#High School Choir
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PLEASE spill the tea. the girls (me) wanna know
ANYWAY. Show choir is fucking racist on a lot of levels. Like, very. Of course, there are exceptions (there was a show choir I saw once that was mostly black) but for the most part, show choir is racist (and also discriminatory against overweight people AND height discriminatory)
You see, young Strawberry, show choir is all about image. Think of it like being a Rockette. They have to have the same hair (if your show requires long hair and you have short hair, you have to get extensions), same makeup (you have to buy the SAME exact eyeshadow palette) and everything else basically has to be the exact same. And this is where the racism part comes in.
If you do not meet their standards (not the correct height, not the correct weight and not the correct skin color (I.E white) you will most likely not get in no matter how good you are.
This is mostly the standard for show choir royalty (show choirs that have won a lot of awards and competitions) my show choir isn’t like this and a lot of show choirs aren’t like this, but there’s definitely a reason as to why I don’t see many people of color in show choirs.
There’s also a money problem, a lot of show choirs cost about 1000 dollars to participate (kinda crazy). I have a seperate post about all this shit but yeah. A little wacky.
ONTO WHY TEACHERS HAVING FAVORITES IS BAD. This mostly goes for the creative fields in school (choir, theatre, band, orchestra, etc) but teachers have favorites depending on how good a person is, not how much they try. A lot of the people on my choir (not just show choir, I’m in a lot of choirs so this goes for all) are bitches. They’re mean and nasty. But they’re really good at what they do. So they get solos, duets, whatever (AND ITS THE SAME PEOPLE EVERY TIME) And despite me trying really hard (and also being good at singing) I don’t really get anything in return. Not to sound bitter I guess but it’s super disheartening to look up to someone and realize they look past you and don’t notice how hard you try, and then sometimes they DO and just don’t give any shots and that hurts.
I try not to let it get to me, but it’s hard sometimes. And this goes for regular teaching too. You know that “You’re student is a joy to have in class” meme? That’s code for “You’re student doesn’t talk and doesn’t make an impact”. A lot of the annoying, eccentric, attention whore students are ALWAYS the favorites and actual good students get left in the dust and that sucks a lot of the time. It’s disheartening and makes these students feel terrible about themselves.
NOW ONTO TEACHERS ABUSING THEIR FUCKING POWER. So, my senior year has been an absolute shit show, you know why? It’s because my teachers and mentors have been abusing their power.
So alright, context, this story is kind of crazy? And I might have forgotten some important details but anyway.
So, I know I’m a very good actor and pretty good singer (my actings better than my singing). And I’m also a senior. This year, I got ensemble for our musical. Despite the fact that for the past years I’ve gotten a lead in every play and musical before that. The people who got the leads are my friends, I was proud of them, but they were all sophmores and juniors. WHICH WAS CRAZY! Almost all the seniors got ensemble, which is pretty insane. It’s our last fucking year, they can have their moment AFTER we fucking leave. But of course, our director did not care. He called me (and everyone else who quit) pathetic. Ok, then. Director. How would you like it if we absolutely decimated your musical? So basically, long story short, I accidentally started a theatre revolution. I was the first one who quit because I didn’t get a good role (NOT BECAUSE I WAS SOUR GRAPES! But because I got cheated out a role, and a lot of people (even the underclassmen who got roles) agreed with me on that) and then a lot of other people also quit because they ALSO got cheated out of a role. This caused my director to put out three separate cast lists. Which was HILARIOUS to watch in real time. He got so pissed that everyone was quitting that he punched a cabinet in front of a bunch of freshman. And so, because everyone quit, the musical didn’t happen. THIS ALSO GOES IN TANDEM WITH MY CHOIR TEACHER. Omg she was also so pissed but very passive aggressive about it. I was talking about Legally Blonde once and my choir teacher pops in to tell us “Well we COULD’VE had a good musical if ALL THOSE PEOPLE didn’t quit” and it’s like, girl you were not in our conversation and our convo about how good of a musical Legally Blonde is has NOTHING to do with your shitty musical.
NOT TO MENTION. Our director KNEW EXACTLY what shows we wanted to do, and yet we didn’t do them. Like, what? He chose a stupid fucking musical nobody has heard about and a stupid fucking play nobody has heard about. Like, what? HUH?
Anyway, thats the story of how I destroyed our musical and also how much I hate my choir director and theatre director and how absolutely STUPID teachers can be. I haven’t even gone into detail about how stupid my choir teacher is (Omg, everyone is quitting everything because SHES A PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE BITCH) I hate her so much too.
If you wanna know more about how show choir works, I recommend my post on it. I did it a while back and talk about some interesting tidbits of lore. (Did you know that there is a 9/11 show choir show?)
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finnfraggle · 1 year
If you guys ever get the chance to check this out, I was a choir student and got to have one of the most amazing trips of my life to New York to perform in Carnegie Hall in 2018. Being a member of a choir this big was one of the most ethereal experiences of my life.
Here's a video the entire National High School Choir singing. Video was posted by Titus Belmont, another member of said choir.
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we-me-and-i · 2 months
(Before my high school chorus concert rehersing a gospel song)
The chorus directer: some of yall act like youve never been to church before
Me: well i go to catholic church
The chorus directer: Oh... well-
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incognito-princess · 6 months
Watching college Christmas concerts on PBS reminds me of being in high school and college choirs and having to sing stupid songs that you really really hate because the director was like, "oh this is so advanced and challenging..." and you're just like, "yeah, but it's ugly and stupid!!!"
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healingjustice-hmk · 8 months
Harriet Tubman as Moses
In the first section of Healing Justice “learning to listen”, I learned something I had not known before. Harriet Tubman was Moses. As someone who has very limited intentional interactions with religion and the Bible, I often have a difficult time understanding Christianity and rarely have prior knowledge of the stories that come from it. I have been familiar with the story of Moses as it is one of the most referenced stories, and was the basis for one of my favorite films that I was allowed to watch as a kid, “The Prince of Egypt” (1998). As Christianity is normalized for white children in America, my love for the film was not for the telling of this story but for the musical aspect that the film brought to it, which was something that had inspired my passion for choir from my early education until college. In high school I was part of the upper division choirs, and my teacher often chose hymns and spirituals that were sung by enslaved peoples who were trying to communicate hope for freedom and their struggles. The problematic nature white high school students singing these songs was not lost on me, but I am appreciative of the opportunity to do so because it was influential in my understanding of slavery and the fight of Black slaves which would empower my passion for racial and social justice over the following years. The song linked in this post was a song which we sang when I was a junior in high school, and struck me when reading how many viewed Harriet Tubman as Moses, guiding them in the water towards salvation as a guide chosen perfectly by God. “The residents of the ricelands learned to listen for her code name: Moses. As in the prophet who led the enslaved people (code name Israelites) out of the plantation (code name for Pharaoh's house).” (18) My breath was taken away when reading this for the first time, and despite not identifying as religious, I was extremely moved by this comparison and wish that myself and others had heard that story of a Moses figure instead when I was growing up.
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firefly-sky · 8 months
(speaking of singing-)
six months later and i redid my vocal test
Lowest note: F#2
Highest note: F6
Voice part: Soprano (more specifically soprano 2)
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sunriseinorbit · 5 months
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Hey guess who's turned into a soprano
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whoblewboobear · 24 days
Imagine being a sorcerery student showing up to class early for once and riiiiiight when you’re about to open the door you hear the weirdo barbarian teacher calling your teacher pet names Like 👀
Jace will be getting shit from his little chaos gremlins about it until the day they graduate 🫢
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animemusicbrackets · 1 year
Anime OP Showdown!!!: Round 3
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"99.9" - MOB CHOIR feat. sajou no hana (Mob Psycho 100)
"Sakura Kiss" - Chieko Kawabe (Ouran High School Host Club)
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yazzydream · 1 year
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tacobellabeanburrito · 3 months
Thinking of… Ace Attorney choir Au. Maybe Band Au as well.
Phoenix? Obvious tenor. Theatre kid and art kid? TENOR.
Y’all would think Miles would be the tenor, but nope, he’s an obvious baritone/bass. More baritone than anything but he can hit those low notes.
Larry? I want him to be a bass sooo badly but no, he’s either a baritone or just straight tenor. LITERALLY STRAIGHTEST TENOR TO EVER TENOR. Everyone always assumes he’s gay and he gets worked up about it.
Maya is a mezzo-soprano, obvi. I wanted her to be an alto or straight soprano but I don’t really think it fit her. People’s vocal parts literally fit what they look like. She is a mezzo.
Klavier is such a tenor it’s not even funny. He wants to be a baritone/bass sooo badly. But he has like, one of those really strong tenor voices. There’s no way he hasn’t sung Santa Fe.
Apollo is a baritone… That’s it.
ATHENA. ATHENA. WHAT IS ATHENA. Brother I really can’t decide. Has the tenacity of an alto but the mostly bubbly personality of a soprano. I’ll stick her as mezzo for now.
Gumshoe is an obvious bass. Lots of basses are himbos and he’s no exception.
As much as I want Kristoph to be a tenor because he thinks he’s so insufferably above everyone else, I have to pick him as a bass. Nobody expects it, they all expect him to be a tenor. He has a beautiful bass voice.
SIMON IS A BASS. FULL BASS. Nothing more to add.
Dahlia is a soprano and Iris is at least a mezzo-soprano or alto. Dahlia’s one of those really bitchy sopranos who never takes a mezzo-soprano part. Iris always bears the brunt of the mezzo-soprano/second work because Dahlia makes her.
Small edit to add the Investigations Crew…
Lang is at least a baritone/bass. I can’t imagine him not being one like come on.
Kay is an alto. Full alto. TRUE ALTO.
Sebastian is a tenor. No, I will NOT take criticism.
Ema is an alto. No question about it.
I think I got mostly everyone? Those are the main ones in the choir. Some of them are in band, orchestra or guard (Miles is in band, Maya is in guard and Kristoph is in orchestra)
The teachers would be, yk, the usuals. Idk Von Karma can be the principal. Lana is the orchestra director, Mia is the choir director and Diego is the band director. Idk, Ray and Justine are still there too. Raymond is baritone and Justine is an alto.
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kalloway · 7 months
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doodle from last night/this morning - in big Bloodborne fanfic brainstorming mode but I also wanna pull a FROMSOFT and just insert one of my jerkass OCs into everything without elaborating on it... it just is a thing, lmao
but also realized as I sketched from reference that the Choir set really has next to no wiggle room for like..... individuality showing thru it. Guess I have to get better at writing individual characters thru dialogue and actions, huh? smh
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thelowqualitychildren · 2 months
Watching junior year while in my junior is both very good and relatable and also gravely upsetting in how relatable the stress and lack of any connections are
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how I imagine detention would go for Noel and Mischa
Ocean: *BUSTS INTO THE THEATRE* Ocean: WHERE'S MY CHIOR, MARCUS????? *Noel and Mischa painting a Tree set piece* Ocean: WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE TWO DOING IN A TREE
Noel: Not making out, that's for sure
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
I've got some specific and extremely strong aversions to certain repetitive motions/noises, and I've noticed the uniting factor among all of them is that the thing happening is going to go on indefinitely.
People talking in the office doesn't bug me, but someone using a mechanical keyboard is torturous. I don't mind the noises of cars/people passing by in the street, but hearing my neighbor's tv from below kills me. I don't mind being around people who are eating, but being around someone chewing gum is utter hell.
The other part about this which is hell is these extreme aversions aren't common, so I know I'm not being the reasonable one to expect no one to ever use a mechanical keyboard around me, or ever chew gum around me, or put on the tv around me. And I think that adds to it because I know I'm not in the right to ask these things to stop (I do, sometimes, if I'm friendly with the person and I try to make it clear this is a huge favor to me but still.)
Anyway I'm just kinda musing out loud but also wondering if this is maybe a thing in like... some capacity. Being stuck in the vicinity of some noise/visual motion which is repetitive, will continue indefinitely, and which I have no say in making stop. The ongoing-ness and the I-don't-control-when-or-how-it-stops-ness. Like is that a neurosis with a name? Chinese water torture would unravel me at the molecular level.
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