with wonder as they witnessed the transformation in Jataro's demeanor.
The atmosphere shifted, a palpable sense of tension giving way to a fragile moment of connection—a rare glimpse of vulnerability amidst the harsh realities of their lives. These children had known little kindness in their short lives, their existence marked by hardship and adversity.
"We did it," Saki said softly, her voice filled with warmth and compassion. "You were all amazing out there. I'm so proud of you."
The children exchanged hesitant glances, their faces reflecting a mixture of disbelief and gratitude at Saki's words. For so long, they had been treated as outcasts, their presence in the village only tolerated because of their juvenile parole. But in Saki's eyes, they saw something they had longed for—a sense of acceptance and belonging that had eluded them for so long.
Jataro's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he met Saki's gaze, a mixture of emotions swirling within him—gratitude, relief, and a hint of something else, something he couldn't quite name. In that moment, he felt a sense of warmth and belonging that he had never experienced before, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had consumed his young life.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for believing in us."
Saki's smile widened at his words, her heart swelling with pride as she looked upon the children before her. In their small but resilient hearts, she saw the promise of a brighter future—a future forged through courage, compassion, and unwavering determination.
And as they gathered together, a ragtag group of misfits and outcasts, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over her—a gratitude for the unexpected bond that had formed between them, and the countless adventures that awaited them on the journey ahead.
As the adrenaline of battle subsided, the children collapsed to the ground, their energy spent from the fierce struggle against the creatures that had threatened their island home. Their weapons clattered to the ground beside them, the once-deafening noise now replaced by the quiet rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.
Nagisa, the eldest among them, stumbled forward, his legs giving out beneath him as he fell into Sasuke's arms by accident. Embarrassment flushed his cheeks as he looked up, expecting to be met with a stern gaze or a reprimand. Instead, he found himself met with Sasuke's warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine amusement.
Sasuke's grin widened as he cupped Nagisa's head gently, his touch surprisingly gentle despite his stoic demeanor. "Looks like you could use a break, huh?"
Nagisa's cheeks flushed even deeper at Sasuke's words, a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude swirling within him. He had expected disdain or indifference from the stoic ninja, but instead found himself met with kindness and understanding.
"Th-thank you," Nagisa stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to find the right words. "I-I didn't mean to..."
Sasuke shook his head, cutting him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No need to apologize. You fought well out there, kid. You all did."
The other children watched in awe as Sasuke comforted Nagisa, their eyes wide with wonder at the unexpected display of kindness from the aloof ninja. For so long, they had been treated as outcasts, their presence in the village met with suspicion and disdain. But in Sasuke's arms, they found something they had longed for—a sense of acceptance and belonging that had eluded them for so long.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing, the children gathered together, their exhaustion palpable yet their spirits buoyed by the camaraderie they shared. In that moment, they were not just a group of misfits and outcasts—they were a family, bound together by the bonds of friendship and the shared trials they had faced.
And as they looked to the future, filled with uncertainty yet brimming with hope, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over her—a gratitude for the unexpected connections forged amidst the chaos of battle, and the newfound sense of purpose that had emerged from the ashes of conflict. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their determination to protect each other and the island they called home.
As the adrenaline of battle subsided, the children collapsed to the ground, their energy spent from the fierce struggle against the creatures that had threatened their island home. Their weapons clattered to the ground beside them, the once-deafening noise now replaced by the quiet rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.
Nagisa, the eldest among them, stumbled forward, his legs giving out beneath him as he fell into Sasuke's arms by accident. Embarrassment flushed his cheeks as he looked up, expecting to be met with a stern gaze or a reprimand. Instead, he found himself met with Sasuke's warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine amusement.
Sasuke's grin widened as he cupped Nagisa's head gently, his touch surprisingly gentle despite his stoic demeanor. "Looks like you could use a break, huh?"
Nagisa's cheeks flushed even deeper at Sasuke's words, a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude swirling within him. He had expected disdain or indifference from the stoic ninja, but instead found himself met with kindness and understanding.
"Th-thank you," Nagisa stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to find the right words. "I-I didn't mean to..."
Sasuke shook his head, cutting him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No need to apologize. You fought well out there, kid. You all did."
The other children watched in awe as Sasuke comforted Nagisa, their eyes wide with wonder at the unexpected display of kindness from the aloof ninja. For so long, they had been treated as outcasts, their presence in the village met with suspicion and disdain. But in Sasuke's arms, they found something they had longed for—a sense of acceptance and belonging that had eluded them for so long.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing, the children gathered together, their exhaustion palpable yet their spirits buoyed by the camaraderie they shared. In that moment, they were not just a group of misfits and outcasts—they were a family, bound together by the bonds of friendship and the shared trials they had faced.
And as they looked to the future, filled with uncertainty yet brimming with hope, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over her—a gratitude for the unexpected connections forged amidst the chaos of battle, and the newfound sense of purpose that had emerged from the ashes of conflict. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their determination to protect each other and the island they called home.
As the children gathered together, their exhaustion evident in the slump of their shoulders and the weariness in their eyes, Saki and Sasuke approached them gently, their expressions filled with concern and curiosity. They could sense the weight of the children's burdens, the shadows that lingered in the depths of their gaze.
"We'd like to hear your story," Saki said softly, her voice gentle yet firm. "We want to understand what you've been through, so we can help you."
At first, the children remained silent, their gazes cast downward as they wrestled with the memories that threatened to overwhelm them. But then, Jataro reached out, his small hand seeking comfort in Saki's grasp as he gathered the courage to speak.
"I've... I've never felt the touch of an adult before," Jataro confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Not until now."
Saki's heart clenched at his words, a wave of sadness washing over her as she squeezed his hand gently, offering silent reassurance. She could see the pain etched into the lines of his young face, the scars of a childhood marked by neglect and abandonment.
Nagisa took a deep breath, his voice steady as he began to recount their story—a tale of tragedy and abuse, of a childhood stolen away in the darkness of neglect. He spoke of parents who had abandoned them, of a system that had failed to protect them, of a world that had turned its back on their suffering.
Kotoko trembled beside him, her eyes wide with fear as she relived the horrors of their past. She spoke of nights filled with terror, of days spent hiding from the cruelty of those who were supposed to care for them, of a lifetime of pain and suffering that had left its mark upon their young souls.
As the children recounted their tale, a darkness seemed to descend upon the clearing, the air thick with the weight of their shared trauma. Their once-innocent faces twisted with anguish and despair, their voices filled with a raw, unfiltered pain that tore at Saki's heart.
Saki's eyes widened in horror as she listened to their story, a fierce determination swelling within her. She could feel a craving deep within her—a craving to change their lives, to offer them the love and support they had been denied for so long.
"We won't let anyone hurt you ever again," Saki vowed, her voice filled with steely resolve. "We'll do whatever it takes to protect you."
Sasuke nodded in agreement, his expression grim yet determined. "You're not alone anymore. We're here for you."
And as they stood together in the fading light of the setting sun, a newfound sense of purpose filled their hearts—a determination to stand against the darkness that threatened to consume them, and to forge a future filled with hope, love, and healing.
As the flickering flames of the open fire cast a warm glow over the makeshift campsite, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of weary relief. The children had shared their harrowing tale with Saki and Sasuke, and now they sat together in the quiet stillness of the night, each lost in their own thoughts.
Nagisa's voice broke the silence, his tone heavy with remorse. "We've... we've done bad things. Really bad things."
Saki reached out, placing a comforting hand on Nagisa's shoulder. "We all make mistakes," she said gently. "What's important is that we learn from them and strive to do better."
Nagisa nodded, his gaze distant as he stared into the dancing flames. The weight of their past actions hung heavy in the air, a burden they all carried in silence.
Suddenly, Kotoko stirred, her small frame shifting as she climbed into Sasuke's lap with surprising agility. Sasuke raised an eyebrow in surprise as he looked down at her, unsure of how to react to the unexpected display of affection.
Kotoko smiled up at him, her eyes shining with a childlike innocence that belied the darkness of their shared past. "You're warm," she said simply, snuggling closer to him as if seeking solace in his embrace.
Sasuke's expression softened, his initial awkwardness giving way to a gentle warmth as he tentatively wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Um, thanks," he said, his voice awkward yet genuine.
Kotoko giggled, a sound like music in the quiet night air. "You look like a papa should," she said, her words simple yet filled with a depth of emotion that tugged at Sasuke's heartstrings.
Sasuke's chest tightened at her words, a pang of longing stirring within him—a longing for the family he had never known, for the warmth and love that had always seemed just out of reach.
As they sat together by the fire, surrounded by the comforting crackle of flames and the soft murmur of the night, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him—a gratitude for the unexpected bond that had formed between them, and the chance to experience a glimpse of the familial love he had always yearned for.
And as he held Kotoko close, her small form nestled against his chest, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope ignite within him—a hope for a future filled with warmth, love, and the healing power of forgiveness.
As the warmth of the fire enveloped them, Monica remained at a distance from Saki and Sasuke, her gaze filled with a mixture of fear and horror as she watched them from afar. There was a palpable tension in the air, a sense of unease that lingered like a dark cloud over the campsite.
Nagisa's voice broke the silence once more, his words heavy with the weight of their shared burden. "You need to understand," he began, his voice tinged with sorrow. "We're not just here because we were naughty. We... we've committed real crimes. Terrible crimes."
Saki and Sasuke exchanged a glance, their expressions grave as they listened to Nagisa's confession. The severity of his words hung in the air like a heavy weight, casting a shadow over the otherwise tranquil night.
Monica's eyes widened in horror at Nagisa's words, her hands trembling as tears welled up in her eyes. "You don't understand," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "We're not just criminals. We're monsters. We've... we've murdered an entire city."
The words hung in the air like a death knell, sending a chill down Saki's spine. She could feel the weight of Monica's words pressing down on her, a crushing burden that threatened to suffocate her with its enormity.
Sasuke's jaw clenched with determination as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "No matter what you've done in the past," he said firmly, his voice unwavering. "You have the power to change. You can choose to atone for your actions and make amends."
But Monica shook her head, her gaze haunted by the memories of their past deeds. "It's not that simple," she said, her voice filled with despair. "We'll never be able to wash away the blood on our hands. We'll be punished for life, forced to bear the weight of our sins for eternity."
Saki's heart ached at Monica's words, a deep sense of compassion welling up within her. She could see the pain etched into the lines of Monica's face, the burden of guilt and remorse that threatened to consume her from within.
"We may not be able to change the past," Saki said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "But we can choose how we move forward from here. We can choose to fight for redemption, to make a difference in the lives of others."
As they sat together in the flickering light of the fire, surrounded by the echoes of their shared past and the uncertainty of their future, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of determination stir within her—a determination to stand by these children, to offer them the support and guidance they needed to find their way out of the darkness and into the light.
Kotoko's gaze met Sasuke's with a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability, her eyes searching his for any hint of fear or hesitation. "Are you afraid of me?" she asked, her voice soft yet tinged with a hint of mischief.
Sasuke's expression remained stoic, his eyes flickering briefly towards Saki before returning to meet Kotoko's gaze. He could sense the weight of her question, the underlying currents of pain and insecurity that lay beneath her playful demeanor.
"No," he replied simply, his voice steady despite the turmoil of emotions swirling within him. "I'm not afraid of you."
Saki watched the exchange between Sasuke and Kotoko with a tender smile, her heart swelling with love and admiration for the strength and compassion he showed towards the children. There was a warmth in her gaze as she looked at him, an unspoken understanding passing between them.
Sasuke turned back to Kotoko, his expression serious yet filled with a quiet resolve. "But are you willing to change?" he asked, his voice gentle yet firm. "To leave behind the darkness of your past and embrace a future filled with hope and redemption?"
Kotoko's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes clouded with uncertainty as she considered Sasuke's words. She had spent so long trapped in the cycle of pain and suffering, the thought of change seemed almost impossible to comprehend.
But then, something shifted within her—a glimmer of hope igniting in the depths of her eyes as she met Sasuke's unwavering gaze. "Yes," she said softly, her voice filled with determination. "I am willing to change."
Sasuke nodded in approval, a sense of pride swelling within him as he looked at Kotoko. "Then we'll do whatever it takes to help you," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "You're not alone in this."
And as they sat together beneath the canopy of stars, surrounded by the gentle crackle of the fire and the comforting presence of one another, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stir within her—a hope for a future filled with healing, growth, and the transformative power of redemption.
Sasuke's outstretched arm remained open, a silent invitation extended to the children who hesitated on the periphery of the campfire's warm glow. Kotoko's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she eagerly accepted the offer, her small form curling into Sasuke's side with a sense of belonging that tugged at his heartstrings.
But Nagisa remained at a distance, his expression haunted by the weight of his past deeds. His hesitation was palpable, a tangible barrier that seemed to separate him from the warmth and acceptance offered by Sasuke's open embrace.
Sasuke's gaze softened as he watched Nagisa, his heart aching with empathy for the young boy who bore the weight of his sins with a heavy heart. "It's okay," he said gently, his voice filled with compassion. "You don't have to face this alone."
Nagisa's shoulders shook with suppressed emotion as tears welled up in his eyes, the dam of his resolve finally breaking under the weight of his guilt and remorse. "I... I murdered for fun," he confessed, his voice trembling with anguish. "I laughed about it, like it was some kind of sick joke. I don't deserve to be forgiven. I don't deserve to be loved."
Sasuke's heart clenched at Nagisa's words, a surge of emotion welling up within him as he reached out, his hand extending in silent invitation. "You're wrong," he said firmly, his voice unwavering. "You deserve a chance at redemption, just like anyone else. And you're not alone. We're here for you."
With a hesitant yet determined resolve, Nagisa stepped forward, his trembling hand reaching out to grasp Sasuke's in a desperate bid for connection. In that moment, he felt a glimmer of hope ignite within him—a hope for a future filled with forgiveness, healing, and the promise of a second chance.
As they sat together beneath the blanket of stars, surrounded by the flickering light of the fire and the comforting presence of one another, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over her—a gratitude for the unexpected bonds that had formed between them, and the chance to offer these children the love and support they so desperately needed. And as they shared in each other's company, united by the shared journey of redemption that lay ahead, Saki knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would face them together.
Saki's laughter rang out through the night air, a bright and infectious sound that seemed to chase away the lingering shadows of fear and uncertainty. As she reached out for Masaru, her eyes twinkled with warmth and affection, her hand extended in a silent invitation for him to join the circle of acceptance and camaraderie that had formed around the campfire.
But Masaru recoiled, his expression clouded with fear and hesitation. His chest heaved with ragged breaths as he struggled to contain the torrent of emotions swirling within him—emotions that threatened to overwhelm him with their intensity.
"I-I don't need anyone!" he declared, his voice laced with defiance as he took a step back, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "I can take care of myself!"
The other children exchanged uncertain glances, their laughter fading into uneasy silence as they watched Masaru's outburst with a mixture of concern and confusion. They knew the walls he had built around himself, the barriers he had erected to shield his heart from the pain of rejection and abandonment.
But Saki refused to be deterred, her gaze soft yet determined as she reached out once more, her hand outstretched in a gesture of compassion and understanding. "It's okay to be scared," she said gently, her voice carrying across the clearing like a soothing melody. "But you don't have to face it alone. We're here for you."
Masaru's resolve wavered, his eyes watering with unshed tears as he looked at Saki with a mixture of longing and uncertainty. A part of him yearned to accept her offer of comfort, to allow himself to be vulnerable in the presence of others. But years of hurt and betrayal had left their mark upon him, a deep-seated fear of rejection and abandonment that was difficult to overcome.
Saki squeezed his hand gently, her touch a beacon of warmth amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him. "You don't have to be strong all the time," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "It's okay to let yourself feel, to reach out for help when you need it. We're all in this together."
And as Masaru's defenses began to crumble, his hand trembling in hers as he allowed himself to be drawn into the circle of acceptance and love, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of hope swell within her—a hope for a future filled with healing, growth, and the transformative power of love.
As emotions ran high within the circle of children gathered around the crackling fire, Saki and Sasuke found themselves engulfed in a whirlwind of tears, laughter, and heartfelt confessions. The air was thick with the weight of their shared trauma, yet also filled with the promise of healing and redemption.
Saki moved among the children with a natural grace and ease, her gentle touch and soothing words offering comfort to those who had long been starved of affection. She had a way of breaking down their walls with just a smile, her empathy and compassion shining through like a beacon of light in the darkness.
Sasuke watched her with a mixture of admiration and affection, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he observed her interactions with the children. Saki had always had a talent for connecting with others, especially children, and he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the way she effortlessly broke through their defenses and reached the vulnerable hearts beneath.
Together, they worked tirelessly to comfort the emotional storm that raged within the circle of children, offering hugs, words of encouragement, and a shoulder to lean on when the weight of their past became too much to bear. Despite their own struggles and traumas, Saki and Sasuke remained steadfast in their commitment to helping these children find peace and healing.
And as the night wore on and the stars danced overhead, the children began to open up in ways they never thought possible. Walls crumbled, barriers fell away, and hearts opened up to the possibility of forgiveness and redemption.
In the warmth of the firelight, surrounded by the comforting presence of Saki and Sasuke, the children found solace in each other's company—a shared bond forged through pain and adversity, yet strengthened by the unbreakable ties of friendship and love. And as they huddled together beneath the blanket of stars, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their determination to build a brighter future filled with hope, healing, and the promise of a second chance.
The crackling fire cast a warm glow over the small clearing, illuminating the peaceful scene as Saki and Sasuke sat together, the weight of sleeping children nestled in their laps. Leaning against each other for support, they shared a quiet conversation amidst the tranquil stillness of the night.
"We'll need to find a way to bring them back to the village safely," Sasuke murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he glanced down at the slumbering forms of the children. "They'll need proper care and guidance if they're going to have a chance at a better life."
Saki nodded in agreement, her heart heavy with concern for the children's well-being. "We'll figure it out," she said softly, her voice filled with determination. "Together."
Sasuke's gaze softened as he looked at her, a flicker of admiration shining in his eyes. "You've really found your calling, Saki," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Helping these children—it suits you."
Saki giggled at his words, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "I suppose I have," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "Now if only I could find a husband to complete the picture."
Sasuke's face flushed red at her teasing remark, a chuckle escaping his lips despite his embarrassment. "I think you're doing just fine on your own," he said, his tone teasing yet sincere.
But before Saki could respond, Kotoko stirred in her sleep, her hand reaching out to grasp Sasuke's with sleepy determination. "Sasuke," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "You're Saki's husband, silly."
Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise at her words, his cheeks flushing an even deeper shade of red as he glanced at Saki for confirmation. Saki's laughter bubbled up from deep within her, a warm and joyful sound that echoed through the quiet night air.
Kotoko smiled contentedly as she drifted back into sleep, her hand still clasped in Sasuke's, her heart filled with a sense of peace and security that she hadn't felt in a long time. And as Saki and Sasuke looked down at her, a shared sense of warmth and belonging enveloped them—a silent promise to protect and care for these children as their own, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
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bh-52 · 1 year
Madara's just chilling on Lothal
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testimonyz · 1 year
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Drew my nephew in Hidden Leaf speak!!
He(art). 🫶🏽
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