ijustloveloki · 3 years
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(it is already 9 february where I live!) Happy birthday to my constant inspiration and role model! Thankyou for teaching me kindness, politeness and self control! 💚
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On my 'Hiddles 39th Birthday' post I already mentioned that every year on his birthday, I do try to watch a movie/series in which Tom Hiddleston has a role in. Last year I had watched a part of The Hollow Crown and the year before that I had watched Midnight In Paris. This year I watched War Horse and thereby I've broke the chain of watching something of him that I hadn't seen yet, because I have seen War Horse once. Although, that was long before I've discovered the Thor/Avengers movies, so I couldn't remember much about Tom's role. So perhaps you can say I've now watched War Horse from a total different view! I really do like to write reviews/blogs about films, so I thought let's do a blog about a Tom Hiddleston movie!
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Years ago I had already experienced War Horse as a breathtaking film and seen from the fact that war related films are not so easily forgotten and because I have a weakness for animal films, parts of War Horse were still very present inside my memory. War Horse is the story of Joey, the horse seen as a Wonder Horse and the relationship that has developed between him and a young man named Albert. After several threats of taking the horse done by a horrible man named Lyon when the father faces trouble in paying their monthly payment for the farm they are living in, the father decides to sell Joey to the army who are seeking horses for World War I. Albert arrives too late, Joey is already sold to Captain Nicholls (Tom Hiddleston), who admits he totally underpaid for a well trained horse as Joey is, but he just hadn't had more to offer. During the whole film Joey manages to touch the hearts of many human he crossed paths with, Tom Hiddleston's character is the first one who separated the Wonder Horse from one of the concerning humans. 
Now I make it sound like Nicholls is just as horrible as Lyon, who I mentioned earlier. He definitely is not! (See the GIF ^^,  I see the opposite of a horrible man. 😇)
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More War Horse Talking on the blog, link above!
Bonus photo:
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just-the-hiddles · 6 years
Day Seven: Saturday (Feb 9th) - Happy 38th Birthday!  Tom x Reader | Best Day Ever
So today is Tom’s birthday and well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  In honor of the Hiddles birthday, I wrote a quick little fluff piece of Tom x Reader fic.  It is about Tom and the reader celebrate Tom’s birthday among other things. May 38 be the best yet!
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Word Count:  1753
Warnings:  maybe a curse word, vomiting
It was early in the morning when Tom slipped out of the bed and left for his morning run. He always left like clockwork; you were counting on it. Once you heard the door shut and you waited a few seconds before leaping out of bed. You were on a tight time table. 
You threw on a pair of yoga pants and long sleeve shirt before heading towards the door. You gave Bobby a quick scratch behind the ears before hustling out the door.
The London air in February was brisk, almost cold and you regretted not grabbing your coat before leaving. You only had a few blocks to go before you reached your destination, a boutique clothing store. You had already purchased Tom a birthday present but you had seen something in the store that was perfect when the two of you were window-shopping the other day. You had asked the store to put it aside and told them you would be there first thing in the morning. 
“Good morning,” the cashier said cheerfully as you walked through the door, “Are you, Y/N?” 
“Yes. I placed an item on hold.”
“Of course! I have it right here. Looks like your husband is going to be a lucky man.”
“Oh, he is not my husband, just my boyfriend,” you muttered as you hoped the questions stopped.
You and Tom had been an item for many years but neither of you had ever decided to push the step of marriage. Why fix it when it is not broken? The paparazzi had been ruthless at the beginning but because the two of you spent most of your nights at home, they quickly gave up.
“Well, either way, he is lucky,” the cashier continued as she delicately wrapped the clothing in tissue paper and placing it in the bag, “Enjoy!”
You grabbed the bag and shuffled out the store. You checked your phone. Shit! Tom would be back soon and you could feel your stomach grumbling. You should have eaten something before leaving. You broke out in a run which was a mistake and it only jostled your already upset stomach. By the time you made it to the front door, you were breathing through your nose just to keep from vomiting.
Bursting through the front door, you hurtled yourself to the downstairs bathroom. Running to the toilet, you unleashed the contents from your stomach. Not feeling any relief, you continued to dry heave until you heard the front door open. Panicked, you grabbed the bag and shoved it into the cabinet under the sink.
“Darling?” you could hear Tom asking for you as he came in.
“In here,” you strangled out, not even getting up as you were still retching.
Tom opened the door and his eyes widened at the sight of you hunched over the toilet. 
“Sweetheart, what is wrong?”
Tom rushed to your side and rubbed your back. You raised your head and smiled weakly.
“I think I got food poisoning from the takeaway last night.”
“Oh sweetie, if you want we can cancel the reservations tonight.”
“No!” you yelled just a little too loud, “It is your birthday meal. You have been looking forward to Hawksmoor for months.”
“Sweetheart, you are more important than any meal. Even a birthday meal.”
Tom had wetted a towel and placed it on the back of your neck. The cool wetness was soothing and you felt the waves of nausea subsiding.
“I will be fine. I just need to take it easy today.”
Tom looked at you skeptically but relented nevertheless.
“Alright darling, but you just say the word and I am calling to cancel.”
You slowly got yourself up from your knees and Tom took your elbow to help you up the rest of the way. He helped you to the couch, muttering the whole way. 
“Tom, really…I am fine. I just need to rest and probably drink some sparkling water.”
Tom shuffled to the kitchen to get you a cool drink and he returned within moments with a glass of sparkling water. You took a few sips and smiled at your loving boyfriend. You were starting to feel better and attempted to get up. Tom gently pushed back onto the couch.
“Please rest.”
You huffed down and pouted, “Fine. But we get to watch all the movies I want to watch.”
Tom pushed his glasses up.
“Even The Night Manager?” He looked hopeful.
You smirked back. “We are starting with that one.”
Tom hung his head and sighed. 
“Fine but it is my birthday after all.”
“Yes and I want to celebrate by watching my man in all of his glory.”
You placed emphasis on the words “all” and “glory”. The two of you spent the rest of the day curled up on the couch watching some of Tom’s greatest hits. You did not make him watch all of The Night Manager but you did make him sit through all of Crimson Peak and all three Thor movies. Before you knew it, Tom was getting up to get ready, he held out his hand to help you up.
The two of you got changed, dressing smartly before heading out to the restaurant. The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful. The steaks were impeccably cooked and no one bothered the two of you all night. The staff even brought out a dessert and sang “Happy Birthday”. Tom loved his new Jon Smedley sweater. This one in gray. He leaned across the table and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
“Darling, it’s perfect but you know I will never get ridf of my blue one.”
You smile. “I know, sweetie, but at least we can add another one into the rotation, Give old Blue a rest every so often.”
Tom laughed heartily. 
“Fair enough.”
Tom paid the check and the two of you grabbed your coat to enter the chilly London evening. Tom pulled you close and rubbed your arm to warm you up.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes. The meal was divine.”
The two of you enjoyed the quiet ride back home, talking about the past year and past birthday celebrations. The closer you got home, the more and more anxious you got. You did not know how Tom would react to his other gift.
Tom opened the door and clicked on the lights before Bobby came bounding towards them. He leaped onto Tom’s legs begging for treats. Tom went to the kitchen to where the jar of treats were kept. You hear Tom rustle around.
“Darling would care for some wine?” Tom emerged holding a bottle.
“No thanks. I’ll just have some water. I’ll be right back.”
You left to retrieve the bag with Tom’s present. You came back with it behind your back just as Tom was pouring his glass. He held up an empty glass. 
“Last call?”
“I really shouldn’t.”
“Suit yourself.”
Tom went over to couch and flopped down. He sipped at his wine and gestured for you to join him. You walked in trying to no avail to hide your bag. Tom was too eagle-eyed.
“What is that behind your back, darling?” Tom craned to try to look behind you.
“Just another present…” you muttered.
Tom put down his glass and waves you towards him.
“Bring it here.”
You sat down beside him and handed him the bag.
“It is nothing special. I just saw it in the store the other day and I thought you might want it.”
Sheepishly, you watched as Tom pulled the tissue paper out of the bag.
“I am sure whatever it is, it will be perfect.”
“I hope so, I am hoping you might grow into it,” you said with a smile. 
Tom pulled it a tiny garment. He looked confused.
“I’m not sure how I grow into this.” 
Tom was turning it over until it unfolded and he saw the writing on the front of the onesie which said “ I really really really love my daddy.”
Tom looked between you and the onesie in his hands. You could see the tears welling in his eyes. You couldn’t tell if he was upset or happy.
“Is this some sort of joke?” he asked in a stern tone.
“No it is not a joke. I took a test a couple days ago, it was positive. I have an appointment in two weeks to confirm. I know it wasn’t planned but here we are. I hope you are happy because I can’t wait to be a mom and for you to be a dad.”
Tom silently got up from the couch and headed upstairs. You sat on the couch confused and rooted to your spot. You didn’t know what to do, run after him or leave. You decide to stay put. Tom reappeared in moments. He was fumbling with something in his hands. 
“Darling, I was going to wait to give this to you next week, but since it is a day of surprises and milestones I figured I would add my own.”
Tom slid down onto one knee and before you could comprehend what was happening, Tom produced a beautiful diamond solitaire ring from his pocket.
“Darling, these past several years havebeen some of the best of my life. You have made me so happy. I can’t imagine my life without you. And I want to be there as your husband for the birth of our child. Please do my the honor of being my wife.”
You started crying and sobbing.
“YES! Of course I will marry you. You had a ring?! What the hell Hiddleston.”
Tom raised onto his feet, pulling you up as well. He kissed you deeply as he slipped the ring on your finger. It was a perfect fit.
“It wasn’t food poisoning, was it?”
“No, it was morning sickness.”
“And the no wine?”
“You trickster.”
You smirked. “I learned from the master.”
The rest of the night was talking of plans and appointments. You had already made sure that Tom was available for your appointment. The two of you decided to tell family tomorrow and savoring this moment between the two of you.
As you both laid in bed, you were running your fingers through Tom’s long ginger locks. You could see him starting to doze off. The wine had taken effect.
“Best birthday ever, honey?” you asked in a soft voice in case he was asleep.
Tom’s eyes remained closed but you could see a smile curling around the edges of his mouth.
“Best day ever, honey. Now sleep while we can.”
You kissed his lips and turned over to settle in. You felt Tom’s arm snake over your torso, his hand landed protectively on your stomach. Definitely the best day ever. So far. With more to come. 
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missmaji · 6 years
HiddlesBirthday Week 2019 - Day Five: Role You’d Like To See Him In
Ok, so I'll try:) 
Captain Frederick Wentworth - Persuasion by Jane Austen. 
Because it's my beloved Austen's book, because there is no good (in my humble opinion) adaptation of this novel and because Tom would be perfect in this role.
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th0rki · 11 years
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Happy birthday babe, I love you! 
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Day 1: #socialconnectionssaturday.
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We are all social connected to each other by sharing our love for Tom. He inspires us to do good. His work for Unicef UK, him visiting children's hospital / charities. He has such a good heart. Let's spread that love for his upcoming birthday!
Instructions of HiddlesEducated (twitter):
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Happy Birthday Tom Hiddleston!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘 #hiddlestoning #hiddlesbirthday #fangirling #dreamboy
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Tom's Spirit Week
Day 3: #DanceMoreMonday.
This day needed more than a picture, because you got to see Tom's moving hips! I just let him do the dancing, because compared to him I got wooden hips!
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Okay guys, not long now 'til Tom's birthday, but I thought that I would create a mini-challenge for those of you creative knitting types, outside of the year-long competition!
How to enter:
Simply knit a square 20cm by 20cm and make it related to TOM HIDDLESTON'S BIRTHDAY or TOM ON HIS AFRICAN JOURNEY WITH UNICEF. The most creative square (as judged by me) will win a prize!
You can enter with as many different squares as you like, but I will be choosing ONE to win. 
There will only be one winner. All squares will of course count toward everyone's all time and 2013 totals. This one person will win: - 1 Norse God Blanket
Competition ends on Tom Hiddleston's birthday - 09/01/13 (February 9, 2013)
This is designed to boost attention for Hiddlestoners Have Heart, and also for support for 'Knittlestoned'. For details of the year long competition, come visit the Knittlestoned.tumblr.com page. <3 - love Jypsi 
Questions? Ask me via Twitter @jypsi_shmipsi
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Loki‘s Birthday
On Tom Hiddleston‘s birthday I continued my chapter called: ‘Loki‘s Birthday’.
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Loki and Bonnie, who was heavily pregnant, were on the way to their old house in New York. Loki had their son, meanwhile a toddler in his arms. "Your recordings for 'Mischief with Loki' is planned for tomorrow, does that mean we can celebrate your birthday tonight?", Bonnie asked. "We can, as soon as Tony left the house. He wants to discuss tomorrow's show. I don't want him to know it's my birthday, because then he'll plan me a surprise-party for the weekend. I don't have the best memories about his parties and I really hate surprises!" Loki was referring to the Halloween Party thrown by Tony, which he had almost banned from his mind. Loki had always been the one who handed out the, not all that pleasant surprises. But as controlled-minded as he was, he didn't really appreciated receiving one back. "I'm highly relieved Thor is on some kind of quest in another realm, because his drunken 'Happy Birthday Loki' speech is the worst! He never even has my age right", Loki took a deep breath.
"You refused to reveal your true age to me", Bonnie mentioned while she walked towards their front door. She wondered if Tony Stark had hired someone to clean the house every now and then while they were away. She expected to walk in the worst scenario. "Because for you it's not important to know how old I am. My brother on the other hand, he should know. I remember his age!"
Little Loki babbled enthusiastic, what was his usual expression when he saw something which looked weird in his eyes. Other then 'Mommy', 'Dada' and 'Loki' he only knew a few words, but he was a clever little man just like his father. He pointed his finger at the car which stood on the neighbor's driveway. "That's a car little man. Humans need them to drive in from place to place, because luckily not all of them are able to fly just like Iron Man can. But don't worry, soon we'll be back in Asgard again", Loki explained.
Loki closed the front door behind him. He still carried little Loki, who became a little restless because he lost the sight of his mommy. The place was dark. All the shutters were closed. "Sweetie, don't worry. Mommy is right here. She just needs to find the light switch". Hearing her voice reassured the little guy. "This is because you let him sleep in our bed that often! It's because I didn't fit in his crib, otherwise you had let me sleep in there!"
"Knock it off Loki, he's just a replica of you!", Bonnie replied while she was still looking for the light switch.
"Just be careful darling, don't fall. I wouldn't be surprised if Tony used our house as a storehouse for his junk while we were gone!" Also, according to Loki the place smelled funny. "He'll better not be late!", Loki complained. At the moment Bonnie pressed the light switch, she said: "I'll make you some coffee already and I'll make sure the water for the tea is heated before he's here".
Continue reading? Link to Story at Goddess_of_Loki Wattpad
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Throwback Thursday to #TomsSpiritWeek #GoodWillThursday
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